Intro. The history of the Russian literary movement as a scientific discipline and as a primary subject. Shaping Russian literary movie Shaping contemporary Russian literary movie

Literary mova is the one, which is the basis of the writing of the singing people, and others are kilkoh. Tobto mobs the shkilne hound-in-law, the letter-Pobutov SPILKANNYA, stare of the offices-DILOVI Documents, Naukovi Pratsi, the artist of Litteracy, Pubblecystii, and the same unit, yaki, hound in the words of the Foreign Ministry, and the form of the form. That is why the oral-rozmovna and the letter-book form of the literary movie are divided. Їhnya vzaєmodіya, spіvvіdshennya and vyniknennya podryadkovanі sevnym lawsії іstorії.

Rіznі vyznachennya vyazentya

Literary language is a manifestation, as if it were understood in its own way by different opinions. Some vvazhayut, scho vin zagalnorodniy, less than generalizations by masters of the word, then by writers. Adherents of this approach may be on the verge of us in front of the understanding of the literary movement, which is carried until the new hour, and at the same time, among the peoples, there is a richly represented artistic literature. To the thought of others, literary language - tse knizhkov, letters, as a way to resist the living movement, that is the language of the language. The basis for this interpretation is your language, which has a long history of writing. Still others respect that tse mova is zagalnoznachno for that chi іnshoy people, on vіdmіnu vіd jargon and dialect, yakі not mayut such zagalnoznachnosti. Literary language is the result of the collective creative activity of people. This is a short description of this concept.

Mutually with different dialects

I would like to pay special attention to the following words on the interplay of that spiving of dialects and literary movement. Why are the historical foundations of the quiet chi and other dialects of the stijkish, and that the literary language is more important than linguistically all members of the nation. Until this hour, dialects successfully compete with the literary language in rich countries, for example, in Indonesia, Italy.

It is also in vzaєmodіє z movnimi styles, yakі іsnuyut at the borders be-yakої mov. The stench is a variety of yoga, yak folded historically and in yak є sukupnіst sign. Deyak їх can be repeated in other different styles, but its own function and sing is a sign of revisiting one style in others. Today, there is a large number of wearers in victorious spacious and rozmovnі forms.

Emphasis on the development of literary language among different peoples

In the Middle Ages, as well as in the New Hour among different peoples, the history of literary language developed differently. Porіvnyaєmo, for example, the role, like a bula in the Latin language in the culture of the German and Roman peoples of the early Middle Ages, functions, like vikonuvav in England, the French language to the ear of the 14th century, interchange of Latin, Czech, Polish tables in the 16th century.

Development of words'yangsky mov

In the period when a nation is formed and developed, a unity of literary norms is formed. Most often it is done in a letter form, but sometimes the process can be done at the same time in a letter, and in a dream. In the Russian state in the period of 16-17 centuries, a work was done to canonize and order the norms of the business sovereign movement in order to mold the single might of the Moscow moscow. The same process is observed in others, in some of them there is an active development of literary movement. For the Serbian and Bulgarian wines, the smaller characteristic, the oscalls in Serbia and Bulgaria did not have minds that were friendly for the development of business clerical and state language on a national basis. The Russian order with the Polish and the singing world of Czech is the butt of the national words of the yansk literary mov, as if it saved the link with the ancient letters.

The one who, having become on the path to explore the old tradition, is all Serb-Croatian, and also partly Ukrainian. In addition, the words of the yansk language, yakі did not develop without interruption. At the singing stage, the development of the development was interrupted, so the recognition of national peculiarities in the singing lands led to the development of an old, old written tradition, or a new one - the Macedonian, Belarusian language. Let's look at the report on the history of the literary movement of our country.

History of Russian Literary Movies

The most recent memoirs of literature, which have been preserved, date back to 11 centuries. The process of transformation and molding of the Russian in the 18-19th centuries was based on the soil of the yogo French - the movement of the nobles. Possibilities were actively developed among the works of the classics of Russian literature, new modern forms were introduced. The writers emphasized the richness of yoga and pointed out the advances in terms of reaching foreign languages. From this point of view, disputes were often blamed. Vіdomі, for example, superchki mіzh words'yanofіlami and zahіdnikami. In the past, at the Radianian rock, it was said that our language is the language of budding communism, and for the government of Stalin, a whole campaign was carried out to fight cosmopolitanism among Russian literature. And in the present hour, the history of Russian literary movement is being formed in our country, the rocks are constantly being recreated.

Usna folk art

Folklore at the sight of orders, prislіv'їv, bilin, kazok to its roots sing into a distant history. Signs of oral folk art were passed down from generation to generation, by word of mouth, and the collection of them was carried out in such a rite that they were left with nothing more than naystiykishi every day, and new forms were developed in the world, like a language developed.

And after that, as writing appeared, creativity continued to develop. The peasant folklore in the New Hour was reached by the mіsk and robіtnik, as well as the thieves (tobto prison tabirny) and the army. Usna folk art today is most widely represented in jokes. It also goes to the letter literary language.

How did the literary language develop in Ancient Russia?

The broadening of that introduction, which led to the formation of a literary mov, is bound to sound with the names of Cyril and Methodius.

In Novgorod and other places on the 11-15th century, the main part of the savings should be made private, having a small business character, and making such documents, such as court protocols, bills of sale, rosettes, orders. Folklore is also recorded (set up according to the state, riddles, school fires, sound), literary and church texts, as well as records that have a small initial character (children scribbles and little ones, school children are right, warehouses, abets).

Introduced in 863 by the brothers Methodius and Cyril, Church Slavonic writing was founded by such my own, like Old Slavonic, like being like, in my own house, in the form of Pivdenno-Slovakian dialects, and more precisely, in the Old Bulgarian language, the Macedonian dialect. The literary activity of these brethren spoke to us in front of the translation of the books of the Old One and translated them from Greek to Church Slavonic anonymous religious books. The deyakі vchenі vvazhayut, scho Cyril and Methodius made Glagolitic, not Cyrillic, and the rest of the bula was already broken by their own teachings.

Tserkovnoslov'yanskaya mova

My bookish, and not rosemary, was Church Slavonic. Vіn expanding among the numerical words of the yansk peoples, de acting as a culture. Church-Slovak literature expanded in Moravia with foreign words, in Rumunia, Bulgaria and Serbia - among Pivdenny, Czech, Croatian, Wallachian, and also in Russia with the adoption of Christianity. The Church-Slovak mova was strongly reverberated in rozmovnoi, the texts were given at the hour of the listing of the changes, they were progressively Russified. The words approached the Russians, began to bring out the peculiarities, the taman’s speeches.

The first assistants of grammar were compiled in 1596 by Lavrentiy Zinanny and in 1619 by Meletiy Smotrytsky. For example, in the 17th century, the process of molding such a movie, like Church Slavonic, was most importantly completed.

18th century - literary movie reform

M.V. Lomonosov, in the 18th century, the most important reforms of the literary language of our country were broken up, and the system of writing was created. In 1739, he wrote a copy of the list, in which he formulated the main principles of performance. Lomonosov, arguing with Trediakovsky, writing about those who need to win over the ability of our motives to replace other schemes. At the thought of Mikhail Vasilovich, you can write without words of feet: two-fold three-fold (amphibrach, anapaest, dactyl), ale vin vvazhav, sho podil on the back and pіrrіkhії nevirny.

In addition, Lomonosov also wrote the scientific grammar of Russian language. Vin having described his wealth in his book. The grammar of the bula was reviewed 14 times and formed the basis of another practice - the grammar of Barsov (the bula was written in 1771), which we learned from Mikhail Vasilyovich.

Modern literary language in our country

The author of this is Oleksandr Sergiyovich Pushkin, create what is the pinnacle of literature in our country. This thesis is relevant to the dosі, although for the rest of the two centuries, there were great changes in the movіdbulis, and today it is clear that the stylistic vіdmіnnostі mіzh my daily om that my Pushkin. Irrespective of those who have changed the norms of the current literary movement today, we respect the work of Oleksandr Sergiyovich for the sake of it.

He himself sings at the same time, having played the main role in the formation of the literary movie N.M. Karamzin, a shard of his famous writer and historian, following the words of Oleksandr Sergiyovich, he lifted the Russian language in the face of someone else’s yoke and turned his will.



Lecture №1

Historical characteristics of the movie. History of Russian literature as a science. Main categories.

1. The subject of the history of Russian literary language. The subject of the course- The history of the development of native language, the process of its development, its essence. Returning to old written memos like object of marriage course.

The history of Russian literary movement is a science about the essence, the development of that stage in the development of Russian national movement, the victoria in various modern registers, changes in these registers, and their evolution. Traditions of the history of the Russian literary movement: the history of Russian literary language as a historical style (in the practice of V.V. Vinogradov, G.O. Vinokur and their successors A.I. Gorshkov, E.G. Kovalevsky), as a historical orthology (the principal directly - A.I. Sobolevsky, successors - N. I. Tolstoy, M. L. Remneva), as historical sociolinguistics (B. A. Uspensky, V. M. Zhivov).

The concept of literary movie. Literary language is like a manifestation of book culture. Historical and cultural change of mind and the formation of a literary movie. Concepts of literary and written language, literary language and art literature. Literary and rozmovna mova. The stylistic heterogeneity of the literary movement changes the character of the process of historical development.

The concept of the modern norm. The bookish norm as the basis of literary movement, the modern norm as a historical category. The movie system is the norm. Look at the norms. The specifics of the book norm. Її zv'yazok іz navchannyam i svіdomim zavoєnyam, s literary-movnoy tradition. Connection between the history of literature and the history of culture.

2. Current situationas a chinnik for the development of literary movies Typology of cultural-moving situations: one-movement, two-movement (inshomovnist), diglossia. Din'language– spіvіsnuvannya suspіlstіvі two equals for their functions mov. Diglosia- a stable current situation, which is characterized by a stable functional balance of congenial language, which is similar to that of an additive rozpodil. Signs that arrogate diglossia in the form of duality: the inadmissibility of stowing a book's mov as a reason for roaming, the inclusion of codification of a roman's mov and parallel texts with the same zmist. Changing the current situation in the history of the development of Russian literary language. Prove the origin of diglossia in Old Russia (B.A. Uspensky, V.M. Zhivov). Arguments against diglossia (V.V. Kolesov, A.A. Aleksiev).

3. The main stages in the development of Russian literary language . Different points of view of food periodization of the course of the history of Russian literary language: B.A. Uspensky, A.M. Kamchatnov and accepted by the greater linguistic periodization.

I period. Literary language of Old Russia (XI-XIV centuries) - Pochatkovy stage of the literary and literary history of similar words. II period. A development of the Russian literary language based on the old Russian literary and literary traditions for the minds of the consolidation of the Russian people (XIV-XVII centuries). III period. Formation of Russian literary language of a new type (XVIII-XIX centuries). Follow the normalization of the Russian literary movement and stylistic system. IV period. The development of modern Russian literary language (from the beginning of the XIX century) as a single universal normalized system that serves all spheres of cultural activities. The formalization of the system of normalized speech as a way of cultivating the process of bringing out dialects and space in the sphere of common intercourse.

Lecture №2

Literary language of Old Russia (XI-XIV centuries): Russian literary movement.

1. First pivdennoslov'yanske infusion (X- XIArt.).

After the christening of Russia (988 rubles), the Bulgarian version of the Old Slavonic language was adopted - pivdenno-Slovak language and the writing of the language was expanded. The assimilation of the foreign language book tradition was not so focused on Bulgaria, but rather the middle role of the foreign words as a conductor of the Greek cultural influx: the orientation of the Greek language, Bulgarian writing. In this manner, the Christianization of introducing Russia into the orbit of the Byzantine world, and in addition, the introduction of Russian culture into the Church-Slovak mova. Everything that has been said allows you to talk about the first Pivdennoslovyansky plethora that pov'yazuє z him the cob phase of the formation of the literary movement of similar words. As a matter of fact, the first pivdennoslovyanske infusion is the godfather of Russia for a similar sight and postulate of the old Bulgarian writing. Old-Slovak language soon began to succumb to the influx of ethnic language, and the various editorials (leads), zokremas fell apart, the Russian star of the Church-Slovak language was formed. On the other hand, the presence in Russia of old Russian memos is evidence of the basis of writing by two languages. An important nourishment for this period is in the offensive: signify, as from them, my literary Old Russia.

2. History of scientific controversy about .

History of scientific controversy about Russian literary movement po'yazana і from the tradition of staging the theory of the Old Slavonic journey of the Russian literary mov A.A. Shakhmatova and the theory of the skhidno-Slovakian basis of the Russian literary movement S.P. Obnorsky.

Hypothesis A.A. Chess nabula of wide width. Activity “Narys of the modern Russian” A.A. Shakhmatov wrote: “Because of his adventures, the Russian literary language was transferred to the Russian soil of the Church Slavonic (for the adventures of the old Bulgarian) language, as if by a stretch of the century it came close to the people’s language and step by step spent and spent its foreign appearance.” On the other hand, “the old Bulgarian language in Russia was recognized as a foreign language no more than a hundred years, after which they called before it like before their own”, which allows you to talk about "Russinnya" pivdennoslovyanskoy foundations. To confirm this statement, A.A. Chess to induce 12 signs of the inshomonic basis of modern Russian: 1) inconsistency; 2) day ra, la at the beginning of the word; 3) day railway vm. and; 4) African sch vm. year; 5) visibility of the transition [e] > [pro]; 6) cob Yu vm. at; 7) hard s vm. soft ( meanness, nevibaglivy); 8) vocalization oh e in the field of reduction; 9) voice clarity і, і in the field of stress reduction; 10) grammatical forms with Church Slavonic inflections (m. n.: -ago, -yago; and. R.: - her); 11) ecclesiastical vocabulary; 12) Church Slavonic vocabulary.

