For what they gave patrimony. Formation of the patrimony - History of the economy and economic thought Library of Russian teachers. At the grand princedom of Moscow

An patrimony, a term that gets used in Russian historical literature for the recognition of the complex of feudal land power (land, spores, living and dead inventory) and the resulting rights to fallow villagers. Synonyms of the patrimony are seignioria, manor, grundershaft (Grundherrschaft), and to bring maёtok to the sense term.

The patrimony was the basis for the panuvannya of the feudal lords in the middle class. As a rule, there was a statehood (domain) that was distributed in the panska and rural matrons. At the borders of the patrimony її vlasnik (who had the right to immunity) lay administrative and judicial power, the right to collect taxes. For the realization of their rights, the vlasnik of the patrimony relied on the vlasny apparatus to primus and the central government. The patrimony of the state was characterized by tim chi and other spіvvіdshennyam domain and utrimani and different forms of exploitation of the peasants (panshchina, natural dues, penny dues). In different periods, fallow in the deepest social and economic minds, patrimonies with different economic structures prevailed.

In Western Europe, 8-10 centuries for a significant part of the estates, the main rank of the great ones, was typically a wide panshchina for refining the domain for saving a large part of the land (at least two thirds) in the hands of fallow villagers-vlasniks, goiter for food (often a penny) dues. Starting from the 11th-12th century, the development of internal colonization and the growth of trade and space began to grow in the world, a piece of land occupied by peasant tribes began to grow, and the role of the panshchina quickly grew in the domain. As a result, in the 14th-15th centuries Europe appeared, and in the 16th-17th centuries they became typical patrimonies without a domain, in which the patrimony took only a declaration about the removal of fixed payments from the villagers (more important than pennies).

In the lands of Central and Northern Europe, until the 14th-15th centuries, estates were reclaimed, in which the main form was the contraction of quitrents (natural peas); in the 14th-15th centuries, it developed here, and in the 16th-18th centuries it became a large and middle patrimony, in which the greater part of the land was occupied by the imperial government, an obroblenny panschiny pracey of peasants-kripakiv (Another sight of kripaktva). In the Scandinavian lands, in the greater shidnyh lands, the private patrimony either grew up during the day, or in this era, the state did not expand.

In Russia, the patrimony was the oldest view of private land power. The patrimony can be transferred from the recesses, mined, sold. The term resembles the word "fatherland", that is, the father's power. The first reports about princely estates in Kievan Rus lie until the 10th century. 11-12 centuries dated letters about the boyars and monastic estates. The patrimonies were served by the practice of fallow villagers-smerdіv and kholopіv. In the 11th-12th centuries, the rights of votchinniks were enshrined in the laws of Russia - Russian Pravda. In the period of fragmentation, in the 13th-15th centuries, the patrimony became a noble form of agriculture. Members of their squads, monasteries, and most of the clergy were entrusted with princes and boyars and estates. The pets of the princedom became patrimonies, won by the prince at the recesses of the father. Kіlkіst and rozmіri of votchins were zbіlshuvalis by way of hoarding communal village lands, grant, purchase, exchange. Crimean patrimonial rights, votchinniki vodili immunitetnym privileges in court, in the collection of taxes, payment of trade mit.

From the middle of the 15th century, part of the pet princes and the noble boyars repaired the process of becoming Russian. centralized power. To that, if in the 15th century - the beginning of the 16th century before the Moscow princedom, the lands of Novgorod, Tver and Pskov were added, a lot of great patrimonials were spared their volodin, and their lands were transferred on the rights of a grand nobleman, on a window of a spiral. The patrimonial rights and the immunity privileges became the Daedals to become more segregated. In the 1550s, the patrimonials were elevated to the nobility at a time military service, the right of the tribal vikupu of estates was encircled. Serious blow ancestral to the patrimonials by the head of the oprichny terror Ivan the Terrible. In the other half of the 16th century, a lot of great estates were sold or they pledged their lands. As a result, for example, in the 16th century, the maetok became the most important form of feudal landowning.

