Arrest dobrochintsya to bring the fight against corruption to a new level. The investigation of the ex-governor of Sakhalin, Oleksandr Garavin, has been completed.

MOSCOW, 6 lute- RIA News, Viktor Zvantsev. A fountain pen for 36 million rubles, 195 expensive anniversaries, 800 jewelry pieces, luxury apartments and cars - for a high-quality art, everything would have cost the river budget of a small country. Alya belonged to one person - the great governor of the Sakhalin region Oleksandr Khoroshavin.

The court found him guilty of Khabarnitstva and sentenced him to 13 years of freedom from punishment in the colony under a strict regime and a fine of 500 million rubles. RIA Novosti was examined in one of the most corrupt criminal cases of the present.

"Bentley" that elite unruliness

Oleksandra Khoroshavina, who had embraced the settlement of the governor of the Sakhalin region, was captured on February 4, 2015 by FSB operatives, who arrived from the capital. After the raids that went on all night, the official was sent to Moscow. There, a description of the lean youmu main was continued. Hundreds of expensive jewelery embellishments, a collection of anniversaries of famous light brands, the preparation of close to a billion rubles worth of money… But not everything was there.

"Primіr, zvichayna, it would be given, pen, scho write. Ale cost 36 million rubles, - they told the journalists at the Sliding Committee of Russia. Only repairs and landscaping of the dacha cost 130 million." Truth be told, he himself later declared that there were no expensive fountain pens in the new one.

Three days later, the official caught up with the formula "losing money" after spending the governor's office. Through the second fate, at the spring of 2016, the Moscow court of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk was satisfied with the poses of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia about the slander of the power of the motherland of Khoroshavin for the total amount of 1.1 billion rubles. They confiscated some apartments for a total of 240 million rubles, six cars for a total of 42 million rubles, including a Mercedes, two Bentleys and two Lexus. Explain that valuables were bought on yakі koshti, that car was not destroyed, none of the relatives of the ex-governor ever died.

Dead certificate

The official was called at the otrimani swag in a particularly great rozmіrі. According to the version of the evidence, in 2011-2013 the businessman Mikola Kran donated 5.5 million dollars for those that the Sakhalin company "Energobud" without delay laid down a contract for the operation of the fourth power unit Pivdenno-Sakhalinskaya Tentsskoy.

"Kommersant": before the arrest of the head of Sakhalin called for a test of asking the FSB generalThe arrest of the Governor of Sakhalin Oleksandr Khoroshavіn pіshov for the samples of local businessmen for help khabarіv to get the arrest of the head of the UFSB in the Sakhalin region, General Igor Struchkov.

The Crane himself had consumed the fate of the rock earlier - 2014. In the field, the security forces, for one version, drank wine, if they were going to pay two million dollars for the adoption of the head of the FSB for the Sakhalin Region, Igor Struchkov. On the right, in the fact that the UFSB officers disproved the information about the malfunctions, which they blamed during the life of that very fourth power unit of the Pivdenno-Sakhalinskaya CHPP. They could have found out about the habari, and the Crane, having connected the metropolitan links, having paid for the transfer of Struchkov to another region.

We were escorted to the central office of the FSB, and the businessman's nevdovz was hounded, calling for the article "Mediation among the swindle." The faucet was right in time for the sake of the consequence, rozpovshi, like Khoroshavin vimagav from a new penny. For this reason, the operatives turned not only on the governor, but also on the yogi Andriy Ikramov. Itself through the new one, as a matter of fact, the head of the region regularly took pennies from the businessman. Before the ship's rumors, the Crane did not live to see - in the chest of 2015, the fate died from a heart attack. However, the death of the key certificate did not in any way push the criminal investigation into the distance, the shards of wine managed to give all the necessary certificates.

Let's look at the bagatomilyonny swag, splurge and other evil episodes of the governor's bureaucracy. So, for example, according to the version of the investigation, Sergiy Karepkin, the intercessor of the ex-governor of Sakhalin, and the minister of the regional agricultural state, Mikola Borisov, took 15 million rubles from the military enterprises for providing subsidies for supporting the agricultural business. After zatrimannya, the stench once gave a certificate to their boss. As a result, the investigators revealed ten malicious episodes from the right of the ex-governor. According to the latest version, the total sum of Khabarіv in the form of business enterprises exceeded 522 million rubles.

Sasha Fifty Widsotkiv

Businessmen were nicknamed Khoroshavin Sasha P'yatdesya Vіdsotkіv - stіlki vin brav yak vіdkat. Ale pіdny guilty so i did not know. "I'm not ashamed for the fates of the work of Okha (a place in the Sakhalin region. - Approx. ed.), for the governorship and for my life," having said wine in his last word. stand up for your own special principles, stand up for the interests of the native land. As it happened, judge people. I’m sure that in all your fates you won’t be the most important in the history of the region. "

On the day after the arrest of Khoroshavіn, the inhabitants of Sakhalin organized a petition on the Internet for the sake of fraternizing with their right to call the governor. The protest petition did not lead to a great conclusion - for a few years, less than a thousand more than a thousand people subscribed to it.

Sovereign accuser Denis Shtunder requested 13 years in a penal colony for a strict regime for Khoroshavin, with a fine of 500 million rubles. As a result, the ex-governor was blamed for such a mistake. Andriy Ikramov, a colonial guardian, was sentenced to 9.5 years in prison with a strict regime and a fine of 171 million rubles, Sergiy Karepkin - up to eight years in prison and a fine of 4 million rubles, Mikola Borisov - up to a fine of 2.5 million rubles. Yak and Khoroshavin, blame none of them without recognizing them.

The ex-official poked Putin at the sight of yachts, villas and hotels by the sea

Apartments - chotiri pieces. Big varity - over 240 million rubles. Cars - six pieces. Among them - "Mercedes", two "Bentley" and two "Lexus". Global art - 42 million rubles. Yearbook - 195 pieces. Variety of the collection - 602 million rubles.

Are you still wondering if there is an article about a bachelor sheikh from Saudi Arabia? You have mercy. Only a small part of the lane, which belonged to the huge governor of the Sakhalin region Oleksandr Khoroshavin.

The most corrupt in today's Russia is on the right. A healthy process, which can be shown to everyone, as if it were necessary to be blamed on corrupt officials. The Pivdenno-Sakhalinsk Court will next look at the calls against Oleksandr Khoroshavin.

Do not spend time accusations. Kolishnіy governor write that write scargs. Movlyav, vydіbrali all amass overwork! And the smut - go to the streets of your homeland!

"MK" found out what is really going on with the mine of the ex-governor. The result of our investigation turned out to be really shocking.

The chic cars of the ex-governor were driven by the powers.

“With my salary, it’s not allowed to get drunk - stand in traffic jams”

Qi chi similar words are attributed to Oleksandr Khoroshavin by his countrymen. Do you want to know how people remembered Khoroshavin? Take a look at social media.

“Lighting” - that was the name of the Sakhalin people who ruled on the roads of the car, which laid the head of the region. The governor is absolutely not ashamed to demonstrate his chic personal fleet of vehicles, either on a large number of luxury Lexus cars (some motorists estimated no less than 5 million leather), or on an expensive Toyota Land Cruiser. I want to bi kudi rushing Khoroshavin, yogo passage is always accompanied by whistles, quacks and flashes of special signals, which meant: everyone, who leaned on the path, should step out of harm's way.

