Zhittєvo important points on the hand. Zhittєvo important dots on the body of a person

The book by V. Momot is unique, there are no analogues in the world of martial arts, reports atlas-finder of sore points on the body of a person. They have material from the history of the development of kyusejutsu. Lessons from unique ancient treatises, tables of points of different systems of China and Japan.

Theoretical insights into the anatomy and physiology of people, methods of injury and resuscitation. A report on the anatomical expansion of 64 main points, directly related to the optimal inflow, is shown, based on the strength and intensity of the methods of impact or onslaught.

The inspection continues, and quietly enters to the “anatomy room”. There, Professor von Hagens's "greatest robots" were picked up at once, and the same thought is being shared, more of them inspiring objects to be shocking and blues-like. It seems to journalists that they cannot afford a hundred years before the art.

Meta tsієї exhibitions - learn about the aspects that are related to health, and to give you the best idea about the body, and not theoretical anatomy, but the veil is hostile to the sensational presentation of the anatomy of the three worlds, nature in all people

At the antenature, a table of the Polar of Problekko was introduced by 30 old -skinned shkils of the Japanese Boyfish of the Misterstvi Books “Ostannii Ninja” Fuji Seiko Sakopatsuho Makei ”, Yaki Vypoles of his own knowledge of another, and in that number I was in the USA. resuscitation. katsu for the assistant of Yamadi Ko, the founding specialist in judo and jujutsu, who conducted experiments on volunteers in the 60s of the 20th century.

Why are the churches and the leaders of the conservative parties so sternly suing this ambiguous manifestation of the body? Where does medicine end, where does evil begin, where does science fit in? Von Hagens and this yoga team can mitigate in the form of constant repetition of the quiet arguments themselves, and affectionately calm ZMI є like a super-cheek. We are talking about the knowledge of human goodness, the image of spiritual values largest number, ethical provocations: why do you allow platinum to become a human “eternal”? Zhah tsієї in the exhibition fit into the image of the object, chi vin in the eyes of the beholder?

MOMOT Valeriy Valeriyovych

Peredmova author

Book-atlas "Anatomy of life and death. Life important points on the body of a person" - the first part of the dilogy, dedicated to the topics of vital vital points, which is a method for blows and finger stomp in a real duel with a enemy. He reportedly looked at the so-called medical aspects of the impact maximum possible effect. Do not worry about as many points as possible (there are more, because there are more points in different martial arts systems, or they duplicate the points shown in the book, or stashed in the direct proximity to them, and also, may be practically identical to the successions of them), the author was struck to try, on one thought, to achieve a balance in spіvvіdnoshnі "obligation-efficiency-accessibility" when publishing material in the book.

The knowledge of the body of the body was those that we were no longer afraid of at this exhibition: what can we cook? Che can you have the right to spare the body of your primary modesty? Vikritta human body, what is possible? How is the formation of a scientific metaphor, now expanding the vision of the kingdom of science and not expanding the scope, such as necrotism or necrophilia? Sometimes it is necessary to uniquely think that all the colors of the body were human values, fundamental respect, so that the main topic of discussion is the exhibition of remains, if silicone sculptures may be of the same light!

The need to write a similar book of vinyl has been around for a long time. Those, the yak of our Kraokani (not that is not tilki), I can do it in the liters of the Lithearsis of the topic of the Vivchenna of the real єdinobravity, the yak reached the one of the naratymniy galluses of the knowledge, in the yaki lichen thalika, viclica. According to the majority of these "primary assistance" not those who strike, know that chi and other point on real people most of the time it’s just impossible (krim hіba scho of such zones, like eyes, adam’s apple, groin, knіno chi elbow), but still learn.

Before the exhibition it was possible to read anonymous articles, in which the “spirna exhibition” is supposed to be. The result of the following observation: “The rich knowledge in the expanse of a few years of greatness, and it is impossible to estimate the physical and psychological state of a person with sufficient wealth.”

