§22. Reconquista and establishment of centralized powers in the Pyrenean Pivostrov. Reconquista and consecration of the Spanish kingdom Reconquista of consecration of the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal

Reconquista(іsp. Reconquista, від reconquistar - double) - double the native inhabitants of the Pyrenean Pivostrov in the VIII - XV centuries of territories, occupied by the Arabs (more precisely - by the Moors). Mavri - in the Middle Ages in Western Europe, the name of the Muslim population of the Pyrenean Pivostrov and the western part Pivnіchnoy Africa.

The reconquista began in 718 with a battle in the valley of Cavadonga in Asturias. The most significant battle was fought in 1212 at Las Navas de Tolosa. Until the middle of the 13th century, the Arabs lost only the Emirate of Granada (falling in 1492).

The reconciliation was accompanied by settlements and economical development of waste land. The reconquista has already added to the economic and political development of the powers of the Pyrenean Pivostrov.

In the 11th century, Muslim Spain split into the lowlands of independent powers, which made it easier for the expansion of Spain from the Moors. The attack on the Moors (Reconquista), which began in 1212, led to the adoption of Aragon, Castile and other Spanish kingdoms. Christian kingdoms of Leon, Castile, Navarre, Aragon and the County of Barcelona. Alfonso VI doubled the Moors of Toledo, and Sid - Valencia.

The Castilians ordered their sovereignty over the greater part of Andalusia

After a three-time struggle for the freedom of Spain from the Mauritanian-Arab panuvannya (Reconquista), the remaining Mauritanian state, the Emirate of Granada, was abandoned on the territory of Spain, which settled in 1238.

Until 1250, the Christians took down the Moors. Mauritanian Spain became no longer surrounded by one emirate - Granada.

Castile and Aragon, having united in 1469 rotations in one kingdom, completed the landscaping of the Moors in 1492 rotations (Granadi).

The reconquista of Muslim Spain was completed in 1492 with the buildings of Granadi by the Catholic Monarchs.

Pelayo - the first king (died close to 737), was accused by the clergy of the nobility, who hid in the mountains of Asturias in the presence of the Arabs. In 718 roci, I won the victory at the famous battle of Covadongu, which became the cob of reconquest of the island.

King Mauregato (VIII century) - illegal son of the Spanish king Alfonso I.

Bernardo del Carpio is a legendary epic hero who is portrayed as Roland's survivor at the battle of Ronceval.

Cid Campeador (Cid Campeador) Sid, Rodrigo Dias, nicknamed the Warrior (1043 - 1099) - the most legendary arbiter of Spain in the Moors; zdіysnennya of the person's valor.

Reference to the name of Rodrigo Dias de Bivar (between 1026 and 1043-1099) - a Spanish person who became famous for his exploits in the Reconquista. Sleeping in "The Song of My Sid" (XII century), in the tragedy of Pier Corneille "Sid".

Rodrigo Ruis de Bivar (1030 - 1099) - Spanish folk hero. The feats, zdіysnenі him in the fight against the Moors, spіvanі in the poem "Song about my Sіda" and in the numerical novels.

Sid (in the form of the Arabic "pan") - the name of Rodrigo Dias de Bivar (1030 - 1099), a good Spanish warrior who showed a diva of heroism in the fight against the Moors, the hero of unknown chronicles and legends.

In 1072, near the village of Santa Gadea in the province of Burgos, Sid asked King Alfonso VI for an oath about those who did not take part in the death of the king before him. Alphonse gave you an oath, and Sid waited for you to serve.

Gusman Dobriy - Alphonse Perez de Guzman, nicknamed Dobrim abo Horobrim (1258 - 1309) - the famous Spanish warrior, who became famous in battles with the Moors and moved in the building of the Tarif Fortress, ignorant of those who stenched the yogo of the sevenfold son. Castilian captain, zahisnik besieged by the Arabs in 1293 fortress of Tarifa. The infant, who crossed over to the enemy, don Juan filled the son of Guzman and greedily, threatening to beat the child, the buildings of the fort. In remembrance of the vicious infant, buv a dagger, throwing you under the feet of an unfortunate father.

Goncal Hernandez-i-Aguilar Gonzalo de Cordoba (1443 - 1515) - Spanish commander, like a volod in 1492 Granada, the remaining support of the Moors on the Iberian farm.

Alfonso I (Alfonso) Warrior (? - 1134) - King of Aragon and Navarri. From 1104, having conquered Saragossa from the Arabs (1118), having defeated the Almoravids at the fort of Kutanda (1120), having recognized the defeat of them at the fort of Fraga (1134).

Alphonse III the Great (838 - 910 or 912) - King of Asturias from 866 years. Vіdvoyuvav y arabіv nizku raionіv on pіvnіch vіd river Tahoe. The aristocracy, besotted with the sins of Alphonse I, scorned to be appointed to the throne (910 rubles).

Alphonse VI Horobry (1030 - 1109) - King of Leon from 1065 and Castile from 1072. Won the Arabs Toledo, Valencia, Almeria. Having recognized the defeats in 1086 at Salatsi, in 1108 at Uklesi, having spent a number of doubled earlier lands.

Alphonse VII (1104 - 1157) - King of Castile and Leon from 1126. overlord of Aragon, Navarre, Portugal and low French territories (Foy, Cominges, Montpellier). Successfully taking the fate of the Reconquista.

Alphonse X the Wise (1221 - 1284) - King of Castile and Leon from 1252. V_voyuvav y arabiv Sherry, Kadіs and іn. The central policy of Alphonse X drank on the opera of the nobility. 1282 rock is actually the blessing of vlady. Rule by becoming Yogo Sin Sancho.

Alphonse XI the Wise (1311 - 1350) - King of Castile and Leon from 1312. Independently ruled from 1325. Viv centralization policy. 1348 saw the fate of the statute, which fixed the special freedom of the villagers. Successfully fought against the Arabs. Died pіd hour oblogi r. Gibraltar.

King Fernando III "Saint" (1199 - 1242) having launched low successful campaigns against the Moors and sacked all the Muslim territories on the pivdni of the Prineysky Pivostrov. Seville was conquered by him in 1248.