It is not surprising that the hulks filmed the whole circus on wheels on their cameras and posted it at the social media. The videos were actively commented on. Some were overwhelmed by a behavior unworthy of the head of Sakhalin, others laughed out of the door at the “bloated yogo king of the king”, who was dangling “with light music”, like the stench of the boulevard, “on obid and z obidu”.

And those who know about the laws noted that special signals were installed on Khoroshavina’s car, including those with blue-red flashing beacons (like on DIBDR and operational special services cars). The governor of Aja was given more than one special signal, installations on cars with the number of the series AMP 97, and the wine may be blue. A luxury service car of a representative class with such a number is near Khoroshavin, obviously, tezh buv.

But what about the laws of the head of the island region, how are they written here, near Moscow? At Pivdenno-Sakhalinsk, the remote center of 9 thousand kilometers, the law - ce wines.

All of the above is worth the fate of 2012, if Khoroshavin sits at the chair of the governor, another term is known. Pochav vin keruvati Sakhalin in 2007 roci. And in 2009, he made a public declaration about his income. I immediately became famous for my first among the richest governors of Russia. Aje todі vіn scoring, scho having earned a total of 5.3 million rubles. The yoga of power had no cars, no restlessness. Order from the entry “an apartment with an area of ​​56 sq. meters” there was a modest sign: “at the koristuvannya”. Khoroshavina's druzhina was declared in the declaration as a housekeeper, as if she had only one apartment with an area of ​​100 square meters. m and one car - Toyota Land Cruiser.

The residence, in which Khoroshavin lives, cost the regional budget 200 million rubles. Photo:

If you want pratsyuvati - pay

According to the evidence, in 2009 the organization of Horoshavіn and the organization of OZU in Sakhalin, to the warehouse, ex-protector of the head of the region Sergiy Karepkin and the ex-radio of the governor Andriy Ikramov were taken to the warehouse. Until 2015, while they were not shackled by the hand, officials, under the authority of the governor, as if confirming the investigation, retaliated against enterprises borrowed from the most important state sectors of the region, enormous khabari. Over 522 million rubles were laid on the paw of the accused. Officials were paid, as they are now confirmed by the TFR, “for blatant intercession in the service, incriminating them to enter more and more members of an organized group and to join such actions from the side of the township authorities of the Sakhalin Oblast”.

On the lava of courts at the court of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, in order, the head of the region and the regional minister of the state of agriculture, food trade Mikola Borisov. As explained by the TFR, Borisov was not included in the warehouse of the organized group and was not recognized with її diyalnistyu, but only once for the instruction of Khoroshavіna, he was educated to the end of the swag. And the only one among the judges, who, having recognized his fault and given a certificate, that they vindicate Khoroshavin and Karepkina.

At times, as a rule, they are guilty of accusations, under the court they will be threatened with three lines and fines, which are rich (up to 70 times) to transfer sumi khabariv.

The jewelry cross of Khoroshavin was estimated by jewelers at 50-100 thousand dollars. Photo: RF IC

The governor squirmed like a carpet from chinchillas to a sack of tens of thousands of dollars. On the carpet - a part of the collection of anniversaries with a huge collection of over 600 million rubles. Photo: RF IC

Everything that is acquired...

"Cleansing" Sakhalin as kerіvnіkіv-koruptsionerіv, we guess, was blown by criticism, as the ONF lulled from its side, its activists gained respect for sumnіvnі derzhavnіvnі prokupіvlі in the region. The words of the hromadas were signed by documents, which they handed over to the Prosecutor General's Office, the Rakhunkovsky Chamber and the president. At the beginning of 2015, reconsiderations of regional ministries began on the island. And on the 4th birch, the operatives were already carrying out a search at the security guard of the Sakhalin region, after which they caught Horoshavin: first, the governor was taken directly to the work station.

Obshuki took place at the dacha and at the residence of Khoroshavin. About the residence "Uyun", de v Rest of the Rocks having honored his governorship for a better life Khoroshavin, varto say a sprat of words. The whole territory was carefully guarded, a quiet mansion, a winter garden and the government building were placed on top of it. For the money of the deputies of the Sakhalin Regional Duma, up to 200 million rubles were widely seen from the budget for the morning of the residence.

In the midst of the city, where they lived in Khoroshavin, under the hour of the survey, the operatives knew that they had obtained close to a billion rubles in the preparation of various currencies and hundreds of jewelry pieces. And in the meantime, the Basmanny Court of Moscow, having arrested the bank accounts of Khoroshavin and the unruliness in Moscow and Pdmoskov'ї, decorated for the yogo son of that squad. There are three houses with mansions in one of the villages on Rublyovtsi, as well as chotir apartments in luxury residential complexes on a private entrance in the very center of Moscow.

Zagalny list lane governor vyyavivsya hostile. The Prosecutor General's Office immediately returned to court with prohannyam within the framework of the anti-corruption law and confiscated my property of Khoroshavin in the amount of over 1.1 billion rubles from the income of the state. And on May 20, 2016, the fate of the Pivdenno-Sakhalinsk Moscow Court was full of clamoring with satisfaction.

In the midst of the confiscated, 4 apartments were found with a total cadastral inventory of over 240 million rubles, 6 cars with a top inventory of over 2.9 million rubles, 6 cars with a title of at least 42.3 million rubles, and an average Mercedes-Benz of 11 million rubles. Bentley-Continental GT and Bentley Mulsan for a total of over 23.3 million rubles, two Lexus, estimated at no less than 6 million rubles. The income of the state also has a lively booth, uninhabitable employment, land plots, coins in rubles and foreign currency in the amount of 700 million rubles, jewelry and other values, - rose v.o. Svitlana Petrenko, manager of the interoperability of the ZMI TFR.

Oleksandr Khoroshavin.

Turn back corruption!

The well-wishers filed a cassation skarga, but it didn’t help them: the greater court waited for accepted decisions. Todі stink pіshli not fart, but vіdrazu in Constitutional Court in addition to making illegal the very norm of the anti-corruption law, praised in 2012 by the roci, as allowed to violuchit everything that was revealed in them until the guilt of the accusatory virok.

The essence of їhnої skarga is that the law of underdevelopment: to supersede the basic principles of the Constitution, as it protects the right of power, as it is possible to convict an official of that minor children to the squad. Sin Horoshavina at the moment the father will enter the planting of the governor, he will be full-time, and he will win his own, declared mine. And the Constitutional Court itself, having previously prescribed, that it is only possible for those people to be educated, that it requires state registration, that it is unruliness, transport, shares, and parts of businesses. Abo pennies, gained from the sale, as the official did not declare. And other pennies, valuables, as well as items of koristuvannya cannot be taken away. At the Khoroshavins, like a stench, they stupefied everything, including memorial gifts from law enforcement agencies, koshtovnosti, decay from a grandmother, and winding golden crowns.

While the skarga is only a check at his sight at the COP, Khoroshavin wrote a letter to the president, at his own time, we guess, having taken him from the governor's seat at the door with a vtratoy trust. Guess what is the biggest turbo in Khoroshavin?

