What is the Russian army playing against the influx of Caucasians? Ethnic conflicts in the army. Why do they blame the stink and why should Rozpovidi work together in the army of the Caucasians with the Russians

At Radyansk army, where to the government of the army Russian Empire, They all called out, Caucasians were also seen in the wild army of military servicemen. Soldier-Caucasians in the SA deyakі contemporary experts, for example Oleksandr Khramchikhin, are called "representatives of problematic nationalities." Through the height of the people in the period of the Radyansk Union, the number of Caucasians in the construction battalion, the salaries and the motorized rifle troops grew, and the compatriots reached the state of greatness.

Today, the topic of conscripts from the Caucasus, especially from Dagestan, is in no way relevant, but one of the hot and constantly demanding expert and journalistic topics.

Even though the representatives of Russia decide to mow down the army in every possible way, then for the Caucasian young people the service is still considered the most important element of human culture. I was encouraged by one of my acquaintances, Jafar, who had successfully earned a diploma from the Moscow State Academy of Law for a "high-level" diploma. In front of him, there are unfortunate prospects in Moscow, and in the Fatherland, but firmly declaring that you want to serve with the Airborne Forces. “The army is busy, the day of a person. I want at the Airborne Forces, more than an elite military. I don’t have any everyday fears and sumnivivs, - Jafar told me, responding to my question, why don’t I be on the alert for Caucasian phobia, like in the army, - Moscow doesn’t like Caucasians, but it didn’t make me read here.

People in the republics Pivnichny Caucasus richer, lower in the country, which in totality with the factor of service sprinyattya as a part of what is called "be a man" in the Caucasus, to bring to a permanent increase in part of the departures from the Caucasus in the lava of the Russian army.

Caucasians, as they recognize the most skeptical military experts before them, as a rule, military soldiers, stink to be placed before the service more seriously, lower comrades in the service of other nationalities.

And just as the Caucasians approve the compatriotism among the brethren, then the pilgrimages are more likely to indulge in ceremoniality and, obviously, combativeness. In the meantime, for the sake of justice, it is necessary to guess that for some reason two contract soldiers-Dagestanis (foreman Mukhtar Suleimenov and sergeant Abdul Kurbanov), who served in the cordon troops, at the cost of their lives, lost one of the most famous troops of the Chechen militants Ruslana.

In the rest of the hour, the Russian army had a spate of conflicts on the national soil. In 2009, an incident occurred on the Baltic Fleet with the participation of Dagestan conscripts - Dagestanis shouted the word "KAVKAZ" with the sailors' bodies.

Through the rivers there was a mass fight for the participation of people leaving the Caucasus near the Moscow region. A similar incident took place in the Perm Territory, where 120 military servicemen from the Pivnichnokavkazsky republics showed a defiant order. Near the village of Kryazh near the village of Kryazh near the Samara region, the Dagestan demobilization from the countrymen of the authorities poured roses on the barracks. Two dozen Caucasians beat and robbed 18 terms. Until the end of some conflicts, the Muslim clergy were lured.

The number of such episodes can be continued. It went so far that Sergiy Fridinsky, a clerk of the Viysk prosecutor's office, bluntly declared at the barracks that these days at the barracks "to establish their own order of the national bandy", looming on the front of the soldiers from the Caucasus. And the military commissar of the Chelyabinsk region, Mikola Zakharov, made a sensational statement about those who are now up to the laurels of the Russian army to reduce the intermittent tension in the army’s middle of the country, they won’t call on the republican caucasus. With whom, the orderly was sent to the General Staff on the order of the order. Although the Ministry of Defense publicly considered Zakharov's statements, it is obvious that the Chelyabinsk military representative, perhaps, in accordance with what is being discussed in the mountains.

It was ridiculous to recount minor conflicts in the Russian army. Today's food about those who can become an army tool, which forms loyalty among conscripts from the Pivnichny Caucasus, has long been not empty, but louder.

From one side, the army is a reflection of what is expected from the state. The conscripts repeat the same type of promotion to the Caucasians, which is already the same - it either introduces Caucasian phobia, or the position of “letting everything in for self-fueling”. Through the war, the vacuum of power will be filled with fellow countrymen, cultivating non-statutory mutual relations, in which force replaces the law.

How to integrate pivnіchnokavkazskih conscripts? How to put things right at the barracks? How to turn the army back on that reputation of a social lift, which was not enough for our fathers in the 1950s-1960s?

Muslim soldiers of the Russian army at prayer. Photo from the site http://www.islamnews.ru/news-28372.html

Tim more, since after the 2008 reforms in 2008, the term of the military service will soon predict that the main problem non-statutory members of the army will become not a division, but a fellow countrymen.

