Active yeast. Dry drizzle: see that way of stagnation

Few people know, but drіzhdzhі are living organisms (one-celled mushrooms). Їх vikoristovuyut at the prepared vipіchki, wine and beer. Drіzhdzhі zustrichayutsya two kinds: pressed, so fresh and dry. Dry drizzle is taken from pressing by the method of drying and drying. This allows you to significantly increase the term for saving the product.

See dry drizzle: how to properly prepare them

Dry drіzhdzhі in their turn are podіlyayutsya on active and svidkodіyuchі. Swidkodial yeast is a dry powder of light brown color, it does not require anterior activation, just add it to the other ingredients.

Active yeasts are dry granules, yak zadalegidno it is necessary to spread in a warm country (water, syrovattsі or milk) for fifteen minutes, so that the stench is earned. It is important that the temperature does not exceed 42 degrees, otherwise the living organisms will perish. You can fill it with warm air or with a polyethylene liner and put a stove on the stove. Pina settles on the surface, then we add the sum to the other ingredients. You can add a couple of spoonfuls of zucru to the drizzle to stimulate the process of fermentation.

How to save

Keep dry yeast as often as possible in the refrigerator, and also remember that when you interact with each other and when you get into the water, the stench quickly loses its power.

How to beat dry dry drizzle

Zdebіl'shogo dry drіzhdzhі vykorovuyut vypіchtsі. The stench does not give way to pressing yeasts for yakistyu and to slacken the stray povitryanymi, soft and fragrant.

From dry drіzhdzhіv savory kvass comes out. Їх іноді vicory for the preparation of homemade wine with the method of launching the fermentation process.

Drіzhdzhi can be twisted like a mask for a denunciation. The stench is miraculously coming for a problematic skin, struggling with post-acne, hanging with a greasy glare.

Bread from vikoristannyam dry yeast

To prepare bread, you need:
- 500 grams of boroshn
- 350 grams of water
- 0.5 packs of dried fruits
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon of sugar
- 2 tbsp. lion, poppy, or rodzinok for bajannyam

Boroshno spochatku obov'yazkovo need to ask. Let's sweat in the dry dryness, zukor and strength. Mix everything and add water. Knead it softly and fill it in a warm place for a year, curling it in front with a towel.

In a year, I will need to renew the rose, fold it in the form, cover it and renew the date for the year to brew. Let's put the oven in the oven up to 250 degrees and boil 40-60 chills.

Also, dry yeast is just perfect for a bakery. Just mix all the ingredients according to the instructions and add them to the appliqué. After the end of the hour, enjoy the appetizing and fragrant bread!

Really, how do you make fun of them? With dry, active ones, everything was understood (we seemed to marvel at how much we really understood), but how do you swell with swedish-roaring drizzles? Zvichayna porada - add them right in the bosh, so please the virobniks, moreover, Fleischmann, who is the one who wins over me, often say that there are no necessities, the bagatma Le Saffre, without intermediary guarding in contact with the cold (not specifying the cold ) with water. I didn’t zamislyuvavsya to the point - but what about the need? Sometimes they added them dry, sometimes they repaired them. But not long ago, I experimented with doughs on different varieties of boroshna and the result of viishov is not the same, as I allowed. Explanation and possible reasons were too rich, and most of them were the natural powers of the most boroshn, but one reason was less turbulent. I added dry flour to dry yeast and kneaded it in the water not thickly, but a dough, so that I kept it until the moment when the dough became uniform, and not more. What is enough for you to evenly spread the yeast in the dough? I didn’t have any anxiety in my life. Navit so - I had a lot of suspicions. I was left with less of them to reverify.

The experiment is borderline simple - I mixed two 60% sourdough, 150 grams of borosh, 90 water at room temperature (22-24 ° C), 1 gram of dry yeast. Of course, borosno one and the same, water - tezh. I mixed the first dough, adding dry yeast to a borosh, to a friend - having repaired it. Check the result had a short time. During the first year, the fires practically did not rise, but after fifteen minutes the difference became obvious:

A year later, retail becomes majestic - one dough added to the obligation in the second time more, lower more.

