Why do some people choose not the best people. Vіdnosiny. Reasons, through yakі mi vibiraemo “not quiet. Not an hour at a time, but "Let's live until Monday"

The greatest woman's fear is the fear of being unloved by that self. So, from the lining of the magazines and from the screen of the phone, the grandmother in the guts marvels at you, and the signature seems to be: “Proud and independent.” I have a chill running through my back: why not my life? And raptom I will lean on the outskirts of the city in a small apartment with a small cat porch. Mi terms we know half of our friend, perhaps a hundred photographs of ourselves happy with bouquets of that MCH under smell, stribajemo from one hundred to two hundred, being afraid of selfishness, like a plague. However, whatever the phenomenon has its own reasons, and Katerina Kononova, the founder of the women's club “Harmony on High Pidborah,” told us.

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Hromadske condemned, chi "What will people say?"

Especially in small places. Ale iznatisya, instill a stereotype among the middle business ladies of Moscow: if you didn’t make your people up to 30 years old, then especially don’t pay for good luck. I will make a career and live a kohana for yourself. And look carefully at your friends, how to put those same food: “Well, did you shoot someone?” Remember one simple rule: you live only one life and only for yourself, so choose your own self-worth or love stand less for you.

Gone are the stosunki, or "Yak young mi buli"

Making their hot romances for the period of 20+, a rich woman calmly sighs and converges on thoughts that this will never happen again. Adzhe kokhannya - out there once more. Todi in me is a simple food: why don’t you stray in your unity and for the rest of your life go to the banal rampage of hormones in a young lady?

Replacement for every price

From time to time we reach the boiling point, if the happiness of an independent and free life becomes a heavy burden. Mi guessed how they dreamed about the white cloth, that first dance is young, and a veil is drawn on the eyes: it doesn’t matter for whom, but to stay abroad. Unfortunately, the school does not solve problems, but, on the contrary, it is even more possible. To that and the decision it is necessary to praise as much as possible. Think about it, would you start to live with this people, yakbi did not become a spring tract, white cloth that cell?

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Depression, or "It won't be any better"

This is a serious diagnosis and it needs to be examined. A woman at the station of a state of depression is a lasa bait for Alfonso and Narcissus. In such a mental state, it is easy to slander. І partner can start to show up cym. Bіzhіt, and do not swear, but before the psychotherapist, what a vilіkuє i put on a truthful path. The consequences of such breakdowns are physical ailments and a waste of gusto until life.

Vigidna party, chi "Undoprince"

All girlfriends and navіt mom u capture the sight of your partner. Wien and wise, and rich, and love your dog, and ready for anything for you. And the whole world sings the praises of your other half, but only marvel at the people alone and do not understand what else you need. And on the right, everything is in the fact that this person is wonderful in a right way, but it’s just not yours. Do not be obov'azkovo be ideal, so you were loved. We are taken by the soul, not by the head.

Not an hour at a time, but "Let's live until Monday"

You have a huge loan for a new car, and tomorrow you will have fun with your sister, and then you will be married to your third-party grandmother, and then, as if in spite of you, your teeth have crumpled. And everything seems to be not at once. Adzhe rozriv - tse seriously, tse tragedy! It is necessary to be well prepared for universal suffering. I will tell you one thing: there will be no necessary hour to separate from unloved person and use your right hand. Tsey hour - now!

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Refinement of old age, or “Who can give me a glass of water?”

Even more widening is fear, which gives rise to uncommon alliances with people whom you do not like. Believe me, for example, life is so chi іnakshe we are alone with ourselves, tell you if you are a psychologist or a philosopher. I’ll definitely give you an unfortunate bottle, don’t hesitate to have it. It is more important to think here about those who you think about your life - how did you live with an unloving people?

Vtoma, or "I so Zijde"

At the singing stage of life, we stick to the wild in the very fact of the joke and try to get angry from our special life. Everything seems to be a cheap farce, and skilki stained forces and energy. I'll put it this way: it's more or less correct. Stop at your jokes and switch your focus on yourself: just enjoy what your life has: a loving robot, friends, a dog, books. Believe me, a self-sufficient and happy woman attracts no more than a magnet to herself.

It doesn’t take an hour, but “To endure - to become angry”

You are a successful business lady, and skin care for you is of great financial importance. You don’t have much time for a wedding, important roaming on the eve of the month and everything is similar to a nursery. For you, for others, the time has come to expand and open three new offices. Then, perhaps, you can enjoy professional successes and kidneys with special lives, directing all the energy from the right, as if you love, and not in the tedium that unpromising for you stosunki.

