Doctor of Living Criticism and Analysis. Review of the novel "likar of the living". Journalistic share of the book

Becoming one of the most important works of the XX century, written in Russian language. The analysis of "Doctor Zhivago" helps to better understand the practice, to understand what the author himself has tried to convey to the reader. Vіn pratsyuvav over it for 10 years - from 1945 to 1955 rіk. The new one presents a broad description of the proportion of the country's intelligentsia and the nature of the dramatic podias in Russia on the cob of the 20th century. Through the share of the protagonist, the theme of life and death, problems business history, revolutions and roles in the new intelligentsia, the main religious religions

In this case, the novel was negatively perceived as a prolific literary medium in the SRSR. Vіn perebuvav under the fence, the Radyansk Union was not criticized because of the author's superlative statement before the Zhovtnevoi revolution and the distant, sublime Radianian history.

Publication history of the novel

Possibility of analyzing "Doctor Zhivago" from a chitachian reader appeared only after the collapse of the Radyansk Union. Todi novel was instructed in full and without cuts. In the SRSR, wines were published less frequently.

In 1954, in the literary magazine "Prapor" there was a cycle of verses under the headline "The verses of the novel in the prose "Doctor Zhivago." . ten texts were entrusted to the journal - "Rozluka", "Viter", "Spring roadless", "Birch", "Walking", "Summer in the city", "Vesillya", "Khmіl", "Explanation" and "Bіla nіch" .

In 1955, the fate of Pasternak at the leaf to Varlam Shalamov, having shown that the novel is over, but he doubts about his life of publication. Adding this text meant youma vikonati obov'yazok, God's commandments.

With this, the writer tried to see his work in the fatherland. Already on the verge of the advancing fate of wines, having propagated the text to two leading radian literary magazines - "Prapor" and "New World". As well as the popular almanac "Literary Moscow". At the same time, not spodіvayuchisya on a quick publication of his work, passing "Doctor Zhivago" to Zakhid.

In the autumn, the greatest battle against Pasternak was confirmed. From the journals it was necessary to prove that their creators respect the publication of the impossible, the rocks to stand in positions directly opposite the author's.

Previously, the analysis of "Doctor Zhivago" became possible after the release of the novel in Italy, for example, in 1957. It’s noteworthy that I’m guilty of instructing my Italian mother.

You can read "Doctor Zhivago" before my original in Holland. Circulation of a total of 500 copies of the 1958 edition. Great respect for the exit of this novel was given by foreign secret services. For example, an analysis of "Doctor Zhivago" could be carried out by Radian tourists, who free of charge took the book at the All-World Exhibition near Brussels, the international student forum in Austria. The CIA was supposed to know that the book has a colossal propagandist value, and the shards can make the Radiant people think about those things that are not in order in this country, as one of the main literary masterpieces the rest of the years cannot be read in the original in my fatherland.

In parallel, the CIA took the fate of the expanded "Doctor Zhivago" in the Ukraine, which belonged to the socialist bloc.

The plot of the novel

The plot of Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago", an analysis of which was induced in this article, allows you to change it on purpose, which is a large-scale one. Pratsya Pasternak repents from the fact that the leading hero stands before the readers as a little child. Everything starts from the summary description of the funeral of yoga mother.

Yura Zhivago himself is a bastard of a rich family, who has awakened his camp on banking operations please please. Prote financial success does not guarantee happiness in a special life. The boy's fathers parted ways.

I take one Yura, who is left out, for rehab, this uncle, who lives steadily in the very pivdni of Russia. If Zhivago becomes a follower, he will lead him to Moscow near Gromeko's homeland.

gifted child

Analysis of the novel "Doctor Zhivago" is often based on the description of Yuri's giftedness, as it appeared in childhood. Respect for the new one is like a talented poet. However, he chooses a prosaic path for himself - to follow in the footsteps of the father. Become a student at a medical university. You show your talents in your field. Nezabara you cherish your first lover - the daughter of yoga new benefactors - Tonya Gromeko.

The stinks became a man and a squad, they gave birth to two children. Ale, without a hitch, the stench parted again. For once. And his daughter, as she was born after that, as the main hero having gone, Zhivago was never so baptized.

The peculiarity of the novel, as it manifests itself on the very cob, lies in the fact that readers are constantly brought to stick with new characters, it is not easy to get lost in them. However, in the course of time they become entwined into one ball, their lives begin to tumble.


One of the key characters in "Doctor Zhivago", an analysis of the work without any incomprehensibility, is Larisa. The reader gets to know the young girl, who is the old lawyer Komarovsky. Larisa herself is pragmatically virvatisya іz tho full.

She has a childish friend. Virniy, Pasha Antipov dies in her. In the future, you will become a man, in the new Lara herself you will know your right salvation. And yet, once in a while, the stench cannot know happiness in a special life. As a result, Pavlo throws his family and volunteers for the front. Take the fate of the First World War. There, a marvelous metamorphosis emerges from it. From the m'yakoї people of guilt they pretend to be a dirty revolutionary commissar. Change your calling. Yogo's new pseudonym - Strelnikov. After that, how will it end Gromadyanskaya war, vin pragne to rise up from your own family, alas, it was not destined to be thrashed.

