Analysis of Andersen's fairy tale Snigova queen. "Snow queen" - analysis of archetypes in Kazakhs Analysis of fairy tales by Mr. Andersen Snow queen

Ibragimova Rufina

At first sight, the fairy tales of Pushkin and Andersen are put as a metaphor for equal differences, at first glance, the tales of Pushkin and Andersen, revealing their similarities and vіdmіnnostі, zagalnolyudske meaning. When zіstavnі literary tales, then "Tales about the dead princess and seven heroes" by Pushkin and Andersen's "The Snow Queen" are seen as such a task: to demonstrate the obviousness of the folklore pershoosnovna in the literary tales of different authors, to reveal the similarity of the moral and aesthetic positions of the authors different lands, designated as folklore traditions, and progressive social aspirations, to create a system of images of two fairy tales, to analyze artistic priyomi.


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Humanities: Russian Philology and Literary Studies




Ibragimova Rufina

Kukmor district

MBOU "Middle skylight school No. 4 sm.m.t. Kukmor, Grade 9

Science writer: Zakirova O.R.

Naberezhnі Chelny



Chapter 1. Folk traditions at the fairy tales of Pushkin and Andersen

Chapter 2

1. Idea sense story

2. Theme of death

3. The image of a mirror

4. Kohanny theme


List of victorious literature


Oleksandr Sergiyovich Pushkin and Hans Christian Andersen - two kazkars, create such children as we know. For wealthy people, names are associated with chaklunstvo and kindness.

Andersen's fairy tales є єdinimi Danish creations, what have you seen before secular literature. An hour without sparing their vital strength, and the stench overturned all the national cordons. From the rich literary heritage of the Danish writer, you can pick up no less than a dozen fairy tales, about everything. And if at Zahodі the unparalleled favorite is "The Little Mermaid", then we have clearly the leader of the "Snow Queen".

If one reads Pushkin, one neobov'yazkovo thinks about his merits, the one who is the founder of the new Russian literature, the founder of realism. Alemy, it’s undeniably remarkable, what a majestic artistic world Pushkin created, what a beautiful and diverse world, like everything else in life, almost, deep truth - like “Evgeny Onygin” or “Tale about the dead kings of seven” The Captain's Daughter" or "A Storm in the Dark Sky Cried". It is the skin of us to know our own world, which is especially close to our own: it is such a cry, for which you can draw leather, and draw it inexorably with the stretch of your life. "The skin eye has its own Pushkin," Samuil Yakovich Marshak said as if. Tse is correct. The tales of A.S. Pushkin are universal creations, as they will be cicadas and mature and child. Kozhen know they have something for themselves.

In these robots, we put as a meta equalization of similar differences, at first glance, the fairy tales of Pushkin and Andersen, revealing their similarities and eminence, primal human significance. When writing literary tales, such as “Tales about the dead princess and seven heroes” by Pushkin and “The Snow Queen” by Andersen, the following tasks are seen:

  • demonstrate the evidence of folklore pershoosnovy in literary fairy tales of different authors,
  • reveal the similarity of the moral and aesthetic positions of the authors of different lands, which signify both folklore traditions and progressive social aspirations,
  • create a system of images of two fairy tales, analyze mystetsky priyomi.

The tales of G.Kh.Andersen "The Snow Queen" and A.S.Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Tsarina and the Seven Bogatirs" were cited as the objects of reference. The subject of the follow-up is artistic features given kazok.

The main method of follow-up and caution over texts is the cultivation of journalistic and scientific literature from the work of A.S. Pushkin and G.Kh. Andersen.

The chosen topic is a little less developed in literary studies, and I try to clarify the sides of the problem. And then the results of the study can be scored at the lessons of Russian language and literature with the introduction of topics related to the work of Pushkin and Andersen.

How was literature born? Naytsikavishoy nonfiction book I would like to present the book of Sharov A.I. “Sorcerers come to people. A book about a fairy tale and about a kazkari. It is devoted to the history of the creation of fairy tales and those loved by children and grown-up literary tales, and includes small stories about the life of the authors of these tales: Aksakov, Yershov, Pogorelsky, Pushkin, Saint-Exuper, Korchak, Andersen, Cervantes. In the past, the author does not analyze his works, he only knows a hoarse rhyme. The book, which directly gave tsgogo doslіdzhennya, is the book of Nartov K.M. "The relationship between domestic and foreign literature in the school course". It gives a drawing of the mutual presentation of the works of Russian and foreign literature from pre-revolutionary and radian schools, and materials from the creation of the works of Russian and foreign literature are presented. Not less than a meritorious book for the teacher Zueva T.V. "Fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin", in the works of a poet, are seen in a quiet life and creativity. The author shows the meaning of folklore, folk fairy tales, for Pushkin's literary fairy tales.

At the walk, the robots repeatedly turned to the materials posted on the Internet, to the article by Peter Lyubimov “Krizhan gra rozum or How to put together the word “vіchnіst”. Wisdom of Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" ( [email protected]), which gives a fresh look at the old fairy tale through a report analysis. We collected materials for the site Litra.RU.


As if talking about the literary fairy tales of Pushkin and Andersen, they take into account the controversy of different national literary phenomena and at the same time a link is established between the native folk art and artistic literature.

The image of the Snow queen of captures by Andersen from Scandinavian folklore. Most often they call Krizhanoy Diva. The wondrous and mysterious image of the cold baiduzhoy volodarka to the cold, obviously, was inspired by the writer from the pivnіchnyh myths, as the very same zavdyaks of the German dosledniks, which were widely put into cultural circulation. Krizhana Diva, Fairy Lyodiv, Snigova Vidma are classic characters of pub folklore. Tse motoroshna and beautiful mistress of the cold, zavіryukha and liodiv “Bula is so charming, so low, all blindly white ice and still alive!”

Pushkin created the original tvir "The Tale of the Dead Tsarina ...", which became a low folklore tale: the German folk tale "Bilosnіzhka" from the selection of brothers Grimm, the plots of Russian and Ukrainian fairy tales, the bilina

The versatility of the tales of Pushkin and Andersen is blamed on us from the fundamental idea of ​​all folk tales in the world: the struggle between good and evil. The scheme is always one-sided: the goodness of the impersonal forms of its manifestation will resist evil, the bearer of goodness will go through a series of important trials and remake it.