From the beginning of the 17th century, the patrimony of the land was growing again. Order awarded the nobles for their service, giving them the lands of the old estates. Expanded legal rights vlasnikiv maetkiv, ishov process of erasing authority between maetk and patrimony. For example, in the 17th century, in the central regions of the region, the recession (patrimony) landed over the pomisny (service). Decree of 23 Birch, 1714 to the fate of the unanimous fall of the maetka legally brought them to the patrimonies and became angry in one kind of land power - maetok.

patrimony, a type of feudal land power. Vinikla at the Old Russian State in the 10th-11th centuries as a recessionary family (past and family) chi corporate volodinnya (“fatherland”). Princes, boyars, and the church were the vlasniks of the patrimony. The formation of the Russian princedoms and lands from the middle of the 11th century led to the fact that the inadequacy of the estates-principalities was confirmed by the Lyubetz Z'ezd of 1097. In the 13th-15th centuries, the patrimony was the main type of land use, which popovnyuvavsya in the process of development of new territories, and navit rahunok zahoplennya communal black lands, awards, purchases too. Formation of the system of patrimonial landowning of the Novgorod Republic was completed before the middle of the 14th century. From the end of the 14th century, a large number of monastic estates began to be increased in Pivnichno-Skhidny Rus. In the 2nd half of the 15th century, a significant part of the territory was also swarmed by princely and boyar estates. Within the framework of the patrimonial landownership, there was no right to the majorate. Most of the recessionary lands were laid down, split up between the numerical recessions and sold and given to monasteries for posthumous commemoration. The votchinniki had low privileges (ship, financial and others.). In the 15th-17th centuries, the order from the patrimony was based on maetok as a mental form of the land. Naprikintsі 15 - at the beginning of the 16th century, a lot of great landlords in the Novgorod and Pskov Republics, the Grand Duchy of Tverskoy were spared their estates by the Grand Dukes of Moscow. The patrimonies of great monasteries (Trinity-Sergiev, Joseph-Volotsky, Kirilo-Bilozersky and others.) The clans (“old-fashioned”), purchases were divided, and from the 1610s, the patrimony was also served. A lot of votchinniks spent their money during the period of oprichnina, sold or mortgaged their patrimonies, hoping to escape their confiscation by the state. In the 1580s, the monasteries were fenced in to buy or take away the patrimony as a contribution to private estates. In the 17th century, the lands of the landowner began to grow again. Vіdminnosti between mother and patrimony in the 17th century were progressively erased. For example, in the 17th century, the estates of the landowner significantly outgrew the land. Decree of Tsar Peter I in 23.3 (3.4). In 1714, the fate of the unilateral fall legally formalized the residual anger of the patrimony that maєtka. Most of the monastic and church estates were liquidated under the hour of secularization in 1764. In the 18-19th centuries, the term "patrimony" got used to the hundredth whether it was a recessionary land power, with which the legal difference between the ancestral patrimony and stuffed was saved.

Lit .: Sergiyovich V. I. Lectures and lectures old history Russian law. 3rd view. St. Petersburg, 1903; Veselovsky S. B. Feudal landowning in Pivnichno-Skhidniy Rus. M.; L., 1947. T. 1; Grekiv B. D. Peasants in Russia. 2nd view. M., 1952-1954. Book. 1-2; Cherepnin L.V. M., 1960; Ivina L. I. Great patrimony of Pivnіchno-Skhіdnoї Rusі of the XIV - 1st half of the XVI century. L., 1979; Yanin V. L. Novgorod feudal patrimony: (Historical and genealogical research). M., 1981; Kobrin V. B. Power and power in middle Russia (XV-XVI centuries). M., 1985; Shvatchenko O. A. Svitsky feudal estates of Russia in the 1st third of the XVII century. M., 1990; vin. Holy feudal estates in Russia in the other half of the 17th century. M., 1996; vin. Holy feudal estates of Russia for the dobi of Peter I. M., 2002; Cherkasova M.S. Land of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery near the XVI-XVII centuries. M., 1996; out there. Great feudal patrimony in Russia, XVI-XVII centuries. (According to the archives of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra). M., 2004; Milov L.V. Great Russian orach and features of the Russian historical process. 2nd view. M., 2006.

Basic terms on the topic "Kyiv Rus"

Panshchina - the peasant's binding, like a mausoleum gave, to work on the pan's field for a long span of a few days for each day.

Bortnitstvo - a bunch of wild honey from wild bjil from natural hollows, then breeding bjil from species of bathing hollows.

Boyar Duma - you are glad to know for the Grand Duke (for the hours of Kievan Rus and the period of fragmentation), and from the XVI century. for the king. The Boyar Duma became a permanent legislative body and took part in the supreme power of the internal foreign policy powers.

boyars - in Kiev and Volodymyr-Suzdal Rus, senior princely warriors, in Novgorod and Pskov - the top of the Mist population, the cover of an old tribal nobility. Vishchiy, the order of the great and pet princes, the ball of Suspіlstva in Russia from X toXVIIIArt.

