Virahuvannya behind the previous fates of the declaration is the amount that passed from the previous fate. To marvel at the treasury of the bounty was taken away by me Mainov treasury of the excess

Virahuvannya behind the previous fates of the declaration is the amount that passed from the previous fate.

Qi understanding call richly power up the next hour tax return 3-PDFO on the rotation of the main tributary winding.

Sob once and for all rozіbratisya, it is necessary to ask for food:

  • What is it?
  • Are the stars out of the way?
  • How to grow up?
  • How to load 3-PDFO?
  • What should you write about the declaration?

What is resurrection?

A row of "remembrance after the previous fates of the declaration" is brought before those main resurfacing. And it means that you can turn the pributkovy tax chi PDFO when buying any kind of dwelling: houses, apartments, rooms, land plots.

I will post new food again. What is a pributkovy tribute? І how її can I turn?

A pributkovy tribute is a part of the cost, like physical individuals crying out to the powers from their income. Correctly, yoga is called a tribute to income physical features, or PDFO. The rate of the contribution of the citizens of Russia to become 13%.

As a rule, PDFO is reduced by pliable agents, such as robots. For example, like a hulk take wages for 10 thousand rubles, a robot-seller, more generous for everything, steals a 13% tax from a new one, but 1300 rubles. I take 8700 rubles for the hands of wines.

Tsei pributkovy tribute can be turned. On this day, there are five types of taxable repayments:

  • standard;
  • social;
  • mine;
  • professional;
  • regeneration of valuable papers.

In order to speed up the recovery of the mine and turn off the loss of the income tax, it is necessary to fill in the 3-PDFO declaration.

Are the signs to be taken for future declarations?

Today, the amount of mine ventilation will be 2 million rubles. І 13% of the sum can be turned. And tse 260 thousand carbovantsiv.

Now you need to equalize your salary. Let's get out to make 25 thousand carbs per month - or 300 thousand carbs per river. Utrimaniy PDFO for the warehouse 39 thousand rubles. And now the following is a tribute to the tribute payment and the surplus contribution. Pіlga bіsh nіzh y six times more for real income per river. How about booty?

For r_k you can take back less than the real amount of income - three hundred thousand rubles. Tobto, turn 39 thousand. How can I get rid of unspent money? The cost is 2 million 300 thousand, and 1 million 700 thousand rubles.

If you can speed it up again? Only offensive fate, if a new income appears, and, apparently, the demise of the PDFO.

Now respect! 300 thousand rubles - tse i є vіdrakhuvannya for earlier fates of the declaration. Million 700 thousand rubles - tse sum, how to switch to the offensive river.

Zvіdki taken sum, yak passed from the past fate?

A simple butt has already been looked at. Sliding down the task and growing the rozrahunok. Later, an apartment was bought for 3 million rubles. Evidently, you can save 2 million rubles for the mines. In the first river, the river of buying an apartment, the salary of the buyer was 300 thousand rubles. The offensive rock of wine having earned 400 thousand rubles. And for rіk yogo income becoming 500 thousand rubles.

At the butt, the declaration is submitted by itself for the whole third turn, and it is accepted that for all forward rocks the turn has already been taken.

Fold the surplus behind the front rocks. The very sum will be virahuvannyam behind the previous fates of the declaration. Let me repeat that 500 thousand rubles were earned for that river, for which time the 3-PDFO declaration is submitted. Tobto, the current amount of income, and not for the previous period.

That is still a small task, now it is already visible. For 2 million taxable taxes, you need to take into account all the income for three years. The result was 800,000 rubles. The very sum will be too much to move on to the offensive river.

Here, the income for the current river was insured, the shards of it will be beaten at the current declaration when the sum is returned. To that advancing fate, the winding up will change to a sum of money. At the butt of vіdnіmannya behind the previous fates of the declaration - 700 thousand rubles. Sum, yak to cross the offensive fate - 800 thousand rubles. Follow the memory of the given tasks.

Let's look at a living butt, like the very rows of mayut zapovneni at the 3-PDFO declaration. Wash the zavdannya overwhelmed with colossal. The income for the front three rocks is 300, 400 and 500 thousand per day.

The declaration for the first river will also be completed.

Bought an apartment of the last year, and repayment for the whole period will come out first. At the column “Amount of actually zdіysnenih vitrats on the living quarters” it is written rozmіr of tributary vіdrakhuvannya, scho dorivnyuє vartostі apartments - or 2 millioni, yakshcho varіst exceeds tsyu sum.

We bought an apartment from the butt for 3 million. Possibility of recovery - 2 million rubles.

Rozmіr podtkovoї base - tse dokhіd protyazh rock - 300 thousand rubles.

