Formation of contemporary Russian literary language. Modern Russian literary language

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian State Geodetic Academy"

department foreign language and intercultural communications


History becoming Russian literary movie

Vikonav: a student of the PG-12 group

Yun'eva T.A.

Revised: art. vikladach

Shabalina L.A.

Novosibirsk 2014


1. The origin of that cause the disintegration of the old Russian movie

1.1 The place of Russian at the bottom of other mov

1.2 Praslov'yansk mova - mova-ancestor of all words'yansk language

1.3 Vindication of written (literary) language from similar words, її flows and styles

2. The enlightenment of the Russian national movie

3. Development of Russian language in the XVIII-XIX centuries

3.1 Russian language in the Petrine era

3.2 The development of Russian in the Radian era


List of references


I.S. Turgenev to lie down, perhaps, one of the most important signs of the Russian language as “great and mighty”:

At days sumniviv, in days serious thinking about shares my fatherland, -- ti one meni podtrimka і support, about great, can, truthful і vilny Russian mova! Not be you -- yak not fall into in rozpach at look in total, what vіdbuvaєtsya at home? ale can't virity, shob such language not boov given great people!

The people express themselves better and better in their language. The people and language, alone without others, cannot be represented. Offended at the same time, I’ll call their inseparability in the Duma one thing: so, Russians, together with other words, calmly ate in one word “mova” understand about my people and understand about the people itself. In this rank, in that part of science, as we can call it our Russian science, it is necessary to take a place in the research about Russian language.

The urgency is taken by those who, in our days, the Russian language, without a doubt, activates its dynamic tendencies and enters a new period of its historical development. To the very same, our language spurs to itself a steady sawing respect, a dbaylivy pikluvannya - especially at that critical stage of the suspensory development, which wines are experiencing. To all the world, we can help you to express the primary essence of concreteness, the importance of formulating and conveying thoughts. Even if it’s good, if it’s a sign, it’s not more than enough to interpret that thought, but it’s also practical to know.

Important "outward" stimuli in these processes will be such phenomena as scientific and technical progress, the transformation of Russian language into worldly language, as it has become one of the global realities of our time.

The new political thought will require new new means, the exact same living. Aje without modern accuracy, that concreteness cannot be any right democracy, any stabilization of the economy, or progress in a flash. Shche M.V. Lomonosov vislovlyuvav thought that the development of national information to the people is directly related to the ordering of the funds of intelligence.

1 . Originіcausedecayold Russianmovie

1.1 MisceRussianmovieinrowothersmov

Russian language is included in the skhіdnoї group of words of the Yang language (the language is Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian) and is included in the system of words of the Yang language. Historical and historical translation of the words of the Janskian language provides material for the designation of quiet savage processes, as experienced by the similar Slavonic language in the recent (pre-feudal) era and you can see this group of language when they are close to it (words of the Janskian language). It should be noted that the recognition of the jointness of the current processes in the skhidnoslovyansk languages ​​of the pre-feudal era does not convey a non-administrative statement about the thoroughness of unity, non-segmentation, and the sameness of the mov on the entire territory. At the link with the economy of the pre-feudal mode and tribal tribalism, the spіlnіst movi sіd razumіti is not like an undifferentiated unity, but like a sum of insignificant dialects. З іншого боку, слід підкреслити, що спільність мовних процесів східного слов'янства не вичерпується тільки дофеодальною епохою, ця спільність простягається і на наступні епохи життя східнослов'янських мов, частиною як подальший розвиток спільних рис, частиною як результат найтіснішої економічної, політичної та культурної zv'yazku narodіv skhіdnoslov'yanskoj - zagalnі yavischa in grammatical mode and vocabulary of skhіdnoslov'yanskiy mov.

However, the language of similar words was considered as the language of other words of the language with a whole low peculiarity.

1) phonetic (like, for example, open-endedness: milk, beard, the bank is thin; sounds h at home more ancient tj, w - at home dj: candle, between thin.);

2) grammatical (for example, in the adopted okremih vіdminkіv іn nouns: іb - on the back of the nose - in the forms of the genus. fall. od. h. і vin. n. pl. in the wines of the fall of the m. h. the name of the noun, the human type of the type of kіn and іn. pіd., in the light of various vіdminkіv od teper (vr. and etc.);

3) lexical (porіvnyaєmo, for example, the introduction of such words, like an eye, a kilim, a plow, a vologa "fat", a canvas, a stick "cunning", an okіst, sometimes, a kopitse "vzuttya", miners, a heavy, a garav "dignified", probes etc.)

1.2 Praslov'yanskylanguage-mov-ancestorallwords'janskihmov

All the words of the "Janian" language show a great similarity between themselves, and even closer to the Russian language - Belarusian and Ukrainian. Mornings tsі movy utvoryuyut skhіdnoslov'yansku pіdgrupa, yak enter to the words'yanskoї ї ї grupi іndoєvropeyskoїї їм'ї.

Slov'yanskie gіlki grow out of the strained stovbur – the Indo-European native land. The Indian (or Indo-Aryan), Iranian Greek, Italian, Roman, Celtic, German, Baltic, English, and other language groups also come into the tієї sim'ї. The collapse of the Indo-European movable unity is brought to sound until the end of III - the cob of the II millennium BC. Maybe, the same processes were going on, which brought to the vindication of the pre-Slavic mov, її vision from the Indo-European.

Praslov'yansk mova - tse mova-ancestor of the current words'yansk language. Vіn not mav writing and not bv fixing on the sheet. However, it is possible to recognize the path of matching the words of the Yang language among themselves, as well as for the help of matching with other disputed Indo-European language. In other words, for the recognition of the ancient Slavic language, there is a lesser term for the distant Slavic language: yes, it is better to call the traditional Slavic language processes, the power of all the words of the Yan language after the decay of the ancient Slavic language.

Prabatkivshchina of words, that is the territory, the stink formed like a special people in their own way and lived right up to their time, that resettlement on the new land, it’s not like the doss was marked through the day of the last tributes. And all the same, from the vіdnosnoy pevnіnіstyu it is possible to stverdzhuvaty that she was seen at the gatherings of Central Europe, on the pivnіch in front of the Carpathians. It’s important to remember that the pіvnіchny cordon of the prabatkіvshchina of the words passed through the river Pripyat (rights of the tributary of the Dnipro), the western cordon - behind the middle flow of the river Vіsli, and at the gathering the words settled Ukrainian Polissya to the very Dnipro.

The Slavs gradually expanded the land they occupied. They took their fate from the great resettled peoples in the IV-VII centuries. Until the end of the pre-Slavic period, words occupied great lands near Central and Northern Europe, which were drawn from the coast of the Baltic Sea at the pivnochі to the Middle Earth at the pivdnі, from the river Elbi at the entrance to the upper Dnipro, the Volga and the Oka at the convergence.

The rocks passed, the centuries changed the vіki insipidly. I follow the changes of interests, the sound, the manners of people, the evolution of її spiritual light that її mov, yogo mov, constantly changed. For its long history, the pre-Slovian language has gone through a lot of changes. In the early period of its foundation, the wines developed appreciably in full, but in the high world they were one-man, although in the new and the same time they used dialects, dialect, and so on - the smallest territorial variety of language. In the late period, approximately from the 4th to the 6th century of our era, in the ancient Slavic language, there were various and intensive changes, which caused the appearance of okremian Slavic language to the 1st century of our era.

Slovyanskie movi, due to their similarity, one to one, was divided into three groups:

Skhidnoslov'yanska - Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian;

Zakhidnoslovyanska - Polish with a Kashubian dialect, which retained a genetic self-reliance, Serb-Luszian language (Upper and Lower Lusatian language), Czech, Slovak and a deadly Polabian language, which actually arose before the end of the 18th century;

Pivdennoslovyanska - Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian. Pivdennoslov'yanskaya for the trips є i old slov'yanskaya mova - the first zagalnoslov'yanskaya literary mova.

