Russian culture at the pre-Mongolian hour. Culture of pre-Mongolian Rus (ix - ear of the XIII century). Ready robots on a similar topic

The culture of Kievan Rus was formed in the era of the establishment of a single old Russian nationality and the composition of a single Russian literary movement. Christianity celebrated greatness with a splash of culture.

Writing. Slovyansk writing was based on the cob of the 10th century (clay utensils with the writing of the words of the Yan language - the end of the 9th century, the agreement between Prince Oleg and Byzantium - 911 rіk, the alphabet of Cyril and Methodius, Ber. letters). After the adoption of Christianity in the 11th century, literacy expanded among the princes, boyars, merchants, wealthy townspeople (the rural population was not written). At churches and monasteries, the first schools are opened. Yaroslav the Wise created a school near Novgorod for children with spiritual disabilities. Monomakh's sister ran a school for girls in Kiev.

Litra. The most important monument of ancient Russian culture and chronicles is the weather forecast historical backgrounds. The first chronicle - the end of the 10th century - Rurikovich before the introduction of Christianity. A friend - for Yaroslav the Wise, a third and a fourth were formed by Metropolitan Ilarion for Prince Svyatoslav. 1113 r_k - The Tale of Temporal Years (the black of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery Nestor). and Glibi” and “The Life of Theodosius” author Nestor. Crimean Litopisiv, other genres. 1049 - "A word about law and grace" by Metropolitan Hilarion: to glorify new ideas and understanding of Christianity, Russia, Russian people, princes. For example, the 11th century - Volodymyr Monomakh's "Povchannya dіtyam", the meta-need to fight against princely intercourse. “Pov about rozor. Jerusalem" - Josip Flavius, vіz.

architecture. Until the 10th century in Russia they were made of wood; architectural style - vezhі, towers, tiers, transitions, carvings - transitions near the stone architecture of the Christian hour. They began to build stone churches behind the Byzantine eye. Nayranish spore of Kiev - the end of the 10th century - the Church of the Virgin - Tithes. For Yaroslav the Wise - 1037-Kyiv Sophia Cathedral - a symbol of the power of Kievan Rus: 13 domes, walls with horn chains, decorated with frescoes and mosaics in the middle, rich icons. Near the 12th century there were single-dome churches: Dmitrovsky and Assumption near Volodymyr-on-the-Klyazma, the Church of the Intercession-on-the-Nerl. New forts, stone palaces, houses of wealthy people were laid near Chernigov, Galich, Pskov, Suzdal. Soph. Cathedral in Nov, Pskov, Polotsk/Spassk in Chernig/Novg: Cathedral of Yur'ev, Anton.mon, Church of the Savior on Nereditsi/Vlad-Suzd s: stone, blocks, vishukuvannya, vitoncheniy, wall decor: Volodymyr-Zol .gate, Uspensk, Dmitr.sob / Bogolyub-surplus palace. Andr, church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

icon painting. Frescoes, the most recent icon of the Mother of God of Volodymyr, which came before us. "Deisus" (prayer) - the end of the 12th century, "The Angel of Golden Power", "The Assumption of the Mother of God", "The Savior Not Made by Hands" - the end of the 12th century.

art. Carving on wood, stone, brushes. Jewelery craftsmanship: filigree, filigree (offended - a visor with a dart), grains (srebni and gold bags - an ornament). Karbuvannya and artistic improvement.

Folk creativity used in Russian folklore: spells, incantations, incantations, riddles (all related to farming and the use of words) funny songs, funeral voices. There is a special place to visit bilini, especially the Kiev heroic cycle (heroes: Prince Volodymyr Chervone Sonechko, heroes Dobrynya Mykitovich, Alyosha Popovich, Illya Muromets).

music. The most recent genre is ceremonial and labor songs, “old times”. Instruments: tambourines, harp, trumpets, horns. Buffoons performed on the squares - dancers, dancers, acrobats, folk theater of lyalok, button accordions - storytellers and dancers of the "old people".

Pobut. People lived near towns (20-30 thousand osib), villages (50 osib), villages (25-40 osib). Zhitlo: sadiba, budinok - zrub from logs. Near Kiev: palaces, cathedrals, towers of boyars, wealthy merchants, clergy. Dozvillya: falcon, hawk, dog watering (for bagats); haircuts, fist fights, games (for commoners). Clothes. Men: a shirt, pants, tucked into boots, women: a shirt with a lining with embroidered and long sleeves. Hats: the prince - a hat with a bright cloth, squads. - Khustka (zamіzhnі - towel), villagers, city dwellers - farmer or wicker hats. Upper robe: cloak-volota made of linen fabric, princes were worn on shii barmies J (lancets made of silver or gold medallions with enamel embellishments. Zha: bread, meat, fish, vegetables; they drank kvass, honey, wine.

Russian culture in advance of the Mongol invasion went through an even higher level of development, not compromising the culture of the advanced lands of Europe, actively interacting with it.

Under the culture of human supremacy, it is accepted to understand the sum of material and spiritual values ​​created by people in the process of their supple-labor practice. The culture of the skin people is like a part of the light culture, like the result of yoga creative zusil, which includes the vaga, which was created by the mind and hands of people.

Mentally, for the clarity of education, culture sees the material and spiritual spheres. Speaking about material culture, we can see the development of technology, the knowledge of practice, as well as living, clothes, and skinny. Before spiritual culture one can see ideological manifestations, the system of illumination, science, literature, and mysticism. right offenses in the sphere of mutual relations. Material culture is impossible to grow without creative activity, at the same time create spiritual culture, resound, mum material inspiration.

The periodization of the history of Russian culture is importantly avoided by the global historical periodization. Sounds like you see the culture of Russia of the pre-Mongolian hour, the culture of the XIII-XV centuries. centralized power, the culture of the XVI and the culture of the XVII century. Russian culture remains of the 17th century. sound characterize as an average. A new Russian culture is being established from Peter's transformations. The main rice is the secular, rationalistic type of culture. As a short period, the development of a new culture is seen: the culture of the first quarter of the 18th century, the middle - the other half of the 18th century, the first half of the 19th century, the other half of the 19th century, the cob of the 20th century.

Tse hour panuvannya middle culture. For her, first, is characterized by a rampant upovіlnіnіnі tempіv razvitku. Productive forces are fully restored, panowing natural statehood, like conserving the essential rye of supple waters.

In a different way, the characteristic rice culture of the hour is traditionalism. The earth-growing people, guarding for the changing hours of the day and fate, for the lives of a good people, succumbing to their repetition, roaring with a closed stake. Vіkovy dosvіd buv naynaіynishim guarantor against disasters. See the authority of the old people, which was repeated in a rich way; dotrimannya zrazkiv.

Thirdly, the characteristic rice of the middle-class culture is panuvannya in the ideology of the religious svetoglyad. Svіtskі rationalіstіchіnі (from latіv. Ratio - rozum) manifestations are present only to the foetus; the stench is the most memorable in the places and in the folk, buto culture.

Fourthly, for this period, the accumulated knowledge is characteristic, but the scientific explanation of the rich facts has not yet been taken away.

Irrespective of the importance of nationality at the development of Russia, it was split from the Western European lands, Russian culture was shaped and developed along the deep channel of European culture. The same type of socio-economic development of Russia and the European lands, similar to the social structure. Zreshtoy, spіlnimi buli and Christian eternal values, which signified the type of culture.

It's a pity that we didn't have a lot of culture reminders before us. A significant part of them perished at the fire, burn, pile, war. For example, if in 1382 p. Ordinets took Moscow as tax, the inhabitants carried books to the Kremlin Cathedral. Having written down the chronicler: there were so many books that the stench underpinned the crypt of life. If Tokhtamish tricked him into reaching the Kremlin, then many unnamed books of wealth burned up. Those books perished in the coming century. At the fire after 1812. ending the single list "Words about Igor's trip". Great number cultural memos were destroyed by the fascists at the Velyka rock Vytchiznyanoi war. A lot of reminders of culture perished and in the aftermath of their power, like a smasher of their "ideological" mirkuvan.

Restorers made a lot of work to revive the memoirs of the old times. For example, the icon-painting work of Andriy Rublov became, in a right way, less at home in the 20th century, if the prominent mystical art I. E. Grabar after clearing yoga icons from drying oil and piznіkh nasharvan. The restoration of the black boards “lit up”, like a rich centenary.

