Show all stones and their meanings. What do the stones of self-flowering mean. Kotyache eye meaning stone

STONE - a natural symbol of significance, stability, indestructibility, immutability, fortification. The symbol of the stone is used in all religions of the world. Taka Kaaba, the worship of which passed from the most recent hours of the religion of Muhammad, is a “black stone”. "Black Stones" of the rich with meteorites. The stinks from the sky become symbols of greater power.

In the pre-Islamic hour, the “black stone” is in front of us as a symbol of human creativity by the power of nature, a fake symbol of the Son and pіd im’yam “Heliogabal” (“She whom the Sun sends to the earth”), but in every way ancient world. Steles and obelisks, hermits and dolmens were wider among the Greeks, Romans, Scandinavian lands, Egyptians, Druids (menhirs), Celts (cromlechs), Pelasgians, and also in all lands of the Skhod.

A lot of deities, most importantly women, were mali with their direct symbol of a fable stone, for example, Aphrodite (in Paphos they worshiped Aphrodite under the symbol of a white stone in the shape of a pyramid), Diana, Cybele (at Galatia they worshiped the stone of Kebeli, like a boon, transfers from the great tract to Rome), Minerva, Mitra in the Greco-Roman lands.

At Siami, they worship a pramidal black stone.

In India, the creative force of nature is symbolized by a lingam (stylized images of the phallus), which represents Shiva (the god who created the world) and other gods. At the Elephant’s oven in Bombay, a lingam (a hollow, smooth, cone-shaped stone) became the center of a ritual round dance, which indicates its role as a symbol of the Axis of the Light, which in a singing world brings yoga closer to the symbolism of the ancient omphalus.

Behind the myth, Shivi's lingam looked like a column of light of such magnitude that Brahma in the form of a wild gander and Vishnu in the form of a boar could not know the upper and lower boundaries, which Shivi's might could bring. The symbol of a man's cob (lingam) was sometimes roztashovuly in a stone ring, which is a yoni (vulva), which symbolized the sacred connection of a man and a woman. Chinese keu, jade haircut from tricot winds, maw is also symbolic. Lingam, entwined with a snake, may be brought to yoga (kundalina - snake-like flow of life energy).

Similar symbols appeared in Mexico and Peru. The largest sanctuary in Peru was Lake Titikaka with an island that is located on the new one (according to the legend, before the arrival of people on the island, a tiger lived, which had a wonderful ruby ​​​​on its head, which illuminated the water of the lake to the bottom with its light). At the great temple, dedicated to the Sun, there was a skelya, through the yak, behind the Peruvian legend, the Sun rose above the earth. Zvіdsi viyshov Mapoo-Saras, the founder and legislator of the empire inkіv, who conceived the cult of the Sun and deified by the year.

The famous stones of the islands of Velikoday, Tonga, Fiji and the Galapagos Islands near the Pacific Ocean, perhaps, about the same significance of the stone on the lost continents of Lemuria and Atlantis.

In the order of pyramidal and façade forms, the same men's steps or columns are often depicted: the famous steps of Melkart, described by Herodotus and Philo the Biblosky, as well as the steps of the entrance to the Rusalim temple, the Egyptian boys' obelisks in front of the pylons of the temples.

The cult of the stone is the same among all the Semitic peoples: the stone tablets of Moses, the stone of Jacob (“This is the stone, from which the light is born ...”)... The stone is placed in the foundation of the Zion temple. In the Old Testament, the symbol of the stone is not only a fake symbol, but also an astrological one. An especially miraculous symbol of the altar is like a stone, which symbolically happens Old Zapovit with new

The esoteric sense of the symbol of the stone is clearly revealed by Christ in the parable about the boondocks, the awakenings to the pisca and the blasting of the storm, and the booths, the promptings on the stone, not to be afraid of the scoundrels. “Budinok, awakenings on a stone” is a symbol of absolute stability, hardness, and perseverance.

