Autumn night for red birch trees. Russian language. II. Control work before lessons in the block "Pravopis"

1. Dictation (in-line)


Autumn night. Behind the red birch trees you can see the husband of the dawn sky. At the height of the hill there is a crane.
Closely I can hear the call of a crane. I want to stand by myself at the lowlands. Why is there only one wine? Why not fly from us?
Crane with a fight to marvel at me. The axis of the wines grew and easily angered. Sound yogo sumny cry. ( 49 sliv)

Spelling task

Option I

1. Write 3–4 words from the text with a voiceless voice, which is revered, beforehand. Instruct write down the reverb word, put it in your voice, identify the root of the words, give voice to the voice that is being re-verified.


2. t .

Happy, cicavius, regional ... ny, us ... ny, heavenly ... ny, not nas ... ny, zhah ... ny, mis ... ny, trees. ..ny, chess ... ny.

Option II

1. Write 3-4 words from the text with the twisted word in the root of the word. Instruct write down the reverb words, identify the root, support the year, which is reverberated.


2. In the middle of these words, find out that you write down only t, in which you need to write a letter in the gap about .

Div ... thirds, repeat, s ... nti, page ... on, sl ... nenok, in ... l ... sinka, eye ... eyes, us ... pour, h., pіd...riti, vil...vіt.

(I and II quarters)

Shanov's colleagues! Control robots, as we suggest to your respect, specially for the initial-methodical set of Russian language, created within the framework of the project " Pochatkov school XXI century" (scientific scholar - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts N.F. Vinogradova, author of Russian language assistant - S.V. Ivanov, A.O. Evdokimova, M.I. Kuznetsova, L.V. Petlenko, V .Yu.Romanova), but you can also learn Russian language in classes that teach Russian language for other assistants and programs. You can learn about the peculiarities of the control work and the specifics of their evaluation in the newspaper "Pochatkova School" No. /2003.

I quarter

Intelligent calendar-thematic plan for conducting control tests

Topic: phonetic analysis of the word and analysis of the word in a warehouse (based on lessons 1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 13, 16).
Orientation term: 25–28 May.

2. Test()

The topic and term of the test are matched with the topic and term of the flow control work.

Topic: simple proposition (see the speech with the definition of speech, non-expanded and extended propositions, slogans and other propositions).
Orientation term: 21–25 July.

1. Dictation(in-line)

Topic: repetition of the spelling of the root (based on lessons 2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14).
Orientation term of the event: 21–25 April.

2. Test(variant of streaming dictation)

The topic and term of the test are matched with the topic and term of the flow dictation.

3. Cheating

The topic and the term of the conduction are written off with the topic and the term of the conduction of the in-line dictation.

4. Sub-bag dictation

Topic: spelling, education in the 2nd class.
The bag dictation includes material from the 1st to the 36th lesson. Orientation term: July 28–31.

1. Flow control of the robot

Option I

1. We divided the words into storage.

2. Choose and write down the words, in which order there are ringing and deaf sounds.

Misce, floating, gallop, daughter, base, lily, ditlahi.

3. clown.

4. Write the words with the same prefixes.

Kind, dobigti, dorosti, doshka, distance, budinochok, dovchiti.

5. Roseberry behind the warehouse word powder.

6 (dodatkove). Find the word in the text, in which you put the chotiri, your voice falls on the third warehouse, all the sounds of the word ringing and firm.

Option II

1. We divided the words into storage.

Povaga, grass, burulki, snake, chovnik.

2. Write down the words, in which order there are two deaf sounds.

Misce, floating, stribati, union, scorch, daughter, base, ditlahi, sauna, syaє.

3. Zrobi phonetic analysis of the word ford.

4. Write down single-root words.

Bіl, likarnya, more, sickness, bolt, sore, sickness.

5. Roseberry behind the warehouse word screamer.

6 (dodatkove). Find the word in the text, in which there are three warehouses, the voice falls on the first warehouse, the word has three twin sounds (two soft and one hard).

Strumok viviv me z lіsu. The meadow stretched out wickedly, the city went down to the stream with the right hand.
I am in the meadow, joking across the crossing. It's time to power on nothing. Axis of places from shore to shore.

Option III

1. We divided the words into storage.

Smіsya, iodine, kazka, sіm'ya, gorobtsі.

2. Write down the words, in which order there are two voiced sounds.

Misce, floating, union, scorch, daughter, theatre, lily, ditlahi, sauna, ocean.

3. Zrobi phonetic analysis of the word towel.

4. Write down the words with the same meanings and sounding suffixes.

Liotchik, key, perekladach, zvіnochok, rozvіdnik, zamovnik.

5. Roseberry behind the warehouse word bezkhmarny.

6 (dodatkove). Find a word in the text, in which there are two warehouses, the voice falls into another warehouse, the words have a loud sound (two sounds, two deaf).

Strumok viviv me z lіsu. The meadow stretched out wickedly, the city went down to the stream with the right hand.
I am in the meadow, joking across the crossing. It's time to power on nothing. Axis of places from shore to shore.

2. Test

Option I


1. fields
2. dispute
3. dog
4. whiteness
5. half


1. i-ma
2. nail
3. ra-ke-ta
4. ma-y-ka
5. li-liya


1. paw
2. toad
3. year
4. sack
5. sorrel


1. guest
2. vaga
3. confusion
4. flowers
5. whole


1. [g]
2. [p]
3. [f]
4. [n]
5. [w]


1. [y]
2. [th"]
3. [l]
4. [a]
5. [and]


8. see.

1. [sp "th" yut]
2. [sp "th" ut]
3. [sp "th" ut]
4. [sp "yut]
5. [sp"th"th"ut]

9. threat.

1. thunderous
2. grizny
3. clutter
4. threaten
5. clutter

10. on the- .

1. komakhi
2. think
3. paint
4. break
5. write on

11. -OK- .