The surplus of the main tributary wind, to pass the offensive rock, is 1 million 700 thousand rubles.

How can I see the declaration for the coming river?

“The amount of money actually spent on the living quarters” - here a lot of tortuous declarations are repeated.

“The sum of the mine repayment, accepted to the shape for the previous taxable period” - this is the repayment for the forward declaration. As a result of the past fate, 300 thousand rubles were earned, and from the new one they took the turn, then the whole number is written here.

"The surplus of the mine tributary winding, which was transferred from the front rock" - 1 million 700 thousand rubles.

Tax tax base - 400 thousand rubles. Tse pributok for rik.

Narazi has lost the surplus of the mine tributary windfall, to move on to the next river. Іz sumi of tributary windfall in 2 million rubles is taken from the income for the front rock. At to this particular type wine less than 300 thousand rubles. And also surcharges are paid for the in-line river - 400 thousand rubles. The result has a surplus to overcome the offensive fate, to get 1 million 300 thousand rubles.

The declaration for the third river is soon to be completed. The amount of actually wiping vitrate is left unchangeable - 2 million rubles.

The sum of the mine reparation, taken to shape for the previous submissive period, is tse virahhuvannya for the earlier dates of the declaration.

Like the past year, 400 thousand rubles came out, and the past year 300 thousand rubles, then when summing up these two digits, 700 thousand rubles come out.

The surplus of mine winding, which was transferred from the previous rock, is 1 million 300 thousand rubles.

Rozmir podatkovoї basic rock - tsedokhіd, otrimaniy stretched rock - 500 thousand rubles.

The surplus of the mine tributary winding was lost, to move on to the offensive river. I know I need to see. Іz sumi of tributary windfall in 2 million rubles is taken from the income for the front rock. Tse 700 thousand carbovents. And also for the current river - 500,000 rubles. І as a result, the number comes out - 800,000 rubles.

The future fates of the declaration 3-PDFO will be completed according to the same scheme. And so three rivers by rivers, until I turn around again, due to the tribute of wind.

You can keep track of the progress of the re-verification of the declaration and the decision on the payment of arrears in the Special Cabinet of the payer of taxes on the site, at the branch “Documents of the payer of taxes - electronic document processing”. Ways to deny access special office The tax payer is described on the FNP website. According to the law of the tax service, three months were introduced for rechecking the given declaration and documents. Based on the results of the re-verification, a decision is made on how to submit taxable water. After the decision is made, it is necessary to return to the IFTS due to the application for the transfer of funds to the account, designate the bank and the number of the account. Pererahuvannya need to be carried out for a month, from the moment of filing an application to the IFTS. In order to manually control the process of re-verification of the declaration, you need to register in a special office on the official website. tax service.

How to determine the surplus of tax credit for an apartment

The amount of the main amount of compensation (half - up to 260 thousand krb.) However, as in the situation of virahuvannyam on a living, pridban for the power of protection, registration of the return with a mortgage may have its own nuances.

The stench of the coming:
  • If you have issued a mortgage before 01.01.14, then you can return the deposit from the sum of the sums of capital sums (the sum of the sums of capital sums is returned to the sum of 100% of the sum of sums of sums);
  • If the loan was withdrawn after 01.01.14, then the amount of reimbursement on the basis of your surroundings is 3 million krb., so you can compensate for a maximum of 390 thousand rubles. krb.

There is a lot of respect for those who, in the case of the appointed rozmіru, were ruled out by the virish factor - the date of registration of the right of power and the fact of the appropriation of the apartment by the act of acceptance and transfer.

Find out about the status of taxable repayment

  • Golovna
  • Podatkove virahuvannya

In these stats, we know, how to know about the excess of taxable water. Let's take a closer look at the algorithm. Vіdpovіmo on the expansion of supply.


Individuals who have bought indestructibility can turn their own part of the stained stones into a path for the design of taxable water. The provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation give the citizens the right to win over the surplus of mine watering under the hour of the attack.

Today, we will tell you about those who need to know a surplus of taxable water. Turning the PDFO when buying a life Buying indestructibility is an important and important reason for the life of the skin.


Ale tsya podiya zavzhdi pov'yazana іz suttєvimi finansovymi vitratami. In order to support the family, as if they were virish and improve the life of the mind, and get a good life, the state gives the bulk of the right to turn a part of the stained-glass koshtіv.

Inspection of re-verification of the tax declaration in a special office

Believe it or not, but a miraculous gift from the state at that moment, if you bought an apartment. Є v_drahuvannya not only for the purchase of an apartment, but in this article I speak only about them. Adzhe vytrati for the purchase of an apartment (budinka house), repairs, etc., singly, they took practically all your free pennies. How to take away the surplus of the main windfall When buying life's non-violence physical individuals can take off the main windfall from the expansion of the fermented vitrate, but not more than 2 million rubles (subparagraph 2, paragraph 1, article 220 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). As a stretch of the first period (rock) winding up in full obsyaz, it is possible to endure the coming rock. In case of re-submission of documents that confirm the right to such, it does not matter.

