Japanese ZMI Russian. Japan - the rest of the news. Edo period. Cawaraban

Russia has very little information about the current camp of the Japanese press. I will follow the process of joining the newspaper company and knowing without intermediary about the newspaper itself, and I will follow the principles of the functioning of the editorial office from the butt of one of the largest national newspapers in Japan - "Sankei". In this country it is even more important to join the great newspaper company. As much as the fate of journalism is small, including only human figures, at once newspaper companies have close to thirty thousand women. “Sankei simbun” has 2363 cases: 2094 of them are men, and less than 269 are women, so that they can plant editors and proofreaders. The Japanese "Sankei" is adding twenty new supporters to its staff this spring. From Thursday to May, over a thousand Japanese and Japanese women lay down to sleep in order to enter the work. The future journalist can show that he is universally guilty of resentment, cackling with international wines, knowing good fortune. Having successfully passed all the stages, a small number of Japanese people become servicemen of the company, so “sorry, but good”, now the stench is part of the newspaper team. If a journalist is less likely to come to the company, if he is not informed that he is not independent, he is called “Sinmay”. A literal translation from Japanese is “new rice”. To this, the editors of the headings follow the recruits, help them and tell them. It should be noted that the newbies are constantly drinking at the “suspіlstvo”, and then later, if the parosts are zmіtsnіyut, they can move on to other viddіlіv, yakі їm tsіkavіshi. The chiefs of thematic departments themselves recruit their own spivrobitnikiv, and, obviously, the journalists' bazhannya are taken to the point of respect. Japan has such an understanding, like a system of pre-employment, for which practitioners change in one company from the first exit to the market of practice and until retirement (in Japan Retirement age become 60 rokіv i cholovіkіv, i zhіnok). Journalists from the first days have noticed the stability of their camp in life. Krym tsgogo, pracіvnik vіdchuvaє i material benefits wages steadily growing. In Japan, as it seems, the veteran of the company, older than the century, wins more than the young novice. For example, the salary of a first-rate journalist will be 2,000 dollars, and the editor-in-chief of a newspaper will be charged over 10,000 dollars. Such a pidkhid takes its cob from the tradition of Japanese courtship - to respect the elders.

Editor-in-Chief (henshu: sha) Masao Nayuki checks with the head editor of Tokyo, reads the vin and confirms the skin number. Vіn maє five intercessors (hensyu: te), yakі y vіdpovіdat for zmіst numbers, to win the role of zmіnnih editorіv. Today stink according to your will to select journalistic materials, edit them. The newspaper has a handful of thematic headings: politics (seiji), suspіlstvo (syakai), culture (bunka), sports (spo:tsu), economics (keizai) and foreign news (kokusai). The skin heading may of your editor joshi. A significant part of the Japanese national newspapers is seen as a "set" - a set of ranking and evening editions. In Japan, there are two releases closely related to each other, moreover, the evening one is the promotion of the ranking one. It’s also obvious to newspaper companies that the subscription-based distribution system (In Japan, over 90% of all newspapers expand over distribution, and apparently up to the monthly subscription system through special expansion points) guarantees a stable circulation of the evening edition.

Japanese newspapers and magazines for Europeans start from the beginning. All the features of Japanese writing. From long ago, they wrote to the beast down and right-handed to the left. At the present time, a lot of books and primary references are seen in the "European style", and the periodical book still dbaily picks up Japanese traditions. It is important to call a bundle of zim newspaper sleepers sleepers, more wide rows. Most Japanese newspapers are busy with graphs, charts and tables, stinks on skin smoothies. It is important that it is easy for the Japanese to acquire information visually. Before that, the numbers give more credibility to the information. There is another reason: young people do not like to read newspaper texts, and in order to convey to them some of the information, journalistic materials take on a graphic form - for the light of which the greatest amount of information is available.

The investigation showed the way, what kind of journalistic text is written by the author before publication on the newspaper bed. It appeared that the text was to be read by a few editors, skin of them with their own filter. Come out, leather material at the newspaper - the work of a majestic team. Unparalleled are those who plant the deacons, who in other lands are divided into three specialties, in Japan they are merged into one. That same newspaper itself seems to be blown out of sight, as if it were ringing for us in Russian newsstands. For example, a sprat of sleepers in newspapers in color, and more in black and white. The organization of the work of the editorial office is governed by such a rank that the skin journalist has his own topic, his own specialization. Kozhen occupies his working niche in the editorial office and reviews his functions. The editorial office of the newspaper is a whole organism, which functions on the basis of the principles of freedom to each other, orderliness, tolerance, and invincibility.

Modern Japan is the power of the greater and lesser 127 million people, de Bagatov's culture is angry with the world's global processes. The Japanese media market is one of the richest and most deplorable. Circulations of Japanese foreign national newspapers are the largest in the world, and not without reason Japan has earned the fame of one of the countries, which is the most read.

At present, there are 107 popular newspapers in the country, including 4 national national newspapers: “Iomiuri” (“Reporter”), “Asahi” (“Sun, scho to go”), “Mainiti” (“Schodenna”), “Nikkei”. ("Japanese economic newspaper"). The three largest of them - "Asahi", "Iomiuri" and "May-niti" - account for at least half of the total circulation of all newspapers. It is important to note that "Asahi" and "Iomiuri" are the oldest newspapers of the Asian region. Collected skin from the national newspapers 20-40 sq.m. of money and 20 sq.m. Kіlka razіv for a month there are releases with zіnnimi smugami.