For a savage sensi, a stone is a symbol of stability, trivality, immortality, indestructibility, eternal, bondage, inviolability of the Supreme Reality. A stone is a static life.

A stone, a skeleton, a mountain, a tree chi gai - all these are understood symbolically in mutual understanding and can represent the cosmos for everyone. Stones are often susides with trees near sacred places. The stench or stand on its own, signifying a sacred place, or a pod, or tied to a tree at the structure of the sacred vіvtar, de symbolize the future, and the tree is the past.

In primitive symbolism, stone can give rise to people and may have a fatherly potential; people can be transformed on sacred stones. It is believed that this is a different kind of monthly cult, knitted at the same time with birth, and with cold, and also with the frozen earth of winter, which will give birth to spring.

The deyak stones make their own symbols: for example, the Kaaba, the black stone of Kibeli, the black jade, or the pearls can make some symbols of the Cosmic Egg.

High, vertically installed stones or columns symbolize the earthly everything - axis mundi (symbols such as a tree, a mountain, a tree on a mountain, a column with a tree that grows on it) and point to the supreme support of all things in the world. They are also fixing points of the universe, or centers, de people can know paradise again or take enlightenment.

The ends of the stones and the piramidi folded from the stone create the same phantom symbolism that the stones are installed vertically.

Stones of a cubic form mean stability and static thoroughness, and as such are often laid in the basis of sacred spores. The stone at the foundation is the same skeleton, de-grounding the all-world; the outer stone of the earth and the waters of life; the skeleton that hangs over Hades is that by the forces of the underground world. Stones of spherical shape mean Month, henceforth, the female principle and the monthly goddesses. A stone that is not covered with cuts is prima materia (primary matter), a cob of women, that is associated with human symbols, yakim є cut and іnshі іnstrumenti for carving on stone, yakі give shape to that look prima materia. Covering the cuts or polishing the stone symbolizes the character, which, having recognized the cuts, is perfect.

Breaking stone or a column means death, ruining and dismembering. Heavy stones or rocks, which hang over the dzherel, strumok, or the entrance to the cave with belongings, which cross the access to the waters of life, which squeal the s-p_d of the skel, symbolize the difficulties, or be wise, yak it is necessary to podolat, understand or be able to, yak known guides of life - esoteric, attached knowledge. Sometimes the skelya is miraculously broken, so that the waters will be allowed to flow and the stove will open up.

Kam'yana sokir is an endless viraz of divinity and supernatural power.

Lapis exelis - tse stone, the power of such a turn of life Phoenix; some of you will be blessed with the chalice of the Holy Grail and you can bestow eternal youth on those who serve you.

Thunder stones give strength to thunder, sparkles and storms. Betelian stones - tse stone-marks, stench signify a place, de perebuvaє deity or a sleepy spirit, as well as the souls of the dead, tse place of heaven and earth, the sacred earth. The Betelian stones are often endowed with prophetic powers, they are respected as “stones that speak”, in which the voice of a deity or oracle comes out, like, for example, the omphalos in Delphi. These stones sound like they fell from the sky, which means they are divine.

In Judaism, the Betelian stone of Jacob is a place of serpent and remembrance of Heaven and Earth. The fireplace from the river Jobel was considered unruinable, and from them the foundations of Jerusalem were laid. The stone, which was at the foundation of the temple, was the center of the Earth and supported the omnipresence.

For alchemists, the stone is the primary matter. Philosopher's stone, rebіs, - tse naivishcha meta poshukіv, "underwhelming buttya" hermetic androgyne, reconciliation of protelia, unity, turning to the center, thoroughness, absolute reality, spiritual, rozumova and moral unity of a person, sound, whole "I".

In Egypt, the stone symbolizes the truth (“the stone of the Truth”), the green-colored stone symbolizes youth and immortality. The hewn stone among the Egyptians means material, over which it is necessary to work, so that through creativity one can reach perfection. A rough, unshaven stone is a human being, as if it were not built until rebirth. The stone of conversions is a spiritual person who is thoroughly finished.