The fairy tales of Pushkin and Andersen with their mood, the epic apotheosis of a good fairy tale, once again guess the sound of the completion of folk tales: “They began to live and live well, make good money”, “They lived long and happily” thinly. Eternal and all-existing dream of humankind about the world and happiness, like a city for the great soulfulness of people, and remembrance of insults of fairy tales, and show the controversy of the folk tales.

Inheriting the traditions of traditional folk art, insulting authors sharply exalt the light of their creations to good, light ambush and the area of ​​evil, soullessness and violence. Stars and heroes, elements, creatures and growth in both fairy tales are clearly separated and can be represented in two different rows:

stepmother queen

snow queen



Prince Elisey


Sim rich

Princess, Prince, Little Rose, Lapland, Finca

Sun, Moon, Wind


Dog Sokilko

Raven, Deer

In both fairy tales, evil is played by the authors (whether and with a different degree of rank): Pushkin’s stepmother is “darkly stunned”, “proud, lame, nimble and jealous”; Andersen's Snow Queen "was like a snow", "krizhana". Zazdrіst, anger chi baiduzhіst to all living things, truly human cause to the shock of the forces of evil.

With goodness in both fairy tales, there are a lot of characters, they are different in their manifestations, and in the artistic expression they take the national flavor. The creation of fairy tales and the plan helps to grow the greatest spirits of the ideological and moral change of creative people, to show the diversity of the good cob and the national artistic traditions.

Cossacks had their own artistic priyomi traditional folk art. Heroes are felt by an invisible part of a single nature: in Pushkin, Elisey is fed with food until the sun, the wind, the moon. Gerda whispers to deer, pigeons, crows, and the elements, heavenly bodies and those creatures tell them that they are human. The great role of both fairy tales is played by folklore-characteristic numbers: 7 bogatyrs, 3 helpers of Elisey, 3 herds of Gerdy, history of 7 colors near the grandmother’s garden and others.


1. Idea sense story

The unity of people and nature, the similarity of figurative systems in the literary tales of authors from different countries - all this also leads to the thought about the unity of literary development.

In “Kaztsі about the dead princess and seven heroes”, Pushkin continued the image of the ideal woman. Winning back to the plot, inspired by two beauties: the queen-mother and the princess. In folklore, there is a daily super-nativity, the heroines are shown as little more than a motherfucka and a stepchild. In "Kazzi about the dead princess and about these heroes" he sings appreciating the beauty of a woman as it is, like the people. Therefore, the image of the ideal woman overgrows the problem of the beauty of the people and the sense of life.

Among the people, only zovnishnya beauty did not call out neither suffocation, nor inspire pomp: Chervona yagіdka, that gusto with gusto. The beauty of the soul was embodied: Do not look more beautiful than the dem, but the wise; good people come, bring dumb light. This understanding is closer to Pushkin himself, to the humanistic foundations of the yogi svetoglyad. Under the evocative beauty of the tsaritsa-mother, there is inner indulgence, its cold ism, which author is consequentially naked... The philosophical sense of Pushkin's fairy tale resembles a folk idea for someone who has the beauty of the soul - and є the beauty of the people.

The orphan princess is ideal, from the village point of view, the girl. Vaughn had a beautiful face, a black brow, and at one time was endowed with a whole code of positive moral values: “giving such a good one”, “a type of green wine, Vaughn renounced it”. The tsarivna serves bread with a zhebrak, to pestle Sokilko with her lower hand. Goloshuєtsya on її pratsovity. The beautiful stepmother is "proud, lagidna, nimble and jealous." Zhorstok Volodarka, she threatens the blue maiden with a terrible punishment - a slingshot. Through her evil vdacha, without showing off her heart, the queen died herself. I was marked by Pushkin's pragnennya to live for the people's covenants - to live, harming no one.

In "The Snow Queen" by Andersen, the problem of the rightful power of a person is overcome: in no way can chaklunstvo be able to sway with him. Gerda wins over the Queen of Snow, slaying Kaya for the cold and evil charms of her ugly beauty.

Right people, self-confidence and lack of cowardice, the integrity of good feelings, self-forgetfulness to help, vryatuvat, turn to good life- at whom Gerdy's rightful power is rooted.

Inconsistency, cold and ice that pant at the chambers of the Snow Queen, de enchantment with evil power .

- Kai! My beloved Kai! Nareshti I knew you!

Ale vin sidiv so very unruly and cold. Then Gerda wept; hot tears fell on Kai's chest, penetrated the youma in the heart, melted the bark of the krizhan, and broke the wits.

The man is masculine, militant, becoming special, continuing to test, overpowering his weakness. Gerda and Kai turn back home; "when entering the low doors, the stench remembered that they were growing."

"Virosi" - ce i means becoming masculine, strong, unbearable, independent of the evil forces of unkind people and unhuman chaklunstva. Tse i є smut for Andersen himself.

For the sake of strength, I’ll tell you about the Queen of Snow, with the help of seven fairy tales, it’s simple, it’s kind of easy to understand Andersen’s ideals: people, like a strong one, not only for immorality, but about evil enchantment; purity, childishness of the soul, as the greatest goodness, rewards for yak us in front of him himself: in peace, joy, life satisfaction; sacred harmony in the world, if people, creatures, growths, rivers and stones live in the world of that evil; friendship and fidelity, their strength over all negativity, the stench signifies the right human goodness of us, who steals the truth and goodness.

It is not important to show the analysis of the “Snow Queen”, as well as the features of the plot, and the author's tricks, it is more important to reveal the very idea-artistic installation of R. X. Andersen.

In Andersen, the hero, as a rule, shows his naturalness, the right to honor, his own statement about the truth and justice. Yogo moral stamina and self-confidence are given to suvorim trials, and yet we will see them and triumph at the really tragic turns of the lot.

It is important that in our country there are “shortcuts”, or rather, creations of the text of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”, demonstrating the entire religious and Christian theme. Tse is not just making a fairy tale, but day-to-day to start that richest ideological and artistic writer, which included her writer.

