Promissory note for lending to physical entities. Bill credit. Transfers of bills of exchange

Evgen Malyar

# Business loans

Issuance of a promissory note

The form of the bill and issue of the document were approved by the Radnarkom and Central Exhibition Committee in the distant 1937 on the basis of pre-revolutionary legislation.

Navigation for the article

  • What is a promissory note
  • See promissory notes
  • See bills
  • For the number of participants please
  • For the character please, secured by a bill
  • For the redemption method
  • For other criteria
  • What is an endorsement
  • Vidi endorsement
  • Repayment of a promissory note
  • Problem moments
  • What is the appearance of bills of exchange by banks
  • Visnovok

Promissory note credit is one of the oldest forms of financial backing. About this valuable paper, there are a lot of people who don’t think of economic knowledge, or they read it in the art literature, and everyone understood that wine is an analogue of the splendid borgo’s signature. Ignoring such a blatant publicity, there is a lot of detail, about yaks it’s less familiar to know. Stattya rozpo_st about those who buy promissory notes for crediting, yogo wash that raznovidi.

What is a promissory note

A promissory note is a penny position, for some koshti chi mercantile comrades, one sees insane letters to the borgov's goiter. Confirmed by the creditor and the borzhnik there is a special valuable paper, which is called a bill of exchange. Vіn mozhe mother vyglyad zapovnenogo special form or vykonuvatisya enough, but іz zaznachennyam obov'yazykovyh requisites.

Tsіkavo, that the form of the bill and the issue of the document were approved by the Radnarkom and the Central Exhibition Committee in the distant 1937 on the basis of pre-revolutionary legislation (decree No. 104/1341). In 1994, the roles of the vimogi were despoiled, but the essence was lost forever.

International bills of exchange are regulated by the Geneva International Convention of 1930.

The document, titled as a promissory note, may be signed on a paper nose and include the following information:

  • Tags. Tse means that on the document it can be clearly written that it is overruled, that it is the same bill. These marks near the text sound like a sprat, and all the stench confirms the character of a valuable paper (“goiter I am obliged to pay for this bill”, “the place for payment for this bill” then). Repeating fear not next - no artistic TV, and letters of payment goiter.
  • Bill of exchange. From writing may buti absolutely accurately, how many pennies are taken away by the vlasnik of a valuable paper (creditor). The amount is indicated as a minimum of two (in capital letters and in numbers). As if stacking bills of exchange, having pardoned like a rozbіzhnosti, then the bill of exchange is respected in letters. Regulatory acts indicate that there may be more than one skin document, and the breakdown on the stage of redemption is blocked. Well, if the rules of the sum of the kіlka are violated, then the payment is paid less.
  • Payer. For a legal entity, it is necessary to indicate the full name of that address, and for a physical one - the PIB of that place of residence.
  • Redemption term. Vіn can be expressed by a specific date (no later than the date of registration) or by the mind "on presentation", but from warnings "not earlier than" some day. This requisite is more important than the creditor, and the applicant. Yakshcho the bill is not presenting at the designations of the term (stringings), vtrachaє juridical chinnіst. Possibly options, if the borzhnik is given an hour from the moment of presentation of chi folding.
  • Oberzhuvach payment. This requisite is important, nasampered, for about "simple" bills, but they are also exchangeable (about them a little less).
  • The mist is redeemed. If the shards of the zatsіkavlenoy side are the person who is credited, then call it yourself to come before the one who accepted the bill, and repay it.
  • Misce folded that date. Enough for the edge of that place (region).
  • Hand signed. Її put the drawer (trasant) at the right lower part. Yakshcho tse legal person, two signatures: organization paper and golovbuha.

For the presence of all the designations of the requisites, the document is valued by a promissory note.

See promissory notes

The essence of the promissory note is that the creditor, who replaces the pennies, takes away the document, grants an insane right to extort.

