Zastosuvannya turіsaz at pobutі. Rune Turisaz - the meaning of that magical setting. Meaning of Turisaz at Kohanni and Stosunkah

Let's see in detail the rune turisaz love spell - h report description all the magical events, the ritual of the presence of negative consequences.

Rooney is the most powerful magic tool that went into the current world from long ago. Zastosovuvatisya special signs can be at different rites, zokrema and pіd hour of love spells.

The runic love spell is carried out before the svidcode rites. The main success factor in to this particular type- Tse correctly folded formula.

Shards, runic love spells are strong and strong only with the right vikonann, then it’s important to get to know the principles of the magic of runes in advance. It is also important to learn the method of visualization, as it plays a significant role for the success of love spell rituals and yoga dance.

The main guarantee of the effectiveness of the love spell is the correct spelling of runic formulas. That is why it is necessary to respectfully remember the runes. Add runic love spells - hang. Tse special words, in which the verbal forms express the sense of the rite of that її meta. You can take ready-made texts from special literature or from the Internet, or from other ones, or self-folded hangings. Texts should be carefully thought out. They can but even more accurately formulate your prohannya to greater inhuman forces. Such a prohannya may again fall out of the mist, which is to be avenged in the writing of the runic formula.

The optimal days for the ceremony are Mondays and Fridays. That is the day of Frey and the day of Frigg. To strengthen the effect of the love spell, the ritual should be planned for 21 or 22 days of the month.

If you are planning for an additional runic love spell to add a lot of stosunki, then it is important that no more than fate has passed from the moment of opening.

Vikonuyuchi runic love spell, it is important to finish the advancing rules:

  • Zmovi, yakі are called visami, can be moved in a prevіlnіy formі, ale bazhano with whom you can reach the vіrshovanoї form.
  • The ritual is guilty of being carried out in a warm mood and a vrіvnovazhenny camp.
  • Before the rite, it is necessary to observe a three-day fast and remember.

For a runny love spell to be successful, it is necessary for the hour of the rite to visualize the image of a kokhan. That for whom you can win a photograph, an object of clothing, or I will make a person who is bewitched. Rooney can look like on an okremіy lining of wax, and on attributes.

Shards of the rune formula are obov'yazkovo zakryplyuetsya with wet blood, beforehand it is necessary to convey the appearance of a well-sterilized head, which will pierce a finger.

Runic love spell, in the majority of vipadkiv, conveying the victorious offensive formulas:

  • Berkana - Inguz. She was seen under the name "Druk Frey" and її dіya was straightened to the laying of the ship.
  • Nautiz - Gebo. At the translation, the name sounds like "Shackles of the kohannya", with the help of a little love.
  • Teyvaz - Uruz - Gebo. Tsya formula vikoristovuetsya for a light injection, straightened out by accentuating the privability of the rite.
  • Gebo - Kenaz - Vunyo. For the help of this formula, the sexual predilection of the object of the love spell is strengthened until the end of the rite.

Runny love spell is always carried out in absolute self and silence. Before the ceremony, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo concentrate on thoughts about the kokhan. To enhance the magical atmosphere, you can light a candle. Zmovyatsya after the image of the runic formula.

For a strong runic rite, follow the following magical formula:

Turisaz is a rune, as it allows you to neutralize superniks, for help you can control the situation in the love sphere more and protect yourself from non-transferable podias.

Chotirirazovo settlement Turisaz provides the strongest defender of the love sphere of the people and cleans up all the crossings on the way to the heart of the kohanoi people. The new defender in the form of unkind people guarantees the complete freedom of action. This runic symbol, be it a situation, send you the respect of your obratsya. Ale, regardless of those who are already strong attachment, vin die for a short hour, no more than a few months. It is necessary to vikoristovuvat її in order to awaken in the sample the width of your own. Often it is not possible to win the runic formula, shards of it can be thrown into the reproductive function of a person.

Runic love spells lie before the rites of black magic. To that, you should understand that if a love spell is felt without wide feelings, that if for cunningly at once, the payment of yoga can be unacceptable. To turn off the negative traces of a runic love spell, whether a love spell rite will help in victorious mood and mental health.

The stars of Hollywood skin screenings know what it is Mjollnir, Hammer of Thor and yak yoga strength. In this article, I will help you figure out what the Hammer represents and how to win.

Really, Mjollnir - nothing else than the rune Turisaz (Vid isl. "Turs" - "veleten")- A symbol of ruinous power in the hands of Thor Odinson. What a cicavo, this rune symbolizes Gromovik himself, and veletniv, like streaming wines. Streaming these wines may not be the same as the one who is the son of Odin, but rather the one who is the son of the Yord.

Great are ancient, wise and arduous forces of Chaos. The system of light of Yggdrasila is a little piece of singing stability of the environment. Behind the rune of Turisaz there is strength, building up the inter-light Yggdrasil.

Meaning in a nutshell: Turisaz tse - defend, control the situation, neutralize the enemies, win, clear the mind, a favorable result in a difficult situation, building up to think about that mind. So is the stagnation of that person's sexual energy (what the form of Mjollnir is pulling on us).

The rune Turisaz locks the trio of runes, the energies of which can be brought into the “basics of light”. Fehu - Fire to Muspelheim, Uruz - Lord of Nifflheim; Turisaz - veleten, goiter-knitting to his adventures tanning ice. And if Fehu and Uruz are projected onto the psyche of a person, they are unfamiliar and piddomim, then Turisaz is resting on a mezhі svidomosti.

In psychology, this is the so-called "Tin" - an archetype that is formed from socio-cultural attitudes, as if it is not a coincidence with the manifestations of a person about himself. Ignoring and rejecting Tinі can lead to the inconvenience of specialness, and integration of them into a whole system of specialness gives internal integrity and harmony. It is also known that the straight Turisaz means energy, straightened the call, and turned upside down - straightened in the middle.

The energy of the Rune Turisaz is Saturnian, the colors are black, dark purple, crimson. Stones - flint, obsidian, onyx, black tourmaline. Tree - Blackthorn. Number 21 and 5. Element - fire.

The life of the situation is not clear, if the wind of the fluctuations of the weather insolently spreads our plans. In order to overcome the cunning of reality, you can win the “rune of straight paths” - Turisaz.

Know the place in the Kremlin, be smarter and close your eyes. Visualize the All-world, remind Violet candles. Here, in the middle of this expanse, reveal the rune Turisaz, which shimmers with all the colors of the merry-go-round; if you become a red one, let the forge go down, your thorns will bump and break in the capillaries of your head. Reveal that Turisaz, like a drop of blood, the Torah is spreading on your circulatory system endowing you with supernatural strength. If you have an armhole, you can crush your eyes and break the world.

