Three more governors have come: experts predict new rates. Three more governors have come: experts predict new appointments

The attack of the Stalinists on the "old-mode" scientists did not, zrozumilo, meddle with technical disciplines - the review was carried over to support fundamental science, as for the idea there was no way to advance to political and economic conjuncture.

Axis tell me, how can we look forward to the establishment of the people's statehood for sleepy darkness? It appears, more directly. And what's more, for improperly carried out the guarding of sleepy blackouts, you can easily lead to a prison labor camp.

The first reprisals against the fundamental sciences were commended for Lenin, if the deacons of the greatest vcheni were penalized at the cordon. Prote, not everyone was so lucky.

Back in 1909, a popular revolutionary-people’s leader and beliefs, Mykola Oleksandrovich Morozov, who became famous for knowing Karl Marx and translating to the Russian language “Manifesto of the Communist Party”, organizing in Russia a partnership of lovers of science Russian amateurs in astronomy. Branches of ROLM were named at the rich places of Russia. Since 1912, the comradeship has seen its own other organ - the journal Miroznavstvo. Until 1930, he was an editor until 1930, a meteorologist and an astronomer, a leading historian of science Danilo Osipovich Svyatsky - a legacy of Russian cosmism and the author of capital practice " Astronomical phenomena in Russian chronicles".

The first twelve years after the revolution, the Suspіlstvo worked normally, without a sudden change from the side of the government. Regularly held zagalnі and sectional gatherings, scientific expeditions were organized, and practical training was seen. The sspіlstvі knew pіdtrimku to their initiatives of a lot of young vchenih and engineers. So, one of the most active members of the partnership was the designer Valentin Glushko, the creator of the engines for the Radyansk important rockets.

ROLM spent a lot of reprisals on a bag of clothes, which is why it’s vipadkovo. The secretary of the ROLM Kazіtsin mav zvichku to lead a worker, having carefully written down who and what he was talking about in the letters of the members of the partnership. Far from everything in the days of the Radianian government befitted the members of the ROLM, and many of them vented their dissatisfaction through the door. It's a pity that Kazitsin's stalker has squandered the spivrobitniks of the OGPU to his hands.

In the spring of 1930, the fate of Svyatsky was arrested. The journal “Svetoznavstvo” was transferred from Leningrad to Moscow, and astronomer Vartan Tigranovich Ter-Oganezov (the reference “burial ground” of Radian astronomy, having built his own career on his adopted colleagues) was the main editor. According to the administrative decisions of Lengubvikonkom, in 1930, the ROLM was closed.

Kazitsin at his sheets, commemorating anxiety, saying about the overrun of the head of the ROLM, the 76-year-old Mikoli Morozov, who lived at the Borok garden in the Yaroslavl region, but Morozov could no longer help.

The “purge” of the Ter-Oganez suspense was explained by political motives, and the need to fight for the religion of the scientists. So, at No. 2 of “Miroznavstvo” for 1930, prepared before the other by Svyatsky, a little wiyshov in the world without a name, the first part of the article by Nina Mikhailovna Shtaude “Atmosphere of the Earth” was published, and the other part of the article was published so. To feed the readers of Ter-Oganezov, he wrote an editorial note under the title "About the astronomical bison." It turned out that Shtaude, a deeply religious person, sent before the “World Knowledge” a list of articles and notes that were in the editorial portfolio, pieces of one of the tasks, voted by the updated editorial board, and anti-religious propaganda was active. Satisfied with the prohannya, the editors said: “Gr. Shtaude, not being in the lava of the atheists, being religious, to put wild for our minds, we can, so that you establish, in some ways they work, also not be in the lava of the establishment, as to set anti-religious goals in front of you. Well, at what kind of installations does Shtaude work?

Ale Shtaud at that hour (mid-1931) had not been practicing for a long time - she was out of jail.

Before the speech, at the same time, another religious astronomer from among the members of the ROLM was arrested - Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR Gavriil Adrianovich Tikhov, an all-world famous scientist and the founder of theoretical astrobiology. Fortunately, having tried wine under arrest for less than two months.

After spending a few months at the vyaznitsa Vsevolod Vasilyovich Sharonov is a leading astronomer, a doslednik of the planets. For example, in 1930, Kazitsin and Muratov, the intercessor of the head of the ROLM, were arrested.

Svyatsky and Kazitsyna after the tribal morning at the v'yaznitsa were judged and sent to the life of the White Sea-Baltic Canal. Svyatsky was spared: the ear of yoga was called in 1932 as a meteorologist, and then it was called until 1932. Ale, after three fates, they guessed about the new one, and in the fierce fate of 1935, together with the retinue in the administrative order, they hung in Alma-Ata.