How to find out, if they repaid the tribute for the apartment?

This instruction has been compiled for those who need to protect their special needs and arrange their social (advantage, education) or main repayment (for the purchase of an apartment, a room) via the Internet. You can submit your declaration online, confirming the data entered in it with scanned copies of the required documents. De i yak tse correctly zrobity? Read about the whole lot more below.

1 crochet In the first month, you need to go to the website of the special tax office: How to get to the special office of the taxpayer? You have 2 options:

  1. It is necessary to turn around to the FNP.
    When you bring your mother, you need a passport and your IPN (you can copy or original).

Find out about the camp of reverification of the 3-personal income tax declaration and the return of the tax.

The maximum term for the payment of taxable repayment for an apartment and even more may be 3 calendar months, the very last term pennies owed to your account in the tax service, you can control this process by registering in a special office of the Russian tax service. It seems to us that it takes three months to recheck the 3-PDFO declaration and the documents that are submitted to it, and to reconsider on the fourth.

In practice, deeds came out better. Vow that you can turn the tax for the purchase of an apartment both through a robot giver and through a tax service. If you choose another method, everything is close to 3 months.

How to recognize the surplus from the tax vіdrakhuvannya

After the "confirmation of the individual" you can go to your special office for additional oblique registration. With this key, you will sign a set of documents, and attach them for 10 credits. For which, at the right upper fold, a profile is pressed. 3 krok We pressed on: otrimannya key certificate reverification of electronic signature. 4 krok On the side of the opening of the key You choose one of two ways

  • The electronic signature key is saved to your work station
  • The electronic signature key is saved from the protection systems of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

5 krok I recommend cheating: The key of the electronic signature is saved from the protection of the system of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.
Gromadyany, yakі filed before the tax inspection a declaration of income for the form 3-PDFO with the method of abrogating the social order of the main tax return, they can, for the additional Internet service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia "Special status of the office of the tax payer for tax documents transfer" It is expected that the maximum term for the re-verification of the tax return is 3 months from the moment of filing to the tax authority. After the completion of the review, the 3-PDFO electronic resource will be notified about the results: “A decision was made on the tax return” from the confirmation of the sum of the reconciliation, or “A decision was made on the review of the tax return”. Costs are turned over to the payer of taxes on special payments, appointments in the application, as it can be filed at once from the tax declaration.

De on the website of the taxpayer to look over the excess of taxable water

The Federal Taxation Service has expanded the Internet service “Special Office of the Payer of Taxes for Physical Taxes”, to make it easier to inform your payers of taxes. Now, the can have been able to make it possible to the lung-know about all the operations, I have a sort of fostering through the ilnerennet, not Visitichi to the house, they would have a gypatkovo іsphikovsky, the status of the cameras .

Coristuvachi, yakі filled in the 3PDFO declaration on the otrimannya of any tax returns, can find out about the camp of their application for the return of the tax and the results of the cameral tax re-verification. I gave you information about the registration number, the declaration you submitted, the date of the beginning and the end of the cameral review, the stage of the cameral review “Started” or “Completed” the registration date in the Federal Tax Service.

If the tax declaration has been re-verified, for a month the sum of the paid tax will be repaid to the tax payer's account, indicated by him in the application. The payer of taxes can check online the status of the cameral review on the website of the tax service in a special office by going to the tab Tax on income FO/3-PDFO. On the same side, a little lower, you can get information about how to return the sum of the tax to the account of the payer of taxes.

Once the EDS key has been generated and the access password has been created, you can use the services of the Special Cabinet. At the hour of the postal registration, information about the overdraft can be obtained from the additional menu "Return Link".

For assistance, you can deposit the food at the address of the representative of the FNP in a free form (“Please send information about the amount of the excess for the main payment for the return of the PDFO when buying an apartment. Please send the amount of payment to the email address”). If you have sent the first declaration through the Special Office, then you can convert the excess of the declaration in the electronic form of the document in the tab "PDFO and insurance contributions - Declaration 3-PDFO" (side "I", row 210).
Surplus of v_drahuvannya at іpotetsі At the borders of the PC, the right of citizens to otrimanny vіrahuvannya at the issuance of a mortgage loan was transferred.

Yakshcho zgіdno z vipiska z Rosreestru, You took the apartment from the authorities until 01.01.14, then the rozmіr virahuvannya for you is not necessary. Read also the article: → “Supplementary forfeiture when buying an apartment from Novobudov in 2018” Excessive forfeiture for mortgage loans is deductible.

