Esoteric, to rob the soul after the death of a person. Death from the position of esotericism. Death is a natural process

Death is seen less by these lives, as if it were possible for self-confidence, and it is a great pity to be misunderstood less by human istots.

What is there behind the curtain, if there is another life where everything will end here? The number of calm nutrition is set by millions of generations of people, and the skin of them is taken away by the very same evidence, like a good yogic equal knowledge of eternity. For someone - then death is the end of us, and for someone - the whole worm's stage in his special evolution. Death for most people, independent of their light of mind, is simply an unreasonable phenomenon that insolently intrudes into their special life, and ruins all their plans for the future.

What is death? Why is it important that most people are so terribly afraid of death, that they are ready to drink for everything, so that they can pull it out for the year. What is the reason for such primary fear? There are two main reasons, although Alice A. Bailey in his treatise “About these changes” shows them already, but still only two of them I would consider the main ones, because the stench of the most important inhabitants of the planet Earth. The first and the main one is the guardian of the invisible and the unknown, who checks us after death. Through the veil of death, not one more mortal turned, and tsia invincibility lakaє us. And the other - all those that we distinguish ourselves from this physical body.

The loss of our physical body calls out to us a creaturely fear that at the same time from the body we will spend our individuality and cease to be like an individual. Those who forcibly accumulated all their lives can appear for us at one moment. Poboyuvannya tsієї spend zmushuє us so well chіplyatisya for our worthless life. Our fear of death, the birth of our greedy ignorance, our own ignorance of the truth, like death. It’s worth considering that more people vvozhayut themselves with this splendid body, like the stench can and think that the stench will also stop stinking from the ruins of that physical body. It is rich who, knowing the cob and the bachachi, has only one end of his life, living his life aimlessly, through the rubbish of stained rocks and stained glass of neymovirna energy for the accumulation of illusory and inappropriate values.

Death is instilled by our ancient zhah to such people doti, the docks of their remembrance for ourselves with this body. And yet, as we only see in our souls, we understand: there is no death, it’s just a timely transition to another plane of the buttya in the process of eternal evolution of our soul. Alice A. Bailey in her treatise on this change in writing; “Death is here for a specific person, in a primary meaningful word, if from the physical body the will comes to life and the will takes the will until the end.” I am quite suitable for this interpretation of death, although I know that it cannot be a hundred hundred years suitable for the current state of death. Aje buvayut and rapt death, if the will to live is still strong, but here we already develop other karmic laws, more foldable for understanding through those that we don’t know the reasons for their death. As a rule, the causes of death are in past lives and are inaccessible to the mind of most people, so such deaths seem unfair to them. Wanting the law of karmi absolute and fair, to instill like a beaten trinity child, like it didn’t sound too bad, it deserved it.

Death is now deprived of the same inevitable truth, as before. She stands behind the back of the skin of us and no one can turn around in her, or hide in her cold breath. Death is a process, turning before the people. The people - ce vіlennya svіdomosti, death - yogo rozvіlennya, but in both vipadkah svіdomіst to move from one to the other. Having been born well, we are already condemned to die, for the people are the first crucible to death. Ruh to death unwelcome. It doesn't stick around at all. We are starting to die for the people. In my time, I love to put people on the same food; "What is the cause of death of all living beings"? The greater number named the causes, old age, ailments, unfortunate depressions, and only an insignificant minority could give the correct answer. Wanting to see the flooring itself is obvious, what to lie on the surface, and if I called її, all people were happy with it and marveled, as if the stench themselves didn’t think of it. Itself vіdpovіd more simple; "The cause of death is the people."

And then no one will be compared with the first obvious fact that everyone was born, and so it is with the second obvious fact that everyone should be dead. These two words are obvious to all people, regardless of age, race, religion, reshta can change. Less people and death become inevitable, the docks of humankind. It is possible, without delay, to understand other meanings, but people, like before, will become people and die. In one of the oldest religious treatises, the Bhagavad Gita (chapter 2, article 27), it is written; “The one who was born, died obov'yazkovo and after death obov'yazkovo be born again. To that it is not necessary to go into sorrow, treading on your own shoes.

For the most important number of people, their vision is blocked at the moment of their transition, so that the stench ceases to remember its own inwardness. You don’t know your life, but you can move from the realm of the familiar to the realm of the spiritual, and in a new way begin to learn on equal instincts and talents. Only not all adepts can save the clarity of mind at the moment of transition - ce and є help immortality. This is how I describe the immortality of Don Juan, magician and magician from the books of the famous mystic Carlos Castanedi. Trying to build an immortal physical body, absolute stupidity, you can’t beat the hour. Achieve the preservation of clarity of knowledge at the moment of transition, and you will become truly immortal. The greatest consecrated lands have succumbed to such immortality. For the quiet, who, in their lifetime, having guessed their own secrets of death, made themselves known to the world, Dedicated, that they endow the building in the distant future with the help of control over the processes of the Nation (manifest) that Death (development).

There are a lot of legends about the so-called "pigs of immortality", even if you yourself miraculously understand that there are no physical pills of immortality in nature. Laya yoga has a vchennya, called “kaya kalpa” and “rasayana”, which help yogis on long-term fates and inspire a thousand people to save the life of their physical body, but they still cannot make them immortal. It is from the teachings of the Taoist sages that they help immortality in order to melt in oneself the “bead of immortality”, to preserve the clarity of knowledge at the moment of death. You can help you with the famous treatise on Tibet "Bardo Tedol" or else they call it "The Tibetan Book of the Dead." Іsnuyut and old dzherel behind the rules of the world, for example, the "Egyptian Book of the Dead". True, all the stinks are written by my esoteric language and will be of little understanding to more readers. That kind of them is not necessary, because the stench was written for the obedih, for the quiet, who want to understand the essence of death. Most people are unique in their thoughts about death, because the riddle about death calls out to them the real vision of a free death. It’s okay, talking about death, the stench is approaching your own - it’s obviously stupidity. Talking about death does not bring your death closer, but to shy away with clarity - that's a fact.

Today’s science to inform richly knows about the process of bringing about the death of the dead, but if you don’t know, you can’t give advice: what does it mean for our witness after the death of the physical body? The moment when most of the functions of the body cease to be subdued by devices is usually called the "moment of Death", but it is worth more than the physical body, but what is this moment about our soul? On the basis of nutrition, it is suggested to date the book of Dr. Raymond Moudi "Life after Life". He described enough posthumous evidence, so that more readers would think about it.

