Timofei Mayakin, head of the military orchestra service. Viyskovo-orchestral service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Leading Head of the Special Discipline

00461 ZU-^І As a manuscript

Mayakin Timofiy Kostyantinovich


24.00.01 – Theory and history of culture

Nizhny Novgorod - 2010


Scientific scientist, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Zelene Lev Oleksandrovich

Official opponents: Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Balakshin Oleksandr Sergiyovich, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Komarova Ganna Mykolaivna

Conducted organization

SEI HPE "Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University"

Zahist will be "17" leaf fall 2010 r. about the 12th year at the meeting of the special education for the sake of D 212.162.01 at the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Nizhny Novgorod State Architectural and Budіvelny University" at the address: 603950, Nizhniy Novgorod, ul.Іllіnska, 6 5, aud. 202.

You can get the dissertation from the library of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Nizhny Novgorod State Architectural and Budіvelny University".

Scientific secretary of a specialized military service

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor

E.V. Gryaznova


Thirdly, the continuation of the military-musical culture with the improvement of її rich functions can accept the increased authority of the Evil Forces of the Russian Federation, especially among modern minds.

By the way, actual is the development of the military-musical culture with a look of її psychological, national-patriotic role in the formation of a special warehouse of the Evil Forces of our land.

Steps of scientific variability of the problem. We are sorry to say that the level of scientific diversity of the problem of the development of Russian musical culture in Russia is already weak and may still be fragmentary in nature. Looking at the problem under the class Kut do not start the dawn

Received її whole wedding. The robot does not have a direct power supply, and it is only possible to carry out similar investigations and see around the sides, problems, fragments.

Before the first one, the works of Russian culturologists of a transcendental methodological nature are seen, in which the problems of musical culture in the theoretical plan are torn apart.

The other group is represented by complex robots of Russian mysticists from the history of music and musical culture of Russia. formal form, in connection with the nourishment of the cultural life of the state As a rule, in all of their works, a report excursus into the history of the musical life of Russia is made. Vodnochas vysvetlennya pitan, pov'yazanih іz vyyskovo-muzichnoї kul'tury development, may fragmentary character.

The fourth group includes works dedicated to the history of the formation of the Ensemble of the Chervonoarmyskoy song and the creative activity of the first ceramics worker A.V. Aleksandrov.4

1 Div: Arnoldov A.I. People that light of culture. - M., 1992; Vinnitsky M.M. The role of that place of musical art in the formation of the spiritual world of the Radian warrior: dis. ... cand. philosophy Sciences. - M., 1984: Vigotsky L.S., Luria A.R. Categories and understanding of the theory of culture. - M., 1985; Dorogova L.M. Artistic culture and formation of special features of the war: dis. ... Doctor of Philosophy. Sciences. - M., 1990; Sokolov E.V. Understanding the essence of the main functions of culture. -JI., 1989 and in.

2 Div: Bronfin E.F. Musical culture of Petrograd on the first post-revolutionary anniversary. - L., 1984; Nikitina L.D. Radian music. History and the present. - M., 1991; Tarakanov M. E. Musical culture of the RRFSR. - M., 1987 and in.

3 Div: Aksionov E.S. Nove in the instrumentation of the Radian Viysk March. - M, 1970; Matveev V.A. Russian Viysk orchestra. - M., 1965; Surin N.K. Viysk-ceremonial music and anthology from the history of viysk music. - M „ 1988. - Ch. N; Tutunov V.I. 250 years of Viysk-orchestral service in Russia. - M., 1961 and in.

4 Div: Alexandrov B.A. Song cry. - M., 1982; Korostelev B.Y. Mystetstvo, narodzhene people. - M., 1991; Pozhidaev G.A. Chervonopraporny Ensemble: Way of Song and Glory. - M., 1988; Shshov A.V. Unknown authors see songs. - M., 1961 and in.

The same group of dzherel fold documents that are widely represented in the historical archives of Russia,1 also here one can see published in different years legislative documents and acts (decrees, punishments, directives, statutes, instructions) supplement the necklace base of the follow-up.

One more group of dzherel is approved by memoirs, students of children and practical cultures, in which they have deprived the subjective assessment of military music, musical culture in general, their role in the moral and psychological development of warriors.

The subject of research is the Russian musical culture. Vrahovyuchi, sho tsey subject to complete the rich-faceted, we in a new way see those aspects of the analysis, how to add up the object of research: the historical formation of the military-musical culture, its specifics, the main social functions I will show that form, the structure of the training of personnel for viysk musicians and conductors.

1 Russian State Archives of the Navy (RGVA), Russian State Archives of the Navy and Navy (RDA VMF), Russian State Archives of Literature and Science (RDAL).

2 Div: Construction cavalry statute of the RSCA. - Pg., 1920. - Ch. I-Sh; Construction statute of the RSCA. - Pg., 1920. - Ch. I .; Statute of the garrison service of the RSCA. - Pg., 1918 and in.

3 Div: Vasilevsky A.M. To the right of all life. - M "1974; Vsevolzky I.Є. Brothers of the sea. - M., 1961; Furmanov D.A. Chapaev.-M., 1961 etc.

Theoretical basis of dissertation research. Як теоретичні основи дослідження послужили роботи вітчизняних та зарубіжних авторів, присвячені аналізу соціальної сутності культури, її місця в системі суспільства, закономірностей становлення різних видів прикладної культури, а також праці, що розкриває теорію музичної культури та її специфічну форму - військово-музичну діяльність. Analysis of the structure of the military-musical education zooming in on the need for education to achieve a psychological and pedagogical character.

Methodological basis of dissertation research. The methodological attitude of the robot is based on the dialectical method with such basic principles as the principle of polarization, which allowed explaining the super-sophisticated nature of the military-musical culture as a unity of the utilitarian-cultural and artistic-musical activity; the principle of functionality, with the help of which the polyfunctional analysis of the Viysk-musical culture was broken up; the principle of determinism, which is the need to zoom

follow-up of the dynamics of the military-musical culture in the fallow in the social and political changes in the society.

4. Analysis of the real buttya of the Russian-musical culture in the system of suspense reveals the main social functions: ritual-organizational,

organizational and mobilizing, ceremonial and demonstrative, nationally patriotic, illuminating and educational, concert and theatrical.

5. Viyskovo-musical culture of Russia, as a universal and richly-faceted phenomenon, pours into the mass consciousness of society.

Theoretical and practical significance of the research. In the theoretical perspective, the materials of the research may seem significant for the more engulfed understanding of the problems of applied cultural studies, which develops in the boundaries of the global theory and history of culture. About tse to svіdchat analogіchnі dolіdzhennya kul'tury design, culture of behavior, mov, religious culture and іn.

Approbation of the results of the research. The results were presented by the author at the meetings of the Department of Culture and Science of the Viysk University, the Viysk Dirigent Department of the Viysk Dirigent Faculty at the Moscow State Conservatory named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Department of Philosophy and Political Science of the Nizhny Novgorod State Architectural and Budіvel University. p align="justify"> All positions of the robots were considered at the scientific and practical conference of the Viysk Dirigent Faculty. Dissertation materials are included in a number of articles, as well as in the author's monograph "Viysk Musical Culture of Russia" (M., 2010) and in the collective monograph "Viysk Music of Russia" (M.: Voenizdat, 2007).

The structure of the dissertation. The dissertation totaling 149 pages is composed of references, 4 divisions, revisions and bibliographic list, which includes 282 names and 153 archives of dzherel.


At the entrance, it is selected by those, the object is the subject of study, the details of that task are determined, given a short look literature, the theoretical and methodological basis of the study is explained.

In the first division - "The specifics of the function of the Russian musical culture" - obviously, the specifics of that social function of the Russian musical culture are clearly understood. Shards of stench are importantly laid out on an empirical, opisal level, tse conveying an important understanding of this culturological interpretation, and here, let's rethink, it is necessary to understand the musical culture in a hazy manner.

Words about musical culture are still going through the process of becoming, just like stories about culture are starting. French teachings A. Mol narahuvav over 250 the meaning of culture. "The concept of "musical culture" until recently in Russian music scholars was interpreted as a synonym for such terms, like "musical art" and "musical life".

З погляду цього дослідження заслуговує на увагу визначення музичної культури як сукупності процесів та явищ духовно-практичної діяльності суспільства в цілому або його окремих груп (етнічних, професійних, вікових тощо) щодо створення, накопичення, зберігання, освоєння та поширення творів музичного мистецтва та матеріальних цінностей , tied to music.

It is necessary to state that the very diyalnisny pіdkhіd allows understanding the functional nature of both the culture of zagalom and the musical culture of zokrema. Viyskovo-musical culture is accepted as a specific type of applied culture, tobto. such a musical culture, like a beast to military service activity. Tsya її podviyna determination zumovlyuє її specificity, which is seen in the most historical development of military-musical culture, and in її empirical description and theoretical explanation.

1 Mol A. Sociodynamics of culture. - M., 1973. - S. 35.

Viyskovo-musical culture of Russia in this case was considered to be the culture of singing professional group of society. It seems like a succession of processes and manifestations of the spiritual and practical activity of the military in the Army and the Fleet to create, accumulate, save, master and expand the creations of the musical art and material values ​​\u200b\u200bfor the Navy

In a great sense of musical culture can be seen as a collection of historically educated social processes and manifestations of the musical life of several versions of the various professional groups, which is expressed in musical folklore and musical creations. In this sense, the understanding of musical culture sticks to the understanding of musical art, as sometimes it is seen as a function of spiritual culture, it is represented as a combination of ways in the musical activity of people, as to stand on different squares of social gatherings and live in flames vocational training. These methods serve uninterruptedly for recognition, training, education and training of army and navy teams.

It is spiritual muzic culture, yak showing iz ї ї ї ї ї ї illegitimately yielded to the mother’s mother-in-law, and the yak of the puffed museum-control structures, the museum of the iz, and the factory, the Maystrans, the vibration of the museum of the museum. security and regulation of the process of improvement and enlightenment.

Viyskovo-musical culture, which is invigorated by the suspile, political and musical life of the country, a series of wild rice, characteristic of all the musical culture of the suspenst, has a strong independence in its musical development. This is connected with the peculiarities of the functioning of the enemy forces of any power, as if they were attacking the offensive:

a) the defensive forces of the state at all times will be the rule of politics, the rule of the ruling class. І tsey zasib only

then you gain strength, if the morale of the soldiers, sailors and officers is on the level;

b) the vitality of the enemy forces is designated by a zhorst structure of management and a stable organization of the daily routine, which can be done without military-brass music;

c) The Army and the Navy have always been stealing the national interests of Russia. And in the important days of the fighting days, the military and musical culture played its role. P. Alabin, a participant in the defense of Sevastopol, describes the axis as follows: “... beating at a flash, making up drums in some places, in other places mooning with bryazky, sharp sounds of signal trumpets. The sounds of both quiet instruments, and others, are the same recognized: they sound at their own place, breathlessly and forward about the trouble.

The formation and development of the Viysk-Musical Culture was driven by the following reasons:

Changes at the old one domestic policy the powers that were swayed by the military reforms;

Rozvitkom vіtchiznyanoї musical culture, as material, and spiritual;

Diyalnistyu order that prominent military commanders;

active supple-musical activity of leading Russian musicians;

Development of printing industry and musical notation;

Functioning of the enemy forces themselves.

When evaluating the role of that significance of the military-musical culture, it is necessary to protect the low features of the formation, as if they were attacking:

a) musical and mystical knowledge and spiritual needs in this sphere of culture in different categories of military servicemen were exchanged on different equals;

1 Alabin P.V. Chotiri viyni: Pokhіdni notes. - M., 1892. - Part 3.

b) winning the cause of musical art under the hour of conducting construction surveys, military rituals and ceremonies; music occupied one of the leading roles in the formation of the system of aesthetic and moral warfare;

c) music obov'yazkovo was turned on practically at all types of military activity (signal service, guard duty and garrison service only), which was secured by the statutes, and other key documents were established.

Viyskovo-musical culture vykonuvala at the lower level of functions, the zavdyaks realized their wild character and prominent self-sufficiency. Before such functions should be set:

Ritual-organizational - playing music in different types of professional service and construction activities (supervision of military rituals, ceremonies toshcho);

Organizing and mobilizing - using musical instruments to give signals to the military administration and to promote the fighting spirit of the military servicemen during the military season;

Ceremonial-demonstrative - musical suprovid of all-day activity during the peaceful hour (at the hour of marches, at the military camps it is thin);

Nationally patriotic - shaping the spiritual world of military servicemen, cultivating them in the soul of the Fatherhood, propaganda of the essential structure;

Osvіtnyo-prosvіtnytska - the attachment of knowledge of culturological, mystical and historical character;

Concert and theatrical - organization of support and support.

Deyakі funktsії (national-patriotic, osvіtnyo-enlightenment, concert-theatrical) were characteristic of all musical culture, and deyakі (ritually-organizational, organizing-mobіlіzuyucha, ceremonial-demonstrative) were

professional character It confirms that the Ukrainian-musical culture is an organic part of the musical culture of the society and at one time may be self-reliant.

These are the powers of the military-musical culture: mass character, offensiveness, building of a strong emotional influx. Vivchayuchi viyskovo-musical culture can be called deyakі vіdminnosti navy musical culture in the army. The specifics of the maritime service, entangled in the closed space of the ship, the troubling sailors traveling far on the native shores, day-to-day on the small ships of the orchestras. Everything called out to life the main type of musical activity of the sailor-sailor song.

The people of the Russian musical culture are striving to create the earth. Vіdomo, what else pagan words(V - VII centuries) they sang songs on the graves of their ancestors, singing the feats of heroes in them, as they glorified their kin. The songs were formed in syllables and were transmitted exclusively in a sleepy way, which explains the innumerability of butts that have been passed down to our hour.

Musical culture took its distant development. From the beginning of the marches of the military squads, the zastosuvannya of the first musical instruments was started. The biggest early riddle about trumpets is told in rozpovid about the taxation of Kyiv with cookies 968 р.

Protyagom XI - XII Art. the musical elements nabula of their distant extension at the military right. The “Words about the Departure of Igor”, which describes the date of 1185, says: “... blow the trumpet at Novgorod, stand ensign in Putivd”. I gave: “and my smokers, accomplished knights, with trumpets, under the helmets of protection, with the end of the list of blessings ...”.

Like in the old Kievan Rus, so in the remote in the Moscow princedom (XIV - XV centuries) Viysk music and warehouses, the basis of wind instruments occupied a number of places. So, for example, trumpets and tambourines accompanied the gathering of the Russian military at the departure of Dmitry Donskoy.

1 A word about the departure of Igor. - L., 1990. - S. 49-50.

In the XV and XVI centuries. at the courts of the Russian tsars and the midst of the consecrated boyars, the Daedals more often began to turn to the various "overseas" musical potions. The attraction to music of the Western European type was especially apparent in the 2nd half of the 17th century, if at the request of Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich, musicians were recruited, they played on various instruments: trumpets, flutes, trombones, oboes and violins, which step by step entered the royal musical sіm'ї.

The completion of the period of the birth of the military-musical culture was connected with the supremacy and sovereign activity of Peter I. In 1711. By a special decree of Peter I, a regulation was introduced about the “Vyisk chori of music”, as the legislator established the status of choruses in the police, and the staff structure was also limited. The greatest merit of Peter the Great was the merit of Peter the Great, who himself, under the new one, nabula string and read the form of the first military rituals: ranking and evening dawn, taking the oath, zustrich chiefs, separation of the chiefs. .

Further on, the formation of the military musical culture (2nd half of the 18th - 1st half of the 19th century) went under the influence of traditions laid down by Peter I, and the most important role was played by the significant changes in the sphere of the Russian music at the rocky tsaryuvannaya Katerina II. We were in front of the regular number of military orchestras. In a number of regiments, two choirs of military music were founded, tobto. two orchestras. This hour has a wide development, having eliminated the main genre of Russian music - the march (ceremonial, pokhidny), which sounds at parades, glances, hikes, etc.

At the XVIII century. musical instruments become one of the various military regalia, a symbol of the valor and heroism of the Russian regiments. At the crossroads of the greater cities, erected by the Russian army, the silver trumpets and horns sat on the third place. Nagorodzhennya musical instruments at the XVIII century. mіtsno uviyshlo practice zahochennya especially noted among combat actions

"Viysk chori of music" of the Russian army and navy.

So called in the XVIII 14

XIX Art. Viysk orchestras of Russians

regiments, what can be done to show the musical culture of the Russian army and navy.

Protyagom 1st half of the XIX century. in the military orchestras of the Russian army, there were low important entries, which slandered the different sides of their life: staff, instrumental warehouses, the system of ceramics in the orchestras of the guard, the training of musicians. Tsі come in successively improved the camp of the musical culture of the Army and the Fleet, the number of those who had a connection with the participation in the combat actions gradually increased.

Of great importance for the development of Russian music are few wines and the introduction of chromatic middle instruments into the orchestra, which significantly expanded their artistic possibilities.

Until this period, the first pro "invalid" concerts, dedicated to the heroes of the Great War of 1812, should be held by the military orchestras. and ruled scholastically in different places of Russia from 1813 to 1913. This meta was used in the collection of koshtіv for the provision of material assistance to the suffered soldiers.

In the first half of the XIX century. she took off her distant development of a soldier's that sailor's song. Peremoga Vytchiznyanoi war 1812, as well as the Ugrian campaign of 1849. gave rise to impersonal soldier folk songs that commemorated the exploits of their ordinary soldiers and their commanders. The first drafts of the texts, the notes of the song and the military marches appeared.