Such a way of posting can be such a transfer:

  • evidently the simplicity of issuing against a large loan;
  • mozhlivist prodovzhennya for the benefit of the parties;
  • sparing rate (in Russia bills are seen at 4-6% on the river);
  • a loan to the bank for the outpost of promissory notes of viable tim, that there is no need for the provision of penny resources;
  • bills of exchange between organizations that belong to the same industrial group, it’s simple to say: you can not “transfer” pennies from one bank to another, but exchange bills of exchange, roblochs, according to their ability to exchange bills;
  • Zastava promissory notes for a loan are safe for their efficiency in case of short-term deposits and savings in working capital of the organization.

The following types of bill credits are practiced:

If you look at the different reports, then the economic exchanger of the main difference between the promissory note issuer and the pre-Yavnitsky credit is in the individual, as the issuer writes the promissory note (issuer) in the same way as the valuable paper.

Have your own cherga, obligatory chi oblіkovy credit - tse rіznоvidi pred'yavnitskogo mind zapozichennya.

See bills

Oskіlki promissory note є іnstrument credit, sіd look at yogo raznovidi. Looking back at the diversity of criteria, the classification of the maє razgaluzhenu structure.

For the number of participants please

Tsya znaka podіlyaє all promissory notes on prostі (solo) and perekaznі (tratti). Solo bill for address payment by the issuer to the holder of valuable papers. There are only two individuals to take the fate of the land: the creditor and the borzhnik. Redemption is due if pennies are exchanged for a bill.

The validity of a bill of exchange is simple in that it can not be exchanged for a number of times to transfer to other subjects in order to win as a surrogate payment bill.

The largest expansion of such operations in the post-tradyansk space was found in the 90s, if there were no pennies on the racks of rich enterprises. The scheme for the turnover of bills was even more foldable: the bill of exchange was signed for payment for one type of product, then it was transferred to the address of other postal workers, it paid for tariffs, services, the docks were turned over to the issuer.

For the character please, secured by a bill

Zalezhno vіd tsіlovogo acknowledgment of credit promissory note can be commodity-commercial, financial or treasury.

A bill of exchange is secured by a commercial favor. As a matter of fact, a credit for a payment for the withdrawal of goods. The hour of redemption after the idea can be realized, after which the borzhnik repays the issue of the promissory note to him.

The need for a financial bill is not dictated by purchase and sale transactions. Vіn є "commercial paper", which means the goiter of the issuer to pay to the pre-yavnik of statements on the denomination form. There is no need for security for such documents, the term is up to nine months, and the motive is a discount (so you can buy them cheaper for the amount charged).

A short-line bill issued in series is called a treasury bill.

For the redemption method

Depending on who is presenting the bill of exchange before payment, it may be pre-ordered.

Like a person, like taking a penny in exchange for a valuable paper, is indicated in the text of the bill as an endorsement of a bill of exchange, a warrant bill. As you might call it, for the pre-yavnitsky bill, the rozrahunok is swearing by the yogo vlasnik (pre-yavnitsky).

For other criteria

Regardless of the wealth of historical background, the bill of exchange legislation has loopholes, which allow operations of an adventurous nature, vibrating real money and nothing to secure papers.

For example, the issuance of a "friendly bill" is carried out for a false appearance, or make it a valuable asset. In case of any offence, the parties (the issuer and the vlasnik) are rebuffed by the master, which is very important to bring.

A similar recognition from the "bronze bill", but in friendship with friends, not safe for the bank, one of the participants is the person of the vigadan.

Tsіkavim є sposіb єє є є є є є є є ї ї ї іdstrochki, pov'yazaniya z emisієyu "zustіchnyh" bills іn іvnі soumi, yakmenuyuyutsya two pіdpriєmstva. Until the moment of their redemption, the products are valued as paid, but not paid, and the income tax is not paid for.

For the most important, a bank bill is respected through its security and, as a last resort, the guarantee of redemption.

What is an endorsement

A notice about the transfer of a bill of exchange (bill of exchange) of another payer is called an endorsement. It is shown in the note “pay by order” (“replacement to pay less”) from the appointment of the forward bill holder.

Two persons take part in the process of acceptance (transfer of the rights of the widow):

  • endorser - the one who transfers the bill of exchange;
  • endorser - obedzhuvach (nabuvach) bills of exchange.

These words sound more similar, and it is important not to confuse them. Indosuvannya tyagne behind him such legal consequences:

  • declaration about the bill to pass to the endorsee;
  • vodpovidalnist for the possibility of non-payment of bills is entrusted to the endorser.

