Report of clouding by hexagrams. Rules for folding and clouding with hexagrams. Long-Chinese fortune-telling on coins behind a book of changes


You feel like you suck up to someone else, and you feel it in return. Do not try to get ahead, or speed up the approach - let everything go with your devil.

32. Perseverance

You will be accompanied by success, as you will stand by your principles and guide

behave. Continue your activities in the same spirit - such a behavior will lead you to success and prosperity. Like before, put your plans into life - you have everything.

33. Streaminess

You only win as much as you stream for yourself. Do not look at such a behavior as if showing weakness: a small step is hardly acceptable for a distant step ahead. Focus on the details of your plan and don't be too assertive.

34. Strength

Do not confuse strength with justice. Your majestic pragnennya reach me and do not miss anything, so that in order to achieve the result, you will go over the heads of others. Try to improve your strength with tact and orderly behavior - and you will understand the essence of life processes.

35. Progress

Rely on your happy star and boldly move forward. Your bajannya zdіysnitsya less with deakoy zatrimkoy. Povaga and recognition are being checked on you, surprises and gifts, as if you were talking about the well-being of other people as well as about good.

36. Extinguishing fire

You have reached such a camp, if you show the same modesty by increasing to your merits. Be respectful and for the next hour forget about Marnoslavism. Diet is thought out and preemptively. Do not try to take someone else's place and be yourself.

37. Sim'ya

At the same time, you are guilty to blame again in the interests of this group of people who are close. It is important to know your role and behave in a proper manner. As soon as it becomes, everything will be good for you.

38. Opir

This period of your life calls for the release of harmony. You stumbled into opposition, zokrema, at the vzaєminah from a close person. You create hostility that you are drawn into a nefarious struggle. Do not think that you are not collapsing forward at an accelerated pace, you will not be able to reach anything. Navpaki, more that planned prosuvannya will bring you to the end of all difficulties and help solve the problem.

39. Pereshkodi

Your plans cannot be supported by life, and your abilities cannot match your dreams. You should be reminded of whether you are active in your activities. Try to find out the reasons, which have led to such a state of speeches, so that we can help you turn the tide. It is possible, htos to give you an obedient pleasure.

40. Vivilnennya

If you want to get away from your troubles, work hard. Promptly complete all unfinished works and do not start new docks. At once, it’s better for you to focus on essential nutrition, bring everything in order and check.

41. Slump

You are to blame for more zhorstko control and call the watery toppings - that ease, with which you take a decision, can lead to negative results. At the same time pleasant moment in order to look at different aspects of your life and look at everything. Navit unimportant exchanges to lead you to success, as if the stench was ruined. As if you were asked to donate, start small and do good work. So it will be the best for you.

42. Zrostannia

All yours can go far away. If you don’t hurt anyone, you will be checked for great success and increased income. Zaraz good hour for more expensive.

do not rush forward at an accelerated pace, and you will not be able to reach anything. Navpaki, more that planned prosuvannya will bring you to the end of all difficulties and help solve the problem.

43. Breakthrough

Be generous to others, learn to be generous. If you want to achieve success, honesty and breadth will help you. You are obliged to ascertain if you are not safe, you are punishing. Marvel at the truth at the vіchі: it is possible, you will happen to win someone from the lies and wrongful vchinkah. Be as serious as possible.

44. Vipadkovі zustrіchi

Not the best hour to start close relationships with people you hardly know. In fact, the stench is richly weaker, lower you show them. The stench cannot positively infuse you, but accept the weakening of your camp. It is important to lead yourself correctly: you can be sure that you are right.

45. Climbing together

At the same time, it is important to unite zusilla with other members of the family, friends or colleagues in work. I have brought to success that prosperity for the mind of your approximate behavior and courage to others, especially to those who have the right to rule. However, not everything can be folded like that, as you know.

46. ​​Sticking up the hill

Success on your side. Your income is growing, and you are systematically falling forward. Do not lie about asking you for an important interview to order to take an interview with you - everything will go well and you will have a ghost of a holiday. You can take care of promotion in the service, or take a bigger vlivov camp, so that you can improve modesty and purposefulness.

47. Visnashennya

See that your opportu- nities are squandered, but don't waste your hopes. There is no sense of staining an hour for superechki, that blessing, because the stench can turn against you. Ale that optimism, for as you accept the camp as such, as it is, bring you to success.