As a result of the military reforms of Emperor Oleksandr II, the material formation of the military musicians and bandmasters was significantly improved, new instrumental warehouses of the military orchestras were introduced, and special initial mortgage for the training of musicians and bandmasters of the Russian Army and Navy.

At the beginning of the 20th century all thought was put together for the formation of a distant development of the military-musical culture in Russia.

1 A new modification of the middle wind instruments, some of which have inclusions of a 3-valve mechanism, which enhances their victorian and artistic abilities.

The specificity of the Russian musical culture is historically formed on the basis of two primary warehouse elements:

a) the murminated creative at all ї і і і і і-ibe-vocal manors, and the organic culture is organically entered, the vicenchers of the vicencups of the rosy, the viconavian, and the yaki ticked up, the yaki yaski. cordon;

b) service and construction activities in all forms and social manifestations that signify the specifics of the military and musical culture, connected with the activities of the Armed Forces, as they are designated by statutes and regulations, as well as cultural life (concert theater).

The universal nature of the military-musical culture allows you to see the low social functions, the powerful ones, the most important among them: ritual-organizational, organizational-mobilizational, parade-demonstrative, nationally-patriotic, concerto-prosvitnitska.

In another section “Formation and Formation of Professional Musical Education in Russia”, the author concentrates the main attention on the fact that the military-musical culture is a specific applied activity that requires highly qualified subjects, a professional personnel warehouse. To that, the state on the back of the head gave a lot of respect for the formation of that development of professional military-musical illumination, as it began to take shape in the pre-Radian period, but it was especially bright and richly shaped in the Radian period business history. Modern Russian society continues the traditions that have been formed.

For the performance of the orchestra of the Chervonoy Army, a bandmaster of a new type, a highly qualified musician, who may have special training, which may have organizational skills and the talent of a master, is needed.

It was necessary to establish new forms of professional military and musical education in the shortest term.

In 1919 були розроблені «Положення та штати про короткострокові курси інструкторів музики для Червоної Армії при Просвітньому відділі ПУРа»,1 з метою підготовки фахівців за такими спеціальностями: інструктор хорового співу, організатор показових музичних бесід, інструктор з народних музичних інструментів, інструктор з оркестрам духової музики, conductor (regent) of the choir. At the same time, the commanders of the military units sent the Red Army soldiers with good musical skills to try out the music schools of the People's Commissar of Millet to enter the conservatory.

In 1920 organization of work for the training of military and musical personnel took off its development in Petrograd. Order for the Petrograd Viysk district No. 689 dated 8/9 May 1920 наказувалося: «Інспектору військових оркестрів негайно приступити до формування при Політпросвіт-управлінні військово-музичних курсів ППО, згідно з прикладеними при цьому Положенням і Тимчасовим штатам, травня 1920 года».3 Крім підготовки музикантів для військових оркестрів, на курсах вперше було організовано капельмейстерський клас , insurance for 20 cadets.

With the method of ordering the robots of the military-musical foundations and bringing them from the beginning programs to single vimog, the Music Bureau in 1922. It was published and approved “Regulations of the State of Petrograd and Tashkent Military and Musical Schools of the Red Army.”4

In 1921 For the training of musicians in the naval military orchestras under the Central Navy crew near Petrograd, the Musical School of the Naval Forces of the Baltic Sea was created, 5 states appointed 80 cadets.

1 RGVA. F. 9. Op. 12. D. 11. LL. 90-94.

2 RGVA. F. 9. Op. 12. D. 43. L. 13.

3 RGVA. f.9. VP. 11. D. 188. LL. 304-307.

s Order to the Fleet dated December 9, 1921 No. 181 // RDAVMF. F.R.-309.0P. 1.D.1.L.12.

The idea of ​​the need to train bandmasters for the improvement of higher musical education, was raised by such leading musicians of pre-revolutionary Russia, as M.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A.G. From їхної ініціативі at the Moscow Conservatory, a bandmaster's class was organized, which marked the beginning of high school-dirigents' education in the SRSR.

In 1930 the Kapellmeister class was renamed to Viyskovo-Krapelmeister of the Vikonovsky Faculty of the Conservatory, 1st year in 1932. in the wake of organizational visits, which are carried out by the Moscow Conservatory,2 the status of the Viysk-Krapelmeister Department has come. In connection with the change of terms, the name was increased to three years, and the number of students - up to 45 years.

With the method of effective training of military orchestras 1932 the Kapellmeister class was formed at the Viysk Academy named after M.V. Frunze,3 with the trinary term of education.

The formation of a single faculty for the training of viysk bandmasters relied on the inspector of the viysk orchestras of the Red Army S.A. Chernetsky and the director of the conservatory G.G. Neuhaus. It was punished "... to complete the formation of the faculty until 25th of March, from the 1st day of the beginning of the planned primary employment."4

Instructed to prepare the military orchestras for the military orchestras, in the middle of the thirty years, the centralized training of musicians for the army orchestras was revived. From the initiatives of S.A.

1 Radyansk Viysk music. - M., 1977. - S. 215.

2 About the order of the faculties and the establishment of the departments: Order of the Higher School of Music on the 2nd of April 1931 / / Moscow Conservatory 1866 - 1966. - M., 1966. - P. 488.

3 Order at the headquarters of the Viysk Academy named after M.V. Frunze dated September 13, 1932. No. 6. // RGVA, f. 24696, on. 1, d.244, arch. fifteen.

4 About molding at the Moscow State Conservatory of the Viysk Faculty. Order of the NPO of the SRSR on the 28th leaf fall of 1935. No. 183. / / RGVA, f. 4, op. 15a, house 414, arch. 285.

* RGALI, f. 1943, on. 1, d. 221, arch. 3.

fox bezpritulnі pіdlіki. And in 1937, on the basis of children's houses of the regional centers of folk education in Moscow and Leningrad, the state schools of the Viysk-Musician Vikhovantsiv were established, which led to the possibility of frequent staffing of the Viysk orchestras with qualified musicians. Nadal, in the pre-war period, 13 more full-time schools of military-musician vikhovantsiv were formed in different military districts.

The function of preparing musicians for all naval orchestras was performed by the Leningrad Marine School of Viysk Musical Vikhovantsiv, founded in 1937. with the improvement of the Musical School of the Naval Forces of the Baltic Sea.

Початок підготовки військових капельмейстерів спеціально для флоту було покладено у жовтні 1938 р., коли при переході Військового факультету Московської консерваторії на новий штат було здійснено набір слухачів у кількості семи осіб на Морське відділення, а в 1940 році було створено Військово-Морський факультет при Ленінградській консерваторії .

To support the development of the professional military and musical education, you can make the following visnovkas:

First, at 20-30 years. XX century a string was created for the training of musicians for the orchestras of the Chervona Army and the Navy. The won included schools of musical vikhovantsiv, yakі were engaged in teaching musicians for viysk orchestras on the basis of secondary special education, as well as viysk faculties of the Moscow and Leningrad conservatories, which released fakhivtsiv z with a holy light for completing the settlements of viysk bandmasters;

In a different way, that accepted position was broken down, the rules for accepting that initial program of these initial mortgages, which allowed preparing fahіvtsіv, yakі vіdpovіdat single qualіfіkatsіynymi mogi;

Thirdly, all the transformations were due to the active convergence of the command of the Russian Commonwealth of Independent States and the progressive musical enormity;

1 About the molding of the school-music vikhovants. The order of the NPO of the SRSR and the PK to revitalize the RRFSR on September 23, 1937. No. 7. // RGVA, f. 4, op. 15a, d.444, arch. 13.

2 Div: Radyansk Viysk music. – S. 33.

Fourthly, at the hour of the creation of the appointments of the initial pledges of vicorists, a positive message was received from this gallery of pre-revolutionary Russia;

By the way, what was formed before 1941. the system of professional training of personnel for military orchestras of the Chervonoy Army and the Navy served as the basis for further thorough development in the XX century.

In the third section “Services and concert activities of the Viysk orchestras and ensembles”, the author analyzes the practical viysk-musical activity with the improvement of її rich functions.

When looking at the social functions of the military-musical culture, it is repeatedly underlined by a double meaning, which is known for its applied character. Zvіdsi - two forms of її funktіonuvannya: serving various military and service activity and mass concert activity, which demonstrated high professional riven Viysk orchestras and ensembles.

Viysk's music was widely known both among the military drillers, and in the system of moral combat and cultural and educational training of soldiers in the army and navy. One of the main tasks was the musical design of various military urochistas and rituals, many of which were passed on to the old Russian army and fleet for tradition.

On the vіdmіnu vіdіnі vіd іnshih vіdіv vіdіv vikonanny gra vіyskіvskogo іstekstva іn the ranks pіd іn hour vіyskіvіh ritualіv є sіlkom іdіvіy rіd vikonavskogo mistetstva. At the base of yoga lie self-made, specific rice, which were molded in centuries. When playing in the ranks, the military orchestra performs like a musical and artistic team, the leader of which is to enter the vikonnanny of various creative works, and like a military one, all the participants of such a group can clearly and uzgodzhenno vikonuvat the necessary complex of building receptions. More and more musically vikonavchih and construction skills and become one of the most characteristic

1 Div: Surin N.K. Before the history of Russian military rituals and the yogo musical design of the period from the IX to the beginning of the XVIII century // Reader from the history of Russian military music. -M., 1981, -4.1.-S. 291.

characteristics of the specifics of the viysk orchestra as a vikonavsky team. This rice is mindful of other low features: the singing order of orchestral voices, the need to pinch the musicians to beginner work not only in the locality, but also in Russia, moreover, it’s a riddle, remember to secure the orchestra’s orchestra for whatever the acoustical weather. In this way, the musical design of the rituals is not only creative, but also the military training of musicians, their singing physical and Vikonavian vibrancy.

In a row with the rituals that were founded in pre-revolutionary Russia (the acceptance of the military oath, the separation of the varti, the evening dawn, the zustrich of the chiefs that іn.), new rituals appeared (the urochist of the commemoration of the monuments, the tribute of the vіnkіv died in the battles that іn.). One of the most important military rituals was the military parade.

A gradual analysis of the military parades in the pre-revolutionary and Chervony armies allows you to prostegize some kind of offensive link in the old forms of their conduct (pobudova viysk, zustrіch accepting the parade, about the reception of the participants, passing through the tract march). Prote znachnі zmіni vіdbulisya їhnymu musical dvorenі.

A new way of organizing the musical accompaniment of the parades of the Chervonoy Army was the creation of military orchestras, building arrangements for the musical design of the ritual.

Significant changes having recognized the musical material that was victorious at the parade. Tse bulo s tim, scho in the 20s - 30s. XX century the thematism of the march march was enriched by the radyansk mass and folk song. The musical design of those other military rituals has changed. So it was on the change of the pre-revolutionary music "Dawn", a new one came, written by S.A. Chernetsky 1927. "Chervona Dawn".1 Until the 30s. the appearance of new music before the ritual of separation of the varti.

In order of the service activity of military orchestras, a great role was played in the army and in the navy, the signal service was introduced, as it was the most important.

1 RGALI, f. 1943, op. 1, building 100, arch. 2.

special control of troops in tactful activities, maneuvers and other types of combat training and everyday activities. Of particular importance was the giving of formation signals at the cavalry units, the shards of the formation formation, ringing out the divisions, signaling special koshtiv on the giving of commands to a distant country.

The important role of the professional activity of the Viysk orchestras was played as a service activity, and the concert-educational activity. From the middle of 1919 politviddilom Revvoensovbalta for the meeting of the musical enormity of the place, they organized concerts of symphonic and popular music with explanations and musical lectures. At the same time, a new form of musical propaganda was emerging - a concert-meeting.

On the cob of the 20s. in the concert practice of the military orchestras of the great garrisons, a new trend began to be seen: to make part of the performance before the Russian public of the brass bands. At the same hour, the orchestras of elements and the military-primary foundations began to work on the radio, recording dresses and film music. Active activity with whom directly zdijsnyuvav an orchestra under the cerebration of V.I. not only marches were recorded, dance music and adaptations of popular melodies of that hour, and a lot of works of the renowned ceramics team.

It is of great importance for the activation of the concert activity and the full victorious mastery of orchestras in the 20-30s. XX century small look around-competitions, yaki were carried out like in the skin military circle, and in the all-army scale. Nadal, so competitions have become traditional.

The concert performance of the Ensemble of the Chervonoarmyskoy Song and Dance named after M.V. For their first performances, the team created a new genre of literary and musical montage, which in turn combines musical and choral, literary and dance foundations.

On the basis of the deposited material, you can make deaks of visnovka:

First, the Viysk music accompanied all aspects of the life of the Viysk children;

In a different way, apart from what was founded by traditional rituals, the 20-30th years. XX century z'appeared new rituals, and navit see the service and construction activities of military orchestras; significant changes in musical material for their safety;

Thirdly, the concert practice of the musical groups of the Chervonoy Army and the Fleet was enriched with new forms: a concert-meeting, a musical-literary montage, a thematic concert, too. Crimea, on the aphids of the boisterous development of science and technology, they blamed new types of concert activities, insurance for the mass listener;

Fourthly, the development of the service-combatant and concert activity of the military orchestras was due to the uninterrupted participation and universal assistance of the military leaders, as well as the beginnings of the active activity of the advanced musical and bulky children's regions. Tse allowed Viysk orchestras, song and dance ensembles to become an important link in the system of cultural and lighting education of the army masses, and play a commemorative role in the promotion of musical culture among the broader population of the country.

In the fourth section "Development of musical artistic self-development in the army middle" one can see the main forms of functioning of the military-musical culture in the mass society and the behavior of society.

As if it were some kind of suspense, artistic, zokrema, musical activity, it is historically to know your ally in self-sustainability. For example, professional-sports activity is based on mass employment in physical culture; professional medical activity folk medicine, but with different forms of self-talk;

the managerial activity of the partnership is focused on the development of all types of self-regulation, especially the mіstsevoy, just. If there is a need for artistic self-discipline, then there has long been a mass development in our country. different types Art: music, painting, theater, choreography, poetry, photo art, etc. Viyskovo-musical culture, at its core, to know oneself an ally in the viyskovo-musical mystetsky self-diality.

A number of active activities of professional musical groups became very widespread in the army middle in the 20-30s. XX century nabuli all forms of self-made creativity. Ce Bulo zoomed low furnishing:

Firstly, the accessibility of the genre in self-made creativity to the general masses, as if it does not sound like special musical training;

In a different way, I’m going to miss in the first days of the Radyansky Viysk life of professional military and musical teams, as well as the exercises of the broad masses to the creative self-appearance in the gallery of the art;

Thirdly, Tim, so you see self-made creativity, like a choir dance, the dance is rich in others, did not notice special material vitrates;

Fourthly, the development of the outrageous directions of the cultural life of the country, which took from the one that the Chervona Army became "... the first musical-preparatory setting for the masses of the people."1

Boyov and the peaceful life of the Russian army has long been closely tied to the Viysk song, the history of blaming it as a century in the mud. Nevipadkovo the fates of everyday life of the Chervonoy Army in the її parts spontaneously blamed the differences for their warehouse of the song collective. There was a need for the unification of spontaneously vindicated song collectives from the choir group and the studio, with the method of accumulating the evidence and viroblennia of methodical foundations, led in the 1920s. to the organization of a special choral section at the warehouse of the Music Bureau. Before the zavdan subsection included the distribution of instructions, plans to borrow for ker_vnik maso

1 RGALI. F. 1943. VP. 1. D. 215. L. 41.

of them and amateur choirs, preparation of repertoire and a complex of other entries, directing to the improvement of choral performances in parts of the Chervonoy Army.

At the first rock of the Chervonoy Army, the order with the songs of the revolutionary pidpill (“Varashavyanka”, “La Marseilles”, “Smilingly, comrades, in step ...”) had a wide breadth of old soldiers and Russian songs, which were small in breadth in the Russian army.

Mayzha, at once, with the renewal of old melodies and the creation of self-made songs near the parts of the Chervonoy Army, the first creations, created by professional composers and writers, began to appear.

The great role of the process of development and propaganda of the Viysk song was played by the creative work of the Chervonopraporny Ensemble of the Red Army Song and Dance of the SRSR and її Kerіvnik A.V.Aleksandrov. The repertoire of this team was made up of numerical adaptations of popular folk melodies, and contemporary soldier's folklore.

Conductive role in a thorough development of that methodical help to the self-made teams of the Chervonoy Army and the Fleet belonged to the bandmasters and musicians of the Viysk orchestras. The most widespread phenomenon was the appearance on the basis of full-time orchestras under the core of Viysk bandmasters in self-made jazz and pop bands, as well as self-made symphony orchestras.

Giving important significance to art in the development of political agitation and propaganda among the broad masses, the Political Administration of the RSCA carried out a great work of creating and promoting new, mass genres, recognized for a rich audience of thousands. The results of the 20s a wide range of mass productions and literary and musical compositions, which were synthetic genres, which became popular in such a way as literature, theater, dance and music.

The development of army self-discipline was sown by the olympiads and look around, as if they gained great popularity among 30 years. in different districts. The main tasks of their conduction were: re-verification will become

artistic self-discipline, the effectiveness of different forms in the skin veins-navchalnoe deposit, parts and pods of the Russian Commonwealth of Independent States, as well as radiance before the entry of the broad masses of the Chervonoarmytsiv, Chervonoflotsiv, chief warehouse and members of their families.

