XXVII International Theater Festival “Baltic House. "Close Place" at the "Baltic House": a catharsis of freedom

W 3 to 21 Pivnichniy capital passed the XXVII International Theater Festival "Baltic House". Three tyzhnіv on St. Petersburg check out teams from Belarus, Ugorshchina, Nіmechchini, Georgia, Denmark, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Poland, Russia and Croatia.

On the occasion of the great festival, the production of the Lithuanian director Yeimuntas Nyakroshyus "Ivaniv" of the Croatian National Theater in Zagreb. A vistava based on the drama by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov shows the struggle of the protagonist with the roles imposed on him by suspility. How can the hero escape the steady infusion and the pressure of suspense and be himself, the gazers recognize, marveling at the staging.

7 and 8 the same day, gazing at the performance of Cornel Mundruzo “Imitation of life”, the name of which became the motto, which united the program. The director of the new generation of European directing, the founder of the Proton theater, Cornel Mundrutso, shows the drama of a human great world, In a yak, it's so hard to be alone. The main heroine - a summer gypsy - is trying to hang for the borg, which calls out the name reaction of that awakening of the apartment itself and the whole booth, as if they rise up against the collapse of the sonorous way of life.

Vistava-trilogy by Luc Perceval “Kohanna. Pennies. Hunger. The trilogy of my family”, based on the works of E. Zola, tells about the life of my family Rougon-Macquart. The heroes of the saga are happy in search of happiness, love and the most beautiful part know how to get the most important food, that you can change your share and be deprived of nature’s puffs. There will be a premiere screening of vistavi not only in St. Petersburg, but also in Russia.

Im'ya director Kiril Serebrennikov is well known to theater-goers. On the rest of the day of the festival, on the 21st of July, the viewers can watch this production, a comedy of the absurd behind the play of the Lithuanian playwright Marius Ivashkyavichus "Close Place" of the National Theater of Latvia. At the center of the podia - life with three children, in a way, as it appears, there is a place for secrets and intrigues, as if so raptly become obvious.

Festival program:

3 zhutn- drama "Ivanov" (A.P. Chekhov), Croatian National Theater near Zagrebi, director Yeymuntas Nyakroshyus

5 zhutn– play "Pisochnytsia" (for the play of the Polish playwright Michal Valchak), Oleksandr Fredo Theater (Poland), director Yevheniya Boginska

7th and 8th– performance “Imitation of Life” (K. Weber), Proton Theater (Budapest, Ugorshchina), director Cornel Mundrutso

8–9 zhutny– poetic parable “Zalizne kіlce”, Danish lyalk collective “BAAD-theater” (Copenhagen, Denmark), director R. Heim

9 zhutnya- "Taras" (after the motives of M.V. Gogol's "Taras Bulba"), theater-festival "Baltic Dim", director Sergiy Potapov

10-11 Zhovt– documentary performance “A.L.Zh.I.R.”, Tbilisi State Academic Russian Drama Theater named after A.S. Griboyedov (Georgia), director Avtandil Varsimashvili

11 zhutnya- "Don Quixote" (after the motives of Miguel de Cervantes), the Moscow theater "Ermitazh", staged by the nezminny kerivnik, the team of director and writer Mikhail Levitin

12 zhutnya- Chekhov. The Seagull (interpretation of dramas by A.P. Chekhov), Grodno Regional Lyalok Theater (Republic of Belarus), director O. Zhyugzhda

13 zhutnya- "Stop sleeping" (after the motives of Lyudmila Rozumovsky's song "Olen Sergievna's Road"), Baiten Omarov's Almaty Theater "Zhas Sakhna" (Republic of Kazakhstan), director Barz Abdurazakov

14 zhutnya- "Love. Pennies. Hunger. Trilogy of my motherland", theater "Thalia" (Nimechchina), director Luc Perceval

15 zhutnya- performance "Magadan / cabaret", Moscow theater "Beat Stanislavsky's house", director Yury Pogrebnichko