Є such understanding - svіdoma svootnіst. This is the moment, if you don’t need an emotional militia, to make yourself feel happy. You are happy just in view of the very fact of your life, the one who lives in the new. The very beginnings of the possible future are born on this soil and people: especially people come into life, you become wiser, and this moment of witnessed choice on the melancholy of a sleepy life is trapped. I would like to tell you more than such scenarios!

I often smell like a woman, like a stink and denounce those who are the best. So, people are lazy, disrespectful and periodically marvel at the lazy hand, and kindly, as if marveling. Who is to blame for whom?

My opinion will be even more neutral: the majority of wines have a similar choice of wines themselves. First of all, throw one and another of the same, let's take a look at the reasons for our choice. Guess our thoughts, moods, set it up, if we have shot the ONE person who has the result. Axis, for example, one of my friends wants to be separated from a man, even if she has two beautiful children. Vaughn often and rightly sounds like a man in that she sits on her shoulders and chokes on other women. So I energized її, how was the head of the meta, if she went out for a new foreigner? I was even more surprised by those that I sensed in my wife: "I wanted to go to my mother, because it was important for me to live with her." The axis from one situation "importantly" won out into another situation "unbearably important".

That's rule number one. You need to choose a person for kohanny, and not for the ability to solve your problems: family, material, kar'ern.

Let's look at one more example of the wrong choice of a person. Another friend of mine, a beautiful girl-model, was made friends with love for one possible charming womanizer. Vіn important kіlogramіv a hundred, buv is far from red and mav rich kokhanok. Until then, not on the side, but in the eyes of his young 18th squad. Forcibly she went out of sight, but she went out of the way to the point that all wealthy people are hurting. What do you care? During the hours of separation, there is a small group of people, and all the blame are "womanizers". Why so vіdbuvaetsya? With her thoughts and attitudes, the maiden likes herself to such people. And if you start chattering, check, if you are guilty of "levoruch", you will once again confirm your theory. Chi rob tse її happy? Obviously, no. Remember that the thought is material, watch out for what you think about people. And as you often repeat that "there are not enough normal men, and only a few Alfonsi and alcoholics", then you can actually get such people yourself.

Lesson number two: think about good people, recognize their strengths, enjoy suspense.

And now the third lesson is the most important. How to understand from the first zustrіch, what is your man? Choose yoga to your heart's content. Yak tse? Flatten your eyes, see your presence, your energy, your day. What kind of people should come out: warm or cold? And it’s calm and joyful on the heart, which means that your person and with him will be kind to you, but it’s alarming and cold, not the one you are kidding. If I have the right to give you a folding and your intuition is not sufficiently cleared, then watch out for those who come to your life with the arrival of a crowd of people. Do you have happiness? Do you know what you spend? Respectfully watch for the steps of your life - and the evidence will be obvious.

Live wiser for us, give me a chance to make you happy.

One of the strongest psychological defenses is a recount. Spіvzalezhnі vikoristovuyut її most often. "Because of me, everything is harazd", "Well, it's okay if I drank/smoked again today, but who doesn't smoke/don't smoke?" - stench mumble.

In the opinion of Berry Weinhold, "foreshadowing those needs can be a survival mechanism." Yakbi svіdomlyuvala chi discussed those that were with her, the children grew up, then you simply would not survive your childishness. Possibly, being small, you learned not to think about the terrible, because there was no other way to cope with difficulties. A child cannot be drunk at home, for example, for example, but she can beat herself up, which is not a problem. That's why it's easier for you to recognize your spіvаvіsnіst reading the testimonies of other people, they stumbled in a similar situation.

“Vyishla zamіzh for an absolutely non-living person. About those that Sergius was coding, the mother-in-law told me through the second fate after the fun, if a child was born in us, and the person raptom didn’t write about it, - rozpovidaє Olena(31). - Vіn turned back home, for an hour he was a bright sim'yanin, and then he was resurrected. Tse periodically repeated shom_syatsya with a stretch of five. And immediately, when I turned around and got up on the path to the correction, I said to myself: “Well, you’re a bachish, no wine is not an alcoholic, you won’t be with him.” And we continued to live, all the while, that nothing happened. I was terribly thin, I was constantly ill. Ale didn’t mention anything, I thought that there were definitely no problems in me. Sergius has є, but not in me. And then my mother came and literally forcibly took me with the child to her. I repaired the opir on the back, and then - on the vіdstanі - I realized how stingy I would become myself.

