What do you want tiltsі naypotaєmnіshi taєmnitsi people. Vikrivaemo nasty: zhorstok truth about people of different signs of the Zodiac. Retirement to work

The hour has come to take Bik by the horns!

Do you know Taurus? Are you a Taurus yourself? Come here. Find out what it means to be Taurus - the most important of all the signs of the Zodiac.

Features of Taurus

People, people under the sign of Taurus, seem to be stubborn and ambitious. Ale chi can zhe vpertist buti wrong vitlumachena? Surely you can!

Taurus is a sign of the Earth, which dictates to you the need for stability and logic. Yogo vіddanіst not maє equal, vіn prihilny to his predilections and do not like to change them for a long time.

Snakes are not hovering in Taurus. The stench vvazhayut for better but be aware of what is being said, and vodpovidat for the new. Whether or not innovations can beat them out of the lot.

The calf can be happy and laugh, at the same time chatting with the mothers in the air. The stench is prejudiced to be put up to life, it is easy to move emotionally.

Taurus can be materialistic, but, oskolki vin, as a rule, it’s important to practice, vin can also be zdіysnyuvati and large vіtrati, for example, take a mortgage and buy a road in a ring.

The best summity of Taurus

Oskіlki Taurus - a sign of the Earth and pragne stability, vin shukatime tse y partner. You want a calf, so that you can share not only some ideals and values, but also some intellectual predilections. Better for everything, find a partner, who works with your own galuzi, who wins. Take it for the one who not only stimulates them sexually, but mentally.

Capricorn is the best sign of good luck with Taurus. The stench of spіlnі tsіnnostі, the stink of insulting materialistic, but practical. Offended by pragmatic victory. However, Capricorn has more streaks in sex. Like only stinks of insults, we feel safe one by one, we add Capricorn’s strangeness to dominating the character of Taurus and grow up in our sexual life, let’s go crazy.

Tim is not smaller, Capricorns are lazy, who fights Taurus, who does not tolerate boredom. In this rank, offended partners are guilty of reconciliation, so they try new things in order to save the spark in sex and women.

Best career for Taurus

Tilet knows what you want - and you take wine. If you know your passion, then crush everything you can to get close to it.

The calf is vlivovyy and nadіyny, so you can easily rise to the top of the car'er descents. Bagato Teltsiv know success in politics and show business, or in the suburbs under the government.

Your energy is already strong, and the stench can show snobbery, but don’t take it especially! Tiltsy to destroy everything, to do your vikonati, and if you think that you are standing on this path, the stench will perekayutsya in what you know.

Shodo pennies, then Taurus - more savings. Tim is no less, they can spend the stink to the routine on the robot, the one that does not suit them change. Perebuvannya in one settlement a lot of years can lead to the fact that the stench put up with the low payment of labor.

Tiltsy are not shanuvalniki risik, it’s better not to involve them in any kind of adventure. The stench will rush away, if you are ready, but you can take more than an hour.

On the person-Taurus you can swear deeply, you are patient, practical, artistic, honest, biased and beautiful. Vіn rіdko shkoduє pennies, prote zavzhdі think about tomorrow. Do not try to tell you where to go and what to do. Yogo characterizes love to a new special freedom and independence. Vіn nіkoli nothing to rob with a primus. Yogo meta - know and give to the salt and happiness. It is important to bring this person to yourself, but if you are already angry, then fierce. Cholovik-Taurus is jealous. Vіn want, schob mustache, chim vin volodіє, it was more than yoga. However, it behooves you, if you are jealous of him, on your mind, jealousy will give you a sense of hospitality. The people-Tilts are namingly upright. Most of the time, logical proofs and facts cannot help you change your decision.

Cholovik-Taurus, even romantic and chic, are put to the kohanny with majestic awe. Yogo love is simple and honest. Yogo loving nature and respect will give you fidelity. Vіn all rob for a woman who loves. At the stage of the romantic stage, the man-Taurus is dressed for the rest of the squeak of fashion. Povilni, dovgі, nizhnі pozіlnki - the favorite occupation of a person-Tіltsya. It’s right that lower cochants, stink to know how to bring satisfaction, raise mood, take a sip. And at the same time, it is your responsibility to repay you with love and lowness. Eroticism and sex play a great role in life, in no way equal role.