It is not necessary to spend every day for the transfer of expenses. Tse mozhe zrobiti be a sack of a bill of exchange for the ruling court.

Vidi endorsement

Indosaments are subdivided into different varieties, fallow in the obmezhen, assigned to them. The most “free” option is rightfully considered the existence of a particular individual, at the cost of which it is necessary to pay.

Such a variant is called a blank endorsement and is an analogue of a borgo's signature on a presentation. "Clean" with a promissory note, Yogo Vlasnik can be ordered by the authorities: present it yourself, endorse Yogo, or simply transfer it to another person.

By order endorsement, also called by name, we transferred the order of the individual, which will be charged.

The endorsement does not give the right to withdraw the redemption amount, but it secures the ability of the holder of the bill of exchange to pay the endorser. Reassignment is a penny analog of a trust.

Zastavny endorsement - tse wrote "safety", "zaporuka" and so on, which indicates those that the bill of exchange wins the role of the lane, that secures the return of the loan. Yogo is also called safe.

A sign of a non-recourse endorsement - the mind is written "without turnover on me." Lance of bills of exchange in the process of payment of the bill of exchange may be longer, and the issuer does not want to be recognized for the goodwill of that payment of the skin participant.

Repayment of a promissory note

By itself, the repayment of a bill of exchange loan looks even simpler: in the instructions on the form of the term, the presentation of the bill is carried out before payment. You can’t blame the problems of the borzhnik, and the nutrition is less than the succession of diy. Regulates the procedure of article 815 of the DC RF - a promissory note is issued first, then payment is made. Those same for insurance can be deposited through a notary or in a bank.

The main rule for all operations with bills of exchange is the presentation by the parties of upcoming documents:

  • agreement on the purchase and sale of bills of exchange (2 copies);
  • act of acceptance and transfer (2 copies);
  • statement about payments for a bill (2 copies).

The rest of the document confirms the presentation of the bill, but also the payment itself. The following are the specific moments of bill transactions:

  • As for the lines of repayment of appointments, then the bill can be presented on the same day or for a stretch of two coming days. If the creditor zapіznitsya, borzhnik may have the right to act in the repayment of money.
  • A promissory note with a cumulative redemption “upon presentation” may have a boundary term for one rіk, although a specific date has not been set.
  • The draft document is dated after first acceptance or endorsement.
  • The redemption promissory note is transferred to the payer, as it was paid for by the preparation, ordering the transfer in another documented way.

Krіm of the promissory note itself, the payer may have the right to demand a receipt from the holder of the bill.

Problem moments

  1. For two days after the term of payment indicated in the document, it is necessary to notarize the bill of exchange for points of acceptance against acceptance or non-payment. Tsya juridical act is confirmed by an act that is issued on promissory notes.
  2. Dali suffered a bill of exchange submitting poses to the borzhnik indicated in the form (like a promissory note) or an endorser (in case of non-acceptance of a bill of exchange).

The rights of the bill holder allow him to initiate a protest before the term indicated on the form, as follows:

  • Borzhnik zazdalegіd declares that he does not pay (it is subject to acceptance).
  • Signs of financial impossibility of an individual who is credited were revealed (take without a court decision).

What is the appearance of bills of exchange by banks

The phrase "bill of repayment" means that this valuable papyrus was attached with a financial discount. At this point, the bank has the right to help, so that it becomes a creditor. There is a lot of interest in discounts - retail, at a price of money and a sum, like a goiter to pay a borzhnik.

Procedures for transferring bills of exchange for validity, as transferring the assessment:

  • correctness of bills and correctness of registration;
  • borrower's creditworthiness

So, as a bill of exchange is being paid by the position resources for an hour, which is out of stock before the redemption date, the appearance of a bill of exchange by a bank at a discount is being changed by adjusting the rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to the power of credit minds. The amount of the discount is paid according to the following formula:

D - the sum of the discount in rubles;
CB - nominal value of bills in rubles;
P - redundant period before the redemption date in days;
CSS - obl_kova discount rate to the bank for a sim bill.

