How to correctly vikoristovuvaty a stitch vibroexercise. How to use a vibrator: increase the degree of sexual awakening. Myth and pardon

Vibratory massagers for women divided people into two groups. The first perekonani, scho tsey wine is marny, inconspicuous and stupid. Others are rooted in the corrosity of such a device, which is a kind of building zmіtsniti m'yazi, relieve spasms and painful sensations, tighten the body. At this article, we can tell you how to be a vibratory massager for women, how to choose correctly and evaluate the results of varto.

What is it?

A vibrating massager for women is a simple device, the essence of which is to create light vibrating wheezes, like a beneficial injection into the human body. Let the device sound like it doesn’t add much to the final result, so that everything is left behind only in the form of electric impulses, as if they call out that very vibration.

The vibration massager impinges in the middle on the nerves, the circulatory system and the lymphatic system. And all the zavdyaki kolivanyam, like stimulating, zbudzhuyut nerves.


Advertisement svіdchit, scho vibromasazher for women and people to relieve cellulite and zavoї vaga. But really, we don’t get it right. In order to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, it is necessary to take a long period active species sports that activate the work of all diseases, improve metabolism. A vibratory massager can become a miraculous helper in this difficult struggle, but you can’t help yourself to get rid of cellulite and win over your wines.

With a trivial victorious vibromasageur, you can remember that changes began to appear behind your body:


Crim of the main perevag, fit such a character can lead to a serious shkodi. It is necessary to learn the best vibro-massagers carefully, having learned in advance from the change of contraindications:

What can you do?

In the shortest time, after a victorious fit, you see a light sickness, a confusion of that tediousness. The reason is simple - like a great massage, the device improves blood flow. For this reason, you should find the best vibration massagers for unsafe women. As a rule, you can beat the time of menstruation, you may experience bleeding.

Tse stosuetsya th shkirnih zahvoryuvan. Vibrations can thicken the camp, expanding the ignition processes at the largest balls of the epidermis. And if the stones were exposed in the nirks, then the attachment can activate them with the sechostatic system.

See the device

Before that, how to choose, how to choose a vibration massager for women, it is necessary to be aware of the various types of accessories.

  1. Manual. The most comfortable and compact massagers, which are easy to fit in a bag. Obviously, you can’t get a large body area with such a device, it’s easier to overcome yoga as an effective, relaxing zasib for a face, head, hand, and nig - it’s easier for legenia. Such a manual vibration massager equipped with a handy handle, a nozzle and a start button is a primitive type of accessory. Іsnuyut thoroughly models, de є zminnі nozzles and regulation of intensity and fluency of vibrations. Such a device allows you to massage soft tissues, which can relax the m'yazi and improve the rush of blood.
  2. Sublog. Without a doubt, the skin of a friend of a man in Russia, at least once on television, a marvelous accessory, like a massage, lives, legs and quilts of an effective sports girl. Such a device is a sub-logic vibration massager that can stand on a hard surface. Vіn not vymagaє zhodnyh zusil, schob masazhuvati іlo, oskolki maє zruchny regulation belt, connections to the main body. With this belt, as a rule, they suffocate the most important cases of the body, and then launch the program, setting the speed and intensity of vibrations.
  3. Portable. Maybe, the most distant kind of accessory. You can turn on yoga for an hour of work, training, repair. Lightweight, compact and practically unremarkable.

Choose the best of the best

If you want to choose your own attachment, then you will close with great diversity. How can I choose the most efficient, the most effective, and the most durable device?

How to properly peel with a vibration massager? For women and people, such a device can be folded, so we encourage you to familiarize yourself with nearby brown colors, how to suggest how to set up an attachment in order to achieve maximum results:

  • In the first place, it is not recommended to wet the skin or smear with oil, massage cream, first proceed before the procedure.
  • In another way, robiti massage nіg, the abdomen is best across the best in the supine position. Sitting, you can use your hands, head, and that guise.
  • Thirdly, do not start vibromassage at once with high amplitudes. Start with the first speed, gradually increasing the intensity of action.
  • Fourthly, the average duration of the session is 7-10 minutes. Ale first procedures due to buti up to 5 khvilin.

Myth and pardon

The vibration massager will not help you with cellulite, which is fat deposits under the skin. You can tidy up yoga only for the help of "hard" anti-cellulite massage, diet and regular exercise. Tsey pristry not help throw off the zayvі kilograms for the same reason. However, the tone, elasticity and springiness of the skins are safe.

