Cause the transition of the Radian power to Nepu. Rethink the beginning of the new economic policy of the NEP. NEP tsіlі, sutnіst, metodi, osnovnі - Control work. Underground nature of NEPu

Introduced on the cob of the twenty years of the past century, mave become a transitional crop to encourage socialism. The country, as it was not long ago announced in the wake of the revolution and the mass war, wanted to be calm. Timchas's policy of the Bilshoviks, which lived for itself, lived out its rest days. If Russia was great during the inter-serious social crisis - then and now the transition from the Soviet communism to the NEP. The very decision was voted on the black (tenth) date of Moscow in 1921.

The reasons for the transition to NEP were understood. Nasampered was marked by an important camp of the country at the border of such changes: Russia, having escaped the political one, and Promislov_ bula ruynovana, the backwaters stood. The workers of the Daedalus were declaring more - they were too rich, the stench wanted to work and fought hard for the skin of the working place (although they didn’t hang out).

Those who worked, did not take away any special moral and penny satisfaction from their work. At the link with zі skasuvannyam commodity-penny vіdnosin people otrimuvali wages a natural product, and chi is not a penny. This kind of reconciliation did not lead to a sense of satisfaction in moral justice, but to the point of greater anger and rampant speculation throughout the country.

The strong state, the most indestructible villagers, were inflamed with destructive elements to the Bolsheviks. The rural volodinnya, through the rapidity of the pastures and the instability of the situation at the edge of the daedal, more hovered in their own way and were similar to natural-gospodarskie osviti. Vihіd spozhivchiy market їm buv netіkavim, zbitkovim. The Crimean villagers honored the Chervona Army, and the military servicemen, who were demobilized later, more and more filled the towns and villages, popovnyuyuchi rows of kaliks, nevdas and priyomishivs.

Now there has been a transformation of all spheres of the economy under a new policy - a direct transition to the NEP. Golovni ї Ida (rocking of the prolongation of that introduction of the exodus) drilled not up to Kinzi Zrozumili to a simple village, Yak was resting in an izіkavanni zmin, I wanted the antibylshi-shaped, “ you will only be gershee").

Another source of change is the roaring of the throat and the rise of various forms of power. The market, with its own charm, instantly received infusions of foreign capital, as if securing the transition to the NEP. The value of the currency at that time and the motor inflation led to the penny reform, which was introduced in the first years after the introduction of the policy.

Within an hour of founding the party, the party made a residual change in its positions - the Bolsheviks ceased to be associated with political power. Now, the stench has become a part of the expansion of ideology and the promotion of it in all spheres of a suspenseful and special life, which led to a complete and undivided control of the society of the Bolshevik party. In such minds, the transition to the NEP, becoming the most possible, the shards and the economic, the political, and the ideological spheres were in the hands of one "lyalkovoda".

The promotion of the new economic policy of the population was different. A lot of villagers were redirected to finish the job and began to actively go to the market, the workers, from their quarters, took away the miraculous ability to conserve their forces at the factory, even if they crossed to the NEP, having secured the possibility of the country’s economy prospering, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, it was so unsuccessfully used.

The stand in Russia was critical. The country lay in ruins. Riven of virobnitstv, zokrema and silskogospodarskih produktіv, sharply falling. However, there was no longer any serious threat to the power of the Bilshoviks. In this situation, for the normalization of social life in the country, on the 10th star of the RCP (b), a decision was made to introduce a new economic policy, shortened to the NEP.

The reasons for the beginning of the new economic policy (NEPu) in the form of the policy of the Soviet communism were:

  • the most urgent need for the normalization of the waters of the city and the village;
  • the need to revive the economy;
  • the problem of stabilization of pennies;
  • the dissatisfaction of the villagers with the food allowance, which caused the insurgents to settle down (Kurkulsky stabbed to death);
  • pragnennya oznovlennya zovnishnopolitichnyh zv'yazkiv.

The policy of the NEP was voted on 21 February 1921. At the same time, the prodrozkka was touched. Vaughn was replaced by a second minor surcharge. Vіn for the bazhannya of the peasant is a moment of contributions and pennies and products. Prote podatkova policy radyanskoy vlady became a serious streaming clerk in the development of the great rural states. If the bіdnota bula was zvіlnen vіd vyplat, then the villagers could carry a heavy tributary burden. Pragnushchi vysliznuti vіd їhnoyї splati, zamozhnі villagers, kulaks crushed their dominions. At the same pace, the fragmentation of the state was two times greater, lower than the pre-revolutionary period.