Japanese foreign national newspapers are even more like-mass publications. The skin of them may be an electronic version, presented on websites on the Internet. Today, "Asahi", a newspaper with a clearly expressed liberal orientation, is read by intellectuals and people who look at current life principles and look at them. In Japan, navit є is the designation of the “man Asahi”. Zdebіlshego tse juveniles, the average newspaper has a reputation as one of the most ob'ektivnyh. The global computer network of the Internet, which in our days has been widely occupied and expanded in the world, has touched practically all spheres community activity, including journalism and the economy of Japan. The history of multimedia promotion in Japan began in 1989, when a press conference on multimedia nutrition was held, it was organized by the Dentsu advertising agency jointly with representatives of the computer industry. Since then, the production of multimedia in this country has become one of the main productions of the 20th century. 1994 advertising appeared on the Internet. At the fall of the leaves 1994 Merezhya had 12 thousand. corporate web pages, including 2 thousand. registered Japanese companies.

In connection with the growing popularity of the Internet, rich Japanese newspapers have their own interactive services, like, on the one hand, electronic versions of traditional newspapers, with other, independent information carriers. Entering the 21st century, Japan voted the beginning of a revolution in the field of information technology. Z іnіtіativi Yoshiro Mori, who was stunned by the cabinet of ministries of Japan, by the lime 2000 r. It was created by the Strategic Council of Information Technologies (IT Strategy Council - ITSC), to the warehouse that the ministries, officials, fahivtsі of various regions, as well as representatives of leading Japanese companies, came to the warehouse. Ocholite Radu Prime Minister by asking the President of Sony Corporation Nobuyuki. Ideas, stating that the Internet will help the Japanese economy to move into a new era of supranational development and economic expansion. The main key to the rapid development of the Internet economy in Japan was the massive investment in the infrastructure of high-speed access to the measure and adoption of laws for the accelerated development of electronic commerce in the country. At the first meeting, for the sake of bolo, it was announced about the praise of the joint private-state five-fold plan, which, in turn, put into operation the communications infrastructure, which allows 30 million Japanese to be provided with high-speed access to the Internet. Crimea, 5 million inhabitants of the country can speed up over the Russian Internet. One of the direct state policy in the Galusian development of the information society was the establishment in Japan of the so-called e-government. The e-government project is sensible for more active development of information technologies for the organization and planning of state and regional policy. The Ministry of State Administration, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications can also communicate electronically with the order. The site www.e-gov.go.jp contains information about the activities of Japanese ministries and departments. Citizens of the region can also use the Internet to communicate with rank-and-file structures and by means of taking away the necessary administrative information. As part of their strategy, the Japanese are planning to make the Internet accessible and, in the first place, for home access. With whom, it is important to promote the written language of the population from the Internet. Mobile phones, as they can access the Internet, fundamentally changed the nature of communications. Now it has become possible to get on the phone practically no matter what time it is, whether it is time or time, the possibilities have expanded and the inter-broadening of information and access to information has expanded. The development of mobile telephony has been circulating to the life of a small number of satellite businesses, one of which is sales of mobile content, which is steadily gaining wraps today in Russia. Mobile banking, mobile marketing, mobile ZMI, mobile casinos, mobile libraries are actively developing on the market.

On the top of the Internet sites for corystuvachіv personal computers, the main benefits of which are in the form of advertising, the business model of the mobile site is based on the benefits of overpayments. The telecommunications company-provider collects the overpayment fee at once from the payment for the services of the call, which is more convenient for readers. Is mobile access technology widely popular in Japan? i-mode. The i-mode service wins here like a new analytical view, so does it look like a new view of the country? through the Nikkei newspaper. The development of that active expansion of new technologies called to life such a smart online medium, like "Jeyro". The leader in the generation of mobile content in Japan today is the Asahi media concern, which, zokrema, should have the largest mobile site for news, Asahi-Nikkan Sports, based on Nikkan Sports, a sports newspaper that should bear the name of the group. The company "Asahi" has launched a few sites for mobile phones. This is the main concept of "News +". For example, on the site "News" (a joint project of the media concern "Asahi" and the Japanese economic newspaper "Nikkei"), news and new quizzes are promoted. The second mobile site is called “Chiezo”, which is why people are asked to search for current materials of the newspaper “Asahi”, as well as archives. The most important news, information about unfortunate rains and catastrophes, about changes in transport in Russia (flying taxis), as well as about overland earthquakes, typhoons and snowfalls propagating the Japanese mobile site "Asahi Lifeline News".

At the thought of the intercessor of the director of the department of multimedia editing "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" Shunji Ita, in Japan, there will be a successive evolution at the direct creation of the so-called mobile information society. If there is a need for information about those who propagate their information to newspapers through mobile phones, then, as you know S. Italy, it is no longer relevant. Today is more relevant and more important: how can newspapers propagate such information? Thus, the Japanese economic newspaper "Nikkei" created a service for the publication of stock quotes and other financial information. With a wide range of new technologies, the Japanese do not cease to be the most read nation in the world. In Japan, you can often talk like a lot of people can read on their mobile phones near the subway or buses. So the stench transforms the “downtime hour” into a “productive hour”, otrimuyuchi new information. Moreover, the main mass of readers from mobile phones is represented by young people from 20 to 30 years of age. Traditional newspapers on paper, like before, are popular among those who are aged 30 and older. In Tokyo and other places in the country, there are “computer cafes” and “computer tea houses”, where the Japanese spend their free time, break the afternoon or evening after work. Here you can get acquainted through the Internet with the most important materials of Japanese newspapers and magazines, find out the schedule of sales in the nearest department stores, the news of sports life, read the catalogs with the rest of the fashion collections, see the museum of the world, send the news of the news to the world.

