Drawings, graphemes and keys of Chinese characters. Yak shukati iёroglіfi from the glossary ієroglіfi for the keys

Structure of hieroglyphs.

Behind the way of illuminating hieroglyphs, there are following types:
pictographic, ideographic, phonographic.
Pictographic hieroglyphs - the simplest hieroglyphs. Stinks we can know in the form of the name of the subject, for example, 口, 心,日 .

Ideographicієroglyphs are made up of two simple ієroglyphs, for example 信.

Phonographicієroglyphs are formed from the key and phonetics. The key conveys the distance of the change of the hieroglyph (as soon as possible to find a group, until the future of the hieroglyph), and the phoneticist conveys the sound of the hieroglyph and does not have a sense.
Most often, the key is romanized by the levoruch, the hieroglyph is lower and lower, and the phonetician is right-handed, but alternatives are possible.
For example, the hieroglyph 枝 gіlka is formed from the key "tree" and the phonetics "zhi".
Nearly 80% of Chinese characters are phonographic.
Zagalom in Chinese language - 214 keys. To know them all, it is necessary to remind them of everything, but it is not necessary to remember the widest.

List of the largest wide keys of Chinese characters:

List of current phonetics:

寸 can be read: cun
小 can be read: sun, xiao
can read: mei
羊 possible reading: yang, xian
possible reading: yan, yin, hen, gen.
重 possible reading: tuan, zhong
possible reading: shei, shui, tui

Why do we need to know the basic keys and phonetics?
The keys are necessary for an approximate understanding of the sense, which allows one to guess about the sense of the word.
Well, we can need phonetics in situations, if we need to guess about Vim's words. It may also be necessary, if we need to know the word from the dictionary, but we cannot spell out the joke. For example, we need to recognize the sense of the hieroglyph: . Behind the key, you can understand that the word can be brought to metal. The phonetician can be read as yan, yin, hen, gen. Having glanced at the combinations, we can easily know the word 银 - yín srіblo.

1) Name the value of the key and guess the meaning of the category of the hieroglyph

  1. the key is water, the meaning is the ocean

  2. the key is metal, the meaning is “pennies”

  3. the key is the heart, the meaning is sly

  4. the key is fire, the meaning is “hot”

  5. the key is bamboo, the meaning is “sticks for hedgehogs”

  6. key - zha, meaning - "restaurant"

  7. the key is mova, the meaning is "give up"

2) Guess about the possibility of vimov's hieroglyph for phonetics:

  1. possible phonetics: yan, yin, hen, gen. Vimov's hieroglyph: gēn

  2. possible vimovie phonetics: yang, xian. Vimov's hieroglyph: xiān

  3. possible phonetics: tuan, zhong. Vimov's hieroglyph: tuǎn

  4. possible vimovi phonetics: mei. Vimov's hieroglyph: mei

  5. possible phonetics: shei, shui, tui. Vimov's hieroglyph: tuǐ

  6. possible vimovi phonetics: cun. Wim's hieroglyph: cǔn

  7. possible phonetics: tuan, zhong. Vimov's character: zhōng

  8. possible vimovie phonetics: yang, xian. Vimov's hieroglyph: yang

  9. possible phonetics: shei, shui, tui. Vimov's hieroglyph: tuī

Let's figure out what the stench is. Risi ta keys of Chinese characters- the main components of hieroglyphs, which will help you to discover the mystery of enigmatic writing.

Drawing of Chinese characters

Be amazed at the characters more respectfully: 如何写象形文字.

The skin of the ієroglyph is composed of okremih risks, as they are called rice. The number of characteristics in hieroglyphs can be up to 20-30 pieces. For example, hieroglyph 1 - y - one is added to one horizontal drawing.

Ale є іёroglіfi-record holder for the number of rice. For example, the hieroglyph, which is composed of 84 rice, means "a kind of dragon in full". Vіn folds from three ієroglіfіv "gloomy", and і triоkh ієroglіfіv "dragon".

The skin of rice is written straight ahead - to the beast to the bottom, or (i) angry to the right.

Usy є sprat of basic rice (marvelous figure).

If a sprat of rice is written all at once (without a pen in a paper), then folded rice comes out, as they are called ligatures.

Ligatures can be based on horizontal or other characteristics. When the characterizations are included in the hieroglyphs, the ligature is considered to be the same boundary. Below is a table of ligatures.

Now you can distinguish the rice in skin character: 如何写象形文字.

Graphs and keys of Chinese characters

There is one more element of the hieroglyph - grapheme. The grapheme is a kind of mini-ієroglyph. A grapheme can be an independent hieroglyph (but don’t start), or it can be a part of a hieroglyph. Stock - 妈 = 女 + 马.

Buvayut graphemi- keys- tse graphemies related to the meanings of the hieroglyph. Reshtu of the hieroglyph is called phonetician- tobto primordial sounding.

