Who is this yangol? Who is the guarding angel, the angel of death, the angel of darkness? Like an angel. Mova angelіv. Who are the guardian angels If a guardian angel appears at the wrong person

There are moments in life for a skin person, if she is overwhelmed with problems that have piled on her, and it’s safe that there is no one who can help, and then it’s tight and you try to fill the soul, and life takes every sense. However, people, like to believe in the foundation of the greater powers and God, know that none of the people are ever left alone, even if the order with the skin is a guarding angel - a bodyless reality, like helping people, protecting you, you can do it, instructing the truth way.

Faith in guardian angels is powerful for Christians, Muslims, and adherents of Judaism and Hinduism, and people who follow low other religions - it can be said that the presence of "personal angels" in people is known to be greater. Undoubtedly, having named the description of the guardian angels in different religions, the prote adherents of all faiths converge on the fact that the main recognition of the invisible treasure of a person is in order to protect this misfortune and help to make the right choice.

Guardian angels in our lives

Skeptics of that atheism are implied that they do not have supernatural forces, and the angels of the saviors are only the fantasy of believing people, prote in the life of a practically skinny person, they were depressed, yak smoothly explain from the point of view of logic. All people know such an understanding, like intuition, rehearing, like zmushu zrobit sing vibir, diyu or at the rest of the moment accepted decision, and in the end it turns out that short version. It is possible for those that we call intuїtsієyu, and they are the hints of the guarding angel, which is in order to save the pidzahis and help, giving you the knowledge of that.

In the life of more people, although there were times when there were lapses, they seemed to be virish - the keys, or the documents that were ruined, the search for them took an hour and the person did not catch on the fly, having recognized the accident; the car engine stalled, why did the car crash disappear into the distance; appearing at the right time close people or people who can give the necessary help and help. Also, there is an invisible connection between close people (most often - between a mother and a child), zavdyaky people can see that misfortune has happened to their relatives, or they need help. Believing people are aware that everything is the work of angels of protection, as they protect their children and their relatives from misfortune.

If a person has guardian angels

Regardless of the thought of some especially fanatical followers of those other religions, they respect that the guardian angels were given less stink and they are brothers for faith, more for everything, not so. As one great thinker said, "religions are different, and God is one for all," and it is possible, in mauration, even if all the keys of the dogma have the rules for believers to converge. To that, as guardian angels know, then in a skin person it is independent of її religion, nationality, that adventure is its own guardian, or a sprig of angels of savings.

I believe people are aware that a guardian angel is given to a skin person at the time of birth, or in early childhood, but when you don’t need to be guarded not only by a special guardian, but also by a guardian angel of your mother. An angel follows a person all his life, helping the world of opportunities to help him, and protecting him from misfortune. Significantly, the number of people in the people of angels-protectors is one chi chilka, none of the people can definitely, prote a lot of psychics and religious people are uplifted, that the number of savings in that їx power of the hall to live in that, like the life of a person - zgіdno one there are more good and savings, and the axis of evil and mundane nature can rarely provide more, less for one angel.

If you believe the priests, then the power of the angel saves that building of yogo to help his child lie down in the faith of the people in that way of life. In rich religions, there are prayers to the guardian angel, as it is necessary to pray, to ask Yogo for help, or to help out for support. It is important that you still believe in the savings and do not forget to do good deeds for all the good that has happened, then you can do more to help your pidopichny. Also, remember that angels are a creation of light and goodness, do evil to that, dashing, and negative emotions destroy the people’s tongue with її savings, and the one who lives by the law, morality and a healthy mind , risky surplus without zakhistu.

Vіdpovisti on nutrition about those, skіlki in people of angels-protectors, and ministers of the church, and people, like cultivating extrasensory perception and esotericism, swear for no more than a century, but thoughts diverge, and there are no obvious reasons. Tim is no less, he develops three main theories, calling to "spoil" the angels-protectors people:

1. The skin of a person can only have one guardian angel given to you by the people . The adherents of this theory are aware that it is not the number of essences that is important, that they protect a person, but their strength, that they do not care about those who all have one guardian, some people have strong angels, and the deacons do not smell the prompts of their guardians. The power of an angel is a saver and it is possible to help you to lie down in the middle of a person’s life, її thoughts, namіrіv and vchinkіv, the more good we do people and who will be brighter, our angel will become stronger.

2. Those who are like people in the angels of savings, lie down in the form of recognition on the earth . This theory is based on the fact that the skin people on earth have their own recognition, like they can vikonati, that guardian angels are helpers on this path. For those who are more importantly recognized by these people for the whole world, more savings are given to them. Adherents of this theory vvazhayut that in all people, fallow in the crossed path, maybe from 1 to ten thousand angels-protectors.

3. The guardian angels themselves choose their own children, and by prolonging the life of a person, they can know how many angels, and employ the guardians. Adherents of the theory of vpevneni that angels protect and protect good people and do not want to mother, do it; To that, those who are angels of savings in people, to lie only in their way of life, and for the mother of invisible defenders, it is necessary to do good.

My friends! Guests of our site! Today I want to talk to you about Guardian Angels. This topic is serious and there is a lot of information about it. One has to say that one is collaborating with the Angels, one can affirm that the Angels can give any information, but practically everything is instilled, that the skin of a person can have his Guardian Angel. Kozhen! I won’t talk about it, but I’ll bring it up, no, I’ll just share with you Helpful information in hope that it will make you think, and in a different way, put yourself before your Guardian Angel. I repeat, I give the Truth, and the axis of faith in it is nothing, it is not worth it especially for you.

“SELECTING ANGELS – Vikonavcha Power of the Lord! Tse tі Forces, yak_ descended to the Earth in order that the skin of a person was stolen, that the skin of a person knew that the Guardian Angel was with his power. GUARDIAN ANGEL - tse God of Nagorod! The Guardian ANGEL is that Divine Part, as if descending to Earth from the Subtle World, as an invisible human being, so that she would not win over the Guardian Angel in her coy purposes. Vіn hijackings by the Lord, and vikonuvatim all tasks, as if to put before him, we will retry the Lord. The Guardian Angel knows how to protect people on the Earth,” - this is how the Lord Maitreya speaks about the Guardian Angels in the book “Call of the Light”. Reading these rows, a thought appears involuntarily, like God of Nagorod, then why do we deserve it, here on Earth, mother bіla herself tsyu God Chastka?