From the total limit (2 million rubles), you can see the expansion of repayment, deductions for the past. When rozrahunka, all the money is taken off, including those that are taken off when buying a living for the money.

An indication of the excess of ventilation in the case of a living quarter, attached to a loan, can be looked over at row 2.10 of the arch “I”. If there is a surplus of virahuvannya for stolen money, then the stench appears in the declaration less at the time of purchase after 01.01.14.

Registration of return before tax inspection:

  • Fill in 3 PDFO.
  • Registration of dovidki 2 PDFO for the job.
  • Selection of the necessary documents (certificate of the state registration of the right to indestructibility, victory of the їх EDRP, contract of purchase and sale).

After the completion of all papers, the sovereign authority shall make a decision: what is the right of the taxpayer to pay taxes on the payment of the paid tax? Yakim bi didn’t have a solution, the hulk took letters of advice with a recommended sheet. A desk review takes three months from the moment the application is withdrawn as a physical individual. Registration of the main winding through the robotic delivery In principle, the procedure for turning the winding up through the robotic delivery at the cob stage is a little different from the first option.

How to find out if you repaid the tribute for an apartment


In what hour will they turn back the tribute for the apartment? Obviously, it is not possible to completely blow out the air of the living area, but when buying an object of non-destructiveness, it is possible to remove the tax water from their vlasniks. The main return is a sum of money, as if a change in the base is made, podatkovuvano pributkovy tax.


Otrimati pіlgu mozhe kozhen bazhayuchy, less than those applicants, yakі vіdpovіdat such vimog: є hulks of the Russian Federation; you can make one of the substations, it’s possible to take off the main water supply (the living quarters of the living area can also be included before the transfer of the substav); moyut buti payers PDFO. You can find out from podtkіvtsіv, zvіsno.

I do not need to go anywhere. You have two options for mailing: - by letter - with a sheet for the address; we owe you a letter within 30 days.

How to determine the surplus of tax credit for an apartment

To whom you can turn the main windage:

  • For physical persons, as a result of official income, they pay a 13% surcharge tax from the new one.
  • Pensioners can also pay for the main insurance.

It is impossible to take back the tribute to the advancing categories of the population:

  • Physical persons, yakі arranged for the sake of buying and selling with a man or a team, fathers, brothers and sisters.
  • Gromadyans, yaks took away the object of indestructibility for gifting or at recessions.
  • Payers of taxes, if they filled in the declaration incorrectly or submitted an incorrect package of documents.

The procedure for issuing the main return The main return can be taken in two ways: return to the inspection for the place of residence, then we will transfer the money to the rozrahunkovy account, or write an application for the return of the main return for the place of service.

How to recognize the surplus from the tax vіdrakhuvannya

The yak is to be in the progress of the cameras of the transfers, having risen in the special Kabіneti on the site of the powers of the Service of the Service, can be marveled, Chi was scored by the announcement of the Otrimanni Virahvannya, Chi bristled the virahuvanni Grumadyanin wound to the Yaki herds of the podsui vihuvanny for commercial vijuvanni for the bass for the commercial for the bass for the commercial for the bass for the bass for the bass for the bass for the bass for the bolus. To gain online service, it is necessary to go to the special office and select the tab “Target on income of physical workers”.
Then you need to select "3 PDFO". At the vіknі it will appear the moment of otrimannya claim on the main turn, the status of reverification. Inspection in a special office for processing the declaration is an easy procedure, as it does not require a special inspection.
With the appearance of the rechecking status “Completed”, it is possible to recover one month from the moment of submitting an application for the return of a tax for transferring the money for a special account.

How to find out about the amount of the paid tribute payment for past years?

Necessary dovіdki for mine turn To take away the right to vodrakhuvannya, tax payer of goiter taxes to submit the latest package of documents before tax inspection. Transfer of documents for the return of taxable tax:

  • An application for the return of the lost tax.

    You can get a similar conclusion on the website of the Sovereign Tax Service, or come to the inspectorate. At the dovіdtsі, data about the clerk of the lane (registration, passport data), the address of the nerukhomostі, IPN, the sum of the payment are assigned.

    If a hromadayan had previously taken a turn from the purchase of an apartment, then the rozrahun’s base will gradually change.

  • Declaration form 3 PDFO. Qiu dovidka can be submitted no more than three years from the date of purchase of the dwelling.
    The declaration can be filled in independently or by going to the aid of taxable fahivtsiv.

How to recognize the sum of the money already taken away? How to recognize the sum of the money already taken away?