For whom you need a small amount of grain and tedious work, how can you fix the isolation of the Dagestan, Kabardian, Ingush or Balkar parts. It was clear that the theme of the creation of mono-ethnic Caucasian formations in the fall of the day - it’s out of the question to put the army institute as a mechanism, a kind of integration into the single whole of the Meshkants in one country. About the unsafe rebellion in such parts, deployed far away in the Caucasus, it has been written a lot.

Meni zdaєtsya, mozhlivi two one-hour direct work - staffing the army with professional officers and contract servicemen, as well as the appearance of the mentality of different peoples, representatives of which should serve at once. DOSVID Rosiyskoi, izhma yogo IOO Vitrates, Ale Dosvіd, in a fraught by a nasam-reprimand of the prefiney (and not national) aspect, at the TSOM Vipad Buv Buv-Bi Neotzinnema ... to the rocke, the Rock in the Adige-Muslims-the military soldiers-the soldiers of the brinter at Maikop, it is allowed to visit the Cathedral Mosque near the Maykop metro station for Friday prayers. It was signed about the housekeeping of the Mіzh DUM RA and the KK and the command of these parts.

Caucasians in the army

One of the current problems of our society is the Caucasians in the army. Conscripts from the pivdennih regions of our Batkivshchyna are not subject to discipline and discipline. Tremble to the Kremlin, soothsayers, radically upgraded hundreds of representatives of other nationalities.

It's no secret that today's Russian society is divided into sprats of ethnic glances. Part of the Russians vvazha, that the cohabitation of peoples with different cultures and religions is acceptable, for the adoption of the generally accepted norms of behavior in the household. It’s rich who’s been put to the susіdіv after battles, if they speak to my own, if they speak another’s faith. I call you to radically look at the rich stock of neo-Nazis in a different shtibu, as if you do not accept the living of the land of people with a different culture, with a different religious look.

Breaking up with relatives, changing the order of the stars and stressful situations, all conscripts go through it without a blame. But on the ground why do ethnic conflicts arise in the army?

History of ethnic conflicts in the army

Especially zagostrennya whil of national fortune-telling experienced for example the 80s. The Ministry of Defense of the Territory navmisniy prihovatsya statistics of conflicts (violations of non-statutory vydnosyns) to the same national concerns, which were small in the army. How to recognize the recognition of the dzherel, especially the hardness of the middle Caucasians in the army the end of the Soviet Socialist Republic, the Dagestan, Ingush, Chechen and Virmenian diaspora were born. Dozens, hundreds of conscripts in one century from the pivdenny regions, were set up near the parts, where the “supreme power” was established behind the scenes - the inhabitants of the pivdnya squawked, slandered, beaten and ruled the crooked draws, whether they were a representative of a given important ethnic group, regardless The very same z'yavivsya visliv, scho " jerks in the army- Tse uncontrollable evil.

Apparently, the Azerbaijani conscripts were often martyred and beaten by their brothers for Islam - Dagestanis and Chechens. In this way, the nourishment of the Islamization of informal "negativists" from the pivden latitudes fell - ce buli compatriots in the army, spіvtovaristva, zumovlenі like the code of the highlander.

Ale z zhorstkogo order in the army forces of the SRSR, massacres spilinoti were of a moderate, spontaneous nature. There were protracted conflicts on ships, where they passed term service in a row for 3 years (the term of service in the Navy of the Soviet Socialist Republic was changed to 2 years after 1990). So it is in distant garrisons and cities with the majestic importance of the city population, which represents the “titular” nation of conscripts in a part - in Dagestan, the Chechen-Ingush Republic, in Virmenia.

From the beginning of 1992, when the formation of the okremoi, including the Russian army, began to appear, similar spilinots began to appear earlier, the shards of the Ministry of Defense worked out a special plan for the call for that passage of the term service for representatives of the republics of the republics, it is allowed to pass military service without intermediary in the region of residence. Vinyatok robbed less of Dagestan, stars for the Pivnіchny fleet were called up and called up to 3 thousand conscripts in a row.

Come in for similar shows

I would like to add that at the same time such behavior is unacceptable among modern evil forces RF. Conducted retelnі reverki, shkodennі telesnі inspect military servicemen, suvori court punishment before convictions for displaying dishonesty. There is an unspoken directive to exchange the number of conscripts for the passage of the term service from certain industrial regions.

In Dagestan, KChR, Ingushetia, convicts are held among young people of the prize age. It is explained that ethnic conflicts are more likely to be put up to comrades in the service to destroy nationalities.