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What is Robity Listen carefully to the keen ones. It’s better for everything, that mother’s girlfriends are unique in arguing with your man, and for all your scargs to please one thing - “go!”. Although it’s important to know yourself in what way, but you know what the stench is doing. Gain courage to help you support other people. All the great places of Russia have anonymous groups of self-help. Addresses of that telephone number can be found on the Internet (request - groups of Anonymous Alcoholics (СoDA) and Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA)). Golovna - stop talking to me everything is OK. Spells are less practiced by Cossacks. I, obviously, varto turn for help to a psychotherapist.

Spivzalezhna people to control the behavior of a cat

Other symptom: Controlling behavior

A spivzalezhna person looks like a healthy person, who constantly holds his hand on the pulse, but it’s true, not on his own. “Tsіlodobovo thought about those who at the same time see tatom, guess Olya(22). - Why do you spend time on robots? What marvelous person called you? Can you call the guests home this year, will you come drunk? Will you leave the burner? Maybe don’t know the scholarship, so that you don’t have a chance to lie, that I don’t have a penny? Mi nibis changed their roles: Vіn bv unmistakable inability, and I'm yoga dad. Like you take on yourself the responsibility for the vengeance of a loved one, you call yourself and in yoga pardons. And to be able to control not only the level of alcohol in the blood, but the presence of suspected SMS from unknown numbers (because the sufferer is turned into a sex addiction), then I turn my life into hell. Psychotherapist, psychiatrist-narcologist Valentina Moskalenko podkreslyuє, scho control behavior - tse "not filthy and not ganebna". It's a signal of stress. As far as we can control, we cannot take what we need in another way. But we are afraid to spend what we can. Pohovany under control can feel like fear, trust, love, honesty, images, pride, passion, anger. But remember that you are wondering what you think about the way of the people “for the sake of your good”, understand the warto: control behavior does not harm the accusation of intimacy. Guess what you wanted to say to your soul with your mother, if she listened to your phone lines chi read special schodennik? Obviously, no! So why would you trust you, if you regularly review your list of contacts?

What is Robity To stop acting like a controller, you need to understand that it is not effective. Write a list of the good things you did to make sure that your partner acted the way you needed. For example, not beer, not zradzhuvav chi throwing fire and spending the whole free hour on online games. Now, on the contrary, the dermal dії was a plus, as if it worked, and minus, as if not. Better for everything, pluses will mean less minuses. It is not necessary to argue that the control behavior did not change the situation. Then it pomitno vplnula on the yakist of your life: you are constantly turbulent, confused, ringing to yourself.

Respectfully watch over yourself at the moment, if you are blamed for controlling something else. І come up with alternative ways of behavior: let everything go on self-fueling, talk to him about your job.

Symptom three: I really want to lie

In chronic Ryatuvalniks, their own temple floors are unsettled, which stench enters at the blue, in which they will be unhappy in advance. Lyudina, as she suffers from chemical stagnation, "creates a specialty" for a serious illness - the very same partner, with such a stench she can realize the need for a feat. За законами найпоширенішої в сучасному суспільстві психологічної гри Рятівник-Жертва-Переслідувач Рятівник дуже скоро перетворюється на Жертву (всі його геройські дії тільки погіршують стан завивсого. І в цей момент кохана людина раптом обертається безжальним Переслідувачем. Потім колишній Рятувальник сам перетворюється на Переслідувача звинувачувати та обгортаючи partner freedom.

“Shortly after seeing Mitya, asking me for a rebuke for those who, having been in charge of life, having declared more not to get used to drugs and to drink, rejoice, - rozpovidaє Lida(25). - Ale, I understood, I lived anew, and then I lied anew, vibachavsya and declared that everything will be good. I either screamed, or cried, or misbehaved, or punished daily sex, then I cried again, asked for yoga, and lied to the narcologist’s jokes.

What is Robity Know that you are rushing to Ryatuvalniki in order to make yourself feel weak (to be a Sacrifice). You won’t stop getting swindled in romance with nevdaha doti, you won’t see the docks: it’s necessary to turn others to you in order to deserve love. Adzhe otrimati bazhanі a little bit can be done in a different, less painful way. For example, talking about your weakness, asking for help. “Spіvzalezhny can remember your sharpening, or I’ll have a good behavior at the vіdnosins, but already є,” Nataliya Manukhina encourages. - In the rest of the day, changing yourself, you create the possibility of developing a partner. At once we become more comfortable for people of a different type with more independent behavior.