In Andersen's work, Christian symbolism is most often seen. “Gerda begins to read “Our Father”; it was so cold that the girl's breath immediately turned into a thick fog. The fog of this mustache was thickening and thickening, and from the new one began to see little bright angels ... When Gerda finished her prayer, a whole legion settled down next to her. In the later history, Gerda renews and renews the symbols of Christianity, in the form of a prayer that Gerda calms the snow storm on her way, to ribi, which carries the messenger of the old Lapland woman.

2. Theme of death

In both tales (and in the tale "The Snow Queen", and in "The tale about the dead queen") the theme of death sounds. І in Pushkin, and in Andersen, the triumph of the "black forces" is shown. But all the same, the power of light human feelings, great is the power of love to overcome the fight with evil spells.

The kingdom of the Snow Queen can be shown as an image of such a sweating world - it seems that Andersen did not take the same concept of life after life - the palaces of the Snow Queen as a whole - the fruit of yoga. The heroine will vanish the symbols of death, the inanimate expanses. "Cold, deserted, dead" in the garden of the Snow Queen eternal lord that snow. "Wesilla never looked in here!" The Volodinnya of the Snow Queen is not accessible to sleepy exchanges. The sun was like a dream of life, the warmth of that light was embraced by all the peoples of the world. The Danes celebrated the day of the summer solstice - johnsok, in an over-the-top voice, merrily, and from 23 to 24 chervnya in all Danish villages they fired bagats, for some young people they led round dances, and creaked played all night without interruption. In Scandinavia, on Christmas Eve, in the twilight of the bagattya, people were spitting like opudalos. The successors respect that this is a pagan symbol of winter and death, a relic of a pagan ceremony of overpowering the light.

If Kai drank into the realm of the Snow Queen, live the houses that were lost, we will die, we will drown: In the mythological songs of the Scandinavian peoples, death is called “a long journey”, “a deadly journey”. At funeral rites, there was a notification about a long way to the world of the dead. The statement about the other world also appears in the image of the river - it is necessary to overflow, out of the boundary between the world of the living and the dead. The "Snow Queen" knew a thought about a distant country, like a place where people died. To eat before her, Kai had a lot of days and nights to fly across the sky: "... stinks flew over the forests and lakes, over the seas that solid land ... and over them the great clear moon shone". Gerda is going to the kingdom of the Snow Queen for more than one river. Gerdy's way to the realm of death is long and important. It is well known that it starts with a mandrivka down the river. “Maybe the river will carry me to Kai?” Gerda thinks.

The motif "the living one turns the dead among the world of people" is often used in fairy tales, mythological explanations, ritual folklore, often in a special way for this flock of rituals. The kiss of the living in folklore is interpreted as reaching the world of the living. Similarly, the kiss of the dead can be brought to the world of the dead. The Kazakh Andersen has an important role in playing the kisses of the Snow Queen: “The Queen kissed Kai once more - and forgot little Gerda, grandmother and everything”, “... The Snow Queen kissed Kai again, and home". Everything is dear and dear, what is left at home, in the world of the living, the soul of the dead in the edge of death is forgotten. After the turn of the people, everything that was in the hands of the Snow Queen was forgotten: "the cold, deserted writings of the palace of the Snow Queen were forgotten by them, like an important dream." Here the mythological motif takes on a new understanding - the kohanna forgets all the mischief.

Just as Andersen, the theme of death otrimala philosophical sound, then Pushkin won out, more ironically.

Death is cunning - otrimane in the form of a stepmother, the apple is so seductively approachable in its own privability, like it is itself:


The juice is dead,

So fresh and so smelly

So ruddy-golden,

Somehow honey poured!

It can be seen through and through.

The irony of the romantic literary method - and yet only Pushkin's voice. The scene that draws Elisha in the oven in front of the string of the dead named, can be a parody of romantic passions. In folklore fairy tales, zustrіch is already known not in such an “exotic” situation, and, moreover, it is always given a further explanation of the queen’s life: they know the subject, because of whom she died spoiled. apple. In Pushkin, the name comes to life in the presence of belligerent feelings of the named:

І about the string of the dearly named

Vin hit with all his strength.

The string broke.

Diva raptom


You can catch the irony attached to the contrasts of the emotional become heroes:

I get up and out of trouble...


І instruction from cim:

I, rozmovlyayuchy,

Back on the road.

3. The image of a mirror

"Mirror that Yogo Ulamki" - this is the name of the Rozpovid persha in Andersen's tale "The Snow Queen". A new one is told about the mirror’s going: “So the axis, the troll is alive, wickedly prejudiced; then buv himself the devil. Once I was in a particularly good mood: having made such a mirror, in which everything was good and beautiful, it changed to naked, yet it was more indecent and more conducive, on the contrary, it sounded more brighter, it seemed to be stronger. The devil's scientists broke the mirror of vshchent - into faceless splinters. Lyudina, like a trick, having sipped at the eye, “starting the bachiti all around”. “For some people, the tricks were sipped right in the heart, and it was more naigir: the heart turned into a piece of ice.” The very same became the boy Kaєm.

The image of the mirror in the Kazakh appears again. Vin is mentioned in the description of the palaces of the Snow Queen: “In the middle of the largest empty snow hall there was a frozen lake. Lіd trіsnuv on the new one on a thousand shmatkіv, equal and correct marvelously. In the middle of the lake stood the throne of the snow queen; she sat on a new one, if she was at home, it seems that she sits on a mirror of her mind; on її thought, it was the only and most beautiful mirror in the world. So figuratively, Andersen shows the power of Lucifer, approved in the people, which rules people, spiraling on the mind.

In Andersen's understanding, the land of death, under the control of the Snow Queen, - light of the dead, pure reason, absolute ideas, absolute thoroughness. Kai, if you want to know eternity, let's get closer to the instillation of pure rosy and sensible beauty. Ale light can not be touched without love, self-sacrifice, awareness of the deep spiritual connection of all living things. Andersen, the beautiful, but lifeless Snow Queen, commemorates Gerda - a symbol of life and passionate love. And Gerda, as she did not know the arithmetic of those fractions, brought the naive, the right knowledge of the heart in the cold chambers of death, the absolute mind - and the word "everything" itself folded from kryzhinok, vichnist itself vindicated Gerda and Kai. Tilki bezkorisliva, hotter than Gerdy's kohanna svіlnyає, "viruchae" yogo from the full krizhan kingdom, otherwise it seems - from the spiritual coldness that hardness flatters. The “mirror of the mind” is broken, it is like a semblance of a devilish crooked mirror, like it was broken on the cob of a fairy tale, like a symbol of the inferiority of absolute logic. Andersen is still a romantic, and before that a man of Christian culture, and from the other side, as you can see, a Kazakh cannot have a filthy kintsya.

