Runichny Zahist. Poednannya runes. Runic formulas. Zahisnі runi and put Runichny zahisniy becoming


In order to save yourself that of your loved ones from negative calls, it is recommended to win the magical defense with runes on all levels of life. In this article, you know about the mechanism, the rules for the work of the main runic stakes on defense, and also get to know the practical applications of wild methods. Happy reading!

How to practice zahisnі runichnі put

Try to defend the enemy for additional runes, add special settings for Scandinavian and Irish symbols. Signs can be applied, whether they are special objects or documents - lie in the air, on the basis of the stench of victoriousness, they are far away. You can get detailed information about the correct placement of runes for yourself in case of any negativity at the process of learning from the teachers of the "Russian School of Tarot".

The main meta of zahisnyh runichnyh stavіv - tse zvedennya on the "nі" goal-directed negative energy, її "mirror", minimization of possible losses of the victim in the plethora.

I will direct the widest butt of the rune-amulet for protection against inaccuracies. More report schemes will be guided a little lower.

Kenaz - Isa - Hagalaz - Kenaz - Isa installs a defense similar to a mirror surface. Whether there is a negative magic injection, you will not get stuck. The method is based on the principle of "boomerang" - what came, they went.

Basic rules of magical runes

Defend against negativity and enemies

Runes for protection against negativity and enemies can be prescribed in two options - ce runescript (runes are written in one row) and runic becoming(the picture is in the VILNIY form).

Get respect! Before promalovuvannyam runic v'yaz turn on the logic, taking to respect the meaning of the skin rune, spreading them out to the offensive formula: bazhannya - methods of reaching meti - final result. At the same time, do not give in becoming a runescript symbols on your own judgment - you can help to reach the mark in a kilka once.

Zakhist bundinka that sim'ї

Runes for zahistu budinka that sim'ї can be applied practically on the surface - papier, an amulet made of wood or other natural materials, human body, photography. Vybіr surfacing to deposit according to your individual advantages, bagan final result. If you are a novice at your right, turn to fakhivtsiv, to that there is a great possibility of inflicting an unjust pardon.

You can activate the rune for help, but in certain situations you can do without it. The guard may look like a spell, spoken in a free form of will. To strengthen the effect, the next step is to write yogo on arkush paper.

It is possible to charge the vibrations of the type of runic v'yaz for additional visualization of energy. After that, as you have created the formula, rub your palms until you feel the heat, and then rub over the runes. Be aware, how energy enters you, charging becoming / runescript a necessary charge. Visualization of the bagged result will help you to tune in correctly.

Note! The material on which the runes were applied was the next to clean it up in the eyes of outsiders. Sometimes, take yoga out, trim in your hands - it will help you to improve the result. As an option - you can grab the material for the pillow

The time interval, for which the runic formula is prepared, is to lie not only in the strength of the operator, but in the form of other furnishings, which is directly and indirectly poured into the final bag. In most cases, the defense is installed on the river, but it is recommended to update the strength of the її dії.

Important! As the main material in victorious papers, it should be burned after the completion of the term of the runic formula, or when reaching the desired result. To secure a permanent defense against magical splashes, you can burn the papyrus in a row after the application of the runic formula

Іsnuє kіlka variant zakhistu vіd negative vplivu. Let's take a look at the report of skins from them.

Defense of relatives, close people

Apply the chosen runic formula to the photo, putting yoga at home. You can vikoristovuvaty olive farby, marker, gel pen. There is no need for annual supplementary actions for activation. If you want to protect yourself, paint the runes in such a way - the top of the symbols is guilty of growing closer to the chest, and the bottom to the bottom. Vikoristovuyuchi papyr for zakhistu, wear yogo from yourself steadily, inspire from the soul. Vykoristannya plastiru is allowed.

Defender of domestic creatures

Are you trying to protect the beloved creature? Then put an image on your photo, a bowl or a collar. Golovnya - do not tell anyone close to you about vchinok.

Zakhist lane

Yaki rooney victorious for zakhistu

To strengthen the defense of magical infusions, such runes can be victorious.

