A family of folding flowers, describing the characteristic representatives. Family of folding flowers. Peculiarities of flower, fruit, life form

Family of folding flowers

There are close to 250,000 species of flower roses on the earth. Of these, close to 25,000 species can be classified as a family of folding flowers. Skladnotsvіtі - tse dormouse, aistry, zhorgini, nіgtiki, chrysanthemums, hairs, chamomile, kulbaba likarska, mati-y-machukha 143 .

Drіbnі folded flowers zіbranі in sucvіtya-koshiki. All at once, the flowers of the cat are sharpened with a rim of leaves, ringing green. It is not uncommon for flowers to be folded and pardoned for one ticket. For example, the yellow kulbabi cats look like great single flowers from more pelyustok.

The succulent-cat is the most characteristic sign of the roslin of the family of folded flowers. Ring out the bustle to avenge the faceless rubbish tickets that sit on the bed of the bustle. 144 .

The flowers develop undertones, but the cup either does not develop, or it is represented by bristles or hairs, which make the forelock. Vinochok of 5 pelyustok, which grew into a tube. Tichinok tezh 5; the stench grows with piloviki into a tichinkov tube, stashed around the stump. The flower has 1 queen, from the ovary it develops a baby. The last bagatioh folded flowers are littered with flying - sticking to the fruit in the wind. Qi flyers develop from chubkiv.

Fallow in the presence of the features of the budovi vіnochka near the folding-flowered growths, there are different types of flowers.

The kulbabi cat has all the same tickets. The pelluses of the skin flower below grew into a tube, and the upper part is similar to a long tongue. That's why they call the tickets lingular(Fig144) . On the root of the tongue, remember 5 cloves. Tse traced the growth of 5 pelyustok, as if they were free in the ancestors of folding flowers. Pilyoviki 5 tichinok grow into a tube. Use the middle to pass the stovpchik іz dvolopatevy rilts. The calyx is represented by a bunch of white hairs. Quote formula H◦L(5)T(5)P1

Three ovaries develop along the dribni simyanki, skin with a bundle of hairs (fly) on the long nizhtsi. It is easy for the wind to carry such fruits.

Deyakі roslini from the family of folded flowers make cats, made tіlkitubular tickets, for example, a polovy bodak - bagatorichna bur'yan144 . Fruits of a bodyak - Sim'yanki with a forelock. Fallen in the wind, the stench of flying doti, the docks do not shut up like a perestroy. When the forelocks are closed, they vibrate, and the fruits fall to the ground.

Quote formula: Ch◦L(5)T(5)P1

Voloshka blue growth in the fields, often in crops of grain crops, defiled soil. At the blue hair in the center of the cat there are ruffled tubular parts of the flower, and along the edge - 144 . Funnel-shaped flowers are great , blue, do not have neither eggs nor queens; stink less privablyuyut . Tubular parts are violet. From їhnіh ovaries develop simyanki with a small dermal forelock. Uzdovzh is expensive, and on the bows, the hair of the beam grows. Funnel-like flowers of yogo erysipelas. P◦L(5)T◦P◦.

From the rich sights of the folding flowers of our country, the deaks will bloom until late autumn. Chamomile is pharmaceutical, abo likarska, odnorichna herb'yanista roselina with a strong aroma. The tickets are all of two types: at the center of the tubular section, gold-yellow, and on the edge - tongue, white. fruits - dovgasti simyanki. Chamomile chemist's - widely widened roslina. You can see in all regions of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, near Siberia, on the Far Descent and in Central Asia. The growth of the won on the folds, vacant lots, near the settlements. Serve as a medicinal syrovina for young succulent cats, rich in ethereal oils.

Autumn on the bows and vzdovzh expensive flowers of great tansy. Її Zhovtі small cats are taken from the folded bustle. Only tubular tickets enter the warehouse of cats 143 .

Middle folded flowers bur'yani, for example, a divine cross-dresser, a polovy calf, a blue hair.