Lіkuvannya spіvzalezhnostі borrows approximately two rocks

Fourth sign: Determining psychological boundaries

You go to the store and think about those who are going to your boyfriend. You choose a movie at the cinema’s desk, you’ll definitely be choked up by some kind of wine. I read Alan Carr, about how to cut a fallow type of chicken close to a person, but she herself never tried to inhale. It looks like your psychological interchanges.

You filthyly show yourself, de end you (your life, bazhannya), and de pochinaetsya іnshiy (yogo, you need it a little more). Our skin has special expanse, which includes the body, thoughts, and feelings. The majority of those suffering from cohabitation do not have a clear statement about their own psychological boundaries, just like about others. Nayimovіrnіshe, in the childishness between your special space, they were so often disturbed, that now you simply don’t understand, that such a way to keep other people’s cordons. Obviously, the sleeper will not enter someone else's apartment without permission, but allow himself to control the body of another's life. “Roma zmushuvav me to think about the new one, do not rest, de vin at once, at what stand. Vin is a diabetic, you can't do everything. Once, if I didn’t get a charge, I didn’t fall into someone, because I didn’t suddenly give an injection, ”rozpovidaє Katia(22).

What is Robity Psychological inter-vile, healthy people are filters, through yak you can easily take away and extricate yourself. The obsyagi that intensity of mutual modality is determined by those who have the right to lay down this particular specialty. Spivzalezhny needs to step by step learn to install and protect his cordoni. And then you change your behavior in a couple, cohany to reveal what is in you є vlasnі іinteresi that yaskrave life.

Think about what you need in the middle? How often do you think about yourself and about the kohan? Why do you have to suffer through those that you allow other people to pour into your mood?

Behind the warnings of Valentina Moskalenko, the bedrooms, which they will wear, will raptly understand: “I will not allow anyone to imagine in words, but physically.” Then let’s stink to come to an impossibly early decision: “I won’t allow myself to be deceived and I don’t accept nonsense”, “I don’t financially alcoholism” and declare myself close people: “I’m not lying, protecting your alcoholism” If you made one of these decisions, then you are encouraged. More often than not, from the simplest obitsyanok, you can stream. So step by step visicuesh cordoni, yakі allow you to consort with people out of satisfaction and without fear.

You can take away that love without sacrificing yourself



  • www.blizkim.ru- statti, addresses and spread out groups of supporters different places Russia and addresses of narcological clinics.
  • www.narcom.ru- statistics, addresses and distribution of groups of supporters of fallow, spivlezhnyh; virtual group Thank you. We sent a confirmation sheet to your email.

We are convinced that you are chuli viraz: . I don’t see anything here. Do you know why we are not quiet?

Let's take a look at the reasons for our wrong choice.

We ourselves do not understand

Without a doubt, we faced such a problem: we showed ourselves an ideal partner, and having trained a person like a boy or a girl, it’s important to understand that a person can really be brought up to our ideal. So it seems to be that our criteria are in the same category: “reasonable, garniy and make good money” even more. And you thought of him, yakі risi mayut buti ostentatious tsієї beautify or how you can buti wages? The more specific you reveal your person, the easier it will be for you to understand: dear to you with her.

We are not wise

We will hurry to induce not just stosunki, but a whole bunch of lovers, not having recognized one alone. But how can you tie your share to the people, knowing practically nothing about her? It appears, it is possible. It’s rich who really cares that you know your partner, if it’s not true. In most cases, partners who are unpromising to bring about (they hang in vain judgments) some simple, but even more significant food: future, plans, children, care, fidelity, just. To go out, people live chi zustrіchayutsya, but to the harmony one does not understand one. The stench is afraid to recognize the truth, and vvazhayut for the best lock up important food. Try not to allow such pardons.

We can't afford to be happy

Buvay, we choose the wrong person to see and live life with her. Ale is so innocent buti, ok? It’s possible, we vvazhaemo, that we are happy - it’s wrong, so we’re sounding on a certain unfavorable option? Allow yourself to be happy with this person, with whom you are close to each other. You don't need to worry about the chance of being happy!