Talk about anxiety before human life is not enough, to reveal the reality of this exhibition, as if it were richly overturning the boundaries between the ills and the absolutely unacceptable ethical point of dawn! All my passion for masculinity, to create such a project in our modest city of Germany and to hold yoga with such a miraculous success, struck me with deep admiration.

For the very sake of filling it, even more difficult I tried, and a book-atlas was created. I’m guessing it’s not necessary to repeat banally to readers about those that, in order to make a skin blow, it’s effective in a right way, you can have direct directives in real, clearly known, and not as a bottling, on a kshtalt “head”, “stomach”, "shiya", dot-meta. Navit with a weak, but accurate blow, more from the indications at the top of the point to work 100%, and even about the straining, good practice of technical reception, and say no more. If you want to increase the effectiveness of your strikes and bury it less than two times in the form of a cob row, turn the skin of your hand into a really deadly armor, report and remember those things about what is written and what is shown in this book.

Nikoli exhibition of art could not get such a mass. Nearly 5,000 blowers are coming to the exhibition in Berlin today, and, having turned the exhibition, five leather blowers are hardened, which zatsіkavleniy buti by itself, and plasticization becomes an industry. How many people and women can enjoy the “light of the body” so much, only the one that is odorless, the troch is similar to the bomby.

Vіdvіduvаchіv just pozhvavlyuє bazhannya to reveal the person "from the middle", bachachi to the right preparation. To the very bazhannu, a body plate is supported; stink merit on doviru. The unprofessional also has the right to speak to the enlightened soul, that the person looks "from the middle". Thus, the preparation of corpses is allowed within the framework of the training of medical students, including corpses, training with the method of training the foreign bulk of the medical community, cannot be unacceptable.

And more ... Perhaps, the author releases the dragon from the world, above the floor, relatively looking at the point of death on the body of a person. Ale, calling all the "for" and "against" and vydkinuvshi, nareshti, sumniv, vin all the same, calling on the whole risk-taking rich in why krok. It’s too much to rely on those who don’t waste their knowledge on the hands of the filth, and they will be victorious only for confessions - for the sake of your life, the life of your loved ones, that life of people, they will demand your help. But the moral, lower technical side of nutrition is faster, and the author believes in those who have reason and purity, having thought to take the mountain from you over the stupid strength and aggressiveness of the husky creature.

This exhibition is no less than showing us the cicave of the human anatomy, which, as a rule, is recognized for doctors and medical students, it also shows us the miracle of life through the most amazing mind. We would have to forgive it, in order to try to explain the overarching success of the exhibition, going so far as to understand how voyeurism is satisfied in the face of zhahu and zhahu. an argument put forward by the Church, a blasphemous co-conspirator, which, obviously, has broken the bi viti of the creator. This exhibition has a different scale.

You won't be able to destroy the wonder of human creativity, but rather show it as a wonder. Vіn do not remake corpses for the creation of works of art, but rather show how the human body is a unique work of art, unique. Go not about the organization of the godless gris with the daily, but at the clearings filled with a path to transfer knowledge.


Maybe, it’s impossible to say exactly the hour, if the person remembered in the past, what to hit and stick with it in that other part of the enemy’s body more effectively, lower be like another. Tse knowledge is as old as the world, and yogo turns followed shukati in prehistoric hours - at the mystical world, like on animals, and on their own like. During the first confrontation - for the territory, woman, zhu - growing and spitting that dosvid, which, after a thousand years, transforming into a vitonchene mysticism to drive in or to be merciful with one insignificant hand, or to wind a finger.

Silicone corpses, enriched with virase, cut and frozen in poses, do not take up time for interpretation; von Hagens can follow Beuys as a whole, having put on a cape, which in no way leaves yoga, he has absolutely nothing to look like an artist. That is why this professor, who has decided to settle at Heidelberz, stubbornly insists that he should work like an informational robot. The community is more importantly composed of people and women, as if they want to learn. Tim is no less, psychologists are clear: they come to the joy of seeing the faces of real corpses, and not with a primary pull, and not a movie of lives.