  • Rune Algiz: One of the main Scandinavian symbols of zakhistu. Strength manifests itself in svoєchasnostі, gnuchkosti manifest zahisnogo infusion. Gives the opportunity to get ahead of the problems that are brewing, plunging into both sides, reconciling them
  • Rune Nautiz: Strong, fire sign. Protecting only for the mind, as if people are in control of their bazhanya, emotions, they are all for the sake of the bazhany. In another situation, you can destroy a person “by the power of fire”, having devastated your loved ones
  • Rune Isa: Allowing internal aggression to be overcome, to establish calm, peace in the soul of a person. Correct setting to the situation that has developed - half of the success

Note! In order to protect your family from the name of psuvannya, you can make an amulet from the runes of Eyvaz, Otala, . If you are convinced of the presence of a negative infusion - choose Eyvaz from the combination from Soulu. A mirror effect to ensure that you are a magic spell, directing yoga at the chaklun himself

The most popular posters

Became "Zakhist navіyuvannya dumok"

In order to prevent the manipulation of powerful thoughts, obov'yazkovo vykoristovyte below the scheme of the zahisnogo runic stav "Protection of the minds of the minds".

The essence of the stav is the shvidka showing that the vision of any third parties psychological infusions. As a supplementary bonus, it adds to the mood, filtering the annoying / hateful thoughts, the emotional background. Dopomozhe shvidko to lead a person out of a depressive state.

Detailed interpretation of the "components" is given.

Deciphering the stav

  • : Separate the people, on the yak Ide infusion
  • : Mirroring that significant position of this sign means control of emotions, thoughts.
  • Hagalaz: Revealing, lowering the possible manifestation of additional psychological programs that destroy the nature of a person. You can also add other programs/channels that are projected on the specialty
  • : Protection from the penetration of negative infusions.
  • : Showing the clarity of thought - showing a third-party navigation.
  • Otala: A sign that you are aware of the navigation of a third-party program
  • : Pom'yakshuvalna diya on becoming, resisting the possible infusion.
  • : Establishing the process of promoting third-party thoughts in the brains of the “victim”
  • : Possibility to take under the control of the authorities, ordering under the authority of the will.
  • : Harmonization of the inner world of a person, the emergence of a depressed, depressive state
  • Turisaz: Streamlining the Rozum Process
  • : Control over the "successful execution of the task", reducing the stress, restoring the balance
  • Yera: Kharchuvannya, "battery" of all runic formulas

Respect! Side effect of the runic stavu - head bіl, yak quickly pass

Become "Sonyachny Whirlwind"

Give deep purification to the inner evil of a person, giving the functions of inspiration, defending against third-party negative vtruchani. It can be victorious like an amulet - including the imovirnistness of the astral realm, larva, etc.

Warehouse:, Uruz, Soulu (repeated skin rune - chotiri razi).

Get respect! Tsey, becoming not protecting from the imovirnosti of the population of demons, bisiv, and other dark realities, but allows you to significantly weaken your day, the roblyachs are uncomfortable. The result is perfume to go without taking off the bagan. To help in the cleansing of the place of possible settlers, to relieve the influx of blood negativity ( post-conflicts with relatives, etc.)

The peculiarity of the stav is self-sufficiency, trivality of dії. Yakіsna activіtіya – zaruka vіdsutnostі obov'yazkovogo novlennya.

To enhance the effect, prepare yoga on some “sleepy” stone - for example, carnelian, burshtin, tourmaline. You can practice yoga on a pine board, wearing an amulet.

Became "Vartovy - protect yourself"

The essence of this runic formula is the spalling, the introduction of any negative infusions on the mental, energetic, physical levels, blocking the path for directing the psuvannya, prokloniv. Building protection from the penetration of pidsetsiv, larvae. To renew the expended life force, the energy just. Sending negative messages to the strong, obscuring yoga, straying bajannya, thoughts, thoughts.

Interpretation of the stav

  • Krapka - means the operator. The essence of "I am"
  • : The main energy, ruhoma becoming
  • : Protect, support Genus
  • : Positive result. Reach for help directly and mirror position
  • Lögr: Icelandic rune that knows some kind of negative magical infusion
  • Ak: Remembrance of the operator's cheating
  • Gar: Elimination of attachments, channels, protection against the negative types of negative input
  • Inguz: Filled with life forces, giving possible bindings

How to correctly discuss the zahisny becoming

To charge the runichny by becoming the right energy, hurry up with the method below.

Introductory part

Partly, at the yakіy slіd designate the vikoristan of runic magic. Variants of the wording of the offensive - "Let's go with the splash of the runic formula / stave", "This formula will help me." Add up to one of these phrases and wash it in a plethora, or objects, on which guilt the necessary actions are expanded.

main part

When folding the defense position, it is necessary to state that the runes are to blame, including the re-arranging of the possible furnishing, that without intermediary chi indirectly add to the necessary result of the subdivision.


Specify here the activation/deactivation formulas.


In certain situations, in part, it is possible not to be greedy - everything is left to fall due to the bad end result. Most often victorious are the ones who protect themselves from possible negative consequences.