The Sumerian-Semitic tradition has end stones and columns with head symbols and non-final images of Astarte and other Semitic deities.

In Greco-Roman tradition, stones are distinguished by the stones of the Mother Earth (Ovіdіy). The black stone is a symbol of Cybele, like the goddess of fire is depicted as a final stone. The square stone is an attribute of Aphrodite (Venus). Stones are often associated with Kronos (Saturn) and with Apollo (omphalos at Delphi and vіvtar of cubic form at Delosі). Hermes, as the god of the stone, can have ideas in the form of a stone pyramid, or buy a stone.

In Christianity, the stone is the ultimate foundation, indestructibility, St. Peter is the founder of the Church. Stones with the emblems of Saints Alpezha and Stefan.

Among the Celts, the kam'yanі skelі may have prophetic zdіbnostі.

In the Arabs of the pre-Islamic period, stones were worshiped like the endless images of Manat, they were revered before stones and trees.

Among the peoples of Western Africa, blue stones symbolize the power of the heavenly god.

Among Muslims, the black Kaabi stone has a cubic shape and is an omphalos as a place for the union of people with God.

In Buddhism, black stones are filthy toppings, white stones are good toppings; and tі y іnshі are called at the posthumous court.

In Hinduism, the stone provides stability and is found in the foundation of the temple that vіvtarya. Stones of finite form (lingam) - non-continuous form of the image of Shivi as a creator.

In China, the stone is especially superb and magical. Kam'yanі chimes symbolize kinship and turn the door.

The Japanese have stones and rocks - sacred objects to Shintoism.

Among the peoples of Oceania, the rocks gave rise to everything that exists in the world.

Among all the nomadic and myslivian tribes, among the American Indians, stone is also respected by the brushes of the Mother Earth.

The magic of the stone works effectively, especially if a person believes in it. Even in ancient times, people knew about the magical power of minerals and obov'yazkovo vikoristovuvali. For example, warriors carried stones with them, as if they were quick to fold fabrics. Women are always small with their own embellishment with stones, as if they enhance their beauty. The children were given amulets to protect them. Those that at the same time people vvazhayut wondrous, earlier it was everyday life.

The magic of the stone works effectively, especially as a person believes in it

The mystical powers of the stone always attracted people. Until what hour, a person is fascinated by the marvelous vibrancy of such amulets. For example, the deacons of the crystals change their eyes or blacken them, if I threaten their lords with insecurity.

Previously, relatives tried to give children earrings, a pendant or heels with singing stones. With the rocks of their strength only grew, shards of stink rose from their hairdresser. Before speech, such embellishments could be more than one person. Їx tried to pass at the downfalls. The results had family embellishments.

The enchanting stone is not only to heal the wounds, to protect the people in the face of adversity. The stench is even more “wise” with the material. If you steal such an embellishment, or if you know її vipadkovo, then you won’t help a new man’s stone, you won’t become a talisman for him. Until then, building wine, navpaki, viklikati bad luck. Purchased stones become amulets not in a blink of an eye, but only for a sprat of rock. And from yakshcho they were handed over to the recesses, or they were given as a gift, then the stench of the building will open up its strength.

Likuvalny that magical power kaminnya vvchali sche in ancient times

The jubilant and magical power of the stones weaved in ancient times. The fathers were well known to them, they knew their energy industry, they knew how to make a proper fuss. Nature itself gives people various suggestions: how to improve your family, improve your health, increase prosperity and promote business. Ale is not a skin mineral and is corny for a specific person. When choosing obov'yazkovo, they should insure various officials.

To endure often people choose stones, the meaning of which to name is not to know. At the result, the stench will look for help, that zahist, ale diva does not seem to be so. The reason is that talismans, protect and protect amulets in a different way.

