The empress of the tarot is the inspiration of the spiritual and the material. Description, meaning in different decks. Poednannya cards with other arcana. How to sign an hour by tarot. Empress and її binding to the time range

Tarot card Manara Empress indicates subjectivity, femininity. There is a plot, but a woman will be a woman. Sometimes it symbolizes a matir, but if it directly points to vaginess. So you can say that a woman has a supergirl, so you need to take everything seriously. But the Empress card simply symbolizes the external dominance of a woman in my life.


Direct. The forces of nature, as if they give privablility for a woman, for beauty, that enchantment, for motherly feelings. The card points to those aspects, how to make a woman look like a woman in all manifestations.

Upside down. In an inverted position, the Empress's card points to those that people block the power of nature, or simply do not want to recognize. Vіn may be nadto sorom'zlivim, or be put to yourself transcendently critical, but all the same do not let you reveal your beauty and other vibes. Because of the problems with the relative status, a person is often simply afraid of stoks, the shards are not in his own mind.

Report description

Mill. Beauty, woman's cob and others positive vigor, yakі lie down to the woman. Є shilyannya before the right woman. At the point of view with a man, the card is always instructive for a woman in yoga life, as I can for a new great infusion.

Feel the same. In stosunki, the leadership of the woman is clearly manifested, as if dominating. For a woman, the card is about revealing sexuality, ascertaining the power of strength and vainglory. For a person, it is known that the woman is a true ideal.

Physical state. I feel a touch of wetness. The Empress card does not imply prejudicial and frequent sex, even if the woman will be more concerned about herself, and the person will be enough of the one who worships you.

Recommendation. Cholovіkovі varto pobachit in zhіntsі the right goddess, there can be a good worship like an ideal. Women need more respect to attach to their cob, to listen to woman's nature and consider themselves a goddess.

Guard. For a person, it is clearly ahead of time: do not always need to put yourself on the basis of stagnation as a woman, it is necessary to save the same part of self-sufficiency. Zhіntsi do not varto overestimate yourself, self-esteem is dependent on it as a filthy companion in life.

Positive Bik of the card. To the positive sides of the card, the Empress can be seen to have strength and strength, like a person has. Navkolyshni zahoplyuyuyutsya him, not depriving you of the desired drive for sumnіvіv. For such positions, it is easy to reach your goals and know the pretentiousness of the people you need.

Negative Bik of the card. A little dominion over people can give rise to permissiveness and instill bezkarnosti. Early on, a person can go so far as to be simply victorious for people who know the handy and vigilant. Ale, it’s too early to show up to the one who is strongest and who wins the very person so very cynical.

Positive development of the situation. Lyudina won over her pluses for her own good, while not winning over people, she set herself up to all the good and achieved her goals absolutely honestly. Such success will come again.

Negative development of the situation. A person cannot realize his potential in this way, moreover, he simply cannot learn. So wine and lose, promising, but such that it is not realized.


We continue to look at the Arcana of the most popular erotic deck, directed at a deep analysis of love vodnosin - Tarot Milo Manara. Today we will analyze the meaning of the third Arcana. I would like to say at once that Manara has her own peculiarity: if there are two or more characters in the illustration, the querent in real life can appear as one of them. Not obov'yazkovo man show himself a representative of a strong state, and a woman - a weak one. And if so, there are two cards in the deck, for which people never change their roles - the Empress Taro Manara and the Emperor, so that the Empress will always show the woman, and the warrior, who shirked before her, - man, turn the situation into an emperor.


Father, what's on the illustration? The valiant warrior shattered the knee in front of the naked beauty, who is sitting on a high pedestal. Close the guise of a heroine to your hair, so that you can give a sign of specialness: a person shirks not in front of a specific woman, but in front of the Great Woman like that. Violet-blue color of the picture creates a sense of the cosmic expanse, in which the spirit is seen.


For the meanings of the Empress Taro Manara, it is not guilty. Here everything is easy to do: є Zhіnka z velikoї literi і є Cholovіk (warrior), її povazhaє. Oskіlki Empressa borrows dominating, chіlne camp, the card can be used to reveal women's nature, matriarchy, motherhood, vagіtnіst, shilyannya person in front of the Holy Woman, povag, instinct. About instinct, I said not without reason: a skin is a normal representative of a strong state a priori respect a woman, stones are laid in a new nature, even in the world of wines appearing from the mother's womb, and not respect those who gave you life - the share of the weak, evil in spirit is that immoral.