What should women talk about?

It has been proved by science that such a device cannot help burn fat and relieve you of your throat. However, judging by the rich reviews about the vibration massager, the women could improve their figure, clean up their cellulite and forever know more beautifully, tighten their body. Self-navіyuvannya tse, chi appartment of the flooring is effective?

Numerical suggestions to prove that such a device can be mastered wisely. That bathing is necessary only after that, as you are aware of the evidence and contraindications. Obviously, the likelihood that you have a blood clot or bleeding is small, so the deacons of a woman were called to be a great massage therapist, and it’s better to get by with hand tools, as they may reduce the amplitude and intensity.

But women seem to think that the device can help them, who have a trivial hour of practice at a static camp, and if they want to relax the m'yazi, improve the camp of shkiri, their hands are nig. If you don’t get rid of the hated cellulite, then you’ll dance, as your skin becomes smaller and sluggish, and the stretch marks are markedly fast.

On the back of the head vibrators victorious were called for the satisfaction of the sexual bajan, and the exultation of the women fell ill. Modern people and women take this attachment richly. So, as a sexually healthy person, medicine is important to an invisible part of a healthy person in general, a toy can be seen as a helper in a sexually and from the center of the dawn.

Various vibrators

Not all models of the name conjure up a state term, but the classic ones make the same form. Our stimulants are treated with the material, from which we have prepared:

  • plastic - the found material, even far away guessing at the dotik human flesh;
  • Hygienic gum is a more elastic material, not as hard as plastic, but with an unacceptable pungent odor. Terms of operation
  • latex - the most similar to human skin. To finish the elastic and warmly heat up to body temperature without reaching;
  • gel and silicone - materials of a new generation, practically do not irritate the dotik from the shkiri. On contact, they save the temperature of the body, but only wash one istotny nedolіk- he needs a special watch;
  • cyber-silicone and cyber-shkira - the best imitation of the original for today.

In addition, the vibrators will fight for swedishness.

In the course of the numerical investigations, it was established that the optimal swidth of vibrance was 80 wraps per fleece. Stimulation itself with such intensity allows women to reach orgasm in a way that is not possible for a natural state act with a partner. At such a frequency, buildings can only be used for expensive models in the form of other vibrators.

Models equipped with attachments for clitoral stimulation, so that the stench of the building vibrates and wraps.

At the sale you can know and small in girth thin models, possessed by a protector in case of strong force majeure situations, due to deep penetrations.

And also small toys - “cigarettes”, which are used only for stimulating the clitoris, and testicles, which vibrate, easily penetrate the middle of the vagina.

Most of the modern models of vibrators are available not only in the form of a battery, but also in the form of batteries, which gives a wide range of opportunities for activity. Golovnya - a zazdalegіd pridbati pouzhnі batteries with a trivial term of service.

On the police of current sex shops, you can find underwire models approved for one-hour stimulation of the anus.

Instruction from zastosuvannya

Navit as a vibrator can be bought exclusively for sexual games with a partner, it’s better to turn it over on your own. Tse allow you to relax and concentrate on your thoughts, not worrying about anything else.

Experimenting with a bright light under the carpet is better to put it on later - until the moment when the toy is sufficiently twisted and you can beat it with “flattened eyes”.

It is necessary to allow the humerus to ring to the body.

  1. It is not necessary to immediately turn on the vibrator and go to the main stage. It would be better to walk along the entire body, giving special respect to the erogenous zones. Go about the neck, disguise, nipples, stomach, inner surface of the stegon thinly.
  2. As a forging accessory, you can change the gum itself, for example, you can use cream or special oil, or you can drive it along the odor, for example, shovkovy whiteness.
  3. Having raised the attachment, lift the inflow, pressing to the most sensitive places. Varto try experimenting with the force of the onslaught. The greater the tightness of the fit and the more the woman presses on herself, the less the yogo vibration.
  4. Mitzno having squeezed the attachment at the hand, you can change the vibration for the rahunok її with a penzle. As soon as a woman realizes that she is ready to try a stimulant at a diy, she can introduce yoga into the middle.
  5. Vykoristovuyuchi vibrator in sexual games with a partner, rather in front of a new condom, especially anal caresses are planned.