Tim an hour share to call Yury and Larisa with him. These stanzas are the key ones for the analysis of the novel "Doctor Zhivago" by Pasternak. On the fronts of the First Svіtovoї, the stench rages in a small village with the inconspicuous name of Meluzєevo. Zhivago is a practicing physician there, and Larisa is a sister of mercy, like a dream of a dead person.

Once upon a time, these paths are tucked away at the foreseeable Ural town of Yuryatin. Yogo prototype є Perm. There the stench is ticking from the tractors of the revolution. Heroes will die one by one. Gromadyanskaya war, which began, puts a wedge on the lives of heroes. Hunger, reprisals and wickedness are tearing apart not only the homeland of Lari, but also of Yuri. The retinue of Zhivago is abandoned in Moscow and write to your man in the Urals about the imovirne primus stove hanging outside the boundaries of the next hour. Time to time the rule of revolutionary joys reigns, Zhivago and Lara are hovering for the winter in the garden of Varikino. Komarovskiy, who had taken his place in the Ministry of Justice in the Faraway Republic, announced that the ice had disappeared before them. Komarovsky is instructed to reconsider Zhivago and let Lara in with him, so that she would get out on the retreat, and then she would fight behind the cordon. Yury Andriyovich will be good for you, it is clear that you understand that you can’t get more of your kohanna.

Living on your own

Having lost one at Varikino, Zhivago step by step begins to instill a sense of selfhood. Strelnikov comes to the new one, whom they praised, and now he will have to wander all over Siberia. I honestly told Yuri Andriyovich about my role in the revolution, as well as my statement about ideals radianska vlady leader of the revolution Lenin.

Zhivago znaetsya yoma, scho Lara really loved yogo usі tsі roki. And vin had mercy, pіdozryuyuchi її in poverty.

Return to Moscow

At night after the door, the Strelnikov's life culminated in self-destruction. Zhivago, having become a witness to the Cherg tragedy, turns to Moscow. There, they cherish their remaining kohannya - Marina, the daughter of the housekeeper Markel, who sent home to Zhivago before the revolution. The stink of living in a civilized way. They have two daughters.

The novel "Doctor Zhivago", an analysis (stylus) of some ideas in this article, leads the reader to the point where, for example, life, the main hero drops down the door, but nothing can be done with it. Vin throws literature, does not engage in science. For your falls, you can’t do anything.

Like a Uranian on the way to work, you get rotten in the tram. Zhivago is fighting a heart attack near the very center of Moscow. To say goodbye to your body, your half-brother Evgraf comes, who repeatedly helps you in the course of the novel, and Lara, like a vipadkovo, slumped nearby.

Final novel

The battle on the Kursk River is raging at the end of Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago". An analysis of creativity is based on the inspiration of heroes to create.

The washerwoman Tanya stands in front of the readers, telling her story to the friends of Zhivago's childhood, Mikhail Gordon and Innocent Dudorov. They survived the Gulag, Stalinist repressions and arrests.

It appears that the daughter of Larry and Yury Zhivago is poignant. Under your opik її take the brother of the protagonist Evgraf, who is like a rock of the Great Vytchiznyanoi war becoming a major general.

The important role of the text is played by the verses of Zhivago, with which the novel ends.

Vershi Zhivago

An analysis of the verses of Doctor Zhivago helps to better understand the very essence of this novel. The central text of this cycle is the text "Winter Night".

Doslidniki preach yoga to look at the quiet struggle for survival. With this, the lute kurtovin is associated with death, and half-light candles with future life. It's time for Doctor Zhivago to get more information and see, so that he can take the necessary action. With each wine, you continue to live in beauty, in yoga, the soul glimmers hope for the best.

Analysis of the novel

Pasternak's novel "Doctor Zhivago", an analysis of what it is necessary to carry out, whether it is a chandelier of the creativity of this writer, a large-scale aggravation of the life of the Russian intelligentsia at the hour of the revolution and the war of the masses.

The book is adopted by deep philosophy, torments about life and death, the course of all-world history, mystery, like crying into the human soul.

In order to help the author to show the ingenuity of the inner world of his heroes, open the door to the important understanding of the emotional essence of a person. Virishuvati such a complex task for the writer is given, prompting a rich system of images. By the new world, whose idea is to know the fermentation in way of life the character of the main character.

Nobel Prize for Literature

The novel "Doctor Zhivago" (a short analysis of the well-known people who choke on literature) won the 1958 Nobel Prize for Literature. 3 formulas "for the continuation of the traditions of the great Russian epic novel".

Radyansk vlada took this fact from the bugnet, shards vvazhat the novel as anti-Radyansky. Against Pasternak in the SRSR, a fuss was fired up. Yogo was embarrassed to be rewarded. Only in 1989 did the diploma and medal of the Swedish Academy take Yogo Sin Evgen.

