How to pump up the chest of a man. How to pump up chest mucus at home. The best basic rights for the sternum

It's no secret that the basis of a man's torso is made up of loose breasts. That is why the main meta-training for more people is the treatment of (thoracic) m'yaziv. The fitness center promotes a wide range of options for training breasts. Ale, sho robiti tim, who can’t help sports club? For such people, we were given the right to take pains on the chest, as you can win at home minds.

Features of breast training

In order to achieve success in the practice of pectoral ulcers, it is recommended to follow the following principles of training:

  • Don't overtighten your breasts. The rule "more is more" to this particular type don't work. For older students, it is necessary to conduct 1-2 workouts per day (3-4 right on the chest), for athletes - a maximum of 3 lessons per day (4-6 right).
  • Win the negative phase right a little bit more for the positive one. For example, in case of vіdzhimannyah vіd pіdlogi go down more, go lower. This method allows you to increase the strength of the tension on the pectoral muscles and speed up growth.
  • Training be on basic rights. The “base” itself gives the most obsyagu m'yaziv. A lot of athletes vzagali not vikoristovuyut іzolyuyuchi vantazhennya and otrimuyut vіdminnі results. If you want to pump up tight breasts - put pressure on that bench press.
  • Don't do chest and triceps surgery on the same day. On the right in that, trenuyuchi chest m'yazi, you indirectly zadієte triceps. First of all, when training triceps, the chest hits sideways. Podіl navantazhen allow to improve the growth of both groups of m'yaziv.
  • Obov'yazkovo vikoristovyte obtyazhennya. In order to inflate chest mucus in household minds, the person is guilty of stoking additional vantage. You can use dumbbells, barbells, weights, handy objects, for example, dances with water, or an important backpack.
  • Watch out for the required training. Have basic rights work 3-4 go for 8-12 repetitions. In insulating elements zbіshte kolkіst repetition up to 12-15 at the skin approach. With this vaga, you can be such that you can see the tension.

Top 8 best rights for soft breasts

Below are the various rights that allow you to inflate chest mucus at home. With that, the pickup is smashed so that the skin can know for itself the appropriate vanity (with a wet bag, with dumbbells, with a barbell, on the beams).

Without hanging a barbell under the arm of a dumbbell, you can, for the help of classical exercises, opratsyuvat chest.

  1. Get down in a back-to-back position on straightened arms.
  2. Trim the torso in one line with the lower part of the body.
  3. The setting of the brushes on the underside is a troch shirsha for the shoulders of the swamps.
  4. Gently go down with your chest, albeit lower.
  5. Vipryamlyayuchi likt, rise to the cob stalk.

For the sake of shodo vikonanna:

2. Vidzhimannya vіd stiltsіv

This option allows you to increase the depth of the lowering of the body, which improves the stretching of the chest muscles.

  1. Place two pillars one opposite one.
  2. Rest on the seat with your hands.
  3. Move your legs back and place the third stile on the sofa with sashkets.
  4. Tim himself is guilty of taking the position of "lying emphasis" on the pillars.
  5. Gently lower your chest below the seat.
  6. So smoothly turn at the exit position.
  7. Breathe in on lowering, see - on foot.

For the sake of shodo vikonanna:

  • Get down a bit more, lower yourself.
  • Take care of the even position of the body without sagging.

3. Plyometric control

On the right, you allow the deep m'yazovі fibers of the breasts to zadiyati, and to wind up the entire shoulder girdle.

  1. Starting camp - emphasis lying on straight arms.
  2. Smoothly, ale energetically lower your chest to the bottom.
  3. Sharply shake hands and lift the upper part of the body.
  4. Landing, immediately begin the repetition.
  5. Breathe in on lowering, see - on vishtovhuvanni body.

For the sake of shodo vikonanna:

  • Take care of the equal position of the body when posting (do not turn the seats uphill).
  • To ease the right, add a bavovna in the valley for an hour of departure.

You can rightly win on the pidloz. Ale, we recommend arranging three stools for improvised lava.

  1. Immediately lower the dumbbells from the sides of the breasts.
  2. Let's push, but let's move the shells uphill with a smooth hand.

For the sake of shodo vikonanna:

  • Move the dumbbells in a small arc.
  • To improve the stretching of the m'yazіv, give the breasts a little uphill.
  • At the bottom point, hold on for 1-2 seconds.

5. Breeding dumbbells lying down

You can rightly win on the slope, but the amplitude will be uneven. To that, beat three stools like lava more quickly.

  1. Get down with your back on the "bench" and lift the dumbbells over your chest.
  2. One hour to spread the hands of the kill.
  3. Let's push, but let's move the projectiles over our chests with a smooth hand.
  4. Rozvednya in the air, zvedennya - in the vidikha.