Varangians - warriors-warriors of the Scandinavian peoples, whom Europe called Vikings, Normans. The Varangians are guessing in the "Postіstі temporal litas". In IX-XI Art. many Varangian warriors-druzhinniks served with the Russian princes, they acted like hirelings. Scandinavian merchants were also called Varangians in Russia, they were engaged in trade on the way "from the Varangians to the Greeks." At XI-XIII Art. The Varangian warriors and the merchants in Russia were deceived, not putting a litter infusion on Russian history and culture.

rope - One of the names of the bulk of similar and pivdennyh words. In Russia, the hand was formed on a blood-conflict basis and gradually transformed into a susіdsk (territorial) community, bound by mutual responsibility. At the Russian Pravda, the verv carried a reprimand before the prince for driving in, squeezing the territory, avenging (yearning) the prince's electors of fines.

Viche - People's choice in old and middle Russia for the discussion of common references. Viniklo from tribal collections of words. Vіche knew the food of war that world.

Vira - A great fine, which is awarded according to the laws of "Ruska Pravda" for driving in a free person.

Virnik - Warehouse of fines.

Magus - pagan priest, chaklun.

Votchina - In Russia, there is a feudal lord of land. The first estates were princely, the stench of the tenth century. Until XI-XII Art. at the documents, the boyars and the monastic estates are already guessed. The main value of the patrimonial state did not become the land, but rather the peasants lived on it. The villagers could not manage the land, so they took it from the koristuvannya from their feudal lord. For the tse vons, the panshchina were paid a quitrent.

Guests - The category of trading people, who came to trade from other lands, later - merchants, who traded in other places or beyond the cordon.

Hryvnia - The main penny unit in Kievan Rus.

tithe - A tribute to the greed of the church.

Druzhina - Slowly zagіn voїnіv, which was formed like a military leader at the stage of transition from the ancestral harmony to the power. The squad is small to protect the leader, and the wine, at its own side, having provided the squad with everything necessary. The head dzherel of wealth for the warriors was buli and hoarded under the hour of their booty. Step by step, the squad transforms into the top of the tribe, which has placed wealth and power in its hands. In Russia, the Vinikla squad of the 9th century. Її cholyuvav prince. At that time, the squad was formed from two parts: this is the name of the "senior" squad (the closest guardians and assistants to the prince) and the "younger", until recently recruited warriors were included.

Purchase - category of the fallow population of the Davnyoruska state. Vіlna lyudina took a position from the feudal lord, "kupu" (cattle, pennies, workmen, etc.) The one that I’ll buy big, trying to clarify, to become a slave. Having turned the position, the purchase turned around in the fallow land.

Cyrillic - a word-Janian alphabet, created on the basis of the Byzantine unitsiatu (statutory alphabet), for admission, we learn the word-Janian enlightener Methodius Clement. Named "Cyrillic" as a sign of deep recognition to the people of the fidelity of the first words of the Jansk educators Cyril and Methodius.

Prince - The head of the state or share in the IX-XVI Art. the words of those other peoples, piznishe have a title of nobility. Before the establishment of the state, the tribal leaders were princes, and then step by step they pretended to be the heads of the powers. For a moment, the prince's power was selective, then it became recessive. For example, the dynasty of Rurikovich in the Old Russian state.

Christening - The introduction of Christianity in Kievan Rus as a sovereign religion, introduced on the 10th century (988 rubles) by Prince Volodymyr Svyatoslavich.

Fox system - The system of transmission of the Grand Duke's power for seniority in the family.

Litopis - Records of Russian history, roztashovani for rock.

Metropolitan - Head of the Russian Orthodox Church before the foundation of the patriarchate 1589 p.

Mitnick - selector of trade meetings in Russia

Namіsnik - In Russia, X-XVI centuries. posadova persona, yak ocholyuvala mіstseve adminіnnya. Recognized as a prince.

norman theory - Directly in the Russian and foreign historiography, the adherents of some respected the Normans (Varangians) as the founders of the state in Old Russia. Formulated in another quarter of the 18th century. G. Z. Bayer, G. F. Miller and others. The Norman theory was developed by M. V. Lomonosov, D. I. Ilovaisky, S. A. Gedeonov et al.

quitrent in kind - the peasant's bindings are to be brought to the crown of the earth's sack of the earth, to the number of comrades who were born in the power of the state.