Victory of the Franks over the Arabs at Poitiers

Castilian conquest of Toledo

Consecration of the Portuguese State

Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa

Castilian conquest of Cordovia

Aragon's conquest of the Kingdom of Naples

1462 - 1472

Peasant war near Catalonia

United Aragon and Castile in the Spanish Kingdom

Foundation of the Inquisition in Spain

1482 - 1484

Village rebellion near Catalonia

Spanish conquest of Granadi

The Christian Reconquista (at the translation - “double war”, “turning”) - without interruption Bagatov's war against the Moors, rozpochat part of the Visigothic nobility under Pelayo's wire. At 718 p. bulo zupineno prosuvanya expeditionary corps of the Moors at Covadonzi.

The Muslims occupied a territory for a thousand miles on the front of Gibraltar, having occupied most of Spain and half of France to the banks of the Loire. At the same time, 732 the army of the Moors on the island of Abd-al-Rahman (Abd al-Rahman), obviously, stood not far from the gates of Paris, but only two hundred miles away from New, piddishovshi from pivdny to one of the greatest holy places of the Franco-monk St. Martina at Turi. However, on the way from Tours to Poitiers, the stench rushed from the Swiss francs, like, on the front of the other armies of the Christian powers, as Isidore of Sevilsky, at his Chronicle, "stood like a wall ... never pierced the ice." Through the next day, Rahman was no longer alive, the Moors saw each other for a day, and the guide of the Franks Charles from that day became the name "Karl Martell" - "hammer".

So the place of Poitiers became the top point of the Arab wind that swept through Europe. From the side of the Moors, zvichayno, fought with Martell with an absolutely reckless welcome, ale, the yakbie stink overcame, it would be more important for him to get involved in peace and quiet far away - to Paris, to the Rhine that was farther away, and, as written Edward Gibbon (Edward Gibbon) ) in The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire, "perhaps, now at the colleges of Oxford they were engaged in tumultuous Koran, and from the pulpits of the entire educated population they brought the sanctity and truth of the blood of Mohammed."

Christian Europe would not be close. The English and the Celts who populated the dead of America would have been Muslims. Poitier, write Gibbon, became "a rise that changed the share of the whole world."

At the middle of the VIII century. Christians of Asturias, led by King Alfonso I, having succumbed to the rebels of the Berbers, took the court of Galicia. Near Galicia, as if they were stverdzhuvali, the string of St. James (Santiago) was revealed, and Santiago de Compostela became the center of pilgrimage, and the Reconquista - chimos on the kshtalt of a new cross-country campaign against the Nazis of Christianity and Christians.

Naprikintsi VIII - the middle of the IX century. On the eve of the reign of Charlemagne, the Franks made a move for Muslims in Europe, and they created a Spanish mark (the border territory between the Volodymyr Franks and the Arabs) at the brewery gathering, which lasted until the fall of the IX - XI centuries. to the counties of Navarre, Aragon and Barcelona (1137 R. Aragon and Barcelona united into the kingdom of Aragon).

Until 914 p. the kingdom of Asturias included Leon and most of Galicia and pivnіchnoi Portugal. The Spanish Christians expanded their freedom in the Greek region between Asturias and Catalonia, building impersonal fortifications near the cordon. The name of the province "Castile" resembles the Spanish word "castillo", which means "castle", "fortress".

The reconquista led to the fact that the Spanish villagers and the inhabitants of the towns, who fought together from the faces, took away significant benefits. Most of the villagers did not recognize the serfs, on the savage lands of Castile they blamed the rural communities, and the towns (especially in the XII - XIII centuries) took away great rights.

At the middle of the XI century. Under the rule of Ferdinand I, the county of Leon-Asturias gained the status of a kingdom and became the main stronghold of the Reconquista. At the same hour, at the same hour, the Basques fell asleep in Navarre, and Aragon became angry with Catalonia as a result of the dynastic slave. At 1085 p. Christians have taken over Toledo.

Almoravidi (1090-1145) recently raised the expansion of reconquests. Until the period of their reign, the exploits of the legendary person Sid, who conquered the land near Valencia in 1095 and became the national hero of Spain, are remembered.

The onset of successes of the Reconquest can be seen until the end of the XII - the beginning of the XIII century. The greatest victory over the Almohads was won in 1212 by the kings of Leon, Castile, Aragon and Navarre. In 1236 p. the Castilian king Ferdinand III (Saint) moved his army to Cordoba, and after twelve more years - to Seville. The Portuguese kingdom expanded to its own current rosemaries, and the king of Aragon having conquered Valencia, Alicante and the Balearic Islands. Naprikintsi XIII century. on the island, the Cordivian Caliphate was left behind, embarrassment to pay tribute Until the XIV century. At the same time, the unions of the Christian kingdoms broke up, and the skin began to reconsider its own particular interests. Castile tried to come to Portugal, the prote dvorichnaya war ended with the defeat of the Castilian army at Aljubarotti in 1385. Aragon gave up control of trade in the Mediterranean to Genoa. Only Castile in this period will be more secure for itself and take profits from trade abroad with the Netherlands.

Ear of Reconquista

Muslims, in fact, could not set up a panuvannya on the last pivnochi of the Pyrenean Pivostrov. At 718 zagins of Christian warriors, under the crowning of the legendary Visigothic gang of Pelayo, he defeated the Muslim army in the mountainous valley of Covadonga.

Progressively poking up to the river. Duero, the Christians occupied free lands, where the Muslims did not claim. At that hour, the cordon region of Castile (territorium castelle - at the crossroads "land of castles" settled down); Dorechno designate that, for example, the 8th century. Muslim chroniclers called її Al-Qila (castles). At the early stages of the Reconquista, two types of Christian political institutions were vindicated, which quarreled over geographic positions. The core of the Western type was the kingdom of Asturias, after the court was transferred to Leon at the 10th century. began to be called the Kingdom of León. The county of Castile turned into an independent kingdom in 1035. Two years later, Castile was united with the kingdom of Leon, and at the same time it acquired a prominent political role, and at the same time, priority rights to land, dualization among Muslims.

In more similar areas, Christian powers founded - the kingdom of Navarre, the county of Aragon, which became a kingdom in 1035, and different counties, connected with the kingdom of the Franks. The early days of these counties were infused with the Catalan ethno-linguistic cohesion, the central place in the middle of them was the county of Barcelona. Let's vindicate the county of Catalonia, which had few trips to the Mediterranean Sea and led a maritime trade, with slaves. At 1137 p. Catalonia came before the kingdom of Aragon. Tsya power at 13 tbsp. significantly expanded its territory by a day (to Murcia), having also added the Balearic Islands.