Turns of the Russian cultural development

The culture of any people is made up of a sum of values, decaying in the past hours, a rich contribution of moderns, and a position in other peoples.

The culture of Kievan Rus declined the culture of the skhidnoslovyansky tribes, which became the core of the state. Vaughn recognized the impeccable flow of the nomadic peoples of Stepa and especially Byzantium, from which Christianity came to Russia. Through Byzantium, Russia reached the deepest recession of antiquity. The traditions of Byzantium - one of the most diverse regions of the hourly world - flooded the people, based on the pagan svetlyazan culture of Russia. The stench was reshaped, broken by the Russian soil.

In the other half of the XII - on the cob of the XIII century. Russian culture has become a sing-song influx of Western European Romance tradition.

The Mongol-Tatar conquest drastically changed the nature of contacts and directly cultural links in Russia.

In culture pre-Mongolian Rus You can see three periods: the culture of the mixed slovenism, the culture of Kievan Rus, the culture of the Russian lands and the princedoms during the fragmentation period. Yazichnitsky svetoglyad and folk at its basis material and spiritual virobnizstvo - the leading figures of culture of similar slov'yanstvo in the pre-dominant period and the first decade of Kievan Rus. homemade rice the culture of the Kievan state was the synthesis of the reach of similar words and the Christian culture of Byzantium. This period is called the hour of historical monumentalism in literature and art. On the cob of the XII century. (at the link with fragmentation) within the framework of the princedoms and lands, they begin to develop on the basis of the culture of Kievan Rus, cultural and mystical schools as a cultural variant of the culture of the old Russian nationality

Writing and enlightenment

At the time of the adoption of Christianity in Russia, the alphabet was already in vlasny. Adopted Christianity a distant development writing, enlighten. Indeed, brother missionaries from the Greek metropolitan area of ​​Thessaloniki, Kirilo and Methodius, sang at the 60th anniversary of the IX century. The Gospels are written in Russian words. At that time the glory of the creators of our abetka was often seen. In the other half of the IX century. Kirilo and Methodius, as they respect the greater number of fakhivtsiv at once, created a dissimilar alphabet (Glagolitic alphabet), which, in their line, without a hitch, was reworked by them from walnut vikories, so the native alphabet appeared, Cyrillic, as I asked Peter I , Potim 1918).

Schools at monasteries and churches were the main centers for learning to read and write;

A rich record of the expansion of literacy among the inhabitants of Old Russia was saved. About the literacy of the Mіskogo populatnya to tell the remіsnichi virobi, who have written inscriptions. For example, women signed a spindle whorl - earthen heels, like they pulled on a spindle. Shavets virіzav on the well the names of his deputies. A Kiev potter wrote on an amphora: "Blessed is the writhing of the tsa."

A great number of inscriptions (they are called graphite) are revealed on the walls of ancient cathedrals. Most of them begin with the words “Lord, help me” and then the text is gone. Sometimes funny writings trap. “Yaki stood up,” the Novgorodian wrote about the susida, that he fell asleep at the church, and the Kiyanin, frying over his friend, viviv: “Kuzma the pig.” Written on the wall of Sophia of Kiev, over the sarcophagus of Yaroslav the Wise, helped historians to recognize that the Kiev princes were called the royal title.

Have 1951 r. Archaeologists of Novgorod unearthed birch-bark letters. Nina found over 700 letters - near Novgorod, Smolensk, Moscow, Polotsk, Pskov and other places. Such only thoughts and feelings were not trusted by the people of birch bark! In the midst of the letters, you can send the master’s list (“The earth is ready, the need of the present. They came, the hollow, the people, but we can’t see the mother of life without your word,” reminding Mikhailo to his pan), sina i St.), i love leaf(“From Mikit to Ulyanitsa. Follow me, I want you, but less.

About the increase in literacy in Russia, commemorate Yaroslav the Wise of the school, about 300 children began. The daughter of Yaroslav the Wise Hann, one of the first literate women, was consecrated at the princely towers of Kiev, as she became the Queen of France.

Literature, folk art

From the pre-Mongolian hour, about 150 books reached us. The most recent among them is the Ostromir Gospel. Vono bulo written at 1056-1057 pp. for the Novgorod posadnik Ostromir, in the name of which he took away his name. Todi was written on parchment (in the past, yoga was called haratya, shkira, khutro). Parchment was made, as a rule, from a specially rolled veal skin. The text began to be written in the great red letters - headpieces (find out the viraz "writing from the red row"). Books were often embellished with little ones, which are called miniatures. The bound leaves of the book were bound, laying between two boards, as if they were covered with a shkir (zvіdsi viraz “read from the board to the board”). Books were costly, they were diligently saving them, passing them on like a part of the fall.

Widely spread in Russia, nabula was translated literature as a religious, and secular zmist. The famous “Olexandria” lay until the end, as it told about the exploits of that life of Oleksandr the Great, as well as “The Tale of the Ruining of Jerusalem” by Josip Flavius, the Byzantine Chronicle and the other.

Let's look at the listing of religious texts and numerical translations of old Russian language from Greek and Latin, original works of old Russian authors were created. In the view of the European lands, de literary my bula latina, in Russia they wrote my native language. Kievan Rus created low-profile literary creations.

Among the genres of old Russian literature, the first place is the litopis. Historians see a sprinkling of lithographic crypts, as if they were reblowing the creation of the most famous lithograph of Old Russia - "The Time of Time Lit", folded by Nestor, a resident of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, on the cob of the XII century.

In the literary period of fragmentation, there was a clear idea of ​​the decline of the Russian land for the hours of the Kievan state. The chroniclers of the Russian princedoms began with the "Posti temporal litas" and conducted a sermon before the resurrection of their lands from Kiev. Let's talk about the missionaries. Chronicles of skin from the lands come out one kind of one: like a heroic chronicle of the war, the “Pskov Chronicle” is accepted; the description of the princely strife is reminiscent of the litopis of the Galicia-Volinsky land (“Ipatiivsky litopis”); The chronicle of Novgorod is its own chronicle. The idea of ​​a single and strong grand duke's power is characteristic of the chronicle of Volodymyr-Suzdal land (“Lavrentievskiy chronicle”).

Different literary creations were called either for the purpose, or the stench was saved, or on the name of the author, or the learned one, who knew them. For example, "Ipatiivsky litopis" is named so to the one that was revealed in the monastery of the same name near Kostroma. The Lavrentievsky Litopis is named after Chance Lavrentiy, who wrote yoga for the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod prince.

The life stories of Russian saints have become the most expanded genre of ancient Russian literature. One of the most famous in Russia was the "lives" of the princes Boris and Glib, who were killed by brother Svyatopolk during the international struggle in 1015. Among the publicistic works in one of the first months of the old Russian literature, the “Word about Law and Grace” of the Kiev Metropolitan Ilarion Rocks XI Art.)

Among the most famous creations of that hour, they should be called “Povchannya dіtyam” by Volodymyr Monomakh, “Word” and “Prayer” by Danil Zatochnik and others. strong princely rule, pride in your people and that country. The most important tvir of the period of petty disintegration is the immortal “Word about the departure of Igor”, the pride of our literature.

Along with written literature, a wide development of folk creativity has come to fruition, and we are before the famous bilini, who admonish about the heroic struggle of the people against nomads, about yoga I create labor.


The craft has taken away the essential development of those distant hours. Behind academician B. A. Ribakov’s children, near old Russian places, the number of which at the time of the Mongol invasion was approaching 300, handicraftsmen practiced over 60 specialties. Apparently, for example, that Russian forgers robbed castles that were famous in Europe; These locks were made up of more than 40 parts. Knives were peeled like a great drink, which are self-sharpening, which were formed from three metal plates, and the middle plate was reinforced with greater hardness. Russian craftsmen also became famous, who were engaged in casting bells, jewelers, and clerks. From the middle of the X century. There was a wide variety of varieties of pottery, rich pottery, woodworking objects and shkiri. Significant rozvytovanie nabulnitstvo zbroї - chain mail, prickly swords, shabel. In the XII-XIII centuries. crossbows and faceted arrows appeared before them.


We know about 150 reminders of architecture, which came to us from the pre-Mongolian hour. The excavations of that investigation showed that until the end of the X century. monumental stone architecture in Russia. Budіvlі buli derev'yanі chi derev'yano-zemlyanі.