If you want to be respected in a right way by your comrades in service and commanders - behave like people, show your mind, honor and order, etc. that "chock" in the army don't call you. A good, good person cannot be judged by a behavior close to a beastly one.

This is the correct idea, looking at those who, without a military ticket, do not know good work in these republics.

Swavilla Caucasians in the army video. program on NTV.

Zhirinovsky - ethnic conflicts break out easily - how? Marvel.

12/12/2012 /12:35/ It is discussed by politicians, political scientists, experts, analysts and so on. etc.. Some people think that Caucasians, like all the citizens of Russia, are obliged to be drafted into the army. Other vagrants, obviously, because of their special hostility to Caucasians, are categorically against their service in the lava of the enemy forces of Russia.

In the situation, if in the Kracean, the Pannnya is a prize to the Army Kilkiy, hut, hut, vyd prizova, pragnensu in the Armenian healthy claps, for the Logіkoye speeches, Treba Bulo Bolyako Vitati, and not the Bazhannya in them.

There is no clear evidence on the food chain and the Ministry of Defense of Russia. And the policy of molding the enemy forces behind the ethnic sign between discrimination and discrimination can also lead to a very negative legacy for the state.

Give the deakim "sovereign" deacons freedom, the stench would not only stop the Caucasians from joining the army, but they would drive all of them out of the ghetto.

There are too many of these about the patriots of Russia.

A great part of such “patriots” for the state is maє vіlly for the “hump”, business benefits and rahunka with money stolen from the people with riches and zeros in offshore. For their zakhist, obviously, the Russian army is not needed.

Such only "dogs" were no longer spoken in Caucasians. If you want a sensible person, it has long been obvious that all of Russia is sick and those that we can in the regions are metastases of the Russian ailment. All Russian supremacy is required to exult.

And in such an ailing state, a priori, one cannot be a healthy army.

The “experts” seem to think that the mass prizes to the army of the Caucasians were brought to greatness in the largest option - on an ethnic basis. However, despite the fact that the drill is humiliating, the crackdown on that violence against the soldiers in the Russian army is nothing to do with ancestral ailments and Caucasians.

Everything is said nibi in the Viysk parts, there is no Caucasians, there is no violence.

As soon as I call the Caucasians to the army, a marvelous situation develops. If in the pivnіchnokavkazskih republics there are prizes to the army, or else they sing at ZMI, the galas starts - the axis, saying, "to serve, and qi - especially." A call to the term service begins, speculative discussions begin again on the topic, what do you need stinks there and what.

Conscripts from the Caucasus resound with illiteracy, unsatisfactory compliance with the military statute, with the one who stench is forced to vikonuvat unworthy for the people of the government; resonate with those who establish their own rules and inspire them to understand military discipline, honor and obedience.

In this rank, according to the idea of ​​some "experts" and "analysts", an increase in the number of conscripts - Caucasians undermined the combativeness of the Russian army. In this manner, to speak about everything, only not about the real reasons for the existence of order in the army.

Minor, I respect that before the super-evolutionary situation in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, conscripts from the Caucasus can’t think of a hundred years…

At the sight of the wealthy of their "literate and prosutish" spivvitchizniks, the Caucasians did not sell the Batkivshchyna for yachts and imported cowbass. I understand the binding, the honor of human goodness in the Caucasus does not omit piece attachment, the stink here is getting in with mother's milk. The army is demoralized not by Caucasians, but by corruption, as leaked by the Ministry of Defense, non-balance and lack of latitude of the singing part of the officer warehouse, aimed at separating special vigodi, and not at the service of the Batkivshchyna. Why bother with more than one official from the "defense service" or designers from "Yudashkin", because of them the whole army is already freezing ...

The army is the place, de man can study military science, and not wipe the headquarters corridors to a glare. It's not a secret for anyone that the soldiers for the singing category of the great bosses are a costless working force. There is nothing marvelous in the fact that through their religious and mental peculiarities Caucasians are inspired to clean pigsties or to open generals' dachas.

There, there are no problems with the service of the Caucasians, with a proper rank. Navpaki, officers give them wonderful service characteristics. From the right, not in the Caucasus, but in the army itself.

Problems are blamed there, where they called to the soldier like a modern “creature”, there, where the soldiers are given by themselves and borrowed by them for good, but not by combat training.

The conscripts are not young, they establish the rules in military districts, they stink in the middle, but even their long-tired "traditions" yak dictate the behavior of the newcomers.

Speaking about the mental peculiarities of Caucasians, what do they miss because of the respect that other peoples make their own characteristic features, as well as the representatives of the Caucasian peoples. While for some, for example, matyuka is the norm, for the Caucasus it is wildly and, naturally, that in such an environment a conflict situation develops.