Rinkowy vіdnosiny was legalized again. The development of new commodity-penny vodnosins caused the introduction of the All-Russian market, and, likewise, the singing world of private capital. During the period of NEP, the banking system of the country was formed. Introduced direct and indirect taxes, as if they become the main source of sovereign income (excise taxes, surcharges and silskogopodarsky taxes, payment for services, etc.).

Through those that the policy of the NEP in Russia was seriously mocked by inflation and the inconsistency of a penny savagery, a penny reform was born. Already for example 1922 a penny alone appeared - a piece of gold, which was secure with gold and other valuables.

The misfortune of capital brought to the ear an active administrative work in the economy. The administrative pressure on the industrial sector (Regulations on the State Industrial Trusts) has gradually increased, and in no time it has expanded on the agricultural sector.

The results of the NEP until 1928, regardless of the part of the crisis, provoked the incompetence of new scientists, calling for a significant economic growth and a sharp improvement in the situation in the country. The increased national income, the material camp of the people (workers, villagers, as well as servicemen) became more stable.

The process of reinvention of industry and the silskogo statehood is tumultuous. Ale, at the same time, the appearance of the SRSR in the capitalist lands (France, Navit Navit prograded the First World of Nimechchini) was inexorably fluctuating. The development of an important craftsmanship of that silskogo state dominated the great pre-state capital deposits. For a further industrial development, it was necessary to increase the marketability of the agricultural state.

Varto signify that the NEP has plunged into the culture of the country. The management of science, science, education, culture was centralized and transferred to the Sovereign Commission for Education, as Lunacharsky O.V.

Irrespective of those that the new economic policy proved to be more successful, already after 1925. pochinayutsya try її gortannya. The reason for the crying of the NEP was the step-by-step efforts to break down between the economy and politics. The private sector and the strong state, which is growing up, have begun to provide political guarantees for the powerful economic interests. It provoked an internal party struggle. Those new members of the Belarusian party - the villagers, who went bankrupt in the course of the NEP, and the workers of the new economic policy did not rule.

Officially, the NEP was fired on August 11, 1931, and later on November 1928. the plan of the first feast began, and as a result, the collectivization in the countryside and the industrialization of the harvesting industry was forced.

The NEP (New Economic Policy) was carried out by the Ryansk government in the period from 1921 to 1928. The purpose was to try to lead the country out of the crisis and send supplies to the development of the economy and the country's strong state. Ale pіdbags NEP vyyavilis zhahlivymi, and vreshti-resht Stalin had a chance to spіshnіvat tsey process, for the creation of industrialization, oskolki policy NEPu practically povnіstyu vzbіvka important promislovіst.

Cause trouble for the NEP

In the winter of 1920, the fate of the RRFSR was torn down by a terrible crisis. It’s rich in why the blame for this is because in 1921-1922 there was a famine in the country. The Volga region suffered with the head rank (everyone remembers the sumptuous phrase " Starving Povolzhya Skills would not have told us the mentors that people with applause were rattling off the vlad Rad - it was not so. For example, the rebels were found in Siberia, on the Don, in the Kuban, and most - near Tambov. The army until that moment was extremely weak, then it was even a serious threat to the regime.. Then the Kronstadt slaughter was born. correct. Lenin formulated them as follows:

  • the destructive force of socialism is the prolitorate, aka the villagers. Tom Radyanska Vlada can learn how to get along with them.
  • it is necessary to create a united party system in the country and a lack of thoughtlessness.

In itself, this is the whole essence of the NEP - "Economic liberalization with a zhorst political control."

In a nutshell, the reasons for the introduction of the NEP can be divided into ECONOMY (the country will need an impetus for the development of the economy), SOCIAL (the social has still moved to the edge of hospitality) and POLITIC (the new economic policy has become a means of managing power).

Cob NEPu

The main stages of the introduction of NEP in the SRSR:

  1. Decision of the 10th anniversary of the party of Bolsheviks in 1921.
  2. Replacing the layout with a tribute (in fact, the introduction of the NEP was the cause). Decree dated 21 February 1921.
  3. Dozvіl vіlnogo barobmіnu silgosproduktsієyu. Decree 28 February 1921.
  4. The creation of cooperatives, as if they were established in 1917 roci. Decree of 7 April 1921.
  5. Translation of deaco promissory from the hands of the state in private hands. Decree 17 May 1921.
  6. A creation of minds for the development of private trade. Decree 24 May 1921.
  7. Allowed TIMCHASOV to give private persons the opportunity to rent sovereign enterprises. Decree 5 Lipnya 1921.
  8. He allowed private capital to create business enterprises (including industries) with a staff of up to 20 employees. If the business is mechanized - no more than 10. Decree 7 April 1921.
  9. Praise for the "liberal" Land Code. Vіn allowing like a lease of land, and hiring a worker from a new one. Decree dated Zhovtnya 1922.

