The conceptual riven of artistic creation is an easy breeze. "Easy breathing" - the image of Olі Meshcherskaya. Wonder what "Olga Meshcherska" is in other dictionaries

On the tsvintar, above the fresh clay nasip, there is a new cross made of oak, mitzny, important, smooth. Kviten, days of Sir; the monuments of the tsvintar, spacious, povіtovoy, you can still see the cross of the bare tree, and the cold wind ringing and ringing with the porcelain wreath of the white cross. At the cross of power itself, finish off a great, puffy porcelain medallion, and in the medallion — a photographic portrait of a high school student with radios, completely alive eyes. Tse Olya Meshcherska. She was not seen as a girl in the brown school cloth: what can be said about her, moreover, that she is a s-beautiful, rich and happy girl, that she is good-looking, but empty and rather unturbulent until quiet moods, like lady? Then she began to grow up, to develop not today, but every day. She had fourteen horns, with a thin waist and stringy legs, her breasts and all forms were already kindly painted, the charm of which had not yet hung out a human word; about the fifteenth, she was already famous for her beauty. How reluctantly the deacies and sis girlfriends were counted, how ohainy boules, how they were chasing after their streams! But she was not afraid of anything - not the inky flames on her fingers, not the reddish guise, not the rosy hair, not the knee that was exposed when she fell on the big. Without the usual її turbot and zusil and as if unfamiliarly came to her all those who so vіdznyal її in the remaining two rocks from the school of the gymnasium, - thinness, shakyness, serenity, a clear gleam of eyes ... Nobody danced like that at the balls, yak , no one was like that on kovzan, like a won, none of them at the balls were looked after by stilki, skolki її, and why didn’t they love anyone so young class, like її. Indefinitely she became a maiden, and her gymnasium glory was immeasurably glimpsed, and already there were a few things, that she was windy, you can’t live without shanuvalniks, that high school student Shenshin is crazy in her, that there is no reason for women to love him, otherwise. , scho vin robyv swing at self-destruction. I will leave my winter Olya Meshcherska zovshevolіla zveroshchiv, as they said in the gymnasium. The winter was snowy, sleepy, frosty, the sun set early behind the high embankment of the lower gymnasium garden, unfailingly fine, promenisty, predicting frost and sun for tomorrow, festivities on Soborniy Street, kovzanka near the Moscow garden, rozhevy evening, music and kovzachu Natovp, in Yakіy Olya Meshcherska was given the best turbo, the best. And the axis once, at a great break, when she swept like a whirlwind through the chosen halls like a first-class girl, who chased after her and squealed blissfully, and called uncontrollably to the boss. Vaughn ruffled in rozbіgu, ripped off only one deep zіtkhannya, with a swedish and already resounding woman's ruffle dressed her hair, tucked the little apron pieces to her shoulders, and, with a radiant eye, went uphill. The headmistress, young, alesiva, calmly sat with her knitted hands at the writing table, under the royal portrait. "Hello, mademoiselle Meshcherska," she said in French, without opening her eyes to the yasannya. “I’m sorry, I’m no longer embarrassed to call you here to speak to you about your behavior. “I hear, madame,” Meshcherska answered, walking up to the table, marveling at her clearly and chewingly, but without the same expression on her face, and sat down so easily and gracefully, as if only she herself had won. “It’s bad to hear, I’m sorry, I’ve switched to tsoma,” said the headmistress, pulling the thread and twisting the ball on the lacquered pillow, Meshcherska marveled at what a clique, rolled up her eyes. “I don’t repeat myself, I don’t speak freely,” said the woman. The Meshchersky arc was like this superbly clean and great office, which so kindly breathed on frosty days with the warmth of a gleaming Dutch woman and the fresh convalescence on the writing table. Vaughn marveled at the young tsar, who had written in the middle of the hall like a glare, continued on equal terms with the milky, neatly pleated hair of the boss, and murmured vaguely. “You’re not a girl anymore,” the headmistress said richly, starting to flirt a little. “So, madame,” Meshcherska said merrily, may be. “Hey, she’s not a woman,” the headmistress said more richly, and the opaque appearance was blackened. — Nasampered, what kind of zachіska? Tse zhіnocha zachіska! - I'm not guilty, madame, what's in me well haired- Meshcherska yelled, and the ice poked both of them with the hands of her garnished head. - Oh, axis yak, do not win! - Said the boss. - You are not guilty of credits, not guilty of these expensive combs, not guilty that you are ruining your fathers for shoes worth twenty karbovantsiv! Ale, I repeat to you, you don’t take it to the point of respect, that you are still only a high school student ... And here Meshcherska, without losing the simplicity of that calmness, interrupted її with a rapt. - Vibachte, madame, you have mercy: I am a woman. I'm guilty of tshomu - you know who? Friend and Susid Tata, and your brother Oleksiy Mikhailovich Malyutin. Tse became the last summer in the countryside ... And a month later, after the end of the month, the Cossack officer, ugly and plebeian looking, who could not sleep with that stake, until which Olya Meshcherska lay down, having shot him on the platform of the station, in the middle of the great attack people, who arrived with a drag. The first recognition of Olya Meshcherskaya, who had stunned the boss, was completely confirmed: the officer, having told the ship’s officer that Meshcherskaya had lured Yogo, was close to him, swore to be