“Not everything about what you have been informed about, and it needs to be confirmed to me that my lane, proving the validity, - write wine. - Zokrema, with me, with my retinue, that full-time son was arrested, and at once it was forfeited to the court in the dokhіd of the state not a part of the lane, but all of the lane, including the life of my squad that son alone ... my insignificant wealth, which was revealed in the statement about the availability of my “pens for 36 million rubles. that billion under the bed. (...) At once, if the materials are right, it’s worth 36 million rubles worth of pens. (...) I didn’t have, I think, they didn’t bring this information to you, and also about those that I don’t have, my son has no yachts, no villas in Switzerland, no hotels on the birch of the Mediterranean Sea ... "

The axis at these words just wanted to cry. Zvichayno, nezlіchennі riches - tse at the Sheikh of Dubai. And tsyu drіbnitsyu - apartments, cars, budinochki - and richness is soromno to call ...

It is remembered, if the ex-clerk of the press service of the ICR Volodymyr Markin rozpoviv about the pen - gold, encrusted with diamonds, the ex-governor was terribly bewildered: saying, what for the nіsenіtnitsa - vin vpevneniy, that the cost of the pen is no more than 1.3 million!

At the trial, it became obvious that Khoroshavin already loved expensive accessories, - Svitlana Petrenko told. - Mabut, the governor will need the most after seeing the dear anniversary. This collection had 195 copies for a total sum of 602 million rubles. Most of them cost 700 thousand US dollars.

Anniversary for 700 thousand dollars ... Think about it. For a couple to such an accessory, I think only laces from human skins fall on my mind.

And over 36 million rubles, as it was clarified today in the TFR, were scribbled on a year of the year, which was not long before the zatrimanya zamolyav Khoroshavin.

Who and who “finished” an apartment in Sakhalin

The TFR vvazhayut, scho sumi, in the way it was assessed, it was learned, “to speak for themselves and just say the words of the accused about the existence of indefinable wealth.” І scho "attachment to taxable organs of such a quantity of myna is also not vipadkove".

And what did Svitlana Petrenko say about the axis:

The arrest did not overlap with the apartment, as if I were staying with the power of the king’s son of the governor, I settled in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, in the yakіy Khoroshavin buv registration for the place of residence. In this rank, declare Khoroshavin about nibito liberation of the single life of the members of this family with devilish slyness and thunder with a huge thought.

So where did the Pivdennosakhalinskaya apartment go, if the Horoshavins declare that they have lost it on the street? For the tribute of our dzherel at the right-protection structures of the region, at the chest of 2015, if arrests were imposed on the mayo Horoshavinikh, the governor's son ... by selling an apartment, to lie down to you, in Pivdenno-Sakhalinsk kolishny water of his father.

When Khoroshavin didn’t get out of the apartment, but you can talk about those who pleased the bula evidently, - a rozpovіv svіvrozmovnik.

In the hour of the 2nd of the fierce Gagarinsky court of the capital, having looked at five times, they called the Goods to the ship's bailiffs, as they were hanging from Moscow apartments.

They told the Gagarin court that they called “MK” to the Gagarinsky court, if they called about the recognition as illegal, they praised the FSSP about the transfer of the brutal mine to the power of the state, about the FSSP’s command from the satisfaction of the positive statements, as well as about the recognition of the illegality of the illegality of the ship’s bailiffs.

Satisfied with all the statements, I called the court, - the press secretary told the court.

Praising the decision about the vidmova, the Gagarin court, perhaps, having vrahuvav those who deprived Illi Khoroshavin’s apartment of you. The logic of the whole thing understood: if you sell an apartment, buy your own and your mother a new life. And what if, after selling, who cares to turn back?

I, before the speech, if in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk there was a rumor about Khoroshavin-sin’s mayo, the prosecutor brought the following data to the court: July 28, Khoroshavin for 8 years, having earned over 8 million rubles, and yet, when it comes to this, including a living house for 59 million rubles , non-residential premises for 4 million rubles, several land plots for 1 to 4 million rubles, an apartment for 132 million rubles, two cars for 600 thousand rubles. rubles, garage for 300 thousand. ruble, three cars with a total warship over 10 million rubles.

Khoroshavin, the youngest, among the others, zavzhdy sang that he earned all the wine himself, but did not take away his daily pennies.

“To Volodymyr Volodymyrovich, I’m turning to you with the rest of my hope that we can feel and ask you for help, not for myself, but for my family,” Khoroshavin calls out to President Khoroshavin. I want to ask yoga: why worry so much, if the virus is such a healthy blue? With him, the homeland will definitely not be lost ...

The Sakhalin region is famous all over the world for its abundance of ribeye, so it is not a little bit for the baggers to know that rottenness begins in every part of the body.

A region is also a kind of organism. And such an organism, like the Sakhalin region, for its own understanding and geographical distribution Together with the leadership of the vidobutka of oil, gas and seafood, it’s just a matter of being healthy.

Narazі, if the head is rotten, the investigators of the GU s of the investigation of especially important rights of the IC of Russia were wrecked in vlady, є hope, that the process of laying out was at least pinned.

The federal security forces, by the side of their Sakhalin colleagues, carried out an operation to arrest the Sakhalin governor, hanging on to him in the amount of 5.6 million dollars in swag

By Wednesday, the Basmanny Court praised the decision to satisfy the fuss about the investigation about the arrest of the governor of Sakhalin, Oleksandr Khoroshavin and his spy. - I hear the murmurings of the next thing about the fouling of a zatrimano foreign entry at the sight of a capture under the varta. I respect that it is not possible for Khoroshaev to defend another foreign entry, - said the prosecutor at the Basmanny court. Behind the words of the next, Khoroshavin is suspected of having taken away the swag from $5.6 million. At the prosecutor’s thought, he may, at will, attach documents and mine, in order to avoid confiscation, as if transferring the article is called.

The governor's defender, having asked for his house arrest for an hour of investigation, was ready to make an outpost of 5 million rubles.

The investigators of the Investigative Committee suspect the governor of the Sakhalin region Oleksandr Khoroshavin, a yogi, the president of the football club "Sakhalin" and the volleyball team "Sakhalinochka" Andriy Ikramov, as well as two intermediaries in the taking of the swag in a particularly large scale. The governor, who had been criticized more than once by the Zagalnorossiisk People's Front for marnotism, was caught and delivered to Moscow all at once from the hospitals. Against them, the criminal law has been violated on the right for Art. 290 KK (“Obtainment of swag”) and 290.1 ​​KK (“Mediation in possession of swag”) is clear. Obshuki within the framework of the right are not only found in Sakhalin, but also near Moscow and Pdmoskov. On the right, they announced a big-scale thing - the TFR calls out Sakhalin officials and businessmen, who took part in corrupt schemes, voluntarily surrender, so as not to become actors in criminal justice.

Operation Sakhalin

Special operation Federal Service security (FSB) and spіvrobіtnikіv SK Rosії was carried out in the mode of total taєmnostі vіdrazu in a number of regions, de the governor of the Sakhalin region Oleksandr Khoroshavіna є mansions. Tse Sakhalin, Moscow and Pdmoskov'ya. The visit of operatives and investigators from Moscow became a total failure both for the Sakhalin officials and for the security forces. According to a similar scenario on 1 March 2013, the city of Makhachkala was charged with the measure of the city of Said Amirov. For the operation to Makhachkala from Moscow, I arrived to the special forces of the FSB, who received information about those who, by measure, protect the government’s brothel.