Idea for a novel

Mabut, head distinctive feature novel - yoga poetry. She passed on all the sides of creation, navit those, in which the text is laid out in prose.

Lyrics are the key to sprynyattya human soul. Through it, you get to understand, for the sake of which you live and that a person is wise.

The whole novel “Doctor Zhivago”, an analysis of which we will conduct, in the conditions of the last decade of the war, if hopes were shattered, like winickles, to change in the country, to renovate life. Party culture actively stifled literature. B. Pasternak was not repressed and was not included to the number of defamatory orders from M. Zoshchenko and O. Akhmatova. And in 1946, A. Fadeev spoke in 1946 as a poet, who does not know our ideology, speaking from the address of B. Pasternak. B. Pasternak, having created the world of feelings, the philosophy of life, as if they tried to “lower” it to a political ideology. B. Pasternak did not fit into the official military literature like he sings, nor like a prose writer.

The book “Materials for Biography” contains the history of the transfer of the novel to the Zakhod, the campaign for the publication of the writer after publications, and especially the link to the Nobel Prize awarded to him for 1958. Supplementary material, where the discussions of 1988 are included, like a novel in Novyi Svit, nareshti, having inspired the light of the author’s fatherland, avenge the collection “From different points of dawn. "Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak "(M., 1990).

The plot outline of the novel "Doctor Zhivago", an analysis of what we are told, became the history of the life of Yuri Zhivago from that moment, if he was a matir in 1902, and until 1929, if he died on the streets of Moscow. Ale's novel is no less than the life of the protagonist. B. Pasternak created the world, in which the intelligentsia of the yogo generation grew up. Youth has a hoarded check for the revolution, representing you to finish it abstractly. The baptism of the truth brought the ideals to the point of reality. The conflict is based on the diversity of Christian ideals and revolutionary action, which takes into account individuality, and will require an unguarded order. The novel does not have a description of political approaches and social problems, but it is widely represented thoughts and superheroes of heroes - thoughts about life and recognition of people. The book is bagatoplanov, bagatomotiv. One of the main problems for her is the share of creativity in the revolution.

For the understanding of the novel, it is necessary to explore the passage of B. Pasternak to the Gospel and to the revolution. Mustaches of Pasternak's work realized that Christianity cannot be directly related to the official church. As V. Alfonsov wrote, in the Gospel, B. Pasternak gave us "love for the neighbor, the idea of ​​freedom, specialness, and a reasonable life like a sacrifice." Itself with these axioms appeared an insane revolutionary gazer that allows violence.

In his youth, the hero of B. Pasternak (and, obviously, the author) was struck by the revolution as a thunderstorm, which evaded into the “thickness of the greatness” without choosing any terms, in order to blame the “virok of century-old injustice”. It was given to her “it’s evangelical” - for scale, for directness. to spiritual fulfillment.

The breadth of the revolution's suffocation is even more pronounced on the onslaught of disappointment. As if on the back of the Liver-doctor, it was given to the truth (and navitt groaned) surgery for the sake of the health of the soul, then, having become enchanted, to beat us in front of the “waste of the heart” and hypocrisy; The hero throws himself between the encampments of the red and the white, and sees the violent suffocation of the special. In the novel, as if writing in his own book, M. Kreps (Bulgakov and Pasternak as romance. Hermitage, 1984), there are no red ones, and Pavlo Antipov, Liverij Mikulitsin, Pamphil Palih. There are no nobles, Sventitsky, Kologrivov, Zhivago, Gromeko.” The conflict develops between Christian morality and revolutionary. Revolutionary it seems, the shards are maddening the people "stop being yourself." Not fooling yourself, Zhivago appears "neither in silence, nor in cih." Yogo wrestlers with their fanaticism, you know that you don’t know what to do to fight the stink, and the struggle dies down all day long, and in this no place of creativity, truth is not needed.

The antipode of Zhivago is shown in the novel Strilnikov. Zhivago - sings, Strelnikov - mathematician. It is already here that the vіdmіnіst of the їkhny setting before life is laid. The symbolism of the setting is developing far and wide. The profession of a poet is a doctor, and a mathematician - a high school teacher - becomes a commissar, in order to rationally reshape society. At Strelnikov's doslidniki to sing and in Mayakovsky's valley. Pochatkov's readiness of the hero to really start the revolution, but to the znaryaddy, that self-destruction brought to desolation of the soul.

The final of Zhivago is death. However, the specialty is estimated not only for the conquered peaks. Zhivago without wasting himself, without being inspired by the head of his own, without taking on the roles of others. The reality of 1929 fate - the fate of the great turning point - appeared as a prophet to human nature itself. Breaking the tram, in a way there is no sound, is the remaining symbol that characterizes the relationship of Zhivago with the superfluous light. The heart does not show, but death is added to the memory of people, and in the novel, the death of Zhivago is taken more as an assessment of action, and not like "heroes who are not seen."