The ancestor of the modern Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian language was the Old Russian language (or skhidnoslovyanskaya) language. In yoga history, two main epochs can be seen: before writing - after the collapse of the ancient Slavic language until the end of the 10th century, the other one - writing. What a bula tsya mova before the vindication of writing, one can recognize only the way of the historical-historical cultivation of the words of the Yang and Indo-European language, the relics of old Russian writing at that hour did not exist.

The collapse of the old Russian language calls to the vindication of the Russian and Great Russian language, the Ukrainian and Belarusian languages. It happened in the XIV century, even though in the XII-XIII centuries, in the old Russian language, there were sights, that the dialects of the ancestors of the Great Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians were one kind of one. Modern Russian language was based on pivnichni and pivnіchno-skhіdnі dialects of Old Russia, before the speech, Russian literary language also had a dialectic basis: they laid the central middle Russian cities from Moscow and identified the capital.

1.3 Viniknennyawriting(literary)movieatsimilarword'yan,yogaleaksіstyles

With the advent of the feudal mode in the XI century, similar words are embodied in economic links from Byzantium. The feudal upper class whispered to the political and ecclesiastical unions of Byzantium to support the right to see their own panivish camp at the newly established feudal sovereign unions. Zvіdsi eulogies of the Christian church organization for the Byzantine and “baptism of Rus”, carried out by the prince of Kiev, and then in other feudal centers of ancient Rus. Together with the organization christian church to come to skhіdnih words'yan and liturgical (church-cult) mova and writing, as they had previously developed on the basis of the old Bulgarian dialects of the Byzantine nobles-brothers Cyril and Methodius, who were diplomatically and missionary handed over to the Byzantine emperor from the zahodnoslovskih. The feudal upper-class of old Russia accepts the language of speech as an official-administrative language. In this way, the language of writing, based on the Old Bulgarian dialects, becomes literary, and writing on the territory of similar slov'yanstvo in the feudal elite and the great church nobility. According to its linguistic warehouse, this language was not the same as the promotional decision of the population and to bring in less illumination of the kіl of feudal nobility.

A further development of the written language movement seems to be heard by the historians of the Russian language movement as a process of step-by-step approach to the roman language movement and to the living dialects of a similar vocabulary. Such an evolutionary-idealistic manifestation creates a correct picture of the development of literary (written) language in Russia. First, looking at the facts confirms the appearance of periods of especially intense struggle with the “folk” contributions to Church Slavonic writing and a strong focus on old Bulgarian norms. In a friendly man, the prisoners of the “folk” Elementiv, Chort Iz Otchyychy Govіok I spacious at the Pamni Pam'yatki are not a straight-up process of the Social Assembly, on the historical stage. , their zіtknen and borotbi, yakі knew their own image in the ideological production.

It is demonstrative of the fact that those close to the church, those secular nobility of the stake did not understand, but very importantly understood the literature of the Church-Slovak my. We may document the skarga of readers, for example. to Kiril Turovsky.

Designate another one characteristic of rice from the pochatkovo іstorії zastosuvannya tserkovno-slov'yanskoy ї mov as a written language of Russian feudal lords. Lexical "Russianisms", nevertheless, the monuments of Church-Slovak writing on Russian soil penetrated, until the end of the pre-Mongolian period they were driven by Old Russian scribes and replaced by "high" words from Old Bulgarian originals, the meaning of the world were lexical Greeks.

The new strength of the Church Slavonic inflow falls on the kіn. XIV-XV centuries, if at the link with the transfer of the church center to Moscow there are Bulgarian and Serbian vihіdtsі, occupying a camp in Russia like church and political deacons. Ale in the fallow land in various groups and pro-sharks of the noble class, who entered the historical stage and fought for the establishment of their own ideology, you can see the difference directly from the development of literary movies and modern styles and ways of writing.

Other drawings in the process of enlightening the literary and written language of feudal Russia have already been brought in by literature, inspired by Western Europe. At Moscow XIV-XV centuries. winkli ekonomichnі rethink for іntensive іnozemnih znosin. Moscow becomes a hub for trade routes from the western regions (Smolensk) near the Volga and Russian-Genoese trade (“guests-surozhani”), which went to the Don through the Crimea. Tse buli ways and cultural entrances. Literary translations of foreign ties in Moscow during the epoch, translating lyrical novels (“Olexandrida”), as well as cosmographic and geographical works of the middle-aged. The cycle of lyric novels should be brought into the literary language of feudal-litsar phraseology, the worldly rethinking of the old church-slovak vocabulary and the introduction of the strumine of the Czech and Polish zapozich, the translation of the oscills scrambled with a significant number of such serb. Significantly, what the Czechs brought from themselves to Moscow that idea of ​​Protestantism. About the breadth of Czech ideas to Protestantism, it is worth mentioning the fact that the Moscow Tsar (Grozny) himself, having acted in a polemical work against the Czech Jan Rokiti (1570), brought with temperament: “in truth, Luthor even speaks fiercely.” It was clear that Protestant literature, which passed through the middle of Belarus, added to the vocabulary of Moscow readers a lot of foreign Russianisms (Belarusianism), Czechisms and Polonisms.

There are two more direct characteristics of the church-moralistic writing of the XV-XVI centuries. These are directly represented by the official-church party of the “Josiflyans” and the group of so-called “Osiflian elders” who tell them. "Zavolzki old men" were at their own hour illuminated people, reading in the Byzantine-Bulgarian "high" church literature Zvіdsi and in movі їх vorіvіvіvіvіvі, "weaving words", іvnyannja on the norms of the old Bulgarian book. In such a rank, behind my style, "Zavolzhtsі" - the defenders of the Cyprian school.

Protilezhny tabir "Josiflyans" (in the name of Bishop Josip Volotsky, who was very enchanting) in the fight against the "Zovolzhtsiv" and against the Zhidivstva. At the link with tsim in the works of "Josephlyans" we note the differences in the elements of the roman language of the movement, as in the innovation and the alignment with the norms of the Old Bulgarian writing system, but the style, reductions in the similarity with the creations of the Volga; z'yavlyaєtsya in them and administrative-mandatory vocabulary and deyakі pobutovі turns.

Until what time should the “correction” of church books by Maxim the Greek lie. The "revision" of church books, based on the initiatives of the official church and the Moscow grand princes, is the basis of a little turbot about the "purity of Orthodoxy" as an ideological ensign of Moscow Caesarism ("Moscow is the Third Rome"). The role of Maxim the Greek at the right of the "revision" was ambiguous. The foreigner is a Greek, who, for his literary tastes, has joined to the "volzhtsiv", vin mav children as an agent of the rank-and-file party. Also, in the books of those ruled by him, those spivrobitniks from Russian scribes posterіgaєtsya vіdkladennya Russian norms. Basically, however, literary language in the XVI century. zalishaєtsya church-Slovak'yanskoy movoy.

Especially directly accept the development of the Russian writing language from the middle of the 17th century, if from the arrival of Ukraine and the Kiev scholars, who were famous for their illumination, the Russian writing language is famous for Ukrainianism. A significant contribution of Ukrainianism, and at one time with Polotinism and Latinism characterizes the Russian language of the world, and often the church literature right up to the beginning of the 18th century. Parallel to the stronger struggle for the "purity" of written language and high genres of literature, it is not possible to start the process of decay of the Church Slavonic language movement and the incorporation of elements of movement.

For the epoch of the XV-XVII centuries. to bring also the registration of administrative-mandatory, business language - diplomas, acts of sovereignty, shipmen too. Behind its own linguistic warehouse, this language represents the migration of Russian and acquired Russian language speakers - Greek, Tatar, etc. - roots (butovoї and official vocabulary) and Church-Slovak phonetic and morphological their design, tobto. when constructing the official sovereign Russian, a svidoma orientation was carried out on church-Slovak norms.

2. LightingRussiannationalmovie

At the XVII century. Russian literary language is entering a new phase of its development. The process of concentration of the most important national elements is possible for the new one. In the 17th century, with the use of rіshuchistyu, there was a provision about the redistribution of the functions of both writing languages: bookish Russian-slovak language and close to lively, roman language Russian - business, administrative. At that hour, the sovereign’s writing and business language had a sharp dialectical authority between Novgorod and Moscow.