In this way, on the basis of the submitted material, you can make the following vysnovki:

First, at 20-30 years. XX century in the Viysk-musical culture, the main sights and direct development of self-made creativity were formed. Pervazhali yoga masovі forms;

In another way, the beginnings of self-made Chervono-Army creativity, and trained to work in the army middle of professional composers and poets, further developed the Viysk song, which became the basis for the introduction of the new genre of mass song in the musical culture of the region;

Thirdly, the way of organization in different districts of short-line courses of instructors and training to the club work of the advanced musical enormity of the region was enriched by the provision of self-made collectives by kerivniks. Krym tsyogo, the great work of the Chervonoarmіysk self-dialism was carried out by bandmasters and musical orchestras.

In a fourth, at 20-30-years. XX century in the military and musical culture, there were active processes of rapprochement between professional and self-made creativity, which led to the emergence of new genres, which became wider not only in the army medium, but in society in general.

At the visnovka, the main visnovki were formulated, the subbags were added, and the most important results were noted.

Historical background on the development of the Russian musical culture shows that music is not only an important factor in the patriotic and moral upheavals of the warriors, but also an invisible part of them. Being a strained way of the military-patriotic, moral and aesthetic warfare, the army musical culture gave and repaired today a significant impact on the development of the musical life of the entire country.

Service and creative activities of O.V.Aleksandrov, S.A.Chernetsky, V.I.Agapkin and other musicians; numerous self-made Chervonoarmіysk collectives, the development of the Russian song - all the same, it’s all over the place to bring the significant contribution of the musical creativity of the representatives of the army and the fleet to the development of the musical life of the whole country.

Firstly, the military-musical culture is not the warehouse part of the musical culture of the entire country in general, which may have private, specific features;

In another way, the military-musical culture has its own rich history, development, development. It is important to note that it was formed and was inextricably linked with the process of economic, military and cultural development of the country and the її Brawn Forces for a long time;

Thirdly - the bearers of the military-musical culture - the entire special warehouse of the army and the fleet, independent of the service authority.

Fourthly, the military-musical culture did not develop enough, but in the basis of singing chinniks, one of them was offensive.

In a nutshell, the analysis of the development of the military-musical culture took on the role of the different gallows of the military activity. The results of the study show that in an hour the formation of the first regular regiments of the Russian army step by step became one of the important, indispensable elements of the patriotic, moral and cultural development of the wars.

Carrying out the follow-up allows you to get singing lessons from the historical background of the development of the Ukrainian-musical culture. The essence of them is to attack.

1. The development of the military and musical culture without intermediary with the economic, political and cultural development of the state.

2. The rise of the military-musical culture is only possible, if the power is put up with respect to its army, delving into its material and spiritual needs.

3. Decreasing the interest of the side of the state and the strength of the enemy forces to the cultural enlightenment of the officer and the soldier is allowed to weaken the patriotic and moral sway of the warriors, both in peacetime and in wartime.

4. For the successful development of the Russian musical culture, it is necessary to have a well-organized system of training and staffing of the military leaders and musicians.

Крім того, для більш ефективної діяльності в галузі військово-музичної освіти воїнів необхідно мати добре налагоджену систему постачання військ як технічними засобами пропаганди (пластинками, відеокасетами, компакт-дисками із записами класичної, військової та сучасної музики), так і музичними інструментами, нотними виданнями selection of viysk songs, marches, popular vіtchiznyanyh music magazines.

The relevance of topics of dissertation research, growing interest in cultural studies, historians and musicologists allows us to formulate also theoretical and practical recommendations:

In the first place, great greed would be brought by the joint efforts of culturologists, historians and musicologists in the development of the military-musical culture from the moment of the birth of the regular army to the present day;

In a different way, to score the materials of dissertation research at the training courses for officers of the Viysk University and the Viysk Institute of Viysk Directors.

Thirdly, on the basis of new data on the development of the military-musical culture, it is necessary to clarify the data of the pre-development of the military and musical culture.

1. Mayakin, T.K. Formation and development of musical artistic self-discipline in parts and divisions of the Chervonoy Army and Navy in 1918-1941. / T. K. Mayakin // Bulletin of the Viysk University. - M., 2009. - No. 4 (20). - S. 62-67.

Other publications:

2. Mayakin, T.K. Before the formation of the development of professional military and musical education in Russia (1918-1941) / T.K. conf. / Viysk. dir. fak for MGK. - M., 2001. - S. 28-41.

3. Mayakin, T. K. Formation and development of the military-dirigent education of the Chervonoi Army and Navy (1918-1941): heading guide / T. K. Mayakin; Viyskovy. dir. fak for MGK. -M., 2002.-30 p.

4. Mayakin, T. K. Service and concert activities of military orchestras and ensembles of songs and dances of the Chervonoy Army and Fleet in 1918-1941. / T. K. Mayakin // Collection of adjunct scientific articles / Military. dir. fak for MGK. - M., 2004. -S. 60-87.

5. Mayakin, T.K. Viysk orchestras of the Chervonoy Army and Fleet / T.K. Mayakin // Viysk music of Russia. History and the present. - M., Voenizdat, 2007. - S. 93-114.

6. Mayakin, T.K. / T. K. Mayakin // Collection of scientific articles of adjunctives and candidates / Viysk. institute, military conductor - M., 2009. - S. 39-50.

7. Mayakin, T.K. Viyskovo-musical culture of Russia / T.K. Mayakin. -M „SDPres, 2010. - 140 p.

Signed before hand - 10g, Format 60x90 1/16 Screen print. Paper offset. Sh.p.l. 1.5 Circulation 100 copies. Zamovlennya No. 39/

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Lifestyle 603950 M.Novgorod, Illinskaya, 65 Poligraftsentr NNGASU, 603950 N.Novgorod, Illinskaya, 65

Chapter 1. Specifics and social functions of Russian musical culture.

Chapter 2. Formation and development of professional musical education in Russia.

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Introduction to the dissertation 2010 rіk, abstract of cultural studies, Mayakin, Timofiy Kostyantinovich

Actuality of those studies. The specificity, structure and function of the Russian musical culture of Russia is rich in why they signify the relevance and relevance of such furnishings.

First, the formation of culturology as a complex science about culture, with all the diversity of the definition of the concept of "culture", has revealed three sets of problems, yak on the current day they designate a structure: 1) theory of culture, 2) history of culture, 3) applied culturology. Viyskovo-musical culture is connected with the problems of applied cultural studies, as well as religious, moral, physical, ecological, political and legal culture. Presentation of the military-musical culture to one of the types of culturology conveying the show of specificity, originality and peculiarities.

In a different way, the development of the specifics of the Russian musical culture will require further study of social needs, structures, forms, and forms of quiet social functions, like a victorious one. The analysis of these aspects is clearly insufficient in the current cultural literature.

Thirdly, the continuation of the military-musical culture with the improvement of її rich functions can accept the increased authority of the Evil Forces of the Russian Federation, especially among modern minds.

Fourthly, a rich historical document on the development of Russian sovereignty, showing that the army is a strong force, as well as a spiritual one. Vaughn gave the people such prominent children of culture and art as N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, A. V. Oleksandrov, S. A. Chernetsky, V. I. Agapkin and in.

By the way, actual is the development of the military-musical culture with a look of її psychological, national-patriotic role in the formation of a special warehouse of the Evil forces of our country.

Steps of scientific variability of the problem. We are sorry to say that the level of scientific diversity of the problem of the development of Russian musical culture in Russia is already weak and may still be fragmentary in nature. Looking at the problem under the class kut dawn, such a zavzhdi took її a whole wedding. The robot has no direct power supply, and I can only carry out a similar investigation and look around the sides, problems, fragments.

All the robots that represent the problem of the development of the Russian musical culture in a different world can be divided into sprat groups.

Before the first one, the works of Russian culturologists of a transcendental methodological nature are seen, in which the problems of musical culture in the theoretical plan are torn apart in this world1.

The other group is represented by complex robots of Russian mysticists from the history of music and the musical culture of Russia2. The problem of the development of military and musical culture is seen in the global form, in connection with the nourishment of the cultural life of the state. As a rule, all of these robots have a lecture excursion into the history of musical life

1 Div: Arnoldov A.I. People that light of culture. - M., 1992; Vintshchikovsky M.M. The role of that place of musical art in the formation of the spiritual world of the Radian warrior: dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences. - M., 1984: Vigotsky U.C., Luria A.R. Categories and understanding of the theory of culture. - M., 1985; Dorogova JI.H. Artistic culture and formation of special features of the war: dis. . Dr. Philos. Sciences. - M., 1990; Sokolov E.V. Understanding the essence of the main functions of culture. - L., 1989 and in.

2 Div: Bronfgm E.F. Musical culture of Petrograd on the first post-revolutionary anniversary. - L., 1984; Nikitina L.D. Radian music. History and the present. - M., 1991; Tarakanov M.Y. Musical culture of the RRFSR. - M., 1987 and in.

Russia. Vodnochas vysvetlennya pitan, pov'yazanih іz vyyskovo-muzichnoї kul'tury development, may fragmentary character.

The fourth group includes works related to the history of the formation of the Ensemble of the Red Army Song and the work of the work of the first ceramics worker A.V. Aleksandrov.

The names of the robots are of great scientific value and may be of great importance, forming the basis of research. At the same time, an analysis of the presentations of monographs, articles, and dissertation studies shows that the Ukrainian musical culture was not the subject of independent study, and the problem of its development did not develop a sufficient, solid, significant presentation.

For a group of dzherels, there are documents that are widely represented in the historical archives of Russia3, and also here one can see published in different years legislative documents and acts (decrees, punishments, directives, statutes, instructions), research basis.

1 Div: Aksionov E.S. Nove in the instrumentation of the Radian Viysk March. - M., 1970; Matveev V.A. Russian Viysk orchestra. - M., 1965; Surin N.K. Viysk-ceremonial music // Reader from the history of viysk music. - M., 1988. - Part II; Tutunov V.I. 250 years of Viysk-orchestral service in Russia. - M., 1961 and in.

2 Div: Aleksandrov B.A. Song cry. - M., 1982; Korosshelev B.Є. Mystetstvo, narodzhene people. - M., 1991; Pozhdaev G.A. Chervonopraporny Ensemble: Way of Song and Glory. - M., 1988; Shilov A.V. Unknown authors see songs. - M., 1961 and in.

3 At the Russian State Archives of the Viysk-Navy Fleet (RDA VMF), the Russian State Archives of Literature and Science (RDAL).

4 Div: Construction cavalry statute of the RSCA. - Pg., 1920. - Ch. II-III; Construction statute of the RSCA. - Pg., 1920. - Part I; Statute of the garrison service of the RSCA. - Pg., 1918 and in.

One more group of dzherel is made up by the minds, memoirs, students of children and practitioners of culture, in which there is a subjective assessment of military music, musical culture in general, and the role of the moral and psychological development of warriors1.

Vіdokremleniy is a kind of finished material with selections of viysk songs, marches, concert works for viysk orchestras and self-made collectives.

The subject of research is the Russian musical culture. Vrahovyuchi, sho tsey subject to complete the rich-faceted, and in the new hierarchical aspects of the analysis, how to add up the object of study: the historical formation of the military-musical culture, its specificity, the main social functions and forms of manifestation, the structure of the training of cadres.

Meta that task is to be followed up. The main method of research is the historical and cultural analysis of the specifics, structure and functions of the military-musical activity.

The meta zoomed in on the need to follow up on specific tasks, which were appointed by the employer:

Revealing the social needs of the military-musical culture;

Analysis of the specifics of the military-musical culture as a special type of applied culture of the suspense;

Vivchennya of the main social functions of the military-musical culture with the designation of their features and significance;

Follow-up of the structure and features of the military-musical education and training of qualified personnel;

1 Div: Vasilevsky A.M. To the right of all life. - M., 1974; Vsevolzky I.Є Brantsі sea.-M., 1961; Furmanov D.A. Chapaev.-M., 1961 and in.

Analysis of the main forms of organization and manifestation of military and musical activity.

Theoretical basis of dissertation research. Як теоретичні основи дослідження послужили роботи вітчизняних та зарубіжних авторів, присвячені аналізу соціальної сутності культури, її місця в системі суспільства, закономірностей становлення різних видів прикладної культури, а також праці, що розкривають теорію музичної культури та її специфічну форму - військово-музичну діяльність. Analysis of the structure of the military-musical education zooming in on the need for education to achieve a psychological and pedagogical character.

Methodological basis of dissertation research. The methodological attitude of the robot is based on the dialectical method with such basic principles as the principle of polarization, which allowed explaining the super-sophisticated nature of the military-musical culture as a unity of the utilitarian-cultural and artistic-musical activity; the principle of functionality, for the help of which the polyfunctional analysis of the Viysk-music of culture is broken up; the principle of determinism, which zooms in on the need to continue the dynamics of the military and musical culture in the fallow in social and political changes in the society.

Scientific novelty is achieved. In the work, problems have been solved that can reveal scientific value for cultural studies (theory and history of culture):

First, the specificity of the Viysk-musical culture is described as a special kind of applied culture;

In another way, it shows the social determination of the Viysk music by changing the socio-political character in the country;

Thirdly, the system of social functions of the military-musical culture in the modern life was revealed;

Fourthly, the genres have been completed, the form of manifestation and visualization of the military-musical activity;

In a nutshell, the peculiarities of the structure of the military-musical illumination at the stage of formation of the distant formation were analyzed;

As a matter of fact, the tendencies and prospects for the development of the military-musical artistic self-discipline are examined.

Regulations for blaming the Zakhist:

1. The specifics of the Russian musical culture, which seems to be a kind of applied culture of the society, is not only overarching principles musical creativity, and with the peculiarities of її zastosuvannya and vikoristannya in the military-service activity.

2. The specificity of the applied nature of the military-musical culture is determined by the peculiarities of the training of personnel and the general structure of the system of the military-musical education.

3. The main forms of the military-musical activity may be spіlnі and especially rise among the peaceful and in the fighting minds of the suspіlstva.

4. The analysis of the real buttya of the military-musical culture in the system of the society reveals the main social functions: ritual-organizational, organizational-mobilizational, ceremonial-demonstrative, nationally-patriotic, illuminating-educational, concert-tetral.

5. Viyskovo-musical culture of Russia as a universal and richly-faceted phenomenon pours into the mass consciousness of the soul.

Theoretical and practical significance of the research. In the theoretical perspective, the materials of the research may seem significant for the more engulfed understanding of the problems of applied cultural studies, which develops in the boundaries of the global theory and history of culture. About tse to svіdchat analogіchnі dolіdzhennya kul'tury design, culture of behavior, mov, religious culture and іn.

The practical significance of the achievement of my bachimo is in the possibility of pedagogical selection of these materials in the system of military and musical education, and in the organization of effective practical viysk-musical activities.

Approbation of the results of the research. The results were presented by the author at the meetings of the Department of Culture and Science of the Viysk University, the Viysk Dirigent Department of the Viysk Dirigent Faculty at the Moscow State Conservatory named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Department of Philosophy and Political Science of the Nizhny Novgorod State Architectural and Budіvel University. p align="justify"> All positions of the robots were considered at the scientific and practical conference of the Viysk Dirigent Faculty. Dissertation materials are included in several articles, as well as in the author's monograph "Russian Musical Culture" (M., 2010) and in the collective monograph "Viysk Music of Russia" (M., 2007).

The materials of the work are collected at the beginning-and-study process of the Viysk University and the Viysk Institute of Viysk Dirigents.

The structure of the dissertation. The dissertation includes an Introduction, 4 sections, Visnovok and Bibliography.

Visnovok scientific robotics dissertation on the topic "Viysk-musical culture of Russia"


Historical background on the development of the Russian musical culture shows that music is not only an important factor in the patriotic and moral development of the warriors, but it is also an invisible part of it.

Krym tsgogo, being an arduous way of the military-patriotic, moral and aesthetic warfare, the military-musical culture has also entered into the development of the musical life of the entire country.

Service and creativity of A.V.Aleksandrov, S.A.Chernetsky, V.I.Agapkin, L.A.Petkevich and rich other bandmasters; організація по всій країні музично-просвітницьких, благодійних концертів та гастрольних виступів за участю у них військових оркестрів, ансамблів пісні та танцю та численних самодіяльних червоноармійських колективів, розвиток військової пісні, що знаходила широке застосування не лише у військовому середовищі, а й за її межами, - these and other facts confirm the author's idea about the significant contribution of representatives of the Army and Navy to the development of the musical life of the entire country.

In this way, the analysis of the development of the military-musical culture allows the development of deacons of the zagalnennya that vysnovka, the daytime of which is brought to the offensive:

In the first place, the military-musical culture is the price of the warehouse part of the musical culture of the entire country as a whole, which can be in order from the wild rices: the uniformity of the variety of musical genres, modal-harmonious tonalities, musical instruments, and those its own power, individuality, specific features.

In another way, the military-musical culture has its own rich history, development, development. It is important to note that it was formed and was inextricably linked with the process of economic, military and cultural development of the country and the її Brawn Forces for a long time.

Thirdly, as a way to show the results of the investigation, the entire special warehouse of the Armed Forces became the wearers, regardless of the service affiliation (in pre-revolutionary Russia, the main bearers of musical culture in the army and in the navy were officers).

Fourthly, the military-musical culture did not develop enough, but in the basis of singing officials, one of them was offensive.