Now let's talk a little about death. Isnuє kіlka is a sign of Swedish death, there are two kinds of stench, psychological and physical, all stinks are well described in such books as "Chzhud - Shi", "Bardo Tedol", "Mirati Art". We can only look at you, if you can name more people. Let's look at the most important psychological thing - it's the essence of life. By the process of death, we carry our life, like, like, like other life processes. It is an obvious fact that for the presence of the will until life, death is inevitable. The momentum of the will to life triggers the mechanism of death. Some people shy away, others just got tired of living.

On the whole slope there is one kakava kazka. Oleksandr the Great had drunk the court sage; “Docks of the life of people”, and that vіdpovіv: “People of the following of life, the docks of guilt do not know that you should die better, live lower.” And it’s true, the skin itself chooses that boundary, until you want to live. As long as you have a goal in life, you live. Marvel at the butt of the old fathers, stink to live while their children and onuks demand their help, but just as soon as such help ceases to be needed, the stink is quickly extinguished. Traplyatsya that stench can not change their priorities. The stench was small in the life of these children, and if it was gone, the stench could not know another, but having lost it without a mark, they expend their will to life and quickly die.

Even tsіkaviy y sensі praise of death is the code "Busi-do", the code of honor of Japanese samurai. There is a special division of the titles "Disguise until death." I’ll bring only a sprat of speech, but there will be plenty of it, so that you will understand, what a deep sense of attachment to whom you share; “True goodness lies in the fact that to live, if it is right to live, and die, if it is right to die. Chіplyatisya for life, if death came unworthy of a good warrior. Zrobiti read the rest of the statement - obov'yazok of the right warrior. In every right, remember about death and take the word from your heart. If your thought is gradually wrapped around death, your life path will be straight and simple. Those, who are dying for life, die, and those, who are not afraid of death, live. All virishue spirit. I’m ready to drive in, that means, ready and die. Busi-do - Way of the war - means death. If there are two ways to choose, choose the one that leads to death.

And so, from the main psychological sign of death, we were appointed - the essence of life. Let's take a look at the signs of death for symmetry. There are two kinds of stench, far and near, those that advance without a pause before death itself, and those that appear a day before death (a month before the fire). To distant signs one can see the symmetry of appearance. In most people, the offending halves of the individual are not symmetrical, so there may be little power. As if marveling at the mirror, you remembered that your appearance has become symmetrical, which means that the time has come to get ready for the transition. From the other, zvnіshnіh signs of death, which are approaching, you can see the sign of seeing light, or the hour of pressing your fingers on the povіki close your eyes on the first day of the skin month. As soon as you see the pressure on your eyes, you don’t see the daily changes in your eyes, then your Death is already close.

You can say the same, and if you see the sound of a deep ringing or resonance, - if you don’t see it anymore, then you should start your preparation before the death. Bagato can also be known by a knowledgeable person and an unsightly blond tip of the nose that still remembers death a few days before her. Є th close signs, three of them are the main ones: 1) feeling the heaviness in the body - “earth by the water” 2) feeling the cold, dumb body stumbled by the water, like step by step go over the hot heat - “water near the fire” 3) feel, The beginning of the body is broken into small atoms - "the fire at the window". The skin signs are accompanied by evocative changes, such as: loss of control over the facial skin, loss of hearing and sight, lessening of sighing in front of unpretentiousness. I will no longer describe the signs, but if the stench screeches you, you can turn to special literature, even if you use the book of Oris “The Art of the Dead”.

On the top of the Tibetan and Egyptian "Books of the Dead" it was written by modern my understanding with a minimum of Sanskrit terms and, in fact, a practical guide for "necropedia", a kind of assistant for training until the right, real death. A person dies more than once in life, and, without knowing it, ring out in the world not far away. Find the necessary information to help books about death. The stench, obviously, does not guarantee a hundred hundred success, but they can help you understand the basics of the processes that happen to you at the hour of death. Knowing these processes will help you not to be ruined at the moment of wet death. For us, with the help of religious events, the moment of death is one of the most important moments in our evolution. To the one who blames herself, wash our farthest reason. No wonder all religions need presence at the time of death spiritual guide to ease the process of death and direct the soul to need a channel. It is a great pity that the modern urban society does not give proper respect to this process. Rarely, if one confessor sounds like a dying confessor, if one wants to act as a priest in the role of a confessor. A confessor can be a relative of a dying person and it is more important to bring such a person, trust him more.

In the world - the whole process of closing with eternity. Pythagoras spoke at his mysteries; “Earthly people are death, death is resurrection with a spiritual look.” The moment of death does not matter in any way. Tse chergovy zhittєviy dosvіd, which is necessary to grind without soldering. The change of both lives is necessary for the development of the soul, to die more beautifully; I know that the process of death is no more welcome for the lonely, for I will guess about my own death. Too many people try to save their dying relatives, putting them to the liquor - it’s absolutely not right. Think about it, even if you happen to die, as you would like, what would it be like to grow old visnovkas. You are also guilty of remembrance, that the skin itself chooses the moment, until you want to live. Buvay, scho all mi bachimo, scho likuvannya marne, ale people ask us, її likuvati. How to repair in such situations, it is clear that you have the ability to exult. Possibly, you spend it in the material, then invariably richly add to the spiritual. It’s not for us to judge people, and it’s better not to ask for help and it’s possible to help, it’s our fault to help, as if it didn’t matter to us. It’s not possible to impose the jubilation of people on its own, as if it were virushila to the bird - it’s the right to die, as if it wanted to. I am not a euthanasia addict, I am guilty of trying to redeem my karma to the end, no matter how hard it was.

Even the death of the mandriving man Thor Heyerdahl is a show for anyone. If a new one was diagnosed with cancer, he said: “I live well and I want to die well” and moved into glee, wanting enough pennies to continue bliss. Vіn vvazhav for the best good to die, nіzh continue your foundation at the price of neimovіrnih material and moral vitrates. There is not a lot of someone in our world building for such a rich rock, and without putting his hands on himself, he just gave him the opportunity to die out in a natural way. In this context, there are words about pliers. From the look of evolution, it is absolute stupidity. It is not possible to bury one's karmis in such a rite, with such deeds one can only wake up for a deaky hour. At the onset of your breath, you will be embarrassed for the most part from that month, on which you were rattled in the front life. Also, how is it in such a line of sensation? Self-destruction is not only showing fear, but rather back to the path of the evolution of the soul.