Like a vibrator for the clitoris

Clitoral stimulators are represented by silicone or humic plates of various forms, which can be worn on a finger, and so they can be creaked on quilts for additional belts.

When choosing such an accessory, it is necessary to look at the power of likeness and versatility. In addition, before installation it is recommended to read the instructions before installation, the shards are necessary for the theoretical mastering of all functions, modes and buttons.

At gave the robot the attachment can be adjusted, depending on the vlasnyh vіdchuttіv. In a vipad with attachments, which are pulled on a finger, the frequency of the rush and the force of the onslaught can be adjusted manually.

How to squirm with an anal vibrator

Golovna umova - stosuvannya sufficient amount of oil.

  • Obrobіt lubricant anus.
  • Massuyuchi that pestyachi anal opening with a finger, prepare yoga before the introduction of the annex.
  • Carefully, with wrapping ruhs, stitch yoga yaknaiglybshe.
  • In order for a woman to get excited, a stimulant can be administered at an already switched on station, and to begin to mimic the state member’s disruption under the act.

Great satisfaction can be brought to people of this type. Stimulating the vibrator in front of the fold, spreading about 2-2.5 cm from the end of the sphincter in the gap behind the crotch, you can reach the person's neumovirne satisfaction and orgasm.

For this, it is necessary to introduce an attachment with a small amount of light and work it with a fingertip near the scrotum. It is right for a woman to rob chi, їy rozkazhe the partner's penis, which is guilty of reacting at the reception in a responsible rank.

About Skoda vibrator

The toy gives wide opportunities for sex. Especially, you will become rich in years for couples with experience, who live together already richly rocky and joke about ways to mend their sexual life.

Treat one. If a woman regularly has an orgasm only with a vibrator, it will be important to see her. Such staleness can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of other methods of sexual stimulation.

There are no other contraindications for vikoristannya.

Before the baths of a vibrating massager, it’s better to rozіbratisya, it’s necessary to use such an attachment, and as a wine you win with an exuberant and prophylactic method. The vibration massager is an attachment, based on the principle of mechanical vibration, which creates a passive massage of different intensity. Regular selection of such massage devices is safe:

  • Znyattya spasm_v that zmіtsnennya m'yazіv;
  • Change of ailing minds;
  • Polypshenya blood circulation;
  • Tonіzuvannya skіrnih pokrivіv lean.

The stoppage of vibration massagers is indicated after the working day, if there is pain in the transverse part of the back, or the importance of the legs is felt. It is necessary to apply on the skin a cream based on juicy herbs(larkspur or shabelnik), oiling the problematic dilyanki tila and vdpochiti. Zavdyaki rush of blood to the m'yaziv, scho numb, the person immediately feels relieved, relaxed.

No less popular is the choice of such masseurs among people zaiva vaga doing fitness. With problems, use the elasticity of the skin after losing weight, or if you have pain, after the physical ones, you can take a vibration massager, possessing a stitch with rollers. Although yoga zastosuvannya does not guarantee an absolute relief of cellulite, but the veins of blood flow become pomited.

Contraindication to congestion

Irrespective of the effectiveness of vibromassage, do not start wines for the body, but in some cases, bring on the unsafe. First, buy a vibration massager, then consult with a doctor who knows your diagnoses. Adzhe vibromassage contraindications to patients who suffer from hypertensive disease, various diseases of the cardiovascular system. Do not zastosovuvat prilad for atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis.

Vibromassage procedures are not recommended for women who have been diagnosed with fibromas and venous pathologies. Vibration can remove a blood clot, as well as remove stones from the chewing mikhura or nirok. Since you don’t have any obvious contra-indications, then stop the vibration massager all the same carefully, follow the instructions carefully: do not conduct too late three sessions (more than 30 strands), do not vicorist before going to bed, etc.

Features of manual vibration massagers

The most wide-ranging are manual vibration massagers, which are compact extensions, which function both as a railing and as a battery. Such varieties are considered at a reasonable price (20-100 dollars), which should be deposited in the form of modifications, functions. For massage across, this new model has an adjustable handle, which allows you to work the session on your own, without outside help. The tightness of the products should be taken away, the insurance sphere is congested. So, for the head masuvannya, it’s a vіdmіnno pіdіyde, a low-pressure fixture.

