Wonderful two sounds. If the letters e, e, u, i mean two sounds? Analysis of the sounds of percussion voices


Open the assistant on the side 48

Right 30

Look at the pictures, name the objects in the picture. (їli, їzhak, berries, jiґa)

Write down qi words in the file and put them in the warehouse?

Guys, how do you know how many warehouses the word has? (Skіlki at the words of voices, stilki and warehouses.)

And for the doshka go ...

We revise.

E-li (2 warehouses), zhak (1 warehouse), i-go-di (3 warehouses), yu-la (2 warehouses)

Raise your hand, who has it like that?

How many letters in the 1st warehouse of the skin word? (one)

What are the letters? (e, e, i, u)

Guess what sounds like a letter? (Sounds move, letters are written.)

Today we know about one role of letters e, e, i, yu.

Do you remember the word yalinki, how many sounds do you hear in the first warehouse? (2)

Yaki? (yeah)

Do the words hedgehog, like first sounds? (yo)

And the word has berries, like first sounds? (ya)

Do the words dziga, yakі first sounds? (yu)

Who guessed what the topic of the lesson is?

Our task today at the lesson is z'yasuvat, if the letters e, e, i, yu mean two sounds.

Continue talking: Letters e, e, u, i, on the cob of the word mean .... (2 sounds)

And what can qi letters mean two sounds in the middle of a word?

Schob vodpovisti on the food chain, we have the right to 31

Right 31

Read the words. On the cob chi in the middle of these words are the letters e, e, i, yu? (near the middle)

Write down the number of words with a rozpodil in the warehouse and tell, like the sounds in them mean the letters e, e, i, u,

Marvel at the doshka like you robitimete ma-yak,

Let's continue. ko-ro-ed, co-yuz, in-є

Give respect and say, after some kind of sounds (voiced or voiced) the letters e, e, i, yu mean two sounds? (following the voices)

Read the rule on pages 48 and 49.

How many voiced letters? (ten)

What about voice sounds? (6)

How do voice letters mean two sounds? (e, e, u, i)

If stinks mean two sounds? (At the beginning of the word, after the voices)

Right 32

Read the order.

What do you need to grow in your right?

What to revenge the skin proposition? (reminder)

How are these words called? (Opovіdalny)

What kind of intonation do such speeches make? (quietly)

Write down a riddle and guess.

I what? (apple)

Now add the words of letters, as they mean two sounds.

Look at the board, why did I correctly add the letters in the words?


Kruglo e, room I noah,

Kruglo e, rum'yano e,

I grow up in e weave.

I'm growing up on the hills.

Love I t me grown up e

Love me grown up e

I little children.

I small e children.

(I blocko)

(I blocko)

How will spіvіdnоshennia zvіvіdnіsnіnі zvіvіv і іt іr іn tsikh words? (There will be more sounds, lower letters, because the letters e, e, i, u mean 2 sounds. On the beginning of the word, after the voices)

Right 33

Read the order.

Read qi words.

How do you care how many propositions can be put together from these words?

Which word is better to describe the first proposition? (vipav)

How did the first proposition come out? (Vipav first snow)

Like a friend? (Zoya, Yakiv and Yulia make a snowman)

Write down the speech.

Now add the words to the iotovan letters, de stinks mean 2 sounds.

In what words did the letters say? (Zo I, I kiv, YU la)

Why are there 2 sounds in these words of letters? (T. before the letter I, I stand on the cob of the word and after the voice letter)

Right 34

Read the order.

And now a letter vіdpovіdaєmo to supply that dilіt words in the warehouse of another speech. (1 person per plate)

The squirrel hid at the hollow.

Let's p_dіb'єmo p_dbag of our lesson

Yakі zavdannya bul you cіkavі? Did the managers call out the difficulties?

Listen to children.

Let's guess once again what the secret of the letters e, e, u, i is.

(qi letters mean two sounds)

If the letters e, e, u, do I mean two sounds? (Stand on the cob of the word, after the voiced letters.

Bring buttocks.

Well done! Thank you all for your efforts!

Phonetics- He divided the sciences about the language, in which the sounds of those verses are twisted, as well as the voice, intonation, warehouse.

Graphics- He divided the sciences about the language, in which the crossed letters of the alphabet and their expressions with the sounds of the language are twisted.

Today's Russian alphabet is composed of 33 letters, 10 of which are used to identify voiced sounds and are clearly called voiced. 21 vowel letters serve for the recognition of vowel sounds. In addition, in modern Russian language there are two letters, like none do not signify sounds: b(hard sign) b(m'aky sign).

Voice and voice sounds

All the sounds of Russian are echoed by voices and voices.

1. voice sounds- Tse sounds, yakі utvoryuyuyutsya for the fate of the voice. In Russian їх shіst: [a], [e], [i], [o], [y], [i].

2. Sounds- Tse sounds, yakі utvoryuyuyutsya for the fate of the voice and noise, or more than noise.

a) Zgіdnі sounds podіlyayutsya on hard and soft. The greater number of hard and soft voices satisfy bet on hardness-softness: [b] - [b′], [c] - [c′], [g] - [g′], [d] - [d′], [h] - [h′], [k] - [k′], [l] - [l′], [m] - [m′], [n] - [n′], [p] - [n′], [p] - [p′], [s] - [s ′], [t] - [t ′], [f] - [f ′], [x] - [x ′] (right-handed apostrophe means eel softness vocal sound). For example, tsibulya - [tsibulya] and hatch - [tsibulya].

b) For some resonant sounds, in daily sound, there is a parity of hardness-softness, which is known in the language unpaired firm voice[g], [w], [c] (that's why the stench is only hard) and unpaired soft voices[w ′], [th], [h] (that’s why the stench is only soft).


  • it is not customary for sounds [th], [h] to designate softness with an apostrophe, although it is indicated by some assistants;
  • the sound [sh ′] is indicated on the sheet by the letter sch;
  • rice signifies the beast undercurrent (dovgy) sound. For example, shoka - [sh'ika], khasha - [cup′a], bath - [van a], kasa - [kas a]. Have deyaky podruchniki signify dovgі prigolosnі so: [van: a] - bath.

in) These sounds, made for the part of the voice and the noise, are called twinkies(for example, [d], [d ′], [h], [h ′] and іn); as the light of sounds has less fate than noise, then such sounds are called deaf listen (for example, [t], [t ′], [s], [s ′] ta іn). More sounds and deaf voices in Russian language are approved bet for double-deafness: [b] - [p], [b '] - [p '], [c] - [f], [c '] - [f '], [g] - [k], [g '] - [k′], [d] - [t], [d′] - [t′], [h] - [s], [h′] - [s′], [g] - [w]. SR: beat - drink, r_k - kit, live - sew.

G) The sounds [th], [l], [l′], [m], |m′], [n], [n′], [p], [p′] do not make a sound bet with deaf voices, stink unpaired twinks(Unpaired twinkles are called sonoronyms, Tse sounds, in the light of which I take part and voice and noise). І navpaki, deafly vociferous, scho do not settle bets with twinkies, є unpaired deaf. Tse sounds [h], [c], [x], [x′].