In the context of the finale, death is perceived as a necessary sacrifice, as it conveys the possibility of Sunday. The hero of the novel is not a mirror image of the author, their shares do not escape, but the head of the head is directly thoughtful, madly, close, united.

On the thought of rich doslidnikov, B. Pasternak's model of specialness is oriented to Christ. Yury Zhivago is not Christ, but the “age-old prototype” of the visions of one's lot.

An important warning about the poetics of the novel is found in the already titled book by M. Kreps and the work of B. Gasparov “Timing counterpoint as a formative principle for B. Pasternak’s novel “Doctor Zhivago”” (“Friendship of Peoples”, 1990, No. 3). The latter indicate that in the structure of the novel there is the principle of cinematographic montage, selection of independent scenes-frames. The plot of the novel will not be based on the acquaintance of the characters distant developmentїх vіdnosin, ale in the crossed parallel and independent develop dol.

Heaps of all the mighty zbіgіv, vipadkovy zustrіch and zbіgіv obstavin, as the heroes themselves call "unthinkable" and "neimovirnymi", explained by the polyphony of creation. B. Gasparov, revealing the character of zbіgіv, “skreschen”, parallel plots, is corroborated by the musical term “counterpoint” (this is how the death of Yuriy’s father, who jumped from the Kur’єrsky train, and for example, the death of the hero himself, who came out of the evil tram; a foldable figurative system is seen with the image of the transom rose in front of Yuryatin and іn.).

For the understanding of the concept of history and the concept of singularity in the novel, it is important not only the clouding of the verses that complete yoga. It is necessary to understand why the stench could not be separated from the text.

A cycle begins from the opposition of Hamlet to the false and evil reality. At the next summits, episodes from the hero's life are visible. Virshi will be needed not for the purpose of knowing more about Yury Zhivago, but through yoga, to penetrate into his soul and see that world, in which he is alive, in which he did not accept, to which he blessed his life as a gift. The verses of Yuri Zhivago confirm the tragedy of B. Pasternak's activity as a hero and at the same time reveal the tragedy of creativity. Developing this idea, V. Alfonsov will recount those who, having respected B. Pasternak as a "victim of the era": Vіn is an artist of inexpressibly positive, which stverzhuє svetorozuminnya. On which we finish the analysis of the novel "Doctor Zhivago".

The novel "Doctor Zhivago" became the apotheosis of the brilliant creativity of Pasternak as a prose writer. I will describe the course and transformation of the Russian intelligence in the crisis of dramatic nature, which strongly permeate the first half of the 20th century.

History of creation

The novel was created for a decade (from 1945 to 1955), the share of the work was completely important - unimpressed in the light of recognition (the pinnacle of this was the Nobel Prize), the Radyansky Union had permission to see only less in 1988. The fence was explained to the novel by an anti-Radyansky zmist, at the link with the cym on Pasternak, a squealing began from the vlady's side. In 1956, a lot of attempts were made to try and publish the novel in the Radian literary magazines, but, of course, they did not succeed. The foreign publication brought fame to poets and prose writers, and it resonated with the zakhodny suspense with an undeniable resonance. The first Russian sighting helped the world of Milan in 1959.

Analysis of creativity

Description of creativity

(Lining for the first book, painted by the artist Konovalov)

The first sides of the novel reveal the image of a little lad, who was orphaned early, and who was soon to be enslaved by his dear uncle. The next stage is Yuri's move to the capital and the life of yoga near Gromeko's homeland. Regardless of the early manifestation of the poetic gift, the young man learns to inherit the butt of his adopted father - Oleksandr Gromek, and enters the Faculty of Medicine. The lower friendship with blessed donka Yuriy, Tonya Gromeko can go to the kohanny, and the girl becomes the retinue of a talented healer-poet.

Away from the rozpovіd є the most complicated interlacings along the main characters in the novel. Recently, after friendship, Yuriy knows the strange suffocation of the yaskrav and the extraordinary girl Lara Gishar, the squad of commissar Strelnikov. The tragic story of Dr. Larry's mess is periodically declared to be a protracted novel - after the impersonal stink of the stink, you can't get your own happiness. The terrible hour of evil, hunger and reprisals will separate these leading heroes. Offended by the love of the doctors of the living anger, deprive the fatherland. The theme of selfishness resounds poignantly in the novel, as the main hero is the year of God's will, and the man Lari Antipov (Strilnikov) makes rahunki from life. The rest of Doctor Zhivago's attempt to know family happiness is also known to be bad luck. Yuriy zalisha try scientific and literary activity and end his earthly life as a human being, which has already sunk. head hero the novel is dying due to a heart attack due to the cost of a job in the center of the capital. At the rest of the scene of the novel of the friend of the childhood of Nika Dudorov and ... ... .. Gordon read a selection of verses of the doctor-poet.

