Radyansk serial hacks and maniaks. Women maniacs and serial vbivtsi in the SRSR. Anatoly Utkin - "Ulyanovsk Maniak"

there is a different myth about those that the Radyansk Union was a "land of high morality", and it was not characteristic of the vadi of "decaying capitalism" - moving, in the SRSR, to the front of the country only the sky was bulging, only the wind was and it was colder in the world.

That, as you understand, is not true, and the maniacs in the SRSR are bullies - everything is right in that the Radian ZMI practically did not talk about everything, creating a picture of life in the country among the Radianian hulks - if it’s true in the SRSR it’s the same, like on the “decaying Come in", bula and, and plunder, and serial maniacs-beaters, in the eyes of the English Jack the Ripper.

More often than not, one likes to talk about those who, having moved everything, only showed up, and the axis in the SRSR didn’t have anything, but here is the reason - it’s just that in the nineties the press became free and began to talk about everything, about which they punished the mothers earlier.

What a cicavo - on the right of rich radyansky maniaks, the viciousness of the current radyansky system is clearly prostgrated - there, in some sense, the sensi "helped" the maniacs to become maniacs, or it strongly screwed up that zatrimannya on the right. And sometimes they, and sometimes at the same time - like, for example, it was at the right of Andriy Chikatilo.

At today's post - a story about the three most famous and most terrible radian maniacs, as well as food. Come in pіd kat, i don't forget reach out to friends .

« Vіdchinіt, Mosgaz! » .

Volodymyr Yonesyan on the Prіzvisko "Mosgaz" vvazhaetsya one of the first radyansky serial maniacs-driven, chii malice, no matter how hard radianska vladyїх prihovat, nabula suspіlnogo resonance — I think that the voice played a role in those scho vbivtsa operating in Moscow, and not here in the provinces.

Having shrugged off his prizvisko maniac for those who rang at the door to his victims and introduced himself as a worker to ZhEK No. 13 or as an inspector from Mosgaz, "vodkrite, Mosgaz!" - so Yonesyan answered the question "who is there", after which, entering the apartment, she beat her victims with a juice. "Mosgaz" operating near the Moscow district of Sokil, in Ivanovo, on Leningradsky Prospekt and in Mar'insky Gay - having driven in 6 osib. Mosgaz was arrested for the 1964 fate and sentenced to death. Behind the legend, Khrushchov himself came to the village to Mosgaz and said - "so that in two years it won't be!"

The biography of Yonesyan-Mosgaz has a special detail - in his early youth he was born as a talented student, having received a diploma from a music school and having entered without a drink at the vocal department of the Tbilisi Conservatory. Dali, for one version, Yonesyan otrimiv the term for "treatment in the winter footwear" and drank to the camp of a lighter type in the City - de, maybe, and zbozhevoliv. It seems that the radiant system in my sensi "helped" you to become a maniac.

« Stepan was banished, and you are banished » . Chikatilo.

Andriy Chikatilo having become, perhaps, one of the most dangerous and most terrible Radyansky maniacs - having begun to repair his mischief in 1973, and before his arrest at the leaf fall of 1990, he caught zhorstoko to beat 53 individuals. Before the arrest of the maniac Chikatilo, the Radyanskaya militia arrested a small number of people for suspicion in these cases, one of them was caught in these cases and was shot. At the same time, Andriy Chikatilo himself went "on a mountain rahunka" and navit "helped" to catch a maniac - taking the fate of the cherguvanni at the stations as a combatant.

What is it that has stuck on Chikatilo so much, why is it such a stingy and vile specialty? I think that the details of his child’s biography can be revealed - Chіkatilo was born in 1936 in Ukraine, his father was rozkurkuleno, and the old man, the great commander of the partisan pen, who, after eating at full, was repressed and sent to the camp. Near Andriy Chikatilo himself, there was an older brother Stepan, who, at the beginning of the Holodomor of 1932, was judged, about which yoga mother often guessed and lakala chim Chikatilo.

In 1946, famine reappeared in Ukraine, and mother Chikatilo suvoro hindered you from going out for a hole: “Don’t go there! - said the youmu. I think that the very thing stuck on those that Chіkatilo "poїhav dah" on tsomu ґruntі - scho becomes especially obvious, as if guessing that Chikatilo tried the bodies of some of his victims. Zagalom, yakbi not the Holodomor and not іnshi zhakhi of the 20th century - the old maniac Chikatilo could not have been called.

Belarusian maniac and 14 innocently convicted.

Belarusian maniac on im'ya Gennady Mikhasevich operating between Vitebsk and Polotsk, through which he was nicknamed "the Vitebsk strangler". For 12 years, this maniac managed to kill 36 women, and the peak of murders fell on 1984 - the year "Vitebsk strangler" killed as many as 12 people.

Mikhasevich, having lived near the village of Soloniki beliya Polotsk and was called "a bright Radyan people" - practically did not drink beer, did not smoke, mav sіm'yu, taking an active part in the community life, being a people's combatant and having changed with the CPRS. At the public gatherings, the sociable and practical Gennady Mikhasevich was put as a butt to the merry revelers and piyaks.

Chastkovo itself served to the fact that the Radianska militia for a long time could not go on the trail of a maniac, having messed up with a new program - as many as 14 people were arrested, rich of them were rolled, vibivayuchi svidchennya. One of the tsikh 14 letters of the shooting, the second one tried to lay hands on himself, the third one after 10 years, the fourth after the 6-year term blinded ... The axis was so practised by the radian justice. Mikhasevich was arrested in 1987, and in 1988 he was shot near Minsk at the Pishchalivsky Castle.

I only have a little bit of the best vipadkiv. Can you guess Mikoli Gridyagina, stranglers of girls, sho mav "successively positive characteristics of work", the valtivnik and serial carding Boris Gusakov, what did you do as a photographer and kill 5 people, a maniac Anatolia Slivka, having changed from the CPRS, having the title of "honored teacher of the RRFSR", being listed as a "drummer of the communist practice" and, at the same time, having driven 7 and tortured over 40 children ... This is far from a complete list.