Let this information give you a magical defense against possible negative side effects. Follow the steps for updates on the site. The world is good!

It does not matter, as the life situation of the defender is necessary for the life. You can spit in different ways: in the face of the villains of the lane, infliction of filthy and zadrіsnyh people, just zazdrіst, and sometimes psuvannya.

In such situations, it is more likely to play it safe and it’s good to see yourself famously. And Rooney can come to the rescue, as signs of a strong and steadfast zakhist.

The main strong Runes of the Zakhist are Algiz and Eyvaz. Algiz guards against villains and negative infusions. Rune Algіz tse universal amulet in the form of strong splashes. Eyvaz defends and protects the spirit of psuvannya, attaches it to the influx of dark forces.

Also, for the zakhist, you can beat Rooney like this:

Feu is a defender of money and material values.

Turisaz - the defense of abo zahist is active, the protection of domestic fire from tiles, welding and penetration of non-bad people.

Kano is a defender of family values ​​and traditions.

Gebo is the defender of partnerships at any stage.

Hagalaz is a defender against unfortunate attacks, a defender against negative energies.

Nautiz - like magical splashes, blocks of aggressiveness.

Isa is a self-defender, neutralization of ruinous forces, blocking and exhaling spurs, straightened by a magical path.

Raido ta Soulu - secure the guards for an hour of travel and more expensive.

Berkana is a defender of a woman and a child. Charm for the home fire, peace with the family. The defender of vaginess and pіdtrimka pіd pologіv.

Laguz is a defender of unsafe moments by the water.

Otal is a defender of power and myna.

Combinations for the participation of Rune Evaz, Algiz, Isa vikoristovuyutsya to zapobіgannya infusion of negative forces, evildoers, such as enemies and unkind, tiles, welding. Those are the ones that can be lost.

Combinations of zastosuvannyam Fleece Perth and Hagalaz vikoristovuyutsya for the introduction and neutralization of infusions that have already begun.

The color of the din for the zakhist can be victorious for different purposes. Basically, you can wink gold, black and blue.

Zahisnі runichnі formulas give not only zakhist, but also allow you to see possible attacks from the side, by yourself develop intuition.

Runic formulas and runescripts for zahist.

Zakhist lane: apartments, houses, cars.

Inguz + algiz - well-being, prosperity.

Teyvaz + Algiz + Otal + Algiz + Teyvaz - so it’s self-winning for zahistu vіd zadrosti that tile.

Algiz + Otal + Algiz - defender of all authority.

Turisaz + Eyvaz + Feu + Otal + Feu + Eyvaz + Turisaz

Otal + Gebo + Algiz + Isa

Zahist budinka that prosvitannya sіm'ї.

Otal + Feu + Vunyo + Inguz + Dzhera

Protection of the booth, defender of family values

Turisaz + Teyvaz + Dzhera + Feu + Algiz + Inguz + Otal + Algiz + Feu + Teyvaz + Turisaz.

Turisaz is a defender and clearer of negativity.

Teyvaz is the reach of meti.

Jera - stability.

Feu + Algiz - defender of material values.

Otal - sіm'ya that budinok, pіd zahist Algіz.

Zahisny bar'єr to neutralize the negative.

Tourisaz + Teyvaz + Tourisaz

The formula for overpowering the negative injection back to the leader.

Isa + Kano + Hagalaz + Kano + Isa

Hagalaz + Laguz + Evaz

The formulas work like a mirror, piercing the negative and correcting yoga in the whole world.

Defender of family welfare and home fire.

Inguz + Otal + Berkana + Perth + Kano + Feu + Algiz + Dzhera + Kano + Uruz

Inguz + Otal - a symbol of this house.

Berkana + Perth + Kano - saving this home fire.

Feu + Algiz - the defender of family goods, as if already present, so he got well.

Jera - stability.

Kano + Uruz - energetically boosting the runic formula, carrying harmony, comfort and stability together.

Defense against the psychological pressure. Defender of magic.

Uruz + Nautiz + Berkana

Zakhist in the form of a magic spell and a chaklunsky infusion.

Evaz + Algiz + Otal

Evaz + Algiz + Isa

Evaz + Hagalaz + Otal

Hagalaz + Laguz + Evaz - zakhist from a magical infusion.

Zahist is expensive and expensive. In case of accidents and unforeseen situations on the road.

Raido + Eyvaz + Laguz

Algiz + Raido + Algiz

Dagaz + Berkana + Raido

Mannaz + Ansuz + Raido + Algiz + Raido + Algiz

Vunyo + Raido + Vunyo

Zakhist from enemies

Hagalaz + Ansuz + Gebo + Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz

Zahist of vaginess

Algiz + Berkana + Algiz

Pіslyapologiya zakhist.