Operatives of the FSB and investigators of the Investigative Committee of Russia immediately straightened up on the top of Budinka in a row, where the office of the head of the region was located. Khoroshavin himself and his yoga intercessors at that moment were on the robot. The next brigade carried out searches in the offices of those assigned, including the governor, having obtained various documents, as well as a large sum of cooking. On behalf of Khoroshavin, his intercessor, the governor’s guardian and the president of the Sakhalin football club, as well as the Sakhalinochka volleyball team Andriy Ikramov, the assistant to the head of the secretariat V’yacheslav Gorbachev, they were delivered to the airport, the stars were transported for a regular flight to Moscow .

At the same time, the raids were carried out at the capital's apartment of Khoroshavin and his suburban mansion.

At the Moscow apartment, at the dacha in the residence of Khoroshavina, large sums of money were found in rubles and foreign currencies, a large number of jewelry embellishments and an expensive wrist year and telephone. Trivayut scams and all at once, - Volodymyr Markin, an official representative of the TFR, told Izvestia.

As it turned out, the TFR was investigating the criminal right against Khoroshavin for the fact of taking away the swag in the especially great world, and also Andriy Ikramov and two other yogis for the fact of intermediary with the swag in the especially great world. Against them, the criminal law was violated for the article 290 KK (“Obtainment of swag”) and 290.1 ​​KK (“Mediation in possession of swag”) is evident.

The ICR told Izvestiya that Khoroshavin has been in the operational department for a long time, it does not include that he will be a rich criminal on the right. At the link with the cim, they go to the Sakhalin officials and businessmen, from the proposition, give them up voluntarily, so that they can die criminal liability for corruption.

Dzherel "Izvestia" at the Ministry of Internal Affairs was informed that the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBIPK) regularly received signals and operational information about the incidence of corruption among officials in the administration of Sakhalin.

The boules were signaled, among other things, to Khoroshavin and yoga intercessors. The spheres were different - budgetary bills, government contracts, purchases, - Izvestiya was told that the MVS was dreadful.

It is noteworthy that in advance of the visit of the operational group to Sakhalin, the governor did not initiate large-scale audits of the investment and operational activities of his apparatus. Particular respect for this project was given to the implementation of the “system for ensuring the transparency of purchasers”.

The day before the zatrimannya, 3rd Birch, having entrusted the rozrobiti and through the mechanism of centralization of state purchases for ensuring their transparency and control, - Izvestia was told dzherelo, close to the administration of the governor. - Also, a whole series of service reconsiderations was launched at low level of public ministries and departments. One of the first service gubernatorial revisions was recognized by the regional ministry of sports, tourism and youth policy.

Apotheosis of spending money

At the thought of the head of the National Anti-Corruption Committee, Kiril Kabanov, Oleksandr Khoroshavin, the head of the National Anti-Corruption Committee, this command was cleared and lawful.

For example, fierce at the meetings of the Powers, like the former President Volodymyr Putin, ahead of the governors about vikonannya, about the budget bills, for this reason, they were responsible for the work, - Kabanov told Izvestia. - Nasampered qi words were sent to the Sakhalin governor, to which the mass of food has accumulated.

Behind Kabanov's words, the rest of Khoroshavin's fates, that yogo team had a strong business empire in Sakhalin;

This most important region needed to be developed, and even pennies, including budget injections, went to other projects, - Kabanov explained.

Previously, the budgetary policy of the Sakhalin governor fell under the harsh criticism of the representatives of the "Zagalnorosijskogo people's front" (ONF). In early 2013, the fate of the public was added to President Volodymyr Putin about the number of costs and sums of purchases for budgetary expenses, as he carried out the construction of Sakhalin. Representatives of the ONF also turned back to the Rakhunkov Chamber to check the budgetary decisions of the Sakhalin order.

The head of the Gromadska Chamber, the head of the headquarters (ONF) Oleksandr Brechalov vvazha, scho claims to the side of the population of that ONF did not stick.

I can't comment on the situation with the arrest of the governor, without the efforts of the competent authorities. But I can only confirm that the leaders of the activists of the ONF and the people of the region before the administration of Khoroshavina had a lot of food, due to the efficiency of spending money on budget. The region has more than once been dragged to the "rating of the spending of subjects" - Brechalov.

Like a butt, the head of the Gromadska Chamber inspired the purchase by the region for the budget of the car ZAT Mercedes-Benz RUS for 8 million rubles, repair of the garage for hundreds of millions of rubles and expensive repairs to the order of the Sakhalin region.

Significantly, the Sakhalin Oblast has risen to the “rating of regional waste” of the ONF in the fall of 2013. Then the governor was victorious at high windows for self-promotion. Considering the structure of the budget of the Sakhalin Oblast for 2014-2016, we plan to spend 680 million rubles on the image of the head of the region. Activism of the ONF project “For honest purchases” showed that over 850 million rubles were spent on the luxurious design of Budinka in the order of the Sakhalin region, and another 333 million - for the life of one single garage. In addition, the Sakhalin government bought a passenger heat carrier "Polaris" for 118 million rubles, although a handful of wines were sold for a total of 74 million rubles.

Of course, Khoroshavin is not the only governor. I went to the Prosecutor General's Office for the development of the Middle Urals of the Sverdlovsk region, the de Rakhunkov Chamber confirmed that it was not effective to draw a bill of billions of rubles. We have claims going on all the way to the Primorsky Territory. Rich in regions, de facto evil, we don’t get anything, we have everything publicly and publicly, - it seems Brechalov.

Roads of life

With inadmissibility to the governor of Khoroshavin, that yoga team can also threaten a series of criminal inquiries against two Sakhalin budding companies - TOV "SKF "Rosbud" and TOV "Energobud".

At the field of dawn of the security forces, the company "Rosstroy" drank for example the chest of the past fate. The investigators violated over 10 criminal inquiries for the facts of issuing additional bank guarantees for the hour of laying state contracts for the life of objects in the Sakhalin region. In addition, the company’s contractors are suspected of stealing budgetary funds while vikonannі contracts for the reconstruction of the central square with the public road near the town of Tomar and the life-saving polygon of hard butovy entrances near the Timіvsk city district.

SCF "Rosstroy" was organized on the cob 2005 year and at a time to enter up to the three largest budding companies in Sakhalin.

Behind the tributes are the SPARK Interfax bases, the Rosbud SCF supervisors Denis Molodtsov and Mikhailo Gololobov. Gololobov is also LLC "Rosstroy-Zalizobeton", de and Molodtsov are also two of the same shareholders, may be equal parts.

SCF "Rosstroy" regularly accepts government contracts from regional government structures. In 2013, the company placed six contracts for a total sum of 910 million rubles, in 20130 - 28 contracts for a sum of 3.8 billion rubles, in 2012 the enterprise earned over a billion rubles in tenders.

So, behind the words of the dzherel at the law enforcement agencies, the name of the governor is thrown into another criminal justice, the defeat of the director of the Sakhalin TOV "Energobud", who is suspected of evil for art. 199.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Prikhovuvannya koshtіv pridpriєmstva, with the help of such may zdіysnyuvatisya arrears from taxes”).