48. Well

You can't move the well, nor can you draw all the water from it. Ale, the problems are blamed, if the motuzka is short and the wind is wild. Good, if you stretch out a helping hand to others, then you can manage to go not so smoothly. For a year you change your mind that such a way to bear fruit.

49. Sharp fracture

The hour of great changes has come, let us know that you happen to shut yourself up with support

others. Your close colleagues do not understand the need for such changes, do not complete the docks. Do not let them slip into a decision: it will lead you to a miraculous result.

50. Boiler

You can change. Changes are already being seen in the boiling Kazan of life. Work so that these changes help you develop your talent and bring it to success. Be prepared to donate, if you realize the need for such a little.

51. Shock

Those that were thought to be hostile and shocking, in some way brought to the world. For the longest folding period, try to be jealous, do not be inspired by such joys of life, like wine, friends and love.

52. Calm

It is important to know if you practice, and if you do. Do not pray, if it is necessary to practice, and do not practice, if the time has come to pray. If you remember this simple rule, then you can achieve success. As if you are busy with an important right, try not to be influenced by third-party thoughts.

53. Progressive development

Your pushing forward may be more correct, but we will. Try to rob everything without haste, dorimuyuchis correct order of speeches. If you think over your skin, success and success will not change your mind.

54. Named

This hexagram may be dated until the late death of a young girl. Learn to unique pardons on the cob. Possibly, it’s better to look at it once, as only you can see that you can have a meal at the folding camp.

55. Prosperity

Help other people, don't check until you go after her. Do not be afraid to waste your success, be ready to share yoga with others.

56. Mandrivka

If you take up one right, then another, you won’t be able to reach much. Streamliness, clarity and napoleglivstvo lead to modest success and success. Be-yakі dії, yakі you grow at the right time, motherfucker great value especially if your behavior will be good.

57. Penetration

The hour has come to become angry with the small rights, and not take the fate of the revolutionary transformations. You will be assisted by the joy of shanovnoy and well-informed people. Mustache insignificant changes will bring you to reproach.

58. Joy

Correct behavior and severity lead to joy, success and progress. Knowing what will save your happiness will help you deal with problems, with which you have been hit at once. Don't be fooled by the good company of your friends.

59. Impossibility to get angry

You will be able to reach success, but just respectfully focus on what you are trying to achieve, and disciplinedly conquer everything that is necessary. Even if you can’t pick up your thoughts, your behavior will not be noble and correct. As you may allow this to happen, there is indeed a great possibility of a repetition of such a situation.

60. Flooding

You will be successful, as you will be able to know the strength in some way to surround yourself. In such a rite, blame the penny frames, in the midst of which you can work. Ale mate on your way, if you can’t reach the bazhany, you’re not on your own, but someone else streams you and surrounds your needs.

61. Secret confessions

Your schirіst to cope with the day of the enemy on іnshih. Farther away is an hour for more expensive and distant trips. Seek out what you believe, and rely on your intuition. Tse allow podolat zayva self-singing.

62. Prevailing the small

We call an unfavorable hour for the celebration of a great enterprise, ambitious thoughts and proud vchinkivs. You have more mercy, as you are in the midst of vikonannі small tasks, and you will be satisfied with a small success. The promise of pragnennya will lead to ruin and ruin.

63. Completion and the offensive cruc

For now, do not throw all your strength into a new right - you will not lead to success. Finish a lot of work and try not to spend your time on dribnitsa.

64. Incompletion

You have left unfinished on the right. We’ll be able to finish the cob far away, but we couldn’t bring everything to the day through their self-complacency to inevitable success. Whenever you move forward, usually, furnish the folding more quickly. Forever vyrіshuyte do it at once and in accordance with the order.

Witch Book of Changes (І-Tsing)

Without further ado, we can say that the fortune-telling of the Book of Changes online with a detailed interpretation (the fortune-telling of the I-ching), presented in front of you, is one of the best services of our site Juno. The Magical Chinese Book of Changes is true, our pride, a masterpiece, a brilliant, enchanting tool, which axis is already richly rocky, helping our partners to resolve their problems, grow correct choice, objectively evaluate the situation, find out about those who are attached, more likely to be worn, and live the necessary visits. Nowhere else can you so clearly understand the interpretations - descriptions of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes, the sheets accurately and subtly, which reflect your situation that is closest to the future.