Feu + Berkana + Otal + Soulou

Zahist child pіslya pologіv.

Feu + Berkana + Otil + Dagaz

Removal of carelessness.

Teyvaz + Eyvaz + Laguz

Defender of the elements: water is fire.

Kano + Algiz + Laguz

Zyattya negative dіy, zahist vіd new ones appear.

Nautiz + Soulou + Nautiz

Algiz + Soulu + Algiz

Cleansing from negative splashes.

Eyvaz + Soulou + Hagalaz + Soulu + Djera

Rush safe.

Jera + Raido + Evaz + Jera

Protection against theft of a vehicle, protection against breakdowns.

Raido + Teyvaz + Feu

Raido + Evaz + Evaz

Algiz + Evaz + Teyvaz - Evaz is a car itself, Algiz and Teyvaz will secure the defense.

Zahist that luck.

Turisaz + Vunyo + Algiz

When Runes are applied one on one, the Runes of another plan are established: Gebo + Inguz + Gebo

Sonyachny zakhist (shield).

Soulu + Algiz + Soulu

Defender of the elements of the water (shield).

Laguz + Algiz + Laguz

Zahist pennies, business.

Algiz + Feu + Algiz

Defender of attacks.

Perth + Hagalaz + Perth

Zahis hammer.

Teyvaz + Hagalaz + Inguz

Clearing the way that one hour zahist.

Zakhist in the form of a chaklunsky infusion, like a negative, and a positive one. For such a zahist, the leader cannot help but harm, help.

Hagalaz + Dagaz + Algiz

Zahist in the vein of energy vampires.

Mannaz + Perth + Kano + Turisaz + Teyvaz in an inverted position

Mannaz is a man.

Teyvaz in an inverted position is weaker way to the injection of an energy vampire.

Kano - showing that it’s not varto to chipat a person, like to put a zakhist.

Perth - to know the paths that look like the way out of the energy industry.

Defender of family values

Ansuz + Algiz + Soulu

For the family well-being, that is mutually sensible, zahist in the form of weldings and scandals.

Gebo + Algiz + Otal

Laguz + Gebo + Berkana

The family defender against the external factors of the country.

Teyvaz + Mannaz + Nautiz

Received joy in the face of negative officials.

Kano + Vunyo + Kano

Vunyo is the joy of that light under the protection and defense of Kano.

Protector of women's health

Uruz + Inguz + Ansuz + Berkana + Otil

The security of the comfortable will become the protection of the zone of comfort.

Gebo + Berkana + Ansuz + Dagaz + Ansuz

The Danish runescript can be depicted in this way. The basis of Gebo and roztashuval Rooney Berkan, Ansuz, Dagaz and Ansuz.

Zahist and talisman.

Laguz + Ansuz + Uruz + Kano + Ansuz + Algiz

Zahisni runescripti can be victorious not only for a talisman, but also for the protection of one’s magical actions, and also for the protection of the views of the wrong vikonnannya. The defender will be the next river and after the magic process, for the sake of security at the time of the object, to the side of the object.

Application of runic formulas to zakhist.

In order for the runic formulas to zahishta earn them, apply the varto without intermediary to those that need to be zahistit:

Apartment abo budinok (maino) - written on the inside entrance doors, or above the threshold of the entrance to the booths, the doorway of the entrance doors.

Machine - you can put a runescript, writing on arkush paper in a bardot.

Koshti, carefully put that rahunki - the paper arkush into the safe, or apply the written runescript on the certificate itself or on the book.

Defend yourself - apply on the body, or arkush paper with a runescript in the gut or a bag, carry it with you.

Zvorotny book of photography, its own power, but people, if you need to defend, only with the permission of people.

Runescripts and runic formulas can be victorious as amulets for relatives and loved ones, and even more so from their lamentation.

You can apply runic formulas on the body: iodine, green tea essential oils.

Activation and deactivation of runescripts.

Activation is required for additional protection or the removal of Rune names that enter the runescript. It is also possible to activate dihannyam, as if Rooney was written on arch paper.

Another suitable way is meditation and visualization. In this method, Rooney's thoughts are superimposed on the object of zakhistu.

Miraculous activation method - elemental.

There is no need to deactivate the runescripts, the runic formulas should be directed to the three-term work, as a rule, one river. In the course of time, they themselves weaken. It is recommended to just refresh every two months to recharge.

Deactivation is used only for those runic formulas, yak directing to the achievement of any final result (situational runescript) or a specific term dії. Then, later, after the completion of the term, the runescript is no longer available.