Angels-Okhorontsі - tse Energy of Light, Light, Goodness and Love, And they hope to have the right to steal the people, and they stink clearly at their work. Voni itself, because of the invisible Іstoti, the first to take on all the lives of hitting people, and Voni can pick up in seconds, regenerate and be prepared again to zahistu people. An angel should love his earthly owner - people and checks for himself and kindness, and love. And if it’s following you, then your Guardian Angel itself takes the first blow, and if you still survived, then the first words of vicariousness and heartfelt love are due to direct your Guardian Angel and the Lord.

Remember and know that as you have a guarding angel, then your energies are intertwined and that link is saved all your earthly life. While you are alive, your Guardian Angel lives with you, and if the hour comes, and you go to another world, then your Guardian Angel will deprive you and watch over your Light, Light of Light and Love. The skin Guardian Angel has its own development program, and the people are given the Guardian Angel the development of one's soul, one's spirit, so that people with a strong spirit are given a strong Guardian Angel. Vіn zavzhd richly strong for the people, we can say that Strength, Love, Kindness and Knowledge are not human. Aje tsi unearthly Fireflies here on Earth vykonuyu robot, yak not zmozhe vykonati zhodna human. These divine essences carry divine energies, with which the Lord has given them. And obviously, the stench could not possibly live on our land, as if it were not the will of the Lord.

The Lord of the Earth and Heaven, Lord Maitreya, says that “The Lord sends Angels-Okhorontsiv to the Earth in order to save the people of the people themselves. People have created a lot of negative things on the Earth, without understanding what can be done to them. Ale, the Lord Doskonaly, Vіn a lot of things, having transferred, having transferred, aje Yogo Oko not to sleep, but also, hurry up!

Mi, earthlings, owe to the Lord, that Vin gives us a Guardian Angel, a Pomіchnik and Zahisnik, and be unfailingly venerable to your special Angel. It is impossible for us, the people, to reveal, like a great robot, the Angels of the Earth will slay. Take care of your Angels-Okhorontsiv, love them, and do your best to bring you peace, peace and love, the very ones that your Angel needs. Don't impersonate your angels, and if you don't chase them, you don't mean that they are dumb.

And if a person in past lives lived behind the Laws of the Creator, and sang to be kind, honest, merciful, noble, then such a person, with a new people, takes away God’s Nagorod - Guardian Angel, . for the Commandments of Christ. And know how important it is to live in the presence of Naisvitlishim Іstots, who were people, as if they were overwhelmed with vices, rudeness, hatred, evil. Adzhe Guardian Angel - the flow of Love and Youmu easily breathes there, where Light and Love live. I same Vin, your Protector and Pomіchnik, report great forces to direct you on the right path. Vin herself can do everything possible and impossible, to instill in you kindness, peace, mercy, sympathy and love, but you still don’t want Yogo a little, you don’t want to think, you don’t want to get better, and it becomes more rude, greedy, zadrіsni, evil, and if you don’t recognize your vices, and you yourself go all the way to God, then your Guardian Angel will go to you, but I won’t go. Vіn vіdhodit killed, bachit, scho you yourself attracted a black angel to yourself. This is the angel of satisfaction, that the yogo sacrifice has gone to the filthy, and the vіn starts to improve all the yogo vadi and develop others. And I had a strong marvel at the Guardian Angels, for which people were moved. So, following your will, for your primhoy, help God. And how often I, looking at people, run behind my black angel's back, and the Light stands far away: turbulence, embarrassment, humiliation, with great pain in the soul. Just think about the words, I can’t marvel at such a thing without tears, but a person can live and be satisfied with life, as if it’s incomprehensible to knock yoga down. The smog of bad luck begins, as if you yourself have attracted to yourself, with your wandering thoughts, words, vchinki, and then say, "psuvannya." Like a psuvannya, like a psuet to yourself, not thinking about the legacy. Change for better, cleanse yourself, do not get angry, do not sin, but create Light, Warmth and Calm for yourself, and then your Guardian Angel will always be with you. It is even more important not to hurt Yomu more painfully, even Yomu and without bitterness to live on Earth.

Do you think why the Holy Angel is not black?

Here spratsovuє Law Cosmos. First, the will of the very person is free, її special choice. Another, do not ask, otzhe, do not demand. Third, you won't be nice by force.
I want to develop a myth about those who never make all people think of guardian angels.

You have already realized that Guardian Angel - tse God of the City, tse Divine Chastka, and it is not given to everyone just like that. Deserve the need of the human spirit, so that the Lord sent to the New Qiu the Light of Istot. When a child is born, a program for the Guardian Angel is already inscribed in the yoga aura, and if the child is born into the world, then the Angel’s sign flies over him, and if you read the program for yourself, it’s like there is, then one Angelіv, which will be all the life of a new one, but decide to fly to other children. But life on Earth becomes all important and important, and people, basically, downloaded from their own sins, and how often it is possible to bachiti at once, a child is born, and in yoga aura there is no program for the Angel, it means that without deserving the spirit of the human Zahisnik, not Varty Vіn the Helper of God. I start the growth of a child without God’s protection, and only for the fathers of that yoga to lie down, so that the Lord will give you an Angel chi wine and in your life not deserve such a reward. And as a child growing in God, in calm love, then the Lords of Heaven ask the Lord to send this child of the Guardian Angel, and the Lord help, often the Angel descends to such children at the hour of Baptism. I need the fathers to be more respectful to their child, to wiggle correctly, and to read life from pelyushok for the Commandments of Christ and pray for your child, so that you don’t be guilty of the one that the Holy Angel saw killed, but the black one will vihouvate your child. During my practice, in the rest of the hour, I do not often teach children, who have a guardian angel є z people, often they don’t have anyone, because a black angel stands behind the child’s back, the child’s shards are already uncovered. And as if the spirit of a child had not slain an Angel, I still don’t know why, then we hope to take away the Lord’s eyes, just shake the child like that, as if it were necessary, and pray for her in obedience, so that your child will forever be under the zahist of God and the zahist of the father.