In the XVII century, the phonological norms of the global Russian are being restored sovereign movie(Akannya on the middle Russian basis, razznennya zvukіv іb і e pіd unvoiced, pіvnіchnoruska system to consonantism, zvіlnenа, prote, vіd sharp provincial lulls on kshtalt of novgorod zmіshannya h і c, і etc.).

The number of low grammatical phenomena, widely expanded in living folk language, is still retained, as well as pivnoch, for example, ending - am (-yam), - ami (-yami), - ah (-yah) in the forms of the introduction of the name of a person and the middle gender , as well as the female type of the type of brush, the form of the type of friends, princes, blue skinny, wood, stone skinny.

In the 17th century, in the Russian literary language, the category of spirituality was formed, including the names of the special human and female statuses, and the names of the creatures (these were seen in a special grammatical category of names, which meant the special character of a person). The semantic growth of the movie, which is nationalized, flows swiftly.

It is not spared the significance that in the 17th century the system of adventitious rahunka with the indications of warehouse numbers was characteristic of the Russian until the 17th century.

Moskovskaya dilova mova, having given in to phonetic, and even more grammatical regulation, stands out loudly as a Russian zagalnonational form of suspense-button expression. For example, in the business language of the XVII century. usuvaetsya cherguvannya g||z, x||s (and also died before ||ts) in the forms of introduction; to come out of the living letter-button introduction of enclitic forms of special borrowers: mi, ti, me, ta thinly. Praslovian Russian Literary Language

Later, until the end of the XVII century. a lot of quiet phenomena are being installed, as if to characterize the grammatical system of the Russian literary movie XVIII-XIX centuries

The expansion of the lively folk stream in the system of literary language was fused with new democratic styles of literature, which are among the literate townspeople.

In the 17th century, with the improvement of the dialects of the merchants, the civil service nobility, the townspeople, the impersonal villagers, new types of literary language, new canopies of writing were created. Craftsmen, merchants, lower prosharok of serving people - townspeople until the 17th century, in fact, did not reduce their literature.

At the half of the XVII century. the middle and lower versions of the modern society are trying to establish their own form of literary language, far from bookish religious and reader and scientific literature, their own style, on the basis of which they realistically reshape the plots of old literature. Characteristic syntax, may be more flexible in ordering propositions.

The fight against the traditions of the old bookish movie is more evident in the parody, which was expanded in the Russian handwritten literature of the beginning of the 17th century. Literary genres were parodied, various types of Church Slavonic and business language. In such a way, the semantically updating of the old modern forms was used, and the ways of the democratic reform of the literary movement were outlined. In this plan, it is characteristic, for example, the language of parodies-likarivs of the 17th century - the beginning of the 18th century, which imitates the style of folk tales-nebiles.

Parodies and different genres and styles of high church and book writing are revealed. Take, for example: "Holy tavern yarizhok."

Old forms are parodied no less than the literary words of the Russian-Russian, but also the business language. And here, to serve as a language of folk poetry, for example, the style of nebilits, primovok, suffixes toshcho. In literature, they make their way through the church forms of conventional buffoon creativity.

The genres of the old literature are being transformed, reminiscent of a realistic butt-brushed canvas and drawn into the stylistic forms of a lively folk movie. So, "Abetka about a goal and a poor man" was written in slavish roman prose, in a superlative cicava to characterize the literary styles of the townspeople and young servicemen with their dialectisms, with their embellishment, but with the imagery of space, with their common words and parts.

In this way, in the other half of the 17th century, if the role of the place becomes especially memorable, a strong and wide stream of lively language is embodied in the traditional book culture of the mov and folk poetic creativity, which collapses from the depths of the social "lower". There is a sharp change in styles and dialects in the case of literary expression. A glance at the literary language begins to fundamentally change. The democratic versions of the Suspіlstva carry their own literature with their own dialectisms, their own vocabulary, phraseology, their own suffixes and orders. So, the old-fashioned collections of the old clerks are formed among the townspeople, the ancient service people, the Russian clerks, the middle bourgeoisie, close to the peasant masses.

Only a part of the phrases, included in the collection of the 17th - the beginning of the 18th century, is only insignificant, to be worn at your own place following the church and book trip. For example, "Adam of creations and hell of a goal"; "The team of evil human death" and others. Majestic is the greatness of the adjectives, inspiring to express the impassioned moral caution, corssing with a whole lively rosemary promo, as if erasing all the traces of the book's jerseys, as if so to inspire the past and boules.

Mova posadskoi іnteligentsії - kazny sluzhbovtsіv, plebeian, democratic part of the clergy - vysuvaє rights to literature. All the while, the national language of the people itself could not become the basis of the Russian national movement. Vaughn was spovnena dialectizmіv, yakі vіdbival old feudal-oblast fragmentation of the land. Vaughn bula vіdіrvana vіd mov science, yak was formed dosі on the basis of the word'yano-Russian mov. Vaughn was syntactically the same and yet got used to the collapsible logical system of book syntax. It dawned on me that the Russian national language of the XVII and XVIII centuries. settle down with the improvement of the synthesis of all life and values ​​in the ideological and expressive expression of the elements in the Russian movable culture, tobto. lively folk motives with regional dialects of traditional folk poetic creativity, sovereign written motives and old Slavonic motives with their different styles.

Ale at the XVII and navit on the cob of the XVIII century. the middle-class richness of the city was still tucked up, the contours of the national Russian were no more visible.

In that period, the Ukrainian literary movement was strongly influenced by the words of the Ukrainian language, as it recognized the influx of the Western European culture and clarified it with Latinisms and Polonisms. Pivdenno-Zakhidna Rus' stays in the other half of the 17th century. in the middle between Moscow Russia and Western Europe.

Influx of Western European culture was signified and wider knowledge of the Polish language among the number of nobility. The Polish language speaks in the role of the leader of the European scientific, legal, administrative, technical and svіtsko-butovyh words and to understand. Behind this intermediary, secularization, “miraculous” scientific and technical movement, and in the court and aristocratic way, “polites with the Polish manner” develops. Through Poland penetrating cіkava svitska literature.

In this manner, the Russian language begins to become necessary for the people, having entered the European territory, with a reserve of Europeanisms, protetosovuyuchi їx to tradition and the meaning system of national expression. Europeanism act as allies of the people's movement in the fight against the church-bookish ideology of the middle class. The stench is necessary for expanding the semantic base of the national movie that is being formed. Tsіkavy suputnіy yavischennya protsіyuvannya pros_yuvannya and selection of other people's words. Russian literary language extensively explores its boundaries. Combining feudal dialects and vibrating the Russian intellectual language with the improvement of the metropolitan dialect, the literary language is at one and the same time based on the material of the Western European language culture.

The old culture of the middle class was twisted and fell. The national culture of the new Russia hung on the change.

3. DevelopmentRussianmovieinXVIII-XIXpovikah

3.1 UkrainianlanguageinPetrovskera

The process of generating new forms of national Russian expression is based on the mixing of Russian-Russian language with Russian folk language, with Moscow sovereign language and with Western European language. I am aware of international scientific terminology and the development of Russian scientific and political, social, philosophical and abstract terminology of the XVIII century. spriyaє zmіtsnennya latinskoї movi

Modern innovations of the secular-cultural type could more easily be included in the punishment of the language, lower in the words of the Russian-Russian. From the system of state-dіlovoї movi vіlno podnuvalis zahіdnoevropejskie words that vyslovlyuvannya, scho succumb to different spheres of social and political life, administrative work, science, technology and professional business.

The language of the Petrine epoch is characterized by the increased significance of the state, the mandate of the language, and the expansion of the sphere. This process is a symptom of the growing nationalization of the Russian literary language, the resurrection of the church-bookish dialects of the words of the Yano-Russian language, and the closeness to the living language of language. In translational literature, as the main fund of book production of the first half of the 18th century, panuy nakazna mova became. Turboti in order about "virazne" and " garnom style” translating, about the rapprochement between them and the “Russian majestic language”, with the “civilian middle speech”, with the “simple Russian language”, they imagined the whole process of forming the primal Russian national language. Slov'yano-Russian mova is seen as my mandate in the gallery of science.