Pushkin's "Cazze about the Dead Tsarina" had a mirror called something else. The most important yoga power is truthfulness:

Axis queen, climb in

Before your mirror,

Moved with him:

"I'm chi, tell me, all my dear,

Usikh rum'yan i bіli?

What is the mirror at the window?

“You are beautiful, there are no super girls;

Ale, the queen of all sweethearts,

All rumians and more”.

Yak the queen of the vіdstribne,

That yak wave your pen,

That mirror is like clearing,

Stomp like a heel! ..

“Oh, merzenne slo!

Tse breshesh me to evil.

The mirror at the Kazakh Pushkin does not serve the "dark forces", but, on the contrary, it is shown for truth and goodness.

4. Kohanny theme

From fairy tales to fairy tales, the poetic theme of urochistostі kohannya is poetic.

About vіddanіst, so typical for loving women in “Kaztsі about the dead princess and about these heroes”, Pushkin tells something summarily and summarily:

... Nine months passed,

Don't turn your eyes out of the field.

Axis to the holy vechir at themselves, at nothing

The queen gave birth to a daughter.

Early vrantsі gіst bazhany,

Day and night they checked so long,

Far away, nareshti,

The tsar-father returned.

Looking at the new one,

She sighed

The zakhoplennya didn’t know

I died on the insult.

And if these bogatyrs, having revealed the princess in their hut, after a certain hour they chanted their choice of their own person, but the queen gave even more laconic advice, she forgot that virna to her feelings and the given word:

“If I’m lying, God forbid

Chi do not come alive for me from the month.

How to get me? hell, I'm named.

For me, you are all equal,

Everything is remote, everything is reasonable,

All I love you heartily;

Otherwise, I'm sorry

Viddana. Meni all darlings

Prince Yelisei.

It is not so often that the kohannya is mutual, and, as a rule, in all the tales, the kohannya of the characters goes through a lot of testing, and so it became in this kazzi:

For my chosen one

Prince Elisey

Tim is galloping for an hour.

No, no, no! Weep loudly,

I whom do not sleep vin,

All nutrition yogo wise;

Who in the eyes of you laugh,

Someone better to turn around.

Not a sonechko, not a month could not help the prince, and only the violent wind showed more than a place, de shukati the princess:

There behind the quiet river

Є high mountain,

She has a deep hole;

At your hole in the darkness of the bag,

Truna goydaetsya krishtaleva

On lancets between stovpami.

Do not miss the annual tracks

About that empty space

Your work has been named.

And in this story (and in life one wants so much for an hour, so that it happened in reality) it became a miracle, and the greatest miracle is the love of Elisey to the princess:

І about the string of the dearly named

Vin hit with all his strength.

The string broke. Diva raptom


Samoviddana love, which you don’t think about yourself, is a priceless gift, like a girl Gerda has been given to the world. This gift zmushu people and creatures to serve Gerda on the її way to the kingdom of the Snow Queen. Seeking love and spiraling to the link with the Greater Forces in the prayer “Our Father”, Gerda could come barefoot to the palaces, seeing the onslaught of the advanced corrals of the snow queen.

Lyubov Gerdy created a miracle. Vaughn melted the heart of Kai, blasting the spell of the Snow Queen, and turning the building back to him, rekindling the love and loving yourself. It was described by Andersen in a gaudy and boisterous manner... “So, the joy was such that the krizhiny started to dance, and if they got tired, they fell in and folded the word to themselves, as the Snigova queen asked Kaya to fold; having said yoga, you should become your own pan ... ".

So it is shown in the Kazakhs that only a kohanna, stronger than anything, is dumb in the world, building the gates of eternity.


In our robots, they put the fairy tales of Pushkin and Andersen as a metaphor, revealing their similarities and immensities.

When analyzing literary tales, such as “Tales about the Dead Tsarina and Seven Heroes” by Pushkin and “The Snow Queen” by Andersen, we demonstrated the obviousness of the folklore first basis for both tales. The folklore basis dictates its own laws. We were told that the fairy tales would be on the battlefield of good and evil forces, moreover, the wearer of goodness would go through low important trials and win over. Eternal and all-existing dream of humankind about the world and happiness, like a city for the great soulfulness of people, and remembrance of insults of fairy tales, and show the arguability of the folk tales. Cossacks have their own artistic reception and conventional folk creativity. Heroes are felt by an invisible part of a single nature: in Pushkin, Elisey is fed with food until the sun, the wind, the moon. Gerda whispers to deer, pigeons, crows, and the elements, heavenly bodies and those creatures tell them that they are human. A great role in both fairy tales is played by folklore-characteristic numbers: 3 helpers of Elisey, 3 guards of Gerdy, 7 heroes, history, 7 colors near the grandmother’s garden and others.

Behind his mood, ideological directiveness, the Cossack A.S. Pushkin about dead queen and about this rich man is close to the Russians. folk tales. Righteous beauty - at the height of spiritual infirmities from the outward beauty of a person. This idea is manifested by the zіtknennі tsarіvni with the tsaritsa - machuha, the struggle has two cobs of life - goodness and evil. To love and protect the princess, bachachi have the greatest human virtues, the ideal of beauty. Peremagaet fidelity at Kohanna, beauty is true over the hib.

So they give the fairy tales of the wonderful Danish kazkar Andersen, the basis of the creativity of which was a thought about the organic interrelationship of everything essential: people, creatures, roslin. The power of good heroes, as they help one to one, to the very same vresht-resht triumphs over the terrible power of evil. The famous fairy tale "The Snow Queen" has a great power of love and bright human feelings, masculinity and resilience of the leading heroes of Gerdy and Kayu.

Nasamkinets want to guess that fairy tales are the product of fantasy of different hours, writers of different continents. Fairy tales have a special power over people. All powerful forces can be manifested, as if already pouring into human life. Kazkari come to people, to suffocate, suffocate, explain, sleep, embarrass, silence, turn to the right. Famous writers of the past and present carry to our spiritual world high understanding about social justice, about the fidelity of obligations to create beautiful things on earth, to fight with forces, like to conquer people for the sake of happiness of life.