1. teremok
2. lesson
3. market
4. sinok
5. fox

12. Significant "x" all words with zero endings.

1. winter hut
2. joy
3. watchman
4. subway
5. voice


14. Significant "x" of the word that matches the scheme: .

1. bows
2. cat
3. maple
4. note
5. raspberries

Option II

1. Significant "х" all words z percussive sound[a].

1. uncle
2. tina
3. change
4. silence
5. river

2. Significant "x" all words that are incorrectly divided into warehouses.

1. o-sen
2. tea
3. board
4. ma-li-na
5. new

3. Vіdznach "х" all words, yakі pochinayutsya z solid unpaired sound.

1. digit
2. bear
3. often
4. scarf
5. hairy

4. Vіdznach "х" all words, yaki ending with the same sound.

1. confusion
2. frost
3. nіs
4. crunch
5. visa

5. Significant "x" all deaf sounds.

1. [f]
2. [to]
3. [l]
4. [t]
5. [c]

6. Significant "x" all voice sounds.

1. [e]
2. [m]
3. [a]
4. [th"]
5. [i]

7. Significant "x" is all words that are composed of three warehouses.

1. raspberry
2. sun
3. cabin
4. watering can
5. ring

8. Significant "x" correct transcription of the word warm.

1. [gr "th" ut]
2. [gr"th"th"ut]
3. [gr "yut]
4. [gr "th" ut]
5. [gr "th" yut]

9. Significant "x" of the word, the same root word nіs.

1. transferred
2. wear
3. nasal (khustka)
4. spout
5. wear

10. Significant "x" used words with a prefix per- .

1. bury
2. fall asleep
3. rolling pin
4. overgrowth
5. padlock

11. Significant "x" used words with suffix -Ік- .

1. bag
2. scream
3. house
4. knife
5. drummer

12. Significant "x" of the word with zero endings.

1. witch
2. garage
3. warm
4. coat
5. frost

13. Significant "x" word, as it is correctly sorted out of the warehouse.

14. Significant "х" all words that match schemes: .

3. Podsumkova control robot

Option I

1. Find in the text and write down the indecent proposition.

(For Y. Frolov)


1. Opovidne non-calling.
2. Food non-Vigukove.
3. Reasonable food.

3. Write down the proposition, at the yakіy pіdlyagaє perebuvaє before the award. Vіdznach tsomu rechenni grammatical basis.

Ishov I'm overgrown with vines.
The sun rises brightly.
The fox had first thawed patches.

4. Describe the 2nd sound of the word doors, 4th sound of the word crab, 2nd sound of the word sleep 3rd sound of the word checkbox.

5. Write down the words that have the correct prefix.

6 (dodatkove). From these words, put together and write down an advocacy, non-callable extended proposition. Significantly new grammatical basis.

Kuschi, sunken, whistling, for, hazel grouse.

Option II

1. Find in the text and write down the spontaneous wiguk call.

The chipmunk sits on its hind legs and chews quickly. What wine is there? Aja can’t see anything real dovkol?! The chipmunk stopped chewing and pulled the lungwort leaf to the mouth with its front paws. So from wine chim lasu! Well, chipmunk, hedgehog, gain strength after a long winter!

(For Y. Frolov)

2. Write down the number of the characteristic of the proposition, although the intonation and the meaning of the speech, like the proposition of the mother cannot.

2. Calmly informally.
3. Motivational non-calling.

3. Write down the proposition, yakіy has the head members incorrectly assigned. Significant grammatical basis in this proposition.

4. Describe the 4th sound of the word vzuttya, 1st sound of the word pit, 2nd sound of the word yalinka, 3rd sound of the word low.

5. Write down the words that have the correct root.

6 (dodatkove). Z tsikh slіv warehouse і write down the power of the non-clique wider speech. Significantly new grammatical basis.

Friend, by, Caucasus, mandruvati, dovgo.

Option III

1. Find in the text and write down the correct wiguk.

The chipmunk sits on its hind legs and chews quickly. What wine is there? Aja can’t see anything real dovkol?! The chipmunk stopped chewing and pulled the lungwort leaf to the mouth with its front paws. So from wine chim lasu! Well, chipmunk, hedgehog, gain strength after a long winter!

(For Y. Frolov)

2. Write down the number of the characteristic of the proposition, although the intonation and the meaning of the speech, like the proposition of the mother cannot.

1. A call to food.
2. Power sponucal.
3. A call to food.

3. Choose and write down the speech, in which the addition of expressions is not a fictitious one. Significant grammatical basis in this proposition.

The hue of the sky looked through the crack of the tree.
The eagle is a thunderstorm of fox birds and stars.
The crane's cry I felt in the fox.

4. Describe the 3rd sound of the word be afraid, 4th sound of the word scum, 3rd sound of the word z'iv, 4th sound of the word nothing

5. Write down the words that have the suffix correctly assigned.

6 (dodatkove). From these words, put together and write down a spontaneous call of an unresolved proposition.

Kolya, bіgti, ko, shvidko, me.

II. Control work before lessons in the block "Pravopis"

1. Dictation (in-line)


Autumn night. Behind the red birch trees you can see the husband of the dawn sky. At the height of the hill there is a crane.
Closely I can hear the call of a crane. I want to stand by myself at the lowlands. Why is there only one wine? Why not fly from us?
Crane with a fight to marvel at me. The axis of the wines grew and easily angered. Sound yogo sumny cry. ( 49 sliv)

Spelling task

Option I

1. Write 3–4 words from the text with a voiceless voice, which is revered, beforehand. Instruct write down the reverb word, put it in your voice, identify the root of the words, give voice to the voice that is being re-verified.


2. t .

Happy, cicavius, regional ... ny, us ... ny, heavenly ... ny, not nas ... ny, zhah ... ny, mis ... ny, trees. ..ny, chess ... ny.

Option II

1. Write 3-4 words from the text with the twisted word in the root of the word. Instruct write down the reverb words, identify the root, support the year, which is reverberated.


2. In the middle of these words, find out that you write down only t, in which you need to write a letter in the gap about .

Div ... thirds, repeat, s ... nti, page ... on, sl ... nenok, in ... l ... sinka, eye ... eyes, us ... pour, h., pіd...riti, vil...vіt.

2. Test

Option I


1. be wise
2. extreme
3. chalk
4. re-ls
5. v'yu-ga


1. snake
2. in'ezd
3. growth
4. frame
5. pit

3. і .

1. zh ... before
2. with ... rock
3. w...lo
4. fat
5. d...mok

4. Significant "x" used words, in which a letter is missing a .

1. kl ... ksa
2. sh...vel
3. m...h
4. scream...
5. Ch...sha

5. Significant "x" used words, in which a letter is missing about .

2. pid...rit
3. rainy
4. h ... owl
5. p...livy


1. babies
2. blade of grass
3. berry
4. gardener
5. kilim

7. l e nyay.

1. line
2. line
3. linux
4. line
5. line

8. Significant "x" all words no h cue.

1. low
2. short
3. low
4. bottom
5. bottom

9. Significant "x" used words, in which a letter is missing h .

1. skils ...
2. polo...ka
3. close ... cue
4. say...
5. red...


1. sharp
2. landing
3. dressing
4. disguise
5. zoshit

11. Significant "x" used words, in which a letter is missing t .

1. savory...
2. power
3. unsafe
4. brown ...
5. licorice...

12. d .

1. compo[t]
2. sa[t]
3. como[t]
4. cr[t]
5. city[t]

13. Vіdznach "х" word with pardon.

1. wretch
2. sumny
3. nosy
4. naznik
5. mirror

14. mis t ny.