Quit penny - a villager's bindings to cry to the owner of the earth a penny sum.

ognischanin - The head servant, the ruler of the dominion of the patrimony.

Poviz - the system of collection of tribute, introduced by Princess Olga, the deputy of the police, who established її fixings of rozmіr (lessons) and the place of collection (tsvintarya).

Pogost - for the tax-paying reform of Princess Olga, the collection of tribute, where the populace and de roztashovuvavsya the door of the princely official (tiuna), as if chasing for his own proper nahodzhennyam taxes to the treasury.

Polyuddya - in Kievan Rus, the prince and the retinue of the sub-dominated lands for the collection of tribute.

Posad - The name of the trade and craft part of the place in Russia.

Way "from the Varangians to the Greeks" - water (sea and river) way from Scandinavia through Skhidna Europe to Byzantium to Serednyovichchya. One z waterways expansion of the Varangians from the area of ​​​​residence (on the coast of the Baltic Sea) to Pivden - near Pivdenno-Skhidnu Europe and Asia Minor in the VIII-XIII centuries AD. e. Russian merchants used this way to trade with Constantinople and Scandinavia.

early feudal power - the term used by historians to characterize the Davnyoruska state of the IX-X centuries. Most of the time, the territory of the state did not develop enough, there was no management system. The tribal territory was protected, which included up to the warehouse of the state.

Ancestral community - One of the first forms of the community organization of people. At the early stages of its history, a human being could not stand against nature, achieve the minimum necessary for life. Tse called for the unification of people in the community. For the generic community is characteristic collective work that zrivnyalne spozhivannya. In the middle of the community, having no more than a statuary-vіkovy podіl pracі.

Russian truth - the first before us was the collection of laws of Old Russia.

Ryadovich - category of the fallow population of the Davnyoruska state. They laid a contract (row) with the feudal lord, which put them at the pevnu staleness of the feudal lord.

Smerd - Old-time Russia has a category of wrong people. The life of a stink in "Rus'kyi Pravda" was protected by the minimum amount of money - 5 hryvnias. Possibly, that was the name of the inhabitants of the recently arrived territories, lined with a raised danin. I think that all the farmers were called stinkers, among them they were like fallows, so they were.

Susidskaya hromada - A group, a collective of people who are not bound by family ties. The community members live on a singing territory and enter to the mass following the principle of sovereignty. Skin sim'ya at the borders of the community may have the right to part of the community's power and itself acquires its part of the rilli. At the same time, the members of the community raise the line, clear the forests, lay the roads. In similar words, the transition from the ancestral community to the Susidskoy ended in the 7th century. Після цього чоловіче населення громади отримало назву "люди”. Зі зростанням феодального землеволодіння (час існування Давньоруської держави) громада стає залежною від феодала чи держави. Проте зберігає всі свої функції. Громада регулювала цикл сільськогосподарських робіт, розподіляла податки між общинниками (при цьому діяв принцип mutual responsibility), vyrishuvala current government food.

Tiun - a servant-manager in the state of the patrimony; knyazіvski tіuni vykonuvali so raznі derzhavnі doruchennya.

share - A part of the princedom-land, sung by self-reliance, was seen by one of the youngest members of the ruling dynasty.

Lesson - how the tax reform of Princess Olga fixed the expansion of the tribute, which is drawn from the subsistence population.

serf - category of fallow population in Russia X-XVIII Art. The most rightsless part of the population, behind its legal camp is close to slaves. The feudal lord instantly killed, sold, punished the serf, and instilled no responsibility for the deed of his serf. Serfs became full in the end, sold for the Borg, friends with a servant. As a rule, serfs did not have a small amount of power and entered up to the number of servants.

Servants - the word servant has a broad meaning. Ancient Russia has a category of fallow people, slaves.

paganism - Religious belief, founded on the primary myths about the impersonal gods, spirits, which emphasize the forces of nature (sun, wood, family), human occupations (agriculture, trade, war).

), which, in a series of obov'yazkovym recessive nature of the Volodinnya, raised the patrimony in the form of beneficiation, manor and maєtka.

The patrimony was considered for the economic structure (deposit in the role of the domain, the type of feudal duties of the villagers), for the size, for the social dependency of the patrimonials (svіtskі, zokrema royal, church).