However, after a year, the price changes, it is possible that it is connected with it, that one dough will go to its boundary, then it will continue to grow.

Ale chi need one alone? Ni. Until the end of the fourth year, insults to the steam were more and more swelled, and the steam was on dry yeast, like before, it was still standing.

What is the meaning? The devil speaks for the language of saying "great", but I just don't know the truth. In principle, it doesn’t matter to figure out what the drіzhdzhі themselves were doing - some carbon dioxide was turned off, some alcohol, some kind of boroshna on a chain of pishov, but how to determine the practical value of tse maє without folding analyses, without numerical trials? Niyak. To that I will mix it up, that I will say that brewed yeast in thick doughs is not more expensive for dry and it is more cheaply processed. It’s not a sprat in a snarl - it took less than an hour to reach the height of the chotirigodine sprout on dry drizzles. What does it mean now that I will breed them? Not. I, insanely, mate at a glance, but it’s more important for me to slur the dough, and not to break it.
Ale, the dough is thick, but what will be the price of the rare? I know the answer to this question, but let's get started at an offensive time.

Disturb post

Drіzhdzhі - tse living organisms, and more precisely - one-celled mushrooms, yakі transform tsukor chi starch into alcohol chi carbon dioxide. Voni is the basis of the foundations for brewers, winemakers and, of course, bakers. Tі drіzhdzhі, yakі vykorovuyutsya for prigotovannya drіzhdzhіvogo text, called baker's. The stench is either pressed and fresh, “alive”, or dry, that is inactive through a piece-created lack of water.

you need

- water;
- tsukor.

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Dry drizzle has two kinds - active and mittive. And І tі and іnshі may be the same vimogi when choosing and saving, but the rules of their zastosuvannya are different. Active dry yeasts are similar to other beads. The very same can be on the verge of more foreign authors, if the recipe says simply - a bag of yeast and a sprat of gram of dryzhiv. To activate dry yeast, it is indicated on the packaging or recipes for a quantity of warm water, as a rule, apricot water, or maybe milk. Shards of yeast are alive, it’s important to “wake up”, but not “brew” them, the temperature is usually to blame for this, but from 35 to 42 ° C. Give "life" for the drіzhdzhіv - sprat of teaspoons cukrovy squeak. Mix it up resolutely until it's broken. Take dry yeast and evenly spread them over the surface water. Check for a few seconds and stir. Until this hour, the granules will get wet and the yeast will know a paste-like consistency. If it’s warm in your kitchen, then just cover the bowl with yeast with polyethylene, if it’s a little cold, wrap it with a towel. Vіdstavte on 5-10 min. If after an hour the drizzle does not become merry, does not spin, then you do not need to beat them at the vipіchtsі. The stinks are active. The reason for this may be the term saving, wrong saving or too hot water. If you want to bubble up, then the stench is ready to "robot". Momentary dry drizzles are also called mittevim, shvidki, schvidkorosli or drizhdzhi. All these names can be learned from the recipes. The stench is similar to powdered pomelo with a light brown color. Instant yeast does not require activation, you can add it directly to dry ingredients. Also, when mixing dough with such yeasts, it will require only one whisk. But for such swidkіst and simplicity, vikoristanni has to pay. Dough on swedish drizzle comes out less fragrant, but, in principle, it doesn’t matter if you bake even licorice or strongly flavored bread. Yak just

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Drіzhdzhі - odnoklitinnі mikroorganіzmi, scho vykoryvayutsya in bakery and culinary for the production of dough. Drіzhdzhi zvіzhichay are on sale at viglyadі active dry or pressed fresh. In most supermarkets you can find active dry yeast - granulation powder in sachets of 6 g.