The mysterious share of Volodymyr Oleksiyovich Kazitsyn. Vіdbuvshi nedovgy at the rocky term, vіn otrimav order viїhati for living in Saratov. Zvіdti vіn having written a sheet to Morozov and a sign of obscurity.

It dawned on me that the 1930s happened in Leningrad, they could not help bumping into Moscow. "Purge" having recognized the foundations of 1923, the Sovereign Astrophysical Institute (DAFI). І provіv її not hto іnshiy, like already zgaduvany Ter-Oganezov, appointments as the intercessor of the director of the institute (the director of the buv Vasil Grigorovich Fesenkov, the author of the original cosmogonic theory).

After telling about himself Ter-Oganezov at the meetings of the party and Komsomol group of the Moscow Branch of the All-Union Astronomical and Geodesic Partnership on April 9, 1938: Christian look". I've spent my time, like a camp of enemies. We alone, on whom I instantly swear, buv Yu.V. V.V. Stratonov, V.V. Stratonov, born in 1922, and V.A. Kostitsin (infidel) received from him the entire institute. The institute's professors (V.G. Fesenkov and others) approached the institute instead. I'm proud that stinks peck at me. I respect that I have done my work correctly ... "

The result of this work was the order in the sector of science to the People's Commissariat of Education on April 25, 1930, about the name of Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR Fesenkov, on behalf of the Director of the Institute. Kostitsin was included in the warehouse of the editorial board of the Astronomical Journal, and in the same place it was checked out ... Ter-Oganezov. Prof. Orlov was appointed as the chief officer of the DAFI director. And after 9 months, DAFI was merged from the Astronomical Observatory of the MDU and the Astronomical and Geodetic Institute to the Sovereign Astronomical Institute named after Sternberg (DAISh).

At one time, Moscow astronomers recognized reprisals. Astrophysicist Vorontsov-Velyaminov was arrested. Posorbav prison slurry astronomer, editor and bibliographer Shorigin. But it was more than a prelude to the great tragedy of 1936-1937 rock...

After the assassination of Sergiy Kirov on 1 December 1934, the fate of Leningrad passed a whiff of reprisals. They were sent to everyone who had been sent earlier (including Svyatsky and Shtaud). "Purge" was recognized as the main rank of the old party cadres, military, security officers, government officials, but they also took engineers and scientists.

One of the first arrests was made by the director of the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR (and its organizer), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR Boris Vasilyovich Numerov, the greatest specialist in the field of astrometry, celestial mechanics and gravimetry. Yogo is shot at the spring of 1941.

Literally a few days after the arrest of Numerov, on the 7th leaf fall of 1936, the following astronomers were arrested at the observatory in Pulkovo: the head of the astrophysics sector Balanovsky, the head of the astrometrics sector Komendantiv and Yashnov. A month later, on December 4, 1936, they were followed by young astrophysicists Yropkin and Kozirev, as well as the intercessor of the director of the observatory Dniprovsky. At the fierce fate of 1937, the secretary of the observatory, Musselius, was arrested, and the talented astrophysicist Perepelkin was at the grass.

On January 24, 1937, the final session of the Viysk Collegium of the Supreme Court of the SRSR sentenced Numerov, Dniprovsky, Balanovsky, Komendantov, Yashnov, Yeropkin, Kozirev and Musselius to 10 years of imprisonment. Descho pіznіshe pіznіshe spetskolegієєyu lenіngradskogo provincial court, kozh іn closed session, bv judgment іn 5 roіv v'yaznitsi ta Perepyolkіn. But in fact, in 1946, only one of them, Kozirev, was assigned to youmu the term and wiyshov.

The director of the Pulkovo observatory, Boris Petrovich Gerasimovich, noticed that the darkness was gathering over his head. I took this leaf to Morozov on the 21st of Cherry, 1937, in which time it is more than possible to ask for an introduction to the science and discussion of scientific nutrition, which Morozov called, until autumn. Possibly, vin podіvavsya, scho until the autumn of yoga not to be hooked, then they tried to give peace. This hope was not to be judged: ten days after the leaf to Morozov, on the 30th day of the 1937th year, Gerasimovich was arrested and the 30th leaf fall of the same fate was shot.

Last for all, for example, 1937 fate, buv arrests (among the great group of physicists from Leningrad University) Matviy Petrovich Bronstein. At the fierce rock of 1938, yoga was shot.

Why did the Pulkiv astronomers get attacked? In the article in the journal "Miroznavstvo" No. 6 for 1937, with the characteristic title "For the victory until the end of schoolwork on the astronomical front", written by Ter-Oganezov, the province of Gerasimovich was given a non-conforming goiter for international projects and guardian of total sleepy darkness on the 19th of the month of 1936. One more ringing seemed to be in the fact that it was necessary to send out a lot of money for the everyday life of the great pivden observatory, and a few of those places were found to be unacceptable - nibito "shkidnik" Gerasimovich was unfailingly sent to the groups of supporters.