At Petrovsky Hour, the process of mixing and uniting - a piece of mechanical - lively roman language, words, and Europeanisms on the basis of sovereign and business language is going on turbulently. At the same time, new styles of “gromadyanskoy in the middle talk”, literary styles are formed, which occupy an intermediate position between the introduction of the word'yansk warehouse and a simple roman language.

The steps of the house of the words of the Russian-Russian ornate were estimated as a sign of the beauty and simplicity of the styles of the Russian language. It is characteristic of Peter's order to the synod: "... write ... for two: simple for the settler, and the places are more beautiful for those who hear malt." The very wordy-Russian language is inspired by a deep influx of a businesslike, mandated movement. Vіn democratize and evropeїzuєtsya at the same time. Behind the words of K.S. Aksakov, in the move of Stefan Yavorsky and Feofan Prokopovich "clearly the character of the same style - the summation of the Church-Slovak language, the common people and the trivial words, the trivial verses and the twists of Russian and foreign words." The construction of the movie, obviously, do not start, but remember Latinism. In this rank, the duty of the business language becomes the center of the system of the new national literary movement, which is being formed, in the "middle" style.

Prote tsey punishment mov, vіdbivayuchi budіvnitstvo new ї culture and old tradіtsії in Petrovsk hour, є dosit strokatu picture. At one end of the wines, it is deeply used in the high rhetorical styles of the words of the Russian-Russian language, in the other - in the line that boils the elements of the folk language with the regional dialectisms. The feudal oblasts of dialectics, which have deeply seeped into the nakazna mov, establish a rich inventory of synonyms and synonyms of synonyms.

There is a flurry of confusion and stylistically unordered zatknennya of various verbal elements in the middle of the literary movement, between which they expand. Процес перебудови адміністративної системи, реорганізація військово-морської справи, розвиток торгівлі, фабрично-заводських підприємств, освоєння різних галузей техніки, зростання наукової освіти - всі ці історичні явища супроводжуються створенням або запозиченням нової термінології, вторгненням потоку слів, що прямують із західноєвропейських мов: голландської , English, German, French, Polish and Italian. The scientific and technical styles of the literary movie move from the periphery closer to the center of the literary movie. Politekhnizatsiya movi has aggravated and ruined the system of nakaznoi movi. The political and technical reconstruction of the state is seen in the reorganization of the literary movement. The professional-shop dialects of the butt Russian language are used to help and merge into the system of written business language. From the other side, live the dream of the place, the language of the gartozhitka - at the link with Europeanization will be pobutu - reminiscent of positions, clarifying with foreign words. Blame the fashion for Europeans, expand the middle classes on top of the flamboyance with foreign words.

With the introduction of middle-class culture, it was natural to be overwhelmed by Europeanism. Polish, French, German, Dutch, Italian words were given as a more powerful way of expressing the new European warehouse of feelings, and revealing that social identities. Petro zmusheny buv punish, schob relation "to write everything in Russian language, not to get used to foreign words and terms", shards of mischief in other people's words "it's impossible to find fault".

In this manner, from the punishment of the movement, step by step, new styles of scientific and technical movement, new styles of journalistic and opportunistic literature, are richly close to the movement and zrozumilishi, lower the old styles of the words of the Russian-Russian movement. Ale, the cultural spadshchina of the words of the Russian-Russian language, that vinyl on the soil, the abstract terminology and phraseology, the richness of the semantics, and the yogo constructive features, served as a straining core for the enrichment of the national Russian literary language of the eighteenth century. The symbol of the secularization of the gromadyan's movement, the symbol of the rise of the Russian movement in the ideological opposition of the church was the reform of the abety of 1708. The new gromadian abetka approached to the sight of other European books. That’s right, it’s a great krok until the creation of the national Russian book movie. The significance of this reform was even greater. Slov'yano-Russian mova spent literary privileges. Vіn zvodivsya on the role of professional movement of the religious cult. Okremi yoga elements were poured into the national Russian system. There was a need for a clear difference between Church Slavonic and foreign national forms and categories of Russian book promotion. V.K. Trediakovsky, who gave a deep criticism of phonetic and morphological ambush of the word-Russian language, showing the identity of the folk Russian language. Trediakovsky, having developed the idea of ​​the need to write and read books “for bells”, tobto. similar to the phonetics of the vividly roman language of the illuminated kіl of the Russian society.

3.2 RosvitokRussianmovieinRadianskaera

A sharp collapse in the Russian language was seen in the era of the socialist revolution. To bring the elimination of classes to a stage-by-stage world of class and state dialects. To go to the archives of the history of the word, the expression of that understanding, organically connected with the old regime. Razyuchi change in expressive zabarvlennі, scho accompanying words, sho stoyuyutsya become or become zabarvlenih social to understand the past, pre-revolutionary pobutu, for example: sir (now - beyond the borders of diplomatic mov - zavzhd z emotions of fortune-telling and irony), sir, blackness, pay.

The socialist reconstruction of the state, the growth of Marxist-Leninist ideas, the creation of a single Radian culture - all you need to know is your own inspiration from the language, change of semantic system, from the raging people of Radian neologisms.

The new, socialist culture changes the structure of Russian language in quiet circles of yoga, but more than others, it allows an influx of new elements - in word creation, vocabulary and phraseology. There is an important ideological perebudova of the national Russian movement on socialist ambushes. Rіs i zmіnyuvavsya yogo vocabulary stock, vinikali new norms of language, new syntactical constructions were activated.

After the Zhovtnevoi revolution, an active increase in literary language began to grow with words, called out to life by new minds of radiant action, the formation of new ones to understand.

This process has been widely recognized in dictionaries. Viyshov born in 1935 "Tlumachny dictionary of Russian" pіd ed. D.M. Ushakov in 4 volumes includes a lot of new words, generated by radian action. The vocabulary already has the same words, like agitation, agitprop, agromaximum and agrominimum, activist and activist, brigade (in the meaning “a team, which vikonu sevne virobniche zavdannya”), brigadier (brigades’ clerk), bіdnota, (in the meaning “ social group less hardworking rulers-peasants"), party member, party member, party collective, party committee, party recruitment, party practitioner, shock worker, shock worker, shock worker, stakhanovets, stakhanivka and many others. It is characteristic that even all these words are similar to them, the words are given with the sign "new." In the best dictionaries radianska dobi: "Glossaries of contemporary Russian literary language" of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Socialist Republic in 17 volumes and the 4-volume "Glossary of Russian language" no longer have the following, and the number of new, previously unappreciated words has significantly increased. Ale nevdovzі after the release of the 17-volume dictionary, which includes 120 thousand. slіv, vinikla need for a vidannі dodatkovogo lexicon, like viyshov 1971 r. and called "New words and meanings." A lot of new words have been included before the new one, which have now become familiar. A number of words have new additional meanings: an automatic machine has the meaning "cabin, in which there is a pay phone", oxamitium (way) - "stickless way", bronze - "bronze medal on the signs" (por. gold, sreblo in also significant), the head one - “the leader of the group of enterprises”, to vote - “put your hand on the sign of passing about the zupinka of cars, how to pass it, the fungus - “it’s easy to hide the board or sleep”, zasmagati - “be at the mind of idleness ", zavodny -" easily awake, sho zahoplyuєєєєє.

Ale, change in the vocabulary, the stench of the hoarseness and other equal modern systems.

Folding and clique processes are found in the syntax of modern Russian language and on the equal wording and on the equal speech. “The system of word formation in modern Russian language,” write N.Yu. Shvedov's staє porivnya zі svoіm poperednіm staє gnuchk_shoy and folded. Significantly change the structure of propositions. There are cumbersome, richly component propositions, aggravated by numerical incorporation turns, characteristic of the Russian literary movement of the 19th century, if propositions on the offensive kshtalt were possible: Petersburg, that summer has come.