In 1085, Alphonse VI, king of Leon and Castile, having captured Toledo, and the cordon from the Muslim world moved to the river. Duero to the river. Tacho. In 1094 p. the Castilian national hero Rodrigo Dias de Bivar, went to the name of Sid, took him to Valencia. However, these great achievements were not so much the result of the debauchery of the Christian bearers, but rather the result of the weakness and rarity of the rulers of the taifs (the emirates of the Cordoba caliphate). During the course of the Reconquista, it was troubling that the Christians quarreled with the Muslim rulers, or, having taken away the rest of the great wine city (parias), hired to protect them from the Christian bearers.

At tsomu sensi showy є share Sіda. Vin born approx. 1040 at Bіvari (bіl Burgos). In 1079, king Alphonse VI sent Yogi to Seville to collect tribute from the Muslim ruler. However, for the last time, I didn’t think about Alphonse and Vignany. Having entered the path of a shukacha of good fortune, I have taken the name of Sid the same way (similarly, in Arabic. "Seid", tobto "pan"). Sid serving such Muslim rulers as the emir of Saragosi al-Moktadir, and the Volodar of Christian powers. Z 1094 Sid becoming the ruler of Valencia. Died in 1099 roci.

Castilian epic Song about my Sid, writing approx. 1140 historical evidence. The song is not a chronicle of cross-country campaigns. If Sid wants to fight against the Muslims, to whom the epics depict troubles with the stench, and the Christian princes of Carrion, the courtiers of Alphonse VI, then the Muslim friend and ally of Sid, Abengalvon, will turn them over with nobility.

Completion of the Reconquista

The Muslim emirs stumbled before the choice: either pay tribute to the Christians, or turn around for help until the unity of Pivnichniy Africa. Zreshtoy, the emir of Sevil al-Mutamid turned for help to the Almoravids, as if they had created a strong state in Pivnichny Africa. Alphonse VI was far away from conquering Toledo, and then the army was defeated for Salak (1086); and in 1102, three years after Sid's death, Valencia fell.

The Almoravides fell asleep in the hands of the rulers of the taif and on the cob could unite Al-Andalus. But then the power weakened in the 1140s, and until the end of the 12th century. Almohadi, the Moors from the Moroccan Atlas, drew them. Since Almohadi was aware of the heavy defeat of the Christians at the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212), the government was kidnapped.

At that hour, the mentality of the Christian bearers was formed, about which life way Alphonse I of the War, who ruled Aragon and Navarre from 1102 to 1134. On the eve of the 1st reign, if there were fresh clues about the first crossroads, the Moors doubled the greater part of the valley p. Ebro, and the French Christians invaded Spain and took such important places as Zaragoza (1118), Tarasona (1110) and Calatayud (1120). Even if Alphonse did not want to realize his dream about going to Jerusalem, he lived until the moment when the spiritual and lyrical order of the Templars was founded in Aragon, and the orders of Alcantara, Calatrava and Santiago were founded in other regions of Spain. These mighty orders gave great help in the fight against the Almohads, emphasizing strategically important points and taxing the state in the lower cordon regions.

Updating 13 Art. The Christians achieved significant successes and established the political power of the Muslims in Mayzha on the entire Pyrenean Pivostrov. King Jaime I of Aragon (royalty 1213-1276) conquered the Balearic Islands, and in 1238 Valencia. In 1236 the King of Castile and Leon Ferdinand III took Cordoba, Murcia surrendered to the Castilians in 1243, and in 1247 Ferdinand captured Seville. Saved the independence of the Muslim Emirate of Granada, which woke up until 1492. The reconquista bula zobov'azana with its successes is no less than the military deeds of Christians. A great role was also played by the willingness of Christians to negotiate with Muslims and to give them the right to live in Christian powers, saving their faith, I speak. For example, near Valencia, the pivnіchnі territorії were more and more cleared of Muslims, the central and pіvdenny districts, the cream of the city of Valencia itself, were inhabited more importantly by Mudehari (Muslims, which are allowed to be left behind). Zate in Andalusia after the great Muslim rebellion in 1264. the policy of the Castilians changed completely, and maybe all the Muslims were hanged.

From the Spanish epic "A song about my Sid" (XII century)

Spanish heroic epic about Sid of dedications to right people and right people. Yogo head hero- The Spanish person Rodrigo (Rui Dias) (bl. 1040-1099), nicknamed by the Arabs Sid (Lord). Rui Dias on the choli corral of the most famous warriors successfully fought with the Moors as a vassal of the Spanish king, or even on power fear that risk. For an hour, going to the service and to someone from the noble and wealthy Moors. After many marches and gains, a significant part of Spain stooped again under the rule of Christians.