The first cob of the NEP was planted on the back of the RCP (Bolsheviks), which was picked up in 1921 (as a reminder of this, the participants right from the right of the delegates went to the strangulation of the Kronstadt slaughter), adopted the NEP and introduced the fence to the "unthinking" in RCP (b). On the right in the fact that until 1921 p. in the RCP(b) there were different factions. Tse was allowed. Behind the logic, and this logic is absolutely correct, if economic easing is introduced, then in the middle of the party can be a monolith. That's why the fractions that are welcome are added.

The idea concept of NEP was first given by V.I. Lenin. It happened on the ledge on the tenth and eleventh stars of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, as it happened in 1921 and in 1922, obviously. The same way the New Economic Policy was announced at the third and fourth congresses of the Comintern, as was the case in 1921 and 1922. In addition, a great role is played by the formulary head of the NEP, headed by Mikola Ivanovich Bukharin. It is important to remember that for a long time Bukharin and Lenin acted in the role of opposition one to one in support of the NEP. Lenin saw that the moment had come to change the pressure on the peasants and "peace" with them. Ale Lenin decided to get along with the villagers not forever, but for 5-10 years. Therefore, the greater number of members of the Bilshoviki party were convinced that the NEP, as a temptation to stop, was introduced to just one grain procurement company, like a deception for the villagers. Ale Lenin said in particular that the course of the NEP is taken on a more tribal term. And then Lenin, having said a phrase, showed that the Bolsheviks cherished the word - "but let us turn to terror, among them to economic terror." As if guessing the fate of 1929, the very Bilshoviks ruled. The name of this terror is collectivization.

New Economic Policy is insured for 5, maximum 10 years. And she won her head, madly, vikonala, even though at some point she put a threat to the foundation of the Radyansky Union.

In short, the NEP according to Lenin is the sympathy of the peasantry and the proletariat. The very same thing formed the basis of the sub-days of the day - as opposed to the peasantry and the proletariat, it means you are the opponent of the working government, the Rada of the SRSR. The problems of militancy have become a problem for the survival of the Bolshevik regime, because the regime simply does not have an army or equipment to crush the peasant revolts, so that the stench will start up massively and organized. Tobto deyakі istoriki kazhut - NEP tse Brest svіt Bіlshovikiv zі their people. Tobto, like bilshoviks - international socialists, like they wanted a light revolution. I’m guessing that Trotsky put the same idea through. On the back of Lenin, which is no less than a great theoretician, (winning as a good practitioner) he has designated NEP as sovereign capitalism. And once for all, having taken a new portion of criticism from Bukharin and Trotsky. І following Lenin, having begun to interpret the NEP as a change in Socialist and Capitalist forms. I repeat - Lenin was not a theoretician, but a practitioner. He lives on the basis of the principle - it is important for us to take power, but how to be named is unimportant.

Lenin, in fact, having adopted the Bukharin version of NEP with the formulation of those other attributes.

The NEP is a socialist dictatorship that spires on socialist virobniki and regulates a wide dribnobourgeois organization of the state.


Behind the logic of whose appointment main task, which stood in front of the foundations of the SRSR - the ruin of the dribno-bourgeois state. I’m guessing that the Bilshoviks called the peasant state a drab bourgeoisie. It is necessary to understand that until 1922 the fate of socialism went into a deaf corner and Lenin understood that it was only possible to continue this movement through the NEP. It dawned on me that it’s not the main path, and it’s super-sophisticated to Marxism, but it’s also useful as a detour path. I Lenin, postiyno blatantly, that the new policy is the manifestation of Timchasov.

General characteristics of NEP

Sukupnіst NEPu:

  • Vіdmova vіd labor mobilіzatsії i іvnoї system prіvnoї pratsі pratsi sіh.
  • translating (chastkovy, sensible) craftsmanship from the private hands of the sovereign (denationalization).
  • creation of new economic associations - trusts and syndicates. Everywhere zaprovadzhennya gosprozrakhunku
  • molding at the country's enterprises with additional capitalism and the bourgeoisie, zocrema and zahіdnoi.

I’ll tell you ahead of time that the NEP called to the point that even richly and idealistically nailed bilshoviks let their dogs into the cholo. The stinkers respected that capitalism was being reborn, and they shed their blood for nothing during the hour of the Gromadyansk war. And the axis was not idealistically nailed, the Bolsheviks did well to win the NEP, for at the hour of the NEP it was easy to recognize those who had plundered the hour of the Gromadyansk war. That is why, as we know, the NEP is a tse trikutnik: the tse kerіvnik of the lanka of the Central Committee of the party, the kerіvnik of the syndicator to the trust, and also the NEPman yak "barig", hanging my daily through the yoke go the whole process. Tse vzagali was a corruption scheme from the very cob, but the NEP was a vicious approach - the bіshoviki would not vtrymaly the power without it.