It’s not enough to breed a person grub roslini, dormouse and earthen pear, or Jerusalem artichoke 145 , 146 . Ale bagatto hto zі skladnotsvitikh - tsіnі decorative roslins(georgini, chrysanthemum, aistry) 147 , 148 . To the warehouse of your homeland enter richly medicinal roslini (chamomile likarska, nigtiki likarska, low trirozdilna).

Among fold-flowered roslins there are single-flowered and opalescent herbs, napkins, chagars, liani and small trees. The villages are representatives of the family, sounding, not high growth, like growing mainly on oceanic islands. So on the Galapagos Islands endemic plants grow from the genus scalesia (Scalesia), for example, see villages that reach at a height of 20 m scalesia petiole (S. pedunculata). Representatives of this genus establish right foxes. The largest tree from the family of folded flowers in Madagascar is a tree of the first size, up to 40 m high and a stovbur diameter up to 1 m, brachylena merana (Brachylaena merana). In the middle of the folding flowers, the rosettes of the tree also grow. Their stovbur does not bloom, but weakly blooms and carries a crown of leaves on top of a bunch or a rosette. Rosette trees of the genus christian (Senecio) reach a height of 7.5 m, grow in the highlands of Africa. Among the representatives of the family, succulent growths grow, the stench grows from the pivden edge of Africa to Ethiopia and Madagascar.

Leaves cіl_snі abo rozsіchenі, іnоdі reduction, without leaflets. Leaf growth is mostly black, more opposite or kalamutne. The size, shape, and stage of dissection of the leaf blade vary greatly, like the great ones, likeJapanese bilokopitnik (Petasites gaponicus, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands, Japan), platyvka leaf tsієї roslina in diameter reaches 1.5 m; up to the little ones, reduced like the American onebaccharis leafless (Baccharis aphylla). In most species of leaves with pinnate veins, although they appear with parallel or parallel-arc-like veins, characteristic of some species of the genusgoat (Scorzonera).

Roslini tsgogo family sound easy to recognize for the typical sutsvіttya - cat. The basis of the cat is made by expanding the bed of the flower, on which the flowers are folded, which closely adjoin one to one. Zovni zagalne kvіtkolozhe otochene obgortkoy, scho folded from more less heavily modified top leaves. The tickets were taken from the head part of the head of the chi cat. Sizes of koshikiv vary from a number of millimeters to a number of tens of centimeters. Vignatok to become cultural roslini, some of them have cats with a diameter of 60 cm, for exampledormouse single (Helianthus annuus). The cats are single or arranged in folded colors: spike-like, khurtovinn, racemose and others. The tickets are two-state or two-state, sometimes sterile. Types of tickets are different: tubular parts, chibnomovnі, yazichkovі, lіychastі. In some species, the cats may have butts only tubular parts or two types of tubular parts in the center, and along the edge of the chibnoyazychkovy or liy part; in other tickets, the cats have only tongues. Often the quotes from the cat are different from the status of the state. Zvichayni so podednannya:

    Krayovі kvіtki sterile, vnutrіshnі both articles (dormouse);

    Krayovі vouchers for women, internal articles (niv'yanik);

    Krayovі vouchers for women, internal cholovіchі (mother and mother);

    Roslini dvodomni (cat's foot);

    All tickets are two-state (kulbaba).

Tichinok 5, grown into a tube with pilyoviks and large threads, attached to the tube of a wreath. The ovary is lower, one-hole. Stovpchik z two tricks. In rich folded-colored cats, there can be even greater rozmіri, it’s rather zabarvlennya that receiving smell, which adds a large number of coma of zapilyuvachіv. The main zapilyuvachi bdzholi, axes, dzhmelі and іnshі peretinchastocryli, іnоdі luskokrilі. Ale, you see, yaks are spitting in the wind, for example, representatives of the familypolynomial (Artemisia). Plid Simyanka, mostly with a forelock. Some species on Sim'yants have a toothed margin. The greater number of sights of the simyanka are expanding in the wind. See the present, which are carried in the wool of creatures, for examplelow (Bedens).