To the sea, it became about Sid. With the vassals of guilt at the great gaiety: I will overcome you by sending the All-Vishish. At night, a squad walks with him at the nabіga, At Guhera with Khativa, she entered into battle, At the Day she evaded, going down to the pivden. Having plundered the wines of the Saracen region to the sea, Peña-Kadyella greeted you. Peña-Cadjella greeted Sidu. Khativa is a stone, grieve Guher, Valencia is the same at the worldless mountain. So, plundering enemies, destroying the whole region, In the daytime, we are soldering, near the nights, Taking places, having lived three years. Valencia gave a lesson to my Sid: Do not leave them from the gates of the mischief. Sadi vіn їх virubav, repair Skoda їм. Order bread from the locality. Valencia near the mountains: what do they do? Do not bring bread from the same side. No blue father, no father blue, You can’t teach a good friend, like a buti. It's rotten on the right, señori, as if dumb, If the squads with children die of hunger. The Valencians don't know how to turn around. To the King of Morocco send a stench, Ale, help him with no strength - I am obliged to lead the War behind the Atlas of Wines. Radiy Kampeador * tsієї zvіstki buv ... Zvelіv, schob at Kasgіllі they hooted a cry: The one who wants riches, and not a zhenk, Come to Campeador to hurry up - Valencia wines opanuvati virishiv. “Whoever wants to go to Valencia with us For good will - I don’t need anything else, I’m quiet at the Self Gorge for three days.” Having promoted tse Campeador, Turning to Mourvedro, which is the root of the wine. Skrіz yogo cry of discordance in a voice. Feeling, what a generous and happy wine, To wallow until the new Christian shaft. Make a noise about something new. Whoever came to the new, that one is no longer gone. Miy Sid de Bivvar is all rich in treasury. Radium vin, scho to the army of the new growth, Do not let, in the field to bring її. Valencia took the bіvarets from the kіltse, Steps occupied from the sides, Mavram vіdrіzav i vіhіd, i vkhіd, They gave him the Valensіytsі vіdsіch Nine months rіvno - chimaliy termіn. The dawn of the tenth - їhnє vіysko was given. Great merriment panuvali navkolo, Kolya to Valencia Sіd uvіyshov. Becoming a kіnnym of the one who bov pіshoyu dosi. All grew up in gold and silver. Growing up there richly, be it. Taking five parts of my Sid vіd usogo - Thirty thousand marks you happened to have, And who knows the other? Rejoicing my Sid, who in the year of good nationality: Rising over the alysasar ensigns yogo ... Rich vignance, all satisfied, All generously tied by Campeador, Tribute to the house and the earth of the skin. Pay my Sid, do not buy antrochs, Navit tim, who came to Valencia later. Ale bachel my Sid: let us drink the hunt and take your species of boot with you. For the joy of Minai, the order of the wines was given: If you do not kiss your hands, go home without a drink, Somebody will show up in peace, Let him take all the good from such a person, Plant mercilessly on a clod and a bucket. Mіy Sіd uѕі do it, making it like a treba, Calling Minaia, saying to you like this: Let us rewrite all the people behind the rachunk, I as much as you want to go in, Let them take from someone else's money and give it to someone who hasn't left the place. "Axis is a wise mandate" - Minaya praised. Mіy Sіd, having called the retinue to the choice, Ordered to frighten the soldiers who had come. Thirty-six hundred of them were all in all. Smiling my Sid - and radium wine, and proud. “Glorious our Lord for ever and ever! This is not how we got from Bivar. We are rich, and we will become richer. I don’t mind you, Minaia, I’ll send you to Castile: we have a house there, Our lord, King Don Alphonse, is there. From what we got here far away, As a gift to you, take a hundred horses from you. Kiss Yogo's hands for me, Ask for permission to bring the stars to me and the children. Tell me what I will send for this, What donki Ximenu, Elvira and Sil With great and great honor To deliver to the edge, which I have rooted. Vіdpovіv Mіnaya: "I conjure everything". I began to pick up without zayvih slіv. Having caught a hundred warriors with you, the ambassador, Sob not to know in a costly n_ turbot, n_ worries ... While my Sid had fun with the retinue, Come to them right away, a good cleric, Bishop Jerome, a servant of pannies, Razumny and knowledge of the wisdom of the book, Vіdvazhny і in pishіy, i in kіnіy essence. Having begun to feel guilty about the exploits of Sid I with the Moors, greedy to reconcile by force: Let him only gather with them - For the Christian did not shed tears. Happy to you my soul Sid Rui Dias. “Me, for the sake of God, Minaya, listen. In honor of the Creators for the great mercy of the eparchy here on the land of Valencia For Don Jerome, I have fallen asleep, And deliver your call to Castile. Promova Sida slumped Minaye to the like. Bishop's style Jerome bov occupation. Having taken the wine from the land, having lived with prosperity. O God, how happy are the Christians, What is the bishop to Valencia before their appointments!

(Kampeador ("warrior") - the name of Sid. )

(Bivar - called the castle Sida. )

(Alcazar - in Spain, the name of the Russian citadel, the Kremlin. )

(Sіd ta yogo vasali buli vygnanі King Alphonse VI of Castile, but later for peremogo over the Moors forgiven. )

Reconquista and establishment of centralized powers on the Pyrenean Pivostrov

1. Muslim Spain. In the middle of the 8th century, the Arab volodin in Spain cremated into the caliphate and established the emirate from the center near Cordoba. From the 10th century, the emperor of the Muslim Volodya of Spain - Andalusia - bearing the title of Caliph. Arabs and Berbers, who lived in Spain, the Christians called Moors: even the conquerors came from the region in Pivnichniy Africa - Mauritania.

Muslim Spain was a prosperous part of Europe. Merezha zroshuvalnykh canalіv on pіvdnі pіvostrova allowed raising grain and grapes. Large flocks of sheep were bred on flat mountains. Most of the Moors settled in the places, the number of them was chotirohsot. Cordoba, one of the most beautiful places in the world, had up to a pivmillion of bagmen. Andalusia was famous for its seam and woolen fabrics, metal wool, shkiri and sla. With a great fleet floating, it actively traded with Africa, the Baghdad caliphate, Italy, Byzantium.

The Moors did not respect the masses of the Spanish population to follow their religion. In Andalusia, the Basques and other Meshkants in the large Roman province, the Visigoths, the Arabs, the Berbers, and the Jews got along. There were a lot of Christians here, they adopted Islam, but there were those who, having taken the Christian faith, adopted the Arabic language, robes, deaks sounded.

2. Reconquista. Immediately after the conquest of Spain by the Moors, the Reconquista began - a return to the slaughtered territory. The reconquista was about eight hundred years old.

New lands and plantings on the doubled territory were taken away for the first time of the Reconquista. The villagers, taking their fate from the wars, swelled the earth, and the special freedom. Places, new creations or doubled among the Moors, self-regulation of those other rights were made. The mustaches of the war from the Moors dreamed of buying a rich variety of booties. The Crimea of ​​the native Meshkantsev of the Pivostrova, in the Reconquista, for an hour took the fate of French and Italian faces. Papi repeatedly called out to Christians before the Crusades against Muslims in Spain.

At the reconquest, the kingdoms of Castile (at the crossroads - “Land of castles”), Aragon, and in the Pyrenean mountains - Navarre settled down in the Pyrenean Pivostrov. The Kingdom of Portugal was seen at the entrance of the Pivostrova from Castile.

Close to 1030, the Caliphate of Cordoba broke up into dozens of independent princedoms. From the middle of the 11th to the middle of the 13th century, the greatest successes were achieved in the Reconquista. Weakened by international wars, the Muslim princedoms became an easy boon for the Christian rulers. For example, in the 11th century, the Christians occupied the place of Toledo and the Nevdovz moved the capital of the Kingdom of Castile. Later, Aragon took over the great Muslim center of Zaragoza, and the Portuguese took Lisbon and made it the capital. The reconquista did not take place step by step, but in nibs. Vaughn was inspired by the witches between Christian sovereigns, he was respected by the invasion of fanatical adherents of Islam - the warlike Berber tribes from Pivnichnaya Africa. The Berbers gave important blows to the Christians, but the stench could not unite the opposing Muslim worlds. The yoke of Christians has grown on a daily basis.