It is noteworthy that the plenum of the Astronomical Observatory for the sake of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic, which happened in the birch of 1937, entrusted away the care of robots in the choice of a place for the pivdenny observatory to Ter-Oganezov, that prote antrohi absolutely did not push through robots, that budzhev could not push through Ter-Oganezov incompetent in catering to the astroclimate (which is mainly determined by the attachment of that chi other place for placing an astronomical observatory there).

Such a terrible legacy for astronomers for a mythical vision, the guard of sony blackout only from this day is given as disproportionate to the imaginary. The rhetoric of the Stalinist epoch was anew: the sloppy scientific process of being equalized to action at the front, and those who were not wise enough, were vaunted by "thieves" - zradniks, ready to plant the revolutionary proletariat at the back.

Adhering to the idealism of Stalin's memorial materialism was seen in the fact that the simple knowledge of the world was turned into an element of unreconciled struggle, there is no room for compromises at the borders. In the minds of minds, the fear of an ordinary sony blackout was transformed into an all-worldly significant ritual, in order to lay down the result of the struggle between Marxism and the ideologies that were prophets of it.

“Usі mi, radianskі astronomers,” writing Ter-Oganezov at the article “For the victory to the end of mischief on the astronomical front”, - perhaps<…>get a good lesson. Here we may have a new proof that the enemy is trying to penetrate into the mouth of the Radiant organism, that he pretends to be our "friend", sometimes to dull our sawing, he allows himself to grow "right on the right", in order to have the necessary hour and at the necessary moment to start perhaps an important blow to the country's socialism<...>

We are inspired, that Radiansk astronomers, having already formed their own lava, together with the scientists of the Radiansk Union, together with the workers of our country, to achieve new successes on the front of socialist everyday life, and kerіvnitstvom in probing the communist party. Stalin".

From the look of this fantastic reality, the Radyansky Union under Josip Stalin, the astronomer Ter-Oganez was absolutely right. Radyansk fundamental science is small part of Marxism, without regard to those who are farther away, and the more Marxist-Leninist theory has been farther away from the processes that were going on in the world ...

The reason for pre-string insertions political scientists call the request for renewal

Vіdrazu three governors on the 11th of July vlasniy bazhannyam. The head of Transbaikalia Natalia Zhdanova became the first. Cursing the edge of the beginning of the spring of 2016 rock, and now it is hardening that it is not through numerical attacks, but through new perspectives and internal motives. As long as the president of Russia does not know about it, the ruler of Transbaikalia will be the first protector of the regional order, Oleksandr Kulakov.

Photo: governor.zabaykalskykrai.rf

It is significant that the region of Zhdanovoy is foldable. Vіn stably perebіvaє on the rest of the month in the rating of social and economic development, and the governor did not zmіg іz zmіg robiti. Unsurprisingly, in the elections in 2018, the party could get only 54% of the votes, leaning on the ball for another round, and in the Trans-Baikal parliament, “United Russia” actually failed. There, the “party of power” won 28.3% of the votes, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - 24.65%, and the Liberal Democratic Party - 24.56%.

According to the opinion of the political scientist Kostyantin Kalachov, the low rate of encouragement among the population became the drive for the introduction. “Following the results of the remaining elections to the legislative elections in the region, the party of power, as represented by Zhdanov, scored a total of 28.30% of the votes. Tsey result became a projection of the appointment to the misc administration. The Trans-Baikal Territory is a deeply depressed region, and Zhdanova cannot be called a strong kerivnik. For the management of the region, an effective technocrat and manager is needed. Possibly, there will be a person from the side, ”admitting the expert.

For a couple of years, next to Zhdanovskaya, the head of the Kursk region, Oleksandr Mikhailov, broke the 67th head. On the vіdmіnu vіd kolega, vіn protrimavsya under vladі not 2 roki, but 18 roki. Vihodyachi, having acquiesced to us for a good job and declaring that a young man can become a successor.

The political scientist said that the governor of the Kursk region had long been a candidate for replacement. “It is necessary to give it to you more carefully - for all your low popularity, you should be able to develop a whole effective management system. The problem is that people, who entered the system, were three to sixty years old, who became 45-year-old Kursk businessmen and just managers of a new generation, ”Kalachov seems to say. Vin means that, regardless of the high anti-rating of the governor, the Kursk region has a decent level of social self-esteem and a low level of protest moods. “However, there you will ask for renewal and even wonder who will come to replace one of the oldest governors, the rest of the mogikans. The term of yogo exploitation as a ker_vnik passed and replacement was necessary. On the right, there are not only in Mikhaylovy - the hour has long come to make way for the young, ”the expert guessed.

