The reason for the loss of memory 30 years. Why is the memory of a young man lost. Illness, which leads to the destruction of memory

For the rest of the world, the problem of forgetfulness, memory loss, familiarity, melodious, skin. And if you forget the keys sometimes, or shukat the eyepieces around the house, the one you can’t guess, de їx have been deprived, - it’s not a general reason for serious concern about your health. But without respect, such symptoms are still not a trace, especially as the stench accompanies you steadily.

Forgetfulness, difficulties in concentrating respect, rozsіyanіst call for various reasons and may be signs of serious ailments. Otzhe, as the memory began to often lead - the time has come to think: it seems that the body is signaling that it needs additional help. Ale, for the cob of varto, understand what alarming signals are worth, and what is the norm.

All memory is impossible

Memory, as we know, is short and long-lasting. In short hours, the facts are found, for which we do not receive respect, for which we cannot comprehend that memory. So, during the day, our memory is filled with numbers, stalkers, poached individuals, read phrases, read texts, like podії, furnish, facts. I, for example, a lot of days, we can guess at a report, but even for a few days, a significant part of such information can be read from guesses. And the axis of the verses, as if they were diligently wound up before the lesson at school, richly who could be reborn in ten years - the stench was saved from long-term memory.

However, everything is not so simple here. The extreme podia, the edge of the eye, the scene can be remembered for the rocks, as if with them, for example, they appear in the wake of the bright emotions. And visualizing the material, which was given up, vdrukuvavsya in the memory forever, is often forgotten (and sometimes it’s easy to do), as if I wanted to hour after hour not to win and not to win.

In other words, our memory is a more foldable thing, and you can forget it over time - it's all natural and often we are not told about the presence of problems.

Vik maє value

It is rich who cares that memory loss is a sign of antiquity. Tse not so, prote vіk, prote, play the same role. Problems from memory are also found in children, and in mature people, and in people of a frail age - but they call out their different reasons, and also, and come to the cherry, try to be different.

Viklikati pogreshennya memory have any vіtsі can:

  • stress, high emotional excitement;
  • pereutom, lack of sleep;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • not eat properly that causes a deficiency of vitamins, and other speeches necessary for the body;
  • swelling of the brain;
  • mental breakdown.

In adults, moreover, negative factors are:

  • addiction to alcohol, drugs (unfortunately, this problem has become much younger in our days);
  • hormonal imbalance (with menopause, diseases of the thyroid gland, other countries);
  • cerebrovascular accident (like gostrі, i hronіchni);
  • chronic illnesses (hypertension, hypotension, diabetes mellitus, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, etc.).
In people of an older age, progressive memory problems lead to special respect for that obov'yazkovoj consultation of the doctor, shards can tell about the development of serious ailments - Alzheimer's disease, dementia (old bewilderment) and other dementia.

I forget everything - an hour before the doctor?

As your forgetfulness from solitary curiosities transforms into a random problem, it is impossible to deprive your posture of respect at any given time. However, the first step is to get to the clinic, to conduct a "revision" of the best voices and the way of life. Sometimes, if the memory ceased to lead, it is sufficient to take a permit and it is normal to take it. Or maybe you need to stop working at night, drink alcohol with stress, sit on heavy diets?

From eating, that way of life is all good; there were no craniocerebral injuries; you are not pregnant and you do not experience menopause; do not take medicinal preparations, which should be injected into the building to a concentration of respect, but remembering all the same problems? Obov'yazkovo, see the doctor and go through the obstezhennia, to reveal (or turn off) the illness.

Remember that it is necessary to find the cause, even forgetfulness is a symptom of illness or її inherited. And signify give a reason memory loss is the responsibility of the specialist. It's important! Putting up a problem easily, you can look over the blame for a serious illness, spend an hour and a chance to change the situation.

How to improve memory and get rid of forgetfulness

Many of us called not to trust their memory. We know the students and put stickers on the computer monitor, so don't forget about the planned celebrations and signs; Mishandling the phone can lead to disaster - even though we often can’t guess the right one from the records in our memory of the numbers.

At the same time, the resources of the human brain allow to memorize colossal obsyagi іnformatsії and vpevneno to operate them. Navіt yakscho vyzvikli think that you have a filthy memory, not so! Vaughn is not rotten - she is simply untrained.

To improve memory, Korisno:

  • do crossword puzzles, logical problems, puzzles;
  • vivchati foreign language;
  • learn something new - take on new knowledge, beginners are thin;
  • read books (not important, classics or detectives - important, so that you were happy);
  • collapse: go pishki, win as hard as you can physically right and etc.
Help memorize information:
  • special techniques and techniques (their names are impersonal, and the deacons can be absurd for you - choose the best ones for yourself);
  • aromatherapy (for example, the aroma of rosemary helps to get angry, stimulates thoughts);
  • knowing that victoriousness of one's strengths: whoever remembers it better by ear, whoever needs to speak, read the information, and whoever - say it.
And it’s also corny sometimes “to shake up the luggage” - to guess those who have been educated, sort out the money. Unsolicited information is erased step by step Otzhe, if you want to keep it in your memory for a long time, - vikorist tse or if you want to just guess sometime.

Diet for memory

Zha for the mind is not only intellectual. In addition, scho mi їmo і in some kіlkostyah, to lay a lot of processes in the body. The number of people to lie down, which takes the brain, everything is necessary for full-fledged, productive work. Yakshcho nі - we have troubles, and not only from memory.

  • fat sea fish;
  • chicken eggs;
  • liver;
  • peas (especially hairs);
  • vegetables (tomato, broccoli, asparagus, potatoes);
  • legumes (peas, kvassola, cumin);
  • citrus fruits (lemons, oranges);
  • seaweed;
  • rosemary;
  • olive oil;
  • dark (hot) chocolate;
  • garbuzov nasinnya, sesame;
  • blacksmiths.

Divaza is a modern complex preparation for the improvement of cerebral blood circulation.