3. In potoci mov, the sound of one sound can be assimilated to the sound of another sound. Such a phenomenon is called assimilation. So, in the word of life there is a sound [z], which should be entrusted from m'yakim [n ′], it will be helped, and we will accept the sound [z ′]. In this rank, vim's words life written like this: [life′n′]. Closer sounding is also possible for the guys for the twinkling-deafness of sounds. So, the twins are good in position in front of the deaf and in the end, the words behind the sounds come closer to the deaf guys. Otzhe, vіdbuvaєtsya stunned vociferous. For example, choven - lo [t] ka, kazka - ska [s] ka, cart - in [s]. It is possible and a turn-around sight, if deaf people in positions in front of the rings also become twins, then call back. For example, mowing - ko [z ′] ba, prohannya - about [z ′] ba.

Meaning of the softness of the voices on the sheet

In Russian language, the softness of the voices is signified in the following ways:

1. For help lettersb(m'yaky sign) for example, the words that in the middle of the mіzh will be heard: melancholy - [pov'za], elk - [los'] that іn.

Note. The m'aky sign does not signify the m'yakosti of those who are fit for such vipadkas:

a) as to serve for the podіl vociferous, the other of those th(yot): leafing - fox [t'ya], be-lye - be [l′yo];

b) for retail grammatical categories: zhito (3 folds, Zh.R.) - Nizh (2 folds, M.R.);

c) for different forms of words (after sizzling): chitaesh (2 lit., Od.ch.), rizh (form of the command method), help (the form of the word is not indicated), as well as adjectives: stribati, dove.

2. For help lettersі,e, e, u, i, yakі indicate the softness of the front voiced sound and convey voice sounds [i], [e], [o], [y], [a]: lіs - [l'es], honey - [m′ot], lіl - [l′іl], hatch - [l′uk], m'yal - [m′al].

3. For the help of the advancing soft ones: gvintik - [in'in't'ik], plum - [s'l'iva].

The sound meaning of the letters e, e, u, i

1. Letters e, e, u, i can meantwo sounds: [ye], [yo], [yu], [ya]

  • on the cob of the word: for example, yalina - [ye] l, zhak - [yo] f, yula - [yu] la, yama - [ya] ma;
  • after the voice sound: miє - mo [ye] t, spivaє - by [yo] t, give - yes [yu] t, bark - la [ya] t;
  • after separate b, b: znimannya - s'[ye]m, p'є - p'[yo]t, llyut - l[yu]t, zazyaty - r[ya]ny.

Krіm moreover, after a different b two sounds will denote a letter і: nightingales' - nightingales'.

2. Letters e, e, u, i indicate the softness of the front voice in the position after the voices, lads in hardness-m'yakostі: cunningly - [m'ex], nіs - [n′os], hatch - [l′uk], m'yal - [m′al].


  • Sounds [th], [l], [m], [n], [p] - twinks
  • Sounds [x], [ts], [h], [w ′] - deaf (do not bet on hardness-m'akostі)
  • Sounds [w], [w], [c] are firmly established.
  • Sounds [th], [h], [sh '] zavzhd m'yaki.

Phonetic analysis of the word (sound-letter analysis of the word)- tse analysis of the word, which is similar to the characteristic warehouse structureі sound warehouse the words; phonetic analysis of the word transferring elements of graphic analysis. The word for phonetic parsing among school mentors is indicated by the number 1: for example, land 1 .

When conducting a phonetic analysis of the word, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo the word out loud. It is not possible to automatically translate a letter entry into an audio one, until pardon. A trace of memory that characterizes not the letters, but the sounds of the word.

Phonetic order(sound-letter) parsing words (according to school tradition):

1. Write down word given, distribute yoga in warehouses, orally indicate the number of warehouses.

2. Put a voice next to the word.

3. Write down the phonetic transcription of the word (we write the word in letters at the stump, like skin letters, we write the sound at the square arms).

4. Describe the sounds (opposite the skin sound, put a dash and write its characteristics, dividing them with coma):

  • Indicators of a vocal sound: it is possible that the sound is vocal; stressed chi unstressed;
  • characteristics of the voice-like sound: it is possible that the sound is voice-like; hard chi m'yakiy, dzvinky chi deaf. You can also indicate a guy or an unpair for hardness-m'yakistyu, dzvinkistyu-deafness.

5. Enter the number of sounds and letters.

Zrazki phonetic(sound-letter) word parsing(base price)

Earth - earth
z [z ′] - voice, soft, dzvinky
e [i] - voiced, non-voiced
m [m] - voice, solid, dzvinky
l [l ′] - voice, soft, dzvinky
e [e] - voiced, stressed
5 letters, 5 sounds

Chorniyut - black-not-yut
h [h] - voice, soft, deaf
e [i] - voiced, non-voiced
r [r] - voice, firm, dzvinky
n [n ′] - voice, soft, dzvinky
e [e] - voiced, stressed
yu [y] - prigolosny, soft, dzvinky
[y] - voiced, non-voiced
t [t] - voice, hard, deaf.
7 letters, 8 sounds

>> Russian language class 5 >> Russian language language: The role of the letters i, u, e, e

The leading role of the letters I, Yu, E, Yo.

Deyaki letters can mean both one and two sounds.

Literi e, e, u, i after the voices of the word, they mean one sound: [e], [o], [y], [a] and indicate the softness of the voice: now- [z "e" m "a].

In other types (at the beginning of the word, after the voiced and after the different bі b) letters e, e, u, i designate two sounds: [ye], [yo], [yu], [ya] - judgment[judg" ya]. Therefore, the number of letters and sounds in words is not always the same.

You know you?

In the history of Russian language, the sound [yo] on the sheet was transmitted in different ways: yo, yo, yo.

A Russian writer and historian Mikola Mikhailovich Karamzin(1766-1826) inventing a letter for which sound e.

Level up!

1. Align the letters in the left and right columns. What are the special letters for identifying such days? Yakscho є,

write qi letters.

[ay] - ... [ya] - ...
[oops] - ... [yo] - ...
[uu] - ... [uu] - ...
[hey] - ... [yeah] - ...

2. Promoting words correctly, say, some of them have a letter I conveys two sounds [ya], and yakih - one [a].

Month, five, sіchen, memory, im'ya, hour, lava, sіm'ya, springtime, apple.

3. Write down the seen words. Renewal of Letters her she says, how many sounds of the stink mean.

go to sleep, friends, age tomorrow at the trip
Pidemo in predsvitankovy fog.
Sing more fun, let us podspivaє
Sivy combative captain.
(A. Churkin)

4. Do you know Russian names that start with letters e, yu, i? Write them down. How many sounds mean letters of the alphabet?

5. Wash the words liberally. Rejoice, how many letters and how many sounds they have. Round your visnovok.

Lit, llє; sіv, z'їv; otruta, inferno; Kolya, if; field, field; sim'ya, sim'ya; obіdat, ob'їdat.