Zagalom, like a bachite - maniakiv-vbivts was not less than nothing, but you can also wind more, lower on the "decaying Sunset". Sometimes the Radianian mode itself "took a part" in the molding of the vicious peculiarity of a maniac (like in the Chikatilo and Holodomor vial), and the Radian militia often could not oppose such maniacs, enthralling and nourishing the innocent - like in the vipadka with the "Vitebsk strangler".

So do it.

Do you have any stories about Radyansk maniaks? Maybe, chuli yakіs istoriї chi mythi, about yakі dosi not known?

Everyone can see that there was no sex, religion and democracy in the Radyansk Union, but it was still more scandalous about it, the government wanted to shut up. Tim is no less, in the wake of the suspense it was easy to pick up the crooked details of the worst evils. For a long time, they didn’t go to sleep after the breakup of the SRSR, and deak people started to cry vipadkovo.

1. Anatoliy Biryukov - "Myslivets for the Nemovlyats"

Maniyak Biryukov, being a smart sim'yanin and a respectable hulk: no one suspected that an orderly man, that father was leading a life.
His first driving in Biryukov was born in 1977. Vіn vykrav nemovlya from the carriage, vіdnіs in a deserted place and having tried to inflict violent acts on him according to character. However, the maniac was roared with rage, and killed the little one with a knife. To the same fate, Biryukov’s swindle of squealing and driving in stolen children is not slandered, but until sixty years later, they began to re-examine the certificates. Luckily for the investigation, the stench could look at the valtivnik and fold an identikit.
After zatrimannya sleddchi and psychiatrists made a visnovka, that Biryukov was suffering from an important form of nepophilia - an addiction to the point of not moving. On his own, the malice said that having repaired his malice, through those that the squad was forced to take intimate steps with him. In 1979, Biryukov’s fate, having beaten five five with a blaze, was shot.

2. Oleksiy Sukletin - "Aligator"

At Sukletina's rahunka, these are girls and women, who killed some of them and z'їv zі with their sleepers Shakirova and Nikitinim. The first victim was a woman named after Katerina Osetrova, born in 1981. Sukletin succumbed to the fact that Yogo Kohanka Shakirova helped him to beat him in, to make him ready to beat him in. Zakokhana is tamed Madina Shakirova is ready to drink anything for the sake of the kokhanets, it was good for him to take on the cook's shoes.
Idiliya kanіbalіv trivala not long - after the killing of the little girl Sukletіn and Shakіrova rose up. The maniac, having summed up the unfortunate and once I knew it, was often visited by his relative Anatoly Nikitin, with a stink, as a result, they drove in and dismembered a new victim.
At the village, people began to walk a little, that Sukletin was selling some meat and virizka, and the gang at that hour began to take care of health, for which I was spyman. At the garden of Sukletin, 4 bears of human brushes were found. The maniac was shot in 1994, and Shakirova and Nikitin were sentenced to 15 years of pardon. On the cannibals' rahunka - as a minimum, this is the victims.

3. Anatoly Onoprienko - "Gromadyanin O"

Until 1996, when Onoprienka was taken under a vartu, there were already close to 52 dead on yoga rahunka. Exactly the number of deaths dosі zalishaєєєє nevodomoy, but for the admission of investigation, the number of victims was significantly greater.
Onoprienko rozpochav his activity in 1989 together with his partner Sergei Rogozin. The "deadly blow" by driving in bets and inviting companies of young people, as well as the stench rushed to the houses and shot all the members of the family, including children. Often Onoprіenko rozstrіlyuvav vypadkovyh passers-by.
The motives of the villainous hulk About dosi are filled with nevidomim. For yoga words, vin killing people, for even though the forces of that voice punished you robititse. Wickedness included three evils: against communism, nationalism and the plague of the 21st century. After long searches, the investigation found itself on the trail of Onoprienka. Truthfully, an innocent person was trimmed before this time, as she died under the hour of torturing. After the trial of Anatoliy Onoprienko, they sentenced him to the strata, but there were no more vikonations through the cassation of the strata in Ukraine.

4. Sergiy Golovkin - "Fisher"

Sergius was respected as a young, attractive person, but without respect for those who, for a long time, the girls had been curling up, showing no interest in them. Fischer was chirped more by the lads.
The first test of salvaging and driving in was an incident in 1984 (through a lot of fate, the victim, who survived, could recognize Golovkin). The first thing that happened was the strangulation in 1984 of the 16-year-old Andriy: threateningly with the right, Golovkin pulled the boy into the fox, strangled, strangled and mocked the body. Then the vibes continued and called out a huge resonance, through which Fischer turned for the next hour of drinking in the drunkenness.
In 1989, Golovkin "looked up from the right", but somehow changed his handwriting. Vіn zbuduvav podval at his garage, de katuvav, ґvaltuvav and driving lads. Through those who, having become unguarded and inaccurately burying the remains of the body, they knew it quickly. 1992, the fate of Fischer was hung up on. Yogo was condemned to the strata, virok vikonali 1996 rock. For the maniac's rahunka 11 killed pidlitkiv.

5. Anatoly Utkin - "Ulyanovsk Maniak"

Anatoly Utkin, born 1942 In 1968, a 14-year-old girl, Liza Makarova, sounded the car; Having speeded up the moment, Utkin zґvaltuvav and drove in a bіdolakha, having left his own sprat of її special speeches “in a riddle”.
The victims of the maniac, who roamed, were like young girls, and women of the middle age. After the discovery of the girls, that knowledge of the corpses, the bulk trembled: a serial murderer appeared near the calm Ulyanovsk! With the help of Utkin, having started more, it usually comes up to the choice of victims - vin cherubvsya retelnyh planning.
In 1972, the motives of the maniac changed: now the method of yoga was not violence and driving, but profit. What fate did Utkin kill a man for the sake of plundering, and in 1973 they took him under a varta. Following the evidence that the suspected evidence was found at the booth, the police did not lose their doubts about the guilt. In 1975, Utkin's fate was shot, nine murders of his "authorship" were established in total.
It's no wonder, about Anatoly Utkin, yoga family and they knew very friendly. Vіn buv dvіchі druzheny i mav dvoh dіtey.

