The girls made people look like demons. Statues of a stosunka with evil spirits: a recent svіdchennya. Conception from the incubus brought scientifically

The most important and at the same time the most famous manifestation of the obsession was the devil’s descent with men and women of the human race in the fleshly connection and the people, through those especially the satanic breeds - istot, even by the very act of appearing one’s hell in the world, and, at the hour of the earth life, which, as a rule, lead to people's greatest misfortune.

The health of the kokhannya and the children of the people, perhaps, they recognized the demons, that they respected the bondage, that, the crime of the human and female forms, like devils can take wine, like upside down, stench and by themselves divide into women and people, unite among themselves and multiply, like people. Folk fairy tales of Nimechchini are good to know women-devils, but all the old ones: the devil's grandmother, the devil's mother, are not particularly evil, who are willing to stand up for people before their fierce onuk or son. Among the popirs and sluts of the Little Russians, "Devil's mother" is even more popular, "When you reach the devil's mother" and so on. ” or “daughter of foreigners”. Uniform examples-povіr'ya and vіdpovіdnі orders є among Czechs, Polish Rusyns, French (le diable bat sa femme) and nіmtsіv (Afanasyev). Women-demons are, however, popular among the Slavic, German, Latin and Celtic popirs (mermaids, Villisi, fairies, nixie and ing), but, in most cases, not just hellish devils, but elemental spirits, stink on your own . Similar to brownies, forest dwellers, etc., it is more allied and vassal to Satan, lower is truly a devilish force. However, having rightly named Kostomarov in his own, writing to “The story about Solomoniya Besnuvatoy”, - the Russians, “become to establish their own environment of material world and, like creatures, are divided into two states; before Solomon comes like a midwife, a temnozor woman is no longer human, but besovoy breed. The Russian people are everywhere depicting bіsіv, - according to the image of two articles; use the word devil; іsnuyut povіdannya bіsіvskih females that bachili. One man near Novgorod told me (Kostomarov) that I had a black woman on the lake Ilmen’s night, that I was smiling and crying, then I woke up. Tse bula, for one reason, is not a mermaid, but a devil, bis woman's status.

The rabini attributed to the first devil Samael a number of retinues, for which an indistinguishable devilish tribe spawned. Ale, vzagalі something, the squad of rice - istota, yak did not appear in povіr'yah, wanting to be different and zgaduvan. The devil walks around the world of hostility, not knowing his own named couple. Statevu energy, as attributed to him by the deacons of theologians and among them, especially energetically Mikhailo Psell, vibuvay vіlniy unions with human women - with witches at the sabbaths, otherwise I would not call incubat.

Behind the names of fahivtsiv black mysticism, incubi are demons, who share bodily love with women, and succubi are devils, like they follow from that and by the method of people.

Poohmuro-pristrasne povіr'ya about incubi and succubi to go to the most recent hours of humanity, chi not to the cob of the world. The serpent, which has calmed down Eva, is not someone else, like the incubus Samael. Following the Talmudic retelling (rabbi Іllі), Adam, stretching 130 rokіv, vіdvіduvali chorіvnі, yakі th gave birth to vіn larvіv i sukubіv. Imovirno, in order to judge the young man, I had a chance to make friends with Yogo. At the forefather - come in handy with bisivkami, pramatir - a victim of a dead demon: nothing to say, - respect Arturo Graf, - a dishonorable ear for the human race! Fierce Kaina was chanted as the son of Satan not only by the deacons of the rabbinic, but by the Greek Suida (XI century) at the famous “Slovnik” of his own, tlumachachi in the 44th verse of the VIII chapter of the Gospel of John: “Your father is the devil; And you want to conquer the lust of your dad. Vіn buv lyudinogubets vіd vіd kobі and not having stood at the truth, more not in the new truth. Butt's book to talk about the fall of the blue of God in unions with human daughters. Giants were born from these hatreds.

Theological literature about this goodness is great. Kіntsevy vysnovok її, that the blue of God died - angels, that changed the sky, to become incubi. Byron reworked the scholastic proof into miracle thoughts and farbi mysteries "Heaven and Earth". Vzagali, the fantasy of the Byronist poets greatly improved the glory of the incubat. Sob not to go far for butts, it would be enough to name our Lermontov, who dealt with this plot all his troubles of life: writing a succubus (“Angel of Death”), writing an incubus (“Demon”) and taking up another one (“Fairy Tale for Children”) ), but died. If nothing else, it seems, none of the Russian classics have stopped on the topic, exhausted by the enchanting predilection of Lermontov's verse. "Sleep", "Clara Mіlіch" and "Visit" Turgenev - to give a weak explanation with the seal of those beautiful sounds and folding vitality, which in the authors-realists always see the presence of a fantastic mood and lack of faith in their own authoritative piece ideas, - it's closer to put in the other, albeit summіzhnoi, areas of the fantastic kingdom: before vampirism.

In the 80s of the 19th century, in the Russian intelligentsia, interest in demonic hallucinations arose - under the warning of Charcot, Rishet and іn. in the shadow of hypnotism and that great hysteria. Interest is stuto materialistic. Giuy-de-Maupassant himself, the literary god of our youth, gave you a butt from France. Chimalo at that hour was written a warning, which slyly forged along the cunning borders between physiological knowledge and zabobonny taєmnitse. Dehto z vіsіmdesyatnikov, however, having paid for qі unsafe toys. Madness is contagious, and a lot of people, who approached spiritualism, theosophy, magic, etc., putting on the armor of scientific skepticism are not enough, then they themselves became spiritists, theosophists, served black obidni, fell ill to spirit-houses, and went into asceticism tієї chi іnshої vladnoї church. I guess the all-worldly butt of Huysmans. From a young age, Zola's student and comrade Maupassant, with his brilliant novel "Bereznya" took the real note of artistic naturalism. The idea of ​​writing a historical novel about the house (similar to that, like M. K. Mikhailovsky, after "Bisiv", for the sake of writing to Dostoevsky), pishov at the middle of the middle and - drowning in the influx of stale materials. I did not write a historical novel, I became a demonomaniac. Yogo "La Bas" and "Au Rebours" have accumulated their hour of rich galas and played a significant role in the development of satanic literature and propaganda of the mystical light-gazer. Having ended the life of Huysmans as a Catholic, with a purely muzhik dualistic faith-perelyak, who wants to be under the patronage of a good white cob against fear to evil and black. It seems, vtіm, that the rest of the fates and the whole of the new subsided, and the giblets, like a breathtaking one, began to turn to the ideas of their youth. As if it’s true, - well, it’s important for you to survive, at a glance, for nothing, life is worthless.

Poetic neo-romanticism, which was famous among us for a long time under the unimaginably wide name of decadence, widely exalted its strength to all mystical moods, and thus becoming a diligent advocate of any kind of superciliousness, including demonological. If it is allowed to play with words, then the main interest to superciliousness squealed with chimeric sensitivity, and it dawned on me that fairy tales about incubi and succubi appeared in the literary madness of 1895–1909. at the first honorable month. All the big and small great poets and prose writers of neo-romanticism were given to Danin: Merezhkovsky, Gippius, Balmont, Bryusov and so on. These writers, in the inconspicuous recollections of all the sensible zabobonivs, sometimes went into not only knowing the middle demonological light-gazer, but getting angry with him at the shiro zhahu chi zahoplennya. Two great dramas - "Immortal Kokhannya" and "In nomine Domini" - are even more filthy, but the other side is to inspire and miracles in them. In the ancient balads of Lokhvitsky, who sleep in secret sabbaths and devilish kisses, the energy of such a truthful predilection is exhaled, which miraculously suits Oksentiya Poprishchina, the woman is zakohana to the devil. One of the best of our demonomaniacs and demonomaniacs, who repeats their devilishness with insight and is far from being in love with the vladans, there is no memorized lesson from black magic, the only Lokhvitska knew in her own controversy from the speck of the godly villas of the middle.

The width of the Lokhvitsky flooring is perekonliva, which, without regard for the semi-darkness, is spilled at the tops of the її, it is possible to inspire from the largest and most shameless dreams of poetry, do not awaken in the reader's thoughts:

Why not pornography?

Thoughts, unfortunately, may not be good at the hour of reading Russian Huismans. Lokhvitska said in one ballad “Murgit” about the woman’s satanic rebellion, which created an epidemic of chaklunstvo and a counter-epidemic to rich, richer and clearer, lower, a great part of their achievements. “Murgit” of Lokhvitskaya nastіlka is really bright and deep, like Pushkin’s “Bisi”, like Lermontov’s “Sea Tsarivna”, and for some reason they try and beautify their squeezed verse and that signifi- cantly stingy word.

The pagan freedom of the flesh is infinitely and tendentiously overwhelmed, an apologetics for the first Christian centuries. Lawyers z tsogo drive іnshої dumki, nizh theologians. But, in every case, the ancient world, which, having inspired its suspility and power, is not only on desire, but on the primus nature, the blue and the child’s people, the enemy is not a boon, and before drinking it is simply put, as if you were a primary physicist, , wonders, passions. In the ethical literature of the ancient world, the status of a statutory release is approximately the same, as in modern people - to a resounding piak or an opiophagus, a plague of vice is placed on a person, but not the brand of sin. Stateva's eccentricity in the ancient society did not even boast of it, but they called it, marveling at the impenetrable shkoda її, specialty, family, power, the most important right, and not a religious principle, fortune-telling and fences. The article of the fairy tale of Helladi that Rome is forever simple, it is brightly smiled. A haze of hatred in her accumulates only from the moment, from the "religion of God, who suffers." I - if Skhіd opanuvav svіt through the victory of Christian sovereignty, then before the death of the eyes of the ascetic ideal, it faded, the state of the kazka, and the cheerful Olympic day її pochornіv - at the hellish opivnochi. The graceful myth about Eros and Psyche, which immortalized the name of Apuleius, becomes a Chaklunian history, which serves the spiritual court, with torturs and bagats. Oleksandr the Great, Augustus foresaw their own adventures in incubi, to give themselves a divine gleam in the eyes of their native peoples, and not only the English Plantagenets, but also the Byzantine Justinian to fight against similar legends about his adventure, as in the image of his birth.

A fairy tale about Robert the Devil, the son of an incubus, navit and tim, who in no way dealt with the history of the middle ages, nor folklore, and tim, who in no way dealt with the history of the middle ages, nor folklore, - for the famous operatic Meyer. Music has already lived its century, but in the romantic Russia of the thirty years of the last century it played a great role and is becoming a typical reminder. Meyerbeer was an exceedingly sensible sign of the public and master, having enjoyed the savor of the epoch. Having put your hand into the very heart of romantic mythology, you will call the stars for the needs of the century, the most characteristic and the most beloved of black faiths in the middle: the sin of the princess calmed down by the incubus. I, from the light hand of Meyerber, the supranatural kokhanets and the primary kokhanka begin panuvati in music style, like in poetry. Ninі zabutiy Marschner became famous for "Hans Heiling" and "Vampir". The herald at the "Tsampi" was ahead of Meyerbeer, roaring the popular Italian legend about the succubus - the Marmur statue of the abandoned betrothed. I don’t say anything about ballet anymore: yoga romance is the permanent apotheosis of incubat. Nareshti, Wagner, having created more for the myth, let it be: the loving interplay of elemental demons with mortal humankind is a plot that permeates all of this operatic creativity, followed by “Meistersingeriv” and “Rienzi”. I don’t know how it is possible to express passion and the philosophical depth of the myth about succubi with words with greater power and poetic penetration, lower zoom Wagner - Venus’s music at Tannhäuser.

In Russia, we have the theme of a supranatural kohanny - Rubinshtein’s crime, having happily created the “accessible”, and that is richer than his beloved “Demon” - (after Rubinshtein, Baron Fingof-Schel, P. I. Blaramberg and Ege wrote music on the same plot F. Napravnik), - N.A. Rimsky - Korsakov, Fairy in "Antar", Snіguronka, tsarіvna Volkhova, Swan, Shemakhanskaya tsaritsa, Kashchei - the most amazing monuments are not only called - musical beauty, but also a whole bunch of vinyatkovo truly folk sensibility to the mystery of elemental myth. One of the most brilliant sides of all Russian music is the scene of the enchantment of Ratmir in Glinka's "Ruslan and Lyudmila" - more checks for something like his Chalyapin at the back of the bed, which will turn the public into a passion Sound the secrets of the scenes hopelessly ringing in the stupid routine of unilluminated sleepovers and the vulgar corps de ballet. A creation of the musical type, similar to that, like Shalyapin is given in his skin scab, and Felia Litvin and Ershov - in the Wagnerian repertoire, has not yet fallen to the lot of Glinka. The dark dominion of the demon, which breathes from the terrible phrases of Ratmir, is overflowing with an unspoken mystery. Possibly, it’s even better, to that, otherwise, a poisonous infection spilled from the stage into the hall, it’s poured out with some charm of the Kreutzer Sonata, like having painted yoga, before speech, quite enough L.M. Tolstoy, I can give up with a little childish prayer. I think that yakbi Glinka put the music of Ratmir into the mouth of a tenor, then this scene would be the greatest. a terrible attack calm down, as if the music was making music. Ale’s share stood up for a woman’s life, having advised the great composer to a pardon, so that she would grow cold, entrust a deep expression of human passions - women in human costume in order to inspire yoga in the eyes and in the eyes of the public with the status of an average status: neither a boy, nor a girl, nor for a woman’s lover, nor for a man. Glibok contralto, such as the part of Ratmir, dosit rіdkіsnі, and most often chuesh in Ratmir mezzo-soprano: a new reshuffle of the whole enemy.