For the sake of shodo vikonanna:

  • When the troch is broken, bend your hands.
  • Lower the lines below the level of the body.
  • At the bottom point, watch for a slight pause for 1-2 seconds.

6. Pullover

It is right to kindly stretch the pectoral m'yazi in the non-violent plane (uphill), which I will paint.

  1. Lower your back on the "bench" and lift the dumbbell over your chest.
  2. Trim the projectile between the arms.
  3. Povіlno to vіdvedіt dumbbell behind the head (yaknajnizhche).
  4. Rotate the projectile at the cob position.
  5. Breathe in on lowering, see - on foot.

For the sake of shodo vikonanna:

  • Trim the hands of the troch with a bent stretch of the yoke.
  • To improve the stretching of the m'yaziv, trochs give the chest uphill.
  • At the bottom position, hold on for 1-2 seconds.

7. Bench Press

If you have racks for the barbell at home, then the bench press is the main right in the program.

  1. Lie with your back on the lava so that your forehead is leaning under the barbell.
  2. Let's take a close grip on the bar and pick up the projectile.
  3. Slowly lower the barbell on the chest area.
  4. We will push, but with a smooth hand we will move the bar uphill.
  5. Lowering to the breath, bench press to the vidihu.

For the sake of shodo vikonanna:

  • The body of the troch is healed forward.
  • Don't stoop too low, so as not to hurt your shoulder swamps.

Pardons for the hour of chest exercise

We can list important shortcomings in technique, which are important for effective training of breasts and increase the risk of injury:

  • The wrong amplitude is right. Such a pardon pogіrshuє stretching of chest m'yaziv.
  • Shvidke vikonannya. Shvidkіsny pace does not allow to emphasize respect for the operation of the breasts.
  • Vidkrity grip in the bench press. Such a grip reduces the risk of the barbell's rebounding and, as a result, injuries.
  • Lack of wag. As a rule, the approach does not seem to be much more stressed, rightly wasting its effectiveness.
  • Work through bіl. Ignoring pain sensations in the crooked hands can lead to serious injury.

Zrazkov program

To pump up your chest at home, you need to put together a clear training plan. We propose an example of such a plan.

Since you don’t have a rack for the barbell at home, replace the bench press with weights under the weights of the carriage (important backpack on the back). For example, busy pulling chest m'yazi. Tse help them to become more aware.


The pumping of chest m'yazyv at home minds can be a great replacement for training at the fitness room, especially for athletes-pochatkivtsiv. Zvichayno, pump up your breasts at home and don’t go into it. For which important projectiles are necessary, that is a constant progression of advancement. Ale, make your breasts look bigger, you can definitely make them embossed and masculine. And in what way you will be helped by looking at more recommendations that are right.

Breast training at home minds in video format

Massive chest m'yazi form a beautiful athletic torso and give a statement about a person, like a self-disciplined athlete, who willfully collapse to his own goal. That's why newbies, like they were enchanted in the "universal" training programs, are constantly trying to see the professionals, like pumping up human breasts gym or at home. The secret of success lies in the constant increase in working capacity and in finding the optimal vector of movement for the best speed of the mind to train. But the basics are right with great vagami under the force of not all athletes-pochatkivtsyam. And nutrition, like pumping up a boy's chest, so it is filled with water for under-recognized athletes. In order to train correctly, it is necessary to know, for some groups of people the muscles are formed, for the functions of these groups to develop and in some rights they develop best.

How can m'yazi enter the chest group?

The m'yazi of the breasts are composed of large and small m'yaziv. Trikutny (pierolike) great m'yaz zabezpechu old look breasts, helping with the breath, taking the fate of the hand brought to the body.

The great mind can be mentally divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower. The central beam is used in case of any vanity, and the axis for the operation of other vineyards is specially right, enough to splurge. Mali chest m'yaz znahoditsya under the great and repeating its functions.

The specifics of training chest muscles

The m'yazi of the breasts cannot be practiced absolutely isolated: the rights of the head of the back of the m'yazi of the hands, the back of the shoulders (). Professionals care that it is necessary to train the breasts in one day with the back, to that there is m'yazi-antagonism: while one of them is short, the other is to repair the opir and does not give the first realizuvat potential by 100%. Prote after the adventurousness of the m'yaz-antagonist is turned on, and the opir becomes not so strong that it allows the athlete to gain more weight.

Best effective right for people for visual breast enlargement - all the classic basics are right with sports equipment or with simulators. It is right for the isolated operation of bundles to be suitable for athletes with experience and to be established after the basic ones in the community.

In order to stimulate the growth of the great pectoral mucus, it is not necessary to work too much on skin exercise. M'yazi grow in obsyazі, if they raise new great vaga. By exercising with your own vagary, you can save up for the change of mind and, if not for their growth.