I think that I don’t think of anyone in particular because of those that all the peoples that inhabit our planet, that in the other world are small (and may) have this specific evidence from the blame of their own kind, otherwise how can you explain the fact that they still live and hello, at that hour, how many nationalities (and possibly, natsії) have sunk into oblivion? In order to survive, a person is small victorious, be it accessible to the knowledge of that newcomer, among those in the first place, it was always possible to survive and overcome the war.

Zvіdsi tsey lively interest, the nature of something like no other, like trivial. The last surprise is re-evaluating the real knowledge, but neither the organizers nor the organizers want to recognize it. The first opinilis at pasttsі marketing; remain victorious signs of our time: not claiming to be a cultural world, there is no food about those who are respected by the cultural factor and coveted by subsidies. Less than a few voices rise up to sue hypocrisy. By stretching rich fates of a person, as you know that you are a genius, you are also trying to create those that you call wine “The Museum of People”.

It’s a pity that through the uninterrupted wars, a lot of applied combat knowledge and skills were ruined, or they passed to the people-peremozhtsya, even as they were overcome, they were either blamed, or turned to slaves. There is nothing marvelous in this fact;

Krіm moreover, truly, spravzhnіst, yogo guinea pigs driven in for staging: special phantom quackery. Navit without chimerical installations, like destroying the statues with von Hagens from a dead person, to create an aesthetic privablivіst.

Black kapelyuh, white shirt, black shkiryan vest. Seems like, if you cheat a skin word, cross your hands importantly, nibi for prayer, what is the only way to get them to engage in uninterrupted work? More will be said about this exhibition.

The year was a daedal larger than an armor, smashing on a great vіdstanі (tsibuli, darts, balіsti and others.) chi independently from the exact hitting of this chi and other region (important swords, halberds and others.), and the art of hitting life became a share of important points , master-professionals, yak have changed all their lives without interruption to the full extent of their deadly knowledge.

Anatomy of Stefan Ruzowitzky. The theme obviously suffocated the Germans, the stink shards created a film that copes with the subject more brilliantly: Franka Potente, Benno Furman, Anna Loos, Holger Speckhann, Sebastian Blomberg. Synopsis: For Pauli, the dazzling medical student, it's a dream come true. Vaughn was recruited to take part in the anatomy lessons of Professor Grombek at the Heidelberse.

You have also received a call and can submit documents about the death of all the remains of the government under fear of a court sanction. For a long time, taєmno and taєmno vykladali deakim denigrate the settlers, Kyusho materializes the very essence of the battle mystucts.

More pіznіshe tі danі were classified, becoming not only a cast (viysk), but often a family secret, which was passed from the father to the blue of the century. And in such a state of stink, it has gone to our hour - hour, if more of the taemnyh knowledge no longer presents us with the same riddles, and about the technique of family schools, there are books in tens of thousands of copies.

"Isnuvannya speech to lie in the sight of our reasoning for the rest." On the vіdminu vіd bagatiokh zabobonіv, pershі combat art to resemble not China, but Shaolin. Indeed, long before that, as the first Chinese texts told about the ancient battles of Kiev, new old texts tell us the history of the Indian warriors and the first fruits of their art, Kalaripayat. In some texts, the practice of various martial mysteries, like Varma-Kalai in the jungles of Kerali, or in the sovereign powers of Kalarippayatt, is supposed to be, as deyak authors are considered the ancestor of these martial mysteries.

All the above words are worthy of the existence of all nations and peoples - regardless of their geographical location or cultural development. However, only at the Far Descent - in China, Japan, Korea (although the protelezhzhniki chanuvals of the slov'janskih chi zahіdnih martial arts stverdzhuvaly) the mystic art of striking life important points has reached its maximum development and refinement.