According to the version of the investigation, suspicions, knowing about the stitched-up fencing of the company from taxes, having organized financial operations with its counterparties in such a rank, so that they didn’t waste money on the rozrahunkovy rahunkov TOV. As a result, the company’s clerk, having hoarded a sum of money in the sum of over 56 million rubles, for the money of which there was little, but the contraction of the apparent arrears from taxes was reduced.

In 2014, the branch of TOV "Energobud" opined on the interbankruptcy borders and some new guards were introduced, and the head of the office - the president of the Pacific Vneshtorgbank, the millionaire Mikola Kran, who lived on the island - was arrested.

Just like today in the arrest of Khoroshavin at the Basmanny Court, the investigator was sent to the head certificate of the call of Mikoli Crane. With the help of the materials of the criminal investigation, it was said about the swag, the governor's taking away the state contract at the operation of the 4th power unit of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk TEC-1.

This power unit was launched at the robot in 2013, and life was carried out in 2009 within the framework of the federal program “Social and economic development of the Far Descent and Transbaikalia”. The total cost of the project was estimated at more than 8 billion rubles. 3.4 billion rubles were overdrawn from the structure of the main expenses for the life of the object from the budget of the Sakhalin region, more than 2.5 billion kermiv by the federal budget, over 1 billion rubles - the cost of RAT "ES Skhodu".

"Kіltse claims clung to near Khoroshavin"

Oleksiy Didenko, the first intercessor of the LDPR faction's leader in the State Duma, considers that there were enough claims to the governor of the Sakhalin Region Oleksandr Khoroshavin. Vіn zaznachiv also, scho on the governor's office may be the head of the region.

Everything was clear for a long time, a lot of claims were crowded around Khoroshavin: scandals that vikrittya along the line of the ONF, you predicted vlasniy bazhannyam. Alya became richer and richer, so we can’t talk about those who are short-tempered among us. If any governor can repeat the share of the Tula ex-governor Dudka, which is the real term for punishment, - Didenko's upheavals.

The deputy of the Derzhdumi also announced that the Liberal Democratic Party repeatedly called for the appointment of the Sakhalin governor.

At the same time, it was not primed, piece by piece, the budget was inflated to position the image of the region and the administration, then the repair would be done in a row in accordance with the prices and the impersonal other similar manifestations could not be left unmarked. The macroeconomic situation in the country has been influenced by the head of the region according to the current behavior. The details of the investigation have not yet been understood, but the great criminal establishments in the region have been successfully managed, de Khoroshavin, singly, to pass like one of the diyovih osib, - naming Didenko.

On the view of Didenka, a member of the Committee of the State Duma for the Protection of Health, Sergiy Furgal, stating that the appointment of Khoroshavin became unsupported.

There was not a single signal that Khoroshavin had come to us, everything was quiet. The only thing that the information was passing was that the governor of the Sakhalin region spent a lot of pennies on his image, on the apparatus. Tse syagalo navit president. And obviously, the sums are simply inconsequential, and their witting on the press, journalists is more like a bribe. Ale, all the same zatrimannya became a novelty for everyone. And it’s not easy to talk about those who replace Khoroshavin with yoga at once. In addition, in the region, in my opinion, there may be no more charismatic leaders, building to take over the heads of the region. So I allow those that Horoshavin can still turn to his settlement, even if his wine has not yet been installed.

Oleksandr Khoroshavin arrived in the Sakhalin Region in 2007. At the beginning of 2011, Dmitro Medvedev, who at that time embraced the Russian president's seat, urged to continue the renewal of Khoroshavin for one more term - until the end of 2015.

Zgіdno s declaration about income, the homeland of Khoroshavіn lives on a salary. In 2013, roci vin earned 8.862 million rubles. In 2012, the income of the head of the region was 8.3 million rubles, in 2011 - over 7.3 million rubles. In 2012, the governor declares the pozashlyakhovik Lexus LX 570 and GAZ-21. There are no apartments and lands near the authority of Khoroshavin; m.

The retinue of the governor Irina Khoroshavin is even smaller. In 2013, the turnover earned 112.26 thousand rubles. rubles (in 2012 roci - over 2.5 million rubles, in 2011 roci - more than 98 thousand rubles). So, according to income statements, there are two apartments in Russia with an area of ​​​​100 square meters. m (in 2011, Irina Khoroshavina mentioned in her declaration only about one apartment of 100 sq. m).

Not the first

Before Oleksandr Khoroshavin, there were only a few cases of violations of criminal rights against other governors.

In 1996, the Vologda governor Mykola Podgornov was the first ceremonial kerіvnik of the region in the modern history of Russia, which was destroyed by the criminal right at the moment he was slapped on the head of the subject. At the fierce fate of the opposite, they destroyed the criminal right for an article about swagger. On the 23rd of March, on the aphids of the criminal justice, they put him out of the plantation, and on the 17th of May they took him out of the plantation. Ignoring the criminal law, I still tried my best to reapply to the governor, but at the elections I planted less than a quarter of the month. In 1998, the Vologda Regional Court often found out the fault of the ex-governor and sued him up to 1 year of mental freedom. In early 1999, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation ruled virok, and Zhovtni Pidgornov re-judged up to 7 years of free will. However, 2000 rozі viyshov at will for amnesty.

The other in 2003 was the head of the Tver region, Volodymyr Platov. The regional prosecutor's office called yogo from the rediscovered townspeople and stolen bonds for 400 million rubles. To the right of the governor, it was also transferred to Moscow, de near the fall of 2005, the Tagansky District Court found Platov guilty and sentenced him to 5 years of freedom.

The most "experienced" in the sense of criminal justice was the governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Volodymyr Butov (1996–2005), who, embracing his tenure, figured in six criminal rights, who was implicated in shahrayism, revisited again and again and again, the decision of the court. In addition, he was beaten up by the defendant of the DIBDR, for which he was punished and sentenced up to 3 years mentally.

The one who came after Butov new governor In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (2005-2006) Oleksiy Barinova was imprisoned in the grass of 2006, and in the linden yogo they were imprisoned. In 2007, from the beginning of the year, all the calls for the privatization of the donated apartment were taken. Sentenced to 3 years mentally.

The last, most gubernatorial criminal right in the country in 2011 was the ringing of the Tula governor V'yacheslav Dudka in Khabarnitstva. In the administration at the linden at the port of Dudka, at the same time at the spring, the premises were placed under arrest. In the course of the judicial review, he was found guilty and sentenced to 9.5 years of liberty. On this day, I'm staying at the colony.

Andriy Gridasov, Oleksandr Raskin,Nataliya Bashlikova, Svitlana Subotina

"" , 03/04/2015., "Khoroshavin did not fit into the topic"

Behind the arrest of the Sakhalin governor is a conflict between Gazprom and Rosneft.

An unprecedented military operation took place in Russia: the governor of the Sakhalin region Oleksandr Khoroshavin, who was a member of the escort team to Moscow for the next affairs, was arrested and then arrested. Officially, Khoroshavin should be held at the checkpoint about the swag, but you can also get involved in conflicts between Gazprom and Rosneft, as you may have your interests in Sakhalin.

Khoroshin is suspected of having a lot of swag in a particularly great world. Together with the governor, a number of his comrades-in-arms were caught: the guard Andriy Ikramov, the assistant Boris Usachov, the head of the secretariat V'yacheslav Gorbachov. All stinks are also delivered to Moscow.