Most of us are crying out for their zhalyugidne life, with three hands stained on the colossal material support, so that they want to continue their life for a little. It’s impossible to name a life and a life, so it’s useless for a drug lie. It is necessary to honestly know why the fault of the doctors is great, why stink to give us unexpected hopes, to inspire us to work, that the end is inevitable. Tse bіda usієї zahіdnoії medicine, yak rejoice to the rest. Deyakі nebrosovіsnі likarі tsim koristuyutsya і vykachuyut іz dying іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх іхніх ініхі хіхі. At the meeting, a different concept was adopted; there, like a doctor, having succumbed to the sickness, and that one died, the chain of filthy doctors, and until the next, they will try not to get sick anymore. And yet, as a doctor, he should be merciful to the ill, motivating them, to help nothing, you can’t die soon, and you won’t sue anyone, but in the eyes of your patients and your relatives. Tsya raznitsa prihodah ґruntuєtsya on raznomu rozumіnnі sense of life for shidnyh and zahіdnyh people. Western people are pragmatic in the adoption of the material world and less spiritual, a similar type of navpak is more spiritual and less material. We ourselves are miraculously bachimo, material progress is coming out of the sunset, the material balance of life is greater at the sunset, lower at the exit. Departure teaches us a spiritual path of development, in opposition to material well-being. Nine and two concepts of light perception cooperate with each other, and a new concept of light perception enters the light arena, but the theme is still open.

And so, let's take a look at the report of the very process of the world. First: let's go to the room to save the movchannya. All these cries, that voice, do not help the dying, but instead call on yoga. If people understand the right sense of death, the whole rite of death will not wear such a sumptuous dress, it would be better to instruct the rite of passage. Adzhe, all the sum and tuga about the past is only mindful of our ignorance of the normal processes of life. Silence can be broken down by the reading of prayers for the dead, and even more by prayers about death, as such. Now about the position of the body of the dying: the top of the head of the dying may be symbolically straightened on the fold, and the arms and legs are crossed. In such a position of the body, the soul easily suffocates yoga.

The process itself in the world can be done from a few days to a few years, and you can have the patience to go through yoga until the end. It is your fault to think only positively about the dying person, it’s better when you think about the best moments sleepy life. Cheer up, that the one who is dying can not scare you, then we will better accept your thoughts. The light of the dead intermingled with the light of the living the light of the dead. That's why you don't anger the vmirayuchikh, so as not to create a problem for yourself. It’s not for nothing for Aja to say: about the dying ones, it’s only good, but they didn’t start. After an hour, having died on the living, the weak, but at the first stage of the wines are stronger, defend yourself. Do not have mercy on those who have spent pennies on the jubilation of their relatives, after their death, they will repair about public mischief. Such hypocrisy can represent the dead, and wine can create a problem on the spiritual plane. Rather, if you look at the rejoicing for the life of the dying, lower the stains about stained pennies after death. Do not be a hypocrite, be honest with yourself that you are alone, know in yourself the strength to encourage the dying, but remember, all if you die and remember.

Now a sprig of words about those who die better. Bigger want to die fast and oh so sleep. Vіdpovіdno to the Vedic know death uvі dream not yourself short version, For it does not seem to be known and even the high level of self-sufficiency is spent, not in best mind offensive reason. It is better to die at the sight of the presence of close ones. It is more important for the one who is dying to forgive all the images, as if they cheered you up alive, do not carry the image with you into the posthumous world. It’s worth it to hang out and be quiet, who is alive, vibatch everything in the world, as if you’ve given you guilt, you can’t fix it all the same, and the tractor doesn’t forgive the image of another one, pulling it to the ground, not giving you the reach of the sound. You lead to strengthen, what is important for a person in the world, they carry more karmic heritage with them. As if it was trapilos with you, you know that you have the strength to go through the path to the end. Don't try to get lost, it's impossible, you can stretch out the traces less than an hour, and how does anyone have a sense? Shvidko and only the righteous die beautifully, and they are not so rich. Everything else in the world may be sins, so don't worry. To appear before the eyes of thousands of people can only be great devotions, whose bodies of the flooring have been cleared of karmic traces, which can open up right in front of their eyes like a fog. We are just mortal and pomiratime, as we deserved, but for the time being we are alive to the memory that we can deserve with good intentions and I will accept death more.

Now about those who work best with the body, creaming the remains of the earth. The Christian tradition allows for the burial of the body in the earth, even though the cremation of the body is better. There is a lot of evidence for the cremation's rustiness, due to the fact that it is more hygienic and takes less time. And the most important ones are those who allow us to enter the stage of posthumous foundation for the speedy wave of the subtle conductors of our body. During cremation, it takes a long time to replace a number of days when the body is buried in the ground. Which way to choose - virishuvati you. And vow all these majestic monuments and Marmur busts to the dead for nothing. Like saying Didro Deny; "Rot under the marmur or under the earth, all the same rot." For a long time, all the signs on the graves were put up only to tell us about the dead. In our time and in our country, there are hypertrophied forms. Go to the tsvintar, and you will be convinced that people are interested in the one whose memory is cool and big. Forgetting about the dead themselves and guessing them in a short time, subdue the day. For the dead smut, our memory of them, their material attributes do not praise them. So think, dear monument - tse danina to the deceased or danina to your Marnoslavism: "I am cool, I can, but stink."

I especially try to accept death as a transition to another plan of butt. I have prepared my own tombstone with an inscription; "Life has passed, the axis of the bags: I'm not alive like this, like hotiv, but like a moment." Before the speech, zazdalegіd prepared to death, it was adopted in Russia long before the advent of Christianity here. And in the small villages of which you ring out and save yourself, there in advance they prepare a trouble for themselves. I remember, like a child, I was shocked by a string on the hillside of my friend's house near the village. The lad himself, having taken the string calmly: “Tse dida” - saying wine to me; But what struck me the most was those who didn’t want to die. I don’t call on you in the life of the world to bathe the string and put it in front of your two room apartment and lyakat your friends, just be prepared morally and that's it.

Do not fight death, it will come before you, just get ready for it and then you will not be caught by your friend. If you want it even more doubtful, because death will always come unsuccessfully, you can wind it up like a check on her. I will tell you the words of Woland from "Maister and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov: Poor those who are guilty of some death, the axis of which is the focus. Remember: no more immature souls to be afraid of death, be mature.

The first nine days are as important as the souls of the dead, so alive. We tell you, what a way the soul of a person should go, what she is going through and can help her share near the deceased.