6. Sergiy Tkach - "Pavlograd Maniak"

Operating the Weaver from the 1980s, the motives of yogo mischief have always been of a sexual nature. Vbivtsya began to repair mischief after moving to Ukraine; Vіn choosing girls from 9 to 17 years old. The weaver reluctantly prihovuvav evidence, not leaving traces of sperm on the bodies, vidbitkіv and fabrics, prote wines not listening to the memorable speeches of his victims, as if dbaily saving.
The 2005th fate of the Weaver, having dealt with the black sacrifice - the nine-year-old girl - after that, zatrimany. For an hour of yoga poshukіv 14 people were innocently condemned for swindling mischief, from whom we later knew the Weaver.
Today, Sergiy Tkach is reassured. The current hour of wine under the wartoyu mav access to the Internet and splkuvavsya іz zatsіkavlenimi people. On the rack of this zhorstogo maniac from 30 to 150 victims.

7. Volodymyr Mukhankin - "Lenin"

Volodymyr was born into an unfamiliar family as an unfortunate child (his father left his matir before the birth of his son), after which he endured the post-studying of that filthy setting in the house. Let's bake on otochennya, Mukhankin periodically wandering, killing, attacking people and tormenting and worrying about creatures. Yogo's nature did not cause you to make friends at 18 rokiv, from him a son was born, which died in good time.
In 1995, “Lenin” began to drive in and repair for a few months in the last few days. Mukhankin, conscious of his dying victims, vibrating with languor over the agonizing body. I'm addicted maniaka buli human organs, with yakim wines often lying down to sleep.
After zatrimannya zlochinets behaved obscenely and declaring that other Chikatilo. Mukhankin, out of satisfaction, described his misdeeds in detail, but at the trial he was convinced of his witnesses. Yogo was recognized as guilty of 22 mischief, most of them - infliction. At the same time, Mukhankin used the daughter term of the colony "Black Dolphin".

8. Volodymyr Yonesyan - Mosgaz

During the hours of Khrushchov's vidliga, it was important to reveal that an evil-doer penetrated your apartment, introducing himself as a practitioner, for example, Mosgaz chi ZHEK, which gave the evil-doers the opportunity to grow up with this simple method. Vlada was disbanded, all forces were thrown to seize the maniac.
Through a quick investigation and a quick reprisal against Yonesyan, his motives have become obsolete. Nayimovіrnіshe, vіn killing with the method of plundering. I also have a version, after the entry of the squad to the ballerina Alevtini Dmitrieva, the villain penetrated the apartment in order to find gifts for the woman. According to the third version - the driving in helped Yonesyan to assert himself.
In 1963, Mosgaz was first driven in: having penetrated to the apartment, hacking to death with a sword a 12-year-old boy, who knew at home on his own, and taking a sprat of speeches. The rest of the 46-year-old woman was killed in 1964, the same fate the evil-doers took under the varta and shot.
The version that Khrushchev himself was talking about Ionesyan was not completed. There are five victims on the rahunka, four of them are children.

9. Roman Burtsev - "Kamensky Chikatilo"

Burtsev's fathers were alcoholics, which, perhaps, injected the formation of yoga specialty. Having beaten his brother and sister Churilovs in 1993, having beaten his brother and sister Churilovs in 1993, he called a bunch of faults for a boy, and then he beat and beat a girl. Dead bodies digging in a hole.
Burtsev began to be vigilant about neatness: he so reverently hunted the bodies of the victims, that all the stinks could be found only once, if he himself showed the place of the funeral. Protetelnіst pohovannâ tvorіvі and dvela Burtsev - after the chervіv vvbivnі vіn asking for a shovel in one of the sacks of his village, after which he threw a sling. The woman described the beauty of the wondrous person, and a little bit of her life was also recognized by one of the victims, who was far away.
In 1996, Roman Burtsev was arrested and sentenced to death, then the virok was replaced by a child's conviction. "Kamensky Chikatilo" killed six people.

10. Vasil Kulik - "Irkutsk Monster"

In childhood, Vasil Kulik was a sickly child, but in the same time they always watched and dbali. Through post-yni ailments, practically everything was forgiven to him, to that Vasil ris to his mystical and zhorstok, poisoning his guts in a podlitkovy vіtsі.
Z vіkom Kulik zmіtsnіv i began to go in for sports. After an attack and a blow to the head in 1980, the new generation began to blame the sexual desire for children; Without raking a maniac and driving in pensioners: for yoga, we know everything, we put together a list of old ones, what to call yoga.
Panic broke out in Irkutsk, and after trying to protect them, during the last hour of the black swing of 1986, they could cross over. The "Irkutsk monster" was aware of everything, protested at the court with a rapt voice, stating that the Chibis gang had set it up. After a serious investigation by Vasyl Kulik, it was shot in 1989. There were 13 kills on yoga rahunka.

Katerina Snyatovska

: http://www.publy.ru

Everyone can see that there was no sex, religion and democracy in the Radyansk Union, but it was still more scandalous about it, the government wanted to shut up. Tim is no less, in the wake of the suspense it was easy to pick up the crooked details of the worst evils. For a long time, they didn’t go to sleep after the breakup of the SRSR, and deak people started to cry vipadkovo.

1. Anatoliy Biryukov - "Myslivets for the Nemovlyats"

Maniyak Biryukov, being a smart sim'yanin and a respectable hulk: no one suspected that an orderly man, that father was leading a life.

His first driving in Biryukov was born in 1977. Vіn vykrav nemovlya z stroller, vіdnіs in a deserted place and having tried to inflict violent acts on him due to his character. However, the maniac was roared with rage, and killed the little one with a knife. To the same fate, Biryukov’s swindle of squealing and driving in stolen children is not slandered, but until sixty years later, they began to re-examine the certificates. Luckily for the investigation, the stench could look at the valtivnik and fold an identikit.

After zatrimannya sleddchi and psychiatrists made a visnovka, that Biryukov was suffering from an important form of nepophilia - an addiction to the point of not moving. On his own, the malice said that having repaired his malice, through those that the squad was forced to take intimate steps with him. In 1979, Biryukov’s fate, having beaten five five with a blaze, was shot.

2. Oleksiy Sukletin - "Aligator"

At Sukletina's rahunka, these are girls and women, who killed some of them and z'їv zі with their sleepers Shakirova and Nikitinim. The first victim was a woman named after Katerina Osetrova, born in 1981. Sukletin succumbed to the fact that Yogo Kohanka Shakirova helped him to beat him in, to make him ready to beat him in. Zakokhana is tamed Madina Shakirova is ready to drink anything for the sake of the kokhanets, it was good for him to take on the cook's shoes.

