Portal "wonderful divієvo". Arzamas St. Mykolaiv women's monastery Arzamas women's monastery official

At the Church of the Epiphany at the bottom there was a likarny temple in honor of the icon Mother of God"Joy of all the mourners (with pennies)". I will name the temple of saving and saving all the joys that scrape away with sins. There is no more high service, lower to bear the joy of the mourners. Under mourning, they toil in the air, not only a sum of experiences, but also physical suffering in the form of ailments. It is not without reason that the church was named after this icon. The axis of the crisis was the cause of that suffering, like the light of the world, and brought joy in the air, the icon of the Mother of God "All the sorrowful joy." At the same time, someone knows two holy things of the monastery - the icon of the Mother of God “The Poryatunok for the suffering” and “Gidno є” (Rublen). Here, a pre-revolutionary shroud is saved, sewn with a silver thread

Do not change the flow of pilgrims, no matter how fateful. A living stream of stench flows down to the lower temple, de sisters give it a tour, tell about the history of miraculous icons. On the knees they sing an akathist in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Order for the suffering”, and with tears in their eyes, ask the Queen of Heaven for help. It is also reverent to pray before our miraculous icon "It is good". They are applied in the prayer passage to the icons of the Joy of Sorrowful Mouths, St. Mykola the Wonderworker, St. Sergius of Radonez and Seraphim of Sarov. Everything is quiet with the old-fashioned spirit of prayer. In 1994, the temple was turned into a monastery. Under the omophorion of the Mother of God, everything came to life. And now, like a terrible dream, the fates of unfortunate atheism have sunk into oblivion. First Orthodox, from the comforts of our indefatigable land, come here, before the holy month, pray and relax.

The Most Pure Diva is depicted on the icon in full size with outstretched hands. The Savior sits over Her in the darkness. On the sides of the image there are images of angels and those suffering. Behind the Mother of God are images of green woods. І neodminnі twelve coins. Behind orders, this image was nailed with whips to the mother of the merchants of Kurakin on the Neva. Over the years, the icon passed to the merchant Matveev, whose mother resembled the Kurakin family, who donated the Tikhvin chapel of the village of Klochki near St. Petersburg, which was located near the St. Petersburg glass factory. On this place for the image, a chapel was set up. On the 23rd lime, 1888, a terrible thunderstorm blew up, the sparkle hit the chapel, singed the inner walls of that icon, but did not hit the image of the Mother of God. The icon appeared in the wake of the blow, ale, the face of the Mother of God, which had long since darkened in the hour and the cold, brightened and changed. Twelve mid-day coins from a broken mug for alms showed up forever attached in different places to the image (on the lists with icons, the coins are depicted as farboi). The news about the miraculous preservation of the image spread throughout the capital, yoga chanting grew with the skin day, and the mercy of God glorified the icon with wondrous miracles.

First of all, which brought all-Russian popularity, on the 6th of March 1890, when the 14-year-old orphan Mykola Grachov was born from childhood, he was suffering from attack (having spent the year in the painting school of the Imperial Association of Mystical Hospitations). February 7, 1891 the 26th squad of the clerk from the Thornton factory, Vira Bilonogina, took off, as if she had lost her voice through a sore throat. From that hour, the sick and the suffering were rich, as they went to the Most Holy Lady with wide faith and fervent prayer, took healing before the Її holy rank. In 1898, a church was opened at the chapel of the chapel. All the mournful Joy and the imaginative Intercessor, and the greedy Life-giving, the wondrous Rest, Passion, what to scold, the ailing Vіdvіduvannya, the German Veils and Intercessor, the Wand of old age, the Mother of God Cherry, Ti Ti Prechista, rush, we pray, be saved by Your servant.

On one of the virgin rivers of the river Tesha, in 1552, Ivan the Terrible slaughtered the near-cordon town of Arzamas. In the last quarter of the 16th century, at the very center of the city, on the main Cathedral Square, another monastery (women) was erected, consecrations in the name of St. Nicholas, Miracle Worker of Mirliky.