Rules for training breasts

Achieving the maximum international commitment is the main meta of the human training program. The key to success is the right technique without chasing extreme vagabonds. If you don’t have a personal trainer, put together a training program and analyze your pardons, supplement videos of fitness experts. Stepping on the stitch of a healthy lifestyle, do not forget that the shape of the breasts is rich in what lies in the form of genetics.

Corisna information for mail order:

  • In important presses, the ligaments of the shoulder ridges gain great vanity, so you can’t ignore the warm-up.
  • Breasts can be trained 2-3 times per week. Vidpochinok between workouts - not less than two days.
  • Pochatkivtsy enough work 1-3 right for 2-3 approaches to the skin. The number of repetitions in one approach is from 6 to 15. To increase the mass, do 10-12 repetitions with tightness, and to increase strength - 6-8 repetitions.
  • It’s right, it’s necessary to concentrate on the development of the top of the breasts and only 30% of your training to attach the lower part of the breasts, like a slick growth.
  • Increase the tightness of the vaga, if the victorious vaga allows you to grow the necessary number of repetitions at the approach with the correct technique. For example, if the approach may have 15 repetitions, then with a new vag, the number will decrease to 12.
  • Not a lot of repetition and multi-repetition do not increase the muscles.
  • The maximum effect can be reached by “negatives” - training, in which the severity is lowered (positive phase) by the helper, and the lowering (negative phase) is fought independently at the right pace. Negatively repeat good help for an hour of stagnation in training. With 3-4 training on the chest, you can work such a non-starter training.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, from the very cob, gave special respect to the breasts and began to exercise right on the chest on the cob. Vіn starting from 1-2 right, scho play, and then zbіlshuvav vagu and change the number of repetitions. Between sets (a series of uninterrupted repetitions with the right) the athlete stretched out the patches of mud to improve blood flow and preserve the swelling of the humus. But the main secret to the success of a bodybuilder is the borderline sensitivity to the vikonannі skin ruhu (nervous-m'yazovy zv'yazok).

The best people are right for m'yazyv breasts

The most effective right for chest m'yazіv vykonuyutsya zі barbell and dumbbells. The bar is less traumatic for snowy areas, especially if the weight is high. The nature of the dumbbell allows focusing on up to 10 beams and can be included in the work of the m'yazi-stabilizers.

Basic rights

Isolated right

Have the right to choose vihodyachi according to your goals and physical training. For example, the bench press, the spread of arms and the pullover make the upper beam and fit women. Beginners can work vigimannya, press dumbbells and barbells. For one person, it’s enough for three approaches, ten repetitions per skin with a minimum of vago. You can rightly win in your home minds, replacing the lava with a fitball.

In order to remember the results, it is necessary to eat properly (5-6 times in small portions), drink at least two liters of clean water and drink enough protein - the main budding material of m'yaziv. Do not varto give respect to only one group of m'yaziv - train others, the docks of the chest are inspired. In your free time, go swimming, ride a bike, go for a massage and don't forget about stretching.

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Breast pain in women
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Do you want to pump up wide and embossed breasts? Tsya program it was specially broken up to help you build up the m'yazov mass and to spread all the m'yazi of your body from the top to the bottom. See details below!

Breasts. Rich in why she herself characterizes a person. Wide, barrel-shaped, soft and proportionate breasts promote strength and strength. Many of us, grown up, marveled at our fathers from the suffocation - the stench was bigger, stronger and stronger, lower. We were always hostile, the stink skils could lift, pull, carry that shtovhati. Heba їhnіy looking did not call out to us reverence that spirit? Didn't we want to be similar to them?

Visually, an indicator of strength human body. Stink about the power of that power. So why else, at any given moment, more people want to pump up stronger and tighter breasts regardless of whether they are amateur athletes or compete at bodybuilder competitions.

If you want a lot of athletes to spend an indefinite year, working out on simulators and training, it’s not enough to pump up the great muscles itself, and not the majestic intelligence. The stench is to carry out a lot of training, as it is most often to spend years, it is right for people to follow the path of the skin, but not to take away the annual results.

Obviously, the process of training is gaining strength and increasing the amount of muscle mass, but it wouldn’t be miraculous to be engaged in the program, as it is effective and devastating at the same time, and also helps to develop a significant development of muscles?

Remember that the article was given a little bit of light on those, like pumping up woeful chest m'yazi. It’s not about the strength development program (if you want to become stronger), but about special program the development of chest m'yazyv, razrobleny for the growth of m'yazovoj masi and zagalnoy m'yazovy rozvitie of the whole body. Strong, harmoniously and proportionately pumped up breasts will become the final touch to your perfection, regardless of whether you just want to show off on the beach or enter the competition of bodybuilders.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to take care of the program, as if it were effective and wild at the same time?