For accuracy, a butt was raised at a discount for the promissory note of enterprise “A”, purchased (insured) by bank “B” from the promissory note holder of firm “B”.

Postal data:

  • A bill of issue in the sum of 100 ths. krb.
  • The redemption term is April 30, 2019.
  • The date of redemption of bills by the bank of firm "B" is 30 March 2019.
  • The banking discount rate is 11.3%.

Substituting the given data in the formula, we will see the result:

Tse means that the firm "B" takes for the bill of undertaking "A" from the bank "B" the sum, equal: 100 - 1.0044 = 98.9956 yew. rub. Bank "B" to earn 1004.4 rubles on this operation.

At to the current world gaining more and more popularity. Adzhe mayzhe all private enterprises, the masters of great and other enterprises in greater vipadkivs respect for the better payment transactions I myself have such a way. One of the types of such a settlement is payment by bills. In addition, the skin of them has the ability to take such titles in a jar.

Understanding a bill of exchange loan

bill of exchange- Tse tsіnniy papіr, scho allows zdіysnyuvat її exchange for comrades and services. Promissory note loantse type of banking position, which is drawn up between the financial regulations and the employer. After the signing of the loan agreement, the borrower will take the necessary amount, not a penny equivalent, but bills of exchange. The procedure for issuing a bill of exchange loan is similar to the standard lending process. For example, such as a fast loan, etc. The number of bills of exchange for the hour of laying the contract with the bank, then, perhaps, we can change it. So, a financial organization can draw up the whole amount for less than one bill or break it into three-chotiri. A bill of exchange loan sounds like a low interest rate. The term dії promissory note position becomes from one day to one fate. For the minds of the contract, the owner can continue the term of the bill of exchange. For whom it is necessary for you to go to the creditor bank and write an application there. You can present the bill in any bank branch, in the head office of the registration number. In addition, the promissory note can be exchanged for other promissory notes of different value if necessary. Zavdyaki promissory note can be paid (usim іsnuyuchim) or zastosuvat yogo as an outpost from a different kind of position. A bill of exchange can also be exchanged for a bill of exchange, but if you happen to change the exchange rate for a subway bill. The bank can also ask the client at any time arrange a loan and the bill itself will be deprived of the outpost. At the hour of the transfer of the bill by the buyer to the seller, the Vilniy Count says that the name of the new sack of the valuable paper.

See bills and bill credits

Among the views of bills of exchange, see the following:

  • Commercial (expanded pіd hour of zdіysnennya payment for viplat);
  • Financials (є confirmation of the position of the funds between the creditor and the borrower);
  • Short lines (less than rock);
  • Dovgostrokovі (more fate).

In my hand, bills of exchange loans are of offensive types:

  • Outposts (bills, yakі play the role of outpost security for the hour of the lending process);
  • Oblіkovі (bills, like the bank accepts the debtor and given the amount of money, otrimuyuchi z tsієї operatsії oblіkovy vіdsotok chi discount).

S = V * t * r / 100 * 360

De S– tse sum to discount (overlapping amount), V- a huge penny sum of promissory notes, t- Singing term for bills of exchange (the form is carried out before rest of the day payment), r- Rіchna interest rate. The amount of oblіkovogo vіdsotka utrimuєtsya bank-creditor pіd hour of transfer of the promissory note by the client to the bank. For example, the client brought to the bank 04.02.2011 promissory note in the amount of 10,000 rubles, issuances 03.01.2011 . The bank accepts a bill of exchange and then re-rolls at an interest rate of 8%. We will pay the sum of pennies, as we can take the promissory note after that, as the bank sees from it the discount:

A discount discount at a rate that is more expensive than 8% will look like an upcoming rank:
D = 0.08 * 10 * 58 / 360 = 0.13
As a result, the vlasnik of the bill takes the following amount:
10 - 0.13 = 9.87,000 rubles