In the rest of the month, Khoroshavin did not reserve himself for strong governors, even though the situation was not critical. In the rating of the Fund for the Development of the Gromadyanskoe Suspіlstvo Vіn, having taken 76-77 places out of 83, in the “Rating of Governors' Survival” of Minchenko Consulting, I can't get a rating of “3+”. The experts of the fund were appointed that the economic situation in the region was favorable, the governor could support Rosneft, prote conflicts with the missions of the ONF.

"It's a wonderful story," - naming one of the spivrezmovniks of the past, close to the presidential administration.

The arrest of a dignified governor in Russia in a working position may be an unprecedented character. The experts named two possible versions of such a development: a conflict with Rosneft and a far-reaching representation.

Over 90% of the industrial production of the Sakhalin Oblast is owned by the oil and gas sector. Over the years, nine oil and gas projects have been seen in the region, which can be numbered from Sakhalin-1 to Sakhalin-9. All these projects are at different stages of implementation, they are being actively developed so far both Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2. Sakhalin-1 is controlled by ExxonMobil and Rosneft, the controlling stake in Sakhalin-2 belongs to Gazprom. Former intercessor of the Minister of Energy Volodymyr Milov rozpoviv about a serious conflict between two energy corporations on several projects.

The Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2 mines are located on Sakhalin Pivot. At the same time, Sakhalin-2 has already set up a plant for the production of compressed natural gas at the production site, and the pipe runs through the entire island to the plant. "Sakhalin-1" was initially oriented towards another option, for those who want to supply gas across the mainland to China. And in 2013, the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, announced that Sakhalin-1 would also be a plant for the production of compressed natural gas and also for the production of the islands. Vinyl pipeline supply. It’s easy to get a friend’s pipe there, it’s expensive, it’s easier to expand the pipe. In this case, two projects cannot be serviced at once, and it needs to be expanded. Todi "Rosneft" conducted negotiations with the Federal Antimonopoly Service, in order, with access to the pipe. Gazprom, having declared that the life of two ZPG plants in Sakhalin will be superfluous. Rosneft filed a lawsuit against the company Sakhalin Energy (the controlling stake belongs to Gazprom), which belongs to Sakhalin-2, but the fierce 2015 fate of Sakhalin arbitration courtїy vіdmoviv vіdmovі vіdmovі vіdsі to trumpet", - explaining Milov. The decision came to the court literally ahead of the governor's trial. The expert does not rule out that the claims of the security forces stemmed from conflicts around the pipeline.

Later, an expert in the middle told that in due time Khoroshavin appeared in the region as a protege of the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, and then protém in the blue between the oil "general" and the politician zipsuvalis.

The head of regional programs Oleksandr Kinev, also spoke about the conflict between Khoroshavin and representative Yury Trutnev, to the Foundation for the development of information policy.

Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yury Trutnev and Oleksandr Khoroshavin at the hour of the Russian-Korean business dialogue in Seoul. Author of the photo: Press Service of the Governor of the Sakhalin Region

"Per minuliy rіk for the fall of the leaves, the income of the consolidated budget in the Sakhalin region is from 95 to 150 billion rubles, the smut is the main source of income - the price of naphtha rent, and the Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2 genera are actively rozroblyayutsya. So the region had extra surpluses, and a problem arose, on what to pay. For example, in March 2014, the envoy of the President for the Far-East Federal District, Yuri Trutnev, criticized the order of the Sakhalin Region for their budgetary policy and did not include the redistribution of budgetary expenses for the cost of other territories. On the right, if Gazprom and Rosneft can play a direct role in the share of the head of the region, in the same way as Gazprom and Rosneft, on the equal footing, then the governor’s name will play a direct role. The tension between Horoshavinim and Trutnevim is obvious; sleepy movie they didn't know the stench. It’s even more important to be the governor of a small rich region, and don’t be a “important athlete” with him, ”adding Kinev.

On December 25, 2014, at the great press conference, Representative Yury Trutnev criticized Sakhalin: “The budget of the Sakhalin Oblast is surplus. You are trying to get it, ale wine is surplus. This is the result of robotic offshore projects. Now the budgetary security of the meshkants in the region is located in the country. Meshkantsi can live like in the Arab Emirates. Ale, come here, I don’t care. And literally not long ago, I told your scholars - you are guilty of submitting a program, in which you don’t spread the bones, but work on the yoke. Then I її encourage us with my abilities. If not, then the option of redistributing the costs is not included” (quote from “Sakhalin.Info”).

The final beneficiary of the conflict is still not clear, even the head of the Petersburg Politika Foundation, Mikhailo Vinogradov. Views in the middle of the elites of the Sakhalin region were considered competitive, but without serious conflicts. Khoroshavina's arrest, having become a surprise for a significant number of graves and varto, who will be appointed v.o. governor. While technically the region without Khoroshavin is protected by Sergiy Karaganov, he is a protege of Rosneft, but Khoroshavin is also respected by the supporter of Rosneft, - appointing Vinogradov.

Significantly, as if Horoshavina would be taken away from the plantation, he would become the third postal governor, who would leave his plantation until the end through dramatic furnishing. Khoroshavin has been studying the region since 2007. His supporter, Ivan Malakhov, having left his settlement before the end of the year, after President Volodymyr Putin publicly criticized his order for his inactivity while helping the population of the Nevelsk city, which suffered from an earthworm. Prior to Malakhov in 1995-2003, Igor Farkhutdinov was the governor of the Sakhalin region. On September 20, 2003, the fate of the wines was broken by a helicopter at the same time with other key officials of the administration.

Katerina Vinokurova

Zatrimanya Sakhalin Governor Oleksandr Khoroshavin means not just the transition of the fight against corruption to a new level. Formerly in the post-traditional history, a high-ranking official of such an equal stands at the kaydankas. The Russian nomenklatura is entering a new stage of its development, if it is necessary to fight against corruption as if it were one's own, so the middle people will be helped.

On the night of the 3rd birch near Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk after surveys, the Governor of the Sakhalin Region Oleksandr Khoroshavin was arrested. The next committee at the same time from the FSB investigated the criminal right about the swag of a hundred and fifty governors, at the same time they caught a lot of yogo spivrobitnikiv.

"Now, be some kind of official, on some kind of serious proof that they allow you to call Yogo in embezzlement, you can be arrested"

Earlier, there were reports from the UK about ten raids near Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, and in Moscow and Pdmoskov, and about those in the apartment, at the dacha, and in the residence of Khoroshavina, large sums of money were exchanged in rubles and foreign currencies. Good wines are suspected of otrimani swag at the cost of 5.6 million dollars. As stated by FSB director Bortnikov, the reason for the arrest was "an extreme corruption warehouse."

Already on Wednesday evening, the Basmanny Court arrested Khoroshavin. Having told the president’s renoice, Volodimir Putіn was extremely finished about the situation of the Governor’s sketchy: “Good VIDOMO, ShO Putin Zzhzhdi, which was sobbing to the creamy of the pirotiystvyu Boroptsya, is naughty, they are non -vocal, non -vocabulary. plant yaks." In front of him, Pskov guessed that the president repeatedly slandered that the guilt of a person could be brought to court, and shouted not to “stick as if they were labels” until the decision of the court.