Yogo’s retinue, and at the station, on the day of driving in, said to Novocherchiy, to Yogo that she didn’t even think to love yoga, that all of you think about love - one її znuschannya z new, and gave him to read that side of the student, which was about Malyutin. “I ran through the rows and right there, on the platform, she walked around, checking, until I finished reading, having seen her,” the officer said. - Tsey schodennik, axis of wines, look what was written in the new tenth lime of the past fate. The schodennik had the following written: “At once a friend of the year of the night. I quickly fell asleep, but at the same time I threw myself ... Nina I became a woman! Tato, mother and Tolya, everyone went to the place, I lost myself. I'm so happy that I'm alone! I used to walk in the garden, in the fields, I was walking in the forest, it seemed to me that I was alone in the whole world, and I thought so kindly, like never in life. I offended alone, then played for a whole year, I felt the music in me so much that I live without an end and I will be so happy, like no one else. Then I fell asleep in the tata's office, and about the fourth year Katya woke me up, said that Oleksiy Mikhailovich had arrived. I have already healed you, it was so acceptable for me to accept yoga and pose. Vіn arrived on the pair of their v'yatki, the arch of the garni, and the stench stood for the whole hour bіlya gank, vіn was full of wood, and I wanted to make the night dry. Vіn shkoduvav, not having caught the tata, buv zhvaviy and led me as a gentleman, richly zhartuvav, scho vіn long ago died down with me. If we were walking in the garden before tea, the weather was enchanting again, the sun shone through the entire wet garden, wanting it to be cold, and I was holding my hand and showing that Faust and Margaret were wines. Fifty-six fates, ale wines more garnis and zavzhd good robes - I didn’t deserve only when I came to krylattsy, - I smell of English cologne, and my eyes are very young, black, and my beard is thinly divided into two parts of old sribna. We sat at tea on the glassy verandah, I thought I was unwell and lay down on the couch, and smoked wine, then we sifted up to me, having begun to speak again like kindness, then look at and kiss my hand. I covered my guise with a shovkovo khustka, and once kissed me on the lips through a khustka ... I don’t understand how it could have happened, I god-willed, I didn’t think at all that I was like that! Now I have one day off... I am feeling such an expectation that I can’t survive it!..» The place has become cleaner, dryer, the stone has become whiter, and it is easy and pleasant to walk on them. Shonedili, after the obidni, Cathedral street, which led to the exit from the place, a straight little woman in a complaint, in black kid mittens, with a parasol of black wood. Vaughn to cross the highway brudna square, de richly smoky cousin and fresh air in the field; far away, between human monastery and a prison, a gloomy sky and a syrian spring field, and then, if you make your way in the middle of the kalyuzh under the wall of the monastery, and turn the levoruch, you will grow a great low garden, surrounded by a white fence, above the gate it is written Dormition mother of God. The little woman christened groggily and sounded along the main alley. Dіyshovshi up to lavi against the oak cross, out to sit in the wind and in the spring cold, two, until the call to freeze її legs in light slippers and a hand at the big lacy. Listening to the spring birds, like licorice sleeping in the cold, hearing the sound of the wind at the porcelain wreath, you think sometime, that you would have seen life, but there was no dead wreath in front of your eyes. Tsej vіnok, Tsey mound, oak cross! How is it possible that under him is the one whose eyes so immortally shine from that puffy porcelain medallion on the cross, and how can you get closer to them with a clean look of those zhahliv, who is now in the name of Olya Meshcherskaya? - But in the depths of the soul, the little woman is happy, like a mustache, like a prejudiced dream people. The woman is a classy lady Olya Meshcherskaya, a summer maiden, as I have been alive for a long time, as a vigadka, as a substitute for my right life. On the back of such a vision, my brother, vigilant and not a miracle ensign, - she ate her whole soul with him, with him, with future, as if he seemed to be glimmering. If yoga was beaten under Mukden, she won over herself that she was an ideological worker. The death of Olya Meshcherskaya filled her with a new world. Now Olya Meshcherska is the subject of її unapproachable thoughts and feelings. Won walk on її tomb holily, keep your eyes on the oak cross, see the bright face of Olya Meshcherskaya at the worker, in the middle of the night - those who once heard: once, on a great break, walking in the gymnasium garden, Olya Shvidko, Shvidko said to her feisty friend, the new, high Subotiny: - I read in one book of tatoo, - in a new rich old, funny books, - I read, how beautiful a woman can be ... There, you understand, you are punished, you can’t guess everything: well, it’s wonderful, black, seething with pitch, - Oh, my God, so it is written: boiling with pitch! - black, like nothing, viї, lower roaring blush, thin tabir, reaching for a great hand, - rozumієsh, dowshu for a great one! - a small foot, large breasts in the world, correctly rounded calf, shell color, shabby shoulders - I remember a lot of things, then everything is right! hello, what do you know? - Lighten your breath! But it’s out there in me, - listen to me, how I zіthaya, - is it true, є? Now, your light soul has blossomed again in the world, in your gloomy sky, in your cold spring wind. 1916


Front view:

About Bunin's "Easy Dihannya"

Literature of the highest category

Ivannikova V.I.

