Looking after the pig. How to watch a guinea pig

Guinea pigs are still milking little creatures and at first glance, it’s not easier to watch them, lower for the gut, but not so. In these statistics, you know how to correctly see these miraculous animals.

Looking after the guinea pig

If you have a small room for a hamster, and if you want to put a pig in there, then you can’t do it any other time. The pigs need a lot of space, a bed for one pig is due to the mother's area - 0.7 sq m2, and for two - 0.9 sq m2, and the larger the more - the better.

Klitina is guilty of buti no less than 350-300 mm in height and with a roof. The bottom in the klitz may be succulent, not warm, so that the pig can hurt its paw.

Do not overdo it with bugatory clitins, the fall of the total of 15 cm for the creature can be smaller than yogo, moreover, the clitina is small no more than 2 equals.

A pad for a clitin is necessary, so stock up on thyrso, or rather paper. A dekilka centimeter in the paper we choose the smell and water, and also the pads need to be washed for 3-4 days. It is also possible to vicorate the thyrsus, but here we need to protect it. Thyrsa bagatioh trees can bring to respiratory ailments in pigs.

Place of residence of pigs

Vihovantsu need splkuvannya, pigs can’t stand selfishness, that the best place For the living of the pig there will be a room, in the yak bag, a booth is often seen, like a bedroom, like a living room, the pig is obliged to make itself comfortable among people. Clitina can stand on a careless place, on the edge of the table or bedside tables, so that the cell does not fall.

The temperature in the room may be warm. Pigs are already sensitive to temperature changes. Do not deprive them of themselves on the street without a cage! Intestines, dogs - it’s not good to put yourself in front of pigs, that’s why it’s a gut or a dog in a house, then shut up the cage, so that the pig will be safe.

At wild nature pigs sounded to live in colonies, so you can’t add sea lead to a rich hour - buy a friend. You can take revenge like a castrated male, so a female and a male, but it’s better to take them from one last.

If the guinea pig is afraid of you, just let the hour call to you. Cooperate with her, as if she is rushing around you, then it’s not a good idea to hang out. Bring the hedgehog and wait from the bowls, and if the pig calls to you, then it will be out by itself, and out of your hands.

Eating creatures

Your winding may have water, but your sweater may have mist. It’s better to buy a fleece, even with it it’s easier for you, and lead. There can be problems with the bowl, the creature can overflow the water and get wet. Water needs to be changed every day and clean the sackcloth.


Guinea pigs need to start chewing, so they get a little bit of dry grass near the cage. Be careful with the son, even the guests of the son can harm the lead of the eyes, take the blue before him, like giving yoga vihovantsyu.

With one son or grass, the pig is not guilty of interfering, give her vegetables and fruits. Approximately 20% of everything on the day may look like vegetables. But do not overdo it, too much vegetables can lead to diarrhea in a pig. It is best to become familiar with the range of permitted products. Vikhovanets is not guilty of sitting all the hour at the klitz, he needs freedom. Sometimes let go for a walk by the kіmnati, even more beautiful in nature, obviously, for your sight. The mumps may sway too much.

In these articles, we have described more than the most common rules, like looking after the pigs, obviously, not the whole list, here only more than the most common information has been selected. Golovna - to love your vikhovants, do not imitate and treat in good minds and then they will love you for sure.

Among the small domestic rodents, who like to have children with children, guinea pigs are especially placed. Tse arcade nevibagly at the watchful eye, that eaten food, which is a rejoicing of the masters of the day. Children can tell stories about little lovers, as they pick up a little bit of wisdom and neatness.

The history of the appearance of the breed of rodents

Wild guinea pigs were started by representatives of American tribes. These individuals were not similar to modern individuals with fluffy fur. Following the introduction of America by Columbus, representatives of these rodents began to be imported to Europe.

The fatherland of maritime vikhovantsiv vvazhetsya Peru. For a long time, the stench was practically worn into a skin booth, but they lived in a hedgehog, and not trimmed like homemade vikhovants. Wild representatives gave birth to Mali dark zabarvlennya - black and brown.