You can work on an addition to the technology talisman with the rune Turisaz and carry it with you, and on the worker's mission trim yoga in front of your eyes, so that you remember: now you are the baptizer of God, and not the languor of mortal lives.

Through its nuclear power, Turisaz can wide versatility in combat magic shkidlivoї magic, as well as Zahistu see it. Vikoristovuetsya in a love spell x and scuffle supergirls among themselves, although in the old Scandinavia no one cared to be shy, you can find riddles in Eddi about those who, like a hero, threaten the Valkyries with love spells.

We can say that Turisaz is important rune of human love spells. Vikoristovuyuchi Turisaz as a “thrown attack” trace the memory that this rune is a sign of two fires: it’s better to defeat the most attacking one, as if that one is wrong. Turisaz is the most powerful and at the same time the most safe rune of the futhark!

  1. Tourisaz + Teyvaz + Tourisaz- a stronger spell, which creates a mіtsny bar'єr against any kind of negativity. Once, having seen such a forged runichnu vyaz on the gates, doors and gates of the private booth. Maybe, more literate people live there.
  2. Isa + Nautiz + Tourisaz- as you have a family crypt, and you will be afraid for your incompetence, place this formula on entrance doors. The formula for curses is "hover at the world of the Inesist veletniv".
  3. 4 Turisazes in a row- a harder love spell that secures a strong mutual pull of the term close to the month.
  4. Turisaz + Nautiz + Hagalaz + Uruz- "the same" love spell, as if the hero of the saga wanted to bewitch the Valkyrie. Її it is necessary to put it on whether it’s a nose and put it there, de “victim” often happens, best at home. Asvin Frey in his book "Mysteries of Pivnichnyh Narodov" tells about his understanding of this formula. In order to punish the people, she crossed the formula on the juice and threw it to the door of the yogo room. An hour later, the new one had a protracted epileptic seizure. Here reading, scho so react to such magic splash individuals from the observation of energy channels, so you can understand what I am. This conjuration sharply raises the kundalins, like fireworks, it rises up the hillside of the ridge, and all the accumulated energy will smite the victims in the head. Looking back at the dirtiness of today's people, it may be like a wind-up.
  1. Isa + Tourisaz + Fehu- Paving a path through chaos, allowing something new to start. Also serve as a stop-cock for any situation that has gained wraps.
  2. Tourisaz + Manaz + Tourisaz- Help in intellectual achievements. Best for wine-makers.
  3. Gebo + Turisaz + Otila- Putting things in order in this particular relationship.
  4. Turisaz + Otila + Evaz- for pripinennya vіdnosin, scho vіdzhili.

In whichever way the rune did not wilt - first for all it means that you are in the midst of the undergrowth, or on the porosity of changes, and you need to make the right choice.

Otzhe, who asks, your exit! The hour has come to deprive the past into the past and accept the viklik. Take from yourself only the best: brown dosvіd, courage, vrіvnovazhenіst. Possibly, you are checked for a move, a new place of work, new acquaintances and a new kohannya. You will overcome your enemies and you will be protected from their approaches.

You will not be late for your lowly position. If you don’t manage the situation, the earth will go s-pid nig, and in case of emergency, the situation will be less relieved. Singingly, through inactivity and haste, you will try low inappropriate pardons, as if more than once to be repeated.

Porada: watch out, work on the right folds, check for everything pleasant moment children. Thor helps those who think actively and independently: do not disappoint yoga. Shards of the energy of the inverted Turisaz are straightened in the middle, and their appearance at the desk means the need for internal work.

Taras Odintsov (S), 2016, specially for

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A strong runic love spell is a rite of instantaneous action, a friendly completion of which to lie down in a properly folded position.

The stench was vicorated by the Scandinavian and German peoples for writing. It is important that the wisdom of ancient ancestors is laid in the runes, as if leather can be used to reach your goals.

The rune is the key to the information flow, its own kind of law, it is important for it to become angry with it, that it was the hour of the rite of її strength. In order to get to know the rune, you may need 1 to 7 days.

Runic symbols are victorious like tools endowed with magic power. With this help, you can improve the quality of life, transfer the development of those other situations, as well as create a love spell on the vіdstani. For a long time they were victorious for the attack and the attack, the increase in the magical properties, the removal of knowledge for the sake of exaltation.

Behind the skin fleece stand its own vibration on the energy level, a specific camp, like a witness. In order to create such energetic flows, a connection is created with a specific center. When interacting with a rune, a person has thoughts that form.

Runic love spell helps to create bonds with energy:

That's right vikonana cover instruction by working with runes, you can get an energy flow from your life from the new space, as well as activate this flow from your own. How to practice such a love spell to marvel at the video:

A strong love spell, for example, on a girl, wins for the help of offensive runes:

  1. Berkana-Inguz guarantees friendship.
  2. In order to zmusiti nudguvati abo viklikati a little bit of pretentiousness, vikoristovuyut Nautiz-Gebo.
  3. In order to increase the riven of your privablity, you can speed up with the runic stave of Teivaz-Uruz-Gebo.
  4. To increase the level of sexuality, it is recommended to take Gebo-Kenaz-Vunyo.

For vikonannya zmov in speech, follow the preparation:

  • an object on which a magical day is to be carried out;
  • drukarskoe priladdya, s їх additionally it will be necessary to paint the runes;
  • candle;
  • head.
  1. Light a candle.
  2. To paint special runes on ritual speeches, the process of painting can be uninterrupted.
  3. Then we need to scorch the neck and pierce your own finger.
  4. Put blood on the runic symbol.
  5. I'll call you.
  6. Give the object to the suburban object.

“In the sight of biased feelings, we are burning half-heartedly, thoughts are occupied with less bazhannyam that love. You will soon realize that you cannot live without me. We'll become choked up. The habits of our share will be intertwined. I love your love."

A love spell with runes can be added to the vіdnosini between partners. For such a magical dії, they go into the victoria of the offensive runes:

  • photograph of the object;
  • olive, pen and felt-tip pen;
  • head.
  1. On the image of a person, write all 4 runes in handwriting, start and finish Gebo.
  2. Read the call.
  3. Pierce the finger on the right hand with a bark and apply crooked drops on all the runes.
  4. Hide the photo.

“Spirnі situation, nedovovki, protirіchchya, conflicts and welding in one minute will be forgotten. Feel the anxiety and imagine leaving our love union. Go get out with inaccuracy, melt like a whisk. Vіd rіznіh razbіzhnosti and problems perebuvaєmo pіd zahistom. Passion and love linger with her.

You can use one more sound to improve the harmony of the waters:

“Tya formula from the runes regenerates the love thread of the mizh (names of the bet), osyayayuchi with the syavm of the last day together. A lot of addictive stosunkiv are roaring, again the roblox are almost mutual.

Such a ritual can be carried out as a zakhist for health, you can die.