1. take revenge
2. mіstsevіst
3 places
4. scaffold
5. Mistechko

Option II

1. Significant "x" all words, which are incorrectly divided into warehouses for transfer.

1. bunny
2. bird
3. waltz
4. zyom-ka
5. more painful

2. Significant "x" all words, yaki cannot be transferred.

1. strength
2. threesome
3. b'yut
4. mist
5. street

3. Significant "x" used words, in which a letter is missing a .

1. h ... shcha
2. sh...vel
3. p...ty
4. kettle
5. soft... soft

4. Significant "x" used words, in which a letter is missing і .

2. life ...
3. p...shny
4. sh...lo
5. f...raf

5. Significant "x" used words, in which a letter is missing about .

1. k..l...sik
2. Nav...
3. tr...vinca
4. ring
5. k...tit

6. Significant "x" is all words, in which you can reverify in a non-voiced voice.

1. old
2. whilina
3. plank
4. yearn
5. hero

7. Match "x" all word-to-word conversions m about Russian.

1. sailor
2. seaside
3. sailor
4. sea
5. fruit drink

8. Match "x" all word-to-word conversions zavya h ka.

1. mating
2. calling
3. in'yazati
4. pov'yazuwati
5. ties

9. Significant "x" used words, in which a letter is missing d .

1. mud...
2. me... cue
3. g... cue
4. sweet... cue
5. sha... cue

10. Vidznach "x" word, in which pardon is allowed.

1. paper
2. smooth
3. light
4. bandage
5. command

11. Significant "x" used words, in which a letter is missing d .

1. naznik
2. garlic...
3. piznіy
4. mirror
5. brudniy

12. Significant "х" all words, in which the letter is written on the kіntsi before .

1. sapo[k]
2. gamma[k]
3. peso[k]
4. friend[k]
5. move[k]

13. Vіdznach "х" word with pardon.

1. chesny
2. shrill
3. heavenly
4. vіdomy
5. heart

14. Match "x" all word-to-word conversions vus t ny.

1. orally
2. toma
3. stop
4. girlo
5. vusta

3. Cheating

Option I

Write the text. In another paragraph of the text, the root of the words with the spelling "Change the right in the root of the word" is assigned.

In yalina, more often from the wound, until late in the evening, sprit squirrels are bubbling.
Small fungi grew near the rosewood tree. Tasty peas were shoved from the forest comoras. In the autumn, change the little animal of your cloth for gray winter coats.
At the tops of dense yalinkas, nests were whitened with warm whites. Cover the bottom of the nest with soft moss.
Spritna and merry intelligence squirrel. ( 53 words)

(For I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

Option II

Read the text. Find three spelling pardons and write down the text in the corrected view.

On the edge of the felling, an old birch grows. Її stovbur covered with lichen. From knots to the ground hang long young chicks. The stench of robbing a birch is a strange one. There is no wind, but the birch is going to make noise.
To drown at the heart of your dear heart, the noise of all forms that cover.
Get into all the noise - and you will become the most happy! ( 53 words)

(For T. Belozerova)

4. Sub-bag dictation

I lived with siskins - Chizhik and Pizhik. The stinks loved to fly around the rooms and sit on the police. There, I saved fox peas, bird nests, and thoughtful towels.
Other siskins boiled . Buvalo, rage pіr'ya, rozkryut dzobi i hiss one on one. ale welding quickly started. Birds sat on the police and began to sleep together. ( 52 words)

Spelling task

Option I

Write down the words, replacing the sound record with letters, with two stumps:

1) words with voice a at the bailee;
2) words with voice about at the attachment. Vidznach in the words of the prefix.

[at] 'hati, [on] step on, [ab] fly, [ab] explanation, [over] rіzati, [so] write, [for] lead, [fire], [for] turn, [on] guess.

Option II

Fold and write down 10 words with prefixes without- , bis- , h- , is- , once- , race- . Significant prefixes in words.

Vitrovy, - blame, - let go, - noisy, - brown, - rule, - marvel, - lyakati, - dark, - stroke.

II quarter

Intelligent calendar-thematic plan for conducting control tests

Control work before lessons in the block "How our language is ruled"

Control work before lessons in the block "Pravopis"

1. Flow control of the robot

Topic: simple proposition; members of a simple proposition (based on lessons 35, 37, 39, 41, 44, 46).
Orientation term: 30 leaf fall - 3 breasts.

2. Test(variant of in-line control robot)

The topic and term of the test are matched with the topic and term of the flow control work.

3. Pidsumkova control work for the 1st pіvіchchya

The sub-bag control robot includes material from the 1st to the 59th lesson.
Orientation term: 20–25 th.

1. Dictation(in-line)

Topic: spelling of sliv, approving additions; o-e after the hissing; [s] after c (Based on lessons 40, 42, 45, 47, 50).
Orientation term: 3–7 th.

2. Cheating

The topics and the term of the conduction are written off with the topics and the term of the conduction of the in-line dictation.

3. Sub-bag dictation for the 1st pivrichchya

Topic: spelling, weddings in the I-II quarters of the 3rd class.
The bag dictation includes material from the 2nd to the 60th lesson.
Orientation term: 24–28 chest.

Control work before lessons in the block "How our language is ruled"

1. Flow control of the robot

Option I


Dry grass healed in the frost.
Kalyuzhi puffs thin ice.
Over the evening the sky brightened up.


We loved grati under lindens.
Brightly shine the summer sun.

3. Write down the speech. In the space of the passage, write the following words for the correct word. Podkresli їх like members of the speech.

4. yalina.

Yalin growth in water forests.
Hanging toys on the yalinka.
At the Galyavin, the children churned the yalinka.


screenshot - ___________
lie -
old -
mound -

6 (dodatkove

Option II

1. From the propositions, write out the grammatical ambush.

From the swamps dolinuv crane cry.
Cold wind easily blows through the raincoat
At the bushes behind the halyavitsa, a hazel grouse whistled through the moon.

2. Write down the propositions, find out that support all the furnishings.

A wind blowing under the lindens winds of a bunch of purple little stars.
Tomorrow we will go to the museum.

3. Write down the propositions, find out that support all the additions.

Oak is afraid of winter frosts.
Father Shvidko dug up a garden bed.

4. Sleep. The sign of the skin speech, as a member of the speech is the word yalinka.

Bіlya yalinka roaming rum'yanny Dіd Frost.
Children decorate the yalinka with colorful toys.
High yalinkas honed the galyavin with a green round dance.

5. Think up and write down a proposition so that these words will be designated members of the speech. Describe the speech, how to use it and intonation.

magpie - ________
watch -
offspring - _ _ _ _ _ _
dbaily -
own -

6 (dodatkove). Read the text. Find out and write down the proposition, as you see the scheme:

I am lying in the fallow grass on a puddle. Goydayutsya over the head of the golden kvіti. Three light grandmothers. Goosebumps with invisible stitches. In the sky above the gloomy swedish lastivki are circling.