In the midst of the folding flowers, the names of the compass of the roses are ringing. At noon, the stench of the buildings roztashovuvat their leaves with a rub until the light falls on them; with this, one wide side of the headscarf is turned on the back, and the other side is on the back. This kind of leaf growth protects against overheating by drowsy exchanges and reduces transpiration, without reducing the intensity of photosynthesis. The compass of the growth sings the bagmen in the midst of the city. The most visible compass bush from the number of folding flowerswild lettuce abo compasnia (Lactuca serriola). The deyakі representatives of the family are not only sensitive to the intensity of the sony light, but also to the humidity of other atmospheric phenomena. So vidi serve as their own barometry, for example, like catssow thistle Sonchus oleraceus

A lot of representatives of the family can be important for the state, like grub, medicinal and decorative plants. Nairiznomanіtnіshі collapsible flowers radiate like beautiful flowers growing in gardens and gardens. All-world popularity was won by chrysanthemums and georgia. Numerical seechrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum) loitering in various parts of the Old World. Long before our time, stench was cultivated in China. Chrysanthemum is the national flower of Japan. Readgeorgina (Dahlia), with a wild looking sack in Mexico and Guatemala. Nearly 8000 varieties of georgines have been bred in the culture. A lot of representatives of the family of tsіnі likarski roslini. Among themswamp cudweed (Gnaphalium uliginosum),camomile (Matricaria recutita),nіgtiki (Calendula officinalis). Among the representatives of the family are evil storms.sow thistle (poloviy) zhovtii (Sonchus arvensis), up tonatural restorer (Senecio vulgaris), roadside growths and growths of damaged habitats -chamomile

1. From what parts of the flower do fruits become established?

Plid is settled from the zav'yaz.

2. What fruit is called a berry?

A berry is a juicy fruit with softness, covered with a thin skin.

Power supply

1. Do you know about the growing of the pastlon family?

To pastlonovyh one can see such growths, like potatoes, tomato, eggplant, petunia, dope, henbane, beladona, smoking tyutyun.

2. Reshuffle the signs of the pastlon family.

Mustache paslonovі mayut the same budovu flowers and fruits. A flower flower rose has a sub-flower color: filizhanka with 5 sprouting of sepals and vines with 5 sprouting of pellusts. They have 5 hens, and the queen is 1. The formula of the paslon's card is: * H (5) L (5) T5P1. Fruit either berries or boxes.

3. Bring stocks of sheep, decorative and medicinal plants, which lie down to the pastel family.

Vegetables: potatoes, tomato, eggplant, pepper.

Decorative: petunia, fizalis.

Medicinal: belladonna, henbane, scopolia.

4. How do bruises of speech linger on the body, what can be found in the leaves of a smoking tyutyun?

Of these, especially toxic nicotine. Vin opens blood, destroys the heart, organizes the breath. Chicken brings healthy people.

5. What kind of cultural growths and what signs can be attributed to the legume family?

Among them are food (peas, kvassol, soybeans, beans, peanuts), decorative (cara-gana, or zhovta acacia, robinia, or bila acacia, wisteria, winter peas), fodder (stable, lupine, alfalfa).

A flower of panicle leaves is irregularly shaped, the color is underwire, a cup with 5 sprouting of sepals, a vine of 5 pelluses (2 of them are sprouting). Seeds of a bean leaf can be especially named: the upper one, the largest one - the windshield, the bichni - the oars, the 2 adult lower ones - the chovnik. Tovkach, rotting in the middle of a chovnik, weaning 10 tichins. In most roslin, the threads of 9 larvae are growing, and 1 is becoming free. The formula for a ticket for more panicles: H (5) L1 + 2 + (2) T (9) + 1P1.

Bulbs with bacteria appear on the roots of the paniculata.

For panicle growths, a characteristic brush and head is characteristic.