“The minting of a divine dream”, about how to shout and the stack of Lokhvitska, - a sensitive self, a rebellion against the tempted sensuality, - and that atmosphere, in a way, as if it were not the most famous critic of modern France, but at the same hour one of the cunning themselves magician of the century, Remi-de-Gourmont, - "materialize incubus". It's a long time ago to file a bagat on the tales of which belief: the stench came from the lawmaking of Moses (Repetition of the Law, 4; Levit). The ancient world of Hellady and Rome legitimized the incubat and succubat with the infamous tales of their mythology, with which the Christian apologetics waged a merciless struggle, and the Neoplatonists tried to translate them from the elemental symbols to pantheism. The fathers of the church believed in incubi. Bl. Augustine called them the old fashioned way, pagan myth, fauns and satyrs. An ascetic wasteland, who were tormented by the suprahuman struggle with the voice of the flesh Antony, Ієronіm and іnshі, who deprived us of their silent chronicles of their peace, became a nursery and laboratory, of more sumptuous legends, like through the "Lives of the Saints" and the dream of retelling passed the evil crisis, , materialism and positivism of the new civilization, successfully advanced to the XX century. Romantic epidemics, which pass an hour from hour to hour over Europe, pozvavlyuyut and zmіtsnyuyut old myth, which always turns on the first - in fact, ale rose with new beauties of symbols, images and forms. in "The Corinthian name" Geta. The gnostic magician, having seen his kohanka for the reincarnation of the Spartan Deer, resurrects at Marlo's Faust, and after 200 years Goethe repents of that naive fairy tale about the succubus - the Deer for one of the most grandiose historical symbols, having brought the union of Faust with the Primary Saint of the Deer. Venus, having ceased to be a goddess, saved her charms, like a charm and a curse of the devil. Vaughn enchanted and won from the eternal full of a valiant face - the poet Tannhäuser, for which the XIX century could send her a life, but well deserved thanks, shards of our legends to us with the miraculous ballad of Heinrich Heine and the ingenious opera of Richard Wagner. Tannhäuser was the only sacrifice of the goddess. In the temryavі those nudz in the narrow middle ages of її - a long time ago and not young, they loved and joked richly someone, and she loved richly, like an old woman, - she accepted, she was also jealous. The English chronicler of the 12th century, William of Malmesbury, spoke to the strong and bariste of my Latin miraculous vipadok, like a noble Roman young man of the senatorial family, who was choked by the demon Venus on the day of his merrymaking. At the promyzhku banquet, the beloved guests decided to play a party in the backstage. Be afraid of breaking the hoop, young people know yoga, so as not to waste it, dress it on the finger of a nearby statue. When you finish the game, go to the wine, take your kiltse back, and dance with a wonder, how the finger of the statue, how straight, bent and pressed down to the shoulder. Having made his way to finish the long time, ale in the dark, to turn the ring, the young man turned to his friends, they were begging, but without saying a word about his good, being afraid that he would be lifted up on the laugh, or else there was a sweat, that one in the corner of the ring. If the banquet vanished and the days fell, wines, at the escort of a few domestic and servants, I went back to the statue and - battles, the bachachi finger was again straight, and the ring was broken. The druzhina were far away from the rise of yogo zbentezhennya and annoyance at the crowd. The love of nothing has come. But only a young man lay order, with a retinue and wanting to get close to her, as if he were aware that between him and her, it’s not obvious - it’s thicker it’s clearer, it’s invisible. In such a ceremony, in the presence of friends, the young man smells a wondrous voice:

Be not with her, but with me, for today you have taken care of me. I am Venus. You put a ring on my finger. I have a bag, and I won’t see it anymore.

Yunak, a snarky diva, not bothering to recite a word, and having passed the night without sleep, talking in the soul of this mysterious vapadok. A little more than an hour passed, but, if you didn’t try to get close to the squad, you’d better feel and recognize those yourself, - you’d be left with your husband’s hot kudi and the building, better than which you can’t be better. Zreshtoy, spurred by the skargs of the squad, vin at all the relatives, and the family is glad to ask for the priest to be moved, on behalf of Palumba. Tsey Palumb was a knower of black magic and commanding demons, like you always. Behind the scenes, having created the greatness of the wine city, having let all your magic go, writing the leaves with magic signs, handing it to the young people, with the attitude: - Mabut, about such a year of the night, on such a cross, where the roads part on the other side of the world and respectfully marvel, what will be. To pass there a lot of human images of human and female status, different age, camps and camps; інші - tops, інші - pіші, odnі - with a raised head, інші - with a proudly raised nose, in their guise and gestures you can see the image of joy and sorrow, skilki є їх on the earth. Not a word to someone from them to inspire someone to speak to you. For natovpom tsm follow one - more important and more important - to sit on the chariot. Movchki give me a leaf, and your bazhannya zdіysnya negay, as only you do not slyakаєshsya and dіyatimesh rіshuche, like a decent person.

The young man is virulent, where it was ordered to you, and clear nothing showed you all the diva, accused by Palumbo. Mіzh mayor, sho passed, vіn nezabari pomіv zhіnka, їde їde on horn, dressed like a courtesan, with hair, let loose on the shoulders, and a golden diadem on the head. In the hands of a trimala there was a golden batig, like which she poked her little horse; according to the thin robes of cloth, the body of її was given to nibi golem, and it shamelessly showed it with yelling gestures. Tse and bula - the goddess Venus. Nareshti, the axis and the rest - on the miracle chariot, heavily decorated with emeralds and pearls. Forward your zhahlivі eyes in the guise of a young man, vin asleep:

Are you here?

Ale toy, without replying, stretched out his hand to the new one with a sheet.

The demon, who knew the signet, didn’t dare not accept the leaves, raised his hands to the sky in a maddened way, yelling:

Almighty God! Docks are tolerant of Palumba!

Sweat, without delay, we sent two of our compatriots to take the necessary bag from Venus. Chortіvka has been repairing opіr, prote, vіddala for a long time. In this rank, otrimavshi bazhany, young cholovіk bouv turned volumes of lawful kokhanny. Ale Palumb, if he recognized that the demon, having called the opposite skarga to God, realized that, after all, the close yogo had died. To the one, in order to hide the paws of the angry devil, he quailed himself to rule his own piece of martyrdom: he cut off his own hands and feet and died in lamentable repentance, having confessed before that and all the people, at the unfeeling evils and sins. Cicavo, which is similar, a deplorable end to the near-death rolls from the redeemed enchantment - the legend is attributed to Pope Sylvester II (the famous great mathematician Herbert, rozum, 1003).

Heine in "The Elemental Spirits" retells the legend in a different version, presenting the place of Venus to Diana and giving the greater kingdom a role to the nightly Bisivsky train. During the hours of Wilhelm of Malmeberia, history was walking in Rome and the Rizkiy Campania, and mothers passed it on to their children, so that she lived in the memory of generations from the family in the river. True, I was lucky to live, among the poor, that they were spared. folk tales Italy to our time. At the last century, from the episode of the statue, yak stole the hoop, Herold took the plot for the opera. ("Tsampa"), and - I don't remember who - I guess Puni - for the ballet "Marmurov's Named". The subtlety of literature has the very plot of Prosper Merimee's interpretations in the laudatory story "La Venus d'ille" (Il's Venus). , which was celebrated in Rome in the 11th century, the scarlet bula was widely expanded by the stretch of the middle middle age, it was corristled as a proof of the demonic character of the ancient gods and confirmation of their zdatnost to enter into club alliances with people. Ale, Crimean polemical purposes, Christianity, especially due to the firmness of the clergy’s lack of love, has scurried on the floor with a vdyachny theme and with a didactic method. At the book of Le Grand d'Ossi (Contes devots, Fables et Romans anciens pour servir suite aux fabliaux, Paris, 1781) є black poem of the XIII century in rimovannyh verses, under the name "About a person, a cat ory putting a hoop on the finger of the Most Holy Mother of God" ( De celui qui met l'anneau nuptial au doigt de Notre-Dame"). At this place, the young Roman is already cheering the young cheerful deacon, and the statue of Venus and Diani is the statue of the Madonna. The episode from the castle, as if the statue is taken at once from the oath “not to love the other woman of the Crimea to you”, is left unchanged. The deacon makes friends, but in the robe of nothing to you, in a sleepy vision, the Virgin Mary:

Bullshit and bullshit! - Vigukuy out, - where is your zaruchennya zі me?

І - vodokremila deacon in the form of a young yogo squad. Kіnets was didactically changed. The Christian abode of the clergy of the Mother of God, splendidly, the strength of the mother, the lower heat of such a bandage with Venus or Diana, - and against the handing of the image of the Madonna in the family, the life of a deacon did not know, obviously, no Palumba. The deacon leaves his retinue, distributes the wash, lives at the desert and takes the vows at the chentsi. (P. Saintyves. Les saints successeurs des dieux.). The breadth of the myth in such a Christian rebirth version can be brought to them, that Zotenberg knows the marvel of the middle of the other miracles of the Holy Virgin, in one handwritten collection of the Paris National Library.

They survived such a rebirth as a legend, and a new phenomenon of "incubat" and "succubat". In the 19th century, - it seems Jules Delassus, - the boules were not so frequent, in the virniche - they sounded more like a voice. Science, which does not care about everything occult, to succumb to vipadkas no more than like an ailment of the state, for the sake of such a walk, you don’t need to be especially external reasons. Then, yakby, you could talk openly with the clergy, we would have heard a lot of rare knowledge. Ale, the priests stream the mystery of speech, as well as the fear of a religious scandal, as if they could make similar vikrittya. For the sake of merging, nevertheless, we proclaim this kind of ignorance, it is quite clear that in our hour of overpowering, the middle demon, for lovemaking like an incubus or a succubus, systematically "gets into an angel of light", and in fantastic novels of hysterics and hysterical world of devils take both articles, not including - and most often - to stand on the greatest stones of the heavenly hierarchy. (Vapadok of the ecstatic Mary Ange in 1816 - 1817; Gaudenberg's vapadok in 1855 roci. In both zakokhana mriya hovering around the vision of Christ and the Virgin Mary).

Illegitimate spreading of ancient spiking with spirits, spiritism, will inevitably come close to the appearances of incubat and succubus. Calls of the dead have begun, speak with them, hang around them, - the heavenly people so fast and pokirno respond to all calls. Nezdіysnennaya mrіya again volodymy beloved іstotami, scho vіyshli, knew the possibility of creation. A widow is joking with a spent squad, a widow is stalking in abundance of ghosts - a man. And there they went further. A number of blessed women, courtesans, that queen, whose bodies had long ago turned to gunpowder, began to call out. Behind the words of Delassus, in France, I have recently heard of not rydkіstyu bulo zustrіti spiritu, which is a serious dream about the belongings of Semiramidi, Cleopatri, Laisi, Theodori, like before, like Faust died in Olena Spartanska. І back, sentimental pans dreamed about the materialization of their poets' lovers and historical heroes. For the songs of demonologists, or, in the past, demonomaniacs of the 19th century, in the family of de Mousso or S. de Guaita, the devil, who squatted after the perelyaku given to you by the Inquisition of Resurrection, but start trimming at the ready, screeching with a spiritual moment, to renew the scene On the 17th day of 1844, the association of young lady ladies came up with the devil’s call for a rozpovidyu de Musso (“Hauts phenomenes de la Magie”). he appeared, trimming himself more decently, enchanting the ladies with his warmness, and then we got them from the very vile rozpustu and, at dawn, “viletiv, like a tin.” Then, with a stretch of eleven rokіv vin іnоdі, having seen the maiden, yоmu was especially worthy of it. Why, apparently, this demonomaniac of the 19th century, a French pannochka, as if she suffered 11 years, dying for the ustyuzka of the priest of the 17th century, Solomonia the Possessed, as if she languished in the same stately hallucinations of the very same eleven years and five more months? The same de Musso was told that at the beginning of the last hour of spiritual seances by the ladies, they sat closer to the medium, watched the invisible, scarlet dots to the lower part of the chest.

Fantastic stories De Musso (M. des Mousseaux) to finish comedy. Ale os, we know recently, incubat having taken on significant rozmіri, accompanied by great immoral manifestations, the stars of the wondrous sect of the priest Ventra (Vintras), Le Carmel (Carmel). The sect was grounded by Stanistav Guaita in his book “The Temple of Satan” (Temple de Satan), so such documents should be found. Ezhen Ventra and his successor Abat Bua vchili, that you can calm down through the “act of kokhannya”:

1. With the greater spirits, we will encircle the earth - in order to finish ourselves in heaven, to saturate ourselves with honesty and raise our individuality to the zdatnosti of the day.

2. With uninitiated worldly people and with the lower spirits of the elemental and created order - in order to finish the wickedness in heaven.

In this manner, among the sect of Ventra, incubats of voices of deafening and savoim and witnesses of holiness, and adherents of this wondrous religion were written to their souls with the spirits of both heavenly and spontaneous order. Leaves, as if quoting Guaita, do not deprive of the desired sumnivu in the character of these occult days. The axis is one of them, written by one trusting priest, confessor, like a hysterical lady, which she ate into her pasta:

“It is unfortunate to accept and caresses, and hug not only the spirits of light, but also the quiet stinking potions, which they call human beasts (humanimaux). Zachumlyayuchi її kіmnatu that lizhko, stench zalyagayutsya with her, sob rise to the crowd. Vaughn sang to me that the stinks of a little time robbed її vagits and that for a stretch of nine months later, she felt all the symptoms of right vagity, navit z usima zvnіshnіmi signs. At the natural term, there are people without any pain, but the replacement does not affect the body, the woman’s stars, with normal canopies, children come out, her winds are vibrated. Bua himself. “The kiss of the angels of the light of Sakhael, Anandkhael and others is blissfully pleased, and the debauched ghost of the circumcised Ezekiel makes him play the role of a woman in the sin of Sodom.” And more: “In ventrem ergo cubans, manu stupratur. Buna died in September 1893. Yogo sect was spat. Ale, behind the zealous clerical controversy, there were a lot of such satanic conspiracies. At the gatherings, the bourgeois afternoons of the Sabbath, Satan under the images of “visible and sensible”, and satanist and satanist women joined him at the statue of denial. Therefore, all individuals, as if they were given to Satanism as a whole voluntarily and with a new confession of their vchinka, є in the eyes of the church, we are sown by the guilty ones themselves and in the incubation of succubat (Jules Delassus).

Doctors often watch the appearance of incubation in hysterics, as if to say, at night they talk fantastic stories, but people know them. In this case, women, often being already cold in normal state wear, feel the malt in their prejudiced hallucinations. People who are obsessed with the transcendental advancement of state feeling (hyperesthesie sexuelle), in the visible period of progressive illness, encroach on the building of the so-called “rozumovy soitiya” (coit ideal), as it is even similar to an incubat. For the records of Krafft Ebing, Hammand, Praying and other, to such people, if they stink at the presence of a woman, that they will wake you up, you can’t consume, at the bodily connection, so that by force you can manifest the article’s act, so move it, psychologically, - and bring yourself to orgasm with usima yogo physiological naslіdkami.