Їхнє recognition of the attack in the offensive:

  1. Protect the amulets. Powerfulness of stones and minerals favor those who stench protect ailments, failures, protect against negative energy. The stench is their own guardian angels. For example, emeralds, rubies, sapphires are such vvazhayutsya.
  2. Talismany. power natural stone get to the point where the stench brings success, love, prosperity. The stock is jasper, citrine and erysipelas quartz.
  3. Stones that provide material well-being. Butt є smaragd. Vіn building to accumulate energy, and then direct it yourself to increase the financial flow. The power of the expensive stone will be supplemented by wealth. In addition, you can use brown or green aventurine and beryl.
  4. Stone healers. stink jubilant authorities and zdatnі spare a person a little ailment. More stench zapobіgayut їhnomu development in the early stages.
  5. Energy stones. A singing crystal comes up to the skin of a person. Such boules have all chakluniv. It was important that the minerals help their hairdressers to bathe every hour, contact with ghosts, conduct magic sessions. Let's see the emerald, girsky crystal, amethyst.

Classification of stone

The description of the stones before us is important included in the group, to the point of stench. They distinguish this classification: expensive ones (also called jewelry), jewelry and virobnі and simple virobnі.

Jewelry stones are respected by the strongest. The most powerful ones are diamond, sapphire, ruby ​​and emerald. The stench may be even stronger energy, so that the buildings are poured into the mind and soul of your sack. In addition, stinks are respected even as strong energy boosters for people. Magi zavzhdi mali embellish with such crystals. The magical powers of such specimens cannot be taken lightly. Diamond help in a special life. But it is necessary to be sure that yoga can be worn only by women, as they have already become a foreigner. Even more wear is allowed, as if yoga was bestowed as a person, who would become a person. And the axis of the kohankam diamant is less likely to mess up.

Jewelry and stoneware also plays a great role in the life of the people. The stench vvazhayutsya not less strong, less expensive. The stench of the building of the work of your sergeant is already happy. Butts - agate, malachite. The stench protect the form of negative energy, pleasantly pour on the body, improve self-feeling. Ale, it is necessary to carefully collect your talisman.

Stone amulets (video)

Pearls and burshtin are not really crystals, but they can be brought to the jewelry and virus group. You may love all women, but not everyone will stink. For example, girls, who still do not choose to go abroad, do not varto bestow pearls as a gentleman. Those same women hang out, like they chat with friendly people.

Virobnі kamenі - the third group. Before them lay all the opaque specimens. Ale stinks are not less valuable. To the point, among the deyaks, the art is so high, like a dear one. W the most popular are fluorite, marmur onyx, granite and jasper. Live such an embellishment for a long time, as it is right to see. Bagato who is pardoned by their gems. Ale, under such understandings, on the vase, it’s really not only virobnі, but it’s expensive, it’s expensive, it’s like a syrovin, or for the preparation of jewelry.

Gallery: stone magic (50 photos)

How to behave with stones

The value of the stone talisman is even greater. Ale, schob buv necessary effect, follow the correct behavior with him. The skin of a person is blessed with a dream, that the talisman brings energy, good luck, love, wealth, etc.

It is necessary to carry the charm of the stone close to the body and do not waste it. If another person knows the loss, then bring the talisman to him bad luck. No one can give their embellishment. The deyakі vvazhayut for better purchases vibrіb spochatku sanctify in the church, but not obov'yazkovo.

In order to believe that the songs of the enchanting stones of this and other people are suitable, it is necessary to put them on a pillow before going to bed. As if you slept badly all night, it’s better not to wear such embellishment. If it’s a dream, it’s a mitzny, and the lie of a person feels healthy and strong, then it’s those that are necessary.

Sob the talisman step by step gaining chivalry, it is recommended to wear it right on the body or trim in the gut. Є th blame: deakі virobi are allowed to stay at home, but see if you want a sprig of hvilin for a day to contact them. In addition, it is necessary to protect that the deacons can not be worn for a long time. Ale, the head of the head: the stones began to help their sergeant, it is necessary to ask them about it.