It also specializes in "electronic cafes", as it gives its customers specific information about the world of theater, music, photo art. Mayuchi the sovereign state support, the Japanese information society is developing at a fairly fast pace.

Everything that is written in the newspapers is absolutely true;.

Erwin Knowll

Japanese newspapers are already familiar to us in a format that is familiar to us, and that history of their development is unusual for Europeans. As in the case of other countries, the newspapers became the first ZMI in Japan and led the way to the creation of new tools for broadening information. What path did the Japanese press go through to make their own development?

Edo period. Cawaraban

The history of newspapers has gone back to our era. It only seemed to have a similarity to other ZMIs, as if it expanded social information and significantly resounded in the light of the current news about newspapers. The first newspaper in the world is "Acta diurna populi romani" or "School the Roman people", as it appeared in Ancient Rome for the reign of Caesar (59 BC). Vona spoke about the pods that she had found in the city, and she was the scrolls that were written by hand. Such leaflets were hung on squares and could be delivered to politicians or to noble townspeople.

The paper's first newspaper appeared in China during the Tang Dynasty (713-734) and was called Dibao, which translates as "News from the Capital". She had information about the most important pods, as well as the instructions of the emperor. On the back of the head, the newspaper was written by hand, and then it was handed over for the help of a wooden board.

In Japan, in the Edo era (1603-1868), the titles of “kawaraban” (“skull leaflets”), single-sided leaflets, expanded. Such prototypes of newspapers were prepared according to the principle of engraving, but the quality of each other was low: molds for each other were made of clay, and not of wood, in order to speed up the process of preparing the newspaper. Kawaraban appeared in 1617. in the city of Osaka - for the help of leaflets, the townspeople could easily find out about the greatest political influences and spontaneous disasters. The shopkeepers called them “emіurі” (literally translated “reading that is sold out loud”), shards of peddlers read hoarsely tricks from the published news for the purchasers.

Cawaraban. Bring Commodore Perry to Japan

Kinets Edo - the cob of the Meiji period

Drukovana press in a modern sense appeared in Japan in the 19th century, if foreigners, like Timchas, lived on the islands, they began to release small English-speaking media, like they avenged news from Japanese society and from behind the cordon.

At 1862 p. the first newspaper of the Japanese language "Kanban Batabiya Shimbun" was published - it was a pamphlet that avenged the translation of the Dutch magazine that was published in Java (Indonesia), the Japanese language. Translation, before the speech, zdіysnyuvavsya for the Japanese order - shogunat. The newspaper itself was a booklet with arches of Japanese paper, for such a text it was instructed by a drukarian font, and the call was strongly writhed in the face of the modern press.

U 1868-1869 pp. in other countries, the vinyl is in a rightly serious need: through the Bosin war, trouble was going on in the country and people wanted to be aware of the course of the conflict, and newspaper companies appeared in the skin region of the country.

After the Meiji restoration in 1868 a new order of storms with a stream of criticism from the side of the suspense on yoga diy - a lot of anti-series newspapers appeared. As opposed to these sights, the country’s culture began to issue a stately newspaper under the name “Dayokan nissi” (“Rada to the sovereign journal”). Such a short time, having sprung a new whirlwind and anti-Uryadov newspapers, began to publish more criticism of the country's ceramics. As a result, there was a reaction: April 28, 1868. The authorities saw the law “On the press”, which hindered the publication of all newspapers of anti-Uriad directiveness for 10 months, and in the fierce 1869 p. The order having adopted the decree “On the other and publication of newspapers”, zgіdno zgіdno zkim the right to see a little more than those newspapers, as they passed the re-verification and took them off at the price allowed.

Nіsіki-e shimbun

Since the beginning of the Meiji era (1868-1912), the form “Hisik-e shimbun” appeared - a one-sided leaflet, which avenged the status of novelties, it became a popular souvenir from Moscow. On the back of the head, the newspaper was squashed onto a ball of illuminated intelligence, which is not small furigana(so the reading of the hieroglyphs was not signed) that image, which robbed the population inaccessible to wide versions of the population due to its folding. Tsya newspaper was already more similar to the current and well-known to all the press and introduced more information, lower її previous. The speed of delivering information, to the speech, the newspaper is small, minimal, stale in the material, the obstruction of information could become from many days to many months.

Most of these newspapers were published from 1874 to 1881, after which the format of the newspaper recognized some changes: in Nіsіkі-e, xylographic illustrations were added, and the language of articles became simple. Changed content: tiles became the main storage area, which prompted a wide community to start reading newspapers. Until then, now the text is new maw furigana, And it could be easily read by people, even if they didn't know the hieroglyphs - this caused another reason for the swedish popularity of the new style of newspapers. The first newspaper of the updated format - "Tokyo Nіti-Nіti Shimbun" - was published in 1874. and was honored by the great popularity of its barvyness and simplicity of sprinyattya.

No. 111 "Toke thread-thread shimbun". Two sumo fighters extinguish fire

Taking “Tokyo Nіti Nіti Shimbun” as a buttstock, many publishers near different places launched their own newspaper, after which about 40 newspapers appeared (for example, “Yu:bіn Ho:ti Shimbun” by Yesitoshi Tsukioka and others). Nіsіkі-e, like a cob її looking, bula is popular not only like a newspaper, but like a Tokyo souvenir. The new style of hand-drawn newspapers has become the most accurate source of mass information, and its development has called for the emergence of short photojournals (shasin syu: kansi) and television movement.