In this order, according to Dellas, the phenomena of incubat and succubus require two main categories to be distinguished:

The incubat is repugnant: the sick have that “psovanih”.

Incubate vіlniy: among magicians, spiritualists and other subjects, they seem to be witnessed.

These two categories, however, linger on the third, like, if I don’t stomp on both, then, obviously, sticking with them, both: the category of a state neurosis, which, however, calls for both the strong and the opposite incubat, like two different for the enemy, passive and active, but in essence absolutely the same kind of mystical, hallucinatory onanism.

You can use a general rule that incubi turbulent women more often, nizh succubi people. Toma Kantipratiysky sings that he had a lot of times to listen to the speech of women, greeted by incubi. According to Jean Bodin, Rome had 82 fluctuations in a single fate, which the Incubi enchanted with women. Tsіlіy Aurelіan to direct the conclusion of Calimachus, the adherent of the hypocratic doctrine, that in Rome at the time of the incubation it became epidemic, and many died in that case. Naytsіkavіshiy and hardly chi fortune-telling butt tsієї hallucinations ї rokazaniya in "Life" of St. Bernarda: in Nantes, the incubus, after reviewing its shamelessness, one important lady, to wind up on a friend’s bed, nitrochi not to worry about the presence of a sleeping man’s hand.

The results of such actions were fatal for the victims, both morally and physically. Homa Walsingham, black from Saint-Albano in England, recounts the fact of 1440 that one girl died three days after that, as if having defiled the devil, in terrible sickness, Yaka blew a її body, like a barrel, moreover, the laying out was accompanied by an unbearable smorid. Another woman, described by Caesar, paid the price for one diabolical kiss. Succubi, zvichayno, boulders are trashy. The same Caesar is telling about a novice who died of the highest rank three days after the love affair with a succubus, who came to the new one in the form of blueberries. To give in to a succubus meant to take care of oneself, it was not safe to imagine Yogo. One young man, who slyly sneered at the caresses of an obtrusive succubus, the devil lifted up on the wind and hit the ground with such force that he died unhappily and died through the river.

However, perhaps, against such unfortunate experiences, there were like condoms, laying sutties, but in rich other ways, there was a connection between an incubus and a woman, or between a man and succubi, there were fates without an annual shkіdlivih naslіdkіv. In spite of the theologians’ assertion, none of the demons’ natures were broken, almost like love, a lot of devils were even more prejudiced cochants. Gervasiy Tilburijsky, the great sign of these secrets, stubborn, nіbi deyakі demons are so fond of women, that there are no cunning and deceit, such stench would not be allowed to go out, so that they could destroy the objects of their addictions. Ale, one cannot fail to know that the majority of such vipadkіv veins have a woman's mutuality on the side. Having respected the secret of the greatest happiness of life, try to hug the king of half moon.

Miraculous at Lokhvitskaya at "Murgit":

“Hey, step aside, honest people!”
- blew a whine.
Chentsi zі vom incense and in the middle of them - out.
Ide. A rough canvas falls from the lilac shoulder;
Dimlyachis, in the hands of її burn a pood candle.
Scammer right there; following her, yak bik, roar

“Probach, probach me, Murgit, - and it will be easy for me,
I didn’t save my souls, - I donated to the court about everything,
And it’s important to your heart and Skoda to you to tears, ”-
The beautiful Myurgit took a lilac glance:
"Vіdchepis, fool!" - youmu won't have a krіz teeth, -
Not an hour to cry and grieve, if the bag is ready.
I don’t want to hear your dumb words until now.”
Ale all the stronger volaє Jaco and volaє:
“Oh, what a life for me! Eh, how bright is it for me, if Murgit is in the dark!
I'll tell you that my denunciation and virva from the fire were put,
I'm going to die for you - don't kiss me!
Glittered with pearls, beautiful Murgit's teeth,
Shouting with poppies, a bright color of unoccupied lanivs,
The smiles of the proud, grimacing angrily, opened their mouths
I became terrible її earthly beauty,
“I will give soul to the devil and eternal fire,
Ale, I will not desecrate the world of a zhalugid slave.
I never, and never, while it's light to stand,
Don't kiss thee beautiful Murgit!"

Alvir Pelagius, Bishop of Solva, narrates in his book “about the weeping of the church” (around 1332), which to instill among them especially well-known blueberries, and so, like the devils volunteered. For words. Delas, in Paris at the end of the 19th century, there were a lot of women's clubs, in some places, so to speak, the devil's lure to himself - kohantsya was the main method and the only occupation.

Pozbutisya such kohantsya was more important, lower yoga. Arturo Count knows in one of the unknown legends about the miracles of St. Divi the story of an unfortunate woman, with which Satan ruled in a friendly, friendly way of life, and did not help the other hellish nakhab, no cross, no prayers, no power, no holy water. Nareshti, as if, perebovaya at the zvichayniya sky, she stretched out her hands to the sky, calling out to the holy name of Mary, - and what? Pekelny kokhanets mittevo having spent the building of shkodity victims, bo non fu piu buono a nulla. Caesar from Heisterbach recounts that the devil has calmed down the priest's daughter at Mist Bonn and is alive from her. The maiden knew her father, and the priest, to start a scandal, sent his daughter back to the Rhine. E devil. Not knowing the kohanoi girl, he pounced on the father with a cry: “Evil pip! How did you decide to choose my team in me? - giving the unfortunate such a stusan in the chest that the bіdolakha died in two days.

What was the reason for the greedy splurge? Many authors affirm. True, the demon, not languishing nor body, nor brushes, not a moment of mother and now. Ale vin took the results of human sexuality, or, in the form of a succubus, stole sperm from especially young people. Then, having become an incubus, we transferred the stolen sperm into the woman's uterus, as if we wanted to grow a vagina. This is how Homa Aquinas and Bonaventure (1221-1274) stood firm, in opposition to Michael Psellos (room 1079), who stood on the fact that he can make everything possible to be, in this way, an independent agent. Children, people in similar znosin, were raised above the ranks with others, heavy, condescending thinness and building vismoktuvat even three years old, and antrohi, because of that not tovstish.

Who is the daddy ditini - demon chi. man, which wine has a bad day?

At the thought of theologians, the father was a man. Ale, - adds Arturo Graf, - the hellish nature of all births in incubus and succubus is to prove that the role of Satan at the moment of conception was not daily transferable, that he had already cut off the future germ in advance, and so be it, having robbed him obsessed already in the womb. Sinistrari d "Ameno, in the 17th century, a kind of bachelor in incubus and succubus, a special breed of istot, middle between a human and an angel, having attacked the one who stinks, being human-like, safe with state organs and seeing sperm. Blood Buli ROZSIYANI TILKIA INVITYTHY ONE NOT MALY RISHY SUSTICTIVEN TIA ON THE TIA, KOTO SUSHISTY IS ZVITYALY LUTSIAL. DRIVIK DRIVICH “ChOLOLOVIK” SLENIMA ITIMOVITIA IT ISTELLY, COME TIRA conceived in the presence of the devil. - "And unbaptized?" - the casuistries were possibly recounted, and the people's belief was attached to them, and not to the representatives of a healthy mind. do not hesitate to lock them up before science and the power of knowledge. rі hours, among hundreds of women, as if they were given to my watchfulness, I'm in every day. without mentioning the madder of his family. bringing people and even more often on directories of likarni. Prote doctor Makario wrote down a few thoughts. Of these, one of them, dating back to 1842, has its own type as a whole with a lot of guesses about incubat, which reminds of didivian processes. Margarita Zh., The praying person is old 59 Rock, at Klimacteric Periodi fell into the mania of Perevilіduvannya, injected, nіbi ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї їah, Angered by the misfortune of її otrutoy, today she entered, against Margaret J., into an alliance with hell, and from that hour the devils її are retried day and night, moreover, scenes are played, which are best left out in Latin text, without translation.

"Noctu, vix quieti indulgent, quum repentino adventu daemones illam e somno excutiunt; mox intentantes minas et obscena dictitantes, islam saluit, et manu impura contrectant quidquid secretum est in muliercula. Debilem vero carmen esse scimus ompes: jam cedit femina et cum eis voluptatem, corporibus immixtis, copulat; prae amore fatigatur, .exhuritur. Hi vero libidinosi daemones ante illius oculos apparet nunc quasi fulgura, juvenes qui nudi pudenda ei ostendunt vultumque ejus excrementis suis maculant.”

Schopravda, Margarita Zh. Ale, for їх impudence, їй to be crossed, not ceasingly, and you won’t fall asleep until dawn. Sometimes, the deputies of the devils, the merts come, like barking at Margaret Zh., with gloomy voices beyond the grave and want to beat, but in front of the horseradish banner they are roaring with dim. Macario insists that in the first half of the 19th century this kind of hallucinations was even wider in the villages of the deaf departments in France, and Arturo Graf thinks that Italy can do it with him.

Legends attribute similar actions to faceless famous people. Крім, гігантів книги Буття і незліченних демонічних зачаття, що настільки владно позначають талант і удачу, у чому б вони не висловлювалися, у всіх язичницьких міфологіях, а також у легендах і переказах напівісторичного періоду всіх народів, крім релігійно-політичних вигадок і казок дохристиянської державності (Servier Tullius, Alexander the Great, Augustus and others.), - the middle ages either adopted from old times and immediately finished it off, or they themselves blamed the impersonal saying about incubi, as if by the year they played such a great role of romantic poetry on the cob of the 19th century of musical music ,

A wide development was taken away by popir'ya among the peoples of pivnochi, Iceland, Norway, Scotland. Trolls and elves often entered into alliances with sons and human daughters. Elfs, elemental spirits, lingered in the foggy fjords, in the middle of the skel, by the grottoes, by the forests, on the banks of the streams of sea storms. These women, with a shkir of blaky color, arose with miraculous beauty. "A lot of calls in Iceland, - like Khristian, - goiter for trips, sim taєmnichim, unions." Numerous pivnіchnі legends and links with alchemical allegories gave new post and new clouding of legends about the incubat of the unfamiliar mythology of the mystical sects of the XVIII century, as if the names of Rosicrucianism are unfailingly pointed out. Tsikavy novel of the 18th century; “Count Gabalis”, one can see well beyond the century of the XVII century (with the method of chronologically approaching it to the literature of the right Rosicrucians), may the whole devotion to food about the sluts between people and elemental spirits, as they vote and in parts, and above the name of the bazhanim, oscillators So, for example, Zoroaster, after Count Gabalis, the son of Noah's squad and the mighty "salamander" (spirit of fire), the squads surrendered to their demons, they are cohanim. , for the price of vins, Ham and curses and lost their offspring on the lower square at the gatherings of human races.

Sometime around the incubat there were such wide expansions that they marked with their brand not only similar canopies, but also to inspire the whole of the nationality and not even the race. So, according to Yornand, in the era of the migration of peoples, there was a long time ago and then there was a reconciliation, that guni were like the gothic vidyoms, driven to the Meotian (near the arms of the Don) swamps, and evil spirits, such stinks were there.

With a stretch of the middle middle age, there was a sharp tendency to honor the children of the devil of all the new generations of generations, who were killed without the slightest doctor of conscience. At 1265 p. in Toulouse, one lady, already over 50 years old, knew that she was small like a devil to a child with a wolf's head and a serpent's tail; to serve this sweet child was the meat of little children. As if these devilish bastards were miracles, they were shocked by the swedish physical and rosy growth, wealth, health, talents and deep passions. Historian Matthew Paris (d. 1259) sings that one such child in six months after the people was already born as a young man.

The theme of legends in the epoch is loved - a supranatural shlyub, in which a taєmnichiy man and a squad are invisible stars and live happily with the embrace of his kohanna, under one mind:

Sans cherry a connaitre
Quel pays m'a vu naitre,
Ma race ni ma loi-
Tu garderas ta foi!

Happily trivaє, the docks of the human half of the split vykonuє mind. On one sunny day, the callousness of Evi or Adam will be greeted to the point of unbearable need to destroy the acceptance of the covenant of fatal food - and the beautiful incubus of the beautiful - the succubus will appear, throwing that child at their own unknown land. Promote z similar tales - about the face of the Swan - ingeniously blamed by Richard Wagner in the poetic yoga "Lohengrin".

Ale, the face of the Swan, do not leave the face of the light, like the wines of this primordial opera: In “Adelstan”, the ballad of Souti, translated by our Zhukovsky, the face of the Swan, now, a servant of the dark force, for the happiness of the beautiful Laura, who uttered the demonic Lebіd’s soul, scho yoga enchanted the distance, surging from the castle of sv. The Grail, but it didn’t bake directly, as an ambassador to Satan. Reynske perekaz vіdnosit tsyu podіyu until the era of Charlemagne. Zhіnochі sukubnі variants of the legend may be all without a blame on the dark demonic force, if it's not evil, then it's not good - in the shortest time, so be it, spontaneously neutral. Їx already rich. Such is the most famous of the similar, chronic succubus - a woman - the snake Meluzin, the ancestor of the Lusignans. In Sicily, for the reign of King Roger, one young man, bathing by the sea in the moonlight, remembering a woman at the whilah, like nibi drowned. Vіn її vryatuvav, suffocated in her, making friends with her, mav vіd neї sin. Once, hoarse with sumnivs, like nature, like a family - a tribe of a yogo taєmnich squad, venerable to her with rozpituvannya stilks and nonchalantly, like Elsa to Lohengrin. You are destroying me, zmushuyuchi vodpovidat about tse! - she whimpered in dismay and woke up. A few hours later, the child, abandoned by her, swam in the sea: the mother woke up with a raptom, spilled over the water, snatched up her baby and at once with her, woke up forever again.

Bulo, however, making friends with a strong character, seemed to be vibrating. Such a Burgundian king Guntram has a balady, as he was honored with the little ones of Kaulbach. Fellowship with the fox fairy, tidying up your clump and being happy with love without power, but not a moment to lose your people in the clump, and especially the clergy, who suspected the queen of the pagan and chaklunka. So, as the king did not want to let his retinue in, did not admit the march, then the pope opened the church, and Bishop Benno raised the people's rebellion, at the hour of which the unknown and enchanted Guntram arose, and the enigmatic queen.