Idiliya kanіbalіv trivala not long - after the killing of the little girl Sukletіn and Shakіrova rose up. The maniac, having summed up the unfortunate and once I knew it, was often visited by his relative Anatoly Nikitin, with a stink, as a result, they drove in and dismembered a new victim.

At the village, people began to walk a little, that Sukletin was selling some meat and virizka, and the gang at that hour began to take care of health, for which I was spyman. At the garden of Sukletin, 4 bears of human brushes were found. The maniac was shot in 1994, and Shakirova and Nikitin were sentenced to 15 years of pardon. On the cannibals' rahunka - as a minimum, this is the victims.

3. Anatoly Onoprienko - "Gromadyanin O"

Until 1996, when Onoprienka was taken under a vartu, there were already close to 52 dead on yoga rahunka. Exactly the number of deaths dosі zalishaєєєє nevodomoy, but for the admission of investigation, the number of victims was significantly greater.

Onoprienko rozpochav his activity in 1989 together with his partner Sergei Rogozin. The "deadly blow" by driving in bets and inviting companies of young people, as well as the stench rushed to the houses and shot all the members of the family, including children. Often Onoprіenko rozstrіlyuvav vypadkovyh passers-by.

The motives of the villainous hulk About dosi are filled with nevidomim. For yoga words, vin killing people, for even though the forces of that voice punished you robititse. Wickedness included three evils: against communism, nationalism and the plague of the 21st century. After long searches, the investigation found itself on the trail of Onoprienka. Truthfully, an innocent person was trimmed before this time, as she died under the hour of torturing. After the trial of Anatoliy Onoprienko, they sentenced him to the strata, but there were no more vikonations through the cassation of the strata in Ukraine.

4. Sergiy Golovkin - "Fisher"

Sergius was respected as a young, attractive person, but without respect for those who, for a long time, the girls had been curling up, showing no interest in them. Fischer was chirped more by the lads.

The first test of salvaging and driving in was an incident in 1984 (through a lot of fate, the victim, who survived, could recognize Golovkin). The first thing that happened was the strangulation in 1984 of the 16-year-old Andriy: threateningly with the right, Golovkin pulled the boy into the fox, strangled, strangled and mocked the body. Then the vibes continued and called out a huge resonance, through which Fischer turned for the next hour of drinking in the drunkenness.

In 1989, Golovkin "looked up from the right", but somehow changed his handwriting. Vіn zbuduvav podval at his garage, de katuvav, ґvaltuvav and driving lads. Through those who, having become unguarded and inaccurately burying the remains of the body, they knew it quickly. 1992, the fate of Fischer was hung up on. Yogo was condemned to the strata, virok vikonali 1996 rock. For the maniac's rahunka 11 killed pidlitkiv.

5. Anatoly Utkin - "Ulyanovsk Maniak"

Anatoly Utkin, born 1942 In 1968, a 14-year-old girl, Liza Makarova, sounded the car; Having speeded up the moment, Utkin zґvaltuvav and drove in a bіdolakha, having left his own sprat of її special speeches “in a riddle”.

The victims of the maniac, who roamed, were like young girls, and women of the middle age. After the discovery of the girls, that knowledge of the corpses, the bulk trembled: a serial murderer appeared near the calm Ulyanovsk! With the help of Utkin, having started more, it usually comes up to the choice of victims - vin cherubvsya retelnyh planning.

In 1972, the motives of the maniac changed: now the method of yoga was not violence and driving, but profit. What fate did Utkin kill a man for the sake of plundering, and in 1973 they took him under a varta. Following the evidence that the suspected evidence was found at the booth, the police did not lose their doubts about the guilt. In 1975, Utkin's fate was shot, nine murders of his "authorship" were established in total.

It's no wonder, about Anatoly Utkin, yoga family and they knew very friendly. Vіn buv dvіchі druzheny i mav dvoh dіtey.

6. Sergiy Tkach - "Pavlograd Maniak"

Operating the Weaver from the 1980s, the motives of yogo mischief have always been of a sexual nature. Vbivtsya began to repair mischief after moving to Ukraine; Vіn choosing girls from 9 to 17 years old. The weaver reluctantly added evidence, not leaving traces of sperm, vidbitkіv and fabrics on the bodies, not listening to the memorable speeches of his victims, as if dbaily saving.

The 2005th fate of the Weaver, having dealt with the black sacrifice - the nine-year-old girl - after that, zatrimany. For an hour of yoga poshukіv 14 people were innocently condemned for swindling mischief, from whom we later knew the Weaver.

Today, Sergiy Tkach is reassured. The current hour of wine under the wartoyu mav access to the Internet and splkuvavsya іz zatsіkavlenimi people. On the rack of this zhorstogo maniac from 30 to 150 victims.

7. Volodymyr Mukhankin - "Lenin"

Volodymyr was born in an unfamiliar sim'ї as an unfortunate child (yogo father left his matіr before the birth of his son), after which he endured the filthiness of the home. Let's bake on otochennya, Mukhankin periodically wandering, killing, attacking people and tormenting and worrying about creatures. Yogo's nature did not cause you to make friends at 18 rokiv, from him a son was born, which died in good time.

In 1995, “Lenin” began to drive in and repair for a few months in the last few days. Mukhankin, conscious of his dying victims, vibrating with languor over the agonizing body. The right passion of the maniac was human organs, with such wines often lying down to sleep.

After zatrimannya zlochinets behaved obscenely and declaring that other Chikatilo. Mukhankin, out of satisfaction, described his misdeeds in detail, but at the trial he was convinced of his witnesses. Yogo was recognized as guilty of 22 mischief, most of them - infliction. At the same time, Mukhankin used the daughter term of the colony "Black Dolphin".

8. Volodymyr Yonesyan - Mosgaz

During the hours of Khrushchov's vidliga, it was important to reveal that an evil-doer penetrated your apartment, introducing himself as a practitioner, for example, Mosgaz chi ZHEK, which gave the evil-doers the opportunity to grow up with this simple method. Vlada was disbanded, all forces were thrown to seize the maniac.