N.F.Baladina, K.V. Degtyarova, S.A. Lebedenko. Russian language class 5

Submitted by readers from Internet sites

All Russian language online, list of topics from subjects, collection of abstracts from Russian language, homework, teaching and learning, create from Russian language, plan lessons

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At this stage, we know, in some ways the letters E, E, Yu, I can designate two sounds, and in some one sound, I can indicate the softness of the front voiced sound. Vikonaemo richly cіkavih zavdan.

Letters E, E, Yu, I can mean one sound and show the softness of the front voiced sound

As we already know, the sounds of a voice can be hard and soft. Porіvnyaєmo bet sіv z wimovi.

Mer - meter

It is obvious that for the first stumpchik, the first voice sound is hard, for the other it is soft.

Remember: letters E, E, Yu, I write after the voice of the voice to say softness to yoga.

In addition to the word i, it is significant, if the sounds mean the letters E, E, Yu, I after the present: fox - sound [e], honey - sound [o], pants - sound [y], m'yach - sound [a].

It is possible to make visnovok, that the letters E, E, Yu, I, after the voices, designate 1 voice sound and indicate the softness of the voice, which stands in front.

Letters E, E, Yu, I can mean two sounds

Often the letters E, E, Yu, I stand first in words. For example: yalina, zhachok, spinning top, apple.

Povіlno i chіtko promomimo і words out loud. At the word yalina letter E means two sounds Y E, in words zhachok the letter Ё denotes two sounds ЁО, in the word whirligig the letter Yu means two sounds YU, the word apple the letter I means two sounds YA.

We found out that on the cob of the word the letters E, E, Yu, I mean two sounds:

the letter E sounds yak [ye], the letter E sounds yak [yo], the letter Yu sounds yak [yu], the letter I sounds yak [ya]. Look at the words, de E, E, Yu, I stand after b and b signs: wood (letter I after b sign means two sounds - [ya]), pid'ezd (letter E after b sign means two sounds [ye] ). In addition to the word i, it is significant, like sounds mean the letters E, E, Yu, I: stakes [ya], zyomka [yo], z'їzd [ye], zaviryuha [yu], p'є [yo]. Otzhe, letters E, E, Yu, I designate two sounds, as to stand after b and b signs.

Come on, help us understand what the letters E, E, Yu, I are a voice letter.

At the word lighthouse the letter I stand after the voice A and means two sounds [ya].

Red apple.

Rice. 10. Chervone apple ()

At the word chervone the letter E stands for the voice O and means two sounds [ye].


Letters E, E, Yu, I designate two sounds, like the stink to stand:

  1. On the cob of the word (pіvden, pit)
  2. After the voices (application, sing)
  3. After Ъ and b (v'їzd, birch).

Letters E, E, Yu, I took away the name of the iotovan voice, to that in some positions the stench means two sounds, the first sound of which is [th], which is called iot.

Consolidation of knowledge in practice

Let's close the knowledge, having learned the task.

We divide the words into two steps: the first step - de letters E, E, Yu, I designate 1 sound, the other stand - 2 sounds.

Gilka, p'є, Petya, Alyosha, mint, sleep, friends, birches, chandeliers, s'їli, blue.

Gilka p'є

Petya sleep

Alyosha friends

mint z'їli

blue birches

At this head, up to 1 stovpchik, words are visible, de letter I indicate the softness of the vocal sound, at 2 stovpchik - de I designate two sounds.

Yaskravi, pull, Petya, trees, clear, ball, roslini, Anya, hawk, shvachka, humpback.

Let's review the correctness of the assignment:

Pull Yaskraev

petya tree

Anya Roslini

humpback hawk

We read the verse and subscript letters, as they mean two sounds.

Mi їdemo, їdemo, їdemo

At a distant land

Garni judge,

Happy friends

Reverse the correctness of the assignment:

Mi e dem, e dem, e dem

Far away e kra I ,

Garni e judge,

Happy e friend I .

At the approaching stage, we know that a soft sign is the whole letter, it doesn’t seem to be, but it means the softness of the voice, if it’s worth it. Let's talk about the rules of transferring slіv іz soft sign.

  1. Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. – M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 2012 (http://www.twirpx.com/file/1153023/)
  2. Bunєєv R.M., Bunєєva Y.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 2. - M: Balas.
  3. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language. 2. - M: Bustard.
  1. School.xvatit.com().
  2. Nsportal.ru().
  3. Genon.ru ().
  • Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 2012. Vikonai exercise. 95 p. 67.
  • Guess riddles. In the words-answers, find the letters E, E, Yu, I and podkresli them with one rice, as if the stench means 1 sound, or two risks, as if the stench means 2 sounds.

First, go to the end of the phonetic parsing with butts, we respect your respect, that letters and sounds in words - do not start one and the same.

Literi- all letters, graphic symbols, from which the text is transferred to the text and summarized by Rozmov. Letters are victorious for visual transmission of sensation, we accept it with our eyes. Letters can be read. If you read the letters aloud, then you make sounds - put together - words.

The list of used letters is just an alphabet

Maizhe kozhen schoolboy knows the letters of the Russian alphabet. That's right, a total of 33. The Russian alphabet is called Cyrillic. The letters of the alphabet are put together at the singing sequence:

Russian language alphabet:

Zagal at the Russian alphabet wins:

  • 21 letters for the recognition of voices;
  • 10 letters - voiced;
  • and dvі: ь (soft sign) and ъ (solid sign), yakі indicate authority, but they themselves do not signify whether they are sound alone.

You often pronounce the sounds in phrases differently than you write them down on the sheet. In addition, the word can win more letters, lower sounds. For example, "childish" - the letters "T" and "C" merge into one phoneme [ts]. First of all, the number of sounds in the word "black" is greater, because the letter "U" in to this particular type looks like [yu].

What is phonetic analysis?

Movlennya mi priymaєmo by ear. Under the phonetic analysis of the word, the characteristic of the sound warehouse is affected. In school programs, such an analysis is often called the “sound of letters” analysis. Later, with a phonetic analysis, you simply describe the power of sounds, their characteristics are stale in the sharpened warehouse structure of the phrase, united by a wild verbal voice.

Phonetic transcription

For sound-letter analysis, a special transcription in square arms should be used. For example, the correct spelling is:

  • black -> [h"orniy"]
  • apple -> [apple]
  • yakir -> [yakar"]
  • yalinka -> [yolka]
  • sun -> [sun]

The scheme of phonetic analysis has special symbols. Zavdyaki tsyomu can correctly recognize and revise the letters of the record (spelling) and the sound designation of letters (phonemes).

  • phonetically razbiraetsya word polygaє square arches -;
  • soft voice is indicated by the transcription sign ['] - an apostrophe;
  • stressed ['] - in a voice;
  • in folding word forms from a number of roots, the sign of another row in voice [`] is zastosovuetsya - gravis (not practiced in school programs);
  • the letters of the alphabet Y, Y, E, Y, L and Y are NOT spelled out in transcription (in the main program);
  • for subvoices, it will stagnate [:] - a sign that the sound has been voiced for a long time.