One of the first stone spores, built by Greek maisters like the 10th century, is a twenty-headed church in honor of the Mother of God, which is also called the Church of the Tithes. Vіd tsієї argue before us deyshov is more than a foundation. Under the hour of the Mongol-Tatar heap, the garrisoners burned down the temple, and under the ruins, the remains of the defenders of the place were buried.

In the middle of the 11th century, after Yaroslav the Wise, St. Sophia Cathedral (1037) was built, with 13 domes. It was the same time that the Golden Gate at Kiev was sporudzheno. With these spores, the place, like a bi, encouraged its mission not to compromise the greatness of Constantinople. Following the everyday life of Sophia near Kiev, Sophia Cathedrals were sporadic in Novgorod and Polotsk, the Cathedral of the Savior was built near Chernigov and other. On the territory of Russia, there are close to 15 stone temples of the XI - the beginning of the XII century, close in style.

The principles of everyday life of the temples were behind those of Byzantium. Temples were built from flat cegli with a size of 31 × 31 cm and a torso of 2.5-4 cm, as it was called a plinth. The type of temple that came from Byzantium is called cross-domed. Chotiri, six or more stovpiv (stovpiv) at the plan made a cross, above which a dome hung. The hidden part of the budіvlі is small ledge (apse) that was called vіvtarnoy. Here the sacrament of worship took place.

The vvtarna part with a low partition, embellished with rich fabrics and icons, was water-cremated in the church hall, where people knew each other. In the course of the year, the number of icons at the vvtarniy reshkod increased, and the month of planting the iconostasis from 5-7 rows of icons. At the western part of the roztashovuvavsya balcony - chori, de pіd hour of worship, having changed the prince from sim'єyu and yogo nearby. Hori staggered, as a rule, by moving from the prince's palace, where it was possible to go, without leaving the overhead. Climbing on the chori was possible with the same twint gatherings that were known in the vezhy, specially recognized for it.

In the period of fragmentation, various architectural and mystical schools were formed. Big temples of the XII - the beginning of the XIII century. one-headed. Mosaic images were sacrificed to frescoes. Significance in the character of architecture is more importantly connected with everyday material, like in this other land. For example, near Kiev, Smolensk, Chernigov, Ryazan, like before, they were from the field. Novgorod has the widest budіvel material buv vapnyak. Vіn sharuvavsya, easily rubbed with roses. Most of the Novgorod and Pskov memorials have been sporudzheno

  1. Dome
  2. Stowpi
  3. Vivtar
  4. Vіvtarna pereshkoda

On the view of Novgorod and Kiev near Volodymyr-Suzdal and Galicia-Volinsky Rus, the main building material is stone. Vіn vyrubuvavsya block rozmіrom 50x50x50 cm. A wall was built from stone from two rows of blocks, a gap between them was covered with crushed stone and flooded with rozchin. A white stone is more pliable in a robot, and if it makes a new sound, there are a small number of decorative details and embellishments. The characteristic features of the white-stone architecture are vishukanity, stringiness, clarity, uprightness, rich decor of the walls. Vіdmіnnoy ryos tsikh sporud є arkaturno-kolonchasti belt, scho pass in the middle budіvlі.

Until the monuments of the architecture of Volodymyr-Suzdal Rus, one can see the savings to this day, even if for an hour and in the rebuilt look, the Golden Gate, the Assumption Cathedral and the Dmitrovsky Cathedral near Volodymyr; the relics of the palace of Prince Andriy in Bogolyubov - one of the poor civilian (secular) stones, which often reached us in the pre-Mongolian hour; Church of the Intercession on the River Nerl near Bogolyubov; cathedrals of Pereyaslavl-Zalisk, Suzdal, Yur'eva-Polsky.

Painting and sculpture

The walls in the middle of the temple were decorated with frescoes and mosaics. The fresco is a painting with water farbs on Syrian plaster.

Fresco images of the blue and daughters of Yaroslav the Wise, scenes of scenes of buffoons, mummers, and watering were saved in Sophia of Kiev. Mosaic - images of or visor, made from shmatochkiv stone, marmur, ceramics, smalti. In Ancient Russia, mosaic images were collected from smalti - a special sklopodibny material. The majestic posting of Our Lady of Oranti, as a prayer for the people, in Sophia of Kiev is engraved on the mosaic.

Icons with the necessary color of the temples (from the Greek Eikōn - image, image). The icons of that hour, as a rule, belonged to the temples and were made great. So, just like frescoes and mosaics, the first icons in Russia were written by Greek masters. The most famous icon in Russia was the image of the Mother of God in her hands, vikonan by an invisible Greek painter at the turn of the XI-XII centuries. This icon took away the name of the Mother of God of Volodymyr and became a symbol of Russia (one of them is taken from the Tretyakov Gallery). It was miraculously far away for the artist to convey the folded, super-cheerful din of a young woman-mother: the joy of motherhood, the lower pity of her child and at once the feeling of torment, as if checking for a child. Volodymyrska Bozha Matir is one of the most accomplished works of light art.

Significant successes in painting were achieved by Russian masters. We know the names of Russian icon painters of the XI century. - Alimpii, Olisey, Georgiy ta іn. From the establishment of independent princely powers in painting, masters of art schools were formed, which were inspired by one and the same manner of painting and color gamut.

The monumental sculpture of the pagan clocks did not develop a significant design, the shards of the Orthodox Church stalked in nіy naduvannya about the thrown off idols of that pagan vіra. Natomіst wide rozvitku nabula carved on wood and stone, especially in the adornment of the walls of temples. The wooden sculptural images of the saints were surrounded by a vipadkovy character and were revisited by the Orthodox Church. (The first svitsky sculptural monuments in Russia were more likely to be found in the 18th century.)

As the development of the economy, the socio-political struggle allows you to talk about a wild overrun of the historical process, then the rivulet of culture will clearly show the result of this process. In this plan, the Russian culture is enriched in the period of fragmentation, if the foundations of the culture of Ancient Russia are formed by the artistic schools, - it is a sign of the development of Russia along the vishіdnіy line.

One of the most important foundations for the development of Kievan Rus and the princely powers during the period of fragmentation, their culture was formed by the old Russian nationality. It is characterized by a united language, a visible political unity, a sacred territory, closeness of material and spiritual culture, and the unity of a historical root.

The harmonious development of the old Russian culture was interrupted by the Mongol bulk in the middle of the XIII century. That is why historians commemorate the early period of the її evolution (IX-XIII centuries) in the future. An indistinct part of the culture was pobuted - all those who otochuval everyday life of ordinary members and nobles of the skhіdnoslov'yanskogo suspіlstva.


Like the whole culture of pre-Mongolian Rus, the architecture of the country changed greatly after the adoption of Christianity and the introduction of Byzantine traditions to old Russian ones. Zhitlovi spores of similar words from a long time ago were dugouts and pits. At the pivnoch in the forest zone, rich traditions of woodworking were formed.

Kam'yanі sporudi appeared in the 10th century, if Greek architects arrived in the country at the request of Prince Volodymyr. The most important reminders of the culture of pre-Mongolian Rus were discovered by Kiev - "mothers of the Russians". At 989 roci, the life of the stone church of the Tithes began, which became cathedral, roztastovany order іz princely court.

In the distance, the ancient Russian monumental architecture expanded to all the skhidnoslovyansk lands. For example, near the 11th century near Novgorod, the St. Sophia Cathedral was consecrated - this year's main memory of the city. So this dispute is respected by the old church, inspired by the words and saved on the territory of Russia. Holy Sophia Cathedral near Kiev. As a memorial to architecture, it was inspired by the Volodymyr princedom in the 12th century.

Krіpaks were mostly mіskі stіni, made of wooden logs (they were also called city dwellers). Uplands were erected Maidanchiks for the garrison and the valleys, from which the shooter was fired along the gates. Additional fortifications were bashti. Great places were formed from the ovnishnіh walls, children and internal fortresses. The walls of princely capitals could be made of stone. Plantings grew between the borders, where the artisans settled down and that other simple people.


The culture of pre-Mongolian Russia was enriched by the traditions of stone temples, and new trends in painting. Such genres, like frescoes, mosaics and iconography, have become an indispensable part of the life of similar words. In painting, the Greek plethora of old-fashioned Russian style is visible, lower in architecture, and yet it is not uncommon to blame the self-styled old-Russian style. It was because of this that, for example, in iconography, having established the Christian canon, for example, maistris did not go through a lot of centuries.