21 zhutny- "Near the Place" (for the song of the Lithuanian playwright Marius Ivashkyavichus), Latvian National Theater (Riga), director Kirilo Serebrennikov

18 May "Baltiyskiy dіm" took part in the global action "Nich muzeyev". At the theatre, to propagate the misleading "Right about the Theatrical Elements" at the same time from Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. “Baltic House” is a permanent participant of the international campaign “Nich Museums”. Shchoroku Theater-Festival is amazing with its unparalleled theatrical programs and it will always be among the top three for excellence. So, last year, 7 thousand Petersburgers and guests of the place came to the theater at the "Nich Museums". May 18 Theater-Festival "Baltic Dim" again

“A performance without an intermission in the genre of “Communal Club” – the director Andriy Prikotenko himself christened his TV show “Zoshchenka Zoshchenko Zoshchenko Zoshchenko”, performances for viewers on 7 May at the Baltic House (premier screening on April 24). Why chotirirazovo? The one that “Zoshchenko is not only with us, but among us” - explains the name, evokes associations with the immortal vislav about Lenin, and sets the tone for the leading evening, a guide between the creators of the vistavi and the lookers. And without intermission

Theater-festival "Baltiyskiy dіm" celebrates the season of winter concerts near gardens. 20 concerts to be held at 20 gardens Leningrad region: if summer residents do not go to the theater, then the theater comes to them "Melodies of the summer" - this is the name of a series of traditional summer concerts, like a scholita, beginning in 2017, organizes to hold the Theater-festival "Baltic Dim" in the gardens of the region. For some reason, applications for holding cultural-permissive visits came from the unions of summer residents, for which the artists have already become good friends.

On April 24 at the Theater-Festival "Baltiyskiy Dym" there will be a premiere of the vistavi "Zoshchenko Zoshchenko Zoshchenko Zoshchenko". Zoshchenko - tse daily vistava for themselves according to the evidence cult writer Zoshchenko - all the heroes, like riding on trams, weaving intrigues and starting an affair, walking by the stairwell and going to the theater. And all together throw themselves on the airship. Divaki, but so dear and dear. Zoshchenko - music is alive at the cover band of the "Baltic House" Communal Club from Bach to Shnur. Zoshchenko -

At St. Petersburg on the 5th of the fierce festival "Five Evenings" was celebrated. Vistavoy, which will mark this day, becoming "Gandi Movchav on Saturdays" of the Russian Drama Theater from Sterlitamak, director - Andriy Shlyapin. Having leaned on the new unfailingly - p'єsa beautiful, that spontaneous St. Petersburg playwright Anastasia Bukrєvoї Bula was first presented to the public at the festival, dedicated to Oleksandr Volodin. We got to know her a little bit later, at the reading of the song "Echo of Lyubimovka" of the past summer. Pіdlіtok Mot speaking with the same voice of the actor

On February 10, 2019, the fate of Oleksandr Moiseyovich Volodin turned 100 years old. On February 5-10, 2019, Petersburg will again host a festival named after the playwright. Information, layout and tickets for the XV Theater Festival "Five Evenings" im. A. M. Volodina here: http://volodin-fest.ru. The history of the festival started in 2004. The first festival was, in essence, memorial - wine, passing by the day of the 85th birthday of Oleksandr Moyseyovych. I have already shown that the festival “Five Evenings” is special. Shoroku

On the 29th and 30th of December, on the Great Stage, the Theater-Festival "Baltic House" will host the premiere of the vistavi "Come on the Road Dunno and Yoga Friends" (6+) behind the fairy tale novel by Mykola Nosov. Director - Oleksandra Mamkaeva. Artist - Olena Dmitrakova. Yaskrava, beshketna and musical vistava about Dunno, Znayka, the artist Tubik, the engineer Gvintik, Dr. Pilyulkin and the composer Gusli for the little and great gazers, for sure, ready for f-fa-fantastic goodies. "Hey, Dunno, lie at povitryana sack!" - having commanded the captain of the ship Znayka, and drinking

