Come up with a short story about the snow queen. Tver behind the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" G.Kh. Andersen. Dekіlka tsіkavih tvorіv

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The main heroes of the fairy tale snow queenє children. The boy Kai and the girl Gerda have been comrades with each other since childhood. The children lived according to the state and loved each other alone. The whole free hour the boy and the girl were always spending together. The children played, they dreamed, they adored the snowy winter. They didn't think at all what joyful winter roses could bring to them like a blessing.

Ale once became famously. Ulamok broken crooked charіvnogo mirror luch Kaya in the heart. The lad became evil, his hisstical and callous. Shouting tricks in Yogo's heart maw power to turn good into evil and more and more chilling Yogo's heart. When the Snow Queen creeps in, the lad forgets his relatives and kokhan Gerd again and again.

Gerda checks for Kai's turn all winter. Ale yoga is dumb and dumb. Little liar at the jokes of his comrade.

A good little girl, be-scho-be, is trying to get Kai full of it. A lot of hardships and a change in price are more expensive. Rozbіyniki, chaklunki, prince and princess, frost, snow plastics - queens of war. The hearts of his self-confidence and love Gerda fights against them, she does all the overthrows and virucha Kaya z bidi. Head idea fairy tales by Andersen Snigova queen - tse love and happiness. Gerda even more importantly tries to melt ice at the heart of her friend. Ale try everything marni.

Only її hot tears melted this terrible trick and turned the boy to a colossal life. The main lesson from the fairy tale of the Snow Queen is that with your love you can work another person with beauty and kindness. In some environments, it is necessary to be able to work for others only good. The author of the fairy tale calls out bachiti in people is less good. Good overwhelms evil.

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Like a mirror to blame the troll, who has only evil in his heart, the mirror of the building is not to bring a lot of nasty things to all living things. The mirror was charming. In a new man, good speeches were conjured up. All the good blamed the charm of evil. І axis one time, through the winding of unheard-of troll assistants, the mirror broke. Skilki evil brought out! Just one small trick easily reworking good people the evil one and the pidozrilogo.

On a cold winter evening in the eye of Kai, we sip a little trick. Dosi lad bov duzhe kind and strange. And here yoga's heart became zhorstok. All vin bachiv are twisted. I think the main idea of ​​Andersen's work is to show that evil people feel colder, but that hardness of heart. You can’t be happy in your life, because everything stinks to waste less trash. Step by step, people build their lives quietly, whoever tries to instruct them. Chi can vryatuvati zhorstok people? Can you make them kind?

Kai's little friend Gerda went to help the lad. Vaughn realized that I had a chance to fight with evil, as if I were alive in the heart of a friend. I happen to sacrifice everything and my handy warm light, and separate from my dear people. And yet, this good girl wrecked everything that lay in front of her. Vaughn penetrated to the palace of the Snow Queen. Kaya knew and helped him to understand that we would become less happy if we guessed kindness, warmth, as if friendship was bestowed. Happiness to bring family values ​​and small lives of joy. The skin of the person herself virishu, which way you want to be, good or evil. For myself, I believed that I want to be kind.

Option 1. Theme - Troll's mirror pins. Behind the fairy tale by G. Kh. Andersen "The Snow Queen". The fairy tale about the Snigova queen is my favorite fairy tale by G. K. Andersen. I read її a lot of times, and soon come in handy, little Gerdy was embarrassed to sneer. And most of all I sang Kaya, in the heart of which the rolling pin of the mirror of the troll ate. Cheerful and kind in the sight of nature, in the eyes of a reader of wine, transforming into a pitiless and zhorstok hisist. Kai ceased to understand the beauty of life. Marveling at the troyanda, having marked the wine less than a hrobak, a kind of sharp її. And in the people of the vin bachiv there is less than a little and zhorstok laughing at them. Navit Gerda, Yak loved yoga with all her heart, teasing her and bringing her to tears. It was fitting for Yom to marvel at the little cuts: their readings, the correct lines were given to you in the depths of perfect beauty. Kai did not realize that this beauty was spared life. Kai leaned at the palace of the snow queen. There, having shaken the mirror to the mind, like the queen, she shook the world with the best mirror. Vaughn denounced Kaya, that you can lead the whole world, as if from the cold cries of the minds we make the word "everything". Ale yak Kai didn’t make a mess, nothing came out of the new. The Kryzhinkas did not want to approve those words.