Deyakі analysts immediately hastened to make excuses that the arrest of the governor was due to the fight for power in the region, with the possible elections (Khoroshavin mav to change the offensive fate, but if they wanted to transfer the elections to the whole rіk) with the influx of the rіzni krіmіvs. Immediately, Igor Sechin’s guards began - moving, Khoroshavin, koristuvav yoga support, and later, the arrest became a blow to the “mighty Igor Ivanovich”. Wanting and without any “insiders”, it became clear that Rosneft, as it may have great projects in the region, simply cannot but be in normal waters with majestic power, as well as power with it.

Sakhalin is truly the richest region on the Dalekoe Skhodі and one of the most investment-friendly regions in the country. But all the same, I can’t wait until the arrest of Khoroshavin, the 55-year municipal administration, which in 2007 rocked the region. Yogo arrest is a landmark, a milestone like a right fight against corruption, so it is with the ruling elite, the nomenklatura.

Those who Khoroshavin had problems, had already realized a long time ago - repeatedly throwing them at the untrue budget vidatkas, like vyslovlyuv yoma Zagalnorosiysky people's front, were just the tip of the iceberg. In the case of this island, the roztashuvannya gave the mystic authorities a sense of their inconsistency - they could inspire and ignore clear signals to the center. For example, about those who need to vibudovuvat real dialogue from suspіlstvo, and not imitate yoga. On the occasion of the past fate, the spokesman of the ONF Brechalov told the newspapers LOOK about those that happened after the fact that in 2013, at one of the forums of the ONF near the presence of Volodymyr Putin, public criticism of Khoroshavin was voiced (for the greatness of spending on the governor's PR):

“Two days later, despite the fact that no one called the governor or some officials in the loot, the Sakhalin branch of the ONF came out with an application for the support of the governor. Such a foolish and miserable situation. It dawned on them that they squeezed them in and said - “The front” is far away there, but we are here with you, instruct, dragging on the islands, you won’t flow anywhere.”

At first glance, in detail, it’s true to say a lot about what - mist’s power in rich regions do accept the Kremlin’s policy of how to fight against corruption, how to nationalize the elite and її update like a Timchas campaign. Rozmokchetsya like an hour - so think a lot of people in the center, scho in the regions.

Even if the same Horoshavin wants to be seriously criticized on the side of the ONF, even if the front gradually becomes an instrument of broad, grassroots, civilized control over the government, which Volodymyr Putin is actively victorious for inspiring the elite. The share of the number of governors who have criticized the ONF is a good example. Let's see what was said for the rest of the river.

At the birch tree, near the tree line, the trust was taken from the plantation of the Novosibirsk governor Vasyl Yurchenko. At the quarter, the governor of the Volgograd region, Sergiy Bozhenov, was sent to the planting, and at the spring, the governor of the Bryansk region, Mikol Denin, was sent to the court. As a matter of fact, the head of the presidential administration, Sergiy Ivanov, explained that even Bazhenov was not called voluntarily - "through incorrectly declaring income." The ONF criticized no less than those governors, and with whom they didn’t call them from the embezzlement of the state, rather than from the untrue witrats, but with a sanction, it was said that the officials can spend and pid corruption in justice.

So, Mykola Denin and Vasil Yurchenko are already giving evidence on the right about the re-importance - the first, the truth, it’s less like a certificate, and the axis of the other accusation is already being rebuffed under the signature about not being seen. Sergiy Bazhenov, a part of the honour, who has been under investigation, seems to have gone out from the country - they have been reported in the regional ZMI. I realized that Khoroshavin did not think that he was in his footsteps, but as a result he became the first governor in the history of Russia, he was arrested for a working job.

Previously, the governors, though rarely, were dragged on the lava of the courts. Vtim, as a rule, it was supposed to be in a deaky hour after their call from the plant. The situation began to change a little later - if in the fall of 2011 the fateful Tula governor Dudka was imprisoned under house arrest after a few months after the arrest, and two years later he took 9.5 years of imprisonment for sloppiness. Beginning in 2012, it became clear that the fight against corruption among officials became stronger - the arrests of vice-governors, measures, intercessors of federal ministers ceased to be a sensation. Ale, all the same, as a rule, officials, who were tormented on the right, swept up the fields from the plantation, first lowered to the bottom of the varta.

Vignatki buli - and the most poignant buv, bezperechno, arrest in 2013 the fate of the mayor of Makhachkala, Saida Amirov, who, with his infusion, turned over the head of Dagestan. This was a special operation, but in the last hour, high-ranking regional officials were repeatedly arrested right at the work station. The rest of such a heavy right was occupied by the FSB agents of the vice-governor of one of the largest subjects of the Federation of the Krasnodar Territory. Aresht Khoroshavin to bring the fight against corruption to a new level.

Now, be some kind of unclean person at the hand of a high-ranking planter (as a minimum of a stone worker of the sub'єkti federation) understand that the new one will not have an hour to prepare, try to change the setting at will, turn on the high links or reach the heavens. If there is any official, on which you can seriously prove that you are allowed to call Yogo in embezzlement, you can be arrested. Tse not the 37th river, the price of the new stage of the formation of the national elite, the cleansing of the treasury, even though they do not want to be equal to the health workers of the Batkivshchyna according to the law, but they themselves are accepted like the Kremlin, and the people. Repeatedly repeated by Putin is the phrase about those who are short-lived among us, the words of Sergiy Ivanov about those who corruption carry a direct threat to the security of the sovereignty of the country - this is reality, with such a nomenklatura now happen to live and practice. How can you endure the stench?

Indeed, a part of the ker_vniki in the same regions were already counted - they were distorted, decent people, and that deputy of the guards is trying to pick up new personnel. Andriy Bocharov, a veteran of the Chechen war and a Hero of Russia, was chosen to the same Volgograd region. The problem is otherwise - tired by the fates of corrupt bonds, which are most often found when replacing the first individual (whether they get it or get it over).

A single vihid - virivati ​​cі schemes from the root, propelling like a uzdovzh, so and across. Why is there a strong shift in the mischief of the police departments of the security forces and law enforcement structures - the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the UK - in the internal elite of the region and the police corruption schemes. Do not start, do not creak - ale tse є. Obviously, the situation is already far away in the 90s, or to bring on the beginning of zero, if the security forces were everywhere involved in the corruption schemes of the regional authorities. The first line of corruption in the most victorious was less like a cover for a change of power - for example, if one Moscow oligarch and the ruling clan wanted to strengthen their positions in the region.

And after the beginning of a new round of anti-corruption struggle with the remaining fates, the security forces rightly checked the money from the center in order to crack that chi іnsha scheme, tie the head of the region with the measure of a great place. The principles are normal - the Great Karkani Zzhzhdi є Rizik, Cho doesn’t have the Koruppetsionari with the central Aparas of the Power VIMSTY I can vicoristovati Borotbbu Yak Uvid for the academic bosses, yaki to the imperial departments of the Vikonuvati, so Moscow's inescapable mischief.

I understood that Putin did not want to start the flywheel of cleansing the regional and federal elites. Because if you clean up 10-20 hundreds of corrupt officials who started a total “fire at the headquarters”, then you can not only take a share of some innocent people, but seriously destroy the core of the government’s vertical.

