What is the religion of Bulgaria. Religion of the Bulgarian Republic. What are the religions in Bulgaria, Christian Crimea

The traditional religion for Bulgaria is similar to Orthodoxy, which is followed by about 85% of the population of the region.

The Bulgarian state guaranteed the freedom of religion, and the church was completely re-created in the name of the state.
The traditional religion for Bulgaria is similar to Orthodoxy, which is followed by about 85% of the population of the region. By stretching the history of the formation of the Bulgarian nationality, it played one of the main roles in this process. For an hour panuvannya Osmaniv itself orthodox church gave the Bulgarians the opportunity to save their language, as well as the prosperity - the self-sufficiency of culture. Today the Church of Bulgaria is autocephalous, protected by the Bulgarian Patriarch. The liturgy is celebrated by the Bulgarian my.

Among the population of Bulgaria are representatives of the Orthodox Church of Virmenia. Most of them, with the help of bastards from Turkey, settled on the territory of Bulgaria for the beginning of the 20th century, at the hour of the genocide unleashed by the Young Turks.

Turkish panuvannya did not go unnoticed - close to 13% of Bulgarians follow Islam. During the hours, when the Ottomans ruled in Bulgaria, the stench instilled powerful religion, taking the temples from the Orthodox Church and transforming them into mosques. If the Turkish yoke was thrown off, most of these mosques turned the Orthodox Church anew and regained their original look and recognition.

Today, at least 713,000 Muslims live on the territory of Bulgaria, more than the Turkish pilgrimage. The main regions of their localization are the pivnіchniy skhіd and the region of the Turkish cordon. In addition, the kіlka of other ethnic groups are also Muslims. 131 yew to establish pomaks - caps forcibly brought to Islam by Bulgarians, 103 yew - gypsies, as well as caps of Tatars and Circassians, yakі in the XIX century. Russian army, which collapsed right off the Caucasus. The majority of Bulgarian Muslims are to be placed as Sunites, although there are 80 thousand Shiites.

Bulgaria population like, for stay rocky growing at an insignificant pace, but in the countryside, the activity of non-Orthodox denominations, nasampers, Catholics, and other sects was sharply activated. Catholics, for example, there are already close to 44 thousand. At the great places of Bulgaria, the stink of building their cathedrals. In addition, near the Ukrainian dіє unіatsk church.

The first Bulgarian Catholics were merchants and miners, who moved to the edge of the XV century. Trochs a year before Catholicism, the Pavicians turned back - the bastards of the representatives of the heresy of the Bogumils. And in the middle of the nineteenth century. Bulgarians were accepted into the bosom of the Catholic Church, they lived in Constantinople.

One of the oldest religious communities in Bulgaria is Jewish, as it has been around for over two thousand years. Among the Middle Jews of Central Europe, ryatyuyuchis in the form of religious research, settled on the lands of the tsієї kraїni. The Ottomans gave an apron to the Spanish Jews who flowed into the Inquisition. At the rich places of Bulgaria (Sofia, Plovdiv, Samokov) there are synagogues.

Bulgaria- world power. Like all constitutional republics, they give freedom of religion, which is enshrined in the Constitution of the country. Religious institutions and establish here the Kremlin in the state. The country has representations of various religions and denominations. About 80% of the population of the country believes in themselves, although only 13.6% of them regularly attend services.

The largest denomination is made by Christians - 85% of the population. The main religion of the country for tradition from the IX century. Christianity is officially respected. Yoga is supported by 82.6% of the inhabitants of Bulgaria. 0.6% of the population (44,000 persons) profess Catholicism and 1.12% - Protestantism (Greek - Catholics and Protestants). Є adherents of the Virmeno-Gregorian Orthodox Church, followers of various Christian sects: Pentecostals, Methodists, Baptists, Adventists and others.

The other is behind the influx of that number of adherents to the religion of Bulgaria and Islam. Mayzha 13% of the living Meshkans in the country (about 1 million people) are Muslims.

Bulgaria has alive and not a lot of representatives of Judaism.

In the country, there are also Russian, Romanian and Evangelical churches.

On the territory of modern Bulgaria, there are a lot of historical pagan cult objects: ancient Thracian sanctuaries and tombs - dolmens, dated to the II-I millennium BC. The stench is not far from the village of Sveshtari and Mezek, as well as from the town of Strilcha and Kazanlik.