The deputy of the photograph can be taken by the special officer of the appointed person, but after the rite, it is necessary to turn it on the plate, so that the rune will only be born after the fact that the person is carrying the object with him.

Іsnuє runny becoming, scho to bring good luck, before new enter:

From them, a simple amulet is prepared, which will bring happiness and well-being to your hairdresser.

  • natural material, for example, it can be a piece of wood, stone, fabric, metal embellishment;
  • arable;
  • arkush paperu;
  • writing object;
  • sirniki;
  • metal saucer;
  • essential oil;
  • wine drink.

Instructions independent preparation amulet:

  1. To carry out the ritual, choose a light that is a pure place. Ignite the smell.
  2. Paint the runic formula on the arch paper.
  3. Apply the little ones to the selected material.
  4. To drip blood on the skin of the image of runic symbols.
  5. Promote the name of the skin rune trichi clearly and at the top of your voice.
  6. Take a metal saucer and burn an arch of paper over it, on which runes were depicted. Paper may burn again.
  7. Sprinkle a talisman that wiyshov. ethereal olive and sprout a glass of wine.

In order to win the heart of a specific person, to win over the offensive runny becoming a love spell:

Dani runi will be combined with each other and be applied to the special rіch obrantsya.

Love spell on the kohannya transferring the victoria of the offensive formulas of Berkan-Inguz:

  • Berkan-Inguz and Laguz-Inguz;
  • Berkan-Inguz, Gebo and Laguz;
  • Berkan-Inguz, Turisaz, Soulo and Odal.

Under the hour of the rite for the kohanny, it is necessary to remember the coming text:

“I’ll enchant, I’ll enchant, I’ll enchant with fire, I’m half-witted (I’m people, I’ll rob the rite), and the runes will help in whom. Words tsієї zmovi mayut strength, help the heart zavodіt, will pіdkoriti, shob vіdteper і for ever and ever intertwined shares of love pristrasnoy stick. Skuti now together.

It is necessary to move the rune on the skin painted on the skin.

If it is not possible to create a ritual on the river of a kokhan, then it is possible to transfer the image of the runes to a clean arkush paper, and after completing the entire rite, bury yogo on the outskirts of a boudin of a kokhan. It will be necessary to apply a drop of wet blood on the papyrus.

The strongest runic love spell is carried out with the help of an offensive stav:

Such a ritual can be performed on a photo of a kohan, wine and shelter.

For a love spell on a person, according to the photo, a most powerful runic formula is cast: Perto (origination), Kenaz (bazhan fire, passion), Gebo (stosunki), Nautiz (primus).

On the photograph of the victim, a runic symbol of the skin is applied along the inside, with which the following words are written:

“The fire of addictions in the breasts virue at the thought of a kohanny. All flesh pragne me. Only one bajannya - buti at once. More and more pragnesh, kohannya give a dream. The power of the runes to command the bazhati. Let the growth of addiction - I order the bazhati. The will is invincible."

Such a rite is to be held on the month of growth. Here the runes Nautiz and Kenaz will win.

  1. It is necessary to paint runic symbols on arch paper.
  2. Stick your finger in.
  3. Sprinkle the skin with a symbol of blood.
  4. Read the call.
  5. Drip an odd amount of drops of blood in the cells from the wine drink.
  6. Dati drink the wine of sacrifice.
  7. A leaf of burying a kohany's booth.

“To have a good drink at the slunkers (im'ya got drunk), get addicted. Only thoughts about stosunki are spinning at night, and in the day. Let it be so. Amen."

A love spell for the help of the runes of the words of the Janskian adventure is conjured up for the victories of a simple olive that rude paper.

In the evening it is necessary to light the candles and proceed to the ritual:

  1. Cross handwriting these runic symbols. Here we need to be respectful, because it is fenced in to fix the runes. Skin line to be creased less than 1 time.
  2. Pierce your little finger with your neck right hand. Vіn vіdpovіdaє for the heart's favoritism. Leviy little finger vіdpovіdalny for sexual banter.
  3. On the skin runic symbol of nakapaty 1 drop of blood.
  4. Read the text.
  5. Arcush paper, on which the runes were painted, fold it in the shape of an envelope and throw it up to the victim's booth.
  1. In the face of passion, kohany (Im'ya sacrifice), you burn brightly, you think less about kokhannya. Soon you will realize that it is better for me in the earthly world. Palko zakohany you will come without a bar. Shares of science will intertwine and hearts will swell in a single love breeze.
  2. By the power of the spirit, enchanting and enchanting. The magic and energy of the runes help someone, to strengthen their will. You will be tied forever with great love. Skuti navіki vіchnі.

Yesterday, she just wobbled like a picture.
I'll ask for a sprat of kostrubaty babies.
Directions for the transformation of the negative to the positive, breaking through the stagnation and, like a legacy, taking away the wine for work.

Good day!
Without becoming a new topic, having put food here and knowing about the thought of recognizing masters.
Yesterday I read Rooney: the theory about Agishjalm at the post Alarma having read that agіshjalm z 4 Turіsaz is a strong love spell.
after a thought came to me and such a vinik Agiskhyalm with the runes Inguz + Turisaz:

I ask you to express your thoughts about those, how you will practice and force the love spell (for the sake of trivality).

Added after 21 years 33 hvilini:
so what rank will pratsyuvati take the runes?

In a first way, those who painted you - not Agishjalm. Please kindly read what is there. And also the principle of dії і for which Agіshjalm himself is needed (sholom fear).

It’s better to rework the formula, or a palindrome, or paint the trochs otherwise, otherwise someone who doesn’t look like that is in harmony - it’s not so harmonious, like on me.

About the hour. Love spell from 4 runes Turisaz - tse zhorstky, ale short-hour love spell. Together with Inguz - the future will be stronger (more bazhan and emotions, stronger pulls), and then 4 Turisazi - for this reason, you won’t be hot, if you want Inguz to make your contribution (it’s a rune of far-off completion, taking away the result).

Well, first of all, let's figure out what kind of agіshjalm and why wine is needed.

Agiskhyalmi will be built on the basis of the cross, which is formed from Chotiriokh Run Algiz.
Appointed stench for navіyuvannya almost fear of the enemy, for zakhistu vіd nebezpeka, including chaklunskoy.
Agіshjalmi protect their sergeant to the one who instills be-yak attackers and feel a sense of hunger. In other words, the impulse of aggression, which looks like an attacker, transforms into Agishjalm and directly on the aggressor, instilling fear in him.

Just apply the axis to you:

Understand the essence? There are no love spells. Tse is nonsense.
The main task is to instill fear in the enemy and that is the defense of Yogo Vlasnik.
Your vipadku name tsey becoming agіshjalm. hm. I can’t get close, I can’t take a look.