It is noteworthy that the day before his appointment, Mikhailov signed a decree, for which you can in the nearest 3 years you can two on the river at once from the retinue without a cost to travel to Moscow and back by pull or like that, you can freely enter the administrative region of the Kursk region without the head of the region . In addition, at the nearest three roki yogos can be buried without cost, and at the nearest rіk to fill the post of protection for the place of permanent registration.

Yet another governor, who announced about the construction of a new order. Vіn obіymav tsyu posada z 2010 rock. Khamitov said that the decision was made about the appointment of a special initiative and that we do not take part in the election of the head of the republic in 2019. “On my road, the guards of the regions at the mature age of duty, in their own time, make a decision about the completion of the duty and duty to go properly, not under the pressure of the beast from below, through the overhead furnishing, but it is thought out without conflict,” says the statement. In other words, without becoming a check for the spring, if in the regions it is planned to choose, to give a new team an hour to win the trust of the Meshkants.

The expert is aware that the next hour will be announced about the new positions of the heads of regions.

Sergiy Makarov, Director of the Institute of Political Studies:

“Obviously, the song element of the crisis is to blame, and the government is trying to improve the situation. The rest of the selections showed what the old governors were astounded to recognize. In the administration of the president, they interpret it in such a way that they ask for updates, and they are engaged in them. I predicted a future change of regional power. Vlad maє his great change of various parameters, for which he will pass the rates. Acts of them are more or less understood - the manifestation of scandals, connected with the head of the region, as well as the popularity of the governor, as it is expressed by the supporters of that vote for the party of power. In other words: in the regions there is such a lack of popularity of the “United Russia”, as well as the attachment, which is obvious only to people in the presidential administration”.

What kind of pope Pius XI sent to the cob 1930 Cardinal Pompili. At the new vin to speak sharply about the anti-church policy Radyansk Russia, having told about the future urochist prayer to the patron saints of Russia and having blessed us who come to the Holy Throne at the "prayer" crusade The announcement about "questa crociata" ("di preghiere" was thrown out through obscenity) was heard in the Kremlin to the nerves. Mikola Ivanovich Bukharyin Vistepa Vistepa with Pamphlet Finanosovy Kapltal at Manthaya Tata, Bulo Vidano Zbirka of the Caricatures "Our Vidpovіd" Papi Rimsky, according to the All fixing the destruction of the border cordon by winged papists?).
Nareshti, on the 27th of June in "Izvestia" was published a list of radian astronomers, in the stink of the Vatican, they hit not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. Having recounted in detail the sins of Christ's monks, the stench called out to the Holy See, and the skeletons from the secret archives of the Inquisition and publicly condemn Clement VIII and other stranglers of progress:

Therefore, we would ask you not to look at our food as empty, as if to inspire us with confusion, we will plunge far into history. After Pope Urban VIII, who was on the throne from 1623 to 1644, 24 or 25 Christ's monks changed, and now he is like that. None of them gave a roz'annennya z deakikh nutrition, scho always built a dark flame in history.
Possibly, you will be able to think about what you care for before the river to give advice on nutrition, which all people praise, as your respect is already in the middle of nutrition about the link between science and religion.
Mind you, it’s impossible to consume at once all the food from the eyes of the galley. It would be impossible to navit. If it’s enough, it’s supposed to be more important than deeds of them, like to be directed lower.
In 1592 p. the former minister of Christ's church, the Benedictine monk Giordano Bruno, was cited by Plombi (lead piping) for the method of propagating propaganda about the destruction of the earth. After 8 years, tobto. in 1600 r. Bruno buv vіdluchenii vіd church i zadzheny until the early morning “if possible, mercifully and without shedding blood”, which in the translation of the movi of the Holy Inquisition meant that we live on the bugatti. As you can see, the zahid was done in a negligent way.
In addition, 1592 p. the Tuscan ruler of the Medici, fearing the wrath of the clergy, that pope, having lived, went to Galileo from Pisi, who had a chance to go to Padua without a penny. The struggle of the clergy from Galilee did not end.
In 1615 p. Pope Paul V at the sacred for the sake of official recognition for the nonsense of the vchennya about the collapse of the Earth. With this drive, you can guess the sheet of the Tuscan messenger at the papal court, the priest Pietro Gvіchchiardinі to Duke Ferdinando. “Cheerfulness (Galilea), - writing wine, - rob for the new unsafe sky of Rome, especially in this hour, if our head, Pope Paul V, does not care about science and establish it.”
Veresni 1632 p. there was a residual decree of the Inquisition about the transfer of Galileo to the court.
February 13, 1633 Galileo, humiliated by years and ailments, having grown dear to Rome with a lack of care for life.
23 lime of the same fate at the church. Santa Maria Sopra Minevra had a vision from him. On the knees, in one shirt, in front of the storehouse of the clergy, and in the presence of the great crowd of the people, the 70-year-old great astronomer of confusions spoke the truth and exclaimed nonsense. Tilki pokіrnіst vryatuval yogo vіd dolі Bruno, a member of the academy del Cemento Olivo, physics Jansinus and іn. After the death of Galileo, which proved the decision of life in the wounded, the inquisition vimagala for the bedroom all the manuscripts of the great scientist.
The Frauenburz monk, canon Mykola Copernicus, who was born in 1473, having written a tvir “About the certainty of the heavenly worlds” (“De revolutionibus orbium сelestium”), like a protracted bagatioh rokіv zatrimuvavsya exit from the world for the fear of nasledkіv. Tsya book appeared only once, if the 70th Copernicus was lying on his deathbed; Fontenelle, as it seems, succumbed to Copernicus' success, the shards of wine successfully dangled from their reprisals.
Here it’s a good idea to tell you what the great tver was cited from the index of book embeddings no more than 1831, that is. at that hour, if there was no fence, no warning about the collapse of the Earth, there was already under the power of the church and not a little of the desired value for anyone.
At 1597r. astronomer Quiet Brazі zmušeny buv vіtchiznu, being deafened by a heretic and an atheist.
At 1598r. Kepler, who broke the law of the planetary system's turmoil, stirred up the storm from Styria to the Ugorshchyna through those that the zealous Catholic Ferdinando, having voted the Generalsimo of his troops, St. diva and giving a home to vikorinity all nonsense. Kepler was not helped to inspire those who, in front of tsim vіn, acted as an advocate for the reform of the calendar of Pope Gregory, shouting against themselves the dissatisfaction of the people, saying: it is better to get rich in the sun, lower in the darkness with tatom.
At 1599r. Kepler crosses to Graz, but through the river of turmoil, I rush again in the flow, leaning without bones.
At 1615r. The Catholic clergy of Metropolitan Linz saw Kepler in the church. In the same fate, Kepler's mother was taken to Leonberz'ka as a prisoner for calls to chaklunstvo and hereticism. Nezabar, she was condemned to the strata for bearing with the devil, which she learned from her aunt, that she passed away life on the bagatti.
At 1624r. Kepler's calendars were burned with a kat's hand. Astronomy and at the same time watching the day.
At 1626r. the clergy organized an attack on his apartment in Lіntsi, and zmusheny buv tіkat to Regensburg.
At 1630r. vin zdijsniv the rest of the trip from Linz to Regensburg and 15 leaf fall, shedding my family 7 k. pennies in the fall, I wear a cloth and two shirts.
These are innumerable facts, on which we ask you to show respect, to be directed only as an illustration of that antagonism, which has long been established between the church and that science. Since that hour, something has changed a lot, the forms of that antagonism have also changed, but the old one has lost its old.
Yakscho St. Clement VIII, if you sent the founders of our science to riches, then you, Pope Pius XI, you can’t send any of the followers to riches, if you want to look at ours - they are thoroughly “heretic”. Now the papal church is taking up arms against the "disgraceful materialistic pardons", to that which directly attack science in our century is the acceptance of the marne, and for whom now it is not a mystery, that science cannot but be materialistic.
Your battle, that “with the evil materialistic Omans, the ghosts (that is the power of workers) to destroy religion and God himself, to seek the death of the rational and human nature itself” - accept in the other part of the law not rummaged. Science in the Radyansk Union is flourishing. The gigantic growth of socialist everyday life is supported by the hard work of science, the science of astronomy. New science centers, the cadres of the scientists of science are being asked too much. bud. Pratsіvniki science together with a team of workers to take a lot from the impure land and the organization of the socialist state, and the proletarian government does not "seek the ruination of everything sensible", but instead - the foundation of the development of the state on science.
The sciences of the SRSR, having survived three revolutions, have become politically significant, less comrades in the capitalist lands. The stench is miraculously convinced that if the world split into two camps - socialist and capitalistic, then the scientists of science should be safely instructed by the working people "Against" capitalism, with which the church solidifies.
We would like to finish off the honor of this holiness: if you respect the church, do Bruno, Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and the rich and other martyrs of science as heretics and sinners, and if you don’t respect, then honor the public condemnation of Clement VIII, Paul VIII, that other papi, yak they brought evil, how much of yogo was not smashed by all the troubles of the world?