Christianity came to Bulgaria in the 1st century AD. e. Zgіdno z orders, Ampliy, the disciple of the Apostle Paul, having fallen asleep the first episcopal chair at the metro station Odessa (Ninishnya Varna). For the wedding of Eusebius of Caesarea, at the II century, episcopal chairs were founded at the Bulgarian towns of Debelt and Anchial. Bishop of Sardica (now Sophia) Protogon was a participant in the First Ecumenical Council in the 325th rotation.

In the middle of the IX century, in the 865th century, the Tsar of Bulgaria, the Holy Prince Boris I, was the first to accept Christianity. Yogo Khrestiv Greek missionary. After that, I came to the mass baptism of the Bulgarian people. The sensible and protective Boris is rozumiv, that Christianity will help him to unite the people of Bulgaria, celebrate the Bulgarian state, and pour in his power. Until then, until the end of the first thousand years, political, economic and social minds were formed for the Swedish expansion of Christianity. The people accept Orthodoxy, they become a part of this culture of life. The advancing decade of the Bulgarian Christian Church becomes autocephalous (independent) under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. From that hour, the Orthodox Church developed its independence. In 1953, the city again became autocephalous, tobto. she takes care of her inner life herself, and borrows in a diptych (a list of churches that celebrate the hour of urochist liturgies) 6 months. The Patriarch of Bulgaria, who once from the Synod of Metropolitans represents that supreme religious authority, is very special to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. Services in the churches of Bulgaria are conducted by the Bulgarian Church. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church is divided into єparhії, and those, in their quarters, into enorії, like priests (sound friendly).

Orthodoxy played an important role in the formation of the Bulgarian nation. For hours of volunteering for foreigners, it helped to save native language and rich culture. first Christian churches pochinayut budovatisya on the 1st millennium.


Catholicism is the third largest religion in Bulgaria after Orthodoxy and Islam. Lie down to the Greek Catholic Church. The first representatives of Catholicism appeared in the country in the XIV century under the panuvannya of the Turks. Here were merchants and miners from the lands of Western Europe, as if they were following Roman Catholicism. In the XVI - XVII century. paviciani passed to Catholicism - the caps of one of the largest behind the range and plethora of eretic ruhiv of the middle, which originated in Virmenia in the 7th century. Through religious re-discovery by the Turks in the 18th century. Paulikian zmusheni buli moved from the territory of the Byzantine Empire beyond the Danube and ruled in the Banat region. The stinks began to be called the Banat Bulgarians. Today, on the cordon from Serbia and Romania, 10-15 thousand naschadkiv Pavicians (Banat Bulgarians) are carrying sacks, as if they are now following Roman Catholicism. A part of them adopted Islam (Pomaks) and lived in Greece, Turkey and Macedonia (most of Yugoslavia). At the beginning of the 20th century, at the beginning of the genocide of the Turks near Turech, time flowed to Bulgaria, representatives of the Turkish Orthodox Church. Near the country there are Catholic churches and cathedrals: near Sofia, Plovdiv and other places.


Tse friend for the number of followers of religion in Bulgaria. Islam came after the conquest of the country by the Turks in the 14th century and nasadzhuvsya, practically by force, more importantly among the city dwellers. Muslims of Bulgaria are ethnically divided. The largest group is represented by Muslims of the Turkish exodus - ethnic Turks, who in the country have over 713 thousand people. The stinks live compactly on the edge of the pivnіchny descent and on the cordon from Turechchina: near Shumeni, Rozgradi, Kirdzhali, Haskovo. Islam is also followed by about 130,000 ethnic Bulgarians - pomaks, in the XV - XVII centuries. forcibly converted to Islam. It's more important to live near the Rhodopes. The third in number are the gypsies (103,000 individuals), as they linger around the country in small groups. Islam in Bulgaria is also promoted by Tatars, Arabs, Circassians (20,000 people), who drank to Bulgaria in the 19th century, Albanians and Bosnians.

Muslims of Bulgaria have a better sun (0.03%). The Shiites of the country are close to 80,000 people.