Have 50 rocky. 20 st. S.P. Obnorsky hanging on the theory of the skhidnoslovyanskoy basis of the Russian literary movement, admitting that the current Russian in its genetic basis is not posited, but Russian. In yoga robots, there is a story about a long-standing Russian literary language, as for another pivdenoslovyanskogo infusion, church-slovakianization began to be added, more precisely, "covered" Russian movie. Nedolіki teorії: unreasonably, like a pet vaga tserkovnoslov'yanskogo superstratum; Orientation on the genre division of the colony folk traditions, which became the basis for the formation of the supra-dialect form - Koine. After that, the Church Slavonic language "caught up", getting used to being less in the cult sphere, and the old Russian language evolved.

After the exit, S.P. Obnorsky (1934) a scientific discussion began, a critical approach to this theory was voiced (A. M. Selishchev, V. V. Vinogradov), new concepts appeared. The concept of diglossia (B.A. Uspensky, A.V. Isachenko), zgіdno with some kind of literary my bula church-Slovak mova, and folk-rozmovna mova was based in parallel, without being a literary form. The concept of duality (F.P. Pugach, after M.V. Lomonosov) is a combination of Church Slavonic and old Russian language, leather with its own varieties. Hypothesis of V.V. Vinogradova - a thought about the unity of literary movement on a global basis. Two types of old Russian literary movi: bookish-slovyansk and folk-literary (for V.V. Vinogradov).

Lecture №3

Literary language of Old Russia (XI-XIV centuries): Characteristics of written memos.

1. Types of written memos of Kievan Rus.

Traditionally, it is customary to talk about two types of written memos of Kievan Rus: Christian and secular ones. Monuments of Christian literature were created by Church Slavonic my. Translation of Christian literature includes Gospels, Psalms, Prologues, Patericons. Genres of original Christian literatureє "Hozhennya", "Life", "Words", "Povchannya". Perekladna svitska literature– do it, translated from Latin, Greek language (“History of the Jewish war” by I. Flavius, “Devgeniyevo dyannya”). Original world literature– folk-literary memoirs, created by old Russian language (litopisi, chronicles; “A Tale of Time”, “Word about Igor’s Departure”, “Volodymyr Monomakh’s Povchannya”).

The versatility of the written memoirs of Kievan Rus is indicative of the typology of the modern traditions and their varieties, which are characterized by the spiving of different modern elements at the boundaries of one ancient text.

Rіznovidi movnih traditsіy na tserkovnoslovno-yanskіy snovі: standard, simplified, formulaic, simple, hybrid Church Slavonic mova. The standard Church Slavonic mova is the mova of the Gospel, Life. The ecclesiastical and Slavic language has been aggravated with a viklad, we will strengthen it rhetorically, poetically, exotic, expressive, archaic lexemes. It is formulaic (“klishovana”) of the Church Slavonic mova є direct quotations or paraphrasing of canonical (biblical) texts (kissing cross, banner of hellish rank toshcho). The ecclesiastical-Slovak language language is simplified, it is characterized by the inclusion of elements of folk-romantic language. A hybrid of the Church Slavonic language language is a cherries, I will replace the current contributions of the Church Slavonic language language with the elements of the folk-romantic movement.

Varieties of modern traditions on an old Russian basis: standard, dialectal, simplified, dilova (formular), word-language old-Russian language. The standard old-Russian language is a modern tradition that demonstrates the outrageous tendencies of the old-Russian language. The dialect of old Russian mova sings the songs of dialect drawings. The old Russian language is stylized with a viklad, we will strengthen it rhetorically, poetically, to revenge symbolically and figuratively, to live, to exaggerate folklore traditions. Dilova (formula) old-Russian language spires on the habitation of clichés, standard verses of old-Russian documents (or on the company, knock down the head, face the son, etc.). Words have been 'yanized' for a long time Russian mova - a mov tradition, de unsystematically words have been 'yanized' for less than deyakі forms.

2. The status of business writing in Old Russia

Ancient Russia has a long tradition of writing, which confirms 3 agreements between Oleg and the Greeks, found at the warehouse of the "Post of Time Letters". The ambiguous status of the business writing of the history of the Russian literary language (isolation of the number of stylistically different types) of motivations for the critical socially oriented situation and the vindication. G.O. Vinokur to suggest arguments about the feudalism of business language: it functions less in the sphere of business document management, replaces business documents with the nature of living, semantically refines the vocabulary. A.I. Gorshkov, A.M. Камчатнов вважають, що ізолювати ділову мову від системи різновидів давньоруської мови немає достатніх підстав, оскільки «він (ділова мова) є суспільно важливим, стилістично обробленим і впорядкованим різновидом уживання давньоруської мови, а на наступних етапах розвитку поступово посилював свої зв'язки з «власне literary". "tongue and svіy pouring into the new." A.M. Kamchatnov: “... XI-XIV cent. authoritatively portraying three styles of literary movement – ​​sacral, slovak-Russian and business”.

The specifics of the business documents began with the peculiarities of її zmіstu, about which, for example, the statement of Opanas Matviyovich Selishchev was mentioned: the style, and the accuracy of the literary language, the documentary accuracy of the stosuvannya of the relevant words - the words of the Russian singing meaning. True, it was about objects, phenomena and understanding, specifically Russian. That is why the basis of business memos is the ancient Russian mova, the link with the terminological system of common law, the essence of sacredness. In this way, it is possible to note the following features of the business legal writing of Old Russia (“Ruska Pravda”, gifts and agreements of letters): , obsluh, tatba, golovnitstvo, ztsіvo, etc.), monomanit syntactic constructions(Intelligible appendages, imperative-infinitive constructions, stringing simple propositions), the presence of modern formulas and the presence of figurative-infinitive constructions.

3. Modern specificity of creative writing: birch bark letters (private listing) and graphite (pobutovі, consecrated, religious inscriptions).
Lecture №4

Cultural-moving situation of Moscow Russia for example XIV - mid-XV centuries.

1. Ways for the development of roman and literary mov in the period of the formation of the Moscow state.

From the other half of the XIV century. Moscow princedom began to develop swiftly, advancing the courts. Moscow is the spiritual and political center of Russia: "Moscow is the third Rome". Govir of Moscow is staє staє scribble, including the position of the mov of the landed peoples. One of the transitional words is being formed - Moscow Koine, which became the basis of the mov of the Great Russian nationality In the old Russian mov, the mov was revived, for example, with its vocabulary warehouse (for the change of ideology, realities). The Crimea of ​​extralinguistic rethinking that zoomed in between the bookish and non-bookish languages, there were also internal reasons that characterize the roman language of the Moscow State until the XIV century. Among them are changes in the phonological system following the process of reduction; vtrata grammatical categories (cliché form, subvariate number); unification of types of vіdminyuvannya in many. hours; the implantation of the perfect without a link; expansion of new splits. In the situation, romanizations and literary language began to contradict each other: neutral earlier (hard) forms become specifically bookish, then. new correlations of Church Slavonic and living Russian language are established. So, form hands, noses, help, boz, hell, moogl, me, you, etc. now compared to the forms of the roman movie. Evidently, the distance between Church-Slovak and Russian language languages, both bookish and non-bookish language, is increasing.

2. Other pivdennoslov'yanske infusion.

One of the most important food in the history of Russian writing is full of food about the role of the so-called before. XIV Art. - Poch. XVI Art. - another after the period of the Christianization of Russia (X-XI centuries) there was a drop in the Russian book culture from the side of the pivdenno-slovakian writing culture (Bulgaria and partly Serbia). The whole reform of ambush translating from Greek language, literary language and spelling was carried out in the XIV century. by the Bulgarian Patriarch Yevfimієm Tirnovsky, as if widened already. The reforms in Russian writing were introduced in the name of Metropolitan Kiprian - a Serb or, for other reasons, a Bulgarian by birth, who emigrated to Russia from the pototsі pіvdenoslovyanskoї ї їmigratsії. Zvіdsi іnsha called the process - Kipranіvska on the right.

On the other pіvdennoslovyanskiy vpliv yak on the cardinal under the іstorії rosіyskoїї literaturnoї movi first zavgu respect in the 19th century A.І. Sobolevsky. Vіdkritt Sobolevsky nabula wide recognition. B.A. Assumption: “Mostly the TSO - the Pincione -TO Restoresіni Tenderiy: Yogo -Servednim incentive Bulo praginnnye writer to cleanse the Churchanski Movie vid, Yaki, and the Tube -Rusydovs (Tubeli Rusifice Nasampered A.I. Sobolevskii reverted to the changes in the original design of manuscripts, pointing out the innovations in the graphics, changes in the spelling of these memos of writing in parallel with the previous periods. For this material, having grown whiskers for the one who has Russian writing in the period of the end of the XIV century - honor. XVI Art. fell under a strong influx of pivdenoslovyanskoi writing, stars and vinik termin "other pivdennoslov'yanske vpliv". In fact, all the appointed changes brought the ancient Russian manuscripts closer to the Bulgarian and Serbian monuments of writing itself. In fact, an example of Russian manuscripts is the correction of church books in Bulgaria and Serbia, until the end of the 14th century. the editing of religious books was completed, and a large number of church deacons (Metropolitan Kiprian, Grigory Tsamblak, Pakhomiy Logofet) arrived in Moscow. In connection with the political and economic growth of Moscow, the authority of the Moscow church, church literature, and also the role of the Church Slavonic language will be strengthened. Therefore, the activity from the editing of church books in Moscow during this period appeared to be pre-river. The correction of that copying of books was stumped by us in front of the translation of the Russian church from the studio statute, which panuvav in Byzantium until the end of the XI century. and the stars came to Russia, to the Jerusalem statute, which was introduced in the XIV century. in the entire Orthodox world. Conservatism, natural for the church, and old times, spurred the scribes, from one side, to save the writing tradition of old texts, archaizing the book language, and from the other side, the words of the English language in the XIV century, the words to the sutta, to the vocalism, to the system , and in the lexical and grammatical plan, that the use of rich signs in ancient texts has become incomprehensible. Tse taki letters like @, \, #, >, i, s, ^, h. The right understanding of their living can be reached with the development of the scientific history of words, but the church scribes of the XIV century were still far away from staging such a task. І axis viroblyayutsya piece rules for writing these letters, the introduction of which has become incomprehensible. In Russian scribes and pieces, the rules are deafened, but the rules of the opir. Therefore, the meta corrections made by the scribes are to bring the church books to the original, precise, similar to the Greek originals, looking.

Lasts another Pivdennoslovyanskogo infusion:

1) introduction of the Greek letters (j, k, ^, i), great yusu, well-known from practice; the appearance of ideographic signs and symbols (D.S. Likhachov assigns a “geometric ornament to the text”);

2) usunennya iotacii, tobto. write z j in the post-vocal position before a і #, now the iotation is conveyed not by the letter ", but by the letters a і #: own # (/////// one's own), goodness, deacon (the writing of unrecognized letters is a Greek sign);

3) the spelling єрів follows the distributive rules: for example, the words zavzhdi b, in the middle '. The whole rule was shaped by a large number of etymological reflexes *', *ь in one phoneme, which made the letters homophonic and interchangeable.

4) added i and y to the written letters: i is written before the vowels, which is also related to the Greek model (the rule was adopted by the civil spelling that was saved until the reform of 1917-1918);

5) the development of reflections and the processes of bookish-slovak language (palatalization, first speech);

6) increase in the number of titles, superscript marks and branch marks.

7) viniknennya that broadened rhetorically embellished manner of writing - style "weaving of words"- as a way to inspire the text, that you take the cob from church creations, sweat the front of the world. Up in Russia style "weaving of words" scribe of the XIV century - post. XV Art. Epiphanius the Wisdom having sent off at the "Life of Stefan of Perm".

The style of "weaving words" Vinik “from the idea of ​​Hesychasm about the unknowability and unnamedness of God, tobto. you can get closer to the name of God by trying different ways name” (L.V. Zubova). Ісіхасм – ethical and ascetic vchennya about the way to the day of a person with God, about the convergence of the human spirit to a deity, the “divinity of the word”, the need for sawing respect for the sound of the semantics of the word, which serve to name the essence of the subject, but often not the creation of the “soul of the subject” » Pass the brand. Isychasts were inspired by the words: looking at them, they give a direct conversation with God, they called that hesychasts "monsters". The word is “divine divine word”.

The term “weaving of words” does not adequately convey the essence of the style. The phrase "to weave words" came from and to Epiphany in the meaning of "to spin new words"; in the translations of the Byzantine hymn, we say: “the word weaving the words of licorice”. In this rank, neither the term "weaving of words", nor the cunning of the rhetorical style for the XIV - XV centuries. not new. The new is spontaneous reason for turning to cunning wisdom. Іsykhastske ototozhnennya words and the essence of the appearance called out in verbal creativity, it was given, the long-term result is pleonasm, which for the tsієї epoch buv vipravdanim, shards in the cognized concreteness of the “speech” were drawn into a single high idea of ​​the bottom. And the life genre has accumulated a variety of vocabulary slanderous meaning, importantly, the blatant zmіst was shown, but not the meaning of the words, which became the basis for the development of richness and synonymy. Tim is bigger, but in the center of respect - abstractness, emotion, symbolism, figurativeness of the current effects of expression and construction.

Important last another Pivdennoslovyanskogo infusion became synonymous with correlative pairs of spіvvіdnosnyh words'yanіzmіv and rusizmіv. Direct lexical reference from Russian to Church Slavonic language became unbearable. A unique two-man Russian-Church-Slovak vocabulary is being created (I say - I say, ad - having said, today - today, truth - truth). in such a manner, another pivdennoslov'yansky plethora zumovilo transition to duality.

It should be noted that the Cyprianian is on the right, that it passed on the aphids of the national pidyoma (the capital between 1380 and 1480 pp. - the hour between the Kulikiv battle and the total liquidation of the fallow land of Russia in the Golden Ordi), after all, it didn’t call out such a call, what a pіznіshe called nikonіvska on the right of the 17th century, that the natomіst kіpatstva of the peasantry passed. Time and again on the right - there are two stages of the very process of forming the modern Church Slavonic language with single-piece spelling and other images of non-sweet archaism, carried out in the context of the modern day history of the words of the Yank sciences.

Lecture №5

Movna situation in the other half of the XV-XVI centuries.