MBOU lyceum №8

R. Stavropol

This material is not a summary of the lesson, but the article of the classic eloquent word. This is my bachelor of what Bunin wanted to say to his rose speech “Easy breathtaking”, as well as the analysis of the lessons from the different 11th grades for this work, which took the logic of these lessons, why should the skin teacher be able to easily imitate the structure of that lesson with the master .

On the eve of Zhovtnya Bunin, write more about the abuse and self-sufficiency of a person, about the catastrophic nature of the butt, about the tragedy of the yogo kohanny, about the scourge and the fragility of beauty in our life. Probably, the greatest viraz of all those people knew at the poetic miniature “Easy Dihannya”, in which the summation story of the high school student Olya Meshcherskaya was told, prompted like a lancer to think about the fate of the heroine, causing the sight of the grave. You can't help but look forward to the legacy of life and creativity of I.A. Bunina Smirnova L.A., called the description of “Easy Dihannya” pearly Bunin prose - “so succinctly and clearly the image of the heroine in a new image, so reverently conveyed a sense of the Beautiful, without respect for the joyless fate.”

When the creativity of a writer has been cultivated at school, for a moment this tvir is impossible: it is nevertheless necessary to captivate both readers and high school students. Viklikaychi Ziviy Vidguk near the souls of the Screenshots, Aje heroine - the same ancestors, lively, so freely, it was tragically overwhelmed, Rosovіd Tim Shonamenhahi is the most folding of the rosemislennya, the motivation of the head of the head of the heroine, the head of the heroine, is the very supervisor. Tim is greater than in literary studies, and in criticism there is no unequivocal assessment of his work. So, the psychologist L.S. Vigotsky svіv all zmіst bunіnskogo opіdannya to love zv'yazkіv Oli z Malyutinim and the Cossack officer - all the same "sounded її zі shlyakha". K. Paustovsky stverdzhuvav: “It’s not a confession, but an enchantment, the very life with її trepidation and love, the sum total and calm thought of a writer – the epitaph of a girl’s beauty.” M. Kucherovsky gave his whiskers: “Easy to breathe” is not just and not only an “epitaph of a girl’s beauty”, but an epitaph of the spiritual “aristocratism” of the butt, who in life resists the rude and merciless power of “plebeianism”. L.A. Smirnova vvazha, scho "Olya ... do not mark her easy-to-important suffocation with empty pleasures ... The speech "Easy to Dihannya" develops the fundamental theme of Bunin - unsafe for human centurions, that part of the specialness of the unfamiliar will become."

In a different way, the miniature and the school teachers will be gloomy. I’m like a teacher-practitioner, who is not the first to see the tvir with high school students, having his own look at “Easy Dihannya”, his own variant of teaching the rose in literature lessons in grade 11.

It is a remarkable fact that Bunin's prose is often-thickly perverted with his poetic creativity. The poem "Easy Dihannya" was written in 1916, and for the spirit, mood, sacramental themes, the most close to you, in my opinion, are the verses of "Epitaph" and "Light is Nezahidne" (Spring of 1917), as well as writing earlier "Portrait" ( 1903) p).


On earth you are like a miraculous bird of paradise

On the backs of cypress in the middle of gilded tombs.

The first promenistes of the sun shone from the black vines.

Rock is for you. On the ground, there was no bagger.

Beauty is less in Eden not knowing the fenced cordons.


Light unforgetable

There, by the fields, in the flowers,

At the guy of old birches,

Not graves, not brushes

The Kingdom of Radiant Dreams.

Summer wind winds

The greenery of long-lived trees -

І up to me

The light of your laughter.

Chi is not a stove, not a rose -

Before me dosi

Institute of cloth

І soothing look.

Are you selfish?

Hiba you don't follow me

At our past, distant,

Where else am I?

At the earthly stake,


young, awesome

Not a long time ago!


The verses "Epitaph" and "Light of the Foreboding" were taken by me as an epigraph before the lesson. After the last discussion, the lesson begins. A non-intermediate analysis of the creation reveals the nutrition:

How do you feel that emotion calls out to you, Olya Meshcherska, the main hero of the confession?Vіdpovіdі uchnіv pokazuyut, scho priynyattya geroїnі young people dzhe razne, emotsії folded and super chlivі. Whom the girl is worthy of her beauty, naturalness, independence; so many people sue someone for their light-hearted behavior and windiness, which Olya immediately attracts and attracts, and even more high school students sing the link of the heroine with a Cossack officer. After pіdbitya pіdbukіv uchnіvskogo spriynyattya go to nutrition:

And how does the author, in your opinion, be placed before his heroine?Schob vydpovisti on the chain of nutrition, guessing the peculiarities of Bunin's poetics, yak vyvchalis on the previous lessons. Bunin is more laconic in his expression to heroes and, not less, for these words, like the author chooses, and especially for intonation, mood, we will convey by a writer, this position can be distinguished. Learn, often without understanding the sense of creation, sound even more accurately perceive the atmosphere. The mood of the light confusion, confusion, I regret about the heroines that have gone from life, as it was adopted by “Easy Dihannya”, bezmilkovo vodchuvaetsya by them. And it’s too much for high school students to talk about those that the author, as he dares, has mercy on his heroine. At the thought of the uchnіv, tse vіdbivaєєєtsya and in the name of creation (beautiful, poetic, poіtryany, like a heroine of the head, - vyslovlyuvannya uchіvіv), and listened to by a classy woman rozmov Olya with a friend about woman's beauty, and in the remaining rows of admonition. It is obvious that the author is a hundred years old Oli Meshcherskaya raznі. Let's try to understand why such a mood of Bunin is called out, why the heroine was favored by the heroine before her, even if it's the behavior of Olya that can hardly be called moral. And we give respect to those, how and how many times the images in this poetic miniature are the eyes of Olya, and even the eyes are the mirror of the soul Axis of qi epithet: “a photographic portrait of a high school student with radio, hostile eyes”, “clear glare of eyes”, “beautiful eyes”, “wondering at her clearly and chewy”, “whose eyes shine so immortally”, “with a clean look” . Such a great respect for the eyes of the heroine, I guess, you can’t stand up. A clean, clear, radiant look to talk about those who are so pure Olya's soul. How else can you explain the connection between the heroine and Malyutin and the Cossack officer, a bit about windiness, lightness and inconsistency?Why should we believe - the pure look of Oli chi її vchinkam?Zvertaєmos to listen to a classy woman rozmov Oli z її girlfriend about a woman's beauty (the episode is read out by a prepared student or it is staged). With us, a sign of beauty, the girl, as if by inner feelings, chooses the most important, immortal - light breath. Meals for high school students:

How many associations do you have for the phrase “easy breathing”?Purity, freshness, freedom, elusiveness, bezsperednist. These words are most often heard by different scholars. Great respect, that these signs are not of outward, but of inner beauty. And all the stinks - and ovnishni, and internal signs - are present in Olya Meshchersky. The axis of the captivate the head heroine of the confession: her physical beauty was organically angry, that spiritual beauty, as if, only having come together, they create harmony. Inner integrity and harmony, the gift of femininity and beauty, which they do not notice and do not acknowledge, the talent to live the same life is the very same who sees Olya among others. To this very thing, “she was not afraid of anything - not ink splats on her fingers, not a reddish guise, not a rosy hair, not a knee that got hot when she fell on the big…”.

And now we’re savage to what happened to Olya the Vletka and about what we know as a student. Meals for students:

How to accept the heroine? Do you see the most important rows of a worker?Senior schoolchildren recognize the eloquent calmness and insinuate the heroine’s sideliness when describing what was trapiling with her, on the cob of a student and literally vibuh emotions at the very beginning: ! Now I have one day… I feel such an expectation that I can’t survive it!..». The very rows, in the opinion of the scholars (and I am absolutely suitable with them), are the most significant, the shards give the ability to understand the nature of Olya Meshcherskaya's chicanery and all the offensive steps. Replying to the question: What happened to Olya? How do you understand the words "I never thought I was like that!"? About what kind of vacation, do you think, go? ”, learn to come to the whiskey about those that the heroine has spent her “light breath”, her purity, innocence, freshness, and this waste is taken by her like a tragedy. Calling for everything, the only vihіd, like a bachelor, - drink from life.

How can you understand Olya's behavior in the rest of the winter of her life?We’ll wait until this episode, already knowing what happened to the heroine of the influx. The task of learning is to know the words and propositions that show Olya's camp. Old school students see the following propositions: “In the rest of my winter, Olya Meshcherska willed the merry people,as they said at the gymnasium…”, “unremembered її gymnasium glory was noticed, and already sent a bit, you’re winded, you can’t live without shanuvalniks ”,“ ... natovp, in which Olya Meshcherska rented out the most turbocharged, the most.". We emphasize the respect of the students on the visions of the phrases: “as they said at the gymnasium», « already sent a bit, « was given to the most turbotnisha, the most". The majority of youths have that girlish self-styled visnovoks about those who are sovnishnіshniy, distant view of the right understanding of what is really felt in the soul of the heroine, look. Olya is just right, but she’s happy without a turbo and is happy. I її divine merry - tse, in my opinion, forget about trying, hide the pain, in view of the fact that it was trapilos. The test, as we know, failed. Why? It’s hard to get along with these critics and teachers, like talking about those who Olya doesn’t mark her suffocation with empty pleasures, who easily and without turbo flutters through life, unremarkable for herself and calmly stepping over moral norms and rules, she’s a “sinner”, who does not remember his fall. In my opinion, the Bunin text does not give us a basis for such visnovki. Olya cannot reconcile herself with the loss of a “light breath”, with the knowledge of “she’s like that!”. The heroine is to judge for herself, that її moral maximalism does not give her the possibility of realizing it. What kind of exit? Olya know yoga. Learners re-read to the text, read out (the episode is staged) the episode, in which the life of the heroine is tragically shaved. Meals for students:

How do you know that the killing of Olya Meshcherskaya by a Cossack officer is a tragic turn of events?(The task of learning is to know the words and words that help to understand the motives and reason for Olin’s vchinkiv). Independently or for the help of a teacher, senior students see such moments: “a Cossack officer,ugly and plebeian looking, which is not maw exactly nothing sleepy with this stake, to which Olya Meshcherska lay", "having said that Meshcherska lured yoga, bula is close to him, swore to booty yogo squad, but at the station... never thought to loveyogo, what do you know about the school -one sign above them let you readthat side of the student, what was said about Malyutin. All seen phrases and words, in my opinion, unambiguously tell us about the navmisnіst, svіdomіst, tsіlespryamovanіst vchinkіv head heroine. It is quite obvious that, starting a romance from the “ugly ... plebeian look” by a Cossack officer of not her own stake, Olya is small as a met. And її behavior at the station, at the moment of farewell, is nothing else, like a provocation. A provocation, yak could not have ended like a shooting. I shot him, which tragically cut short the life of Olya Meshcherskaya, that single death, like a heroine of knowledge, confessed: humble yourself, reconcile yourself with the “light breath” not far away, live far from the knowledge, it’s impossible. Ale independently drink from life tієї, who, according to the writer's thought, є intuitions of life itself, masculinity did not come out. I Buninim is shown not a scene of driving in, but a test of self-destruction. Having learned about this fact, the scientists are surprised by other eyes to marvel at the head heroine of the confession. Having consumed physical purity and innocence, Olya Meshcherska did not waste her integrity and spiritual purity - moral maximalism confirms this. And she turned her death over again “lightly breathing, as if it had blossomed again in the world, in that gloomy sky, in that cold spring wind.”

Why would Bunin want to tell his rozpoviddu, why does he have a hidden zmist?The composition of evidence helps us to provide evidence. It’s even more collapsible and chaotic at first glance, but only at first ... The very same prompting, at my glance, gives us the key to unraveling that rozumіnnya essence of creation. Together with the teachings, we arm the compositional scheme of the warning: “Easy to breathe” (in to this particular type Name, belessly, є will we handle a compositsye with a compositsye) - periode to Rozkvita heroes that is the remaining winter, including Rozmova to the boss Gimnazi (calling a look at the heroine) - Snovini - Snob Zhizhina - Istoria Klazema Damiya - Klazema Damy - - the finale of the warning (“Now it’s easier to breathe ...”). Pislya warehouse schemes floating obvious I Kiltsev Compositsya, Podovyu Podvina (Zvintar - Zvintar, Light Dihannya - Dyhannya light), Tsіthnika Minayaturi, I, the central, are the author of the leading of us. All the same, after the words of L.A. Smirnova, “allows you to preserve the wondrous breath of beauty, which “immortally shines” with the “clean look” of the eye of the main heroine. I can’t help but wait with her, since the compositional ring “tsvintar - tsvintar” is located in the middle of the ring “light breath - light breath”. In such a manner, in the usual way of his opovіdannya, oviya quiet sum and lyric, rhythmic, like a wild head heroine, povidannya, written in the fall of the 1st holy war, І.A. that love.

Analysis of the evidence will be incomprehensible without discussing two more nutrition:

What is the role of Rozmov's main heroine with the head of the gymnasium? What is the story about the life and death of Olya Meshcherskaya given to history by class ladies? Qi nutrition proponuyusya teach yak housekeeper, and from this discussion, the next lesson from the work of I.A. Bunin will be revealed.


1. Smirnova L.A. Ivan Oleksiyovich Bunin. - M., "Osvita", 1991. -192s.

2. Vigotsky L.S. Psychology of science. - M., 1987. - S.140-156.

What evidence allows the growth of whiskers in those who belong to the genre of the short story. The author has gone far enough to convey in a short form the history of the life of a high school student Olya Meshcherskaya, but not less than її. Designed for the chosen genre, the short story in a unique, small, concrete way can represent the whole life of the hero, and through it - the life of the soul. Ivan Oleksiyovich, for the help of modernism, creates a unique image of a maiden, as if there were only other thoughts about the right cook.

Yak Bunin wrote about it a little bit ( "Light gasp"). The analysis of love was carried out, perhaps, by all the great poets and writers, even if they differ in character and svetoglyad, in Russian literature there is an impersonal reflection of the same sense. Vіdkrivayuchi tvіr chergovoi author we always know schos new. Bunin has his own. In some of his works, there are many tragic finals that end in the death of one of the heroes, but there is more bright, lower is deeply tragic. With a similar cliché, we stick, after reading "Easy Dihannya".

First of all

At a glance, they look like fools. The maiden is playing at the kokhanny with a negligent officer, far from that stake, to which the heroine lay. In the opinion of the author of the victorious so the titles of accepting "prove the wrong", the shards to inspire for such vulgar zovnishnіh podіy love are filled with nezaymanim and light, do not succumb to everyday nonsense. Arriving at Olya’s grave, the classy kerivnitsa asks herself about those, like a mustache with a clean look at those zhahliva, which is now associated with the names of the gymnasium student. Nutrition doesn’t matter to the mind, as it is to the whole text of creation. Bunin's description of "Easy Dihannya" is thoroughly permeated.