As it was already guessed, it seemed to make its way into history and firmly rooted in the genealogy of the wealthy noble houses, including the royal ones, for example, the English Plantagenets, who were mali in the family as the great-grandmother of the ancient devils. A similar story is told about Balduin, Count of Flanders, the hero of an old French novel. Tsei Count was proud of having lifted the hand of the daughter of the French king. Like a fox, on the watering of the wisps of the maiden's superbly majestic beauty. The girl called herself a princess, the daughter of the mighty emperor of Asia. Baldwin suffocated, made friends. Through the rivers, twins were born to the young - two girls of supernatural beauty. Ale Daremno the count checks the sign of the descendant emperor, the father of the young countess; there are no embassies. Tim was a holy man for an hour, sensing a deceit and reasserting his suspicions of the counts. One fine day, when the count and the countess gave insults to their vassals, the holy man would walk up to the banquet hall and, without further troubles, punishing the countess to go to hell, the stars came out. The countess mittevo turned into a fierce devil and flew in turn with a greedy, truly greedy cry. Count, to redeem your sin, having killed the godfather and having killed the impersonal infidels. Yogo's daughters skinned zovsim not so badly, as it would be possible to blame for depression in such a wonderful mother.

Here it would not be unreasonable to overshoot a sprig of historical blues, such as the middle centuries, that Renaissance was put on the devil's rahunok.

1. Cain. More is said about the new one, like about Zoroaster.

2. Atilla, the scourge of God. For some orders, the survival of the mother from the Devil, for others - from the Medelian dog.

3. Theodoric the Great, king of the Goths. Showing his journey to the building, virigati from a company of half-light and living bait fell through to hell to his father.

4. Merlin. Yogo legend is even more coherent, illustrative and miraculous, like romantic, and th philosophical concept. It was inferno, overpowered and devastated by Christ, joking about getting dressed in the face of your trouble. Satan believes that the only way to do this is to hasten the coming of the Antichrist: wine, Satan, is guilty of giving birth to a sin, which, being deserted, to expand the power of hell over people and to despoil right calmly. Acceptance of the supra-divine vaga, unsafe, important. For a long time it was respectfully prepared for the new inferno. With the sleep of the demons, the deak is important, that noble sim falls into evil and dishonor and dies at the shanty. Three of the daughters who survived alone go to the most shameless divorce. Insha, beautiful and valuable, for a long time to resist the mustache. Ale once was all right, frog in Lizhko, scorch the sink to the banners of the bonuses of Chogo Timchasovo, he blew out the hunt of heaven, and the diwal is here, - having fallen by her healthy plan, usvidiahuychi, who was in the merciless of Yoma, Divchika, hesitated by her sorcuta. In the old term, she gave life to the sons. Zhakhliva hairiness of the body has already seen yoga demonic behavior. They baptized the lad, - about the father’s year, moreover, he understood, without nourishing anyone, - and they called him Merlin. Todi in heavenly spheres Vinnykla thought that it would not be a small urochist - choose the son of Satan himself in the oven - the merciful God lives before the necessary visits. Satan gave synovі knowledge of the past and today. God drives in this unsafe gift, rewarding Merlin with the knowledge of the future and, in such a rite, making him impenetrable to deceive the light and the steps of the devil. Growing up, Merlin having built up a lot of miraculous reports, like recounting the Reverend Trouble about those, the ancient chronicles and stories of the Round Table, and having washed out a lot of beautiful prophecies, for some rich people already appreciating, and reshta, you need to think, you also evoke if you have the right time. Nothing in the world did not guess about Yogo's dirty dad, and Merlin himself didn't want to know his dad. The hour and the method of Merlin's death are not exactly known, but everyone is allowed to think that the spirit of Yogo, having broken into the abode, is not curry, but bliss.

The history of Merlin is a typical example of the divine doom, as if you could lie, by the will of God, instill the truth, with all visible minds, of your own people doomed to death and hell. A rather rich and dramatic legend about the other devil's son, who was a rallying cry as a triumph of the human spirit and free will. Tse -

5. Robert the Devil, Duke of Normandy Like a Norman duchess, she burned like a mother of children, ale - for nothing. Angered at the suspicion of unheard-of heaven, she turned away to the devil, and that її bazhannya wickedly vikon. The duchess of the people of the sina is a hero and a brawler. Nemovlyam vіdgriz nipples on the breasts of his yearling; he lives as a youth of rozporov to his tutor; twenty rokіv vіd narodzhennya becoming the otaman of the rozbіynitskoi zgra. They dedicate yoga to the faces, helping them to twist yoga and subdue the riot of evil instincts into the new, but in the faces of the wines, roaring even higher. No one could overthrow it with the power of that force. At one tournament, the wines win, having won, having driven thirty opponents into the past. Sweat for a deaky hour blazes with light, where the eyes marvel, and, turning to the fatherland, I again take up robbery and robbing - robbing, plundering, driving in, blathering. Once, only once, having completely vibrated the blueberries of one monastery, I guessed that I hadn’t been to my mother for a long time and virusha її see. Just like the servants of the Duchess sang Yogo, all of them rushed to roll in panic fear, no one dared to tell Yogo, ask, the stars of the wines appeared and whatever they wanted. First of all, Robert thrived in life. Formerly struck and struck the yogo vision of zhakhu, as if instilling wine in his neighbor; Forwardly, I was deeply aware of my greedy anger and looked at the kshtalt of my conscience. Thinking about myself; Why are you guilty of evil for other people? Who zrobiv yoga like this? Why are you born a nonhuman? Vin throws himself at his mother and with a bared sword at the hands of the rut, he slays the old yoma taєmnitsu of the yogo people. Recognized, the wines of rotting with zhakh, rubbish, grief. But the mighty nature of Robert did not break at the rose. Navpaki: Yogo's merciful soul has burned with the heat of the fight for the wave of confusion and the hope of an important victory. It was hell for oneself, for oneself, for the cursed spirit, who gave birth to yoga at the service of oneself and the world, to transform yoga on the ear of his fierce will, Robert does not call. Vіn їde to Rome, falling to the papi, confessing all your sins before one holy saint, imposing on yourself the most penitent and swearing - do not accept another crim tієї, that you should give in to yoma and take it out of the teeth. Rome to take in the cover of the Saracens. Robert the girls fight with them, not being any kind of knowledge, and the girls help the Christians. Emperor of injustices, what heaven sent you for a miraculous ally? Zreshtoy, Robert is recognized. Ale vin vіdhilyaє all zaproponovanі yom give that vdyachnі honour. For free the emperor wants to give up his crown to Robert, for free calming Robert's guilt with the hand of his beautiful daughter. At the comradeship of the mentor - the deserter, Robert wanders into the wilderness. There he lives in deeds and prayers, the docks did not die, God's forgiveness and blessings of people. Vtіm, for іnshimi versіyami, God pierced the sinner earlier, and Robert managed to make friends with the beautiful princess, who died in the new one. It's a miracle legend, in the first half of its life, often tells our Novgorod bilina about Vasko Buslaev.

An unparalleled version of Robert Devil, ale zov in another world

6. Ezzelin and Romano, tyrant of Padua (1215-1256);

Tyrants are the most cruel of all, Ezzelin
Zmusiv vіriti svіt, scho the devil bov blue.

Albertin Moussato recounts the legend of the historical villain in the tragedy, so called "Eccelinis". Mother unhuman, Adelaida, she herself dedicates her son to a terrible mystery: wine, Ezzelin, and Yogo’s brother, Alberic, conceived by her as a devil, who, for the sake of cієї, come in handy, nabuv, like to Jupiter in a novel from Europe, looking like a beak. In opposition to Robert of Normandy, Ezzelin is happy and proud of his adventures and gives his word that you will show yourself the world as a good son of such a wonderful father. Satan the great nevdaha in the offspring, but once he was spared. Having conquered Padua, Ezzelin and Yogo's brother were fierce like furies, inaccessible to the human mind, blind and deaf to the front, like the merciful sky did not care to help them. Ale cara is well deserved, she didn’t wear checks on herself for a long time. Peremoji at the battle of Pont di Cassano, dashing dying at the rose. Yogo's brother follows him.

7. Martin Luther. Papisti venerated the great reformer with the blue of the devil, calling Wittenberg's yoga matir, a servant in the hotel, for which he looked like a traveler in the jewelry business.

The most miraculous and sovereign son of Satan will be the guardian of the yoga of death Antichrist. We are not bothered by the theological side of the doctrine of the Antichrist. As far as the legendary, it is namingly stringent and rіznomanіtna. In one Anglo-Saxon poem of the 9th century, the Antichrist is firmly established, having already come once, and Satan tried not only to oppose Christ, but to support him Jesus, like a mission, what he hoped for. Selma Lagerlöf in her novel about the Sicilian town, which received the statue of the Antichrist for the image of the Unmistakable - Christ and perished in the city, we stopped create a diva, etc., etc. So, as Satan’s plan did not go ahead, then repeat your winding of the wines only under the end of the world, if the hours turn. Antichrist yogo head and rіshucha nadia. Yogo, as the main support of his power and strength, put Satan in the rest of the battle with the deity. Nameless historical characters, prophets of the church, were mistaken for the Antichrist: Nero, Mohammed, Emperor Frederick II , Luther, etc.; with us in Russia, in the old world, - Nikon, Peter the Great. At the thought of St. Ephraim Edessky Antichrist born as a public woman; according to the promises of our famous believer, archpriest Avakum, “the Antichrist will be born in Galilee, in the tribe of Dan, in the squad of the Jews. Shanui about tse Efrem, Ipolita, there you will find space ”(Message to Ioni). In addition, now, vvazhayut, scho vyd dіvchini i navіt vіdnої ї dіvchinki: tsyu dumku zaruchi Asson in his treatise "About the Antichrist" (De Antichristo). The rest of the statement about the people of the young evil by the strength of the hero, who can enter into a deadly battle with the strength of good, enters the European myth from the ancient Indian epic.

“Earthly and heavenly banners commemorate the glory of the people of Salivakhani in Bratixhtana "e. Wise men explain that these manifestations mark the near death of such a king. I said yes: I wanted to die at the hands of a man, so that I would be born as a noble girl. God declared me. So that such a child could be born? One brahmin says to you, that the girl is his daughter, and that Cesha, the prince of the serpent At the sound of the call, Vokramadit himself goes to Pratishtana "y, to beat Salivahana, ale, fight with the rod of death, die (Veselevsky).

If the father of the Antichrist, then the deacons think that he will be a man, but Satan will move into the child at the moment of his birth. Ale panіvna thought that the Prince of Temryavi himself would be the father. Numerous treatises about the Antichrist, filled in by the middle ages, tell about the zhah, with which the Catholic world of checks appeared tsy taymnichigo vorog. In other parts of Europe, wild bells rang out, that they were born and that they would soon be born. It was more important in the turning point of the era: in the IV century, close to 1000, in the XIV century. At 380 r. tse stverzhuє St. Martin of Turkey, in 1080 Bishop Rainier of Florence, then Norbert, Archbishop of Magdeburg. Under Pope Innocent VI (1352–1362), one French monk moved the people of Antichrist to 1365, and Arnold of Vilnev (1238–1314) transferred the same podium to 1376. In 1412, Vincenzo Ferrer Benedict XIII, that the Antichrist was born and already nine years old. Before the holy tribunal of the Inquisition, many chakluniv were recognized that they knew the Antichrist well and bore him.

Our famous stovp and teacher of the old faith, archpriest Avakum, also a special defender of the Antichrist. “If I have a sum of money and think, as if the Antichrist will come, the enemy of the rest and in some rank, she is sitting, seemingly praying and thrashing: I can’t stand on my feet, - sitting, I pray cursed. And the axis on the field is full of unclean people. I was worth less. I tell you: why give people a lot of money at the fences? Vіn vіdpovіv: antichrist will come; stij, don't freak out. I bowed myself with my two-horned protopops club, becoming a badyoro: to lead up to me two people in white robes of naked people, - the flesh - that of him is all curly, very bad, we will fire wildly from the mouth and from the nose, our tsar has come to him and for the impersonal people. If Yogo was brought to me: I screamed at him and wanted to beat Yogo with a club. Vіn me vіdvazhiv: what sh, archpriest, you shout at me. I don’t want to be free, but by the will of the advancing me, I’m trimming in the region. That speaking, falling in front of me, bowed to the ground. I spit on the new one and stumbled; but he himself shuddered and bowed to the pan. I became filthy and stingy; there is nothing to marvel at those. I know from the writings about Christ without a certificate: soon you will be buki. Such firm familiarity with the Antichrist helped Avakum to call forth the zealous ones, as if they wanted to vote for the Antichrist, Patriarch Nikon. “And Nikon, not the rest of the Antichrist, so shish antichrists, - babo ... b, Shakhray, the sign of our earth. And if, in the zodiac cruise, you marvel at the books, and days, weeks of separation, gloom, they call Nikon the Antichrist, then all is swindle, and not the holy spirit of the world. Athanasius the Great writes: the feet of our Christ’s warrior are similar, the stars of Galilee and the Antichrist have risen; and not in our Russia, I know Nikon: not far from my fatherland was born, between Murashkin and Liskov, near the village; father in a new cheremis, and mother a mermaid, Mina and Manka, and Mikitka's chaklun committed, that woman learned to fornicate, that she got into Zhovtovodstvo with a book, that more, so, more, she drank to the bіsa in otamani, and ninі, yak kinops magically, already lost forever and the memory of yogo with the noise of death. Shaking that church is not worse than the rest of the rice of the Antichrist, and a part of yoga with him in the unquenchable fire.

We do not have the right to laugh at these old fools, for our hour is no better for the Antichrist. No more 15 years, like Shakhrai and adventurer Leo Taxil, going to the kshtalt of the French Lutostansky, only with greater luck, fooling the right-wing Catholics with a star about the people of the Antichrist, who are waving here in America, in the Bohemian mountains. Volodymyr Solovyov, one of the most famous and promoters of the mystical fog, also threatening Europe and Russia with the days of the Antichrist, and mova about that Swedish guest bula, yoga swan song.