Hover lower reporting rules for orthoepic, literal and phonetic and parsing words with butts online, up to the high-school norms of modern Russian language. In professional linguists, the transcription of phonetic characteristics is distinguished by accents and other symbols with additional acoustic signs of voice and voice phonemes.

How to perform a phonetic analysis of a word?

Conduct a letter analysis to help you come up with a scheme:

  • Write down the word and pronounce the yogo kіlka once in a voice.
  • Strike the skils in the new voiced and voiced letters.
  • Designate a strike warehouse. (A voice for additional intensity (energy) sees a phoneme in the language of low homogeneous sound units.)
  • Expand the phonetic word for warehouses and say їх Zagalna kіlkіst. Remember that the warehouse is distributed according to the transfer rules. The total number of warehouses is constantly changing from the number of voice letters.
  • At transcription, disassemble the word for the sounds.
  • Write letters from the phrase in the column.
  • On the contrary, the dermal letters of the square arms should show a її sound designation (like they smell it). Remember that sounds in words do not lead to the same letters. Letters "b" and "b" do not become common sounds. The letters "e", "e", "u", "ya", "i" can mean two sounds.
  • Analyze the skin phoneme okremo and designate її authority through whom:
    • for a voice, it is indicated in the characteristic: the sound is voice; stressed chi non-naked;
    • in the characteristics of the voices, it is indicated: the sound of the voices; hard or soft, dzvinky or deaf, sonorny, paired / unpaired for firmness-m'yakistyu and dzvinkistyu-deafness.
  • For example, the phonetic analysis of the word should be between and consider the total number of letters and sounds.

This scheme is practiced by the school program.

An example of a phonetic analysis of a word

The axis of the star of the phonetic parsing behind the warehouse for the word "appearance" → [yіvl'e′n'іye]. This one has 4 voice letters and 3 voice letters. There are a total of 4 movies: I-v'є-nі-e. The voice falls on another.

Sound characteristics of letters:

i [th] - acc., unpaired soft, unpaired dzvinky, sonorny [i] - vowel, non-voicing in [c] - acc. 'yak. . sound, sonorniye [e ′] - vowel, stressed [n ′] - consonant, fellow m'yak., unpaired. sound, sonorny і [i] - vowel, unvoiced [th] - acc., unpaired. soft, unpaired. sound, sonorny [e] - vowel, non-voicing ____________________________ The presence of the word has a presence - 7 letters, 9 sounds. The first letter "I" and the last letter "E" mean two sounds each.

Now you know how to develop sound-letter analysis independently. Dali given the classification of the sound units of the Russian language, their interrelationship and transcription rules for sound-letter parsing.

Phonetics and sounds in Russian language

What sounds are there?

All sounds of the same are subdued by voices and voices. Voice sounds, in their own circle, are percussive and unvoiced. The golden sound in Russian words is booming: we repeat - soft, dvinky - deaf, hissing, sonorous.

Skіlki have Russian live movі zvіvіv?

The correct answer is 42.

Roblox phonetic analysis online, you will find out what 36 voiced sounds and 6 voiced ones take part in the word creation. The rich blame it on a reasonable diet, why is it such a wondrous inconvenience? Why be different blatant number sounds and letters yak after the vowel, so і after the present?

Everything was easy to understand. A number of letters for the participation of the word-creation can designate a second sound. For example, bet on softness-hardness:

  • [b] - badorium and [b '] - squirrel;
  • abo [d] - [d ']: home - work.

And deyaki do not bet, for example [h '] forever be soft. If you hesitate, try to say it firmly and change your mind in the impossibility of it: a glass, a pack, a spoon, black, chegevar, lad, rabbit, wild cherry, bjoli. Because of such a practical solution, our alphabet does not reach unlimited scales, but the sound-ones are optimally complemented, angry one by one.

Vocal sounds in the words of Russian language

voice sounds on the vіdmіnu vіd vіd vysokolіh melody, the stench vіlno nіbі vіvpіv vypіv from the larynx, without pereshkod and tension zv'yazok. The more you voice the voice, the more you happen to open the company. First of all, the more you voice your voice, the more you sing your voice, the more energetically you will make your mouth empty. Tse naiyaskravisha articulation difference between these phoneme classes.

The voice in any word forms can only fall on a voiced sound, but it can also be used in unvoiced voices.

How many voiced sounds do Russian phonetics have?

Russian language has fewer voice phonemes, lower letters. There are six percussion sounds: [a], [i], [pro], [e], [y], [i]. And the letters, guessing, are ten: a, e, e, i, o, y, s, e, i, u. Vocal letters E, Yo, Yu, I do not have “clean” sounds and in transcription do not vikoristovuyutsya. Often, with a literal parsing of words on qi letters, the voice falls out loud.

Phonetics: characteristics of percussion voices

The main phonemic feature of Russian language is the clear voice of voice phonemes in stressed warehouses. The shock warehouses in Russian phonetics are perturbed by the power of sight, the greater trivality of sounding is uncreated. Shards of stench are strikingly and distinctly, the sound analysis of warehouses from stressed voice phonemes is much simpler. The position, in which the sound does not know the change and save the main look, is called strong position. Such a position can be occupied by an extra percussive sound and warehouse. Unvoiced phonemes and warehouses change in a weak position.

  • The voice in the shock warehouse should always be in a strong position, so it will move more virulently, with the greatest strength that trivality.
  • The voice at the unnaked stand is changed at a weak position, so it moves with less strength and the flooring is different.

In the Russian language, the inevitable phonetic power is taken by only one phoneme “U”: corn, plank, I study, at fishing, - in all positions, they seem to be distinctly like [y]. Tse means that the voice "U" does not follow the yak_snіy reduction. Respect: on the sheet, the phoneme [y] can be indicated by another letter “Yu”: muesli [m'u 'sl'i], key [kl'u 'h'] thin.

Analysis of the sounds of percussion voices

The voice phoneme [o] is less pronounced in a strong position (in a voice). In such types of “O” reduction is not possible: cat [ko't'ik], twinkle [kalako' l'ch'ik], milk [malako'], vіsіm [in' z'im'], poshukova [paisko' vaya], govir [go'var], autumn [o's'in'].

Blame from the rule of a strong position for “O”, if not naked [o] they are evocatively, they represent less deyakі inshomovnі words: cocoa [kaka "o], patio [pa" tio], radio [ra "dio], boa [bo a "] that row of service units, for example, the union is ale. The sound [o] in writing can be represented by another letter “e” - [o]: thorn [t'o'rn], bagattya [kas't'o'r]. Vikonati sorted out according to the sounds of chotirokh voices, which were left out, in a position under a voice, it is not possible to reveal folds by itself.

Unvoiced voice letters and sounds in the words of Russian language

It is possible to develop the correct sound analysis and accurately determine the characteristics of the voice only after staging the voice in words. Do not forget about the meaning in our language homonyms: for "mok - castle" and about the change of phonetic nouns fallow in the context (word, number):

  • I'm at home [ya to "ma].
  • New budinki [ale "vye da ma"].