Forgetfulness, rozsіyanіst and are known as fates, what forces do not have? The innovative drug Divaza can reduce cerebral blood flow and restore memory processes. Divaza - the head is clear, life is more beautiful!

Look at the details .

The drug is a medicinal product and is sold only in pharmacies. Before zastosuvannyam, you should consult with a faculty member.

Give respect: eating can be balanced, shards of miraculous speech, healthy mittvo polypshiti memory, no - the body needs a whole complex of brown speech: and non-essential fatty acids, and vitamins (especially group U vitamins), and antioxidants, and microelements (especially zinc, zinc, iodine, manganese ), and cellular tissue. That’s not a panacea and diligently attack that other product: you won’t be able to provoke forgetfulness and rozsiyanosti for a rahunka alone, less than seaweed and broccoli, but too much chocolate and citrus allergies can be provoked.

What kind of visnovok?

Loss of memory is constantly signaling about those that we have had problems, which should not be ignored, but should not be forgotten. Reconciliation and forgetfulness can neabiyak zapsuvaty life, and it is not necessary to put up with them. Tim more, often in order to improve memory, enough easy entry: improve the regimen of practice and recovery; provide a complete diet; learn how to fight with stress and yoga with innuendo; do not be fooled by physical pretensions; exercise your brain regularly.

Good memory - miraculous help in robots, taught by everyday turbos. Let's try to save our health and health until deep old age. Tse in our power!

Causes of memory loss can be divided into five groups.

1. Injury to the brain

You must know that memory is "alive" in the brain. Ale de same?
Tse marvel, sho mi shukaєmo. If the memory of Dovgostrokov is remembered, then the bark is for it. And the axis at the hippocampus, ripped deep at the skronevyh vіddіlakh, “sit” with the mechanism to transfer information from the short-hour memory. The centers of memory in the brain have sunk too rich, that, whether it be a hit on that organ, you can bring it to a loss of memory. The most common causes for this group are:
a) traumatic brain injury. Everything is simple here: where not having fallen a blow, the impact of this negative infusion on the one from the centers of memory is already great.
b) stroke (cerebrovascular accident). Shelter is not to be found, the memory centers cease to be practicable. Moreover, a study by Dutch scientists from the medical center St Radboud showed that memory can be damaged, to induce even the very same zone - as a rule, the skroneval part - was not damaged.
c) oncology. The new creation, which was formed (to inspire goodness), repair a vice on the sum of the areas of the brain with it. In addition, part of the metastasis occurs in other parts of the organ.
d) infectious disease (encephalitis, meningitis). Ignition processes, like in the brain, negatively pour in like a memory center, and the whole brain is lit.

2. Infection of other organs

Memory can deteriorate and in the aftermath of illness of other organs:
a) Illness of the heart and the cardiovascular system in general arterial vice). The blood supply to the brain gets worse, so the wines cease to win over their functions completely.
b) Infection of internal organs (nirki, liver, legends, etc.) On all organs, we won’t become stubborn, let’s talk about nirks. U.S. scientists have shown that the illness of a child is the cause of a decrease in cognitive functions, incl. impairment of verbal memory.
The follow-up was carried out on the basis of vimiruvannya glomerular filtration rate ( GFR - determines the cleanliness of the building) and equal to creatinine ( final product exchange of whites) in the blood. After five fates of caution, a regularity was recognized: the memory of volunteers decreased in direct proportion to the increase in blood creatinine level and the decrease in glomerular filtration rate, tobto. at the time of the progression of nirkov's illnesses.
c) Impaired speech exchange. For a good work, the brain needs to be able to eliminate all the necessary speech. As soon as the exchange of speeches of the whole organism is destroyed, the brain starts to become deficient in them and redistribute their resources, and the center of memory is far from standing on the cob of black.

3. Unfriendly civil servants of dovkil

To such factors lie:
a) informational preoccupation. The skin of a person can make his “border”, and just like a brain takes a greater amount of information, which you can overdo, it “hangs”. Moreover, information may not be purposefully controlled, but chaotically bombarded: dovkilla Now it is thoroughly permeated with information flows.
b) lack of vitamins. For the mind’s work, the brain is important, insanely, rich in vitamins, and group B takes the first place. Qi vitamins:
support the work of the central nervous system;
protect the cells of the brain from stress, overwhelm that pre-hour antiquity;
take part in the acid exchange;
reduce indications of blood clotting;
take part in the synthesis of other neurotransmitters, thus launching nerve impulses between neurons.
And even though everything is safe for the functioning of the brain with a zagal, then the rest will be remembered from the memory without a middle: no impulse, no brain, no memory.
c) stressful situations. In the universities of Calgary and Exeter, they brought that stress ( but not easy, but very borderline) blocking physiological processes, connected with memory. Irrespective of those that were carried out on the ravines of Lymnaea stagnalis, the result is to show evidence: having shown the greatness of the number of drastic factors, the last few years forgot absolutely everything that they had learned earlier. In addition, if one stressful moment lessens the memory quality, then the “massed” stress attack creates a cumulative effect, and the information ceases to be lost in the memory.
d) lack of sleep. Uvі sni organism, incl. the brain, it is remembered: the replacement of the dead ones, the growth of new cells. Vidpovidno, chim akіsnіshiy i trivalіshiy dream, tim more and more productive zdіysnyuєtsya. In a different mood, the brain does not catch “remembrance”, spending building as a memory, so and guess.
e) shkidliva їzha. A lot of food products are saved, prepared in aluminum dishes. Kharchov barvniki to avenge aluminum. As a result, spozhivayuchi products of "aluminized" industrialism, people provide their body with too much aluminum, which, to say the least, is very important to be introduced. As an afterthought, the head bіl appears, the thoughts become mlyavim, and the memory is lost.
Your contribution to roble and "stimulants" for a bunch of energy and tonic drinks. Stimulation, obviously, gives a short-term effect, but with regular implantation, the brain becomes “ice-cold”.