In Ancient Russia

For hours in Kievan Rus fiefdom Bula was one of the forms of feudal land power. Vlasnik of the patrimony maw the right to transfer її to the recesses (named the old Russian word “fatherland”, tobto batkivska vlasnіst), sell it, exchange it, or, for example, share it with relatives. The fiefdoms are like a manifestation of viniclia in the process of molding private feudal power on the sinful earth. As a rule, princes were their rulers in the 9th-11th centuries, as well as princely warriors and zemstvo boyars - the low-ranking clan tribal upper class. After the praise of Christianity was formed and the church patrimony of the earth, the rulers of which were representatives of the church hierarchy (metropolitans, bishops) and great monasteries.

They founded different categories of patrimony: ancestral, bought, bestowed by the prince and others, which often added to the ability of the lords to freely order patrimony. So, the Volodinnya was surrounded by ancestral patrimonies by the power of that relatives. Vlasnik of such an patrimony would serve that prince, on the lands of some other person he was known, and without a member of his family, the votchinnik could not sell or exchange. In times of destruction of such minds, the vlasniks were allowed to have patrimonies. This fact is about those who, in the era of the Old Russian state, the volodynia were not yet equal to the right of insane power over it.

Pets have a period

Same term fatherland(h borrower) zastosovuvavsya at the prince's superechki at the table. Emphasis in his shying away from that, having reigned at the city-centre of the singing estate of the father of the applicant, and the applicant of this princedom "izgoym" (div. Ladder law).

At the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Since a significant part of the Western Russian lands wasted away the rule of Lithuania and Poland, the patrimony of the land on these territories was not only saved, but also grew. Most of the estates began to belong to the representatives of the old Little Russian princely and boyar canopies. At once, the Grand Dukes of Lithuania and the Polish kings granted lands “for fatherland”, “for eternity” to Lithuanian, Polish and Russian feudal lords. This process became especially active after 1590, if the Seim of the Commonwealth for the bags of the war of 1654-1667. On the left bank in the other half of the 17th century, there was an incremental process of molding the land of the Ukrainian Cossack elders.

At the grand princedom of Moscow

In the XIV-XV centuries, estates were the main form of agriculture and in Pivnіchno-Skhіdnіy Rusі, deyshov active process of forming the Moscow princedom and then the single centralized state. However, at the link between the central grand-ducal powers and the liberties of the boyars-patrimonials, the rights of the remaining patrimonies began to be separated (for example, the right of free access to one prince to another, the right to court those feudal lords in the estates was limited). The central government began to spiral against the nobility, as if it were corying with the landowners from the right of the land. Particularly active was the process of landscaping of estates in the 16th century. That time the rights of the boyars were signifi- cantly seized (laws of 1551 and 1562), and at the hour of the oprichnina a large number of votchins were liquidated, and their lords were expelled. For example, in the 16th century of Russia, the main form of agriculture was not an estate, but a mother. The regulation on the service of 1556 actually equated the patrimony to maєtka (“service for the patrimony”). In the XVII century, the process of legal convergence of the patrimony with the maetok continued, which ended with the decree of Peter I on February 23, 1714 on uniting the patrimony and the maetok one understand majetok. From that time you understand Votchina different victors were made in Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries for the recognition of noble land power.

Div. also

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  • Ivina L. I. Great patrimony of Pivnіchno-Skhіdnoї Rusі kintsya XIV - the first half of the XVI century. / L. I. IVina; For red. NOT. Nosov; Leningrad. at the Institute of History of the SRSR of the Academy of Sciences of the SRSR. - L.: Science. Leningrad. department, 1979. - 224 p. - 2600 approx.(Region)