1. Archivation of movies journalism the other half of the XV-XVI centuries.

In the other half of the 15th century, two spiritual and religious trends are added to the process of sovereign everyday life: mystical Orthodoxy and theological rationalism. Ida, the Mastic Orthodox Viktstoili “Zavolzki Startsi” at the Choli S only Sorsky, the Oskilki was in the opposed church of the Monastir Zemstvolodіnnya, the removal of the Monastiriv, asceticism, the worship of the Mirskikhs, had the number of people, the namesakes, and the natives of the vene, In their messages, the “beyond the Volga elders” gave priority to religious and moral nourishment, they were critical of the Holy Letter, which, for their style of writing, was more relevant to the suvora of the norms of Church Slavonic language and the presence of rhetorical superstitions. The manners of the “beyond the Volga elders” were followed by Maxim Grek, Andriy Kurbsky. Josip Volotsky (Ivan Sanin, 1439-1515) was the ideologist of the current church-political trend of the XV - the first half of the 16th century, who took away the name "Josifianism" - the author of literary works of a journalistic nature. Take a look at this prisoner right next to it: the inviolability of church dogmas and the political influx of the church are in place, the church-monastery land is being hijacked, the concept of absolute monarchy is being promoted, the aestheticization of the rite. The “Josiplyani” gave a little respect to the description of specific podias, details of the Russian pobut, to that in their creations there is both book-word-Janian writing rhetoric, and roman-button modern elements. Ivan the Terrible wrote in the "Josiflyan" style.

2. Stylistic variety of secular literature and business writing of Moscow Rus.

Specifics of the worldly literature of Moscow Rus- Posilennya suspіlno-political meaning. Therefore, do it, as if there were clearly pronounced political tendencies that were directed at the glorification of that greatness of the young Moscow state, they are drawn up in the form of church-slovak movi (“The Tale of the Battle of Mamaeva”, “The Tale of the Capture of Tsargorod”). Tsya literature step by step began to become equal with the literature of the church-religious and at once the authority of the folk-literary movi is raised. Until then, the folk-literary type of the movie was instantly introduced not by structural elements, but by rhetorical technique: the presence/daytime of the rhetorical ozdobi (A. Nikitin’s “Walking Over Three Seas” is a tvir of the folk-literary type of the movie without rhetorical means of expression).

In general, the specific features of secular literature in the period can be considered as follows: semantic meaning in the choice of modern tradition; drawing contexts, typical for Church Slavonic and Old Russian language, at the borders of one creation; svіdome zmіshannya movnih elementіv raznyh traditsіy zalezhno vіd context; strength to the authority of the folk-literary movie.

Expanded functions business movie of Moscow Rus. Variety of genres: from charters (private lists) to sovereign acts, which reflect the standard mandate business language. Closeness of business movie with books and literature (lists of articles). Invasion of folk-romantic elements in the sphere of business writing (letters, “nutritional” promotions, “feeding” promotions). The presence of standard movable formulas - postal and final forms (individuals and issuance books, cholobits). Mastering the language vocabulary and expanding the subject matter and the structure of the business language (“Vesti-Kuranti”, article lists).
Lecture №6

Cultural-moving situation of Pvdenno-Zahidnoy Rus (middle of the 16th century). Injecting the book tradition of Pvdenno-Zahidnoy Rus' into the Moscow book tradition.

1. Characteristics of the cultural-moving situation of Pivdenno-Zahidnoy Rus.

In the middle of the XVI century. in Pivdenno-Zakhidniy Rusi, a situation of duality developed, if two literary movs were sung together: the Church Slavonic mova of the pivdenno-Zakhidnorusskaya edition and the “simple mova”. At the heart of the "simple language" - the act of the clerical language of Pvdenno-Zakhidnoi Rus, officially recognized from the Polish-Lithuanian state by my shipbuilding. Tsya mova step by step used the functions of a dilovoy mov and became a literary mova. At the sight of the book-words'yansk movi of Moscow Russia, they show in their warehouse an uninterrupted rozmovny substrate, which is pieced together for the rahun of words'yanizatsiy (Ukrainian version of "simple mov") and polonizatsiy (Belarusian "simple mova"). Until the other half of the XVI century. the prestige of “simple language” is growing: її begin to codify (dictionaries of L. Zizaniya, P. Berindi); create scientific, publicistic works; translating simply the language of the bible books. Tserkovnoslov'yansk mova at this hour nabuvaє the status of mov vchenogo I will become: the fundamental grammars of Lavrentiy Zizaniya and Meletiy Smotrytsky are announced; orientation to Latin in grammar (construction and form) and vocabulary (inverse-Latinism) in the aftermath of Western European Catholic culture; the presence of polonism and ukrainianism for the help of secular and businesslike and suspense-pobutovy movie illumination of people. This is how the pіvdenno-zahіdne zvedennia of the Church Slavonic language was formed. In such a rank, pіvdenno-zahіdne zvedennya zvedenkovo-slovo'yanskoy ї movi and "simple (Russian) mova" - literary and mongrel middlemen of the zahіdnoevropeyskogo vpluv.

2. Lliterature of the "Russian Baroque" At the 17th century Ukraine rises from Russia and transforms from the cultural center to the periphery. Mіstsevі scribes move to Moscow: Simeon of Polotsk, Sylvester Medvedev, Karion Istomin, and later Feofan Prokopovich. Їhnya creative spadshchina - lliterature of the "Russian Baroque", represented by urochist, epistolary, oratorical prose, verses and dramaturgy. Mova tsієї literature of bookish-slov'janska, ale vіdmіnna like in church-slovak Russian language, so in tsієї tserkovno-slovak's language movi pіvdenno-zahіdnoruskoї edition. In the form of the "old" Church Slavonic yoga, the presence of Latinisms, Polonisms, Ukrainianisms, the names of ancient heroes and gods is revived. Vіd tserkovnoslov'yanskoi movi pіvdenno-zahіdnoruskoї editorial board vіdrіznyаєє іnshoy kіlіst polonіzmіv і provincialіzmіv.
Lecture №7

Cultural-moving situation in the first half of the 17th century. Formation of skhіdnoslov'yanskoi grammatical tradition.

The process of standardization of book-literary movie of tie-ins with the development of friendship. In 1553, a new door was created at Kitay-mist. In the other half of the XVI century. Moscow has received first drafted books. The bookstore was hidden

  • variation of one-man spelling;

  • strengthening the common role of the literary language of the movement and of the territorial dialects;

  • expansion of literary language throughout the entire territory of the state and the middle social groups literate people.
The reasons for this called for the need to codify the book-words' grammatical system of the 16th-17th centuries, which is manifested in the appearance of primers-alphabets that grammar. For example, the first drafted book - "The Primer" by Ivan Fedorov (Lviv, 1574) - is a real scientific work from the words of the Yangian grammar.

Grammar іsnuvali on the cob drukarstvo: in XI - XIV Art. were specific lexical and grammatical creations (a pre-national stage in the development of grammatical traditions), in the XVI-XVII centuries. - Retellings of grammar (an international stage in the development of grammatical traditions). So it was in the 20s. XVI Art. Dmitry Gerasimov translated the Latin grammar of Donatus (4th century AD).

The grammatical practices that appeared in this period in Western Russia were also straightened out in Greek grammar. 1596 p. the grammar “Adelfotis” (adelfotis from Greek “brotherhood”), seen by the students of the Lviv fraternal school, became the first helper for the equalization of the words “Janian” and “Greek grammar”. Nevipadkovo in part, the grammar was called “Grammar of a good-headed Hellenic-Slovenian language”, it was used for grammatical categories, close to the Greek ones (voices long and short, with voices - sing-voiced and voiceless).

Grammar "Adelfotis" became the basis for other grammatical practice. Tse bula “Grammar of the Slovene Thorough Mystery of the Eight Parts of the Word” by Lavrentiy Zizania, who was born r. In 1591, in 1591, the tradition of antiquity was laid out "remembering about the highest part of the word." Actual parts of the Zizaniya grammar are presented in such a way that the text of the Church Slavonic language is accompanied by a translation into “simple language”. This peculiarity of grammar motivated the school practice of Pivdenno-Zakhidnoy Rus. There is a representation of the forms of Church Slavonic mov and “simple mov” on different levels: spelling (kolіkw - kolkw, chotiri - chotiri), lexical (prevailing - vdane, vіdome - singing) and grammatical (what to write - zhobis wrote). The correlatives to the Church Slavonic words of the Greek adventure in the “simple language” are folded words, which are calculable, as for their structure they can be interpreted as words of the English language (etymology - true words). To this, the forms of the Church Slavonic language and the “simple language” are cited in some ways - the apposition of the book and the roman, in others - the apposition of the Greek and the yansk words. In this order, Lavrentiy Zizanіy obviously does not piece together the orthographic appearance of the words that are used in the Church Slavonic language and “simple language”. Specific features of grammar: seeing the authorities and nominal names (on the authority of “Adelfotis”), 5 outposts, 4 ways (death, cry, prayer, non-significance). Supplement of grammar - "Lexis, or promote in a short selection and from the Slovenian language into a simple Russian dialect of vitlumacheni" (1061 words).

At the beginning of the XVII century. z'yavlyaєtsya most povna i ґruntovna pratsya z tserkovnoslov'yanskoy ї grammar. Tse - "Slovenian grammar is correct syntagma", seen in m. Єv'є y 1619 p. Meletiy Smotrytsky. Grammar was divided in such a way: "Spelling", "Etymology", "Syntax", "Prosody". A grammatical terminology has been introduced: slozі - tse warehouse, word - tse word, word - tse proposition, etymology - tse morphology, word parts - tse parts of mov. “Parts of the word” in the grammar of Smotrytsky Bulo 8. “Parts of the word are oct: Im'ya. Mgvartist. Dieslovo. Communion. Narchi. Predlog. Soyuz. Viguk." With whom the prikmetnik is at the warehouse named. The term "communion" was used by M. Smotrytsky upershe. In this way, before the lexical-Russian grammar of Smotrytsky, the antique (Greco-Roman) subdivided the dictionary into parts of the language. Specific grammatical categories are designated: 7 pologіv (strong, human, womanish, middle, everyone, zdivany, zagalny); 4 make (dіysny, passive, middle, vіdkladny); 4 past hours to introduce the concepts of transitional and non-transitional words, as well as special, non-special, stilted (incorrect), insufficient words. At the same time, M. Smotrytsky translates some of the grammatical constructions into “simple language”, by himself codifying the song rank.

In 1648 p. at the Drukovany Dvor near Moscow, a reworking of the edition of the Grammar by Meletii Smotrytsky was ordered. With її revisited form where, abim and so on, the stinks of the stench were far away from the roman movi of Moscow dovіdnikіv, they were adopted like books and savings in the text. Therefore, the forms of “simple language”, as they can explain the Church Slavonic forms of the “Grammar” of Meletii Smotrytsky, were transferred to the rank of normative Church Slavonic forms. Pererobka also stumbled upon a lot of grammatical rules, a new paradigm of change, bringing them closer to the tradition of a great Russian language. Changes were made and the accentological system, which, in front of you, beat the norms of the Western Russian language.

Zagal "Gramatika" Meletiy Smotrytsky - a fundamental element of the grammatical rules of Church Slavonic language and normative for liturgical books. The treatise itself became the basis of the grammatical normalization of the official version of the Church Slavonic language up to the hour of M.V. Lomonosov, who himself learned the rules of grammar.

Order іz appointed grammarians in the XVI century. Church-Slovak-“Russian” dictionaries are blamed on Western Russia. To evaluate the significance of this phenomenon, to remember that Russian minds have similar dictionaries only in the other half of the 18th century.

Let's look at the designated place "Lexisu" by L. Zizaniya, next guess "Lexicon of Slovene Russian and names of darkness" by Pamvi Berindi (1st edition - Kiev, 1627r.). The dictionary mayzha has 7,000 words, and this number was given a name. With this “Russian language” (“simple language”), “Volinsky” (Ukrainian) and “Lithuanian” (Belarusian) are marked: tssl. phten - vіl. pven - lit. piven. "Lexicon" by P. Berindi is broader than his dictionary. Before the glossary, the indicator of holy names was added, like in the church “Saints”, where the darkness of the names of the Greek, Jewish, Latin christening is represented.
Lecture №8

New traditions for the development of literary language in the other half of the 17th century. Expansion of the functions of Church Slavonic language.

1. Nikonovskaya on the right(sirXVIIin.).

The change of the Church-Slovak language of the language under the influence of a pivdenno-zahіdnoї ideology is the result of the need to normalize the language of language, which manifests itself in the middle of the 17th century. at the new book conference, send off Patriarch Nikon. Linguistic installations of reference books - correction of books for walnuts. So, the writings were induced in the Greek: aggel, Jesus. Nikon's edition regulated changes in the accentology of names: Avakum (vm. Avakum); Mikhail (vm. Mikhail); at the vіdminkovomu adminіnіnі: vіki vіkіv (vm. vіki vіkom); at Christ (in mind about Christ); in old word forms: mіy, tvіy (vm. mі, ti); Against the opponents of the reform - true to the Orthodox audience - the writings of Jesus were taken as anti-Christian. On їhnyu dumku, zmina forms of words, namіnatsії chogos causation of the creation of the very essence of the Christian understanding; God is the author of the text, and it is impossible to change the text; viraz may be correct, tobto. Christian. Tom date of birth to the modern form of the word, it became the reason for the split of the church for Patriarch Nikon between the opponents of the reform (“Old Believers”) and the pribіchniks (“New Believers”).

Співвіднесення церковнослов'янської мови Південно-Західної Русі та церковнослов'янської мови Московської Русі обумовлює безпосередньо вплив першого на другий, що і відбувається в процесі ніконівської та післяніконівської книжкової справи: формальні особливості церковнослов'янської мови південно-західноруської редакції переносяться у церковнослов'янську мову Great Russian illumination of the single Russian translation of the book-words of the Russian language.