Cob cooking stage yeast test- Tse opara. At this stage, it is necessary to activate the yeast, so that the stench begins to increase in the environment. (Vinyatok - drіzhdzhі, which are lightly lifted, do not require activation.) Not

Before rozpushuvachіv next you can see: dry and pressed yeast, kharchov soda, ammonium carbonate. However, when living in the test of that ch іnshoy rozpushuvach є deyakі osoblinosti. Tisto, at the preparation of which to take the fate of the drіzhdzhі, it is customary to call it drіzhdzhovym, and when vikoristannі іnshih species

The main selection of breweries was known from the brewing industry. Ale, krіm tsgogo, stench can zastosovuvatisya and in medical purposes as a valuable living product with a high content of protein, mineral speech and vitamins. Pivnі drіzhdzhі has long been vykorovuyutsya for the replenishment of the shortage of food,

Few can sip vipishka like that, like “dead” yeast. Just read on the packaging that the yeast has not yet run out of the term savings, but it still does not guarantee that the stench is active. In order for the vipіchka to be “fluffy”, so that it is guaranteed to rise, spend a sprat of khvilin on those

How to prepare dough from dry dried fruits Prepare your own dough, tastier than store-bought. And as if the master virishila pampered her relatives savory vipіchkoy You won't be able to crush the dough with your own hands. Drіzhdzhové tіsto primhlivé, and yogo slіd zamіshuvati strictly following the recipe, even though

Drіzhdzhi є natural one-celled microorganism, which is used for brewing bakery brewers, as well as for tasting beer and wine. The very veils of their fate are fluffed up tightly. This process enhances the flavor of the finished product. Enzymes drіzhdzhіv call at testі. The result of this reaction is the formation of acid dioxide. This element is sprayed onto the dough with a porous structure, fluffing yoga. Under the hour of one's life, one-celled organisms spozhivayut tsukor, adhering to the same yoga transformation into alcohol. Quite, as a result of this process, it develops a fluffy fluffy texture and a characteristic sour relish.

Drіzhdzhi є living microorganism. At the link with the cym, it was not possible to pour water over them, the temperature would exceed fifty degrees, and also freeze a few times. Microorganisms, from which yeasts are formed, such procedures do not vibrate and die.

There are three types of products recognized for the brewing of bakery brews by the daily food industry. Before them, bring:

Pressed fresh;

Active dry yeast;

Instant (Swidcode).

Pressed yeast is a fresh product. stink bright colors. characteristic sign the freshness of this product is the presence of a lot of blotch, as well as a different type of dark hazelnuts on the surface. With all the drіzhdzhі mother's fault, there is a specific smell, which is far away fruity. Before sampling, the necessary part of the product is separated from a warm home.

Dry yeast can take the form of grains, vermicelli, granules or powder. The sale can be summіshi all of these species. The color of such a product, as a rule, is light brown or light yellow. Dry yeast can be released from active or swedish products. Їх vіdminnіst polagaє in the mode of drying and in the ways of zasosuvannya.

Active dry yeasts are released like granules, forming a round shape. In order to activate the micro-organisms that are present in the product, it is necessary to first spread yoga in the home. In order to replace drіzhdzhovoe tisto, dry drizzle, rosemation by the water, mix with boron and all the ingredients necessary for making the finished brew.

Instantaneous (swidcoded) dry microorganisms do not require activation. Such drіzhdzhі mix with boroshnogo without frontal razm'yakshennya rіdini. It is important to speed up the process of mixing the test.

Kharchovy promyslovistyu is also released alcohol yeast. This product is intended for the production of moonshine in household minds. Such drіzhdzhі zdatnі viklikati nayaktivnіshi fermentation protsess at vyazku z tim, shcho stinks do not ruynuyutsya in_dії alcohol on them. Microorganisms, which are found in this product, were introduced with the method of possession by alcohol at home. Yogo relish, for the affirmation of knowledge, significantly outweighs the relish of moonshine, prepared on the basis of the most famous baker's yeast.

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