Trochy anatomy

The muscles of the breasts are composed of three groups of two muds. Let's take a look at the skin m'yaz and yoga functions.

Great chest m'yaz. This vaguely similar m'yaz roztashovaniya in front on the chest klitz, start on the chest brush in the center of the breasts and creak to the shoulder brush of the shoulder hump. The main function of the great pectoral meat is to bend the shoulder brush to the breasts.

Mali chest m'yaz. It is stashed under the great pectoral meat, starts approximately in the middle of the chest and hardens to the cranium-like growth of the scapula. The main function of the small chest is to move the shoulder forward.

Although the thoracic region includes two groups of m'yaziv, it is quite right to add to the different areas of the great pectoral m'yaz. Press on the pohily or flat lava and designate the wiring, as more will be laid out from the regions, lower reshta.

In addition, small chest m'yaz, which sometimes rises under the hour of the body's stability, can also be developed directly.

Let's pump up wide breasts!

Now, if you know about the anatomy and the mechanisms of movement, let's figure out how to pump up wide breasts. Presentation of the circulation and the right to expand the method of maximizing the result in skin care in the gym. Remember that it is necessary to master the correct technique and do not raise a great vag, so as not to risk your safety.

Press with a barbell on the lave with different shoulder straps, press on the simulators Smita and with dumbbells: the same qi has the right to enter the warehouse of the greater part of the programs. Right on the flat lava develop the lower and middle parts of the great pectoral meat, the robot on the lava with a positive cheeky back, the big, upper and smaller middle part of the world, and press on the lava with a negative shoulder to help pump up the lower part of the chest meat. All exercises can be done with a barbell, dumbbells, or on Smith's simulators - the skin version has its own advantage.


Sound the rods of vikoristovuyutsya, if you need the maximum amount of profit, the wild development of m'yazіv and the growth of m'yazovoї masi. Well, take the complex on the cob, so that the athlete will instantly raise a great vag.

For vikonannya I press with a barbell, just grab the crossbar on the top of the troch more than the width of the shoulders ( best option if the shoulders are perpendicular to the bottom when the bar is lowered to the breasts).

For an hour of work on the bench with a positive shoulder, lower the barbell to the upper part of the breasts, on a flat bench - to the middle or lower part of the pectoral muscles, and to the lower part on the bench with a negative shoulder. Raise the vantage uphill, not raising the barbell and not straightening the line.


The weight of dumbbells is for those who can beat them according to their will. So an athlete can no less overcome the damage of the equal, and th zmusiti pectoral m'yazi work together, raising his hands at the upper point to reach a strong speed.

For an hour of work with dumbbells, bend the arms like that, as if for an hour I press with a barbell, and then lower them to the sides of the breasts, and then immediately push back uphill straight to the center, unique to your dotik. Change your mind so that you don’t straighten the lines in order to save the current strain of m'yazyv.

Smith simulator

Smith's simulator is the best way to win in the middle, or for example, training, if the m'yazi are already tired and that is important, and that the right technique is right.


Qi have the right to expand with more relief and pumping up the main parts of the great pectoral meat, such as the inner (on blocks) and outer (with dumbbells).

Just lie down on the lava (to work over the middle part of the pectoral m'yazіv), on the lava with positive (upper part) or negative (lower part) cheeky, take dumbbells or D-like handles of the simulator with blocks so up to one. For work on blocks, twist the standard simulator with pulleys at the bottom position.

Spread your hands like that, you don’t choose to hug someone. Lіkі vyvinnі buti trohi zіgnutі, schob znyat navantazhennya іz suglobіv. Lower the dumbbells or D-like rings approximately on the chest line (or at the hand position), then hit the back turn in the same way.

Porada. When working with dumbbells and blocks, there is a small difference in technical skills. When using dumbbells, apply yourself so that the stench does not stick around the upper point. Lift the dumbbells at once, until the distance between them becomes about 15-20 cm - so you save the pressure on the chest. When vykonanna right on the blocks, move the handles at once to reach the intensive speed and squeeze the dirt.

Press on the simulator

Most of the bays have a variant of the same simulator for victorious chest presses. Just change your mind, so that you win all the appointed recommendations - do not bend your tongue and raise your arms to the chest.

Simulator Metelik

Another favorite simulator for most athletes is the Metelik simulator. Sound the stench of the presented modifications with pads for the front or with long handles for robots on straight arms.

The most important rule when vikonannі tsikh right (similar to the statements described above) - straighten your shoulders and open your chest wide. Thus, you can put a lot of effort on the mud of the breasts and take it off the shoulders. Obov'yazkovo squeeze the m'yazi for a couple of seconds, so that you can increase the strength of the fastness and the grip of the m'yazi even more.