One of the oldest written memos of svіtovoї literature is the Chinese Book of Changes, or І-Tszіn, є zherelom knowledge and wisdom, written in the form of peredbachen. Vorozhinnya I-Tszin will help you to find practical tips on the nature of current life situations. For this, focus on your nutrition, relax, press the "Set nutrition" button and press the "Throw coins" button 6 times, then press "Show interpretation".

Author of interpretations Sara Dening


Long-standing Chinese "Book of Signs" ("Іtsin") - cerelo wisdom, descriptions look like hexagrams. Vaughn was created over 3000 years and є one of the oldest written memoirs of light literature. The Book of Changes is the oldest divination system. The won is made up of 64 hexagrams. Numbers of hexagrams, at the same time narrow, show all the main stages in the development of situations. Everyone knows that everything in the world follows the principle of change: nothing changes the day, but the day changes nothing, after winter comes spring, the childishness changes youth. So, in the development of whether there are situations, there are stages that change one another. And if you go to the Іtsin with food, you won’t give you help, like singing hexagrams, like in to this particular type most accurately characterize the main features of the situation, as you have fed.

Why does the Book of I Ching work? You will gain access to your unknown person. Vіdpovіdі on all nutrition - in the middle of us. Nesvidome skin z us pov'yazane іz zagalnym information field. I myself know that we draw reliable evidence on our own supply for the help of intuition from mantic techniques, one of them is Іtsin. The Book of Zmin allows us to penetrate into the depths of the depths, so that we could feel our inner voice, allowances for our fears, fears, preemption and illusions.

I Ching can become a wise companion, who will accompany you in your spiritual and special development.

How to practice with the Book of Changes.

  • 1. First, for everything you need to relax and get angry at the situation, about how you want to ask the I Ching. Bazhano, so that in the presence of you, no one called you and there was no third-party noise.
  • 2. Clearly state the food you want to take. The more precise and specific we will be, the easier it will be for you to understand.

    What is the best nutritional formula?

    Bazhano do not put power on kshtalt: "Who will...?" Better to formulate іnakshe. For example:

      "What do I want to do, to achieve that ...?",
      "What will happen, what will I do, how will I hurt myself ...?",
      "How can I fix the situation...?",
      "How can I best solve this problem?",
      "Che varto me robiti so ..."? and etc.
    Can you ask which of the options you have named will be best in one and the same situation:
      "Chi varto me robiti variant A?"
      "Which varto me robiti variant?" and etc.
    If you want to get better at this situation, if I still don’t understand for you, you can put a question:
      "What do you think...?
      "How can I be put up to this situation?" and etc.
    If food is to be exchanged, it can be formulated as follows:
      "Yakі vzaєmini I have s ...?"
      "How do I behave with...?"
      "What should I do to wart, so that the stosunki z ... were like that?"
      "Why should I varto ochіkuvat vіd stosunkіv іz...?" and etc. etc.
    You can go to Іtsin schoranku with food: "What a pleasure for me on this day?", or about the meaning of sleep: "What does my dream of today mean?" and a lot more.

    Not varto kіlka razіv pospіl put those same food. Izin can give advice on a new sprat once, then just stop giving correct advice. As if you weren’t influenced by your question, stupidly inquire again and again about the same ones, relying on those that Izin will give you positive feedback. Check out this hour as soon as possible, it’s just not the right moment for the development of your situation.

  • 3. Now you can send coin drops. Our program itself will give you advice.
  • 4. Interpretation of evidence.

    How to interpret the opinion

    Otzhe, Izin gave you the text in hexagrams. Read the text "Basic hexagram" carefully. Tse and є is the main answer to your request. Do not varto understand the text literally. Golovne - understand the essence. If you want to often bring up specific statements, they are superficially accurate. To give respect, as words to you especially fall into the vіchі, are remembered. Possibly, tse and є the main order of the guard.

    It is respectful to put a ward before the text "Transitional rice" - they show the general development of your situation and become extremely important, guarding you from pardons, or, in turn, wanting your thoughts.

    "Ridnichna hexagram" - additional information about the situation. It may be an indication on the imovirne future situation, or on the past, or simply on your setting before it, or the whole thing, on which the head pods, designated in the main hexagram, develop. Tobto, tse dodatkova _information, whether it be some kind of rank tied to your nutrition and may have other meaning.

  • 5. After that, as you have finished the fortune-telling, give Yijin for the extra help. Before it, it is necessary to put it in a shanobly and dbaily manner.