It takes a lot of time, so that you become a yogo team or just a woman. The man-Taurus has long been surprised to see you. The human-Taurus does not hurry to make friends, even if the hat is a serious crotch, which will change the mustache of one's life. Vіd slubu vіn chekaє comfort, stability and turboti. Having made friends, the man-Taurus is left to keep his image. Adzhe vin duzhe resolutely choosing and choosing the very one that you need. Generously put before the primh of the squad, giving them the opportunity not to be inspired in expensive speeches: the spirits of those other drіbnits, important for the woman. At home vin buvaє liniviy, do not bark yoga for the price. Yogo can not pidshtovhuvati that hurry up. Taurus is the winner of the great companies known, even guests. At the new house, you can be calm, calm, quiet. People-Tiltsy rarely diverge. Navit if family life does not add up, the stench does not hurry from separation. The stench is long and it is important to experience separation and even more to joke with a new girlfriend. Possibly, a lover with Taurus will have a tedious troch, vіrnіshe, nadto one-man, even a man-Taurus rarely caresss his zvichkam.

Vin is not the most temperamental cochance, but patient, strong and lower. For such a sensitive person, caresses and dotiki are even more important. You know how to get to be a woman. The sexy man-Taurus wants to take the best. Vіn inhospitable and love to dominate. In sex, like in life, the stench of unspeakable and gruntovn. The man-calf is not to be taken into account in experiments at the bedroom. Occupying love for the new one is the whole art, wine is written to him, which brought you satisfaction. If your partner is a Taurus, then just relax and take away your satisfaction. Stosunkіv without sex people-Tіltsy may not take.

Ideal woman
Oskіlki cholovik-Taurus people are practical and grounded, then even before the choice of a companion of life, they go seriously, groundedly, that is practical. Vibiraє vіn dovgo that yakіsno, namagayuchis poєdnati in zhіntsі like the ideal kohanka and the miraculous homemaker. Far from leaving the role of playing the sexuality of yoga companion. It may be as spiritual as it is sexual controversy. Yogo tsіkavlyat girls with a golden heart, kind, vіddanі, lower, calm and gentry. At the same time, it’s not the fault of being overly passive, the shards of the Taurus man are not overly energetic.

A vile person is the same type, the motor character of which can be seen from a mile away. Tim is not less, you are given to peep, and then, with a crash, break the heart of more than one girl.

In this article, we can imagine, to your respect, a woman’s glance at those who show the greatest character in people of different signs of the Zodiac.


The numbers of people are right “rams” like according to the horoscope, and y in life. It’s name-branding in the face of unstoppable aggression, building to ruin everything in its own way. In case of themselves, the stench zarakhovuyut to the category of people who die, under the name "right man." The share of homosexuals has a share of homosexuals in their minds for their own identity. Therefore, take a shower and use deodorant, clean your hair and cut off the stink of the stench, respect the lower ones for your goodness.

In his behavior, the man-Aries didn’t get far beyond the gorilla: he’s loud and violent, he always hangs out in pubs and loves to boast sports achievements. The girls see the victory of the lagid and the women. Yakscho wi left yogo, just bіzhіt z usіh nіg, that scho іnakshe іnakshe іnо you wіll not pozbutis.


At first glance, Taurus does not have anything to sleep with these abominations, like breaking women's hearts with their callousness and rudeness. Tsey dbaylivy and vrіvnovazheny daddy zavzhd zapokoї and zahist you. You can bewitch the back, or else you can try to stand up for your independence, Taurus will immediately strangle you with his authority, read the morals.

Turbota of these people transforms in the course of time on the right of prison, and Taurus himself becomes a despotic tyrant. How do you throw Taurus, you will be a check, while you tell about the skoєne, and you will change it, if you did not repent and you were not.


This person can't make us start with you serious stoks. Monogamy is not just boring, it's ugly, painful and stupid. The depths of the soul of wines are simply afraid that you recognize your right nature, so after the death of the wines you will be brought to the surface, as if you simply know.

In the middle of the new one, there are impersonal super-sophisticated peculiarities: they behave like a hisstical child, then flirt with you sweetly and charmingly, then bring their irrepressible drama to tears. Only one thing can be said with confidence about the person Bliznyuk, tse those who are incorrigible.

If you have committed your life with this person, remember: you will never have mercy, you will never be guilty, and you will never be able to lose your respect for what you need fifteen minutes. How do you throw yoga Vіn raptovo svіdomlyuє, scho you buli love yogo yogo life.


Many people joke about the woman-mother, how to talk about the new, the region’s yoga, but that emotional storehouse life. And for that, just be yourself: we’ll be humble, hisstical, modest, and deeply infuriating lad. Before speech, one more moment: at the set with the cim man, you take off the mother-in-law. It doesn't matter if she lives in another place in the country, all one mother's pies are better.Yakshcho vie kinet Cancer, vіn cry and vimagatime back u t i gifts, like giving you.

a lion

You can’t help but remember these people: their appearance in the suspenstium before the beat of drums, and the stench themselves are constantly bathed by the bright spotlights and vibrating divinely.