Kalappayatat is truly one of the combat techniques, which are one of the oldest and most practiced today. Tse bulo taєmne znannya, yake bulo was only better, after a long and important dedication, and deyakі vvazhayut yogo in front of acupuncture, like it’s called marama. Adi: It should be noted that most of the technicians, now recognized by the Chinese, vinicle in India Calaria. What is the meaning of Kalarippayatta, tse would mean in Malayalam «the place is right»; Kalari, which literally means “place, arena” and “Playat”, like Paytatuki, meaning “fight, train intensively, practice”.

Under "vitonicity" in to this particular type I may, on the basis of the scrupulous accuracy of science, drive in, classify the points according to groups, fallowly, depending on the level of their insecurity, or the anatomical and physiological aspect of the aftermath of their shock, nareshti, obsyag of the knowledge transmitted by centuries, regardless of the daily bends at the sight of war.

The maids of this mystic called themselves "Gur" or "Gurukkal" or "Sho Suvoro". The stinks were like head warriors, and paining healers, they think like knowledge of the methods of driving in, and the methods of healing. One of the first records of vikoristannya tsikh points syagaє Veda, skіlki Indra peremіg Vritra zavdyaki tsim famous points and vajra.

A year later, the doctor Sushruta, a surgeon, lived in the fifth century BC, who described these moments with great accuracy. Ostannє literally means "Mystery of life important points." The term "varma" resembles the word "Tamil marm", meaning sensitive and indifferent points of the human body, and the term "Kalai" means "mystery". Among 108 points, the titles of Marma, classification in 6 different categories was carried out in the same way up to the object of the attack points.

It is possible that the people are able to explain with the individuals of the culture of the Azaitsky people, the yaki Zvyli, the ancestral entrepreneurship of the Blagogogogovim to the knowledge of the Settish Zokremi (Tibetai, to the other day, is to be drilled. i suvoro karanim). Possibly, tim, scho, for example, in Japan, the special mastery of the war was always important, less victorious to win the great masses of singing soldiers.

Zavdyaki tsim life important moments can be used to neutralize a person or to bring in a hit, fix one dotik or put a small pressure on one of them, as well as Hindu traditional medicine, more specifically Ayurveda, start and renew the victorious point for therapeutics

The evolution of combat mystics in the Middle Kingdom. In the course of time, when we were rich with dzherelami, the art of turning life into important points would develop in China. However, the authenticity could not be confirmed on a food chain, and whether or not the test of evidence is hypothetical. In this rank, we can name two hypotheses about the people of the world. The first hypothesis is based on the history of Ba Tuo, more known as Bodhidharma. Bodhidharma was the son of King Kanchipuram in India.

The reasons for Bagato, the fact of the fact of flood the fact - the male of the traditions of the schemes of the Boys Mistetswikh Sogodni mi is able to systematically vivchaty live the point of the "people's people, the spijah at the dosvid of the bica in search of maximum efficiency and wildness of devices.

The rest, leaving his country, to expand the Buddhist doctrine and violating to China, to the Kingdom of Wei, to the Shaolin temple, close to the 522nd year of our eri. Vіn laid out his Buddhist doctrine to the Chentsi, now he has been recognized in the earthly world. I will call Chan Buddhism, and navit deyakі right, which became the basis of Shaolin kung fu.

Another and most recent hypothesis is that of Chang Sanfeng, the founder of the Internal Combat Mysteries. Changfen Buv Buv Bu Chertz-Voyna Church Shaolin, Yaki, Bachachi Borotbu Mizh Krana of the same creatures, Buv Buvniy Bird Ruhi for Boydovy Techniki, Assigned Sangfen, Hastens, with the singing secretary acceptance of his misters in the Testima baliv. Kyusho - the knowledge for modulating the functions of the body for additional anatomical knowledge of the areas of the body, where it is easier to reach the muscles, tendons, nerves, arteries, organs and other specific tissues of the body, to work differently on the functioning of the rest, control, such , accept, singing peace.

It is a thought that the magic of striking the life of important points in the past has grown wide in China. Ignoring this fact and having a hard time with it, we’ll look at the very same Chinese knowledge, more so, what is the best way to systematize and “problem” it, it’s better to look at the other lands of the Far Gathering. Indisputably, those who developed the art of striking life important points on the body of a person in China went hand in hand with the mystic of jubilation, which won those points and principled on them. Especially in that part, if on the right there were so-called energy points (pinned on the energy channels of the human body) - jin lo.