Head Heroes

(Poster for the film "Doctor Zhivago")

The image of the main character is deeply autobiographical. Pasternak, through a new revelation of his inner "I" - his own mirroring about those who see, his spiritual gazer. Zhivago is an intellectual to the brain of the brush, rice is manifested in everything - in life, in creativity, in the profession. The most valuable ribbing of the spiritual life of the hero is the author of the master's note in the professor's monologues. The Christian life of Zhivago does not know the daily changes at the link with the furnishings - the doctor is ready to help all the suffering, regardless of their political light-gazer. The real lack of will of the Living One is truly the best manifestation of this inner freedom, de fault of the greatest humanistic values. The death of the protagonist does not mark the end of the novel - create something immortal forever between the centuries and butts.

Lara Gishar

(Larisa Fyodorivna Antipova) - yaskrava, instill a shocking woman in the singing sensation, who has great strength of mind and help to help people. She herself in the hospital, where she is in charge of a sister of mercy, її stosunki with the doctor Zhivago. Irrespective of the experience in the course of the share, the life of the heroes regularly sticks, and the sound of each other with the skin at once strikes each other cleanly. Dramatic circumstances in post-revolutionary Russia lead to the fact that Lara is embarrassed to sacrifice her love for the sake of a little girl of good health and to fuck with the hated Kohanian lawyer Komarovsky. Lara, who has stooped in a lifeless camp, reproached herself for all her life for this vchinok.

A successful lawyer, drawing on the demonic cob of Pasternak's novel. Being a kohanian of mother Lari, having appeased her young daughter, and playing a fatal role in the girl's life, deceitfully separating her from the kokhanoy people.

The novel "Doctor Zhivago" is composed of two books, like 17 parts of one's hand, so that one can create a random numbering. The novel shows the life cycle of a generation of young intellectuals at that hour. Not vipadkovo one of the possible names of the novel Bulo "Boys and girl". The author ingeniously showed the antagonism of two heroes - Zhivago and Strelnikov, like a human being, who lives for us, who lives in the country, and as a special feature of the whole order of the ideology of the totalitarian regime. The spiritual tooth of the Russian intelligentsia is conveyed by the author through the image of Aunt, the poshlyubnoy daughter of Larya Antipova and Yuri Zhivago, a simple maiden, as if she carried only a distant wand of the recessionary intelligentsia.

In his novel, Pasternak repeatedly denounces the bondage of the butt, under the novel they are projected on a New Testament plot, giving the work a special mystical subtext. The dominant novel of verses is inspired by Yuriy Zhivago symbolizes the door to eternity, which confirms one of the first options to name the novel - “There will be no death”.

Podbag vysnovok

"Doctor Zhivago" - a novel of all life, a bag of creative quibbles and philosophical quizzes of Boris Pasternak, to your mind, Head topic the novel - the interplay of equally large cobs - the peculiarities of that history. No less important place, the author gives to themes, she permeates the whole novel, love is shown in all possible ways, with the power of the great, it seems to be rich in facets.

Boris Pasternak is the whole world, the galaxy, which can be twisted indefinitely. "Doctor Zhivago" is a planet, destined for modern poetry and reality. Tsya book has a special spirit, its own soul. Її it is required to read more clearly, rozmirkovuyuchi over the skin phrase. Only then can you see the depth of the novel and know the poetic sparks that the skin side is filled with.

Before thinking about writing Pasternak's novel, Ganna Akhmatova was stoked in early 1944, when she urged me to write Faust in the 20th century. I Boris Leonidovich waited. Only a few wines, having written it wrong, as if they were reading it, but in their own way. Adzhe Yury Zhivago is the same, like Faust, dissatisfaction with himself, his life, and change yoga. And not with a path of laying down please the devil, but with a little work over your soul, that moral cob.

The moral cob in those difficult fates is necessary, as a matter of fact. Having dictated your mind for an hour, but far from everyone jumped the motions to accept them. Pasternak was tormented by the fact that he was insane and powerless. Reprisals, arrests, self-destruction. Unbearably. "The insatiable machine" ruined everything on its way, not depriving the chances of survival. For this very reason, in Doctor Zhivago, all the lives of the main characters are literally permeated with suffering, mental anguish, lack of home and life. However, Pasternak openly believes that "the red miracle" early on streams his fuse and replaces anger with mercy. Ale, everything was more or less warmer. Nezabar it got to Boris Leonidovich himself. Party curiosity began to actively stifle literature. Pasternak was not subject to reprisals, but in 1946, at his address, they began to arrive ahead of him like a poet, who did not know our ideology. At the official military, mysticism does not fit in like a sings, like a prose writer.

Irrespective of those who see it, the work on the Trivala novel is strained. The names were changed one by one: “Death is nothing to be cleared up”, “Boys and girls”, “Innokenty Dudorov”. Yuriy Andriyovich could become Doctor Zhivult. Tsіkavo, that in the novel there was a special connection of Pasternak. The prototype of Larya is Olga Ivinska, who is the author of a deep understanding.