4. Chronic intoxication

Before the reasons for the group to lie:
a) chicken. Vono practically “spreads” the brain, destroying the building to the point of mirkuvannya, learning, fading memory. Moreover, it is harmfully pouring in as actively, and passively as a chicken. A study at Northumbria University that conducted research on three groups of volunteers ( chickens, yakі constantly breathe smoke, rarely contact with smoke), they concluded that the normal characteristics of the memory were less likely to be in the healthiest group, at that hour, like the Kurts, their indicator of a decrease in 30% , but quiet, who smoke passively - on 25% .
b) abuse by alcohol or else. Fahivtsі University College London brought that the introduction of 36 g of pure alcohol per day leads to early memory loss, and the axis of implantation of up to 20 g of alcohol per day does not provoke such changes. Tsіkavo th those who, for the sake of memory, are shkіdliva povna vіdmova vіd alcohol. In such a rank, the optimal "schedule" for the introduction of alcohol is 2-4 kelikhs of wine per day.
c) drug addiction. Navit with a one-time use of drugs can cause wrong brain damage. For example, after a one-time intake of "non-sparing" ecstasy - the most neurotoxic synthetic drug - the serotonin system of the brain is shaken by the flooring, which can never be seen again. Deyakі drugs dіyut pіslya pіnennya їх vіvannya. In case of any fluctuations in speech, the very system of transmission of impulses is disrupted, they are put into order by the elimination, correction and processing of information by nerve cells.
d) intoxication with important metals (lead, mercury, thallium, copper, manganese).
Lead occupies a leading position among the causes of industrial wastes, even if it is too rich: lead-smelting backwaters, the production of batteries, drukarn, the preparation of lead farb, ethylated gasoline, ceramic products, crystal storage and other. In addition, the threat of lead damage is the great highways.

Mercury has three main roots:
Amalgam ( on dental fillings). A filling of an average size will contain 750,000 mcg of mercury, їх 10 mcg will be released today. Plus, mercury is more visible, as if the amalgam was heated to the temperature of hot tea.
Vaccines Merthiolate - an organic form of mercury - in vaccines against influenza, hepatitis B, DTP and unsafe, lower її bet.
Fish. mercury, which is to be found in it, has already reacted with toxic molecules, and it does not cause harm to health. Ale, after all, it’s not varto to overdo the tuna.
In addition, the potencial mercury chambers at the booth are thermometers, thermostats, mercury switches and barometry.
e) abuse by drugs. Memory loss side by side faceless drugs. As a result of these evil faces, a cumulative effect occurs, which is especially pronounced after taking tranquilizers, sedative drugs.
The list of such pharmaceutical groups also includes antipsychotics, anticholinergics, heart drops, barbiturates, anticholinergics, antidepressants, antihistamines.

5. Age of change to the body

The main changes that are added to the memory loss in the summer age are sclerotic: the walls of the vessels of the brain, other tissues and organs gradually become elastic, become hard. In addition, the enlightenment of the judge sounds, micro-strokes develop (bloody, hot and dry points, in different parts of the brain). An additional reason is the change in the brain, which disrupts the quality of sleep: the prefrontal cortex is losing its contraction. How to add to that impersonal ill brain, as they are called "old people" ( Alzheimer's ailment, Rossiya sclerosis, Parkinson's ailment), memory loss becomes obvious over time.

More importantly, that the memory of the authorities has been destroyed by the people of the century. From the fates of the Daedals, they become worse, and until old age, a person filthyly acquires his own information. In our to the current world memory problems are often blamed on young people. Causes - stress, overload on robots, high pace of life. How to behave, how did you remember that you began to memorize elementary speech more? What is our memory? Let's take a look at the report.


Problems with memory in young people are different. If you don’t get used to everyday visits, the situation can be less poignant. Having appeared in the world, a person already remembers the moments of life. Like the old ones are solidifying, the memory of the first twenty-five years is improved, in the youth of the year our brain is taken off and easily remembered the majestic flow of information. Pіdіyshovshi until the middle of the century and do not sing the ills, which are poured into the yakіst of the rozumov processes, the people take the unmistakable memory. Get lost in more people through old times. The brain activity becomes less active, the brain does not receive large flows of information. The process is being carried out after 50-55 years. It's a pity that the inhabitants of today's megacities begin to swear at the quality of their memory much earlier for the whole century. Fahіvtsі turbovani tim, scho such phenomena began to often zustrichatsya in children and pіdlіtkіv. Naturally, with a filthy memory, be it a schoolboy, a student, more easily acquire information, or be identified as a teacher. For memorization, the material must be stained for more than an hour.

For a short time, she prepared the memory

What is the norm for poor memory and її vtrati? There is no singing threshold, the skin person has its own veins. Everyone knows that memory cannot be between. Іsnuє so understand, like supermemory. Tі, hto їy volodіє, zdatnі zdatnі zapom'yatati naydribnіshi podіy podіy pochutih аbo pochennyh, scho vіdbulisya kolіlіmі mіnulomu. A lot of official reports and serious reports call this process not just a physiological phenomenon, but also a way of accumulating cultural, life experiences. Fakhіvtsі dіlyat dіlyat remembrance for dovgotrivala ta short hour. In a skin person, their symptoms can be disturbed. Problems with memory in young people can be caused by mothers of raznі, but if it’s a great fit, development of that training may be of great importance. If you can forgive your memory, then the material that is better for everything will not be easy to conquer, but through fate the information will be lost in your head. Vlasniks of a trained short-hour memory should remember the material, but even after a week they can’t confirm those who, if they knew well, the information is not taken.

See the memories

Yakshto blame problems with memory in young people, the reasons are necessary to shukati in the fact that they took the factor. Seeing the memory in people is too rich: є rumors, rukhova, zorova. Something good to remember the material is good, something better to hear by ear, the third is more likely to reveal (show). The brain of a person is divided into zones; For example, skronevі dіdіl іn control movі і ear, potilichno-tіm'yаnі vіdpovіdat for expanses spriynyattya zir, and lower-tim'yanі - for movniy aparata ruhi ruhi. In case of damage to the lower-tim'yanoї zone, the disease is blamed, as it is called astereognosia. A person in such a state does not understand objects.