  1. A.S. Pushkin. Choose to create. - Moscow: Child Literature, 1969.
  2. G.H. Andersen. Kazki. (Translated by I. Tokmakovoi, A. Ganzen) - Kazan: Tatar Book Review, 1978.
  3. A.I. Sharov. Enchanters come to people. A book about a fairy tale and about a kazkari. - Moscow: Child Literature, 1974.
  4. K.M. Nartov. Vzaymozv'yazki vytchiznyana and foreign literature in the school course. - Moscow: Prosvitnitstvo, 1986.
  5. T.V. Zueva. Tales of A.S. Pushkin. A book for the teacher. - Moscow: Prosvitnitstvo, 1989.
  6. Site materials on the Internet [email protected] and Litra.RU.

The world of fairy tales of H. H. Andersen is marvelously zanurennya in the enchanting land of childishness, where there is a place of good and evil in fairy tale characters. For children, the stench becomes an example of how it is necessary to behave in your other life situation.

The main characters of the fairy tale plot are Kai, Gerda and the Queen of Snow. From the first rows, the author gives a statement about children, as if with a great honor to be placed up to a grandmother, from cіkavіstyu and turbotoy to a growing world. Kai and Gerda are hearing-bearing lads and girls, as they anxiously look at the flowers, not forgetting to water them. Inseparable children appear far away from one through the winding of the evil Snow Queen, like a volodarka of eternal cold. With the help of a fairy tale, Gerda is trying to find a way to the castle of a daring girl and vryatuvati his friend.

The author lays some ideas in the creation, so that they can understand and analyze after reading the book. The prices of children are one by one. Your lower feelings, renunciation, practicality and respect for the elders are a smut that can be present in the life of a skin person from a young age. Invisibly, like a girl in a kazci, poking around fearlessly, put the author of the tale behind the butt.

Andersen vikoristov vlasny symbol of kokhanny, nadії - troyanda. This ticket nibi protects not only a hundred of heroes, but also the life of Kaya.

The author clearly podіlyaє negative and positive characters. The queen is feisty, aggressive, baiduzha zhіnka, yak glad that if people suffer, punish with cold. Rozbіynitsya maє on metі, vikoristovuyuchi deceit, cunning. Kai and Gerda are positive heroes. Stink bezzahisnі, pratsovity that good. Vinyatok represents the enchanting image of a boy.

Zavdyaks to a true kohanny naigirshi can almost pretend to be human. The author wants to convey this idea through the insertion, the message to Gerda. Only for the fairness of mercy, love, innocence, cordiality friendly friends evil power comes, wide tears rumble to turn Kai at the colossal camp. Navit kryzhinki formed the phrase "vіchnіst" under the infusion of fidelity and broad tears of the girl.

In this rank, the hero rushes from the crying full, evil is punished, and the kaztsi sounds a happy ending. So, according to the author's thought, may the story be ended, de may the struggle between good and evil, hisism and goodness, love and hatred.

Option 2

One of the most famous tales of Hans Christian Andersen is "The Snow Queen".

Kai and Gerda loved one like a brother and sister, and once in Kai's eye they ate a trick, which brought evil that hatred. Just before the hour of the lad's walk, the Snigova queen sang, and Gerda went to rumble.

"The Snow Queen" - a story about mіtsna and nadіynu friendship, so as not to skip the transition.

The prototype of the Snow Queen є Krizhan Diva is a character of the folk culture of rich farmlands, including Denmark. There is a legend that before the death of Hans Andersen's father, he said: "The axis went Krizhan Diva and she came before me." Then the lad began to call for the father, and the mother chirped Yogo, saying that the father had died and Yogo had already been taken by Krizhan Diva. To that, "The Snow Queen" is not just a fairy tale for a writer, even a special, intimate one.

Infinitely, the image of Gerdy is opposed to the image of the Snow Queen. Gerda symbolizes goodness, mercy, tenderness, self-confidence. She has maternal energy, it is warm and comfortable. The Snow Queen is death, cold, a symbol of rationalism. Її image vіdshtovhuє.

A mirror that transforms good into evil, showing the nature of evil. Kai was a kind and romantic lad, but having squandered his eyes in his eyes, he ceased to be filled with the beauty of trojans and began to weave the miraculous geometric shapes of snowflakes. In such a rank of wine pіdіyshov to the art with a rational approach.

The stolen day of Kaya the Snow Queen symbolizes those who cannot make beauty with a mathematical path. It is necessary to be vigilant, to endure. Without which you can’t get better.

Trojans play a special role in these Kazakhs. Kai and Gerda had their own garden, where the Trojans grew. This is a symbol of their friendship, but the sound of a trojan symbolizes a kokhannya. If Gerda was at the chaklunka, the very red trojan rose the spell and reminded the memory of Kai.

Red color - color, which attaches respect. On yoga aphids, everything is more commemorative and yaskravim. Chervona troyanda - the price of a thread, yak call Kai and Gerda.

The fairy tale "The Snow Queen" is not so simple for her sensi. Vaughn, under the vivid images of Gerdy, Kai, the Queen of the Snows, has a great philosophical significance, more than understandable for real analysis.

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Be-yakiy tvir Andersen vіdobrazhaє like podіyu yogo life. So the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" is connected with the history of the Cossack Cossack until Anna Lindh, the famous operatic couple.

Vaughn told Andersen how to be a good friend, but he didn't want to hear about it. That same girl, on one of the ranks of admissions for all, propagated Andersen to become his brother.

І that zmusheny buv come in handy іz tsim. Through the rіk kazkar, having again tried to think about Anna, she said that she should be put before Andersen, like a friend or brother. Less than a second, the writer said goodbye from a dream about special happiness.

Vіn suffering, and yogo kohana nevdovzі vyyshla zamіzh. Now the heart of the great kazkar did not see anything, the Swedish beauty took the rest of the kohanna, as the writer's chanelers called the Snow Queen. The stench was very respectful that the image of this heroine was painted by the writer from Anna Lindh.