Anna V / March 9, 2014 My cholovik gave us an apartment near the sleeping vlasnosti. Virahuvannya boulo podіleno navpіl. 130,000 won my part of the recovery, and I took away only a part. In 2010, she went on maternity leave, and until 2012, she did not submit documents for a return. In 2012, I moved to a different place, for the time being, I would like to submit documents for a refund, but I can’t tell, what a surplus.


What do I need to grow? From the beginning of 2013, I can’t say anything sensible in the Moscow region’s tributary. Some say: you need to know the decision, others: fill in the declaration like this, and then we will figure it out.

How to know how much I lost tax relief

Register on the FNP website. If you don’t have registration on the website of the Federal Tax Service, and you submitted a postal declaration for the return of the tax separately (on a paper nose), then you should go to tax with a passport and IPN (div. → How to recognize the IPN of a physical person in 2018). On submission of these documents, the specialists of the FNP will record your registration in the database of payers of taxes.
Krok 2. Form an electronic key. Follow the instructions and generate the electronic key you need to sign the documents and enforce the declaration. To form the key, go through the "Profile - Retrieval of the ECP certificate" request (key type - "The electronic signature key is saved in the security system of the Federal Tax Service of Russia"). Then you need to enter information about yourself (PIB, IPN, addresses), as well as create a password for access. Krok 3. Remove information about the overdraft.

How to find out, if they repaid the tribute for the apartment?

  • 1 2000 download
  • 2 How to prostegize for a desk review
  • 3 Necessary dovіdki for the lane turn
  • 4 Who can succumb to the mighty virahuvannyam
  • 5 The procedure for issuing a main turn
  • 6 Registration of mine ventilation through a robot
  • 7 See the lane, behind the yak you can turn the tribute of wind
  • 8

Valid until Compliant Code The Russian Federation's hulks after the pridbannya of life's indestructibility can turn part of the koshtіv at the sight of a mine's windfall. Physical individuals, who are taxable residents of the Russian Federation, can pay the tax and pay 13% of the tax on their income.

Terms of tax repayments After the date of the declaration before the inspection, a lot of people ask questions: how to know if they repaid the tax for an apartment? Lines of payments are appointed by law that for their damage, a hromadain can receive material compensation as a taxable body. From the moment the declaration is submitted to the sovereign authority, three months are allowed for cameral verification of the papers that are attached.

After the completion of this term, the inspection of goiters is to be blamed for the decision on the payment of mine water when buying a dwelling, or to advise on the supply of pilgrimage. Yakim bi had no solution sovereign body, payer of taxes otrimu vodomlennya.

If the decision is positive, then the physical person can give up to the inspection of the data for the redemption of the sum for paying the tribute.

  • For which period can one-time reimbursement be taken?
  • How to recognize a surplus of taxable water
  • In what hour will they turn back the tribute for the apartment?
  • How to recognize the surplus from the tax vіdrakhuvannya
  • how to determine the surplus from the tax payment
  • The term for the return of taxable winding when buying an apartment
  • How to find out for a certain period of datkove vіdrakhuvannya
  • Rules for rozrahunka vіdrahuvannya for the previous fates

For how many years and for what period is it possible to turn the tax refund when buying an apartment? The procedure for the transfer of terms for other taxes is determined by the courts: From the legislation, following that the regulations for the removal of mine debts are established only if they oblige to receive payments, which can exceed 260,000 rubles.

Such a marvelous understanding of how “recovery for the previous fates of the declaration” that “the amount that passed from the previous fate”, cry out richly food when filling in the 3-PDFO tax return on the return of the main tax return.

Sob once and for all, rozіbratisya in tsoma, vіdpovimo for food:

  • what is the refund for the future of the declaration
  • the stars are taken sum, yak passed from the front rock
  • how everything is going to be ruined
  • how to fill in 3-PDFO (what should be written in the declaration, we can look at the report butt)

Are you ready? Forward!

Why is it that the phrase "Verahuvannya for the future fates of the declaration" comes to those mine watering. And it means that you can turn the surcharge tax (or MPE) when buying any kind of life:

  • at home,
  • apartments,
  • kіmnati,
  • land plots

I again blame the food:

  • what is a pributkovy tribute
  • how yogo can be rotated

Surplus allowance- Tse part of the cost, like physical individuals, weep for the powers from their income. Correctly, we call it the Tax on physical income income or PDFO.

The rate of the contribution of the citizens of Russia to become 13%.

As a rule, PDFO is reduced by pliable agents, such as robots.

For example, if you take a salary of 10,000 rubles, a robot giver, better for everything, takes a 13% tax (1,300 rubles) from you, and you take 8,700 rubles in your hands.

Tsei pributkovy tribute, which was stolen from you, can turn.