Koshimbun ta O:shimbun

A few hours later, the Nіsіkі-e sіmbun appeared, newspapers began to be published in a trio of vіdmіnnomu style, like they were called “kosimbun”: similar for simplicity, the spelling and zmіstu, but the illustration, which accompanied the article, was monochrome (then it was one-coloured). The preparation of such pictures did not take a great deal of time, but for viewing the barbers of color images, there were no more, so the newspapers had a quick report of the information. For reasons of reason, the step-by-step vinification of the style with barvy engraving began, and after about 10 years, the shape of the nose practically went into circulation.

Changing the format zmusila spivrobitnikiv change their status: during the transition from one style to another, there were a few changes, if the artist nіsіki-e became an artist-illustrator of the kosimbun, and the author of literary prose became a journalist, author of articles. The sightings of Japanese prints became the best for the sales of newspapers. Warto designate that the first journalists of the first Japanese newspapers were ronini - many samurai, who invested political power and social status. Zdebіlshoy stench engulfed the office of the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. The first-rate journalists were from a low social status and were paid 30 ¥ per month and 20 ¥ for a roadside window, while the editor paid 500 ¥ for their work.

At the same time, “o: shimbun” appeared from the coshimbun - newspapers that are more important than the political directivity of the larger, lower coshimbun, format. As an example: the simbun can serve as the newspapers "Yokohama", "Tokyo Nіti Nіti Shimbun", "Yu:bіn Ho:ti Shimbun". In: shimbun were friends for the intelligentsia and made more, lower cosimbun, for example, “Emiuri” and “Kanayomi Shimbun”, as they were positioned sooner as a sight for the common people, they avenged the statutes and illustrations.

Nadalі ways the development of two formats continued to diverge. With the appearance political parties about: the shimbun began to move to the quiet of other political directions; At the same time, the parties themselves also published local newspapers, like, for example, the Dziya party. Over the years, the pro:simbun format has practically not changed, and every year it has brought to the point of necessity the anger of promotional and informational content.

At the same time, the kosimbun expanded and saw the space in the newspaper and articles for a wide audience, trying to hit more and more themes and spheres, with which the readers and the suspense were stunned. The first attempt to collect serious and respectful content under one cover was made in 1886: “Yu:bin Ho:ti Simbun” around political articles began to publish a respectful column, spread stories about podії, keep a world chronicle. During the same period, experiments with layout began: “Yomiuri” and “Mainity” already from 1879. they published a newspaper, de statti buli were arranged in columns - similarly, the organization of articles further expanded and in the middle of other languages. Pro: shimbun, as before they promoted a lot of style and directly publications, they fell, and as a result, pro: shimbun and cosimbun sank, ceasing to use okremo.

Japan has about 1,500 newspapers and periodicals, including 400 and 20 published near Tokyo. Є 200 newspapers of the national level, most of which are: Emiuri Shimbun, Mainiti Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun, Sanke Shimbun, Nihon Keizai Shimbun.

Today's Japanese newspaper promislovistry is shattering the nature of Japanese business: colossal national newspaper organizations and media corporations. In addition to the production of media corporations, oriented to the public's awareness of the novelties of the so-called "common interest", in the country there are a lot of local and specialized newspapers and magazines. According to the nature of the readership, Japanese monthly magazines, the total circulation of which exceeds 2 billion people, are divided into: children (27%), popular (17%), for family (9.1%), women's magazines of general recognition (7.2 %)) and so far, and tyzhneviki from a total circulation of maybe 2 billion approx. on: magazines of general recognition (31%), popular (28%), children (25%), women (15%). For the tribute for 2000 years, in Japan, the circulation of newspapers for 1,000 inhabitants was 569.69 newspapers (the biggest show in the world).

In the country, there is a network of state radio stations, which are heard by the majority of the population.

The Japanese TV and radio system is being built up by the NHK Corporation (Nippon Hoso Kekai) and commercial companies. NHK has 2 TV channels (one of them is on-air), 2 satellite channels, 2 mid-air radio channels (one of them is also on-air), one UHF (FM) channel. In addition, the NHK service rozgaluzhenu zakordonnoy TV and radio broadcasting.

For the data for 2000, Japan had 132 commercial television companies. Five of the leading commercial channels include: NTV (the first commercial studio, the main shareholder is the concern "Emiuri"); TBS (there are 28 telecom companies); TV Tokyo (combined 5 TV stations); FT (the largest commercial television and radio company in Japan; in the system of її traffic - 37 radio stations from a small audience, overseeing 96 million osib, 27 television channels in Japan and 20 overseas); TVAsahi (up to the її merezhi includes 22 TV stations of the mass and 20 stations of the out-of-band movement).

In this way, the acquisition of mass information in Japan is represented by a wide range of other videos, radio stations and television channels, which may have a significant political impact. It is especially pronounced that access to the information space of Japan is difficult for foreigners (both journalists and television and radio corporations) and for small Japanese ZMIs, because they do not take part in the activity of press clubs (kisya kurabu), but let them have a monopoly.

20:43 — REGNUM In order to inform the Japanese ZMI, on the cob of corn in the capital of Mongolia in Ulaanbaatar, a group of high-ranking representatives of the raising congregations of Japan and the DPRK were invited to prepare the Japanese-North Korean summit. Call for Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe to hold talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un after a successful cob of inter-Korean contacts in the prime region of US President Donald Trump with Kim in Singapore. Maybe, not to be left out of the process of normalization in Pivnichno-Skhіdnіy Asia and to take on other roles, Abe pragne to demonstrate his special fate in the process of denuclearization of the Korean Pіvostrova. In case of guilt, one is guilty of vykonuvaty one’s goiter to achieve a turn in Pyongyang, or if one wants to clear up the share of the Japanese, who were stolen by the Pivnichno-Korean special services in the 70s and 80s of the last century.