We wish you good luck in splintering with the most wise Book! It’s true that you can become your trusted friend and help in any situation, repair it with the best rank. She will teach you how to unify rich pardons and help you become wiser, stronger, more guilty and more guilty special.

In the rest of the hour, there is an interest in extravagant systems of magic and the transmission of the future. As you have seen the meaning of the hexagrams of the Book of Changes, it means that you have outperformed the greater number of quiet ones who squawk. Well, no - no bida. After reading this article, you can understand these Chinese charades with ease. And for the sake of further recognition, what you want to bring into reality is conceived, what you need to hang on to that lesser time.


Precisely, the meaning of the title of the treatise can be deciphered smoothly, more Chinese characters rich. One of the versions is the Treatise (Canon) of Change, the other is the Cyclicity of Change, the third is the Canon of the Zhou Epoch (the most new version books).

Henceforth, we will win the greater primary variant: The meaning of the hexagrams will be lower. But I would like to remind you that we had a Confucian treatise in front of us, but also a tool for divination.

The tradition of “lianshan” was the leader of such a grill, based on reading for a help book. Unfortunately, there was no more name for us. Їх goes only more wildly victorious "losha" - diagrams of six horizontal lines.

"І Chin" spared more. This treatise was taken from many editions, of which, we are familiar with the method of witchcraft, which is bestowed on Ancient China.
Father, let's take a look at the report.

Deciphering the hexagrams of the Book of Changes is impossible to understand without basic ones

The treatise is composed of sixty or ten symbols, skins of these and two trigrams. The skin of them has six horizontal devils, called "yao". The stench can be whole (in the European tradition "nine", in the Chinese "yang") or interrupted in the middle ("shistki", or "in"). The first ones mean the active stage of diy, the others - the passive one.

Color identification. Yang - white, yn - black males. By analogy, the first one is given light and tension, the other - that compliance is dark.
The zahal of the hexagram is called “gua” and includes six lines.

Such a skin symbol is supported by a set of aphorisms and the use of Chinese sages. We will clear the way for those who tell fortunes, and take care of the food, what to chirp.


The hexagram follows the principle of Pythagoras's multiplication tables. Є vertical row with the meanings of traditional Chinese materials and forces. Before the new, grim, earth, fire, sky, water, burn, river, wind enter. Qi understand roztashovuyutsya horizontally, ale trochs in the next sequence.

About the order of divination, we'll talk a little more. For the time being, it is important to remember the footsteps. In traditional rituals, after the appointment of “gua” to the one who asks, looks at it, delving into the group of active and passive cob. Only a few aphorisms are read after a while, which they add up.


Deciphering the hexagrams of the Book of Zmin borrowed and borrowed the mind of rich vchenih. Nasampered, the order of "gua" mathematicians hung up.

On this day, there are three systems of rendering symbols in the treatise, that is, three sequences. The method of Wen Wang (classical), Fu Xi and a couple of non-standard options. head office, as their learned men put it, it revealed the regularity of the appearance of hexagrams in the book.

Bulo zrobleno kіlka tsіkavih respect. In the classical system, the stench rises dumb at the dance. The skin pair picture repeats unpaired, ale on pivoberta (at 180 degrees). If the symbol of viishov is symmetrical, for example, six whole lines, then nines are replaced by six. In such a rank, the guiding "gua" is folded with a lot of overlapping smugs.

McKenna, an American scholar, who created a whole theory. Judging from this hypothesis, the analogue of Mendeliev's periodic system is the Book of Changes. Tlumachennya hexagrams vіn vyvchav vhodyachi zі zmin yao at the skin stepping symbol.

Step by step, turning the book, having created a table, yak, for yoga words, helped to calculate deakі podії. For example, vin passing her the end of the world in 2012 rotation. Having had mercy, obviously, but who among mere mortals has not had mercy?

Critics seem that yoga theory - tse numerological appropriation of participatory transfers from different religions. The “I Ching” itself can’t stand up to them, but just say something like that, just try to become famous.


Minlivism is the axis of that foundation, as you carry the Chinese “Book of Changes” with you. Hexagrams reflect only a group of light and darkness on the mirror of life.

If a person didn’t have a problem, if we put it together, we didn’t get out of the situation, we could reach harmony for additional coins and a treatise. In this order, it appears that this technique is an analogue of the ring of the Jewish king Solomon, on which it is written: “Everything will pass. I'll go through."