Crimea of ​​religious art and worldly painting. Wall paintings created at the gates of the Kyiv Sophia became a clear sign of this genre. The little ones portrayed the family of the Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise, scene everyday life monarch, fantastic birds and animals. Until now, a few icons have been preserved, created by Volodymyr-Suzdal land in the 12th century. These artefacts demonstrate more clearly what the culture of Russia was like in the pre-Mongolian period. The second unique monument, the middle fresco, which is the main memory of the Dmitriev Cathedral, depicting scenes of the Last Judgment.

The golden century of culture of pre-Mongolian Russia will lie until the XII century, if the feudal fragmentation of the earlier single state caused the blame of regional "schools" in rich areas of creative activity. This trend has sprung up, that image-creating art. For example, in Novgorod boulevards were created paintings, passed by a unique frown and suvorim spirit. The little ones of the evil archangels and the articles of the saints are not similar to the other image of old Russian painting.


Music is just another kind of art, which shows in person what kind of history the pre-Mongolian period had, having left little evidence about the songs of similar words. The music is characteristic of the fact that it has always sounded casually in the eyes of nobles and ordinary people. Family saints, "games", did not appear without songs, dances and gris on the instruments. People create a small different character. There were spring halls, spring playing melodies, crying for dead relatives.

The most talented vikonavtsy became professional musicians. Spivaks of urochist bilin and opovіdachі were specialized in the epic genre. At the same time, having created a whole world of stray corpses, which were formed from buffoons, they appeared on the squares and benquets. The culture of pre-Mongol Russia was rich in facets, and the music of the sensi was not considered by other types of art. They didn’t just sleep with a lot of buffoons, but they tried themselves as acrobats, dancers, jugglers and actors, so they became actors. Why, that the princely government often fought against such self-dialism, the fragments of the ancient "bison" songs bore the seal of ancient pagan traditions.

Russians included balalaikas, tambourines, gusli, triskachki, domri. And the horns of that trumpet were victorious not only for the chiming song, but also for the signal for the hour of the watering of the military. At the squads, they used the power like “orchestras”. For example, such a team raised the fighting spirit of the Viysk pіd hour oblog of the Volz Bulgarians in 1220 roci.

As a part of the culture of pre-Mongol Russia, music took its own place in the Orthodox niche. The texts of church songs were Byzantine (in the translation of the words of the Yan language). Into the Greeks Russia delayed the liturgical rite. So the winners of the roses appeared on their own.


The most ancient Russian culture is at home behind its folklore, which is admired by prominent roses and wealth. Songs, bilini, incantations, poetry were yogo invisible components. Paganism gave rise to mythological opovіdі, like they saved themselves after the adoption of Christianity. Folklore vistavis grew up with Orthodoxy, which was most marked on the calendar saints and zabobons.

Bilinear heroic epic is the pinnacle in contemporary folk art. Bogatirs became the main characters of such creations. Such heroes, like Illya Muromets, Dobrinya Mikitovich and Alyosha Popovich, lead the skin child for the selection of fairy tales. The bilins had wealth, like the culture of Russia of the pre-Mongolian period. The bogatyrs could be like real historical characters and elaborate images. In the stories about fearless heroes, the middle epoch was mentioned with its characteristic rices (fighting with steppe nomads, “bratty people” toshchoo).


The creativity of letters was the protilezhnіstyu usnoї folk ї creativity. However, such literature could not appear without an abet. She, with her blackness, leaked into Russia at once from Christianity. The Byzantine educators Cyril and Methodius created a special alphabet for words, which became the foundation for various writing systems: Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Macedonian, etc.

The work of Greek preachers from Thessalonica is the smallest of the far-reaching heritage. Without the Cyrillic alphabet, the entire pre-Mongolian Qiu could not be folded into an alphabet for a complete translation of Orthodox texts. The first schools, which teach letters, were founded by Prince Volodymyr Svyatoslavich.

Unique memoirs of old Russian writing and Novgorod birch bark letters. The greater part of the boulder was discovered by archaeologists in the 20th century. Birch-trees of literacy testify that literacy in Russia was not respected by the share of the exclusive aristocracy. The writings were enticed by the richly distinguished citizens, as they recorded the middle-class Novgorod artifacts.

The old-fashioned Cyrillic alphabet was despoiled in modern times. She had superimposed signs and deeds of supplementary letters. The cardinal reform of the old alphabet was attributed to Peter I, and the residual today's appearance was born after the revolution of 1917.


At once, from writing, Russia adopted book culture from Byzantium. The first independent works were religious sermons and sermons. This is how you can vvazhat "The Word about Law and Grace", written by Metropolitan Hilarion in the middle of the XI century.

Kudi became the widest genre of literature. The stench is not only chronicles of podіy, but dzherelom know about those, which was the culture of Old Russia of the pre-Mongolian period. Nestor is the leading chronicler of Kievan Rus. On the ear of the 12th century, he compiled The Story of Temporal Years. In this crypt were described the main Russian history under the name of sovereignty up to 1117. Nestor raised his respect for political podiyas: princely superchicks, wars and unions. The chronicler also left out the "Reading" for himself, in which he reported on the biographies of the two martyr princes Boris and Glib.

Prince Volodymyr Monomakh remembered not only that he was a wise politician and a talented commander, but also that he was a non-verbal writer. The ruler of Kiev, having left the “Povchannya” - a political treatise, for which the author explained to his recessions, what kind of power can be ideal and effective power. At the book of Monomakh, he predicted to the future princes that the special interests of the politicians were not to blame for the unity of the state, the necessary, zokrem, to fight against the nomadic Polovtsians.

"Povchannya" was written on the cob of the 12th century. As a reminder of that century, a new brand of old Russian literature appeared - "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". Vіn takozh buv devotions to those fighting with the Polovtsians. At the center of opovіdannya sing - not far away went to the steppe of Prince Igor Svyatoslavich, who ruled Novgorod-Siversky.

Vihіdna vіd nomads the threat of a peaceful life is rich in what those scho, what became the culture and pobut of pre-Mongolian Rus, got into. In the “Slova” of non-restorations, the author, like nothing, showed more clearly how the pagans were raiding. Yak and Monomakh at his “Povchanni”, blaming his voice on the importance of the unity of the Russian lands in front of the infamous nebezpekoy.

Applied art

Russian masters from ancient times were famous for their unique techniques for making jewelry embellishments (enamel, filigree, etc.). Similar virobi fought for the prayer of the boyar and princely nobility. Foreigners choked on Russian niello by the sribl. The whole sum was made up of various items: bracelets, crosses, pearls, etc.

The Kiev majstri gave priority to the gilded and silver posts on black aphids. The Volodymyr artisans often worked for pure silver and gold posts. In Galicia, the school of contour black was founded. On these butts, the applied art once again demonstrates how the culture of pre-Mongolian Russia was poached with such different manhoods.

The crafts of the village were already inspired by the crafts of the city. For a long time, the maisters victoriously celebrated pagan motifs in their ornaments evil spirits. Amulets and amulets were greeted with popularity. Most of them worked with the most accessible material - wood. As if the incantatory elements of the applied arts were less than magically recognized, then step by step the stinks lost their sense and became mere vizierunks. The culture of Russia of the pre-Mongolian period, briefly seemingly, evolved. From skin generations, it gradually became more and more complex.

Fuck that life

Early words'yansk_ nap_v_dugouts were formed from stoves, benches and bunks. The skin of such a place became a booth for a good bet. The breadth of the names of dugouts in pivden tribal splices of similar words was noted by Arab geographers. Such dwellings began to be known in the X century. The whole process of tying up from a wide range of patriarchal ties in a small homeland and in the world of ancestral remnants.

For example, near Kiev, the Crimea was filled with dugouts, they were rough and broken from logs of life. The tree was a good cheap material, it was possible to have a lot of leather and a strong bag. Availability helped to reinvigorate the settlement at different times. Zagoryannya always led to strong ruins, which, from the other side, was a memory of a small tree.

An important part of the princely palaces was a gridnitsa - a spacious accommodation, where a squad was selected on the benches. I’ll arrange an aristocratic dwelling for the wedding - just another way of understanding what the culture of pre-Mongol Rus was. The architecture was a showcase of the social state, position at the community gatherings of the master of life. Tsikavo, as in the XII century, if the state was residually disintegrated, more grand-ducal gridirons arose - their appointments began to victorious like prisons.


Zvichayny villagers, or stinks, dressed up at the front of their shirts-kosovorotki, tucked into pants, and high boots. Inexpensive farms were victorious. With whom the common people were respected by witches' fur coats. The belts were narrow and skinny, the buckles fumbled around the midi. Women, as a rule, wore embellishments namistos, namistas).