Character of the main heroine

Olya Meshcherska seems to be in her youth, in good love, a living and dreamy heroine. Її image, in spite of the laws of suspіlnoї morality, hooting riches, navit young class. І vіt okhoronets vdach, vchitelka Olі, yak sued їє for early growth, after the death of the heroine to come to the tsvintar to її the grave of the chotizhnya, constantly think about her and at the same time you feel, "like a strong, terrifying people",

The peculiarity of the character of the main heroine of rozpovіdі in tsomu, which is very lucky and you can know him to inspire such indulgent activity, in which he happened to be opinated. Bunin "light breath" victorious as a metaphor for naturalness, life energy. the so-called "lightness of breath" is always present in Olya, and we are especially distinguished by a halo. People are aware of the fact that they gravitate towards the maiden, they can’t help but explain why. She infects everyone with her joy.


Tvіr Bunіna "Easy breath" sounded in contrasts. From the first rows, the blame is twofold: empty, sumny zvintar, cold wind, gray day. І on this aphid - a portrait of a schoolgirl with living, radiant eyes - a photograph on a cross. Olya's whole life is also motivated by contrast. The bezkhmarny childishness is marked by the tragic undertones that have become in rest river the life of the heroine of the epiphany "Easy to breathe". Ivan Bunin often reinforces the contrast, revealing between the real and what would have been, the inner camp and the outer world.

The plot of the story

The plot of the creation is simple. A happy young high school student Olya Meshcherska on the spot gets a friend of her father, a summer voluptuary, after which she becomes a living target for a wise officer. Її death sponkaє on the "service" її in memory of a classy lady - self-made woman. However, the simplicity of this plot, which is given up, is broken by a clear presentation: an important cross and alive, radiant eyes, which miraculously tremble the reader's heart. Simplicity of the plot seemed seductive, oskolki rozpovid "Easy Dihannya" (Ivan Bunin) not only about the share of the girl, but about the unfortunate part of the class ladies, as if life sounded like other people's lives. Tsikavі and vzaєmini Olі s officer.

Mutually with an officer

Already, the officers, behind the plot, drive in Olya Meshcherska, impulsively introduce into Oman її thunder. Vіn tse having grown to that which was close to her, believing in those who love him, and could not survive the collapse of the tsієї іluzії. Far from being a person, you can call out in another such a strong passion. It’s not worth talking about Yaskrava Oli’s specialty, vvazha Bunin (“Easy Dihannya”). The head of the main heroine was zhorstoky, aleva, as if it were not very important to guess, looming with a special character, stupefied the officer hatefully. Olya Meshcherska at the windows of them whispered to the world, but I didn’t get far enough to know.

Chi winna Olya?

Ivan Oleksiyovich, having taken into account that the people are not the cob, but later, death is not the end of the soul, a symbol of what and є destiny, like vikoristovuvav Bunin, - “easy breathing”. The analysis of their texts allows you to create a non-trivial vysnovka in those who understand - the soul. Vaughn does not know the obscurity after death, but turns to her death. About tse, and not only about the share of Olі, tvіr "Easy breath".

Ivan Bunin unrelentingly drags out the explanation of the causes of the death of the heroine. Blame food: "Could it be that she's guilty of what was trapilosa?" Andzhe vona is light-hearted, flirting now with the high school student Shenshin, then, hi unknowingly, with a friend of his father, Oleksiy Mikhailovich Malyutin, who, having calmed him down, then why am I about to order the officers to become a new zamіzh. Did you need everything else? Bunin ("Easy breath") analyzes the motives of the heroine. Step by step, we realize that Olya is beautiful, like an element. I'm just as moral. It’s not right for everyone to go to hell, to the edge, to the hidden essence, and the thought of those who don’t want to talk to the heroine of the creation of “Easy Dihannya”. Ivan Bunin would like to tell us about those who, in the high school students, have no sense of revenge, no comprehended vice, no hardness of decisions, no pain of remorse. To go out, seeing that again life can be ruined. Tragіchna (like a classy woman) to wind an unseen tight after her. For this, the leather crock, the leather detail of Olya's life threaten with a catastrophe: the winding and tukavist can lead to serious consequences, to violence, and the easy-to-important gra with the feelings of other people - to driving. Bunin leads us to such a philosophical thought.

"Easy dihannya" life

The essence of the heroine lies in the fact that she is alive, and not just wins the role of the spectator. Wu tsomu th її wine. Buti we live, not dorimuyuchis under the rules of the gri, which means we are condemned. Seredovishche, in what is Meshchersk, I will add more solid, organic sense of beauty. Here we follow the rules of life, destroying them to the point of inevitable payment. Olya's share is tragic. Її death is natural, respect Bunin. "Easy breathing", however, did not die at once with the heroine, but spread out in the wind, reminiscent of Yogo with itself. The finale sounds like a thought about the immortality of the soul.