And here I am again new, not in the Caucasus, but in the new commanders of the pratsyuvati with a special warehouse. Even the whole world knows that miracle warriors come out of the Caucasians. І speak in reverse - the light of laughter.

Another important reason for the important adaptation of Caucasians is not only in the army, but in the primal, civilized middle - there is an off-scale level of xenophobia, or, more precisely, Caucasian phobia in the state. In isolated collectives, the ailment manifests itself especially acutely. Zokrema, many of the military servicemen, spivrobitniks of the MVS took part in the fighting in the Pivnichny Caucasus, and, naturally, imposes a song on their appointment to conscripts from the Pivnichno-Caucasian republics.

To solve the problems of the Russian army, to solve the problem, I will call up young people from the republics of the Pivnichny Caucasus to the army, mothers are required in the army for the first hour of the sergeant's and commander's warehouse.

The prime example of such a setting of service and robots with conscripts quartered on the territory of the Chechen Republic is the battalions of the Ministry of Defense of Russia "Pivnich" and "Pivden".

Today, all the hope is on those who the new Minister of Defense is like a person, how maє maє maє maє maє svіd works with people, how they can reveal problems and quickly solve them, create the necessary rethinks to solve the problems of the current Russian army.

Hopes for the rights of people in the Czech Republic,

head of the commission for human rights

Hromadska for the sake of the North Caucasus Federal District N.S. Nukhazhiev

What people of Russia are not called to the army?

Serving with the Evil Forces is an important, viable and obov'azkovym stage for a skin hulk. The leaders of the post-modernization of the army can give the young people no less than a beginner in the whole military training, but also master a lot of professional professions. Prote, not everyone was destined to spend until the war, even though through the peculiarities of the prize campaign, the bulk of the people do not succumb to the prize, as if they lie down to innumerable peoples.

Yakі people do not call up to the army?

About 140 million people live on the territory of modern Russia, and the average savage number the population is not numerous people from the middle kіlkіstyu osіb close to 10,000 - 100,000 individuals. Up to an innumerable group of peoples can be seen: Ingush, Yakut, Lezgin, Avars, Mari, Kumiki, Chuvash, Chechens, Dargints and Kabardins. The indigenous inhabitants of all remote areas, the zone of Taymyru and Evenki, belong to the list. Most of the military commissariats do not call out likewise to Dagestanis, for a little vindictive there are a lot of vipadkivs, if the bulky man is self-sufficiently involved in the service of that distant practice.

The main reasons for the presence of the prize

The viability of the viysk prize among the transferred groups of peoples is motivated by the fact that the people live in remote areas, de facto there is infrastructure and administrative management. It is problematic, and sometimes impossible, for representatives of local committees to organize a draft campaign. For example, in order to put on the appearance of young people in Yakutia, it is necessary to cover special points for medical provision and registration of documents. Pivnіchnі vіyskkomati don't mourn such koshtіv, even if it's calling you come in - tse us in front of the great financial vitrati.

However, the presence of pennies is not the only reason. For example, in Chechnya, in fact, there is no call to the army, except for the one who has established a system of military appearance in the republic every day. Moreover, not all districts have viyskkomati. Crimium of rehabilitated reasons for the appeal of the middle of non-numbered peoples to praise the position before the Constitution in 1993, it is clearly spelled out that the skin call is regulated federal laws and the number of osib for service is established by the president. For which specific region, the calls may be dialed, they are not indicated.

Why don't Chechens serve in the Russian army?

Not too long ago, like the fate of 2014, the Chechen people from the hoarded news about the ear of the prize will be called to the Russian army. The rebels of the Chechens called for military service in the Russian Federation 20 years ago. However, in the spring of 2016, the fate of the call from Chechnya was re-pinned.

The essence of the problem

To the thought of the liberal press, for front river a native Chechen citizen was not called up for term service in the army of the Russian Federation. Nearly 7 thousand potential soldiers were lost overboard. At a thought, the dzherel themselves are quiet, in the reshti republics of the Caucasus, from the call, everything looks very different. It was also decreed that the decision not to call the Chechens to walk without a trace in the sight of the great ceramics.

Summative privilege

In 2017, the fate of the inhabitants of Chechnya will again happen to miss the spring call, about which the republican commissariat is reminded. The solution was taken from the link with the bajans to minimize the risk of closing the middle of the military parts, which, unfortunately, may be miserable. Most of the conscripts from the Caucasian lands form such ranks of the compatriots in parts, provoking conflicts on the cultural-national ground.