6. Yaki characteristic signs representatives of the family of folding flowers?

A sign of the growth of the family of folded flowers is characteristic - the presence of the color of the cat. Ring out the buzz to avenge a lot of rubbish tickets that are sitting on the bed. All the flowers are sharpened with a rim of leaves, ringing green.

Flowers of folding colors may have a sub-colour, but the filigree in them is either not broken, or it is represented by bristles or hairs, which make the forelock. The vine is made up of 5 sprouts at the tube of pellets. Tichinok tezh 5; Quote has 1 queen.

Plid Simyanka. The last bagatioh folded flowers may fly - sticking to the width of the fruit in the wind.

7. Name the folding flowers of the dewdrops for you. What is the practical meaning of the stench?

The family of folded flowers has a lot of decorative roslins: aistry, georgina, daisies, nigtiki, chrysanthemums and others.

Rich in folding flowers and medicinal roses: chamomile, oman, hair, mother-and-machukha, tansy, low that іn.

Important indigenous weeds: pollinated thistle, pollinated sow thistle.

Of the rural roslins of the fold-flowered family, the most popular dormouse.


Why do such roses have a family of folded flowers, like a kulbaba, an aster, a hair, a chamomile, at first glance guess a single flower?

In such a rank, the stench will add coma. The leather card is not shown.

The Latin name is compositae (asteraceae).
Aquatic class.

Description The family of folded flowers is important to the most numerous of all families of water-dwelling dews and plays an important role in the dew cover of the planet. More than 20,000 species include mainly one-sided and opulent herbaceous growths, which, according to their size, vary from large (dormouse) to very critical. Rіdshe zustrіchayutsya chagarniki vіd 1 to 3 m (аіні до 8 m) and low trees. Like vines, the warehouse of the family includes: petiole scales, which reach 20 meters in height and make majestic foxes in the Galapagos Islands, as well as brahilena merana, which grows in Madagascar, curls up to 40 meters and a torso up to 1 meter, rotten trees.

Golovnі vіdmitnі signs of folding flowers.

  • Foldable budova vouchers, as if they truly represent the number of flowers - a cat that is folded from other vouchers, which are strongly adjoined one to one, the number of which varies from one to one (for a mordovnik) to dekilkoh hundreds (for a dormouse). Remain roztashovutsya on the extended end of the voucher and sharpened with a bold filigree, as it is folded from one or two or a few rows of small types of top leaves - prikitnikiv. At the result, go out, what will the cat guess, main function as if they were defending the tickets against the unfriendly inflows of dovkill. Wild ayster growing trees are characterized by a diameter of 1 to 10 cm, rarely up to 10-15 cm. In polynus stink, the name's crown is only 2-4 mm, and in dormouse, which is cultivated, it reaches close to 60 cm.
  • The thoroughness of the outbuildings is especially special, in order to shed sawn, flooded, and successful resettlement. The stars of this power of folded flowers grow up as the most highly organized among the flowers.

Deyakі roslini sіmeystva folded flowers may unique authority compass. At the noon hour, the stench, with the method of overheating, turns its leaves with a rub until sleepy changes fall on them. In this direction, one wide side of the leaf blade is always stunted to shid, and the other side is shriveled, and the intensity of photosynthesis does not decrease. The compass of the aistrovy roses linger on the vіdkritіy mass. The most common of them are wild lettuce and wild American part of sil'fium widely spread in Europe and Asia.

At its warehouse, a family of aistrovs will have a lot of lordly-important roslins:

  • olіynі (dormouse, safflower, madiya);
  • vegetables (artichoke, lettuce, chicory, endive, gorodny lettuce);
  • kormovі (Jerboa);
  • medicinal (arnica, chamomile, calendula, pollen cypress, oman, tansy);
  • rubber (guayula);
  • decorative (aster, georgina, chrysanthemum, nigtik, oxamite, etc.).

Deyakі vvazhayutsya evil weeds: thistle, sow thistle, burdock, ragweed, hot pepper, cocklebur, voloska, derevіy that іn.

