5 most effective rights for a flat stomach. Efficiently emaciated in the minds of the home: it’s the best way to clean up your life. Pidyom of high columns

How to achieve a flat stomach? One of the most praised food for all articles. In today’s minds, it’s not primha, but Danina’s fashion and culture for the cult of outwardness. Mustaches try hard to see the secret of stringiness in stars. And in the meantime, I’m even more forgiven - that planned robot over itself is inveterate.

Dosi not found greater than wild and watery more accessible way, lower sport. For the same reason, we have chosen for you the best right for the stomach. The complex is injected into the problem areas and sprays the pumping of the press.


Technique of walking: sitting on the bottom and resting on the bottom, raise straight legs on the level of 45-50 ° from the bottom. Stretch for 15 seconds, increasing the tension by 2-3 seconds every day.


Wiping technique: lying on your back and throwing your legs on the surface (steel or lava) stretch your hands to the scarpets with the wind of the shoulder blades in the air. Vikonati 15 times.


Wiping technique: lying on your back, raise your legs 30 ° in front of the legs and cross the horizontal arms. Vikonuvati stretch 15-30 seconds.

"Pidyom nig in emphasis."

Technique of vikonnannya: lying on the floor, crouching on the elbows and socks, on the back of the legs lift up the hill, zatrimuyuchi for 5 seconds. Vikonati 15 repetitions of the skin leg.

“Pidyom nig lying on the side”.

Technique of vikonannya: lying on the boots, lift up the hill with straight legs up to the apex of 45°. Repeat 20 times on the skin side.

Rules of vikonanny right:

  • It is right to victorious one by one at the appointments of the sequence, with a break between them for 25 seconds;
  • It is necessary to take 2 approaches of the skin right;
  • The hot hour of employment can be no less than 20 hvilin;
  • The complex is better to vikonuvati through 20-30 hvilin after awakening, ale before sleep;
  • The complex is rightly guilty of closing to the right, which stretches: lying on the stomach and leaning with the hands in the prone to bend as much as possible in the ridge.

Right for a flat stomach for the mind of the schoden їх vikonannya zdatnі nadat svidky effect, scho pіdtyaguє. The advantage of this complex has the right to total action on the group of m'yaziv press: the crown and the bіchnі oblastі - in such a rank, fat vіdkladennya will go equally from the other zones.

Do not forget that the eating is balanced, dotrimanny to the regime of the day and cosmetic procedures bagatorazovo increase the effect of physical training.

A thin waist and a flat, tucked-up tummy, with pronounced m'yazami and without fat - ce mriya rich girls. Unfortunately, the zone itself is often problematic - it’s easy for fat to accumulate there, and it’s important to take care of it. But if you try hard, then everything is possible. Podkhіd up to the reach of a stringy belly can be complex. I important yoga warehouse - tse right for a flat stomach. Іsnuє chimalo effective rights itself on the zone. Well, we need to proponuєmo 10 best and universal ones - quiet, with which you can start a newcomer, that yakі dіyut itself at the complex.

Zvichayno, the main task, with the help of guilt, to be effective in the right for a flat stomach, - the change of the waist obliges that area of ​​\u200b\u200bbeautiful relief. Regular employment allows you to achieve amazing results, both women and men.

Ale trained belly rubs - not more than lower, just beauty. The stench aggravates the internal organs, including the intestines, the intestines, and the mucus. І for the normal functioning of the organs, the organs may be trimmed correctly. To that, working on the press, you will also help your herbal system, liver, zhovchovividnyh paths. Internal organs for normal work are responsible for the care of blood, which carries a number of living components. Itself in tsoma i dopomagayut right for a thin waist and a flat stomach. It also seems that it is good to stink into the reproductive system of a woman and the ability to conceive, to blame and give birth to a healthy baby.

Zvichayno, schobbiti flat lives in the minds of the home, right - not all. Necessarily correct. It is important not to overdo it, often in small portions, not to live in the evening, eat the right food and drink enough clean water.