In 1212, the united forces of Castile and the other Christian powers of the Pivot Island destroyed the Mauritanian army in the battle of the village of Las Navas de Tolosa. The forces of the Moors in Spain were still pushing. At the onset of the decade, Castile occupied the largest Muslim princedoms with the centers of Cordoba, Seville and others. Aragon having established its power in the Balearic Islands, the islands of Sicily and Sardinia, and later - near Pivdenny Italy. The Moors lost less than a bagat area on pivdnі - the Granada emirate.

3. Life of Jews in Spain. In the Pyrenees, since the Roman hours, a lot of Jews lived. In Muslim Spain, wine is one of the centers of Jewish culture in the Middle Ages. The Jews were diggers, craftsmen, merchants, and the most holy ones took a part in the administration of the country: they victoriously traded and diplomatically handed over, served as doctors, ambassadors, and collected taxes. Ale from the XII century, after the invasion of fanatical Berbers, the Jews began to hesitate to convert to Islam. Rich Jewish people, not afraid of the faith of their ancestors, went to the pivnich to the Christians.

The setting up to Hebrew in Christian Spain was a trival hour, which was richly reduced, lower in other lands. And in the end of the XIV century, if the Reconquista was approaching completion, a re-search of the Hebrews began. You were put before a choice: goddamn death. Many who, having accepted a martyr's death for the sake of their faith, others have given the transition to Christianity, being able to cross the storm and turn to their faith in the future. Baptized Jews were recognized, however, as equals with Christians.

4. Consolidation of the Spanish kingdom. The powers that were named on the Pyrenean Pivostrov became becoming monarchies. In Castile, the kings called out to the joy of finding a worldly and ecclesiastical nobility. Later, at the meeting, they began to request representatives of the townspeople and to bring in the rural villagers. So viniklo zbori representatives of the camps - cortes (from the word "court" - the royal door). The Cortes in Castile, like the States-General of France, were divided into three chambers. The Cortesi solidified new tributes and took their fate from the old laws. Install winickles in other kingdoms on the Pyrenean Pivostrov. Ale, the Castilian cortes were the first parliament in Europe for the participation of the peasants.

Following the victorious successes of the Reconquest, protracted inter-state wars broke out between the Christian powers. Just like the 15th century, the rest of the stage in the united lands has come. In 1479, under the rule of a friendly wager, Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon, the two powers united in a single Spanish kingdom. Navarre was divided between Aragon and France. Now the hour has come for the complete expulsion of the Moors from Spain.

In 1492, after the 10th war, Ferdinand and Izabella took Granada. On the territory of the Pyrenean Pivostrov, two Christian kingdoms were left - Spain and Portugal.

5. Introduction of the Inquisition of Spain. The reconquista was held under the dying breath of the struggle of Christians against Islam. The Moors gave up Granada for a wash, that behind them those Jews save that faith. Ale tsі obіtsyanki buli vikonani. The rich Muslims and Jews had a chance to move to Pivnіchnoj Africa. Spain was deprived of a significant part of merchants and artisans, which turned out to be an important waste for the country.

It was not for nothing that Ferdinand and Isabella called themselves "Catholic kings": the stench encouraged Spain to become a Christian country. Behind the Moors and Jews, who had been lost in Spain, they received christening with great zeal, there was a steady pace: the church started vikriti at the entrance to the true faith, ringing in heresy and chaklunstvo.

For the consecration of heretics in Spain, an inquisition was founded. The fierce and merciless Tomás Torquemada, having adored the titles of the "Grand Inquisitor," was chuffed. For 10 years, while Torquemada stood on the choli of the inquisition, thousands of people were sleeping on the fires, more and more they recognized the tortur and settled down at the vaults. The stratum of heretics in Spain took away the name of auto-da-fé (“right to the right”). The war was carried out like a church holy: the rich fell on the city square, with a great crowd of people, nobles that warriors. Dozens of innocent people were spat in some places. Helpers appeared for vikrittya vidyom, chaklunіv and єretikov, at the University of Toledo they specially taught "demonology".

Immediately after the capture of Granadi, the king and queen saw a decree about the expulsion of all Jews from the Spanish kingdom. 120 thousand people could leave the country for three months. Having left the houses that mayo, the Vignans straightened to the Muslim lands, to the Spanish colonies in America and the Netherlands.

The reconquest of that establishment of the centralized powers in the Pyrenean Pivostrov, you see. Classification and particularity of the category "Reconquista and establishment of centralized powers in the Pyrenean Pivostrov" 2017, 2018.

On the cob VIII Art. mayzhe the whole Pyrenean Pivostrіv - the fatherland of the Spaniards and the Portuguese - was conquered by the Arabs (the Europeans called them Moors). The conquerors squeezed the Christians, but at the same time they recognized them with the high achievements of a similar culture.

The population of the Nevdovz Pivostrov rose up against the garrison. Tsyu vizvolnuyu struggle, as it was carried out under the extinction of the defense of Christianity against Islam, was called Reconquest ("Double-dating"). The Reconquista took the fate of the rich people of the lands of Western Europe, they actively supported the Catholic Church.

XI century. Іz of the "History Chronicle of Spain" about the fluctuations in the Arab world of Toledo (1085 rubles)

Tsgogo (1085) rock zіbrav king Alphonse the great military ... and the soil of the plantation of the place. The Moors took good notice of Toledo, a kind of ringing with walls and nadiya plundering by the river Tahoe. Ale was taken to Toledo by a lot of people, and they ran out of food, and the Moors had a chance to build a place for King Alphonse ...

And the Moors turned back to the king in the pits, so that they would deprive them of their wines from the city, and so that they would save the stench of their houses ... and all those who were allowed to. I King Alphonse allowed them to live in the city ... and punished them so that the Moors paid the same taxes as the Mauritanian kings pulled from them, before voicing them that the head mosque could lie dovіchno to the Moors.

Such a boon, King Alphonse and the Moors laid among themselves after the conquest of Toledo.

Christian powers were blamed on the vicious Arab lands, as they waged a joint struggle against the conquerors. Among them, the strongest boules are Castile, Aragon and Portugal. The reconquista adopted the molding of the Spanish and Portuguese peoples, the emergence of mystic spiritual and clerical orders.