The stench swarmed the fields, hovering in the thick chagar forests when they were in trouble. Breeding of rodents was taken care of by the method of resuscitation.

The domesticated wild rodents were called marine not because of their great love for the marine fun of water procedures, but simply because they were brought from the sea roads. Cute and comedic individuals were brought mainly from America and through those who stink see a squeak similar to roaring, and were called pigs. The stench of the building sees different sounds, especially as they strongly nalyakany.

Read more about some pretty cute domestic rodents in the article:

Outrageous look of guinea pigs

The smart and beautiful grizzly bear has short legs, but the body itself is lower. Wildly see on the vіdmіnu vіd dovgoshirstі and fluffy vikhovantsіv, more ruhlivі and shvidki. Sea grizzly bears feel warmth and rough outside.

On the paws are small fingers with ribbed and hospitable claws. The tail of the marine vikhovantsiv at the sight of mice and squints is not.

A company of creatures has sharp teeth, which will grow with the strength of life. Rіzhuchu the surface of the creature is erased, rozgryzayuchi stalks of bushes, root crops and a lot of other products. For grizzly rodents of the same type, they also look up.

In retailers and stores, you can see long-haired wool, with thick wool, and also without harms, or with small fluffy hair.

Pіdloga guinea pigs

Females and males look practically the same and have similar sounds, so when buying it is important to know how to become a creature and how to designate it. Baby pigs may have weakly pronounced state signs, and large individuals as a whole are really different.

When pressing on the lower abdomen, the male will have an obvious state organ in the form of a thin vein. Females make a fold at the sight of Y. Individuals make a commemorative anal pouch, which is common in females.

One of the simple ways Designated stati є cal. The males are deformed in an arched shape, and the females poop with dewy rice. How can you not, breed creatures, so that they don’t get bored, choose one-state bets, rather for females, shards of males often fight across a hedgehog and territory.

Skilki live in the middle guinea pig

Dosit good vidomo, which is the average trivality of the life of guinea pigs. The average stink lingers 8-9 years. Deyakі gruzuni with the right sighting and years live up to 15 years.

In nature, individuals die more quickly, even if a lot of larger creatures spit on them. The trivality of the life of a creature without a middle lie in sight, recessive illnesses, eating that way of life.

Different creatures

Dobrozichlivy vіhovantsi vіdrіznyayutsya zabarvlennyam i dozhina outside. Among them there are such zabarvlennya:

Among short-haired rodents, such breeds are seen: Abyssinian, Rex, American (English), Teddy, Cross, Ridgeback. Among the woolly representatives, snares or shelties, texels and Peruvian breeds are distinguished. Ye grizuni, yakі zovsіm not to look outwardly - balduїn and skinny.

The sight that is correct utrimannya creatures

Funny animals do not miss a lot of time. Enough to give them such respect:

  1. Pіdrіzati nіgtі shhorіchno.
  2. Razchіsuvannya vovni - kіlka razіv for tizhden for dovgosherstіh individuals.
  3. A look at the body of the vikhovantsya would like to see the presence of injuries, wounds, ruptures, and mites once a day.
  4. Airing the room. The closed clitin of the creature needs to be periodically opened, so that it would be fresher to wake up again. It’s worth doing the work of the day for easy cleaning up that necessary routine.
  5. Year. The animal eats three meals a day. Zhu can be kept in reserve.
  6. Cleaning up the house is done every 3-4 days. Like a smorid, a general cleaning is necessary to come out of the cellar.

Dekilka razіv for a month їm varto give anthelmintic preparations for creatures. Deworming should be carried out for all other household loved ones. For active igor of porpoises, varto іnodi vypuskati іz kіtini. Golovna - so that the creature did not get injured, falling from the table to the table.

Guinea pigs do not like water procedures, regardless of their name. You bathe less for strong zabrudnennya outside. You can only remember a part of the body of vikhovantsya. Їx miyut at the basin with warm water. It is not necessary to wet the pig's head.