If a person is in the world, the soul makes its own borders. І vіdbuvaetsya tsepіslya 3, 9, 40 days after death. Irrespective of those who know everything, that in the day it is necessary to hold funeral feasts, hold services in churches and pray, there are not enough people to understand why. In this article, we tell you about those who are born on the 9th day from the soul of a person, whose day is so important and how alive they can help the soul of the deceased.

For the Orthodox tradition, a person is hove on the third day. In the first days after death, the soul has majestic freedom. We are more aware of the fact of death, that all the "baggage of life knowledge" is to be carried with it. Mustaches, pretentiousness, fears, that pragnennya of the soul, pull them to the singing places of that people. It is important that in these days the soul knows the life of its body, as well as people close to it. Navіt like a person died far from home, the soul is torn to loved ones. So the soul can be drawn to the mission, as it was very important for her for life. This hour is given to the soul, and in order for it to call out, it sank to a bodyless foundation.

As soon as the third day has come, the soul no longer has the same freedom, which is small. Її angels take away and escort to heaven to worship God. That is why panahida is in power - people say goodbye enough for the soul of that living soul.

After bowing to God, the soul shows Paradise and the righteous, like to live in the new. Such an excursion lasts six days. For this hour, zgidno z the Fathers of the Church, the soul begins to suffer: from one side of the yonder, it’s like a miracle in this place and that Paradise is the head method of human foundation. From the other side, the soul of wisdom, which is unworthy of opinating among the saints, shards on the face of impersonal vices and sins. On the ninth day, the angels turn again for the soul, as if to see off the soul of the Lord.

What do we need to work with these days we live?

Do not varto spodіvatisya on those who walk the soul - it's a potoybіchne business, like we don't hang around. Navpaki, the soul of 9 days will require our encouragement and all possible help. At this hour, they are alive like no one can help to ease the suffering of the soul and that її salvation. You can do it for additional prayer at the church at home. Even if the person was a sinner, but pray for her, it means that it’s good in her, then, through which the soul deserves a better share. Zvichayno, it’s important to remember the service at the temple, prote prayers on the 9th day, to wash your buti and special ones for yourself. Krіm tsgogo, you can help the soul of a loved one with good rights, such as donation and almsgiving.

Tse mozhe zdatisya marvelous, but the ninth day of the Orthodox can navit sing tracts of vіdtinok. And all that people believe, that after being rebuked in Paradise, to bring in like a guest, souls glorify God. And if a person started to become a righteous man, in a pious life, then it is important that after 9 days the soul can be transferred to the Holy Mass.

We publish excerpts at seminars, which are held in Moscow Andriy Gnezdilov, doctor-psychotherapist, doctor of medical sciences, honorary doctor of Essex University (Great Britain), founder of the first hospice in Russia, winemaker of new methods of art therapy and author of numerous books.

Death is like part of life

At the same time, if we are talking about kimos іz znayomih, and vin it seems: “You know, the axis is dead”, the reaction to the chain is obvious: how did he die? It’s more important, as a person is dying. Death is important to the self-feeling of people.

Vaughn may be a negative character. As a philosophical marvel at life, we know that there is no life without death, life can only be understood from the standpoint of death. I had a chance to talk to artists and sculptors, and I asked them: “You depict the different sides of a person’s life, can you depict kohannia, friendship, beauty, but how did you depict death?”

I didn’t give a single word of advice. One sculptor, who increased the blockade of Leningrad, ordered to think. And not long before my death, I felt like this: “I pictured death in the image of Christ.” I asked: Christ crucifixion? - "Hi, the raising of Christ."

One German sculptor depicted an angel that would fly, a shadow in the air of such a cry and death. If a person drank at qiu tin, they drank at the power of death. The second sculptor depicted death in the form of two boys: one boy sits on a stone, resting his head on his knee, and he is all straight down.

In the hands of another lad, a nozzle, his head is thrown back, he is all directing behind the motive. The first explanation of the meaning of the sculpture was as follows: it is impossible to depict death without a mating life and life without death.

Death is a natural process.

A lot of writers tried to depict life as immortal, but it was greedier, more terrible than immortality. What is such an inexhaustible life - an inexhaustible repetition of earthly knowledge, a grain of the development of an inexhaustible old age? It is important to bring to light that sickly camp of a person, as if she is immortal.

Death is all the heaps, the walls, it’s only abnormal once, if it’s rapt, if the person is still on the pіdёmі strength. And people of a frail age want death. Old grandmothers ask: "Os, healed, the hour has come and die." I signs of death, about which we read in the literature, if death touched the villagers, there was little normative character.

If a resident of a country knows that wine can no longer be practiced, how to prick, that wine becomes a burden for family, wine is near the laznyu, putting on a clean robe, kicking like a fool, saying goodbye to the blood vessels and calmly dying.

Yogo, death came without quiet reflexes of suffering, which is blamed if a person fights against death. The villagers knew that life was not a flower-kulbaba, like it grew, blossomed and blossomed under the wind. Life can have deep meaning.

Whose butt of death of the villagers, as if they are dying, having given themselves allowed to die, is not a specialty of quiet people, similarly, we can use it today. As if before us, having caused oncological ailments. Kolishnіy vіyskoviy, vіn vіd vіdsya brіvіdіnі і zhartuvav: "I've gone through three viyni, savoring death for a whistle, and now the hour has come to piss me off."

Mi, obviously, yogo was encouraged, but once in a while, I couldn’t get out of bed, and having taken it unambiguously: “That’s it, I’m dying, I can’t get up anymore.” We said to you: "Do not boast, tse metastasis, people with metastases in the ridge will live a long time, we will look at you, you will call." - "Ni, ni, tse death, I know."

I, yavіt soby, for a few days of wine in the world, not languishing until the next physiological change of mind. Vіn die. Otzhe, good will to death, as if the projection of death is true.

It is necessary to give life to natural death, even if death is programmed at the moment of conception of a person. Svoєrіdniy dosvіd smerі nabuvaєtsya cheloveka pіd pologіv pologіv, at the moment nadzhennya. If you are occupied with this problem, it is clear that you have been reasonably motivated to live.

As a person becomes a people, so they die, it is easy to become a people - it is easy to die, it is hard to become a people - it is hard to die. The first day of the death of a person is also not vipadkovy, like the day of the birth. The statistics first destroy this problem, showing that people often die and die.

Otherwise, if we think of the significant fate of the death of our relatives, it appears with rapt that the grandmother died - she was born onuchok. The axis of the transmission of the generation is that the inviolability of the day of death and the day of the birth - falls at the vіchі.
Clinical death is more than life?