(I will update the sheet published, there are also the names of 70 judges who signed it)

Vartan Tigranovich Ter-Oganezov, a man of a difficult life, was the author of the sheet with great dynamism. Born 1890 p. from Tiflis, having learned astronomy from St. Petersburg, 1918. having come to the bіlshoviki, by all means trying to prove themselves in the field of reorganization of science. The party threw yoga on the ecological front, then Ter-Oganezov served at the People's Commissariat for Education, turned to astronomy less in 1930, if he was appointed as the chief editor of the journal "Svetoznavstvo" (the old editorial board was dissolved, the editorial board D.O. counter-revolutionary activity, the administration of the White Sea Canal, then swelled, 1934, conveying a new wind of purges after the defeat of Kirov, utik to Kazakhstan, died there 1940). In the archives of the famous scientist, the People's Will and the chrono-fighter N.A. Morozov, the protocol of the first meeting of the updated editorial board was saved:

V.T.Ter-Oganezov (editor-in-chief), N.A.Morozov, V.I.Kozlov (secret editor)...1. Heard: Advice of the Vidpovidalny Editor about the ideological direct to the magazine... At the debate, M.O. 2. We heard the secretary's report about the financial situation and the prospects for the journal... At the debate, N.A. ended at 4:15 p.m.

The new "ideological direct to the magazine" including anti-religious propaganda, Pius XI's speech became a great trigger. Ter-Oganezov later republished in "Svetoznavstvі" and "Vidkritiy list radyanskih astronomers" and the papal office, literally through tyzhden appeared at the Vatican "Oservatore Romano". Vіdpovіdі have two leitmotifs: 1) Copernicus is not mine, 2) like you are, you are a goat.
Why yoga was overruled by the SRSR, I didn’t really understand. Possibly, Ter-Oganezov, seeing the legitimate pride of the troll, whom they reproached with great relish. Abo played its role by the fact that in the drive of J. Bruno, the Holy See did not know the truth:

We are categorically rebuffed before us, so that the holy father, timidly, would say “just look over, like to know the vcheni in Russia.”
Dalі є tsіlkovityu vygadkoyu hardening, nibi Copernicus and Kepler were re-examined by the Roman Inquisition. Copernicus, recognizing the attacks from the side of Luther and Melanchthon, the protege of wines could not bear the everyday injustices of the Catholics, and decided to dedicate his famous father to Paul III. This book was expanding without interruption, the docks on the right, Galilea did not dare to add it to the list of fenced books, for which it was out of hand, the boulder was again stricken.
We also know that Catholics respected Kepler. If the hanger of all the Protestants from Graz was broken, for Kepler the blame was not broken, and the shards of wine were still flooded in Graz, the wine was turned by the decree of Archduke Ferdinand. In the distance there was a second hutch, but there was such a small wild character, and the most noble one did not stumble with the same world.
As far as Galileo is concerned, we are simply amazed at the fact that the authors of the sheet did not know the fact that for 50 years all the documents about the trial of him were put into order, and all those that Galileo said at Florence and Rome were published by Professor Favaro from Padua Chioni from Florence. Narazi all these documents will see before the new appearance of Barber.
Therefore, we see the great marvelous power of the well-known Russian astronomers about those that the international commission of astronomers was allowed to collect valuable documents that are stored in the secret archives of the Vatican. Why don't you know what the archives are for everyone? The materials, which were saved there, were devised by their spivtchizniks, among them Shmorl, who, having looked at the documents that Russia is waiting for more than once, and scribbled down a list of them.
We said “revealed astronomers” not only to the one who was the author of the “opened sheet”, obviously, ignorant of it, but it would be good to be a learned astronomer, who knows the history of his science, but also to the one who is the only Russian vcheni, like the truth are engaged in astronomy, i.e. i.e., those who practice near Nizhny Novgorod, constantly support the exchange of knowledge with the Vatican Observatory. The rest wore the same and їхній shorіchnik 1930 r. in exchange for your own volume science practices.
These books of science miraculously witness that the world of the Catholic Church is translating science and astronomy.

Ter-Oganezov, having studied "Svetoznavstvo" for more than 7 years, in 1937 took an active part in the circle of participants in the TV show. "Pulkovskogo help":

Justice of the word. Stalin, astronomers, we can miraculously transcend on the right, like on our vlasny lavas. The bodies of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs in the Radian astronomical institutions revealed the protection of the enemies of the people, as if for a number of years I robbed my dark right. Tsі horogi, krіm іnshgo, tried to do everything to try to improve the prestige of radyansk astronomy and cross over to the successful roc. For example, you can fit one of these shkidniks. What vin is he? Tse Kolishnіy Eser, who pretended to be a hoarder radianska vlady, which calls in words, trying to show its “reconciliation” with her, but which is often not vitrimuva and exposing its vovchi іkla.