Crossover on blocks

For the development of the inner parts and the overgrowth of the boldly shaped breasts, there is nothing better than the crossover on the blocks. Іsnuє impersonal ways vykonannya tsієї have the right, yakі lie down in your mind.

For the traditional crossover on the blocks with a high pulley, take two D-like handles, as if they are above your head and stand between the simulator's legs. For the cob of trohi, sing liquor, to take advantage of the suglobiv.

Put one foot forward 30-60 cm and spread your arms wide. With an arched hand, lower your hands forward (forever you hug them) so that the hands converge approximately on the level of the belt. Turn around freely at the exit position, raising your hands behind that arc. Qia right develops mainly the lower part and the inner part of the pectoral m'yazyv.


Since recent times, the old good has the right to win not only in the barracks for training soldiers, but it has become especially popular among athletes who train other groups of people. When pumping up the breasts, it is more likely that you will get rid of the end of the program, so that more trochs will bleed in your galuzi.

As an option, it is possible to win with positive cheekiness for the development of the lower parts of the m'yaziv (hands on the lava, feet on the bottom), with negative cheekiness for the upper parts (hands on the bottom, feet on the lava) breasts.

Porada. For an even more intense focus on the m'yazi of the breasts, try picking up a pidkhid-two three-croc vigilance in the rest of the right. To repair the negative arrogance, move on to vigilantism and end up with a positive arrogance - it’s better to take one approach, you can’t break it between rights.

Vіdzhimannya on the beams

Vіdzhimannya on the beams, yakі also vikoristovuyutsya for building up the mass of triceps, you can easily vikoristovuvat for m'yazyv breasts. Stand in the middle of the simulator and grab the bars at shoulder width apart. Lowering the body, chuckle forward and spread the trochs of the tongue. For an hour, I’m going down and I’m guilty of stretching my breasts.

Staying at the sickly forward, climb up the hill, focusing on the short-lived m'yazyv breasts. You can add tightness at the look of dumbbells, like your partner is placing between your calves, or at the look of belts for milts. Note: before that, how to add tightness, good practice the technique of vicking right with your hair.

Pullover with dumbbells and a barbell behind the head lying down

Another one to the right, like a bark on the small chest m'yaz i zagalny razvitok, є pullover. If you want a lot of athletes victorious yoga, to isolate the pain of the back, it is also superb to complete the complex of rights to the mud of the breasts.

To make a pullover with dumbbells, lie across the flat lava and take hold of the inner surface of the dumbbell of the middle vag. At the outward position, the vaga is to blame, but right above the head, the elbows are bent. Lower the dumbbell behind your head in a straight line under the logs, constantly controlling your hands.

Lowering the dumbbell, deeply inhale and stretch the m'yazi of the breasts. Stretch the m'yazi less to the point of comfort, then let's make a good move on the video. Remember that deep breaths will help you speed up the pectoral mucus.

When you are wearing a pullover with a barbell, lie down on a flat lava, take the barbell a little more than the width of your shoulders with a back grip. Trimming the barbell on the chests (like under the lower part of the bench press with a back grip), lift 90 degrees at the elbows. Raise the bar uphill and lower it behind your head in a dose to the bottom.

Change your mind, that the m'yazi are stretched, and then we will create a turnaround, lowering the barbell to the torso. Do not forget to keep the right kut at the elbows and deeply inhale for an hour to move the bar down.

Plani training

Sweep one of the lower complexes 1-2 times per week so that between them there will be a break of at least 4 days to ensure maximum results. You can choose the right and choose the ones that suit you best.
Note: walk 2 times 10-15 repetitions of the first right with light or moderate pressures in order to raise the m'yazi.

Terms that you need to know

superset- Two have the right to win consecutively without a break.

Vidmova- the moment when vikonanny is right, if the working m'yazi pavement is tired, you cannot vikonate repetition with clear biomechanics. You should bring it right after the warm-up, if only to the point of a short-hour m'yazovoi, or rather, bring them for it.

We know the situation, if the working schedule and other conditions do not deprive you of the opportunity to open the gym. And then blame the logical question: “How do you pump chest mucus in your home minds? Chi really tse? Yes, it's real. With whom, it is not necessary to drive in a scooter at the gym. Vikonuyte right in front of him, like virushiti on walks, or just after that, like they turned around with robots. How to easily pump up chest m'yazi in home minds? Simple and effective complex of rights

Do you think that it is impossible to pump the chest well without the majestic number of tights, barbells and dumbbells? Duremno. You can wear a garn uniform, not harassing your apartment with a majestic kіlkіstyu obladnannya. All you need for this training is to complete a free job.

Rob kalistenik!