Zhoden the wise man did not realize what death is, what happens at the hour of death. Deprivation of a practical posture of respect is such a stage as a clinical death. A person falls into a coma, a new breath sounds, a heart, but it’s not for himself, but for other wines it turns to life and tells amazing stories.

Not long ago Natalia Petrivna Bekhtereva died. In our time, we often clashed, I rozpovid vpadki clinical death, as if they were in my practice, but she said that everything is a nіsіnіtnitsa, that it's just that changes are in the brain and so far. And once I nav_v їy butt, which then she began to win that rozpo_dat herself.

I worked for 10 years at the Oncological Institute as a psychotherapist, and they called me to a young woman. At the hour of the operation, her heart began to throb, they couldn’t start it for a long time, and if it came to you, they asked me to marvel that her psyche hadn’t changed after a long time of starvation of the brain.

I came to the resuscitation ward, they only came to you. I asked: “Can you talk to me?”, - “So, just as long as I wanted to vibe in front of you, I gave you a lot of trouble”, - “What kind of trouble?”, - “Well, just like that. My heart throbbed, I experienced such stress, and I worked, which for doctors was also a great stress.

I wondered: "How could you dance, how could you be in the camp of a deep narcotic sleep, and then your heart was beating?"

And she stepped forward: if she fell into a narcotic dream, then she realized with a raptom that there was a soft blow at the foot, and it turned around in the middle of her, like a twist. She had such a feeling that her soul turned around, and went into a kind of foggy expanse.

Surprised, she slapped a group of doctors who were scoffing at the body. Vaughn thought: I know the denunciation of this woman! I raptom guessed what she was doing herself. Raptoma prolunav voice: "negainy pripinyat operation, heart zupinilos, treba start yogo."

Vaughn thought that she had died and wondered with a fright that she had not said goodbye to either her mother or her five-year-old daughter. Anxiety for them literally stabbed her in the back, she flew out of the operating room and in one mile stumbled at her apartment. Vaughn dabbled to finish the peaceful scene - the girl was playing at the lyalka, the grandmother, її matir, she was sewing.

There was a knock at the door, and the lady, Lydia Stepanivna, walked in. In her hands was a small cloth with polka dots. "Mashenka," said the woman, "you spent the whole hour trying to look like your mother, I sewed the same cloth for you, like mami's."

The girl, joyfully, rushed to the bank, on the way she covered the tablecloth, the old cup fell, and the teaspoon ate the kilim. Noise, the girl is crying, the granny is whining: “Masha, how unhandy you are,” Lydia Stepanivna, it seems that the dishes are going to be good luck - a wonderful situation.

The girl's mother, forgetting about herself, went to the bottom, stroked her head and said: "Mashenka, there is no more terrible grief in life." Mashenka marveled at her mother, but, without chirping, turned back.

I raptom, the woman realized that if the girl’s head was sticking out, she didn’t see who the dot was. Todi Vona rushed to the looking-glass and did not caress herself in the looking-glass. With a flicker of breath, she wondered what she could be in the liquorice, what her heart was beating in her.

Vaughn rushed out of the house and leaned into the operating room. I immediately felt a voice: "The heart started, the operation is robbed, but it's better, so that you can repeat the heartbeat." Having listened to this woman, I said: “Don’t you want me to come home to you and tell my relatives that everything is fine, can you stink after you?” Vaughn came in handy.

I went for the address given to me, my grandmother opened the door, I conveyed how the operation went, and then I asked: “Tell me, did your succubus Lidiya Stepanivna come to you at eleven?” Do you know?", - "Why didn't you bring out cloth with polka dots?", - "Who is the enchanter, doctor?" I continue to drink, and everything has been worked out to the details, except for one thing - they didn’t know the spoon.

Then I say: “Did you marvel at the kilim?” The stench raises the kilim and there lies a spoon. Tsya rozpovid already podiyala on Bekhterev. And then she herself experienced such a flurry. In one day, she lost her stepson, and a man, insults laid their hands on themselves. For her, it was a terrible stress. And the axis of one time, having reached the stone, she pumped out a man, and turned back to her with some words.

Vaughn, an excellent psychiatrist, said that you were hallucinating, turned to another room and asked his relative to wonder what was there. She froze, looked up and gasped: “That’s your man right there!” Todi won those who asked about what її man, having changed his mind, that such vipadki are not a guess.

Vaughn told me: “No one knows the brain better than me (Bekhtereva was the director of the Institute of Human Brain in Petersburg). And in me I feel that I am standing in front of some majestic moor, for which I feel voices, and I know that there is a miraculous and majestic world, but I can’t convey to those who I smell and smell.

To that, in order for it to be scientifically grounded, the skin can repeat my proof. As if I was sitting in a dying sickness. I put on a musical screen, as if playing a boisterous melody, then asking: "Whoa, do you care?", - "Hi, let it play."

Rapt with her breath, her relatives rushed: I fired up my shot of adrenaline, and it came to you again, turned to me: “Andriy Volodymyrovich, what was it like?” - "You know, it was a clinical death." Vaughn laughed and said: No, life! What is the camp, which is to cross the brain at clinical death? Aje death is death.

Miksuєmo death then, if mi bachimo, scho breath zupinilos, zupinilos heart, the brain does not work, you can’t take the information and, more importantly, call them names. So, the brain is less than a transmitter, but what about the people are louder, stronger? And here we stick out of the understanding of the soul. Aje tse comprehension mayzhe vitisnene comprehension of the psyche.

The psyche is, but the soul is dumb.

How did you want to die?

We fed both the healthy and the sick: “How would you like to die?”. And people with singing characterological powers in their own way were a model of death. People with a schizo type of character like Don Quixote marvelously described their life: “We would like to die so that no one is sick of my body.”

Epileptoids - they respected unbelievable for themselves to lie quietly and the checks, if death comes, the stench of the mother could possibly take a part in this process.

Cycloids are people like Sancho Panza who would like to die in the middle of the day. Psychasthenics - people are anxiously distrustful, turbulent, like stench will look, if they die. The hysterics wanted to die at the gathering or at sunset, on the birches of the sea, in the mountains.

I porivnyuvav tsi bazhannya, but I remembered the words of one chentsya, saying this: It’s important that I die for the hour of God’s prayer for those who sent me life, and I pumped the strength and beauty of Yogo’s creation.