In a different way, having become well himself, and what should you do with him? Well, as an option, you can paint a palindrome on a photo of a person who has tied their blood:

Tse yak option for swedish hand.
And it’s even better to try and try with diy. I own variant, and this palindrome.
Possibly, your option is better for you, more than your work, you created, you put into it those who wanted to take it.
It’s just that the image itself didn’t suit me, that’s all. Ale, my thought. Someone else (navit you) can have your own.
Zagalom, touch

Well, it's not your fault. To the skin.
As they say, I do not pretend to the truth, I will keep all my madness with me.

Zustrichali vіdguki. Practice like a hard love spell, primus.
The effect is not good. Tse I'm talking about 4 Turizazi.

I know how to discuss the rahunok 4 Turisaz. І shdo superechok of the most translating text - also.

I realized that such a formula is not for everyone, and there may be an inconsistent effect, ale.

Tsіkaviy moment from the rune Turіsaz є. Maybe you know runologist maxnamara. So the axis, there is a Zakhist “Jotunsky thorn”. The runes Turisaz are more important among the defenders of vikoristan, among the plurality. So the axis, a side effect, came from this position, moreover, not a quola. The women, like victorious zealots, began to simply attract the peasants to themselves (like flies were angry at honey). I tse yakraz diya runes Turіsaz, pobіchna, love spell (well, Turіsazi are not in a row there were labeled).

Yet Vinany has one love spell, so 4 tourists are victorious in the complex with smaller runes.

There de 6 Berkano, a Tours are you asking (that is not dominating, but you can click on them)? Chi mi are not talking about those?
Tours ring out to serve as a "revealer" of witness in such moments. Chuli about the variant on the triskal "the joy of splintering" Egilya(Is there Tursi)? Well, the more we are "stretched" and "kolupaemo" with thorns of the brain, the more fun we can be the reaction and the last one, which in principle in the butt of SW. Jackal. I want ok. I would like to know what was more than 4 Tursa, otherwise the stench is discussed in the future.

For the time being, I’m trying on the “rabbit” agishjalm іz tursіv + inguz.
ale, if I put on її the image with the name and date of nationality, and having made a warning about the love-sexual indulgence, then. etc.
then I’m going to do it, if you don’t exchange it, now you’re “zahist” from tursiv, and why only on її melancholy through inguzi.

Why did such thoughts sleep on my mind, shanovni spivrezmovniki.

A combination of several runes Turs is like a love spell - the generation of empty fantasies and pardon analysis of the dzherel. This profanation was born from “Skirnir’s Journeys” - a single song, the plot of which is the speed of the offensive:

God from the family of Vaniv Freyr, having made friends with the benevolent Gerd, sent his servant Skirnir to her for marriage. Gerd vіdpovіla to woo vіdmova. Vіd umovlyan i podarunkіv Skirnіr passed before the threats, and if the stench didn’t stick on the nameless name, threatening with terrible curses, describing the effect of such wines in all farbs. Cursed tse vin zbiravsya nasla, virіzavshi runi, about which to speak literally like this:

“Þurs ríst ek þér
ok þría stafi,
ergi ok æði ok óþola;
svá ek þat af rist,
sem ek þat á reist,
ef gerask þarfar þess.””

“Rooney I'm dying -
"Tours" and three more:
hello, divine
that restlessness;
ale blame їх,
so just like rіzav,
whenever I want."

However, this translation of the flooring is far from the original text, which creates its own light. Move closer to the original translation by S. Sviridenka:

“I see “tours” and three secret signs -
Covetousness, sorrow and Goddess for the fall of you ladies.
Ale, in the evil fortunes of tієї I can spare
I take chari, if I want.

Now we are lucky that in this text there is no mention of one or three more runes Turs, but it is possible to mention one rune, because. zgadane “tours”, maybe with one character, but with a different word from several characters.

Tse about Chotiri Rooney Tours. Now about the spell. At the text of the song there are about marriage and gifts, as if they were cheating, I will be called until the next day. Go about the threat of physical punishment. Go about the threat of a terrible curse. I longing for a love spell. "Tours" and "three secret signs" (literally - vzagali "three risi") - not a love spell, but a curse, having snarled like that, Gerd gives a fortune to marry Freyr.

Also, not a carriage, but a visa. I am not harnessed by a trio of horses, but by a kobila. I did not move, but rolled in the ditch.
Read pershogerel - and you will be happy.
©Sigvald Year

Rooney vvazhayutsya even effective and not safe subject of magic. Your alphabet stores a secret key, which opens the door to potoybіchny svіt. The runic love spell of the building is turned off by the senses and awakened in people's kohannya.

Rooney vvazhayutsya even effective and not safe subject of magic.

Rooney sing out of wood or paint on paper, til, speech. In the process of preparing clothes, it is necessary to sprinkle them with blood. The set includes 25 symbols, each of which may have its own interpretation. Signs tell about the future of today and the future. Voroguchi on the runes, people give them a part of the energy as a payment for the withdrawal of energy.

Take care of the collection as needed from a special bag made of fabric. Rooney followed them periodically. A great role in front of a magical deity is played by the faith of a person in their miraculous power. To the one who does not know about those who are such runes, and how to practice with them, it is better not to engage in magic with their victories. The stench does not forgive the pardons of that filthy remembrance.

Becoming angry runes. Іsnuyet put for success, slimming, vikonannya bajannya and others. Mustache is subject to specific rules:

  • z'ednani runi are not guilty of superechity one to one;
  • you need to be smart, now to shy away from becoming;
  • rooney light color do not wink for negative diy;
  • symbols do not turn over, the stench is guilty of sticking together one by one;
  • the first rune is repairing the robot of the whole stav.

It is necessary to know that all magical manipulations, including a runic love spell, must be strong until the moment of quiet runes, for the help of such stinks were carried out.

As a ritualist, he hesitates in his own strength, varto entrust a runic love spell to a fakhivtsu, which you know for sure, how to work. For beginners, it’s better to win simple combinations, which help to get the kohanna.

  • power engineering of the facility;
  • the energy power of vikonavtsya;
  • the accuracy of the ritual.

As if a love spell was cast on the victim by another magician, it is not possible to cast the found rite. To an unknown person bewitch not to go. Sushuvannya appoint on Friday chi Mondays. Days are considered to be the best for the best kokhannya.

It is necessary to respectfully consider the meaning of the skin symbol, to understand the principles of work with runes, to learn about the rules and traditions. Only after that you can induce a runic love spell. The maximum result is obtained on the 21st or 22nd month day.

Runic love spells are not so foldable, as you can get. Іsnuyt already ready, put on the kohanny. As soon as a vikonovets can have a great understanding of the occasion with the runes, he can put together a magical formula himself. It is possible to carry out a runic gate only by the magician.