Zahisni Talismany

To create a zahisny talisman from runes or runic formulas, it is necessary to reveal a little thought, as your talisman looks like. Clearly visualize all the details. Significantly with the use of symbols. You can start protesting, swearing on the paper, and then put it on the long-line nose. So do not make a diagnosis of the formula, chi pidide out to you.

You can make an amulet from stone or wood. Choose a stone for good, for example, black agate, schorl. Put symbols on the blank, then activate the talisman by the elemental method, or else. Wear it with you.

If you want to work from a tree, then you can come up with ready-made blanks, or rather, build it yourself. For whom to go to the fox with promises, ask the spirit of the fox to show you those trees, as you can vikoristat, fill it with dari.

Carefully cut the needle, and give the tree the same gift. At home, prepare for the help of the latest tools, then charge it.

In order to activate the protection of the runes, or put it in a spontaneous way, spread it on the vіvtarі. To grow the same in the picture, in such a roztashuvanny

  • candle
  • arable
  • strong stone

Place rune symbols near the center.

Get ready for the ceremony. Khvilin 5-10 meditate, then let us see how you have magic power, how it reminds you of your whole stature, how your strength shines from your blood, flowing from your hands. Abo nalashtuytes for help "three exchanges."

Then you can open the portals of the elements to strengthen the ritual. And you can immediately proceed to the rite of activation.

Now burn the candle, it smells of it, shake it hard or a stone, shake off the water. You can promote with whom:

Powers of Fire, I call on you to help me in activating the protection talisman.

Same with other elements.

Now take your amulet from your hand and place it on your hand in strength (otherwise, touch it to the stone) and say: The power of the earth charge my talisman with energy, don’t protect me from evil, and protect me from evil, from now to rain on the negative. cast the same spell, changing the elements, sweat over the candles, naturally from the spells and sweat over the arable land.

After the completion of the rite, bury the leftovers, roll under the tree. Leave a tribute to the elements.


If you want to cross-referencing to formulas, then fold them correctly. Tse template, yoga can be thoroughly. If you invoke the power of the Gods, then do not forget to call them.

  1. Cob: Let me know the formula...
  2. Main text: protect me...

3 Let the formula work without shkodi for that and that ...

  1. Let the formula be activated like this, and deactivated like this
  2. Truth.


Let me become my talisman, let me protect me from evil, from any negative infusion, from black magic, from psuvannia and addiction, from sickness. Let it become safe for me and my self-confidence. Without shkodi relatives. Tsey, becoming activated by the breath, and deactivated by the spalling. Truth.

Zahisni runescripti

I finally propon to your respect 2 magic runescript

  1. Protect yourself. (Vid S. Manir)

At the central part you see Mannaz, who separates you yourself. Let us arm Algiz from our sides, which symbolizes the defense. Otochuet posilenoyu teyvaz, soulu and dagaz. Symbols work not only for zakhist, but also to bring good luck.

  1. Zakhist budinka (Vid S. Manir)

Here, at the center, the rune Otal, which instills the houses, your mine. Otochіt її zahist for additional runes Algіz and Teyvaz. Dopovnіt reshtu symbolsіv.

One by one runi zahistu that їх meaning


The basis of be-yakih sloppy formulas. Її paint on rich amulets. Stop and stand alone symbol. Tse rune, how can I have such associations:

  • elk is a creature, yak is sensitive to any negativity. Vono protect that penetrating.
  • The sedge is also a symbol of protection. It is easy to see the negative infusion into oneself, whether it be one's character.

The rune is even stronger, it can gain power, it reacts quickly to the negative, it catches magic magic, for example, a love spell or a spell, it signals about a problem.


Add to the list of Thor. This runic sign speaks of courage and courage, it can easily cope with attacks on people, turning negative to enemies. Ryatuє as an intrigue.

Shvidko reacts to the intrusion of unkind people in your space, swinging at material speech and values. Gives penetration to the nose, develops zdіbnosti to the accumulation of material prosperity.

Symbolizes krieg. Its function is to freeze everything evil and negative. Freeze Isa be-yak_ psuvannya that pristritu. Ale won’t protect inanimate objects, so for the Zahistu booth Vaughn marna.

The rune gives self-control. І ce plus. So, in order to break through the aura of a person and instill in it a shkidlivu program, it is necessary to bring it out of yourself. And Isa tse does not give robiti.

Also, the symbol of cold weather is filled with deadly sounds, freezing access to the chicken, alcohol is too much.

Cooling down a little, helping to survive the old days. Under the hour of placement on the walls of a house of ruins. So be careful.