At the kazci "The Snow Queen" the girl Gerda broke the bastards of the boy Kai, whom the Snow Queen took from her. On the way, she knew a lot of friends, they helped her. So the heroine went through an impersonal test, as if they harped her character and swung into her positive vigor. The girl knew Kai and destroyed the Queen's chaklunism, melting the boy's heart with her hot tears - her love and turbota. Perhaps, Andersen himself, with his arrogance and hoarding, wants to feed the heart of Anna Lind. Ale youmu tse zrobiti did not go far.

In this story, the images of Gerdy and the Snow Queen are compared one to one. The girl makes the awakening of life, happiness and joy. And the Queen of Snigova and її Krizhaniy Palace point to potoybіchny svіt having drank in some kind of person, prikaє to his death. Friends, like Gerda on their way, help her to show the girls the right way.

Andersen was a religious person, and there are many Christian motives in his stories. It’s a pity that our country has no short version of the “Snow Queen”. So, Gerda reads "Our Father" when it gets cold. At this moment, from the thick fog, like in the cold, the breath of a girl changes, little angels start to appear. And under the hour of a snowy storm, the heroine creates by herself, by the power of prayer, she calms the indignation, as if threatening death to all living things.

The word “everyday” has a special meaning for the Kazakhs, like Kai maw put together zі shmatkіv ice for the Queen. If the hero’s heart was frozen, you didn’t go into trouble, but Gerdy’s tears awakened the boy, then the krizhins themselves fell to the word. Tim himself, the Snigova queen over the hero, spent her power, he himself “became a master”. To go out, that only love and self-sacrifice can bring a person near to eternity, turn you on the truthful path.

A fairy tale is a fairy tale, a fantasy of a writer. Ale in nіy zavzhda є those who frighten people, believe in overpowering the Good, give hope for better and help people fight depression and anger. I myself in tsimu polagaє chari be-like a fairy tale.

The main idea of ​​Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" is a tse kokhannya.

The main thought is that it is possible to help the building to help, to repair the impossibly, to create a miracle in the building. Viddanist, friendship and self-confidence add to the walls and the old roses to instill the coldest heart.

Why is the fairy tale “The Snow Queen so called?

The fairy tale is called "The Snow Queen", to that the main podia, on which the plot will be - tse stolen by Kai the Snow Queen. The tale is made up of seven stories.

Gerda girl and boy Kai. The stinks lived in suddnіh huts and loved one to one like a brother that sister. The stinks went one to one on a visit to the daha and loved to grow on benches under trojans, they grew in boxes on troughs.

"The Snow Queen" is more real and fantastic in Kazakh

Andersen, with his kazko to say to the reader, that if a person wants to reach something, if a person is kind and sincere, then nature will help him, and people, a person will reach his own goal.

Gerda in the palaces of the Snow Queen was helped by faith in God, prayer, fidelity of love, masculinity, fidelity. Її hot tears melted Kai's heart by the people of Krizhan, resurrecting and guessing Gerda. Kryzhinki helped Kai: the stench danced and then they themselves formed the word "eternal".

Kіnets author wants to say that the evil will use its strength so by itself, as the winter will end. Spring will come, a person will turn to his donkey, but he will become wealthy in his soul. A person has grown up, and it’s good, like a grown-up person, to become so self-pure in heart and soul, like a child.

5th grade, literature

Date of the event: 05/07/18.

Lesson #88

Lesson topic: H.K. Andersen. Fairy tale "The Snow Queen": reality and fantasy. Characteristics of the heroes of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen".

lesson type: a lesson in learning new knowledge.

Target: improve knowledge of the knowledge about the writer-Kazkar; learn to analyze the text, to see the smut in the work, to develop respect; - reveal the ideas, laid down by the author as the basis of the tale; develop imagery, more logical thought; improve the movement of students, communicative memory and skills; develop understanding about the beauty in thoughts, feelings, experiences; to form a shanoblive setting of teachings one to one; Vmiti pratsyuvati spilno, vіdpovіdayuchi for the outrageous result of the work.

Planned results:

Knowing UUD: orientate yourself with the assistant, confirm the teacher’s nutrition, learn, robiti vysnovki, know the necessary information from the assistant, structure the material.

Regulatory UUD: organize your work space, discover the vibes of understanding the beginning of the lesson, evaluate your achievements, independently organize your own activities.

Communication UUD: show readiness to conduct a dialogue, take part in a collective discussion, express and argue your point of view on a discussed problem, reach the rules of current behavior.

Forms of organization of educational activities: collective, frontal, individual.

Training methods: verbal, practical, problem nutrition, chastkovo-poshukovy.

Ownership: assistant of literature, zoshit.

Lesson Hide:

    Revising housekeeper, the implementation of that correction of the basic knowledge of the students.

Vitannia. Readiness review before the lesson. Viyavlennya vіdsutnіh .

    Motivation of the primary activity of students. Informed by those, mark, head of the lesson, that motivation of the initial activity of schoolchildren.

The Cossacks always have fantasy, but in Andersen the Cossacks are not the same as life. There are practically no fantastic transformations here with the participation of some kind of enchanting object, according to the will of chaklunstva. Andersen's fairy tales have a lot of humor and become more fantastically simple and accessible.

For example, the lesson of my fault is to know:

    Basic biographical facts of H.K. Andersen.

    Skіlki kazok writing Andersen and how the stench is called.

    About the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" and who are the main heroes.

    The real is more fantastic in this case.

Let's write down the number and topic of the lesson.

    Spriynyattya that first svіdomlennya new material, comprehended zv'yazkіv y vіdnosin in ob'єktakh vyvchennya.

I will preach to you virtual appreciation for the Fatherland of Hans Christian Andersen.

The future writer was born at the city of Odense.

Batko was a Buvshevtsy, and mother was a laundress. About his modest demeanor, Father Hans was a non-abyak people. Batko learned how to dream and love nature. Vіn suffering through those who cannot give the boy light.

Andersen ris in snakes. The only pride of this was an incredible purity in the house, a box of earth, a densely growing cybula, and a sprat of flowerpots on the windows: they grew tulips. The smell of the air was angry with the ringing of bells, the clatter of the father's hammer, the dashing shot of the drummers, the songs of the sailors.

To want to improve the material camp of the family, the father enlisted in the Napoleonic army. In a short hour, the wines turned ill, mayzhebrak and died without a hitch, having left the squad that sin without a penny.