Kohanna, fidelity, self-confidence Gerdy vryatuly Kai, melted the ice, like squeezing his heart, melted the rolling pin of the Troll's mirror. Kai looked around for a long time and remembered ahead, like empty in the palace of the snow queen. Vin bowed down to Gerdy, and she wept and laughed with joy. These krizhinki themselves made a word, as if Kai had not been able to put together for a long time. Otzhe, eternity is a cold, unchanging beauty, and love and building do good. Tilki stink can vryatuvat people "from the rolling pin mirror of the troll at the heart."

Option 2. The topic is who is the strongest for the lower queen? behind the kazka G. K. Andersen "The Snow Queen". The Kazakh G.K. Andersen has a snow queen - that power is great. She can sip the light with snow, freeze everything on the spot, but the most terrible thing is to make the heart of a person crying and zhorstok. The queen looks like a garn (“Ochi її shone, like stars ...”). Ale was not in quiet eyes, no warmth, no light, for the stench carried only evil. The Snow Queen kissed Kai and thrashed him with her ear-taught teaching, she shrugged off the memory of that almost right beauty. The lad's girlfriend, - Gerda blamed the comrade's jokes. I had a chance to visit a woman in the enchanting garden, and in a robin, and in Lapland, and in a wise Finnish, and in the palace of the snow queen. Vaughn made a great path, cold and hunger, to save Kai. And then, with her tears, she kindled the krieg and the rolling pin of the enchanting mirror. The lad became himself again and lifted up the charms of the snow queen. Under the hour of the rest, the little robber, marveling at Kai, asked: Oh, you tramp. I would like to know, why are you good, to follow you to the end of the world? Gerda blurted out. Ale readers can now say: "Good!".

Humanity is the beauty of the human heart. That is the strength, as there is no ability to overcome the chaklunstvo of the lowest queen. How can you not guess the words of the old Finn about Gerda: “I’m strong, I won’t break it, I won’t break it.” Later, strong for the queen of snow, the little girl Gerda appeared, as small in her breasts as hot, with a strange heart, she was faithful in friendship, easy-going and masculine in her reach.

Variant tvir behind the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen"

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The fairy tale "Snow Queen" is famous for all - it's not only a story about the kindness of a girl, as she helped to betray her friend in the face of the evil queen's chaklunstvo. Tse rozpovid about good and evil, about kohannya that baiduzhist.

The Snow Queen is one of the main characters in Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen". Tse is a negative character, who is a representative of evil as a manifestation.

The heroine loves the cold, it’s not for nothing that she calls the Snow Queen. Її zvnіshnіst is also characteristic of a negative character: she is ugly, but beauty is soulless. Shkira is pale in her, and her gaze is lifeless and screaming.

Live out in krizhany palace de panue permafrost. There was no joviality in that booth at all. The heroine deserves a cold selfishness. She doesn't know love, that kindness of mercy.

The queen's throne is located in the middle of the lake under the name "Mirror of the mind." Tse is a symbol of a cold mind, which does not have everyday feelings.

The snow queen is only fit to zavdavat shkodi to people and nature with a fuss. I have a moment to make myself a new sacrifice in order to grow up. Її to add difference to the suffering of people. If the heroine is trying to grow up for her own sake, or for her own life, then she obliges herself to do her own thing. The Snow Queen is strong, few can resist her. Kind and friendly tezh did not dare to stand up against chaklunstva. The snow queen is shown to be omnipotent, only one kiss of the heroine zmushuu Kai forget about your past life, as if you were happy. The Snow Queen's spell was thrown on him. The heroine chooses Kai, to that її angered by Yogo's words, and she won't change the boy, for whom she puts that eye of crying Ulamka in the heart, and then we take Yogo to her castle.