Option III

1. From these propositions, write out the grammatical ambush.

At daytime, I succumbed to two great birds.
Pure pine bir duzhe garny.
In a week, my friend and I got a watering.

2. Write down the propositions, find out that support all set up the place.

At night, near deep hollows, owls screamed terribly.
Grass rose like a green brush in the fields.

3. Write a proposition. Find that additional seat. Putting food in writing to supplement. Arrows signify, according to which word you put food to the next.

The painter made a white furbow with a viconnirami.

4. Sleep. The sign of the skin speech, as a member of the speech is the word yalina.

Garna yalina vzimku.
The top of the yalini is hung with cones.
Qiu fluffy tall yalinka having planted a lot of rocks to that my day.

5. Come up with and write down a proposition, in which given words the words will be designated as members of the speech. Describe the speech, how to use it and intonation.

suitability - ____________
trapilos -
hut -
once -
our -
overhead -
at night -

6 (dodatkove). Read the text. Find out and write down the proposition, as you see the scheme:

I am lying in the fallow grass on a puddle. Goydayutsya over the head of the golden kvіti. Three light grandmothers. Goosebumps with invisible stitches. In the sky above the gloomy swedish lastivki are circling.

2. Test

Option I

1. Significant "x" is the correct description of the proposition: "Skilki vіrshіv that song was composed by Russian people about the beauty of the birch!"

1. spontaneous hail
2. sponucal neocalculative
3. obviously non-calling
4. Excusatory hail

2. Significant "x" all spontaneous propositions.

4. Zustrichayte winter-winter!
5. Did you pay the fox?


1. Cloudy spit across the sky.
2. Sun village.
3. I love to marvel at sunset.
4. To murmur a clear glass.
5. The sky darkened.

4. Significant "x" is the basis of the proposition: "Until the autumn, shpaks are picked up in numerical numbers."

1. get into the country
2. spatulas are picked up
3. shpaki in graї
4. pick up until autumn
5. have numerical graї

5. Sign "x" all around the rechenni: "In the evening we played merrily with the lads on the street."

1. Grali
2. supper
3. with claps
4. fun
5. on the street

6. Significant "x" all the additions to the words: "At the lesson, children painted forest animals."

1. at the lesson
2. children
3. painted
4. animals
5. fox

7. Vіdznach "x" all food to furnishing.

1. what?
2. de?
3. what is the robit?
4. yak?
5. whose?

8. Significant "x" is all the meaning of the word: "The lamp used to stand on the tatoo writing table".

1. on tat
2. earlier
3. stood
4. in writing
5. on the table


1. tomorrow
2. fast
3. colorful
4. near the village
5. Swedish

10. Significant "x" of the word, with which you can continue the expression: "The designation means ..."

1. sign of the subject
2. hour dії
3. subject matter
4. whose object
5. subject

11. oak at the rechenni: "Pidberezovik ris under an old oak".

1. pіdlyagaє
2. award
3. appointment
4. furnishing
5. addition


2. Winter Ivan-tea blossoms under the trees.

4. We went to the great galyavina.


14. Vіdznach "x" scheme, to which it is not possible to guess the proposition.

1. __________
2. _ _ _ _ _
3. _________
4. _________
5. __________

Option II

1. Significant "x" is the correct description of the proposition: "Take care of the beauty and wealth of the fox!"

1. an explanatory call
2. spontaneous hail
3. sponucal neocalculative
4. obviously non-calling
5. nutritional hail

2. Significant "x" is an opposing proposition.

1. The yak was overtaken by the sun on the hump!
2. Look at the fox galyavin and look at the dewdrop on the sun.
3. The sun went down over the top of the yalinka.
4. Zustrichayte winter-winter!
5. Did you pay the fox?

3. Significant "x" all unresolved propositions.

1. Plivut gold boats.
2. Spring will come without fail.
3. Lastivki turned.
4. Sound a little song.
5. Good luck.

4. Significant "x" is the basis of the proposition: "Great dewdrops shine on the bright grass."

1.great dewdrops
2. on ashlar grass
3. shine on the grass
4. Rosini shine
5. dewdrops on the grass

5. Significant "x" all around the word:
"At the childhood, I often bathed in the singing milini."

1. swimming
2. in childhood
3. on the miles
4. on food
5. often

6. Significant "x" all the additions to the speech: "Children hear charming fairy tales before going to bed."

1. before bed
2. kazka
3. listen
4. children
5. charm

7. Vіdznach "x" all food until the end.

1. now?
2. yak?
3. whose?
4. stars?
5. which one?

8. Significant "x" is all the meaning of the word: "Murzik loved to sleep in the old grandmother's armchair."

1. Murzik
2. old
3. at the armchair
4. at grandma's
5. sleep

9. Significant "x" all words, as in the speech can be furnishing.

1. colorful
2. by the sky
3. voice
4. sleepy
5. supper

10. Significant "x" of the word, with which you can continue the speech: "The situation means ..."

1. sign of the subject
2. hour dії
3. subject
4. place diy
5. whose object

11. Significant "x", as a member of the speech є word convalidation in rechenni: "At the grass, zapashnі convalії are released."

1. pіdlyagaє
2. award
3. addition
4. appointment
5. furnishing

12. Indicates "x" to the proposition, as a way to support the scheme:

1. Swinging on the wind of buzkovy twinkles.
2. The road to the growth of winter Ivan-tea.
3. Daisies bloom on fox trees.
4. The glade is similar to the kilim.
5. Veseli blizzards circle over the galava.

13. Significant "x" all propositions, which are incorrectly sorted by members.

14. Designates "x" for all schemes, to which it is impossible to predict propositions.

1. ________
2. __________
3. __________
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. __________

3. Pidsumkova control work for the 1st pіvіchchya

Option I

1. Zrobi phonetic analysis of the word into the fire.

2. Roseberry behind the warehouse word aspen.


Ravens sat on a birch.
Wander the wind through the swamp.
Birds fly to the screeching lands.

4. Write down the food, where you give the appointment.

5. Sleep, all the members of the speech were encouraged.

The boys watched the fox, the squirrel, the tortoise and the hamsters.
Vognik brightly fell off and went out.

6 (dodatkove). Write down the words with the same support, support them.

Option II

1. Zrobi phonetic analysis of the word five.

2. Roseberry behind the warehouse word board.

3. Write down the propositions, taking into account their grammatical foundations.

Resinous cones adorn the tops of the yalinkas.
Above the headquarters, a black shulika is flying in circles.
Bіlya vodi blokayut harnі birds.

4. Vipish food, on yakі vіdpovіdaє furnishing.

Yakih? de? kind of whom? whose? stars? if? to whom? what? where? now? yaki? about what? about whom? about yak? why? yake? yak? until what? kim? what?