As long as Khristiyan was small, he didn’t bother to tell the grown-up ones of your name history, as if they fell into his mind. The new one had more than one good listener in his booth - the old whale Karl. However, Mav's wine is a great short-sighted one: the whale often fell asleep, not having heard the fairy tale until the end. Ale lad forgiving youma tse.

Andersen beckoning to Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. Vіn leaving his quiet place and with 13 thalers in the gut pіshov і from the near house. Youmu was 14 years old. Copenhagen is unfriendly: without a penny, without relatives, without a life, Andersen, recognizing the quiet torment and negativity, about like a year of roses from hisguess and tell.

It was by force that youmu entered the gymnasium. “Behind the books, I forgot all the unnecessary nonsense and spent pennies on reading books, like a trace of spending on insults,” guessing wine. Vchennya was not easy, but Andersen's husband struggled with hunger, with evil that cold. It was especially important for the boy at the old winters, as it seemed, there was no ending. Through a lot of rokіv vіn zgadaє suvor pіvnіchnu winter that describe її in "Snow Queen".

At 23 Andersen joined the university. Finishing yoga, devoting the whole thing to creativity. The writer had a chance to work hard to win the favor and love of readers. And the reader of the new letter is special - a child.

H.K. Andersen was a poet of the poor, disrespectful of those that the kings respected for the honor of squeezing your scrawny hand. Vіn buv folk spivak. Dansky kazkar gave us 170 beautiful kazkas, yakі conquered the whole world. The Danes carved their great compatriot heroes in yoga fairy tales in stone.

Information about the literature prize of X. K. Andersen

Among the rich current international awards from the gallery of literature, one of the honorable places is taken by the award-medal named after. H. K. Andersen, as awarded in 1956 to child writers 1 time in 2 years. gold medal

im. X. K. Andersen was awarded to Astrid Lindgren, Tove Janson, Gianni Rodari and others.

The whole world knows Andersen, his marvelous tales. On the sign of vdyachnosti, people increased the memory of the great Danish kazkar.

Method "Associative Bush"

Let's take a guess: what did we find out about Andersen and how the associations spoke about it. Let's get associative bush.

Andersen-kazkar - folk spivak - spivak bіdnyakіv - vіddany patriot.

And now we can work on one of the most famous fairy tales - "The Snow Queen".

The tale is so called, because the main heroine of the tale is the Snow Queen. Fairy tales begin and end with it. The Queen of Snow separated Kai and Gerda. And to that, the girl, with a protyazh of a fairy tale, jokes about her beloved friend.

In this story, the images of Gerdy and the Snow Queen are compared one to one. The girl makes the awakening of life, happiness and joy. And the Queen of Snigova, that її Krizhany Palace, points to the sweating world, having eaten up to some kind of person, prying herself to death. Friends, like Gerda on their way, help her to show the girls the right way.

Andersen was a religious person, and there are many Christian motives in his stories. It’s a pity that our country has no short version of the “Snow Queen”. So, Gerda reads "Our Father" when it gets cold. At this moment, from the thick fog, like in the cold, the breath of a girl changes, little angels start to appear. And under the hour of a snowy storm, the heroine creates by herself, by the power of prayer, she calms the indignation, as if threatening death to all living things.

The word “everyday” has a special meaning for the Kazakhs, like Kai maw put together zі shmatkіv ice for the Queen. If the hero’s heart was frozen, you didn’t go into trouble, but Gerdy’s tears awakened the boy, then the krizhins themselves fell to the word. Tim himself, the Snigova queen over the hero, spent her power, he himself “became a master”. To go out, that only love and self-sacrifice can bring a person near to eternity, turn you on the truthful path.

READER. Today, our task is to listen in the author's voice, understand why the fairy tale tells us, about what the author wants to tell us. We have already worked out the first crochet-reportedly analyzed the characters of the heroes. Alecia is not enough. Now it is necessary to clarify what is special about the plot and the composition of the text. Do you know what is the plot and the composition? Zvernemosya to the literary dictionary.

Slovnikov's robot.

Composition- pobudova, roztashuvannya and interrelationships of the parts, images, episodes, scenes of creation.

Plot- podium system artistic TV, which reveals the characters of the heroes, setting the writer to the bottom, which are depicted. Wait for the hour, look for completion. Elements of the plot:

exposition- images of the position of the diyovikh osib, the situation of the situation to the cob;

zavyazka- the first moment of the development of podia, images of creation;

rozvitok dії- images below after the tie-up and up to the climax;

climax- naiveshcha dії dії in artistic creation;

rozvyazka- the final moment at the development of the artistic creation.

READER. Let's start from the composition. Try to rewrite all the scenes in the same sequence, in the stink of the ending. How did the author tell about us?

Vin divided the fairy tale into parts and titled the skin of them.

Composition analysis. Our mission is to redistribute all the divisions, as the author namedCossacks , write down the author's name, and the order - your own, which is conveyed by the head of the cloud.

"Kazka persha, in a way, go about the mirror and yoga tricks. There are stories about the evil troll, that yogo devilish mirror that allows people to be smitten, that whole world is “like they really stink”, and we understand that a lot of evil has been done in the world. This part of the body is not connected with the attackers, the shards are far away, less than the tricks of the devil's mirror.

“The story of a friend. The boy is that girl. The axis of the right cob of a fairy tale about the friendship of Kai and Gerdy and about those, how Kai's heart froze. Kay znikaє - from the test, the re-verification of the friendship of children begins.

“The third fairy tale. Kvіtnik zhіnki, yak vmila chakluvati. Chaklunk calms Gerda with her beauty, calm, happy dreams. Ale Gerda wins peace, friendship is the strongest - and the girl breaks on Kai's jokes.

“Kazka fourth. The prince is the princess." Gerda Zustrichaє prince that princess, on її way a new calm: entrust good, wealthy people, calm atmosphere, "a virny shmatok of bread", like a Raven, ale won virna friendship and continue Kai's shukati.

“Kazka p'yata. Little robber." Gerda chases the nimble little girl, suffers, fears, but the strength of the widow wins over the little robin's bajan, and Gerda continues Kai's jokes.