Actively protect against unkind people, specialize the hammer of the Torah, so that the symbol of the building is not only miraculously protected, but also attack the enemy. The rune turns a magical blow to the one who robs yoga, expelling that other negative.

Turs vikoristovuyut, to block the wind of negativity and punish the chakluna for it, turning everything too much.


Would you like to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative magical infusions? Todi material tsієї statti created especially for you. Find out what the rune zakhist and the return blow are, and also find out about the other, not less basic information. Happy reading!

What is a runic defense with a return blow

Rooney defends in all situations to help clean up the negative from any sphere of life of a person. The biggest extension of the mirror method of work - whether there is any negative force, the calls will automatically appear as an operator, following the "boomerang" method. Such a pіdkhіd allow shvidko to show unkindness from a near sharpening - permanent illnesses, failures on the right will be a frequent companion of the people.

In some vipadkahs, a pre-river mirror-like rune zahist

Dzerkalnyy zakhist with runes allow you to imagine whether there is a kind of magical directing on a person (psuvannya, pristrіt, love spell, cursing too much). Dіє behind the type of “hitting the surface” - all the negative is automatically seen by the operator, redirecting to the person, as she brought yoga.

The combination of Scandinavian symbols (Іса, Hagalaz, Kenaz, Kenaz, Іса) allows you to pick up some kind of magical infusion. You can vikoristovuvat during the period of "moistened teeth". Allowing the reassessment of values, setting the right life priorities just the same. When folding the guard, the obov'yazkovo shows the sphere of life, like a trace to clear the negative. Before the introduction of the advanced formula, it is necessary to carry out an early diagnosis.

Rooney, who victorious at the mirror zahist

In order to install a defense “mirror” from the guards, the runes of vishikovyvayutsya at the suvoriy sequence. The popular Scandinavian symbols are pointed below, as if they would stop at the hour of the creation of a mirror-like sight.

  • Isa: Symbolizes ice in all senses of this word. May have a wide range of ideas, allowing you to “cover with ice” negative magic splashes. Allowing you to bring on a break in sickness, to attack the call, and also to minimize the show of anger, fierce
  • Kenaz: Permits the operator's spontaneity, to evoke intuition. The main task is to check the negative bindings of the in power. Allows you to save your physical health
  • Hagalaz: The literal translation of the Scandinavian symbol - hail. Bring with you a strain, a ruinous force, a straight line, a straight line to any negativity, a straight call. The rune may be ambiguous, so it is recommended to win only in extreme situations

Runichnі put for zakhistu

Proponuyemo your respect to the popular runes, set up a defense with a turnaround.

Runichny becoming "Lotus"

The essence of the formula is the operator's zahist with a hassle, a return blow, directing him to be unkind. Prognosticated, safer, nadiyny zakhist. At becoming enter the following runes: Algiz, Turisaz, Evaz, Nautiz, Soulu.

To strengthen the effect, the formula is to revenge the runes of the elves, the Irish letters, the runes of the trouble. At the central part of the stav, the sun rises, the leader of which is success, prosperity in the sphere of life. Pidide for weakened people. Activation of the formula does not require blood, it is enough to say the desired result, adding the phrase “Let it be so.”

Get respect! The formula is discussed in detail - the active activation is not required. Vidminno let the magic of the operator

Runichny Zahist "Cobra"

The combination allows you to break the negative that comes up, give a return blow, which brought a lot of problems to the unkind person. Vіdmіnno pracsyuє on the great vіdstanі.

Let’s take a look at the decryption report:

  • Defend against negativity, return blow - 8 Teyvaz, 8 Algiz
  • Creation of impenetrability, attachment of the operator from outside eyes - gіlka zі Stungіnn Іss (Islandic rune)
  • A strong return blow to the unkind, the punishment of the false - Hagalaz + Ur
  • The creation of a concentrated stream, attacking the attack, which works on the kshtalt "vibukhovo khvili" - avdannya Laguz
  • Vidsіkannya ymovіrnih sprob attack, liquidation of vampire suckers - Eyvaz + Turisaz ("Sopori smertі")

Runichny becoming "Choke"

Meta formulas - liquidation of any negative bindings by way of blocking access to the operator, his closest relatives. Vіdmіnno has recommended herself a half hour of work with children up to 12 years old, grown-up people.