A characteristic sign of a retinue, boyar and princely dress was a raincoat. While the villagers wore coarse shirts, the aristocracy wore shirts from a seam. Princes of chobots were sewn from sap'yanu. A cap with a cunning band was the obov's attribute of the monarch. Embellish noble people scrambled to expensive stone that gold. For example, Prince Svyatoslav Igorovich wearing a characteristic pearl earring. The culture of pre-Mongolian Rus (10-13th centuries) surprised the wealth of foreigners. The winter clothes of the Russian nobility worked on sable farms, which were the most important commodity on all European markets.


Oskіlki the basis of the Russian statehood of Russia was arable farming, ration wonderful people folded mainly from the bread itself and various cereals (barley, wheat, rye and millet). This importance for the life of similar words was a principle. In the presence of bread, the floorings were lying, that archaeologists knew children's toys near the sight of bread. Nevrozhay vvazhavsya most dashing, obov'yazykovym as a legacy of becoming a worldwide pestilence.

The meat of the townspeople was formed from the meat of birds and thinness. Near the village, a long-standing tradition of eating horsemeat was saved. An important part of the home table was dairy products, sir. The ideological warfare of the church collided with paganism and diet. For example, that same sire vvazhavsya ritual dish. The priests tried to regulate the diet of their flock for the help of all the fasts.

The sturgeons were especially valued on the table for ribis (apparently, “sturgeons” served with the Novgorod princes, as they collected taxes from sturgeons from fishing). The key vegetables were ripa and cabbage. Kharchov's culture of pre-Mongolian Rus, briefly seeming, changed more in other spheres of the word'yanskoy life. Traditional spices were cinnamon, ocet, peas, anise, mint, pepper. A shortage of salt could turn into a right folk dash. Whose goods are loved by the object of speculation of merchants.

The culture of Russia was formed in the era of the adoption of the single old Russian nationality and the folding of the single Russian literary movement. Christianity gave a great vengeance to get culture out of the blue - on literature, architecture, painting.

At the same time, the dvovirstvo, which dawned, zoomed in on those who, in the culture of Middle Russia for a long time, preserved pagan spiritual traditions. Suvori canons of church Byzantine art in Russia recognized the change, images of saints became more worldly, human.

Wanting to write a great expansion after the adoption of Christianity, to investigate archaeological data about those that the word'yansk writing was based on the cob of the X century. Ale lishe from the XI century. in Russia, literacy among princes, boyars, merchants, and foreign townsmen began to expand.

Translations of Greek and Bulgarian books appeared, create historical works. Books were also costly, made from parchment. Written in the form of the hands of goslings or swan feasts, embellished with color miniatures.

Bulo opened the first schools at churches, monasteries, near towns. The most important monument of ancient Russian culture - chronicles - is the weather record of historical records. A lot of retellings have gone up to the “Tale of the Time Years”, which has become the main practice in the history of Russia.

Vaughn bula was written by a resident of the Kiev-Pechora monastery Nestor in 1113. The Crimea of ​​historical creations in Kievan Rus creates the creations of other genres. In 1046 p. Metropolitan Hilarion, having written “The Word about the Law and Grace”, as if he witnessed about the deep penetration of the ideology of Christianity in the Russian Church Fathers.

Widened icon painting. The oldest monument to icon painting, which has come down to us, is the icon of the Mother of God of Volodymyr. The bula was named after the transfer of the icon by Andriy Bogolyubsky from Kiev to Volodymyr.

The art of carving on wood and stone reached the high equal, the palaces of the princes and the dwellings of the boyars were embellished with it.

Russian jewelers, vicarious and the most sophisticated techniques - filigree, niello, granulation, filigree, created gold and silver embellishments, as if they were masterpieces of light art.

The long-standing Russian power, which had settled itself in the 9th century, two centuries later was already a mighty middle-class power. Adopted from Byzantium Christian religion, Kievan Rus adopted and all the prices that were in the most advanced for the first period of the power of Europe. That is why the strong infusion of Byzantine culture on old Russian art is so clearly visible. But in the pre-Christian period, the words were small enough to bring out the rose of mysticism. It’s a pity, the centuries that flew by, brought down on the territory of the dwelling of similar words, a majestic number of nabigiv, wars and the most manipulative dashes, like they blasted, burned, or they scorched from the earth practically everything that was created in the pagan period.

At the time of the establishment of the state, Russia had 25 places, which were more like trees. Maistri, yakі їх they called, they were more right fitters. The stench made maisterny princely castles, towers for the nobility, community houses out of wood. Some of them are richly embellished with gaudy decorations. Stone houses were also built, which confirmed archeological excavations and literary dzherel. The most ancient places of Russia, which have been preserved to this day, practically do not think of anything sleepy with their original appearance. They created ancient words and sculpture - wood and stone. To this day, the icon of this art is the Zbruchsky idol, which is kept at the Krakow Museum. Dzhe tsіkavі zrazki jewelry embellishments of ancient words from bronze: fasteners, amulets, charms, bracelets, hoops. Masterfully chiselled household items like fantastic birds and animals. Tse confirm what for ancient words navkolishniy svit buv spovneniy life.

In Russia, since ancient times, writing has been founded, but there were no great literary creations. They read local Bulgarian and Greek manuscripts. And on the beginning of the 12th century, the first Russian litopis "The Tale of the Times", "The Word about Law and Grace" of the first Russian Metropolitan Hilarion, "Povchannya" by Volodymyr Monomakh, "Prayer" by Danil Zatochnik, "Kyiv-Pechersky Paterik" are announced. Pearly ancient Russian literature is filled with "The Word about Igor's Departure" by an unknown author of the 12th century. Written two hundred years after the adoption of Christianity, it is literally permeated with pagan images, for which the church was revisiting. Until the 18th century, there was only one list of manuscripts, which can rightfully be considered the pinnacle of ancient Russian poetry. But the middle Russian culture was homogeneous. Won dosit clearly podіlyaєtsya on the so-called elite culture, as it was assigned to the clergy, secular feudal lords, the city dwellers and the culture of the lower classes, which is truly folk culture. Honoring and appreciating literacy, a written word, simple people, such a person, always allow it, even more so, create handwritten. For this reason, folk art and folklore have been widely expanded. Our ancestors became the reminders of folk culture - bilini and kazka. In these creations, the people comprehend the links between the past and the present day, mrіє about the future, rozpovіdaє not only about princes and boyars, but about ordinary people. Buliny give a statement that, in a right way, the simple people clucked, like in a new boulli the ideals of that manifestation. The life of these works, their actuality can be confirmed by contemporary cartoons, taken from the works of the old Russian folk epic. “Alyosha ta Tugarin Zmіy”, “Illya Muromets”, “Dobrinya Mikitovich” is already a friend of a thousand years and is already becoming popular among the gazers of the 21st century.

4) Architecture, architecture of Kievan Rus.

Rus' old rocky bula, wooden edge, and її architecture, pagan prayers, fortresses, towers, khati were made from a tree. Near the tree, people, like people, lived with a handful of similar words, drooling over their spryynyatta budіvelnoї beauty, almost proportions, anger, budіvelnyh spores іz navkolishnoy nature. Yakshcho wooden architecture go mostly to Russia pagan, then the stone architecture is tied to Russia already Christian. It’s a pity that the most recent wooden buds have not been preserved to our days, but the budding style of the people has come to us in the old wooden spores, in the old descriptions and little ones. The Russian wooden architecture of the bula is characterized by richly tiered budvels, crowned with towers and towers, the presence of various pribuds - cages, transitions, blue. Nezvichayna, the artist's carving on wood was an outstanding color of Russian wooden buds. This tradition lives on among the people to this day.

The first kam'yana spore in Russia appeared as a reminder of the 10th century. - Imenita Tithe Church near Kiev, sporudzhen for the introduction of Prince Volodymyr the Christ. Unfortunately, she didn't survive. Natomist until this day, the name of Kiev, Sophia, is known for ten years from now.

Offending the temples, boules, zagalom, inspired by the Byzantine maisters from the zirch for them plinf - large flat tarsier with a size of 40/30/3 cm. Chervona plinfa and horny roses robbed the walls of the Byzantine and first Russian churches with a swarthy swagger.