Heraclitus of Ephesus, saying: “A mortal person does not lightly light herself; and not a dead wine, having extinguished your eyes, but alive; ale sticks to the dead - dormant, sawing - sticks to the dormant, ”is a phrase over which one can think of not all life.

Perebuvayuchi in contact with ill, I instantly home with him, so, if I die, I tried to give me a nobility, what else is behind the string. I have taken such a view more than once. As if I had made a home like this with one woman, she died, and I forgot about our agreement.

I axis once, if I was at the dacha, I quickly jumped in front of the fact that the light shone in the room. I thought that I had forgotten how bright the light was, but then I chatted, that that woman herself was sitting on the bed opposite me. I am healthy, having begun to speak out of her, and having guessed by raptom - she died! I thought, what should I dream about, I turned in and tried to fall asleep, sob to throw myself. After an hour passed, I lifted my head.

It burned brightly again, I looked around with a flicker - there, like before, sit on a lizhku and marvel at me. I want to say it, I can't - zhah. I realize that there is a dead person in front of me. I raptom won, summarily chuckling, said: "But it's not a dream."

Why am I bringing this up? Because the vagueness of what is checking on us confuses us to turn to the old principle: "Not bad." That “do not stop death” is the most powerful argument against euthanasia.

How can we have the right to join the camps, who are experiencing ailments? How can we mourn his death, if we are, perhaps, at this moment we are experiencing a real life?

Yakіst zhittya that allowed to death

It is important not the number of days, how we lived, but the number of days. And what does the quality of life give? The quality of life allows you to be without pain, the ability to control your marriage, the ability to be in perfect relatives, sim'ї.

Why is it so important to talk with relatives? Because children often repeat the story of the life of their fathers and relatives. Everywhere in the details is wonderful. І tse repetition of life often є repetition of death.

Even more important is the blessing of the relatives, the father’s blessing to the dying children, we can bring them later, we can save them, save them. Well, I know, turning to the cultural recession of the tales.

Remember the plot: the old father is dying, the new one has three blues. To ask: "After my death, three days to go to my grave." Older brothers either do not want to go, or be afraid, only the youngest, fool, go to the grave, and on the third day of the day, the father opens up to you as a secret.

If a person goes from life, they sometimes think: “Well, don’t let me die, don’t let me fall ill, but let my relatives be healthy, let the sickness fall on me, I’ll pay for the rahunka for the whole family.”

І axis, putting the meta, unimportantly rationally chi affectively, people take away the comprehension of life. Hospice - tse budinok, who should be preached yakіsne life. Chi is not easy death, but yakіsne life. This place, where a person can complete his life, is comprehended that deeply, with accompanying relatives.

If a person is going, it’s not easy to go out again, like a humov kuli, it’s necessary to grow a haircut, you need strength in order to grow a crop of innocence.

Lyudina may allow herself to be croc. The first one allowed the vindication of relatives, then - of the medical staff, volunteers, the priest and himself. I tsei let him die for himself - the most convenient.

You know that Christ, in front of the sufferers, prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, asking his teachers: “Stay with me, do not sleep.” Three times the scholars told Youma not to sleep, but they fell asleep, without putting on a chuckle. So hospice at the spiritual sense is such a place, de people can ask: "Be with me."

And as such, the greatest specialty - the Influence of God - demanded the help of the people, as if Vin saying: “I no longer call you slaves. I called you friends, ”turning to people, then inherit the butt and nurture with spiritual zmist rest days sick - it's important!

Nutrition: Why do the doctrines of rebirth and karmis hold?

Vidpovid: Rebirth and karma are the main doctrines of Buddhism, they were opposed in some other systems of esoteric philosophy, zocrema in the Pythagorean and Platonic schools. The doctrine of rebirth conveys that a person lives on Earth more than once, but impersonally. Vin turns around here, the docks do not understand the skin lesson, which can be given to you by our world.

According to the doctrine of karmi, everything that occurs in nature is subject to the law of causes and consequences. In the case of people who are stuck to people, the law means that everything that comes into play is special, an aspect of global justice. The skin of a person is rebuying on that mission, on a yak she deserved it herself. Kozhen takes care of what he has the right to take care of. No one suffers for other people's pardons - only for their own power. In this way, the only way to happiness is to live correctly, by the same token leading to a constructive cycle of causes and legacy. If we want to become wise, then we can earn wisdom. The skin of a person, as if he were alive on earth, is known in that place, as he deserved his toppings in this past life.

The average number of lives that people go through in a cycle of evolution is about eight hundred. Until the eight hundredth turn, all the people in the world will know which way of life is right. Rebirth to slacken the thoroughness accessible to all, and the skin of a person - the ruler of his soul. The doctrines of a peaceful sacrifice, that convict does not last forever, the damnation can be forgotten forever. A person lives in a fair world, where success can be achieved only with a veil of honesty in front of him. The doctrines of rebirth and karmi are the only guides of the philosopher of rebirth, which explains the sense of buttya and the residual life.

Question: What is death?

Vidpovid: For a metaphysical clouded person, death is the only resurrection of the greater ears of people from the lower ones. Istota is aliveє foldable organism, which is formed from supraphysical principles, which appear behind the help of the material body, like, at one’s own hand, are formed from the elements of the so-called physical nature. Superphysical cobs become a right living specialty, and the body is less wearable, with the help of such a superphysical person, it is possible to manifest yourself in the material world. The spiritual "I" linger in the wind, just like a person lives in a booth. However great person no one can see that the houses are still not a bagger, that there is a difference between them. Plato, it seems, that a person lives in his own body, rather than an oyster in a shell, and Indian philosophers call the body a garment, or a garment, of the supraphysical “I”.

The spiritual person carries the material body and imparts it with the signs of life through the nerve centers and the system of internal secretion. In this order, spirituality can not be the body itself, but a spiritual person, like one inhabits.

The light of the Inner “I” shines through the body, like a fire, which penetrates the lamps. The difference between the powers of the internal people of that її old body is exactly the same, as between the half-lights of the lamp and the material, from which the lamp was prepared, with a fold of that hall.

The symbolism of the Greek philosophers said that the body is the whole abode of the Inner “I”. A right spiritual person is similar to a mandriving man, who scatters an empty life. Internally, "I" zatrimuetsya for the next hour in one booth, then move on to the next, and star - the next one. Shorazu, if yoga will be new booth, Toy come out more beautifully; as the Persian poets wrote, the soul to your own Daedalus is a beautiful collection of wealth, the beauty of that rosemary of the Inner “I”. Modernity settles in the earth, but remains, subservient to the laws of the material world, according to its own terms of old, wears out and becomes unsuitable for life. If, through the ailment, the unfortunate fall and the natural old age, it is no longer possible to lift the natural old age in the tili of life, yoga is overwhelmed. Tsey sight and є death.