In addition, it is necessary to carry out a few procedures for recharging the viroba. For whom it is necessary to take the virus in your hand and think about the reception of speech. Zavdyaki tsyom to the talisman, the transition is positive energy. Until then, the wines will be built up on the biopole of the singing people.

Just as it is necessary to charge the charm of the stone for wealth, then it is necessary to take a few days to spend the middays of the blessed ones. Then the talisman of “intelligence” owns recognition and helps to help others directly. If it is necessary to get a kohanny to your life, then it is recommended to anoint the talisman. ethereal olive trojandi. Obov'yazkovo treba shiro dyakuwati youmu.

Dodatkovo need to periodically carry out cleaning. For this next place virib pid flowing water and trim hocha b 20 hvilin. Carry out such a procedure at least once every 2 days, otherwise the talisman will transfer all the accumulated negative energy to people.

Axis of other deacies for the sake of fahivtsiv:

  1. Purchases of stone from the stone must be carried out by the flowing water.
  2. If you can’t set a stone, then you can’t put yoga in the center of your hand. Take virib less with your fingers.
  3. You can not wear yoga with you, here you need to rush only to the authorities.

Stones of piecework do not sway magical powers. They have less energy for the virobnik, so they can only be worn for beauty.

20 most house stones

A leather stone may have its own recognition, as it may appear important in the life of a person:

  1. Chrysoprase. I take on myself the negative energy, straightened from the Bik Yogo Vlasnik. Take away bad luck. Help on the right.
  2. Malachite. Helps to overcome depression. Zavdyaki new man, look over your whole problem.
  3. Girsky crystal. Relieves pain, speeds up tissue regeneration, stabilizes body temperature.
  4. Oleksandrit. Helping strong-willed persons, encouraging them to make decisions, developing courage. Helps with foreign languages.
  5. Agate. Polypshuє self-feeling, zabіgaє the development of ailments. Take care of the filthy thoughts of other people, reveal deceit. Dopomogaє to improve the stosunki at sim'ї.
  6. Burshtin. Take care of negative energy. Help unfortunate people. Building zapobіgti pozozhі.
  7. Aventurine. Add zusil.
  8. Jadeite. Dopomogaє at ukladann_ kontraktiv, polyuє dіyu deyakih medical preparatіnіv. Protects against deceit and zazdroshchiv.
  9. Obsidian. Enhance the rosy zdіbnosti, rob a respectful person. Knowing the emotional strain, protecting the filthy vchinka.
  10. Onyx. Sprinkle the development of redness. Develops the passion of nature.
  11. Pomegranate. This stone can cause a strong passion. More wine to rob a happy person, but help less energetic specialties.
  12. Tourmaline. Vіn save people from psuvannya, proklonіv. It is considered a neutralizer of negative energy. It also relieves sleeplessness.
  13. Hematite. Vіn protects the people in the emergency minds. Building to speed up the regeneration of tissues. Helps with ailments of the nervous system.
  14. Zmiyovik. This stone of appointments for the creation of the zahis field of dovkol people. Dodatkovo develops yoga intuition.
  15. Sapphire. Vіn vvazhaєtsya stone osvіtyan, majstrіv. Vin gives people the power of spiritual character. Ale dopomozhe only chuynym and kind specialty.
  16. Rubin. The meaning of this stone is to be built up to the point where you can strengthen your special features, yakі є. The building’s fire of passion, but with this deed, people slacken more in vr_vnovnaniem.
  17. Amethyst. Helping team, who works in the trade sphere. Defend the slub from the hell. Zdatny vilіkuvati vіd alkoholіzmu, usunut hangover.
  18. Pearly. Take care of the hat, make the woman more sexy, young, beautiful, help to get better.
  19. Carnelian. Yogo meaning is important for women and people - this is a love talisman. More building development promotion. Help the judge.
  20. Diamond. It especially helps these women, as they help them wake up their families. Tse talisman of honest people.

All these stones are considered the most popular.