Program of the Antichrist zagalnovіdoma. Vіn z'ednaє in their hands mustache the treasures of the world and generously distribute people with wealth, the result of which will be a waste of the all-worldly kingdom of the Antichrist. Vіn zruynuє great pіvnіchnu wall and lіznu brama Oleksandr the Great and let the world closed by the conqueror, "divine the people" Gog and Magog. For the help of them in the hall of the blood of the place of that kingdom, the destruction of the church and the hand of the killer of the prophets of Enoch and Ill, as if they were free to protect God. And if we unite all the kingdoms and the kingdoms of the world and become one, the Lord of the World will deserve punishment: we will be beaten either by Christ himself, or by the Archangel Michael, and from the Antichrist fall and the power of the devil over the people will explode. The gate of the abyss will be mended and sealed forever. The kingdom of Satan will be thrown off and the kingdom of God will be established, for you there will be no end.

Rosіyskiy oldovinniy lihrturatturati Ikubat is solid to Dazhe Mitzino, I would like to do it shortly, “Soroma for”, Yak I reasonable, Kolya Rus, I had a consistent of the Stateni, then the movytovs, then hilled scho vuha v'ali and red lines. At Sunset, in similar moods, they uttered a rich Latin language; However, the very old Russian literature is much wider and one of the most beautiful for its details, from the point of view of the psycho-physiological caution, the image of demonomania on the basis of state discord. Tse - the famous "The Tale of Solomon's Bisnuvata Squad", was commissioned in 1860 by Kostomarov in the "Monuments of Old Russian Literature", for the list of the 17th century, it is unlikely that it is too rich for the elder self, as it is confirmed in a new one. Незважаючи на фантастичні химери та прикраси, що наповнюють цю повість, незважаючи на її церковну тенденційність і наївно витікаючі звідси незграбні вигадки, протокольна послідовність і точність викладу в описі страждань Соломонії ясно вказують, що цей цікавий і тяжкий випадок істеро-епілепсії, оточений , записаний незнаним author from nature. Vіn stray and zbivaє z pantelyku chitach only there, to introduce a religious fortune, or he himself naїvno hovaєtsі vіd svіdzhennya svogo vіkovyvayuchih vіkovykh zabobonіv. Well, the floorings of the soil, to start your own story with the most accurate chronological and geographical tributes: at her church of the Holy Mother of God; the same church ієrey іm'yam Dimitri, the team of yogo іm'yam Ulіta, іm'yasta has a daughter, im'yam Solomoniya, about her we now have words to lay down. When the priest Solomonia got angry, the fathers saw him for a peasant on the name of Matvey. There is a young man who wants to go to the front of the temple, if you want to go to the front of the temple, you need it for the sake of the body. Poki vin bov vіdsutnіy, having tapped at the cell, buzzing to the young woman “Solomon! open the door!” Solomoniya, thinking that this is a person, to be led out of bed, to open doors - and miracles begin here. “I smell it in person, and in the ear, and in the eyes, like a great whirlwind, and appear like a half-light, like fire and blue.” Solomonia was already angry, and if “Little by little a man came to her in the temple, nayzhahlivish”, and a heavy hysterical attack began from her (“and be on the whole night without sleep; come to her shaking and great fierce chills”) for three days, transforming Solomon into the most famous Russian type of hysterics - a demonomaniac: “and the third day you will lean in yourself in the womb of a fierce demon, who tormented the womb of її, and at that hour, at the vantage point of the mind, in the presence of a demon, you live in it.”

On the ninth day after the wedding of the hysterical girl, so wonderfully and importantly perelakana at the critical moment of transforming her into a woman and, obviously, that she already instilled, that she was zipsovan "like a person is unkind" and climbed into her from the blue half-lights , bіs, - at the unfortunate, fit Solomon's tsієї staves began to hallucinate, "On the ninth day after marriage, at sunset, the former at the clerk with his man, on the bed he wanted to vshanuvat, looking at the solomon came to her with a savage rank, hairy, languishing knots, and lie down before her on a bed. Vaughn wailed yogo and step to the mind. The same beast of desecration її fornication, but you will find yourself on the morning of the third year of the day, and having not shown too much devilry to anyone, and from the same day the damned demons often come to her around the great saints in five and in 1 by human eyes, like deyaki beautiful young women, and so attacked her, and filthy її, and waste, people didn’t care about anything. Well, Solomonia, tell the people about yourself, like those demons that come filthy.

And then the hallucinations began to repeat themselves, they became splendid, "the cream of the great saints."

The man on the back spared Solomon, ale, not bachachi of the end of її wild vistas, zlyakavsya and led the squad back to life back to the father of її ієrey Dimitriy. Here, Solomon's fits became worse, and the thoughts, far from the person, became more frequent. And the father’s oskіlki look after her, needing to think, appearing weak for a person, then the hysterical woman began to roll from the house, and, turned, the nonsense of the nebilitsі, nib the devils її to your own water.

Illusions of statuary spivzhittya led (as a whole, like those of those evil ladies, the butt of which I pointed more along Delass and Guaiti) the illusion of vaginess, la grosseuse hysterique, with the rose of fantastic canopies.

“I small stench for two days and two nights, and for a womb in them, and carried their second fate. The hour of the people will come; And she was in her father’s house, and her father hung from his house, get out of the house, that they live, telling you that they want to make people, and that they wouldn’t beat them dark-eyed. And at some hour the people started out, and they would come before her in the presence of quiet dark-eyed demons, the squad, and often be with her; And give birth to six, and see the stench of blue, and the woman who was in her took them, and the fault of the temple was taken by mist.

It would be long, tedious and inappropriate to count all the occurrences of Solomon, violence against her demons and incessant canopies of її, in which she has spawned an impersonal armchair.

Away, the story of Solomon, like a change in demonic and religious hallucinations, lived for ten more years; as if they were out during the hour of the service, especially if one priest had dared to її forcibly take communion (“having raised the demon with your mouth, її shout in a great voice: sleep on me, sleep on me!”); as the saints Procopius and John, the Ustyuz wonderworkers, and Nareshti, the Mother of God herself appeared to her, - all this is a remarkable and frequent history of the hysterics-demonomaniac little cicava. Ale lіkuvannya її nadzvychayno tsіkavo and ostentatious and like a clinical drop and like a combination of hibnyh manifestations. During the Great Lent 7179 (1671) Solomoniya lived and - in the wake of complacency and physical ones, tied up with shit - veered into it like an internal sickness process: on her left side she was growing a majestic future, like a future day ahead take communion. The process was even more important and painful and otochuyucha Solomoniya "compassionate", as if she herself, took Yogo for a new villainous devil: there, in the face of heaviness, she began to scream; and progreze in it leviy bіk on skrіz; And if it’s a dream, Solomon is sharp, but you’ve come to mind, and you’ve twisted your string, and show that being that: what the demon did in the night; vin, bativshi death її in the presence of a demon, I swim zealously. All the whole day and then until 27 January (meaning, month 1 1/2) the attacks of Solomon were stronger, if they were, - “the demon, tormenting the womb more and more, tormented you more first. For knowing the fault of your damned death. The demon of Solomon was smart for її sympathetic: he realized that strong її nature broke - the same ailment, the crisis woke up and went to the right for dressing. The statue was pinned down: since the inner demon predicted Solomon's bik, no other demons are already "foul". The camp of the enemy organism is even more difficult, but the improvement of self-perception already predicts clothes and predicts radio sleep. On the 27th of May, Solomonia succumbed to the dreams of the Ustyuz wonderworkers especially shattered by her “and saying to the saints: Solomonii! pray to Procopius and John; stench you little by little to relieve such torment., now, Solomon, rest river hidish! The prophecy was true to inspire, lower, they condemned the saints: that same year 7179, on the 8th day on the very memory of the holy righteous Procopius, it means that after six days after the sight, Solomonia, having come to the cathedral church of the Most Holy Theotokos, declared to the whole consecrated cathedral. and the Orthodox, that “having become attached”, about their own healing. Behind the words of її, it came to her again, again, more and more. “I bachish me like a victim, and my bosom is overpowered by the evil ones; and see me all the weeping, to see my death. And the axis of the raptom light shone on the invisible, de I was lying, and swaying the young man, who went to the temple of that and carrying the chant, and according to the new way, the holy Procopius and Ivan, and having become a link in my head, speaking holy men by themselves; but we don’t know what they say; I come before me, Saint Procopius, and having crossed my womb with your hand, and Saint Ivan, holding a copy in my hand, and yet, come before me, and I will open my womb, and taking a demon for me, and giving it to Saint Procopius; the demon began to shout with a great voice and hover at the hands of Yogo; and Saint Procopius showed me the demon and said: Solomon! Chi bachish demon, what will be in your womb. And for nothing, it’s dark black and the tail is byashe in a new fatness and it’s scary; and put Yogo accursed on the pomіst and slaughtered Yogo with pokers. Saint John still forgot from my womb one by one and gave to Saint Procopius, but they slaughtered them in one way ... and they took them, and threw them on the church podium, and crushed them with their foot. I said Saint Procopius before Saint Ivan: Chi clean is the womb in Solomon in the form of demons, who live in it? І vіdpovіv St. Ivan: she is pure, and there is no vice in her! Otozh St. Procopius wonder himself in my womb, sob pure.

In the remaining hallucinations of Solomon, miraculously centering his fantasies on the surgical, so to speak, act: “open my womb, so that I don’t curl up in me, sinful, shrimp, srachitsі”, “start to kill demons with this wound, like before.” It’s all worth talking about self-feeling, who in the “womb” is again a hostile, roaring process for a quarter of that, like, two and a half months before him, if the demon-nariv predicted Solomon’s bik, then he began to heal. Inflicted by a relapse, hospitable by the form of manifestations, which means a weak day, it ended successfully with a new nervous crisis, calling for the relapse of Solomon on St. Procopius, in church embossing and religious ecstasy. It’s allowed to know one’s own confirmation in detail, which is not in the Kostomarovsky list of “Povista”, but it’s not in the Buslaevsky list: - “and on my womb, like a place, they captured the holy demonic power, and those things of the unreal, for the sake of the true people thought they imagined for themselves, and not for doing the miracle of the saints and righteous miracle workers. The wound of the old nariva was curled up (“a virazka, that from the devilish evil progrezinnya, zcilila”), but the scar from the new one was saved.

A lot of necessary things are put up to “The Tale of Solomon’s Bisnuvata Squad” as if it were a guess, a belles lettre, for easy reading of the pious readers of the 17th century, for the literary recognition of fellows, as Kostomarov hung out about her in his own time. In 1913, one can easily believe that the ingenuous record of the correct fact (Possibility of the historical foundation of Solomon admitting Kostomarov). Robots and guardianship of Charcot, Riche, Magnian, Kraft-Ebing, Merzheevsky and others. Give us the right to vanity of the miracle, Varta I Jah Viconano ”by Yogo Obsisy, not demanding the burning yogo to the moment of the Nadpriser Tlumachenin, to be in the can, they are the drama of the Solomoni tzilkom, the heap of the person, the rose -to -rose dierce. (tsі - that insults like the primates of Solomon in the high world and are cursed with a miraculous type), with some - or two-valued goals, for the help of charlatans. Before us is simply correct and exactly, - “clinically”, so to speak, - and not by a doctor, but by a churchman, the history of state neurosis is written down, as the author, and in the reasons and details, and as a result, vitlumachiv, and visvitly zgіdno with the theological light-gazer of his centurion. But at the end of the day, that manifestation of neurosis is respected by the summation of the author, it showed itself more for praise, may be photographic. That is why we can’t imagine every day doubting in yoga remembrance, that I wrote down the words of the heroine herself. , I father of the dear priest Dmitry, and wrote about the riddle of the future generation. Krіz rows around the whole hour, unfailingly marveling at the life of the living person, from the witch's kut, priests - peasants, zipsovanіy Solomonіy. Speak for an hour and change the guise of Father її Dmitr, who later, ymovіrno, under the impression of the experiences of this family, appeared as a Chance Dionysius at the Trinity Gledensky Monastery. For by the power of the right, living, on the skin of the experienced family fever, simple rows of even such an addition are dying: at the ragged riza with stretched hair, and rushing to the water in the winter and summer hours: people who took it, then touched її on the edge of the water, and sometimes by the water they tread and soared from the water to the shore and from the hole on the ice, like a victim; her womb used to be, like a squad wants to give birth, and in the womb, a dark demon is tormented, and like a riba in the merges; and tse suffering її to succumb to that future people, marveling zealously, and I see the death in the house, the girl is alive, іt torment and torment in the form of demonic strength richly once їy used to be. This is the insertion of Dmitr's priest, which is a present, when it comes out, like a certificate, and it is impossible not to recognize that it is broken with the energy and imagery of people, that they remember, like catching wine along the banks of the river and wheezing from the flasks, that hurry to yakish taєmnichi calls, stunned by a mysterious sting to self-destruction, a divine daughter. The role of the author was actually played to the point where, if Solomon and Dmitro naively said: “becoming unclean, they squeal like a pig”, - wines, readings and letters of the churchman, giving strength to literature: “like a pig is small.” Ale and years. The protocol is overwritten by the protocol and facts yogo - facts.

Krіm their natural children, the devils loved brothers priyomishіv. The children were delivered to them through a stolen day, or through a curse or an unprotected father’s obityanka, or through an incorrectness in the rite of baptism. We bachiled at the butt of Solomon the Possessed, so that the baulo of the goddamn ass would be drunk at the drunken look, so that the child would be delivered to the power of the “black demons”. The English chronicler Roger of Hovden (circa 1200) recounts that a certain maiden made a fuss, went home, to graft the canopies, that they were approaching. In the open field, a year of stingy storms shoveled її flour. Statute for nothing, call out to help God, bless the devil. He suddenly appeared at the sight of a young man and said to him: "Follow me." Inoculate it to the koshari, make a bed out of straw, develop a warm fire and pishov on the hedgehog. Two people walked along, commemorated the fire, went to the koshari, nursed the recumbent child, and, choking on the devilish approach, ran to the nearest village to fetch the priest. Time after time the devil turned back with natural supplies and water, nurtured the birth of a child, when the її year has come, having taken her dismay, like a maisterny obstetrician. And then the priest, with the help of the parathians and having cast a spell, like a devil, obviously, did not see it and vtik, rushing the newly born in his arms. Good mother, little about them, accompanied the creators for the order in the face of the evil one and turned with light to her home. It is impossible not to know that in this marvelous turn of events the devil is not a single devil person, she behaved like a decently orderly person.