Kalisthenika- a technique of physical training, in which vikoristovuyutsya right from the underside of the vag of the body, which is trained. “Kalisthenika” includes the swaying of the lower right on the street sports maidan, and itself on the offensive shells: the crossbar, the parallel bars, the Swedish wall, the arm, etc., or they took off without their sway (on the ground).

The main emphasis is to fight for the robot, as if transferring the underbelly of the vag of the body, which is victorious for vihovannya of forcefulness. People who get excited about such workouts call themselves differently: street workers, street (yard) athletes and others.

Calisthenika - not only light wounds are right, they are right without additional possession, as they allow you to increase strength, flexibility and sharpen the corset. The majority of rights are added up with support, vіdzhiman, stribkіv. With whom, as a tight fit, your vlasna vaga comes forward. This variant of training is for girls and boys.

TOP 5 best right for breasts at home!

Advances up to alisthenics for breast m'yaziv!

Later, we decided that calisthenics is one of the ways to pump up your breasts at home without exercise equipment. What is the advantage of this type of training?

1. Possibility to win the right without additional possession

There is no need to spend time on the road with sports equipment. Surely, make sure there are options in the distance capital investment. Yakshcho you want to bring vidzhimannya for breastfeeding m'yazyv on akіsno new rіven, then varto come with special stops. Koshtuyut stink zovsim not rich, but allow you to win all possible options vidzhiman іz maximum efficiency.

2. You can train

The ability to train in any place, at any hour, is miraculous. You indulge yourself in the trouble for the sake of a high-quality gym and take away the possibility of being in shape forever and creaking.

3. One-hour pumping of a large number of m'azovih groups

For any bodybuilder, the ability to beat a sprat of meat groups at once is a great plus. Under the hour of vigiman, as a rule, the focus is not only on chest pain, but, for example, on triceps. Also actively practice m'yazi measles. Come out, in order to pump up the chest, pres and triceps, you just need to squeeze.

4. Free training

Having practiced the technique of violating the basic rights, you can modify them in order to reach the goal set. Constantly changing the complex is right, you will achieve the best result. It’s unlikely that it will become fast, but versatility is the key so that you don’t get bored and don’t throw it right.

5. There is no truth to miss training

You can train at any hour, be it your job, you don’t need any additional possession, then you don’t have any daily fluctuations. The impossibility of being true to one's line is a powerful motivation.

Why varto is unique when training at home

1. Overtraining

Don't blame yourself with inconspicuous approaches. Bigger doesn't mean better. Correct the technique, change the hour of repair between approaches. Ale, don’t try to train every day. Reinvention is an important stage in the growth of m'yaziv. Not giving the body an hour for renewal, and not only do not build up any m'yazovoy mass, but rather quickly throw training through the post-yne vigilance and instill ailments.

2. Zaiwi shoulder rotation

The pardon is wide, who chooses to pump up their breasts with vigimanny. It is not necessary to allow the lungs to go down hard, for that there is a greater part of the urge to go to the hands, and not to the chest m'yazi. Besides, it can lead to injury.

3. Unique training on the chest

Don't be fooled by the right, straightening on the upper part of the breasts. This is the key to harmony and harmonic form. If you don't want to look disproportionately and ridiculously, then try to strike a balance and win the right to all groups of m'yaziv.

4. How do you take it, to work on the vіdmіnno

At the skin gym there would be one person who would like to train in such a way as to sleep on the train. It's a pity, spying on the speed, you forget about the technique and often shave off in the middle. Better vikonati 10 repetitions, but with the maximum amplitude, kindly consider the work of the skin m'yaza.

The time has come for z'yasuvati, how to pump up chest m'yazi at home

Now, if we knew the basic rules, how to pump up chest pain in the minds of the home without simulators, the hour has come to go straight to the right.

1. Vіdzhimannya vіd pіdlogi z impudently in advance

  • Better for everything you see the classic position for vigiman. However, in every mood you need a little or a steel,
  • Put your feet on a lizhko or stiletz, put your hands into the bed.
  • The body can be changed under the cut of 15-45 degrees, no more. Do not collapse with your feet in the middle of the night, shards can reduce the pressure on the chest.
  • Your meta: 4 sets of 10 repetitions for the skin. First, you can go, increase as much as possible the number of approaches and step by step increase the number.


  • Pratsyyuyut m'yazi upper parts of the breasts.
  • Fallow in the width of the setting of the hands behind the mud to the body.

2. Vidzhimannya vіd lavi

Vikonanny technique is right:

  • Opposite to the front right, this is a variant of targeting on the skin of the lower part of the breasts.
  • Rest your hands on the light or the steel.
  • The Danish variant has the right to often take pressure off the shoulders, allowing you to spit on the muck of the lower part of the breasts.
  • Goal: 20 repetitions. If you are not ready, do not try to work out all 20. Repair from 10 and step by step increase the number of repetitions. Enough to grow 1 pidkhid.