Usy Bulo was arrested over 30 osіb, many of them, incl. director of the observatory Gerasimovich (volodar "vovchi іklіv"), shooters. This was the dawn of the year of Ter-Oganezov, then his career began to decline. In 1938, "Svіtoznavstvo" was shut down, but yoga was not reorganized by the head of the Moscow Astronomical and Geodetic Association. Vіynu Ter-Oganezov near Tashkent, then, having briefly taken part in the struggle with relativistic cosmology, the rest of the scene. After his death in 1962, an astronomical journal was expected, as the biographer respected it without publishing his obituary.

Add information about the person


Born 1890 p. at Tiflis.

Graduated from the Petrograd University (1916), in 1918 joined the RCP(b).

Since 1918, having occupied administrative estates in the People's Commissariat of the RRFSR, he was the head (until 1938) of the Committee of the head of the office and the head offices at the Central Exhibition Commission of the Soviet Socialist Republic.

He worked as a mathematician at the Moscow Higher School Academy (MDA, from 1930 - MGRI) until the end of his life, professor, head of the Department of Mathematics of the Geophysical Faculty of the Russian State. Geological and Exploration University from 1930 to 1962.

Became the director of the Astronomical and Geodetic NDI at the Moscow State University, since 1930 - the editor-in-chief of the journal Miroznavstvo, since 1931 - the head of the Moscow Association of Amateur Astronomers. In 1937, he took an active part in the tskuvannі participants of "Pulkovskogo help".

April 1938 Numerical reports by V.T. Ter-Oganezov with "victorious" articles from the position of approval of the method of dialectical materialism among the developments of natural sciences were attached.

Until the end of the 1930s, he was appointed to administrative positions, active member of the Russian Astronomical Association, intercessor of the Head of the Astronomical Society for the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR, member of the Expert Committee of the VAK, member of the Presidium of the All-Union Astronomical Commodity Committee

Already in 1955, there were no appeals to the core bodies of the All-Union Astronomical and Geodetic Association.


Behind the wine of two notes, not having worked in the closet of astronomy, in 1927-1929.

  • Sonyachni and monthly blackouts [Text]: scientific knowledge / V. T. Ter-Oganezov. - M.: Derzhkultprosvitizdat, 1952
  • Sonyachni and monthly blackouts [Text]: scientific knowledge / V. T. Ter-Oganezov. - 3rd view., Dod. that overhaul. - M.: Gostekhizdat, 1954. - 126 p. : il., kol. il., table, phot.


  • Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  • professor
  • current member of the Russian Astronomical Association



  • Bronshten V.A., McCutchen R. Portrait of an antihero / / Nature. 1995. No. 6. S. 124-128

Reveal the mystery of the nickname TER-OGANEZIV(In Latin transliteration TER-OGANEZOV) marvel at the results of the numerological magic of numbers. You recognize the talents that are unknown and unknown. Perhaps, you don’t understand them, but you realize that you don’t know anything about yourself that your loved ones.

First letter T nicknamed TER-OGANEZIV rozpovit about character

Passion and sexuality. You are in power at first glance, because of the uncertainty you can pardon the choice of a partner. Under the hour of your crisis of the middle age, you can play your negative role, if your help is in front of you, or you should listen to the tedious vivi from the drive of your problems.

Characteristic rices of TER-OGANEZIV

  • Vlada
  • comfort
  • day with nature
  • sluggishness
  • evidence of systematicity
  • respect for details
  • summation
  • secrecy
  • balakness
  • vitality
  • penetration
  • partiality
  • emotion
  • energy self-expression
  • high intuition
  • material dissatisfaction
  • interest in health
  • host rosum
  • creative ambitions
  • great emotion
  • secret praise
  • dogmatism
  • constant voltage
  • self-indulgence
  • search for the ideal
  • sensitive creative specialty

TER-OGANEZIV: quantity of mutual modality with light "6"

"Shistochnik" is easy to recognize - this is the same person, as if she admires extraordinary luck, she is always honed by friends, she has a wonderful family and does not know a bit about what is mutually cooperative. Lover of the valley? Really, we don’t call it that. Everything that we take away with ease, that we give up, is well-deserved. This person seems to have a calm, vrіvnovazhenim character, to help out in a twisted situation, to give a painful joy, or just to listen to someone who needs moral encouragement. In service to others on different equals, people often know the sense of their life; stench itself, remember, without wasting anything, and calmly accept be-like a gift. Those close friends of the "shistochnik" feel safe and comfortable from her - such a person does not play psychological games, does not try to manipulate them, even if they think, but in form, they do not swindle anyone.

"Shistochnik" is a miraculous sim'yanin, moreover, it is not only the calmness of the house, but the success of all members of the family, and the spiritual camp of those close to him, that turbulate. Tse unmarked guard home fire, sensible and patient mentor, good butt for succession. Talking about lonely people, people often forget about themselves, and one of the important lessons that they should learn is not to stain yourself without too much, the shards of their strength are great, but not exhausted.