Walter of Kuansi (pom. 1236) knows other history, Good-hearted and wealthy friends, having given birth to many children, gave St. dіvі obіtnitsa - nadalі to live in znotlivostі. Ale, the demon is cunning, but the flesh is German. Once, just like that, at noon on Great Day, the demon inflamed a person with such a fierce addiction that after a long time, he entreated and threatened the squad was guilty of giving up his bazhanny. Ale, before him, how to appear, she bellowed:

As if in the sight of our sin there will be a child, know that I will give yoga to the devil!

The child was still born - and charіvna. The more I gave growth, the more I sigh with beauty, intelligence, sweet character, good behavior. And mothers are filled with tears, remembering their curse and gazing at the new gloomy legacy. If the lads were crying for twelve years, a shrill demon appeared to the mother and ahead of her, for three years of wines she would come for her health. Bіdolashna zhіnka, in rozpachі, zіnala sinovі, yak share yogo check. The lad cried loudly and, having left the father's house, pishov from Rome to the father ask for a zachist. The Pope stood at a deaf kut in front of such an incidental right and sent a young man to the Russian Patriarch, the wisest person on earth. This wise man, prote, even not knowing how to virucify him in what an innocent lad in the cigtiv baked - Heba was the axis to help you such a self-described: wine on the floor of the saints, that the angels descend from the sky, to talk to him ... . . the girl, the lad, walk, walk, and three rocks, at the same time, mayzhe passed and before the term, one doba is left. At Strasnu Saturday to know the wine of his hermit. That one I’ll do it, having ruined the buv, but then we’ll get drunk and come up with something. After a night spent in prayer, a samіtnik, servants of the day, putting a lad between himself and in vіvtar. Tse didn’t bother the devil to get in his way to get his fortune. Ale Samitnik calls out St. diva. She will descend from heaven with all her glory, and the devil, obviously, will live shame, and the young man of vryatov, turning to his fatherland, dedicates himself for all his life to the cult of St. divi.

In other history, the devil will surely steal a child from him and will rise in price with her light. Ale at the fifteenth birthday of the young man of St. Yakiv takes Yogo into the devil and turns it to the fathers.

Cі povіr'ya widely razroblenі in Russian folk demonology. For some - “they are unmoved, cursed by the fathers, otherwise they died unbaptized, they splutter with demons and turn to kikimor. To їhnoyї svіlnoti it is necessary to igosha - a dead nation child, a premature baby, a vikiday, a child without hands and without a leg, who settles in a hut and turbulent house giving with his pranks. In the same way, the unclean sleep (crushed by sleep) is unclean; “to call yoga, the mother is guilty of standing three nights in the church - at the stake, baptized by the hand of the priest, and then on the third night, they sleep well through the pivni, the devil will give her dead child.”

Acts of folk tales about the unfortunate, who perished in the power of demons through the father's curse, miraculously harmless. To characterize them, I will take one of the famous book by A.N.

“The old one lives with the old one, and they have a son, whom the mother cursed in the womb. Sin virіs great and made friends; nevdovzі nіslyа tskogo vіn sign of obscurity. Joked yogo, prayed for a new one, but the lost one is not boo. Not far from the dark fox there was a gatehouse, hares spent the night there - a zhenbrak and lay on the rough. Through the trohi one can feel the youma that arrived before that month unknown person, angry from the horse, uvіyshov at the gatehouse and prayed all night, saying: “God judge my mother - for what she cursed me in the womb!” Vranci priyshov zhebrak near the village and directly spent up to the old zі old on the podvir'ya. “Who, baby! - feeds yoga old, - you are a worldly person, you always walk in the world, why don’t you feel about our fallen son? Shukaemo yogo, we pray for the new one, but everyone is not deafened. Zhebrak rose, - what did you think in the night: “Which is not your chin?” The old nave was picked up, breaking at the foxes and hiding at the watchman for rudeness. The axis, having arrived at night, well done, she prayed to God: “God judge my mother - for which she cursed me in the womb!” The old one, having recognized the son, jumped out because of the rudeness, and it seems: “Ah , sinku! know you hard; already now I can’t see you!” - Follow me! - vydpovidaє sin, vyyshov іz the gatehouse, sіv on the horse that went; and the father followed him. Having arrived well done up to the cap and straight there with a horse - so it was. The old one stood up - after standing for a beat of the rind, turning back to the house and seem to the retinue: even if you live by the water.” The other night she went to the old forest, and she didn’t do anything good; and on the third night, the young squad violated their man, went to the gatehouse and hid behind rudeness. Well done come, pray and wail: "God judge my mother - for what she cursed me in the womb!" The young woman jumped out: “Friend of my heart, the law is inseparable! now I don’t see you!” - Follow me! - v_dpov_v cholovіk i grafted її to the duster. "You are near the water, and I am behind you!" - like a squad. - If so, take the cross to yourself. Vaughn took the cross, bang at the flask - and stooped at the great chambers. Sit there Satan on the chair; pumping the young woman and feeding the person: "Whom did you vaccinate!" - This is my law! - “Well, if this is your law, then go get out of the sky with it! law cannot separate." The team of the man was ripping and brought yoga out of the devil in the air!

The impersonal legends and fairy tales are varied by a galnovidome motif - a king, a merchant, a wealthy man to sell or to call for service among those who do not know at home. Obіtsyayuchi, rozrakhovuyutsya pozbutisya kakihos drіbnits, for what kind of gentleman is important at his house do not know? But it turns out that this is a child, like a vagіtna retinue of an obіtsyacha, about which they have not yet caught up with a person. Obіtyanіy such a rank, the child will be led by hard labors to gain his freedom from the evil dominion, which innocently enslaved її. Slov'yanskі opovіdі tsgo genus mayut, zdebіlshhogo, badoriy tone and happy kinets. German gloomy and tragic, as a vision of which Heine's ballad about Hermann the Merry Hero (Herrmann der Frohliche Held) is more than once conceived.

If the devil is not in your power to steal, or to lure a child from the fathers, you won’t mind buying it. This is especially common in German legends. At the famous "Gromoboї" Zhukovsky, poised with German zrazkіv, the hero buys in Asmodeus a line of infernal strata at the cost of the souls of his twelve daughters for skin rіk. I, although the favor is obviously illegal, and the daughters of Gromoboy could have been involved in paying for their crooked bills already through their own incompetence, however, the contract seems to be strong enough to turn them into “twelve sleeping girls, really, letting go of the hell .

Sell ​​or transfer between you can not only your child, but th, for example, a squad, as if having killed one person, about whom Arturo Graf guesses. More than that: for dosing out friendly minds, you can raise people to the point of being a stranger, a gift of destruction not only in words, but in the form of a wide heart. Arturo Graf reminds me of such a mocked parable, as I once did for a satirical explanation.

Be a tax collector, a person is ruthless, stingy, greedy. Іshov vіn like a village and a bailiff to a new one in comrade's devil. Go. Raptom to dance: the man’s wife is a pig, and she’s spinning, so I brought Yogo to see, and laє vіn її:

The devil take you!

Warehouse and seem devilish:

Don't you hear? Vіn you vіddaє swine, - mabut, take її.

Hi, - the devil seems to be, - not in the sight of a wide heart.

Go now. Mother can not vomit the silence that burst into tears, and bark:

Damn you!

Why don't you take yoga? - Znov wonders the picker.

I again block the devil:

Do not see a wide heart. Tіlki so, prislіv'ya.

Nareshti go stink to the villagers, from which the electors are collected to pay arrears. As the stench pumped their wheeler, so they shouted in unison:

The devil take you! Forever you would be in the blues of the bees!

It's all right! - saying the devil, - qi give in the form of a wide heart. And to that - pіdemo, love!

Vhopiv zbiracha for komіr - and such a boom!


Let's talk a little about those who make and lakav, and have adopted people to their bases, but not only Vin, but also Yogo's children. Let's talk about Satan or the Devil. This image is greater than endowing the fruits of human passions with fears, so that you can start to create different images. For example, the young women of Vin often appear at the sight of a beautiful person, especially in dreams. This was often accompanied by such turbulent emotional anger, that after such stunners, women could very well know similar things in earthly splendid men. To that, many women became Yogo's names and kohanim, not knowing similar predilections in other waters.
The Bible describes Yogo as the son of the dawn, the keykeeper, the guardian of knowledge. In Islam Vіn buv Iblisom. Yogo's order was always full of the impersonal legions of the Demons of the Dark Force. As if marveling at New from the look of the Bible, then Vin, like the first-born angel, the most beautiful and promenist, named after Lucifer. The one who gives knowledge and uses mysticism, reveals people's deep secrets and knowledge. Tse black matter, dark side Chaos. Ale, skilki b mi did not try to comprehend and recognize tsiu sutnist, from any side would not marvel at New, we could not comprehend and recognize Yogo to the end, to that Vin is inexhaustible dzherelo.
Ale, more specifically, we are talking about those about Yogo children. Who is so, how can they be recognized and understood. Such children, like all others, are the greatest earthly fathers, like they conceived. Ale, at the moment of conception itself, enters a person like a day, through the yak of vin it becomes already like a others. For example, God Zeus maw the ability to take on different images and go into love with earthly women, like you like him. Tse is that Power, how can you please be a person and be a kind of mind. And then the person may not remember that he robbed himself, that everything happened to him and that everything happened, and the child was conceived. I’m not even a child anymore, I’m just given in qiu sіm’yu for vihovannya, ale buv the son of the Black Old Man. Such children from childhood are unwitched: the stench is most often outgoing, not understood by other children, talented and drunk, but may be a leader's character. Tse unearthly children, but with this stench, all the same things that great children have: consumption, physiological problems, ailments. Tse children like women, which wines he chose himself. I, as a rule, are worn by women, with aristocratic rice disguise, inaccessible, with which everyone is merciful. The stinks become the retinues of Satan, not suspecting.
There are impersonal artistic films about Satan, the Devil or Lucifer. And there is an impression, but not just like that, no information is available anywhere in the New. Vin gives knowledge. Vіn nadto is selective and far from all are like Yomu. Yogo do not chirp those who are ready to climb on the knees, to win their souls for pennies and glory, like a slave. Youmu takі people are just not cіkavі. People with an inner haircut, volovі, vіlnі and tі, who are not ready to swear just like that, are richly attached to New. And only a few of them Vin is ready to calm down and snuggle up.
Yogo children є sutnistyu і їх rich. All the people, like rising to the heights, be like paths: over their heads, through their talents, the veils of cunning and reason, and the stench touches the heights, like few builders are healthy. And the stench is not so different, like a great person. You can work well in advance: put life on the ropes, throw off what you have reached, put your clubs in the wheels, work out the rіznі inacceptability, but you can rouse the stench a little, get up and go forward again. Sometimes they stink themselves, alone in their thoughts, ask for intercession and help from their Old Man, but you don’t know Vitsogo in any way, so don’t advertise the stink of him. And everything that comes with them in their career, in their life, all the blessings of the patronage of their Father. At the sight of God, Do not ask Vin to rise on the knees, beat your forehead on the pidlog of the church and lobby for the holy icons, Yomu does not need a slave behavior, for New tse Yogo child. Vin will not humiliate you all your life, so that you can get rich in the city, Yogo intercession can be taken away more generously. Vіn chesny with people and to say frankly that Marnoslavism is insanely the most beloved of Yogo grіhіv. Although sin is invented by people, they understand. Grіh, which means not to spend to the point, to grind the tops, to kill those who do not bring a good result. And why did they praise me as the main thing in religion, which became the lakat of the poor and without that people. We are talking about mercy, but why did the church come up with Inferno, in what way do you try to lubricate and drive people in? Why is it mercy? Think over the tsim varto.
The children of the Devil have song marks, as the Inquisition knew, that diligently joked them on those unfortunate ones, who sent them to riches. These were similar to the patches of different and unusual forms. Ale not varto tіkati and look at your body at the presence of such, oskolki tі, hto є Yogo children, protyazh life so chi іnakshe tse razumіyut. And inspire pious people, like to the tips of their nails, cherish their day with God, understand with the help of the year, what the Father calls them today. Tse will-loving spirit, disobedient, not fit to call and be a slave, subdue. Vin grants knowledge of that talent through his children. Even to this rich mysticism is dictated by Yogo's will and will, in view of which for some time the church has hindered opera, theater and poetry, invading it with sin. Aje mysticism unfolds in people in the deepest light, seething passions, almost the same emotions that open the soul, are carried into the depths of the human spirit. Often a person reads, listening to that other composition, singing to the actors on the stage. Everything is mystical, not everyone can be like him. Whoever sells his soul for a life of good, for the glory of that popularity, and you can make a deal with them. Ale tse trivatime unfortunate, the shards of Vin to destroy them, living with the year of their life. I will help to help and Vin’s intercession is given only to my children. You do not know Yogo children, you can only guess about those who stink.
Those who try to get into Yogo’s space, ask for help and gifts, you can be even more punished for the price of impudence, for Vin does not love foreigners and Himself robs whom Yoma needs. The first person, who once understood, whose wine, begins to rise sharply up the top of the hill. Children of the Devil themselves guard their lot, the stench is not afraid of anything: no human judgment, no empty thoughts, no transition to the cost of life. Vіn nіkoli do not deprive your children, even if they stink є Yogo, representatives of that prodovzhennyam on Earth.