The image of Olya Meshcherskaya in the description of Ivan Bunin "Easy sigh" - Twir from the literature of contemporary poet Danil Rudy.

Olya Meshcherska

It’s easier to breathe when I read the 2004 snail. Even the creativity of Ivan Bunin overtook me, I created shards of it, respecting the standard of red writing and subtle psychology. Lunge gasp- One of the best yoga robots. Mykola Gumilyov, saying that the most important criterion for the quality of a verse is the author's responsibility. Finished Lunge gasp I honestly feel sorry that the essay was not written by me.

The main characters of the description are light breath, a symbol of spiritual purity, that high school student Olya Meshcherska is a beautiful high school student, she is endowed with it. At a glance, form a rozpovіd tsіkavy tim, scho yogo yogo name rozkryvaetsya chitachevі less in the kіnci, even after the death of Meshcherskaya.

Olya Meshcherska is a beautiful gymnasium student, life-radius is that ... easy. Behavior її nastіlki nevimushena, scho merits on be-like synonyms of the word "easy". On the cob of a rose, you can easily explain how self-consciousness is, how to lay low in the mind of a navkolishny world. Ole Meshchersky baiduzhe, what do you think about her - for her, the meaning is only what you want. That won't give respect to the ink lashes on the fingers, or to the troubles of the odyaze, or to other dribnitaries, as if to swear at outsiders. The head of the gymnasium, the authoritative respect for which Meshchersky is brought to listen to from an enviable postiynistyu, is one of them. However, through the power of steel, intuitively unimportant to Meshchersk, she cannot beat the nimble wiggle and learn to change the faith in herself.

The very internal independence gives rise to the lightness of Meshcherskaya. Reasons for the popularity of Olya as a friend and as a girl in nature. Ale Olya is still young and does not understand the guiltiness of her nature, naively looking at other quiet people themselves, as if she were revisiting herself.

Lung breath: fracture

Ivan Bunin. Audience

Zustrich Oli Meshcherskoy z Malyutinim - a turning point in life, if it is sickly insight. At his student, describing the path, Meshcherska repeats the word “I” seventeen times. “ I don’t know how it could have happened, I god-willed, I never thought that I was like that!”(Ivan Bunin. “Easy Dihannya”) Proximity from a man turned Olya into a woman with a literal meaning, giving her new vision to herself.

Vechir іz Malyutinim, without changing Meshchersky's only one thing - the one that brought me to її death, tsієї easily perekonanosі, scho all life is the goal of the gra. So it was earlier - with the younger classes, as they loved so much, with friends from the gymnasium, as they loved even more - so be it at once. Ale now gra into a cohanna to pretend to be a theater having spent all the lightness. Twist the head of an ignoble person and fool Yogo, at the last moment, even on the station platform - what's the point filthy? Who does not suffocate and does not take an oath at the seventeenth anniversary? And then the officer kills Olya, with one shot, shaving the light of her life. Yogo vchinok - rebellion, and in chomus equal to self-destruction. Right is not in what is wrong plebeian lookingі ugly. Meshcherska played with the rest of our lives, giving him hope for happiness, about how wines are unlikely to see and dream, and zhortoly allowing him to feel hope - and at the same time with her, be-such a future, to be blamed.

The finale is filled with heavy hostility. Meshcherska, as if breathing lightly, dying; the breath itself appears to be growing, and it is not clear if it will sink in again. Olya's death is unfair: she paid for her breath, there was no evil namіru: only zіpsovaniya. It’s a pity, Meshcherska doesn’t understand what is so easy to be crazy, what becomes obvious at the climax of the dialogue with Subotina. Її death is a great expense, for this the important and smooth oak cross on the її grave looks especially symbolic. And how many have been lost from the world of people, who are now in order of the callous world and well-adjusted to the inner lightness and breadth? That classy lady. Become Olya Meshcherska її vygadkoy for life, this middle-aged person could change her life singly, and it is possible to instill a happy, growing in the soul speck of light breath, presented to her by Olya.

On such people, like Meshcherska, there is light, even if it sounds pretentious. It’s easier to breathe and give strength to them, but to take care of all life in a similar way, embarrassing others to achieve a new standard. However, it’s easier to breathe without pain, and it’s like ruining one’s own will, as if nothing is left behind, the cream of the grave cross and the tragic blow of the cold wind.

– one can see the peculiarity of world literature, one of the poorest writers, who became a laureate Nobel Prize in literature. Having lived to make the most of life. Through those that the writer's journey gravitates towards an important noble family, she has no problems in her life. These rules of the noble life vimagali, so that Ivan early began to develop an independent life. Tse led to a lot of problems and pardons for yoga, nachebto, easy life. Ivan repeatedly robbed pardons from his working rights, in a special life, and greeted the young writer that poet of a right real Voronezka life.

In contact with

At young vice having begun pratsyuvati in small magazines and newspapers. Yogo zdіbnosti, before the speech, dosit shvidko were marked by editors. The fame of Bunin's simple language and understanding of the language has quickly expanded by mist. The future writer is gaining great popularity, which is easily supported by all the innovations in the creativity of that hour. Zmіstovne zhittya young and deep people zmushu nervously go wild to її creativity. The diverse features of this people allowed writing rich texts. Bunin often wrote:

  • Articles.
  • Rozpovidі.
  • Microwave.
  • Vershi.
  • Romaniv.