NEP in trade and finance

  • Development of the credit system. In 1921, a sovereign bank was created.
  • Reformation of the financial and penny system of the SRSR. Reached the path of the reform of 1922 (groshova) and the replacement of pennies of 1922-1924 years.
  • The voice was divided into private (distributed) trade and the development of various markets, including the All-Russian.

If you try to briefly characterize the NEP, then the design was extremely undesirable. Vaughn took the indulgent forms of growing the special interests of the country's ceramics and all those who were educated before "Trikutnik". Kozhen of them played his role. Chornu robot robyv speculator Nepman. I especially spoke loudly at the Radyansk assistants, talking, all the privates called the NEP, and we fought with them as best we could. Ale for the fact - the NEP called the party to a colossal corruption. This was one of the reasons for saying to the NEP, because the yakbi vin escaped far away, then the party would simply proclaim itself.

Beginning in 1921, Radyansk Kerіvnytstvo headed for the weakening of Centralization. In addition, great respect was attached to the element of reforming the state government systems in the country. Labor mobilization was replaced by the labor exchange (the lack of labor was high). Bulo skasovano zrivnyalivka, skasovano kartkovu system (but for someone kartkovy system bala ryatunkom). It is logical that the results of the NEP are practically immediately marked on the positive side in the field of trade. Naturally, the retail trade. Earlier, for example, in 1921, nepmani controlled 75% of the goods circulation in retail trade and 18% in wholesale trade. Nepmanship has become a prominent form of pennies, especially for the quiet, who plundered richly during the hour of the mass war. Their loot lay idle, and now yoga could be called through NEPmaniv. And even richer someone who spent his pennies in such a rank.

NEP in the strong state

  • Praise to the Land Code. (22nd rec). Reorganization of the food allowance for a single silgosp tax from 1923 (from 1926 to the year of 1926 for a penny form).
  • Silgospkooperatsiya cooperation.
  • Equal (fair) exchange between a strong state and industry. The scarlet reach was not far away, as a result of which the so-called "knives of prices" appeared.

At the bottom of the sspіlstva, the turn of the party's kerіvnitstva to the NEP does not know the great support. A lot of members of the Bolsheviks' party were convinced that it was a pardon that transition from socialism to capitalism. Some simply sabotaged the decision of the NEP, and especially ideas, and ended their lives with self-destruction. At the turn of the year 1922, the New Economic Politics collided with the state of the country - the Bolsheviks initiated the drafting of the Land Code with new amendments. Yogo vіdminnіst was in the fact that vin legitimizing hiring labor in the village (it would have been, Radyansk vlada fought against the other, but cim i was busy). The next stage was becoming 1923 rock. Whose fate was trapiled by those who had been counting so long and looming richly - the food allowance was replaced by a strong gift. In 1926, the incremental tributes began to be collected more and more from the penny form.

Vzagali, NEP was not an absolute triumph of economical methods, as some people wrote in radian handbooks. Tse zovnі buv triumph of economical methods. In fact, there was a lot of something else there. And I may not only have the titles of the cross of the master's power in the Uvaz. On the right, in the fact that a significant part of the peasant product was perceived by the sight of gifts, and the contribution was superworldly. Insha river, that the villager, having taken away the opportunity to freely calm down, did not solve the problems. And here already in the foreground there is an absolutely unfair exchange between the strong state and craftsmanship, molding the so-called "knife of prices". The regime was dependent on prices for the products of industry and lowered the prices for the products of the agricultural state. At the result of 1923-1924, the villagers practically worked for nothing! The laws were such that about 70% of everything that the village was robbing, the villagers were mad to sell practically for no money. 30% of the goods they made were taken by the state for a market price, and 70% for a low one. Then the figure decreased and it became about 50 to 50. But in any case, it’s too rich. 50% of products at a price lower than the market price.

As a result, it became more important - the market ceased to function its direct functions for the purchase and sale of goods. Now he has turned into a deviant zasib exploitation of the villagers. Tіlki half of the peasant goods were bought for pennies, and the other half was drawn from the watchful danini (the najbіsh is exactly the designation of the one that was in the tі roki). NEP can be characterized as follows: corruption, swelling of the apparatus, massive embezzlement of statehood. There was a situation, if the products of the peasant statehood were irrationally harvested, and most of the villagers themselves were unaffected by high crops. This was a logical consequence of what is supposed to be, to that which is not a back-to-back construction.