On this day, there are 5 taxable repayments:

  • standard,
  • social,
  • main,
  • professional
  • that vіdrahuvannya according to the valuable papers.

In order to speed up the recovery of the mines and turn away the loss of the income tax, it is necessary to fill in the declaration 3-PDFO.

We picked out the first food. Let's move on to another.

For more accuracy, I’m going to marvel at the video lesson on this topic, or continue reading the article.

Stars are taken for the future of the declaration

Today, the amount of mine ventilation will be 2,000,000 krb. and 13% of the sum can be turned. And tse 260,000 rubles.

Now it is equal to the average salary. It is permissible, won to become 25,000 rubles. for a month chi 300,000 krb. on river

Utrimany PDFO with a stretch of 300,000 krb. * 13% = 39,000 rubles.

We pay tribute to the tax (2,000,000 rubles) and our river income (300,000).

Pіlga more low 6 times more in our real income per river. How about booty?

For a short time, we can only take away from the real sum 300,000 krb., Tobto. 39000 rub.

Yaka pіlga we have to lose? 2000000 - 300000 = 1700000 rubles

When can we speed it up again? Tilki advancing fate, if we have a new income and, obviously, the demise of the PDFO!


300 000 rub. - ce i є due diligence for the earlier fates of the declaration

1700000 rub. - ce suma, yak to move to the offensive river.

How to unravel rozmir virahuvannya behind the previous fates of the declaration

Let’s look at one more popular question: “The stars are taken in a scrip, what has passed from the past fate?”

We already looked at a simple butt. Let's arrange the task and grow the rozrahunok.

We bought an apartment vartistu 3,000,000 rubles. We can speed up the recovery of 2,000,000 rubles.

At the first river (the river of buying an apartment), our salary was 300,000 rubles.

400,000 rubles were earned from offensive rock.

And through the river, our surplus became 500,000 rubles.

Respect! We submit the declaration ourselves for the 3rd river!

Virishuemo mathematical task for the 1st class:

We add up our income for the future:

300,000 + 400,000 = 700,000 rubles

virahuvannyam behind the previous fates of the declaration

I repeat once again that 500,000 rubles. we earned for r_k, with the help of which we submit the 3-PDFO declaration at once, tobto. tse current amount of income, but not for the previous period.

Well, it’s still a small task, now it’s already on the vіdnіmannya:

2,000,000 - 300,000 - 400,000 - 500,000 = 800,000 rubles.

You will be crazy too much to move on to the next river.

Here income for the rivers is vrakhovuemo, tk. Vіn bude vykoristaniya at the current declaration pіd hour rozrahunku sumi turn. To that advancing fate, the winding up will be replaced by a sum of money.


Virahuvannya for the previous fates of the declaration 700,000 rubles.

Suma, yak to cross the offensive rock 800,000 krb.

Application for completing the declaration 3-PDFO

And now let's take a look at a living butt, like the very rows of mayut buti filling in the 3-PDFO declaration. Wash the zavdannya overwhelmed with colossal. The income for the front rock is 300, 400, 500 thousand rubles per day.

Otzhe, 1st river . We bought an apartment of the past fate, and the recovery for the whole period will be taken forward.

The amount of money actually spent on the living quarters is the cost of the tributary water supply, the equal vartosti of the apartment, or 2 million rubles.

Rozmir tax base - tse our income per river: 300,000 rubles.

The surplus of the main tributary windfall, to move on to the offensive: 2,000,000 - 300,000 = 1.7 million.

We remember the data for 2nd river .

The amount of money actually added to the cost of the living quarters - we repeat our defense against the tortuous declaration.

The amount of mine winding, praised to the shape for the previous succumbing period. All our support for the earlier fates of the declaration. Even though the last fate was 300,000 rubles, then here we write the same number.

The surplus of the main tributary winding, which was transferred from the front rock: 1.7 million rubles.

Rozmir tax base - tse our income per river: 400,000 rubles.

Іz sumi of tributary water supply 2 million. Together: 2,000,000 - 300,000 - 400,000 = 1,300,000

Well i 3rd river .

The sum of the actual cost of spending money on the living quarters - we repeat our defense against the minulor declaration

The amount of mine winding, praised to the shape for the previous succumbing period. All our support for the earlier fates of the declaration. Once the past year, I got 400,000 rubles, and in the past, 300,000.

The surplus of the main tributary winding, a kind of transition from the front rock: 1.3 million rubles.

Rozmir tax base - tse our income per river: 500,000 rubles.

A surplus of the mine tributary winding, to move on to the next river: Do you remember our vision?