There are a lot of mosques near the edge. Near the capital of Bulgaria Sofia there is one of the oldest in Europe, the Buyuk and Banya Bashi mosques are of interest. The largest Muslim complex, which includes a mosque, a madrasah, a tsvintar, a library and a pavilion with mineral stones, "Tombul Jamiya" is located in Shumen. The sounding of wines in 1774 roci. Mosques near Plovdiv (Imaret and Dzhumaya), near Rozgrad (mosques of Ahmed Bey and Ibrahim Pash), near Samokov (Bayrakli). Tsikavo, who are deacons from cult objects - Demir Baba and the ruins of the village of Obrochishche (near Varna), at the same time sway both Muslims and Christians.


Jews have been living near Bulgaria for 2000 years. In the Middle Ages, Jews from Central Europe settled on these lands. Here they knew the porch as well as the masses of the Jews, driven from Spain by the Catholic kings. On the cob of another world war in the country there were close to 60,000 representatives of Judaism. The stench could have disappeared, as if the Jews were spawning in other lands, paid off by the Nazis. 90% of Bulgarian Jews emigrated to Israel, if the state was created. Today, the Jewish community in Bulgaria is not numerous. At rich places there are synagogues: Sofії, Plovdiv, Samokovі, Rusі, Vіdіnі and іn.

Religious communities of Bulgaria officially know that they live in harmony.

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  • State, religion, church in Russia and beyond the cordon No. 4 (32) 2014, today. "State, religion, the church in Russia and beyond the cordon" - quarterly scientific publications, which are reviewed, which are admitted to the Russian Academy of People's Governance and State Service.

Current religions in Bulgaria are roughly represented as follows: Bulgarian Orthodox Church - 85%, Islam - 13%, Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism.

The territory of today's Bulgaria is geographically divided on the cordon between the many western and similar parts of the Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th centuries. It zoomed in on the religious orientation of the country.

At 342 churches in Serditsa (now Sophia) a religious council of bishops was held to commemorate the city between the outlying and similar churches.

Few lands in the world were given such a large amount of bulk and resettlement from ancient times to the middle. In this virі khristianskie svіlnoti vzilіlі less in deyakіh іsоlovanih mіstsyah.

Among the new conquerors in the 6th century, a part of the bula of the word'yanskoy is more important; At the approaching capital, the pro-Bulgarians, together with Khan Asparuh, crossed the Danube and created a state - Bulgaria. The Slavs united in the fight against the Byzantines. For these surroundings, there could not be a movie about christening: they came from the West, the Latin missionaries were mostly occupied by the German peoples and the missionaries, who arrived from Byzantium, were the fortune-tellers through the post-war period.

The whole situation changed in the middle of the IX century. The social, economic and political officials themselves will be promoted, the buildings will be easier to expand Christianity. Protective and judicious gang of the Bulgarians - Tsar Boris I gave his own zvіt to tsomu, who may be deprived of his native pagan, that he should be baptized (adopted the Christian religion) to recognize his authority, that he should be honored not with a great bat, but "to God's lady" the first middle Viysk aristocracy. In 1865, a Greek missionary was born in 1865, and his butt was inherited by a wide mass of super discontented aristocracy.

A similarly Orthodox religion is adopted by the people, it penetrates that culture in one's life. The first її socio-political result is seen in the process of anger of the pro-Bulgarians and words.

The predominant religion in Bulgaria is Orthodox. Taking care of the authoritative orthodox structure, the Bulgarian church, as it adopted the dogmas and disciplines, like the other Orthodox churches, the autocephalous church, tobto. cherues his inner life with an absolutely independent rank.

The Bulgarian Church is very much a Patriarch. The Patriarch at once from the Synod of Metropolitans establishes supreme religious authority. Metropolitans are invariable to the religious canons, that is. after the change, they cannot be moved from one eparchy to another. Blame can be less for promotion to the rank of patriarch.

The skin eparchy of the Bulgarian Church was divided into sevnu kіlkіst enorіy. The leather enoria looks like a kerivnik, which, according to the Orthodox rules of the land, is a fellow priest. The nourishment of material security is destroyed by the secular (worldly) joy. The clergy of Bulgaria is also protected by the established system of social security.

Krіm zgadanoї skhіdno-Orthodox Bulgarian Church, scho unite part of Christianity in Bulgaria, іnshі khristianski vіrospovidannya to form a small part: Catholics, Protestants. The main number of followers of various sects: Methodists, Baptists, Congregationalists, Adventists and others.