NEP in industry

Golovnі risi, yakі characterize the New Economic Policy with a look of industrialism - it is practically povna vіdsutnіst rozvitku tsієї galuzі that majestic rіven without work among ordinary people.

NEP back to back mav to work together between the city and the village, between the worker and the villagers. Ale zrobity did not go far. The reason is that the promise of the bula was practically completely destroyed as a result of the Gromadyan war, and it could not be propagated to the villagers. The villagers did not sell their bread, for now they sell, because you can’t buy anything for pennies. The stinks just piled up the grain and did not bathe anything. Therefore, there was no incentive for the development of industry. It looked like such a "vicious colo". And in 1927-1928, everyone realized that NEP is alive, that wine does not give an incentive for the development of industry, but on the other hand, it’s even more.

At this hour it became clear that in Europe it is early, a new war is coming. The axis of the first drive, having said to Stalin in 1931:

Like we for the nearest 10 years we will not pass that road, like Zahid for 100 years - we will be known and wintered.


How to say in simple words- for 10 years it was necessary for the ruins to raise craftsmanship and put them on a par with the most unfortunate lands. NEP tse robiti without allowing, to that vin buv orientations on easy promiscuity and on those, schob Russia was a sirovinny appendage of Zakhod. Therefore, in the current implementation of the NEP, it was like a ballast, which is correct, but correctly pulling Russia to the bottom, and wiping the whole course more rokiv 5, then the 2 world war has inevitably ended.

The increase in the pace of the growth of craftsmanship in the 1920s was marked by a sharp increase in unemployment. While in 1923-1924 the city had 1 million unemployed, in 1927-1928 there were 2 million unemployed. The logical consequence of this manifestation is the great growth of wickedness and dissatisfaction among the localities. For the quiet, who worked, obviously, the situation was normal. Ale, the camp of the robotic class was even more important.

The development of the economy of the USSR in the NEP period

  • Pidyomi ekonomіki cursed іz crises. In all of the crises of 1923, 1925 and 1928, the fates, like they were called to induce starvation in the country.
  • Introduction of a single system to the development of the country. NEP supporting the economy. Vіn giving opportunity to the development of craftsmanship, and the strength of the state in the minds to develop bulo. The two spheres tumbled one by one, wanting to plan ahead.
  • Crisis of grain procurements 1927-28 28 years and as a legacy - a course for the gortanny of NEP.

The most important part of the NEP, before the speech one of the poor positive rice tsієї politiki, tse "pіdnyattya z kolіn" system finansіv. It is not forgotten that the Gromadyan war only slightly but impoverished the financial system of Russia. Prices in 1921 increased by 200 thousand times in 1913. Just think about this number. For 8 years, 200 thousand times... Of course, it was necessary to introduce more pennies. A reform was needed. The reform was carried out by People's Commissar of Finance Sokolnikov, who was assisted by a group of old specialists. At the same time in 1921, the Derzhavny Bank opened its work. As a result of yoga work, those who in the period from 1922 to 1924 were replaced by Chervonets

The chervonets was secured with gold, for a change of some kind of wine, he gave a pre-revolutionary ten-ruble coin, and cost 6 American dollars. Chervonets was safe with our gold and foreign currency.

Historical proof

Radsigns changed and changed at the rate of 1 new carbovanets 50,000 old signs. Tsі pennies were called "Rivznaki". Under the hour, NEP actively developed cooperation and economic liberalization was accompanied by a change in communist power. Powerful and repressive apparatus. And how did it happen? For example, on the 6th day of the 22nd year GolovLit was created. Tse censorship is the establishment of control over censorship. And through the river GlavRepedKom showed up, which was in charge of the theater's repertoire. In 1922, in the Soviet Socialist Republic, over 100 osibs, active cultivators, were awarded for the decisions of this organ. The others were spared less, they were sent to Siberia. At schools, the teaching of bourgeois disciplines was blocked: philosophy, logic, history. In 1936, everything was inspired by the rock. So the Bilshoviki and the church did not miss their "respect". In early 1922, the Bolsheviks confiscated koshtovnosti nibito from the church to fight hunger. In Chernivtsi in 1923, Patriarch Tikhon recognized the legitimacy of Radyansk rule, and in 1925, he was arrested and died. The new patriarch was no longer robbed. Let's keep the patriarchate in the wake of Stalin's 1943 fate.

On the 6th of February, 1922, the fate of the Cheka was changed in the sovereign political administration of the GPU. From the supra-primary tsі the organs changed into sovereign, regular ones.

The culmination of NEP became 1925 rec. Bukharin turned away from the call to the peasantry (let's go to the possible villager).

Get rich, accumulate, develop your state.