In a nutshell, the analysis of the development of the military-musical culture took on the role of the different gallows of the military activity. The results of the study show that in an hour the first regular regiments of the Russian army were founded, step by step, they become one of the important, indistinguishable elements of the patriotic, moral and cultural development of the wars.

First lesson. Accumulations dosvidchit about those that the development of the Viysk-musical culture is directly related to the economic, political and cultural development of the state.

The lesson is different. Burkhlivy rozkvit veiskovo-musical culture is more than possible, if the power is put up with respect to its army, delving into its material and spiritual needs.

Third lesson. Historical practice shows that the lowering of the interest from the side of the state and the strength of the Armed Forces to the cultural enlightenment of the officer and the soldier is allowed to weaken the patriotic and moral upheaval of the war, both in peacetime and in wartime.

Lesson four. An objective analysis shows that for the successful development of the Russian musical culture, the presence of a well-organized system of training and staffing of military directors, musicians, and cultural enlightenment practitioners is required.

Крім цього, для більш ефективної діяльності цих спеціально навчених військовослужбовців у галузі музичної освіти воїнів необхідно також мати добре налагоджену систему постачання військ як технічними засобами пропаганди (пластинками, відеокасетами, компакт-дисками із записами класичної, військової та сучасної музики), так і музичними інструментами , records of musical selections of Viysk songs, marches, popular music magazines

The relevance of topics of dissertation research, growing interest in cultural studies, historians and musicologists allow us to formulate also theoretical and practical recommendations.

In the first place, the joint efforts of culturologists, historians and musicologists in the development of the military-musical culture from the moment of the birth of the regular army to our hour would bring great retribution.

The work on the dissertation made it possible to identify a number of problems, which could become a subject for further independent scientific research. Before them lie down: "The development of military rituals in the Armed Forces", "Organization of musical support for military servicemen" is too thin.

In another way, it is necessary to see a methodical help from the history of the development of the Russian musical culture at various historical stages, for working on it, to gain a degree in faculty of culture and art of the Viysk State University and the Department of Theory and History of Musical Music of the Ventiysk State University

Thirdly, on the basis of new data about the development of the military-musical culture, it is necessary to clarify the list of pre- vious and musical traditions, as well as to add the designation of the "military-musical culture", its classification, peculiarities and peculiarities.

Fourthly, at the link from the change for Rest of the Rocksполітичного мислення, а також зміною ідеологічних орієнтирів у свідомості воїнів сучасних Збройних сил Російської Федерації є потреба доповнити розділи програми курсу лекцій по кафедрі культури і мистецтва Військового університету, присвячені художній культурі військовослужбовців, і надалі використовувати напрацьований матеріал у курсі лекцій за програмою суспільно- підготовки.

After all, it would be better to turn to the army and to the fleet of a lot of old marches and military songs, for whom you have seen a lot of new military selections of songs and marches for different types of military forces of the Russian Federation. An introduction to everyday pobut Russian troops allow to significantly expand the service and construction repertoire of today's orchestras, and expand the song repertoire of soldiers' self-made teams.

List of scientific literature Mayakin, Timofij Kostyantinovich, dissertation on "Theory and history of culture"

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7. Ananiev Yu.V. Culture as an integrator of society Nizhny Novgorod: NNGASU, 1996. - 174 p.

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163. Neuhaus G.G. About the art of the pianoforte. M.: Music, 1982. - 300 p.

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165. Nest'ev I.V. Masov's Song // Narratives of Radian Musical Creativity. M., 1947. - 320 p.

166. Nikitina L. D. Radyanskaya music. History and the present. M.: Music, 1991.-278 p.

167. Nikolaev N.G. Historical drawing about the regalia and signs of the Russian army: in 3 volumes. St. Petersburg, 1898-1902.

168. Novіkov-Pribіy A.S. vibrane. -M., 1953. 896 p.

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172. Parfyonov P.S. How the song was created // Chervonoarmyets Chervonoflotets. - 1934. - No. 21.

173. A retelling of the topics of doctoral and candidate dissertations, fragmentation and theft from the Viyskovo-Political Academy named after. V.I. Lenin (1960-1980). - M.: VPA, 1981. - 152 p.

174. Petrovska I.F. Dzhereloznavstvo іstorії rosіyskoїї muzicheskoї ї kul'tury XVIII to the beginning of the XX century. - 2nd view. - M.: Music, 1989. - 319 p.

175. Piotrovsky A. Demolition of the autocracy (Apparition on the palace square) // Life of science. 1919. - No. 199-200.

176. Pozhidaev G.A. Chervonopraporny Ensemble: Way of Song and Glory. - M.: Voenizdat, 1988. 240 p.

177 Pg., 1918. -Ch. I. -336 p.

178. Over the choice of laws Russian Empire. Zbori Druge: 55 tons - St. Petersburg, 1830 1885.

179. Popova T.V. About musical genres. M.: Knowledge, 1961. - 40 p.

180. Popov G.M. Fighting songs of a Russian soldier. SPb., 1893. - 382 p.

181. Ordinal and alphabetic-subject indicator of non-secret orders of NPO SRSR. M., 1934 - 1941.201. Truth. 1918 - 1941.

182. Subject and alphabetical indicator of punishments of the Revolutionary Kradi of the Republic of 1919. Pg. : Military drukarnya of the All-Russian Headquarters, 1920. - 65 p.

183. Punish Skobelev 1877-1878 - St. Petersburg, 1907. - 69 p.

184. Pronshtein A.P., Danilevsky I.M. Nutrition of the theory and methodology of historical follow-up: introductory guide. - M.: Vishcha shkola, 1986. 207 p.

185. Robotnik and theater. 1924. - No. 2.

186. Rush K.B. For the glory of Vіtchizni: an officer at the service: binding, honor, asceticism. M.: Kolo; Rapid - Print, 1993. - 766 p.

187. Resenshild Ya. The history of the development of club work in the Red Army // Politpracivnik. 1922. - No. 2.

188. Key words and programs of post-war training. - M.: Hold. view., 1929. 71 p.

189. Runov B.M. About military-patriotic music. - M.: Radyansky composer, 1979. 142 p.

190. Russian archive. 1964. - No. 7.

191. Russian invalid. 1911. - No. 47.

192. Russian folk poetic creativity. M.: View of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR, 1952. - 419 p.

193. Rizhkov V.M. Aesthetic culture of the Radyansk warrior and paths and molding: dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences. M.: VPA, 1982. - 199 p.

194. Samus V.M. For the glory of Vitchizni. Kstovo, 1992. - 255 p.

195. Saradzhev K.S. Statty, come on. M .: Radyansky composer, 1962. - 191 p. 21 st Safronov B.V. Aesthetic knowledge is that spiritual world war: Dis. . doc. philosophy Sciences. M.: VPA, 1975. - 339 p.

196. Safronov B.V. Aesthetic svіdomіst i spiritual svіt osobennosti. - M.: Knowledge, 1978. 112 p.

197. Collection of documents and materials from the history of the country (the end of the 19th beginning of the 20th century). - M.: GA VS, 1992. - 200 p.

198. Collections of non-secret orders of the Revolutionary Viysk for the sake of the Republic. Pg. ; Leningrad, 1918 - 1934.

199. Collection of scores for company self-made orchestras. M., 1934. - 60 p.

200. Svistova JI.B. The role of practice in historical knowledge. Sverdlovsk, 1977. - 124 p.

201. Zvіd rules about look around that parade of great corrals of viysk. SPb., 1872. - 58 p.

202. Sirikh V.D. Viysk rituals. 2nd view. rework that dod. - M.: Voenizdat, 1986. - 276 p. 22A. Sidelnikov V.M. Chervonoarmiysky folklore. M.: Radyanskiy pisnik, 1938. - 208 p.

203. Sidel'nnkov V.M. Russian folk art and pop art. M., 1950. - 64 p.

204. Silachev A. Root of the Red Army Club // Political Practice. - 1922. - No. 4-5.

205. A word about the departure of Ihoriv: collection / entry. Art. D.S. Likhachova, L.A. Dmitrieva; reconstruction of the old Russian text and Prov. D.S. Likhachova. L., 1990. - 400 p.

206. Slonim S. About the Ways of Musical Education // Politpractitioner. - 1921. No. 4-5.

207 P.M.Berlinsky. M., 1977. -428 p.

208. Radianska Viyskova Encyclopedia: U 8 t. M.: Voenizdat, 1976-1980. T. 2 - 639 e., T. 5 - 687 e., T. 6 - 672 e., T. 8. - 687 p.

209. Radyansky Zbroyni forces. History of everyday life. M.: Voenizdat, 1978. - 516 p.

210. Radiansky encyclopedic vocabulary. 4th species., Vipr. i add. - M.: Radianska encyclopedia, 1989. 987 p.

211. Sokolov V.V. Farewell to the words of the Yankee. M.: Radyansky composer, 1987. - 192 p.

212. Sokolov E.V. Culturology Draw the theory of culture. M., 1994. - 272 p.

213. Sokolov E.V. Understanding, the essence and main functions of culture. - L., 1989. 176 p.23c. Sohor A.M. Mass genres // Music of the XX century: draw: about 2 years. - M .: Music, 1980. Part 2, book. 3. - 348 p.

214. Sohor O.M. Music, like a kind of art. 2nd view. - M.: Music, 1970. -192 p.

215. Sohor O.M. Articles about radian music. L .: Music, 1974. -213 p.

216. Stasov V.V. Articles about music: 5 VIP. Moscow: Music, 1974-1980. - Vip. 2. 439 p.

217. One hundred military parades / ed. kіlk.; for red. K.S. Grushevsky. M.: Voenpzdat, 1974. - 264 p.

218. Construction cavalry statute of the Robotic-Selyanskoy Chervonoy Army: about 3 years. Pg., 1919-1920. Part I. - 115 p. Ch. II-III. - 285 p.242. | Construction and infantry statute of the Robotic-Selyansk Chervonoy Army: about 2 years. Pg., 1920. Part I. - 167 h. Part II. – 96 p.

219 M., 1939. - 134 p.

220. Tarakanov M.E. Musical culture of the RRFSR. M., 1987. - 363 p.

221. Tarasenko I.V. The problem of the periodization of the history of Russia in the votchiznyany historical science: lecture. M.: Humanitarian Academy of the Evil Forces. 1993. - 19 p.24v. Tatishchev S.S. Emperor Mykola and foreign courts. Historical draw. SPb., 1889. - 460 p.

222. Tolstoy O.M. Fields. zib. tv. : in 9 tons. : Petro 1. M., 1946. - T. 9. - 462 p.

223. Tretyakov S. May Day March // Chervonoarmyets. 1921. - No. 47.

224. Tretyakova JI.S. Radian music. M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 1987. - 172 p.

225. Troitsky A.S. Zadum i vykonannya // Viyskovy visnik. 1921. - No. 2-3.

226. Tutunov V.I. 250 years of Viysk-orchestral service in Russia. // Pratsi faculty. M., 1961. - VIP. V. - 140 p.

227. Tutunov V.I. History of Viysk music in Russia. -M. : Muzyka, 2005. 439 p.

228. Usov Yu.A. The history of witchcraft vikonavstvo on wind instruments. 2nd view., revised. that dod. - M.: Music, 1986. - 191 p.

229. Statute of the internal service of the Robotic-Selyansk Chervonoy Army. -L., 1918. 215 p.

230. Statute of the garrison service of the Robotic-Selyanskoy Chervonoy Army. Pg., 1918. - 104 p.

231. Statute of the guard service of the RSCA. M., 1940. - 80 p.

232. Statute of the ship service of the Robincho-Selyansky Red Fleet. -L., 1925. 615 p.

233. Findeizen N.F. Draws from the history of Russian music: in 2 vols. M., 1928 - 1929.

234. Frunze M.V. Podbags and the prospects of the Ukrainian life at the link with the reorganization of the current rock / / Choose your creation. - M.: Voenizdat, 1984. 560 p.260. Anecdotes of the Prince of Italy Count Suvorov-Rimnitsky. SPb., 1827. - 66 p.

235. Furmanov D. A. Chapaev. M., 1961.-315 p.

236. Khakhanyan Kh.M. Golden Jubilee. M., 1986. - 92 p.

237. Khakhanyan Kh.M. L.A. Petkevich // To help the Viysk conductor. - M., 1988. VIP. XXVI. - S. 37-58.

238. Khakhanyan Kh.M. S.A. Chernetsky teacher // To help the Viysk conductor. - M., 1983. - VIP. XXII. - P. 3 - 22.

239. Khokhlov K. Olympiad // Chervonoarmiets. 1921. - No. 48.

240. Anthology from the history of the country's music: about 3 years. - M., 1981-1990. Part I 390 p. Part II - 300 p.

241. Khubov R. Like the people compose a song // Radianska music. - 1948. -№4.

242. Tsіnovsky L. Inner circle work at the club // Politpracivnik. - 1922. - No. 4-5.

243. Tsitsankin B.C. Viysk orchestras in the other half of the 19th century. -M., 1997. 88 z.

244. Tsitsankin B.C. Musical culture of the Russian officer (another half of the 19th century). M., 1995. - 100 p.

245. Cherepnin L.V. Research methodology for historical follow-up. M.: Nauka, 1981. - 280 p.

246. Chernish V.D. Art as a clerk for the formation of the special radyansky warrior: dis. . Cand. philosophy Sciences. M.: VPA, 1980. - 203 p.

247. Shostakovich D.D. To know and love music: a conversation with young people. - M.: Young Guard, 1958. 14 p.


249. Russian State Military Archives (RGVA).

250. Fund 4 Management of Rights under the People's Commissar of Defense of the SRSR.

251. Op. 15a. 61, 90, 92, 99, 144, 163, 246, 403, 414, 434, 444, 446, 450, 469, 470, 488.

252. Fund 9 Political Administration of the Chervonoy Army. Op. 11. D. 17, 23, 57, 129, 174, 175, 188, 189.

253. Op. 12. Files 2, 4, 6, 11, 21, 41, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 53, 54. Op. 13. D. 18, 58, 103, 107, 110, 112, 113, 480, 486, 535, 536, 564, 571, 652.

254. Op. 29. D. 404, 432, 485, 486, 487, 492. Op. 35. D. 26, 94.

255. Fund 24696 Viysk academy im. M.V. Frunze.

256. Op. 1. D. 106, 108, 218, 219, 222, 223, 227, 230, 233, 241, 244, 247, 248, 249, 256, 257, 258, 261, 26

257. Fund 25018 Kursk Viysk Music School. Op. 1. D. 1.

258. Fund 25019 Tashkent Military Music School.

259. Op. 1. D. 1, 3, 8, 12, 14.

260. Fond 33451 Petrograd Viysk Music School. Op. 1. D. 11, 32.

261. Russian State Archives of the Viysk Sea Fleet1. GRGA of the Navy).

262. Fund r 34 - Political Administration of the Baltic Fleet.

263. Op. 2. D. 26, 27, 34, 37, 47, 55, 110, 121, 254, 285, 286, 414, 484, 523.683, 1411.

264. Fund r 309 – Musical school of the primary corral of the Sea Forces of the Baltic Sea.

265. Op. 1. Case 1, 4, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 32, 33, 37, 56. Op. 2. D. 7, 8, 9, 34.

266. Fund r - 1000 - Pacific fleet crew. Op. 1. D. 20.

267. Fund r 1012 - Department of Political Propaganda of the Pacific Fleet. Op. 2. D. 20.

268. Fund r 1873 - Leningrad Sea School of Viysk Musical Pupils.1. Op. 1. D. 1.

269. Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RDALSCH.

270. Fund 1943 - Chernetsky Semyon Oleksandrovich Fund.

271. Op. 1. D. 1, 8, 11, 13, 18, 23, 24, 25, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65, 72, 82, 100, 102, 147 151 , 156, 218, 221, 223, 233, 312.

March 25, 2018 Oleksiy Anatoliyovich Gubarev - artist and head conductor of the Song and Dance Ensemble named after. S.O. Dunayevsky Central Children's House of Music, becoming a participant of the Moscow Cultural Forum - 2018 at Lecturer No. 2, organized by the Association of Brass Bands and Vikonavtsiv on Wind and Percussion Instruments "Spiritual Comradeship" named after Valeriya Khalilov.

The lecturers of the forum discussed the topical nutrition of the development of wind vykonavstvo in the Russian Federation. Round stіl z nutrition The concept of conservation and the development of wind instrumental and orchestral-ensemble vikonavstvo on wind and percussion instruments in the Russian Federation. The discussion will be carried out with the method of further development of the Concept with the improvement of propositions and the respect of fahivtsiv in the gallery of wind music.

Brizgalov Mikhailo Arkadiyovich - President of the Association "Spirit of Mino", Merit of Children's Artists of the Russian Federation;

Gіlєv Oleksandr Gennadіyovich - member of the Composers' Union of Russia, candidate of art;

Durigin Sergiy Yuriyovich - head of the central military orchestra of the ZS of Russia, colonel, merited artist of Russia;

Lebusov Volodymyr Grigorovich - Professor of the Department of Orchestral Conducting of the Russian Academy of Music im. Gnesinykh, meritorious artist of Russia;

Mayakin Timofiy Kostyantinovich - Head of the Military Orchestra Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Colonel, Merited Artist of Russia;

Nikitin Yevgen Yuriyovich - conductor of the Presidential Orchestra, Colonel, Merited Artist of Russia;

Smirnov Sergiy Mikolayovich - Director of ANO "MCC" Spaska Vezha ";

Pidmazo Oleksandr Oleksandrovich - Vikonavchiy director of the Moscow department of the Russian Viysk-historical association;

Tsep Anatoly Ivanovich - Head of the Musical Art of the Sovereign Russian Budinka of Folk Art named after V.D. Polenova, Merited Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Prize of the Order of the Russian Federation

The head of the Viysk orchestral service is the head military conductor Colonel Timofy Mayakin. Photo by Nadia Tikhomirova.