The Japanese ranks are impinging that the Pivnichno-Korean special services stole and secretly smuggled against their will to the DPRK 17 citizens of Japan both articles. Fifth of them, in 2002, a half-hour trip to Pyongyang for the visit of Kim Chen Ir, then-Japanese Prime Minister Jun'chiro Koizumі, was allowed to turn for one hour to the fatherland. Nothing was known about the share of the others, until the Pivnichno-Korean government declared that they were all dead. Prote was carried out in Japan, an examination of the authorities for the purchase of the old remains showed that the stink of others will die.

Quote from a / f "Megumi"

With obvious information on the hell out of the Prime Minister of Japan, Donald Trump, while looking at Kim Jong-un, bumped into those thieves, on which, having taken off the face, once again look at all the furnishings. It seems that the Pivnichno-Korean side unofficially informed the Japanese that the middle of the appointment of 17 osіb buv Minoru Tanaka, which is right in the DPRK. However, according to the Japanese English newspaper "Japan Times", the Japanese detachment does not disclose information about Tanaka's entry into the DPRK, as well as about the representatives of the exploration of the two countries, who entered Mongolia.

Prote provіdne іnformatsiyne іnformatsiyne іponії іnformаtsiyne іnformаtsiyne yaponії kyodo povidomlyає, shcho yaponіnіyi іn konfіdіntіynih negotiіv vіdіv sіger Kitamura, yakіy yоuє service rozvіdka і dolіdzhenі kabіnetі іnіnstrіv yaponії. Vin is characterized as trusted by the person of Abe, a person, as if without intermediary acknowledgment to the premier of the results of the collection and analysis of information that is obtained from domestic and international nutrition.

Representing the Pivnichno-Korean side in Ulaanbaatar, the high settlements of the united front administration, favored by Kim Yong Chol, who is also the intercessor of the head of the Workers' Party of Korea and confidant Kim Jong-In. According to the Japan Times, the preparation of the survey of the leaders of the two countries was entrusted not to the Ministry of Health of Japan and the DPRK, but to the intelligence agencies, by analogy with it, as the CIA ensured the organization of the conduct of Trump's survey with Kim at the red stream rock in Singapore.

Twitter: @realDonaldTrump

У зв'язку з переговорами Кіма в Китаї, його зустрічами з південнокорейським президентом, домовленістю про візит північнокорейського керівника до Москви для зустрічі з президентом РФ Володимиром Путіним Абе залишається єдиним з учасників колишніх шестисторонніх переговорів з корейської проблеми, який ніколи не мав жодних контактів з північнокорейським . ceramics.

For successful negotiations with Kim Jong Un, the Japanese prime minister is going to discuss the Korean food with the leader of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, on the hour of his official visit to Beijing, which will be from 25 days. Abe also mentioned that on this topic I had a “constructive” conversation last month in New York with Trump.


Current ZMI Japan


1. Kamionko V.F. Masukomi. Traditions and modernity of mass communication in Japan. - Khabarovsk, 1991.

2. Kamionko V.F. Robots and samurai. Radio and television broadcasting in modern Japan. - M., 1989.

3. Katasonova O.L. Japanese corporation. Culture, charitableness, business. - M., 1992.

4. Lazarev AM, Polyakova N. A., Smirnov B. V. Druk, radio and television station of Japan. - M., 1974.

5. Firsov B.M. Satisfy the mass communication of Japan among the wider culture and information // Japan: culture and supremacy for the dobi of scientific and technological revolution. - M., 1985.

The main nutrition, as seen in the lecture:

Friends of Japan: National and Mistseve Vision;

The structure of the Japanese radio and television broadcasting.

A) Friend of Japan

Historically, two types of newspapers have been formed in Japan: national newspapers and local newspapers, which, in their own way, are subdivided into regional and prefectural newspapers.

National newspapers

As far as global national vidans, one can name “Asahi”, “Iomiurn”, “Mainiti”, “Nikhon Keizai Shimbun” and “Sankei”. The main editorial offices of these newspapers are rebuying from Tokyo, the stench of the capital is not their friend, and from other places, for example, such as Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka to Sapporo.

"Asahi Shimbun" ("Sun to descend") is one of the oldest in the country. The first її number of viishov Osaka 25 sіchnya 1879 р. These Japanese newspapers were broadly divided into two categories according to circulation: large and small. The great newspapers were specialized in covering and commenting on political problems, and the other newspapers were ringing out the descriptions of that shodenny chronicle. "Asahi" was placed on the back of the head to another category, but it was not enough to nabula characteristic rice newspapers of both categories, which made it possible to expand the number of readers.

The divisions of "Asahi" in Tokyo, Osaka, Kitakyushu and Nagoya are respected by the head editors. In this hour, the newspaper concern "Asahi" swarms all of Japan. Behind the cordon, the newspaper has a large number of bureaus and representations.

"Iomiuri Simbun". Descho less than 130 years ago in Tokyo, having started to see in a different way a small leaflet with information about the most important days, drawings on social and social topics. Leaf drukuvavsya for the help of a clay cliché and spreading on the streets of the city in such a manner: the seller loudly read the headlines of articles and okremі tsіkavі paragraphs and sold the newspaper tim, whom you zoomed in on. Such people began to be called "іomiuri" - "read that sell". Qiu's name was taken away by the newspaper. The initiators of this show were members of the Tokyo Literary Association. The main national newspaper "Iomіurі" became the first hour of the Other World War. Koristuyuchisya special calls in the military stakes and the police department, the head of the newspaper Matsutaro Seriki zoomed in on his newspaper in the minds of the military regime. Nini "Iomiuri" is one of the most popular newspapers, its circulation is 3 million copies.