For the new one, the signs of Gebo, Vunyo, Evas, as well as the sign of the Kohanoi people are needed. Such a prisushka will help to awaken in the object a bit of a bajan. On the back of the photograph, paint the listed symbols and move the text:

“Everything in this world is changing, and you got sick of wandering around in the jokes. All roads merge into one, that only leads you to me. Tsya stitch-path one is more than correct. Bring you good luck that fidelity!”.

Skin is a sign to seal your blood, only a drop is needed. Then we will pick up the sign from the quiet place and take it there, where nobody knows.

The signs of Gebo, Vunyo, Evas need to be painted on the back of the photograph

One more strong love spell will help to make a girl with a man, as if they were vindicated by the difference. For whom, take a sign of a kokhan and depict Gebo, Otila, Algiz, Vunyo on a new rune. Robity is necessary unremarkable, to the one who has a chance to turn the owner. After all, the words seem to be:

“Superchki, rozbіzhnosti and welding vіdrazu zabutі, all traces of worries and images left our homeland, vanishing mustards, like a candle. Vіd be-yakikh prikroschіv our sіm'ya pіd zahistom. Passion and love - a place in the booth.

To fix the magical formula, you need to put a drop of blood on the skin symbol. A sign to hide, and put rich on a plate. Tsya priushka to help turn into this mind-boggling, kohannya that povaga. Vіdnosini vyydut on new rіven, they will reappear addiction.

In order to get a look at a wide kohannya and pretentiousness, you can win offensive becoming. For the new one, the runes Evaz, Ansuz, Dagaz are needed. Together with them, choose six symbols, as if to separate stosunki with a kokhanoy people. Rooney viklasti up to the row itself in that order, like the stink of pererahovani. The candle is lit and the sprat is once again fired:

“I’m overthinking selfishness, not knowing the kohanna in my native land. I break on the road, to that dear miy (my dear miy) at the edge of a stranger. Zustrich, I won't miss it! I will, don't be surprised! І vіn (won) tell me, do not miss it! Pamper me, don't pamper me! Kokhannya is already on the road! Kokhannya is already on the way! Kokhannya already stoked the fire with light at my window! Hurry up and fly to me! Rooney to help her out! Mutual kokhannyam reward me!

Let's sweat a sign on the skin, drop a little bit of melted wax into the candles and put it out. Rooney and hove that candle at the little bear and tidy up at the same place. This teddy bear will become like a talisman for the victor. A strong love spell will appear soon.

The most widespread signs that are stuck with love magic are respected:

  • Kenaz. Increases the sexual cravings of the victim.
  • Berkani. Zmіtsnyuє family union, turn kokhannya.
  • Soulo. It helps to know a new companion in life.
  • Vunyo. Build up the world, charge with positive energy.
  • Gebo. Defends the sight of good and nonsense, makes stosunki between friends.
  • Uruz. Allows the past breaks.
  • Tourism. Usuvaє supernikіv.
  • Inguz. Close the result, adding an effective infusion of other characters.

Ready to bet on the kokhannya to help beginners understand the runic symbols

Ready to put on the kohanny pereverenі hour. The stench helps the newcomers to understand the runic symbols and save an hour for the quiet, who can’t be bothered to figure it out. Save your Sim'yu to help you become from the offensive runes:

You can take care of the supergirl and turn on yourself the look of a kokhan for help:

To stop grieving and suffering through an unfortunate mess, it is necessary to win the symbols of Nautiz-Gebo. Viklikati become addicted to the kokhany to help him become Gebo-Kenaz-Vuno.

A strong runic love spell is made up of several symbols under the name "Turisaz". Such a person, having become able to finish a shvidka, will not get the result for himself. This is a sign to secure a new defense against unkind people. Ignoring the mittevist effect, I'm sorry for the bad. I'll have to reinvent the filth a little more. All the same, zahoplyuvatis tsієyu runic formula it is not possible, oftentimes it can negatively impact on healthy people.

A runic love spell with a splash of black magic, that is the reason why a skin stav can have some consequences, including negative ones. It is necessary to clearly ascertain that the kohanna, as if we were dying from the victim, will not be shy. Before that, how to conduct a strong ritual, think about it once, try to know another day.

All material should be vindicated, knowing the nature of the gifts given by our guides! The administration does not check phone numbers and email addresses, be respectful and don't waste your money on scammers.

Vin protects people against the forces of Chaos. Turisazrune dedication to the military, strength, power. Dopomogaє zoreditsya be-yakіy right, de need control and self-control. The strength of Turisaz can be ruinous, as it is necessary to destroy the old, that it respects the achievement of the new, reaching the result.

Turisaz is the head rune of Volshbi chi Troll - runes. Tse is even more foldable, as if tied with enchantment, transfers and intercourse with other worlds.

It helps to clear the way in a folded situation, to avenge the energy both for the attack and for the attack. Gives the ability to understand those who are in the area of ​​the witness.

Spell: vіd mozhlivogo chi obvious attack. Golovne not to destroy the opponent, but to get yoga on your own.

I know the third word

Zdatne tidy up the enemy,

Relieve the enemy's strength:

Yogo's sword becomes blunt;

Yogo spice and dagger

Do not give me a shkodi.

Turisaz- Tse energy that cleared the path between the vipadkovyh forces of Chaos before appearing to the Cosmos. You can match up with a thunderclap, which is to blame for the zіtknennya of the lengths. As we grim the wood, so the energy of Turisaz can help a new cob.

Turisaz has the potential to clear the way and create order there, de іsnuvat disorder. Tse is similar to clearing a zanedbany garden from a smitta and a bur'yaniv, for bottling spring waters that prepares the ground for a new life. The statutory baptized rune casts a sokir, as if victorious, as for the virubuvannya of the whole shoddy and indecent, so for the defense of the splendid infusions.

Turisaz means

a giant or a strong man, who shows a rude, purposeful force, directed to an adopted transition.

Turisaz- Mighty power that streams the forces of Chaos. Ruinivna energy, embedded in this rune, is directed only against the one that threatens the laws of nature more than order.

Turisaz bears the potential of human creative energy. The shape of the thorn, yaku maє rune, so maє on uvazi potential to subdue fear. The potential energy of Turisaz can be equalized with a living fence of erysipelas, which does not only distinguish between the splendid and the unseen reality, but also protects access to knowledge, as it is necessary to victoriously protect that coast. Tsya rune means zahist vіd nebazhanyh or votive vplivіv. Sharpening the private power of Turisaz's ring - the rune, which they say is called, served as a way to protect against impenetrable invasion.

TURISAZ or Nathnennya

The sun has risen beyond the horizon, and the light has completely blown away from the temryavu. Orsana and Wulf still couldn't find their own place for the night.