You can wash it out with baby shampoo. Let's sweat it good. Some creatures should be dried with a hair dryer, especially if the wool is longer than a long one. After the procedure, it is not possible to fall in love with the stretch, or the cold, so that the wine does not catch a cold.

Importantly, he drank that mud from the outer shells of guinea pigs. Tse roblyat with cotton swabs, soaked in plain water. For the presence of ear mites, one could see the creature as a healer.

Clitina for guinea pigs

It is best to look at clitins with a plastic pallet or terariums. Golovna - the clarity of the change of sin, the shards of fluffy pigs love cleanliness. If you don’t get sick, it’s better to work a sprat once a day. Forgive those who will vihovanets vyporozhnyuvatisya about the song of the place.

Like a house for a creature, it’s better to choose a space for a cage with metal, which can be a plastic deep piddon. In wooden or cardboard containers, it is impossible to trim them, so that the grizzly can gnaw through the walls of such a house, that material itself becomes clay and unacceptable odors.

Anniversary and a napkin is due to roztashovuvatsya on the equal face of the animal. Її strongly attach to the wall of the house. It is not necessary to put sackcloths that year in the middle of the clitin, shards of stink can throw the drink over and over. At the klitz, they will make a ford and get rid of it without a hedgehog.

Let us remember the bottom of the clitin with a special note - son, thyrso, but not coniferous, straw. The lining changes on the skin in 2-3 days. It is enough to sip її by 2-3 cm for great features.

What is the birthday of sea rodents

Pretty grizzlies can often get sick and die through the wrong diet of eating. New products are ordered step by step. Bigger world stench їdyat sіno. Reshta - whole grain sums, yak are sold in pet stores.

Fresh grass and vegetables come up. A person with open access may have clean water. The vegetables looked fresh and the cereal crops should give the day's vihovancy.

From grass to go:

  • stable;
  • sedge;
  • gritsiki;
  • wooden;
  • kulbabi leaves;
  • plantain;
  • enlightener;
  • pyriy;
  • nettle.

Tomatoes, beetroot, apples, blueberries, various varieties of cabbage, lettuce, wisps soaked in water, kulbabi, turnip, broccoli, parsley, potatoes, nasinnya, cereals are given as coarse fibers to animals.

It is not possible to live with stitched and stale food, unripe or rotten berries or fruits, rotten and moldy products.

Grizuni badly endure hunger; Vagіtnyh osbin go 4 times for production. Krim sina is necessary to pidspati at the clitin with pigs straw, legumes. It is possible to give vletka chagarniks and fruit trees, birch bark, oak, maple leaves.

It’s better to cut the creatures’ vegetables with great shmatkas, so that you can sharpen your teeth. Do not varto often give licorice fruits - pears, bananas, blueberries, kavun. Suitable for today's dormouse, barley and wheat. At budinochok, they also add a crade like a coryne mineral boost.

What do you need supplemental vitamins

At the thought of veterinarians, rich guinea pigs do not get vitamin C, so they should be given yoga in a napkin. For 1 liter of water, it is necessary to drink 1 mg of ascorbic acid. Rozchin is changing every day, to that vitamin quickly expends its power.

Grizuni guilty to eat their last for the possession of vitamins gr. In the normalization of intestinal microflora.

How to properly breed guinea pigs

The grizzly bears multiply clearly, it is important to signify that it is necessary to take different creatures. Vagіtnu mumps until the baby is trimmed okay. Vaughn is more likely to feed that son.

It is possible to allow mating for 8-10 months. The female is allowed with 1-5 babies. If it cannot be born more than a year old, then the assistance of a veterinarian is necessary.

Training and games

Active grizzlies love grati. Your budinochok is to blame for your mother’s work for big, stribannya and lazinnya. Like a clitina to take revenge on a sprat of pigs, the stench of a guilty mother is a rich place for sleeping dozvil.