2. Activation in living Church Slavonic language.

XVII century - An hour, if the Russian literary language begins to develop. The whole process is characterized

  • to blame the “science” of Church Slavonic language under the influence of bookishness of Pivdenno-Zahidnoy Rus;

  • the democratization of literature and literary movies, the emergence of new genres, which is connected with the social and economic disruptions of the era. Pivdenno-Zakhidnoi Rusi
The new Church-Slovak mova of Zagalno-Zahidniy Rus, the significant world of the Church Slavonic mova was made “simple mova”, in the Great Russian minds continues to actively function. From the other half of the XVII century. Activization of the Church Slavonic language in vzhivanie is motivated by the following facts: the Church Slavonic language is the language of a learned person (it is used to conduct scientific disputes); conducted active learning ecclesiastical-slovak language mov (for additional grammar); zbіshuєtsya functioning tserkovnoslov'yanskoї mov in other areas (svіtskoї and legal); Church-Slovakian write leaves like spiritual individuals, so svіtskі.

In the development of literary language in the period in Moscow, new trends are observed: 1) convergence with folk colloquial language; 2) modeling of the Slovenian language, which led to the її resurrection and the appearance of new phenomena - kvazіslov'yanіzmіv. To put it simply, the Church Slavonic system has new democratic tendencies. Yaskrave їhnє vrazhennya - create preaching and polemical literature of the Old Believers (Deacon Fyodor, Epiphany, Archpriest Avakum and others.). "V'yakannya" ("space", in contrast to the Church Slavonic Krasnomovstvo) is the main style of Archpriest Avakum's works. Avakum deliberately creates stylistic dissonance, so that I will lower the language of Church Slavonic language. The main stylistic peculiarity of yoga texts is the neutralization of words'anisms, at the borders of a kind of spacious consonance, to be found in church-biblical formulas; ecclesiastical vocabulary assimilated in society with the common language ( spovnena netki naphav God ribi ...), then. z'yavlyayutsya kvazіslov'yanіzm.

Similar tendencies are also observed in literary genres, which are little associated with bookish-slovak language, in secular stories of the 17th-18th centuries. (“A story about Frol Skobiev”, “A story about Shemyakin’s court”, “A story about Grief-Misfortune” etc.), formuvannya democratic (township, trade and crafts) literature. The main characteristics of the works of literary literature are the style-creating nature of the roman-button and emotional-expressive vocabulary, the existence of the same norms of the grammatical system, the influx of oral folk creativity (accept that formula of the bilinear style, admixture, prodvovaniya warehouses).

The second manifestation of the model of the book-word-language movie is the parodic victoria. About parodiyne vikoristannya bookish-slov'yanskoy movi svіdchat butt of the first half of the 17th century. (A leaflet from a handwritten collection of the 1st third of the 17th century). In the other half of the XVII century. there are more and more parodies of the book-Slovak language language, because of the fall in the authority of the church, church literature, church language language language language. Create satirical works, de often evocative of ecclesiastical vocabulary to reach a comical effect, de playing old formulas (“The Tale of the Peasant Syn”, “Service of the Tavern”, “The Tale of Yersha Yershovich” etc.).

Possibility of parodic victoria of the book-words of the Jansk movie is evidence of the ruination of diglossia that starts. In addition, the creation of parallel texts in Church Slavonic and Russian language (for example, in the Code of 1649) is a clear sign of duality and violation of the principle of diglossia. From Syria. XVII century in Russia - the situation of duality. The further trend is the introduction of my Russian Church Slavonic to the periphery.

Lecture №9
Rethink the formation of a new type of literary movement (I quarter of the 18th century): the cultural policy of Peter the Great.

1. Meta petrine reforms.

The early period of the formation of a new literary book movie is tied to the Petrine era, which hovers over the rest of the decade of the 17th century. - I quarter of the XVIII century. The secularization of Russian culture is a radical achievement of the Peter's doby. The main manifestations of this process are the creation of new initial mortgages, establishing the Academy of Sciences, publishing the first Russian newspaper "Vidomosti" (1703), introducing the "General Regulations" (1720), "Table of Ranks" (1722), increasing the number of other books and Russian-foreign dictionaries. Modern everyday life is an invisible fact of Peter's reforms. V.M. Zhivov: “The opposition of two languages ​​was conceived as an antagonism of two cultures: the old book language (traditional) is barbaric, clerical (church), not illuminated in the manifestations of Peter the Great reformers, and the new book language is small for European, saintly and enlightened.”

2. Graphics reform like the first stage of Peter's transformations at Galusia's movie.

The creation of the Russian Gromadyansky drukovany font (1708 - 1710 pp.) - the initiative of Peter I himself. Sovereign “with new abets to slander the book of geometry on the Russian language, as it was sent from the military campaign that other civil books to be scribbled by them themselves with new abets.” September 29, 1710 Petro, having hardened the new alphabet - a huge liver, on the obkladinka it was marked: "Images of ancient and new letters of Slovenian drukovani and handwritten." On the back of the lining, Petro wrote: “These letters are different from historical books and manufactory books, but like blackened ones, do not get used to the books described above.” Until May 1710 15 vidans were entrusted to the “novoobkhіdnіy” abettsі – gromadyanitsі, among them the first ones: “Geometry of the Slovenian Earthworld”; "Take a compass and a line"; “Complements, or szrazki, how to write leaves until the end of time” and so on. An example of the standard adaptation of the civil script and the spelling practice of newly-written books is the typed manuscript “Youth is a honest mirror”, or “Showing up to the life journey, selected authors from the cob of the 18th century”.

Parameters of the Petrine reformation of the Cyrillic alphabet:

  • change of the letter warehouse: Petro's order is ordered to include 9 (for V.M. Zhivovim) / 11 (for A.M. Kamchatnov) Cyrillic letters: i (izhe); w (omega); z (ground); q (uk); f(fert); i (zhitsa); k(ksi); j (psi); ^ (ligature "vid"); @ (yus great); # (Jus maly). Ale in the residually hardened abets 1710 were left out: i (izhe); z (ground); q (uk); f(fert); k (ksі).

  • regulation of letters e, e, i(the letter e is entered; zam_st\u003e, "- i; zam_st ~ - e);

  • editing the forms of the letters themselves (it is legalized to round the crossed letters in opposition to the square Cyrillic alphabet);

  • introduction of new numbers (replacement of letters of Arabic numbers);

  • usunennya titlіv and superscript marks.
Petro himself edited the books, translating into translations of scientific treatises of my simple, my Ambassadorial order, tobto. secular.

With the new introductions, the civil font and the church inscription began to be functionally displayed: like church books, it was impossible to overrule the bulky woman, and civil books could not be treated with the church inscription. Podіl alphabet on tserkovna and gromadyanska - dvomovnostі (spіvіsnuvannya tvoh living bookish mov) and dvuhkulturіya (svіtstavlennâ secular and spiritual in other books).

3. Another aspect of the linguistic transformations of Peter I - movie reform.

In 1697 p. Peter I in Europe having revealed, "what to write, how to seem." Therefore, the main principle of the modern life of the period was the formation of a new literary movement on a national basis. The main meta is the transition from the hybrid Church Slavonic to "simple" Russian. Way of creation of a new literary movie – a new European lexicon and Russified morphology.

The main trends in the daily life of Petrovskaya doby:

  1. Enriching the vocabulary of native language with European vocabulary.

  2. Creation of Russified morphology.

  3. Vytisnennya nakaznoy movi of Moscow Rus.
Yaskrava vіdmіnіnіst literaturnoї movіtskogo period - zbіlshennya kіlkostі zaposichen, scho reached its apogee. "Europeanization" of the vocabulary of the movie pov'yazana

  • with the appearance of a straining translating activity, as a way to solve the problem personnel policy powers. The shows of the cross -litters meant that Rosіysku Movah Yak was poisoned by Inschomovna vocabulary, and the new serpent of the new forms of the new forms of the RINEA MOVI, the sovereign, the sovereign: “... Schobkish, I will rush, , as you can see…”.

  • with the process of reorganization of the administrative system, reorganization of the military and maritime affairs, development of trade, factory enterprises, the result is the formation of a new terminology system of various thematic groups.
The process behind the introduction of two functions:

1) pragmatic: lexical positioning of the best motivated by the positioning of new speeches and to understand how guilty they were to master the movements, to codify;

2) semiotics: living in retrospect showed about the assimilation of a new system of values ​​and about a new type of traditional phenomena.

For whom, the rest of the function was revealed in the voices, if the positions are accompanied by a text with a gloss (Greek "mova, mova"), then. the clouding of an unintelligent word through the equivalent of a ciєї mov, an eloquent reader (for example, in the “General Regulations of the Statute” (1720)).

In general, the process is late in the period characterized by

1) as an overworld (obviousness of glossing), and insufficiency (not zavzhd translating went into understanding new understanding of that subject, picking up words from Russian life);

2) let's move the calculation ( productus"tvir", Sonnestand"sonostasis" ta іn);

3) timchasovym vitіsnennya from the active implantation of Russian slіv ( victoria deputy victory, battle deputy battle, ghost deputy family, fortification deputy fortress that in.);

4) transition to a passive vocabulary stock of existing realities ( senate, footman, camisole, captan and in.).

Later, a wider vzhivanniya behind the back of the main linguistic task of Peter. The stand of rice of the current policy for the first hour is the cost of unreasonableness of legal documents (lower than before in legislative acts). So, in the “Viysk Statute” (1716), the Crimea is quiet behind, like they are gloating, the number of similar lexical elements is low, like a chitach maw understand self-taught ( patent, officer, article, execution). For the current situation of the Petrovsky era, it is relevant as duality as an example of a mystic meaning, and richness, which is due to the appearance of foreign vocabulary.

One more yaskrava example of everyday life at this hour - existence of single morphological norms: lack of system in living Russian, rozmovnyh and Church Slavonic elements (leaves and papers of Peter I, on the cob of the XVIII century). From one side, in the morphological features of the creation of the movie, there was an influx of a lot of book-slovak tradition. April 19, 1724 Peter I wrote a decree to Senod about folding short grains, destructing “just write those words and the villager knowing what two are: the villager is simple, and the places are more beautiful for the hearing malt ...”. There is hostility that the marking of Church Slavonic elements is perceived as a rhetorical embellishment, or as a socio-cultural task of the activity of poets and writers, and not as a deep cultural significance. Therefore, the Church Slavonic language is no longer a universal language. On the other hand, the creation of Russified morphology is an attempt to change the text from the perspective of the new language policy. Before the morphological correction, one can see the replacement of the aorist and the imperfect forms by l-forms without the link, the infinitive –t forms, the 2-letter forms. one. h. on -sh, forms of the double number on the form of a multiplier, spіvіsnuvannya in the letters of the forms of the vocative and nazivny vіdmіnka. The syntactical correction was expressed on the replacement of the constructions “a part and + the form of the present hour” with synthetic forms of the mandate method, a single listing of the underlined, constructions with names in the river. n. on the use of word processing.

Stylistic disorder of the literary movie how genetic is the heterogeneity of the current effects of manifestation in this warehouse. The shifting nature of promotion is a sign of the formation of a cultural dialect.

Two different types of literary language: the Russian language language and the gromadian in the middle. The words of the Russian language are “secularized” in the Church Slavonic language: the study of the Church Slavonic grammar and the small amount of space, behind the scenes (sermons by Feofan Prokopovich, Stefan Yavorsky, translating scientific works, moving up to Fyodor Polikarpov’s Lexicon of Trim). Creation of a hromadyanskoy middle talkяк доступної та зрозумілої письмової літературної мови нового типу – головна лінгвістична установка Петра I. Складний склад цієї літературної мови: російські розмовні, просторічні, церковнослов'янські елементи, європейські запозичення, штучні освіти, неологізми, кальки, індивідуальні авторські лексеми , драми, інтимна поезія , leaflets, newspapers).

The role of the “punishment” movie in the development of the literary movie: earlier it was denounced as Church Slavonic, now it is moving to the periphery. In new minds, the literature of texts ceases to be associated with the signs of bookishness, and it is distinguished by extralinguistic parameters. In the aftermath of what is created the possibility of using non-literary texts in my literary language. New language is becoming an attribute of polyfunctionality: being included in the modern culture of these spheres, as if it were a position between the boundaries of functioning (spiritual literature, legislation, business).

In this way, the cultural policy of Peter I led to a radical change in the current situation:

  • "punishment" of the language of Moscow Russia: a position for getting used to and in competition with the traditional book language.

  • Church-Slovak language is losing its polyfunctionality: language is no longer a cult.

  • a new type of literary language is being formed - a hromadyansk in the middle of a sermon.

  • The new literary language is reminiscent of stylistic disorder, mixing the old and the new, its own and the alien, the bookish and the spacious.

A vast magnificence is right in front of you, my Russian mine! Vіdstupnі dzvіnki vy, vіdpochinok bude rozvyazuvatisya in nazvі zhittєvoї vaga rosіyskoї movi i її її miraculous pravі rosіyskoї ї”, sid Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogol (1809-1852), like Undercoat is where we all come from.

The standard well-known form of Russian is generally called the Contemporary Russian Literary Language(Currently Russian literary language). Tse arose in the beginning of the 18th century with the modernization of the reforms of the Russian state of Peter the Great. This rose from Moscow (Middle or Central Russian) dialect substratum under the influence of Russian chancellery language of previous centuries. Tse buv Mikhail Lomonosov, who was the first to form the normalizing grammar book in 1755. In 1789, the first explanatory speech (Glossary of the Russian Academy) of Russian by the Russian Academy (Risisk Academy) was initiated. During end 18th and 19th centuries of the Russian River through the period (reviewed as the "Golden Age") of stabilization and standardization of its grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, and of flourishing of its world-famous literature, and became the nationwide literary language. In addition, twenty years of yoga pratsova form bula English only from low classes and national populations, Russian peasants in the earth's backcountry continue to promote in their own dialects. Being in the middle of the XX century. Russian basic directives with diplomas from the school of the lighting system, establishments in the Soviet government, and mass media (radio and TV).