Whose gift of heaven checks for you reverence that rozchulennya. If you feel like hearing stories from yoga biographies and talking about him, you can want yogo to leave. Ale, don’t boast, slay the first ones, as if only to remember that you don’t choke on him anymore, otherwise, God forbid, they were burning with yoga in the presence of friends.


At first glance, that calm, modest lad, ale, under the mask of an innocent soul, hovaetsya serial carding. Vіn vchit your sounds under a microscope, and God bless you, yakscho vіn z'yasuє, scho you did not wipe the pill behind the TV set for an hour of cleaning, and the cloak at the wardrobe did not hang out according to the suits.

Before speech, forget about gifts and tickets without a drive. Divi - motor scnari. One, for which they are ready to stain all the pennies, - all the items of a wet toilet. Yakscho wi left yogo, get ready to change your name, address, and more shortly, the country. Who knows what can be seen as a scoundrel-Divy.


Vіn unrepentant and irritable, to ask you for a favor - for him already a great feat. Vіn zavzhdi stvozheniy i turbovaniya chimos. In addition, these people on top of the floor are turbulent by the vlasnoy specialty, which they absolutely do not give a damn about your moral principles, persecuting that interest. Everything that yogo cackle - tse those, as you look and behave in supplication.

Just leave yoga, then, better for everything, reveal that, having left you, even that day, from that hour, I made friends and parted three times.


A strong, moving and masterful man, Scorpio is the ideal of a great woman. Yogo’s deep penetrating gaze melts in his own style the mystery and the invisible pain that beautiful pans fall in piles to the next uncrowned prince. Ale at the windows of the Scorpio vip'є z you mustache juices, like the right Count Dracula.

Vіn bude hid, avenge and forever sum up. Vіn manipuluvatime you doti, doki you will not become tim, kim vin want you to bachiti. And yoga jealousy can grow to such an extent that you will simply be barred from going out into the street. How do you throw yoga, if you survive, but if you, then there are no guarantees.


Sagittarius - head hero all stupid situations, the epicenter of problems and negativity. It’s not surprising, even if the lad is to rob his head, the first time to think. Yogo is prejudiced and wild nature will constantly require a change of scenery, to that one-sidedness is the worst dream of this abomination. But don’t boast, dear, if I change you, I’ll come and tell you about it, even if honesty is between me and cretinism.

To the point, even though you still managed to ring the ring of a person, don’t get excited, but start putting pennies on a deposit. Shooter to kill a penny right-handed and left-handed, opposing a bankrupt. How do you throw yoga, Try to explain correctly and clearly to you, there is a chance that the third time you will know, about what language.


Tsey solid and vpevneniy in sobі cholovіk seriously put up to stosunkіv. Vіn vzagalі to vsogo put to deadly seriousness. A hat for a new one is a vigilant favor, a meta like - to bring it down, to that, first ask you for a bachelorette, vin obov'yazkovo verrut, as much as you are rich materially. Lies that people need only one - Capricorns need pennies. And the kokhannya їх is a little whiluє.

Those gloomy people can’t get hot, the stench still doesn’t know anything of the day, so forget about the equality of articles or exotic passions. How do you throw yoga All the same, you can’t get away with taking a penny for a gift. All the wines have already been transferred to the pre-loving contract.


If you call Aquarius an abomination, wine, mabut, wait for it. Yogo rozuminnі dermal thought has the right to live and learn the honors. Because that deep specialty is rich, you can’t see that you can manipulate Aquarius. Yoga іdeology - tse protirіchchya that rebellion. Vіn umіє turn the situation around so that everything is one mother's race.

Yogo life meta is a self-development, to that, as only vin zrazumіє, scho you respect your reach of spirituality, that enlightenment, vin itself will leave you. How about you throw yoga, Vіn himself zaproponuє be deprived of friends, so i do not understand your bewilderment.


These abominations are pathological nonsense. Nonsense vilіtaє z їkhny company, varto їm only vіdkriti yogo. Knowing its own peculiarity, the stinks are smeared as not rich, which give them a halo of singing mystery. The people of the poor are those who called me a typical bad luck. Do not be surprised, as if in the middle of driving in a new car, it’s quiet, and to yours: “I asked you to refuel”, - you will say: “I thought, you’re talking about pants!”.

Ale, don’t think of swearing at your new friends, the one who loves all the disgusting fish-Riba. As if by a miracle, you can create the image of an unfortunate victim, shaking people to yourself.