MOMOT Valeriy Valeriyovych



Book-atlas “Anatomy of life and death. Life important points on the body of a person ”is the first part of the dilogy, dedicated to the topics of growing life important points, like a method of blows and finger zahoplen in a real duel with a enemy. The new one has reportedly reviewed t. "Significant" aspects of the wounding of pain points: anatomical expansion, physiological and medical aspects of the impacts, the strength of that direct injection to reach the maximum possible effect. Do not hesitate to take as many points as possible (there are more, there are more points in different martial arts systems, or they duplicate the points shown in the book, or they are drawn in the direct proximity to them, and also, the author may be practically identical to the successions of the martial arts), to try, on one thought, to achieve a balance in spіvvіdnoshnі "obligation-efficiency-accessibility" pіd hіkladu material at the knіzі.

The need to write a similar book on vinyl has been around for a long time. Those, the yak of our Kraokani (not that is not tilki), I can do it in the liters of the Lithearsis of the topic of the Vivchenna of the real єdinobravity, the yak reached the one of the naratymniy galluses of the knowledge, in the yaki lichen thalika, viclica. For the majority of these “leaderships” it’s not the same to impress, to know that other point on a real person is most simply impossible (there are no such zones, like eyes, Adam’s apple, groin, number of cheeks), but to learn ...

For the very sake of filling it, even more difficult I tried, and a book-atlas was created. I’m guessing that it’s not necessary to repeat banally to readers about those who, in order to make a skin blow, choke in a right way, are effective, you can have direct directives from the real, clearly known, and not such a common splurge, on the kshtalt “head”, “stomach” , "shiya", dot-meta. Navit with a weak, but accurate blow, more from the indications at the top of the point to work 100%, and even about the straining, good practice of technical reception, and say no more. If you want to increase the effectiveness of your strikes and bury it less than two times in the form of a cob row, turn the skin of your hand into a really deadly armor, report and remember those things about what is written and what is shown in this book.

And more ... Perhaps, the author releases the dragon from the light, above the floor, it is relativly looking at the points of death on the body of a person. Ale, having called all the “for” and “against” and vydkinuvshi, nareshti, sumniv, wine, all the same, calling for all the risking of riches in why the crock. It’s too much to rely on those who don’t waste their knowledge on the hands of the filth, and they will be victorious only for confessions - for the sake of your life, the life of your loved ones, that life of people, they will demand your help. But the moral, lower technical side of nutrition is faster, and the author believes in those who have reason and purity, having thought to take the mountain from you over the stupid strength and aggressiveness of the husky creature.


Maybe, it’s impossible to say exactly the hour, if the person remembered in the past, what to hit and stick with it in that other part of the enemy’s body more effectively, lower be like another. Tse knowledge is as old as the world, and yogo turns followed shukati in prehistoric hours - at the mystical world, like on animals, and on their own like. During the first confrontation - for the territory, woman, zhu - growing and spitting that dosvid, which, after a thousand years, transforming into a vitonchene mysticism to drive in or to be merciful with one insignificant hand, or to wind a finger.

I think that I don’t think of anyone in particular because of those that all the peoples that inhabit our planet, that in the other world are small (and may) have this specific evidence from the blame of their own kind, otherwise how can you explain the fact that they still live and hello, at that hour, how many nationalities (and possibly, natsії) have sunk into oblivion? In order to survive, a person is small victorious, be it accessible to the knowledge of that newcomer, among those in the first place, it was always possible to survive and overcome the war.

Zvіdsi tsey lively interest, the nature of something like no other, like trivial. The last surprise is re-evaluating the real knowledge, but neither the organizers nor the organizers want to recognize it. The first opinilis at pasttsі marketing; remain victorious signs of our time: not claiming to be a cultural world, there is no food about those who are respected by the cultural factor and coveted by subsidies. Less than a few voices rise up to sue hypocrisy. By stretching rich fates of a person, as you know that you are a genius, you are also trying to create those that you call wine “The Museum of People”.