Lesson that characterizes the patrimony

Princess Mary announced her own vision. Sonya, the count tried to replace Natal, but they could not. The stinkers were bachili, that she herself could take the matir out of a crazy rozpacha. For three days Natalka lived without a break with her mother, slept on an armchair in the її kіmnati, swelled, yearned її і did not stop talking to her, - she said, more than one lower, gentle voice її calming the countess.
The spiritual wound of the mother could not heal. Petya's death destroyed half of his life. A month later, after the news about the death of Petya, who found her a fresh and badyor woman of the fiftieth decade, she left her stone dead and did not take part in life - the old one. Ale, that wound itself, yak half-hammered the countess, this new wound called Natasha to life.
A spiritual wound that looks like a tear of the spiritual body, just like a physical wound, it’s not surprising that it heals, after that, like a deep wound, it burns and heals, that it has its own edges, the wound is spiritual, like a physical one, only to burn with the power of life , what is vipiraє.
So Natasha's wound began to burn itself. Vaughn thought that my life was over. Aleraptom love to the mother showed her that the essence of her life - kokhannya - is still alive in her. The kohanna has thrown, and the life has thrown.
During the rest of the days, Prince Andrii was tied up with Natasha and Princess Mary. The new misfortune brought them even closer. Princess Mary watched her departure and the rest of the next three days, as if looking after an ill child, looked after Natasha. The rest of the week, spent by Natalka at her mother's, tore her physical strength.
Once, in the middle of the day, Princess Mary, remembering that Natalka was shaking in a feverish chill, took him to her and laid him on her bed. Natasha lay down, but if Princess Mary, lowering her side, wanted to leave, Natasha called to herself.
- I don't want to sleep. Mary, sit with me.
- You got tired - try to fall asleep.
- No, no. How did you lead me? Vaughn is sleeping.
- Їy richly better. She spoke so kindly, - said Prince Mary.
Natalia was lying in her bed and in the dark room she looked at the guise of Princess Mary.
“Similar to the new one? thought Natalka. Yes, similar, not similar. Aleone is special, alien, familiarly new, unknown. I won't love me. What is in her soul? All good. Hello yak? How do you care? How can she marvel at me? Yes, she's amazing."
“Masha,” she said, timidly pulling her hand up to her. - Masha, don't think that I'm filthy. Hi? Masha, dove. How I cheer for you. Let's call, call, call friends.
I Natalya, embracing, began to kiss the hands of that guise of Princess Mary. Princess Mary quarreled and rejoiced at the thought of Natalka.
From that day on, between Princess Mary and Natalia, that passionate friendship was established, as if it were only between women. The stinks kissed incessantly, they spoke one to one lower words and more than an hour spent together. If she went out alone, then she was restless and hurried to come to her. The stench of the two saw more of the year between themselves, lower narizno, skin itself with itself. Between them, a stronger vision, lower friendship was established: it was more like a winyatka for the possibility of living only in the presence of one alone.
Sometimes the stench murmured the celestial anniversary; sometimes, already lying in their beds, the stench began to speak, and they spoke until the morning. The stinks were talking about the distant past. Princess Mary spoke about her childhood, about her mother, about her father, about her dream; I Natalya, Sho wounded the spocienynymy norozuminnyam vidverted, vid Zhitty, Viddanosti, Pokirnosti, vid of travel of the Christmas Danosti, now, vikhayuyu, the princes of the princes of the princes of the princes . Vaughn did not think to apply self-discipline and self-confidence to her life, to that she called out the whispers of other joys, but she realized and died in her unreasonable honesty. For Princess Mary, who heard tales about childishness and Natalka's early youth, she also saw the side of life, faith in life, in the happiness of life.
The stinks didn’t talk about the new one themselves, so as not to destroy with words, as it seemed to them, you could feel the heights, as if they were in them, but the lingering about the new one was robbed by those who, without believing it, the stench, forgot yoga.
Natasha lost weight, grew thinner, and physically became so weak that everyone was constantly talking about her health, and she was well. However, sometimes she was not only aware of the fear of death, but the fear of sickness, weakness, wasted beauty, and involuntarily, she sometimes respectfully looked at her bare hand, marveling at her thinness, or she looked at the fox in the mirror on her stingy day, as if she were wondering. , person. I wondered why I could be like this, and at once it became scary and gloomy.
Once, she staggered up the hill and hooted importantly. In a negligent way, she came up with herself from the bottom right and stared up again on the mountain, trying her strength and guarding herself.
For the second time, she called out to Dunyasha, and her voice became twitchy. Vaughn again clicked її, without regard for those who were there, її kroki, - she clattered in that chest voice, like she was sleeping, and listened to the new one.
Vaughn didn’t know what, she wouldn’t believe it, but under the impenetrable ball of the mule, which, having risen to me, covering my soul, thin, lower young heads of grass were already breaking through, as if they were due to take root and so cover with their life pagons crushed his future grief, which soon not visible and not noticeable. The wound was burning in the middle. For example, Princess Marya went to Moscow, and the count impinged on the fact that Natasha went with her, to take care of the doctors.