On the cob of the Other World War, Bulgaria had about 60,000 Jews. Zavdyaki vtruchannyu vlady and all the people of Bulgaria stench uniquely his fatal kintsya, a kind of spіtkav bagatioh їhnіh brothers z religiї in іnshih kraїnah, redeemed by the Nazis. After the creation of the state of Israel, 90% of Bulgarian Jews emigrated. The Jewish community near Bulgaria has synagogues in Sofia, Plovdiv, Russia, but there are not many parafiyans.

Islam in Bulgaria is a natural legacy of the Ottoman yoke. Muslims in Bulgaria represent the largest number of prosharok after the Orthodox. According to the ethnic sign, the smell is divided into three groups: - Turks, who live in compact masses in the regions of Shumen, Rozgrad, Kirdzhali, Haskovo; Turkish occupation in the middle of the 17th century, mostly in the Rhodopes.

All religious communities in Bulgaria establish themselves legally and live in peace and prosperity.


One of the most widespread non-traditional religions in Bulgaria is dynovism. Її the successor of Petro Dinov I (1864-1944) was born in the family of an Orthodox priest, having obtained theological enlightenment, ale in Orthodoxy vidiyshov, having created until 1918. a new religious and mystical vchennya about the rebirth of the soul, that spirituality of objects, which united the theosophical practice of the Roerichs, as well as the power of Dinov’s bloodline, which was called "the teacher of Beins Duno."

Members of the Association of Dinovists live near rich Bulgarian places. For a short time from 22 Birch to 22 Spring, the stench of the so-called ritual of paneurhythm (of the sacred cosmic rhythm) is sung together with songs, music and gymnastic rights at the singing places - on Mount Vitosha or in the region of the Rila Lakes near the Rila Mountains.

Most of the ethnic Bulgarians belong to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, although there is also a small number of Muslims (Pomaks), Protestants and Catholics. Most of the Turks and many Gypsies were Muslims, and at that time, deyaks of them (especially Gypsies) were Christians.

In Bulgaria and Orthodox Christians, and Muslims, pagan rituals and rituals are practiced. In the midst of pomakiv and gypsies, Christian and Islamic vіruvannya practices are often spіvіsnuyut. Other religions include Judaism, Russian Orthodox Christianity, and various Protestant churches of that sect.

Orthodox Christianity is enshrined in the constitution as the traditional religion of Bulgaria, and the church can link with national groups. The sovereign regulation of religious problems changed after the fall of socialism in the country.

Tim is no less politically involved in the religious right. In the Orthodox and Muslim communities in the 1990s (a wake-up call to the legitimacy of kerivnism, as it was established in the state after socialism), political interests were reexamined. The proselytism of foreign churches and sects is considered a great threat to national identity.

Most of the Orthodox Bulgarians, as well as Muslims, are not religious, so the stench does not lead to rites and rituals. Too many atheists, which was partly the result of the sovereign policy of the socialist order, which discredited religion in every possible way.

Despite the fact that there was a renewed interest in religious rites after the fall of the socialist regime, religious practices became rich in what became their own markers of cultural identity.

Religious practices

The Orthodox Church is especially patriarch, who is the head of the Holy Synod (a.k.a. Church Radiation). Also, there is a hierarchy of regional archbishops, bishops and priests. And also monasteries, de chants and black people practice the life of religious vіddanostі and vchennosti.

The Muslim community is governed by the Verkhovna Rada of Muslims under the head mufti (religious court). Іsnuє ієrarchіya regional muftіїv, imams (clergy), and navit religious teachers.

Rituals of the holy month of Bulgaria

For Christians and Muslims, the most significant rituals are associated with the passage of life: for the people, for the sake of death and christening (for Christians) and baptism (for Muslims). Christian saints include Christmas, Great Day, fasting and days of saints.

Worship services are held weekly and are often frequent. People often see churches to pray to the saints, to light candles for the health of the dead loved ones.

Muslim saints є Ramadan (monthly fast) and holy sacrifice (Kurban Bayram). Particularly religious Muslims watch the mosque on Fridays, as well as celebrate common prayers.

The churches, especially the monasteries, are considered sacred not only for the Orthodox Church, but also for the whole people, even though they played a significant role in the national volitional struggle.

Death and life after death

Orthodox Christians and Muslims believe in potoybіchne life. For both denominations, it is necessary to do all the necessary rituals, which are associated with death and consecration, which play a vital role for the correct passage of the soul in sweat.

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