5. Sleep. All members of the rechennya were supported.

Meadows, fields, trees were covered with a veil of snow.
The kite clapped its wings and fell like a stone on a vidobutok.

6 (dodatkove). Find out and write down the words with similar awards, add chairs and awards.

Mishko fell ill, ale shvidko saw.
A thick fog covered the forests, the rocks, and the nearest islands.
The fox grew yalits, yalinkas and birches.
The suites smelled not sharp, but low.
On the excursion, the teachers and fathers will go.
The dry leaves trembled on the backs, fell off, circled in the wind.

Option III

1. Zrobi phonetic analysis of the word s'ist.

2. Roseberry behind the warehouse word drink.

3. Write down the propositions, taking into account their grammatical foundations.

Weave the moon for the woods.
Down the hill, along the grass, the vipovz of horses and chirps.
My did - fishing.

4. Write down the food, where you add the supplement.

Yakih? de? kind of whom? whose? stars? if? to whom? what? where? now? yaki? about what? about whom? about yak? why? yake? yak? until what? kim? what?

5. Selling propositions, adding homogeneous terms. All members of the rechennya were supported.

6 (dodatkove). Write down the speech with the same other row members. Instruct write down q_ propositions for help gurtk_v.

Mishko fell ill, ale shvidko saw.
A thick fog covered the forests, the rocks, and the nearest islands.
The fox grew yalits, yalinkas and birches.
The suites smelled not sharp, but low.
On the excursion, the teachers and fathers will go.
The dry leaves trembled on the backs, fell off, circled in the wind.

Control work before lessons in the block "Pravopis"

1. Dictation (in-line)

End of summer. Tish e the birds began to call qi. loud e sherekh of dry herbs. Vstig aґrus. Zayalili yaskravі grona yagіd on viburnum. e.
The fox is cold and cold. I put on a hood and shoes. Goldfinch fly agaric stand on a stitch e. Hit the lumberjack a little. Nezabar leaf fall. Berіzki stand zovsіm Zhovti. Oak covered with golden acorns.
We say whispers. I'm afraid of slyakat silence. ( 52 words)

Note. The sights written are clearly promoted by the reader.

Spelling task

Option I

1. Find the dictation in the text and write down three words with two roots, voice in good voices.

2. Write down the words in two columns:

e ;
about .

Sh ... lk, sh ... fer, black, sh ... se, resh ... tka, uch ... ba, sh ... in, sh ... rti.

Option II

1. Find in the text of the dictation and write down three words with spelling about, e after the sizzling dokorin words ".

2. Write down the words in two columns:

1) words with a missing letter і ;
2) words with a missing letter s .

C...fra, c...plіvok, station...i, traditional...i, c...gan, c...rk, (royal) palace..., (fluffy) hares. .

2. Cheating

Option I

Write the text, graphically explain the spelling of the seen letters.

Bad luck was coming. Everything is quiet. Zamovkli lіsovі spіvak s, frozen wood. Re h cue blowing the wind, breaking the silence. Make-up makeup. Spovіstiv on all kintsі s earth about the ear of a thunderstorm. W a tremtilo under a board of acacia leaves і in. Dovgі stalks of daffodil stooped to the ground і owls. Ridiculously wet, curly, greenishly rushed about the door about RU. Gorobtsі skuyovdili fir'їni and sat on the poles under the hood. Dosch malyuvav c і I sip cola on the Kalyuzhs. ( 57 words)

Option II

Find five spelling pardons and write the text to the corrected sight.

The nightingales fly in on a curtain and delight us with their miraculous sleep. Males arrive first. The stench lure the female and sleep all night without interruption. At the same time, caught fishermen can easily catch them. But now do not keep the nightingales at the cages.
Earlier, talented couples were already cynical. Merchants paid a thousand karboventsiv for a nightingale.
Now I go to listen to the nightingales of the guys. How miraculously they stink at the gathering of the sun! ( 62 words)

(For I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

3. Dictation (under the bag)


Winter. Have a wonderful day. The lads made a birthday for the birds, piled bread crumbs and hung on a birch. For the titmouse, they tied small pieces of bacon to a tree.
Until the anniversary, snowmen, gorobtsі, pigeons flew. There were charming birds on the birch tree. There is a black hat on his head. The back, wings, tail and head are blue. Tse tits. Radiant mother of good friends. ( 60 sliv)

Spelling task

Option I

2. Write down the words at 3 stovpchiki:

Poloti, galyavin, dawning, key, bug, shovk, pidyom, seeing, kazka, hare.

Option II

1. Supported in the text of the speech same members, What are the schemes:

2. Write down the words at 3 stovpchiki:

1) words with the spelling of the prefix;
2) words with spelling dokorinno;
3) words with the spelling of the suffix.

Pomiv, vzimku, savory, lock, target, shorty, pіd'їhav, vіdkleїv, cork, whip.


I quarter

I. Control work before lessons in the block "How our language is ruled"

1. Flow control of the robot

Option I

1. Te-re-mok, I-go-yes, miroshnik (admissible: miroshnik), read, swift.

2. Floating, basic, ditlahi.

3. Clown, clown [clone].

[k] - voice, hard guy ([k"]), deaf guy ([g]), letter "ka".
[l] - voice, firm guy ([l"]), dzvinky unpaired, letter "spruce".
- Voice, percussion; letter about .
[y] - voiced, non-voiced; letter at .
[n] - voice, firm guy ([n"]), dzvinky unpaired, letter "en".

Clown - 5 sounds, 5 letters.

4. Achieve, dorosti, distance, dovchiti.

Option II

1. U-va-zhe-nі, grass, co-sul-ki, snake-ka, lo-do-chka.

2. Misce, stribati, donka.

3. Brood [gr "s"].

[g] - voice, firm guy ([g"]), dzvinky guy ([k]), letter "ge".
[r"] - a voice, soft guy ([r]), dzvinky unpaired; letter "er".
[Option 2


1, 4
2, 4, 5
2, 4
1, 3, 4
2, 3, 5
1, 4, 5
1, 4
2, 3, 5
2, 3, 5
1, 4, 5
2, 3, 5
1, 3

1, 4
2, 3, 5
1, 4
2, 3, 5
2, 4, 5
1, 3, 5
1, 3
1, 3, 4
1, 2, 4
1, 3, 4
1, 2, 5
3, 5

3. Podsumkova control robot

Option I

1. What wine is there?

2. Opovіdalne nutrition.

4. [v"] - voice, soft guy ([v]), twink guy ([f"]); the letter "ve".
[p] - voice, hard guy ([p"]), deaf guy ([b]), letter "be".
[a] - voiced, non-voiced; letter about;
[y] - voiced, stressed; letter Yu .