The festival "Zustrichi in Russia" will be held again near the square on the stage of the Baltic booth. PROGRAM of the XX Jubilee International Theater Festival of the lands of the CIS and the Baltic States "Zustrichi in Russia": 5 April Theater-Festival "Baltiysky Dim" (St. Petersburg, Russia) M. Bulgakov "Theatrical Romance" Director - Leonid Alimov Part. 19:00 6 April State National Russian Drama Theater named after. Ch. Aitmatova (Kyrgyz Republic) "Demon" by M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon" and "Hero of our hour" Director - Volodymyr Pankov Beginning. 19:00 7 April State Academic Russian Drama Theater named after. M. Gorky (Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan) A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" Director - Yuri

Vistava "Theatrical Romance" will be the first premiere of the Theater-Festival "Baltic House" in the new theater. At the basis of the interview is the spovidal text of M.A. Bulgakov's "Theatrical Romance" or "Notes of the Dead" (the first name for the novel), written by him in 1936 as a roci pod oprazhennyam z spilnoi zі Stanislavsky at the Moscow Art Theater. "Theatrical novel" is one of the most important and significant texts of the 20th century. The whole history of the writer Sergiy Maksudov, which is consumed by the enchanting world of theatrical lashtunks. What is the stronger cry for the author of the p'esi vir of hypocrisy,

The verses and prose of the mazhinists were told at the "Kimnati 91" theater "Baltiyskiy dym" on the 9th of December. The social and mystical theater has proponed its verse to the novel of the best friend Sergiy Yesenin Anatoly Mariengof "Tsiniki". "One of the most innovative creations in the Russian literature of the century," - like Josip Brodsky naming his novel, the director and artistic director of the theater Larisa V'yacheslavivna Grachova, who read it, sounded more lower now, unimportant to those that were written in 19 p. New on the cob of the twentieth century mixed with today's


"Close to the City" - a theatrical performance of two Russian capitals. Vistava directed by Serebrennikov takes part in the Moscow program "Territory" and closes the poster of "Baltic House". Podіya deysno gіdna become the final chord of the great festival: at the stage, staged on the ninth fate, Serebrennikov first worked with one of the most popular playwrights in Europe - Marius Ivashkyavichus.

At the heart of the plot is a pobutov іstorіya, vibudovan like an absurdist drama. Diya comes from two provincial places. The first is the fatherland of a successful family bet from three children. The other one is the taєmny lintel of the father of the family, which once every day is in contact with friends. It’s like the squad is vibrating to the “nearby place” and revealing the shocking secrets of a person.

Before the premiere at the Latvian National Theatre, Serebrennikov announced: “In a speech about the strength of a woman and the impossibility of driving her in. And about those that all people are victims, as if they serve the strong woman of nature.

In a stylish, cold space, similarly to my theater and my cinema (there are a few screens for projection), the director and artist of the stage show Serebrennikov tells the story about the werewolf life of the "splendid" people.

Petersburgers, I can take part in the show on the 21st of July at 19:00 on the stage of the Baltiysky Dym Theater. Trivality - 2 years 50 minutes with one intermission. Vіkove obmezhennya vistavi - 18+.

Opera with Sergієm Shnurovim on the stage of the Mariinsky, a performance by Kiril Serebrennikov in the "Baltic House" and the BDT, as well as Diana Vishneva in the image of Petrushka and Aurori - Vitaly Kotov is a chronological guide for the greatest festivals, touring productions and theater premieres to the end of rock. Don't say that we didn't get ahead of you!

Festival "Oleksandrinskiy"

De: The main scene of the Oleksandrinsky theater

In order to capture all the nuances of Bulgakov's polyphonic book, Grigoriy Kozlov, an artist for the Maysternya Theater, directed the retelling of 155 characters, which play 28 actors (the last generation of yoga "studios"). Sob not to torment the spectators with a rich day, the performance of division into two evenings. The first dedication to Ivan Bezdomny and Maistre. Other - unclean forces that Margarita. Mikhailo Opanasovich Bulgakov himself and three squads will also appear on the stage, including the rest of Olen - the prototype of Margarita.