Journalistic share of the book

"Through thorns to the stars". With this phrase, one can describe that uneasy path, like a proish novel, to be in the hands of many readers. Why? Pasternak was inspired by the publication of the book. However, in 1957 roci її was seen in Italy. The Radyansk Union published її only in 1988, if the author could no longer recognize it.

The history of the novel "Doctor Zhivago" is special for the singing sensation. 1958 Boris Leonidovich was nominated for Nobel Prize, in view of the fact that Krim was moving, a fence was imposed on the publication of the book, and even more increased interest in the work. Readers checked for something special about the novel. Ale pіznіshe їkh spіtkalo rozcharuvannya. The close friends of Boris Pasternak did not prihovyvayut, middle of which boules and writes in the house of A.I. Solzhenitsyn that Ganna Akhmatova, as if she threw a replica, as if she sown among the poets of remembrance.

Genre novel "Doctor Zhivago"

It is difficult to define the genre of the novel unambiguously. Tvіr vvzhatimutsya autobiographical, oskіlki at a new small place of the main milestones in the life of a writer. You can boldly stverzhuvaty, sho leaning at the viri podіy and subtly vіdchuvaє navkolishniy svit in all yoga changes and vibrations the hero of the novel is a friend of Boris Pasternak's "I".

At that very hour, the novel is philosophical, the shards of nourishment buttya occupy no space left for him.

Tvіr tsіkaviy i z istorichnoї vozra. Pasternak spivvіdnosit his novel from a true picture of life. "Doctor Zhivago" - Russia, is shown to us like this, it's true. From what I see, the artist's book is a traditional realistic TV, which reveals the historical era through the shares of about a dozen people.

For its metaphorical, figurative, symbolic and poetic character, Doctor Zhivago is a novel in verse and prose.

For more - tse "love story" іz tsіkavim plot.

Father, maybe a rich genre novel.

Composition "Doctor Zhivago"

As soon as we start to know the book, then first of all, I decided to put a tick next to the item of the structural element of the composition. One of them - sews the main character, which has become a harmonious continuation of the prose cob. Vershi confirm the tragedy of the splendor of action by the author and Doctor Zhivago, reveal the sublime tragedy in creativity.

The composition of rice is important to the novel - a heap of voluptuous zustrіches, unsuccessful turns in the share, various zbіgіv and zbіgіv obstavins. The heroes of the novel are most likely to know that life is similar in principle, it is impossible and neimovirn, that it is a dream, a mirage, such a dream, like a little stink to squash your eyes. Ale don't know. Everything is real. It is noteworthy that without this diya, the novel could not develop well. "Poetics of the zbіgіv" does not declare about itself for nothing. Vaughn is primed artistic originality create that light of the author, so that it would be more accurate to convey to the reader your knowledge of this situation.

In addition, the structure of the novel has the principle of cinematographic montage, the selection of independent scenes - shots. The plot of the novel will not be so based on the acquaintance of the heroes and the further development of their stature, but in the crossed parallel and independently develop the dol.

Themes to Pasternak's novel

The theme of the way is another one of the leading ones in the novel. One zbivaetsya zgogo way and go killed, and the other is to know here spiritually mature, giving yourself important thoughts on your own. To whom of them should Zhivago lie? To another. The flight of a doctor from the cold, hungry Moscow to the Urals is a climax of emotion. Virushayuchi on the road, Yuri does not feel like a victim. Vіn vіdchuvaє, scho know the truth and vіdkrє I will hide the truth about myself. So it seems. A creative gift, the right of love and life, philosophy - the axis that takes away a person, as if he rushed beyond his borders, left the "safe haven", not being afraid of destruction in the unknown.

The author turns us to one more side of reality - to a human being, raising love as one of the most beautiful manifestations of life. The theme of kokhannya is another theme of the novel. Vіn literally permeated with love: to children, to family, one to one, and to Batkivshchyna.

Themes declared in the novel cannot be divided. The stench is similar to the right weaving, as if it were blowing up, as if you wanted to tidy up one thread. Nature, love, share and the paths of nibi circle around the twisted dance, which gives us a comprehension of the genius of this novel.

Romance's problems

One of the main problems in the novel is the share of creativity in the revolution.

Pragnennya to the truth caused the zіtknennya іdeаlіv z reality. Creativity zіtknulis z revolutionary diysnіstyu that vіdchaydushnoy stifled. People were confused about their right to individuality. However, my exercise to creative self-confidence zhorstok stifled and picked up whether I was hopeful for freedom.

It is noteworthy that in the text there is a description of the physical work, as I am right to create on the right. The problem of beauty, philosophy of femininity and instilling the "royalty" of a person, occupied with simple practice, is tied to us in front of the image of Lari. In everyday troubles - white stoves chi korita - they are hostile to the "spirit of hoarse vainglory". Pasternak is surprised at the “beautiful healthy appearance” of “people from the people”, as if all life was practiced on earth. The clerk was able to show the national character of the heroes. It's not just to love, to think, to breathe - in all vchinkah they manifest their deep national roots. Won navit rozmovlyayut, "like rozovlyayut only Russian people in Russia."