The lad started turbulently, so that he could spend nothing just in the sky. Nareshti vіn zupinivsya, putting his hand in the little bag i, movchki, pulling out one rune. Vіn glancing at her, raising her corner and respectfully stepping after him, like a runic sign falls. Orsana died in Movchan. Vaughn was afraid of destroying the rite with an unguarded rush.

- Let's go. The rune showed us the way! Wulf said.

Indeed, literally for a sprat of khvilin, the mandrіvniki stooped in front of the entrance to the oven. As soon as the stench reigned, they kindled the fire and took away provisions for the evening, the girl ventured to supply food:

- What rune are you cherubing? What are you doing with her?
The lad is a hero with swarms and a circle with a rune and showing Yogo Orsani.

- Tse Rune Turizas. Vaughn helped us find the way to the oven, as the trolls tried to catch us. The rune that was wiping meant that we needed inspiration and I would help in the wake of the road. I asked for a rune, so that she could help us. Yak Bachish, she got mad!

- You are a mighty charmer! - The maiden whimpered in surprise.

- It’s not chaklunstvo, it’s knowledge, - Vіdpovіv Wulf.

- If so, then tell me about qiu rune.

- It was born out of the blue, if the thunderer Thor threw glitters on the Earth, grabbing them with his hand in a gauntlet. Thor was passing by the sky at the chariot, goats were harnessed in a yak. The sounds that the wheels of the chariot see, we feel the hour of the storm. You know, even the same Thor, for the help of his enchanting hammer Mjollnir, won over the evil Veletniv and began to fight against chaos on Earth.

Tsya rune is brought up to the element Povitrya, that її main task swear by the spirits and spontaneously to the point of thinking. It helps out, so solve all the riddles that make you think.

- So you and going to її help with the searches of the oven?

- I don't know. Nasampered, I don't know why we can't knowthe stove. I wanted to find out about the reason, I asked questions about it, I wrote runes, and if I said that it was Turizas, everything suddenly became clear.

- Explain, please!

- The rune Turizas is sometimes called the troll rune, and especially it is turned upside down. Aje sama in this position I'm distav. You yourself know how empty and evil trolls are. For their own sake, they take the stench and shove those who are people joking. So I read a spell over the rune that I turn it in a normal camp, and asking for help,

- I am so glad! I already thought that I would have to sleep with the fox.

- How many times far away, but remember, Orsano, that the road is ours, and the sky is not turned off for the night. Now let's go to sleep. Tomorrow we need to get up early to continue the path.


tourist, turisaz, durisaz, tourist, thorn, tours


Veleten Tor, vezha, gate, thorn, thorn


Dopomogaє in the case of ailments, which blame raptovo and gurglingly leak. Rejoicing discord in the activity of the reproductive organs in humans, as well as rheumatism and stone formation.

Rooney Potential:

The protection of the natural (natural) order, the increase in forces that suffocate.

Main powers:

Stimulation of forces and initiatives, direct force, defense against fortune tellers, inspiration.

Rooney's message:

Having spared what you value, save the inevitable values. Do not shy away from the speedy visnovkіv, for you can create more problems for them, you can do less.

Transfer value:

Podalannya unkindness to inspire fortune-telling insinuations, daring, reaching the result, reaching the power of the wiser її zastosuvannya, willpower, podolannya bands, love, that good-naturedness, the inspiration for the people of mysticism, success, zahist from the side of the Greater Forces.

Magic zastosuvannya:

It helps to put the earbuds on and “clear” the road from the twisted situation. Zmіtsnyuє camp of meditation, nadyhaє to think about the real assessment of the situation. Є patron of natural magic, spryaє concentration. Protecting against lies and swindle, clearing the mind, allowing a hasty, pardoning solution to disappear, making contact easier from the lead and positively stimulating.

Runa Turizas can help you:

Podolat negative infusions;

Overcome apathy and prokinutisya to fialnost;

Positively stimulate p_dsv_dom_st;

Put on the bands;

Inflate to new repairs;

Increase sexual potential (for people);

Defend against the attacks of enemies.

Rune Turizas next to meditate, if you take the bazhano to take the same food:

What can I do to make a decision?

How does my p_dsv_dom_st work?

What are my enemies?

Can you realistically assess the situation?

In which areas of my activity do I need less inspiration?

Yakim є my appointment to vladi?

What is my system of values?

The rune Turisaz is the third symbol behind the rachunk in the most popular old Scandinavian runic alphabet - the Elder Futhark. This is an already tight and handy tool, building to help like a witch, and in practical magic. However, the meaning of tsієї runi is such that before її the forces of the next are placed carefully.

At the article:

Rune Turisaz - description of the ancient symbol

Rune Turisaz

Runa Turisaz enter at att Freya and Freyra and occupying a new third position, which brings it to the runes of enchantment. Translation її - tse veleten, abo tours. Values ​​occupied a very important camp in ancient Scandinavian and Scandinavian mythology, being the buds of the forces that were born in the world before the appearance of people and those gods. Rich in why Scandinavian bicycle tours are similar to ancient Greek titans. In the Anglo-Saxon transcription, the rune is given as a “thorn”. Better for everything, today English word thorn(Ship) to be like the name of the rune, which you spent your first money with a stretch of the century.

The meaning of the rune Turisaz is rich in what is similar to veletniv. She makes herself a naughty onslaught, unstoppable and straining. With this, it’s far from obov'yazkovo, this vice is driven by aggression, or by physical strength. It is not for nothing that the rune is brought up to the runes of enchantment.

Like other runes, Turisaz is also conjured up in a runic poem - a monument to old Scandinavian and German creativity:

Tours - katuvannya squads,
I inhabitant of the rock,
I Vardrun man.

On the basis of other runes, it is important for him to know practical information. At the same time, the right knowledge of Scandinavian magic can easily find tips for diy here. In general, the meaning of which symbol in divination and practical magic is even more controversial.

The meaning of the rune Turisaz in fortune-telling and її tlumachennya

Turisaz upside down

Tlumachennya runi Turisaz pіd hour vorozhіnnya, yak і z usіma іnshimi Scandinavian symbols, lie ahead of us in the reverse order of the tasks of nutrition. Tim is not smaller, in wild moods, whose sign often signifies as an unfavorable change that shock. Tse means that it will not be difficult for your life to be swept away and to stand against it will be marvelous. However, it is far from a fact that you will have fun with a brownie. So, this rune can mean a change in a negative situation.

It should be noted that the ruinous aspect of Turisaz in every way is straightened out on one, which is one aspect of your life. Indicate in which way you can add additional dies, for which you know that you should get out of your life. So, as it appears when fortune-telling is inverted, you can easily figure out whether it will be a positive or a negative novelty for you. In the inverted position, Turisaz will strike at you, and in the direct position, you will inflict the same blow on something unacceptable.

Unforgettably, your life will be swept away and you will stand up to it.