Not a varto accepting the horoscope of all seriousness, even here the absolute extremes of the skin sign of the Zodiac are presented.

Fixing the sign of the elements of the earth, the creator and gourmet, Taurus inculcates the principle of love before life and good things, as well as majestic commitment and practicality. Taurus is able to love pratsyuvati, tolerantly create yourself a comfortable mind for life. Building for a long time and tolerant checks for the maturation of viable minds. The patience of Taurus is marvelous, it is important for you to learn something new and stick to unknown minds.

Dzhe priyyatlivy to vsogo fine, maє strong іntuїtsіyu, skolnіzuvat situatsіyu, nіzh robit vchinki. The gift of Taurus is to bring beautiful dreams into reality.

character sign

Taurus is a trochy passive sign, which is more checkful of temper, lower actively follows opportunities. Building long and important practice, the most important sign of the zodiac, as you know the best way of self-expression. To love garni speeches, evaluate everything according to high criteria, you can bring in things that are not garbled. The practicality and wisdom of life, the insipidity of making Taurus a primal householder is clearly expressed.

Taurus comradely, musically gifted, instilled in oneself and privileges for the opposite status. Professions are chosen in the sphere of science, finance, indestructibility there, where you can secure your own life. Conservative, do not marry for primary dreams.

Mayzhe always cope with the reception of hostility, likability, but in the soul a skeptic and a misanthrope, maє mіtsnі nerves, garne almost humor, love to keep yourself safe. Value for safety, love guarantees, get sick in an uncomfortable situation. May you have the gift of empathy, accumulating the power of nature, you can become a medium, a psychoanalyst or a healer, as if you feel a sense of spirituality in yourself. You will need sexual equanimity, joking with a partner, which will please your feelings.

Not to love zmin, in family problems he is completely tolerant.

Strengths and weaknesses of the sign

Line, love to the point of malt, vpertist - the weak side of the nature of Taurus. It is nasty to endure unacceptable podії and filthy company. Saves the outer calm, but streams internal aggression. You can’t take care of anything, scare your loved ones inexorably, until you set yourself up for better. Annoyed and jealous. The calf will not show you how it was hooked up in the mist, long time overturned, that it did not work out for you, that the rules of decency were violated.

Streaming anger can break through in a seemingly negligible scandal, spitting stosunkiv through dribnitsa. Ale Taurus always shows only the tip of the iceberg of right motives. We can pile on for the sake of accumulation, be greedy, we will be surrounded by material interests, and we will help the mind. Rozvineny Taurus is overly sensitive and shy to the touching, building psychologist. Having piled up enough knowledge and information, Taurus can, for the help of his intuition, transfer the future. Vin is a philosopher and a mystic at heart.


Crying in oneself, calm, instilling arrogance. Somewhere above the world, lines, ale, show a diva of respect, like suffocation. A practical romantic, with him it’s good and on the road, and in home fire. Read full description.


One of the most preferred female types zodiac. Zhіnka-Taurus tyamuscha і comrade, spiraling in life on a healthy mind. Її privablyuє beautiful comfortable environment, suites, beauty of nature, romance. Read full description.


Sensitive and lower, the child-Taurus will require affection and dotikiv. Tactile turbota can improve mood, relieve stress. Read full description.

Zdorov'I sign

At the same time, the place is the throat, neck. Often zastudzhuyutsya, skhilni to nerve visions through rewitching. Slight to the point of relapse, weak to the point of disease of the thyroid gland, disruption of the hormonal balance, if you are in an aggressive medium. It is necessary to properly chew the hedgehog.

Tsіkavі krajina: Ukraine, Switzerland, Belarus, Ireland, islands of Cyclades, about. Cyprus, about. Madeira, Asia Minor, Sweden, Rhodes, Greek Islands in the Aegean Sea.

Significant places: Moscow, Parma, Palermo, Zurich, Dublin, Leipzig

Celebrities who were born under the sign of Taurus: James McEvoy, Igg Pop, Jack Nicholson, Volodymyr Nabokov, Volodymyr Lenin, Immanuel Kant, William Shakespeare, Rene Zellweger, Barbra Streisand, Al Pacino, Volodymyr Zhirinovsky, Stas Mikhailov, Penelope Cruz, Uma Kirkorov, Dwayne Johnson, David Beckham, Mikhailo Prokhorov, Audrey Hepburn, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, George Clooney, Petro Tchaikovsky, Fedir Bondarchuk, Salvador Dali, Viktoria Daineko, Alina Kabaeva, Mark Zuckerberg, Megan Fox, Lera Kusha Sher, Danilo Kozlovsky