Іz sumi podtkovogo vodrakhuvannya 2 million. Vіdnіmaєmo our income for the front rocks (we had 700 thousand) and for the flow (500 thousand). Together: 2,000,000 - 300,000 - 400,000 - 500,000 = 800,000.

the future fates of the 3-PDFO declaration will be completed for the same scheme. And so we continue with the fate of the river, until it is more turnable for us to pay tribute to the resurrection.

If you want to take away an individual rozrahunok for your taste, you can speed up the services of our fahivtsa.

In these stats, we know, how to know about the excess of taxable water. Let's take a closer look at the algorithm. Vіdpovіmo on the expansion of supply.

Individuals who have bought indestructibility can turn their own part of the stained stones into a path for the design of taxable water. The provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation give the citizens the right to win over the surplus of mine watering under the hour of the attack. Today, we will tell you about those who need to know a surplus of taxable water.

Turning PDFO upon purchase of a dwelling

The purchase of indestructibility is an important and important gift for the life of the skin. Ale tsya podiya zavzhdi pov'yazana іz suttєvimi finansovymi vitratami. In order to support the family, as if they were virish and improve the life of the mind, and get a good life, the state gives the bulk of the right to turn a part of the stained-glass koshtіv.

You can receive tax compensation as a result of buying a living with wet money, and at the same time you have received credits. Legislation does not limit the scope of finance: repayment can be taken as for registration bank loan, and otrimanny positions in the form of a forgetful person when buying a part of a new bud for a fee. With the choice of which way to purchase a dwelling, the amount of compensation increases to a maximum of 390 thousand. krb. (Reimbursement of 3 million rubles). Likewise, the person who has laid down the position agreement, may have the right to take 100% repayment on the amount of earned money. Tobto, the crim of the turn in the vіd vartosti zhitla, you can also take away the vіd vіd vіdsotkіv vіd vіdsotkіv.

Bagatorazovity of the right to vodrakhuvannya

In formal legislative acts, one can often understand the one-time nature of the right to redress. People who are not educated in the legislature and that support, most of the time it is not easy to understand them. We will try to explain everything in a simple, accessible way.

Apparently, you bought an apartment varistyu 870 330 rubles. (Amount less than 2 million). Satisfying the right of authority, it is issued before 01.01.14. Having submitted the necessary documents, you will waive the return of the tax of 113,143 rubles. (870.330 rubles * 13%). On the offensive fate (after 01.01.14) You bought half of the booth for the price of 1.040.502 rubles. The oskіlki persha favor is reserved until 01/01/14, then you cannot win when buying a part of the booth. This rule is not valid until the disposability of the right to vodrakhuvannya. Tobto, not respecting those who after the first time, please, having settled for a surplus of windfall - 1,129,670 rubles. (2.000.000 rub. - 870.330 rub.), you can’t take a turn on a new one.

What is the cost of rights on the bagatarase of victoria vіdrahuvannya, it is blamed on time, as the first favor was imposed before 01.01.14. For accuracy, we change the guidance to a larger butt.
Suppose you bought the apartment after 01/01/14 (price 870.330 rubles). Like the first turn, you took the turn 113.143 krb. Ale, on the first sight of the butt, having bought a pivbudinka for 1.040.502 rubles, you can also issue a return and return of 135.265 rubles. (1.040.502 rub. * 13%). Later, for the pіdbags of two pleasing sums of vicorous water we become 1.910.832 krb. (870.330 rubles + 1.040.502 rubles) Three possible 2 million rubles. Tse means that, having bought leather from the sight of life inviolability, you have the right to issue a refund for a surplus of sumi 89.198 rubles. (2.000.000 rubles - 1.910.832 rubles) (89.198 rubles * 13%).

How to recognize a surplus of taxable water: instructions

There are a few ways to find out about the excess of tax credit for the rest of the land: special filing to tax, withdrawal of information from the declaration form for the front river, as well as the way of winning the Internet resource of the FNP. Let's take a look at the report of leather from options.

If you have squandered your self-sufficient rozrahunok surplus of care, if you want to change it, then the simplest way is to show up in a special tax for a living. (press to open)

The regulations of legislative acts do not have a clear algorithm for submitting a request for information about an overdraft, so the procedure is subject to a formal order, apparently up to the authorities of a specific body of the Federal Tax Service. In all cases, a document obov'yazkovym for filing, є passport. Your special presence is also needed. Dodatkovo practitioners of the FNP can file a claim for the withdrawal of data on redress. Lines of compliance are established individually in the skin organ of the fiscal service and, as a rule, become 14 calendar days (2 days), but it is not guilty to exceed 30 days.

Method #2. Withdrawal of information from the declaration.

Method number 3. Wikoristannya electronic resource FNP.