Folding flowersє warehouse succulence - a cat, like at first glance it is accepted, like one flower. Sound the stench of being different or both articles, both sterile. For symmetry and the nature of the growth of pelyustok, five types of tickets are distinguished:

  • The tubular parts (bodyak, polyn) of a healthy one are hermaphrodite and more similarly one-state. Their vines have five pellusts, which grew into a tube, as the beast expands easily, or a small vine can grow. Tsі vіtki ring roztashovani in the center of the cat (zhovtі vіtki near the dormouse, chamomile, daisies). Quote formula: L(5) T5P1.
  • Yazichkovі (sow thistle, kulbaba, chicory) - the shape of the vine may look like a shortened tubule, in the form of a tongue, the pellets are growing, growing among themselves. Flowers have 5 cloves on the upper edge (knichiki of sprouted pellets), 5 hens and 1 queen. L(5) T5P1.
  • Voronkopodіbnі (krayovі in a cat's hair) - bezstatevі vouchers of asymmetric form. Їх vіnochok is a long tube with great extensions in the kintsі, which will guess the virva. The number of teeth they have is greater than the rachka of the chastkovy splitting of the free ends of the pellets. Tichinki and matochka chirp every day. The formula may look like: L (6-9) T0P0.
  • Hibnomovnі zvnі nadajut yazychkovі, but utavlennі slyakhom rasshchuvanni not five, but three pelyustok, as a result of which on the upper edge mayut the same number of cloves. Sound the stench of roses, like a regional one (sonia, chamomile), zaluchayuchi coma-zapilyuvachiv. L (3) T 0 P 1
  • Dvoguby (nassuv'ya) - one-state or two-state tickets, zustrichayutsya rarely. The upper lip, which consists of two teeth, and the lower lip with three teeth, enter the long tube of the vіnochka.

In some types of koshiki, only tubular flowers or two types of flowers can be folded: at the center of the tubular part, and either part or chibnoyazychkovki along the edge. In others - less than lingual. Quite often, tickets to the cat are also treated as statutory support. Pilyoviki cracks open in the middle of the tube, deaccumulating a faceless file. Plid folded flowers - a single-nested simyanka, which does not grow, with a woody or wooly shell, sometimes with a fly.

leafing through in roslins of the Aistrov family, it is more important to have black veins with different types of pinnate veining, more opposite to day parallel or parallel-arc venation. Їx shape, size and degree of dissection of the plate y different types differ greatly. In the leafless baccharis, the leaves of the arborvitae are crichitni (of the whole sprig of millimeters), which function as a function of photosynthesis, the rod-like stems, and the leaves of the Japanese baccharis reach up to about 2 meters. The most original form of the leaf plate can be boasted by the deacons of the American liani of the mutation genus.

Rich representatives of folded flowers of power pubescence. Thick fluff is especially pronounced in the species, which grows in the minds of a sharp change in temperature or constant dryness. The hairs of the cunning curvature are cut in different ways: soft and thick, one-and bagatoclitin, straight or curvy, negligible (simple) and yard-like, zirchast and іn.

Root system in most species of the Aistrov family, it is represented by the well-known shear root, which is often bulbous-like sweating (burdock). In rich roslins, the roots are also rooted, which draws in, in some, mushroom roots grow.

Rozpovsyuzhennya. The folded flowers of the dewdrops linger in all the little patches of the planet, it is more possible to use the foundation of the dewdrops. In America, Central Asia, and foreign Europe, the stench is wider at a significant number, and in the countryside, the number of their species is noticeably changing. Deyakі vidi took root in the tundra in the midst of alpine snows and navit on barren sands. In the highlands of tropical America and Africa, original rosettes of aster rosettes grow. In the pustles, one can have strongly pubescent, chagarnikov or cushion-like, thorny and may be leafless growths with green stems that flatten.