  • Pratsiyuyut m'yazi lower parts of the breasts, less stress on the shoulders.
  • Zadiyani m'yazi middle part of the body.

3. Vіdzhimannya on the chest with a wide setting of hands

Vikonanny technique is right:

  • Stand at the outer position of the classical vigiman, stretch your arms wider behind your shoulders.
  • Inhale as low as you can.
  • At the sight, turn your hands to the logs, turn around at the outer camp.
  • Swell at the top point for a few seconds and repeat.


  • Zadiyani usі m'yazi breasts.
  • 4. Vіdzhimannya with a narrow position of hands

    Vikonanny technique is right:

    • In this variant, the arms are right to grow under the breasts.
    • The closer the valleys are one to one, the greater the pressure on the brush.
    • Having accepted the position, lower yourself as low as possible to the bottom. Follow after him, so that the people didn't get killed.
    • Breathe just like that, like in the presence of a vigiman with a wide setting of hands.


    • Rear biceps and triceps

    5. Vіdzhimannya vіd pіdlogi on one nozі

    Vikonanny technique is right:

    • Tse practical are the same as the classical vіdzhimannya, with a small modification.
    • Stand at the position of the classical vіdzhiman. Raise one leg uphill and, spiraling only one leg, lower yourself down.
    • Don't forget to properly dihati.
    • Increase 10 reps, change leg and increase 10 more.


    • So, for such a person, I’ll do it gracefully trimati jealously, actively practice m’yazi press.
    • In addition, the back of the m'yazi is quilted and caviar.

    Now you know how to pump up the breasts with vigimanny. Golovne, follow the technique of vikonnanny right, to that navit small inspiration can lead to serious injuries. Remember, be safe for everyone!

    Do you really need to pump up the chest m'yazi? Our article is especially for you. Personal training for a hard, but effective program for getting to know the relief of security!

    If you still have weak breasts, or you just want to repair the training plateau and pump up your chest troubles, you see, you need to read the article! A high-intensity program was presented with a professional trainer to help tighten the breasts after 3-4 workouts - and that's a fact. To give respect, this program is only for poking bodybuilders, newbies have nothing to think about it.

    To start a calorie deficit at the stage of weight loss, you can easily pump up the chest, and for the treatment of this disease you will experience adverse results. Obviously, if you don’t have enough calories, then you can’t save up for a great increase, but you can sing your own smut.

    Shvidke training of chest m'yazіv shvidko. First round

    Try one by one Swedish way pump up properly and finish it smoothly, then give a hint about a partner for training. Vіn dopomozhe change kut nahely benches, while you sit and trim the dumbbells in your hands.

    The program is described in this article, which calls out to the same person, so that with the method of safety, you need control from the side. In addition, you need help to complete the acceptance of one or two remaining rounds, but not all. Do not follow the evil forcing repetitions, wanting the stench to play an important role in this program.

    How do you practice this exercise? Choose two right. The first (basic course) is to choose the basic right for m'yazіv breasts, so you can beat it, whether it be like a kutom, like on a frail lava, or on a horizontal one. Tse will be head right, as you win all 4 exercises. Obviously, tse. Win yoga on the bench, to control the kut to the point. And for dessert - as a friend of the right for pumping - choose to isolate and change your skin training for breasts.

    This is one round, which is made up of chotiriox incomes, vykonanyh z periods of recovery. You need to repeat yoga again.

    Sweep to the right with a smaller vag, sound lower. For example, as in the training of pumping up the chest muscles, you win 6 repetitions on the weak lava with a vag of 56 kg, then for this program, beat approximately 50-60% of the weight: 30 kg for training No. 1; 34 kg for training No. 2, and for the rest, change the weight to 34 kg.

    It is possible for you to change your guard and for another round, and even if it is in your power, do not work for an hour without a midterm. It is best to save the same vag in the right under the mustache.

    How can you wind up a trio of cob vag, it’s possible, that vikonaty needs a lot of repetition for all the rounds, it will be too easy to wind up for you.

    First cut - 6 repetitions - easy to kill. The other is a trifle more folded, ale zdіysnenno. Under the hour of the end of the third round, you can win more than 5 repetitions, otherwise under the hour of the 6th. Under the hour of the fourth round, try to reach again for 4 or 5 repetitions.

    And here I am calling for a partner to come to the rescue. Do not follow the rules for pumping the breasts without a person, as a control process.

    Another round

    Then, round number 3 of the completions, you sing-songly recognize yourself with the strength of those recent ones, then we move on to the next part of the breast training program! Tim, who is ready to go to the end, can have another part, which includes insulating right: for example, dumbbells, arms at the crossover, arms at the simulators. Win 20-25 repetitions without repair. Practice at a steady swedish pace, but so, so as not to beat the repetition for inertia.