Option II

1. Well, chipmunk, hedgehog, gain strength after a long winter!

2. Motivation is provable.

Note. We made a complete list of words for the text of the dictation with the spelling "Change unvoiced voices in the root of the word." Learn to read 3-4 words to enter to the list.

2. Happy, regional, sleepy, worthless, mystic.

Option II

Note. Here is a complete list of words from the dictation with the spelling "Change the words before the root". It is necessary for me to learn to write down 3-4 words that will be included in this list.

2. Divitisya, repeat, parasols, elephant, hair, salt, viloviti.

2. Test

order number

1 option

2 option


2, 3, 4
2, 3, 5
1, 3, 4
2, 4, 5
1, 3, 5
2, 4, 5
3, 5
2, 3, 4
1, 3, 4
2, 4, 5
2, 5
3, 5

1, 3, 5
1, 3, 4
1, 2, 4
2, 4, 5
1, 2, 4
1, 3, 4
2, 4
3, 4, 5
1, 3, 4
1, 3, 4
2, 3

3. Cheating

Option I

Option II

Pardons allowed in words virubka, strange, heart.

4. Sub-bag dictation

Spelling dictation

Option I

Option II

II quarter

I. Control work from the block "How our speech is ruled"

1. Flow control of the robot

Option I

5. Students can write down one of the options listed here.

1, 4
1, 2, 4
1, 4
2, 4, 5

1, 3
3, 5
2, 3, 5
3, 5
2, 4
2, 3, 5
2, 4
2, 3, 5

3. Pidsumkova control work for the 1st pіvіchchya

Option I

1. Fire, fire [agn "].

[a] - voiced, non-voiced; letter about .
[g] - voice, firm guy ([g"]), dzvinky guy ([k]), letter "ge".
- Voice, percussion; letter about .
[n"] - voice, soft guy ([n]), twinky unpaired; letter "en".

Into the fire- 4 sounds, 5 letters.

Option II

1. P'yat, [n "t"].

[p "] - voice, soft guy ([p]), deaf guy ([b"]); letter "Pe".
[o] - voiced, stressed; letter a .
[t "] - voice, soft guy ([t]), deaf guy ([d"]); the letter "te".

Five - 3 sounds, 4 letters.

1. flies about sea, fox about rub, sheet about pad.

Option II

1. SCH e put, sh about roch, capyush about n, cross about penetrated, sh e goal, w e lti, w e ludi, sh e pt.

Note. Here is an updated list of words for the dictation with the spelling "Letter about, e after the hissing at the root of the word. "It is necessary for students to know and write down 3 words that are included in the list.

2. Cheating

Option I

A graphical explanation of the writing of the seen letters in the text may look like this:

Option II

Pardons allowed in words arrive,males, were priced, the guy, wonderful.

3. Dictation (under the bag)

Spelling task

Option I

1. Learn to voice the proposition on the text: "The boys made a birthday for the birds, piled up bread crumbs and hung them by the birch" .

Option II

1. Learn to voice the proposition on the text: "Before the anniversary, snowmen, gorobtsі, pigeons flew."

The control work in Russian for the first quarter includes material from the 1st to the 36th lesson.

Return the respect of your students to those who need to put words into storage for the first leader, but not for transference.

Folding test for the same materials as the in-line control of the robot. You yourself choose how the flow control will be carried out: in the form of a control work, which consists of five grammatical tasks or in the form of a test. The test can also be a preparation for the control work.

The test is composed of the same material as a streaming dictation. It is possible to carry out a replacement for the current dictation, or to vicariously as a preparation before it.

The written words of the vision are explained by the reader.

Before the control work of the Russian language for the second quarter, the material from the first to the 60th lesson should be included.

(The system of control materials for assessing the mastery of the planned salary by schoolchildren)


Word dictation


Control robot



I quarter

Dictation (input control)


Autumn night. Behind the red birch trees you can see the narrow hue of the dawn sky. At the height of the hill there is a crane.

Closely I can hear the call of a crane. I want to stand by myself at the lowlands. Why is there only one wine? Why not fly from us?

Crane with anxiety on me. The axis of the wines grew and easily angered. Sound yogo sumny cry.

Spelling task

I option

1. Write down 3-4 words from the text with unvoiced voice, which is distorted, in the root. Instruct write down the correct words.


Right now ... livy, cikav ... ny, oblast ... ny, us ... ny, heaven ... ny, zhah ... ny, non-nas ... ny, mess ... ny, village. .. ny, chess ... ny.

II option

1. Write down 3-4 words from the text with naked luck, which are distorted, in the root. Instruct write down the correct words.

2. In the middle of these words, find out and write down only those, in which you need to write a letter about.

Div ... third, repeat, s ... nti, str ... on, sl ... nenok, in ... l ... blue, eye ... zok, us ... pour, h ... si, pid ... riti, fork ... vіt.

Word dictation

Carrot, baby, dog, computer, cicavia, iniy, pie, raspberry, rocket, island, today.

1. □ who?

2. □ why?

4. □ about what?

5. Designation "x" of all names in the generic name alone.

1. □ to the tree

2. □ white trees

3. □ white wood

4. □ above the tree

5. □ white wood

1. □ on lakes

2. □ in lakes

3. □ to lakes

4. □ about lakes

5. □ on the lake

book to stand at the nazivny vіdmіnku multiplier.

1. □ I like to borrow books from gifts.

2. □ Books are on the table.

3. □ The younger brother reads picture books.

4. □ These books tell about distant stars.

5. □ The teacher handed out new books.

8. Significant "x" all receivers, as if victorious with a distant view.

1. □ across the road (V. p.)

2. □ on river (D. p.)

3. □ without vicons (R. p.)

4. □ on the ground (D. p.)

5. □ for mami (V. p.)

1. □ sister

2. □ roads

3. □ on steel

4. □ school

5. □ fox

1. □ juveniles

4. □ fire

5. □ hot water

12. Symbol "x" is the name of more than one opinion.

2. □ country

3. □ sіm'ya

4. □ Mirrors

5. □ Stepa

13. Significant "x" is used in unskillful names.

1. □ lanka

2. □ metro

14. Significant "x" all names of the 1st birth, female family, in the gunsmith's office, alone.

1. □ just around the corner

2. □ with uncle

3. □ under protection

4. □ for water

5. □ pіd duhom


1. Significant "x" for all names of the human family.

1. □ sable

2. □ Khurtovina

3. □ vugіllya

4. □ piano

2. Significant "x" all names of the middle kind are alone. .

1. □ herbarium

2. □ gloomy

3. □ equalization

4. □ sheet

5. □ polit

3. Significant "x" all names, yakі do not think of the form of a multiplier.

1. □ Vitrivality

3. □ zukerka

5. □ tree

4. Significant "x" of all nutrition of the giver's house.

1. □ who?

2. □ why?