Death does not mean the death of the "I", the end of the foundation of the spirit, or the reach of the end of the end. Tse, navpaki, the continuation of life, just a mind, the soul of that knowledge deprives the wearer of clothes, booths, not more appendage to living. Plato, it seems, that the spirit rises from the crypt of the body. In the Bhagavad Gita, the beautiful mystical book of the Brahmins, it is said that the spirit throws off the shat and get ready to get into the writing.

The corpse is, in fact, the natural state of the body. After death, earthly elements turn to become inanimate. In his family, the dead body was like a mitten, for which they wrinkled a hand. However, an empty mitten is not yet proof that the hand is also dead. Knowing the empty shells on the birches of the sea, vvazhat my courage, nibi all life ends at the grave. Ale, life is by no means guinea. They die less than the body, but life is eternal. Death is the spirit that casts off the fetters of the flesh and wakes up the hour of the invisible world, so that we can then induce ourselves to carry on a new material manifestation. Henceforth, regardless of those who are unrecognizable death is a terrible tragedy, the philosopher takes it like a great spiritual blessing, more expensive life - turning the spirit to a peaceful state, an increase in inner greatness in the surroundings of an unattached body.

Question: Describe the camp after death.

Note: For the fates of life in the material world, people accumulate great wealth. In the course of life, this dosvіd is not acquired until the end and is not subject to a systematic ordering. Promizhok between peoples is a period of conquest, if the daytime takes the experience of the past life into the nature of your soul and transforms them into the core of inner strength. In interruption between lives, daytime does not know a new development of growth, because subjective experiences do not expand the sphere of manifestations.

The post-death camp is described in religious systems with various symbols, however, we can see the symbolism and briefly describe the essential essence of life between the minds.

Having stripped the material body, the daytime functions for an hour in the ethereal twin, that is in the body, woven with the fifth element. The whole body is exactly repeating the look of the material shell, it is made up of thin, supraphysical substances. Daytime is left behind at this tili less than a few days - for a little fall of extreme pretentiousness to the earthly world of self-destruction. At the first moment, it will tremble in the ethereal hue, the docks of the links from the earthly light are not weakened; for another, daylight is lost in the new until the day when natural death is small. The light of the ethereal body may be the same as the physical light, and the dead often do not realize that they have died. Efirne tіlo deysno є twin of the material: after that, as the day passes from the internal aspects of nature, ethereal body ruynuetsya povіlno. Right up to the rest of the laying out, it’s an hour to take care of your outline and є the so-called mayor. The most ethereal shells are those ghosts, such spy people spend an hour in the storerooms.

After a short rebuying in the ethereal twin, daylight passes into the astral world, the sphere of bazhan and emotions. Vaughn throws off the ethereal shell, as if she is dispersed in the ethereal world, and now functions for the help of the astral body. Astral world call the sphere the city that punishment. For whom, all aspects of life are experienced as real facts and emotional reflections of their material life. It seems to the old-timers that the smut, in the light of the experience, lies in the fact that, behind the supposedly mysterious law of nature, daytime becomes a victim of all the filthy things that she gave to others for life. The Catholic Church calls this penal period to the “purgatory”, that is, the cleansing of the sins. In itself, in this world, a person organizes his emotional life and will be the core of his future emotional nature. Having finished the story about the sins of the body, daytime transforms into the realm of the emotional world, de її creative emotions in the future of aesthetic values ​​​​on a constant svіdomіst. Having re-experienced constructive emotions and made them more beautiful, daylight leaves the astral body and passes to its mental state.

The mental body is the sphere of thought. Vono also podіlyaєtsya on ruins and creative plans. In addition, as lowly thoughts are bathed and records about them are brought into svіdomіst, sutnіst's perekuєєtsya with a greater, constructive mind, de winemakers for the right rozumovі dії become the core of more razvinnoї tsіlіsnostі thought in future life. Having completed the functioning in this mental sphere and the work with the substance of the mind, daylight is gone mental body and, bezdialna and not seeing anything, flogging at the camp of ochіkuvannya. In a deyaky hour, a new lance will begin for the coming life.

The cycle of experience after death changes gradually in the course of the evolution. Representatives of primitive peoples, the individuality of which is little known, consider their ill-being and may be reborn again and again. In the essences of the sizable middle level of the fifth root race, the intervals between the recesses become from eight hundred to two and a half thousand years. The term perebuvannya on different planes of the astral and mental spheres to lie due to the intensity of feelings of that thought, as well as due to obligatory records, accumulating the improvement of earthly life. Highly distinguished souls are rebuying at the rose-and-dwelling camp of a rich thousand. The stars of the depths of the mind stench spend most of the hour on the mental plane.

Children who died in their youthful age, sound like they are reborn practically again (like creatures), shards in his memory there are still no important records. Mіzh vtіlennyami nіkoli not strictly singing promіzh, but zvіch tsі intervals for skin daily dosing regularly; moreover, when people are cherguetsya status of belonging. Philosophical doctrine makes it clear to heaven that hell, shards of these terms correspond to the cycles of posthumous winemaking and punishment. Philosophy has no eternal damnation, no immutable heavens - only inexorable growth, cycles of experience that change, like people call life and death.

Nutrition: Explain how rebirth proceeds.

Verdict: Rebirth is the convergence of a supraphysical person at the element of the material world. The ancients symbolically described this process, victorious image of the great gatherings, like descending to heaven and descending to the earth of the souls of people. The Eleusinian Mysteries, which were held in Attica for over a thousand years, included nine spiritual ceremonies, which symbolized nine camps, through which the soul passes, if it leaves its heavenly spirit and settles in a death shell.
The Chaldeans explained the cycle of rebirth in the myth about Ishtar. Tsya goddess zіyshla through this vorіt, depriving the guards of the skin brahm symbolizes her royal power. Nareshti, having spent all the signs of her greatness, she entered the dim of Sin, the god of the Month, or, as the Greeks had envisioned, the sphere of the moon. In Volodinny Sina Ishtar bula piddan torment and humiliation. All sorts of misfortunes fell upon her. This episode shows the state of the soul in the material world. Then Ishtar vryatuvatisya in the distance in the presence of the god dark, go with the gatherings of the spheres and take away the signs of their divinity from the gatekeepers. Under these similarities, the mind turns the soul to the first greatness through philosophy.