"Mainiti Shimbun" ("Schodenna newspaper"), enter at once from "Asahi" and "Iomiuri" at the great trio of the newspaper world of Japan and one of the oldest in the country. In 1876 p. in Osaka, "Osaka Nippo" began to appear (since 1888 - "Osaka Mainiti"). In 1889 p. Osamu Watanabe, the head of Osaka Mai-Nichi, reorganized the newspaper into a joint-stock company, and published the Main-i Shimbun. The company has little close connection with the ruling elite of Japan. The shareholders of "Mainity" were the businessmen of Tokyo and Osaka, the leaders of the shares in the most important were the newspaper's supporters.

"Nihon Keizai Shimbun" (abbreviated as "Nnkken" - "Japanese economic newspaper") is another representative of the largest national Japanese newspapers. First "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" was published on 2 December 1876. in Tokyo under the name "Tyugai Bukka Simpo" ("Internal and official prices for goods"). The newspaper was founded by a private individual. This newspaper of trade information came out once a day and May the great drink, the shards were the only one in Japan, a specialized economic newspaper. Z lime 1885 the newspaper began to come out today. In 1912 the won was transferred to a joint-stock company. Z 1946 it already appeared under the name "Nihon Keizai Shimbun". The circulation of "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" is dealt with by three leading newspaper companies in the country. Її The circulation of the warehouse is approximately 1 million copies. "Nihon Keizai Shimbun" is popular among readers from a high social status and a high level of illumination. Її vypisuyut all Japanese ranks of the organization and most of the great private enterprises.

"Sankei Shimbun" ("Promislovo-ekonomichna newspaper") - a friend behind the meaning of the economic newspaper of Japan. She is seen today in Tokyo and Osaka by the Sankei Shimbunsha company. The newspaper began to appear in 1933. in Osaka under the name "Nihon Koge Shimbun" ("Japanese Trade Newspaper"). Have 1950 r. the newspaper's display center moved from Osaka to Tokyo. Today at the rich places of great places of Japan there are newspapers.

Mіstsevі vidannya

Mіstsevі vidannya, as it was already planned, are being shared at the regional and prefectures.

Regional newspapers fill the niche between global national and prefectural publications. The stench is spreading its influx on the sprat of prefectures. Before the Other World War in Japan, the system “in one prefecture - one newspaper” was established, as after the end of the military newspapers, it was settled. Prote, the leaders of the joint companies are gone. Vikoristovuyuchi dosit hard virobnichu base, the stench jumped to expand their influx on the inland prefectures, and when there is a good time, they will sag or podkorit their influx of sightseeing in other regions of the country. This is how three regional newspapers appeared. One of them - "Hokkaido Shimbun" was founded on the 1st leaf fall of 1942 by the editors of the 2nd local newspapers that appeared in Hokkaido. Insha, "Tunity Shimbun", appeared on 1 Spring 1942. in the aftermath of the anger of the "City Aity Simbunsia" and "Nagoya Simbunsia" companies. І, nareshti, "Nisti Nippon Shimbun" Vinicla after the joint edition of the editorial boards and other newspapers on the island of Kyushu, April 17, 1943.

In the prefectures, newspapers were seen from the initiatives of the state authorities for the financial support of trade and industry in the area. The local newspapers in the middle of the 20th century did not at all agree with the national ones. All international information was collected not from the capitals, but from the American news agencies United Press International (UPI) and Associated Press (AP). Having poured these agencies into the information right in Japan, it was so great that they actually monopolized all the information that came into the Japanese province. On the right, it went to the point where, through the competition of news agencies among themselves, the press in Japan was divided into UPI-Key and AP-Key, tobto. newspapers to the UPI clan and the AP clan. Even more often in the quiet prefectures one could see newspapers that lay down to different clans. So, for example, near Fukuoka, there were “Kyushu Nippo” (“AP-Key”) and “Fukuoka Nіtinіtі” (“UPI-Key”).

It also means that the whole of Japan at that hour was divided into spheres by the influx of newspapers. In the lower part of Japan, in Hokkaido and in the lower part of Sakhalin, newspapers of the Tokyo Group dominated. The Osakian press spread its influence on the western part of Japan, Kyushu, Shikoku, Korea and Taiwan. Yakscho check the number of newspapers that go to Ura Nippon (“Back Japan” - the prefectures of Zahidny uzberezhzhya) and Omete Nippon (“Front Japan” - prefectures of the Hidden uzberezhzhya), then commemorate deyakі vіdminnosti. The economy of the prefectures of the Pacific Coast is significantly more expanded, the economy of the prefectures is lower, and that of the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan. To this, the newspapers of Omote Nippon to the greater world, the lower newspapers of Western Uzbekistan, gave respect to the problems of the current middle society, and the other organs of Ura Nippon, in their own quarters, richly placed on their sides, introduced articles about the need a distant development tsikh districts.

Today, most local newspapers are seen on the prefectural level, if you want to call the editorial office of these newspapers, you can report to the correspondent line in the judicial prefectures, and deyak - in all regions. The local newspapers publish news (and, more importantly, advertising), as if they were standing by their prefectures, richer and more efficient, lowering the main national and regional vision. The very beginnings of the city press show the competition from national media.