TOP 10 right for a flat stomach

The proponation complex is right for a flat stomach, it is suitable for everyone and for good deeds on the blackness of the m'yazi. If you practice regularly, you will soon be able to remember the obvious results.

1. Warm up

It is necessary for the organism to develop and prepare for physical advancement. External position: feet shoulder-width apart, arms wide apart, feet placed parallel to one.

The body needs to be wounded to the left, dragged into the same bik of its own right hand. Let's repeat it directly to someone else. Stretch forward, pulling your arms back. Having stood on the scarpets, raise your hands uphill.

At the rozmintsі you are guilty of knowing all the m'yazi. As if for some discomfort you feel, repeat the same sprat once - to help you get rid of the unacceptable mind.

2. Turn

Turn - move right for wasp waist and flat stomach.

Cob: put your feet shoulder-width apart, clench your palms into a fist, bring them up to your chest and open your arms wide.

Start actively turning the doors to one side and the doors to the other side. The feet are not guilty of standing in the state. The upper part of the coat is crumbling less. If so, try to trim the position as evenly as possible.

3. Plank

For whom it is right for a flat stomach, it is necessary to lie down on a bed or a special kilimok for yoga.

Hands need to be bent to the licks, rest against them in the log, rise so that from the head and to the toe the body was a straight line. For the cob, try to stay in this position for 10 seconds, then quickly increase the whole hour.

When given the right, try not to bend over and do not sip your seat. So follow the steps for dihannyam. In order to increase the vanity, you can move forward one by one. .

4. Haircuts from the bar

Outside the camp, all the same - lying on the bed.

Hands bent at the elbows, rest against the foot, body, as if in a frontal fall, can be a straight line. Now rob haircuts, spreading legs shoulder-width apart. When you have the right, it is important to follow the breath, vidihati, stress.

5. Curling

The most effective right for a flat stomach can not be included. It is necessary to lie down on a bed, spread your dead hands. With whom the legs are to blame, but straight and lifted uphill.

The legs need to be bent, to transfer them to the right side of the right coat. Then let's turn the left position and try the same ones from the other side. Repeat recommended 10-20 times. You are right, try not to tear your pelvis from the surface, lie down.

6. "Alpinist"

The external position is the same, like from the plan.

Now it is necessary to lift the left and right legs to the breasts according to the devil. Repeat 10-20 times. Bazhano, so that the pace should be as intense as possible.

7. Leg swings

10 right for a flat stomach, turn on the swings. It is good to lie on your back. Hands of guilt lie in a vzdovzh tuluba.

The legs are lifted 10-15 cm from the surface and small swings sway uphill. Repeat right 10-20 times with the skin leg. In order to increase efficiency, try not to take your breath away.

8. Hoop

The hula-hoop miraculously helps us to grow a thin waist and a flat one lives in the right, as if even simpler. Spinning yoga is just as easy. It is necessary to stand straight, put your hands behind your head.

Ruhayuchi less than the lower part of the body. For the best effect of varto vikoristovuvat an important massage hoop with special bags or nozzles. As for the hula hoop, you still know little, be careful. Otherwise, you risk earning sinci and serious discomfort. Start spinning the hoop from five quills, giving the tuluba to the new ring. Increase your vanity in the future.

9. Kosi twisting

It is necessary to lie on your back, put your hands behind your head.

Bend your legs, lift your head and actively hang your head and chest on top of your head, so that one shoulder blade was left on the bottom, and the other was lifted. To the hand, as if taking the fate of Russia, the opposite leg is guilty. Hit with a lyktem and a collin, then repeat for your other arm and leg. When vikonannі tsієї it is right to be respectful, so that you could see the scythes from the sides at once from the tension at the upper belly.

10. Yogo-gut

Zamikaє ten right yogo-gut, for which it is necessary to stand on all fours. Then we’ll bend uphill and downhill 10-20 times.

At the process of vikonnannya you can see your own body. The movement of the head, shoulders, fifth point and back may be synchronous. Qi is right for a flat stomach to help m'yazam relax and fix the result. Try not to throw your head up sharply.