For the well-being of our children to lie down in the sight of us grown up, but also themselves, and as a result, our children were protected and protected by the Light of the Strong Angels-Okhorontsy. The whole food of the troch is described in the book "Way to the Truth" in the section "The Soul of a Child", and the article will be supplemented.
I often tell people to take care of their Guardian Angel. Aje Win is happy there, where the world lives, calm, kindness and love. And the axis is screams, laika, mothers, zhorstok_st, hypocrisy, nonsense, zazdrіst, tsі vices, mute batog, b'yut Yogo commanding Soul. Believe me, people, it's TRUE! I ask everyone, be kind and calm, become clean and bright, and your Guardian Angel will always be with you. I add, not virte, that there is no Guardian Angel among a person with great wings. So, in Cosmos there is a majestic number of Angels and the most manipulative forms, and with wings like those, but in humans the Guardian Angel fills up the forms of humans, and still has inhuman strength, and turning to Dodom, Vin becomes a light frown.
I also want to tell everyone that they knew in the future. I asked the Teacher.

Angels mayut the right to speak for people?

І Lord me vіdpovіv: “Behind the Law, the Guardian Angels DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to speak with people, tell them, or else they can get ahead of them. I don’t have the right to tell people about living far away, people goiter to think and make decisions for themselves. The will of the people is free again, given to you by the Lord. If it is necessary, then I will allow the Angel to ask the Lord, so that he will speak with his master - a person, but for whom it is necessary, so that the person will hear the Truth, Divine hearing, but it is so rare. Children appear on the Earth at once, for up to three years they can bachiti and a little bit of their Guardian Angel, mate with Him, grati, and as a child vyhovuvatime in God, then splintering can continue, but, sorry, most of the time, you’ll get more sleepy three fates. Once again, I repeat, the Guardian Angels are forbidden to speak with people, but there are Cosmic beings, similar to angels, as they can communicate with people, but angels are not right anymore.
Axis bachite, Divine Angels do not have the right to speak with people, there is more to talk about, as you can see here they read that the Guardian Angels have spoken, then it’s such a strong nonsense, as it is given by a black angel, but not Light. Є anonymous books, for example, “Announcement of angels-protectors”, de nonsense encoded by the forces of five, and after reading these books, people may have problems with the psyche. I am speaking seriously, because We have had occasion to denounce people on the basis of such "blood blood".

Be respectful of everyone! Adzhe strength temryavi not sleep. It’s clear to know that the Cross of Fire is already walking on the Earth, then, the Lord viyshov choose his children, then, soon he will end. The axis of the stink and spread its tentacles, if you want more human souls, then be reasonable and respectful, people of our Earth!

And at the end, I will preach to you to read the thoughts of the Lord of the Earth and Heaven of the Beloved Lord Maitreya. “It’s a pity that the people fell, they didn’t win over the Lord, and they don’t carry those light, which is not enough to bear, if the Lord created people. The spiritual fall of the people, the laws of the Lord that have not been consecrated to them, caused it to the point that the ninth person does not merit those that the Lord has rewarded with a Guardian Angel. That’s why at the same time on Earth there is no skin for a person who can have a Guardian Angel, there are more than two Guardian Angels, as people themselves seem to say. A person is not able to care for her Angel, you cannot know that in the new one there is one, or, perhaps, two Guardian Angels. Rich visionaries and clairvoyants, as they call themselves stink, tell people what the Guardian Angel may be, what functions and tasks they have; but KNOW, people, they deceive you, and this nonsense will flatten your eyes, they won’t let people know about themselves those who are guilty of knowing. The skin of a person can be broken: why is it that the Lord has given him an ANGEL-ZBERINNIKOM? (From the book "Call of Light")
I thank all mothers of the Right, Light, Strong, Magnificent Guardian Angel, whom the Lord Himself has sent to you. Peace be with you people! Peace to your home! Light of our Earth!

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel, who gave me the Heavenly Father, I turn to You. My angel, take care of me in the mountains and in joy. Don’t leave me with the weight of my life, stretch out your merciful hand to me, help me fix all the life of testing, give me strength, exaltation and faith in the best, light, good.

My Guardian Angel, protect me from all evil, from misfortune and grief, from stealing that deceit, from that evil move. Guardian Angel, given to me by God, I ask You, help me to cleanse myself from the power of filthy thoughts and words, like not seeing God and straighten my life to Light, Love, goodness and light.

In the name of the Almighty God, in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask you, my angel, my guardian, do not leave me in my ailments, give me faith in healing, be me zahistom virnim and strong.
My angel protect! I am such a Tobe and I bow low to You for Your love before me. I am such a Heavenly Father, the Lord Almighty, who sent me to You as a protector and helper in my life. Glory to You, Lord! Glory! Glory to the Holy Spirit! Glory! In the Name of the Father, Sin, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother! Amen!

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for children

Guardian Angel, given by the Heavenly Father to my son (im'ya), I turn to You.
Guardian Angel, I ask you, take care of my son (im'ya) and in the mountains, and in joy. Don’t leave Yogo in the twisted mess of life, stretch out your merciful hand to him, help him to repair all the life of testing, give strength, inspiration and faith in the best, light, good.

Guardian Angel, given by the Lord Almighty, I ask You to protect my son (im'ya) from all evil, from misfortune and grief, from stealing that deceit, from psuvannya that evil move.

Guardian Angel, I ask You to help the sons (im'ya) to be cleansed from the power of filthy thoughts and words, from God, if not from God, and straighten the thoughts of yoga, dila yoga, and life of yoga to Light, Love, goodness and light.