In the middle of the XV century. the Moors spared little of Granada. So that the rest of the islands were strong, the Pyrenean powers needed to unite their forces. In 1479 p. the descendants of the Castilian and Aragonese thrones, Isabella and Ferdinand, became friends (they were called "Catholic kings"). Castile and Aragon established a single state. Spanish kingdom . Naprikintsi XV cent. The Spanish kings received the Emirate of Granada to their lands. The reconquista, in this manner, ended, and the territory of Spain became a single power. The religious reconsideration of the Moors and Jews began, it was created by the Inquisition. A lot of Moors and Jews were embarrassed to deprive the country, which messed up the life of the master. Material from the site

Shche XII-XIII cent. in the Pyrenean powers, the representative bodies of power were called - cortesi , more vplivov, lower french states general and english parliament. The stinks have seen the laws, they have mocked the king to honor the nobles, they have followed him, so that the wines are not a trinka of sovereign koshti. But with the vindications of the Spanish kingdom, the role of the cortes in the administration of the state began to change. The king's power has grown stronger, the importance of the king's officials has grown. The king maw nadіynu pіdtrimku from the side of the townspeople, and even more of the Spanish places lay not for the nobles-grands, but for youmu.

Mavri - The name of all the conquerors, who came from Pivnichnaya Africa to the Pyrenean Pivostrіv after the invasion of the Arabs.

Reconquista - The fight for the freedom of Spain and Portugal and the Arabs.

Chi did not know those who were joking? Speed ​​up with a joke

On this side of the material behind the topics:

  • dissolution of the spanish kingdom

What is a reconquista? This term is used to call the old Christians of their territories on the slaughtered Moors-Muslims. The meaning of the word "Reconquista" is even simpler, the term itself is translated from Spanish as a double.

Reconquista: causes

The reconquista began immediately after the conquest of the Pyrenees by the tribes of the Arabs (the first half of the 8th century) and went on with a different stage of success. The feudal gentry provoked the Christian monarchs to war one by one with their vassals, as well as the formation of the Timchas unions with the Islamic conquerors.

Under the hour of the cross campaigns, the war against the Muslim Moors was similar to the struggle for all Christianity as a whole. (Templars and ing.) The backbone was created to fight against the Moors, and the Roman Papi called out the faces of Europe to fight for the freedom of the Pyrenean Pivostrovo.

Ear of Reconquista

After the Moors conquered a large part of the Pyrenees, most of the Visigothic aristocrats were encouraged to get richer on the conquered lands. Like a butt, you can bring the blue of the ruler of Vititsi. The stench took away the Arab dominion in the special power of the native land of the Visigothic crown. However, part of the army of the Visigoths, a significant part of the aristocrats and the clergy, who did not have time to get enough on the redeeming territory, entered Asturias. There, the stench successfully established a single kingdom. In the 718th, the pleasurable Visigoth Pelayo (imovіrno, kolishnіy guardian of King Roderіkh), who, after having been in handcuffs near metro Cordoba, turned to Asturias and was called by the first king of the newly-baked kingdom. The guard came to Poli Fura. After otrimannya zvіstka about the collection on the Polі Fura Namіsnik Munus sent a zvіstka about the emir of Andalusia.

However, only in 722 turns to Asturias, having arrived on a choli from Alcamo. Z chastisers buv i sevіlsky bishop Oppa. Vіn is guilty of provoking Peylo to Alcamo, collapsing at Lucus Asturum. On the third month the Arabs fled into the valley of Covadonga, whispering to the Christians. Ale in the gorge of Alcamo's gorge after eating at the ambush and destroying it. The bat himself was beaten in.

If the news about the death of the Alcamo paddock reached the Berber monk Munusi, he filled the place of Gijón and destroyed Pelayo with his paddock. The battle took place near the village of Olalla. Viysk Munusi was more and more crippled, and he himself was responsible for the murders. Considering the inquiries about those who are such a Reconquista, what are the reasons, it is impossible not to guess about the podium, for it itself has become an ear of the cob.

Consecration of the Pyrenean powers

After the successful start of the Reconquest of Asturias on the cob 10 tbsp. opened her border and became the kingdom of León. In that century, another power was seen - the kingdom of Castile. The stench has been united with the stench. At the turn of the 8th-9th centuries, the successful campaigns of the Franks allowed the creation of the Spanish March at the Pyrenees brewery meeting with the capital in Barcelona. At IX Art. Navarre was seen from her, and a little bit more - the edge of Aragon and Catalonia. In 1137, the stench united in At the sunset of the Pyrenees, the county of Portugal was created, which later became a kingdom.

The political situation between the XII—XIII centuries

In the given period, the Christian powers could double in the Arabs a serious part of the Pyrenees. Їх the victory over the Caliphate, which is more understandable from the economic point of view, we can often explain to them that the Arab state on the cob of the 11th century turned into two dozen fortune-telling provinces (emirates) on Mayzha. Alece became the main reason for success. The Christian lands in the Pyrenees also cursed among themselves, moreover, radiating to their own beck of the Moors. The proté christianians appeared to be agile, and also strong in the military plan.

Positions of Christians under the rule of the Arabs

For Arab Christians, the population has become an object of merciless exploitation. The opportunities were lost at the camp of the napіvrabіv. To learn Christians, they accepted Islam or took over the Arabic names, were respected by people of a lower class. Pochatkov's tolerance of the Moors arose without a trace. Step by step, replacing the delays, causing impersonal Christian uprisings that strengthened the Caliphate.

Reasons for the success of the Reconquest

What is Reconquista? On the food chain, now you can see more. Spillny enemy and scourge zgurtuvav Christians. That Reconquista nabula nature vysvolnogo Rukh, not respecting the military-colonial plan of the Christian kings and witches between Aragon and Castile, as well as the feudal lords one by one. At the critical moment, the Christians huddled. The villagers had their own incentive to overcome the war. On the dual territories, the stench could gain not only land, but also freedom from feudal lords, fixed in letters and charters (fueros). Therefore, the Christians opposed the Moors as a single whole. The Crimea of ​​the Spaniards, the Europeans (most importantly Italian and French) took the fate of the Pyrenees and the Moors. Therefore, on the basis of "what is the Reconquista" you can say like this: tse international Christian volitional movement. richly razіv deafening tsі vizvolnі like "chrestovymi".

Continued Reconquista

In 1085, the Spaniards attacked Toledo. Tsya peremoga was more important. At the same hour, the Arabs, who were strong in the war, asked for help from the African Berbers. The united Mauritanian army could have struck a blow to the Spaniards, which for one hour saved the Reconquista. Nezabar (the middle of the 12th century) another conquerors, the Moroccan Almohadis, came to replace the African Berbers. However, the stench could not come to the emirates of the Pyrenees. Ask from any Spanish, what is the Reconquista? You know the meaning of this term both old and young. This is the struggle of the oppressed against the oppressors, one against the others - the war of the rulers of that culture.