"What is this language? We are not the only way to express our thoughts, ale and create your thoughts. Mova maє vorotnu diyu. Lyudinathat I reshape my thoughts, your ideas, one feels like a mov ... vin is also pierced by this way of expression ".

- BUT. H. Tolstoy.

Modern Russian language- tse national language of the Russian people, a form of Russian national culture. Vіn є istorichesko formed movnu spіlnіst i poednuє all sukupnіє movnі sobіv rosіyskogo people, zokrema all rosіyski govіrki і prislіvniki, і navit raznі slang. Вищою формою національної російської є російська літературна мова, що має ряд ознак, що відрізняють його від інших форм існування мови: обробленість, нормованість, широта суспільного функціонування, загальнообов'язковість для всіх членів колективу, різноманітність мовних стилів, що використовуються в різних сферах спілкування.

Russian language to enter before the group words'janskih mov, yakі utvoryuyut okrema gіlku in the Indo-European homeland of mov and are divided into three subgroups: hideous(Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian); zahіdna(Polish, Czech, Slovak, Lusatian); pivdenna(Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian [Croatian-Serbian], Slovenian).

- Tsemov of art literature, science, druk, radio, television, theater, school, state actors. The most important feature of yoga is standardization, and it means that the storehouse of the dictionary of literary movies is suvoro chosen from the treasures of the national movie; the meaning of that vzhivannya slіv, vimova, spelling, as well as the adoption of grammatical forms are sub-ordered to the vulgarly accepted srazka.

Russian literary language has two forms. fall asleep that letter, yakі are characterized by features both from the side of the lexical warehouse, and from the side of the grammatical structure, the shards are razrakhovanі on raznі vidi spriynyattya - auditory and zorove. Written literary language is considered to be more complex in syntax, more important in abstract vocabulary, and more important in terminological vocabulary, more importantly in the international context of its own language.

Russian language has three functions:

1) national Russian;

2) one of the movements of the international splintering of the peoples of Russia;

3) one of the most important light moves.

A number of sections are presented in the current Russian movie course:

Vocabulary і phraseology vvchayut slovnikovy and phraseological (stіykі wording) warehouse of Russian language.

Phonetics describe the sound warehouse of the current Russian literary movement and the main sound processes that go through the movement.

Graphics to know the Russian alphabet from the warehouse, spіvvіdshennyam mіzh sounds and letters.

Spelling vyznaє rules for the introduction of alphabetic characters in the case of a written transmission of a movie.

orthoepia living the norms of the current Russian literary language.

Slovotvir doslіdzhuє morphemic warehouse of the slіv and the main types of their adoption.

grammar - Razdіl moznavstva, scho vengeance about the form of the word change, about the budova slіv, see the wording and type of speech. Includes two parts: morphology and syntax.

Morphology - knowledge about the structure of the word, form word-changes, ways of expression grammatical meanings, as well as about the main lexical and grammatical divisions of words (movie parts).

Syntax - Vchennya about the wording of that rechennya.

Punctuation - Sukupnіst rules for setting different signs

Russian language is the subject of low linguistic disciplines, which continue today's history, territorial and social dialects, and space.

The purpose of the appointment is to explain the coming terms: national language, national Russian language, literary language, current Russian literary language.

Monday Russian language We are closely related to the most profound understandings about the national Russian language.

National language- Socio-historical category, which signifies the language, which is a special reference to the nation.

The national Russian language, then, is a tribute to the Russian nation.

Russian national language- the phenomenon is more complicated. Vіn includes offensive variability: literary language, territorial and social dialects, napіvdialekti, vernacular, jargon.

A significant role is played among the various national Russian literary films. Being a great form of national Russian language, literary language has a low rating.

On vіdminu vіd teritorial dialects, vіn suprateritorial and іsnuє in two forms - letter (bookish) and usnіy (rozmovnіy).

Literary language- Tsemova is a sovereign sovereign, robbed by masters of the word. Vіn є normative subsystem of the national Russian.

H ormativism is one of the most important signs of literary movement .

Movna norm(literary norm) – incorporating and fixing the rules of speech, vocabulary, grammatical and stylistic language features in the process of communication. Also, the current norm is a system of private norms (orthoepic, lexical, grammatical, etc.) These norms are objectively fixed in the current system and are implemented in the language: the one who speaks and writes, is responsible for their dormancy.

The modern norm ensures stability (steadiness) and the traditional nature of the means of the language expression and allows the literary language to most successfully achieve the communicative function. Therefore, the literary norm is svіdomo cultivated and supported by the suspіlstvo that power (codified). Codification of the modern norms of transferring and ordering, brought into unity, in the system, in the link of rules that are fixed in the sing dictionaries, dovіdniki z movi, pіdruchnikah.

Regardless of stability and tradition, the literary norm is historically weak and rotten. The main reason for the change in the literary norm is the development of the language, the presence of new variants (orthoepical, nominative, grammatical), which often compete. For this reason, any of the options can become old. So, you can use the old norms of the old Moscow wimov and undressed endings of the second sentence in the 3rd person of the multiplier: di[blazan] , ho[d'ut] . Porivn. currently Novomoskovskaya vimova ho[d't], So[PCS] .

Russian literary language is polyfunctional. Vіn service areas community activity: science, politics, law, art, the sphere of everyday-button, unofficial splurge, because of this, the wine is stylistically heterogeneous

It is in the same way, the sphere of the SUSPALITY VINSTIISHEIGOVE, Litherican mova to the advent of the functions: scum, Publicistic, an offish-dilovy, the style of the artistic muvi, the form of an incentive, it is promoted. form. In the dermal treatment of overhauled styles, the literary language has its own function and may have a specific set of modern features as neutral, as well as stylistically zabarvlenyh.

in such a manner, literary language- the most common form of national language, which is characterized by supraterritoriality, refinement, stability, normativeness, binding language for all media, polyfunctionality and stylistic differentiation. Vіn іsnuє y dvoh forms - usnіy and pissovіy.

Oskіlki the subject of the study of the course is the current Russian literary language, it is necessary to distinguish from the term current. term current Russian literary language get used to sound in two meanings: to the wide one - the language of Pushkin Donin - and to the narrow one - the language of the remaining ten years.

The order of іz іznаchennyami dany ponyattya іsnuyut іnshi іnshi points of dawn. So, V. V. Vinogradov realized that the system of “moving a new hour” was formed in the 90s of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century, then. by the mental boundary of understanding "modern" vvazhav MOV Vіd A.M. Gorky donina. Yu.A. Belchikov, K.S. Gorbachevich, as the lower cordon of modern Russian, marks the period from the end of the 30s - the beginning of the 40s. XX century, tobto. vvazhayut "modern" language from the beginning of the 30-40s. XX century Donin. Analiz Zmin, Scho in the system of lines of norms, lexical and phraseologic folding, often in the gramatic ladies of the lioteric muvi, yogo stylist structures in the XX century, permitted by the sabbath of the rain of the X . (M. V. Panov).

We have the most well-grounded thought of quiet linguists, which, with the assigned concept of “modern”, signify that “the current system is changing not at all in all our countries, the basis of it is taken by the prolongation of a thriving hour”, that according to the “modern Xєm”. up to our days.

Russian language as a national language was formed historically. Yogo іstorіya ohoplyuє century. Russian language resembles Indo-European language. In the same place, the dzherelo broke up already in the 3rd millennium BC. Old-time batkivshchyna words call the lands between the Oder and the Dnipro.

Pivnіchniy cordon of the word'yansk lands is accepted to be called Pripyat, behind which the lands inhabited by the Baltic peoples were founded. At the pivdenno-skhidny straight line, the words of the Jansk lands were encroaching on the Volga and swaying from the Black Sea.

Until the 7th century old-Russian mova - the champion of modern Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian mov - bula my old-Russian nationality, my Kievan Rus. At the XIV century. we are going to split the skhidnoslovian group of followers into three independent mov (Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian), also, the history of Russian mov is begun. Around Moscow, feudal princedoms were formed, the Russian state was formed, and at the same time the Russian nation and the Russian national language were formed.

Spiraling on historical facts at the development of the Russian movie , sound you see three periods :

1) VIII-XIV Art. - Davnyoruska mova;

2) XIV-XVII Art. - Mova of the Great Russian nationality;

3) XVII century. - Mova Russian nation.

Great Academic Dictionary describe current Russian literary language. What about literary language?

The skin of a globally national language vibrates its own spicy form of foundation. What is it characterized by?

Literary language about taman:

1) the writing is broken;

2) a norm has been adopted, so that the rules for the implantation of all the current elements;

3) stylistic differentiation of a moving language, that is the most typical and dot-lne movement expression, the situation and the splendid movement (journalistic speech, dilova, official chi nevimushena mova, artistic tvir);

4) interrelationship and interrelationship of two kinds of the basis of literary movement - bookish and roman, both in letters and in oral forms (statya and lecture, scientific discussion and dialogue of friends, that they were joking, then).

The greatest source of literature in literature is slanderous acceptance and therefore sagely intellect. The development of a literary movie is considered a development of the culture of the people.

Formation of modern Russian literary movie . The first period of the ancient Russian literary mov (XI-XIV centuries) is marked by the history of Kievan Rus and culture. What is the hour of the history of the old Russian literary movie marked by?

In the XI-XII centuries. art, publicistic and opportunistic-historical literature is being formed. The earlier period (from the VIII century) having created for whom the necessary mind, if the words of the Jansk educators - the brothers Cyril (about 827-869 pp.) and Methodius (about 815-885 pp.) folded the first word of the Jansk alphabet.

The old Russian literary language was developed on the basis of the roman language of the zavdyaki and the foundation of two strained necks:

1) old-Russian conventional poetry, which reworked the roman language into a fragmented poetic language (“The Word about Igor’s Departure”);

2) Old Slavonic language, which came to Kievan Rus at once from church literature (there is another name - Church Slavonic).

Old-Slovakian language zbagachuvala literary old-Russian language, which is being formed. Vіdbuvavsya vzaєmodіya dvoh slov'yanskih mov (old Russian and old slov'yanskoy).

From the XIV century, if the Great Russian nationality is seen and the history of the Russian language begins, the literary language develops already on the basis of the Moscow koine, continuing the traditions of the language, as it was formed at the time of Kievan Rus. In the Moscow period, there is a clear convergence of literary mov with roman mov, which is most evident in business texts. Tse zblizhennya poslyuєtsya XVII century. In the literary language of that hour, there is, on the one hand, significant stringing (folk-romantic, bookish-archaic, and behind the other elements of the language), on the other - pragnennya to the arrangement of the ciєї movnoїїstrings, that is to the modern normal.

Antioch Dmitrovich Kantemir (1708-1744) and Vasil Kirilovich Trediakovsky (1703-1768) were named one of the first normalizers of Russian language. Prince Antioh Dmitrovich Kantemir is one of the most prominent educators of the 18th century, the author of epigrams, tales, poetic works (satire, the poem "Petrida"). Peru Cantemir to have a number of translations of books on the basis of history, literature, philosophy.

Art and creativity A.D. Cantemira shrugged off the ordering of words, enriched with literary language and words, and with the use of folk-romantic language. Kantemir, speaking about the need to use Russian language in the form of uncommon words of the inshomonic approach and of the archaic elements of the words of the 'yanizovano' writing.

Vasil Kirilovich Trediakovsky (1703-1768) - the author of a great number of works in philology, literature, history. Vіn namagavsya virishiti cardinal problem of his hour: the standardization of literary mov (movie "About the purity of the Russian", spoken on 14 February 1735). Trediakovsky speaks of church and bookish language, and lays the foundations of a literary movie for the improvement of folk promotion.

In the 18th century, there is an update, enrichment of the Russian language for the rahunok of Western European language: Polish, French, Dutch, Italian, German. It was especially useful for the formation of literary mov, її terminology: philosophical, scientific and political, legal, technical. However, the transcendental suffocation of foreign words did not take on the clarity and accuracy of the expression of the thought.

M.V. Lomonosov played a significant role in the development of Russian terminology. How to create scientific and technical terminology There are words to lie, as they have lost their significance to others: atmosphere, fire, degree, matter, electricity, thermometer and others. with their numbers scientific practices vіn spryaє molding of scientific movie.

At the development of the literary movie of the XVII - the beginning of the XIX century. the primary role of individual-author's styles is growing. The greatest contribution to the development of the Russian literary period was made by the work of Gavril Romanovich Derzhavin, Oleksandr Mikolayovich Radishchev, Mikoli Ivanovich Novikov, Ivan Andriyovich Krylov, Mikoli Mikhailovich Karamzin.

Bagato for the ordering of the Russian zrobiv M.V. Lomonosiv. Vіn buv "the first founder of Russian poetry and the first poet of Russia ... Mova is pure and gentry, precise and strong warehouse, vіrsh vikonaniya bliska and shiryannya" (V.G. Bєlinskiy). The works of Lomonosov continue to have the archaic character of modern literary traditions, the foundations of a normalized literary movement are laid. Lomonosov developed the theory about three styles (high, middle and low), having surrounded the old-slovak idioms, which already at that time were unreasonable and made it easy, made language, especially the language of official and business literature.

The works of these writers are characterized by the orientation of living, moving, living. The introduction of folk-romantic elements was reduced by the stylistically purposeful straightening of the book-words of the syllables of those syllables. Improved the syntax of the literary movie. The great role of the normalization of the Russian literary movement of the XVIII century - the beginning of the XIX century. zigrav tlumachniy dictionary of Russian - "Glossary of the Russian Academy" (parts 1-6, 1789-1794).

On the cob of the 90s. XVIII Art. are published according to Karamzin and “Leaves of the Russian mandriving”. These creations created the whole era of history and the development of Russian literary language. The stink of cultivating the language of description, as if omitting the name of the “new style” in opposition to the “old style” of archaists. The “new warehouse” was based on the principle of bringing literary movement closer to rozmovnoy, vіdmov vіd abstract schematism of literature to classicism, interest to the inner world of people, її pochutіv. A new role of the author emerged, a new stylistic phenomenon was formed, as if the name of the individual author's style was taken away.