Festival "Baltic Dim"

De: Theater-festival "Baltiyskiy dіm"

Tickets: At the cashier's theater

XXVII is the oldest international theatrical event in St. Petersburg to take place under the slogan "Imitation of life" and preparing European premieres. So, the Lithuanian genius Yeymuntas Nyakroshyus turned already met before "Ivanov" Chekhov, who staged yoga at the Croatian National Theater ( 3 zhutn). Luc Perceval, founding contemporary Flemish director, 14 zhutnya show the life saga of one of the same Rougon-Maccarov, described in twenty novels by Emile Zola. Spravzhnіy serial on the theater stage "Trilogy of my Motherland", productions by him at the Gamburzsky theater "Thalia", taking as a basis only five of them, it is composed of three series ( "Kokhannya", "Penny", "Hunger") and time from noon to late evening. Besides, in vista programs "Close to the place". Vіn having staged a comedy of the absurd at the National Theater of Latvia ( 21 zhutny).

Opera "Benvenuto Cellini"

De: Concert Hall of the Mariinsky Theater

As part of the autumn tour of the Golden Mask award, the completion of the Brechtian trilogy will be shown at St. Petersburg Yury Butusova, putting vin for the theater im. A.S. Pushkin (two front parts - " good people from Sezuan" at the same capital theater and "Cabaret. Brecht" at the native Leningrad). All three productions bring unstriking energy to the decay of that music, which engulfs trans viewers and actors.

Ballet "Petrushka"

If: leaf fall

De: Mariinsky theater

The Lithuanian playwright Marius Ivashkyavichyus wrote a song about Lithuanians-immigrants especially for the Lithuanian director Mindaugas Karbauskis, artistic kerivnik of the Mayakovsky Theater. Zavdyaks for the tour of the "Golden Mask" - to bring the production to St. Petersburg. Following the biographical "Kant" and "Russian novel" about the family of Leo Tolstoy, in their third global production, the authors speak about spivvitchizniks, who forfeited their fatherland and did not know happiness in Great Britain.

Context Festival. Diana Vishneva

De: Erarta Museum, Mariinsky Theatre, BDT

Festival of contemporary choreography, creations five years ago from Moscow, to bring their first anniversary to the river I will try the program the one near Petersburg. On the stage of the Erarta Museum 16 leaf fall pass the evening of young choreographers. Stuttgart company Gauthier Dance to present at the BDT 18 leaf fall new performance "Nijinsky", creations by Marco Geke, requested by NDT choreographer 19 leaf fall head choreographer of the Nuremberg Ballet Goyo Montero show the robot Asunder to the music of Wagner and Chopin at the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater. Italian ballerina Alessandra Ferri, like chotiri rocky, turned triumphantly onto the stage at the 50th rock, who once appeared in a duet with another light star, Herman Cornejo, for the viconate number Witness choreographer Wayne McGregor to music by Nils Fram. dance company bodytraffic from Los Angeles debuts in Russia with the production Green Bride choreographed by Barack Marshall. duet I will fall for you to the music of Woodkid, whose creations are honored by the choreographer Sidi Larbi Sherkau, to bring to us dancing at the Royal Ballet of Flanders, Drew Jacob and Met Fouley. Also show in private Russian premier two productions of NDT: a fragment from the ballet "Trilogy: Shostakovich" choreographer Oleksiy Ratmansky to the music "Concert No. 1", as well as robots Sarcasmen Choreographer Hans Van Manen. And vikonaє from the requested soloist of the Nuremberg Ballet Oscar Alonso in the final pas de deux from the ballet Goyo Montero "Sleep beauty".

Festival "Dyagilev. P.S."