Psychological camp

As I already said, the third Arcana is classified as a plot, so here we can talk about the skin character Okremo. Henceforth, the Empress reveals her femininity, recognizes her natural nature, loves herself, feels wealth, happiness, accepts the worship of a partner, and maybe, you want to become a mother. On the other hand, it is not the camp itself that passes through the card, but the right to open up its female potential. On a more profound level - the archetype of the Mother. Psychological camp of a representative of a strong position - povaga and shilyannya in front of a significant figure of a woman's status in one's life.

Characteristics of vіdnosin

The Empress Taro Manara unambiguously tells about those who are among the natives, about how they move, dominating the woman herself, she is the leader, the strongest partner, the lower one is fighting.


Warrior, judging by the plot, zustrіv, nareshti, his ideal - the very one, the one and the same, for the sake of ready to take the star out of the sky, abi won laugh. The representative of the beautiful state of these women is felt by the Woman from the great letters. Vtіm, іnоdі the card can be pointed out і to those who are cholovіk vіdchuvaє, scho all yogo life is spinning like a kohanoi, it's possible, navіt vіn priymaє її її like dbayliva matіr or to know the similarity between these two ladies.

Sexual aspect

A woman dominates a woman, she reveals her sexual potential, it is possible - she is more concerned about her own feelings, lower on the fact that she wants to be satisfied with her partner. The person is satisfied with the fact that he is deprived of it - podkoryaetsya, magaetsya by any means to please the blessed, ready to viconate be-like її bazhannya.


Cards are shown by the planet Venus. I think you all want to know a little about astrology, and it is not necessary to explain its meaning in a report. Briefly - Venus symbolizes the woman's cob and reaffirms for deep emotional similarity to that feeling of spontaneity.

The card recommends the warrior to take care of his image of the Goddess, women - show their own nature, live the nature. Let the Empress Taro Manara know about the possibility of having a partner (for a person), or about an unfairly protected self-esteem (for a woman). For another person, the phrase “All women are like women, I alone am like a goddess!” will be more relevant to the topic.

Description : Rozkіshna zhіnka, gracious, htiva. Loving yourself, sex and people. Miraculous kohanka. Von vmіє otrimuvati satisfaction and vmіє yogo deliver. And in this science, she has reached the highest level of mastery.
She does not want to hide behind a mask of sensibility, not to be ashamed of her body and her bazhan.

It’s quiet, who can go to the point of ignorance, marveling at you in the eyes, say: “Let’s go with me, I want you.” Whom I call shameless, who is courageous. All lie down, I'll have a look. Really, it’s out of wilna from zaboboniv and vilna from goiter. The Empress herself chooses people. I turn it like that, like they don’t mind. Її want absolutely everything. About such yak won't dream of a skin man, but they don't make friends with such yak. Vaughn is a Bazhan Kokhanka, but not a squad.

Tsya woman should already love people! No, she's not free, not available, but she won't save you fidelity. Not to you, not to anyone else. Tse zrobilo b її unfortunate. Vaughn was created for a kokhannya in a broad sense of the word. She's got to be good, to be honored by private authority. Silly in her beautiful woman with a fiery temperament. Vaughn is just like Sontsya. And the Sun shines on everyone.

Tai chi varto namagatisya її utrimuvati? The Empress is not pleased with the Malim. This woman needs a lot. It’s unlikely that you can satisfy її consume a stretch, even if it’s skilki, it’s not a trivial hour. For whom you need to be an Emperor.

Zhіnka, mothers, kinship, woman's strength, diya, activity, rozum.

Well, from the fact that the Priestess - the woman is feisty and protective, not so accessible, then the Empress is more sensitive, open-minded, erotic, in her viruyut addictions and out here and now she is ready to take away and bestow on the salt. She clearly knows what she wants to take away. Surprised at her, she thinks that she is resting the floorings in harmony with herself with that superfluous light, as much as possible in life.

Such a woman - the dream of a man - you can become a mother, a master, a kohan woman, a beautiful kohanka, a dream of an ideal! Ale is still a noble woman, lyublyacha cholovikiv and tіlesnі nasolodi. Chi bude vіrna є one?

Card plot: The Venetian courtesan puts it on display. She’s sitting on the pedestal, exposing the shapeless chest and lifting the back, exposing the strings of the legs and lower abdomen. Vigadlivaya zachіska-peruka, crowned with a coquettish red feast, a symbol of good luck and wealth, no one calls out to people to skushtuvati bodily pleasures from the enchanting seigneur.