How is the process of lending

The employer is a representative of the organization, enterprise to come to the bank and pack loan agreement. Dali financial installation write you short-line bill(the maximum term for this valuable paper is 6 months). After the termination of the term of the bill of exchange, the cashier of the goiter is obliged to turn the sum of the position, taken from the bill of exchange form with additional bills for її nadannya. The clerk can pay with a bill of exchange as payment for goods or service. On the day of the end of the term of the bill of exchange, the new cardholder is obliged to come to the bank and present it for payment (if the bill is presented earlier than one o'clock, then the bank will pay the cardholder a smaller sum, as much lower for the real value of a valuable paper). Let the bank review the correctness of the bills and correct them a penny order on the rahunok of Yogo Vlasnik. The employer of the goiter, for example, the term of the agreement, is turned with vіdsotkami at the sight of a one-time payment, or you must pay the payment in equal parts.
Nasamkіnets slid zaznachit, scho promissory note credit - tse zruchno that nadіyno. All payment transactions are controlled by the bank, therefore, all other payments are subject to the law.

An agreement between a creditor and a guarantor, after which a promissory note is issued, is called a promissory note loan. With such a pleasing, it is obov'yazkovo that the term is repaid to the borg, and the wine does not sound great. Promissory notes crediting is today a good example for wealthy representatives of medium and small businesses, but the stinks of the current economic situation cannot be succumbed to standard bank loans.

Features of credit facilities from promissory notes

Pozichalniki restore their respect for such a method of obtaining a loan through a shortage of living pennies. Carrying out the type of such a loan may have the right of the bank to establish and other credit organizations. Similar loans can also be seen by common people and legal entities.

The main feature of this loan is the one that does not see a financial organization when crediting pennies, but transfers a bill to the borrower. With a similarly valuable paper, the applicant can be paid for some other business, for example, for the supply of syrovina or possession. When withdrawing a bill of exchange loan, the terms are prescribed, so that the borrower of the goiter will sign his credit goiter. In addition, as the owner to repay his borg, the company, as it took the bill as payment, can turn to the financial organization and request payment of the bill. The bank pays for the bill, and the favor is closed.

Promissory note lending benefits

This type of lending can be a great number of wins. Nasampered varto v_dznachiti nezm_n_st rate of crediting in the period you please. The agreement prescribes a specific value of the hundredth bank rate, and it will remain so until the full closing of the loan, regardless of what is in the country.

The companies, yakі koristuyutsya such credits, caught up to such favors and vvayut promissory notes in a manual way of carrying out repayments from their partners. It is impossible not to notice the fact that such loans are charged with a lower interest rate. A bill of exchange can transfer your bill of exchange into preparation, or you can pay it for a government loan, or you can win it like an outpost when you make a loan.

You can exchange such a bill with any other bank, which is the best of luck. For a bazhannya, one bill for a large sum can be remembered for bills of lesser value. legal entity A simple promissory note loan can be seen by the bank for a minimum term in one day and a maximum term in one day.

Shortfalls in bill crediting

Such a way of lending, without becoming wider and allowed, is not so often, as it would be desirable for that of objective reasons. For the borrower, such an option for crediting is to be brought up to additional costs, which are paid through a discount and paid by a financial organization of funds. Negative officials in the form of a promissory note loan are responsible and the creditor. The main negative factor is the risk, the consequences of protesting bills of exchange. And yet, the minuses of such a loan are insufficient, so it will be more necessary to consider such a loan option.

Agreement of bill of exchange position to file a reasonable variance to the agreement of position. The agreement of the bill of exchange in practice is important to implement and cannot prevail before the contract of purchase and sale of a bill of exchange with additional lines (delays) in payment, in connection with which the government’s practice did not have a wide breadth.

Zgіdno with the bill of exchange agreement, the pozikodavets zam_st pennies transfers the promissory note to the payer.

According to Article 807 of the DC of the Russian Federation, under the contract of position, one party (positive giver) transfers pennies to the authorities to the other side (positive) pennies or other speech, marked with generic signs, and the recipient of the goiter must turn the same amount of pennies (positive sum) or more іnshih otrimanih him speeches of the same kind of kindness. Otzhe, the object of position can be less than pennies and other speeches, marked by generic signs. The object of the bill of exchange agreement is a bill.