The demon for a long time shukav that mortal who (for confession to her or for transfers) could give birth to a new child (a lot of people could conceive, but the axis to survive pregnancy and live a child - no).
Їy bulo 16, if you have finished the wine, you are ready, and the body was formed for yogo meti. Todі vіn vikradaє її directly from її booth and transfer it to your own volodinnya. Vaughn - only for the conception of a child, so that sex (zgvaltuvannya, without її zgodi) is exclusively in poses that sho priyat conceived (tobto, without anal and yelling). The girl does not hesitate, because she is an adequate person and is afraid of pain, death, and not frozen rebellion. For some special sex, the demon has two or three marriages (polonyanki do not communicate with each other and may not know about the reason for one alone).
The maiden is full of a demon, she is not in a pit, but in some kind of normal minds - it’s not just a scolding. Vіn shonochі by force take її.
Duje. rich. sex. And more than once to hell.
After an hour (a month, two, three, ..., I just can’t figure it out), the girl is wise, that she herself will wake up and want a demon; want and continue to be afraid of it, cry and be merry for the hour of intimacy. She's afraid of her wife too. And the demon in an hour (a month-two-three-..., I just can’t figure it out) understands that other Polonyanki yogo should chirp much less for qiu. I went to the transition from standard poses to folded, to third-party objects, hanks, lances thin.
Here, in five months-pivroku, the girl is full of wonders. And at this moment I already know nothing against my full can not. Vaughn continues to play the role of a pereljakano and pokirnoy branky, that the demon is only zbudzhu.
* Well, if you’re still reading this application and didn’t mumble it with shouts of “Indecent reading!”, then I’ll continue *
Sex under the hour of vaginess.
No mess between them! Nine! Zhodnoi "Kohannya hatred"!
Well, abo troch on the remaining sides.

Demon - at the sight of a man, rokiv thirty, no less. Come on, be tall and hard, great in stature.
The girl is 16 years old, a garnet, a modest and innocent girl, like a reddish woman to shake a man's torso ("unclaimed unemployed").

I would end up like this: Erase my memory (include new deacons (tobto, that she’s already a mother - she remembers)) and out, with a child in her arms, stand in the middle of the street. *All the same, the demon doesn’t need anything, but the child has already grown up, so that we can take your child later, so that you won’t see ff*
Ale, mind you, your option is me tezh buv bi tsikavim.

* Immortal in that plan, scho will not die a natural death.

As if you were becoming an incomparable mood, you succumbed to the marvelous stature, or an unreasonable sight, you can send us your story and it will be published on our website. .

Incubus at Serednyovichchi - a demon, otherwise sinful angel, which is preferred by sleeping women. The word itself resembles the Latin "incubari" - "lie down to the beast." Incubi є zhіnkam uvі snі ta zamayutsya with them sex, after what tih іnоdі narodzhuyutsya children.


In the Middle Ages, the problem of incubation became relevant, that in 1484, Pope Innokenty VIII saw a special bull, in which there were vkazivkas, as if they were being protected from an evil demon. The incubi were especially trained for the blueberries. Hundreds of recluses women's monasteries narodzhuvali in them.

They did not commemorate incubi and laywomen. If you want to, let's go, the women asked for a call for help, only at the last vіdchau, if nothing else could tell the truth about the ignorance of the woman.

In the early Middle Ages, incubators were described as vile, humpbacked dwarfs. It was important that the people in their children were so conducive to that hunchback. Quite often, all those who are unmoved by the physical spirits have been deafened by the people of many legitimate people, as if they were incubi.

Starting from the 17th century, the incubi appeared to the women as red-faced men. It was also recorded that if you knew people, you died at that hour. Often incubi were the image of the dead people.

Information about the conception of incubators can be called guesswork. But it's not all that simple. In the midst of love intimacy, uve dreams that have ended in vagity, are trapping true riddles.

Incident mystical and legal

In 1698 Professor Johann Klein from the University of Rostock in Niemchyn described the fall of the 32-river Mary de Mondelon. This honorable lady has filed the seat of Grenoble before the court in order to confirm her minor son's rights in the recession.

The piquancy of the situation seemed to lie in the fact that the son could not have been born in a moment as a man, Count Jerome Auguste de Mondelon. The count died in America for a couple of years before the baby was born. And then, the boy could not lay claim to yoga land that mine. Prote Maria swore that she conceived herself in the form of a man, who appeared in my dream. Court vіdhiliv її prohannya.

That same Countess insulted her at the Parliament of Grenoble. Midwives and midwives stood on the side of Mary, confirming that they were able to conceive more than once. Lawyers presented the old documents, that the people of the children at the black women at the women's monasteries, that became the last sight of the people in the dreams. Zreshtoy parliament, having listened to the prohan shanovo ї zhіnki, yak drank in a stubble camp.

The whole story about the “beginning of a dream” looks like a curiosity. Ale, after an hour, suddenly began to rush, that the boy, virostayuchi, more and more like the late Count Jerome. Krіm zovnіshnyoї podіbnosti, the young man had a lot of gestures and zvichki, which is impossible to learn. Friends of the count said that they should win the voice of the deceased.

Professor Klein wrote that, having learned about everything, the old-timers and butler Jerome arrived in Grenoble. The stench was hostile, slapped the young man, and noticed that Jerome de Mondelon was vil. The mystery of the trip of the Countess's son was left unrevealed.

Potoybіchchi daily building for everything

No less mysterious-looking vipadok, which became like the 1980s in Moscow. On October 20, Olzya L., doctors diagnosed hypoplasia, or, as people say, “a child's uterus”. For such a diagnosis with dreams about children, one must say goodbye. As Olga’s relatives told, after that, she predicted the whole night. Depression has been three months. Olga cried for days and nights without interruption.

Nareshti in one of the nights, if she is strong, she fell asleep, dreaming of a man. Vіn repenting at his vchinku, vybachavsya, but more than the head - having entered into intimacy with her, like, for the woman's knowledge, she was neimovіrno gurgling. Saying goodbye to her, whispering: "We will have a son" - and sign.

Two months later, the woman came to the gynecologist, who diagnosed her with an eight-year pregnancy. How it happened - nothing could be said in a moment. And even though Olzya was diagnosed with not one doctor, but a sprat, and in various clinics, as if she had gone around in hope, that, perhaps, doctors will have mercy ...

It was later known that women with such a diagnosis are still people, but there are rare fluctuations. In Russia, before Olga, there was only one such drop. Vіn becoming 1910 rock, also in Moscow. Truthfully, between both episodes, there is a difference between the two episodes: this woman had a strong closeness. And Olga, go out, gave birth to the primari ...

Reaction її big man on the way down that distance, the share of Olga herself is unknown to us.

Conception from the incubus brought scientifically

There is no sense to be aware of the “beginning of a dream” in healthy women, information about how to appear in the light of the ZMI. There is still a great possibility of deception. To that, we can look at one more medical-looking episode, which is similar to Olga L.

It was 1972 fate in California, USA, with Teresa Rosaliya F. In 24 years, the diagnosis was not less serious, but Olga: obstruction fallopian tubes. The diagnosis meant the impossibility of people. Before that, Teresa lived for five years in a house with a man who was 16 years older than her. Tereza had a weekend, after which she suffered a fuse of illness, the result of which was the obstruction of pipes. The next thing, consciously, did not zavagіtnіla.

If the doctors voiced the diagnosis, the person left її. For two years, depression did not let the woman in. Let's sweat one of the leaf-falling nights, becoming a vapadok, it's not good for anyone to believe. Teresa dreamed of being Michael, “with whom she had a long time ago, back in school, a love affair. They didn’t get to right closeness, but young people stalked to the death of a lad in a road accident. Vin crashed on his motorcycle.

Michael bov Teresa uve dream of chotiri razi, and schorazu їhnі zustrіchі ended in closeness. At the fourth, I will leave my paraphia of wines mysteriously saying that soon the stench will come back forever ...

On those nights in Tereza’s booth, they were afraid of a weak pivtergeisnі show: at the empty corridor there were crocks, rippled doors, the sounds of furniture lulled, sho poking around. After the fourth night, everything stuck. Nezabar Teresa realized that she was pregnant. Doctors were more than happy and propagandized for her to have an abortion, stverzhuyuchi, that such minds still couldn’t get ahead. Teresa was categorically encouraged. The canopies went very hard and ended in the death of the woman. The child was born dead.

More nizh after 25 years of explaining the mystery of the mysterious nagod by trying to know Dr. S. Lenikhen. Vіn scurried away at the hospital, where Teresa lay and vibrated її roztin, spared parts of the її uterus and fetus.

It was left to know the genetic material of Michael. Lenikhen was planning to take the material from his close relatives on the back, but, it turns out, this lad took away his crooked shirt. A genetic examination showed that the father of the child Terezi z ymovіrnіstyu 98% of Michael ...

Nutrition history

Abissinci toss out an order: “If a woman sleeps alone, the devil thinks about her.” What do you think yourself, about those prikazka zamovchuu. If you don’t want to have seven p’yads at your forehead, in order to guess ... Nabagato tsіkavіshe, that the devil sometimes thinks, but dіє. I milk away. According to the French clergyman J. Delasse, in Paris alone, for example, the last century, there were a few women's clubs, and for some of the only occupations of amateurs, there were calls of demons-cochants.

Ale, the specter began to appear richly earlier. On the cob of another thousand ninth era in Western Europe, an unprecedented in the history of the “epidemic” of the department was born. There was a boulder on the floor of the mighty, that in 1229 the Pope of Rome Gregory IX was afraid to send inquisitorial judges. To the same state of the stosunki with evil spirits, they were victorious and classified.

Vіdmoy (abo vіdmak) such a person was respected, as if she came to please that practical woman with evil spirits. In some cases, the blues included a telesny link.

The middle church demonologists developed a special terminology: the demons, who were women at the sight of a man, were called incubi, and the demons, who saw men, were called succubi. Intimate closeness with simi istotami at vіd, behind the words of inquisitor-dominikants J. Sprenger and G.Instіtoris, it was like this:

“Demon-incubus for the witches, for sure, mabut, the shards of the legacy laid down between them by the agreement youmu do not need to approach her invisible. When it comes to resting, it is often richly hto bachiv, as if they were lying on their backs, bare below the navel, and, having put their feet in a state of indecent stance, they collapsed with quilts and homils, even as demons-Inkubi were invisible to the restless, zowsіm black steam, but it was rarely tangled ... "

From the supply of vidyom or from the will of the will of the harlots can attack wonderful people, yakі never engaged in chaklunstvo. Sometimes, with the help of the stink method, they settle into someone, and then they terrify the obsessed and commit violence.

But more often than not, incubi and succubi live without intermediaries. One of the signs of the attack of the incubus is zanurennya at the mіtsny dream of uѕіh mozhlivih svіdkіv nearby. Until then, the Incubi-Kvaltivniki mayzha never show their looks. I timidly wisely, but look at it ugly. Buvay, after the nightly piercing with a similar “visitor” on the body of a woman, red traces are left behind, like after a light opium, which guess after the shape of the hand, cat’s or dog’s paws and the sight - letters and numbers.

The nature of incubi and succubi

Who stink like that, Volodar of unfettered love? To give the most important explanation, as always, to the ubiquitous psychiatrists: ce, speaking, a special form of self-hypnosis, if a person cannot perceive the moment of transition of light into a trance state. Tsіkavo, scho you yourself psychiatrists, if these patients of their “superfluous” seem to be trying to explain with hypnosis, make a diagnosis: Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome, and seemingly simpler - madder.

The church professors vvazhayut that tse bіsi are messengers of the devil. Itself in such a way to stench destroy people's souls, to lead them to eternal death. But who is such a devil? An evil spirit - the church is victorious. And what is spirit? In every religion, there is no such thing as a signification - a signification of your daily existence, but not a description of authority.

Still, the hypothesis about the foundation of a special, non-material world seems to be the most imaginative. There is not much space for that hour - our understanding of these categories. But it’s not turned off that that world is mingled with what is equal to our world, and that it gives the opportunity to the “toybіch” bagmen to continue our life and ourselves.

Insanely, it’s important to call dії іnkubіv and sukubіv and vzagalі unclean forces importantly, shards of stink ogidnі and yell almost ogidi. Ale, looking at ourselves: who can guarantee that mice and rabbits will be happy, if we carry out vivisection on them?

What can people see as an incubus?

If it is worth the vacancy, then after the success with the incubus, it is most often pardoned. Tue, and the help of the whole community. True, as a poltergeist can move various objects, speeches, among those native, which is not allowed, that the incubus is so self-created mode of transportation human being. And even though medicine is not the first practice, it is not practiced piece by piece, if it is not for the strength of the essence, how I will change by many orders of magnitude for my ability to be a doctor? Vidpovidi, how to get away, take revenge on the food itself.

Children, the people of incubi, for the old hours, all those were respected, as if they were small atavisms. Before us, there have been some fantastic recollections about the unfamiliar-drinking with a sheep's head or, let's say, goat's feet. It was also important that the demons' touches could be a mother and a normal human appearance. Ale, all the same, I want to see the great children of their obov'yazkovo vіdrіznyaє: or it's too late great vaga, but neimovirny appetite, which does not lead, however, to obesity.

Current marriages between incubi and succubi

Similar to this day. Yak, for example, from I.R. from V'yatka.

“Everything started at 1986 roci,” she said to her sheet. - We sleep with a man. More precisely, sleep, and I can smell some noise on my side. Then, with me, I begin to speak a human voice, who wants to stroke me, with my hands, kiss and start making a sound with me, like a man with a woman. And why is it wondrous for me to shy away: my hands and feet don’t listen to me, why am I all stoned. I only have my mind to strike against violence.

I wrote so many times. Sometimes I went into yogo drive away, sometimes vin opanovuvav me. Then I physically felt Yogo stronger, springier body. Vіn appearing to me garni, and one time I asked Yogo's thoughts: "Show me your appearance." І scho I patted! Such a virodok - all covered with thorns, the muzzle is on fire, the eyes are burning. For the first time, on my body, they often began to appear under the wounds with patches, similar to the rose-piated penny, but the stench rose sharply. And if I was vaccinated, I said that I didn’t drink wine anymore. And wink how to growl: "Do not be fooled, the child was conceived not from a man, but from me." I’m afraid to tell my husband about myself, but I don’t know what to do…”

Fortunately, I.R. appeared marnimi. After a sprat of months, she again sent a sheet, in which she reassured that the child was born absolutely normal, without any respite. At the same time, youmu pishov is already nine years old, he already looks like a father (person I.R.). Yak and all cottons, beshketny, ale to get decently. Nighttime vіdvіduvach іnоdі still vіdvіduє І.Р.

Well, it couldn’t have been otherwise: the side suffered until the end of the day was not small and the contract with an unclean spirit did not fit. In such moods, an incubus cannot exercise undivided dominion over his offspring, and it is simply impossible to spend money on the costly life for spiritual life.