The woman slightly threw her body back, with her mustache looking demonstrating the inwardness of her beauty. Krasunya sit with her back to the street. Passers-by mayzhe not see її beauty. The stench is not for the attack. The woman is clearly demonstrating to herself that she has come to її booths.

In front of us is the so-called cortigiane oneste “honest courtesan” - a new, like a servant of the service of the court. There were panchoks on the back of the head, partly of a human-like outfit, and the first detail of the garment “with an erotic subtext” was introduced into the wardrobe itself cortigiane oneste.

Sometimes, honest courtesans were a little decently walked and made friends, prote їхні people occupied the lower camp at the sspіlstvі, lower їхні clients. A fair courtesan could have mothered children, most of the time young people- Patrons, yak generously provided their supplies. Close your eyes, that ice remembers a smile on the sensitive lips of the Empress to talk about those that the woman is satisfied with herself and her share.

The meaning of the lasso Empress Kazanovi tarot : Zhіnka, mother, kinship, woman's strength, diya, activity, rozum. Before us is a beautiful, sensitive woman, her free posture to talk about the readiness of kohati and be kohati.

This card is associated with the character of Giacomo's memoirs, Anchilla, the famous courtesan.

The meaning of the arcana Empress: The Empress is the instillation of the Woman on the Cob, vitality, generosity, beauty and refinement, womanly wisdom, sexuality, vaginess and motherhood.

The empress is inspired by light, literary talent, culture of movies, garni manners, dressed in style and miraculously looking. Vaughn maє miraculous intuition, like the Empress in my victorious order with a healthy mind. Vaughn is impressed by herself and clearly knows what she wants.

On the vіdmіnu vіd Priestess, її do not torment the internal superstitiousness between the infamously accepted ethical norms and natural physiological bazhanny: the Empress herself herself, she will fix it as you like. This cloth has a scarlet bodice - tse sensitive, biased nature, it clearly demonstrates its natural sexual needs and is ready to realize them. The appearance of the Empress is revealed, there she is, like she is - beautiful, womanly. Sexy, self-sufficient.

The Empress at the location (position) on the characteristic of water: Roman, kokhannya, official chi gromadyansky slub, fast, trival stosunki.
The Empress is the ideal woman for a person, as she takes an important place in his life. The card can mean like a squad, so a kohanka, a permanent partner, a kokhana, for which a person can not live in one go, but with whom you love, you can be financially secure.

Vіlnі without goiter, yazan vіdnosinі (bringing one of the partners is obviously pragne). Mutual privacy, partners are like one to one, at the same time they are good. Ale, the emphasis is on the sexual storage of the mind, the contentment of the body. Emotions and intellectual warehouses are not separated. And then I don’t know.

The Empress at the location (position) for specialty: Privabliva, gracious, biased, vіdkrita, vіdverta. To love that vmіє otrimati vіd life of contentment. And it is similar, in otrimanni nasolodi to bachel the very meta of life. Chesna, ale nevirna kohana.

The Empress at the rozladі (position) on the podії: Receiving an hour spent, maybe, but not obov'yazkovo, poachennya. Leave it alone.

Empress in the layout (position) on the Duma : Creativity of thought, clarity of judgement, wisdom, self-assurance in one's own life. As the Empress is in the position of the thoughts of a person, she wants a partner, that does not mean that she is the head woman in her life. Important є not її official status, but the partner's position before it! At the thought of wines, you honor such a woman as your queen.

The Empress in the layout (position) on the feel: And chi є yakіs pochuttya, okrіm sexual tension? No, insanely, the Empress is put before you "it's better!" (for її words). I'm right. At that moment, if it is with you, it will teach you to love. Ale tse less doti, docks are in order. And who is there to love, if there is no order for you?

The Empress at the rozkladі (position) on the sexual aspect: The Empress is the patroness of sensitive people. In sexual women, passion, erotica, in the meantime, enjoy the successes and deliver majestic pleasure to the partner. Offending Kohantsi is right. Vіdsutnіst komplekіv, razkutіst і lіzhku.

The role of the initiator of sexual games belongs to women. Vaughn is a guide, a man is a guide.

Imovirnist conception: so. At the layout for a woman, the Empress can tell you about pregnancy and motherhood. For a person - for fertility, human strength.

The Empress in the layout (position) like a pleasure: Show your heart to your partner, show your sensitivity, femininity, sexuality, love yoga. The life of swidkoplinne. Live this day, take away your satisfaction here and now. Don't shake your bagels.