Through a quick investigation and a quick reprisal against Yonesyan, his motives have become obsolete. Nayimovіrnіshe, vіn killing with the method of plundering. I also have a version, after the entry of the squad to the ballerina Alevtini Dmitrieva, the villain penetrated the apartment in order to find gifts for the woman. According to the third version - the driving in helped Yonesyan to assert himself.

In 1963, Mosgaz was first driven in: having penetrated to the apartment, hacking to death with a sword a 12-year-old boy, who knew at home on his own, and taking a sprat of speeches. The rest of the 46-year-old woman was killed in 1964, the same fate the evil-doers took under the varta and shot.

The version that Khrushchev himself was talking about Ionesyan was not completed. There are five victims on the rahunka, four of them are children.

9. Roman Burtsev - "Kamensky Chikatilo"

Burtsev's fathers were alcoholics, which, perhaps, injected the formation of yoga specialty. Having beaten his brother and sister Churilovs in 1993, having beaten his brother and sister Churilovs in 1993, he called the boy a bunch of faults, and then he beat and beat the girl. Dead bodies digging in a hole.

Burtsev began to be vigilant about neatness: he so reverently hunted the bodies of the victims, that all the stinks could be found only once, if he himself showed the place of the funeral. Protetelnіst pohovannâ tvorіvі and dvela Burtsev - after the chervіv vvbivnі vіn asking for a shovel in one of the sacks of his village, after which he threw a sling. The woman described the beauty of the wondrous person, and a little bit of her life was also recognized by one of the victims, who was far away.

In 1996, Roman Burtsev was arrested and sentenced to death, then the virok was replaced by a child's conviction. "Kamensky Chikatilo" killed six people.

10. Vasil Kulik - "Irkutsk Monster"

In childhood, Vasil Kulik was a sickly child, but in the same time they always watched and dbali. Through post-yni ailments, practically everything was forgiven to him, to that Vasil ris to his mystical and zhorstok, poisoning his guts in a podlitkovy vіtsі.

Z vіkom Kulik zmіtsnіv i began to go in for sports. After an attack and a blow to the head in 1980, the new generation began to blame the sexual desire for children; Without raking a maniac and driving in pensioners: for yoga, we know everything, we put together a list of old ones, what to call yoga.

Panic broke out in Irkutsk, and after trying to protect them, during the last hour of the black swing of 1986, they could cross over. The "Irkutsk monster" was aware of everything, protested at the court with a rapt voice, stating that the Chibis gang had set it up. After a serious investigation by Vasyl Kulik, it was shot in 1989. There were 13 kills on yoga rahunka.

Mon, 02/02/2014 - 20:08

In our country, impersonal people live, and far from all of them are good. In the criminal history of Russia, there have been a few pitiless monsters, which were marked as serial attacks and bloody maniacs. They didn’t blame them for the bugs, the protesters stung them in a right way, fouling and skinning them, becoming a serial maniac. Read more about maniaks, their driving in and their share. Not for people with weak nerves! We tried to write about small-scale maniacs and serial attacks, that one was not specifically included in the Chikatilo and Bitsevsky maniac list.

Valery Hasratyan

Valeriy Asratyan, also known as "Director", was the biggest nightmare of actresses-pochatkivtsiv. From 1988 to 1990, the Moscow maniac presented himself as an effervescent director (stars are good), enticing girls, who do not suspect anything, to the new empty shells of wealth and glory.

Asratyan's main method was sexual mischief, sin, standing on the path of a serial vbivtsi, trying to replace the trace. Under the hour of wicked vigilance, having saved dozens of victims, having driven in three of them. Do not worry about turning to yourself the respect of the evil-doer by victorious, having different methods of driving in, the police did not suspect that the driving in was the right hand of one person.

Asratyan was more sensible and had a good understanding of psychology. With the help of the method of luring the victim to his home, he was introduced to himself as a director (in a set with detailed documents), after that, as the victim drank in the light, beat the victim until he wasted his memory, and then drugged him and took him to his house like a sexual toy. a lot of days Lonely brothers, who survived, after the call, fought against the maniac.

The deyakі victims could show the place, de їх trimav Hasratyan. At the process of investigating the militia, it was possible to find out and arrest the maniac, who himself ended his terror. Vіn buv shootings in 1992 roci, in the period after the collapse of the Radyansk Union.

Oleksandr Bichkov

Oleksandr Bichkov does not like alcoholics and homeless people. In fact, they are so hated that the dream will blame them. Bichkov began to call himself "Rimbaud", like the hero of the famous character Sylvester Stallone, wielding a great knife and a hammer, and shaking the streets with the jokes of the victims.

Mіzh 2009 and 2012, "Rimbaud" lured nine less unfortunate victims from desert areas, attacked them killing them, and then dismembered the body and hovav їх. Kozhen from tsikh attacked bvretly entries in the magazine, calling some vin "the crooked watering of a hut that was born in the dragon's river." Vin is so stubborn that he accepts two hearts of his victims, even though there was no evidence of that.

Bichkov was less than 24 years old if they caught yoga. For the only explanation of yogo diy, it was necessary to take care of your girlfriend, for which the wines were treated like a self-sufficient worker.

Anatoly Slivko

Anatoly Slivko is a Radyansky serial maniac-driver, a sadist and a pedophile. By stretching bagatioh rokіv tsey monster trimav in fear of the place Nevinnomysk. Out of the place, little lads began to disappear, such as no one could ever be. The police did their best to investigate the incident, but no serious evidence was found.

In 1985, roci zlochinets buv nareshti spiimany. Anatoliy Slivko became the leader of the local tourist club "Chergid", successfully winning his camp, to win the confidence of young tourists. In his youth, Slivko became a reminder of a terrible accident, at the hour when a motorcyclist crashed into a column of pioneers and one of them died in the oven of gasoline, which was burning. Vіn vіdchuv sexually zbudzhennya, and tsya picture replayed yoga all grown up life. After that, having become the head of "Chergid", I tried to fulfill this stingy scenario. Vіn zmushuvav lads play a role and take a pose, poached him if a terrible podії. But it’s not enough for youmu just to marvel at the stage. Zreshtoy Slivko began to drive in children, dismember and spit out the remains.