In most models, the complete set has a number of attachments, which allow you to massage different parts of the body. Deep vibromassage of soft tissues, as the most victorious is the hour of weight loss and the fight against cellulite. Ensure additional heating of m'yazіv pokkanі virobi, equipped with infrachervonim vipromіuvachem, which will ensure the disinfection of skins.

Variety of types of vibration massagers

Cream of manual models, use other varieties of vibro-massage attachments. More and more demand is made for massage tables and mattresses, which provide not vibration, but vibration-shock method of massage. Establish massage pillows that can be used as smokers, that allow you not to separate with a likuval-prophylactic method in any case.

Myostimulators-blizzards are no less relevant, as they may have a physiotherapeutic effect. For example, electrical impulses of the OMRON E2 ELITE muscle stimulator, due to natural bioelectricity, stimulate the mechanisms of pain relief, block the transmission of pain impulses along nerve fibers, activate the vision of pain-inducing speeches, reduce blood circulation in the body, and so on.

Massage cushions type Casada – the price of a new word at the gallery is the rozrobok of a massage possession. Created to meet your needs, such a pillow will be simply indispensable at the train or at home.

With such massage pillows, you can not only massage your shoulders, but also take the strain off your back, put your feet on the quilt. Fallow in the area of ​​the body, as it pours in, the m'yazi to the body relaxes and changes, blood flow increases, the volume and tension increase, sleep normalizes. During foot massage, a reflex massage is performed, which positively affects the organs and systems of our body. .

Svitlana Markova

Beauty - yak expensive stone: how easy it is, how dear!


One of the ways to competently effective weight lossє massage. The procedure improves blood circulation in problem areas, shows signs of cellulite, and helps to improve skin tone. An effective tool for victorious massage is a vibration massager. If you win yoga correctly, you can reach hostile successes in a short hour - become a string, work hard and pull it up.

What is a vibration massager for weight loss

In order to use the zayva vag for the help of manual massage, it is necessary to regularly visit the fahivtsya. Vikoristannya vibration massager will help correct the situation without the participation of third parties. main task pristosuvannya - to ensure the equal vibration of the body of the body, sticking out the shkiri of that ovniy ball of m'yaziv. Most often, for the help of a massager, pour into the quilts, seats, live, and you can help to get in and out with fat pads on your arms and legs.

When choosing the optimal model, it is necessary to look at its characteristics, variety and tasks, as it is necessary to virishity. Іsnuє kіlka types vibromasazherіv, kozhen z yakіh mє their recognition:

  • Manual. This is a small attachment, which works in the form of a merezhі or on batteries, which you can zastosovuvat on any kind of body. Maybe mothers of kіlka vidіv nozzles, functions of infrachervonogo vipromіuvannya. Manual models are used for massaging the surrounding areas of the body, which are not hand-picked at important places. Most often it is used for slimming, and for cosmetic purposes, for the reduction of cellulite.
  • Podlogovy or string vibration massager. The widest type of outbuilding is a platform with a stalk, where a line is fastened at the loop. Deyakі models are completed different types remenіv, mayut touch panel, on which it is possible to switch modes and change the speed of the robot and add it.
  • Vibrobelt. This type of massager is used in the case, yoga can be worn on the waist, quilt, shoulders. Spriyaє shudnennya and podtrimuє shkir in tone.

Robotic principle

Vibrating massager is an accessory that can be used in the form of a snake struma or in the form of batteries. Virib is completed with all kinds of nozzles, which allow locally pouring fabrics onto the soft tissue for additional intensive chiselling. Impulses of different frequencies and amplitudes torment the nerve endings in the skir, tendons, veins, rattle them quickly.

The colivannya reach the measles of the brain, de stinks decrease and stimulate the reaction in the organism - activation of blood circulation and lymph flow, improvement of blood circulation, exhalation of pir, toxins are eliminated through it, metabolism is accelerated. Zalezhno vіd meti masazh vikoristovuyut vіbratsії raznoї іintensivnostі. Weakly developing sensitivity of nerve receptors, caused by injuries or ailments. The middle ones will increase, and the strong ones will lower the level of awakening.