In the rest of the hour, the electronic method of submitting documents for withdrawal is gaining more and more popularity. It’s not surprising, even though the way can be obvious:

  • in order to submit documents, you need only a sprat of khvilin;
  • it is not necessary to pay tribute for registration of repayment;
  • at once, when you fill in the blanks, the system will show you a pardon, so you can correct it right away;
  • You can arrange a resurrection You can have an hour that is convenient for you.

In order to get information about the overdraft through the Internet, follow the following algorithm:

Krok 1. Register on the FNP website.
If you don’t have registration on the website of the FNP, and you submitted the first declaration for the return of the tax separately (on a paper nose), then you should go back to the tax return with the passport and IPN (div. → ). On submission of these documents, the specialists of the FNP will record your registration in the database of payers of taxes.

Krok 2. Generate an electronic key.
Follow the instructions and generate the electronic key you need to sign the documents and enforce the declaration. To form the key, go through the "Profile - Retrieval of the ECP certificate" request (key type - "The electronic signature key is saved in the security system of the Federal Tax Service of Russia"). Then you need to enter information about yourself (PIB, IPN, addresses), as well as create a password for access.

Krok 3. Take away information about the overdraft.

Once the EDS key has been generated and the access password has been created, you can use the services of the Special Cabinet. At the hour of the postal registration, information about the overdraft can be obtained from the additional menu "Return Link". For assistance, you can deposit the food at the address of the representative of the FNP in a free form (“Please send information about the amount of the excess for the main payment for the return of the PDFO when buying an apartment. Please send the amount of payment to the email address _______”).
If the first declaration was filed by you through the Special Office, then you can convert the excess of repayment in the electronic form of the document in the tab "PDFO and insurance contributions - Declaration 3-PDFO" (page "I", row 210).

Surplus of insurance at the mortgage

At the borders of the PC, the right of the hromadas to withdraw from the payment of a mortgage loan was transferred. The amount of the main amount of compensation (half - up to 260 thousand krb.) However, as in the situation of virahuvannyam on a living, pridban for the power of protection, registration of the return with a mortgage may have its own nuances.

Poke stench in the footstep: (press for opening)

  • If you have issued a mortgage before 01.01.14, then you can return the deposit from the sum of the sums of capital sums (the sum of the sums of capital sums is returned to the sum of 100% of the sum of sums of sums);
  • If the loan was withdrawn after 01.01.14, then the amount of reimbursement on the basis of your surroundings is 3 million krb., so you can compensate for a maximum of 390 thousand rubles. krb.

The surplus of insurance for mortgage loans is charged to a criminal order. From the total limit (2 million rubles), you can see the expansion of repayment, deductions for the past. When rozrahunka, all the money is taken off, including those that are taken off when buying a living for the money. An indication of the excess of ventilation in the case of a living quarter, attached to a loan, can be looked over at row 2.10 of the arch “I”.

If there is a surplus of virahuvannya for stolen money, then the stench appears in the declaration less at the time of purchase after 01.01.14. If the right of power to indestructibility is formalized earlier than the appointed term, then until the end of the year, the right to refurbishment is not obligated, and then, it is not necessary to secure the surplus. For objects purchased after 01.01.14, the excess windage is shown at row 2.11 of the arch “I”. If you didn’t save the declaration in advance, you can take the excess amount in taxes, especially having seen the Federal Tax Service, or having issued a request through the Special Cabinet on the electronic resource of the fiscal service.

How to recognize a surplus of tributary water: food and water

Catering №1. How can you find out about the oversupply of money, using electronic calculators, like placements on Internet sites?

Advice: You can pay off the excess credit for additional calculators on various commercial sites. However, all that reliable information about the recovery may be given only by a representative of the FNP and confirmed by the data of the tax return.

Meal №2. What is the sum of money for getting started when buying a life? How to unravel the surplus for a huge man, who, having bought a bunch of houses with a stretch of fate, ponis vitrati for the donka’s education?

Note: The turn of the PDFO on the induction and upon purchase of the life should lie down to different categories of ventilation, for skin problems the water limit has been transferred. At the borders of the vitrates, the bulky can turn troch more than 6.500 krb. stretching the rock (recovery of 50,000 rubles for a skin child). Well, before the mine repayment, the excess is invested in the capital, from the total limit of 2 million krb. (For all the restlessness, I’ll be stuffed with a bulky protyazh life).

Meal №3. By way of fate, the bulky man made 2 lands for the purchase of a dwelling (they gave ½ a house and a room in a communal apartment). Why is it necessary to submit 2 additional declarations in this case, and in respect of the skin to cover the sum of the surplus of insurance?

Note: A person who has committed 2 favors to fate, can submit one declaration for the period from the designated total amount of compensation and the surplus for pіdbags 2 years.

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