They used to go out of the field mainly on pivdnі Russia. At the pivnoch, near the distant view of Kiev Novgorod, they gave the stone a head. True, the arches and the crypts still laid the ground. Novgorod stone "Syry flagstone" is a natural hard stone. Walls were laid from the new, without zhodno ї obrobki.

Naprikintsi XV cent. in architecture of Kievan Rus new material appeared - cegla. Vіn nabuv wide width, to the fact that it is cheap and affordable for a stone.

The world of Byzantium, the world of Christianity, the lands of the Caucasus brought to Russia a new wakefulness and tradition: Russia adopted the construction of its churches in the appearance of a cross-domed temple of the Greeks, a square, dismemberment of chotirma with stovpami, to become a straight foundation, which is spacious to a wide extent. Ale Tservka Grezki Maystry, Yaki was fucked up for Russia, cleanly with Volodymyr’s hour, and such a praziychi was Rosіyskі Madіlzi, they were shown to the tradition of the village of Arkhitekturi, Zvidyniye, Mile Cervine, in Tenth. . for example X Art. If the Greek maisters were inspired by the tradition of the Byzantine traditions, then the St. Sophia Cathedral near Kiev recognized the words of the Jansk and Byzantine traditions: thirteen religious domes of the new church were placed on the cross-dome church. Tsya skhіdchasta pyramid of St. Sophia Cathedral resurrected the image of Russian wooden architecture.

Sophia Cathedral, the destruction of the hour of the approval of the birth of Russia for Yaroslav the Wise, showing that everyday life is the same policy. With this temple, Russia threw a cry to Byzantium, the oath of recognition of the holy place - the Sophia Cathedral of Constantinople. At the XI century. Sophia cathedrals grew up in the other important centers of Russia - Novgorod, Polotsk, and from them claiming their own, independent prestige from Kiev, like Chernigiv, de Bulo sporuzheno monumental Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral. Throughout Russia, monumental, richly domed churches with similar walls, small windows, witness to power and beauty were built.
Temples were built near Novgorod and Smolensk, Chernigov and Galich. new fortifications were laid, stone palaces, chambers of possible people were built. For ten years, carving on stone has become a typical rice of Russian architecture, which embellishes the spores.

With the help of rice, which brought together all the Russian architecture of that hour, it became more organic for everyday disputes to come from the natural landscape. Marvel at how the Russian churches were set up to stand, and you will understand about what to go.

Sophia Cathedral as the first architecture of Kievan Rus
The first stone architectural buddies were built on the 10th century, with the advent of Christianity. The first Kam'yana church was roused in 989, following the order of Volodymyr the Great. Vaughn was not saved until our hour. Budov style buv Byzantine. We're scorching with a butt, which is filled with quiet hours, є St. Sophia Cathedral near Kiev. The date of the end of yoga is dated 1036, for the princedom of Yaroslav the Wise.
Sophia Cathedral was the inspiration of the prince's house of victory over the Pechenigs. The cathedral was built side by side by thirteen lazens, as if they created a pyramidal structure. Nini temple May 19 lazen. From the side of the sunset, following the Byzantine tradition, two vezhs approach the temple, as they call it, the stench leads to the choir, and I will also cover the flat. Sophia Cathedral with pearl architecture of Kievan Rus. This temple is similar to Byzantine and Russian styles.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral
Another masterpiece of Russian architecture is the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral near Chernigov. Vіn buv mortgages by the brother of Yaroslav the Wise Mstislav in 1030 roci. The Cathedral of the Savior was the head shrine of the Chernigiv land and the place, as well as the tomb, in which Prince Mstislav Volodymyrovich was buried, the yogo squad Anastasia, the son of Eustache, Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich. The Cathedral of the Savior is a unique spore that belongs to the oldest temples in Kievan Rus.
Friday Church
So one of the most ancient churches is the P'yatnitska church near Chernigov. The church is given to lie down to typical single-dome temples made of chotirma stovpami. The name of the architect is unknown. The P'yatnitsky temple is unique, unique and, perhaps, the most beautiful among all pre-Mongolian temple architecture of Kievan Rus. Before the speech, the whole church was restored.

Church of Panteleimon
The only architectural monument of the Galicia-Volinsky princedom, which has been preserved to our time, is the Church of Panteleimon. Vaughn was awakened by the beast on the hillock, near the city, de Dnister and Lokva are angry together. The impulses of the temple are from blocks, yakі duzhe schіlno pіdіgnaі one to one and fixed with a thin ball of rosette, which creaks. The spore was already mіtsnoy. As many as three styles were combined in the architecture of the temple: Byzantine, Romanesque and traditional old Russian. In those hours of war and international struggle, churches and cathedrals were used as a defensive reason, for which the Church of Panteleimon can be such a special architecture.

Upper castle
So, before the architecture of Russia, you can see the Upper Castle near Lutsk, a kind of awakening in the other half of the XIV century. Through the deep river to the castle in the middle of the city. The height of the walls of the castle is 240 m, the height is 10 m, three towers are laid out along the corners:
1) V'yzna vezha is built on the basis of XIII Art. The back of the head was three-tiered. After the rise of two tiers, the height fell to 27 meters. The thickness of the walls of the lower tiers is 3.6 m-code.
2) Stirova Vezha. I took away such a name, for it was above the river Stir. Її were a protagon XIII-XIV Art. The height of the warehouse is 27 m-code.
3) Volodarskaya - the third tower, which has a height of 13.5 meters. At a long time ago, її were trimmed with a kosht by the lords, stars and resemble її name. Near the gate itself there is a museum of bells, near the pіdzemelli there is a ringing house.
Mіzh V'їznoy and Stirovoy vezha on the mist of the prince's hotel there is a "gentry's house".
Most of the temples and castles of Russia were repeatedly restored at the link with the Mongolian bulk.

5) Russian icon. Tempera painting. Leaf style. Draw the plots.

Russian icon painting- what developed in the nadras Orthodox Church the image-creating art of Ancient Russia, the ear of which was laid on the example of the 10th century with the crosses of Russia. The basis of the vindication of Russian painting was the images of Byzantine art. Iconography was abandoned as the core of the old Russian culture until the end of the 17th century.

Icon- the whole picture that depicts the saints of that episode from the Bible. "Icon" in translation from Greek means "image", "image". In Russia, icons were called “image”.

Technique for icon painting

On a wooden base with vibranim poglilennyam - "ark" (otherwise without a new one), cloth - "pavoloka" is glued. Then the soil was applied, which was creed, mixed on the animal or rib'yach glue with the addition of llano olії. - "gesso". The first stage of a non-intermediate pictorial work is “rozkrish” - the laying of the main tones. Yak farba vikoristovuetsya egg tempera* on natural pigments. In Russia, the technique of tempera sheet prevailed in art until the end of the 17th century. (Butt of tempera - Icon of the Savior from the Zvenigorod rank. Andriy Rublov. XIV - XV centuries) The process of work on the face completes the overlay of "movements" - a bright point, patches and rice at the most stressed plots of the image. At the final stage, the robe is painted, the hair of those other necessary details of the image is created by gold, or the gilding is rotated on the asist (strokes from gold leaf, or the robe was folded on the folds, feast, wings of angels thin). After the completion of all works, the icon is covered with a frosty ball - natural linseed oil.

Tempera*- water-reduced farbi, which are prepared on the basis of dry powder pigments. chicken egg or a whole egg) or a piece (hanging olives with water-based glue, polymers).

In Russia, icon painting was respected by the most important right, sovereign. The chronicles, in order, from the soles of sovereign significance, marked the life of new temples and the creation of icons. It was a long-standing tradition that one should not allow too many credits for icon painting, moreover, they did not slander themselves with sinful rights.

Iconography is ascetic, suvorian and absolutely illusory. A sign, a symbol, a parable is a way of expressing the truth, well known to us for the Bible. Mova religious symbols of the building convey folding and deep understanding of spiritual reality. Christ, the apostles and the prophets, went into the language of parables in their sermons. The vine, the drachma wasted, the fig tree withered, and other images that became rich symbols in Christian culture.

Її acknowledgment - guessing about the image of God, helping to get into the psychological state necessary for prayer.

Types of images, compositional schemes, symbols were affirmed and hung by the church. Zokrema, in painting, they established the rules that accept, like the mav follow the leather mitets - canoni. Prior to the creation of icons, the painters used the ancient originals, brought from Byzantium, as the main ceramics. The canonical painting of the rich century fits into a strictly singing framework, allowing only the repetition of iconic originals.