Korist that Skoda

Massage is a miraculous way to put the figure in order, work up the skin of the spring, and with the help of a special extension of regular procedures, give an additional effect. The vibratory massager’s stinginess is obvious:

  • polypshenya exchange of speech, elasticity and healthy vessels;
  • zmenshennya pain syndrome in m'yazah;
  • normalization of work and internal organs and improvement of immunity;
  • relaxing, relieving the tension from the various body parts;
  • stimulation of blood circulation and lymphatic drainage of tissues;
  • improvement of the tone of m'yaziv, gnuchkost suglobiv;
  • struggle with stress, chronic fatigue, depression;
  • change in obsyagіv rahunok vtrati zhidkladen;
  • increase in the springiness of the shkir; shaping a beautiful figure.

Do not varto spodіvatisya, scho vibromassager virіshit usі problems іz zayvoi vagoy, like zastosovuvat yogo unsystematically. In the case of the wrong vikoristannya, the attachment can harm the body. Possible Skoda:

  • Collisional impulses in case of injection on the epidermis often cause teasing. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya, as if an hour on a local dilyanku tіla perevishuє 10 hvilin, with different creams for weight loss or other benefits for massage.
  • With some gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids), vibromassage can cause uterine bleeding.
  • I think that the masseur’s experience led to vibrational illness, which manifests itself as constipation, tachycardia, disturbed sleep.
  • Vibration of the urge to induce slough-intestinal ailments, heart disease.

Winning rules

Whether or not the procedures are up to the masazher to follow the rules. Among the main points are seen as follows:

  • Before the massage, it is necessary to take a shower - the body is more active and reacts to the action. To avoid teasing before the procedure, carefully dry the skin.
  • Before the session, do not follow cosmetic procedures for cleaning the epidermis - peeling or scrubbing. Might be the reason for the appearance of a visipu that chervoninnya.
  • Varto unikati masazhu poshkozhenikh dіlyanki tіla - rather pokat, docks of damage and podryapini heal.


Vibration massage is not for everyone, so before starting the course, you should consult a doctor. Severe contraindications:

  • sudinni ill - thrombosis, varicose veins;
  • ailments of the heart, liver, nirok;
  • circulatory diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • become after surgery or injuries;
  • ailments SHKT;
  • inflammation of the skin folds (various dermatitis, dermatosis and other).
  • for women - the period of menstruation; vagity.

The best vibration massagers

In the middle of the outbuildings, as presented on the domestic market, you can choose a model, like a pidide in a particular way. Vibratory massagers for the body in home minds are more often used for weight loss, all stinks are treated with variety, the way of doing it, with additional options. It is important to look at the characteristics of the model, the ability to repair and replace parts in case of breakdown. Significance and dimensions may be important - a large copy may not fit in a small room, but too small does not have significant tightness.

Vibro Tone

A compact and efficient massager, which can be used to use belly fat, stegon, can be worn for an hour watching a beloved movie, working at a computer and preparing an insult. The budget option of a vibration massager is to save pennies, an hour and become a smart way to become a string:

  • Name: vibro-belt Vibro Tone, brand Bradex.
  • Price: 1300 rubles.
  • Characteristics: velcro fastener, which can be connected up to 220 V through an adapter, manual and automatic operation mode, a remote control and a sports bag are included.
  • Pros: do not take a lot of space, may have a small amount of equal intensity.
  • Minuses: you can tease teasing shkir, vikoristovuetsya only on the stomach and the seats.

Stationary massager pіdіyde tim, who may have a place in the apartment. Helping to remove fat from the sides, abdomen, shoulders, other parts of the body, take weight loss:

  • Name: DFC PR14.
  • Price: 10,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: vibromassager for use with a fast, in a set 3 types of belts, pratsyuє in a measure 220 V.
  • Pros: stance, which is adjustable in height, the ability to choose the intensity of tension.
  • Minuses: the weight of a koristuvach is not higher than 100 kg.

One more massage belt from the Chinese virobnik. This attachment may have an additional option - heating, which will bring a stronger effect:

  • Name: Vibro Shape belt with sauna effect.
  • Price: 1500 rubles.
  • Characteristics: switching on the manual or automatic keruvannya, 5 modes of intensity of massage, remote keruvannya, livelihood with a voltage of 110 - 240 V.
  • Pros: the mode of heating up to 35 ° C allows for more effective and faster fat absorption.
  • Minuses: vikoristovuvaty less handy at the waist.