Arzamasian Feofilakt Yakovlev appeared as the monk of the monastery. Having built a church in the name of St. Nicholas and the pribudovoi to a part of the holy bezsribniks Kosmis and Damian. At this temple, the hegumen of the Arzamas Transfiguration Monastery of the Arzamas, Sergius, donated a great carved image of the saint, who was famous for his numerous miracles and healing of the sick. Budіvelnik temple buv hangings on the priest and becoming serve in the parish of the church he called. The very hegumen Sergiy gave him a thought about the power of women's cloisters at the temple. That same father Theophylact for the needs of the future monastery, having created warmth for the wooden church in the name of the Epiphany of the Lord, the dzvinitsa of that cell for thirty sisters. So the first woman’s monastery in Arzamas was sown, as in the image of Mykoli the Wonderworker it became known as Mikilskaya - St. Nicholas New Forgiveness (simply means forgiveness, forgiveness in case of illness, and means in the form of sin).

Two for their history - in 1650 and 1726 pp. - vigoryav uschent monastery. For the first time, the widow of the father Theophylact Pelagia and the yogi son Gregory and Athanasius, was vindicated with a cat. Suddenly, the place, and at the same time the monastery, was devastated later, perhaps, the best for the whole hour was the foundation of Arzamas. Kam'yana Church of St. Mikoli the Wonderworker, vichikuvana after the first fire, collapsed in a strong fire. However, thanks to the efforts of the abbess, the sisters' incomprehensible labors, the donations of the inhabitants of the city, the Mikilsky girl's monastery was renewed anew.

In 1738, the monks in the monastery built a new cold stone church of St. Mykoli the Wonderworker. Vizerunkovy cornices and platbands of vikons, ganoks and a terrace from the pivden side made the facade of the temple especially shaky. The temple is famous for its miraculous acoustics. At the walls there were fluted voices, at the sight of gleks, as if they were immured in the future. This temple, as well as the wooden church in the name of the Epiphany, were built with the efforts and work of the abbess of the monastery of Mary (Gruzinki), as a cloister for 30 years (1719-1749).

In 1764, after the church reform, Mykolaiv girl's monastery became a full-time third-class monastery, with the salary of the 16 sisters.

From 1777 to 1784 Abbess Mary was the head of the monastery. In 1777, the wooden Church of the Epiphany was replaced with a stone one in 1777. In 1779, the fate of Mikilsky was embellished with a wooden sculptural group, which depicts the burial of the Savior. Її the author was talanovitiy Arzamas priest Vasil Ilyin. The moustache of the figures was virizan on the size of a person. The stench was a chotirokh evangelist, who stood white as a fool, in which the Savior lay, at his head stood an angel with a right candle and Josip of Arimathea, white nig - another angel and Nicodemus. Nearly weep - the Mother of God, crying, supported by the John the Theologian, and Mary Magdalene. That’s right, a glimpse of a different, unfinished church mysticism.

In the 19th century in Arzamas, handicrafts flourished. Close to 1840, a new industry appeared in the Mykolaiv Monastery: there they began to knit laces and chobitki with a variety of colors from the vyzerunkami at the sight of flowers and that leaf. Mustaches of Arzamas fashionistas wanted mothers so shockingly, the monastery was literally littered with charms and nevdovzі tse handicrafts were adopted by the mіska girls and women. In the 1860s, such laces were knitted at 10,000 and more pairs per river, whose goods were delivered to all cities of Russia. So Mykolaiv monastery gave the city a new promise and enriched the woman of Arzamas.

On April 5, 1886, Avraamy Nekrasov, the oldest archpriest of the Mykolaiv Monastery, the spiritual father of the Arzamas clergy, died at the age of 81. After the completion of the Nizhny Novgorod seminary, through schiness to a black life, Abraham was able to take black tonsure, but without taking the blessing on his face. In 1828, the roci vins became friends and of the same fate they were hanging from the priest. Serving at the Trinity Church in the village of Pavlovo, having changed for 25 years until 1853.

On the first fate of his priesthood, Father Abraham saw the Sarov monastery. Father Abraham, having learned from the illustrious old man Seraphim, was blessed and slept about his share. The great ascetic, having given Yom an acknowledgment and telling him that he would be victorious against schismatics, would be richly tolerant of attacks and untruths, and become a dean. Everything came to an end in its own time. Father Avraamіy vіv great listuvannya zі his spiritual children. Two of his most beloved spiritual children came to the Sarov Monastery, one of them eventually becoming the rector of the monastery.