The Empress at the rozkladі (position) like a front:

Women: beware of crossing the line between self-righteousness and self-satisfaction

Cholovik: worship women, become a man, so that you don’t become a pissed off

The empress at the place (position) on the asosity of a person : Velelelyubnіst, vіdvertіst, invіnnya nasolodzhuvatisya zhittami Nasolody tіla come to the fore. Women's initiative.

The principle of expansion, the orientation of the sound world. Bazhannya vіdhopiti vsogo i more. The emphasis is mainly on satisfying the needs of the body for the needs of the emotional and intellectual. It’s possible, you don’t notice anything at once, but it’s too early to bring similar distortions of obov’yazkovo to the “crisis of the genre”, desolation, dissatisfaction and immushenih changes.

Taro Manara. Mustache Farbi Kokhannya Nevsky Dmytro

III. Empress (The Empress)

Key words, meanings: inner strength (and weakness in front of it), sub-order, beauty and privability, natural strength without any primus.

Type Fatal woman

This type of powerful team, who, at the singing stage of his life, was enchanted by people and was a partner of a zokrema. This type is quiet, who, having understood his nature, is the one who pours out on people. The goal is to inspire such people to manipulate them, who are in order and squander the dawn in the field.

In these manipulations, there is no trace, no matter what kind of internal fool, just the stench can be timid and shy forever.

In order not to become a puppet in the hands of such a person, people try to deal with them even less, creating a vacuum around them and “smugu vіchuzhennya”. Selfishness is the axis of the share of this type. Proud axis assessment of your behavior.

The value of the card in the direct position

Tse prihovani forces of Mother Nature, like to shy to be a goddess to a woman. It is clear that inner mіts zhіnochoї privablivostі, yak itself zmushuє vsіh fall to її nіg. The card shows strong motherly feelings, and clearly expresses woman's nature and charm.

Podiya at the real hour

At the real hour, there is more than one who will follow the orders of women's charms. Beauty, charisma, privatility can be a long list, but the skin can be brought up to the point that a person shanks his head low before the power of a woman’s beauty. Їy finish just marveling or pull it on, and the axis is already rushing the strimgols, not mentioning anything in the slightest.

Description of the situation, plot, environment

The plot, descriptions with a map, you have been playing more than once. I'm garna zhіnka And people waste their minds, foolish fools. These are filled with the history of people, lands, places of the near homeland. And behind all of them there is one character "Woman Nature".

The image of a man in a robot, on the right

On the right, people are more likely to be busy, like Yogo hoots. Vіn not just win the robot, but work as much as you can. It suits you. Tse to bring satisfaction, to the salt. І podvіyno priemnіshe, if you want to shy for someone, scho to shy yoga is significant in the eyes of a particular person.

Money and financial aspects of mutual relations

Pennies are one of the forms of wealth, like taking a person.

Do not believe? Who has a new fur coat, and who has a leg cream. Whom is a firm chobitki, and whoever has a razor on a man is holy.

Psychological and behavioral aspects

The reason for such behavior is entirely natural and depends on natural instincts. It’s easy to compare with them and even harder to control. And if a person “has consumed in full” such instincts, then she will go to the end. Ale kіnets mozhe buti raznim for skin. For someone who is ce ruynatsiya stosunkiv. For whom there is no separate kokhannya. For someone who wins. For someone happy slyub. The Goddess is on the throne and she is virishuvatime, as if she were responsible for her slave.

Fear and fear

Beauty has only fear, which is dictated by Nature, which gave her beauty. The loss of vanity, the loss of femininity, or, just seeming, old age is the axis of the scourge, which, with skin fluffy, begins to beat all the stronger, leading Zhinka out of jealousy.

Mutual position of people

In mutual people panuє peace and harmony. One podkoryaetsya, otrimuyuchi able, the other (insha) enjoys, giving those who are ready to give. In others, it’s not rich, in others it’s all for yourself.

Love is real pіdґruntya pochutіv

At the kohanna love notes the strongest natural instincts prevail, in which sex and sexuality play an important role. You can get away, if you don’t think there’s a lot of money there, but if you want to lay it all out like people of those real moral bases.

Sim'ya schemes of behavior

Everything is simple with Sim'ї Zhіnka-Master with mustaches. And no one competes and tries to offend vlad. Matriarchy, official legalizations of both parties.