Also, the hieroglyph is formed with a grapheme and an okremi fig.

It is also necessary to be safe, which is to use traditional characters (to be born in Taiwan, in Korea) and simple (to be born in China).

For traditional characters, a table of 214 keys should be generated. For forgiveness, tables of 170-180 keys were compiled.

You can download your own table with 214 characters (the table consists of 2 elements).

Key table (continued)

Spring 5th, 2012

The glyphs are good, because not remembering their reading, but remembering the meaning, you can still understand the proposition. Proposition written. Ale, sorry, don’t worry. Japanese language characters are so rich that it is important to guess everything. They seem to be constantly forgetting. More precisely, reading them. And without reading, you can’t look at the dictionary and find out about an unknown word.

If the hieroglyph is instructed on the site or in the document, you can copy it and paste it into the dictionary, but if you work, you can’t copy it? What are the spellings of the hands and subtitles? There is only one way to do it - search for the key. I understood, for whom you need to know the keys. It is acceptable, we already know well with the keys, don’t let me remember their mustache, don’t remember their numbers, but we can reveal, which element can be їm and skilki in a new devil. Dali we can continue to search with the paper dictionary or speed up online vocabulary jisho.org.

Yak koristuvatsya jisho.org

Take for butt ієroglіf 曜. In a new skin element, it can be a key, for that, for the simplest, for “son” 日 I want to be the one who is left-handed.

On jisho.org choose Kanji by radicals

The dictionary gives us the keys. We choose our "sun" and take the list of us іёroglіfіv, whose key is є 日. Those keys, like the sun in no way clash, they seemed to be around.

A lot of hieroglyphs, sort through everything - for a long time. To that, to sound a poke, choose another key - yo and voila!

Click on the hieroglyph and marvel at the meaning. If you need an English translation, hurry up with Multitran.

There is nothing terrible in the fact that the hieroglyphs are forgotten. It's not obvious. It’s a bit too hard to marvel at the dictionary, it’s not a letter after all. So, in order to forget less іёroglіfіv, constantly repeat їх with the help of our supplement AnimeTaro. You don’t remember, how easy it is to remember your ears - may be 2000!

Zovsim recently knew the site Chinese-Russian dictionary online. They have a miraculously handy function - manual introduction of hieroglyphs. Axis I and vyrishila rozpovіsti about qi sites.

One of the biggest difficulties in learning Chinese language is the hieroglyphics. І z cim rich someone come in handy. And the rest of the hour ієroglіfi tsіkavі not less tim, hto vvchaє chinese.

Vzagali know good Chinese-Russian dictionary-online turned out to be difficult. At my hour, I used one such dictionary, swearing, good. But if you don’t know how the ієroglyph is moved, and this ієroglyph of the records is not in electronic form, but, for example, on paper, in odyazі or wound on trellises, then it’s very important to know the ієroglyph in such a dictionary, like in a paper dictionary.

At the same time, for such purposes, I’m vicorist - a program-transfer, like being installed on a computer, that can be processed without connecting to the Internet.

What are the sites I can use?

Sites with manual input of characters

First dictionary-online

With the help of yoga, I quickly knew the deacies of іёroglіfi.

Another dictionary online

When the cursor is inserted into the input field, it appears at the end for writing the hieroglyph. It's true, Google Chrome doesn't work in my browser, but it works fine in Internet Explorer.

P.S. Sorry, at the moment (04/02/2014) the possibility of manual entry on this site is daily ... but there are other variations. Possibly, this function will be rotated.

/New! dated 02.04.2014/ Fourth online dictionary

The principle is the same.

Tsey dictionary online to search for a lot of dictionary articles. You can dial from the request and to pinin. With the introduction of the word, pronounce the options.

Maybe you need it - unscramble the writing on your favorite football shirt

I'll start from what search for characters in the English dictionary cardinally resonates with the help of unknown words in any dictionary of European language. How does it look theoretically?

Fallow in the dictionary, the search for the hieroglyph is either for the keys, or for the main rice in the hieroglyph. In one step on the back, you need to know the key, which is the main one in ієroglіfі, and then we’ll already shukat all ієroglyphs, like avenging this key and for the amount of rice that we have lost If only you can marvel at the reading of the meaning of the hieroglyph (if you read it - it’s not broken, in rich Russian-Chinese dictionaries there is less written hieroglyph, reading is not given).

Sound unreasonable. Let's try to know the hieroglyph from the dictionary for the keys.
For example, tsei - 挂

I illustrate all my sketches with photographs, in order to demonstrate to people as accessible as possible, just to start the Chinese language, how to fight.