Bishop of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas Yeremia, being himself a Suvorian, especially like Arzamas women's monasteries. Bazhayuschee more їх grandeur, vin transvіv іn thе best єрїїв єїї єрхії. From 1853 until his death, Father Abraham served and spiritually took care of the sisters of the Arzamas Mykolaiv Monastery, which became dear to him. Not being a Chance, Father Avraamіy looked at the meat. Allowing the old and sick sisters to live, I’ll live my life, I’ll take care of my land, taking their burdens for myself. Batiushka was more respectful to the sisters, bowing the snail around the cell at the skin, talking about the little girl, cheering them on and vtishyuchi. Liturgical services vizvzhdy zvzhyav reverently and not vapidly.

Batko Avraamiy reverently remembered the memory of Seraphim of Sarov, eagerly sharing his thoughts with his sisters about his sisters. On the eve of the day of the repose of the saint (15 Sichnya N.S.) serving according to the new panakhida, having bathed a faceless candle with a wet koshta, placing it in front of the mustache icons in the church and handing it out to everyone who prays. Like the greatest saints, having saved the cloak like the mantle of the reverend, the tooth, if it was beaten by the robbers, that they attacked him, and part of the head of the head of Father Seraphim. Having handed over all her sins ahead of her death to the blueberry Euphrosyne, as a year she became the abbess of the monastery.

The death of Father Abraham was easy and calm, such as happens only among the righteous - "negan and peaceful." It is possible that the cloister did not know any welds or welds, going to the main cathedral square of the city, taking on the austerity of the black life.

After 1928 the monastery was closed. The cells were handed over to the living quarters, and the church life gradually fell and collapsed.

In 1994, the turn of the monastery was turned to the Church, and for some, a blacker life began to grow. With great difficulties, the warm Epiphany Church, the cells for the sisters, was restored. Arzamas love their monastery, they are more than one, who at once inspire ten people here before the revolution. The monastery lives on in its labors, and to this it rejoices properly, supporting the help of the beneficent ones.

In 2001, 25 sisters lived in the monastery at the choir with Abbess George (Fedotova).

Special cloakroom Holy Mother of God carry on your Divіїvska cloister: I’m like a star of heaven and like a sand of the sea, I’ll multiply here the servants of the Lord God and Men, Everlasting, Mother of the Light, and the Son of My Jesus Christ the majestic,” - these were the words that the Queen of Heaven mother Oleksandra, the first founder of the monastery, felt. on all the pilgrims, the black women and novices of the monastery, who managed to pray here, waving their rich grace.

In our day, the prophecy of St. Seraphim about those who will rest in the Divєєvom yoga of St. power. A stream of pilgrims gravitate here from the whole world. Father Seraphim, saying to the Diviev sisters: “Go to the rope before me, and the more often, the better. will". Believing people, like in the past, take away from the relics of the Reverend I will help you with healing. At the Trinity Cathedral, the same deaks of speech are saved, which belonged to Batyusht Seraphim: a mantle, a natural spring cross, an epitrachil, shkiryan mittens, chereviks, a chavunka and others. The cauldrons are taken from the vіvtarі, from which Father Seraphim gave croutons. (You can bring your own crackers and ask them to bless them at the cauldron). The liturgy of the monastery saves the special status of St. Seraphim: for weeks the Paraklіsis (the canon of the Most Holy Theotokos in singsongs) is sung, the psalter is read non-stop at the Church of the Rise of Christ.

At the monastery, there is a sprat of dzherel, which has blessed the impersonal health. Jerela of the Kazan and Iversk Icons of the Mother of God, Jerelo of Mother Oleksandri. Particularly loved by pilgrims was Father Seraphim, roztashovane in the malovnichiy mіstsevostі in the Sarov forest, not far from the city, where the reverend is alive and praying. At the monastery hoard, pilgrims see the graves of schema-monk Oleksandra the first founder of the monastery, schema-monk Martha, Deer and Mikhail Manturov, Mikoli Motovilov, Blessed Pelagia, Natalia and Pasha of Sarov; Abbess Mary Ushakov. We are getting ready and proceeding to the Sacraments of Holy Communion. Today, the pilgrims at once from the sisters of the monastery pass through the Horseradish passage Kanavka. On the rest of the day, pilgrims see Mykilsky woman's monastery that Cathedral of m. Arzamas. Among them is the grandiose Resurrection Cathedral - a monument to honor the victory over Napoleon, a masterpiece of Russian architecture of the 19th century. NOTE: Sisters! For bathing at the dzhereli prp. Seraphim take a shirt.

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