Bukharin's plan was praised at the 14th party conference. Yogo actively supported Stalin, and Trotsky, Zinov'ev and Kamenev acted as critics. The economic development of the NEP period is uneven: either a crisis or a boom. I pov'yazano tse bulo z tim, that the necessary banas between the development of the strong state and the development of industry was not found. The Khlibozagotivel Crisis of 1925 became the first blow of the bell to the NEP. It became clear that it would not be difficult to end NEP, but for the inertia of the wines, more and more fates passed.

Skasuvannya NEPu - cause skasuvannya

  • linden and leaf fall plenum of the Central Committee of 1928. Plenum of the Central Committee of the Party and the Central Control Commission (as long as it is possible to oppose the Central Committee) April 1929.
  • reasons for speaking to someone (economic, social, political).
  • chi buv NEP alternative to real communism.

In 1926, the 15th party conference of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks took place. The Trotskyist-Zinov'evsk opposition was sentenced to it. I guess that the opposition actually called out before the war with the villagers - choose in them those who need power, and those who want the villagers. Stalin spoke out with sharp criticism of this idea, as well as directly voicing the position about those that the current policy has lived for itself, and the country needs a new pidkhіd to development, pіdkhіd, which allows the introduction of industrialism, without such a SRSR zamenuvati.

Since 1926, a trend has begun to step up to the NEP. In 1926-27, the stocks of bread were overwhelmed before the war and became 160 million tons. Ale, the villagers did not sell bread, as before, and the industry suffocated due to overexertion. The left opposition (the ideological leader of Trotsky) propagated greatness among the local villagers, which made 10% of the population 150 million pounds of bread, but the work of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks did not go well, because it meant the act of the left opposition.

Throughout 1927, the Stalinist culture led the maneuvers of the residual adoption of the leftist opposition, which without which it was impossible to improve the peasant food. If a try to press on the villagers would mean that the party went on a path, about what to say "Live krylo." On the 15th star, Zinov'ev, Trotsky and other leftist oppositionists were excluded from the Central Committee. However, after that, as the stench repented (it was called my party "to roar before the party"), they were turned away, because that Stalinist center of the stench was needed for the future fight against the Bucharest team.

The fight against NEP flared up like a fight against industry. The reason was logical, to that industrialization was the leader No. 1 for the self-saving of the Radian state. To this, NEP's bags can be briefly summed up like this - the virtuous system of the economy has created innumerable problems, as if only the industrialization has gone far away.

Spring 1921 Russia sharply increased political tension. The conflicts between different political forces, as well as between the people and the power, were buried. Tilki Kronstadt rebellion, Like hanging Lenin, represented much more trouble for the power of the bіshoviks, lower Denikin, Yudenich and Kolchak in marriage. I Lenin as an enlightening politician miraculously ceremonial.

Vіn vіdzu vіdchuv vіdchuv nebezpeku, zrozuіv, scho in order to save power, it is necessary: ​​first, go ahead with the village; in a different way, it’s more zhorstkish to fight like a political opposition, so it’s a must, who doesn’t podіlyaє big changes, yakі є є vіrnimi for appointments. In the 1930s, the opposition came to be liquidated. In this rank, near the birch, 1921. on X z'їzdі RCP (b) Lenin voted about the introduction of the NEP (new economic policy).

What is NEP

Trying to get out of the crisis, both economically and politically, to give a new impetus economy and the agricultural state with the method of their development and prosperity- the essence of the new economic policy. The policy of “military communism”, as carried out by the Bolsheviks until 1921, brought Russia to an economic collapse.

І з цієї reasons 14 bereznia 1921 - tsyu іstorichnu date adopted on the cob NEP - зініціатив В.І. Lenin buv heading for Nep. The main meta of the course taken is to establish the people's statehood. For the sake of this, the Bolsheviks dared to go as far as extremely vague and induce "anti-Marxist" approaches. Tse private acceptance and turn to the market.

Greater in scale, the big project is buv, zrozumіlo, adventurous, shards "nepman" chi "nepach" accepting the greater population like a bourgeois. Tobto, a class enemy, a prophetic element. Prote cei project appeared in the distance. For all the fates of its foundation of wines, it has shown itself more beautifully and economically efficient.

Cause the transition

The reasons for the transition can be summarized as follows:

  • the policy of "military communism" has ceased to be effective;
  • that economic spirituality between the city and the village was clearly marked;
  • insurgents of workers and villagers ran through the regions (the most - Antonovshchina and Kronstadt slaughter).

To the main entrances of the NEP you can see:

1924 wiyshla new currency, gold chervonets. Vіn dorivnyuvav 10 pre-revolutionary rubles. Chervonets, without care for gold, rapidly gaining popularity and becoming a currency that can be converted. The height of the bar, as the Bolsheviks took the start of the new policy, opposed.