The axis is such a simple complex to help you improve your figure. You can look at the video right for a flat stomach, so that you can demonstrate the correct technique of viking and help you not to have mercy.

Flat life and thin waist in household minds: a sprat of joy

Right - not yet everything that we need to wake up the figures of our dreams. You can go faster and more confidently to your own goal, as you remember about the following rules:

  • Remember about motivation. Sob to regularly engage in the right thing, you need to be smart, you need to work hard. . You can regularly show your future ideal body, you can put a photo of a lady with the necessary parameters on the refrigerator. Constantly looming in front of your eyes, you can go to your heart's content.
  • Go to the food. In order to change the size of the slug and take it in, eat less, you need to change the size of your portions. And the axis of the quantity of living can be increased. Shestirazov - tse richer is richer, lower dvorazov and more lyasna.
  • Fahivtsi to please tim, who dream about a thin waist, eat raspberries. They have ketone speech, which effectively fights against fat. At the season of yagіd їzhte half a bottle of savory raspberries 15 quills before the main reception of їzhi. If it is not the season for raspberries, you can vicorate grapefruit. The stinks are also in their fat-burning powers. Try to eat half a grapefruit in front of him, and even then only help you to throw off a sprat of zayvikh kilograms without any special effort.
  • Also, avocado and olive oil are also important for the waist.. They have fatty acids, which help to save the accumulated fat, including on the stomach and sides. Ale їsti їх it is necessary in pomіrnih kіlkos, even though all the same qi products are even more caloric.
  • Remove clothes and shoes. This is the most important reception. zabobіgaє reїdannya stretching of the day that helps to normalize the exchange processes.
  • Aiming for a thin waist and a flat stomach help yoga and meditation.
  • Don't get nervous. It is clear that stress often leads to a transition. That th on the whole organism of wines is not the best rank. Those same stosuєtsya and not enough sleep.
  • Eat porridge. Vivsyanka is a universal cereal, like a miraculous snack. Vaughn to take revenge on cellular tissue, folding "more" in carbohydrates, which helps to normalize cholesterol levels. Vivsyanka miraculously sips for the whole day, and in order to get it, the body will need to spend a lot of energy. Therefore, for a thin waist, won - the best helper.
  • Eat an apple. Studies have shown that those who regularly want to eat 300 grams of apples lose weight faster and more efficiently for quiet, whose diet stinks every day.
  • Eat dairy and fermented milk products. Calcium, which rushes into it, helps to get rid of water zavoi vaga that spryaє correct pobudovі m'yazіv.
  • Good help in the struggle for a flat life and a thin waist.. It’s even easier to fight wine, and at the same hour, less than a month, you can change your waistline by 5 centimeters.
  • Don't get hung up on cardio. The stench burns more calories, but it will require an increase in efficiency. The advantage of them is for those who, after stretching them out, dobi the body to burn fat, to instill peace in the camp.

In this manner, a simple complex is right for those who follow a light diet - a miraculous way to achieve a lean and tucked-up belly and a thin wasp waist. Golovne - do it regularly, and the results do not get in the way.

Ecology of well-being. Fitness and sport: Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head. Legs should be lifted perpendicularly to the fold and bent in knees under a straight cut.

1. Twisting with an one-hour pelvic lift

Weekend position. Lie on your back, bend your legs in knees and raise your head above the ground. Fold your hands behind your head, direct the licks of the kill.

How to win? In vidikha at once lift the body and the pelvis, lifting them one to one, and go down in the breath. Treat a flat life. You can still rise higher, but live when you inflate, bulge, pull it up more strongly, expand inwardly and see it rise higher, controlling the flat life in the navel and lower part of the abdomen. Rukh may be swayed by the muscles of the stomach, and not by the winding of the chest, follow that, so that it is not strained, and open the lips of the kill.

Repeat 16 times.

2. Diagonal twist

Weekend position. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head. Legs should be lifted perpendicularly to the fold and bent in knees under the straight hem (table top position), put the arms behind the head and lift the shoulder blades over the fold. Stretch the neck, do not overstress it.