3. □ what? "

5. □ to whom?

5. Significant "x" all names in generic advice alone.

1. □ behind the road

2. □ to the road

3. □ on the road

4. □ road

5. □ no roads

6. Significant "x" of all names in the receiver's name of the multiplier.

1. □ in Russian

2. □ about rivers

3. □ near rivers

4. □ about river

5. □ on rivers

7. Symbol "x" shortened, in which name letak to stand at the nazivny vіdminku.

1. □ Lightly rising at the door.

2. □ The sky blew a litak.

3. □ Paratroopers litaked up.

4. □ Flying high above us flying.

5. □ Passengers entered before the litak.

8. Significant "x" is all successors, as if they were victorious with the successor's name.

9. Significant "x" of all names, it is incorrect to recognize any names.

1. □ to budinku (І. p.)

2. □ under snow (T. p.)

3. □ to pisk (D. p.)

4. □ beat the house (R. p.)

5. □ to a friend (D.p.)

10. Significant "x" for all names in the cob form.

1. □ under the wardrobe

3. □ books

4. □ birch

5. □ olive

11. Significant "x" all names of the 3rd ruling.

1. □ zvіr

2. □ Khurtovina

3. □ vugіllya

4. □ deer

5. □ joy

12. Significant "x" all names of more than one opinion

1. □ beet

2. □ I will

4. □ earth

13. Significant "x" is all unskilled names.

1. □ piano

3. □ highway

4. □ sun

14. Significant "x" all names of the 1st birth, female family, in the gunsmith's office, alone.

1. □ under water

2. □ over pardons

3. □ with didus

4. □ overhead

5. □ for help

Dictation( subbag for third quarter)


There was a nest on the top of the yalinka. A handful of small testicles there lay one big one. Yogo was kicked by a zozulya.

The chicks hatched. The fathers diligently yearned the little birds. Zozulya began vishtovhuvati brothers from the nest.

My onuchok took the kid home. Zozulya settled in an old bird's nest. Murka's intestines were not in the hut. The bird flew around the room without fear. Nezabara garmata on the wings changed pir'ya. We let the cuckoo go free.

By I. Sokolov-Mikitov

(64 words)

Words for dovodok:egg, yoga.

Spelling task

I option

1. In the form of these words, make it write down the words for the day -ink - or -enk-

old windmill, on the upper police, dark nights, for the first class

On a summer day we went with a pine forest.

White mist spreads over quiet bows.

4. Write only yakіsnі prikmetniki, write down antonyms in writing to the skin written word.

big, fox, papery, narrow, orange, hostry, tatovy

5. Write down the given examples in short form, in human form, in one.

rough, sensible, sivy, strong

zrazok: garniy - garniy (min. n., single ch.)

6 (Dodatkov). Write the text. Find the appropriate clerks, podkresli їх as the members of the speech, the name of the rank, the number and ranks of tsikh prikmetnik.

II option

1. Write down the phrases, in which prikmetniki stand at the woman's family.

yalinkova igrashka, temporal tree, garniy stribok, bird of paradise, wide avenue, old budinok, winter evenings, far road, true friend, fun story

2. Write down the phrase. At the temples, indicate the number, the number and the marks of the prikmetniks.

cіkava book, by a swedish train, behind a high birch, white of a strong well

3. Write down the rechennya, all the prikmetniks were podkreli like members of the rechennya.

In the evenings, my mother threw on old babushin's downy coat and read fairy tales to us.

Syrian autumn boards knocking summarily on the wet dahu.

4. Write down more than visible prikmetniki. Instruct write down the words, such stinks have settled.

lemon, wide, high, bird, shovkovy, sour, didus, wall

5. Write down the names of the apprentices in short form, female gender, alone.

affectionate, affectionate, affectionate, wise, wise, respectful, respectful, respectful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

6(Dodatkov). Write the text. Find out the yakіsnі prikmetniki, pіdkresli їх їх їх їх їх їх їх ії ехії ії, vyzná rіd, number і vіdmіnok tsikh prikmetnikіv.

Stretching out across the road, I saw a hare trail near the thick eggplant. A thin fox slid into the bridle of the road. The chewing squirrel waved its fluffy ponytail and cut it off at the yalinka.

Sub-bag control dictation. Topic: "Spelling, graduation from the 3rd grade"


Short summer night. Zagrav the first promise of the sun. Povіyav vіterets. Leaves rustled. Usyudi's life slipped away. Bjoli flew to the green meadow. Humming, hurrying up to kvіtіv volokhati dzhmelі.

Before the fox galyavin, the birds are angry. Sing at the window of the radio pisenki. The fox animals go into the galyavin. Slightly different sounds, sherehi, voices. The axis of the squirrel near the ruddy fur coat cut off a light haircut and leaned on the tops of the pine tree. The jumper ran in his life. The diligent ants are clattering.

Spelling task

I option

at a lie... - at a lie...

about mom ... - about mother ...

for mice... - for mice...

about dad ... - about tat ...

2. Find a proposition from the text, such as a pattern: (scheme up to 11 propositions)

II option

1. Add the end, in the bows, enter the note and note of names.

to yalin ... - to yalinok ...

at pich ... - at pich ...

about donka ... - about donka ...

about did... - about didus...

2. Find a proposition from the text, such as a pattern: (scheme up to 7 propositions

Diagnostic obstezhennia

(3rd class middle of the initial rock)

Russian language

Head 1


› In the words, a number of sounds and letters are always zbіgaєtsya.

› Words of sounds can have more, lower letters.

› Word letters can have more sounds.

› Words have more letters, lower sounds.

Appreciation of the appointment:

or selected all solids.

2 balls - zavdannya vikonan correctly, but not in full obsyazі: 2 or 3 statements were chosen.

two of the three correct solids.

3 balls - the task of vikonan is correct and in full obsya: 2 and 3 are completed.

Manager 2

Instruction: Denotation + words, in some sounds more, lower letters.

zavіryuha my army

krill spring

Appreciation of the appointment:

0 points - all words selected or middle obranih є word Spring.

zaviryuha either krila.

army or mine), there are no wrong choices.

army, my.

Manager 3

Instruction: Pidbury and write down 2 words, in which:

3 sounds, 4 letters _________________________________________________

4 sounds, 3 letters _________________________________________________

4 sounds, 4 letters _________________________________________________

3 sounds, 6 letters _________________________________________________

Appreciation of the appointment:

0 points - only one correct answer is given, but there are no middle correct answers.

1 point - in the first three vipadkas, the sum has 2 - 3 words written down, which the mind thinks, the fourth vipadka has a word written down.

2 balls - the task was written correctly, but not in full obsyazі: the first three vipadkas have 1 - 2 words each (the sum has at least 4 correct words written), the fourth vipadok of knowledge is unrecognizable.