Victory of the Reconquista

In the 1212th united troops of Navarre, Aragon, Portugal and Castile defeated the Moors at Las Navas de Tolosa. After all, the shocks of the Arabs could not be recognized. In 1236, the Castilians took Cordoba, and in 1248, Seville. Aragon occupied the Balearic Islands. Castile fought Cadiz in 1262 and reached the Atlantic Ocean. Valencia fell in 1238. Until the turn of the XIV century. Moors volodili less - a rich province on the Pivdni Pyrenees. On this territory, the Arabs were wielded until 1492.


More Bulo was told what the Reconquista is. From history, the conquest of lands was accompanied by the consolidation of them for the remembrance of the settlements. In the Reconquista a great role was played by the townspeople and other faces. The main vineyards in the war were taken away by the great feudal lords. The stench created great volodinnia on the adjoining lands.

§ 25. Powers of the Pyrenean Pivostrov. Reconquista

Arab conquest of Spain and heritage

Arab conquerors invaded the ear of the 8th century from Pivnichnoy Africa. Irrespective of the orders of the local inhabitants, the Arabs occupied the greater part of their lands and established their power there. The Christian population was covered with high taxes, which only those who accepted Islam were able to pay. For a while, Muslim Spain became a part of the Arab caliphate, but suddenly it turned into an independent power - the Cordivian caliphate. Yogo Moslem population took the name Moors.

Mosaic detail from the mosque near Cordovia

The capital of Arab Spain is Bula Cordoba, one of the largest and most beautiful places in Middle Europe. Here lived up to a pivmilion of inhabitants, there were impersonal palaces and mosques. All in all, on the territory of the Pyrenean Pivostrov, it was close to chotirohsot places. The whole world was famous for making glassware in them, assembling from expensive metals, steel, shkiri, shovkov and woolen fabrics. The Caliphate of Cordoba started trading both from the lands of the Muslim world, and from France, Italy, Byzantium. The Arabs taught the Meshkants of the Pyrenean Pivostrov to grow rice, bavovna, cane, oranges and lemons. The fields began to give more crops, the shards of the Moors planted thoroughly harrows and plows, and they also victoriously planted. All over Europe were seen initial mortgage at Cordovia, Seville, Granada. Libraries were founded for them, ancient manuscripts were taken away. The Moors themselves knew the Europeans from the practice of the Arab healer Avecenni, and also from the robots of ancient scientists, the names of which the inhabitants of the Middle Europe did not remember anymore.

Door of the Alhambri - the palace of Muslim rulers near the city of Granada

In Spain lived the best architects of the Muslim world. Budinki, zbudovanі them, oppose the beauty of that rose. They made impersonal arches and domes, cunningly carved and embroidered ornament. For cladding budіvel budіvelniki often victorious ceramic tiles of different colors. Mauritanian Spain was one of the most prosperous countries in Europe.

Ear of Reconquista

The Arabs could not take over the hirsk areas on the pivnochi of the Pyrenean Pivostrov, as they became the base Reconquest. Like a cross, the Reconquista became the holy war of Christians against Muslims. In the Pyrenees, spiritual and personal orders were established, the warriors of which took part in the battles of the Muslims. The most famous of them became the Order of Sant-Iago (Saint James).

The struggle of the army of the Pyrenean Pivostrov was supported by the Pope of Rome. To help the Christians of Spain came persons from France, England, Nіmechchini, and Italy. Ale Reconquista was led not only by feudal lords. A significant part of the Christian war was formed by the villagers, who took away the freedom and land plots on the doubled territories.

King of Castile and honor. Middle-aged baby

The cob of Reconquista was accepted in 718, if the Christians won the first victory over the Arabs in the valley of Covadonga. At the beginning of the 11th century, the Christian powers – the kingdoms of Navarre, Aragon and Leon – were victorious in the territory of the Moors. On the lands of the Spanish mark, introduced in the Arabs by Charlemagne, the county of Barcelona, ​​or Catalonia, was established. In the middle of the XI century, the Caliphate of Cordoba broke up into two dozen other powers. Hurrying up to the winter, Leon at the other half of the X - the ear of the XI century zoomed in on new lands for the day. Near the adjoining region, there was an impersonal fort, that Christian kingdom, which succeeded, became known as Castile - "the land of castles". For example, in the 11th century, the Castilians dug up the place of Toledo, as it became the new capital of their state.

The Pyrenean Powers in the IX–XI Centuries

What were the Christian powers founded on the Pyrenean Pivostrov at the beginning of the 11th century? How did the changes occur on the Pyrenean Pivostrov until the end of the 11th century?

About the successes of Castile in the fight against the Moors, the middle poem “The Song about Sida” is spread. He has a story about the life and exploits of the face of Rodrigo Dias, in the name of Sid - "Volodar". The author, without prihovyuchi his zahoplennya head hero, clearly describes the battle with the Arabs:

Bachili b vie, how to prick there,

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Like the badges on the lists are red in the form of blood.

In the first half of the 12th century, a new stage of Reconquest began. From Castile, a pivdenno-western region was seen, which soon became an independent power - the kingdom of Portugal. Yogo is the capital of the Arabs' doubling of Lisabon. The Kingdom of Aragon also expanded, the most famous place of all - Zaragoza was doubled by the Moors. In the other half of the XII century, the Aragonese kings became the rulers of Catalonia.

At on the cob XIII the capital, the rulers of the Christian powers of the Pyrenean Pivostrov, gave up their strength. On June 16, 1212, in the battle of Las Navas de Tolos, the armies of several kingdoms defeated the Swiss Moors and their allies from Pivnichnaya Africa. Unexpectedly, the Castilians enchanted the Arab places of Cordoba and Seville. The kings of Aragon established their power at Valencia, on the Balearic Islands, at Sardinia, Sicily and Pivdenny Italy.

Completion of the Reconquista

Until the end of the 13th century, the Arabs lost only the area on the pivdni of the Pyrenean Pivostrov - the Emirate of Granada, which was opposed by the Christian powers: Navarre, Portugal, Castile and Aragon. Navarre was a small mountainous country on the Pyrenees piedmont gathering. Її the state's development of its own right, and it did not play a great role in the development of Spain in the Moors in the XIII-XV centuries.