Philosophical honor to the canon in that the "spiritual light" is intangible and invisible, and also, inaccessible to the splendid soul. Yogo can be depicted only for the help of symbols. The icon painter strongly encourages the difference between the image of the light of heaven with the saints, who have reached the new, and the light of the earth, in which the seer is alive. For whom the proportions are suddenly twisted, the perspective is destroyed.

Let's translate the main rules of the icon-painting canon:

1. Proportions. The width of the old-fashioned icons should be taken with a height of 3:4 or 4:5 independently of the icon's board.

2. Resize the figures. The height of the face is 0.1 of the height of the body (according to Byzantine rules, the growth of people is 9 worlds of the head). Vіdstan mіzh zіnitsyami dоrіvnyuval rozmіru nose.

3. Lines. On the icon it is guilty of buti torn lines, the stinks are either closed, or they come out of one point, or they go back to another line. The lines of the face are thin on the cob and in the end, and in the middle there is sweat. Lines of architecture across equal comradeship.

4. Vykoristannya zvorotnoy prospects - what is formed only from the near and the middle plans, the distant plan is surrounded by impenetrable ashes - gold, red, green and blue. In the world, in the distance, as a beholder, objects do not change, but increase.

5. All the artists went into the symbolism of the farb, the color of the leather was not intended to have its own meaning. For example, the golden color, which symbolizes the divine glory, in which the saints change. The golden ashes of the icon, the nimbi of the saints, the golden figure of Christ, the golden robe of the Savior and the Mother of God - all serve as a sign of holiness and eternal values ​​that lie before the light.

6. The same gesticulation was symbolic. The gesture in the icon conveys a singing spiritual impulse, carrying a singing spiritual information: a hand, bent to the chest, is a heart feeling; a hand lifted up on a mountain - a cry to repentance; two hands, lift up the hill - a blessing about the world, etc.

7. great value Mali are also objects in the hands of the depicted saint as signs of his service. So, the Apostle Pavlo, sound like a book in his hands - tse Gospel, with a sword, which symbolizes the Word of God.

Disguise (oblichcha) in the icon - the head of the head. In practice, icon painting was written on the back of the body, landscape, architecture, clothing, and then the head master proceeded to writing the face. Dotrimannya such an order of work was important, to that the icon, like all light-budding, is hierarchical. The proportions of the face were navmisno twisted. It was important that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, because the eyes on the icons are so great and penetrating. Let's see the eyes of pre-Mongolian icons (for example, "The Savior Not Made by Hands" Novgorod, XII century). Mouth, on the other hand, symbolizing sensitivity, the lips were painted disproportionately small. Starting from the Rublovsky hour on the cob XV Art. eyes have not written so much before, for now great respect is attached to them. On Rublyov's icon "The Savior of Zvenigorod" the Savior's deep and penetrating glance opposes us. In Theophanes the Greek, the deacons of the saints were depicted with flattened eyes or with empty eyeglasses - in such a way the artist tried to convey the idea that his gaze of directing is not at the outer world, but in the middle, at the gaze of the divine truth and inner prayer.

The figures of the biblical characters were written less shrillly, not richly spherical, navmygulyas, which created a visual effect of їхної lightness, added subtlety and volume of їхніх bodies.

The main characters of the icons are the Mother of God, Christ, John the Baptist, apostles, ancestors, prophets, holy associates and great martyrs. The images could be: head (only face), shoulder (on the shoulders), explain (on the waist), on the top.

Saints were often written in the midst of a small number of compositions on those of their life - the so-called life hallmarks. So the icons spoke about the Christian feat of the character.

The icons, dedicated to the gospel podias, formed the basis of the main church saints, as well as the icons written on the basis of the Old Testament plots.

Let's take a look at the main iconography of the Theotokos and Christ - the most important and iconic images in Christianity:

Nearly 200 iconographic types of the image of the Mother of God came to Usy, name some of which were named after the names of the masses, de їх especially chanted, or de stinks first appeared: Volodymyrska, Kazanska, Smolenska, Iverska toshcho. Love and the shanuvannya of the Mother of God among the people were inconspicuously angry with її ikons, deyakі from them recognized as miraculous, that on honor of them is holy.

Image of the Mother of God. Hodegetria (Traveler)- Tse explain the image of the Mother of God with the impatience of Christ in her arms. The right hand of Christ is in gesture, that he blesses, at the levi at the new scroll - a sign of the Holy Vchennya. The Bogomatir with one hand trims the son, with the other he points to the new one. One of the shortest icons of the Hodegetria type is the Bogomatir of Smolensk, created in 1482. the great artist Dionysius.

Yeleusa (Zvorushennya)- Tse explain the image of the Mother of God with dumbness in her arms, shattered one to one. The Bogomatir embraces sin, vin squeezing up to її cheeks. Before the most famous icons of the Mother of God lie Volodymyrsk, dated to the її XII century, for the liturgical records it was brought from Constantinople. Nadal Bogomatir Volodymyrska was repeatedly rewritten, and there were no-name lists from it. For example, the famous repetition of “Our Lady of Volodymyrskaya” was created on the cob of the XV century. for the Cathedral of the Assumption, the place of Volodymyr, to replace the ancient original, transportation to Moscow. Icons of the Mother of God of Volodymyrskaya are attributed to Moscow in 1395, when Tamerlane was born in 1395, if she does not interrupt her trip to the place and turns to the steppe. Muscovites explained the reason for intercession Mother of God yaka nibito appeared to Tamerlane in a dream and ordered not to touch the place. Bogomatir Donska is famous for the type of “Razchulennya”, it was immorally written by Theophan the Greek himself and became the main shrine founded in the 16th century Moscow Donskoy Monastery. Starting with a legend, a bula with Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikovo field in 1380. and helped to win the victory over the Tatars.

Oranta (Molyach)- tse image of the Mother of God at the final sight with hands raised to the sky. If on the breasts of Oranti they depict a round medallion with the words of Christ, this type of iconography is called the Great Panagia (Vsesvyat).

Banner, or Vіlennya- Tse explain the image of the Mother of God with hands raised at prayer. Like the Great Panagia on the breasts of the Mother of God, there is a disk with the image of Christ, which symbolizes the instillation of the God-Man.

The head and central image of old Russian painting is the image of Jesus Christ, the Savior, as Yogo was called in Russia.

Picture of Christ. Pantocrator (Almighty)- the image of Christ explains what is outside the growth. The right hand of the yogi is given at the blessing gesture, at the left of the vines the Gospel is a sign of the blessing brought to him by the light. The famous "Zvenigorod Spas" by Andriy Rublov from the series is one of the greatest works of old Russian painting, one of the best works of the author.

Savior on the throne- the image of Christ in the robe of the Byzantine emperor, who is sitting on the throne (throne). Right hand lifted before the breasts of the veins bless, and with the left stand the open gospel.

Around the remarkable composition “The Savior on the Throne” was founded in the ancient Russian art such an image, to place Christ sitting on the throne, was sharpened with various symbolic signs, which indicate the completeness of his dominion and judgment over the world. The images folded around the crypt and took away the name Saved by the forces.

Spas Bishop the Great- the image of Christ in the hierarchical robe, like a curved yoga in the image of the New Testament high priest.

Savior Not Made by Hands- all of the most recent images of Christ, de representations of the image of the Savior, images on fabric. The last of the savings - Novgorod "Savior Not Made by Hands", creations in the XII century. and lie down the Sovereign Tretyakov Gallery. Not less than we remember the "Savior Not Made by Hands" from the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, which dates back to the XV century.

Savior Not Made by Hands at the Crown of Thorns- one of the various images, although the truth is rarely seen, this type of image appears in Russian icon painting only in the 17th century.

More often, the image of Christ's unfamiliarity with a gazing halo, which elevates Christ to instillation (that is, to the nation), or Christ at the sight of the archangel with wings, is more likely to be seen. Such icons are called Angel of the Great Radi.

6) Old Russian literature.
Old-Russian literature is "the cob of all cobs", coils of that root Russian classical literature, national Russian artistic culture. Great spiritual, moral values ​​and ideals. Vaughn is inspired by the patriotic pathos of the 1st service to the Russian land, state, fatherland.

In order to see the spiritual richness of old Russian literature, it is necessary to take a look at your eyes, see yourself as a participant in life and quiet down. Literature is a part of action, it borrows in the history of the people the same place and vikonu majestic supple footwear.