It’s a pity that through the uninterrupted wars, a lot of applied combat knowledge and skills were ruined, or they passed to the people-peremozhtsya, even as they were overcome, they were either blamed, or turned to slaves. There is nothing marvelous in this fact;

In addition, true justice, yoga guinea pigs are beaten for staging: special phantom quackery. Navit without chimerical installations, like destroying the statues with von Hagens from a dead person, to create an aesthetic privablivіst.

Black kapelyuh, white shirt, black shkiryan vest. Seems like, if you cheat a skin word, cross your hands importantly, nibi for prayer, what is the only way to get them to engage in uninterrupted work? More will be said about this exhibition.

The year was a daedal larger than an armor, smashing on a great vіdstanі (tsibuli, darts, balіsti and others.) chi independently from the exact hitting of this chi and other region (important swords, halberds and others.), and the art of hitting life became a share of important points , master-professionals, yak have changed all their lives without interruption to the full extent of their deadly knowledge.

Anatomy of Stefan Ruzowitzky. The theme obviously suffocated the Germans, the stink shards created a film that copes with the subject more brilliantly: Franka Potente, Benno Furman, Anna Loos, Holger Speckhann, Sebastian Blomberg. Synopsis: For Pauli, the dazzling medical student, it's a dream come true. Vaughn was recruited to take part in the anatomy lessons of Professor Grombek at the Heidelberse.

You have also received a call and can submit documents about the death of all the remains of the government under fear of a court sanction. For a long time, taєmno and taєmno vykladali deakim denigrate the settlers, Kyusho materializes the very essence of the battle mystucts.

More pіznіshe tі danі were classified, becoming not only a cast (viysk), but often a family secret, which was passed from the father to the blue of the century. And in such a state of stink, it has gone to our hour - hour, if more of the taemnyh knowledge no longer presents us with the same riddles, and about the technique of family schools, there are books in tens of thousands of copies.

"Isnuvannya speech to lie in the sight of our understanding of the rest". To look at the sight of rich zaboboniv, the first fighting art is not like China, but from Shaolin. Indeed, long before that, as the first Chinese texts told about the ancient battles of Kiev, new old texts tell us the history of the Indian warriors and the first fruits of their art, Kalaripayat. In some texts, the practice of various martial mysteries, like Varma-Kalai in the jungles of Kerali, or in the sovereign powers of Kalarippayatt, is supposed to be, as deyak authors are considered the ancestor of these martial mysteries.

All the above words are worthy of the existence of all nations and peoples - regardless of their geographical location or cultural development. However, only at the Far Descent - in China, Japan, Korea (although the protelezhzhniki chanuvals of the slov'janskih chi zahіdnih martial arts stverdzhuvaly) the mystic art of striking life important points has reached its maximum development and refinement.

Kalappayatat is truly one of the combat techniques, which are one of the oldest and most practiced today. Tse bulo taєmne znannya, yake bulo was only better, after a long and important dedication, and deyakі vvazhayut yogo in front of acupuncture, like it’s called marama. Adi: It should be noted that most of the technicians, now recognized by the Chinese, vinicle in India Calaria. What is the meaning of Kalarippayatta, tse would mean in Malayalam «the place is right»; Kalari, which literally means “place, arena” and “Playat”, like Paytatuki, meaning “fight, train intensively, practice”.

PID "Vitonchestya" in the duma vipad, I May on Svyaz's scrupuli in the accurate science of the science, classifice, the point of the load on the loads of the native of the anatomical and fiber aspect of the pitsu, the gear, the score, the cereal , chase the death of the masters.