Guinea pigs are hardy creatures. They can learn to do simple tricks. To love the fluffy grizzly bears to communicate with the rulers, to actively make contact. The stench can spin round about itself, stribati through the crossbar, sleep in a hammock and sit on your shoulders. Sob pіdbadjoriti vyhovantsya, give you small salas.

Unique language of sounds

For the help of singing sounds, small rodents express their moods and emotions:

  1. napoleglivy squeak to talk about severe hunger.
  2. To speak cholovіchi individuals one in front of one, to show their significance. This is a sign that the male and female are already angry and irritated. The stinks can still tap and rip with their teeth.
  3. Trivale clucking and cooing - a sign of the good-natured mood of love.
  4. In a couple, pigs often roar. Tse їх vіtannya one of one that vvchennya.
  5. Cooing males in front of females, if they try to mate.
  6. Quietly, loudly yelling and whistling - a sign of contentment.

Guinea pigs can squeal loudly. It’s not worth talking about those who have vihovantsya to hurt. Yakshcho vyhovanets ill, vіn bude mlyavim and drowsy. Uses an active appetite. Yogo eyes can sour and shed a lot. In these species, the virus with the rodent is more frequent in the veterinary clinic for the liquor.

De buy a good guinea pig

They buy the big grizzly at pet stores in the so-called "bird" markets. There are representations of the person of any age, status, zabarvlennya. Zalezhno v_d spawn will be a price for the creature.

You can get a bad standard pig of medium size for 200 rubles. On some forums, breeders give children chat free of charge. Thoroughbred rodents of rare species will cost 1000-2000 rubles. Have some kind of mood, funny and cicavi animals to become full-fledged and beloved members of this family.

A lot of sightings of domestic pigs will ask us - like watching a guinea pig in domestic minds. The food is not due to the fact that even more often guinea pigs get to us at the clinic only through improper surveillance of them.

And in the meantime, it's easy to kill guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are one of the most popular domestic rodents. The stench is suitable for being a living space and to live long.

Many grizzlies live in nature in groups. You can have one animal, which will give you a lot of respect, you can have a pair or a sprat, the stench will miraculously get along one with one, you will have one-state creatures, but if only the stench will be less tame.

Place for guinea pig

Clitini for creatures need to be taken from a rozrahunka 40 x 40 cm of space for one creature, dodatkovo to that bagan to give the animals the opportunity to get better. Creatures dosit badly endure sintering higher than 20 degrees, the optimum temperature for their morning is 16-18 degrees.

It is necessary to follow after him, so that the next time it does not become dry. When living in a private booth, guinea pigs should be taken lightly on the garden plot, owning an aviary, fencing the beast, protecting the creatures from the wild creatures and birds. In the aviary, it is necessary to rule the house, in which the creatures can hide under the board of a bright sun.

An aviary can be ruined by a dilnitsa in the world eating grass by creatures. For bedding, it is necessary to take hay, straw, large shavings, but in some cases not dry thyrsus, as you can drink to creatures in your eyes. You can vikoristovuvat a clay smell like a smell for a cat's toilet.

The bedding needs to be changed regularly, otherwise an unacceptable smell will appear.

For breeding, the creatures travel in pairs for an hour of trapping. Under an hour, the offspring of a male, more beautiful than a female, to avoid conflicts, wanting to stink, like a rich grizuniv, often become good fathers.

Guinea pigs should not be kept in the same enclosure with other creatures, especially small rodents;

Yak godovati

Qi creatures may have a long colony, repayments for a roslinna їzhu. Yogo dozhina can reach two meters, and the passage is three years. The poisoning of pickling can be fatal for these creatures, and the eating of guinea pigs must be given great respect.

At once for sale is a great selection of professional feed premium class. To put the diet on your own, before the new guilt comes wheat wisps, blue and green grass fallow in the season, grain, cream of wheat, vegetables and fruits with a haul of up to 150-200 grams. Navit with ready-made feed, the creatures may have a lot of sine in a sufficient quantity.