Academician D.S. Likhachov suggests to the readers of the old Russian literature the idea to go back to the early period of the life of Russia, to the era of the inseparable foundation of the skhidnoslovyansky tribes, in the XI-XIII centuries.

The Russian land is majestic, settled by the native land. People feel ruined in the midst of impenetrable forests, or, navpak, in the midst of easily accessible to the gates of the vast expanses of the steppes: "land of the unknown", "wild field", as our ancestors called them. To turn the Russian land from kinets to kinets, you need to spend a lot of days on horseback or on tour. The roadless springs that spring in the autumn take away the months, arranging the mixing of people.

In the boundless expanses, a person with special strength gravitated to splintering, jumped to signify her reason. The high-lit churches on the hillocks and the steep banks of the river in the distance indicate the place of the settlement. Tsі sporudi vіdrіznyayutsya at random laconic architecture - the stench of rozrakhovanі on those, shchob pomіtnimi z rich points, serve as beacons on the roads. The churches of the dumb are waving with a strong hand, they take from the unevenness of their walls the warmth and caress of human fingers. In such minds, hospitality becomes one of the main human honesty. Prince of Kiev Volodymyr Monomakh calls out to his "Povchanni" "Vitati" guest. Parts of moving from month to month lie down to chimali garlic, and in other cases, move on to addiction to vagrancy. At the dances, those songs vibrate those same exercises rooting the space. It is well said about Russian protracted songs in "Words about Igor's Departure": "...d'vices sleep on the Danube, - voices rise across the sea to Kiev." In Russia, a sign was born for a special kind of goodness, tied with space, with a rush - "zavyatist".

In the majestic expanses, people with particular vehemence celebrated and valued their unity - and in the first place, the unity of the mov, what a stench they spoke, what they slept, what they told the retelling of deep antiquity, how they again spoke about their integrity, inconsistency. In today's minds, the word "mova" itself takes on the meaning of "people", "nation". The role of literature becomes especially significant. Won to serve your self-meaning unity, vyslovlyu national self-confidence of unity. Vaughn is the custodian of history, retelling, and the remains were of their own kind by mastering the space, signified the holiness and significance of that other place: the tract, the mound, the villages and that other. Perekazy povidomlyali y kraїnі іstorichnu glybina, became tim "fourth vimir", within the framework of which priymalasya and became "obvious" all the wide Russian land, її іstorіya, її natsіonalna vyznachenіst. The same role was played by the chronicles and the lives of the saints, historical narratives and tales about the foundation of monasteries.

All ancient Russian literature, right up to the 17th century, was inspired by deep historicism, encroached on the roots of that land, having occupied and mastered the Russian people for centuries. Literature and Russian land, literature and Russian history were closely related. Literature was one of the ways to master the new world. It is not without reason that the author praised the books and Yaroslav the Wise wrote in the litopisi: "Behold the essence of the river, which will make all the world drunk ...", Prince Volodymyr having sown the soil with a digger, who digged the earth, Yaroslav - with siyachem, "infuse" the earth with "bookish words." The writing of books is the work of the earth, and we know that it is Russian, inhabited by Russian "mine", tobto. Russian people. I, similarly to the work of a digger, leafing through the books of peace, it was holy in Russia on the right. Here and there the parishes of life, grains were thrown into the ground;

Shards of rewriting books are holy on the right, books could only be on the most important topics. Usі stinks in that world represented " vchennya knizhkove " . Literature is not small for a respectful character, it was a school, and її okremі create this chi іnshoy miroy - povchannyami.

Why did the old Russian literature start? Let's keep aside those religious and church meals, with which they were busy. The secular element of ancient Russian literature was profoundly patriotic. Vaughn took diyalnu love to the fatherland, vikhovuval hromadyanskіst, pragnula corrected nedolіkіv suspіlstva.

Like the first century of Russian literature, in the 11th-13th centuries, they called out to the princes to take the brotherhood and firmly win their bonds of the defense of the fatherland, then the offensive - in the XV, XVI and XVII centuries - there will not be more about the defense of the fatherland, but the wise sovereign ustriy. At the same time, by stretching its development, literature was closely tied to history. And she didn’t just remind the historical information, but she started to recognize the place of Russian history among the world, to recognize the sense of the people of that people, to acknowledge the recognition of the Russian state.

Russian history and the Russian land itself united all the creations of domestic literature in a single whole. In fact, all the monuments of Russian literature, zavdyaky to their historical themes, were more richly related to each other, lower by the hour. They could be sorted out in chronological order, and all in a blaze of stench laid out one story - Russian and one hour of light. Already po'yazanі mіzh create and in the past the presence of the old Russian literature of a strong author's cob. Literature was traditional, new things were created as a continuation of the already based on and out of the very same aesthetic principles. Creators corresponded and pereroblyalis. The stench was stronger than reading relishes and reading vimogi, lower in the literature of the new hour. The books of those readers were close one to one, and the creations had a stronger collective cob of ideas. Long-standing literature, by the nature of its creation, was closer to folklore, lower to the special creativity of the new hour. Tvіr, in addition to the creations of the author, then changed by inconspicuous rewritings, reshaped, at a different middle ground, swelled with various ideological entanglements, supplemented, overgrown with new episodes.

"The role of literature is great, and happy that people, who can have great literature with their native language ... In order to adopt cultural values ​​in all of them, it is necessary to know their journey, the process of their creation and historical change in them deeply and precisely artistic TV, Requiring nobility, like and for such furnishing, it was done. So, for sure, and literature as a whole, we can understand it in a right way, if we know, how it was done, molded, it took the fate of the life of the people.

Russian history without Russian literature is just as important to show as Russia without Russian nature and its historical places and forces. Skilki would not change the sight of our places and forces, monuments of architecture and Russian culture in general - the foundation of history in the history of eternal and poverty” 2 .

Without old Russian literature, there is no creativity of A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, moral quibbles L.M. Tolstoy and F.M. Dostoyevsky. Russian middle literature as an early stage in the development of domestic literature. Vaughn handed over to the far-off mysticism the richest warning and warning, literary language. He's run out of ideas national features, were the creation of immutable values: litopisi, create oratory, "A Word about the Departure of Igor", "Kiev-Pechersk Paterik", "A Story about Peter and Fevronia of Murom", "A Story about Grief and Misfortune", "Create Archpriest Avakum" and a lot of other memorials.

Russian literature is one of the oldest literatures. It is historically root to lie down to the other half of the X century. Yak designates D.S. Likhachov, from this great thousand years, over six hundred years, the period should be called old Russian literature.

"Before us is LITHERATURE, YAKA VSYOCHIK Over the SIMOMA POLITTYS, Yak Edin Grandzhezna Tsil, Yak One Kolosalny Tweir, ShO of the Brown -Route of one, Edima, Contrasts. Local residents of Vonya practiced over one grandiose ensemble, stinks were small miracles "almost a shoulder", created cycles, squeezing that ensemble of creations, which in their own line were formed into a single life of literature.

This is a kind of middle-of-the-road cathedral, from the everyday life of which they took the fate of thousands of hundreds of thousands of white mulars…” 3 .

Long-standing literature is a collection of great historical memos, created by the world's most immeasurable masters of the word. Vіdomosti about the authors of ancient literature is rather stingy. The axis of the names of the deacons of them: Nestor, Danilo the Zatochnik, Safoniy Ryazanets, Yermolai Erazm ta іn.

Names of special characters in the history of the country: Theodosius Pechersky, Boris and Glib, Oleksandr Nevsky, Dmitro Donsky, Sergiy Radonezsky... These people played a significant role in the history of Russia.

Adoption of pagan Russia to Christianity in the tenth century was an act of the greatest progressive significance. The General of the Christianity of the Christianity was done to the advantage of the culture of Vizanti, the yak of the Christian sovereign in the soverean in the sim'yu єvrophyan people became "knowledge of the ili of the land, the pepper of the Davnorsky rhythm 4 Law "that Grace" (monument of the middle of the XI century).

The monasteries played a great role in the wider Christian culture, for they blamed and grew. The first schools were created in them, love and love were raised to the book, "book school and chanting", book collections-libraries were created, literary writing was carried out, translations of the selection of secondary, philosophical works were copied. Here, having created and otochuvavsya a halo of pious legend, the ideal of the Russian chents-ascetic, who dedicates himself to serving God, moral perfection, escaping from low vicious predilections, serving the high idea of ​​the bulky bondage, goodness, justice, supple good.

Folk culture.

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