Scientific studies have confirmed the version about those that in the process of development of memory and the importance of hormones. Polypshuyut brain processes of testosterone and estrogen, and the axis of oxytocin is similar.

Problems with memory in young people: causes of death

Parts of stress, prolonged depression may have a negative effect on the brain.

Memory problems in young people (main causes):

  • The presence of sleeplessness, chronic vtom.
  • Unhealthy way of life, shkіdlі zvichki: alcohol, chicken.
  • Partially taking antidepressants, which relieve pain from drugs. For example, the exaltation of a bagatma by pharmaceutical methods may have side effects as a memory loss.
  • Avitaminosis. Lack of amino acids, vitamins group A, St.
  • Cranio-cerebral injuries.
  • Diseases of the internal organs: nirk and liver failure, cirrhosis of the liver, tuberculosis of the leg are most often accompanied by damage to the brain activity and distance - damage to the memory.
  • Different pathologies of the brain: pituitary adenoma, malignant neoplasms and others.

Yakshcho є problems with a filthy memory in young people, the reason is to blame for restoring the faculty. Dependently, in the presence of the presence of another illness, this symptom is accompanied by a daily appetite, severe depression, drativity, headaches, sleeplessness, and subfertile temperature. These signs can be evidence of the possibility of a change in the body and the presence of ignition processes.

In the wake of the informational pressure on the brain, the damage to the memory can also be blamed. For example, the skin student knows the camp at the hour of the session, if after the cramming is done, nothing is lost in the head. Such a broken memory may have a temporal character, there is no need for a specific liturgy here. At to this particular type to get angry, calm down, functions to return to normal, and everything will be reborn in the brain.

pathology. Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's ailment - not a disease of the central nervous system. It is accompanied by a decrease in rozumovyh zdіbnosti. Among the risky group are people of a frail age after 65 years, or perhaps a vine. Vcheni dosі scho impromptu establish the correct cause of the blamed illness. Receptive to this factor: traumatic brain injury, hypothyroidism, swelling of the brain. Okrim memory loss, sickness is accompanied by such symptoms: expanses of disorientation, apathy, parts of judgment, hallucinations, decreased intelligence.

Most of this disease is transmitted from the fall. At the first stages, you can get out of your mind. But for the first, a sign of a broken memory is more likely to go to the doctor. Lyudina, as she suffers from an illness, begins to forget the rest of the days, and in the course of time she becomes hisstical, important in controversy, ceases to orient herself in the hour and space. Khvoroba is not vilikovna, but if you ensure the correct sight and glee, then the process proceeds smoothly, quietly, without complicating those terrible nasledkiv.

Rose sclerosis

As a result of memory problems in young people, the cause of that first symptoms can be indicative of a disease of the central nervous system - multiple sclerosis. In the course of an illness, the warehouse structures of the spinal cord and the brain are destroyed. The cause of the blame for the disease was not identified, but it is important that there may be an autoimmune disease (the song virus penetrates into the body). Dedali often rose sclerosis affects young people. Progressing the ailment properly, the great interlude of song can not show itself symptoms.

Parkinson's disease

Behind these other symptoms, it is possible to indicate that there are problems with the memory of young people. Cause, scho robit in tsomu vipadku - about all rozpovіst lіkar. Parkinson's ailment is more important for people with a frail age, and for the rest of the hour, depression was recorded, if 40 patients were diagnosed with this pathology. This chronic illness is accompanied by impaired functions of memory, misunderstanding, culminating in three strokes, stoop, reduced rukhova activity, and the onset of paralysis.

Cranio-cerebral injuries

Physicians stverdzhuyut, scho duzhe closely pov'yazanі craniocerebral trauma and memory problems in young people. Causes of illness can be different. What is a serious injury, how important can be the consequences. Cranio-cerebral injuries most often lead to retrograde or anterograde amnesia. The victims do not remember to remember how they took away the injury, which was overblown. Buvaє and so, scho will become hibnimi, so that the brain draws vigadanі pictures, which were not true. The patient can say that he was at the cinema, hanging out with friends, and himself at the same hour having spent time at the likarni. Hallucinations create indistinct images.

Damage to the blood circulation of the brain

One of the main causes of memory loss is damage to the blood circulation of the brain. Spriyaє tsyumu atherosclerosis of the vessels. There is less shelter to go to the head of the brain, problems are blamed for this. Whether it be a stroke, which strongly changes the functions of the brain, negatively affects the brain activity.

In case of diabetes, memory loss can be blamed. To soften the ailments, those who judge are afraid, they curl up and curl up. These injuries can lead not only to damage to the activity of the brain, but also to other important organs.

Problems in the memory of young people. Reasons, jubilation

Before that, how to get used to it, I went in to exalted memory, to understand, how the cause of the disease, and how the disease provoked the symptoms. Showing memory problems in young people, causes, symptoms and establish a knowledgeable fahivets. Medicinal preparations should be used only for yoga recommendation. The doctor may recommend physiotherapy for the introduction of glutamic acid through the nasal passage. The loss of memory is successfully rejoiced by pedagogues-psychologists. Stink again to start the patient to remember the material, to get the brain out of your own health.

As if the memory had deteriorated sharply - it was not a disease, but only a symptom. Vіn earlier about more serious illnesses, which will require the manifestation of that likuvannya. The loss of memory destroys the whole life, re-creating the people in the form of prosperity, the adaptive functions and the power of the body are reduced.

When the damage to the memory of the doctor is revealed, the nootropic effects are better for everything. To tsієї grupi to lay the drug "Noopet". Before this warehouse included amino acids - dipeptides. The stench is injected into the cerebral cortex, and, moreover, it helps with renewed memory, concentration of respect.