Such propositions, obviously, were absolutely unacceptable in the literary Russian language. Alerich is no less in obsyazі propositions. In the Radian period, the activation of nominative constructions is being promoted: they are moving forward, developing more and more by the fallow words of the name in the noun as the head member of the nominative propositions, which leads to an increase in the informative possibilities of such propositions

There was a collapse in the vimovnіy system. The expansion of the number of noses in the literary movie has taken away the expansion of the old Moscow orthoepic norms. She ceased to be obov'yazykovoy Vimov type soft [k'y], strong [ky], Moscow [ky] that іn. (with firm back voices) and it became normatively acceptable soft [k] y, strong [k] y], Moscow [k" y]. "inka, in" etv "i, zv" er ", developed", and not [s" p "inka, in" no Vidbulosya away from the weakened informative role of voices, which appeared, for example, in the expanded in the literary movі gikavoї vimovi for a rahunok of a colossal ekayuchy, with yaky in the front warehouses there are soft, resonant voices. it was divided [i] and [e], so [l "isa], ale [l" esa], [in" іsok], ale [in "spring] and so on, so now the transverse voice of the words fox , hide that forest, hang on the same way.

Socialism for the first time creates change of mind for the rightfulness of the national movement as a national form of socialist culture. The boundaries between social dialects are gradually erased. The sleep of the broad masses is alive, and there is a greater high cultural level, approaching my radian intelligentsia.

In the Russian after the revolution - in contrast to the previous stages of history - there is no decay, no social-dialectal differentiation is being aggravated, no words are multiplying. Navpaki, clearly speaking about the common trends, there is a global national concentration of Russian.


Russian language should be put in order with the Ukrainian and Belarusian language to the skhіdnoslov'yansk subgroup of the words'yansk group of the Indo-European motherland of mov. The Russian language is the language of the Russian nation and the need for international breeding of rich breeds that live in the SND and other powers. Russian language is one of the official trade unions of the UN, UNESCO and other international organizations; enter before the "light moves".

As a sovereign language of the Russian Federation, Russian language is actively functioning in all spheres of life, and may have all-Russian significance. Russian movoy pratsyyuyut central establishment of the Russian Federation, zdiyasnyuetsya official splkuvannya mizh subjects of the Federation, as well as in the army, one sees the central Russian newspapers and magazines.

Modern national Russian language is used in a number of forms, in the middle of which the literary language plays a role. Behind the borders of the literary movement there are territorial and social dialects (speak, jargon) and often spacious.


Baziev A.G., Isaev M.I. Mova is that nation. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1973.

Barannikova L.I. Russian mova and radianske suspіlstvo. Phonetics of modern Russian language. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1968.

Barannikova L.I. Basic information about the language: Help for readers. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1982.

Biloshapkova V.A. Modern Russian language. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1981.

Boriskivskiy P.I. Recently past humankind. L., 1979.

Budagov R.A. The history of sliv іstoriya suspіlstva. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1971.

Budagov R.A. Problems of movie development. - M: Prosvitnitstvo., 1965.

Zemska E.A. Modern Russian language. Slovotvir. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1973.

Istrin V.A. Viniknennya and the development of the sheet. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1965.

Krisin L.P. Inshomonic words in modern Russian language. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1968.

Leninism and theoretical problems of philosophies. - M: Education, 1970.

Leontiev A.A. Viniknennya that cob rozvitok movi. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1963.

Likov O.G. Contemporary Russian lexicology (Russian occasional word). - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1976.

Protchenko I.F. Vocabulary and word-creation of the Russian mov radyanskoy doby. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1975, p. eighteen.

Russian Rozmovna Mova / For red. With. A. Zemsky. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1973.

Russian language in to the current world/ Ed. F.P. Filina, V.G. Kostomarova, L.I. Skvortsova. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1974.

Russian language as an international communication. M., 1977.

Serebrennikov B.A. The development of human thought and the structure of the movie. - In the book: Leninism and Theoretical Problems of Education. - M: Education, 1970.

Sirotinina O.B. Modern rozmovna mova and її specialness. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1974.

Shansky N.M. World of Slavs. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1978.

Shvedova N.Yu. Active processes in modern Russian syntax. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1966.

L.I. Skvortsov. Ecology of the word, or let's talk about the culture of Russian language, 1996

M.Ya. Speransky. Evolution of Russian povesti of the 17th century. "Practice Viddilu old Russian literature", I. L., 1934, page 138.

K. Marx and F. Engels. Works, vol. V, page 487.

Protchenko I.F. Vocabulary and word-creation of the Russian mov radyanskoy doby. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1975, p.18.

Shvedova N.Yu. Active processes in modern Russian syntax. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1966, p. 9 and farther.

Odoevskiy V.F. Op. In 2 vols., vol. 2 - M: Artistic Literature, 1981, p. 43.

Barannikova L.I. Russian mova and radianske suspіlstvo. Morphology and syntax of contemporary Russian literary movement. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1968, p. 322-342.

Barannikova L.I. Russian mova and radianske suspіlstvo. Morphology and syntax of contemporary Russian literary movement. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1968, p. 328.

Barannikova L.I. Russian mova and radianske suspіlstvo. Morphology and syntax of contemporary Russian literary movement. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1968, p. 328-329.

Barannikova L.I. Russian mova and radianske suspіlstvo. Phonetics of modern Russian language. - M: Prosvitnitstvo, 1968, p. 340.

Placed on


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History of Russian Literary Movies- Formation of that transformation of the Russian language, which is celebrated in literary works. The oldest literary memos that have been preserved are dated to the XI centuries. In the 18th-19th centuries, this process was seen on aphids as the Russian language, as the people said, the French - the movement of the nobles. The classics of Russian literature actively continued the possibilities of Russian literature and were innovators of rich modern forms. The stench underlined the richness of the Russian language and often pointed to її advances in tandem with foreign language. Disputes were blamed more than once on the grounds of such divisions, for example, superchicks between zahіdniks and words of yanophiles. At the Radian hour, it was said that the Russian language is the language of budding communism, and in the era of Stalin's rule, a campaign was carried out to fight cosmopolitanism among literature. The transformation of the Russian literary movie is three times a day.

Usna folk art

Usna folk art (folklore) in the form of fairy tales, bilin, syllables and orders to the roots of a distant history. The stench was passed from mouth to mouth, their zmіst was cut in such a manner that the most of the days were left behind, and the most modern forms were changed to the development of the language in the world. Usna creativity continued after the advent of writing. At the New Hour, the rural folklore reached the worker and mіsk, as well as the army and thieves (prison-tabrniy). Ninі usna folk creativity is most expressed in anecdotes. Usna folk creativity is pouring into the letter literary language.

Development of the literary movie in Old Russia

The introduction of that expansion of writing in Russia, which led to the creation of Russian literary language, sings to sing Cyril and Methodius.

So, in ancient Novgorod and other places in the XI-XV centuries. were in the course of birch bark letters. Most of the savings of birch bark letters are private sheets that have a business character, as well as business documents: orders, rosettes, bills of sale, ship protocols. Church texts and literary and folklore creations are also written down (moves, school fires, riddles, establish a home state), records of a primary character (alphabets, warehouses, shkilni right, little children and scribbles).

Tserkovnoslov'yansk writing, introduced by Cyril and Methodius in 862 roci, was rooted in old Slavonic language, as if it were similar to pivdennoslov'yansk dialects in one's hand. The literary activity of Cyril and Methodius was used at the translation of the books of the Holy Letter of the New and Old Testament. The teachings of Cyril and Methodius were translated into the Church Slavonic language and the great number of religious books. The deyakі doslidniki respect that Cyril and Methodius introduced not the Cyrillic alphabet, but the Glagolitic one; and the Cyrillic alphabet was broken up by their teachings.

Tserkovnoslov'yansk mova was my bookish, and not my rosemary church culture, as it expanded among the rich slov'yansk peoples. Church-slovak literature expanded in the western words (Moravia), in the old words (Bulgaria), in Wallachia, parts of Croatia and the Czech Republic, with the adoption of Christianity, in Russia. So, as the Church-Slovakian language was reborn in the Russian language, the church texts, at the hour of the leafing, recognized the change, Russified. The copyists corrected the Church Slavonic words, bringing them closer to the Russians. With this, the stench brought in the peculiarities of the missives.