How to win? Twist the body in vidikha, pull the left leg to the right knee, and with the left leg, straightening її, forward at the diagonal. Turn inward at the outer position and, without lowering the body, repeat twisting in the next row. With a stretch of the mustache, pull the navel to the ridge, flatten the life. Do not wind across the pelvis through the folds, twist over the lower rib, not the waist.

Repeat 8 times on the skin side.

3. Removal of a new table top

Weekend position. Lie on your back, put your hands to the sides, lift the front of the shoulder perpendicularly to the fold and stick your elbows into the fold. Legs - at the position of the table top.

How to win? On sight, without changing the knees, lower the legs of the killer to the position, in which the shoulder blades will be further pressed to the foot. Take care of a flat life, draw it in more strongly. To turn in the air at the exit, the position is repeated at the other side. As if on the back, it will be easy to reduce jealousy, to start victoriously right with a small amplitude, controlling the movement of the stomach ulcers, and then to increase it and push your elbows more strongly - he lives with whom he is guilty of bearing the main burden. Repeat for another book.

Whack 8 times on the skin side. After whom, you have the right to put your feet down on the bed and repair the trochs.

4. Razkrittya liktiv and straightening nig at once

Weekend position. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, pointing your elbows forward, legs in the top-table position. Lift the hull, not winding the pidlogs across.

How to win? Stretch your legs in front of you, swinging ahead and uphill at the bottom of about 45-60 degrees to the bottom, and open your lungs at once, straightening to the sides. Turn inward at the outer position, without lowering the body and legs.

Vityagyuchi legs, stitch, so that you don’t bend across: squeeze more strongly into the underbelly, pulling in the stomach ache. Mіzh pіdlogu that across not guilty but nіyakoї vіdstanі - tse secure your back in the face of overexertion. Rozkrivayuchi liktі, lower your shoulders and pull the m'yazi shiї. Do not rush to lower your legs low, for the cob, ruh with a high foot, main task- Save a flat life.

Repeat 8 times.

5. Pulling up the arm to the foot

Weekend position. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your legs in knees and put the foot of your left foot on the foot, and lift the right foot to the parallel with the foot. Raise the body and turn right-handed, across to the bottom.

How to win?In vidikha, straighten the right leg in the knee and simultaneously stretch the left hand to the right foot. Turn inward at the outer position, without lowering the body.

Whack 8 times on the skin side. published

Details Updated: 05/09/2019 19:10 Posted: 06/08/2013 16:20

Anastasia Listopadova

Effective right for the press - Video

It is important to reach the perfection of the figure, especially in such a “folding” area, as that waist lives. Utrimat vaga, save a thin waist, a flat life at the age of 40 years becomes a problem. Ale, nothing is impossible. Efficiently right, approved by fitness instructor Gay Gasper, guaranteed to allow take off a thin waist and a flat waist.

The Gay Gasper complex includes special treatments for straight and oblique stomach ulcers and back ulcers. Everyone has the right to selectively select and roztashovanі in the sing sequence in order to achieve the maximum result in the shortest term.

Complex for a flat stomach to avenge 10 effective rights of the base level, which, as a whole, under the force of being unprepared. This is how Gay Gasper called yoga - the complex "Cherevny press for teapots".

For the skin, it is also possible to apply a more complicated modification for the slipped riven, or, in addition, a lighter version, so at the first stage it is important to cope with the base riven.

You do not need special equipment or shells, only kilimok are needed. Therefore, the complex for a flat stomach Gay Gasper is ideal for taking at home.

Gay Gasper Recommends Ride Right For Pres aerobic activities and balanced meals, because Only one day of pres is not enough for a flat stomach. Burn fat it’s impossible only in one specific area, without aerobic pressures, that balanced life of a flat stomach is not taken away, but pumping the neck pressure is attached to a ball of fat.