Zgіdno with Plato, the human soul will be drawn into our world її internal exercise to material investment. Otherwise, apparently, having believed in the reality of the material, the soul is transferred to the sphere of its own illusions under the influx of watery perekonanosti. In the world of that, as the light is rising in the face of the earthly, the “heavy” matter is weaker - as much as doti, the docks of the soul do not allow all illusions about the material camp and do not leave the body until the day with the blessed gods.

The law, which renews the spiritual reality of physical life, is karma. All the reasons that exist in the material world, can take away their legacy, end in experiences. A person, attached to the plan, which gives birth to her spriynyatty, emotions, feelings, bazhannyami and pragnenny, is guilty of pidkoriti tsі spontaneously and instinctively, otherwise the cycle of physical rebirth cannot be pinned down. Like having started the Buddha, nirvana, chi is free, it can be reached only after the fire of emotions has been extinguished. The Greeks vvazhali, that the soul is rebuilt by a natural craving uphill, to the light of Truth, but the lack of perfection of the low-lying warehouses miraculously sigh down. The symbol of the soul is the sphinx with a human head and an animal body. A similar image is Persephone, whose life is divided between heavenly and hellish worlds. The biblical analogue of the Greek allegories is the parable about the prodigal son, who leaves the father's house for the sake of boilers with meat in Egypt, and then turns to repentance.

Having grown an invisible part of the witness to the knowledge of the forward breaths, the soul becomes an alloy of experience and karmi. The things have been conquered, but a lot more needs to be done - and the soul is inexorably pulled back, near the sphere of unfinished activities.

From the powerful supra-substantial nature, the soul vibudovu navlo to itself an intellectual essence, a mental body. Sweat, clothed in the mental cloak and already often cloaked in thoughts, she sinks into the sphere of sensibility, acquires a body of bajan, as if the greater world will weaken her change. That bazhannya is thrust into thoughts, the soul to descend by the sea of ​​the watery ether, which the Greeks vowed with a happy lanka between the invisible and visible light. Syria ether is the ocean of life, to be ruled by Poseidon (Neptune), whose trident is the pitchfork of Satan, for the help of which the prince of darkness slays the souls of the lower world. Ether is also called the water of forgetfulness, the inexhaustible jar of Fly. Rising to the air, the soul forgets about its divine journey; eyes stool and no longer commemorate the glory of the vlas dzherel. Zreshtoy, from the ether the soul to descend from the physical form. In the Greek legends of the soul, as if they appear in the material light, they are like a flock of sheep, and Hermes is like a shepherd. One of his names is Psychopomp, "Driver of Souls". Here God makes a special cosmic law, especially in the aspects of rebirth and karmi, - the power that throws human life into the environment of physical life, which is most suitable for our needs.

Behind the laws of the physical nature of the body, the material world is undermined. The body is introduced to the soul, it is worthy of merits. It will be transferred from the body form to the first thief of the fetus. From tsієї mitі and to the term narodzhennya supraphysical cobs step by step dominate the material body. At the moment of the people's warehouse, the day to pass to an independent butt. For a long period of growth, the soul induces deyakі its zdіbnostі to ob'ktivno manifest in the sight of the body: physical cob manifests itself in people, vitally cob - approximately septenary vіtsі, emotionally - close to fourteen rokіv d, nareshti - about one, mentally - about one. In this way, before the term of the residual maturity of the material body, the soul already reveals its subjective bodies as similar objective infirmities.
Then life is trivaє doti, the docks of the scheme are not interrupted - either through death, or the zavdyaks of the whimsicalness of philosophy. The wise one “growth” from his bodies for life, even as a person is not known fiercely vishtovhuyetsya from his body at the death of his physical form.

Question: What can you do with the dead and what can you do?

Note: One of the greatest Greek adepts, Pythagoras of Croton, saying to his teachers that the living can communicate with the dead. Vіn ahead of them, however, about the problems of the mysticism of necromancy, the shards are not able to create good goals. Spiritism attaches itself more importantly to people of their own and suffers through spending. There are no reasonable reasons to doubt that the deacons of psychic phenomena are actively working on the field, prote those who attach themselves to mediumship and other forms of spiritualism, often become victims of lightness.

Zvertatisya for joys to the dead - not philosophical. Those who have already left our world cannot give recommendations to those who continue to live here. In addition, we live without a trace of soulful gravitation towards friends and relatives, as if they left our sphere. In order to save the dead kind of likeness, it is necessary to take it easy, it’s wiser to just give you a calm one - it will be better for everyone.

In the psychic world, there are secrets, only less common people, and the one who plays with the subtle forces of the invisible omniscience, is better for everything, shy about his irrationality. Greater reminder that comes from the other side of the dependence of death, rosemary, banal and rich; pardons are not rare. Turbineless roses from psychic light have made a lot of life miserable. The one who often listens to the whisper of “haunting”, can reveal that the angels really cover it with demon masks. I am especially familiar with rich people whose lives were hopelessly stocked with amusements and mediumistic arts. People know about the mysterious forces that perebuvayut on the cordon between the living and the dead, but the knowledge is not clear. Docks of a person do not know more, it is better to give a calm qi of strength, as they can bring less to Godville.

A doshka, or a planchette, which is played for spiritual seances, is called in Europe "devil's glory" and is revered in the most civilized lands, as a spirit game that made its contribution to the faceless tragedies of simple life. Automatic list - dozvіllya taєmniche and zahoplyuyuche - may end in numerical disasters. Addiction to spiritual practices awakens strength, like roses to give mind and soul, and to those who practice wisdom in the її higher, true form, are guilty of uniqueness of the lifeless, lifeless spiritism. The great French magician Eliphas Levy said that the astral sphere is a beautiful garden of illusions, that shines with rare and fragrant flowers; near the skin stalk, however, turned into coils of a brittle snake, and on the one who has a ticket, with a deadly sting.

The wise learner recognizes the reality of mental phenomena. If you are aware that you can communicate with the world, you will firmly understand that spiritual amusements are not for anyone. Vіn do not pragne intercourse with spirits, do not bazha pіdpasti pіd vpіvіvіshіlesnykh vоsіv i not shukaє іtіnі in the magic crystal. The path of right wisdom is the search for truth and strength in oneself for the help of knowledge and wisdom. This simple and vital process does not require the participation of the larva and the elementals in the light of the blossoming essences.

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