Ale varto Zhіntsi allow even an insignificant compromise, and everything can turn out differently, as it happened with N.B. from Ufi:

“I'm twenty-three years old... I never got involved in spiritualism, and then my sister got in at Rizdvo. Among others, the spirit of my kohanoi people called out, as if for an hour she had laid her hands on herself ... I began to cry, and then I repeatedly spoke to him on my own, if no one was at home, vicorous magical pendulum and alphabet.

For example, a fierce aftermath of a chergo session, the spirit did not pishov, like a dream, but succumbed to me. There was a clatter at the head, then a voice appeared, starting to speak to me. The voice is alien, not the same as that of my kohan.

At once I will understand that before me I was attached to this bis, but I didn’t see whom I didn’t. Bis, having begun to mumble me to sleep. If I kicked in my lap and flattened my eyes, entreating me, “painting” receiving erotic pictures, and sometimes glaring with terrible peaks. I succumbed to yogo calm...

As if I realized what I was interested in. Do not respect me for being abnormal, but for the rest of the second half of my life, before that, I had no intimate closeness with people ... From here it started to me, I got stuck in a story.

Bis became me at all opіkuvatisya, and I more and more often thought about abortion. Alemen didn’t want to be a kid. And then I thanked God: as if the message of messages to me with evil spirits, let me have a weekend.

Surprisingly, but in a year the first visions appeared in me, and until the end of the coming day everything turned out as I asked ... "

Spiritism, as if it were another method of calling spirits, is the very chaklun procedure. Before that, this woman, without knowing it herself, entered into the favor of one of the demons: she gave it to you in exchange for the satisfaction of the vlasnoi tsikavosti, or to inspire the satisfaction. Although, judging by the numerous descriptions, the satisfaction with such sex is even more doubtful: the replacement of them is often more often felt by women, the shards of the state organ of the incubus are more hard (like steel), warm (like lower) and cold (like ice "), and sometimes on to the new growth of the “rіzhki”.

As it was already said, the demons of love did not remember the strong half of the people. It's true, all demonologists are one-family reconciled, that succubus times are ten less, lower incubi. Mozhlivo, tse th so; succubat trappings diyno more quickly. It used to happen to us that the succubus maw saw the appearance of a woman. In the rest of the hour more and more invisibility develops. Axis of sketches from a sheet of one Moscow artist:

“All the divinities of strength I watch at night time. I lie down to sleep exactly about the 23rd year. Ale right there, hvilin for five to ten, I start to feel lighter, but more often I bruvannya, three minutes of my bed. Sweat, as soon as I see it, I feel under the carpet and mute springs around my body. Kovdra is making a parity over me ... Tse is a friend, named, and perhaps, a squad (I live alone), secretly, more tinted in my feelings and bajannyah, today, without delay, about the 23rd year. hvilin to me for a pat. Vaughn at once, nibi got bored at the sight of the day's separation, began to pester me with light, stubborn dots. For a long time now, there has been no feeling of fear - caresses, it sounded like “sweets”, but all the same, it’s fluid, unacceptable. But the best for me are those who, after all the affectionate dots, I begin to indulge in by pouring into the state center ... I by no means allow myself to bring myself to a climax - I sharply throw off the carpet and immediately cry out: "Don't chip!". Everything is fixed, but about a year later it starts again. And so once three-chotiri for nothing to be brought up to take up that sword for a shield ... "

The axis of the sprat of current experiences, told by the ufologist from Volzhsky G. Belimov:

“After the publication in the light of my book “On the call - inshi worlds”, in which report it was reported about non-primary contacts, among them the articles that were with Tetyana Anatolyivna V. daughter, which is happening like a story. Daughters at that hour were 34 years old, on the rahunka chotiri not far away, є syn 13 years, but life does not add up to a wild special life. Mother vvazhaє, scho tse through іstotu, yak do not flood the donka like a sexual partner. From that hour, by stretching for a few years, I'm going to change course with Rimma - so we call this young woman.

It was clear that Rimma had noticed a third-party presence at the 17th century, unhappily after that, as she began to chat with the people. Vaughn bula and dosіshaetsya to dosit tsіkavoi and communicable woman, and to be like people.

Ale, I’ll first note that Rimma from childish fates is small as a special quality: she often flew out of satisfaction in dreams. Moreover, the sleep-polyots were rіznomanіtnymi, at times near the familiar unknown places, mute on the other planet, and most of all over the expanses of water. Quite often weeds were provoked by epaulettes, that they were overblown - they were out yakikhos terrible things, And then it was already flying. Nightmares were repeated frequently. But the flooring itself was like flooring, which I wanted to cry in happiness.

Another peculiarity was those who sometimes in their dreams drank away ... well, let's say, at the potibichchya. Bachila most importantly, her grandmother died and her other relatives, but not only. Varto was here for someone to die, and who died in an instant will appear in your dreams. So before her were Viktor Tsoi, Talkov, Visotsky, the death of naming її girlfriends and other people, for an hour if you don’t see her. From the dead grandmother Rimma often copulates. She opens with her, showing her budinok, a two-topped cottage, garni of wood in order. As if she flew past and bachila, that the grandmother dances near her garden and sings songs. Tobto there she is very happy.

About sexual contacts with foreigners, Rimma speaks like this:

When Htos comes, she gets chills down her back and goosebumps. She looks at the crooks; Hot bi yak yonder lay, Htos zabiraetsya zі back, yogo yogo not bachit. In the moment, she has an apprehension, you can’t, let’s say, turn over from your stomach, marvel at the new one. It seems that only once did she think to overcome fear in herself and look around, if she came out of the bed. I worked up the white substance, I look like a human silhouette. Everything is invisible, but the eyes are even more beautiful, they are great.

As if I shook my hand, if I put the wine in front of me, - she guessed. - Zvichayna human hand, well, you can see a sparse hair, the hand is cold. I tried to turn around, pressing the ale vin on my shoulder, not letting me marvel. And I took my hand."

The statutory act is carried out only at the position of the back. Vіdchuvaє vaghu like a normal great person. On the admission of the one who dreams, and there is little physical presence, Rimma actively shuts up, shards of all the accompanying sounds - the creak of a lie, the gasp, the noise - everything is taken away. Ale for cholovіkiv such zustrіch was not expected. The sound of stota came, if the person was early-vrantsі ishov to work, and he needed to get up early. The statutory act ended in an orgasm, and Rimma remembered that the orgasm came on, she regulates herself and does yoga, if you want: either not at a time, or lingering at the hour. Nemov is the only one who knows your physiology.

Rimma firmly declares that she takes satisfaction from other beings much more beautifully and more beautifully, lower from earthly people. Wanting to see the earthly ones are not disturbed and shkoduє, її slubi chi zalitsyannya fall apart.

You know that the first schlub broke up not through the link with the lane. And the offensive - so, perhaps, to that: she felt discomfort, dissatisfaction, if she mimicked her partners. It’s true, and the people didn’t tremble with a wondrous rank.

For example, in the course of time, the sprats of the zustres broke through those that with її partners were like a force majeure furnishing. Either they flew into hell with a robot, with a job, then they robbed an apartment in one, then they seriously fell ill, then they arrested that stosunkiv from the police. I'm drunk...

Histories were not repeated, and yet they did not seem to be vipadkovy. The stench with її mother went as healers and chaklunks, they sang at Rimmi “the crown of bezshlyubnosti”, they sang, what do you know, or they knew yoga, but without respect on the windows, Rimma, like before, is left alone.

Tsіkavo th those who in Rimmy's family will not live for a long time dogs, yakikh won to love to the gods. Mustaches perished for the occasional furnishing. And all then come to her in dreams. That’s why it’s important that dogs can also destroy their souls. And її falling in love with a puppy is not only a dream, but sometimes come to her at night and lie at her feet like a kick for life. You see the heaviness of the dog, it's crazy.

In the first dog, for no reason, the brushes began to crumble. Vіn was all cringing, not a moment of water. The other dog was blushing, but with a defect, he did not immediately appear at shows. Curse yourself, ale, judging by the fact that wines come from dreams, maybe, having died. The third dog, having consumed the car, is already grown up. Rimma does not rule out that the dog eliminates the truth of the inomira. Why? “Bachit, I’m shaking over the dog, I love yoga - oh, take yoga away.” Do not start dogs at once, sorry to the creatures.

Following the roses by me and my prohannya, Rimma tried to get away with the truth in verbal roses, although, as a rule, she did not go into it. If the wines were like a few wounds, they tumbled out like a mail. Thoughts were energized by “Are you coming again?” She repeated the two. Chula, like wine pіdіyshov to bed, taking a pіdlogi pіz іz juice, having finished її. Potim Viyshov. Vaughn chula stukіt plyashki, vranci bachila, scho vona sporozhnіla, krіz povіki bachila dark silhouette at the day of the kіmnati. It seems that youmu її cіkavіst not worthy.

I know the wines came to her only for a few days, to lay down on a light bed, but without entering into article contact. As if she sensed yoga quietly, hissing, instead, through the power of the word: “I am protecting you. It’s not for a long time.” Seeing what it’s protecting, and as if it’s not necessary to think, it’s like everything is already 19 years old, you can’t believe it. , kissing the ear, then there is no frostbite, for some hour you spend sensibility, although the body itself is not colder and does not call out any discomfort.

In my opinion, about the specific features of their contacts, I was wrong, the situation allowed me to talk about those “eyes in the eyes”.

For example, їй not to be separated, shards of childhood to sleep in one no shirt, and the vlіtku zagalі naked. Call to sleep on your stomach. Don’t be afraid to protect yourself, because you sing for the spiral, but yakbi zavagіtnіla, I would like to cheer, whom to give birth to in the name of tsієї іstoti, more “cіkavo”. The partner’s homeland is not familiar, although, perhaps, small sights are still there. It’s inspiring to talk about the materiality of the hand, I myself bachila, but I don’t know how much of the material is materialized. You can't turn around if you're out. It immediately takes away sleep. However, when you spend energy, you spend a lot. After the night, I get up weak, I didn’t hang out. problem " critical daysіstota razumіє, і do not come on the day. The frequency of contacts varies. Buy it once a month, and buy it once a day. Once, after that, as a godly brother stayed with her for a month, not coming for two or three months, and then we showed up, and all three dosi.

What a click, moving from the pivnoch, earlier my homeland lived, not vplinuv on their feet. The stench didn’t break, the stota didn’t appear anywhere, nibi suprovodzhuє її de zavgodno. Ale іnіtsiativa - come chi not come - just look like a new one. Її bajannya, zokrema and sexy, hardly afraid.

Rimmi was pleased to turn back to me by her mother, Galina Oleksiivna. Crim of bezshlyubnosti daughter її turbuє and її zdorov'ya. Rimma from a young age took off gastritis, which is a recurrence in Viraz. Є poboyuvannya, scho mozhe utvoritsya cancerous plumpness chi away pogreshennya zdorov'ya. I urged Rimmi to learn to take a course of liturgy with the Volgograd clergy, as they practice likuvannya according to the method of the academician of the Moscow Aviation Institute V.M. Privalovy (rehabilitation of post-contact situations). However, Rimma was moved for two reasons: she was not baptized and did not believe in God, and she did not want to be baptized for the sake of rejoicing. Another reason: you don’t want to interrupt the connection with the foreign land, the shards sounded, and I should have a sexual connection with him. Stink, for її words, beautifu and yaskravishі, nizh іz cholovіkami. There is no sign of contagion at the same time, but new sores showed a strong allergy. A possible reason is the waste of energy, but in principle, for our place of Great Chemistry, allergic disease is not surprising.

I, as before, am keeping abreast of the situation, in order to gain great information, let's say, having spoken for the woman's help, do not go out. Rimma is so unable to podolat zatsіpenіnnya, galmovanіst vіdnosinakh z him. Zvіdki іstota - zvіdki іstota, іnshoy, svіtu chi, let's say, z potojbіchchya - become overwhelmed with ignorance. However, at the link with її "astral roads", you can admit that її partner - istota z astral light, Yaky mi, doslidniki, we know more and more approximately.

From the archive of Valentin Golts, an expert of the Anomaly newspaper, I learned about a similar one-time incident with I am Galina Andriivna (according to the original recording - Galina Andriivna Borzova. - M. G.) from St. Petersburg. Behind her, a similar story was trapiled by the birch in 1982.

Vaughn told that she was visiting a friend, went to bed about another night. I threw myself at the wondrous sound, nibi skryly carried out chimos metalev. “Raptom vіdchula, - I quote, - that, starting from nothing, it began to sink down on me, pressing down. On the wall, on the aphids of the kilim, she bobbed, as if to know the fluff of the shadow, and on my back to lie to stand with a great head and a broad back. I raptom rozpochavsya act. Fear of my raptov is gone, now that you are robish, then be a caress ... It seemed to be miraculous. Already richer richer, lower from earthly cost. Let's sweat it out, that they wrapped me in warmth, bliss and caress. Then the darkness and the vaga became nibi viparovuvatisya, from the sides to the middle of the back. The skutistity of the shoulders, head, hands arose. No fear, no stinginess. I was strong on my bed, I deceived, thinking, I dreamed of me. Ale, it looked like it was real, it was not a dream. The girlfriend slept deeply, but did not collapse. I never had erotic dreams before. Then I opened up to my mother. Vaughn said that she was so young in her youth. (“Anomaly” No. 20, 1997)

Mi Bachimo, scho, not zmovlyayuchis, offended women to talk about the same considerations in contacts with unknown reasons. For other witnesses of the victims, an identical picture also emerges. As a reminder of old retellings, prayers for protection from sexual aggression of some spirits, descriptions of succubi and incubus, you can make a pleasant impression on the fact that representatives of this other world often worked and continued sexual contacts with the earth. The values ​​of human-likeness, better for everything, may be functionally close ways of reproduction of that sexual stature. Not being able to describe these things, I would like to state their presence, and also, I also state evidence about the presence of other worlds and other intelligent life.

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Stop talking about help
I remember that this woman (a friend of a friend) held my hands and shouted "marvel at my eyes" ... I cried, trimala її i could not let her in. First of all, we were tied, but we were one whole. My friend (the one who brought her) later told me that she was aware of everything and didn’t understand at that moment that she was being seen, and she didn’t get involved.
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May I wake up with sleep paralysis (old wind syndrome), I roll over at 3 a.m. One sees paralysis of the body and movement, hooting panic and zhah in the presence of someone sweating.
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