What kind of doctor do you want to go to?

When young people have problems with memory, it is the responsibility of restoring the doctor. If you commemorate yourself or your loved ones, if the symptoms are more rehabilitated, then it is obligatory to seek advice from a therapist, a neurologist or a neuropsychologist. The stench recognize special obstezhennya, reveal the cause and establish a diagnosis. In due time, diagnosing to allow rozpochati correctly likuvannya that on the coast in the face of grave injuries.

Prevention. right

Mayut different problems from the memory of young people causes. Prevention helps to overcome problems. In order to overcome this syndrome, it is necessary to train your memory, focus your attention on details, keep a journal, write down your podia, pidrakhonki. The American professor Katz has developed a technique that activates the brain waves. With this, respect, memory, creative cob develop. Imagine less deyaki have the right:

  • Do your best to help, try to beat not with vodkriti, but with flattened eyes.
  • Let the right-handed people try to win at home with their left hand, and shulgi, on the other hand, with their right. See the result immediately.
  • Learn to open the language of gestures.
  • On the keyboard, try to handcuff with all your fingers.
  • Master the art of needlework - embroidery, knitting.
  • Play foreign language.
  • Vchіt's razrіznyat on dotik coins that signify their goodness.
  • Read books about those who didn’t tickle you before.
  • Collaborate more, see new places: theaters, parks, meet new people.

Dorimuyuchis rehabilitated recommendations, you remember that in a day your memory will begin to change to better. Dribnі details, podії, scho vіdbuvayutsya, will be more clearly invested in your brain, and the memory will become more voluminous.

To remember one of the most important functions of the human brain, to which inconspicuously evoke mental activity, intellectually-reasonable vibrancy, to gain new knowledge too thinly.

The axis to which the study is attributed to anonymous studies: physiological, biochemical, clinical, pharmacological and others. Functions associated with memory are otherwise called mnemonic.

Memory is a multi-faceted folding process, which includes impersonal warehouses: zorova, auditory, smakov, figurative, logical, symbolic, associative, scent, dotistic, emotional, ruhova, visceral and low and others.

Deyakі z them, for example, Zorova memory, present also in creatures; otherwise, for example, logical or associative, є specific for people. All the stinks in the complex form the universal health of the brain to fixation, memorization and learning of information.

However, with low pathological processes in the body, the functions of memory can be changed. Damage in its own way manifests itself in various forms: a possible development (a total loss of memory without falling out of some of its fragments), (“deception of memory” and її recapture of hibnoy information), dysmnesia (private breakdown of building to memory).

In the middle of these disorders, dysmnesia is the most widespread, memory impairment can be worsened with low organic and functional differences.

Mechanisms that cause the development of dysmnesia

The loss of memory is due to the absence of different pathological states, but the reasons for this decrease can be reduced to the following:

  • impaired oxygenation of the brain;
  • impaired regulation of the activity of the central nervous system, її dysfunction;
  • exchange damage in brain tissue, zocrema damage exchange of amino acids, phospholipids, zinc;
  • (for example, with or important ones);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • avitaminosis;
  • side effects of other medicinal preparations (sedative, sleepy drugs);
  • intoxication and poisoning;
  • derangement of mental activity.

Often, you may be not alone, but at once a sprinkling of mechanisms for reducing memory. Well, if you talk about being ill, if you can cause a decrease in memory, then it’s even richer, zokrema:

How does she look and see

Memory loss, as a rule, is not an isolated syndrome and is accompanied by all the symptoms associated with causative illnesses:

  • with neuroses mothers can be drastically, restless, disturbed by sleep;
  • with atherosclerosis – , ;
  • with depression- Loss of appetite, drowsiness, apathy, etc.

But if the symptoms of self-dysmnesia occur without any intermediary, then memory impairment with them can be modal-specific and modal-nonspecific. In the first mood, it suffers from the forms of memory itself (for example, Zorova, associative, hearing), in the other mood, all kinds of memory are destroyed. Similar findings in symptoms lie in the volume and localization of brain lesions.

Sounds in case of dysmnesia, the memory of recent days, which became the remaining days, months of blacks, is broken. Well, until quiet situations, if they were small enough to damage the brain to fixation, ailments are well remembered about them and often you can tell in details and details.

A pathological decrease in memory is traced to such situations, which are often mentioned, as elementary rozsіyanіst, forgetfulness, disrespect.

Significant appearances can be the mother of a large number of healthy people, they are blamed for banal reasons, for example, for the overreaching of information on robots (the situation can be corrected for the initial admission), in the absence of interest to the subject.

Tsіkavo, that in some pathological camps, sometimes there may be a short-hour visit, a stronger memory. Take it, for example, for deyaky maniacal states, alcohol and narcotic intoxication, epilepsy too.

However, as a rule, similar episodes are non-trivial and evoke the nature of a short "spalah", after which the "extinguishing" and a progressively progressive decrease in mnestic functions persist.

Correct diagnosis and effective treatment

Oskіlki pogrіrshennya pomyati zazvichivay vynikє i natomіst raznykh zahvoryuvan, those lukuvannya dysmnesії us before may include therapy of the main ailments.

It is clear that the diagnosis is not clarified in part, to the same fault to change the necessary obstetrics: biochemical and hormonal blood tests, the necessary obstetrics of the internal organs, vessels, etc. Also, for the help of special tests, you can also assess that step and the severity of memory damage.

After that, as the cause of dysmnesia has been understood, you can proceed without a middle to likuvannya. In case of this, fallow in the pathogenesis of the development of a disorder of memory in case of specific illnesses, the crime of a complex of splendid visits can be recognized:

  • preparations for the improvement of cerebral blood flow(, Trental, Nimotop, nicotinic acid);
  • metabolic, antihypoxic agents, antioxidants(Karnitin, Actovegin, that іn);
  • detoxification therapy(intravenous infusion of infusions, antidotes for infections);
  • sedatives, antidepressants;
  • vitamin therapy, etc.