At one time it is not possible to give:

  • products of a creature's journey (for a wine, a sire for women and females who are celebrating);
  • potatoes, cabbage, unripe fruits, smoked meats, malt, unsweetened feed.

It is necessary to yearn the creatures at that very hour, so as not to disrupt the etching process. Creatures guilty of taking vitamin C at once, you can add ascorbic acid to water from rosemary 1 mg per 1 ml. In vaginal females, the additional requirement for glucose is also responsible.

The creatures of obov'yazkovo may have clean water. Guinea pigs eat their last. It is necessary for the normalization of intestinal microflora. Newly born creatures eat the last of the grown-ups, using their own microflora in this way.

How long do guinea pigs live

Guinea pigs are great rodents; The stage of maturity in females reaches 30 days, in males at 60, and in breeding, the next time to let the creatures in is not younger than 3 months. The duration of pregnancy is approximately 65 days. Guinea pigs live up to 8-10 years old.

How to choose to become

It is indicated in guinea pigs in the middle between the anal opening and genitals, in males it is more.

Why are guinea pigs sick

Most ill guinea pigs are associated with the herbal system - the most important thing in the field. Deficiency of vitamins, indications for wrong years, disorder of the mucus, damage to the microflora, constipation. Citizens of illness are very important to rejoice, and they often end in the death of the creature. Get ill sechostate system- kaminnya at sich mihuri, cystitis, ailment of state organs.

It’s bad for the creature to endure surgery, but don’t take medication for help. Slid respect for the teeth of the creature, do not let them grow, shards of old teeth can be the cause of injuries to the mucous membrane of the mouth.

The deacons are rejoicing with tsikh zahvoryuvan, it is more fakhіvtsіv z grizunіv at veterinary clinics to find great places to know well, but in our veterinary clinic there is a stench. Therefore, it is better to get used to your own preventive visits and dbaily put before your vihovantsa, as if reaching all the recommendations at a glance. Todi creature lived a long life.

Daedalian guinea pigs often become, one might say, members of Russian families. Why are they so stinky?

Truly one of the best household creatures for children. The stinks don't bite, they're non-aggressive. Vtіm, at the time of the razdratuvannya, the maximum of the building is to hit the falsehood with your teeth. To the point of speech, guinea pigs are already attached to people and even love, if they are born. With whom, the stench is even more beautiful, so that dealing with them brings great satisfaction.

Vtіm, as if for some other domestic situation, for a guinea pig, a watchful eye is needed. The group does not require walks, for the supervision of dogs, and it takes a little time at home.

How to bathe guinea pigs?

Tim an hour, guinea pigs, like guts, already ohayn for their nature. The stench can't stand being crazy. I don’t care about those who have wool in a guinea pig, otherwise it doesn’t matter. And the frequency of bathing should be determined, wandering from the breed. Fahіvtsі recommend to carry out the procedure no more often than once a day. Vtіm, as soon as a guinea pig has a chicken on the body, then do not immediately pull the bath.

Fakhіvtsі to please bathe the creatures at the sink, at the basin, well, at the baths. Do not pour some water over it, drink it richly, otherwise the pig can get drunk. Or try to remember the little animal with a good soul. Put a piece of cloth on the bottom of the shell of the varto basin, so that the paws of the pig do not tie.

For bathing, buy special shampoos for guinea pigs and rabbits from the pet store. Vtіm, you can vikoristovuvati zasobi hygiene and for cats. And the axis of shampoos for dogs is strong, so it’s not enough to beat them without special needs. You can also vicoristize baby shampoos.

Bathe your guinea pig in warm, never hot water. Wet gently outside with a mustache coat for the help of a small ladle or a cup (or a watering can for the soul). Do not pour water on the creature's head. Turn off the hit of the animal in the head. And smoky and tame wool is on the head, press the ear mushl with your fingers to the head. In this order, you can’t drink water that pina at the vuha.

Varto signify that pigs can stand for an hour of water procedures calmly. For the most part, the animals are smeared with viscochi. So trim them at the hands of the wind. Remember that a mile of a pig is just a slime. If you go to the deep bath, then you won't be far away.