In the name of God Almighty, in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask you, Angel of Protection, do not leave sin (im'ya) with yogo ailments, give him faith in healing, be strong and strong for him.
Guardian Angel, given by God to my sons, I am such a Tobe and I bow low to You for love and help Your. I am such a Heavenly Father, the Lord Almighty, who sent You, a defender and a helper, (im'ya) to my son. Glory to You, Lord! Glory! Glory to the Holy Spirit! Glory! In the Name of the Father, Sin, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother! Amen!


The guardian angel, or the heavenly patron, maє the skin of a person is not dependent on the nature of his life, the nature of his vchinkіv. Navitt zlochintsі chi neviruyuchi mayut intercessors. Sob zahisnik giving podtrimku, it is important not to let go of energy: virity and do not forget to help. How to recognize your intercessor, how to become a character, how to become a good person, how to live according to the laws of orderliness and honor.

Who are the guardian angels

The Bible says that one of the angelic manifestations is the turbot about people, the defenders of evil, the various attacks of that people. Patrons, like giving zakhist to a mortal, helping to recognize and viconate God's will, are called guardian angels. The word "angel" means "visnik" - the bearer of God's stars. Zgіdno s orthodox vіruvannyam, vіn maє skin people, but not dogma. It is divinely justified to say that God, in his judgment, gives such intercession, as people, the church, settlements, suspres and inspire the people's health can take away.

A lot of art works depict angels-protectors, like they can fly, and wings are needed by the vines in order to steal and protect their loved ones with them. For his sutty, the heavenly patron is in spirit, a good day, like a mind, a little, but not an earthly body. The defenders appear to be stateless and intelligible, anthropomorphic, great and small beings, as they can, on the indefinite term, acquire any kind of physical form.

The meaning of the life of a person

Navit people, as if they vvazhayut themselves absolutely indestructible, even if once in life, but stuck with the phenomena, as if not otherwise, like a diva, can not be called. Can you tell me how to be-chim: intuition, providence, luck, but the fact is obvious - you suggest, direct, give advance. There is a lot of praise, that the presence of a heavenly intercessor is the presence of a heavenly intercessor, to which the life of a mortal is significant.

The presence of the patron is shown differently. Most often, the messengers are found through intermediaries, like from the lives of close people, unknown, albeit pleasant to the point of opium. By the uninterrupted work of the heavenly intercessor, one can bring about the salvation of a mortal on the border and on the offensive. Repeated fluctuations, if for some kind of call you had to turn back home, and there an unswitched paraska appeared, and so on. Often people, who seem to be easy to come by, all come out, are called lucky ones - the whole “robot” of our heavenly zahisnik.

The vipads were trampled, if the creatures were attacking the people. Whoever shows up for them is rich, that the guardian angels move into them. Often, ZMI give information about those, like domestic creatures, literally zmushushuvali to visit the master from the house in front of the earth coward or other misfortunes, did not give a schoss, so that a person could not be naughty, smacked a sleeper, and waking up was a wake-up call. Everything should be mentioned about the “robot” of the savings.

How to recognize who is your guardian angel

The celestial is named after the date of birth, on the name, and the particularity of his character. In order to signify, as a gift or name of the Orthodox angel-protector for the date of the people, you need less numbers. The one who was born on the same day as a zahisnik, obov'yazkovo nabode similar character. Rosrakhunki vibrate awkwardly. Another number of dates for the people is signified by the specialness of the heavenly intercessor. For example, the date of birth on the 29th, later, the character of the defender will be confirmed by the number 9, on the 3rd - 3.

For the date of birth

0 - the character of the intercessor is fiery. Tse berigach of the greater equal, who follows his fire and water for his drink. Zahisnik is practically omnipotent, helping to keep life, from other inaccuracies to great problems, not throwing in important life situations. The mortal was spared, as if he were given the fate of an intercessor, who always hasten to help.

1 - saint. Tse strong zahisnik, which I hope to trust. The sanctity of an angel does not allow one to be deprived of the one who is opiated at the bidi. Okhorontsі often go to people with weak energy, which is more necessary for the defense of greater forces. A holy angel is easily outwitted. Tsim koristuyuyutsya evil forces and create you overshkodi, often difficult to overcome, but the saver miraculously copes with difficulties.

2 - light classical prototype of an angel with great white wings. From the people, the patron tries to reveal himself: in dreams, numerology, he can rearrange speeches at the booth, look at the mirror. To be aware of the presence, it is necessary more often to give respect to the invisible manifestations. It is important, as if an angel kissed a child in front of a people, on the body of a new one there will be birthmarks, a gusset.

3 - repeating sounds to yourself for help sounds, shurkhit. Nalyakatisya vsyogo not varto, to that in this way the saver gives himself to be revealed. Trapplyaetsya, scho povitryany patron zalivaetsya for a three-hour pose of respect for his pedo. To call Yogo back, it is necessary to read a prayer. When the guardian of the obov'yazkovo feels that she will turn back.

4 - wisdom. It’s important to listen to the joy of your intercessor. Dopomoga polagaє nadannі people or okremu representative of the right thoughts. The bulletin helps to develop the correct visnovok, to know the way to solve the problem. All, to whom the wise angel gives intercession, toil high reach, poking through the caravans. Such people are irritated by reason, smartness, stench of reason, building control and analyzing the situation.

5 - zahisnik metalevy. Tse does not mean that the sound is similar to a metal statue. On the right in yoga character and quiet, whom you protect. Visnik gives his respect to strong-willed, courageous people, like a steely character. Particularly high celestial tsіnuє viyav willpower. Dopomoga yogo buvaє physical and spiritual. The intercessor will help you to help in case of any inaccuracies. With his invisible sword, the visnik easily cuts all the membranes. Often people, under the protection of a metal defender, become military.

6 - the district zahisnik chi angel-choleric, spriyaet creative development, granting the camp of happiness, inspiration, dispelling the tightness of that depression. The celestial is willing to help people with a humanitarian mindset, creative professions, let's say, who, for his vows, is smart to change his mood. The heavenly intercessor is constantly trying to show you the right way out of the situation.