After the siege at Vyazma, de Kutuzov did not immediately lose his army from the bazhanya, throw it over, take it out, etc., the farther ran the French and behind them the Russians, who ran to Chervonoy, went without battles. The vtecha was so fast that the Russian army, which ran after the French, could not catch up with them, that the horses in the cavalry and artillery stood up and that the reports about the French movement were always wrong.
The people of the Russian army were tormented by an uninterrupted rush for up to forty versts to the booty, which they could not collapse even more.
In order to understand the steps of the Russian army, it is only necessary to clearly understand the significance of the fact that, having spent the whole hour wounded and driven into the ruins of Tarutin, no more than five thousand people, without having spent hundreds of people taken down, the Russian army thousand, came to Chervonoy mid-fifty thousand.
The swedish movement of the Russians behind the French hit the Russian army so ruinously, like the French. The difference was less in the fact that the Russian army collapsed quite, without the threat of death, as it hung over the French army, and in the fact that the French were left with ailments in the hands of the enemy, the Russians were left behind at home. The main reason for the change in the army of Napoleon was swidk_st rush, and an inexhaustible proof of this is the change in the Russian troops.
All the activity of Kutuzov, as if it was pied by Tarutinim and pid Vyazma, was more straightened out before the fact that, as far as it was possible for yogo power, it didn’t hurt the French people (as the Russian generals wanted in St. Petersburg), but the Syrian generals youmu and ease the ruh of your troops.

In the X century of the bele of Kievan Rus, the first feudal lords appeared, which laid great land allotments. The word votchina is also used in Russian documents. This is a special legal form of the old Russian land-ownership. Until the end of the XIII century, the patrimony was the main form of volodinnya land plot.

Similar term

In those distant hours, the earth can mother in three ways: buy, take as a gift, fall in love with your relatives. The patrimony of Ancient Russia is the land, taken away in a third way. The word resembles the old Russian "fatherland", which meant "power of the father." Such land could not be passed on to uncles, brothers or cousins ​​- the rahunka had no more decay in a straight line. In this rank, the patrimony in Russia is tse i є mine, passed on from the father to the blue. In the first category, the decline of the greats and the greats followed in a straight line.

The boyars and princes took back the patrimony in view of their ancestors. The rich landowners were small at the order of the estates and could increase their territories for additional rent, exchange the occupancy of the communal village lands.

Legal aspects

An patrimony is the power of one specific person or organization. The communities and sovereign lands did not have patrimonial rights. Although the bulk of the Volodinnya was insignificant, but it gave the opportunity to live to millions of villagers, they swarmed the lands without their right.

Vlasnik of the patrimony instantly made an exchange, sold chi podіl land plots, but only for the sake of his relatives. For reasons of reason, the vlasnik of the patrimony cannot be called a full-fledged vlasnik. Later, the clergy came to the class of private landlords.

Vlasniki of the patrimonial lands gave a number of privileges, especially in the sphere of judiciary. So too, the votchinniki reduced the right to collect taxes, reduced the administrative power over the people who lived on their lands.

What was included before the understanding of the patrimony

It is not necessary to think that the land, which was to cross at the recesses, was more than ugiddy, giving for a strong state. An ancestral lands in Ancient Russia - tse budov, rilli, foxes, bows, thinness, inventory, and smuts, villagers, yak live on patrimonial land. At that hour of the fortress, this did not happen, and the villagers could freely move from the land allotments of one patrimony to another.

Boyar estate

The order of the private that church land power, founded the boyars' patrimony. This is the land that the tsar hopes to give to the city to his special servants - the boyars. On the granted land, the same rights were expanded, as on a simple patrimony. The boyar patrimony Shvidko became one of the largest in Russia - the land wealth of the boyars came for the expansion of the territory of the state, as well as the path of the confiscated lane of the disgraced boyars.

Feudal fiefdom

Such a form of the earthly, like maetok, vinyl in the XIII century. The reason, through the yak, the patrimony has lost its meaning, may have a legal character. How can you bachiti, for the hours of fragmentation of Russia, the service for the prince was tied to the landowners - a free servant could help the land in one place, and serve the boyar in another. In such a rank, the nearby camp of such a landowner did not in any way grow on a large number of lands. The land paid less, and the people carried the service. The feudal patrimony of this clear-cut legal podil expanded the floorings to expand, so that the boyars and free servants, for improperly watching over the land, expended the right to it, and turned around to the villagers. The step-by-step patrimony of the land became the privilege of the servants, who were under the order of the king himself. This is how the feudal patrimony was formed. This land was the widest type of land power, the sovereign and church lands began to grow their territories richly.