ZIRKI & SHARE (Claire Petulengro)

Kind, generous and kind people cannot but mother the short, far and insignificant. One of these short-lived ones is almost a bit of power and jealousy viklikana him. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya through those that Taurus give more important meaning to special stosunki. It is not easy to win such love and friendship; Guilty of knowing that Taurus is calm until the moment. The stench is even more generous in terms of age to the point of being overwhelming and may have a broad look at life. Don't start to think logically and often give impulse. Impulsivity can suspense them into the z-pіd vіntsa or rush into the arms of the unknown. Later, the stench is repaired more seriously, and the stings of the veins are debilitated and they are forced to accept the wines of remission.​

Tiltsy love expensive clothes and always look even more elegant, although they don’t want to taste that artistry for an hour. The stench to finish the conservatives does not hurry up with the fashion. Tiltsy may have a unique sensitivity, they are even more turbulent, like a hostile stink to celebrate on otochyuchih. The stinks often make friends young vice to that it is important for them to stand in front of calmly becoming mature, serious people. Wanting Taurus to love roses, stinks rarely change partners one by one. They are attracted to people, who are not like them, to quiet ones, with whom they are the least likely to be smitten. Tiltsy demand stability and security. If you can't manage your finances wisely, don't get in touch with them. Do not varto fool the good old Taurus. Tiltsy want to know that they can turn to a beloved booth, filled with beloved speeches, that the court vikonavtsy do not bite. As a rule, Taurus lives all their lives in the very same place and koristuyutsya zagalnoy pogogo. To get them out of trouble, you need another reason. Taurus is even more sexy and can make their partner go crazy with just one more sharp look. Taurus often has an unspeakable voice, and the stink stinks at him. The voice is the axis that is added to Taurus during the first teething. Guess if you want the sexy voices of Jack Nicholson and George Clooney, before which a woman cannot stand. The football player David Beckham also has an incredible voice. Tіltsi good to know about tse and nicely koristuyutsya their strengths. Another characteristic of Teltsiv rice is its miraculous smell. Tilts vmіyut koristuvatisya perfumes and colognes. Tiltsy can see vibrancy to flirt. The heavy look of the thick winds - non-perfections zasib calm down like a man, so a woman. Taurus never show friendly mozhlivist. Fuck love your job. Unfortunate Taurus is less likely to rob the wrong choice of kar'єri. Mayut success Taurus in show business, sports and politics. As a rule, stinks steal the road from children. Actresses Michelle Pfeiffer and Thor Spelling, tennis player Andre Agassi and Prime Minister Tony Blair are brilliant proofs. Tiltsy love to command. You should report your efforts to the point where you can become the bosses and make decisions, and not just pokirno acquiesce to someone else's will. And if I am the best in these people, then it’s worth building up your houses. The stench is miraculously waving children, at the Taurus's booth, it's warm and quiet. Your children are happy at home and at school. Ale angry Taurus, I would not have pleased. If Taurus is in anger, you better not trapletsya on yoga path. An unhappy Taurus is easy to recognize. A couple literally bring down s yoga wuh!​

Don't be afraid to move from Taurus. At first glance, the stench can be done with suvorimi, but more than that - you can talk with them on equal terms. Grizny looking - the whole defensive position, even Taurus is the most afraid of incompetence. The stench values ​​the sequence. The number of girlfriends will forever be included in the list of welcome from the Resurrection, and її the phone will not appear on Sunday from Taurus's notebook. Similar sounds are already being played by jealous partners. Taurus already love the zvichny order of speeches. With rich signs, you can get tedious to eat fish for the evening, and spend time in the same park. Tiltsі love good food, and tse kohannya only succumb to the century, to produce to the fullest. To save Taurus zavoi vaga, encourage youma to take up the sport that youma deserves. Todі about zayvі kilograms Taurus will quickly forget.​

Be affectionate to Taurus, and I will bring you to a nameless height. Ale varto for you to form a stuck-in beak, and you blow hotly. Taurus does not make a fuss in public and humiliate you. Taurus is more straight-lined, not to love marveling at life with its erysipelatous eyepieces, to what extent other signs of the Zodiac can be weak. Tiltsy love to work with their hands, they have an ideal order in the garden, and they bring in their suzidi. I have a Taurus girlfriend. If you come to our Scorpion's booth, then negainally throw up the growths, as if they were flooding with my man. Tale to love the simple joys of life. Get famous Taurus to love cooking. Do not silence them, like good preparations for insults. The stench is happy to ask friends for an appointment, which you have planned only for two. But do not worry: if you are alone, Taurus will tell you about your romantic plans.​

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