With the main characters of the creation, the problem of kokhannya is connected. Tsya love is full-bearing, recognized by the heroes of the fire, but zishtovhuetsya with changes like chaoticity and lack of power in the world.

Intelligence in the novel "Doctor Zhivago"

At that time, the souls of the Russian intelligentsia were ready for asceticism. The intelligentsia was counting on the revolution, representing it abstractly, without noticing, to what conclusions you can bring.

Zavdyaki spiritual sprazy and pragnennia touch the present world, Yuriy Andriyovich Zhivago becomes a thinker and a poet. At the heart of the spiritual ideals of the hero lies a marvel: by stretching out his own life of wine, and not having spent the building, to embrace the world, the life of a man and nature - like a marvel! Everything is in life, and everything is in life, it’s not enough, it will be. This philosophy has two moments to turn on respect and explain the reasons for the tragic death of the hero in the present-day suspense: the camp of Yuriy is unimportant and he does not accept “violence”. Perekonannya, scho "required to get good," did not allow Zhivago to be nailed to the one from the two opposing sides, to which violence was at the heart of the programs of their activities.

Strilnikov is shown in the novel by the antipode of Zhivago. Vіn є ruthless, irreplaceable reasoner, we are preparing to confirm with our vagomi proletarian word whether it is the highest virok. Yogo's non-humanity was a marvel of class brilliance, as if it had led Yogo to self-destruction.

The intelligentsia played a far from remaining role in the formation of revolutionary action. Pragnennya to novelty, change and change of the right-handed ball was erased from the face of the earth by a thin slug of the right intelligentsia, the yak was folded by the doctors, creative children, engineers and doctors. New individuals began to come to this change. Pasternak reminded, as in a rotten atmosphere, a new sphere of privileges was formed because of claims for an intellectual monopoly and for a decline in terms of old Russian intelligence. Turning back to Moscow, Yuri Zhivago made a living by sawing firewood from foreign people. Yakos wine zaishov for rozrahunk. Yury Andriyovich's books lay on the table. Bazhayuchi buti similar to an intellectual, the master of the house read out the works of Zhivago, but did not honor the author himself with a glance.

Revolution and Christian motives

“You won’t give grain at once, if you don’t die,” Pasternak loved the wisdom of the Gospel. Leaning at the best camp, the man still weeps hope for rebirth.

On the thought of rich doslidnikov, B. Pasternak's model of specialness is oriented to Christ. Yury Zhivago is not Christ, but a "century-old prototype" of the imaginations of one's lot.

In order to understand the novel, it is necessary to understand the author's approach to the gospel and to the revolution. In the Gospel, Boris Pasternak, having adopted us before us, love for our neighbor, the idea of ​​freedom, specialness, and sensible life, like a sacrifice. Itself with these axioms appeared an insane revolutionary gazer that allows violence.

In his youth, the hero Pasternak was given a revolution like a thunderstorm; Spontaneously revolutionary summer has changed in the fall of decay. The crooked soldier's revolution lakaє Yury Zhivago. As soon as the idea of ​​a revolution breaks through, we are shackled by the first decrees of the radian power. Ale wine is truly marveling at those who seem to be, more and more perekonuyuchis that reality diverges from the voiced fumes. As if on the back of Zhivago, the doctor, it was given to true surgery for the sake of healing suspense, then, having become enchanted, to succumb, that from life love and speech are born, and the practice is truly rooted in turbots about measles.

The hero throws himself between two encampments, discovering a rapist strangled specialty. The conflict develops between Christian and new morality based on violence. Yuri appears "neither in silence, nor in tsikh". Yogo wreak havoc with his fanaticism. Youmu knows that the posture of fighting the stench does not know what to do. Warfare dies all day long, and in it there is no space for creativity and truth is not needed.

Nature at the work of "Doctor Zhivago"

People are part of nature. Light of nature in the novels of spiritualizations and sayings. Vіn not be lifted over the people, but as if they were in parallel with it: zamuchuєєє and radіє, zbudzhuє and calm down, ahead of threatening to change.

The tragic scene of the funeral of Yury's mother is seen on TV. Nature at once with people to grieve for good people. The wind sings a dreary song in unison with the farewell song of the funeral process. I, if Yuriy Andriyovich is out of life, some of the tickets become a substitute for “sleep, scho marriage”. The earth takes "pishov" from the other world.

The landscape at the Romani is the whole picture of a picnic that gives birth in the soul of a person miraculous nature. "Don't fall in love!" - How can you live and not remember your beauty?

The image of love is the Sun, as if “little rubbish” hangs mist, being a special reminder. Abo, scho “siding at the booths”, they throw red smears on objects (ensign, watch the blood), don’t worry about the danger that I’m threatening. The second most striking image of nature is the calm high sky, which sprouts serious philosophical thoughts, otherwise, having burnt with “three-fold fire”, spying on the rise that is in human sleep. The landscape is not depicted, but dіє.