Vinnyknennya maєtkіv

At the 15th century, a new form of volodinnya appeared with land plots, as step by step changed the old plantations of volodinnya with earth, so like a fiefdom. Tsya zmina stood in front of the landowners. Vіdteper їхнє the right to volodіti and cheruvati estates was squeezed - to subdue the land and to manage it was allowed only a narrow stake of osіb.

In Muscovy of the 16th century, the word “patrimony” is used in the civilized listing. It arose from the wording, and individuals, yakі did not change in the state service, ceased to be called patrimonials. Those same people, who served the state, reduced the right to land allotment, which is called maetkom. Service people were "placed" on the ground for the sake of protection, or as payment for the service of the state. With the term of service assigned, the land turned into royal authority, and this territory could be transferred to another person for services to the king. The fall of the first vlasnik did not reduce the rights to the pomisnu land.

Two forms of agriculture

The patrimony of that maєtok - tse two forms of volodinnya land in Muscovy 14-16 centuries. And nabutі, and handed over at the recesses of the earth step by step used up their powers - even on the landowners and tiєї, and in other forms of moisture, the same bindings were imposed. Great landlords, yakі otrimali like a reward for the service, step by step sought the right to hand over the maєtka at the slopes. The rights of patrimonials and people were often intertwined at the sight of the wealthy lords of the land, in the fall, if the lands were saved, they could be transferred from the fall. These court incidents caused the state to seriously take over the problem of agriculture. The legal swindler with the order of succession of the maetka and patrimonies zmusili the tsar's power to adopt laws, which you see as an insult to the landowner.

Land laws of the middle of the XVI century.

The most new rules of the land were made by the royal decrees of 1562 and 1572. Having offended the tribute to the law, the rights of the Vlasniks of princes and boyars were separated. A private rank allowed the sale of patrimonial estates, prote kіlkіsty not more than half and even more so to blood relatives. The whole thing was already spelled out in the Code of Law of Tsar Ivan and backed up by numerical decrees, which were later. The votchinnik instantly commanded a part of his lands to the vlasnіy retinue, but only at the timchas' volodinnya - "for a living". The woman could not manage the given land. After the attached volodinnya, such patrimonial land was transferred to the sovereign.

For the villagers, the obedience of viciousness was equally heavy - the rulers of the patrimony, and the rulers of the maєtkіv mali the right to collect taxes, administer justice, take people to the army.

Pom_snoy reform bags

There are two main goals:

  • promote “your” service rank and stimulate your readiness to serve in the state;
  • prevent the transfer of "service" lands from private hands.

In this manner, the pomisna reform practically dealt with the legal significance of the patrimonial landownership. The patrimony zrivnyalas z maєtkom - from the lawful that insane volodynnya vodіnnya volodіnnya land power turned into the power of the mind, without intermediary pov'yazanu іz the law and bazhannyam tsarist power. It was transformed and understood "patrimony". The whole word has been step by step arose from business documents and rozmovnoy mov.

Development of private farming

Maetok became a piece stimulus for the development of agriculture in Moscow Rus. The majestic territories handed out to the sovereign people zavdyaks to the Pomіsnogo right. Ninі it is impossible to assign more accurately to each other the patrimonial and patrimonial lands - there were no exact statistics of land lands. The growth of new lands softened the appearance of the existing volodins, which at that time were the private individuals of that state. The patrimony is the old-fashioned legal land of the land, at that time it was signifi- cantly sacrificed to the landowner. For example, in 1624 the Moscow region had about 55% of the available lands for the use of agricultural land. Such a quantity of lands demanded not only a legal, but also an administrative apparatus of management. A typical mіstsevim organ for the defense of the landowners was the election of noblemen.

Povіtovі partnerships

The development of a local landowner called out to the people of the noble noble associations. Until the 16th century, such gatherings were already to be organized, and they acted as the power of the mystical self-regulation. Behind them, deeds of political rights were closed - for example, collective petitions were formed for the sovereign, a military militia was formed, the cries of the tsar's government were written about the needs of such comrades.


In 1714, the tsar’s decree about the single fall was decreed, which, therefore, all land power was given to the single right to fall. The blame for this type of land power has left the understanding of “maetok” and “patrimony” to a certain extent. The new legal education came to Russia from Western Europe, where at that time the system of land management had already been established long ago. The new form of the earth-moving took away the name "maetok". At that moment, all the land power became an indestructible lane and succumbed to the same laws.

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