To entice the lads to take part in the stingy scenes, in victorious victorious method. Vin telling the lads that they could become the main characters of the film about those how the Nazis knew about children, at that time the topic was popular. The maniac dressed the lads in pioneer uniforms, pulled them up on hanks, hung on a tree, guarded flour and convulsions, after which, having carried out resuscitation, come in. the victims either did not remember what happened to them, or they were afraid of being told about the “secret experiment”. To children, they still told about everything, they didn’t believe anyone.

After that, as a result of accusations and convictions to the point of strata, Slivka's behavior became wonderfully good-natured. Vіn buv more zapobіzhny and poshtiv z vlady until the very end. If the police spit on another serial killer, give interviews to the next, in the style of Hannibal Lecter, a year before the strata.

Sergiy Golovkin

Sergiy Golovkin was a quiet outsider, who had little contact with other people. If you want to bring closures and rubbish, you can easily irritate people with your look. No one could imagine that the lad would become a serial killer. Vіn buv serial killer we know yak "Boa constrictor" chi "Fisher".

At school rocks suffering from enuresis. Insured, scho otochuyuchi smelled the smell of yoga. When masturbating, often fantasizing about those who drive in classmates. At thirteen fates, sadistic insolence appeared more firmly. Golovkin, having drunk his gut on the street, brought it home, hung it up and cut his head, through which the discharge came, he slept hard, in a sort of wine, constantly resting. Also pіdsmazhuvav on the plate of aquarium fish.

Mіzh 1986 and 1992 rocky, Golovkin killed and scored 11 osіb. Vіn buv vіdomiy tim, scho strangling their victims, and then dismembered the bodies in an ugly manner, like in films zhahіv. Vіn rіzav their victims, vіdrіzav statevі organs, head, rіzav chervnu emptiness, vluchav internal organs. Vin taking "souvenirs for a riddle" from the remains of his victims. After experimenting with cannibalism, it turned out that youmu did not like the relish of human flesh.

One of the 4 lads, like Golovkin, having propagated to take the fate of the plunder, moved to take the fate of the proponation of the right and, having learned yoga later. Three other lads are no better.

For Golovkin, they organized a fast. On July 19, 1992, yoga was caught up in rock. For Golovkin, it was a misfortune, prote on drinking more wine, acting calmly and recounting the fault. At night in the isolation ward Golovkin tried to open the veins. On July 21, 1992, they ransacked the garage and, going down to the liohs, showed evidence: a child has a bath with burnt balls of skin and blood, clothes, speeches and other things.

Golovkin was known in 11 episodes and reportedly showed the next month of driving that funeral. Under the hour of the investigation, he behaved calmly, monotonously roaring about the intrusions, jarting at times. Vіn buv stracheni y 1996 roci.

Maxim Petrov

Dr. Maxim Petrov is not the only person who is seen as a "doctor of death", but, insanely, one of the most terrible. Pitiless vbivtsya spets_zuvavsya on re-examination of his summer patients. Vіn coming to pensioners at home, without warning, as a rule, lies, if their relatives went to work. Petrov vimiruvav arterial vice she told the patient that it was necessary to give an injection. After the injection, the victims were not tired, and Petrov, having taken with him the valuable words. Vіn navіt knowing hoops and earrings from patients. The first victims did not die. First driving Petrov skoїv in 1999. The patient was already untidy after the injection, if his daughter turned around unhappily at home and worked like a doctor to fix a burglary. Vin hitting the woman with a twist, and strangling the patient. On the next episode, Petrov's principle changed. Vіn administering injections of lethal drugs to the victims, so that the police did not think that the villain was a doctor. Petrov poked his victims at home in order to grab the evildoer. Stolen speeches were known at his apartment, part of the wines had already been sold on the market.

At the hands of Petrov, over 50 people perished. One, who survived, thinks that the stinks have thrown themselves at their stoking booth, and after that, they have thrown themselves, they were trying in the apartment filled with gas. Svіdkіv Petrov ruthlessly driving.

I’ve put a series of deaths on a steady stream of victories from fatal injections and the demolition of apartments for help, but we’ve got to be thirsty. The investigators unintentionally commemorated the lawful connection between the ailments and the hardened evils and made a list of 72 potential future victims. Nezabar stench arrested Petrov, if he was a "guest" in one of his patients in 2002 roci. In this hour of wine, you will be sure to understand

Sergiy Martinov

For deyaky people, vyaznitsya - tse vipravna setting. On the thought of others, it’s just a misfortune, de stink to add an hour between mischief. Qi people often turn to their evil deeds following their will. Sergiy Martinov is from another group of people.

Vіn has already been awarded 14 years at the vyaznitsa for driving in that salary after the call from 2005 roci. All the same blood was vibrating from the new one. After a short time, after the sound of the wines began to travel around the countryside in the wake of the victims.

With the protyazhn of the coming six rokіv Martinov rozpochav a series of vbivstv. Vіn mandruvav ten different regions, leaving behind a trace of vbivstv and valtuvan. Yogo, the victims of a good boule of a woman, that girl, at the beatings of such wines, vikoristovuvav zhahlivy methods.

The crookedness is more expensive than Martinov ended, after the fact that yoga was caught in the 2010 rotation. Yogo was called no less than eight times and in the number of votes in 2012. Vіdbuvaє dovіchny termіn.

"Molotochniki from Irkutsk" - Akademіvskі manіaki

Morally unsustainable victories are one of the safest types of mischief. The stench of the floorings is not peredbachuvani, the stilts are zhorstokі and it is even more important to recognize the serial killers.

Mikita Litkin and Artem Anufriyev were two young people who tried to test themselves in neo-Nazism, or rather they were skinheads. Dressed in all black, they were active members of various groups dedicated to fascism. The stench of the boulevard was in the city under such names as Peoplehater, and moderated social groups, So like "We are the gods, we are the only ones who decide who will live and who will die."

Litkin and Anufriev became famous as "Academic maniacs". In the period from March 2010 to March and April 2011, the stench was driven in from six to eight osib. Luckily, two of them were doing badly, and they took care of the following, because the series of knock-ins didn’t last long.