About the metropolitan program "Viysk orchestras near the parks", about the XI International Viysk music festival "Spaska Vezha", about those who live today Viysk orchestral service evil forces Russian Federation, rozpovidaє її chief - head military conductor Colonel Timofiy Mayakin.

– To Timofiy Kostyantinovich, we can say that the spring-summer time is the best for the Viysk musicians for the number of performances. On May 19, in Moscow, the season “Viysk orchestras near the parks” started and three hours until April 18. From 24 September to 2 September, the capital is gladdened by the XI International Viysk Music Festival Spaska Vezha.
- In fact, for our military orchestras the whole river is speculative. Ale, for the cob, let's talk about guessing your guesses. These cultural milestones are no less than our country.
In honor of the Spaska Vezha festival, it is ahead of a visionary and in a right way project, which has become a bright spring-summer sign of the cultural and suspenseful life of Moscow. The idea of ​​the performance of the military orchestras in the parks and squares of the capital was suggested by the city dwellers themselves, who asked for popular performances of the military orchestras in the parks and squares of the capital at weekends. The 1st Directorate of the International Viysk Music Festival "Spaska Vezha" for the support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Order of Moscow, started its hour and successfully continued the work of reviving the miraculous tradition.
For the first time, the program "Viysk orchestras near the parks" was implemented by the Directorate of the Festival "Spaska Vezha" in 2016 on the territory of the VDNG. The performances of the military teams were warmly greeted by the peeps, who were working on the program of the guards. In 2017, the bands were expanded: the number of concerts and Russian Maidans for them increased. At the vistups take the fate of the best military-orchestra collectives of our country. Forms and confirms the program of the project without intermediary Viyskovo-Orchestral Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that the program "Viysk orchestras near the parks" will be complemented by the performances of dancing couples - participants in the project "Moscow Dovgolittya", which is being implemented by the Department of Culture of the capital. Another special feature of this fate was the participation in the action of volunteers in the Moscow cultural center "Park Novoslobidsky". Thirteen parks and public gardens of Moscow were launched as part of the 2018 rotation of the program “Viysk Orchestras in the Parks”.

Viysk orchestras, creators have nurtured our army, always be in combat readiness

Ritual to beat the walls of the ancient Kremlin.

The first concert of Viysk musicians took place on May 19 in the Oleksandrivsky garden. The military band of the Honored Warty, the military band of the 154th Commandant's Preobrazhensky Regiment, and the orchestra of the Suvorovites of the Moscow Military Music School named after Lieutenant-General Khalilov took part in the new one. On the same day, our musicians performed at the Borovitsky and Manezhny Maidans. On May 26 another concert of the season was held at the Peremoga park. Musically holy for the Meshkants and the guests of the capital flared up on the Square of the Flower Year on Poklonniy Gori. The concert began with the drummers, then the program was continued by the Orchestra of Cadets of the Viysk Institute (Viysk Conductors) of the Viysk University of the Ministry of Defense of Russia under the supervision of the chief conductor - the head of the orchestra, professor, Honored Artist of Russia Mikhail Trunov, Colonel Mikhail Federatsіy. On 2 chernya, two concerts were held at the celebration of the Day of the Protection of Children. The Presidential Orchestra of the Service of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin performed in the Oleksandrivsky Garden besides the Italian Grotto Federal Service protect the Russian Federation. At the Park, the Museum on the Crimean Embankment beat the “dry” fountain with its concert program, presenting the Viysk Orchestra of the Viysk University of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. On the 9th of the chernya near the Sokilniki park, the wines entered again - already on the main alley of the park - the stage "Rotonda". On the 16th of the month at the Moscow City Garden "Hermitage" the master class was given by the Central Military Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. The entire program of performances, information about the teams, what to take part in, is posted on the official website of the Spaska Vezha festival.
At all concerts the orchestras perform with a unique repertoire. At the new one, the lovers of the bagatma of the melody of the past fates harmoniously unite, create classics and popular modern songs in the original orchestral arrangement.
The end of the season will be on the 18th of Sunday in the Oleksandrovsky Garden, de grace of the Central Military Band of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the Central Concert Band of the Russian Navy.
And then on Muscovites and the guests of the place check ten evenings of a unique musical show, as we passed on head square the edge near the walls of the Kremlin, in the heart of the Russian capital.
– And what is the specialty of the last shows of Spaska Vezha? Who will ever take their fate? What were the sanctions in the warehouse of the collectives because of the cordon?
– Viysk music can be recognized by one of the best diplomats. There are no cordonies. This is a unique thorough tool for intercultural dialogue. I have not had any problems with international representation on the youngest in the world of military tattoo. From the moment yogo appeared
suddenly becoming one of the most prestigious music forums. And with skin rock, it grows and develops, becomes more large-scale and richly planned, truly giving its status as the largest international musical project in the world, which by right has risen to the top three. I’m guessing that in due course the festival was launched by yoga fans and organizers - the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin, Lieutenant-General Sergiy Dmitrovich Khlebnikov, and the festival’s music ceremonial lieutenant-general Valeriy Mikhailovich Khalilov, who was also a great leader of the Viysk-Orchestral Service of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.
Sergiy Dmitrovich at once from the head of the directorate of the festival Sergiy Smirnov and
The Viyskovo-Orchestral Service of the RF Legislative Assembly is successfully continuing this project.
For this fate, like forever, on Chervoniy Square, you can again sing yaskrav vistava. To go through the performances of the best Russian and foreign Viysk-orchestral and creative teams. It will be enchanting theatrical action with light installations and grandiose night fireworks.

Musical change.

The geography of the country is a participant in the festival traditionally hooting all parts of the world. What time will the Imperial Youth Orchestra from Brentwood, located in Great Britain, the Prince of Monaco's Carabineros Orchestra, the Crescendo Bicycle Orchestra from the Netherlands, the Royal Guards Orchestra of Oman, the Corps of Oriental People of Lanka and drums. A number of collectives have taken the fate of the “Spaska Vezha” shows before.
This year is also the first day of sightseeing in the framework of the program of the festival. It will be absolutely identical to the evening one, for a little fireworks and other pyrotechnic warehouse. Before the speech, the organizers are preparing different surprises for the day.

Until today, before the Military Orchestra Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, nearly two thousand

Without a doubt, we’ll be happy to have a movie show at a special arena. Perform here Cavalry Honorary Escort of the Presidential Regiment of the Service of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin of the Federal Protective Service of the Russian Federation and representatives of the film and sports club "Kremlin Riding School" have become an integral part of the socially oriented cultural life of the festival. I’ll say that in 10 years I saw over 200 times, as I saw hundreds of thousands of people. A grandiose show program, as the Kremlin school of horseback riding is already getting ready for a rich rock, it’s already a self-starter, before it enters not only Russian, but also other foreign teams.
A further development is taken away and likened to all the program "Spaska Vezha to Children", which includes a children's and youth brass bands' competition, a look at honorable children's bands from different regions of Russia. And in the thematic plans of the Childish Place today, exhibitions, master class, competitions, relay races and games are held, as it is absolutely free to be able to hunt.
– You remember on the cob that the Viysk musicians have a borderline number of chili rivers. How many orchestras from the Viyskovo-orchestroviy sluzhbiv vykonuyat vodpovidni zavdannya?
– Today we have over two hundred orchestras with a total number of close to four thousand. So, work richly, adzhe, like a zavzhdi, military musicians are needed at all significant state visits. I not only. And in our country, and beyond the cordon, there are few large-scale festivals of viysk orchestras. Taking a lot from them, we will not only increase the prestige of the country's musical culture, but we will also take away a miraculous year for a perfect professional form, even in a skin orchestra there is a musical specialty of its own, as if the manner of the performance was inspired by it. Music - did not become a practice, search for the individuality of vikonannya, as if exalting one collective from another. And do not forget: our activity is closely connected with the life of the military. Viysk dirigenti practice and artistic self-discipline in military parts on missions. Tse їhnіy sluzhkovy obov'yazok - nadavat methodically to help and to help to increase the talents of the middle military servitors and members of their families. And, as far as possible, you can get them to the concert activity of your orchestras.
– What is the structure of the Viyskovo-Orchestral Service?
– The structure of the Military Orchestra Service includes: the governing body of the Military Orchestra Service, the Central Military Orchestra, the Military Military Orchestra (honorary varti), the Central Concert Orchestra of the Military Marine Fleet named after Rimsky-Korsakov, the Regional Headquarters Orchestra military districts and military orchestras of military districts. Obviously, it includes the initial mortgage. Tse Moscow Military School of Music named after Lieutenant-General Khalilov, like graduates of fakhivtsiv from the middle professional light, that Viysk Institute of Viysk Directors of the Viysk University, like a fakhivtsiv from vist.
- Just briefly, how does your robot work?
- First of all, there will be a choral re-verification of the orchestral services at the missions. For whom, a special commission is being created on the basis of the head of the Viyskovo-Orchestral Service. Ale, krіm tsgogo, for professional growth, look at the competitions of military orchestras on an all-army scale. The stinks pass once in five roki at two tours. Which year the first year of the year started at the fierce in Moscow and ended on the 12th day of the Pivnichny Fleet. For an hour, Viysk musicians of the Zakhidny, Skhidny, Central and Pivdenny districts demonstrated their mastery. The other, final tour, which will take the fate of the best of the best 12 orchestras, will pass on Chervoniy Square from 27 to 31 September 2019, the day when the XII International Viysk Music Festival "Spaska Vezha" is held.
- And what can the orchestra show at the hour of the screening?
- Before the arrival of the commission, at least two new concert programs, leather trivality and a parade-concert can be prepared. Leather band of goiter-knitting vikonati Sovereign Anthem of the Russian Federation and so create: “Glory” by Glinka, “Razluchennya Varti” by Pavlov, “Chervona Dawn” by Chernetsky, two construction marches and two “Zustrichni marches”. Krіm tsgogo, listen to the creation of the concert repertoire, in the middle of which you can but transcribe the works of domestic and foreign classical composers, as well as original compositions for a brass band. The re-verification of the parade-concert programs is being completed. It is important that we estimate the time of the re-verification for the preparation of the orchestra. Our task is to provide methodical assistance to the Viysk conductors, including the formation of the musical repertoire, the orchestral ones, to take that individual training of musicians.
- And until such visits, around the revision of the robots and orchestras at the missions, may the Viysk-orchestra service be held?
- Obviously, the musical security of the Viysk parades until 9 Travnya is on Chervoniy Square, near the places-heroes, the places of Viysk glory. In other places where parades are held.
As soon as we take the festival's activity, the VII International Viysk Music Festival "Amur's Winds" near Khabarovsk has recently taken place. The new bands from Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and the orchestra of Celtic volinok and drums, which represents the European Union, took the part. The 7th International Festival of Brass Bands named after Vasil Agapkin and Ill Shatrov has ended for days near Tambov. Six orchestras from different places of the country, including the Central Military Band of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, military brass bands of military units 54607 and 31969 deployed near Tambov, performed at the new one. Tambov musicians played together with them - the Governor's Brass Band of the Tambov Region and the Brass Band named after Agapkin. Within the framework of the festival, a monument was unveiled to the Viysk conductor, Lieutenant-General Valery Mikhailovich Khalilov. The monument of victories on the outside of the building and installations on a granite pedestal, embellished with fanfares. Yogo was placed in the center of the city near the monument to Viysk musicians Vasil Agapkin and Ill Shatrov. The author of these compositions is the Moscow sculptor Oleksandr Mironov.
The Central Viysk orchestra will perform from 28 chervnya to 5 linden ta near Virmenia. Today, our Viysk musicians have already taken part in the first international international festival of Russia-Birmenia "Serve the Motherland-Vitchizni". To hold the International Fund in memory of Arno Babadzhanyan for the support of the ministries of defense of Russia and Vrmenia. Because of this, our Viysk orchestra checks at its festival for the place of the first salute, the place of Viysk glory Bilgorod.
Not far off is the musical security of the main military-marine parade near St. Petersburg on the celebration of the Navy Day.
From 30 pm to 5 pm the Central Viysk Orchestra will perform at the International Viysk Music Festival near the Finnish Hamina.
About "Spasska Vezha" already ishlos. And in the period from 22 September to 1 Zhovtny, the orchestra of the Suvorovites of the Moscow Military Music School named after Lieutenant-General Khalilov will be re-buying with the service team in Switzerland as part of the international military sports of the Russian Federation and the Swiss Confederation. For the past 25 years, Vikhovantsi schools have taken their fate at the narrow entrances dedicated to the transition of the Russian Army under Field Marshal Suvorov's graveyard through the Alps.
- In the old bardish song of Volodymyr Vasiliev, there are such words: "Ide my orchestra, but the sounds are annoying, follow the lad for the music." How do you care how relevant the stench is today?

There is a lot of talent here.

- Let me tell you the facts for me. From the moment of holding viysk-music festivals, for example, near Khabarovsk and Tambov, the number of pidlіtkіv, which are taught at the music schools of these cities, has increased in razi. And for the quiet Suvorov students of the Moscow Military School of Music named after Lieutenant-General Khalilov, I sing, military music became the share of that love forever. They are virnі її prodovzhuvachі and zberigachі. The 1st competition among students before college is more serious.

On the eve of the XI International Viysk Music Festival "Spaska Vezha", which will be held in Moscow from 24 April to 2 Spring, the head of the Central Viysk Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Merited Artist of Russia, Colonel Sergiy Durigin rozpov_v RIA Novosti correspondents Irina Alshaєvіy about tour graphics. preparation to the head international festival viysk music and about those, how to stage viysk music to flu phonogram.

At some visits, the Central Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation takes part, how wide is the map of yoga tours, like in Russia, and there?

The Central Viysk Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of the past year celebrated its 90th anniversary. For the whole hour, the orchestra was founded, covering the whole of the SRSR and presenting our Russian musical art outside the cordon. At the same time, at least not often, but we take the fate of the festivals of military orchestras outside the cordon.

Our main task is the musical support of calls, connected with the activities of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Naygolovnіsha iz them, yakіy mi shhorіchno take a fate, - Parade of Peremoga on Chervonіy Ploschі 9 May, it's a great honor for us. Tsgogo fate after 9 May, the orchestra was on the Far Skhod, near Khabarovsk. At the red boules near Tambov, at the festival "Farewell to the Slovyanka" they gave a concert at Krim. At Bіlgorodі, the orchestra took part in the visits, consecrations of the 75th river tank battle on the Prokhorovsky field. At once we turned from Finland. At the international music festival "HaminaTattoo" we performed together with other groups, including orchestras, representing the armies of NATO countries. At the Veresni, we can see Sakhalin, we can see the Kuril Islands.

right I would like to point out that we do not in any way win music for a phonogram. Although the practice in the musical medium has been expanded, but we are not fit to fool the public. We batchimo the reaction of our listeners to live music - it's miraculous. People come, hear, sing, waltz a lot. Lyudin is drawn to live music, Tim is out of the cicava, which is victorious here and now.

Musical art of the Spaska Vezha festival is held by the triumvirate of scientists and associates of Valeriy Khalilov. Head of the Viyskovo-Orchestral Service of the RF Armed Forces - head military conductor Timofiy Kostyantinovich Mayakin. The artist, the head of the Moscow military-musical school named after Khalilov, Oleksandr Petrovich Gerasimov, has gone to the same warehouse. How do you organize the process of ceramics, how can you easily organize it, and why don’t you care about the organization of the creative process?

We continue the traditions, which were founded by the creators and ideological inspirations of the festival - the first musical ceremonial "Spaskoy Vezhi" (2007-2016 rock), the head of the Viysk orchestral service of the RF Armed Forces - the head viysk conductor, lieutenant general (2002-2016) Services of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin of the Federal Tariff Service of Russia - the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin, Lieutenant-General Sergiy Dmitrovich Khlebnikov, the ceremonial director of the Spaska Vezha Festival Sergiy Mikolayovich Smirnov. The stench stood at the door of the festival.

Khalilov Mav great dosvid participation in the festivals and knowing how to organize and be held so come on in. This is how Spaska Vezha appeared - the festival, which occupied the upper scree at the light and musical hierarchical gatherings. Before the new most famous military tattoo, the festival of Russian music at the Scottish Edinburz entered. Ale mi yogo zatmarili and write tsim. Bachimo, that at the same time there are cherubs willing to take the fate of the Spassky Vezhi, even a lot of foreign teams want to come to Moscow for our festival - it's a miracle.

Khalilov, Smirnov and Khlebnikova had buli and є uchnі and comrades-in-arms. Among them are Timothy Kostyantinovich and Oleksandr Petrovich. Under the inspiration of Khalilov, we gained a colossal record, watching at festivals to other countries and practicing in Russia on preparations for the Spaska Vezha. We took away the administrative knowledge of music, explaining how to organize such a large-scale event.