After that, as you have rubbed the creature with a pin, wash it with clean water.

For hairy pigs, after such a procedure, apply a hair balm. Then it will be easier to find wool and you will accept the lead itself. The balm is renewed again, varto evenly spread over the body of the creature with massage rubs. Let me rinse again.

Yak miti guinea pig?

The bathing is over and you can burn the guinea pig in your towel. Vono take too much water. You can wink a servlet with special fabrics, so that you can take in yourself a lot more than a native, a smaller towel. When this is done, the servette is ready to work again.

How to dry guinea pigs?

After soaking the pig, it is necessary to cook it until dry. Її it is necessary to dry and relatively dry, otherwise the animal can be overtaken. Take a hair dryer and a comb with thin teeth. Deyakі fahivtsі obroblyayut dovoshirstih pigs with a special vitamin spray. This makes it easier to understand, does not allow hair to swindle, nadali, protects wool from tirsi and brud.

Hairdryer varto trimati on the machine so that the flow of jets was not concentrated on one area. Varto gradually move the heat over the body. I give special respect to the varto to the stomach. First of all, finish this procedure, change your mind, it’s dry inside.

Looking after the guinea pig

After the first animal, you can let it in at the cage. І by stretching, dobi after bathing is not varto, bring the guinea pig to the street.

How to see a guinea pig?

Before speech, on the basis of hygiene procedures will not end. A constant watch will require the teeth of a guinea pig. If the food is not hard enough, then the creature’s teeth will grow fast and take care of its mouth. And over that great rіztsі can vipadkovo naughty is clear, destroy the tongue of a rodent. As a result, the animal stops eating and begins to starve. Tsyu situation pіd force to correct the veterinarian. And the axis zapobіgti її pіd force to the rulers, giving їsti different wooden objects. You can put in the cage the needles of fruit or coniferous trees, willows and lindens.

It is necessary to keep an eye on the guinea pigs. Particular respect for the varto is given to the pazuras of the old animals. The stench is insufficiently erased, as a result, the creature can have nerves and bent fingers, which make it necessary to walk. In such a time, you need a haircut, vicorist, and sharp manicure knives.

In some individuals, pazuria is poorly pigmented, and in their depths, blood-bearing judges can be pumped. That's why it's worth slid under the light of a floor lamp. Only there you can see a part of the claws without causing the discomfort of the creature.

Well, if the pazuru is dark brown or black, then the rotting of the blood-bearing vessels will be very flattering. Here it is necessary to trim the paws with special care. Seeing a part of the claw, try to deprive a part of the beveled troch in the middle. Then the claw does not waste its normal form. More shortly, like a new rіzhucha edge go across the claw, shards at a slanting crack can appear. As if blood had appeared in sight, carefully soak it with a cotton swab, soak it with water. And if the bleeding is strong, then pull the paw with a bandage. However, the first time to let the animal into the clitina is to pick it up there, so as not to allow the infection to get into the wound.

What is the purpose of a guinea pig?

Mіzh bathing guinea pig next rozchіsuvati. Short-haired creatures do not require vychisuvannya, but for bajannya you can distinguish wool with a soft shield. And the axis of the dove-haired animal needs to be picked up if you want every other day, especially respect attaching to the stomach and paws. Wool is accumulating here itself, that it was lying around, straws are straying or excrement. Roll outwards the best way to tear. It is necessary to take the cat out of the troch and kill it with manicure scissors to cut the small pieces out. Varto designate that during the period of shedding, it is necessary to breed pigs with any wool.