For the butt, you can look at the rune Odal and Turisaz. At this time, the runes will mean change, like bumping into your homeland and house. If you see the whole sign at once from the rune of Fehu, then we will know your financial status. And with the symbol of Uruz - varto be respectful of your health. It can be painted like that, so it will be ugly, fallow in the position of the plate.

Krіm tsyogo, tsey symbol can symbolize your current camp. If you were concentrating on that one thing, you should be respected. Otherwise, without understanding anything on all sides, you can miss impersonal details, but important details.

Rune Turisaz in magic and amulets

Rooney Thurisaz Amulet

Turisaz is one of the runes of chaklunism, as already mentioned above. For that very reason, the great one will drink from magicians and esotericists. So, she herself is vvazhaetsya by the best amulet and a symbol for meditation. The onslaught of times means the decline of the bar'eriv between the material and non-material worlds. Vikoristannya Turisaz in practices or going into the astral plane can help you quickly achieve the desired result.

So maє Turіsaz i seriously zahisnu force. Talk about her and the very form of the rune, which guesses a thorn. For a long time, the Scandinavian and German peoples often embellished door jambs with ornaments that looked like runes Turisaz, which stretched without interruption. In such a time, the door was framed by a “thorn” of the name symbol - from the outside side of the door, and in the middle - from the inside. It was important that such evil could not be overcome by such a zakhist. So, in a flash, this sign means an active, deviant zahist in the form of any evil spirits and other people's infusions. The strength of the rune is behind the straining, peredzhuvalny blow of Krivdnikov, first of all, it is possible to realize your ideas. Himself in tsomu th poligayut principle active zakhistu.

Tsіkave meaning may in magic vіdnosin rune Turisaz Vaughn can win for strong love spells, which is practically impossible to resist For example, a runic love spell with several repetitions of signs, which calls for a strong physical pull. At the same time, such a love spell obov'yazkovo turn sideways like for a magician, so for yoga mark, shards of this rune in a right lamaє all zahisnі bar'єri people. Therefore, vicoristovuvat їх sled with extreme care, and for the development serious vіdnosin stench is definitely not suitable.

Carefully placed next to simple amulets from the rune. You can only go as far as you can, if you know for sure, where you yourself want to direct the untidy mіts mії, prihovaná in symbols. Іnakshe - won obov'yazkovo turn against you. Why, why, ukrai is not recommended. And the axis for the execution of clear short-hour tasks, be it any aspect of life, it would be even better, especially for combinations with other Scandinavian symbols.

The rune Turisaz may be ambiguous. The symbol of the prophet is a turning point in life;

On the interpretation, the place of the sign and the sphere of life are also poured in, like to tell fortunes. Turisaz often vicorist zahisnyh stavakh through pushing energy.

Turisaz is the third rune. The old translation from the Old German - Veleten, Tor. At English language means pin. It is also transferred, like a gate. Element-king - Fire.

Turisaz lie down to the First Attu. The patron saint of these runes is Freyr, the God of Raternity. The symbols of the first century are painted on the cob, symbolizing the exit point of all day.

The first Att vouches for the circle of Creation and Ruinuvannya, the post-yne renewal of nature. Also, Freyr's symbols are resources, which are used to fill the formulas with energy, prote Att does not control ruh and vigor.

The meaning of tourism is interpreted differently. In one interpretation, the rune symbolizes future folding, a special period that brings spiritual growth.

Deyakі runologists affirm that the sign characterizes cardinal changes, like positive and negative consequences indicating the position of the symbol.

In one fakhіvtsі odnostaynі - Turіsaz є steal with an iron rune. A vikoristannya of such a sign can be given not only to the victim, but to the operator.

Straight mill

The straight rune Turisaz tells about the readiness of the people before testing. Dolenosny turn even bring discomfort, but to the one who tells fortunes, you can overcome all the difficulties. So rune to talk about the possibility of cardinal changes. Let them in your life chi nі - the person herself is more likely to succumb.

Slid vrahuvaty, scho probation can be given indiscriminately, however, direct position Turisaz vkazuє on the grace of the solution of problems. Difficulties themselves are the steps that lead the new spiritual rіven. Actual gates that allow you to know your calling and reveal new truths.

Another translation of the rune is a spike, which also gives the meaning of the symbol. The sign of nіbi zagostreniy from two sides, vіn vrazhє like a bandage, so it is your sack. Only those who are strong in spirit can conquer Turisaz for their own benefit, for weak people this rune is a filthy sign outside the camp.

Flip the camp

Turisaz is turned upside down - a sign that indicates the need to fix the situation and calm the situation. Arriving change can cost more, lower the score. The reason for this is the unpreparedness of the fortune-teller, the lack of resistance and weakness.

It is important to pay attention to all the details before the ear of the cob. Zvorotnya rune Turisaz neobov'yazkovo є filthy visnik. The symbol of being ahead of the person about the possibility of unperturbed furnishing. If it’s right to roztlemachit the sign and morally prepare - don’t change shkodi.

Have a match with other runes

A description of the clouding of the sign to lie down is less than in the camp, and th in the complementary symbols. Use a sprinkling of runes, in order to add a sign to a positive or a neutral value:

There are also negative combinations. Among them you can see:

Symbol namesCombination value
Vird-Turisaz (p.p.)In the problems of a person, he is guilty of himself, all possible difficulties to tell fortunes are caused by a wet behavior.
Hagalaz-TurisazDії vorogoy vіdshtovhnut partner, sіd show more tact and showcase.
Nautiz-Turisaz (p.p.)It is necessary to define terminology - the present plan did not lead to a successful result and to strengthen the camp.
Kennaz (p.p.) - Turisaz (p.p.)A love partner tries to manipulate him, who tells fortunes, wanting to try marne - feeding does not respect a friend's soul mate and does not listen to his thoughts.

One of the least accepted combinations is Turisaz-Fehu (p.p.)-Raido. Tse pojdnannya vkazuє on the high level of injury in the long run. It is risky to opine in a difficult situation far from close people.

Turisaz at the same time with other runes, we are in front of the transfer of difficulties, other symbols are supplemented incandescent clouding the sign and concretize the sphere.

In the zahisnіy form, the sign of the next is roznіyuvati like a counterattack - krіm vyrіshennya the problems themselves, it's better to get in the way of their dzherel. Report about the day of tsієї runi, with other signs, you can recognize.

Layout for car'er

Straight rune Turisaz vkazuє on the song change, long-term chance. The result of podіy lie down less than vіd vchinkіv zapituvach.

Turisaz also symbolizes the protection of all galuzahs. Often the rune characterizes a superficial, albeit strict patron - it is important for a fortune-teller to practise under yoga on the cob, but at the twisted whilin, a person will come to the rescue.

Insufficiency can be confused with the presence of a relative on a robot. However, yoga prihilnіst vycherpaєtsya, yakscho feeding more often behave zuhvalo.