Throw in culture

It is impossible to say about the injection of the NEP into culture. People who began to earn pennies began to be called "nepmani". For kramarіv and remіsnikіv zovsіm it was uncharacteristically sіkavitisâ і the ideas of the revolution and equality (in them tsya rice was clean and pure bіdsutnya), the same stench opinated in the whole period on key roles.

New riches of the world did not chime in classical art - it was inaccessible to them through the daylight of enlightenment, but Nepovskaya language bula bears little resemblance to the language of Pushkin, Tolstoy and Chekhov. Before these people can be seen in a different way, but the stench itself has established fashion. Lightweight, to kill a penny, spent a lot of time in cabarets and restaurants, nepmani, steel homemade rice that time. Tse bulo pritamanno їm.

Economic bags NEP

Reinvention of the ruined economy is the main success of the NEP. Otherwise, it seems that there was a victory over the devastation.

Positive and negative feedback

  1. The collapse of the heart. Until 1926 the power is impossible to stream a penny emіsіyu. Rozrakhunki were held in chervintsy, in such a rite chervinets became shvidko znetsinyuvatisya. Nezabar, Vlad pinned the yoga with gold.
  2. Kriz I'm sorry. The population of that other enterprises did not receive convertible pennies, to buy goods, the problem was sharply blamed.

The villagers stopped paying grand tributes, yakі went to the development of industry Tom Stalin had a chance to kill people at the kolgospi primus.

Resuscitation of the market, different forms of power, foreign capital, Financial reform (1922-1924) - zavdyaki komu far away pozhvavit dead ekonomіku.

In times of zhorstkoy credit blockade, the most important heads of the state were able to survive. Zavdyaks of the NEP people's statehood began to revitalize in the wake of the nasledkiv of the First World and Gromadyansk wars. Russia began to rise to its feet and develop in all directions.

The reasons for the transition to the NEP were not accepted by everyone. Such a policy was accepted as rich as a guide to Marxist ideas, as before the bourgeois past, de head meta - tse zbagachennya. The party explained to the population that this was a storm of excitement and timchas.

Before 1921 Bulo was less than two class - robot workers and villagers. Now nepmani have appeared. The stench provided the populace with everything they needed. This is how Russia has moved to the NEP. The date 15 February 1921 has gone down to history. On the same day, the RCP(b) moved in the direction of the zhorstkoy policy of the Soviet communism and switched to the liberal NEP.

The political method of the new economic policy was to intensify the struggle against the opposition, as well as to eradicate that stifling of whatever dissent.

Main powers of "military communism"

1919-1920 - Viyskovy communism, Administrative-command system of government 1921-1928 - NEP, Administrative-market system of government
Vіdmova vіd vіlnoї torgіvlі Allowed private, cooperative, state trade
Nationalization of enterprises Denationalization of businesses
Prodrozverstka food donation
Kart system Commodity-penny vіdnosiny
Swallowing a penny obigu penny reform,chervonets
Militarization of practice DobrovilnyNaimannia
Labor service Labor force market

As can be seen from the table, until 1921, the turn of the ceramics the country was heavily controlled by administrative-command methods. Ale after 1921, the fate of the administrative-market methods was prevailed.

What happened to burn

Before 1926, it became obvious that the new policy had finally exhausted itself. In the other half of the 1920s, NEP began to work and try to burn the NEP with radian ceramics. Syndicates were liquidated, government drug commissariats were created. The hour of the NEP is over. For example, in 1927, the fate of the state did not get far to prepare bread at the required quantity. This has become a drive for a new development of a new policy. After that, after all, the breasts began to turn to the village, and the primus confiscation of bread began to turn. Come on in, it was pinned to the 1928 r.

At the end of 1928, the radyansky order of virishiv was left to rest in the NEP and put before the people the task of creating the first five-year plan for the development of the people's statehood. SRSR headed for accelerated industrialization and collectivization. Irrespective of those who were not officially sanctioned by the NEP, in fact, the wine has already been burnt out. And legally, he pinned his reason on July 11, 1931, at once from private trade.

NEP without becoming a pre-stroke project, and from the moment of its appearance it did not turn out to be like that. As a result of the protirich, as it appeared on the cob-mid-1920s, Stalin and the Radyansky detachment were stirred up in the NEP (1927) and began to modernize the country - industrialization and collectivization.

They were colossal. The country until the beginning of the 1920s, having saved its independence, nevertheless, hopelessly, stood in the sight of the leading western lands, which threatened to turn into a new status great power. The policy of the Viysk communism has exhausted itself. Lenin was faced with the problem of choosing a path for development: to follow the dogmas of Marxism, or to emerge from the realities that were formed. So began the transition to NEP - new economic policy.