The editors of the site are supported that your animal will be happy and happy and will delight you with its healthy and fluffy look.
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The guinea pigs are not aggressive and bite very rarely and, as a rule, not in a right way, but rather give an understanding of what they can taste. The stench doesn't squeeze you in not even a spacious apartment, and food doesn't cost a penny. If you do not forget to clean the clitina, then the smell is practically not noticeable. In addition, the pigs are active during the day, which vigidly wakes up in the presence of riches of other rodents, which leads to a grumpy night of activity. Let's add a booth for the morning of all the pigs. A cute grizon is good with us with households and other domestic vikhovants, it’s better not to make friendship with the gut. Animals quickly become attached to people, to love, if they are petted. Already after a few days of rebuking in a new booth, the pig knows the master, with joy I go to the new one on my hands and wind it up with radio sounds. Guess what, you were always welcome? Go get a guinea pig.

If you dutifully talk about the pig, give it enough respect, create a comfortable mind, then you can live at your booth from 5 to 8 years, in the house you can wind up vipadki, if guinea pigs lived 15 years!

What do you need sea lead?

If you have decided to have your own guinea pig as a domestic lover, then it is necessary for her to bring:

  • clitina. Її minimum size can be 70x45x40 cm (length x width x height). You can read a report about vimogi to a guinea pig;
  • I will lift a stave of an important anniversary, like a creature could not turn it over;
  • hanging sack bag, recognized for rodents. Such a napkin is the most comfortable, shards of water do not spill from it and are filled with clean water;
  • for bedding in klitz, it is best to vicorate the great thyrsus. You can find it at any pet store and buy cheap stink. Tirsa kindly chooses the products of the life of the creature. It is categorically impossible to beat a newspaper like a pillow in a clitin, the shards of a drukarska farb are very hard on the body of a creature. Napovnyuvach, scho clumping, also not suitable - in a new place it is unsafe for a healthy creature's speech;
  • I’ll use a brush and a comb for watching the outside (for dove-haired pigs);
  • scissors for pіdіzuvannyа kіgtіv;
  • hammocks, pillows, and even guinea pigs are happy to sleep on the soft;
  • toys. Guinea pigs show interest in toys, especially quiet, as they can bite. Therefore, it is better to buy toys specially for guinea pigs made of environmentally friendly and non-penetrative materials, a wide selection of such ideas in pet stores.

Guinea pigs are creatures of a company, so they are often trimmed in groups. If you do not plan to adopt offspring from your own breeding, do not try to breed females from males in the same place. With the sum of the mornings of the males, the fights are inevitable! As a rule, they trim a sprat of a female at once. It is necessary to know that vagity in a pig can already occur in 4-6 years of age! However, the optimal age of the pig for the first sheds is from five to seven months. Sob vagіtnіst i canopies passed without complications, mumps can reach vaga 700 r.

The main diet of the pig is fodder sum, blue, vegetables and fruits, grain crops. About those who are a guinea pig, it is reportedly written in this article.

Guinea pigs feel good at a temperature close to 20 ° W. The stench can endure significantly warmer, lower temperature drops, which are good for them, to take the temperature at the host, where the grizzly bears can be, the last hour can be below 10 ° W. Postiyna pidtrimka vodnoї vologostі povіtrya on іvnі 50% is also important for the self-perceived creatures. In the winter period, the heated places are dryer. A special tool for scaling up a sprinkle of sufficient moisture.

Fundamentals of hygiene

Wanting a guinea pig - dosit nevibagly at the watchful creature, defending the guarded respect. Do not forget that in the simplest hygienic procedures you can get healthy.

A good watcher for a guinea pig is in:

  • cleaning the anniversaries and stuffings with hot water;
  • vydalennya surplus green stern;
  • tidying up the bedclothes (like it got very confused);
  • rozchіsuvannya dovgoshirstih guinea pigs, vydalennya outside.

Once a day it is necessary:

  • completely replace the entire lining at the klitz;
  • thoroughly clean the bottom of the cage;
  • rinse with hot water all objects from the cell (more often from soda).

Once a month follow:

  • clean the entire clitina as a whole, including rods (hot water from soda soda);
  • for bazhannyam cut the wool of a dove-haired pig.

How to clean a guinea pig's cage?

Such procedures, like trimming the claws and bathing a guinea pig, are carried out as needed.