The butts of the local newspapers are "Akita Sakigake Simpo" - the first newspaper in Akita, published in the fierce 1874; "Chugoku Shimbun" - began to be seen in Khirosimi in 1892.

Others in this group see newspapers based in Tokyo and Osaka, such as Hoti, Osaka Shimbun. Many newspapers are sometimes called central, shards of stench come from the great metropolitan places. The layout of їх smug and zmіst is similar to the layout and zmіst of global national and regional newspapers.

Krіm of newspapers of outrageous recognition have specialized publications (sports newspapers, rural support newspapers, newspapers for fishermen, for practitioners in the metallurgy industry, but there are also newspapers of great industrial companies and concerns, which are supposed to be printed in large circulations).

In Japanese newspaper statistics, there is often a clear understanding of the “sleep early-evening release” (setto). The need for such permits is explained by the fact that the stench is insured to the periphery - a small town in that village. The usual rank release of newspapers is consumed by the readers at these places less than noon, and the evening one is late at night. At the link with these peripheral readers, they subscribe to the sleepy early-evening release, which comes out at the drukarny close to 2 years of the day and in 2-3 years it reaches even the most distant places. Every single issue publishes news from both the ranking and evening newspapers.

B) Radio and television broadcasting in Japan

radio communication

The Japanese radio communication system includes the massive Japanese Radio Corporation (“Nihon Hoso Kekai” - Nibon Hoso yokai, or, shortly, “En-H-Key”) and commercial companies.Suspіlne cherry - "En-H-Key".

The first radio broadcast in Japan was started by the Tokyo Corporation "Tokyo Broadcasting Station" on March 22, 1925. This corporation was a huge organization, which was blamed for support in a row, and financially stale, except for paying listeners for hiring radio receivers. At the same time, other similar stations vinickled in Osats (worm) and Nagoya (lime). All three stations worked independently, one in one. Zhovtni 1925 The Nagoya station held the first post-studio report in the history of Japanese radio broadcasting during the month of the month: a report about the military parade.

At the sickle, born in 1926 The Ministry of Communications united three stations, and the Japanese Radio Corporation "En-H-Key" was born. In 1928 entered into a new radio station in Sapporo, Kumamoto, Sendai and Hiroshimi. Tsim Bulo zapochatkovanno cob first zagalnojapanskoy ї radio "En-H-Key", near the quarter 1931 r. bula created all other radio measurements, and in birch 1969 p. – radio distance on frequency modulation (FM). Three programs of three radio measurements, one for one. As the first one broadcasts the most important programs of slander recognition, the other - the lighting programs, then the radio broadcast on frequency modulation (FM) - the music is the most important. Chervni 1935. broadcasts of the corporation's news service - "Radio Japan", directed to Canada, the USA and Hawaii.

Back to the work of the new electronic security mass information was passed under suvorim control to the order of Japan. From the cob of war in the Pacific Ocean in infants, 1941. ryadovy control over zmіstom programs of the corporation sharply strengthened. For this reason, the unit was created by the Association of Radio Programs. The program was mainly changed to aggressive militaristic propaganda, criticism of the Anglo-American way of life and appeals to the intensification of warfare in craftsmanship and the strong state.

Torishny sickle 1948 A five-year plan for the development of radio media was adopted. The number of radio listeners began to grow. Only in 1948, the military increased by 7.6 million people1.

At the red 1950 the Japanese parliament adopted the "Law on the Movement", which re-awakened the entire system of radio transmissions that had been in place until that hour. Tsey law, kakiy dіє nіnі, clearly delineated the structure of En-HK. The Rada of Directors became the supreme administrative body of En-H-Key, which endowed it with all the necessary power. It was appointed to this warehouse: and dosі Rada of directors consists of 12 members, which are appointed by the prime minister for the sake of both chambers of parliament. The United States of Japan, according to the territorial principle, was divided into higher regions. For the sake of directors, represent the interests of the skin region. Chotiri members For the sake of getting rid of the people, yakі mayut credibility in the nourishment of culture, enlightenment, science and economy. The board of directors is elected to a meeting approximately once a month. The president of En-HK is responsible for the activities of the corporation. The President is appointed by the Board of Directors for three years.

In "En-H-Key" at the skin of eight regional radio stations there is a radio program, and in Tokyo, moreover, the Central Rada of radio programs, as it is formed of highly qualified specialists. Elections once a month, for the sake of making propositions for the president of "HK" to change the radio program for the next hour. Please take the fate of the folded river plans of the movement.

Commercial radio communication.

Already before the hour of rozrorobny that before discussing a new bill on the movement of the Ministry of communication, the Ministry of Communication withdrew applications for the creation of private radio companies. Nezabarom, 1 September 1951, two commercial radio stations in Nagoya and Osaka went on the air with their programs. Until April 1952 In the Crimean HK, ten private companies functioned in the country, and the Association of Private Commercial Broadcasting was created2.Later, the spring of 1951, the fate is its own milestone, for which it became a radio communication of Japan in the community, building "En-HK", and commercial.

Commercial radio companies in the grass 1965 united at two distant Japanese borders. One of them, the Japanese Radio Network (“Japan Redionetwork” - “Jy-Yer-Yen”), was established by 30 companies that united around the company “Tokyo Hoso” (“Tokyo Broadcasting System” - “Ti-Bi-Es” ). Insha, National Radio Network (“National Redionetwork” - “En-Er-En”). The bula was established from 31 companies, which were grouped around the companies "Buika Hoso" ("Nippon Kalcheral Broadcasting" - "En-Si-Bi") and "Nippon Hoso".