At naked camp voicing is modified, tobto, movable otherwise, lower recorded:

  • burn - mountain = [go "ri] - [ga ra"];
  • vin - online = [about "n] - [a nla" yn]
  • certificates vest = [svіd'e "t'і l'n'іtsa].

Similar changes of voices in non-voiced warehouses are called reduction. Kіlkіsnoy, if the trivality of the sound changes. І yakіsnoy reduction, if the characteristic of the cob sound changes.

One and the same unvoiced voice letter can change the phonetic characteristic in the fallowing position:

  • nasampered shodo shock warehouse;
  • on the absolute cob or on the cob of the word;
  • in non-critical warehouses (they are stored in less than one voice);
  • one infusion of sus_dnіh signs (b, b) and voice.

Yes, voila First step of reduction. Їy pіddayutsya:

  • voices at the first forward warehouse;
  • uncritical warehouse on the cob itself;
  • repeating voices.

Note: In order to develop a sound-letter analysis, the first transverse warehouse is determined not from the “head” of the phonetic word, but according to the transition to the stressed warehouse: the first sound is from the new. The wines of the principle can be the only one in the front: non-tutoring [n'iz'd'e'shn'iy].

(non-critical warehouse) + (2-3 forward warehouse) + 1st forward warehouse ← Shock warehouse → shock warehouse (+2/3 shock warehouse)

  • vpe-re -dі [fp'ir'i d'i'];
  • e -st-stvo-but [yі s't'e's't'v'in: a];

Be-yakі іnshі forward folds and all behind-the-shock folds when sound picking up to the reduction of the 2nd stage. It is also called “the weak position of the other level”.

  • kiss [pa-ci-la-va't'];
  • modeling [ma-di-l'i'-ra-vat'];
  • lastivka [la'-hundred-ch'ka];
  • gas [k'i-ra-s'i'-na-viy].

The reduction of voices in a weak position is so very different after the steps: friend, third (after hard and soft years, - just beyond the boundaries of the initial program): read [uch'its: a], catch [accip'in'et '] , nadiya [nad'e´zhda]. In the letter analysis of the voice, the reduction of the voice in a weak position in the final pronounced warehouse (= in the absolute term of the word) is insignificantly manifested:

  • cup;
  • goddess;
  • with songs;
  • change.

The sound of literal parsing: iotovanny sounds

Phonetically, the letters E - [ye], E - [yo], Yu - [yu], I - [ya] often denote two sounds. Did you remember that “Y” appears in all the significant accents with an additional phoneme? To this very fact, these voices are called iotvanim. The meaning of the letters E, E, Yu, I is determined by their position.

With a phonetic analysis of the voice, e, u, I make 2 sounds:

E - [yo], Yu - [yu], E - [ye], I - [ya] in vipadkah, if they change:

  • On the cob of the word "E" that "Yu" zavzhd:
    • - roll [yo' zhits: a], yalinkovy [yo' lach'ny], zhachok [yo' zhik], mnist [yo' mkast'];
    • - jeweler [yuv 'il'i'r], yula [yu la'], back [yu' pka], Jupiter [yu p'i't'ir], briskness [yu 'rkas't'];
  • on the cob of the word "E" and "I" only in a voice *:
    • - yalina [ye'l '], zhzhdzhu [ye' f: y], yeger [ye' g'ir '], єvnukh [ye' vnukh];
    • - yacht [ya' hta], yakir [ya' kar'], yakі [ya' ki], apple [ya' black];
    • (*so to viconatize the sound-literary analysis of unvoiced voiced "E" and "I" vikoristovuetsya іnsha phonetic transcription, div. below);
  • at the camp, immediately after the voice “E” and “Yu” are sure. And the axis "E" and "I" in stressed and non-shocked warehouses, krіm vipadkіv, if the designated letters are put behind the voice in the 1st forward warehouse or in the 1st, 2nd shock warehouse in the middle of the words. Phonetic analysis online and apply from the indicated words:
    • - receiver [pr'іyo'm'іk], spіvaє [payo't], kluє (k'uyo 't);
    • -ayu rveda [ayu r'v'e'da], sleep t [payu 't], sink [ta'yu t], cabin [kayu 'ta],
  • after a separate solid "Ъ" sign "E" and "Yu" - forever, and "E" and "I" only in a voice or in the absolute term of the word: - about'єm [ab yo'm], zyomka [zyomka], adjutant [adyu "ta'nt]
  • after the split soft “b” sign “E” and “Yu” - zavzhdi, and “E” and “I” under the voice or in the absolute end of the word: - interv'yu [іntirv'yu], tree [d'ir 'e” v'ya], friends [druz'ya´], brothers [brother't'ya], mavpa [ab'іz'ya´ na], zaviryuha [v'yu´ ha], sim'ya [s 'em'ya´ ]

Like a bachite, the phonemic system of the Russian voice can have a virish significance. The greatest reductions are voiced in non-naked warehouses. Let's follow the sound of the letters of the analysis of the iotovannyh that are left out, and marvel how the stench can still change the characteristics in the fallowness and the sharpness in words.

Unvoiced voices"E" and "I" denote two sounds i in phonetic transcription and are written as [YI]:

  • at the very beginning of the word:
    • - єdnannya [yі d'іn'e'n'і'ye], yalinovy ​​[yіlo'viy], ozhina [yіzhiv'i'ka], yogo [yіvo '], yogaza [yіgaza'], Yenisey [yіn'іs] 'e'y], Egypt [yig'i'p'it];
    • - sychnevy [yі nva'rsky], core [yіdro'], virazka [yіz'v'і't'], yarlik [yіrli'k], Japan [yіpo'n'іya], lamb [yіgn'o 'nak];
    • (Vinyatki become less rіdkіsnі іnshomovnі word forms and names: єvropeoїdna [ye vrap'io'idnaya], Єvgen [ye] vґenіy, evropeєts [ye wrap'e'yіts], єparhіya [ye] parhіya and tp).
  • in the 1st forward warehouse or in the 1st, 2nd shock warehouse, krіm roztashuvannya in the absolute end of the word.
    • at the same time [fly time'e'm'ina], later [pay zda '], after [pay d'i'm], naїzhdzhati [nayi zh: a't'], belgієts [b'il'g'i' yi c], learning [uch'a'sch'iiyi s'a], propositions [supporting m'i], sujeta [suyi ta'],
    • hawkati [la´yі t '], pendulum [ma´yi tn'ik], zaєts [za´yi ts], belt [po´yі s], declare [zayі v'і´t '], I will show [praiї in 'l'u']
  • after a separate hard "b" or a soft "b" sign: - p'yanit [p'yі n'i't], reveal [іzyi v'i't'], voicing [abyi vl'e'n' iye], stіvniy [sii dobny].

Note: For the St. Petersburg phonological school, the "ekannya" is characteristic, and for the Moscow "іkannya". Earlier yotrovaniya "Yo" vymovlyali s more accentuated "ye". In the midst of the changing capital, vikonuyuchi sound-literary parsing, dorimuyutsya Moscow norms in orthoepy.