7 - an energetic celestial being active by his nature, love people and try with them in a constant relationship. characteristic of rice- vulnerability and timidity. It is even easier to form an intercessor, for which you can permanently deprive the accused. Sob not to waste ties, make contact with him, pray respectfully and ask for help. Todі vesnik postіyno pіdkazuvatime the right way.

8 - zahisnik chooses his pedigree not vipadkovo, їkh blood ultrasound. The intercessor is the spirit of a dead relative. The soul of the deceased guards the earthly rights of a mortal that is straight forward. Close acquaintance with opikuvanim helps to easily establish contact, merciful zahisnik, kind. Remembrance of the call to help him with prayers, in order to help the memory of the deceased.

9 - this is an angel with a warm character, who is ready to do good, to bring light. The conscience that is hotter than the heart of the guardian is the axis of the head of the special character. Tse always inspire people with optimism. Meta zahisnik - nasichuvati life of his opіkuvannogo happiness, harmony, love, light. Celestial for the joy of vikonu bazhannya at the day of the birth of that great church saints. shob home nest without extinguishing, you need prayers, podyaka.

By name

It is important that heavenly intercessors in the name of people are a myth. Є rich heavenly patrons, to which people can get help. This fact is communicated with various prayers, as if they were read in honor of the skin of them. Before the Holy One, in honor of whom the person at the christening is named, they turn especially often. Best lie. Prayer is immediately read to the angels, then to the Saint. You can not ask for help from them. For example, there are too many who go to the Holy Matrona, the Mother of God, Mykoli the Wonderworker.

Guardian angel on im'ya church calendarє in a skin mortal, in deyaks by a sprat. Tі, hto perebuvayut at a tight link from the defender, know im'ya okhorontsya. Tse gives people an overpoweringly strong zakhist. As if they are unknown, you can try to recognize them as a saver, but it will be unknown. Golovna - with your znevira you can’t portray a celestial. Buvayut vipadki, if visniki zamіst letters overpower the signs. To find out about the name, the symbols can be deciphered.

Є kіlka ways. For example:

  1. Mechanical sheet. It is necessary to prepare a pen and papier, try to go into a trance, call out the thoughts of the defender, power up your name, as if it were written with your own hand.
  2. Meditation. Bachenny can be clear. With a poor concentration of wines, it will form on impersonal third-party thoughts and give evidence only for a few days.
  3. The effective way is a real dream. Having called your saver from the glybin pіdsvіdomosti, you can ask for it. As important as it is, put food and thoughts before going to bed. The intercessor is guilty of nasnitsya that date vіdpovіd.

Vik ta become a heavenly patron

If it’s important to recognize the name of an angel, then it’s important to recognize it in a difficult time. For whom the date of birth is needed. It is important to know that the life of the saver does not change. For the appointment of the status of a celestial, the same date of birth is needed, vіku - the day of that month. For example, National Day: 07/29/1979. To calculate the time, it is necessary to add: 2+9+0+7=18. So, the intercessor is 18 years old, but it’s impossible to know how many hundreds of years old people have such a vіtsі. We look at the savings for eighteen years, with which the right century can become more than one century.

The sign of the sign is also marked by the way of summing up the numbers. Butt for price and date: 2+9+0+7+1+9+7+9=44. Write the following values ​​to a single digit: 4+4=8. Taking away the result is a guy's number, then, the intercessor is a man. If the meaning of the viide is unpaired, then the saver is a woman. As a result, according to the date of the people, it was appointed that the heavenly intercessor is the twelfth man.

Skіlki angelіv-okhorontsіv mozhe buti

More importantly, more than one patron has entrusted, but the average Christian can have up to 10 patrons. To lay everything down depends on how strongly a person believes, what a її riven of spirituality. There were fluctuations, if people were trusted over 10 zahisnikiv. St. Nicholas had 27. It is important that there are more patrons, they are a happy person.

The guardian angel appears after the birth of a skin child, at the hour of pregnancy, and after a gradual її additionally guarding the mother's intercessor. Like a mother, she was judged to die for a half hour, or a child of an nebazhan, before a little one, a defender would come at the sight of a conception. At the baptism of the skin lad of a girl, God assigns a patron, a leader of some kind - to protect the long life of the mustache and bring the person to the judgment of the Lord.

The Nevdakhs are the people who have been deprived of their defenses. Seems to be the case if people stop doing good work. To turn the guardian, we need to become reasonable, start living according to our conscience, do not sin, do not check like that podiaki, read the prayer-zvernennya in an obedient manner. Tse dopomozhe turn the angel that respect of the Almighty. Deyakі people turn chi zbіlshhuyt kіlkіst zberigachiv for additional magic. When bound in such a way, intercessors will be placed before the dark forces, if not otherwise unclean.

How to know about the presence of a guardian angel

Apparently, numbers play an important role in people's lives. So, the number 11 is connected with the appearances of defenders:

  1. Zahisnik come uvі snі.
  2. You can see the invisible color kuli.
  3. Seems like a rapt pahoshi.
  4. I knew a white pen.
  5. Bachennya do not move, as grown-ups they cannot bachiti.
  6. Darkness at the sight of angels.
  7. Angelic numbers in the masses: 11, 333 hours of other repetitions.
  8. The change in temperature is unreasonable.
  9. Slightly muffled voices.
  10. I feel that the invisible one entrusted it to dbaylivo podtrimuє, dbaє.
  11. Visible shaking in the makivtsi of the head.

Behind some shoulder

Food, de shodo camps human body to know the heavenly intercessors - for sure, calling out super girls. The most primitivnіsh variant - savers are right-handed, bіsi - left-handed. Such an image can be bachiti in the pictures: from the skin side, sit on the guard. The activity of defenders lie in their behavior. There is a thought that the celestials have no exact distribution, because everything is left to fall in the situation. The second version is that the intercessors are trying to change between those people who are not safe. It’s not without reason for adzhe to say to the people’s order-prohannya: “My Yangol, go with me, you are in front, and I am behind you.”