Another version of this decision: the General Staff does not want to be engaged in the preparation of future Chechen fighters. Adzhe is not a secret that a lot of residents of Chechnya fall down, let them be distant, but still relatives of real militants. There is no good sense to teach the military to the right of their enemies. In case of realizing a retelny opinion of the middle Chechens according to the principle of "loyal / not loyal" it is practically impossible or rather costly.

Prospects for the solution of the problem

If you look at the statistics of 2014, if Chechen soldiers were taken in 20 years before the Russian army, then there may be a more positive character. The dynamics of the service of conscripts from Chechnya is characterized in an optimistic way: about 181 military servicemen from the Pivnichno-Caucasus region turned to the fatherland from the sheets of valor. 100 of them took promotion from the rank to the young commander. From which it is possible to make whiskers, so that in the next hour the cry of the Chechen inhabitants can be recalled. Until then, with a glance of state policy, such a pidkhid is at least unacceptable, and at most it can cause international strife. Adzhe not all Chechens are militants. Plus, today there are solid databases of data on the skin homeland in Chechnya, which allow you to automatically take information about the skin conscript.

Z vovka not zrobish dog (words from the Caucasian song)

In addition to my efforts, the publicist Petro Akopov wrote an article under the name "The Russian army is building up the new elite of the Caucasian republics". The axis of the address to the original: http://vz.ru/politics/2016/4/12/805011.html. For now, just once, if I'm not good with him, accept - from the title.

My thought is the following.

The Russian army will not give in to the elite of the Caucasian republics, which I am fundamentally different, more correct, or "better better", as it did not happen to either the Radianska or the imperial armies. One on the right, if there is a need for some bindings and I will call for a military service, the other on the right, if one wants to be at the link with the cym. Foresee your hope for those who served in the army, "Caucasians" to become pro-Russian, or a little more to begin to shake Russia and the Russians categorically not varto. It is due to the fact that the methods of the secular national power do not work with the tribal susspіlstvo іslamskogo shtibu.

Methods from the national power do not practice in tribal susprestvі

My special dosvid Knowing in the Caucasian informational medium, having confirmed me in the Duma, that the Islamic peoples of the Pivnichny Caucasus do not choose to act in the archaic structure of their suspіlstva, do not choose to change “in the Russian slavish manner” like a rank His power of his current specialty is a camp in the Russian state and his psycho-ideological camp is visible to him, both mentally and materially. The special status of "quiet, who cannot be chided by the one who can be hurt" and "all the same to me the diaspora is vigilant" - these are those that are necessary for the "Caucasian" greatness.

Even though it was already serious and serious in the Caucasian society, it focused on working in the agricultural state, or on industrial production.

What is less in the "Caucasian" napіvrozbіynik-napіvbandita-napіvvoїna-napіvsportsman - tim better.

"Caucasian" -worker - good, "Caucasian" -warrior - bad

Proximity to zbroї, life in a military style, the halo of a warrior - all this is potury tіy, which was formed among the Russian peoples like the 19th century, and tse simplifies the integration process, changes the channel of the succulent flows. Only a few sleeping and peaceful living, the most famous work with the Russians can seriously get into the best of today's "Caucasians", but the very same day and not be afraid, and one or two years of service in the army will not change anything.

At the present moment, the "Caucasians" are already well aware that the stench is a drastic socially-sustainable problem in Russia, that the state is following the lead of their ideas and horror stories and is trying to maximize the benefit of this dividend. Being, in fact, hooligans of a sovereign scale, the stench learned how to use "nishtyaki" in viglyada tactics of slandering and strategies of eternal discontent. It’s especially good to go near Chechnya, as the leader of the public thought in the Pivnichny Caucasus, like secretly zazdryat the national republics of the republics, so that Chechnya will be abandoned, and so demonstratively "bathing in gold" freely and freely. -Highland viide to live with any kind of "Caucasian".

"Caucasians" in Russia have all the blame, all the goiter

Dissatisfaction with that scribble is regularly and even competently promoted in the Caucasian blogging medium for help LJ and Facebook. Among the "Caucasian" bloggers are a special kind of writers, like they support their society in a strained camp. And people, as if today, methodically and purposefully "piss off" this topic, create fake accounts, form a huge thought, engage in a collective brainstorming silently "who is hustling along the path of the true Caucasus."

Concrete hromadska thought that religion
in times of strength for an abstract sovereign or a national idea

Be it a "Caucasian", a kind of service in the army, a little Russification, you will be practically instantly reforged back by the "correct Caucasian" under the influx of mood in your informational middle. That is why it is not necessary to support those who have a new Russian army, to create new "Caucasians" or, nareshti, to build up from the "Caucasians" imidzhevyh mountaineers.

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