After the death of Valery Mikhailovich, there was food for a further share of the festival. Collegially, the artists and the community council praised the decision - the festival can continue, on the right, Valery Mikhailovich can live. Surely, the construction of the Spaska Vezha will be held in full. The Gromadska is glad that the Directorate of the festival - they are responsible for all the efforts to prepare and organize the entire process. For the musical part, the mystetsky is glad. The show itself, in which the whole vikonana of the robot wiggles around, would not have happened without a director and production team. Like a bachite, the festival is alive and growing, and above it, that professional team is great.

Musicians of the Central Military Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation at the Closing Ceremony of the X International Military Music Festival Spaska Vezha near Moscow

If the preparation of the Central Viysk Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense before the Spaska Vezha festival is scheduled, how long will it take, in what format?

At the link with our schіlny tour schedule, the preparations for the Spaska Vezhі are going to be even more difficult. We can say that we are getting ready for the festival to support rock by playing concerts.

What kind of creative experiment do you plan to stare at the gazers in the Spaska Vezha? Torik orchestra vikonav popuri іz multfilmіv. What fate can be revealed now, what sightings will smell the compositions, like the orchestra was victorious before?

The program is already ready, but if there are any other ideas, we will discuss them at once. I can say that we will perform at festivals with a new program. Our orchestra never repeats itself. It is foldable, especially looking at those that music, which we victoriously, can support our conservative image of the head viysk orchestra of the country. We cannot afford to allow those who can demonstrate other groups. Alemie is experimenting.

The orchestra will perform at the rock-jazz outfits, which I especially like. Like a head, I mushu keep up with the hour.

right Our orchestra had a lot of experiments - we tried to play classical music in a modern version, then we experimented with popular folk, folklore themes - they stink with a bang. They played music from popular domestic films and cartoons - the public took it "on the spot". We can play a variety of foreign music, but we rarely win – we have a Russian orchestra (laughs).

Need to say that the Germans, the French, the Norwegians, the Dutch and the English are willing to mark our military marches in their parades. Go ask us for notes, we are happy to share them. It calls forth pride. Viysk marches of our composers to the temples of the professional plan. The stench will come to the city of our country, beauty and harmony.

What spіvpratsyuє orchestra іz іnshimi musical groups? Do you plan to develop your creative work with Russian orchestras from other countries, organize mutual tours?

We don’t often visit outside the cordon at the link with a big tour schedule in Russia, but before the Ministry of Defense come two or three times to the river from the prohannyam, send our orchestra to that other country. Often the curiosity of the military department responds positively to drinking, and we see it with tours abroad. It is even more important, even if we carry the light of our Russian culture. For example, at the Finnish music festival "HaminaTattoo" we played Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich and Rimsky-Korsakov. Finns are more like our classical music. Sob to give the Shana of this country, in the same way we come, we obov'yazkovo gravely tweet of this composer. In Finland, we sang the music of the Finnish composer Jan Sibelius.

Our activity had a few vipadkivs, if we performed together with musicians from the Viysk orchestras of other lands. The past year, with the initiative of the Italian side, there was a concert from the Orchestra Corps of the Carabineers. Come in yourself to symbolize friendship between countries.

Dekilka rokіv to that at the "Spasky Vezі" mi played with the head band of the Bundeswehr. I would like to point out that the German military culture has musical elements of the Russian musical culture. These deacons of military marches were written by our composers. On the abyss of tragedy, I’ve come across Russia and Nimechchina in the past, this sleepy concert was even more significant for both lands. We are always open for spivpratsi with our colleagues.

Orchestra vikonu є only now іsnuyuchi іyskі and gromadyanskie compositions і chi svoijuє muzyva samosіyno? Chi sound music in yoga vikonnі in vіtchiznyanyh films?

So, we conjure up our own compositions, written by our musicians. Valeriy Khalilov wrote a lot of musical works for the orchestra with the rest of the rock. A great number of popular works were written in their own time by Semyon Chernetsky, Vasyl Agapkin, Illya Shatrov. Max Kyus should have the waltz "Amur Khvili", Ivan Dreyzin - the waltz "Berizka". Tsya music was famously popular and was popular among the people.

The Central Viysk Orchestra recorded a great number of soundtracks for the Vyatsky cinema. Like you feel in cinema, artistic documentary, brass band - 95%, what is our record. If the directors come before us, we are satisfied with the sound of music without cost. I respect that we categorically do not have the right to sell music, because we have no patriotism in it. Patriotism is not for sale. The series "Midne Sun" directed by Karen Hovhannisyan about the Viysk conductor is on the screen. We handed over a lot of recordings, like, I’m listening, I’m watching each other’s film.

Musicians of the Central Military Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the closing hour of the summer season "Viysk Orchestras in the Parks", 2017 - How many musicians are there for the leading Russian military orchestra? Why are they military servicemen?

There are over 200 orchestras in the orchestra, of which about 80 are military servicemen, who serve for a contract and a prize. Wine is divided into two warehouses - brass and symphonic. This is the traditional podіl of great orchestras. Following the same principle, the Presidential Orchestra of the Service of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin of the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation, the orchestras of the National Guard and the Ministry of Taxes of Russia were organized. However, our orchestra does not have enough teams. The symphony orchestra is more prominent for pop-symphony: pop music is played on wind instruments by different arrangements. Ale classical music - Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky and other legendary composers - vikonu symphonic warehouse.

How can a person who is zatsіkavlena at the car'єri of a viysk musician be taken to the Central Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense? What is necessary for whom - confirmed by a diploma of musical education, a military ticket?

right- It's not easy to get to the orchestra for vacancies. Ale smut - it’s necessary to be a miraculous fakhivtsy, good luck with a musical instrument. It is also necessary to protect those who are obov'yazkovaya for us, like all military servicemen, physical training - we set sports standards. Tse is right - the conductor and the musicians can be buttied up. Starry look May be on high. Wait a minute, it’s not too much for a neohain person to dance at the Viysk orchestra.

Prote, a smut for a Viysk musician, is to recklessly victorious one of the symbols of our state - the anthem of Russia. The musician categorically does not have the right to cheat yoga nasty. To this, we have dosed sportsmanship, more than an hour we add, obviously, music. It is necessary to add at least three years to the student for individual training. I match the musician with the athlete. Warto the athlete does not work for 2-3 days, while wearing the form. Those same with the musician. Varto youmu is less busy - you start more grati.

Mi z Valerii Mikhailovich Khalilov constantly played mid-days at the mini-football, we continue to play with colleagues and at the same time. In response to the riddle about Valeriy Mikhailovich, we made up the same T-shirts with a stripe on the sleeves “Khaliliv 7”. Valeriy Mikhailovich is always following himself, going in for sports. Bo rozumiv, scho can look good on the stage in front of your peeping.

Chapter 1. Specifics and social functions of Russian musical culture.

Chapter 2. Formation and development of professional musical education in Russia.

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Introduction to the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic "Russian Musical Culture: Historical and Cultural Analysis"

Actuality of those studies. The specificity, structure and function of the Russian musical culture of Russia is rich in why they signify the relevance and relevance of such furnishings.

First, the formation of culturology as a complex science about culture, with all the diversity of the definition of the concept of "culture", has revealed three sets of problems, yak on the current day they designate a structure: 1) theory of culture, 2) history of culture, 3) applied culturology. Viyskovo-musical culture is connected with the problems of applied cultural studies, as well as religious, moral, physical, ecological, political and legal culture. Presentation of the military-musical culture to one of the types of culturology conveying the show of specificity, originality and peculiarities.

In a different way, the development of the specifics of the Russian musical culture will require further study of social needs, structures, forms, and forms of quiet social functions, like a victorious one. The analysis of these aspects is clearly insufficient in the current cultural literature.

Thirdly, the continuation of the military-musical culture with the improvement of її rich functions can accept the increased authority of the Evil Forces of the Russian Federation, especially among modern minds.

Fourthly, a rich historical document on the development of Russian sovereignty, showing that the army is a strong force, as well as a spiritual one. Vaughn gave the people such prominent children of culture and art as N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, A. V. Oleksandrov, S. A. Chernetsky, V. I. Agapkin and in.

By the way, actual is the development of the military-musical culture with a look of її psychological, national-patriotic role in the formation of a special warehouse of the Evil forces of our country.

Steps of scientific variability of the problem. We are sorry to say that the level of scientific diversity of the problem of the development of Russian musical culture in Russia is already weak and may still be fragmentary in nature. Looking at the problem under the class kut dawn, such a zavzhdi took її a whole wedding. The robot has no direct power supply, and I can only carry out a similar investigation and look around the sides, problems, fragments.

All the robots that represent the problem of the development of the Russian musical culture in a different world can be divided into sprat groups.

Before the first one, the works of Russian culturologists of a transcendental methodological nature are seen, in which the problems of musical culture in the theoretical plan are torn apart in this world1.

The other group is represented by complex robots of Russian mysticists from the history of music and the musical culture of Russia2. The problem of the development of military and musical culture is seen in the global form, in connection with the nourishment of the cultural life of the state. As a rule, all of these robots have a lecture excursion into the history of musical life

1 Div: Arnoldov A.I. People that light of culture. - M., 1992; Vintshchikovsky M.M. The role of that place of musical art in the formation of the spiritual world of the Radian warrior: dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences. - M., 1984: Vigotsky U.C., Luria A.R. Categories and understanding of the theory of culture. - M., 1985; Dorogova JI.H. Artistic culture and formation of special features of the war: dis. . Dr. Philos. Sciences. - M., 1990; Sokolov E.V. Understanding the essence of the main functions of culture. - L., 1989 and in.

2 Div: Bronfgm E.F. Musical culture of Petrograd on the first post-revolutionary anniversary. - L., 1984; Nikitina L.D. Radian music. History and the present. - M., 1991; Tarakanov M.Y. Musical culture of the RRFSR. - M., 1987 and in.

Russia. Vodnochas vysvetlennya pitan, pov'yazanih іz vyyskovo-muzichnoї kul'tury development, may fragmentary character.

The fourth group includes works related to the history of the formation of the Ensemble of the Red Army Song and the work of the work of the first ceramics worker A.V. Aleksandrov.

The names of the robots are of great scientific value and may be of great importance, forming the basis of research. At the same time, an analysis of the presentations of monographs, articles, and dissertation studies shows that the Ukrainian musical culture was not the subject of independent study, and the problem of its development did not develop a sufficient, solid, significant presentation.

For a group of dzherels, there are documents that are widely represented in the historical archives of Russia3, and also here one can see published in different years legislative documents and acts (decrees, punishments, directives, statutes, instructions), research basis.

1 Div: Aksionov E.S. Nove in the instrumentation of the Radian Viysk March. - M., 1970; Matveev V.A. Russian Viysk orchestra. - M., 1965; Surin N.K. Viysk-ceremonial music // Reader from the history of viysk music. - M., 1988. - Part II; Tutunov V.I. 250 years of Viysk-orchestral service in Russia. - M., 1961 and in.

2 Div: Aleksandrov B.A. Song cry. - M., 1982; Korosshelev B.Є. Mystetstvo, narodzhene people. - M., 1991; Pozhdaev G.A. Chervonopraporny Ensemble: Way of Song and Glory. - M., 1988; Shilov A.V. Unknown authors see songs. - M., 1961 and in.

3 At the Russian State Archives of the Viysk-Navy Fleet (RDA VMF), the Russian State Archives of Literature and Science (RDAL).

4 Div: Construction cavalry statute of the RSCA. - Pg., 1920. - Ch. II-III; Construction statute of the RSCA. - Pg., 1920. - Part I; Statute of the garrison service of the RSCA. - Pg., 1918 and in.

One more group of dzherel is made up by the minds, memoirs, students of children and practitioners of culture, in which there is a subjective assessment of military music, musical culture in general, and the role of the moral and psychological development of warriors1.

Vіdokremleniy is a kind of finished material with selections of viysk songs, marches, concert works for viysk orchestras and self-made collectives.

The subject of research is the Russian musical culture. Vrahovyuchi, sho tsey subject to complete the rich-faceted, and in the new hierarchical aspects of the analysis, how to add up the object of study: the historical formation of the military-musical culture, its specificity, the main social functions and forms of manifestation, the structure of the training of cadres.

Meta that task is to be followed up. The main method of research is the historical and cultural analysis of the specifics, structure and functions of the military-musical activity.

The meta zoomed in on the need to follow up on specific tasks, which were appointed by the employer:

Revealing the social needs of the military-musical culture;

Analysis of the specifics of the military-musical culture as a special type of applied culture of the suspense;

Vivchennya of the main social functions of the military-musical culture with the designation of their features and significance;

Follow-up of the structure and features of the military-musical education and training of qualified personnel;

1 Div: Vasilevsky A.M. To the right of all life. - M., 1974; Vsevolzky I.Є Brantsі sea.-M., 1961; Furmanov D.A. Chapaev.-M., 1961 and in.

Analysis of the main forms of organization and manifestation of military and musical activity.

Theoretical basis of dissertation research. Як теоретичні основи дослідження послужили роботи вітчизняних та зарубіжних авторів, присвячені аналізу соціальної сутності культури, її місця в системі суспільства, закономірностей становлення різних видів прикладної культури, а також праці, що розкривають теорію музичної культури та її специфічну форму - військово-музичну діяльність. Analysis of the structure of the military-musical education zooming in on the need for education to achieve a psychological and pedagogical character.

Methodological basis of dissertation research. The methodological attitude of the robot is based on the dialectical method with such basic principles as the principle of polarization, which allowed explaining the super-sophisticated nature of the military-musical culture as a unity of the utilitarian-cultural and artistic-musical activity; the principle of functionality, for the help of which the polyfunctional analysis of the Viysk-music of culture is broken up; the principle of determinism, which zooms in on the need to continue the dynamics of the military and musical culture in the fallow in social and political changes in the society.

Scientific novelty is achieved. In the work, problems have been solved that can reveal scientific value for cultural studies (theory and history of culture):

First, the specificity of the Viysk-musical culture is described as a special kind of applied culture;

In another way, it shows the social determination of the Viysk music by changing the socio-political character in the country;

Thirdly, the system of social functions of the military-musical culture in the modern life was revealed;

Fourthly, the genres have been completed, the form of manifestation and visualization of the military-musical activity;

In a nutshell, the peculiarities of the structure of the military-musical illumination at the stage of formation of the distant formation were analyzed;

As a matter of fact, the tendencies and prospects for the development of the military-musical artistic self-discipline are examined.

Regulations for blaming the Zakhist:

1. The specifics of the Russian military-musical culture, which seems to be a kind of applied culture of society, is distinguished not only by the fundamental principles of musical creativity, but also by the peculiarities of its zastosuvannya and vikoristannya in the military-service activities.

2. The specificity of the applied nature of the military-musical culture is determined by the peculiarities of the training of personnel and the general structure of the system of the military-musical education.

3. The main forms of the military-musical activity may be spіlnі and especially rise among the peaceful and in the fighting minds of the suspіlstva.

4. The analysis of the real buttya of the military-musical culture in the system of the society reveals the main social functions: ritual-organizational, organizational-mobilizational, ceremonial-demonstrative, nationally-patriotic, illuminating-educational, concert-tetral.

5. Viyskovo-musical culture of Russia as a universal and richly-faceted phenomenon pours into the mass consciousness of the soul.

Theoretical and practical significance of the research. In the theoretical perspective, the materials of the research may seem significant for the more engulfed understanding of the problems of applied cultural studies, which develops in the boundaries of the global theory and history of culture. About tse to svіdchat analogіchnі dolіdzhennya kul'tury design, culture of behavior, mov, religious culture and іn.

The practical significance of the achievement of my bachimo is in the possibility of pedagogical selection of these materials in the system of military and musical education, and in the organization of effective practical viysk-musical activities.

Approbation of the results of the research. The results were presented by the author at the meetings of the Department of Culture and Science of the Viysk University, the Viysk Dirigent Department of the Viysk Dirigent Faculty at the Moscow State Conservatory named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Department of Philosophy and Political Science of the Nizhny Novgorod State Architectural and Budіvel University. p align="justify"> All positions of the robots were considered at the scientific and practical conference of the Viysk Dirigent Faculty. Dissertation materials are included in several articles, as well as in the author's monograph "Russian Musical Culture" (M., 2010) and in the collective monograph "Viysk Music of Russia" (M., 2007).

The materials of the work are collected at the beginning-and-study process of the Viysk University and the Viysk Institute of Viysk Dirigents.

The structure of the dissertation. The dissertation includes an Introduction, 4 sections, Visnovok and Bibliography.

Similar dissertation works for the specialty "Theory and history of culture", 24.00.01 VAK code

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  • Theory and Methods of Musical Training of a Speaker for an Amateur Orchestral Team at the Universities of the Republic of Korea 2001 rіk, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Kang Ji Din

  • Formation and development of professional musical culture of Buryatia: 1923-1945. 2006 Rick, candidate of historical sciences Zhabaeva, Yana Olegivna

  • Music in the Svyatkovo-rozvezhalniy culture of St. Petersburg in the first third of the 19th century 2003 Rick, Candidate of Mystery Science Savelyeva, Yuliya Volodymyrivna

  • The evolution of instrumentation in the venerable wind music until the 70s of the 19th century 2000 r_k, candidate of mystical science Yermolenko, Oleksandr Leonidovich

Visnovok dissertation on the topic "Theory and history of culture", Mayakin, Timofiy Kostyantinovich


Historical background on the development of the Russian musical culture shows that music is not only an important factor in the patriotic and moral development of the warriors, but it is also an invisible part of it.