2. We signify the head key in hieroglyphs, for which mi shukatimemo yogo in the dictionary, and vvazhaemo s skіlkoh rice wines are folded. The head key in hieroglyphs can be roztashovuvatis levoruch or the beast. If you look for new hieroglyphs you see in your life as a busy day, you can easily guess the head key, not looking at the hieroglyph. If you have miscalculated, do not fall into misunderstandings - look respectfully at the hieroglyph again and find another key.

At to this particular type we have chosen that the main key is the key “hand” (report about the name of the keys in the article “keys in Chinese characters”), and that the vin is composed of three figs. Look at the table of keys in the dictionary and marvel at the keys, which are composed of three characteristics.

We know the key we need. The keys in this table are sorted for the increase in the number of characteristics of the key. Bring it up to 10 Chinese rahunoks, so that someone can pick it up, wanting to see everything there on purpose. On the photograph of 1 wine at the central column under the number 53 and the order is assigned a side (reinforced seat) at the report table of keys with hieroglyphs, the de vine stands out - 346 side. 3. Open the report table of keys with hieroglyphs (speak it out for sure after the table of keys described in paragraph 2)

4. Now let's look at side 346 and find the key number 53 - this will be the same key that we have in the key table (point 2), div. photograph 2. 5. Under this key, hieroglyphs go, for some of them the key is sharpened. Ієroglіfi go for the increase in the number of characteristics, for the minus of the number of characteristics, from which the key itself is formed (in this case - 3). Tobto we need to rob: vvazhemo Zagalna kіlkіst the devil at the hieroglyph (at once from the key) - enter 9 devils.

Now we can see 9 number of rice, from which the key is added (3 rice) and the result is 6. comments are presented in the photo 2).

6. Under the number 6 (6), all the hieroglyphs are stashed, which add up to 6 devils, not protecting the number of devils at the key, for which we conduct a search. From this list we need to know our hieroglyph. Shukati is even simpler - we marvel at it. The instruction from it will be the number of the page (already without the middle of the glossary). Have times 85.

7. Vіdkrivaєmo 85 the side of the Chinese-Russian vocabulary and it is known on the other side of the hieroglyphs. Bachimo, like wine is read (guà) and like it is translated (hang, hang, attach, etc.) - div. rest photo. 8. The search is over. You are young!

In the table of keys with hieroglyphs in the very end, it was divided, to which the hieroglyphs increased, but they did not increase to the same of the other divisions. Tobto shukat їх for the keys marno - the stench is represented only here. Bazhano get to know the hieroglyphs represented there, so that, having learned one of them at the text, do not spend an hour searching for yoga by key, but immediately turn back to the first division (divine photo of evil - division 221)

I have tried to describe it in more detail. I’ll ask again, it’s like it was too boring, I’m biradial to this report description, if only I started the Chinese language, but there was no її in me.

More descriptions way to search for the hieroglyph vodnositsya before dictionaries of Chinese language, at some searches for keys.

Now let's take a look at the butt of that very hieroglyph searched in another type of dictionaries - for rice.

In such dictionaries ієroglіfi raztashovanі in the order of the graphic system. The most important element of the system of roztashuvannya ієroglіfіv є right lower kut or low rice ієroglіfіv, scho seen. You can read a report about it at the dictionary itself - at the branch, which is called "about the vocabulary dictionary".

Well, let's get down to the search for the hieroglyph - 挂.

1. It was determined that “1” is important in the main rice in the hieroglyphs,Vіdkrivaєmo the indicator until the search for the hieroglyphs in the dictionary, they knew there the main rice (won to the cob itself), we marveled divided 1, 1 group - and there we know the number 27, є roglіfі I grant the right to a part of our junk hieroglyph (wonderful photo).

2. Vіdkrivaєmo 27 side of the dictionary. Hills - row with hieroglyphs. We were lucky, and in the same row we got a hieroglyph, like a mi shukayemo (divine photo).
3. Tse means that this hieroglyph is familiar to us on this side. We know yoga and we know yoga meaning. And also we take into account the whole nest of words, how we get used to this hieroglyph.

I can say in a special way that I don’t like to describe with a dictionary. Even more often it happens in such a way that I cannot correctly determine the boundary. But for someone else, this dictionary is just a head helper, and the stench is already shvidko shukayut shukani іёroglyfi in the new. It is possible to reach someone, as if he were constantly currying.

Another type of vocabulary, which is visible to the world, but without the butt of so titles search for hieroglyphs in the dictionary for sounds. If you know how the hieroglyph moves and you just need to know its meaning, then there is nothing simple - hieroglyphs in such dictionaries go like the famous English-Russian ones - for the alphabet. How ієroglіf is read like "che", vydkrivaєmo letters "c", gortaєmo to "che". Let's choose the one that looks like we're joking and that's all - the joke is over.

The article does not pretend to be academic, I'm just trying my simple explain how I especially look for the hieroglyphs in the dictionary. Yakshto you tse helped - even radium.

Kuldzhanov Andriy

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