Talismans and amulets from stone

Crimea is more rehabilitated, іsnuіє impersonal іnshikh kamenіv, yakі tezh koristuyutsya suspіhom talіsmanі talismanі talismanі:

  1. Bichache eye. This stone is considered a talisman for those strong and energetic features. It helps to establish contacts with other people. Korisniy at Vyvchenny's secret to the All-world. Zapobіgaє influx of negative energy, protecting houses from people with filthy messages. Dopomogaє to improve the financial state. If the stone is often in contact with distrustful and emotional people, then it may cause symptoms of relapse in them.
  2. Fianit. Appropriate for people who want to rise in price for better. Helping tim who zavzhd pragne buti first.
  3. Hairy. This is the name of the girsky crystal, the middle of such a rutile thread. As a rule, such a stone is zastosovyat for the hour of witchcraft, usunennya psuvannya, and also during rituals of a love spell. Vіdkrіє vіdkriє prihovanі zdіbnostі (especially to telepathy and psychics), increase the trivality of the life of the hairdresser, attract kindness, good luck and love.
  4. Dolomite. The mineral develops masculinity, willpower and rationalism in people, so the best wine is like an amulet for people. Before the speech, turn the building stone to your sack to respect the woman. Allows for self-sufficiency, to rob people with generosity.
  5. Ilmenit. This mineral resonates with human energy, that’s why his sergeant’s master’s willpower and stamina are due to him. Protect against violence and negativity. The most beautiful talismans are suitable for people, as they constantly stick with emotional and physical desires. For example, all lawyers, sportsmen, military men.
  6. . This stone protects the special stature, forbidding the appearance of zrad and baiduzhost. Still protect from the prey. Dopomogaє to improve the situation with other people, attach your respect to your master. Teach people on the basis of equality, but be delicate, respectful, develop intuition.
  7. Lapis Lazuli. Tsey mineral is a symbol of success. Usun image, damn it, worry. Protects against deceit, riveting those other unkind ones. Nevpevnenі people zavdyaki youmu become rіshuchіshimi. Spriyaє garnomu rozvitku ref.
  8. Moldova. This amulet also develops intuition and attachment of happiness, protects from negative energy. For a period of time to restore the energy balance of a person. It is important that Moldavit helps chakluns and magicians to rise in price at the hour and talk with spirits.
  9. Nephritis. This talisman miraculously appeared to these people, if they want to change their lives again. Vin is a symbol of gentry and justice. It helps to know the optimal solution for tricky situations. Clear your thoughts of negativity, anger, aggression. Give peace of mind, harmony.
  10. Feast. Tezh is a mineral from human energy. In rozvin, a person has goodness, rіshuchіst, rationality. Zavdyaky to this talisman the charisma of a person is strengthened, also a person is the best representative of a beautiful state. The warriors took with them a benquet for all hours, so that they would defend their every hour of battles.

Іnshі vіdomі kamenі

There are still impersonal other stones, which are actively zastosovuyutsya as amulets, talismans, amulets. Axis apply:

  1. Rubellite. Vin is considered a love talisman. Helping people to suffocate to develop their bodies, giving tenderness. As soon as the couple parted, then you should forget all the images, to know the new code. Positively embed people, they are engaged in creativity, developing their talents, fantasy. Rubellite zastosovuєtsya like a generator, which takes energy, increases and turns people.
  2. Tiger eye. Tsey amulet is even stronger. Vіn zdatny protect your sergeant from people-vampirіv, yakі live with the energy of otochuyuchih. Blame the nebezpeka, vin ahead of your ruler, standing up important. The best eye of the tiger is for the people who work in the banking sector. Vіn turn the borg and zbіlshit prosperity.
  3. Ulexit. Vin is considered a talisman of the people of the community. In addition, protect the homeland and houses. Develops intuition, helps with partial stress. Easily absorb the energy of your hairdresser, then let's get better and then back.
  4. Fluorite. Tsey mineral zastosovuetsya for meditation. Give harmony, spiritual jealousy. Developing more logical thought. Mages vikoristovuyut kuli z fluorite for spіlkuvannya z spirits and transfers.
  5. Chalcedony. Tsey mineral can positively charge energy. Usuvay tightness, anxiety, bestowing happiness, joy. To rob a person with a povnenishoy. Yak a mascot is recommended to sailors. And for the women, it is better to turn the respect of the strong state.
  6. Citrine. Give people material wealth. Previously, this talisman was called a merchant's. Notice to people who are engaged in financial rights. Before the speech, yogo is often victorious shakhrai. In addition, the stone rises from apathy, depression, gives peace, develops promotion, memory.
  7. Charoite. Stand up for the same people who are engaged in creativity.
  8. Spinel. Developing love stand, awaken passion.
  9. Evdialit. Protect from injuries. To rob a person is more good.
  10. Jasper. Develop the gift of reconciliation, addiction, give success. Vykoristovuetsya as a talisman against the priesthood.