De: Great Hall of the Philharmonic, Youth Theater on the Fontanza, Theater of Musical Comedy, Oleksandrinsky Theatre, BDT

At the opening ceremony of the main St. Petersburg festival 23 leaf fall Teodor Currentzis at the Great Hall of the Philharmonic to present a program from the Symphony No. 1 by Gustav Mahler and the Violin Concerto by Alban Berg (soloist Patricia Kopachinska). The program also has a Vista Coco Chanel (24 leaves) choreographed by the Norwegian absurdist Jo Strömgren Absolute exclusive to the festival – new production Wayne McGregor (26 fall leaves). "Dyagilev. P.S." acting as a spіvproducer of the ballet "Autobiography". Vin is a British choreographer, intellectual and creator of a wet plastic movie, having given geneticists to decipher their genome. After visiting Tetyana Chernigivska talk with McGregor about the cognitive abilities of people. 27 leaf fall skripal Vadim Repin at the BZF together with a symphony orchestra under Oleksandr Titov’s cherubs, the famous Sibelius concerto is played, as well as Rimsky-Korsakov’s symphonic suite “Scheherazade”. 28 leaf fall at the Oleksandrinsky Theater prima ballerina Great Theater Svitlana Zakharova show your solo program amore, on a yak in Moscow it is impossible to get a ticket A 1 breast corpse of the National Choreographic Center Ballet de Lorraine(Ballet Lorraine) will show at the BDT a reconstruction of the famous vistavi of 1924 Relache to the music of Diaghilev's comrade-in-arms composer Erik Satі, staged by Mikhail Fokin's teacher, the Swedish Jean Berlin at the scenery of the avant-garde artist Francis Pikabia.

"Akhmatova. Poema without a hero"


Visit the artistic director of the Gogol Center Kiril Serebrennikov for the poem by Anna Akhmatova to enter the cycle of the theater about the leading Russian poets of the 20th century, comparable to “Pasternak. My Sister of Life” by Maksim Didenka and “Mandelstam. Vіk-vovkodav” by Anton Adasinsky. The staging is new, but the main role and spivrezhisser Alla Demidova has been in dialogue with the great poetess for a long time: she reads a lot of rocks at poetry evenings and verses, published a book-analysis "Akhmativsky Dzerkala". More on the paper and on the stage, just an interpretation of the text. Vistava came to St. Petersburg as part of the Golden Mask tour.

Festival "Maisterni"

De: BDT, Theater on Livarny, Yusupivsky Palace

Artist of the theater "Maysternya" Grigory Kozlov to celebrate the 20th anniversary with a new festival, the list of participants in such a building community is filled with the unpretentiousness of theatergoers. Yogoidea - choose the actors' courses at once, which have become theaters, those theaters, in which the principle of studioness is taken. Yes, metropolitan Maisternya Fomenka show at Petersburg vistava "Damn Pivnich”, creations by young trainees of the theater as part of the creative program “Punch and pardon”. Studio of theatrical art - chamber "Kira Georgievna" Sergiy Zhenovach with Mary Shashlova in a great role. At the stage Faulkner. Movchannya" brother fate practically the entire actor's warehouse "Lipen to the Ensemble", 9th Moscow Art Studio under ceramics Viktor Rizhakov. From Voronezh came Kamerny Theater Mikhaila Bichkova h "Thunderstorm". Author's theater Oleksia Pesegova from Minusinsk, when they arrived to St. Petersburg, it was the first time in their entire history and showed a sensation. "Koliskov for Sofia" by Mikhail Zam'yatin.

Vistava "Hamlet"

De: Theater named after Lenradi

The head director of the Theater named after Lenradi, like nothing else, transforms profoundly thoughtful texts into zaderikuvat, visual performances, without sparing at the same time subtle and changing details. First "Hamlet" Yury Butusova 2005 year in the Moscow Art Theater from Khabensky, Trukhinim and Porechenkov, having become a kind of manifesto for Petersburgers, they moved to Moscow. A new interpretation of the Shakespearean blockbuster promises to play different roles - as much as possible, as much as we like Danish prince Vikonan has one of the leading actors in the theatre. Ale can still change.

Text: Vitaly Kotov, Anastasia Kim, Dmytro Renansky

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