The decryption is as follows:

  • Soulu: The energy of the sun is rising, try to be unkind to the operator
  • Dagazi: The main task is blocking access to the operator for the interweaving of the Moebius ring
  • Teyvaz + Turisaz + Uruz: “Rumbling sumish” energy, as if redirecting the negative back to the people

Note. In the middle of the formula it is recommended to add a photo. It is allowed to be applied to the sign - it is especially relevant for robots with children up to 12 years old. If you go about a grown-up person, you can add the word "Yansky amulet / amulet for the mind to chant the words of the "Yansky gods"

In the exchange, show all spheres of life, from which negativity can penetrate, reveal thoughts that have become protecting you from all sorts of magical infusions, blocking vampire channels, turning evil into a false world. Fire activation.

Set for zahistu vіd psuvannya that pristrіtu zі zvorotnym

Let's take a look at the main runes for zahistu vіd psuvannya pristrіtu, їх widest combinations.

Runichny becoming "Surprise"

Defends the operator from strong magic attacks of a direct infusion (psuvannya, damnation, slander, slander).

The basis of the stavu is the “swastika” from Soulu + Teyvaz. The operator is symbolized by the central point, honed to Soul. Attach the robot with the above-mentioned formula, remove the negative that you have made your way, 8 Laguz is allowed to turn inappropriately.

The manager of the exchange "Surprise" - block, pacify the negative. For whom victorious 5 runes of Isa. The rotation of the magic injection is handled by the combination Hyeres + Dagaz.

Rozirvati be a kind of defender of the attacker on shmatki, having put yoga on the likarnian lightly, help the offensive runes - Era, Teyvaz, Dagaz, Stungin, Kaun, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Uruz. Punishment for evil done is punished by 2 Tours (Islandic runes).

Runichna formula "Dragon"

The formula is supposed to protect, clean the operator, the closest sharpening to third-party programs, negative magic splashes too much. Changed in a proper form. better dihannyam chi fire.

A detailed diagram of the stave looks like this:

  • 4 - help of the Gods, other great powers
  • 2 Kano - revealing the negative in any sphere of life of the operator
  • 2 Turisaz
  • 2 Hagalaz - ruination of negativity
  • 3 Soulu - the power of the Sacred Fire allows you to burn all the filth, breaking the shadows
  • Nautiz - guarantor of "successful operation", following him, so that the negative does not turn back

The operator's guardian is secured in the following way:

  • ЄRA - switching cleanliness to the regime of zakhistu
  • - indicate the completion of the cleaning stage
  • The central point is the “I am” of the operator
  • 3 Nautiz - three-time zakhist
  • 2 Hagalaz + 2 Turisaz - ruination of magical attacks
  • 2 Uruz + 2 Teyvaz - stamina, strength of defense

How to put a defense against the return after cleaning with runes

Get to know the butt of the zakhist after the past. The technique is simple, dієva, to that pіdіyde navit runologists-novices.

Buy a white wax candle, light it up. Place the photo in a frame in front of you, put a right-handed candle in front of you. To marvel at half a candle, showing that the power of fire cleanses you, your loved ones from possible negativity, that you can bind, not letting them get close to this. You can prepare your thoughts ahead of time, writing them down at the Arkush paper, reading them with viraz under the hour of the ritual.

The candle may burn out. The photograph was slid out of the frame, rearranged in a white envelope. Yak variant - vikoristovuyte paper screen with walls white color. Take the sign of the next three rocks. After the end of the designated term, the envelope / screen should be burned at once with a sign, rose in the wind.

Tsikavo! In order to clean up the negative from your life and to help you collect unfulfilled creative potential, I recommend trying it - to help heal your inner world and restore spiritual harmony

Let this information help you, if there are any negative magical manifestations, having deservedly taken revenge on the falsehood. Follow the updates on the site. All the best!

The taemnichi writings of the mysterious old-timer people are haunted by the mist of zdogadiv and speculation. Why are the runes true?

Tse ancient writings of the Nimtsiv. The stench was found on the modern teren of Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and later - in Iceland and Greenland. Rooney virіzalisya on hard surfaces - stone, metal, wood and brushes. The stench is reminiscent of an unassailable form, as explained by the folds of the temple. From the moment of the adoption of Christianity, the Runes were step by step in the Latin alphabet. Tsіkavo, that the root of the word in the translation from the ancient language means "mystery". On this day, the world has close to 5000 runic inscriptions. Significant part of them was found in modern Sweden. The basis of the runic calendars has also been brought.

It is important that the runes were presented to the Scandinavian people by Odin, the supreme deity of the Pivnichny pantheon. The strength of the flooring is great and small, which will require special care from animals. Ignorance possible traces you can bring a person to a tragic podium.