Follower of Karamzin, writer P.I. Makarov formulated the principle of rapprochement between literary and roman language in the following way: language can be one and the same “equally for books and for society, to write as you seem and speak as you write” (Moscow Mercury magazine, 1803 No. 12).

Ale Karamzin and the pribіchniks at that close one were oriented only from the “mova of the greater supremacy”, to the “dear ladies” salon, so the principle of rapprochement was realized.

And yet, there was a higher level of nutrition about those, as and on such foundations, literary language can come close to rosemary, there was nutrition about the norms of the new Russian literary language.

Letters of the XIX century. zrobili znachny krok ahead of the close literary movie with the rose, in lined with the norms of the new literary movie. The creative work of A.A. Bestuzheva, I.A. Krilova, A.S. Griboyedov. Qi writers have shown that the folklore can still be alive, the native language, the original, rich language of folklore.

The system of three modern literary styles in the last quarter of the 18th century. transformed into a system of functional and movement styles. The genre and style of literature did not signify the firm attachment of lexemes, modern turnover, grammatical norms and constructions, as a matter of fact, there were three styles. The role of the creative modern specialty, the viniclo understanding of the “true modern relish” in the individual author's style, grew.

A new approach to the structure of the text was formulated by A.S. Pushkinim: the right relish is manifested “not in an unfamiliar sight of such a word, such a turn, in a sense of proportion and proportionality” (Povn. zibr. soch., vol. 7, 1958). The creativity of Pushkin is completing the formation of the national Russian movie. In my yogo creations, in the past, they were equal to the main verses of Russian writing that movement. From Pushkin, the era of the new Russian literary movement begins. In his creativity, it was embodied that the single national national norms were fixed, they appeared in a single structural whole, like a book-letter, and a verbal-rozmovnu variety of Russian literary movies.

Pushkin developed the rest of the system of three styles, creating different styles, stylistic contexts, soldered together by the theme and zmist, showing the possibility of his unskinned, individual artistic variation.

In Pushkin's movie, there was a distant development of all the styles of the movie, which were molded far and wide with a splash in the movie by M.Yu. Lermontova, N.V. Gogol, N.A. Nekrasov, I.S. Turgenev, L.M. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, A.P. Chekhov, I.A. Bunina, A.A. Block, A.A. Akhmatova, and others. Since Pushkin, the Russian literary movement has had a residual balance, and the system of functional-momentary styles has been fully restored, but with small changes and ninth.

In the other half of the nineteenth century. there is a significant development of publicistic image. This process is considered to be the beginning of a huge ruckus. The growing role of the publicist as a social specialty, which adds to the molding of a suspіlnoї svіdomosti, and in some cases it is significant.

The journalistic style is beginning to be influenced by the development of artistic literature. A lot of writers work at once in the genres of artistic literature and in the genres of journalism (M.Y. Saltikov-Shchedrin, F.M. Dostoyevsky, G.I. Uspensky and others). Literary language adopts scientific-philosophical, suspense-political terminology. Order from the literary language of the other half of the 19th century. actively chooses different vocabulary and phraseology from territorial dialects, local space and social and professional jargons.

Drawstring with a lashing XIX cent. there is a process of interpreting the common folk language with the method of creating single grammatical, lexical, spelling, orthoepic norms. These norms are theoretically grounded at the practice of Vostokov, Buslaev, Potebny, Fortunatov, Shakhmatov.

The richness and diversity of the vocabulary of the Russian vocabulary to know their words in dictionaries. The philologists of that hour (I.I. Davidov, A.Kh. Vostokov, I.I. Sreznevsky, Ya.K. Grot and ing.) publish articles, in which they signify the principles of the lexicographic description of words, the principles of the selection of vocabulary with the improvement of goals vocabulary tasks. Henceforth, the foundations of the theory of lexicography are being developed.

The greatest success was seen in 1863-1866 pp. chotiritome "Tlumachny vocabulary of living language" V.I. Dahl. The dictionary was given a high rating by the students. Dal won the Lomonosiv Prize of the Russian Imperial Academy of Sciences in 1863. that title of honorary academician. (The dictionary needs over 200 thousand words).

Far not just describing, but pointing out, de those chi іnshe word іsnuє, how vomovlyaєєєєєєєєєєє, scho means, in some cases, orders zastrіchaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє єі pokhіdnі may. Professor P.P. Chervinsky wrote about this dictionary: “E books, which were judged not just for a long time, stinks are not just reminders of science, eternal books. Old books to the one who is changing the time of the day, they have no social, political, or historical change on any scale.

term literary language in Russia, becoming expanded from the other half of the nineteenth century. Pushkin is widely recognized as a clerk of "literary", but the movement is not stagnant in the sensi literary language, the word "written language" is used. About the "letter language" write and call Belinsky. Tsіkavo it means that if the writers and philologists of the first half and the middle of the XIX century. evaluating the language of Russian prose writers and poets, then spying on Russian language, not singling it out like a book, not like a letter, not like literature. “Letter language” speaks at tіl vipadkah, if it is necessary to support it with my rozmovnoy, for example: “What can a letter mova be absolutely similar to rozmovnoy? No, it’s just that, like a rozmovna mova, in no way can it be called similar to a letter one ”(A.S. Pushkin).

At Glossary of Church Slavonic and Russian language1847 r. the phrase “literary language” is not assigned, but in philological works of the middle of the 19th century. it traplyatsya, for example, at the statue I.I. Davidov "About the new vision of the Russian vocabulary". name at home robots Ya.K. Grotto "Karamzin іstorіya rosіyskoї literaturnoї ї mov" (1867) to note that at that time the word "literary mov" began to be forgiven. Spochatku literary language rozumili importantly like the language of artistic literature. Step-by-step statements about the literary language have expanded, but have not gained stamina, significance. Unfortunately, such a camp is saving up.

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. there are a number of works, in which the problems of literary movement are considered, for example, “Drawing of the literary history of the Little Russian clergyman of the XVII century” by P. Zhytetsky (1889), “Naigolonic flows in the Russian literary movement” E. Karsky (1893), "Church-Slovakian Elements in Contemporary Literary and Folk Russian Language" by S.K. Bulich (1893), “From the history of the Russian literary movement of the XVIII century and the beginning of the XIX century E.F. Buddha (1901), yoga “Drawing the history of contemporary Russian language” (1908).

In 1889 p. L. I. Sobolevsky, having created his "History of Russian Literary Movi", in a way stating that "it is impossible for us to understand what our literary language is like." Sobolevsky, without uttering his intended literary motive, but pointing out the number of monuments,

the language of some of them is understood as literary: “Under the literary language of our world, we understand not only that language, which was written and written, the creation of literature in the most prominent way of living the word, but also the language of writing. In this rank, we are talking not only about the language of povchan, litopisiv, novels, but also about the language of various documents for the kshtalt of merchants, outposts toshcho.

Understanding the meaning of the term literary language through the introduction of yoga with a stake of texts, known as literary ones, in Russian philology they are respected by the traditional ones. Vono is represented on the robots of D.N. Ushakova, L.P. Yakubinsky, L.V. Shcherbi, V.V. Vinogradova, F.P. Filina, A.I. Efimov. Rozuminnya literary movie as a language of literature (in a broad sense) mіtsno pov'yazuє yogo with a specific "moving material", the material of literature and zumovlyuє yogo deep knowledge of mine, that does not succumb to any doubt.

As it was already planned, some of our writers and philologists about the literary language artistic creations. Pіznіshe, if mоvоznavstvo “greatly put its respect in the middle of speeches, and itself, the main rank, on the phonetic їх vyvchenni”, literary language having become apprehended before we think about how to speak with words and oppose them. The controversy at the piece has expanded literary movie. One of the philologists of the XX century. writing: “Literary language, legitimizing academic grammar is a piece language, which will have a lot of followers and under the influence of writing, school, foreign literary language” . The language of that hour was overwhelmed by the number of linguistic facts, phenomena, the main rank of phonetic ones. It led to the fact that, being lost in the darkness of the language, like a system that functions, like a real profit of human intelligence. It’s obvious that literary language from the functional side, twisted a little, did not show sufficient respect for quiet powers, the semblances of literary movement, as if blamed as the result of the peculiarities of his living in the household.

Ale step by step tsі aspects call out the daedals the greater interest of the doslidniks. As you can see, the nutritional theory of the literary movement gave a significant place to the activity of the Prazky linguistic group, animalistic, savagely, forward "to the nature of that great language practice."

Ale zagalnennya prazkoi school were zastosovani and to other literary mov, zokrem to rosiyskoy. At the forefront was the sign of the normality of the movement and the codification of the norm. As important signs of a literary movement, it was also called stylistic differentiation and polyfunctionality.

The most important for the old school, the sign of normativity of literary language, the Radyanskian clergy added the sign of obsoleteness - apparently to the famous language of M. Gorky: Our modern dictionaries and primary help literary language it sounds like the form of a traditional folk mov has been completed, which can be written in a written norm. The science literature has a trend to the establishment of the yakomog greater number mark literary movie. For example, F.P. Pugach zchituє їх sim:

■ refining;

■ normativity;

■ stability;

■ obov'yazkov_st all members of the team;

■ stylistic differentiation;

■ universality; i

■ presence of verbal and written diversity.

Obviously, the chinese literary language, zokrema, current Russian literary language can be assigned as such, that there can be transferred signs. Ale, when you blame it, take two food:

1) why the sukupnіst tsikh is a sign of zagalnyuєєєєє in the understanding of “literary” — even if it’s good not to avenge direct remarks on literature from them,

2) chi vіdpovіdaє nabrіr tsikh sign zmіstu understand "literary language" stretching the yogic yogo historical development.

For all the importance of explaining the change of the term literary language through a set of specific signs, it’s even more necessary to introduce it into the understanding of “literature”. Such a wind gives a reason for trying to replace a philological term. literary term standard. Critical respect for any term standard language the author of these rows, F.P. Filimin, R.A. Budagovim. Can you say that try to replace the term literary language term standard language our philological science has recognized failures. Ale vona showed a tendency to dehumanize mentality, to replace the scientific categories with formal categories.

Order of terms literary language and the replacement of a new one in the rest of the hour, terms are getting used more and more often language is normalizedі Language is codified. term language is normalized I'm familiar with literary movie fills and absolutizes only one, although it is important, but in isolation from other signs that do not reveal the essence of the being that is signified. What is the meaning of the term Language is codified, then it’s unlikely that it’s possible to recognize the correct ones. Codified can be buti movna norm, ale z mov. The explanation of the named term as elіpsis (codified language - language, which can be codified norms) does not change. In familiar terms Language is codified there is a tendency to abstractionism and sub'activism in the interpretation of such

the most important suspіlnogo yavka, yak literary language. Neither the norm, nor more than її codification cannot and is not guilty to be looked at in the eyes of all the totality of real authorities, which is effectively real (to be implanted in the suspіlstvі) literary movie.

Functionality and development literary movie depends on the needs of the society, the succession of a wealth of social factors that are superimposed on the “internal laws” of the development of skin specific movement. The codification of norms (don't move!) is, to inspire you to be created not by one person, but by a scientific team, essentially a subjective act. As a codification for the subsistence needs - it won't "practice", bring melancholy. But all the same, the codification of the norm is secondary in terms of its appearance to the modern development, the stench can accept the shortest functioning of the literary movie, it can fit into the її development, but it can not be a virish factor in the historical transformations of the literary movie.

Reformer Russian literary movie, which has hardened yogo normi, buv, don’t be a kind of “codifier” (abo “codifier”), but Oleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin, like, like, apparently, without having created scientific descriptions of the norms of Russian literary language, without writing a register of rules, but rather creating vivid literary texts of various types. The normative aspect of Pushkin's literary and literary practice is linguistically undoing in B.M. Golovinim: “Having understood and considered the new ways of supplication to the language, rushing to the people’s language and language of the writers — their successors and fellows, the great one sings, having glanced over the acceptance of that way of the greatness of the language in literary creations, and the language has shone with new mifars, unbeamifars. Mova Pushkina became an iconic language, a hitch to the literary and public authority of the poet, was recognized as a norm, an example for succession. This furnishing was seriously designated for the development of our literary movie in the 19th-20th centuries.” .

In this manner, a sign that one should not avenge one's direct comments on literature, as a sign of a literary movie, appears to be hitky. Ale, from the other side, try to change the term literary language terms standard language, language is normalized, coded language lead to a clear death and creation of the reality of the appearance that is signified. It is no better than to the right to signify through the dialing of a sign when looking at a literary movie in a historical perspective. Oskіlki zaznachenі more signs in all its sukupnosti pritamannі modern Russian literary language, deyakі philologists “respect for the impossibility of zastosuvannya term literary stosovno rosіyskoї until the XVIII century. With whom, do not benevolent those who are based on Russian literature from the 11th century, in no way shouted doubts. «Історичні протиріччя у такому обмежувальному вживанні терміна «літературна мова», — писав Виноградов, — очевидні, оскільки виходить, що донаціональна література (наприклад, російська література XI-XVII століть, англійська література дошекспірівського періоду тощо) не користувалася літературною мовою або — вірніше — written in non-literary mine.

Vcheni, yakі vіdmovlyayutsya vіd terminu literary language a hundred years of the pre-national era to go along the path, which can hardly be called logical: a substitute for protecting the historical exchange of knowledge literary movie like a phenomenon that a complex of names is a sign of, the stench is between the era of national development itself understandable literary movie. Although the super-explicitness of such a position is obvious, in the specialized literature we constantly use the terms letter language, book language, knizhkovoletter language etc., if you talk about the Russian language of the XI - XVII centuries, And sometimes the XVIII Art.

It turns out that this terminological discord is not true. Pro literary mine you can boldly speak a hundred times, if there is any literature. Mustache signs literary movie viroblyayutsya in literature. Viroblyayutsya not at once, to that shukat їх mustache at any time it is marno and anti-historical. Required, zvichayno, to protect those who are historically changing zmist that obsyag of the very understanding of "literature". However, the link to understand "literary language" and "literature" is inevitable.