Deyakі people in swidkіy promіvіvlyayut voicing "I" however, in warehouses from a strong and weak position. Such Vimova is respected by the dialect and not by the literary one. Remember, the voiced "I" under the voice and without the voice is voiced in a different way: fairs [ya 'marka], ale egg [yi yo'].


The letter "I" after the soft sign "b" also represents 2 sounds - [YI] in sound-letter analysis. (This rule is more relevant for warehouses, both in strong and in weak positions). Let's conduct a sound-letter online parsing: - nightingales'ї [salav'yі'], on smoking legs [on ku'r'yі'h" but'shkah], rabbits [cro'l'ich'yі], no sіm'ї [sіm' 'yi'], courts [su'd'yi], nothing [n'ich'yi'], strings [ruch'yi'], foxes [lі's'yi] Ale: Voice "O" after the soft sign “b” is transcribed as an apostrophe of the softness ['] of the front voiced i [O], although when the phonemes are voiced, one can feel the iotation: broth [bul'o'n], pavillo n [pav'il'o'n ], similarly: leaf-bearing n, champignon, chignon, companion, medallion, battalion, guillotine, pocket, minion and others.

Phonetic analysis of words, if the voices "Yu" "E" "E" "I" make 1 sound

According to the rules of phonetics of the Russian language, with the sing position in the words of the recognition of letters, give one sound, if:

  • sound units "E" "Yu" "E" are pronounced under the voice of an unpaired voice for hardness: w, w, c. Todi voni designate phonemes:
    • e - [o],
    • her],
    • yu - [y].
    Apply online analysis for sounds: zhovty [zhovty], shovk [silk], tsiliy [tsiliy], recipe [r'itse' Fri], pearls [same' mch'uk], shіst [she' st '], hornet [she 'rshen'], parachute [parashu' t];
  • The letters "I" "Yu" "E" "E" and "I" mean the softness of the front voice [']. Vignatok is less for: [g], [w], [c]. In such vapadas at the shock position stink to satisfy one voiced sound:
    • e - [o]: voucher [put'o'fka], light [l'o' xk'ii], opening [ap'o'nak], actor [act'o'r], child [r'ib' about nak];
    • e - [e]: seal [t'ul'e'n'], mirror [z'e'rkala], sensible [rozum'e'ye], conveyor [canv'e'yir];
    • i - [a]: koshenyata [kat'a' ta], m'yako [m'a' hka], oath [kl'a' tva], uzyav [vz'a' l], mattress [t'u f 'a 'do], swan [lib'yazh];
    • yu - [y]: dziob [kl'u'f], people [l'u'd'am], gateway [shl'u's], tulle [t'u'l'], suit [kas't 'mind].
    • Note: in later words, the stressed voice “E” does not always signal about the softness of the front voice. This positional assistance has ceased to be a common language norm in Russian phonetics in the 20th century. In such situations, if you work on a phonetic analysis in a warehouse, such a voice sound is transcribed as [e] without the front apostrophe m'yakosti: hotel [ate'l'], strap [br'ite'l'ka], test [te' st], tenis [te´n: іs], cafe [cafe´], puree [p'ure´], amber [ambre´], delta [de´l'ta], tender [ten´nder], masterpiece [ shede´ vr], tablet [tablet't].
  • Respect! Song of soft voices at the front warehouses voices "E" and "I" are given a similar reduction and are transformed into the sound [i] (vikl. for [c], [g], [w]). Apply a phonetic analysis of words with similar phonemes: - grain [z'ї rno'], earth [z'ї ml'a'], fun [v'ї s'o'ly], call [z'v 'i n 'i't], forest [l'i sno'y], blizzard [m'i t'e'l'itsya], feather [n'i ro'], brought [pr'in'i sla´], v'ya zati [v'i za´t '], la gat [l'i ga´t'], p'yatirka [n'i t'o´rka]

Phonetic analysis: voicing sounds of Russian language

Zgіdnih in Russian language is absolute greatness. At the sound of the voice, the potik repeats the sound of the sound. The organs of articulation are established: teeth, tongue, twang, cleavage of vocal cords, ruin. For the rahunok of which there is a noise in the voice, a hiss, a whistle of a sound.

How many voiced sounds in Russian language?

In the alphabet for їх designations are victorious 21 letters. However, using sound-letter analysis, you can see what is in Russian phonetics vociferous sounds more, and itself - 36.

Sound-letter analysis: what are the appropriate sounds?

Our language has a voice:

  • firm - soft and approve all bets:
    • [b] - [b ']: b anan - yalinka,
    • [in] - [in ']: height - in young,
    • [g] - [g ']: place - Mr. Duke,
    • [d] - [d ']: cottage - d elfin,
    • [h] - [h ']: z won - z ether,
    • [k] - [k ']: to onfetu - to enguroo,
    • [l] - [l ']: boat - l ux,
    • [m] - [m ']: magic - mrії,
    • [n] - [n ']: new - nector,
    • [n] - [n ']: n alma-p esik,
    • [p] - [p ']: p chamomile - p poison,
    • [s] - [s ']: s uvenir - s surprise,
    • [t] - [t ']: t uchka - t tulip,
    • [f] - [f ']: flag lag - lute,
    • [x] - [x ']: x orek - x shukach.
  • Pevni prigolosnі do not bet for firmness-m'yakistyu. To the unpaired one can see:
    • sounds [w], [c], [w] - forever solid (life, c ikl, misha);
    • [h '], [u'] and [y '] - start the m'yaki (daughter, more often, yours).
  • The sounds [w], [h '], [w], [w'] are called hissing in our language.

Zgіdny can be dzvіnky-deaf, and also sonorim and halaslivim.

It is possible to distinguish the soundness-deafness, or the sonority of the vociferous one, according to the noise-voice. These characteristics vary depending on the method of illuminating the part of the organs of articulation.

  • Sonorni (l, m, n, r, d) are the most common phonemes, in which you can feel the maximum voice and three noises: lion, rai, zero.
  • As if when we speak the words, the sound parsing is settled down and the voice, and the noise - means in front of you a twinkly voice (g, b, s and etc.): plant, b people o, f iz n.
  • When deaf voiced voices (n, s, t and others) are voiced, the calls do not strain, only noise is seen: st opka, fishk a, costume, circus, sew.

Note: In the phonetics of the voiced sound units, it also depends on the nature of illumination: the bow (b, p, d, t) - slit (w, w, h, s) and the method of articulation: labial-labial (b, p, m) , labial-teeth (f, c), anterior (t, d, h, s, c, f, w, u, year, n, l, r), middle (d), posterior (k, d, x) . Name the names of the speakers from the organs of articulation, as if they take part in the sound-making.

Hint: If you start practicing phonetic word parsing, try to squeeze the phoneme to the top and bottom. If you feel a voice far away, it means that a sound is heard - a ringing voice, if you hear a noise, then it is deaf.

Hint: For an associative link, remember the phrases: "Oh, we didn't forget a friend." - in this proposition, absolutely the whole set of twinkling voices is missing (without balancing the softness-hardness pairs). “Stepko, would you like to have a bite? - Fi! - in a similar way, the replicas are assigned to collect all the deaf voices.