For the systematization of Church Slavonic texts and the introduction of the same modern norms in the Commonwealth, the first grammars were written - the grammar of Lavrenty Zizaniya (1596) and the grammar of Melety Smotrytsky (1619). The process of forming the Church-Slovakian language mov was basically completed in the 17th century, when Patriarch Nikon corrected that systematization of liturgical books. Liturgical books of Russian Orthodoxy have become the norm for all Orthodox peoples .

In the world, the expansion of Church Slavonic religious texts in Russia gradually began to appear and literary works, as if they were victorious writings of Cyril and Methodius. First things like that are hanging around the end of the 11th century. Tse "A Tale of Time Lit" (1068), "The Tale of Boris and Gliba", "The Life of Theodosius of Pechorsky", "A Word about Law and Grace" (1051), "The Order of Volodymyr Monomakh" (1096) and "A Word about the Death of Igor" (1185-1188). Tsі create written by my own, like a zmіshannya tserkovnoslov'yanskoy ї movi from old Russian.


Reforms of the Russian Literary Movie of the XVIII Art.

“The beauty, the writing, the strength and the richness of the Russian language to finish from books, a century of writings have passed, since our ancestors didn’t know any rules for creativity, but they hardly thought about them that they stink or they can be,” - stverzhuvav Mikhailo Vasilovich Lomonosov

The most important reforms of the Russian literary system of the XVIII century were completed by Mikhail Vasilovich Lomonosov. Having written a “Leaf about the rules of the Ukrainian verse” at m. vin, in a way formulating the principles of a new Russian verse. At the polemics of Trediakovsky wines, having stverdzhuvav, that instead of cultivating the verses, written behind the reverse of the mov schemes, it is necessary to win over the possibility of the Russian language. Lomonosov, having taken into account that it is possible to write verses with types of feet - two-storey (iambus and trochee) and three-syllable (dactyl, anapaest and amphibrach), but having wrongly replaced the feet with pirrich and sponde. Thus Lomonosov's innovation called for discussion, and Trediakovsky and Sumarokov took an active part in it. At the m., three permutations of the 143rd psalm were seen, chanted by the authors, and it was instructed for the readers to speak out, that the best of the texts should be taken into account.

Apparently, prote, Pushkin's speech, for whom the literary activity of Lomonosov does not boast: “One yogo ... exhausted and inflated. Yogo, having poured into the literature, buv shkіdlivy i dosі at nymu vіdgukuєtsya. High parity, vyshukanіst, vіdraza vіd simplicity and accuracy, vіdsutnіst nakoї narodnosti i originality - the axis of follow, zalishenі Lomonosov". Belinsky, calling his look "quite right, but one-sided." Zgidno with Belinsky, “For Lomonosov’s hours, we didn’t need folk poetry; some great nourishment - buti chi not buti - it seemed to us among the nationality, but Europeanism ... Lomonosov was Peter the Great of our literature.

Let's add to the poetic language, Lomonosov is also the author of the scientific Russian grammar. In this book of wines, having described the richness and ability of the Russian language. The grammar of Lomonosov was seen 14 times and formed the basis for the course of Russian grammar of Barsov (1771), which we will learn from Lomonosov. In this book, Lomonosov, Zokrema, wrote: “Karl pyaty, the Roman emperor, having shown that Spanish with God, French with friends, German with enemies, Italian with a woman, speak decently. Ale Yakby Vin Rosiyskiy Movi Buv, then, Zvikhi, before that, having rejoiced Bi, the ї ї ї ї qiya tsimi is decent, Belnishov Bi in the nomo pisiso izhpansko, the chewing of the French, the portetsya nimei. Greek and Latin language.” Cicavo, that Derzhavin spoke in a similar way: “The words of the Russian-Russian language, according to the knowledge of the foreign aesthetics themselves, do not compromise either in Latin masculinity, or in smoothness of Greek, overturning all European: Italian, Japanese, French.”

Contemporary Russian literary language

Oleksandr Pushkin is respected as the creator of contemporary literary movement, the creators of whom are respected by the pinnacle of Russian literature. This thesis is taken as a dominating one, regardless of the origin of change, which was written in the language for May two hundred years, which took place in an hour of creation of the greatest creations, that obvious stylistic considerations in my writings Pushkin and sov.

Tim himself sings for an hour, showing the leading role of N. M. Karamzin in the formation of Russian literary mov, after the words of A. S. Pushkin, his famous historian and writer “swept the language out of someone else’s yoke and turned his freedom, turning it to the living neck of the people the words".

"Great, mighty..."

Turgenev to lie down, perhaps, one of the most important names of the Russian language, as great and powerful.

In the day of sumniviv, in the day of heavy thoughts about the share of my fatherland, - you alone are the support and support, oh great, powerful, true and free Russian mova! If it were not for you, how can you not fall at the vіdchay, after drinking everything that comes home? But you can’t believe it, so that such a language would not be given to a great people!(I. S. Turgenev)

Charles V, the Roman Emperor, having shown that my Spanish is with God, French - with friends, German - with enemies, Italian - with a woman, speak decently. Ale yakbi vin Russian mov buv is right, then having added bi before that, what should I say decently. For I know bi in a new way: great ... ..., the greatness of the German, the lowness of the Italian, the richness and strength in the depiction of the Greek and Latin language.

Div. also


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Wonder what is "History of Russian language" in other dictionaries:

    - "Glossary of modern Russian literary language" (SRRLA; Great Academic Glossary, BAS) academic normative tlumach-historical dictionary of Russian literary language in 17 volumes, published from 1948 to 1965. Vidobrazhaє ... ... Wikipedia

    The history of the Russian literary movement is the molding of that transformation of the Russian movement, which wins in literary creations. The oldest literary memos that have been preserved are dated to the XI centuries. At *** st in Russia has expanded ... ... Wikipedia

Literary Russian language began to take shape richly. Dosі in nauci sharpen superechki about yoga basis, about the role of the Church Slavonic language in the journey. Russian language to lie down to Indo-European Sim'ї. Yogo coils encroach on the hour of the foundation and the disintegration of the global European (pra-Slavyan) movie. From tsієї zagalnoslov'yanskoї єdnostі (VI-VII st.) see a small group of groups: skhіdna, zahіdna that pіvdenna. The Russian language language (XV century) is seen in the same Russian language group.

The Kyiv state won the zmishana mova, as it took away the name of Church Slavonic. All liturgical literature, being written off from Old Slavic Byzantine and Bulgarian dzherel, reflected the norms of Old Slavonic language. However, the words and elements of the old Russian language penetrated this literature. In parallel to the style of the movie, the svіtsk and dilova literature was based. Just as the butts of the Church-Slovak language mov є "Psalter", "Gospel" are thin, then the butt of the svіtskoy and dіlovo mov Old-timey Russia vvazhayutsya "Word about the death of Ihoriv", "The story of temporary letters", "Ruska Pravda".

Tsya literature (svitska and dilova) reflects the current norms of the living language of the language of words, their traditional folk art. In view of the fact that in Ancient Russia there was such a foldable subway system of movies, it is important to explain the change of the contemporary literary Russian movie. Thoughts їх diverge, prote the widest є the theory of the academician V. V. Vinogradova . According to this theory, two different types of literary language functioned in Old Russia:

1) bookish-slov'janska literary mov, founded by old slov'yanska and victorious most importantly in ecclesiastical literature;

2) folk-literary language, based on a living old Russian language and victorious in world literature.

According to V. V. Vinogradov, there were two types of mov, and not two special mov, so that there was no duality in Kievan Rus. Qi two types of movi trivaly hour vzaєmodіali one with one. Step by step, the stench got closer, and from the їхної basis in the 18th century. the only literary Russian language has been settled.

At the beginning of the stage, the development of Russian literary language is taken into account the hour of creativity of the great Russian poet Oleksandr Sergeyovich Pushkin, who is sometimes called the creator of contemporary Russian language.