    Part number 2: insulating rights

    Change the isolation and right skin training

    * - Service is in beta testing stage

    From i all! Tse i є program, yak allow you to quickly pump up chest m'yazi. Three rounds with multi-cut and complete the workout with 2-3 sets of 25 repetitions of isolation rights.

    Such a program for breastfeeding should be kept within the framework of the standard for a bodybuilder, so do one workout no more often than not for 5-7 days. After the breasts, you can probably propagate one more part of the body, for example, or fallow in your split.

    Dosvіdchenі bodіbіlderі can tіlespryamovano pump the chest mіzіzі lіzі razіv on rіk, if it is necessary to increase the development of the breasts or quickly pump the cі m'yazi to zmagan. This is not the same program, as you can beat it all the time, otherwise you will be threatened with burnout.

    There is one more important part of this training of chest muscles - progress.


    Under the hour you will work more on your skin training. Remember: you cannot win three rounds under the skin cut of six repetitions without outside help. Make the training of chest muscles easier in the world, as you become stronger, and remember that the presence of a partner is more important for skin repetitions. On workouts No. 1 and 2, you can win three rounds with the same dumbbells, but on workouts No. 3, until the second and third round you happen to reduce your weight, or you can only do 2-3 repetitions.

    Next time guess about the importance of a partner. Vіn may be at all training sessions, as they do not often. Aje your m'yazi to reach again, and the names are torn. Mayte on your vows: there is no trace of practice in the future, but in this case, the essence of this program is, as it is composed of a total of 4 shock training of chest pains.

    You didn't have mercy on the hour of reading, if you babbled the phrase "your m'yazi are torn by names", it was said literally. Under hour 1-2 rest repetitions of the third and fourth kut of another or third round, your hands literally bend under you. Tse povna vіdmova.


    Є kіlka typіv vіdmovi.

    • The first - tse "girl's spirit", if you burn lactic acid, and you will see that in m'yazakh. The shards are more painful and you are tired - you pinch your chest and repair it “in a girlish way”.
    • Dali follows a positive outlook. Tse if you are no longer in a state of concentric movement. You can change your guard and get in trouble. For example, you beat the bench press and reached the “stones”, but still trim in this position (do not lower), and, like before, you try to lift the arm, but the bar just does not collapse!
    • Then it is absolute wisdom, if the m'yazi are simply encouraged to practice, it is also called concentric and eccentric. This type is rarely discussed, a lot of bodybuilders do not invade the territory and properly roar. This may be unsafe for all athletes, Crimean veterans, if you know what to shy away. It’s not hot, it won’t be funny, so you let yourself in on the guise of dumbbells with a weight of 30 or 36 kg. However, in single exercises for shock training of chest muscles, this technique helps to overcome the plateau. Zvichayno, only for those who are indulging in її vykonannya that may be for the shoulders of bodybuilding.

    Eating and growing breast meat

    What can our expert Oleksiy Hernandez Ortega say about the importance of eating while drinking super-zhorstkoy program:

    Supplements for inflating breast pulp

    Basic set


    Basic set

    Basic set


    MAXLER | Ultrafiltration Whey Protein ?

    For 1 serving.

    Depending on the needs of today's athletes, we have included MAXLER® Ultrafiltration Whey Protein in our range, which allows you to add enough protein to your body.

    MAXLER | Creatine Caps 1000 ?

    5-6 capsules can be taken with protein.

    Creatine monohydrate MAXLER® Creatine Caps 1000 branded from Germany MAXLER is 100% natural creatine monohydrate, available in a variety of natural forms.

    MAXLER | Vitamen?

    3 tablets per day

    The German company, which is not alone in the world market of sports eating, released a balancing complex of vitamins and minerals in one package - Maxler USA Vitamen

    Universal Nutrition | Un Proton 7 ?

    Mix 1-2 tablespoons of the product in 230-470 ml of water or juice.

    Universal Nutrition Proton 7 is a protein rich protein sum, recognized for sustained nutrition with amino acids.

    Universal Nutrition | daily formula ?

    One tablet at a time before the hedgehog (or rather before the meal).

    UN Daily Formula is a highly effective multivitamin and mineral complex, which, among the basic elements, contains a set of specially selected enzymes, which will help to absorb the necessary vitality.

    Universal Nutrition | Calcium Zinc Magnesium ?


    1-3 walks.

    Universal Nutrition Calcium Zinc Magnesium is a complete vitamin-mineral complex for athletes, who are aware of significant physical challenges, which are the result of the threat of irreversible changes in the musculoskeletal system.

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