"Kazka Shosta. Lapland and Finnish. New tryouts: Gerda makes new friends and wise helpers, suffers from the cold and sinter, fear and fear, ale C

“Kazka soma. What was in the palaces of the Snow Queen and what became of sweat. Axis and a happy end, but it’s not enough to know a friend, it’s necessary to awaken yoga in the bayduzhnosti, chew your heart, just turn around home.

Teacher. Chi can mi, spiraling on our visnovki, try out the answers to the food.

Why is there so much in kazci about the main plot - rozpovіdі about Kai's jokes?

The author would like to show how important it is to reach, how richly to cross over to the path, be it a person, what a consecutive and double, wise and able to know spilnu mova With different people, you need to be good in order to achieve success.

The author vvazhaє: to reach happiness, people can become її good. Vіn is guilty of buti vіddanim, tіlespryamovanim, to go through the mustache of the test, to do all the calm, to endure a lot of suffering - to that only one can overcome it.

Teacher. On the doshtsi, this story is re-arranged, and the plot elements are mixed up in order. Bring order. Leave them for the month.

Analysis of the plot.

Correct advice

Fairy tale persha - rozv'azka Kazka persha - exposition

Fairy tale of a friend - climax Fairy tale of a friend - knot

The third fairy tale - exposition The third fairy tale - development

The tale of the fourth - the development of the dії The tale of the fourth - the development of the dії

Fairy tale p'yata - development of diї Fairy tale p'yata - development of diї

Tale of shostas - development of diї Tale of shostas - development of diї

Fairy tale syoma - tie

Physical culture for the eyes

Vіchkam need vіdpochiti. (close your eyes)
Take a deep breath (take a deep breath from close ochima)
Beat the eyes on the stake (open the eyes, hold them on the stake)
Bagato blink once (often blink eyes)
The eyes became kinder (lightly touch the eyes with your fingers)
Please my eyes all! (squash your eyes wide and laugh).

4. First revision of the knowledge of the learned, first confirmation of the learned.

Chi tell us direct author's characteristics head thought kazki?

The author does not attach his own position to the heroes, their characters. Vіn nіbi pіdkreslyuє, scho all stinks, creme, mozhlivo, troll and the Snow Queen - zvichayny people with the most significant human weaknesses and shortcomings. The stinks are afraid, worry, feel good and feel good, and not even good, fool around, stick around. The author is dreaming about those people who became kind, better, so that the stench did not heal one another, believed in God, joked one in one. A smut in life is love and warmth, which all normal people require and about.

- How do you understand the fairy tale story?

(Andersen, in his fable, to say to Chitachev, that if a person wants to reach something, if a person is kind and sincere, then nature, and people, people, obov'yazkovo, reach their own goal.

Kіnets author wants to say that the evil will use its strength so by itself, as the winter will end. Spring will come, a person will turn to his donkey, but he will become wealthy in his soul. A person has grown up, and it’s good, like a grown-up person, to become so self-pure in heart and soul, like a child.

Use it Gerdy is a figment of the author's imagination. In Gerdi’s veins, mi bachimo “strong stamina, firm will of that lower heart” (S. Ya. Marshak). The girl is virushaya shukati named brother Kai. Vaughn does all the difficulties: to know the way out of the enchanted old garden, in the autumn cold, without laces on the ground, for help the crow penetrates to the palace. Let's sweat it out and help the heart of the Little Rosebender, dear Lapland, for help praying to heal the guards. krizhany palace and warm the heart of Kai, melt yoga ice.)

The image of Gerdy є against the character of the Snow Queen. Sob to know Kai and deign to do yoga from the krizhany castle, the girl is violating at that difficult path. In the name of his kohanny, the good little girl is falling into uncertainty. Crossing, sho strіchayutsya on this way, did not make Gerda angry and did not hesitate to turn back at the bik booth, throw a friend in the full Snow Queen. Pleasant, kind, that sweet yonder was overwhelmed by the stretching of the mustache of the fairy tale. Goodness, patience and patience help me not to be confused, but to humbly make up for all the troubles. Zavdyaki such a character їy far away to know Kai. And love until the new could melt the yogo krizhane heart and turn out of the spell of the evil queen.

Snow Queen , Vіdma-zaviryuha, Krizhan Diva is a classic character in Scandinavian folklore. Inanimate that cold expanse, snows and eternal ice - ce and є the Kingdom of the Snow Queen. Visoka, a beautiful ruler on the throne, which is known on the lake, as they call it “The Mirror of the Rose”, there is beauty in the cold mind, spared the senses.

In the prologue of the fairy tale, Andersen begins to write about those who, for such people, sip the ice in the heart, as if it freezes, becomes cold and boisterous. And for example, I describe fairy tales, like hot tears of Gerdy falling on his chest to Kayu and eluding the ice in the heart of yoga dance. The cold of the Kazakhs is the isolation of evil, the whole filthy earth, and the warmth is the goal of love. To that, in the eyes of the Snow Queen Andersen, you can see the presence of warmth, the manifestation of cold, and the coldness.

5. Introduction to the lesson (reflection) and reminder of homework.

What did we recognize at the lesson?

Why read the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "The Snow Queen"?

What, in your opinion, was the most important friendship between Kai and Gerdy?

Why did Gerda overcome the Queen of Snow?

Write down in zoshitakh vysnovok otrimanov on the lesson of information. (For example: "The beauty of a living heart has overcome the beauty of ice!"

"The girl's heart was too hot, in the new there was no place for the cold."

“At the heart of Gerdy lived love: bezkorisla, samoviddana, not looking for a fence, ready for a feat, love deva, love, yak could transform a person”

What in Kazakh is a symbol of a bezgezhny kohanny? (Trojandi)

Continue a number of words.

Snow queen - snig (ice, winter, looking glass, like a reflection of water, baiduzhіst, rationality, order, mathematical rozrahunok, lack of spirituality, death)

Gerda-kviti (summer, warmth, heart, beauty, happiness, kohannya, family, life).

Presentation of assessments.

Home tasks: Prepare in groups (for a list of 4 individuals) a report retelling of the episodes of the fairy tale according to the plan.

1st group - Zustrich Gerdy with an old woman;

2nd group - zustrіch іz raven;

3rd group- Zustrich with a prince and a princess;

4th group - Zustrich with robbers.

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