It is possible that the people are able to explain with the individuals of the culture of the Azaitsky people, the yaki Zvyli, the ancestral entrepreneurship of the Blagogogogovim to the knowledge of the Settish Zokremi (Tibetai, to the other day, is to be drilled. i suvoro karanim). Possibly, tim, scho, for example, in Japan, the special mastery of the war was always important, less victorious to win the great masses of singing soldiers.

Zavdyaki tsim life important moments can be used to neutralize a person or to bring in a hit, fix one dotik or put a small pressure on one of them, as well as Hindu traditional medicine, more specifically Ayurveda, start and renew the victorious point for therapeutics

The evolution of combat mystics in the Middle Kingdom. In the course of time, when we were rich with dzherelami, the art of turning life into important points would develop in China. However, the authenticity could not be confirmed on a food chain, and whether or not the test of evidence is hypothetical. In this rank, we can name two hypotheses about the people of the world. The first hypothesis is based on the history of Ba Tuo, more known as Bodhidharma. Bodhidharma was the son of King Kanchipuram in India.

The reasons for Bagato, the fact of the fact of floods the fact - the male of the traditions of the schemes of the Boys Mistetswikh Sogodni mi is able to systematically vivchaty live the point of the people, spijah, at the same time, the skeleton of the bica in search of maximum efficiency and wildness of devices.

It is a thought that the magic of striking the life of important points in the past has grown wide in China. Ignoring this fact and having a hard time with it, we are more likely to look at the very Chinese knowledge, more so, to achieve the stench and the most systematized and “opratsovanimy” compared with the other lands of the Far Descent. Indisputably, those who developed the art of striking life important points on the body of a person in China went hand in hand with the mystic of jubilation, which won those points and principled on them. Especially in that part, if on the right there were so-called energy points (pinned on the energy channels of the human body) - jin lo.

Doctors to China with a way of samples and pardons from generation to generation passed on the accumulation of dosvid, multiplying and developing yoga. One of the first written documents dedicated to acupuncture and passed down to us was the book "Huangdi nei-ching" ("Treatise on the internal, or on the nature of life"), written in China around 221 p. BC e. (її the authorship is attributed to the name of the legendary "zhovtogo" emperor, the great Shi Huang-di). Nіy vіdobrazhenі nіdobrazhenі nіy holkoterapії і prikannya, nine forms of metal holocars are described, topography 295 points (135 paired and 25 unpaired), the main indications and contraindications, as well as the rules for conducting holkotherapy, are based prikannya.

It should be noted that the development of zhen-jiu therapy was not isolated from the global development of Chinese medicine. A high development in this period was achieved by surgery for the prevention of painkillers (opium drugs, alcohol, aconite root). The Bian-Qiao pulse diagnostics (500 years BC) began to be developed, the first Chinese pharmacopoeia (I century BC) was compiled. With his development of Chinese goiter surgery, Hua Tuo (220–230 rr. AD), who gave respect not only to surgery, but also established a system of gymnastic rights based on natural ruins of five creatures (“gra five animals” ). Qi ruhi, as it is important, the order of the tao “18 hands of the archats”, which is attributed to Bodhidharma himself, formed the basis of Shaolin Quanfa - the system hand-to-hand combat Chentsiv Shaolin. Vіn same describing and giving specific practical recommendations according to holcotherapy (for example, in order to eliminate the effect, it is necessary to inject into a small number of points (1-2), and to pull the neck out only as soon as it appears in the ill person).

Recently, Huang Fumi (215–282 pp. AD), having written the book “Jia-i-Jing”, dedicated only to zhen-jiu therapy, de describing 649 points (300 paired and 49 unpaired) on human style and first zastosuvav the term "zhen-tszyu" (in Chinese zhen - acupuncture, literally a prick with a golden needle; tszyu - prikannya). During this period, acupuncture and medicine reach an unprecedented popularity among the population of China. To shy away first, try to schematically depict a spot for zhen-jiu therapy. At 265 r. the book "Jia-i-Tsin", and the trochs of the newest (562 r. n. e.) and the Chinese atlas of lines and dots were taken to Japan, de order with wide-width acupuncture, it was drunk (moxa grass).

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