Krym tsgogo, being an arduous way of the military-patriotic, moral and aesthetic warfare, the military-musical culture has also entered into the development of the musical life of the entire country.

Service and creativity of A.V.Aleksandrov, S.A.Chernetsky, V.I.Agapkin, L.A.Petkevich and rich other bandmasters; організація по всій країні музично-просвітницьких, благодійних концертів та гастрольних виступів за участю у них військових оркестрів, ансамблів пісні та танцю та численних самодіяльних червоноармійських колективів, розвиток військової пісні, що знаходила широке застосування не лише у військовому середовищі, а й за її межами, - these and other facts confirm the author's idea about the significant contribution of representatives of the Army and Navy to the development of the musical life of the entire country.

In this way, the analysis of the development of the military-musical culture allows the development of deacons of the zagalnennya that vysnovka, the daytime of which is brought to the offensive:

In the first place, the military-musical culture is the price of the warehouse part of the musical culture of the entire country as a whole, which can be in order from the wild rices: the uniformity of the variety of musical genres, modal-harmonious tonalities, musical instruments, and those its own power, individuality, specific features.

In another way, the military-musical culture has its own rich history, development, development. It is important to note that it was formed and was inextricably linked with the process of economic, military and cultural development of the country and the її Brawn Forces for a long time.

Thirdly, as a way to show the results of the investigation, the entire special warehouse of the Armed Forces became the wearers, regardless of the service affiliation (in pre-revolutionary Russia, the main bearers of musical culture in the army and in the navy were officers).

Fourthly, the military-musical culture did not develop enough, but in the basis of singing officials, one of them was offensive.

In a nutshell, the analysis of the development of the military-musical culture took on the role of the different gallows of the military activity. The results of the study show that in an hour the first regular regiments of the Russian army were founded, step by step, they become one of the important, indistinguishable elements of the patriotic, moral and cultural development of the wars.

First lesson. Accumulations dosvidchit about those that the development of the Viysk-musical culture is directly related to the economic, political and cultural development of the state.

The lesson is different. Burkhlivy rozkvit veiskovo-musical culture is more than possible, if the power is put up with respect to its army, delving into its material and spiritual needs.

Third lesson. Historical practice shows that the lowering of the interest from the side of the state and the strength of the Armed Forces to the cultural enlightenment of the officer and the soldier is allowed to weaken the patriotic and moral upheaval of the war, both in peacetime and in wartime.

Lesson four. An objective analysis shows that for the successful development of the Russian musical culture, the presence of a well-organized system of training and staffing of military directors, musicians, and cultural enlightenment practitioners is required.

Крім цього, для більш ефективної діяльності цих спеціально навчених військовослужбовців у галузі музичної освіти воїнів необхідно також мати добре налагоджену систему постачання військ як технічними засобами пропаганди (пластинками, відеокасетами, компакт-дисками із записами класичної, військової та сучасної музики), так і музичними інструментами , records of musical selections of Viysk songs, marches, popular music magazines

The relevance of topics of dissertation research, growing interest in cultural studies, historians and musicologists allow us to formulate also theoretical and practical recommendations.

In the first place, the joint efforts of culturologists, historians and musicologists in the development of the military-musical culture from the moment of the birth of the regular army to our hour would bring great retribution.

The work on the dissertation made it possible to identify a number of problems, which could become a subject for further independent scientific research. Before them lie down: "The development of military rituals in the Armed Forces", "Organization of musical support for military servicemen" is too thin.

In another way, it is necessary to see a methodical help from the history of the development of the Russian musical culture at various historical stages, for working on it, to gain a degree in faculty of culture and art of the Viysk State University and the Department of Theory and History of Musical Music of the Ventiysk State University

Thirdly, on the basis of new data about the development of the military-musical culture, it is necessary to clarify the list of pre- vious and musical traditions, as well as to add the designation of the "military-musical culture", its classification, peculiarities and peculiarities.

По-четверте, у зв'язку зі зміною за останні роки політичного мислення, а також зміною ідеологічних орієнтирів у свідомості воїнів сучасних Збройних сил Російської Федерації є потреба доповнити розділи програми курсу лекцій з кафедри культури та мистецтва Військового університету, присвячені художній культурі військовослужбовців, і nadalі vykoristovuvaty napratsovany material at the course of lectures from the programs of the sovereign-sovereign training.

After all, it would be better to turn to the army and to the fleet of a lot of old marches and military songs, for whom you have seen a lot of new military selections of songs and marches for different types of military forces of the Russian Federation. The introduction into the everyday life of the Russian military will allow to significantly increase the service and combatant repertoire of modern orchestras, and expand the song repertoire of soldiers' self-made teams.

List of literature for dissertation research Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Mayakin, Timofiy Kostyantinovich, 2010 рік

1. Adamyan A. Articles about art. M.: Muzizdat, 1961. - 432 p.

2. Aksionov E.S. Nove in the instrumentation of the Radian Viysk March. // To help the Viysk conductor. M., 1970. - VIP. X. - 132 p.

3. Alabin P.V. Chotiri winy. Goodbye notes. - M., 1B92. Part 3. - 788 p.

4. Alexandrov A.V. Song cry. M.: Young Guard, 1982. - 160 p.

5. Alphabetical-subject indicator of non-secret orders of the Revolutionary Viyskovoy for the sake of the Republic. Pg. ; Leningrad: Viysk drukarnya of the Headquarters of the Red Army, 1920 - 1934.

6. Album of scientific aids from the course of culture and science / Ed. N.A. Kostikova. M.: VPA, 1988. - 44 p.

7. Ananiev Yu.V. Culture as an integrator of society Nizhny Novgorod: NNGASU, 1996. - 174 p.

8. A selection of dissertation papers, stolen from specialized councils of the Viysk-Political Academy named after V.I. V.I. Lenin in 1988 1990 born // Order. N.V. Ratoziy, V.I. Yudin. - M.: VPA, 1989 1991. - 58 p.

9. Ensemble of songs and dances of the Chervonopraporny Dalekoskhidny Viysk district. Khabarovsk, 1999. - 30 p.

10. Ancient musical aesthetics. M., 1960. - 304 p.

11. Anthology of cultural heritage. SPb., 2006. - 720 p.

12. Antoshin A.M. Viysk reform 1924-1928 rr. : Dis. . cand. Legal. Sciences. - M., 1949. - 328 p.

13. Arnoldov A.I. An introduction to cultural studies: a guidebook. - M., 1993. -319 p.

14. Arnoldov A.I. People that light of culture. - M.: View of MDIK, 1989.-240 p.

15. Artanovsky S.M. Deyaki problems of the theory of culture. JL: LDU, 1977. - 82 p.

16. Asaf'ev B.V. About the music of the XX century. L .: Music, 1982. - 200 p.

17. Asaf'ev B.V. Opera// Drawings of Radiant Musical Creativity. M., 1947. - 318 p.

18. Ashev G.A. Viysk rituals. M.: VPA, 1977. - 127 p.

19. Ashev G.A. Culture of viyskovoi activity. M.: VPA, 1984. - 44 p.

20. Babenko P.I. E.Yakir (Drawing a battle path). M., 1963. - 80 p.

21. Balakshin A.S. Cultural policy: theory and methodology of follow-up. N. Novgorod: VDAVT, 2004. - 248 p.

22. Baller E.A. Recession in the development of culture. M.: Nauka, 1969.-294 p.

23. Baltic sea is our sea. - M., 1996. - 60 p.

24. Barketova T.A. The power and development of musical culture in Radiansk Russia: (1917 1932): Dis. . cand. ist. Sciences. - Saratov, 1999. - 243 p.

25. Basov Verkhoyantsiv. Song // Chervonoarmiets. - 1921. - No. 48.

26. Bezimensky A. Yak a song was born//Change. 1948. - No. 20.

27. Bergman Z. Need more gurnka? // Viyskove knowledge. 1921. - No. 6-7.

28. Berkov V. Harmony and musical form. M., 1962. - 566 p.

29. Berkhin I.B. Viyskova reform in the SRSR (1924-1925). - M.: Voenizdat, 1958. - 560 p.

30. Bezkrovniy L.G. Anthology from Russian and Viysk history. - M.: Voenizdat, 1947. 640 p.

31. Biryukov Yu.V. This is the role of song in the heroic-patriotic warfare of the Radian warriors. M.: VPA, 1981. - 48 p.

32. Biryukov Yu.V. Songs, people of the revolution. M., 1987. - 147 p.

33. Bogdanov L.P. Russian army in the 18th first quarter of the 19th century: abstract of the thesis. dis. doc. history Sciences. - M., 1981. - 54 p.

34. Bogdanova A.V. Musical culture in the Radian political system 1950 1980s. (Historical and cultural aspect of research): dis. . doc. kulturol. Sciences. - M., 1999. - 314 p.

35. Bogdanov-Berezovskiy V. Articles about music. L., 1960. - 233 p.

36. Bogolyubova O.V. Culture and Sustainability: (Food for History and Theory). M.: MDU, 1978. - 231 p.

37. Great Radianska Encyclopedia: 30 volumes have 3rd view. rework, that dod. - M.: Radianska Encyclopedia, 1970 - 1981.

38. Braudo E.M. History of music. M., 1935. - 461 p.

39. Bronin Ya.G. Lenin and Chervona Army. M., 1925. - 54 p.

40. Bronfin E.F. Musical culture of Petrograd during the first post-revolutionary period of 1917–1922. L .: Radyansky composer, 1984. - 216 p.

41. Bronfin F.M. About the music studios of Petromorbazi // Chervony Baltic Fleet. 1920. 30 spring.

42. Bagel L. A. V. I. Lenin and Radyansky Zbroyny Forces. M.: Voenizdat, 1970. - 152 p.

43. Budionniy S.M. Walking paths. M., 1958. - 448 p.

44. Busoni F. Eskіz new aesthetics of musical art. - St. Petersburg. : A. Didrikhs, 1912. 55 p.

45. Vasilevsky A.M. To the right of all life. M., 1978. - 552 p.

46. ​​Vertka K.A. Russian horn music. M., 1948. - 84 p.

47. Verkhovskiy A. About self-discipline in the army // Viyskovy bulletin. - 1921. - No. 2-3.

48. Veselago F.F. A short history of the Russian fleet. M., 1939. - 301 p.

49. Vinnikovsky M.G. The role of that place of musical art in the formation of the spiritual world of the Radian warrior: dis. . cand. fi-los. Sciences. M., 1984. - 169 p.

50. Vinokurov A. About the staging of political and cultural and educational work at the commissaries // Viyskove knowledge. - 1921.- No. 4.

51. Viskovativ A.B. Historical description of clothes and design of Russian troops: 30 volumes. St. Petersburg, 1841-1862.

52. Viyskova music of Russia. Guards regimental marches: collection / order. A.I. Veselova. SPb., 2006. - 224 p.

53. Viyskova music of Russia. History and the present. - M: Voenizdat, 2007. 248 p.

54. Viyskova reform: history and prospects: collection / ukl. H.V. Delmaev. M., 1991. - 150 p.

55. Viyskovo-dirigentsky faculty 1935–1995. M., 1995. - 168 p.

56. Viysk reforms and transformation in the history of the SRSR: heading help. Vinokurov A.V., Gavrishchuk V.V., Klimchuk E.A., Saxonov O.V. ta in M.: VPA, 1991. - 48 p.

57. Viyskovy collection. St. Petersburg, 1858 - 1917.

58. Viyskoviy encyclopedic dictionary / ed. N.V. Ogarkova. - M.: Voenizdat, 1983. 863 p.

59. Viysk encyclopedic dictionary. 2nd species., Vipr. that dod. M.: Voenizdat, 1986. - 1356 p.

60. Volkov C.B. Russian officer corps. M: Voenizdat, 1993. - 368 p.

61. Volkova O.L. Song creativity of A.V. Alexandrov. // 70 Rocks of Radian Music. The main trends in the development of musical genres. M., 1988. - 198 p.

62. Volotovsky A.A. The role of progressive traditions of officers of the Russian army in the development of current personnel: dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences. M.: GA VS, 1993. - 171 p.

63. Catering club work // Politvisnik. M., 1921. - No. 4.

64. Voskoboyaikov U. The club and the role of the system of redemption commanders // Viyskove knowledge. 1922. - No. 5.

65. Tell me about the Moscow Conservatory. - M.: Music, 1966. 608 p.

66. Timchas' regulations on the order of Viysk urochistas. J.I. : Viyskovsky bulletin, 1928. - 44 p.

67. Vsevolzky I.E. Brothers of the sea. M., 1961. - 663 p.

68. Vigotsky JI.C. Psychology of science. - M.: Mistetstvo, 1965. -379 p.

69. Vigotsky L.S., Luriya A.R. Categories and understanding of the theory of culture. M., 1985. - 247 p.

70. Gavronsky A. About the work of students at university clubs // Viyskove knowledge. 1921. -№> 2-3.

71. Gamza I. Pidhіd to the Red Army creativity. // Chervonoarmiysky druk. 1921. - No. 4.

72. Garbazey I.M. Viysk-Musical Art in the Genre System of Mass Appearances: dis. . cand. Mysticism. - M., 2005.-278 p.

73. Garbar V.I., Zrivkov Yu.I. Vihovannya warriors by the means of musical art. M.: VPA, 1988. - 47 p.

74. Georgiev G. Dovіdnik to the statutes of the Robotic-Selyanskaya Chervonoi Army. Smolensk, 1921. - 54 p.

75. Glan, B.M. Masovі holy that species. M.: Mystetstvo, 1961.-273 p.

76. Goldenstein M.L. Music in the life of V.I. Lenin. J.I. : Radyansky composer, 1959. - 60 p.

77. Gorodetsky Z. Chervonoarmіysk creativity // Chervonoarmієts.- 1921. -№ 45.

78. Grinberg M.I. Respect for the musical work of the Red Army. // Music and revolution. 1928. - No. 2.

79. Grinkevich U. Zustrichny march of the leader // Guardian of the Baltic. - 1972. No. 24.

80. Grshіyn N.A. Yak Bulo taken Poltava // Chervoniy warrior. 1919. - No. 22.

81. Gulevich Z. History of the Life Guards Finnish Regiment: in 3 volumes - St. Petersburg, 1906.

82. Gusev S. Political education in the Red Army. // Politprosvitpratsivnik. 1921. - No. 13.

83. Danilevich L.V. A book about radian music. M., 1962. - 444 p.

84. Danilevsky I.M. Feeding the theory and methods of historical follow-up. M.: Knowledge, 1987. - 230 p.

85. Danilov V.D. Life of the bodies of the Central Viysk administration of the SRSR (1921 1928): dis. . cand. ist. Sciences. -M., 1971. - 255 p.

86. Danin T. Before meals in university clubs. // Viyskove knowledge. 1922. - No. 7.

88. Diev B.A. Musical decoration of the parades of the Radyansk Army. // Practice of the Institute of Viysk Dirigents. M., 1956. - VIP. III. - 146 p.

89. Dobrokhotov A.L., Kalinshen A.T. Culturology M.: Forum, 2010. - 480 p.

90. Dogel I.M. Injecting music into the people that creature. Kazan, 1888. - 141 p.

91. Dorogova JI.H. Artistic culture and formation of special features of the war: dis. . doc. philosophy Sciences. M.: VPA, 1990. - 362 p.

92. Dorogova L.M. Art culture. Understood, terms. - M.: Knowledge, 1978. 205 p.

93. Dotsenko V.D. Marine Biographical Dictionary // For red. I.V. Kasatonova. SPb. : Logos, 1995. - 494 p.

94. Dunayevsky L.S. Culture as a factor in the formation of the military discipline: (Methodological analysis): dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences. M.: VPA, 1986. - 177 p.

95. Zhdanov Yu.A. The essence of culture. Rostov N / D, 1979. - 175 p.

96. Zaripov R.Kh. About programming the process of creating music. // Problems of cybernetics. M.: Fizmatgiz, 1962. - VIP. 7. - S. 151-160.

97. Zelene L.A. The process of aesthetic revitalization. M.: Mistetstvo, 1969. - 175 p.

98. Zelene L.A. Typology of subjects of aesthetic activity. - Gorky: GISI, 1972.

99. Zelene L.A., Balakshin A.S., Volodimirov A.A. System-typological analysis of culture. N. Novgorod: VDAVT, 2009.

100. Ivanov V.V. Methodological ambush of historical knowledge. -Kazan, 1991. 120 p.

101. Ivanov G.M., Korshunov A.M., Petrov Yu.V. Methodological problems of historical knowledge. - M.: Vishcha shkola, 1981. -296 p.105. Ivanov-Boreg (kt1 M.V. First musical art -M.5 1929.-28 p.

102. Ignatiev A.A. Fifty years in the ranks: in 2 volumes - M .: GIHL, 1950 T. 1. 592 p.

103. From the last Radiant musical culture. - M .: Music, 1975 1976. - VIP. 12.

104. News of the Petrogradskaya For the sake of the clerical and rural deputies. Pg. - 1921. - No. 14.

105. Instructions for choir gurts // Politvisnik. 1921. - No. 4.

106. Ionii L.G. Sociology of culture. M.: Logos, 1998. - 280 p.

107. Politov-Ivanov M.M. School of Musical Culture // Radianske Art. - 1933. - No. 39.

108. Historical science. Nutrition methodology / ed. L.S. Gaponenko. M.: Prosvitnitstvo, 1986. - 67 p.

109. History of the music of the peoples of the SRSR: 5 vols. M .: Music, 1970 -1974.

110. History of Russian Radian music. - M.: Music, 1956 1963. T. 1-4.115. Kagan M.S. Lectures on Marxist-Linist aesthetics. L.:

111. LDU, 1971. - 766 p. Іb. Kalinkovich G.M. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov inspector of the military musical choirs of the maritime department. M., 1952. - 96 p. Ill. Kamenev A.I. History of officer training in Russia. -M. : VPA, 1990. - 185 p.