Been among Christians and Moors. Middle-aged baby

At the pivnіchny entrance of the pіvostrov, with a narrow smog, you save Atlantic Ocean Portugal was thrashed. Vigidne geographic location the country was marked in the employment of її meshkantsiv. Portugal carried on trade with Pivnichny Europe and the lands of the Mediterranean.

The Pyrenean Powers in the XII–XV Centuries

How did the changes occur on the Pyrenean Pivostrov in the XII century, in the XIV-XV centuries? To know the place of the greatest battles of the Moors and Christians.

A great contribution to the struggle for the freedom of Spain was made by Castile and Aragon. In these lands, state-representative monarchies gradually formed.

First, the king called on the feudal lords and the clergy near Castile in 1188. Then, at the gathering, we began to ask for representatives of the localities and rural communities. so winickly cortesi(From the word "court" - the king's door). The Cortes of Castile had three chambers. The stench solidified new tributes, took their fate from the old laws. In the XII-XIII centuries, the representative monarchies developed in all the kingdoms of the Iberian Pivostrov.

King Fernando and Queen Isabella. Middle sculptures

In 1479, ten years after the wedding of Prince Fernando of Aragon and Princess Izabella of Castile, the union of the two most powerful powers in the Pyrenees took place. The consecration of the single power - the Spanish kingdom allowed the Reconquista to end. In 1492, after long battles, the Aragonese and Castilian troops were called the Emirate of Granada. The completion of the Reconquista strengthened the power of the Spanish queens, as it became even more a blessing to the beginning of the 16th century, if Navarre came to the Spanish kingdom. In this manner, the entire Pyrenean Pivostrіv leaned against the rule of the Spanish and Portuguese rulers.

Fires of the Inquisition

Until the end of the Reconquest, the religious intolerance of Christians and Muslims had grown stronger. “Catholic kings” (as they called Fernando of Aragon and Izabella Kastilska) made it difficult for Christians to make friends with Muslims, and for the Moors to hold positions of power. The impersonal Moors and Jews, who lived on the Pyrenean Pivostrov, were faced with a difficult choice: either to leave Spain, or to adopt their own religion and adopt Christianity.

Ale hell did not help. The Catholic clergy were suspected of being "moriscos" and "morans" - Moors and Jews who had converted to Christianity. They were suspected at the taєmny dotrimanni kolishnіh rites. To support the "purity of the vіri" to the decisions of the Roman Pope and the Spanish kings, for example, the XV century, the Spanish Inquisition was created. Ocholiv Thomas Torquemada, who became famous throughout Europe for his zhorstokistyu.

Guess what the Inquisition is, and why it was created.

Zap_dozrenyh at vіdstupі vіd khristiyanstva cheque suvore punishment. The inquisitors threw them at the vaznitsa, rolled them, taking away the need for “proof” of guilt, sued until autodafé. The stratum of the heretics passed by the presence of the king, the clergy and the people. The first Spanish auto-dafe was born in the fierce fate of 1481 in the city of Seville. The sleeping quarters of the heretics began to come out steadily, and for the strata of the awakenings of the particulars of the maydanchik - "Zharivnya".

P_vedemo p_bags

Like a Christian walk, Reconquista bula zіtknennyam khristianskogo іslamskogo svіtіv. In the course of the conquest of lands, a new territory was developed and її united under the rule of the queens. After the struggle with the Moors on the territory of the Pyrenean Pivostrov, two strong powers settled down - Spain and Portugal.

Reconquista (From the word “dvooyuvannya”) – Christians slaughtered by Muslims the lands of the Pyrenean Pivostrov, which took place from the VIII to the XV centuries.

Autodafé (“on the right of the vіri”) – the huge bedroom of the heretics on the bugatti behind the veil of the inquisition.

Cortesi - choose representatives of the camps in the powers of the Pyrenean Pivostrov.

718 The battle of the Christians with the Moors at the valley of Covadonga. The Seed of Reconquest.

1212 Battle at Las Navas de Tolos. Defeat of the Moors.

1479 Union of Castile and Aragon. Consecration of the Spanish Kingdom.

1492 Burial of the Emirate of Granada. The end of the Reconquest.

1. If the conquest of the Iberian Pivostrov by the Arabs came about, and how little is it?

2. What is Reconquista? How many periods can you see at the Reconquest? What does she sleep with crusades and why do they stink?

3. What powers settled on the Pyrenean Pivostrov until the end of the XIII century? What a hell was in the government of these powers?

4. What is the similarity of the Cortes with the Estates General in France and the Parliament in England and what stinks did they scoff at?

5. When and why did the unification of Castile and Aragon happen? What role was played by the association of the soldiers of the Pyrenean Pivostrov?

6. How did the "Catholic kings" pursue the "cleanliness of the faith" in Spain?

1. The middle chronicle describes one of the episodes of the Reconquista in the following way: “What fate did King Alphonse choose, the majestic king, more lower be-if, and fly to Toledo... їх at the city and schob saved the stench of their boudinki that mayo and all those who stink of volody, and king don Alphonse allowing them to live ... and having punished the wines, so that the Moors paid the same poll tax, which were drawn from them by the Mauritanian kings, and moreover, Having voiced the guilt that the head mosque is guilty of lying quietly to the Moors ... And after that, the boulder was approved and sealed with signatures, and the Christians established themselves in the city; zdіysniv king went to the place of that village that lies on the outskirts of Toledo and all the lands became ours, like wines conquered ... I transferred the throne of the king to the royal palace of Toledo. About what episode of the Reconquista is there and what was its meaning? Yaka pleasing to the Moors and why should the king be embarrassed?

2. Fill in the table "Period of Reconquisition":

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THE TERMS OF THE PIRENEA PIVOSTROV IN KINTSI XV-XVI CENTURIES Altamira-i-Krevea R. History of Spain. M., 1951. T. 1-2. History of Spain / ed. V.A. Vedyushkin, G.A. Popov. M., 2012. T. 1. Kamen G. Spain: the road to the empire. M., 2007. Perez J. Izabella Katolochka. Is it for the Christian world? SPb., 2012.

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THE TERRITORIES OF THE PIENEAN PIVOSTROV AND THE PIVDENNY NETHERLANDS IN THE XVII CENTURY Defurno M. everyday life Spain of the Golden Age. M., 2004. Silyunas V.Yu. Style of life and style of art (Spanish theater of mannerism and baroque). SPb., 2000. Abelian J.L. Historia critica del pensamiento espanol. Madrid, 1986. Vol. 3. Dominguez Ortiz A. La sociedad espanola

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