In a row, it is necessary to use specific preparations for improving the functions of memory, which may be due to any form of dysmnesia, regardless of the reasons for that mechanism of development. We can stand here in front of us, obviously, great.

These are the preparations that give a specific positive impact on your brain functions: rozum's activity, memory, rozum's vitality, clarity of information, the process of recognizing that obvious spriynyattya. Nootropics reduce the energy processes in the central nervous system, activate metabolism in the central neurons, increase the resistance of the brain cells to various extreme factors, and restore the brain tissue for the ear.

The first drug from the group of syntheses in 1963, and its introduction into medical practice was a great breakthrough in the treatment of many neurological disorders.

At the present time, the group of nootropics includes various non-specific drugs that are concerned about the chemical nature and the mechanism of action. Without going into the details of the classification, we briefly review these nootropic drugs, which are the most effective in treating dysmnesia and other disorders of memory:

The second group of drugs that are widely used for curing illnesses, as a support for forgetfulness - do not forget to avenge phospholipids. The most important role of phospholipids in the safety of memory mechanisms was revealed recently, and since that time there have been no such drugs for the treatment of memory disorders: Memory Sharp, Lecithin, Phosphatidylserine, Memovit B12 and others.

To overcome phospholipids, one can consider those that stench may not cause side effects and may have a positive effect on a number of other organs: liver, hair, skin, judges, etc.

Zreshtoy, with a slightly pronounced disorder of memory, you can turn up to folk methods and diets. Deyaki z national benefits Like the leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba tree, for example, they migrated to traditional medicine, and dozens of different drugs are produced on their basis.

Of the other benefits that you can take into account: the introduction of chocolate, honey, peas, olive oil, ginger, protein diets.

Prevention of menial disorders

Come in to prevent memory loss and include, first, a healthy way of life and proper eating. The cultivation of fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood, regular physical training, memory training for the help of logical games and special tests - all save that, so that the memory was deprived of a healthy old fate.

The great significance of maє vіdmova vіd shkіdlivih zvichok - vzhivannya alcohol, kurinnya and іn. Undoubtedly important is the role of the right regime of practice and repair, uniqueness, supra-world.

Zreshtoy, another most important mind - respectfully setting up to one’s health: proper obstetrics, as well as prevention, revealing that exhilaration of causal illnesses that lead to the development of memory damage.

Conservation of property and vindication at the sight of a large amount of evidence, experience of that hostility. most important function human brain. In fact, memory is the very person. Let five fives significantly increase the quality of life, and the skin of us wants to save our mental function for a long ten years. Ale, not all lie down in the form of people's bazhannya. Damaged memory can be blamed on any other person. Despairs are filled with kіlkіsnimi chi yakіsnimi. In the first one, there is the fall of a few fragments, in the other - blaming the stray from the real reasons for the various times that appear.

See problems from memory

The memory of a person is a complex of folding mechanisms of the psyche, which, regardless of the significance of the obsledzhen, is filled with a riddle for the vchenih. Until this hour, he was far away from designating specific areas of the brain, in support of the work of memory. It is traditionally respected that the memory is a part of a single mental apparatus, and not a machine that is written down.

Memory secures fixation, saving that realization of various facts, knowing that in time.

The degree of memory taken by a person is determined by a combination of factors, such as spontaneous (stimulus), emotional warehouse, concentration of respect, individual power of the psyche. Navіt insignificantly damaged the building to the point of being forgotten due to the present discomfort.

Our brain has a special litter box every day, which confirms the day for the function of memory

The main memory damage is shown below:

  1. Amnesia. Fail at the memory of some recent important approaches to fragmentary help. The loss of memory at times often happens timchasovoy. Revisions are sorted in chronological order. Podії, scho to change the amnesia, most often the memory is spent forever. See:
    • dissociative amnesia - spogadіv about emotionally traumatic podії, to be brought to different natural powers of memory, which will bring sickness to the sphere of the unfamiliar; guess you can learn from a helper work with a psychoanalyst how to start hypnosis;
    • retrograde amnesia - loss of fragments of memory on the underside, which occurred immediately before the trauma of the skull;
    • anterograde amnesia - the cost of spogadіv, scho to follow the injury or stress;
    • fixation amnesia - the inability to remember the memory of the induction of current flows, which escaped from the injury.
  2. Hypomnesia. Vrodzhene or pridbane progressively worsened memory. Reduction of building to memorization and creation of digital, terminological data, names, names. In people of a frail age, it is characterized by step-by-step vtratoy spogadiv from today to the past.
  3. Hypermnesia. The building is pathologically hypertrophied to memorization, which is often brought to the same sights or forms of memory (memorization of the first details, information that does not carry the meaning of the mind too soon).
  4. Paramnesia. Like a memory, for what is characteristic of pardon or straying from the time of the day, as well as the real and foretelling of the future. See paramnesia:
    • confabulation - hybnі spogadi or combinations are really small places under podіy z vigadanimi, if ailments are told about the earlier nibito vchinki, reach, inescapable wealth or evil deed;
    • pseudo-reminiscence - a swindler, if I replace my illnesses with facts that I had a place in the distant past;
    • cryptomnesia - pіdmіna vlasnyh spogadіv vіdomosti, obsession with books chi іnshih іnformatsiynyh dzherel, attributing to oneself other people's ideas of creativity (mimovіlny plagiarism);
    • echomnesia - a spriynyattya of what you see as earlier experienced in reality, or more like a dream, like a continuation of these podias;
    • palіmpsest is a memory of fragments that happened during the first hour of alcoholic sleep.

Causes of memory breakdown

There are different reasons for the loss of memory. The most common include: chronic nausea syndrome, mental debilitation, head trauma, age-related changes, senile dementia, alcohol addiction, toxic effects on the body, micronutrient deficiency of macroelements. Concrete reasons are characteristic of the quiet chi of the other age categories.