On July 16, 2012, the fate of Anufriev, right in court, having healed his own stinging wounds in the bichnu part of the shii, and having shattered his life with a razor, as if carried by the nose, if he was taken from SIZO to the court. Vіn didn’t have a moment to explain, now I’ve been trying. Yogo lawyer Svitlana Kukareva considers the result of a strong emotional outburst, some kind of exclamation, that Yogo mother of that day appeared in court earlier. "Aif near the Skhidny Siberia" having made a splash, if Anufriev, before one of the meetings, had broken himself with a screw, twisting the shell at the convoy's place.

On April 2, 2013, the Irkutsk Regional Court sued Anufriev to a preliminary conviction for the release of a special regime from the colony. spent at the prison, and those that were left out - at the colony of a strict regime.

Volodymyr Mukhankin - driving from Rostov-on-Don

In 1995, Mukhankin began to drive in and skid 8 in 2 months. The corpses were dissected and manipulated with the dead and agonizing bodies. Mav is unhealthy addicted to internal organs, repeatedly lying down to sleep with them. Buv episode, de after driving on the tsvintary of Mukhankin, having filled the arkush from the vіrsh with him. On the rest of your day at will, repair 2 driving in and 1 swing for driving in. Crim 8 vbivstv, vіn also skoїv shche 14 mischief: thefts and robbery attacks.

Mukhankin buv spiimaniy vipadkovo after attacking a woman with a daughter. The woman was beaten down, but the girl survived and later recognized the attacker.

After an hour of drinking, the maniac behaved zukhvalo, without repenting from his fellow man, calling himself Chikatilo, although he also said that “Chikatilo Kurchatka is equal to him.” Mukhankin described his evil deeds in detail, at the same time trying to heal the mindless to the point of thinking about his lack of self-confidence. However, it didn’t go away for him - the examination recognized him as condemned and resounded in his actions.

On the court of Mukhankin, rozumіyuchi, scho to you I threaten the sights of the world of punishment, watching these witnesses. The court found him guilty in 22 cases, including 8 cases, of which three were minor. Volodymyr Mukhankin was sentenced to strata with the confiscation of the lane. In the meantime, the shooting was replaced by a daughter’s freedom of will. At the moment, take a walk at the famous colony "Black Dolphin".

Irina Gaidamachuk

If your criminal name "Satan at the bedside" is better for everything, it's not your own fault good man in the world Irina Gaydamachuk deserved more than the first prize. For a stretch of seven years, she recognized the summer citizens of the Sverdlovsk region as a practitioner of social security. After that, as she dragged her to the apartment of the victim, she beat people of a frail age, breaking their heads with a hammer or a sock. After that won, she stole pennies and valuable speeches and boasted for a month, like nothing happened.

The scariest thing in Gaidamachuk is those who weren't in any way an anti-social loner, they were friends, and mothers of two children. Vaughn really liked to drink richly and did not like to practice. Vaughan tried to drive people in as an alternative method of earning pennies. Tim is not less, he didn’t need to be on the right side of the butt, he could plunder without exceeding 17,500 rubles. And she continued to work again, and again, and again.

Vaughn drove 17 pensioners for 8 years of malicious activity. Like a woman, she told the police: "I just wanted to be a normal mother, but I was stale with alcohol. My man Yury did not give me a penny to burn."

Gaydamachuk was caught up only like 2010 rock. Gaydamachuk was charged with 17 attacks and 18 assaults (one of the victims after the attack, Irina survived). Її were recognized as condemned.

Vaughn was sentenced to 20 years of free will. Such a soft virok of calls, which is valid until article 57 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, does not apply to women (as well as to people younger than 18 or older than 65 years old). 20 years was the maximum punishment for her.

Vasil Komarov

Vasil Ivanovich Komarov - the first vicarious Radyansky serial maniac-driver, operating in Moscow during the period 1921-1923. Yogo, 33 people became victims.

Vasil Komarov foresaw the scenario of his driving. Vіn knowing the client, if you want to buy the same goods, often the horses, bringing them to your houses, blowing with a throat, then hammering them in with hammer blows, strangling them, and then packing the body in a bear and relatively hovav. In 1921, there were at least 17 infusions, in the attack, there were at least 12 infusions, although I myself knew 33 infusions. The corpses were revealed in the Moscow-Rits, in ruynovannye booths, buried under the ground. According to Komarov, the whole procedure took no more than a year.

Mіzh 1921 and 1923 fates, Moscow tremtіla vіd pitiless vbivtsi, which strangled and beating people to death with batons and throwing their bodies in bears on the netry of the city. Tse buv, well, Komarov. Vin is not particularly sensible in his actions, however. Since, as vlada realized, that the hittings were connected with sales on the kіnsk market, the stench quickly sealed it up to the rank of pіdozryuvanih. try to kill your eightfold son.

Mosquitoes, trying to get into the hands of the law, were arrested without a hitch. The greater number of bodies of the victims of Vasil Komarov was revealed only after the third time. Mosquitoes with particular cynicism and satisfaction rozpovіd about vbivstviya. Vіn sang that the motive of this villain was greed, that having driven in less than speculators, prote all yogo vvivaniya brought him close to 30 dollars for the current exchange rate. On the eve of the hour, the funeral of the city of Komarov forcibly removed the discord of the NATO people.

The maniac did not repent of his evil deeds, moreover, saying that he was ready to inflict sixty murders at will. The ship's psychiatric examination recognized Komarov as a convict, although they recognized him as an alcoholic degenerate and a psychopath.

The court having condemned Vasil Komarov and his team Sophia to the worst of the world punishment - shooting. In addition, 1923 roci virok vikonano

Vasyl Kulik

Vasil Kulik, more famous yak "Irkutsk Monster" - the famous Radian serial killer. Driving in from the method of prihovat zґvaltuvannya. It’s also a year to know that having taken a stronger sexual satisfaction for the hour of strangling the victim.

From childhood Vasyl Kulik made a connection between violence and sexual awakenings. The pidlіtkovu vіtsi vіn mav has a lot of girlfriends, yakі have developed an appetite for sex in a new ailment. My mental health has always been more cunning, but if the girl, like I love you, moved to a different place, my mental health has sharply deteriorated.

Mіzh 1984 and 1986 rocky, Kulik scored 13 osіb. Yogo victims were women of a frail age or little children. Beating Kulik skoiv different ways: victorious with firearms, strangling, giving knife wounds and other ways of driving in their victims. The oldest victim was 73 years old, the youngest victim was a two-month-old child.