3 balls - the head of the vikonan is correct in full obsyazі: in the first three vipadkas, 2 words are written, which inspire the mind, the fourth vipadok of knowledge is unrecognizable.

Head office 4

Instruction: Know that sign + correct statement.

The word can be formed from the root of that ending.

The word can be formed from prefixes and suffixes.

The word can be formed from prefixes, roots, suffixes and endings.

The word can be formed from prefixes, suffixes and endings.

Appreciation of the appointment:

0 points - one selected or wrong statement or selected all solids.

1 point - one is chosen or the offense is correct and one is wrong.

2 balls - zavdannya vikonan correctly, but not in full agreement: only one correct statement was chosen: 1 or 3.

3 balls - the task of vikonan is correct and in full obsya: 1 and 3 confirmations were collected.

Head office 5

Instruction: Specify words that match patterns ∩ ^ 

vіzok galyavini

prolisok portrait pokhіd

Appreciation of the appointment:

0 points - all words selected or middle obranih є word portrait.

1 point - one or two offensive words were chosen, but with which one the words were chosen galyavin either go away.

2 balls - less than one of the words was chosen ( visa or prolisok), there are no wrong choices.

3 bali - zavdannya vikonano correctly - choose the words vіzok, prolіsk.

Head office 6

Instruction: The movie "Crocs" has a "word" for that cradle.

See what:

a) the “word” of otozhka changes like this: otozhka, otozhka, otozhka

b) the whole word can be disputed “words”: tomushiti, mulyush, mulyushok, kamulush;

c) in the “words” of the otozhka, tamyak, tafuchka, there is the same prefix;

d) “words” have an otozhka, a beetle, a sumirka, however, a suffix;

Explore the word hairpins behind the warehouse.

Appreciation of the appointment:

0 balls - seeing parts of the word maє is absolutely vipadkovy character.

1 point - є try vikonati zavdannya, but with whom, only one part of the word was correctly seen.

2 balls - when vikonannі zavdannya vikoristovuvavsya correct algorithm, but one pardon was allowed when seeing parts of the word.

3 bali - the zavdannya vikonan correctly - the word TAMULYUSHKA saw the prefix TA, the root MULYUSH, the suffix K, the ending A.

Head office 7

Instruction: Find out and sign the wrong hardness.

What pіdlyagaє - head member propositions.

Pіdlyagaє i pridok to become the grammatical basis of the proposition.

A proposition can be the mother of other members.

The presence of head members is the main sign of an extended proposition.

Appreciation of the appointment:

0 points - all entries selected or a quarter and two of the first three were collected.

1 point - a quarter of the hardness is collected, and one of the first three.

2 balls - vikonan zavorotne until the appointed task - learning to mark the virn of firmness: the first three firmings are marked.

3 bali - the task was completed correctly: a quarter of the hardening was completed.

Zavdannya 8

Instruction: Find the meaning of the propositions with the same adjectives.

Snіg leaking water, obvazhnіv i osіv.

The herbs bloom in the foxes, the arable convales, the spices of the kulbabi and the fragrant wild cherry.

The bouquet was made up of red, yellow and purple tulips.

Cold winter blew, leafed from the trees and scattered them along the roads.

Appreciation of the appointment:

0 points - one or the wrong propositions were taken or selected all propositions.

1 point - one or the wrong propositions are corrected and one is wrong.

2 balls - the command was not correct, but not in full agreement: only one of the necessary propositions was chosen: 1 or 4.

3 balls - zavdannya vykonan correctly and in full obsya: 1 and 4 propositions are collected.

Head office 9

Instruction: Vіdznach proposition, yak vіdpovіdaє danіy schemі.

_ . _ . _ . ======= ~~~~~~~ ________ _ _ _ _ _ _

Zhenya wakes up a snow house.

On the gank, dreaming of a rudiy whale.

Vuzka stitch lead to fox.

The cunning fox was stalking respectfully after the children.

Appreciation of the appointment:

0 points - collected 1, 2 and 3 propositions or selected all propositions.

1 point - selected 4 and 1 or 3 propositions or chosen more than a friend proposition.

2 balls - 2 and 4 propositions are collected.

3 balls - the task was wicked correctly: the fourth proposition was drawn.

Zavdannya 10

Instruction: Know that sign + correct statement.

Between the same members, not united by splits, a coma is put.

a ,ale , no coma.

Between the same members, united by unions that are repeated і , or , a coma to be placed in front of another and the next spats.

Between the same members, united by the splits a ,ale , put in a coma.


0 points - other validation accepted.

1 point - 1-2-3 correct statements are selected, and one is incorrect.

2 balls - the statement was not correct, but not in full agreement: only 1-2 correct statements were selected.

3 balls - the task was given correctly and in full obsya - all three correct statements were selected: 1, 3 and 4.

Zavdannya 11

Instruction: Find and sign + propositions, in which the Komi are correctly placed.

Thin stacks of trees bent in the strong wind, but did not break.

Zaєts raising one ear, listening and siv on the hind legs.

І vzimku, і vlіtku garn russian birch!

Fox all syaє syaє, shine.

Appreciation of the appointment:

0 points - one or two insulting propositions with the wrong statement of the com. or selected all propositions.

1 point - one or one offending correct proposition and one proposition with the wrong formulation of the com.

2 balls - zavdannya vikonan correctly, but not in full obsyazі: only one was chosen correct proposition: 1 or 3

3 balls - zavdannya vikonane correctly and in full obsyazі: 1 and 3 propositions are collected.

Zavdannya 12

Instruction: Look at the diagrams. Put the omitted Komi.

b) i O and O i O

Appreciation of the appointment:

0 points - more than three pardons were allowed.

1 point - allowed 2 - 3 pardons.

2 balls - head of the vikonan, but out of five necessary rooms, one was not delivered.

3 bali - the head of the vikonan is correct and in full obsya:

a) O , O and O

b) that O , and O , and O

c) O , O , ale O

Zavdannya 13

Instruction: In the skin group, find the word "zaive".

a) receiver, prefix, suffix, root

b) additional, appointed, name, award

c) prikmetnik, scho pіdlyagaє, іmennik, dієslovo

d) warning, energizing, hail, spontaneous

Appreciation of the appointment:

0 points - not one of the choices does not match the logic of the task

1 point - when vikonannі zavdannya, only two “zayvі” words were correctly known, two other words were chosen by pardon, or more than one word is chosen correctly, but there are no wrong choices.

2 balls - for the number of words needed, less than 3 words were added (in one of the “zayve” groups, the word was either not found, or it was found incorrectly).

3 bali - zavdannya vikonane is correct, the words are reinforced:

a) receiver, prefix, suffix, root

b) addition, appointment, name-list, award

c) a prankster pіdlyagaє, name, idiaslovo

d) promptly, zapitalne, hail, sponucal

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