But, no matter what, "I Ching" can not be therapeutic for people who suffer from neurosis. Carl Jung and Oleksandr Appenyansky repeatedly guess this treatise in his robots.

Podіbne vorozhіnnya zdatne to help people grow in themselves, abstraguvatisya in the problem, which has managed to "go beyond". Even more creative pidhіd allows you to go through life grudgingly and dolat folded situations without zayvih zusil.

What seems Confucianism

"Wu Ching" - the Confucian Pentacle, which includes the volume of fortune-telling, hymns, retellings, laws and historical records - are made by the Bible. It seems to me that historically I carried in myself not only information about the underworld, but I represent the whole ancient Chinese system to the svetoglyad.

Part of the zgadano practice is the Book of Changes. The clouding of hexagrams, prote, Confucius is nowhere to be found. Moreover, the treatise itself is imaginatively guessed only once in Rozmovy i sudzhennyah. For one of the versions, the price is navmisna falsification of the pardon of the rewriter, which is the replacement of the hieroglyph “tezh” by inserting “change”. Qi symbols are similar one to one.

Judging from the first version, Confucius said that, yakbi vіn mav another hour for life, vin vitrativ bi yogo on the “Change” event, so as not to have mercy. Zgіdno with another hypothesis, vin just talking about the greed of training.

For whom have been given to your respect the canonical texts of the “Book of Changes” and their interpretations by contemporary authors. Wanting to belong to the І-Tszіn in that I believe that the skin reads the Canon, read it in its own way, but more readers still need additional explanations... vlashtovana, who is ready to be satisfied with less accurate, but more sensible information.

Otzhe, to your respect, we hope:

  • "Canonical text meaning of the hexagrams of the Book of Changes"
  • This article has a text that is closest to the original (and also the least intellect). Vіn vengeance 64 were divided (for the number of hexagrams), the skin z of them has a sign of hexagrams, I will name the symbol, an aphorism to the very hexagram and to the skin ї її fig.
  • “Comments by Yu.K. Shchutsky - a friend of a part of the work of one of the best Russian connoisseurs of the Book of Changes. For the first part, you can read the article “Additional materials / Chinese Classical Book of Changes”. Mіstja razgornutі and zrozumіlі komentari to aphorismіv canonical text. Recommended before reading at once from the main text of the I-Ching
  • “Comments by O.V. Sweden" - Prodovzhennya of the book “The Book of Changes. Today's darkness." At the entrance, the author of the statement ... For myself, I set the task to know such a pidkhid before the creation of the Book of Changes, with which її aphorisms would be as clear as possible ... . In my opinion, the comments were made stupidly to a deep understanding of the main text of the publication, and then they were simply unreasonable.
    The key word here is interpretation. The widest text, which is victorious with everyday fortune-telling. To avenge the quintessence of the Book of Changes itself, but as if it were a synopsis is a welcome addition to the additional information.

Bringing comments to I-Ching

Не дивлячись на те, що інтерпретації Барбари Хейсліп найбільш зрозумілі при освоєнні ворожіння, я рекомендую вам не вимикати відображення інших текстів при інтерактивному ворожінні: поступово з часом, зважаючи на різні інтерпретації значень гексаграм, ви навчитеся і розуміти канонічний текст, і розбирати, що ж I want to say the book itself to you.

How to conduct a session of the magician Itsin

The session starts from the fact that you formulate food, as at the moment it takes you the most and looks like you check the type of book.

Then, according to your will, you give three coins: you need to earn six times, to take away six devils and put together a hexagram.

Like two and all three coins fell uphill eagle, spend on paper sucilnu between;
like two and all three coins fell uphill pishkoy- paint re-eating often.

Rice roam one over one, pochinayuchi bottom.

After that, as a hexagram is folded, the next thing to know is the number of the table.

For whom to divide її navpіl and know the upper part of the middle trigrams, placed horizontally, and the lower part - vertically, At the point of the cross - the number of hexagrams that you saw.

Now it’s too much to look into the explanatory text-clouding that comes to her.

It is necessary to correct the following:

Do not put the book on the same food again, navit it as if you are not satisfied, otherwise it will give you too gloomy;

By stretching one session, put on the possibility of more than one meal;

Just like you received hexagram number 3, 29, 39, 47 at any time, do not get embarrassed, but take the recommendations to respect in the text;

Do not rush to the book, as it is conceived, you can be sure of shkodi otochyuchim, or else it is due to evil things.