Under the hour of the black attack, on September 17, 1986, he was beaten and delivered to the police crossing. Kulik was unfamiliar with everyone, protested at the court in light of the evidence, stating that a gang of such a Chibisa had been embarrassed by everyone, as they had knocked off all the beats. On the right, the bula was redirected to follow-up.

However, this fault was brought to a head and Kulik was arrested on the day of his 30th birthday. On September 11, 1988, the court sentenced Vasil Kulik to the ultimate punishment of the world - shooting.

Not long before the vicar, Kulik was interviewed. Axis of lines from new:

"Kulik: ... Virok is already є, the court has passed, also ... only a few people are left alone, there are no more thoughts ...
Interviewer: Are you afraid of death?
Kulik: Well, I didn't think about it..."

Kulik also wrote poems about love for women and children. On the 26th of Chernya, 1989, the year in the SIZO of Irkutsk was virok bulo vikonano.

Dnipropetrovsk maniacs are Ukrainian serial drivings, vodpovidalny for low driving. Radyansky Andriy Chikatilo, serial killer, still the butcher of Rostov, a kind of litigation for 53 driving that not so long ago Moscow maniac Oleksandr Pichushkin, known as "Shakhovo Doshka's Beating". What zamushuє serial vbivtsu vbivat again and again?

Russian serial embroidered coats look really shrill, wind up at the bellows. Deyakі vbivstviya buli prihovanі vіd vіdskostі vіdіkі kraїnah. There have been few films about serial battles in Russia based on real stories.

Before you is a retelling of the most common Russian serial killers.


The helper from Moscow became summarily aware of more than a hundred kripakivs for flour and the driving in, most importantly women and girls. Dovіchno succumbed. Saltikov at the Ugrian translation - Countess of Blood. She lived near the 18th century. Buried by a number of relatives in the tsvintary of the Donskoy Monastery.


Radyansky serial driving, litigation for driving 5 cases in Pdmoskov'ї in the period from 1964 to 1968. In 1970, five murders and 15 forcible sexual assaults on girls and young women were caught and spent in 1970 by shooting. Gusakov was born in the family of alcoholics and s early century suffering from mental health problems, but they were often ignored through the war that they tried.

At the quarter, Gusakov attacked a 9-year-old girl, as well as a young couple, hitting a man with a blunt object, knocking a woman in front of him. A man, who is alive, could describe the attacker of the police.


Having driven in and dismembered these girls and women from the Republic of Tatarstan in the period from 1979 to 1985. Born in 1943 in Kazan. Sukletin sometimes sold meat to people with susides, declaring that they were made from animal meat, having beaten Fedorov with a year. Sukletin was arrested in 1985, for a couple of months after the death of Lydia Fedorova.


Radyansky serial drive-in, convictions for drive-in 7 cases near Nevinnomyska and in the outskirts of the period from 1964 to 1985. The cream was shot on the 16th of spring 1989. On June 23, 1985, Slivko drove his last victim, a 13-year-old lad named after Sergiy Pavlov, as a sign of the following, as having raised the susida, that we can succumb to the leader of Chergida.

In 1980, the 13-year-old boy was born in the name of Sergiy Fatsiev, who at the same time from Nesmianov and Pogasyan was a member of "Chergida". V'yacheslav Khovistik, who was killed in 1982, became an offensive victim.


Radyansky serial driving on the prize of the Rostov Butcher, Chervony the Ripper, and the Rostov Ripper, having committed a sexual attack, driving that number of 52 women and children in the period from 1978 to 1990 in the Russian SSR RSR, Ukrainian Republic of Uzbekistan Chikatilo himself was reassuring that he didn’t eat bread until twelve years old, adding that he often had the opportunity to eat leafy grass in order to stave off hunger. Chikatilo, making up his childishness, like eclipsing the vigilance, gluzuvannyam, hunger that war.


Pidlitkiv was arrested in connection with a series of six attacks and nine attacks on civilians in the Akademmistechka of Irkutsk. They told the healers that they robbed weak and drunk people like victims. The ship on the right opposite Anufrieva and Litkina is small when the investigation is completed before the month of 2012.


Russian serial driving, convictions for driving 12 cases in St. Petersburg in 1999-2000. Among the Russian ZMIs, yoga was nicknamed the "Doctor of Death", he was a practicing doctor, who examined patients from the medical center, drove a deadly injection into their bunkins, and then robbed them. Petrov was suspected of having been beaten for 19 deaths, but he was tried for less than 17.


Ukrainian vbivtsya, also known as Myslyvets for a fur coat, litigation for vbivtsi 4 women from Moscow stretching two tyzhniv on the cob of 1994. In 1989, the fate of the 14-river Seagull was arrested and sentenced for the fate of a group marriage of a young girl, he was sentenced to 5 years of liberty in Kharkivsky Vyaznytsia, and on 16 April 1993, the fate was sentenced to death. The 19th Seagull knocked the first beat, knocked the 38th woman, hit her with a knife 21 times.


Likewise, the yak Shakhoviy was driven into that maniac of the Bitsevsky park, and the Russian serial drive. It is important that, having killed at least 48 deaths, and possibly 60 deaths near Bitsevsky Park at the entrance of Moscow, a sprat was found dead. Pichushkin fell from a goydal in childhood, and then hit his forehead if he hit back. Doctors-experts let it go that the podia damaged the frontal cortex of Pichushkin’s brain, oskelki saw that such a mistake could lead to filthy impulse regulation and shyness to aggression. Pichushkin was a prominent chess player, and in these games against the most important summer people, Pichushkin for the first time knows the channel for aggression, dominating the chess player in all his games.


Є Russian villainy in the list of "fells, fenced from Great Britain for spitting hatred." The leaders of the gang of Valtivnikov, who beat the migrants and made films about their attacks on the Internet. It is important that you behave unpleasantly, spitting on a serious malice and trying to provoke others into serious malice. In April 2007, yoga was arrested. It happened after the assassination of Karen Abrahamyan, a businessman from Virmensk. Abrahamyan was stabbed with a knife at the entrance to the apartment. Skachevsky was sentenced to ten years.

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