Walks and unsafe

The most important moments of the guinea-pig are the connection with it. If you can take a guinea pig in your arms and snuggle, posture, as if it’s big with a foul, waving the room. Ale first, let the pig out for a walk, then think about the safety of the necessary sharpening for the walk.

  1. The first rule of such walks is that a guinea pig can always be watched by someone from the members of this family.
  2. Walking with a table, a style, or be it some other object on the day, can lead to the fall of that injury. Crimea falling from the heights of a guinea pig on the tables is guarded and other insecurities: a plate with a hedgehog, what to burn, a drinker with nedopalki, medical care, glue, felt-tip pens and in.
  3. For an hour of walking, if you are homely vikhovants - the intestines of a dog, for example, you can control the watering of a guinea pig, or you don’t loosen up the chivalry of the hour, so it’s better to make contact with them.
  4. To create a place for a walk for a guinea pig without a care:
  • shove electric darts;
  • tidy up decor items, as they can injure a creature with gostry elements;
  • close the space behind the furniture and other gaps, where the creature can crawl and get far away, it will be impossible;
  • doors to the balcony and other accommodations are to be closed;
  • cold podloga (especially kahelna) is guilty of buti covered with a bedclothes;
  • likarsky zasobi, butov chemistry and other unsafe speech due to guilt but posture to the reach of the creature;
  • as a guinea pig is more likely to grizzle furniture, or kilim pokrittya, studded with butovic chemicals, the stench can come off.

For special respect, meritorious growers, as they can become the cause of severe poisoning of the guinea pig. Tse stosuetsya like room roslin, and grew up on the streets, where the deyak lords would blame the creature for a walk. Below is a list of the widest room and street growths that threaten the health and life of the guinea pig.

Brass for guinea pigs

From room growths for guinea pigs to become unsafe like this:

  • aralia kіmnatna
  • dieffenbasia
  • yucca
  • ivy
  • rіzdvyana zіrka
  • sansev'era (mother-in-law's tongue, pike tail)
  • epipremnum
  • kіmnatna kalu.

Outdoor growth, unsafe for guinea pigs:

  • black pastel
  • hydrangea
  • autumn timeless
  • rhododendron
  • black belladon
  • buttercups
  • hemlock.

Far from all guinea pig owners know about the names of roslin and their power for home breeding. Therefore, with the least suspicions of guinea pig poisoning, it is necessary to deliver it to the veterinary clinic in a term, having taken a sprout of growth with it, as if it tasted for taste.

Good for the health of the guinea pig

As if your wihovanets is moving in the stern, lethargic, flickering, waking up, choking, or the new one’s hair is falling - you’d better go to the veterinarian!

The most widespread health problems in guinea pigs

1. Disorder of the intestinal tract

When carrying the trail, turn off greens from the diet sap food. Fahivtsі prescribe antibiotics and drugs that restore the intestinal microflora.

2. Problems with teeth

It’s like vihovanets is moving in the stern, wearing out the vag, maybe he has problems with his teeth. The reason is ringing є wrong year. The teeth of a guinea pig grow throughout life (up to 2 mm per day), and it is to blame for this. As in the diet, there is a constant presence of roughage (sino, grain, twigs, granules, as well as mineral and salt stones), there will be no ingestion from the teeth. If the teeth grow incorrectly, fakhіvets pіdrіzaє їh ta koriguє occlusion.

3. Problems outside

With the method of early detection of health problems at home, once every three days, look at the guinea pig. Be-yak resurrection at the behavior of the creature, change of obvious ominous signs it is your duty to alert the vlasnik. For whom it is sufficient to set the names for the guinea pig, I will stand at the time of looking around.

Why varto zvernuti respect?

  • burning camp: malice, aggression, apathy;
  • vіdmova vіd їzhі or drive, rotten appetite;
  • often, urivchaste dihannya, wheezing;
  • I will change my eyes, as if they sound, they become clear and pure;
  • change I will become shkiri and outside;
  • change in the consistency of excrement;
  • other warning signs.

Be respectful, take care of your vihovantsya!

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