Zovnіshnіy vglyad that privablіvі

Natural beauty, strength, femininity, privatility are the axis of those who do not overwhelm the majority of people, like bachat chi to change order with such a woman.

Magic signs in vlivu

One of the elements of a sexual love spell can be represented by this card. But most of all, there is a strong sexual attraction, which is due to the natural activity of the person herself.

Spivpratsyuvati, vzaєmodіyati, splkuvatisya, not dragging into a full of natural charms. And they ate a bunch of strimgols, while the dope of emotions and passions are not out of sight.

Tsey text is a cognizable fragment. From the book Tattoo Tarot. The magic of the human symbol author Nevsky Dmitro

3 Empress It’s more important than that, like me, it’s good. This is how I rule the world. The meaning of the idea of ​​the symbol-image of Mi’s card is not a woman’s face, but the posture, in which she caught it, does not leave doubts with the one who has power. Possibly, we were stunned

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Day 6. EMPERATIVE - a card of Mother Earth, won't stand under number three in rich decks and be respected by the value that bestows blessings on all. Obviously, we don’t know those who are real mothers. Skilki viskhidnyh zirok or business woman, scho to sit on a diet of equal rights and

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III. The Empress A great figure, who, with a regal look, sits at the rich robe - as a sign of the Daughters of Heaven and Earth. At її diadems, twelve stars are chosen from the suzira. On the shield, where the handrail stands, there is a symbol of Venus. In front of her hit the colossi with sight

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From the book of Tarot Manara. All farbi kokhannya author Nevsky Dmitro

III. Empress (The Empress) Key words, meanings: inner strength (and weakness in front of her), order, beauty and prudence, natural strength without any primus.

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Empress = Turner = Zv'yazok = Word… Charming Robots Part III KOLDIVSKI ROBOTS But we're not negotiating Mage: go about Chaklun. Now, if we have a practitioner, the time has come to move on to yoga robot. Stinks and become the topic of every division. We proceed to chaklunstvo, yake can be called

A woman sits on a high pedestal. Її the bosom gave birth to the All-world, її the breasts vied for the whole world. In front of Zhinkou, putting down his armor, the Warrior shrugged. We don’t care about the appearance of the Empress, that one is not important to us, because the Warrior worships not specialness, but Women.

The lasso "Empress" represents the Archetype of the Primordial Woman, the power of the psychic essence, the instinctive nature, the natural soul. The cold blue-blue colors of the picture create the cosmic inconsistency of the Natural cob, calling out a little inner peace and philosophical serenity.


Subjectivity. Eternal femininity, like a Varta bow. Vminnya bachiti in the skin of a specific woman, having manifested the Divine Woman's Cob.

Strictly seeming, this card can be called a story card, but in no way do the roles change: the woman is forever deprived of the Woman, and the man is the Warrior. Tsey Arkan can also symbolize the Woman-mother and, for the obviousness of other confirmations, point to pregnancy and motherhood.


Shilyannya before the divine femininity. Positive woman's beauty, domineering woman's cob beauty. For a person, the card is always indicative of the presence in his life of another significant woman. Tse kohana chi loving woman; virna, good friend, squad chi mother; mighty patron. Vaughn is gifted with natural beauty and sensitivity. For more subtle psychological work - Mother Archetype.

For a woman - awareness of her femininity, privability and charm. Receive a bow to that love like a trustworthy one. Beauty, happiness, satisfaction, success, prosperity.

Characteristics of vіdnosin

Women's leadership. The kingdom of matriarchy among the natives.

Physical camp

Gliboke smells of wetness. This card does not talk about intense sexual stoks, oskolki Zhіnka more zaseredzhena on sobі, and Warrior to finish the slumped worship.


For a woman - a revelation of woman's sexuality, awareness of her greatness, appreciation of her strength. For a person - the well-being of his ideal. Vminnya indulge in showing the Divine Femininity in the skin of the earthly woman. But the presence of life is an important woman's position.


For a woman: why don't you put yourself high? Inflated arrogance, increased self-esteem. The person's card is protected from being hit by a deposit.

Women: listen to your nature, bring out your woman's cob. Cholovіkovі: try to pamper the Goddess with the woman - she's the one who shrieks in front of her.

Astrological evidence

Venus. Tsya planet is a symbol of a woman's cob. In astrology, she symbolizes emotional needs and represents that part of our specialty, how we evaluate a partner and try to choose. Emotions are based on a sensitive spontaneity and a deep sweetness.

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