A. S. Pushkin ordered art work Russian literary mov, іstotno zbagativ її. Vіn zumіv, basing on the various manifestations of the folk mov, create language in your creations, as if the bula was adopted by the society as a literary one.

Pushkin's creativity is a real milestone in Russian literary history. Do yoga for me and at once it is easy to read and from satisfaction, just like doing yoga for the supporters and to bring rich fellows - by force. I realize that the stench was now writing in an old mine. Obviously, in the hour of A. S. Pushkin, a rich hour has passed and a rich amount of things have changed, among them the Russian language: something has gone from it, a lot of new words have appeared. If the great one sings without depriving us of grammar, he became the author of both artistic and historical, journalistic works, clearly distinguishing between the author's language and characters, that is, practically laying the foundations of modern functional-stylistic literary classics.

A further development of the literary movement continued with the work of the great Russian writers, publicists, and the various activities of the Russian people. End of XIX century. to the present hour - another period for the development of modern Russian literary. This period is characterized by a cycle of shaping current norms, prote and norms are being fully adjusted for an hour.

Pokhodzhennya Russian. Today's Russian language is a continuation of the old Russian (skhidnoslovyanskoi) language. Old Russian mova was spoken by the skhіdnoslov'yanskі tribes, which they did in the IX century. old-Russian nationality at the borders of the Kiev state.

This language has little great similarity with the language of other words of the Yang peoples, and yet it was also distinguished by some phonetic and lexical features.

All words of the English language (Polish, Czech, Slovak, Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian) look like zagalny root- a single ancient slov'yansk movi, which was based, imovirno, until the X-XI centuries.

In the XIV-XV centuries. after the disintegration of the Kievan state on the basis of the united mov of the old Russian nationality, three independent mov were born: russian, ukrainian and belarusian, as a result of the national creeds, they took shape at the national mov.

Formation and development of the book-writing tradition in Russia and the main stages of the history of Russian language. The first texts written in Cyrillic appeared in similar words in the 10th century. Until the first half of the X century. write in korchaz (judgment) from Gnizdov (near Smolensk). Tse, ymovirno, wrote, what kind of statement is made by the name of the Vlasnik. View of the other half of the X century. a number of inscriptions were also taken, which meant the presence of objects. After the Crossing of Russia 988 rubles vinyl book writing. The chronicle tells about "rich copywriters", as if they were working for Yaroslav the Wise. Liturgical books were copied over importantly. The originals for the skhіdnosl'janskih handwritten books served as the most important manuscripts pіvdennoslov'yanskі, viskhіdnі to prats uchnіv uchnіv vortsіv slov'yanskogo list of Cyril and Methodius. At the process of listing, the original movie was added to the skhidnoslov'yanskoy movi and the old-Russian book mova was formed - the Russian star (variant) of the church-slovak yanskoy movi. Around the books, recognized for worship, other Christian literature was copied: create the holy fathers, the lives of the saints, the collections of the clergy and the darkness, the collections of canonical law.

Until the most recent written memos that have been preserved, Ostromir Gospels of 1056-1057 can be seen. i Arkhangelsk Gospel 1092 p. The original creations of Russian authors were everyday creations and creations of life. Oskіlki knizhkovu movu opanovuvali without grammar, slovnikіv and rhetorical posіbnikіv, dotrimannya sovnih norms stale in the author's erudition and yogo vmіnnya vіdvoryuvati tі forms and constructions, yakі vіn knowing for srazkovih texts. A special class of ancient reminders of writing is to form litopisi. Chronicler historical evidence, including them in the context of Christian history, and ce blew the chronicles with other reminders of the bookish culture of spiritual enlightenment. For this reason, the chronicles were written in a bookish language and were oriented to the very same corpus of illustrative texts, which, through the specifics of the material (concrete subdivisions, literary realities), were supplemented by non-bookish elements. Besides, in Russia, a non-book writing tradition developed: administrative and judicial texts, official and private business management, and butt records. In the form of book texts and documents, the documents were considered as syntactic constructions and morphology. At the center of the writing tradition stood juridical codes, originating from "Ruska Pravda", the most recent list of which is due until 1282.

Legal acts of an official and private character are close to the tradition of tradition: international state and international princely agreements, darches, contributions, orders, and sales contracts. The most recent text of this kind is the letter of the Grand Duke Mstislav to Yur'ev Monastery (bl. 1130). Especially the camp is occupied by graphite. There are many prayerful texts written on the walls of temples, wanting graphite and others (factual, chronographic, act) to be replaced. Beginning in the first half of the 13th century. owing to old Russian nationality on the inhabitants of Volodymyr-Suzdal Rus, the years of Moscow Rus and Western Rus (Nadali - Ukraine and Belarus). Following the processes of the development of dialects in the other half of the XII century. - in the first half of the XIII century. Novgorod, Pskov, Rostov-Suzdal dialects and a dialect of the Upper and Middle Oka and the Middle Oka and the Seim formed on the future Great Russian territory.

In the XIV-XVI centuries. the great Russian power and the great Russian nationality are being formed, at the same time becoming a new stage in the history of Russian language. At the XVII century. the Russian nation is being formed and the Russian national language is being formed. In the period of establishment of the Russian nation, the foundations of the national literary movement are formed, which is connected with the weakened inflow of the Church Slavonic movement and the development of the movement of the global folk type, which is based on the traditions of the business movement of Moscow. Step by step, the development of new dialectal features is added, the old dialectal drawings become more stable.

Molding literary movie. In the other half of the XVI century. in the Moscow state, friendship began, which is of little great importance for the Russian literary movement, culture and enlightenment. Church books, primers, grammars, and dictionaries became the first other books. In 1708 p. a civilized alphabet is introduced, which has a different world of literature. W XVII Art. there is a growing trend towards the convergence of book and roman movies. At the XVIII century. The institution begins to ascertain that the Russian national language is the building of the article of science, art, enlightenment. I would like to emphasize the role of the literary movement in the period of M.V. Lomonosiv. Vіn mav is a great talent and wants to change the position to the Russian language like foreigners, and the Russians, having written "Russian Grammar", giving the yakіy a star of grammatical rules, showing the richest ability of the language. Especially valuable are those that M.V. Lomonosov, having vvazhav mov separately splkuvannya, postyno pіyno podkreslyuvav, scho vin necessary for people for "a gіdnі svіnіkh prіchії, yak podnannyam raznyh dumok karuєtsya". Behind Lomonosov's words, without the move, the suspense would be like an unbranded car, all parts of which are divided and do not die, through which "buttya їх marne and marne". M.V. Lomonosov wrote at the fed -ups to the "Rosіysko Gramatics": "King Bagatookh Mov, Mova Rosіyska, not tilki vast people, de Panuu, ale bun by their own expanse of the same time, the great before the assidance. to other people's speeches, lower to their own, they reported. I gave: "Charles P'yaty, Roman emperor, saying that with my Spanish my God, French - with friends, German - with enemies, Italian - with a woman's status, speak decently. Ale Yakby Vaughn Rosiyskiy movi Bula Bula, then, Zvilly, to that, having rejoiced Bi, the ї ї ї ї ї qiy tsimi is decent, Besyshov at the nomo Pisisoi, the chewingness of the French, the porters of the sin. that Latin movie. W XVIII Art. Russian language is becoming a literary language, which can have a global standard, is widely stoked both in books and in roman language.

Creativity A.S. Pushkin's current Russian literary language began to sprout. Mova Pushkina and writers XIX cent. є classic literary movie to the present day. In his creativity, Pushkin respected the principle of proportionality and sociality. Vіn not vydkidav zhіdnih sіv through їhnє old slov'yansk, іnozemne chi common people's trip. Vіn vvazhav whether the word is acceptable in literature, in poetry, as it is exactly, figuratively expresses understanding, conveys the sense. Ale vіn speaking out against the thoughtless hoarding with foreign words, and navit against pragnennya to replace the mastered foreign words piece by piece with folded Russian words.

If the scientific and literary creations of the Lomonosov era look archaic behind their own writing, then Pushkin’s creations and all the literature of the future have become the literary basis of this mov, as we say today.