Stones for luscious kohannya (video)


Fireplaces and having poured into the people are already twisted by thousands of people. At once, faceless crystals seem to help people in other spheres of life. For a skin person, it is more suitable to use only one group of natural stone. The axis of їх and it is necessary for the mother with oneself, and the magical powers of the correctly chosen talisman will help with the twisted wool.

Respect, only TODAY!

Knowing navkolishniy svit, people did not miss the honor and the stone, which served as the guardians of the state defense, and shared with the people with their secret power.

It seems that building materials conduct the behavior of a person, his character, health and other qualities. Stones to make their own magical meaning, the stench of the building, get love and bestow wealth on the sky.

Stones for health

Even in ancient times, people commemorated the healing power of stones. It’s good for someone from them to build immunity, to help them get better, or else they will be more vicious in the case of ailments. It is not for nothing that the stones vikoristovuyut during various procedures, which relax, and various types of massage. Until then, the stench of the building will significantly improve the di ї cosmetic benefits.

Є navіt tіla galuzi in vedic medicine, for such a stone you should take it like an additive to їzhі, grind it in front to a powder mill. If you are not yet ready for such feats, hurry up with the sound of the stone’s energy surge.

Smaragd is taken in by a strong stone. Vіn zdatny grant mіtsne zdorov'ya, improve sleep and protect filthy people. Yogo dії significantly grow stronger, as if we were changing wines in a golden frame.

Turquoise can have a health-improving and haunting effect.

The carnelian of the building will relieve the yogi of strong headaches, spread the fire of self-confidence and come into contact with other ailments. And so itself to defend the vіd pristіtu.

Opal is required to be worn by those who suffer from mental illness.

Coral is helpful in case of skin diseases, pores and wounds.

Alexandrite must be worn by those who suffer from heart and vascular diseases. It is good to cleanse the blood and help save the heart.

Stones for earning pennies

The magical meaning of a stone in the sphere of wealth:

Chrysoprase. Stone business people. Even stronger in financial power.

Chrysolite adds pennies. To help you get better, help you to find out how you spent everything.

Citrine is so self-deprecating pidide, to improve the financial state, wine is also indispensable in trade.

It is not only a penny talisman to give birth, but also a helper of intuition and talents. Wonderful pidide for creative people.

Carnelian helps with all efforts and along the coast in vigilance.

Stones for kohanna

The adventure is indispensable for those who are already afraid to know their own way.

Lapis lazuli helps to know harmony in love right.

Chervony pomegranate is to be worn by everyone who wants to know the right kohannya.

Jade adds to the strength of the kohanna.

Rozhevy quartz building to give charіvnіst voєmu vlasnik. Shanuvalnikov will not fight.

Rhodochrosite is in power to lure the right kohanny.

In order to maximize the full potential of the stone, it is necessary to carry out the first purification. For which stone it is necessary to put it near the water. Ideally pіdіyde like a clean glass or a lake. Even though it is impossible, then holy water is holy. Good cleaning stone quartz. The universal method is to touch the stone over the half-lights of the candle. It is also recommended to periodically test this procedure in order to remove stones from the possible accumulated negative energy.

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