Tobto Bunin himself confirmed that this creative potential can be easily realized in any direct way.

"Easy breath" - the peak of the author's creativity

We see that it is rare to shy away from the whole world of our author. Alya Bunina was spared, even yogo miraculous rozpovid under the name "Easy sigh" mitteva scattered throughout the whole world. Practically all people, critics and other writers have been amazed at this neumovirn rozpovid. Someone calls Bagato "Easy to breathe" Bunin's best explanations.

These are the ones that the history of the creation of this tragic rozpovidi began with a vipadkovo spree of a writer. Yogo to bring to the tsvintar, de vin vipadkovo sack the beautiful girl on one of the crosses. At the same time, at the head of his head, there was a story about Olya Meshcherska.

In the hope of writing a new story for the editors of the Moscow magazine Russian word”, starting to create. The very same cicava and hoarse prehistory of the appearance of "Easy Dihannya".

Samotnya zhіnka to stand over the syrim cross. The chilly wind rumbles in the fall of the leaves dancing on the white of the grave. The gray glooms did not give a good chance for the sun to shed light on the long earth.

Olya Meshcherska, at first glance, is a typical simple girl, as if school could be a good lady. Practically all of my friends did not fix the rules and learned the manners of modest and unoccupied specialty. Proteo's violent character and unprincipled life suddenly changed everything away Olya's share. The girl is allowed to do it freely in suspension, breathes easily on the chest and does not accept typical rules of behavior. Zavdyakova won a filthy reputation, and those close to her began to respect Olga, a girl of easy virtue.

It was not the native land that suffered the most in such a girl , and gymnasium, de vona spent the year for assistants and learned the most important rules of behavior in the household and among the people. Tse provokuvalo repeatedly zagalnorazvivayuchyuchi rozmov between the main heroine and the boss initial mortgage. Prote the rest of the dialogue between them, putting everything in the boxes.

Under the strong grip of the wielder, Olya rozpovidaє that she is no longer an innocent girl. A storm of emotions, that anger, little did not bother the head of the gymnasium, raising her hand to the vikhovanka. After that, Olga clarified that the first person in life was not a simple passer-by lad from the court yard, but the relative Oleksiy Dmitrovich Milyutin. We don’t only know Father Olya, but when I turned out to be the brother of the zavіduvachka, I bet, she got started.

Viteklo chimalo lead, from that very moment, if she knew that in her fifteen years she had long said goodbye to innocence . More than tsikh rokiv їy was not destined to live. An invisible officer shoots at her and drives only one sack. Look at the boules with thick ones, everyone knew what had happened.

Later it became known about those that the officer, who did not know about anyone, made a close call with Olya. At the rich court, they all recognized that if the girl was sweet, don’t have a clear framework for behavior, the whole godly officer was zhorstok. Before his departure to Novocherkassk, she gave him one more page to read from her student. A new one verbatim described the history of Malyutin. Before the court, putting his hand on his heart, the officer moved, clouding his mind. Yogo's hand itself crawled for the pistol. Axis so, in the middle of the piron, in the eyes of the wealthy of the innocent people, in the distance they saw the share of that dear maiden Olya.

This small connoisseur of devotions is no less than the history of the life of Olya Meshchersky. There, a few storіnok rozpovidali about those naskіlki stupidly lived her life A classy lady. The skin word of this student created a clear hostility to the fact that Olya was trying to become the very heroine of Batkiv's books, as if they knew it was easy to breathe.

The rapt blow of the spring wind left a residual light on the bazhan’s lungs, if the sweet and nimble Olya.

A short analysis of the main characters

More information zaseredzhena on the pupil of the dead gymnasium student, Opovіdannya "Easy breeze" zumіlo in a couple of propositions razkriti rich imagery.

Analysis of "Light breath"

As a call to the sacred morality of history, then Ivan Bunin tried to show the injustice of the world. De women have no everyday rights Ale, together with the stink of the zdatnі virishuvati dolі rich cholovіkiv. The plot shows the everyday life of the cob of the XX century. To delve into this small story, you can remember that the repayment of a loan is no more than a few propositions. In this manner, Ivan Bunin showed the typical situation of that hour.

Ivan Bunin in the skin image shows the vadi of the human soul, and those that bring their evil infusion to the greatest legacy. "Easy breathing" is an indirect attack on those who, in a right way, are gaining freedom, having left their mundane and callous world. Cover those who are in leather protection - a sacrifice. Navitt strong school gymnasium became a victim of strong and zhorstok obmezheny.

Bunin, nibi seems to be through a curved mirror about those who world is big bank, in a way people are similar to coma. In order to survive, you have to live with other residents, otherwise you will deprive everyone.

Having read this TV, all literary critics and strong specialties voted small excuse Ivan Bunin, like the pinnacle of mysticism in the written word. It is necessary to read this tvir in order to understand that all words are always threatened with slander.

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