Positional change of voice sounds in Russian language

The sound of the sound changes just like the voice of the voice. One and the same letter phonetically can mean a different sound, fallow in position. Pototsі movi seems to have a similar sound of one voiced under the articulation of a ruffled band of voices. The Danish infusion is easier on Wimow and is called assimilation phonetics.

Positional stun/ringing

Singing position for voiceless voices has a phonetic law of assimilation from deafness-dzvіnkost. Dzvіnky guy prigolosny changes to deaf:

  • in the absolute term of a phonetic word: ale w [no'sh], snig [s'n'e'k], city [agaro't], club [klu'p];
  • in front of the deaf, listen: forget-me-not [n'іzabu't ka], obhopiti [apkh wat'i't'], Tuesday [ft o'rnіk], tube [corpse].
  • roblechs of the sound of letters rozbіr online, you remember that the deaf guy has a voice, that he should stand in front of the ring (crim [th '], [v] - [v '], [l] - [l '], [m] - [m ' ] , [n] - [n '], [p] - [p ']) also calls, then it changes to its own pair: building [zda'ch'a], mowing [kaz'ba'], threshing [malad 'ba'], prohannya [pro'z'ba], vіdgadati [adgada't '].

In Russian phonetics, a deaf, bellowing voice does not merge with an advancing booming sound, a cream of sounds [in] - [in ']: with beaten tops. In times, however, transcription as a phoneme [h], i [s] is acceptable.

When analyzing the sounds of words: at once, today, today, etc., the letter “G” is replaced by the phoneme [v].

According to the rules of sound-literal analysis in the endings of the "-th", "-yogo" prikmetnikiv, dієprikmetnikіv and borrower voices "G" is transcribed like a sound [v]: red [kra'snava], blue [s'i'n'iva], white [b'e'lava], sharp, povnogo, colossal, the one whom. As if after assimilation, two voices of the same type are established, and their anger rises. In a school program, for phonetics, this process is called the vowel sound: vіdokremiti [ad: 'іl'i't'] → letters "T" and "D" are reduced to sounds [d'd'], stupidity [b'ish: y ´ opinion]. When sorting out for a warehouse, a number of words in the sound-letter analysis posterize disimilation - the process of reversal. In this way, there is a change in the sign of the head of the two, which should stand as a guide: today “GK” sounds yak [hk] (replacing the standard [kk]): light [l'o′h'k'іy], m'yakiy [m' a′h' kіy].

Good luck in Russian language

The scheme of phonetic analysis has an apostrophe ['] for denoting the softness of the voiced ones.

  • Pom'yakshennya lads firm vociferous sounds before "b";
  • the softness of the voice-like sound in the warehouse on the sheet is additionally marked by the voice letter following it (e, e, i, u, i);
  • [u '], [h '] that [th] for the mind only soft;
  • for sure, the sound [n] is silent before the soft voices “Z”, “C”, “D”, “T”: claim [pr'iten'z'iya], review [r'itseen'z'iya] , pension [pen 's' ya], ve [n'z '] yalina, face [n'z'] ia, ka [n'd'] idat, ba [n'd'] it, i [n' d'] іvid, blo[n'd'] іn, style[n'd'] іа, ba[n't'] ik, wi[n't'] ik, zo[n't'] ik, ve[n't '] il, a[n't '] individual, co[n't '] text, remo [n't '] yuvati;
  • letters "N", "K", "R" during phonetic parsing behind the warehouse can help to "shrink" before soft sounds [h '], [u']: cup [stack'n'ch'ik], changer [cm 'e 'n'shch'ik], donut [po'n'ch'ik], stone man [kam'e′n'shch'ik], boulevard [bul'va'r'shch'ina], borscht [ borsch'];
  • often the sounds [h], [s], [p], [n] in front of the m'yakim we hear assimilations for hardness-m'yakistyu: wall [s't'e′nka], life [life'n'], here [z'd'es'];
  • to correctly vikonatize the sound-literary analysis, secure the words of the inclusion, if the appropriate [r] before soft teeth and lips, and also before [h '], [u'] move firmly: artil, godovati, cornet, samovar;

Note: the letter "b" after a voiceless unpaired for hardness / m'yakistyu in some word forms vikon only a grammatical function and does not impose a phonetic navantage: read, nothing, misha, life thin. For such words, in the case of letter analysis, the square arches, on the contrary, put the [-] dash in front of the letter “b”.

The positional changes of the boys' twin-deaf voices before the hissing voices and their transcription during sound-letter parsing

In order to determine the number of sounds in a word, it is necessary to protect their positional changes. Parnі dzvinki-deaf: [d-t] or [s-s] in front of hissing (w, w, w, h) are phonetically replaced by a hissing voice.

  • Letter analysis and apply words with hissing sounds: come [pr'iyezhzh y], convergence [your e'stv'іye], zzh elta [i'zh elta], sting [zhzh a'l'its: a].

The phenomenon, if two different letters appear as one, is called a new assimilation for all signs. Using the sound-letter parsing of the word, one of the sounds that are repeated should be designated in transcription with the symbol of longevity [:].

  • Letters received with hissing “szh” - “zzh”, they appear like a subdued firm voice [zh:], and “ssh” - “zsh” - like [sh:]: squeezed, sewed, without a tire, what’s in.
  • Poednannya "zzh", "zhzh" in the middle of the root with sound-letter parsing is recorded in transcription as a long voice [zh:]: zhzhzhu, vishu, pіznіshe, vіzhki, drіzhdzhi, scorch.
  • The following "sch", "sch" on the stick of the root and the suffix / prefix are ​​moved like a long-term soft [sch':]: rahunok [sch': o´t], rewriter, zamovnik.
  • On the stick of the receiver with the attacking word on the space "sch", "sch" is transcribed as [sch'ch']: without a number [b'esch' h' іsla'], schimos [sch'ch' e'mta].
  • With a sound-letter parsing, the use of “tch”, “dch” on the stick of morphemes is assigned as a subvariant soft [h':]: liotchik [l'o'ch': hic], young ik [little'h': hic] , sound [ah': o't].