A person is assessed through nature, being equal to it allows to make an accurate description of the image. So Lara, from the look of other characters, is "a birch tree with pure grass and gloom."

Landscape painting praises. Bіlі latattya at the bet, yellow acacia, zapashnі convalії, erysipelas hyacinths - everything on the sides of the novel is marked by a unique aroma, which penetrates into the soul and reminds you of burning fire.

Meaning of symbols

Boris Pasternak is a writer of a delicate spiritual organization, who lives among the good with nature and observes the nuances of life, while enjoying the skin of the day and accepting everything that comes to mind, like you burn. Lyudina, who writes this BOOK, pierces the world with sounds, farbs, symbols. The reader is like a listener of music, masterfully beaten by a pianist. Hі, tse not urochist music, like to sound in one key. The major changes into a minor, the atmosphere of harmony - an atmosphere of evil. So, such a life, and the very same її priynyattya is conveyed by the artist in the novel. How do youmu go?

Ale, for the change of day, always come night, for the change of heat - cold. Cold, Wind, Zaviryukha, Snowfall - an invisible part of our life, an important warehouse, negative side, for which you also need to learn how to live. Qi symbols in Pasternak's novel point to those who for a superfluous person light can be zhorstokim. It is spiritually necessary to prepare yourself for these difficulties.

The life of a person is more beautiful than that, which is made up not only of the lengths, but also includes the impersonal most intriguing sights. The symbol that distinguishes the diversity of human types, є Lis, de judge in harmony with different representatives of the creaturely and growing world.

The road, the path - symbolize the rush, forward forward, symbolize the recognition of the unknown, new victories. The skin of a person in life can make its own Road, its share. It is important that the road of self-sufficiency was built, as if it were not uncommon to start a deaf kut in life. It is important, so that the way is, that the people are led to Good, Love, Happiness.

Tsikavo? Save on your wall!

Yaku mi vyvchili at the lesson. This tvir behind the genre vvazhayetsya philosophic and torkaetsya historical moments. Here the author guesses the same way, like the life of people on the cob of the twentieth fate, guesses the war, including the Russian-Japanese, the Gromadyansky revolution of 1917. Today, having survived Doctor Zhivago, we should have a short romance.

The novel Doctor Zhivago, whose analysis for divisions can be seen at once, the author wrote in 1957. However, in our country, yoga was published over thirty years, in 1988 roci.

As if marveling at the plot, Pasternak depicted in his novel the life of that share of the Russian intelligentsia at the fate of the revolution. At the center of the robot is the history of the life of Yuri Zhivago, starting from the beginning of his early years, if he vindicated his mother and completing the period of 1929, if the hero dies in the growth of his heart. Through the prism of the life of the hero, we see the light, where the life of the intelligentsia of that generation happened, to which Pasternak lay. At the beginning of the revolution, everything was taken away from the stagnation, representing it even farther away, and then later on, the stench bled reality with її conflicts, zіknennyami, if individuality was ignored and out of order.

Brief analysis of the novel Doctor Zhivago

The pismennik does not signify the overrun of historical podias, vin represent chitachev super-girls and think about the heroes of creation, de stink about the recognition of people.

Likar Zhivago did not fight against historical podia, do not fight with the surroundings, but stick to them. Wine is left to the specialty of us.
Yuriy Zhivago became an orphan and got enlightened by a doctor. On the travail of Tonina's mother, in whose family Yura lives, we make friends with Tonoa. Let youmu on the way and Lara Gіshar, like a wine rest. Їx repeatedly zіshtovhuvatime share. Two women, like two symbols of the era. Tonya is lower and higher, Lara is a symbol of change, which appears and is immediately known.

Zhivago himself zavzhdy z natnennyam having accepted the historical crossing of the line. Viriv, for example, at the revolution, but with a better mind, the government introduced all the borders of the border, imposing their "freedom". Such a hero does not accept, he was given to him according to what he wants. At Yuryatin's wines I will renew Lara and the stench will die alone. The hero happens to be thrown between the choice, but here he is driven like a doctor into the death of partisans. Prote Zhivago forever depriving himself of the right to choose. For example, shooting not at the enemy, but into a tree, tying up its own bandages, and engaging in the partisans’ glee, also celebrating a wounded Kolchakivtsy.

Let us know that Zhivago is moving from the partisan camp. Vin turns to Larry, then the same squad breaks to Europe. And yet, Yuriy from Laroy is not enough, which she gave short hours of happiness, even if they didn’t re-examine, to ask them to leave from Komarovsky, and Zhivago himself went to Moscow. Vin sinks to the bottom. You are degrading, do not follow yourself. Do not know Zhivago's satisfaction neither with robots, nor with poetry, while spending your first-timers. The first axis is coming, the day of the end, Zhivago dies at the suffocating carriage, and with him the yogo world dies.

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