In the case of the skin, it is necessary to turn to the intercessor for help. Є іnshі signs, yakі zdatnі direct you. For example:

  1. The pen stopped writing at the hour of signing the contracts - they try to fool.
  2. Beautiful blizzards that flood at the host, one color - to the point of insecurity.
  3. Before the trip, the keys to the car fall - not a varto їhati.
  4. Documents fell before the nadkhodzhennyam pratsyuvati - difficult.
  5. Creatures nailed - a long-bearing zustrіch.
  6. The car burned with cold water - it’s better to be at home.
  7. The spider descended - important news.

Prayer is a tribute to the patron saint

The Orthodox Church is to read that the prayerful prayer until the angels may be a lie that evening, but everything should lie down in the middle of nowhere. Prayer to the guardian angel is read before the icons of the Saints. It is necessary to read short prayers in lieu, with specific prohannyam - before an important podієyu, podyakuvat - for example of the day. The power of the patron to lie without a break in the face of the new one. You can live, appreciate the feasibility of the heavenly defender by faith and vdyachnistyu youma.

The words short prayers sound like this: “Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and patron of my soul and body! Probache me everything, in which I have sinned this year, and let me go against any enemy that comes to my mind, so that I would not anger my God with any sin. Ale, pray for me, a sinful and unworthy slave, to present to me the goodness and mercy of the Holy Trinity and the Mother of the Lord my Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen."


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How to recognize your angel-protector for the date of birth that im'yam

The intercession of supranatural forces always made people cry. Nutrition about the immortality of the soul, about those who look like angels, like knowing about their guardian angel and enlisting his support, praised and continued to praise theologians and philosophers, young and old, highly illumined and the simplest believers. The parishioners of the temples offer prayers to the guardian angels and ask them for help, try to reach out and turn back to themselves. However, his guardian angel is at the skin of a person, as he does not see the church. More than that: angels help not only Christians, but also adherents of other religions. The foundation of angels in knowledge of Islam, Judaism and inspiring Roztafarianism. Similar to angels є і in rich other viruvannyah.

The guardian angel is given to the skin of the people, regardless of the confession, the nature of that behavior. Navitt from evildoers and atheists, guardian angels, and patrons are unfortunate and often powerless. In order not to let your angel-protector of energy, it is necessary to believe in the new one in the first line, and also regularly turn up to the new one and do not forget to sing. Everything is easy to viconate, as if you know your angel-protector on im'ya. For the blessing, you can call your guardian angel, talk to him, be glad that you just see Yogo Zakhist. Chantly, by stretching out your life, you repeatedly observed his presence - the time has come to know your angel-guardian!

Guardian angel - who is it? Is there a guardian angel now?
Call the angels-guardians to represent anthropomorphic, miniature or giants, which are sensible or incorporeal - but it cannot be significant and lie solely in the form of cultural evidence, fantasies and aesthetics likened to a believing person. In essence, the guarding angel is a spirit, a good day, endowed with reason and feelings, but relieved of the earthly body and fall into a physical form for the need for a term. As a rule, patron angels appear and depict crilatimi at the windows of mysticism: angels need wings, so that they litat and protect their children with them, protecting them from the evil spirits.

It is impossible to bring the reason of angels-protectors by scientific methods, but to make non-religious people know that at least once in life they felt like that, they stooped under the angel's wing of an angel. You can't help but feel the presence of the guardian angel:

  • Guess quietly, who positively vplyuv on your life. The guardian angels are often found indirectly, by the wrong hands. Most often, they rob their “intermediaries” of fathers, beloved people and close friends, or they can appear in the form of an unknown, but a person who is nice to you.
  • Perebuvannya on the border of the rizika and away, the miraculous ryatunok without intermediary pov'yazane with the "robot" of the guardian angel. Skin from us can guess similar furnishing: if you slept on a plane, which you had spent in an accident; if you walk through the street for two short steps you can see the fall of the burulka; if you raptly guessed about not vimknenu praska and turned back home, or simply managed to buy the rest of the ticket for the concert of the beloved group.
  • Guardian angels can move in people, and in creatures. ZMI periodically reports information about miraculous fluctuations, if the domestic gut or dog woke up the master and literally embarrassed him to deprive the booths in front of the earthworm, vibukh and other dashing. Set it up - nothing else, like a guardian angel's death.
  • Most of the time, the guarding angel does not shun the physical insufficiency and is overwhelmed by a phantom, which is invisibly present nearby and hopes to help at the right moment. This is especially important, if you feel a little selfishness, problems collapse one by one - and rapt, nachebto nіzvіdki, decisions come, things add up more beautifully and life gets better.
  • Today people spend faith in the guardian angels and replace them with the understanding of intuitions, pіdsvіdomosti and energy colivans. Behind the great rakhunok, there is no principled difference, as if calling the guardian angel yourself, as if helping you with yoga encouragement.
The only thing that can be said singsongly is those that the strength of the guardian angel is directly proportional to the strength of our faith in the new one. You can boost, train and appreciate the ability of your spiritual protector, as if to believe, volatilize thoughts and dyakuvati even more often.

Who is my guardian angel? How to recognize an angel-protector for the date of birth?
The guardian angel escorts the skin of a person with a long life, in view of the moment of nationality. The very date of the people helps to recognize more about your guardian angel, for example, to reveal your character, to become that age. Tse mozhe zdatisya troch wondrous, even the angels are helpless. Ale, Tim is not less, categories of vіku and statі їm pritamanni, so be close and sensible to your podopіchny. To determine the birth of your savings, add up all the numbers to set the date of your birth, and add the result to a single digit. For example, if you were born on April 30, 1986, then add 3 + 0 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 \u003d 34; 3+4=7. The number "7" is unpaired, otzhe, your yangol woman's status. Reading numbers mean angels in human status.