TV broadcast

The first successful experimental television transmission in Japan was held in January 1939. in Tokyo. The image was transmitted from the technical and advanced laboratory of the Japanese Radio Corporation until її central budіvlі. Friend light war interrupted my work. As soon as it was over, try to get the TV broadcast in Japan. July 15, 1945 The Institute of Communications, after taking off, allowed to conduct a trial TV show. Ale at that hour did not reach success. Lesser at the leaf fall 1949 The technical and research laboratory "En-HK" turned around again before trying to conduct an experimental TV show.

Hromadske movement - "En-H-Key".

February 1, 1953 became Japanese TV broadcasting day. On the third day of the day, regular broadcasts of "En-HK" were launched.

Veresni 1960. "En-H-Key" rozpochala kolorovі transfers, and in kvіtni 1968 p. The remaining TV station in Tokyo, Tokyo 12 Tianneru (Tokyo 12 Channel), turned on color in its program.

The television network may be especially important for "EN-H-Key"; According to the “Law on Movement”, the corporation makes contracts with TV broadcasters all over the country and collects a fee from them. I'll pay more for NH-Key. Revisiting the programs of commercial television companies is cost-free, the rest of their income will be paid for advertising, and "HK" advertising activity has been blocked by the "Law on Movement".

The NHS movement is made up of two main programs - the mainstream and the lighting television. Newsletter about the activities of the corporation for 2002 give a notice about the replacement of the program and the proportionality of the program. Global television broadcasting (generally 168 years per day): news - 40.5%, culture - 24.7%, promotional broadcasts - 23.7%, education - 11.1%. TV broadcasting coverage (total 165 years S3 hvilin for the day): coverage - 81.1%, culture - 16.3%, news - 2.6%. Order of CIM "En-H-Key" zdіysnyuє transmission of three channels of digital television.

Commercial TV companies.

At the sickle, born in 1953 the first commercial studio "Nikhon Terebi Khoso" ("Nippon Televizhn" - "En-Ti-Vi"), the main head of the campaign and the newspaper "Iomiuri" named the work. At the approaching fates, one by one, television programs were started by other commercial companies - "Nikhon Terebi", "Ti-Bi-Es", in 1959 - "Terebi Asakhi" and "Fuji Terebi". Have 1960 r. Already 43 private commercial companies with 61 TV stations were broadcasting regularly3.

Japan has no such great commercial TV and radio channels, like, for example, the USA. At that hour, EN-HK can have its own line of television stations that covered the whole country, in the order of commercial companies, there are only a few studios with a very small radius of air. Tokyo has up to a dozen TV stations, and the skin prefecture has one or two stations each. Since the beginning of the period of commercial television distribution, competition for broadcasting a large number of public television stations has been sharpened between the Tokyo companies "Nippoi Television" ("En-Ti-Vi") and "Tokyo Broadcasting System" ("Ti-E"). Then the next race was joined by Nihon Education Television (NET, aka En-I-Ti) and Fuji Tzrebi.

characteristic feature private commercial television and radio broadcasting in Japan was promoted to the zone, so that the companies would be united at the tele- radio zone of televised broadcasting in Japan with wired centers for the preservation of the financial independence of the surrounding participants. Conducting TV and radio centers, as a rule, provide the participants in the zones with traffic programs (at a reasonable rate), ensuring synchronous broadcasts on the air at the borders of different stations and repeaters.

Until the mid-1980s, Japan had some of the main TV zones and some of the radio zones, which united the most important number of private companies. Only the okrems saved their self-sufficiency. Leadership in the TV broadcasting zones belonged to "Nvkhon Terebi" ("En-En-Yen" zone), "Tokyo Hoso" ("Jay-En-Yen"), "Fuji Terebi" ("Ef-En-Yen"), which is very association of 25 and more companies. "Toko Hoso" ocholila radio zone "J-A-Yen"; "Nippoї Hoso" - zone "En-A-En"; the leading center of the traffic zone at the range of UKH є "Tokyo Eph-Em Hoso". Significant part of the companies are participants of two and more zones.

Sky Perfect TV with more than 2 million prepayers is up to commercial satellite companies. On this day, there is a movement on 170 channels and from 1 July 2000 r. The only satellite company operating in Japan (up to the end of Direct TV).

The presentation of the material characterizes the most important structure of the Japanese information system. However, the country has long-standing traditions, ZMI, without a word, may be specific national features, in the mass media of the other powers of Zokrem, the successors point to the change of the global national media. "Asahi", "Mainiti", "Iomiuri" practically do not argue one by one for their profile and political direction4.The reason is pragnennya skin sight to satisfy the interests of all categories of readers. The most popular newspapers of Japanese information in Japan have the largest circulation, in the opinion of other countries, and the leading mass press in the rating of circulations. The high rate of enlightenment of the Japanese signifies their rate of drinking and the singing of the world is signified by the fact that the most important national newspapers in this region may have a large number of prepayers (6-8 million). At one time, the sameness of a number of Japanese publications has led to the fact that in Japan there are fewer newspapers with a larger circulation in proportion to the distribution of other lands, for example, from the land of China.

Lazarev A.M., Polyakova N.A., Smirnov B.V. Druk, radio and television station of Japan. - M., 1974. S. 84.

Kamionko V.F. Masukomi. Traditions and modernity of mass communication in Japan. - Khabarovsk, 1991. S. 17.

Kamionko V.F. Robots and samurai. Radio and TV broadcasting of modern Japan. - M., 1989. S. 74.

Div: Silantieva O.M. Features of Japanese mass information in the context of national traditions // www.obcom.ru/vjk/statyi/japan-smi.htm

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