The promissory note is due up to valuable papers (Article 143 of the Central Committee of Ukraine), є cash (Article 128 of the Central Committee of Ukraine), penny crops (Article 815 of the Central Committee of Ukraine) and extra payment. A bill of exchange agreement is put on the back, for the issuance of a bill. At whom the bill is an individually-defined rich, tobto. There are also signs, for which you can add other such speeches: the number and series of the form of the bill, the name of the payer, the term for the payment, the date and place of the bill of exchange, the bill of exchange, the term for the payment of the bill. ( federal law dated 11.03.97 N 48-FZ "On the order and promissory note" and other regulatory acts). Vlasnik of the bill with the transfer of the bill for the contract of the bill of exchange nabuvaє mine as the right to zdіysnennya payment on the merit of the holder of the promissory note penny sumi.

Bills of exchange, speeches, singing generic signs, later, the agreement of a bill of exchange position is theoretically possible. Food about those, like bills, can be vvazhatisya speeches of the same kind, that kind, the legislator is not regulated.

Contract of bill of exchange position to revenge the supplements:

  • The schedule for the return of goods.

Contract of bill of exchange to replace accompanying documents:

  • Dodatkova favor;
  • Protocol of differences;
  • Protocol for the satisfaction of rozbіzhnosti.

The sensible sensi has a bill of credit, if only a form of credit, in which bills are drawn. For whom under bills of exchange crediting, a credit has been made, sighted by bills of exchange. There were few forms of bill crediting. The withdrawal of bank bills and the advance of their settlement is one of them. When issuing bank bills of exchange, a credit agreement can be drawn up at once, depending on how the borrower (client) claims to sign the term, to deposit the amount that is equal to the face value, plus the amount of money. Tsі pennies the bill was to be extinguished, if the remaining promissory note holder presents the promissory note (bank) for payment. In case of pre-scheduled presentation of bills before payment, the bank is able to draw a discount to the minds of the issuers of bills.

Prior to the forms of bill crediting, there should be a withdrawal from the security of bills of exchange, the form of bills of exchange with the bank and others. A promissory note loan can be seen with a bill, the term is reversed, which is the term, which is the same loan. Credit can be seen and paid on presentation. Before promissory crediting, lie down and re-register earlier than the previous outstanding loan with promissory notes at different times, if the client tells you that you can repay the loan immediately. The bank can take a bill of exchange from its own client, and the client can transfer the bill of a third person to the bank (and send the bill to the bank). At the bank, in which case, a document is submitted, which can be used to draw up a bill of exchange loan. The main advantage of promissory note lending is that it is, as a rule, cheaper than an ordinary loan.

Commercial banks, subject to regulatory acts, the Bank of Russia can issue promissory notes to their clients in the form of: 3

Form of bills;

Special positional bill of exchange for bills of exchange (oncolny ​​bill);

Forfaiting (crediting for foreign trading grounds).

Bill credits are subdivided into postiyniі disposable. The difference between different types of credits is for those who, with a permanent credit, the client can, at permitted borders, win the loan amount more than once; A one-time loan allows you to use yoga sumi only once. In this order, the client, who is allowed to present bills of exchange up to the form in the order of a permanent credit, may in the world pay for the bills already secured by him again present the bills up to the present without special permission in the boundaries of a part of the permanent credit, which is called such a rank. Credits in the form of oncolny ​​special settlements of promissory notes will be sounded permanently and arbitrarily before settlement.

2.1. Form of bills

A form (or a discount) of a bill of exchange is such an operation, from a bank, accepting a bill from the holder of a bill, seeing the same amount of that bill before the term of payment from a new one, maximizing its greed to the deak sum, calling oblіkovy vіdsotkom, or discount. The sum of the discount is utrimuetsya by the bank from the sum of the promissory note at the time of its appearance. four

A commercial bank, a kind of stingy borg with a way of discounting commodity bills, can immediately zastosovuvaty kіlka oblіkovyh rates zalezhno vіd line, scho zalishivsya before payment of the bill, the premium of the payer for the bill, equal oblіkovyh rates of other banks.