In children

To decompose memories in children forever can be viklikanі vrodzhenimi chi pridbannymi camps. Before the first, there is a zatrimka or an incomplete mental development, before others - problems from the memory of information, amnesia as a legacy of trauma, mental illness, suffered by the Komi.

Фрагментарні порушення пам'яті у дитячому віці найчастіше зумовлені сукупністю низки чинників, включаючи нездорову психологічну атмосферу у ній чи дошкільному/шкільному закладі, хронічну підвищену стомлюваність (іноді через частих респіраторних інфекцій), недостатнє надходження у організм вітамінів і макроелементів.

For the young and the middle

A grown-up man has plenty of reasons for a breakdown in memory. Starting from chronic stress at work and in the family, ending with serious neurological illnesses (idiopathic syndrome of parkinsonism) and damage to the brain (encephalitis). Involved in the partial memory function and mental illness, including neurosis, depressive disorder, schizophrenia.

Іstotny impact on the function of memory may damage the vessels of the brain and lack of blood circulation. These can be seen as an ailment of the endocrine system (diabetes, dysfunction of the thyroid gland), vessels, chronically moving arterial pressure.

Years old

In old age, more important is the change in memory due to impaired cerebral circulation due to age-old wear and tear of the vascular system. Metabolic process in nerve cells also recognizes negative changes. One of the most common causes of serious memory problems in age-old patients is Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's ailment is a neurodegenerative disease, as if step by step it attacks different aspects of memory.

natural process the old days are accompanied by a decrease in the memory of the memory, and then finish it off smoothly. For us, the old people are becoming more and more careful to remember recent events. If you remember in the distant past, you can save yourself even clearer, the old ones remember those that have long been remembered in detail. Forgetfulness, which has become more frequent, often provokes fear and anxiety in oneself in people in Lithuania, as well as anxiety and depression become.

As if there hadn’t been a loss of memory, no less than half of the people present scarves after 65 years. Proteo-year-old people seldom get stuck with the obvious discomfort of the overflowing process of old age. With a sharp and severe memory loss, there is a high chance for the development of old dementia, as it is often not lived in ryativnyh visits.

Symptoms of memory loss

Symptoms that indicate a suspected problem due to memory can be identified as showing impaired cognitive (cognitive) function, including:

  • a decrease in the concentration of respect (nezdatnіst zozereditsa and fix respect for those or objects more or less trivaly hour);
  • a decrease in the building of the reverberation of respect (a supra-world fixation on one topic and a turn to it after a short conversation);
  • galvanization mill;
  • systematic disruption of the daily routine;
  • signs of apathy and depressive state (loss of appetite, suicidal mood).

Diagnostics for memory problems

Diagnosis of memory impairment should be carried out by a neuropathologist. Establish different diagnostic methods for revealing memory impairment. It is important to understand that all stinks are standardized, and the power of the memory of the skin individual to think about its own peculiarities. Let's understand the norms. But the obvious damage is to be attributed to the additional guidance of the lower methods, more, lower really.

On the back of the head, the doctor tells the patient to look over a set of dozens of cards with images of various objects. It is necessary to review the cards quickly, after which the tester is guilty of naming the maximum number of objects, like the memory of the wines, in a chaotic order. Having assessed the number of correct reports, the doctor will rob the visnovok about the camp of the patient's memory. If the patient was able to remember close to 2/3 of all images (for example, 20 out of 30), such a result confirms the norm and the person has no problems with memory.

Diagnosis of figurative (visual) memory is carried out with the help of cards from images

Then the patient can be asked for another set of cards, for which it is necessary to work out similar ones. Rizki vіdminnostі in the results to show a decrease in the concentration of concentration of respect and memory (mnestic function).

In a similar rank, it is not less than Zorova, but auditory memory, only do not show pictures, but voice the objects depicted on them. As a matter of fact, the patients were able to produce close to 60-70% of the information, which would indicate a miraculous result.

Another method of memory re-verification is the re-reversal of words that are not related to each other in the song sequence (2–4 repeat). Ask the patient to voice the words that you remember, right after the test and after 30 minutes. Correct vіdpovіdі are fixed, with which it is possible to make visnovki about the steps of respect of the tried. Similarly, piece words can be victorious, easing the semantic emphasis. If the patient was able to remember more than half of 10–20 words, his memory function is in line with the norm.

In cases of suspected serious organic damage, involvement of the vessels of the brain, diagnostic neuroimaging methods should be used: CT and MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging as a method of choice for suspected Alzheimer's disease reveals characteristic signs degenerative process in the brain:

  • reduction in the amount of gray speech;
  • sbіlshennya empty shlunochkіv mozku;
  • Visible inclusions (plaques) on the walls of the arteries.

Principles of correction and consideration in fallow land for various reasons

Methods of investigation and correction of cognitive disorders without any intermediary lie with the established diagnosis. Damage to the cerebral circulation - acute and chronic - is blamed as a legacy of heart disease and the vascular system. Also, therapy in this way is aimed at combating such pathologies as heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain.

In the minds of the development of atherosclerosis, which contributes to the volume of blood circulation in the vessels, it is necessary to prescribe drugs to prevent the formation of thrombi (Clopidogrel, Acetylsalicylic acid).

It has been established that a person has significant symptoms, if they are not corrected for additional diet, then it is necessary to take drugs, which reduce lipid levels, or fat (Atorvastatin, Simvastatin).

It is important to use a factor that reduces the blood supply to the brain, such as a chicken, a low-grade way of life, an epidemiological vaga, a bloody diabetes.

The state of insufficiency of blood supply to the brain is not a safe death of cells as a result of ringing and blockage of other vessels. In this case, it is recognized as an antecedent for neuroprotective therapy. Such a treatment is provided by a special group of drugs called nootropics. Cі likarski zasobi increase the stability of the brain to various shkidlivyh infusions, such as over-advantage and sour starvation. They are represented by neuroprotectors and direct nootropics. Before the first lie such groups of faces:

Nootropic benefits directly include:

natural growing up For a nootropic effect, the extract of ginkgo biloba is important Preparations based on the growth line may have an effect that normalizes the blood circulation of the brain. Infusions of ginseng and Schisandra chinensis zastosovuyut for a deep increase in vascular tone with schilicity to a reduced arterial pressure.