The exercise of the “shistochniks” to the harmony imposes a beat like on their heads with people, and those, like the stench, organize their lives - according to the main trends, to the rubbish. You can be sure that the apartment of a person is clean and quiet, the working place is comfortable and productive, and the place is pleasing to the eye with a welcoming landscape. "Shistochnikovi" do not value beauty more, and the building smooch її at everything that їх їхує. The very same stench often leads with unabashed talents in the interior of design, and, what is important, help someone to reveal the best sides of their soul.

As for the “shistochniks” that they care about in life, then it’s not enough to take a decision quickly, and not to step out of sight of the new one on the rock. Such people are able to help others, to give simplicity and reason, but they themselves often suffer causeless doubts, irritate and worry about rubbish. The stench is welcoming to the joys of life, ale and bіdi are close to the heart; often react superciliously emotionally and suffer for a long time from spiritual wounds.

TER-OGANEZIV: a number of spiritual exercises "9"

The category of people, the number of spiritual exercises of which is nine, is distinguished by neurodevelopment and super-fluidity. The main exercise is to improve the quality of life (both your own and others), as if the stench helps you to live in life, all the way up to the authorities. Nature has endowed the "nine" with overstrong feelings of indifference and dependence on the powerful to the point of overwhelming, and it’s less pretentiousness to the loved ones to rob them indulgent.

Irrespective of those that the “nine” can reach the ambitious, zayva mrіylivіst that lack of life energy does not allow them to reach the great heights. Bad luck can transform such people into quarrelsome and embittered for the whole world of new days, but most of the time, the "nine" philosophically take a hit and continue to find new ways for development.

"Dev'yatochniki" adds everything beautiful. When I wake up to a touch of harmony, such people always see me “in the NATO”: extravagant choices, unusual occupations, artistry. The solemn respect is necessary for him, like a double, just like the inconsistency calls out to the image. Mriya "nine" - to make happy all the dovkols.

But most of all, you don’t get into it, because you don’t want to go into the details of stating the reality of happiness for a particular person, and that’s why you don’t die, or you can’t be shy, if you don’t know your pardons.

People - "nine" live steadily in the world of illusions, like nurturing and spitting. In case of zіtknennya with the highest manifestations of reality for them - serious stress, which gives rise to suffering and induce depression. Perebuvayut already in the mature age, "nine" vіdіznyayutsya frivolity, impracticality, inconsistency to life and youthful idealism.

Time for an hour, sometimes they are still taman prudence and prudence. In the same comfortable environment, the "nine-year-olds" relax, become accustomed to those sweet spirits. They have a special life, more rich, more emotions and deep feelings. Because the "nine" can subtly sympathize with the otochyuchih, and also create a harmonious ensemble of "internal" and "outward" stench, they often become talented designers.

TER-OGANEZIV: number of reference features "6"

If a person is poured into the earth, the main method in life is peace, calmness and unturbulence. Moreover, youmu is important as a calm soul, special. Vіn maє znachennya spoky close people, and navіt hour zovsі neznayomih. Such is the need to rob the people of the "shistochniks" more indifferent.

Aja has to worry about everyone and everything. On the vіdmіnu vіd bіlshostі, so people don't get rich, become famous and successful. For them, such bajans for all the attributes of a happy life will be no more than a source of anxiety and problems.

The places of residence of such people are mostly small quiet places, villages and settlements. Living in a rich metropolitan city with shtovkhanina and eternal happiness is not for them. Learn how to stink and live near such a place, you won’t be comfortable there. And the axis is a slow way, with single-manit right and turbots - those that are necessary for them. It definitely won't be boring.

Ambition and ambition is not about people under the sign of six. It’s smut for them to know that they are loved on the right, as it is right to bring them satisfaction. І os todі stinks can really achieve significant success. Such people are mrіyniki, but if you believe that their mrії as a whole can be brought into life. That is why bad luck cannot cool your fuse. Pass an hour and stink again to try to create your own dream.

In other people, such an arrogance inspires life. Aje poz them unmarked, bright prospects can pass. However, to inspire in your mind the "shistochniks" inspire themselves with a lot of lovers of luck, and believe in better. Navіt folded life situation not zamusit їх destroy optimism and marvel at the world through the black eyepieces. Vіn perekonaniy, scho all the filthy skins, and you can't get into the city for hardships.

With a person under the sign of the sixth, it’s already acceptable to speak. There is always a place for guests at the yoga house, it is quiet and comfortable. Vіn miraculous master, but not to rob the order of that luxury cult. For the new smut, the very comfort of the soul, and the speech may be simple and easy.

In turbot about their relatives, such a person does not know how to enter. And in an hour we’ll get dirty. And the axis about their interests, unfortunately, sometimes forgets.

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