112. Kara-Murza S.G. Manipulation of the suspension of evidence. Moscow: Nauka, 2000.

113. Karelyuk A.A. Vіyskovі nutrition at the course of the history of the SRSR: heading guide. - M.: Voenizdat, 1986.

114. Catalog of candidate and doctoral dissertations, which were submitted to the Library im. V.I. Lenin and the State Central Scientific Medical Library for the period 1956-1990. - M., 1956 - 1990.-215 p.

115. Kayak A.B. Methodological problems of analyzing the interplay of musical cultures (culturological aspect): dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences. - M., 1998. - 153 p.

116. Kelle V.Zh., Koval'zon M.Ya. Theory and History (Problems of Theory and Historical Process). M.: Politvidav, 1981. - 288 p.

117. Kersnivsky A.A. History of the Russian Army: in 4 vols. M .: View of the Voice, 1992 - 1994.

118. Klyatskin S.M. Life of the Armed Forces of the Radyansk State (dosvid of the organization of a permanent regular army and militia life in 1917 1920): Dis. . doc. ist. Sciences. - M., 1964.

119. Koval'chenko N.D. Methods of historical research. M.: Nauka, 1987. - 438 p.

120. Kozhevnikov B.T., Khakhanyan Kh.M. Materials on the history of Russian Viennese music in the first half of the 19th century // Practice of the faculty. - M., 1961. - Vip. V. - 140 p.

121. Koltipina G.B. Viysk music in Russia and the SRSR: a bibliographic indicator. M.: Sovereign library im. V.I. Lenina, 1946. - 81 p.

122. Kondakov I.V. Introduction to the history of Russian culture (theoretical drawing). M.: Nauka, 1994. - 376 p.

123. Kondakov I.V. Culturology: history of Russian culture. M.: Omega, 2003. - 616 p.

124. Ships Yu.I. V.I. Lenin and creation of the Chervonoy Army. M.: Nauka, 1970. - 461 p.

125. Kommersant. Korostelev B.Є. Mystetstvo, narodzhene people. M., 1991. - 61 p.

126. Chervona Army. 1918. -No. 14.

127. Chervona Zirka. 1924-1941.

128. Chervonoarmyets. 1921. - No. 31-32.

129. Red Baltic Fleet. 1919–1922

130. ХЪв.Kremlov Yu.A. Aesthetic problems of Radian music. - L., 1959. 104 p.

131. Krivenko S. Culture of constipation. // Bulletin of the militia army. - 1921. - No. 11-12.

132. Culturology of the XX century: Encyclopedia: in 2 volumes / Chapter. ed. i comp. S.Ya.Levit. SPb. : University book, 1998. - 640 p.

133. Kurbat S.I. Reform of D.A. Milyutin at the training school for officers: dis. cand. history Sciences. M., 1948. - 230 p.

134. Levinson E. Zustrich of military orchestras and bands. // Radianske art. 1933. - No. 39.

135. Leman A. Art in the Red Army // Politprosvetpratsivnik. - 1921. - No. 14.

136. Leontiev K.L. Music and color. M.: Knowledge, 1961. - 64 p.143. Livanova T.V. Draw and draw materials from the history of Russian musical culture. M., 1938. - VIP. 1. - 360 p.

137. Lozanova A. Folk creativity during the period of the Great Zhovtnevoy Socialist Revolution and the Gromadyan War (1917-1920). // Russian folk poetic creativity. - M., 1952.

138. Losev A.F. The problem is the symbol and the realist art. M.: Mistetstvo, 1995. - 320 p.

139. Losev A.F., Shestakov V.P. History of aesthetic categories. - M.: Mistetstvo, 1965. 372 p.141. Lotman Yu.M. Semiosphere. SPB., 2001. - 704 p.

140. Lisenko F.I. Viyskova reform 1924 1925 born : Dis. . Cand. ist. Sciences. -M., 1947. - 224 p.

141. Lyubimov L.D. In a foreign country / / New world. 1957. - No. 3.

142. People of that song to Chapaevskogo battalion // Radianska music. 1939. -№> 2.151. Mazel JI.A. Budov musical creativity. M.: Derzh-muzizdat, 1986. - 528 p.

143. Malyutina E.F. Concert of the Life of Petrograd at the First Rocks of the Zhovtnevoy Revolution // At the First Rocks of the Radyansky Musical Life. L .: Radyansky composer, 1959. - 286 p.

144. Markaryan E.S. Theory of culture and modern science. M.: Dumka, 1983. - 284 p.

145. Maistri Radyanskoi pisni: collection of articles. M.: Music, 1977.

146. Matveev V.A. Russian Viysk orchestra. L., 1965. - 99 p.15b. Matviychuk V.P. Viysk orchestras in the Pacific Fleet and the development of the musical culture of the Far Skhod: dis. . cand. mystic studies. - M., 1986. 242 p.

147. Mayakin T.K. Viysk orchestras of the Chervonoy Army and Fleet // Viysk music of Russia. History and the present. M.: Voenizdat, 2007. -S. 93-114.

148. Mayakin T.K. Organization of choral singing in parts and formations of the Chervonoy Army and Navy in 1918-1941. // Collection of scientific articles of adjuncts and applicants. M.: Viysk University, 2009. - S. 39-50.

149. Mayakin T.K. Service and concert activities of military orchestras and ensembles of songs and dances of the Chervonoy Army and Navy in 1918-1941. // Collection of adjunct scientific articles. M.: Moscow Viyskova Conservatory, 2004. - S. 60-87.

150. Mankin T.K. Formation and development of musical artistic self-discipline in parts and units of the Red Army and Navy in 1918–1941. // Bulletin of the Viysk University. 2009. No. 4 (20). - S. 62-67.

151. Mayakin T.K. Molding and development of the military-dirigent education of the Chervonoy Army and Fleet (1918-1941): heading guide. Moscow: Moscow State Conservatory, 2002. - 30 p.

152. Messman V.L. At the foot of the revolution // Radianska Music. 1968. -№2.

153. Mol A. Sociodynamics of culture. M.: Progress, 1973. - 405 p.

154. Mol A. Theory of information and aesthetic perception. M.: Svit, 1966. -352 p.

155. Moscow Conservatory 1866-1966. M.: Music, 1966. - 728 p.

156. Moscow Conservatory 1866–1991. M.: Music, 1991. - 240 p.

157. Sh.Muzalevsky V. The oldest Russian choir. M.: Mystetstvo, 1938. - 67 p.

158. Sh.Muzalevsky V. Formation and development of musical self-discipline // At the first stage of the Radian musical life. M.: Radyansky composer, 1959. - 388 p.

159. Musical life. 1958. -№3.

160. Music Encyclopedia: 6 volumes // ed. Yu.V.Keldysha.- M.: Radianska Encyclopedia, 1973 1982.

161. Music encyclopedic vocabulary // for red. A.M. Prokhorova, L.I. Abalkina. M.: Radianska encyclopedia, 1990. - 672 p.

162. Nagirniy G.S. Together from the Red Army // Musical Life. - 1971. - No. 3.1.l. Nasonov R. Deyaki pіdbags // Fighting watch. - 1939, 28 leaf fall.

163. Neuhaus G.G. About the art of the pianoforte. M.: Music, 1982. - 300 p.

164. Nekrasov M. Instructor's side, (about the main motives of the creative thought of the Chervonoarmytsiv) // Chervonoarmyskaya seal. - 1921. - No. 1-2.

165. Nest'ev I.V. Masov's Song // Narratives of Radian Musical Creativity. M., 1947. - 320 p.

166. Nikitina L. D. Radyanskaya music. History and the present. M.: Music, 1991.-278 p.

167. Nikolaev N.G. Historical drawing about the regalia and signs of the Russian army: in 3 volumes. St. Petersburg, 1898-1902.

168. Novіkov-Pribіy A.S. vibrane. -M., 1953. 896 p.

169. New hour. SPb. 1868 - 1917.

170. Call of the Head Committee for organizing and illuminating the viysk. - SPb., 1879.-246 p.

171. Draw radian musical creativity. - M.: Music, 1947. 319 p.

172. Parfyonov P.S. How the song was created // Chervonoarmyets Chervonoflotets. - 1934. - No. 21.

173. A retelling of the topics of doctoral and candidate dissertations, fragmentation and theft from the Viyskovo-Political Academy named after. V.I. Lenin (1960-1980). - M.: VPA, 1981. - 152 p.

174. Petrovska I.F. Dzhereloznavstvo іstorії rosіyskoїї muzicheskoї ї kul'tury XVIII to the beginning of the XX century. - 2nd view. - M.: Music, 1989. - 319 p.

175. Piotrovsky A. Demolition of the autocracy (Apparition on the palace square) // Life of science. 1919. - No. 199-200.

176. Pozhidaev G.A. Chervonopraporny Ensemble: Way of Song and Glory. - M.: Voenizdat, 1988. 240 p.

177 Pg., 1918. -Ch. I. -336 p.

178. New selection of laws of the Russian Empire. Zbori Druge: 55 tons - St. Petersburg, 1830 1885.

179. Popova T.V. About musical genres. M.: Knowledge, 1961. - 40 p.

180. Popov G.M. Fighting songs of a Russian soldier. SPb., 1893. - 382 p.

181. Ordinal and alphabetic-subject indicator of non-secret orders of NPO SRSR. M., 1934 - 1941.201. Truth. 1918 - 1941.

182. Subject and alphabetical indicator of punishments of the Revolutionary Kradi of the Republic of 1919. Pg. : Military drukarnya of the All-Russian Headquarters, 1920. - 65 p.

183. Punish Skobelev 1877-1878 - St. Petersburg, 1907. - 69 p.

184. Pronshtein A.P., Danilevsky I.M. Nutrition of the theory and methodology of historical follow-up: introductory guide. - M.: Vishcha shkola, 1986. 207 p.

185. Robotnik and theater. 1924. - No. 2.

186. Rush K.B. For the glory of Vіtchizni: an officer at the service: binding, honor, asceticism. M.: Kolo; Rapid - Print, 1993. - 766 p.

187. Resenshild Ya. The history of the development of club work in the Red Army // Politpracivnik. 1922. - No. 2.

188. Key words and programs of post-war training. - M.: Hold. view., 1929. 71 p.

189. Runov B.M. About military-patriotic music. - M.: Radyansky composer, 1979. 142 p.

190. Russian archive. 1964. - No. 7.

191. Russian invalid. 1911. - No. 47.

192. Russian folk poetic creativity. M.: View of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR, 1952. - 419 p.

193. Rizhkov V.M. Aesthetic culture of the Radyansk warrior and paths and molding: dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences. M.: VPA, 1982. - 199 p.

194. Samus V.M. For the glory of Vitchizni. Kstovo, 1992. - 255 p.

195. Saradzhev K.S. Statty, come on. M .: Radyansky composer, 1962. - 191 p. 21 st Safronov B.V. Aesthetic knowledge of the spiritual world of the war: Dis. . doc. philosophy Sciences. M.: VPA, 1975. - 339 p.

196. Safronov B.V. Aesthetic svіdomіst i spiritual svіt osobennosti. - M.: Knowledge, 1978. 112 p.

197. Collection of documents and materials from the history of the country (the end of the 19th beginning of the 20th century). - M.: GA VS, 1992. - 200 p.

198. Collections of non-secret orders of the Revolutionary Viysk for the sake of the Republic. Pg. ; Leningrad, 1918 - 1934.

199. Collection of scores for company self-made orchestras. M., 1934. - 60 p.

200. Svistova JI.B. The role of practice in historical knowledge. Sverdlovsk, 1977. - 124 p.

201. Zvіd rules about look around that parade of great corrals of viysk. SPb., 1872. - 58 p.

202. Sirikh V.D. Viysk rituals. 2nd view. rework that dod. - M.: Voenizdat, 1986. - 276 p. 22A. Sidelnikov V.M. Chervonoarmiysky folklore. M.: Radyanskiy pisnik, 1938. - 208 p.

203. Sidel'nnkov V.M. Russian folk art and pop art. M., 1950. - 64 p.

204. Silachev A. Root of the Red Army Club // Political Practice. - 1922. - No. 4-5.

205. A word about the departure of Ihoriv: collection / entry. Art. D.S. Likhachova, L.A. Dmitrieva; reconstruction of the old Russian text and Prov. D.S. Likhachova. L., 1990. - 400 p.

206. Slonim S. About the Ways of Musical Education // Politpractitioner. - 1921. No. 4-5.

207 P.M.Berlinsky. M., 1977. -428 p.

208. Radianska Viyskova Encyclopedia: U 8 t. M.: Voenizdat, 1976-1980. T. 2 - 639 e., T. 5 - 687 e., T. 6 - 672 e., T. 8. - 687 p.

209. Radyansky Zbroyni forces. History of everyday life. M.: Voenizdat, 1978. - 516 p.

210. Radiansky encyclopedic vocabulary. 4th species., Vipr. i add. - M.: Radianska encyclopedia, 1989. 987 p.

211. Sokolov V.V. Farewell to the words of the Yankee. M.: Radyansky composer, 1987. - 192 p.

212. Sokolov E.V. Culturology Draw the theory of culture. M., 1994. - 272 p.

213. Sokolov E.V. Understanding, the essence and main functions of culture. - L., 1989. 176 p.23c. Sohor A.M. Mass genres // Music of the XX century: draw: about 2 years. - M .: Music, 1980. Part 2, book. 3. - 348 p.

214. Sohor O.M. Music, like a kind of art. 2nd view. - M.: Music, 1970. -192 p.

215. Sohor O.M. Articles about radian music. L .: Music, 1974. -213 p.

216. Stasov V.V. Articles about music: 5 VIP. Moscow: Music, 1974-1980. - Vip. 2. 439 p.

217. One hundred military parades / ed. kіlk.; for red. K.S. Grushevsky. M.: Voenpzdat, 1974. - 264 p.

218. Construction cavalry statute of the Robotic-Selyanskoy Chervonoy Army: about 3 years. Pg., 1919-1920. Part I. - 115 p. Ch. II-III. - 285 p.242. | Construction and infantry statute of the Robotic-Selyansk Chervonoy Army: about 2 years. Pg., 1920. Part I. - 167 h. Part II. – 96 p.

219 M., 1939. - 134 p.

220. Tarakanov M.E. Musical culture of the RRFSR. M., 1987. - 363 p.

221. Tarasenko I.V. The problem of the periodization of the history of Russia in the votchiznyany historical science: lecture. M.: Humanitarian Academy of the Evil Forces. 1993. - 19 p.24v. Tatishchev S.S. Emperor Mykola and foreign courts. Historical draw. SPb., 1889. - 460 p.

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249. Russian State Military Archives (RGVA).

250. Fund 4 Management of Rights under the People's Commissar of Defense of the SRSR.

251. Op. 15a. 61, 90, 92, 99, 144, 163, 246, 403, 414, 434, 444, 446, 450, 469, 470, 488.

252. Fund 9 Political Administration of the Chervonoy Army. Op. 11. D. 17, 23, 57, 129, 174, 175, 188, 189.

253. Op. 12. Files 2, 4, 6, 11, 21, 41, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 53, 54. Op. 13. D. 18, 58, 103, 107, 110, 112, 113, 480, 486, 535, 536, 564, 571, 652.

254. Op. 29. D. 404, 432, 485, 486, 487, 492. Op. 35. D. 26, 94.

255. Fund 24696 Viysk academy im. M.V. Frunze.

256. Op. 1. D. 106, 108, 218, 219, 222, 223, 227, 230, 233, 241, 244, 247, 248, 249, 256, 257, 258, 261, 26

257. Fund 25018 Kursk Viysk Music School. Op. 1. D. 1.

258. Fund 25019 Tashkent Military Music School.

259. Op. 1. D. 1, 3, 8, 12, 14.

260. Fond 33451 Petrograd Viysk Music School. Op. 1. D. 11, 32.

261. Russian State Archives of the Viysk Sea Fleet1. GRGA of the Navy).

262. Fund r 34 - Political Administration of the Baltic Fleet.

263. Op. 2. D. 26, 27, 34, 37, 47, 55, 110, 121, 254, 285, 286, 414, 484, 523.683, 1411.

264. Fund r 309 – Musical school of the primary corral of the Sea Forces of the Baltic Sea.

265. Op. 1. Case 1, 4, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 32, 33, 37, 56. Op. 2. D. 7, 8, 9, 34.

266. Fund r - 1000 - Pacific fleet crew. Op. 1. D. 20.

267. Fund r 1012 - Department of Political Propaganda of the Pacific Fleet. Op. 2. D. 20.

268. Fund r 1873 - Leningrad Sea School of Viysk Musical Pupils.1. Op. 1. D. 1.

269. Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RDALSCH.

270. Fund 1943 - Chernetsky Semyon Oleksandrovich Fund.

271. Op. 1. D. 1, 8, 11, 13, 18, 23, 24, 25, 48, 49, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65, 72, 82, 100, 102, 147 151 , 156, 218, 221, 223, 233, 312.

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