Follow these recommendations, after 2-3 months you are guaranteed to take off a thin waist and a flat, beautiful tummy. So, unfortunately, the process is not easy. But first, motivating results, you can earn money in two, so you can do it in a day.

Basic set of rights for a flat stomach


Obov'yazkovo before the operation of the m'yaziv of the press, it is necessary to do a warm-up of 4-5 hvilin (swing and hit with your arms, legs, turn the body, nahili), stretch and stretch the m'yazi, so that you get injured.

The basis of all right for a flat stomach and waist- classical twisting, to that, first for everything, you need to learn how to twist them correctly.

1. Easy twisting

Posture position: Lying on the back, legs pulled up, hands behind the head, lightly tightening the press, pulling the ribs up to the stegon.

It is enough to open your shoulders in front of the legs, straining the press, stretch out on two legs, lower yourself at the exit position.

Try your best to not pull forward, do not lower the board, do not strain the seats for the hour of the vikonanny. Inhale - below, see - eels, under the hour of twisting. Repeat 10 times. Stretch, relax, breathe deeply and repeat 10 times again.

2. Pidyom nig

Tsya right opratsovuє m'yazi lower pres.

Outside position: Lying on the back, lift the legs, brushes parallel to the bottom, knees on the pelvis, arms to the side.

Stretch the press, povіlno vіdіrіt stegna vіdіdіnі pіdlogi 2-3 cm, not zmіnyuyuchi kut nіg nіg, zatrimaytes two rahunki, povіlno turn іn vyhіdne position. Breathe - below, see - eel, pіd hour pіdёmu stegon. Repeat 10 times. Lower your legs, stretch, relax, breathe deeply and repeat 10 times again. Keep in mind that the back was left squeezed to the right under the hour.

3. Twisting that pidyom nig

Move the first two right, work out upper and lower abdominal.

Outside position: Lying on the back, raise the legs, brushes parallel to the knees, knees on the pelvis, hands behind the head.

Stretch the press, at the same time pull up with breasts, and knees, nazustrich one to one. Breathing in the shoulders and quilting under the logs. Repeat 10 times. Lower your legs, stretch, relax, breathe, and repeat 10 times again.

Breathe evenly. We saw the hour of greatest stress.

4. Side twist

Qia right opratsovuє kosi m'azi belly.

External position: Lying on the back, feet on the floor at the width of the shoulders, the batten is spread, hands behind the head. Alternately twist the twist, stretching your shoulder to the opposite knee, trim your elbow on the shoulder. The rest of the likot is left on the bed for the preservation of jealousy. Go down and curl up in the next beak. Without pauses, work 10 twists. The pace is right - two rahunki uphill, two rahunki down. Try your best not to break the pelvis.

Pull the braids of the m'yazi press, loosen up, breathe, and re-roll 10 twists.

5. Twisting with vipad

Posture position: Lying on the back, legs pulled up to the pelvis, hands behind the head, open.

It is enough to open the shoulders in front of the legs, to stretch the press, to pull one knee of the breasts, then to pull the leg. Work 10 repetitions with one foot, then do the same with the other.

Pull the press, loosen up, breathe, and kick another pidkhid, 10 twists with a vibra on the skin leg.

6. Bicycle

We know more about school lessons in physical education right "Bicycle" to help tidy up the curtains from the sides.

Outside position: Lying on your back, lift your legs, lift your feet closer to the pelvis, hands behind your head, open your lungs.

It is enough to open your shoulders in front of the legs, straining the press, straighten one leg under the kutom 45 degrees to the bottom of the leg, stretch the opposite shoulder of the knee of the bent leg. Potim without a pause, slay those same ones from the other side. Tobto. imitation of riding a bicycle. Give respect to the swedishness; Repeat 10 times. Stretch, fix it and win one more pidkhid.

7. Kidnapping with scarves

It's just right, what gives a serious interest in the press.

Posture position: Lying on the back, lift the legs, brushes parallel to the knee, knees together, on the pelvis, hands behind the head. Stretching the press, pulling the shoulders into the legs, and properly pushing the toe of one foot under the legs, turn the leg back. Then let's hit the logs with our other toe.