At the palace, the boy chooses the word "eternal" from the crying cubes. It is not for nothing that the very word is connected with the image of the Snow Queen. Adzhe in її volodinnyh caught the hour and turned into his own eternity. That unliving eternity is cold. The heroine was ruled by inconsistency, she didn’t realize that it was impossible to know eternity without feelings, especially without the love of kindness.

At the Snow Queen, everyone lives according to її laws, shards out of may charіvnі zdіbnostі. Tse primus, and chi not self-ordering. The heroine of the dream freeze the whole world. For whom won't you take children from your kingdom, even children may have hot hearts, like a heroine wants to extinguish. However, she is not strong, like kindness and love. The struggle of Gerdi's warmth and the cold of the Snow Queen is shown by the stretch of the mustache work of G. Kh. Andersen. The anger of the Snow Queen cannot overcome the brilliance of the little girl. She knows the blows and moves further away to the pivnich, in the still colder month. It’s a shame not to crush the Snow Queen with kindness, nayimovirnishe, she’ll continue her capost, or you can increase their strength.

The Snow Queen is a symbol of evil and the presence of positive human qualities. Krizhan and the soulless beauty of the Snow Queen bring you to eternal selfhood.

Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" is the story of eternal war of evil and good. The history of kokhannya, friendship, vіddanostі and fidelity. The history of those who need to value their loved ones, value life.

Head heroes of the fairy tale Kai and Gerda. The lad and the girl lived in order and were friends. They loved at once grati and miluvatisya Trojans. The tricks of the crooked mirror, which they drank in the eye and heart of the boy Kai, turned yoga into an evil one. zhorstoku lyudin. Yogo windings were unreasonable and strongly depicted Gerda and grandmother. And the zustrich from the Snow Queen scurried away from the house.

It would be given to an unacceptable boy, a sign, and everything can get better. Ale, the girl Gerdy’s faith in goodness, and in those that Kaya can still correct, created a miracle. Gerda lied to the jokes. Vaughn didn't know where Kai would go wrong.

To that the way to the castle of the Queen, having taken a triply hour. On which way Gerda got to know new people, made new friends. And she also realized that one little girl, how to believe in good so much, can reach her mother.

And Gerdy's pranks were of little success. Vaughn knew Kai. The strength of її kokhannya, the strength of її faith could melt the heart. Together with tears, I managed to see the lad from the eye. I Snigova Queen, though she was not angry, she could not influence anything. Її krizhana soul is impromptu vіdchuvati. And the children appeared ready for feats for the sake of their feelings.

On the way home, Gerda got to know Kai with her new friends. And youmu was unreasonable, as if there could be a volodin of the Snow Queen and vryatuvat yogo. Aja Vaughn is just a little girl.

The children who turned home went on with their lives and their games, nothing happened. Only sometimes on winter evenings, marveling at the skyscrapers on the windows, Kai and Gerda think about the Snow Queen.

The fairy tale ends so well that you cannot close the book for a long time. I want to laugh, nibi bachish Kai and Gerd, who are ordered to sit on the bench by the trojans. I would like that two of them grew up and went on a life assignment. It doesn't matter what these stosunki will be like, smut, so that the paths do not break.

The fairy tale shows us that faith in goodness, friendship is wide to work miracles. Not maє value has grown up man chi child. A feat can be created by a human being. Sometimes it is not necessary to pay a thousand kilometers in order to bring your feelings. Sometimes it’s enough to stretch out your hand, or just say a kind word. Adzhe, so that goodness prevails in the soul, you can’t fight it obligingly. Having repaired yourself, you can overcome that anger in yourself. And if your friends come to help you, you will be helpless.

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