Vzhivannya zamіst termіnu literary language be-anything else - s standard language, language is normalized, Language is codified- means the support of one understanding to other understanders. Significantly, peacefully abstractly, one can induce "constructs" that correspond to the terms standard language, language is normalized, Language is codified, ale qi "constructs" can not be distinguished from literary mine like my own reality.

Vyhodyachy from the listing above, the signs of literary movement can be evoked by a lot of oppositions that characterize the characteristics of literary and non-literary movement: roughened - unshaped, standardized - unstandardized, stable - unstable just. But this kind of opposition signifies only the okre sides of the sighted phenomena. What is the most important opposition? What does it mean to be a non-literary language?

“If you understand, it’s best to speak of the opposite, but it’s obvious to everyone that the literary language is directly opposite to the dialects. І zahalom tse correctly; however, I think that the prosthesis is more profound, as, in fact, it makes sense, as it is obvious. The integrity of literary and roman language. Obviously, Shcherba maє ratsіyu in the fact that the protilezhnіst of literary and rozmovnoї mov glibsha (i shirsha), lower variance of literary mov and dialects. Rest, as a rule, in rozmovnomu vzhivannі and such a rank included to the sphere of rozmovnoї mov. Spivvіdnesіnost literary movi itself with rozmovnoy movi (including dialects) in the historical plan, B.A. Larin.

About the spivvіdnesіst of literary and rozmovnі mov. Shcherba, pointing out the basis of structural authorities between and various types of speech living: “If we think more deeply into the essence of speeches, then we will come to the visnovka, that the monologue, rhetoric, which is parallel to the dialogue, is a roman movement. The remainder is formed by the mutual reactions of two individuals who collide with each other, normally spontaneous reactions, which are determined by the situation or by the speech of the speaker. Dialogue- Essentially a lansyg replica. Monologue- the system of imbuing the verbal form of thoughts has already been organized, which is not even a replica, but a direct infusion on the otochyuchih. Whether a monologue is a literary tvir at the rudiment.

Evidently, it is necessary to clearly show that, by hanging the concept of a dialogue and a monologue, Shcherba maw on the vase two main different ways of living a movie, and not a particular form of this kind in artistic literature. “It’s better to think more deeply into the essence of speeches,” as if Shcherba thought, it’s impossible to overthink what is more a sign of a literary movie, about which it was said more, blamed as a result of a monologue (prepared, organized) living of a movie. Obrobka and then the normalization of the movie will continue, without any doubt, at the process of inducing a monologue. And on the basis of generality and normalization, universality and generality are vibrated. As if “an organized system of giving to the verbal form of thoughts” is bound up with the singing sphere of aggregation and introspection of special features, changes of mind and functional and stylistic differentiation are being created literary movie. To the monologue experiences, the stability, the traditional character of the literary mov, the monologue “flows more at the borders of traditional forms, about the yaks for the whole, the control of information is the main organizing cob of our monologue promotion” .

The concept of spіvvіdnennostі dialogue - monologue as the basis literary movie kindly explain the very process of origin, vinification of a literary movie. The basis of this process is the transformation of the unprepared dialogical living of the language in the preparation of the monological living.

Shards are recognized differently literary language- rozmovna mova, then є illegal term literary rozmovna mova. Rozmovna mova is overwhelmed with roman language and in quiet moods, if one speaks of a literary language (as it is about reference to rozmov, that is about unpreparations, spontaneous exchange of replicas), and does not become a “literary” only because the speakers do not influence the language. The second one on the right is a common form of a literary movie. Vaughn, obviously, imposes a singing vibe on the literary language, leading to the appearance of some specific features induce a monologue, but the monological nature is obvious.

All the above said, the component was loosing literary at the term literary language. Now you need to say about the component language. Zvichayno, if it seems that they write literary language, rozmovna mova, then hang on uvazі not different movies, and two smuts of the savage folk mov (and now ethnic mov chi etnomov). And to be more precise - they are toiling on the uvazі raznovidi vzhivannya movi: literary and rozmovna. So, in the interests of accuracy, the following terms should be used to live the terms of the literary variety of the living of the movie, the different version of the living of the movie. Але в силу широкого поширення та загального визнання, а також більшої стислості термінів літературна мова та розмовна мова доводиться миритися з їхньою неповнотою та деякою двозначністю (з'являється в нашій спеціальній літературі розуміння протилежності російської літературної мови та російської діалектної мови, російської літературної мови та російської rozmovnoї mov same as protilezhnіst raznyh rosіyskih mov).

Term definition literary language modern Russian studies do not resonate with unity. The best manifestation of such a situation is to try to replace the term literary language with other terms or “add” to the term literary language those more clarified (codified literary language). The way to the stabilization of the meaning of the term literary language may be more than one - the direction of specific universal achievements of that phenomenon, which is called literary language and which stands like “moving reality, which does not take into account any sum” in our literary texts until the present day.

The more we get into history, the less we have in front of us non-transparent facts and reliable reports, especially as we can slander non-material problems, for example: modern knowledge, mentality, setting up the current phenomena and the status of our loneliness. You can ask eyewitnesses about the recent past, know the letters of evidence, you can swipe photos and video materials. And why work, as if there was nothing of the kind: carrying the movie has long been silent in the living, the material evidence of their movie is fragmentary, or in the wake of the day, richly ruined, or recognized the new redaguvannya?

It’s impossible to feel, as the old Vyatichi said, and later, to understand, the letter language of words was strongly inspired by the customary tradition. There is no evidence that the people of Novgorod accepted the mov Kiyan and the mov of the sermons of Metropolitan Hilarion, and also, there is no clear evidence about the dialectic articulation of the old Russian language. It is impossible to determine the actual degree of proximity of the words of the end of the 1st millennium AD, but it means that exactly the answers to the food, which were accepted by the Bulgarians and the Russians, were the old-Slovak language, created on the Pivdenno-Slovakian soil.

Obviously, a copy of the robot of historians mov to bear its fruit: dosledzhennya that zistavlennya texts in different genres, styles, eras and territories; The data of relative mentality and dialectology, indirect evidence of archeology, history, ethnography allow us to create a picture of the distant past. However, it is necessary to understand that the analogy with the picture here is richly glibsha, lower it is given at first glance: reliable data, obtained in the process of continuing the long standings of the movie, - only fragments of a single canvas, ) daily data. In such a manner, a whole picture is created by itself, it becomes a successor for indirect tributes, so that the white flame can be distilled in fragments, guided by principles and the most powerful possibilities. Otzhe, mozhlivo pardons, different interpretations of the facts themselves and subdivisions.

Vodnochas navіt vіddalenіy іstorії є neperechnі facts, one of those є Khreshchennya Rusі. The nature of the course of this process, the role of quiet chi іnshih dіyovih osіb, the date of specific podіy are covered by the subjects of scientific and scientific discussions, prote without any sumnіvіv vіdomo, scho for example of the 1st millennium AD. the power of similar words, which is recognized in contemporary historiography as Kievan Rus, accepts Byzantine Christianity as a sovereign religion and officially switch to Cyrillic writing. Having looked at some of them without looking at the doslidnik, even if you didn’t greet with some kind of tribute, it’s impossible to get around these two facts. Reshta within a given period, to instill a sequence of these subdivisions and causal-and-inheritance links between them, is constantly becoming a subject of controversy. Litopisnі sklepinnya dotrimuyutsya versions: Christianity brought culture to Russia and gave letters, at the same time taking riddles about the treaty, laying down and signing two movs, between Byzantium and pagan-Russians. Іsnuyut and riddles about the presence in Russia of pre-Christian writing, for example, in Arabic mandrivniki.

But at the same time, it is more important for us otherwise: for example, the 1st thousand years A.D. the current situation of Old Russia knows the essence of changes, calling for a change of state religion. Whatever the situation had not been before, the new religion brought with it a special layer, canonically fixed in the written form, - the Old Slavic mova, yak (in the form of the Russian national version - the translation - the Church Slavonic language language) has suddenly become imaginary element of Russian culture and Russian mentality. In the history of the Russian language, the appearance took away the name "before Pivdenno-Slovakian vpliv".

Scheme of molding Russian movie

Let's turn to the end of the scheme. As long as we need to understand, from some elements a new modern situation began to develop in Old Russia after the adoption of Christianity and what in this new situation can be identified with the understanding of “literary language”.

Perche, having begun the old Russian language, ideas are strongly differentiated, the rіveny of the closely disputed language appears in the old years, and dialects, which may not be distinguished (the words of the Janskian language have not yet reached the stage of the dialectic of the Proslovian language until the end). At the skin time, vіn mav nevnu іstorіyu i buv dosit povinenim, sob to serve all spheres of life of the old Russian state, tobto. suffice it to do enough modern things, so that you don’t have to win over at the butt splurge, and serve the diplomatic, legal, trade, cult and cultural (folk creativity) spheres.

In a different way, an old-Slovakian letter language appeared, introduced by Christianity to serve religious needs and progressively expanded into the sphere of culture and literature.

third, Mav іsnuvati sovereign-business letter mov for conducting diplomatic, legal and trade listings and documentation, as well as serving the needs of the butt.

The axis here is super-relevant and there is evidence about the closeness of the words of the Jansk language, one to one that adopts the Church Slavonic language of the old Russian language. Even though the words of the Janskian language were even closer one to the same, then as a whole it was imovirno, that, having learned the letters for the Church Slavonic signs, the Russians took the difference between the language and the difference between the written language (we say "cow" - we write "cow") . Later, at the beginning of the stage, the whole sphere of written language was introduced into Church Slavonic language, and less than an hour later, in the minds of a greater diversity in it, first for everything in the text of a non-spiritual change, old Russian elements began to penetrate, moreover, in the status of roses. As a result, it brought the old Russian elements as simple, “low”, and the Old Slavonic ones as “high” (for example, turn around - turn around, milk - Chumatsky Shlyakh, virodok - holy fool).

Even though the vіdmіnnostі were already suttєvimi, commemorative for the wearer, then the language that came with Christianity became associated with religion, philosophy, and enlightenment (the oscillaries were taught by the way of copying the texts of the Holy Scriptures). Virishennya well pobutovyh, juridical, and other material nutrition, like the pre-Christian period, continued to be carried out with the help of the old Russian language, like the Russian language, and the writing sphere. What would have called for the quiet of the inheritance itself, but for other holidays.

It is unequivocal that it is practically impossible here, for those who at the moment simply don’t get holidays: in the early period of Kievan Rus, there were very few texts before us, most of them are religious mementos. Reshta was saved from the lists of other countries, where the difference between the Church Slavonic and the old Russian ones could be like the old ones, and they appeared later. And now let's turn the axis to the food about literary language. It became clear that in order to use this term in the minds of the ancient Russian language, it is necessary to assess the meaning of the term as a matter of situation as the very statement about the language of the norm, as well as the means of state and public control over the camp of language (slovnikov, dovіdnikіv, zakon, grammar).

Otzhe, what is the literary language in to the current world? The purpose of this term is impersonal, but actually a stable version of the movie, which supports the needs of the state and support and ensures the onset of the transfer of information and the preservation of the national svetoglyad. Vіn vіdsіkaє all those that are actually chi declaratively unacceptable for the suspіlstva of that power at any stage: pіdtrimuє movnu censorship, stylistic differentiation; ensuring the preservation of the riches of the mov (to bring up the undemanded current situation of the era, for example: charivna, pannochka, bagatolika) and not admitting to the mov not overturned by the hour (new creation, postposition, etc.).

For what account is the stability of the current version ensured? For the reason of fixing the current norms, they are marked as an ideal variant of the movement and are passed on to the coming generations, which secure the onset of the movement's svіdomosti, passing the change to the new ones.

It is obvious that, given the choice of one and the same term, to this particular type tse "literary language", the essence and main functions of the phenomenon, which is described by the term, are liable to become irreplaceable, otherwise the principle of unambiguity of terminological unity is violated. What is changing? Adzhe is not less obvious that the literary language of the XXI century. that literary language of Kievan Rus is essentially one in the same.

The main changes are in the ways of improving the stability of the language variant and the principles of intersubjective interaction in the linguistic process. In modern Russian language, with the help of stability improvement:

  • language vocabularies (tlumachni, spelling, pronunciation, phraseological, grammatical toshcho), grammars and grammatical dovidniki, tutors of Russian language for schools and universities, programs for teaching Russian language at school, Russian language law in laws of language and culture my sovereign- make sure to fix the norm and inform about the norm of the suspension;
  • presentation in the middle school of Russian movies and Russian literature, presentation of works of Russian classics and classical folklore for children, proofreading and editorial work in visual arts; обов'язкові іспити з російської мови для випускників шкіл, емігрантів та мігрантів, обов'язковий курс російської мови та культури мови у вузі, державні програми підтримки російської мови: наприклад, «Рік російської мови», програми підтримки статусу російської мови у світі, цільові svyatkovі come in (їх finance and wide visvitlennya): the Day of the words'yanskoї writing and culture, the Day of the Russian language - make sure the formation of the norm and the status of the norm in the society.

The system of communication between subjects of the literary process

Let's turn around. Zrozumilo, as of the folding of the bagotor -seniva systems of the piditrims of the stimulating movi in ​​the Kyivskiy Russian did not bounce, the very dignified “norm” in the minds of the science of the science of the movie, and the systems of the permissive censorship, and the viopolism of the clock is not possible. . Vlasne, there was no understanding of the "pardon" of Yogo to the modern mind.