We are afraid of selfishness

Fear of selfishness is one of the most important reasons why people shy away from vibir at the greed of not these people. “And the year-old is clattering ...” - those relatives coo to us, and we are truly suffocated. Here it’s already becoming unimportant, that person is good for you, smut, shob bula. Watch out for such an approach and stop listening to the restless. Listen to yourself and do not fight selfishness.

Mi shukayemo friend half that vtomlyuemosya vіd poshukіv

For an hour, the jokes of a kohanny do not really make a person look. Having exhausted yourself from the disappointment, you choose the one who “got caught by the hand”. And here there is no longer any talk of a kohannya, what would you like to be confused.

We rely on the power of uniqueness

One more reason, through yaku we don’t get quiet people - almost like a wild uniqueness. Wait a minute, we are special for ourselves. If, for example, my friend Marina broke up with a man, then we continue to be convinced that we definitely won’t threaten us. Mi іnshi, mi - especially. We rely on good luck and irrationally put ourselves to the vіdnosin, partners are not analyzed well. And navіscho, what if we have all the same everything will be good? I am the other/insha and my partner, obviously, tezh. And behind the fact, our rozhevі eyepieces of uniqueness give us life.
The search for the other half is a hoarse process that requires patience, reasonable decisions of that broad heart, as if showing us the necessary moment: “So, Tse your love.”

We are free to rob a partner of all kinds of love, vibudovuvaty stosunki in any format - from a legal slubu to light connections for one night, to reach out to an inexhaustible number of candidates from the searches of the very same. Lovers no longer fit in heaven, and separation does not lead to a wicked expulsion from the suspense. The first few dreams of "the stench lived long and happily" did not go anywhere. I navit more, more freedom of choice, perhaps, shattered my mind as impudent as if it were not. We believe that we ourselves should give everything away: learn, look, recognize the only correct option. And then let's live a long and happy life and die in one day - at the far distant future. Why, regardless of all the opportunities given to us, do we continue to have mercy? Why choose not quiet?

In his essay Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person in The New York Times, Alain de Botton writes: “Partly it seems to us that we ourselves have a whole tangle of internal problems, as we only show ourselves when we get close to others. We are given normal deprivation by those who do not know us well. For the wiser, better understand yourself the supply of food “What is wrong with you?” buv bi is the standard item of the program for the first time.

Variants in the form of a mass: it’s possible, you fall into a quiet tale soon, if it’s not good for you, but it’s easier to relax at work. Possibly, you have your own special fad, which is related to closeness after sex, otherwise you will get stuck in the image. Nobody is perfect. The problem is that we are unlikely to give ourselves a chance to rozіbratisya at the vlasnіy “folding order”. And if our nedolіki merge on the surface in non-serious waters, we call a partner that we can do it on all sides. Well, friends, our problems do not disturb the flooring much, so that we can take on the hell of work. As a result, doti, doki we bovtaemosya by ourselves, mi schiro perekonani, so it’s easy to live with us in full.

Our partners know better than themselves. We help you to understand them: we know from our family and college friends, we look at the photographs. We are given that we are working all the necessary work, but it is not so. And the way becomes a gamble, two of them get lost in a yak, not knowing well either themselves or their partner. The stench will tell you one by one the future, about how you can’t think of a good understanding, and how carefully they were unique.”

“The very thing most often becomes the cause of the separation of the so-called first whil - after two fates sleepy life- explains psychologist Karina Kuranova. - Especially when people make friends with young vice. Passion to rob your right: we have a lot of respect for anything. And for a couple of years, if the hormones cease, it seems that we are alone and not suitable for one.

Sometimes it’s time to get into your pasture. Draw on the character of that power of specialness, as it adds to us among people, it can appear as a serious shift to the path to family happiness. “For example, a woman wants a successful businessman, a purposeful, daring, easy-going person, who has a lot of confidence in society, - like Kuranova. - Ale with tsiomu, vyyshovshi zamіzh for an ideal candidate, pragne affection, respect, romance, kohannya, turbot about children, moreover, not only financial, but also factual: play football, go to the cinema with all your homeland. And youmu now at the talks, then at the reunion - and such razbіzhnosti often-densely.