Breathe correctly: legs on the mountain - inhaled, dotik pіdlogi - seen. Repeat right 10 times, without lowering your shoulders down. Try not to shake your back in front of the logs.

Stretch, fix it and win one more pidkhid.

8. Circle wrap

right good Operate the entire press.

Outside position: Lying on your back, put your feet on the floor, hands behind your head.

Slightly tighten the press, pulling the ribs up to the stegon. Stretching the belly rub, it is enough to shave around the body wrapper in one beat 5 times, then 5 times in the next beat.

Breathe correctly: see the mountains, breathe in the bottom. Make sure that the pelvis is not damaged by the underlays. Stretch, fix it and win one more pidkhid.

9. Progin with bent knees

In fighting with the stomach, it is also important to train the back pain. Qia is right at once I will pump the m'yazi presa and spini.

Pochatkovy position: Get on your knees, lay your hands on the bed. Under the light, you can put a soft towel. Put your feet on the skewers.

Stretching the mud, breaking the knee into the logs, tremble for three legs, turn around at the exit position. Repeat 10 times. Bend the knee, stretch forward, fix it, win another pidkhid. Apply for an hour, straighten your back trimati straight.

10. Rise from the reference position

Raise one straight leg to the height of the quilt, fix it on two legs, turn around at the exit position. Let's lift another leg. Repeat right 10 times for the skin leg. Breathe correctly: I saw to work for an hour to walk my feet. Stretch your body straight, do not bend at the back.

Knock knee, sit on your heels, stretch forward, relax, breathe deeply, and win another foot, 10 feet for each skin leg.


Do not miss this lesson, this important moment of training.

Traditional stretching of the abdomen, legs, back (bend, stretch) 4-5 strands.

Video to the complex of the best rights for a flat stomach

marvel online video right for a flat stomach Gay Gasper

You can get a video of the right complex for the abdomen and waist Gay Gasper


If you have read to the end, then you already practice or you want to start working on the problem of the stomach and waist, so we repeat again: It is important to take care of diet and pump up the press for aerobic pursuits Tse mozhe buti aerobics, dances, haircuts or just walking with swedish croque. Then your work will not be mary, fat under the belly, the waist will become thin, and the life will be pulled flat.

Important! Twisted right and carelessly

Twisting. Vikonuyte correctly that safely!

Workout Gay Gasper bagatto right to twist To this we add a little respect and the most effective right for the press. It’s more important to follow them CORRECTLY and SAFELY!

Why is curling so effective for the press

Right for twisting - tse universal right for shaping a garny, flat stomach. Twisting - the whole thing is right, with a yakіy povnistyu pratsyut m'yazi m'yazi chervnogo press.

Twisting. Yaki m'yazi practice

Cherevny press formations straight and oblique m'yazami belly. Under the hour of vikonannya the right to twist the entire press is taken at once and statically, and dynamically navantazhennia, because to bring the body to a fixed position at once, and to twist it, the m'yazi sometimes squirm, then wiggle.

Moreover, twisting allows you to effectively tone the entire straight stomach meat, even though the vein is more heterogeneous for its structure: it is tight and toned, and weak and thin below.

Besides, the back of the m'yazi is across. Stink, like the m'yazi of antagonism, oppose the m'yazam of the press.

Twisting. Basic technique

Zavdannya straight lines and slanting m'yaziv of the stomach bend the body, tobto. bring the ribs closer to the pelvic cysts. Give respect to the need to bring the ribs, and not the shoulders and chest, to the pelvic cysts, not to the knees. Otherwise, practice is not pres, but otherwise m'yazi.

Yak correctly robiti twisting

Lie on your back, bend your legs in knees, put the yakomog closer to midday. Put your hands behind your head or put them on your chest.

In vidikha, start twisting the body, lower the back of the chest on the chest, then break the shoulders into the legs, then the shoulder blades. Raise the ridge smoothly, ridge after ridge, once twisting yoga forward, you want to turn into a ball. Rush smoothly, do not squawk, without rivkіv, without assisting with your legs.