Literary mova is the one, which is the basis of the writing of the singing people, and others are kilkoh. That's why my school is going to school, writing and splintering, official and business documents are being created, science practices, art literature, journalism, as well as all other manifestations of mysticism, which are expressed in verbal, mostly written forms, and also in others. That is why the oral-rozmovna and the letter-book form of the literary movie are divided. Їhnya vzaєmodіya, spіvvіdshennya and vyniknennya podryadkovanі sevnym lawsії іstorії.

Rіznі vyznachennya vyazentya

Literary language is a manifestation, as if it were understood in its own way by different opinions. Some vvazhayut, scho vin zagalnorodniy, less than generalizations by masters of the word, then by writers. Adherents of this approach may be on the verge of us in front of the understanding of the literary movement, which is carried until the new hour, and at the same time, among the peoples, there is a richly presented artistic literature. To the thought of others, literary language - tse knizhkov, letters, how to resist a living movement, tobto pink movie. The basis for this interpretation is your language, which has a long history of writing. Still others respect that tse mova is zagalnoznachno for that chi іnshoy people, on vіdmіnu vіd jargon and dialect, yakі not mayut such zagalnoznachnosti. Literary language is the result of the collective creative activity of people. This is a short description of this concept.

Mutually with different dialects

I would like to pay special attention to the following words on the interplay of that spiving of dialects and literary movement. Why are the historical foundations of quiet chi and other dialects of the stijkish, and that the literary language is more important than linguistically all members of the nation. Until this hour, dialects successfully compete with the literary language in rich countries, for example, in Indonesia, Italy.

It is also in vzaєmodіє z movnimi styles, yakі іsnuyut at the borders be-yakої mov. The stench is a variety of yoga, yak folded historically and in yak є sukupnіst sign. Deyak їх can be repeated in other different styles, but its own function and sing is a sign of revisiting one style in others. Today great number wear vikoristovu spacey and rozmovnі form.

Emphasis on the development of literary language among different peoples

In the Middle Ages, as well as in the New Hour among different peoples, the history of literary language developed differently. Porіvnyaєmo, for example, the role, like a bula in the Latin language in the culture of the German and Romance peoples of the early Middle Ages, functions, like a vikonuvav in England French language to the beginning of the 14th century, the interplay of Latin, Czech, Polish language in the 16th century.

Development of words'yangsky mov

In the period when a nation is formed and developed, a unity of literary norms is formed. Most often it is done in a letter form, but sometimes the process can be carried out at the same time in a letter, and in a dream. In the Russian state in the period of 16-17 centuries, a work was done to canonize and order the norms of the business sovereign movement in order to mold the single might of the Moscow moscow. The same process is observed in others, in some of them there is an active development of literary movement. For the Serbian and Bulgarian wines, the smaller characteristic, the oscalls in Serbia and Bulgaria did not have minds that were friendly for the development of business clerical and state language on a national basis. The Russian order with the Polish and the singing world of Czech is the butt of the national words of the yansk literary mov, as if it saved the link with the ancient letters.

The one who, having become on the path to explore the old tradition, is all Serb-Croatian, and also partly Ukrainian. In addition, the words of the yansk language, yakі did not develop without interruption. At the singing stage, the development of the development was interrupted, so the recognition of national peculiarities in the singing lands led to the development of an old, old written tradition, or a new one - the Macedonian, Belarusian language. Let's look at the report on the history of the literary movement of our country.

History of Russian Literary Movies

The most recent memoirs of literature, which have been preserved, date back to 11 centuries. The process of reformation and molding of Russian in the 18-19th centuries was based on the soil of the yogo French - the movement of the nobles. Possibilities were actively developed among the works of the classics of Russian literature, new modern forms were introduced. The writers emphasized the richness of yoga and pointed out the advances in terms of reaching foreign languages. From this point of view, disputes were often blamed. Vіdomі, for example, superchki mіzh words'yanofіlami and zahіdnikami. In the past, at the Radianian rock, it was said that our language is the language of budding communism, and for the government of Stalin, a whole campaign was carried out to fight cosmopolitanism among Russian literature. And in the present hour, the history of Russian literary movement is being formed in our country, the rocks are constantly revisiting the transformation.

Usna folk art

Folklore at the sight of orders, prislіv'їv, bilin, kazok to its roots sing into a distant history. Signs of oral folk art were passed down from generation to generation, by word of mouth, and the collection of them was carried out in such a rite that they were left with nothing more than naystiykishi every day, and new forms were developed in the world, like a language developed.

And after that, as writing appeared, creativity continued to develop. The peasant folklore in the New Hour was reached by the mіsk robіtnik, as well as the thieves (tobto prison tabirny) and the army. Usna folk art today is most widely represented in jokes. It also goes to the letter literary language.

How did the literary language develop in Ancient Russia?

The broadening of that introduction, which led to the formation of a literary mov, is bound to sound with the names of Cyril and Methodius.

In Novgorod and other places on the 11-15th century, the main part of the savings should be made private, having a small business character, and making such documents, such as court protocols, bills of sale, rosettes, orders. Folklore is also recorded (set up according to the state, riddles, school fires, sound), literary and church texts, as well as records that have a small initial character (children scribbles and little ones, school children are right, warehouses, abets).

Introduced in 863 by brothers Methodius, that Cyril Church Slavonic writing was founded by such my own, like Old Slavonic, like being like, in my own house, like pivdennosl'yansky dialects, or rather, like Old Bulgarian language, її Macedonian dialect. The literary activity of these brothers was translated by the translators of the books of the Old One and the scholars translated from Greek into Church Slavonic anonymous religious books. The deyakі vchenі vvazhayut that Cyril and Methodius zapravlyali Glagolitic, not Cyrillic, and the rest of the Bula was already broken by their own teachings.

Tserkovnoslov'yanskaya mova

My bookish, and not rosemary, was Church Slavonic. Vіn expanding among the numerical words of the yansk peoples, de acting as a culture. Church-Slovak literature expanded in Moravia with foreign words, in Rumunia, Bulgaria and Serbia - among Pivdenny, Czech, Croatian, Wallachian, and also in Russia with the adoption of Christianity. The Church-Slovak mova was strongly reverberated in the rosemary, the texts were given at the hour of the listing of the changes, they were progressively Russified. The words approached the Russians, began to bring out the peculiarities, the taman’s speeches.

The first assistants of grammar were compiled in 1596 by Lavrentiy Zinanny and in 1619 by Meletiy Smotrytsky. For example, in the 17th century, the process of molding such a movie, like Church Slavonic, was most importantly completed.

18th century - literary movie reform

M.V. Lomonosov, in the 18th century, the most important reforms of the literary language of our country were broken up, and the system of poetry was created. In 1739, he wrote a copy of the list, in which he formulated the main principles of performance. Lomonosov, arguing with Trediakovsky, writing about those who need to win over the ability of our motives to replace other schemes. At the thought of Mikhail Vasilovich, you can write without words of feet: two-fold three-fold (amphibrach, anapaest, dactyl), ale vin vvazhav, sho podil on the back and pіrrіkhії nevirny.

In addition, Lomonosov also wrote the scientific grammar of Russian language. Vin having described his wealth in his book. The grammar of the bula was reviewed 14 times and formed the basis of another practice - the grammar of Barsov (the bula was written in 1771), which we learned from Mikhail Vasilyovich.

Modern literary language in our country

The author of this is Oleksandr Sergiyovich Pushkin, create what is the pinnacle of literature in our country. This thesis is the current dosі, although for the rest of the last two decades, the movі have seen great changes, and today one can see the obvious stylistic vіdmіnnostі mіzh suchasnoy movu and movu Pushkin. Irrespective of those who have changed the norms of the current literary movement today, we respect the work of Oleksandr Sergiyovich for the sake of it.

He himself sings at the same time, having played the main role in the formation of the literary movie N.M. Karamzin, a shard of his famous writer and historian, following the words of Oleksandr Sergiyovich, he lifted the Russian language in the face of someone else’s yoke and turned his will.

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