FRAME FROM THE FILM "The Memory Clerk". RIZH. Nick Cassavetes. 2004

At the same time, happiness for the re-verification appears to be rich and important. Botton writes about it: “While we believe that we are talking about happiness, everything is not so simple. Truly pragnemo-sounding - what can commemorate our plans for happiness, even if they stink a little. In grown-up vіdnosinakh, we try to act out, as if we were well known to us in childhood. In the early stages, we often confuse our behavior with destructive dynamics. You can feel like you, if you wanted to help the grown-up, if you had gained control, but if we didn’t get the warmth of the father, or if we were afraid of the father’s aggression, if we didn’t feel safe to do it, then hang on to your prayer. It’s completely logical that, having become mature, we’ll see some candidates for a love not to the one who is not so with them, but to the other, to the one who needs everything with them like that - it’s worth it, it’s worth it, it’s worth it, it’s worth it, it’s worth it. even our heart is a stranger to correctness. We are laying the hats not for them, for those who are not associated with good fortune.

In psychology, there is a phenomenon - if we try to take away those who were lacking in children in older hundred-year-old women, they are called projections. “To show that, being a little girl, you wanted to love you and accept you as you are,” explains Karina Kuranova. - And tato chіlyavsya, dorіkav, criticizing, among those for zovnіshnіst. It’s hard to test for a child: we will need the insane father’s love for us. As a result, the girl psychologically fixes on this frustration, gets stuck on consumption, as she is not realized.

There is a paradox in that, having pragmatically realized what we need with a partner, we are not picking up the one who is ready to accept that love, but the same criticism, like a father. Because the scheme itself is criticized for me, and I long to be associated with us with love. The only known format is a hundred words from a person, and other options, in which we are truly respected to love, can be boring and unreasonable to us.

FRAME FROM THE FILM "The Memory Clerk". RIZH. Nick Cassavetes. 2004

All of us are still looking for an ideal partner. Sometimes it goes well, more often - let's go for a compromise, but it's okay. Buvaє, however, that the joke turns into a dream to know the ideal - literally. Tsezh is grafted from childhood, however, on the right, it’s not in fairy tales about a prince on a white horse, but, more for everything, in a patriarchal homeland, a man is always right, and the role of a woman’s wife is better.

Keeping such a balance of power in the Batkiv’s brethren, a girl can grow up and uppevnistyu, so that a person can be left with a right person in any situation. You always know where to take pennies, you always accept the same decision, you adore your wife, you’re a defender, and you’re healthy - this person will miraculously fit into any kind of gender stereotype.

It is not easy to mistake a person for a face in armor in the romantic period of stosunkiv. Axis only for everyone family life vin great people, which is not in your power to carry a woman in your arms without interruption, do not always make the right decisions, just like that, you can take a life situation from an important life situation and demand support. “Having seen it, the woman is trying to“ bring yoga to you, ”so that you will raise a new person, like you can win, - Kuranova explains. — She’s drinking Yogo, Yomu always wants to be at home, both suffer. Vіdnosinі vіdnosіnіyutsya, i vіnka іє pusєєєєє shukatі new іdealu. Vtіm, here is a posable and happy-end: buvaє, scho buddy tse outgrow and try to take one alone.

FRAME FROM THE FILM "The Memory Clerk". RIZH. Nick Cassavetes. 2004

The patriarchal way of life in the Batkiv family can bring about even more hesitation. Psychologists call yoga meaning. In every way a woman cares, what is most likely to be, that she is unworthy of a person, who is like her. To feel inspired, she chooses partners "here". It doesn't matter to guess that such a compromise is unlikely to bring happiness.

How do healthy babies look? To finish the prose - but there is nothing nasty in it. Navpaki, more romantically “lived long and happily” as much as possible, then only then, if you are ready to read prose. “The person who suits us best is not the one who shares all our worries (wine or she just doesn’t have it), writes Botton, “but the one who can calmly housekeeping, if these worries diverge.”

In order to develop good intentions, it is not necessary to be an ideal partner. “Accept the fact that you are your partner. wonderful people, with its pluses and minuses, - even Karina Kuranova. - You need to remember to take something else, like something else, respect yoga, and as if you were good at once, you can decide about housekeeping. This is such a graphic metaphor. Show two sticks, as if they were placed one to one with a bud. You save one stick, the other in the fall - it's a dysfunctional hat. And now you can see those sticks, just to stand on guard. Zrozumіlo, life is surrounded, if the partner needs to offer a shoulder, but having taken off the trim, the wine becomes a vertical stick again. Tse i є zdorovі stosunki". How important is it to reach them? For a great rahunok, just want to finish it.

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