From the legal side, the appearance of bills of exchange represents the transfer (endorsement) of bills of exchange in the name of the bank with the most significant debts, tobto. the pred'yavnik becomes a borzhnik for a bill, and the bank - a creditor-billholder. For an economic situation, the payment of fees for a bill by the holder of a bill means the withdrawal of positions, as it is possible to pay off the payer for a bill. In such a rank, the fashion of leather bills of exchange at times, you may have the opportunity to remake bills, which are exchanged with someone else, with preparers and unprepared pennies. Vahovuyuchi promissory note, promissory note is also allowed turbot return to the bank otrimanih sums, bank oskіlki otrimu їx without intermediary vіd promissory notes and only for the unfriendly financial standing of the rest of the payment before the presentation of the bill. Banks, with their own honor, accepting bills to the guise, take off the surplus with a way of payment for the cost of money.

Banks reverify bills, as if they are accepted in appearance, with a glance of their legal and economic reliability. Sound to the point of accepting superficial, real, commercial, commercial bills and vibrating non-advanced, “friendly” and “bronze” bills, as well as bills with defective form. At the same time, the creditworthiness and goodness of the client are overhauled after the singing form. Bills of exchange are accepted to the face for the acquisition of such minds:

1) promissory notes that are accepted in appearance, are liable to comply with the law "On orders and promissory notes";

2) the bill is due to the mother of at least two signatures (the issuer of the bill and the holder of the bill);

3) the promissory note may be with payment on the issues, de є filії chi correspondents to the bank, notarial bodies and people's judges;

4) the bank is guilty in advance of preparation before issuance of bills of exchange in different terms (short-term, long-term) for the payer's financial obligations;

5) to the form of guilt, bills are accepted, which are grounded on commodity and commercial interests;

6) on bills of exchange, it is indicated precisely the value of the bill of exchange and all endorsers.

When accepting bills of exchange to the form, the blank endorsement on the bills is converted to the nominal one (to the bank of the bank), which simplifies the drafting of the bill when it is redeemed.

From the legal side, the correctness of the deposit of all details of the bills of exchange, the confirmation of the osib, how they signed the bill, the correctness of these signatures, the presence of the bills of lading at the expense of the bank are verified. If there is a defect in the issued bills, then the bills of exchange will be entered into the register. In addition, bills of exchange are drawn up, written out with payment on the issues, there is no set to the bank, and also in terms that do not allow the bank to take payment for the bill in its own right.

From an economic point of view, the validity of bills of exchange is being revised, tobto. mozhlivist otrimannya schodo new payment. For this reason, the bank is guilty of vivchiti vіdomosti about platospromozhnіst and credit promiscuity of the usіh іndоsantіv i platnika; statements that need to be seen by notaries about protesting promissory notes, and promissory notes, with which the protests were taken, are entered into the register.

At the process of accepting bills of exchange until the appearance of the bank, do not accept the blame:

Bills not based on marketable land;

Promissory notes, written by a promissory note-maker with the method of withdrawing a bank loan against them (promissory notes);

Bills of quiet osib, as they are engaged in commercial activities for commissions, but they signed the bill in a special way;

Promissory notes, as a replacement for the listing of bills of exchange deposited with the bank.

Bills of exchange, which do not satisfy the bank, are waived from the register and are returned to the presenter.

Similar to the appearance of a promissory note, there is a discounting of the bribe's goiter. Vіdomo, scho at the venerable rebate commercial bill of exchange issued by the buyer to the goods, krіm of the bill holder (post-holder) і of the bill of exchange (purchase) take the fate of the third person - the payer for the bill, or the debіtor, yakim the drawer-bill-giver to transfer the payment.

The first time to deposit a bill of exchange with the bank, the client can accept his own copy of the bill, tobto. take the benefit of the taxpayer's payment. The bank vrakhovuє accepting a bill of exchange for a special scheme, having removed its cost from the postal worker to the goods, like a discount. At the time of the present term of payment, the bank deducts the bill of exchange from the debtor.

Prote operation obl_ku rekaznih promissory notes, vystanovlenyh pokupets goods, rizikovanіsha, nіzh pred'yavnitske crediting klієntіv for promissory bills. At that very hour, for non-payment of the trasat, the bank can lose the bill of exchange sum from the account of its client (postal worker of the goods), and the bill of exchange at the time of the transfer of the bill of exchange sum over the sum of the account to appear non-platospromozhim. Call the ship for such borgo's goiters to be entangled and unforgiving.

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