Now find out your individual number in the next list, so that you can find out more about your angel, touch yoga characteristic features and here are the steps:

  • 1 - The holy angel is respected by the most visible zahisnik, who comes to help even before he nourishes you.
  • 2 - Svіtly angel (because the angel of light), may sound z'appear in your dream. The angels of light rob their children of their birthmarks, mostly in disguise.
  • 3 - A reassuring angel, accompanying people who are smart before adventures and risks. Showing order, you often see your presence in the balls of krill.
  • 4 - A wise angel asks for his help for additional tips and top decisions that are positively signified on the intellect and car'er of people.
  • 5 - A metal angel bestows on a person the old fates of life. Otrimu especially pіdzhivlennya vіd sіz, to come to the rescue, if pіdopіchny cries.
  • 6 - Rainbow angel contacts people through creative energy, helping to reveal artistic vibes and / or an original look at the world.
  • 7 - Energetic angel - the most generous. You will need a steady podiaki, not to tolerate rude words and the lack of recognition of your merits.
  • 8 - A merciful angel, to the souls of dead ancestors, respectfully piss, but you will need to say something about the new one.
  • 9 - A warm angel provides for the sublime harmony with the light and the understanding of the essence of speeches. The very angels of Warmth are most often drawn in by the creatures.
To understand the nature of your guardian angel, to help him establish a closer and closer link with him, do not ignore these particularities. Krіm character, angels mаyut vik, which does not change, accept, for us, people. The age of their angel is recognized, reaching the people 4 (sacred number). For the people on the 30th, 30 + 4 = 34 fates. Now you know that your guardian angel is a woman of 34 years, and you can communicate and improve your communication more effectively.

How to plead your guardian angel?
For contact with us, that transmission of information by guardian angels victorious signs is the only way available to them, so that outsiders do not see themselves and do not draw their own pedigree. And we can ourselves, for our bazhann, make a call with our angel and turn to the sky, if we want. For whom it is necessary to work out a little:

  1. Choose an hour, if you can be alone with yourself (and your angel) in silence, and nothing can disturb the calm. Tse mozhe buti early morning on a sweatshirt, or at the same time, before going to bed
  2. Oblashtite if you want a small space for yourself for calm and comfort: put a harn and a comfortable pillow, light a candle or a small bed, listen to quiet music.
  3. Sit straight and straighten your back. You can put a pillow under your back or straighten your shoulders - focus on your own opinion, as if you are to blame. Don't squeeze your body, don't bend, don't slouch.
  4. Flatten your eyes and calmly, breathe deeply. Do not think about anything more specific, but instead of vain thoughts to reveal that your eyes are rooted to the ground, and how light you are in the shape of an egg from a golden syavi.
  5. Thoughts turn to your guardian angel and ask him to come to you in this beautiful and safe environment. The golden color is love for angels, to which your respect will sing well.
  6. If an angel appears as a guarantor, you see by an invisible soul, you see warmth and / or lightness - it’s individual. If you ask an angel to hit you and hug you with wings, hit you.
  7. Try to remember carefully, with a skin tissue of the body, pick up the dot of the guarding angel and do not forget about it, so that the will to force the will to renew it. Power up the angel, what is Yogo's name.
  8. Return to the angel on my name and thank you generously for those who are guilty of you and do not deprive you of the success of your life. As it is necessary, ask Yogo for help, share with him your dreams and goals.
  9. Do not humble the angel for a long time, to that, being rebuked by the world of people, it is able to see a great increase in energy. Say goodbye to the angel and ask her to turn to you more often.
  10. Stretch with your whole body and flatten your eyes. Take a look around - the light has been flooded with you by yourself, but knowledge has now settled in the middle of you, as if to allow you to know your guardian angel forever and ever, to go to the new one to help him.
Practice such wisdom with your saving angel on a regular basis, so that you don’t get in touch with him and make you understand each other. Now, if you could recognize your guardian angel, don't forget about it, let it energize. Then your union will become true mіtsnim and protect you from any kind of evil. Let your life trap yakomog more miracles and goodness!

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We, of one mind, richly and mi quickly grow up, we pray, we pray the saints, we prayerfully prohannya, we pray in our own time Corresponding information about the holy that orthodox podії... Subscribe. Angela Protection to you!

The Guardian Angels of the people are divine beings, like they are mediators between God and people. The stench is assigned to the All-Vishnish in the presence of the people of the people independently, in view of the fact that the person was christened. Without a doubt, the skin man stuck in his life with such a situation, if you succeed, no invisible force guards you from an unfortunate fall or from unacceptability. Nezalezhno vіri kozhen podіvaєєtsya, scho yogo protect a strong and naіyny invisible friend, to what extent you can turn away from prohanny about intercession.

It is necessary to signify that few people think about it, that the skin of a person today sticks with his guardian angel. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya, if vіn turns to his "inner self". It would not be necessary to take a decision, just to help the Guardian Angel in order.

The meaning of the Angel of Protection

As it was already guessing, the Guardian Angel of the skin people is present as a people. At the crossroads, the fathers try to buy their child's icon with their patron. For Orthodox believers, the Angels of the Protection are even more important. Adzhe їhnya dopomoga that intercession escorts a person all his life.

Invisibly protecting the skin of a person, it’s not only to instruct the skin on good things, but to give help in them. It is also important that they write down the good things, so that we can present them to the Last Judgment in the future. It is customary to keep such icons at home, but even if you bring a small icon, you can carry it with you.

Signs that are requested by the patron

Among the people, it is important that the signs of the Angels of the Ohorontsiv, like the stench, help their subordinate, to save him from an unfortunate unfortunate situation. For whom it is necessary to understand and decipher them. Deyakі people just do not pay respect to them, but otherwise, navpak, brutally respect for such tips, successfully bypass not all, then the main part of inaccuracies.