Reproduction. More important is the roslin family of folded flowers and coma-hoopy. They have little-remembered tubular flowers in the center of the cat, sharpened with bright white, yellow, orange-golden or great red flowers, commemorating the great weather. The stench is often useless and only serves as a signaling function. Other aistrovs with inconspicuous colors add nectar to the clods, which are seen as the base of the stone and saw. The main zapilyuvachi - tse bdzholi, dzhmeli and osi, and in some species of the genus mutisiya - birds. Some of the representatives of the family (for example, kulbaba) have fruit that is not tainted.


You remember that the Earth has seen over 200 thousand flower growths. 25 thousand species of them lie down to a family of folding flowers.

Skladnotsvit rosliny - tse sonyashnik, eystry, zhorginy, golden kuli, nigtiki, black brivtsі, daisies, chrysanthemums, hairs, daisies, kulbaba, mati-and-machukha and richly other, more often grassy roslins, which lie down to the class of water-flowered.

Drіbnі kvіtki folded-flowered roslin zbranі in the color of the cat. The flowers of the flowers are sharpened with a rounded edge from green leaves. Quite often, the flowers of the cat in the folded flowers are pardoned for one ticket. For example, oshaty yellow kulbabi cats on a spring meadow look like a great single flower with a great number of pelyustok. In truth, kulbabi flowers, like the best of other folding flowers, make a cat. Ale, there are no tubular flowers in the kulbabi cat, all the stinks of tongues.

The pellusts of the vein of the skin flower of the kulbabi grew into a tube from below, and the toppart is similar to a long tongue. On the tip of such a tongue, remember 5 cloves. Tse traced the growth of 5 pelyustok, like the bules of the ancestors of the kulbabi. At the tongue flowers of the kulbabi, 5 chicks made a tube, it’s easy for the matochka to pass through. Green fіl_zhanki kvіtka kulbabi do not wash. Deputy filizhanka they have a bunch of white hairs.

From the buds of flowers, the fruits of the simyanka develop. The stench is similar to the dormouse's simyanka, but rather fuzzy, with a tuft of hairs on a thin lower leg. The hairs of the fetuses sprouted from the reshaped cup.

Deyakі roslini from the family of folded flowers make flowers, decorated only with tubular flowers. There are no tongue-tied flowers among such roslins, for example, among the evil, bagatarian weeds. Yogo lilac-purple tubular parts of the flower are selected in the color of the cat. Fruits of the bodyak tezh simyanki with a forelock. Fallen in the wind, the stench of flying doti, the docks do not shut up like a perestroy. When closed, a screaming forelock breaks, and now falls to the ground.

Voloshka blue growth in the fields, often in crops of grain crops, defiled soil. With a good soil treatment, the right look after the field crops of the hairs will be known.

At the hair is blue, or posіvny, in the center of the succulence there are ruffled tubular flowers, and along the edge lykopodibnі.

The edges of the flower blue hair. The stench does not make any chicks, nor queens and fruits do not make. Internal slips of tubular parts, violet. After the birth of them, the fruits of the simyanka with a small forelock develop.

All the same, the flowers of folded flowers didn’t wake up, all the stinks may be scorching signs that wake up their species of roslin and other families. The most characteristic sign of the family of folded flowers is the color of the cat. He has selected anonymous other tickets. The flowers make vines from five pellets that have grown. The calyx is replaced by a chub made of hairs and plіvok. 5 chicks grow into a tube with their pilafs. The flower has 1 queen, from the ovary it develops a seedling.

Flowers of folded flowers grow in tongues, tubular parts and liychasts. You can only have cats with tongue-and-groove tickets, like a kulbabi. Cats are only trapping with tubular flowers, like a bodyak.

The dormouse, aster, chamomile-priest on the edge of the cat have ruffled tongues, and in the center - tubular flowers. At the succulent hair along the edges there are liychasts of the flower, and in the center - trumpets.

People grew up in equal measure, not richly grew up from that great family. Heads of them - dormouse and earthen pear, or Jerusalem artichoke, as well as decorative plants, for example, georgina, chrysanthemums, icetrees, daisies and others, which embellish our kvtniki.