Cheat sheet with a similarity of voiced sounds for the moon of enlightenment

  • sch → [u':] : happiness [u': a´s't'ye], pishchanik [p'ishch': a´n'ik], peddler [rіzno´sh': ik], block of blocks, rosrahunki, vicerpati, clear;
  • zch → [w':]: rіzbyar [r'e´shch': hic], vantager [gru´shch': hic], warning [raska´shch': hic];
  • living → [u':] : changer [pіr'іbe' u': hic], person [mush': i'na];
  • schch [u':]: lastovity [v'іsnu′sh': itiy];
  • stch → [w':] : zhorstkіshe [zho'sh': e], hlyostche, rigger;
  • zdh → [u':]: ob'їznik [abye´shch': ik], boron parts [baro´shch': ity];
  • ss → [w':] : splitting [splash': ip'i't'], being generous [splash': e'dr'ils'a];
  • tsh → [h'sh'] : vіdshpiti [аch'sh' ip'і′t'], vіdshtovhuvati [ach'sh' o'lk'іvat'], marno [h'sh' etna], retelno [h' sh'at'el'na];
  • tch → [h':] : sound [ah': o't], vіtchizna [ah': i'zna], in part [r'is'n'i'h': i'ty];
  • dh → [h':] : pіdkreslyuvati [pаch': o'rk'іvat'], padcherka [pаch': іr'іtsa];
  • szh → [zh:] : squeeze [zh: a 't'];
  • zzh → [zh:] : live [іzh: y´t '], fell apart [rizh: ik], їhati [uyizh: a´t '];
  • ssh → [sh:]: bring [pr'іn'o′sh: ij], expansion [rush: y´tiy];
  • zsh → [w:] : lower [n'ish: y′y]
  • th → [pcs], in word forms s “sho” ta yogo pokhіdnimi, roblyachi sound of lettering analysis, write [pcs]: shob [sht o′bi], dumb for sho [n'e′ zasht a], sho-nebud [ sht o n'ibut'], deshcho;
  • thu → [ch't] in other types of letter parsing: mriynik [m'ich't a't'il'], mail [by'h't a], perevaga [pr'itpach't 'e'n' iye] and etc;
  • h → [shn] in vinnyatkah words: zvichayno [kan'e'shn a ′], tedious [sku'shn a ′], bakery, laundry room, egg, dribnichna, shpakivnya, girl's evening, girchichnik, ganchirkovy, and so itself in women in the father’s way, which ends with “-ichna”: Illivna, Mikitichna, Kuzmivna thinly;
  • chn → [h'n] - literal analysis for all other options: kazkovy [sk'zach'ny], country [yes'h'ny], sunichny [z'im'l'in'i'h'n] , prokinutsya, gloomy, sleepy that іn;
  • !zhd → at home of the literal word “zhd” it is possible to have a double vim and transcription [u’] chi [pcs’] in the word wood and in the adopted word forms: wood, wood.

Nevimovnі vykolosnі sounds in the words of the Russian language

Under the hour of learning a whole phonetic word with a lansy language, with an impersonal different voiced letters, you can use the same sound. As a result of this, in the spellings of the words, there are letters that add sound meaning, so the name of an invisible voice. In order to correctly vikonatize the phonetic analysis online, the non-violent voice does not appear in transcription. The number of sounds in similar phonetic words will be smaller, lower letters.

In Russian phonetics, up to invisible voices, put:

  • "T" - at the bottom:
    • stn → [sn]: mіstseviy [m'e'sniy], outline [tras'n 'i'k]. By analogy, you can use the phonetic analysis of words to descend, chesny, vіdomy, radisny, sumny, participant, visnik, rainy, fierce and others;
    • stl → [sl]: happy [w':asl 'i'viy"], happy, conscientious, boastful (exclusion words: bistlyaviy and postlat, the letter “T” is in them);
    • ntsk → [nsk]: gigantic [g'іga'nsky], agent, presidential;
    • sts → [s:] : shіst vіd [shes: o´t], v'stis I [vzye's: a], swear I [kl'a's: a];
    • sts → [с:] : touristic [tour'ї's: k'іy], maximalist [max'іmalі's: k'іy], racist [ras'ї's: k'іy] , bestseller, propaganda, Expressionist, Hindu, Kar'ist;
    • ntg → [ng] : roentgen en [r'eng 'e'n];
    • "-єtsya", "-tisya" → [ts:] in the dієslіvіnіchnyah: chuckle [usmiha'ts: a], mitis [mi'ts: a], look, come in handy, deviate, golitsya, fit;
    • ts → [ts] in prikmetnikіv u dnanny on the stick of the root and suffix: childish [d'e'ts k'іy], fraternal [brotherly];
    • ts → [ts:] / [tss]: sports men [sparts: m'e'n], v_dsilati [acs ilat]];
    • ts → [ts:] on the stick of morphemes during phonetic parsing online it is recorded as a long “tss”: brother a [bra'ts: a], father epit [atz: yp'i´t'], to father u [k ac: y'];
  • "D" - when analyzing the sounds of the upcoming letters:
    • zdn → [zn]: pіznіy [po'z'n'y], dawning [z'v'oz'ny], holy [pra′z'n 'ik], free [b'іzvazm' e′zn y] ;
    • ndsh → [nsh]: mundsh tuk [munsh tu'k], landsh aft [lansh aft];
    • ndsk → [nsk]: Dutch [gala'nsk 'y], Thai [taїla'nsk 'y], Norman [narma'nsk 'y];
    • zdts → [sts]: pіd uzdzi [fall usci '];
    • ndc → [nc] : dutch [galantsi];
    • rds → [rc]: heart [s'e'rts e], core [s'irts iv'i'na];
    • rdch → [rch "]: heart іshko [s'erch 'i'shka];
    • dts → [ts:] on the stick of morphemes, rіdshe in korіnі, they are changed and when sound parsing words are recorded as subvariant [ts]: sub epiti [pats: yp'i't'], twenty t [two'ts: it'];
    • ds → [ts]: factory [zavatskaya], kinship [rational], means [sr'e'ts tv], Kislovods to [k'іslavo'ts k];
  • "L" - at the bottom:
    • lnts → [nts]: sun [sun], solstice;
  • "B" - at the bottom:
    • vst → [stv] literal analysis of words: hello [healthy uyt'e], pochuttіv about [h'u'stva], sensitivity [h'u's 'inas't'], wasteland about [pampering about '] , non-borrowing [d'e'st'іn: y].

Note: In certain words of Russian language, with accumulated voiced sounds “stk”, “ntk”, “zdk”, “ndk”, phonemes [t] are not allowed: trip [paestka], bride, drukarka, povistka, laboratory assistant, student, patient , bulky, Irish, Scottish

  • Two identical letters are transcribed as a single sound and a symbol of longevity [:]: class, bath, masa, group, program.
  • The subvoices of voices in transverse syllables are indicated in transcription and act like one sound: tunnel [tanel], terrace, apparatus.

If you can’t use the phonetic analysis of a word online for assigned rules, otherwise you have an ambiguous analysis of a pre-sliding word, hurry up for help with a do-it-yourself dictionary. Literary norms of orthoepy are regulated by idioms: “Russian literary vimova and voice. Slovnik - dovidnik. M. 1959

Wikoristan literature:

  • Litnevska O.I. Ukrainian language: a short theoretical course for schoolchildren. - MDU, M.: 2000
  • Panov M.V. Russian phonetics. - Education, M.: 1967
  • Beshenkova E.V., Ivanova O.E. Rules of Russian spelling from comments.
  • Head helper. - "Institute for the Advancement of Qualifications of Practitioners in Education", Tambov: 2012
  • Rozental D.E., Dzhandzhakova E.V., Kabanova N.P. Dovіdnik s spelling, language, literary editing. Russian literature vimov.- M.: CheRo, 1999

Now you know how to develop a word for sounds, develop a sound-letter analysis of the skin warehouse and determine their quantity. Describe the rules explain the laws of phonetics in the school program format. The stench will help you phonetically characterize the letter.

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