The reasons for the cob of NEPu were the following processes:

The policy of “viysk communism”, which was true during the collapse of the Gromadyan war (1918-1920), became ineffective as soon as the country was crossed to a peaceful life; The "military" economy did not provide the state with everything necessary; ineffective bula primusova practice;

Vіdbuvsya ekonomіchny and spiritual development between the city and the village, the villagers with the bіshoviks; the villagers, took away the land, were zatsіkavlenі from the necessary industrialization of the country;

Anti-billshovitsky marches of workers and villagers started up along the krai (the largest of them: "Antonovshchina" - peasant marches against bilshoviks near the Tambov province; Kronstadt slaughtered sailors).

2. Main entrances to NEP

At the birch, 1921. on X z'їzdі VKP(b) after the bitter discussions and for the active injection of V.I. Lenin praises the decision about the transition to a new economic policy (NEP).

The most important economic approaches to NEP were:

1) replacement of a bezrozmirnoy surplus appropriation (food appropriation) with a fenced food giver. The state began not to confiscate bread from the villagers, but to buy it for pennies;

2) skasuvannya labor service : Pratsya ceased to be obov'yazky (similar to the military one) and became free

3) was allowed small and medium private authority like in the countryside (rent of land, hiring hirelings), so in industry. Small and medium factories and backwaters were transferred from private authorities. New Vlasniks, people who earned capital in the rocks of NEP began to be called "Nepmani".

Under the hour of the conduct of the NEP by the Belarusians, the command-and-administrative methods of managing the economy began to be replaced: state-capitalist methods at the great industry private capitalist for the smallest and the middle one, for the service sector.

On the cob of the 1920s. all over the country, trusts are created, as if they united impersonal enterprises, in one and the same number of galleys, they were cherished by them. The trusts tried to practice as capitalistic enterprises, but when they tried, they stayed with the power of the Radyansk state, and not with the other capitalists. Wanting to see a surge of corruption in the government of the capitalist sector, the government was powerless.

Private shops, benches, restaurants, workshops, private governments in the countryside are being created along the edge. Bula cooperation - The association of a number of osib s with the method of carrying out the government's activities. In Russia, virobnichi, spozhivchi, trade cooperatives are being created.

4) Bula revived the financial system:

Authorized the State Bank and allowed to create private commercial banks

At 1924. in order with the signification of "radsigns" that they were rebuked, one more currency was introduced - golden chervonets- Financial unity, which is worth 10 pre-revolutionary tsarist rubles. In the light of other pennies, gold coins were secured with gold, quickly gaining popularity and becoming the international currency of Russia, which is convertible. Pochavsya uncontrollable vіdtіk kapitalіv across the cordon.

3. Podbags and wipes for NEP

By itself, the NEP was already its own manifestation. The Bolsheviks - zatyat prikhilniks to communism - made a trial of the restoration of capitalistic waters. The greater part of the party was against the NEP (“have we carried out the revolution and won the great ones, so we will again start the success with the rozpodilom on the poor and the rich?”). Ale Lenin, rozumіyuchi, that after the devastation of the Gromadyansk war it is impossible to start communism, saying that NEP-tse timchasovye is a sight, poklikane pozhvavit ekonomіku i accumulate forces and resources for the cob life of socialism.

Positive tips for NEP:

The rіven of industrial production, at the main balconies, the access to pokazniki in 1913;

The market was filled with items of first necessity, which did not hang out Gromadyansk war(bread, clothes, sylly ta іn.);

The tension between the city and the village changed - the villagers began to produce products, earn pennies, some of the villagers became independent agricultural enterprises.

However, until 1926 it became obvious that the NEP had exhausted itself, not allowing the pace of modernization to be accelerated.

Super strength NEPu:

The collapse of the "chervonets" - until 1926. the main mass of enterprises and the citizens of the country began to work robit and robit in chervintsy, even as the state could not provide gold for the growing mass of pennies, after which the gold began to be mined, and the government ceased to provide it with gold.

A crisis of zbutu - for a large number of the population, other enterprises with a sufficient amount of convertible pennies, to buy goods, as a result of a large number of people, it was impossible to get their goods;

The villagers did not want to pay the zavischeni tributes, like dzherelo koshtіv for the development of craftsmanship. Stalin had a chance to heal them in a primus-like way, tucking in the colgospi.

NEP without becoming a pre-stroke alternative; they showed yogo protirichya zmusili Stalin to burn the NEP (since 1927) and move on to the forced modernization of the country (industrialization and collectivization).

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