Let's talk about one of the largest homelands among water-dwelling growths - aistrovihs (folded flowers). We don’t mention it ourselves, we stick with it by the representatives of practically every day - at the butt, at the culinary and just on the street. The flowers of the aistrov family are not the widest in our flowerbeds and in the gardens, and every kitchen cannot do without the soniashnikova oliya.

Family of Aistrov: a common characteristic

Family includes more great number pologіv, dosit conveniently name the exact figure, it is kolivaetsya in the ranges from 1100 to 1300, and roznovidіv over 20,000. The range of breadth is wide, representatives of this family grow in all climatic zones: in the smoky tropics to the cold tundra, high in the mountains and on the coast of the seas. The stinks grow on the native black soils, and the pustels near the piskas. A great number of sights ensured the Aistrovs a wide stagnation of life.

Vіdmіnnoy osobennostyu all roslin, yakі includes the family Astrovі - tse folded sutsvittya - koshik, which is made up of impersonal drіbnih and unremarkable kvіtіv, but at once the stench becomes a very hostile picture.

Budov cards

The name of the flower seems to speak for itself: a cat, that is a singing capacity, it is folded into a yak. The city is widened at the end of the flower, it can be flat, swollen or curved. Yakraz on nіy i roztashovuyutsya numerically And for the most part everything is sharpened with one or dekіlkom rows of prikіtnikіv. Usі kvіti family divide into five types:

  • Trubchasti, mostly hermaphrodite and richer than one-state. They make a shape at the sight of a tube, as it expands at the end or may be wide.
  • Hibnomovnі kvіti - stench settles down after the growth of three peluses and mayut the same number of cloves, rotting on the upper edge.
  • Yazichkovi - vіnochok maє the shape of a shortened tube, in the form of which the pellets come out, which grew up among themselves. As a rule, they have five hens and one queen.
  • Funnel-like - asymmetrically shaped, bezstatev, vein near the double tube, strongly expanded at the ends (funnel).
  • Two lips - a pipe of a vіnochka to dovg, and in it two tongues (lips) come out. They can be two-state or one-state.

If you take the same dormouse for the butt, then everyone called garna kvitka. І tse is absolutely wrong from the point of view of botany. So it’s true, it’s a flower, it’s like revenge for over 1000 small old flowers (tubular), and the wide and bright petals of an orange or yellow color - all the language flowers. Completely foldable and thin organization, thought out by nature to the most important details.

Representatives of the family have the following formula for the quote:

* Ca (0, grown) Z (5) A (5) G (2).

Vaughn is typical for the whole family of aistrov. The formula of the ticket is deciphered by the approaching rank: the tickets of both articles, the sprat of symmetry planes, the calyx, the vine of five pelluses, the tartars 5, the queens two, the knot over them.

Budova leaves that root

About Budova leaves can be said only in vain, there is a large group of roslins, represented by various life forms. Dormouse, burdock, budyaks, aistri and zinnia, Jerusalem artichoke, tree-like forms, trees, gerbera and a lot of other species - all the family of aistrov. Zagalna characteristic lie in what the leafing is, as a rule, chergov, but it can be opposite. Rosemary, and more often, the form varies in a wide range of decimals of millimeters up to 2-3 meters. The venation of representatives of the family is mostly pinnate. Leaves can be pubescent, steps of diversity are rich, richly grown thorns.

Root to do good rozvineniya and at large roslin maє strizhnevu budovu (good rozviny head root and impersonal appendages). For example, to complete the guesswork of a typical representative of the family - kulbabi likarskaya, with her that її know a lot of people. They can also be modified with sweats that make a bulb, for example, from a burdock.

How are the fruits of house growing?

Astrov (folding flowers) make a plaid simyanka. Vіn dry, nasіnnya revenge alone. Navkoplodnik shkiryasty and when ripe does not grow. Widely widened on the sim'yantsi of different hairs, ledges, own hacks, as if at one's side to graft the widening of the wind behind the wind (kulbabi, polyna), with creatures or on the odyas of people (cherga, burdock).