The American massage maker US MEDICA has a lot of shanuvalniks. Compact belt-massazher expanding the product line of the trademark:

  • Name: US MEDICA Bikini.
  • Price: 6500 rubles.
  • Characteristics: working in the case of 220 V, you can turn on the car lighter 12 V, 5 programs, wake-up timer, automatically switch off after 10 minutes.
  • Pluses: small roses, high picker, possibility of winning by the car.
  • Cons: expensive.

Stylish and richly functional massager for Optifit application for people who want to choose better. The kit has 8 belts, equipped with an LCD monitor:

  • Name: massager for Optifit Aldia MG-37.
  • Price: 16 800 rubles.
  • Characteristics: engine pressure 135 W, 5 programs, the hour is displayed on the display, calorie intake, work speed.
  • Pros: the ability to choose programs, 8 types of stitches, weight of koristuvach up to 120 kg.
  • Minuses: there is no construction and growth.

How to choose a vibration massager for weight loss

In order to add vibromassage, you should throw off a few kilos of weight, choose an attachment, looking at the characteristics of the models. Important indications are the tightness of the attachment, the number of modes and additional options:

  • For quiet, who does not sound zaoschadzhuvati, best choice for slimming become a stationary simulator for training. Such a model can be impersonal advantages - a few modes of operation, change of belts, a monitor that displays current information. For anti-cellulite massage, it is necessary to use a mechanism with a motor pressure of at least 120 W, only you can use it, as an orange pick is known.
  • Set of belts. The simplest model of a stitch massager can have no less than three belts - therapeutic (for the lower part of the back), with rollers (operating stegna, seats) and cross (shoulders, neck and back).
  • Massager belt - garniy way skudnennya without significant vitrates. When buying, it is important to pay attention to the material (a piece of cloth can be parity, and textiles can tease the body), the thickness of the fastening, the length of the cord (less than 1.5 m, do not allow to enter the outlet).
  • The picker is better to choose the model according to the re-verified picks, so that in case of a breakdown it is possible to know the spare parts for repair. Vartist masazherіv s Єuropi and America vyscha, nizh in Chinese, but on sale you can buy a bad model cheaper by 15 - 25%.

On this day, the showrooms have a wide range of different vibration massagers. At the link with improved functions and the appearance of new parameters, the choice has become richly folded. Among the diversity of models can be easily ruined, I can’t choose far from the best and go through the cost. To get rid of health problems through improper operation, it is necessary to know how to stop the device.

On the back of the head, choose which vibratory massager you need. A manual massager is most often fixed pointwise, handy, compact, and easy to transport. It’s like one litter of body is being processed - it’s not a big strain to finish. Like a soothing massage vicorista models of tension up to 88 watts. When correcting the figures, use a universal attachment with a pressure of 80 to 100 watts. Universal proofreaders - tse massagers, which include all the benefits of refurbishing more outbuildings. Massagers from the deep sphere of zastosuvannya can pour into different parts of the body. Tsі pristroї z platform for pіdlogi mayut stіyku with handrails, for yakі it is necessary to trim, as well as dvigun, scho to bring into operation a special belt, which for additional vibrating-massaging ruhіv vplivaє on the front of the car body. A model with five different sizes will be the optimal choice. The more shvidkos, the better. Use anti-cellulite massagers, rollers (blood circulation), belt "thousand fingers" (increasing m'azovy tone), belt "turbo" (therapeutic effect), "bump" belt (relief of life), suspension belt (massage) . Which effect is necessary to work on the problematic part of the body - choose for you. Among the most successful masseurs on the market, such firms as HouseFit, Casada, Body Sculpture, Yamaguchi and Kampfer have badly recommended themselves. Also, after choosing a vibration massager, follow the instructions for use. The room where the procedures are carried out is due to a bright, well-ventilated room. The temperature is 20-25 degrees above zero. Wear a comfortable, light garment that does not percolate the blood. Prote nadto vilnoy won tezh can not buti.

Stand on the platform (as you do not have a point massager) and set the body of the device to the height you need. Close one edge of the massage stitch on the shaft cones so that the plastic part of the belt fits the result of the judged part of the opening. Take a position for you and you can change the procedure. To get the best result for a short term, follow the procedures.

Systematic massage of the building improves the practice and improves mood, relieves malignant spasms, improves blood circulation, and thus, it also helps to rejuvenate the skin. If you suffer from diseases of the veins, the cardiovascular system, consult a doctor, first take care of a vibration massager.

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