The mirror rune means the unwillingness to tell fortunes to the future. Possibly, a person is supernaturally optimistic to marvel at the world, following a rational situation.

At the witch's kokhannya

At the inverted position, the sign is in front of the person about the medical pardon. Don’t risk risky and trust your health to the unknown fahivtsy. It is necessary to carefully check the diagnosis and consult with various doctors.

Before the diagnosis itself - Turisaz confirms the presence of ailment in any situation. The rune signifies the result of medical help.

Casting a symbol in magic

Turisaz is widely stoked in the magical spheres, prote vikoristannya similar rune pulls a number of nasledkіv. Symbol runic settings. His deed is a sign of a shield, strewn with thorns.

Turisaz not only protects his sergeant, but also counterattacks, be it a negative. Minus tsієї runi є vzaєmna Skoda. The operator, vikoristovuyuchi rune Turіsaz, rizikuє otrimati mental congestion through the tightness of the sign.

Amulet with a rune

Amulet from Turisaz can push energy. Vіn building vplyvaє raznі spheres of life of people:

  1. Speedy passage of important periods in life.
  2. Attracting change and lateral turns.
  3. Defend against someone else's negativity.

Slid vrahuvati, scho luchennya new maє on uvazі ruination of the old. Such a talisman is less likely to win in extreme situations, if a person wants to radically change his life.

rune tattoo

Turisaz rarely vicorist like a tattoo bath. The main reason is the binary nature of the sign. Illuminating the mirror camp, the symbol can be put on shkodi to your wear.

Likewise, the sign is awakened by a viny ruinous force. On the vіdmіnu vіd Hagalaz, runi dolі, Turіsaz zanuruє vlasnik at the endless struggle.

Today, a person will be filled with transitions and difficulties, as if he had to do it. Irrespective of spiritual growth, such a way of life was quickly brought to an energetic exuberance.

Rune of the day

Like the rune of the day, Turisaz, I'm folding the booty. Є ymovіrnіst zustrіtisya z difficulties, it is possible to prove it їх podolat.

I’ll be rewarded for steadfastness with the praise of suspіlstva, social recognition. Nayblizhchoї dobi do not succumb to problems, the very hour of virishit їх and turn the harmony of life.

Having done the black work today, tomorrow you can deservedly respect. You can spend a Rune of the Day fortune telling and find out a bunch of runes for the nearest loot, you can by .

Turisaz guards the one who tells fortunes in a hurry. The final decision should be taken into account. Before the cob, let's evaluate the situation and the vlasny ryven of possibilities.

One nevirniy krok prizvede to vtrat, the path is important and winding decision. Prote out of the situation can be known, so listen to the intuition and rationally assess the situation.


The rune Turisaz is a symbol of the rebirth of the spirit through difficulties. Fallen from the camp to tell fortunes can mean - vporaetsya wine from the trials of the share of chi.

Possible problems can be ignored, prote їх all the same happen to be virishuvati. To know how to get out of the situation, follow up to the inner voice. For a good result, it is necessary to work like intuition, and rational thought.

The rune Turisaz (Turs, Thurisaz, Turisas, Tyr) is a specialization of Thor, the god of thunder. That is why it is a symbol of power, like a ruinous one, so protective. An even tighter runic symbol, which is stagnant in magical rituals. Let's talk about the meaning of the rune Turisaz report.

Photo of Rooney Turisaz:

About what to talk about Turisaz, what blew at the direct camp:

  • A turning point has come in the life of a fortune-teller: the hour has come to choose - to collapse far away, having succumbed to the past, or to be left "stupid in the mist", burying yourself in roses, images and losses
  • In the next hour, it will be necessary to praise the only correct decision in a more complicated situation. Її the result is stale less than for you, then it’s good to put everything to sleep
  • Ninі lyudina denies the possibility to radically change life on the best - Dolya itself gives such a chance. It is important not to go through your own happiness, but don’t hurry, don’t shy away from thoughtless vchinkiv
  • You can majestic potential for success, but only if you lie down, as a potential to win - for the benefit of yourself at school

Porada when vipadannі runi Turіsaz in direct position: now your life is not shortest hour for a hurry. Zupinіt, look back, razmirkovyte. The hour has come to think about your values, goals, choice of recognition

The meaning of the rune Turisaz in an inverted position

Yakshcho Turisaz vipala in an inverted position, it can mean this:

  • You see the camp, similar to a lethargic dream - you see that the forces will end. Vinikne nebazhannya shchos robiti, rush forward. “Lie straight ahead of the world” - everything you want
  • Might be more expensive for a company with unacceptable people. The decision to break on the road will not be kind, but you happen to be
  • Blame the negative consequences of the decision, as you were praised in the past. The time has come to pay for pardons
  • In life, vinikne seems to be unsafe, a threat that will be more turbulent and embarrassing you

Porada with vipadannі runi Turіsaz in inverted position: stop hurting yourself too much an important person Save megalomaniac, don't think that the result of the sins of other people is only right to lay low in front of you. You can't jump into the current situation - let the pods develop independently, without your participation. If it is necessary for you to make a decision, kindly dim yoga, so as not to remove inaccuracies.

Magical zastosuvannya Rooney Turisaz

Rooney is often vicorated for magical rituals. Also for the preparation of amulets, charms and talismans. Turisaz at magic allows you to reach offensive goals:

  • Protect people from active diy enemies and unkind people
  • Lose (not in the physical plan) superniks and competitors
  • Develop the strength of will, strengthen the spirit, help people to become brave
  • Get to the life of love of a specific person
  • Know yourself navkolishniy svit from a spiritual perspective
  • Prepare the ground for the creation of something new

At the witches and rituals on the kohannya Turisaz vikoristovuyut, to secure people's protection and intercession, to find superniks, to learn to control their emotions. Turisaz learn not to engage in self-deception, but to clearly understand why the stosons are collapsing, and why the checks are in them.

For a long time, the image of the rune Turisaz was applied to the military uniform and to the band of people who violated the war. Vaughn took care of the exhausted zakhist and protected him from the enemies. At to the current world Turisaz helps to protect against black magic: love spells, attachment, spells and others.

Even harder Turisaz dіє, if in people є concrete meta, but not enough opportunities for that force for її realіzatsії. In this way, the rune creates all the mind, so that the plan can be realized and even successfully, with a good result.

For the help of runes, you can colossally naughty other people - zanurit yoga in a depressive camp, calling out the fall of strength and apathy. Vaughn provokes problems with potency in people and frigidity in women.

People, as if only begin to scorch with runes, more likely to efface in the stagnation of Turisaz. Not knowing all її subtleties and peculiarities, you can already be naughty. Because this symbol carries with it a colossal charge of tension and ruinous energy, yaki can get out of the control of a novice magician.

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