Life form of folding flowers

Life forms are presented in a practical way in general, but in the Persian Empire it is surrounded by a majestic area of ​​expansion, but still, aistrov (folded color) is mainly grassy growth (single-leaved or bagatoric). Rosemaries vary at high boundaries - from the arches of the smallest representatives to the giants of the crown of the sprat of meters.

A rich variety of views are napіvchagarniki or chagarniki to reach significant growths (up to 5-8 meters of crown). For example, the melampodium of swamps, the fatherland of such a Vologda, swampy fox Luyziani in the USA.

A family of aistrovi maє representatives and among the trees, the truth is all the stinks of the inhabitants of the pivdennyh lands. For example, scales in the Galapagos Islands, which can reach 20 meters at a height, but more and more won’t grow in any corner of the planet. Abo grew to the genus Brakhilena from Pivdennoy Africa. Giant trees, yakі can finish the mіtsnu wood, stіyku to rot, for which they are highly valued.

In New Zealand, fluff-like huts make up the whole chagar forest. It is a tree-like form, like a thick kilim up to a meter high, covering a large area (one building growth grows up to two meters in diameter).

Zustrichayutsya among the folding flowers of liani (mikannya, mutisiya), succulents and navit such a rare life form, like perekotypole (cornflower rose, asteriscus dwarf).

Traditionally, all the family of Aistrov is divided into two branches: tubular flowers and tongue.

Pіrodina aistrovі (tubkokolorovі)

More important is the number of colors - tubular parts. There are over a thousand slopes and more than twenty tribes (taxonomic rank in botany, which is the lowest for the family, and the highest for the genus). For example, naivedomish - ce aistrov, calendula, sonyashnikov, navel, oxamite and others.

Pirodina chicory (or lettuce)

I called my friend the language, on the front of the front family there are less than three tribes, and the number of flats is close to two hundred - only a small part of the mustache of the number of roslin, which enters up to the aistrov family. Representatives of chicory grow practically on all continents, in our country the most common appearance is notable with bright black flowers and extensions like a Buryan. Protea roslin is a good honey plant, and in culinary arts, vicory roots are used to prepare caviar.

Aystrov family: kharchove meaning

The tradition of growing this family in culinary arts is popular for a long time, the most popular butt is the whole olive tree. Yogo fatherland - Pivnichna America. Vіn successfully acclimatized in our area, now the dormouse grows on an industrial scale. The most important product from the new one is tse, obviously, Sonyashnikova Oliya. Ale krіm tsgogo otrimuyut nasіnnya, lard (solid fat, which is used for preparing margarine that is sweet), when vicory is made, it is like food for creatures.

One more yaskravy and istivny, but, unfortunately, we have a representative of the family, which does not grow, - the artichoke (pictured). Traditionally, yoga is taken with a vegetable, but in fact it’s a bud that hasn’t opened. As an independent dish, chi is a side dish of wines widely spread in the Mediterranean lands and in America.

Jerusalem artichoke is famous for its savory qualities, which are cultivated not only like kharchova, but also like technical fodder.

Decorative and medicinal value

The aistrov family (photo) has been famous for its decorative and beautiful species for a long time.

Breeders have bred an unknown number of varieties of garden flowers. Everyone knows that chrysanthemums and gerberas are popular in flower shops. If only once, who could have a flower bed, they would grow aistri chi daisies, zinnias and black-browns, georgia and ageratumi.

Of the medicinal plants, the most popular colors are: chamomile, arnica, low, rose thistle, polin, tansy, calendula and many others. Їх tsіlyuscha dіya on the organism is revered and brought, using real herbs є naytsіnіnіshmi homeopathic methods.

The family of Aistrov, the representatives of such a species, perhaps, the skin, gave the world of neymovirna a large number of valuable state, decorative, medicinal roses.

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