Combinations of nootropics with antidepressants or sedatives are prescribed for concomitant dysfunction from the side of the autonomic nervous system. In this case, the endocrine function is shown to be impaired for the detection of possible damage in the robotic thyroid gland.

Nootropic zastosovuyut at likuvannі razladіv remembrance raznogo pojzhennya, ale ob'yazkovo at podnanny z therapy of the main disease.

How to train your memory

The human brain, like the muck of our body, will require constant training to improve cognitive functions on the flat ground. It is enough for a healthy person to add a total of 5 quills per day to the right to develop memory.

One of the largest available effective methods memory training and thoughts are the top of arithmetic tasks. You can almost do it with simple applications:

  • 487–93 =?
  • 235:5 =?
  • 27*6 =?

Virishuvati apply and zavdannya is necessary in the mind, without vicarious additional electronic accessories. Mathematical calculations speed up the function of thought and analysis. Calculating the arithmetic tasks, counting hundreds of discounts for the sales season, adding the amount of the check without a calculator, we ourselves will be a good exercise for our brain.

Special techniques allow you to easily memorize words, numbers, pictograms, train your mind.

Vіdminnoy to the right for memory є zamâtovuvannya vipadkovyh numbers, phone numbers, the totality of objects, slіv, yakі not po'yazanі mіzh yourself for zmіst. To ease the task, you can vibudovuvat different associative lavi, yakі help to logically group those other words, symbols. For example, the number 0 (zero) visually predicts an egg, the number 1 - a candle, 4 - a ventilator, and 8 - a snowman. In a graphic image of such words or figures, you can choose different colors. Remember not only a symbol, but the second color is more complicated, not for beginners.

Correction of the way of life

The camp of memory, especially for a century, is rich in why they are recognized as genetic gifts, including weakness to singing illnesses, such as dementia of the Alzheimer's type. And yet, the role played by the way of eating and the way of life is not less important. Below, there are a few scientifically grounded joys, which allow you to enhance your cognitive vigor in any case:

  1. Surround the sweetness of licorice. A large amount of zucru in the diet can cause various health problems, including poor cognitive development of the brain. In people who are regularly poisoned by licorice drinks and confectionery virobs, they change their brain, zocrema, plots, short-term memory. Having shortened the amount of high carbohydrates, you can grow like a memory camp, and th wildly healthy.
  2. Take dietary supplements based on rib'yach fat. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid omega-3 and docosahexaenoic acid), like a rich fish fat, protect the heart from illnesses, causing supernatural everyday stress and anxiety; reduce the ignition reaction in the body. Zgіdno z kіnіchnіchnі dlіdzhennami, trivaly - no less than rock - taking concentrated supplements of rib'yach fat will significantly improve the state of operational and episodic memory in people after 65 years with a peaceful cognitive discord.
    Fish fat take revenge on polyunsaturated fatty acids, as they protect our heart, judge that brain
  3. Engage in the practice of meditation. Meditation techniques miraculously lift tension and relax. For some kind of tribute, the practice of meditative techniques promotes the use of simple speech to avenge neurons. Forty changes lead to a change in the gray speech in the brain, which negatively affects the function of recognition of that memory. Psychic have the right to build up a short-line memory and improve the showings of the visual-spacious working memory of any kind.
    Regular practice of meditation increases the volume of speech in the brain of any person
  4. Normalize body mass. As demonstrating a rich clinical record, obesity significantly increases the risk of cognitive decline. No, that obesity can practically cause genetic changes that are related to the function of memory. Nadlishkova vaga also invariably lead to insulin resistance and the increase that becomes the cause of type 2 diabetes. Obesity is considered to be a significant risk factor for the development of dementia for the Alzheimer's type.
  5. Train respect and awareness. Self-sufficiency is the mental focus of focusing on the current moment, respecting the setting to the vlasnyh vіdchuttіv navkolishny space. Practicing awareness can be within the framework of meditation or okremo, like Rozum's zvichka, navik. Awareness effectively reduces stress and increases the concentration of respect.
  6. Do not ignore physical activity. For a healthy brain, it is important to engage in both mental practices, and regularly dedicate an hour to sports. So, to learn inconvenient schodennі occupancy for 15–20 minutes on a stationary exercise bike, it will definitely improve the cognitive ability of the brain in people from 18 to 95 years old, with good results. The training helps the development of neuroprotective proteins and improves the growth and development of neurons, which changes the risk of dementia in the elderly.


Dotrimannya rules for a healthy way of life - the best opportunity to lose memory of an earlier term. An important role is played by the early treatment of systemic diseases, including diabetes, hypertension. It is necessary to respectfully set up to the daily routine, chasing the work with a repair, safe night dream not less than 8 years, sob the organization of the system began to renew itself.

Do not follow low-calorie diets. The brain of one's activities is reduced by less than 1/5 of the energy needs of the households. In addition, the diet is important to balance, where the main products will be vegetables, whole grain cereals, fatty varieties of ribi. great value may hydrate the body. Denna's rate of recovery is close to 2-2.5 liters for a person of average stature. As the main drink, it’s better to remember drinking or mineral water.

In the summer it is important to continue to promote social activity, read the news, read books and newspapers, communicate with loved ones - it is important to increase the chances of saving cognitive function in the norm until deep old age.

Causes of memory loss: video

I use impersonal simple, fun and effective ways to improve the cognitive functions of the brain in the state of mind. But be it, the methodology can be based on a scientific approach. Following the rules of a healthy way of life, physical activity and regular training of mental functions, you can be inspired by those who remember not to bring you to a deep old age.

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