Prote vzhe was already (and there were enough indirect witnesses) the rulers of Russia acknowledging the possibilities of a single literary movement in the sizable state and forming a nation. It is not marvelous to sound, Christianity, as it is described in the "Post of Time Lit", more for everything, effectively, it was taken from a number of options. Chosen as a national idea. Obviously, the development of the skhіdnoslov'yanskoi state in a certain moment zіtknuvsya z nebhіdnіstyu zmіtsnennya sverhnostі and united tribes among the united people. Tse I explain why the process of conversion to a foreign religion, which sounds either from deep special motives, or from political reasons, in the literature of representations as a free, vidomy choice from the options that were possible at that time. A strong uniting idea is needed, so as not to superimpose the key, important for the sight of the tribes, from which the nation was formed. In addition, as a choice of letters of destruction, as a way to beat the current terminology, a wide campaign was launched for the implementation of the national idea, which included:

  • yaskravі mass actions (for example, the well-known christening of the kyan near the Dnipro);
  • istorichesne obґruntuvannya (litopisi);
  • Publicistic Suprovid (Lack, “Word about the Law of Grace” by Metropolitan of Ilarion, de does not anal to analize, the principles of the Christian svitorozuminnya, and the parallel to the correct ladies of the people, the thorough to ensure peace-loving Christian svіdomіstyu and united rulers, that protect from internal wars and allow the state to become strong and stable);
  • keep a wide range of ideas of the national idea: translating activity (actively promoted already for Yaroslav the Wise), creation of the vlasnoi book tradition, high school education3;
  • The formavnya of the izonteligenzi - the evoked social priches - the nose of the ib, the relay, the retranstlator of the National Idai (Volodymyr Tsizelimovanno, the form of the priesthood; Yaroslav Znizhika Tu Tu, the house of the permissiveness of the permissive of the compulsion for the formerness of the former

For the successful implementation of the “state program”, the bula is necessary socially significant, the only language for the whole people (the current version), which can have a high status and the tradition of letters is blamed. In today's understanding of the main linguistic terms, there are signs of literary language, and in the modern situation of Old Russia XI Art. - Church Slavonic language

Functions and signs of literary and Church Slavonic mov

In such a rank, it appears that the literary my Old Russia after the Baptismal staє national version of the Old Slavonic - Church Slavonic mova. However, the development of the old Russian language does not stand on the spot, and, regardless of the adaptation of the Church Slavonic language to the needs of the similar Slavonic tradition in the process of shaping the national production, having explored the old Russian and Church Slavonic age. The situation has deteriorated once more due to factors.

1. In the same Zgagadana Evolutsia, there are alive movie movia at the stubborn church of the Church of the City City, the yak is weakly naughty for all the words of the reducers: XII, i XIII.)).

2. Vikoristannya zrazka as the norm, which promotes stability (so that the sheet was created with a bagatorase copy of the srazkovo form, it acts as the only standard for the correctness of the text: I don’t know how to write, I’m guilty of guessing). Let's take a look at this factor report.

We have already talked about those that for a normal basis of literary movement you need special services that protect you from the infusion of national movement. The stench will ensure the preservation of a stable and immutable become a literary movie for the most possible period of an hour. Such rules are called the norms of literary language and are fixed in dictionaries, grammars, collections of rules, handbooks. Tse allow the literary language to ignore living processes until quiet feasts, until you start superficialism of the national language of speech. In the pre-scientific period, if there are no descriptions of modern ones, there is a tradition, a tradition, a tradition: to replace the principle “I write like this, for that it’s right” 'yatayu), how to write. It is entirely reasonable and convenient, if the main activity of carrying the book tradition is the rewriting of books (so that the texts are printed in a way of manual copying). main task the scribe at times i kraz i at that, so that exactly dotrimatisya ideas srazok. Similar pidkhіd umovlyuє even rich features of the old Russian cultural tradition:

  1. the number of texts in culture is small;
  2. anonymity;
  3. canonicity;
  4. small number of genres;
  5. stability of turnovers and verbal constructions;
  6. tradition of image-creating and different features.

As modern literature does not accept erased metaphors, non-original idioms, beaten phrases and the maximum uniqueness of the text, then the old Russian literature and, to the point of speech, folk art, navpak, were smeared with distorted, recognized by modern methods; for the expression of the singing type of thoughts, traditional victories were used, adopting a sophisticated way of designing. Zvіdsi y absolutely avіdomlenа аnonymity: “I, by God's command, put information into tradition” - the axis of the canon of life, the axis of the saint's life - “I don't put clothes, like boules, in the traditional form, I can save myself in such a stink”. And as a modern author, I write in order to get yogo kicked or smelled, then a long-time Russian writer wrote to someone who would remind you of the information of the wines of the Mav. Therefore, the number of original books was small.

However, with the passing of time, the situation began to change, and at the sight, as a keeper of the stability of the literary movement, istotny nedolіk: vіn not bv n_ universal, n_ mobile What was the originality of the text, it was more important than scribes to rely on memory, but also, it was possible to write not “so, as it is written in the eye”, but “so, as I think, tse to write." Zastosuvannya this principle led to the text of the elements of the living language, like a super-calculation of tradition and provoked the accusation of summation at the rewriter: “I bachu (I remember) the different spellings of one and the same word, oh, here is a pardon, ale de”? Either statistics helped me (“I often have such an option”), or I live the language (“do I say yak”?). Sometimes, it’s true, the hypercorrection worked: “I say this, but if I write, I sound wrong, as I say, I’ll write to him like I don’t seem to.” Otzhe, as an example, as a support for stability, under the influence of a number of officials, becoming step by step, spend their effectiveness.

3. The basis of writing is not only Church Slavonic, but old Russian (legal, business, diplomatic writing).

4. The exchange of the sphere of the Church-Slovak language movement (it was accepted as a language of faith, religion, the Holy Letter, later, at the wearer of the language it was blamed that it was wrong to victorious for something less high, more mundane - wrong).

All qi factors under the influx of catastrophic weakening of the centralized state power, the weakening of enlightenment activity was brought to the point that the literary language entered the phase of a protracted crisis, which ended with the formation of Muscovite Russia.

Russian language dialects of Russian language Portal: Russian language

History of Russian Literary Movies- Formation of that transformation of the Russian language, which is celebrated in literary works. The oldest literary memos that have been preserved are dated to the XI centuries. In the 18th-19th centuries, this process was seen on aphids as the Russian language, as the people said, the French - the movement of the nobles. The classics of Russian literature actively continued the possibilities of Russian literature and were innovators of rich modern forms. The stench underlined the richness of the Russian language and often pointed to її advances in tandem with foreign language. Disputes were blamed more than once on the grounds of such divisions, for example, superchicks between zahіdniks and words of yanophiles. At the Radian hour, it was said that the Russian language is the language of budding communism, and in the era of Stalin's rule, a campaign was carried out to fight cosmopolitanism among literature. The transformation of the Russian literary movie is three times a day.

Usna folk art

Usna folk art (folklore) in the form of fairy tales, bilin, syllables and orders to the roots of a distant history. The stench was passed from mouth to mouth, their zmіst was cut in such a manner that the most of the days were left behind, and the most modern forms were changed to the development of the language in the world. Usna creativity continued after the advent of writing. At the New Hour, the rural folklore reached the worker and mіsk, as well as the army and thieves (prison-tabrniy). Ninі usna folk creativity is most expressed in anecdotes. Usna folk creativity is pouring into the letter literary language.

Development of the literary movie in Old Russia

The introduction of that expansion of writing in Russia, which led to the creation of Russian literary language, sings to sing Cyril and Methodius.

So, in ancient Novgorod and other places in the XI-XV centuries. were in the course of birch bark letters. Most of the savings of birch bark letters are private sheets that have a business character, as well as business documents: orders, rosettes, bills of sale, ship protocols. Church texts and literary and folklore creations are also written down (moves, school fires, riddles, establish a home state), records of a primary character (alphabets, warehouses, shkilni right, little children and scribbles).

Tserkovnoslov'yansk writing, introduced by Cyril and Methodius in 862 roci, was rooted in old Slavonic language, as if it were similar to pivdennoslov'yansk dialects in one's hand. The literary activity of Cyril and Methodius was used at the translation of the books of the Holy Letter of the New and Old Testament. The teachings of Cyril and Methodius were translated into the Church Slavonic language and the great number of religious books. The deyakі doslidniki respect that Cyril and Methodius introduced not the Cyrillic alphabet, but the Glagolitic one; and the Cyrillic alphabet was broken up by their teachings.

Tserkovnoslov'yansk mova was my bookish, and not my rosemary church culture, as it expanded among the rich slov'yansk peoples. Church-slovak literature expanded in the western words (Moravia), in the old words (Bulgaria), in Wallachia, parts of Croatia and the Czech Republic, with the adoption of Christianity, in Russia. So, as the Church-Slovakian language was reborn in the Russian language, the church texts, at the hour of the leafing, recognized the change, Russified. The copyists corrected the Church Slavonic words, bringing them closer to the Russians. With this, the stench brought in the peculiarities of the missives.

For the systematization of Church Slavonic texts and the introduction of the same modern norms in the Commonwealth, the first grammars were written - the grammar of Lavrenty Zizaniya (1596) and the grammar of Melety Smotrytsky (1619). The process of forming the Church-Slovakian language mov was basically completed in the 17th century, when Patriarch Nikon corrected that systematization of liturgical books. Liturgical books of Ukrainian Orthodoxy have become the norm for all Orthodox nations .

In the world, the expansion of Church Slavonic religious texts in Russia gradually began to appear and literary works, as if they were victorious writings of Cyril and Methodius. First things like that are hanging around the end of the 11th century. Tse "A Tale of Time Lit" (1068), "The Tale of Boris and Gliba", "The Life of Theodosius of Pechorsky", "A Word about Law and Grace" (1051), "The Order of Volodymyr Monomakh" (1096) and "A Word about the Death of Igor" (1185-1188). Tsі create written by my own, like a zmіshannya tserkovnoslov'yanskoy ї movi from old Russian.


Reforms of the Russian Literary Movie of the XVIII Art.

“The beauty, the writing, the strength and the richness of the Russian language to finish from books, a century of writings have passed, since our ancestors didn’t know any rules for creativity, but they hardly thought about them that they stink or they can be,” - stverzhuvav Mikhailo Vasilovich Lomonosov

The most important reforms of the Russian literary system of the XVIII century were completed by Mikhail Vasilovich Lomonosov. Having written a “Leaf about the rules of the Ukrainian verse” at m. vin, in a way formulating the principles of a new Russian verse. At the polemics of Trediakovsky wines, having stverdzhuvav, that instead of cultivating the verses, written behind the reverse of the mov schemes, it is necessary to win over the possibility of the Russian language. Lomonosov, having taken into account that it is possible to write verses with types of feet - two-storey (iambus and trochee) and three-syllable (dactyl, anapaest and amphibrachs), but having wrongly replaced the feet with pirrich and sponde. Thus Lomonosov's innovation called for discussion, and Trediakovsky and Sumarokov took an active part in it. At the m., three permutations of the 143rd psalm were seen, chanted by the authors, and it was instructed for the readers to speak out, that the best of the texts should be taken into account.

Apparently, prote, Pushkin's speech, for whom the literary activity of Lomonosov does not boast: “One yogo ... exhausted and inflated. Yogo, having poured into the literature, buv shkіdlivy i dosі at nymu vіdgukuєtsya. High parity, vyshukanіst, vіdraza vіd simplicity and accuracy, vіdsutnіst nakoї narodnosti i originality - the axis of follow, zalishenі Lomonosov". Belinsky, calling his look "quite right, but one-sided." Zgidno with Belinsky, “For Lomonosov’s hours, we didn’t need folk poetry; some great nourishment - buti chi not buti - it seemed to us among the nationality, but Europeanism ... Lomonosov was Peter the Great of our literature.

Let's add to the poetic language, Lomonosov is also the author of the scientific Russian grammar. In this book of wines, having described the richness and ability of the Russian language. The grammar of Lomonosov was seen 14 times and formed the basis for the course of Russian grammar of Barsov (1771), which we will learn from Lomonosov. In this book, Lomonosov, zokrema, wrote: “Charles p'yaty, Roman emperor, having shown that Spanish with God, French - with friends, German - with enemies, Italian - with a woman, speak decently. Ale Yakby Vin Rosiyskiy Movi Buv, then, Zvikhi, before that, having rejoiced Bi, the ї ї ї ї qiya tsimi is decent, Belnishov Bi in the nomo pisiso izhpansko, the chewing of the French, the porters nimei. Greek and Latin language.” Cicavo, that Derzhavin spoke in a similar way: “The words of the Russian-Russian language, according to the knowledge of the foreign aesthetics themselves, do not compromise either in Latin masculinity, or in smoothness of Greek, overturning all European: Italian, Japanese, French.”

Contemporary Russian literary language

Oleksandr Pushkin is respected as the creator of contemporary literary movement, the creators of whom are respected by the pinnacle of Russian literature. This thesis is taken as a dominating one, regardless of the origin of change, which was written in the language for May two hundred years, which took place in an hour of creation of the greatest creations, that obvious stylistic considerations in my writings Pushkin and sov.

Tim himself sings for an hour, showing the leading role of N. M. Karamzin in the formation of Russian literary mov, after the words of A. S. Pushkin, his famous historian and writer “swept the language out of someone else’s yoke and turned his freedom, turning it to the living neck of the people the words".

"Great, mighty..."

Turgenev to lie down, perhaps, one of the most important names of the Russian language, as great and powerful.

In the day of sumniviv, in the day of heavy thoughts about the share of my fatherland, - you alone are the support and support, oh great, powerful, true and free Russian mova! If it were not for you, how can you not fall at the vіdchay, after drinking everything that comes home? But you can’t believe it, so that such a language would not be given to a great people!(I. S. Turgenev)

Charles V, Roman Emperor, having shown that my Spanish with God, French - with friends, German - with enemies, Italian - with a woman's status, speak decently. Ale yakbi vin Russian mov buv is right, then having added bi before that, what should I say decently. For I know bi in a new way: great ... ..., the greatness of the German, the lowness of the Italian, the richness and strength in the depiction of the Greek and Latin language.

Div. also


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    - "Glossary of modern Russian literary language" (SRRLA; Great Academic Glossary, BAS) academic normative tlumach-historical dictionary of Russian literary language in 17 volumes, published from 1948 to 1965. Vidobrazhaє ... ... Wikipedia

    The history of the Russian literary movement is the molding and transformation of the Russian movement, which is celebrated in literary works. The oldest literary memos that have been preserved are dated to the XI centuries. At *** st in Russia has expanded ... ... Wikipedia

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