Thus, corruption is effectively in this and other forms on that scale, it is practically present in all structures, including those, yak shouting at it to fight, about the best slander on the right of General Sugrobov, the head police fighter against corruption, a kind of bankers". ”, and the very thing, having spent a lot of money.

So, її it’s superbly foldable vipality, zokrema and zavdyaki to the rich growth of the business of that power. Try vodokremiti one at a time Putin started from the first fates of his reign and passed along this path already a few stages.

On the cob of the first, on the cob of zero, the government was simply privatized by the oligarchs, and most of the officials were, in fact, proteges of the criminal servants for their business. They took vodkata that swag, helped him to unique taxes, and most often organized corruption schemes themselves. On the cob of the other, in the other half, I wanted to carry out a long-term purge of power, to set up the nomenclature to promote the state, to draw a cordon, to stop the corrupt officials from hovating and masquerading. And all the same embezzlement worked itself out, adhering to new borders and fences, penetrating into new structures and the middle.

But all the same, the difference between the two and the two stages was already great - on the cob of the first corruption, the official practiced, in fact, only on himself and the mammon, less formally wrapping his straight shoes. Before the beginning of the next stage, the corrupted man will already be embarrassed, send his head back to the country, and then already on himself - show his way real results own activity, and if you don’t come out of the fact that it’s like you’re paying to the mountain (because you’re the protege of the oligarch), then nothing is worthy.

Until the end of another stage, it became impossible to pay the mountain, that and marno - it was already necessary to show not just how the problems were solved in the distance, but the mother of the real prosperity of the management, the kerivnik, the building award, for example, for those who work in the region. If so, people could “allow themselves” more corruption - to select vouchers from the lower ones (which, obviously, does not mean that everyone was afraid). Roughly seeming, in the scheme I work my head on “my own swarms, and then on the state,” corrupt officials were forced to go to the scheme “I work on my head on the state, and then we will work on our own swarms.”

Ale, up to the beginning of the third stage, in 2012, everything was not enough - now it’s necessary to spend more on the state, having left the navit and try “a trifle to sew”. Moreover, it’s not enough to talk about the special ineptitude of the governor, but also about building a treasure house and in the regional elite. Tobto povnotsіnnoї vіdpovіdalnostі for entrusted to the right. I realized that at the same time there are only a few at this stage, if God forbid to recruit honest and professional managers in more than a dozen regions, and even ask them for the latest for all corruption schemes that are developing in their regions, - on the right is possible.

Not so, vtim, distant. So it’s not enough to brag about them to innumerable governors, as it’s deserved to put (or rather plant) themselves on the Khoroshavin’s place, rozumіyuchi, that now the stench, be it like a mit, can become offensive, and th tim, who just flatten their eyes, guessing about the mischief of their own . I think that professionalism and special honesty are the main guarantee of a successful career. Yesterday it was enough, but tomorrow it will not be enough for the region to be deprived of a stone. That is why the Kremlin alone can not be brought together from the warehouse of the FSB and the IC can not overcome corruption from Moscow to Sakhalin, but from once from 85 heads of the regions to the whole force.

The Basmanny court of the capital is picking up the foreign visit of Oleksandr Khoroshavin. The governor of the Sakhalin region was brought to Moscow with a note about the great swag, for which I threaten 15 fates of freedom. I tse bov the first step, if for a decent head the region came just to work.

A regular flight from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to the airport "Sheremetyevo" this year received an overwhelmingly large number of people - the press and spokespersons of the relevant authorities. This aircraft delivered to Moscow the Governor of the Sakhalin Region Oleksandr Khoroshavin, as well as the guardian Andriy Ikramov, the assistant to Boris Usachev and the secretary of the secretariat V'yacheslav Gorbachov. After a nine-year transfer, officials check at a glance from the next at the right about the removal of swag in an especially great rozmіrі.

Khoroshavin was hounded right at the work station. The evening of the 3rd birch in the administration of the Sakhalin region was carried out.

"At the Moscow apartment at the dacha and in the residence of Khoroshavina, large sums of money were forged in rubles and in foreign currencies, and there was also a large amount of jewelry embellishments, expensive wrist year and telephones," Volodymyr Markin, an official representative of the RF TFR, said.

The new portal "Sakhalin-Info" publishes a photograph of a great sum of pennies, as if it were being hardened, crushed on the ground. It seems to be about tens of millions of rubles. Zatrimanih Sakhalin officials were sent to the Basmanny Court of Moscow to guard against a foreign entry. Slides are murmuring about the arrest of us chotiryoh.

The first to the hall of the court was the guardian of the governor Andriy Ikramov. Yogo is suspected at the intermediary in case of otrimanni swag pіd hour of laying contracts for the life of the 4th power unit of Pivdenno-Sakhalinsk CHPP-1 within the framework of the Federal program "Social and economic development of the Far Gathering". For the implementation of the project, a contract was laid down by the contracting company "Energobud". Її the head of Mikola Kran has already given evidence, as if, on the thought of the next, to bring the guilt of suspecting.

The court robbed the zahіd of the imprisoned governor. From the materials you refer to, as they voted at the meeting, it’s clear what the heads of the region should be charged with: this is the removal of swag from 5.5 million dollars.

55-year-old Oleksandr Khoroshavin is a very island region from 2007. The term yoga renewal is merged in 2016. The ranking of the effectiveness of governors, prepared by the Foundation for the Development of Community Sector, Khoroshavin sat 76-77 months out of 83. This rating is based on an assessment of the economic activities of the region’s clerk, chi є to new claims from law enforcement officers, and also on the basis of opinions from public organizations, for example, such as the “Zagalnorosiysky People’s Front”.

And before the Sakhalin governor, it’s been a long time since the food itself is low in the ONF, like a zokrema, it’s poking around and vikritty corruption schemes from the government. In 2013, after the number of large numbers of the population of the hulks and skargs on the island officials, it was announced: the Sakhalin region is one of the leaders for the unrealistic number of purchasers. About what the representatives of the front informed Volodymyr Putin about one of the stars.

"Administraita Sakhalinsko region. Buying of Avtomobil at the 8th Milione Rublev. Budіvnitvta for 25 milions, І ііot rating" Statty "on the crackers of the Governor" - 680 milionivs "

“Well, those who are planned to improve the image of the governor, obviously, the biggest blow to the rating. directing, let's say, I don't know, to the life of children's gardens," the President said.

Unforgettably after the criticism of the Sakhalin region, the ceramics industry of the Sakhalin Oblast again drank the dawn of the Zagalnorosiysky Popular Front in the field. The purchase of a car for 8 million rubles was far away, but the repair of the regional administration in 2014 was carried out by the officials for 860 million rubles.

At the Sliding Committee, they told all the officials and entrepreneurs of Sakhalin: the one who voluntarily declared about the dacha of the swag, is punished in the face of criminal evidence.

"The very fact of the Vorushennya of Criminal Scho officials of such a leap -up RIVNYA PIDAREDSHICT Hold the Borotbbi Z. zupinіtsya, not yet pіzno" - said the official representative of the TFR RF Volodymyr Markin.

Until that hour, while on Sakhalin it is not officially recognized as the victor of the obov'yazkiv of the governor, Sergiy Karaganov, the intercessor of Khoroshavin, to the region keruvateme.

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