The witches came from the stars

The legendary ruler Cі, who had changed under the rule, as it was accepted to be respected, from 2852 to 2737 r_k to our er, having once swayed for orders, like a majestic tortoise wailed ashore from the river (there are some dragon-horses on the back), on the back there were crossed taemnichi signs that were formed from the sinister and interrupted in the middle of the devils. In the days of Fu Xi, having swayed the system of symbols, they gave it to the statements about the light, they deported the sky and the earth, from the interplay of which all the speeches of the being, living and non-living, were people. The symbols qi Fu Si depicted in such a sequence:

Kozhen іz symbolіv (trigrams) mav his name, pointing to the song of power and connoting a specific image:
1. trigram QIAN (creativity), power - fortress, image - sky;
2. DUI (dozvіl), joy, water basin;
3. CHI (separation), clarity, fire;
4. ZHEN (zbudzhennya), friability, grim;
5. XUN (thinning), penetration, wind (wood);
6. KAN (zanurennya), nebezpeka, water;
7. GENE (perebuvannya), indestructibility, mountain;
8. KUN (vikonannya), samoviddacha, land.

In addition, the skin okrema trigram symbolized the time of rock fallow in the fall of the sun that month.

What is ijing?

The basis of "Іtsіn" - hexagrams - symbols that are composed of two ba gua, two trigrams, tobto. - from six sinister and interrupted in the middle devils.
Possible number of options - 64. folding system, which is cool and inspires, it is similar to the theory of the “Book of Changes”, the whole process of light, all the drawing of situations, which resemble in the mutual modality of the struggle of the forces of light and darkness, tension and suppleness, good and evil, situations, in which people are influenced

It is accepted that the lower trigram is brought to the inner life, to the coming and creation, and the upper one - to the outer world, to the entrance, to the point where it collapses.
From the old-timey days, one has a look at the hexagrams like a combination of three pairs of rice, the skin of which symbolizes one of the three cosmic potencies: the upper one is the sky, the middle one is people, the lower one is the earth.
Already here you can clearly see the light-gazing of the old Chinese, looking at them, wider than the same life in rich other civilizations: a person takes a part in the life of life like a flat earth and sky, like an active force, like a fallow land, and navkolishniy svit, furnish, share.
And in what way is the head of the "Book of Changes" like a handful of daily fortune-telling texts in other systems of fortune-telling, where people are given a passive role, where a fatal break is transferred to you, change any fault not in the mind.

Also, the “Book of Changes” has 64 hexagrams, which mean, how old-time commentators affirm, all the main life situations.
At that very hour, there are a number of possible variants of code "words" in the molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) - carrying the genetic code of any organism on Earth - that is healthy 64.
But still not all. The DNA molecule, as it seems, has the form of an underwire spiral, similar to the twisted coils and descends from millions of crossbars.
So the axis, once the genetic code vibudovuetsya for 19 turns of the spiral, then the 64th triplet falls on the 19th turn, or the codon, which is the unity of the code. Here we catch a parallel from the so-called Metonic cycle, which lies at the basis of the ancient Greek calendar. The cycle ended on 235 monthly months and three on exactly 19 years. From this coil, the stomping was broken, that the coil of the underwire helix of DNA is indicative of sony rock and may revenge this information. I support my hypothesis with the facts: in the living skin cells there are close to three billion turns of the DNA molecule i - stilts and billions of rocks in that Earth vinicles of the first microorganism.
And what, like the coils of DNA, is nothing else, like words, the phrases of a “student of life”, which are being conducted from ancient times, if there are no appointments of “Іtsіn” in order to start talking about this “student”?

The process of fortune-telling according to "Іtsіn" appeared from the fact that the skin hexagram symbolizes that chi and other life situation, as it breaks out in the hour, and the skin aphorism with hexagram briefly characterizes that chi and the other stage of the development of this situation.

Aphorisms, which are related to the characteristics of the skin with hexagrams, tell about the last development of the situation.
p align="justify"> The first position (bottom of the rice) characterizes only the origin of the situation, if the typicality has not yet been determined.
Another position characterizes the apogee of the internal development.
The third is a moment of crisis, the transition of the situation from internal to splendid.
Fourth - the cob will manifest the internal process of calling.
P'yata - the maximum explanation of the situation calls.
Shosta (upper rice) marks the completion of the development of the situation, or so the name of the re-development, if it is transformed into its own development.

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