On the breath at the same pace, as if twisting, so smoothly, backbone after backbone, flare up the body: put the shoulder blades on the back, sweat the shoulders, sweat the head.

With the right vikonannі, you will not be able to sіsti, tsya osoblivіst show that practice same m'yazi presa, and not yakіs іnshi.

Twisting. Main pardons

  1. Fix your legs lying on a horizontal surface, chirping, for example, behind the sofa or for the assistance of a partner. Such a position will immediately transfer the vanity to other matters. When the legs are fixed, the masses of the press are less likely to work in the position lying down on the frail lava and to the special simulator.
  2. Don't wait for ruhi s dihannyam. Remember that under the body you should always look at the sight, and when turning at the outside, the position should be at the breath.
  3. V_drivati ​​across vіd pіdlogi. Vіdsutnіst support pіd across pіd hour twisting threatening vіdannyam interspinal discs. To that, on the very cob of twisting, try to squeeze it across the front. If you don’t go out, don’t twist your back, work right on the fitball, or put it across the folds in a loose towel.
  4. Vikonuwati right rivkami. Do not help yourself for the hour of vikonanny right with the swings of your arms and legs. As you can't break the shoulders or shoulder blades, just try to feel the tension in the ribs down to the bottom of the abdomen. It is important to strain yourself to the needs of the m'yazi, and not to grow the right to the maximum amplitude.

Dodatkova help - Sessions Galini Grossmann for weight loss

Dodatkova dopomog, to help you organize and start fighting with your stomach - energy sessions by Galini Grossmann, to activate the burning of zayvogo fat program on light weight loss. And not just a navіyuvannya, Galina Grossmann gives a clear, reasonable plan in power scho really lose weight.

And it’s true, as far as sensible and logical recommendations, as given by Galina Grossmann: eat for years, turn on boroshnyans, licorice, lubrication that іnsha shkіdlivu їzhu, don't look at anythingі time per day vlashtovuvat water day, then the result is guaranteed.

Prote, in order to independently observe such a regulation, a serious motivation and a strong will are needed, which we call out and do not try. The axis of this element, which is a marriage, is given to us by Galina Grossmann at her energy sessions. Grossmann may have a special session for slimming down a great belly, but unfortunately, at the same time, the author has access to new areas.

Japanese right to belly fat.

And how do you trust physical rights, then up to your respect, one more effective right in terms of fat on the sides and stomach in the case of wines of the Japanese.

Dodatkova motivation- Having removed fat from the abdomen and waist, You will reduce the development of diabetes, heart disease, chronic illnesses, increase self-esteem and it will be easier, you will feel better. Flat, beautiful bellies!

Flat life- Mriya skin representative of the beautiful state. Not less than a garna of a part of the body, on the basis of which the respect of a person is won. The musculature of the abdominal press is trained to expand the waist of the woman, and the silhouette of the strings. We have more for you right, so they burn 20 times more calories, lower weight.

Sweep them 3 times a day for 1.5 months, giving the body no more than 2 days. Skin right wink for the bad. Even if you do not start burning, continue to work rightly far away. The training is short, but in front of him it is obligatory to do a warm-up.

Adjust for a flat stomach

1. Pidyom equal nig
Lie down on the floor, lift your legs straight, do not twist your pelvis. Let's put them down as low as you can. Just don't hit the ground. It’s like folding straight legs, bending them at the knees. Rise again.

2. "Alpinst"
This is one of the best rights. It’s not directly directed to the press, but to active adiposity. Plank. Pull the knee up to the elbows, fix it for 2 seconds and then turn it to the exit position.

3. "Bicycle"
Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head. Pull your legs up to your chest and straighten them like this, no matter how you turn the pedals: the left knee to the right elbow, the right to the left.

4. Plank
Stand on the floor, straighten your legs. Legs, tulub and pelvis are responsible for establishing one line. Stretch the press, sit and m'yazi back. Stіte stilki, skіlki you can.

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