  • For example, if you are going to the court of a respectful zustrich and viyshovshi, a car has doused you on the street, which is passing by, then it is necessary to say that you are planning. In this rank, your patron tries to get ahead of you about those who will not see anything good.
  • If you choose to go farther, and if you throw the keys once in a while, then the next time you travel, you will also be asked to pay more or more hours. So how do you get a sign that an accident can happen in the future, otherwise you will spend a traffic jam in Trivala.
  • At times, if the hour of signing an important contract ceases to write a pen, it is necessary to carefully re-read the document, the shards may be a sign that there is an incorrect clause in the contract, or you may be fooled.
  • In such situations, it is recommended to pray to your patron for help, and you will be forgiven, but you will find a pardon in the document.
  • If there are birds in error, then it’s true that there’s a warning about those who in the nearest future are checking on you for a terrible waste close people. Pray to your Guardian Angel and ask to protect your relatives and loved ones.
  • As long as it takes a few days to reach you at the booths, or blizzards are flooding at your office, then upper sign the fact that your intercessor is ahead of you about a serious problem that hangs over your life. Let the blizzards out of the place to pray.
  • If you have such a sign, if you are on the job, you have let in a document new robot you can have a difficult relationship with your superiors.
  • If you are independent or not friendly and homeless intestines or a dog are attached to you, then this tip is given to burn about those who will soon appear in your life important person. And all the less for the mind, if you weather the creature and pray to your intercessor.
  • If you choose to go on a long journey, you may not be allowed in. And all sorts of dirty tricks to keep you at home and not let you go out at once. Such a sign indicates to those who need a trip more quickly through some kind of insecurity, which I threaten. It’s impossible to say anything, just pray and ask the patron for a zachist.
  • As if in the first half of the day you baited a spider that descends to the peacocks - what sign your intercessor sends you and wn to talk about those that proposition is important to you for a long day. Before that, how to accept yoga, it is necessary to think better.

Not all the tips of the Guardian Angel. Really, there are more of them. To interpret them correctly and understand, just pray to your intercessor and be respectful to the skin rubbish that comes after you.

How to recognize your Angel of Protection

It is not customary for Orthodoxy to turn to one's intercessor on behalf of oneself. Before the new one, they are rushing, either for the help of a special prayer, or in simple words. In Orthodoxy, it is important that they choose the right intercessor for the date, if a person was born.

How to recognize the guardian angel for the date of birth? For whom you can turn for help to the priest to the church, or speed up the coming calendar, give it at the table:

National period Angel guard Icon
22 breast -20 day Saint Sylvester, Venerable Seraphim of Sarov.Icon of God Matir "Derzhavna"
21 September - 20 February Saints Athanasius and KiriloBozha Matir "Volodymyrska"
21 fierce to 20 birch Saint Alexis and Milenty of Antioch
March 21 - April 20 Saint Sophrony and Innokenty of Irkutskicons of Kazan Mother of God
21 April - 20 May Saint Stephen and TamaraIcon of the Mother of God "The Martyr of Sinners".
21 grass - 21 worms Saint Oleksiy of Moscow and Kostyantynicon of the Mother of God "Contraction of the dead"
22 worms - 22 limes Saint KiriloIcons of the Kazan Mother of God
23 limes by 23 sickles St. Nicholas the Pleasant of that Illya - a prophetIcon "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos"
24 sickles to 23 springs Saint Oleksandra, Ivan the Pavloicon "Burning Cupid" and "Pristrasna"
24 spring to 23 zhutn St. Sergius of RadonezIcons of the Holy Mother of God
24 harvest to 22 leaf fall Saint Paulthat "Yerusalimska"
23 leaf fall - 21 babies. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant and Saint Barbarathe icon of the Mother of God "Tikhvinskaya"

How the priests stverdzhuyut, turning to the saints is not necessary at that moment, if rejection is trapping. It is more important to pray to your holy angel for saving your day. So, varto vrakhovuvati, that the skin icon and the saints may sing the song of the day.

On such days, it is necessary to go to the church or the temple and put a candle about health in front of the icon of the patron saint and ask someone about health for help and intercession. If you don’t have the opportunity to see the church or the temple all day long, then you can pray to your patron at home, lighting a candle for his image.

At Rest of the Rocks it has become more fashionable to embroider and bestow embroidered icons of the Angels of Okhorontsiv. Obviously a priceless gift. But remember that, having accepted such a gift, it is necessary to consecrate it in the church.

You can pray to an intercessor as a special prayer, so just ask for intercession in broad and simple words. Golovnya, that the stench was in the soul.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel today:

“O holy angel, my good guardian and patron! With a crushed heart and a sick soul ahead of you, pray: smell me, your sinful slave (im'ya), with a cry of mitzvos and weepingly ferociously wailing; do not guess my iniquity and untruths, I am cursed, I will anger you every day and year, and I create abominable things before our Creator, the Lord; appear to me mercifully and do not let me, the filthy one, inspire me to my death; Wake me up in a sinful dream and help me with your prayers to pass the last hour of my belly without vice and make the fruit of a day of repentance, and in the presence of mortal sinful sins, take care of me, don’t let me die in rospach, and don’t let the enemy about my death.

I truly confess, for no one is such a friend and representative, defender and champion, like you, holy Angel, more than looking at the Throne of the Lord, praying for me, indecent and more for all sinners, let me not slander my good soul on my day I will open it up on the day of the creation of anger. Do not stop propitiating the Most Merciful Lord and my God, do not admit my error, which you have done in my whole life, by deed, in a word and with all my feelings, and with such a star of shares, do not lie to me, do not punish me here for Your invisible mercy. do not twist and do not win me over for unjust justice to His; let me be worthy to bring repentance to me, but for repentance, take Divine Communion in a day, for more goodness and such a gift I sincerely pray.

In the terrible year of death, be unapproachable to me, kind to my keeper, demons frowning away, lyaking my fearful soul; protect me from quiet catching, if they cross the line, so, taking care of you, I will safely reach paradise, less omryanogo, de guise of the holy and girsky Forces without ceasing to praise all and more beautifully in the Trinity of the glorious God, the Father worship on wiki wiki. Amen."

The Lord is with you!

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