Nebezpeka that power of runes

Faith in the possibility of being protected from a negative infusion, psuvannya that damned living dosi. Navit science presents proof that the runes are defiantly built up in human life and spit on the new one with a singing rank. It’s neimovirno, but ancient magical symbols can not only protect you, your house is like that, but become true helpers for rich earthly people.

Correctly conquering the magic of runes, you can truly change your life, letting goodness into it, joy that light. However, we want to go into the ancient magic of warto, but be more protective. If you misinterpret, then, vikoristanny runes, you can call out multiple inaccuracies. Runichny zahist povnistyu ґruntuєtsya on virі. Mayuchi strong faith in the presence of runes, you can achieve great results. Mysterious signs help with help to those who can smell them.

How do you smell?

Rooney Zahistu can become your guardian angels. Without a doubt, you are praised by food about those who do not practice. It is quite reasonable, even to navit navezrozumilishi and fantastic speeches, to be able to read the scientific obstruction under oneself. If you want something hard, what a guess. Vcheni have long recognized the mechanism of di runes. All on the right in the fact that the skin is a sign - a chain code, which is to keep a flow of energy from oneself.

In the world, all are mutually pious. Ailments and failures in the lives of people are blamed only if it is destroyed from the numerical energy channels. Zavdyaki we will take it for granted information about the All-World, which is to “live” the soul. Rooney sounds like a kind of valve that closes dirks in energy flows. Moreover, the year of victorious signs will no longer be required. For an hour, the rune will “zalіkovuє” the field of energy. People, like victorious signs, respect that life step by step swells harmony. Navit at the drіbnitsy їm start to get lucky.

Vaughn can be less professional. It is not necessary to deal with the interpretation of signs on your own. Zhodnoi naughty is not enough, so it's just like a coriste. Sob the runes brought good, it is necessary to turn around for help. Runichny zakhist diyatme in that moment, like a magician or a person, like a volody of knowledge, to fill such a symbol of the energy of good and zahist. You can grow on your own, but through marriage I will see such energy to be even weaker and not bring practical bitterness.

Activation of the rune affects the strength of the person herself. The magician may know how to help him correctly set the runic guard and restore the balance for a short period of time. Navіt yakscho great person you can charge the rune, you will be greatly exasperated. In okremih vipadkah nevmіlo carried out the procedure can cause body ailments.


Rune zakhistu can be two vidiv - runescript or runichna v'yaz. The first is the whole group of signs, as it was prompted in a linear order, it points to a special meta. Runichna v'yaz - tse overlay of a few signs one on one. It is better to win a specific type, if a professional, shards of a skin symbol to have its own type of record. The runescript is guilty of revenge for its exact purpose, and not just straight energy (for good, healthy).

Wear ready amulets on your chest, closer to the heart. At the booth of the taєmnі the signs of the guilty roztashovuvatsya filed in the eyes of the eyes. Magicians affirm that the rune is correctly spelled out to become a “living” day, like a song program. Tsyu program is laying fahіvets for the help of vlasnoi energy.

Runichny zahist sim'ї

To secure the full protection of the relatives, you can bring in more than one rune for help. The magician is guilty of reminding її energy on the defense of the members of the family, healthy, saving mine and business, well-being. The sign is to be blamed but postiyno on uvaz, that yogo can be seen on the designer board and hung on the wall or embellish the kitchen stuffing with it. In order for the secret symbol to be poured into the life of the family, it is not obligatory, so that the skin member of the family knows about it. Wrath that it is possible to put up similar signs for show only if your house is seen only by your closest relatives. And if not, then apply them there, de stinks will not be remembered by guests.

Runichny zahist booth

For the protection of the family nest, the vicorist is strongest runes, as the building resists negative energy. Provide family happiness in the form of zazdroshchiv and anger, help the runes "Soulu, Otal, Soulu". Soulu is a symbol of victory and struggle. Perebuvayuchi from both sides, we give all combinations of energy, straightened out the ancestral defense.

For the protection of the slubu that zahistu from the fortune-telling damage to the aid of the runes "Evaz, Algiz, Otal". The rune Evaz means a share, and Otal gives the patrimonial directness of protection. Krіm tsikh combinations for zakhistu budinka you can beat the runes Ansuz, Fehu and Algiz.

Vagіtna or zhіnka, sho yoє, vmagaє osoblivy zakhistu, so like її biofield even weakly. For the amulet, it is necessary to win the runes Algiz and Berkan, as in the complex they mean motherhood, security, growth and well-being.

For the commemoration of the young sіm'ї and the strength of the kokhannya in the pair pіdіyde of the runes of Algіz and Gebo.

I would like to give special respect to the runes of Fehu. She will help people in business, save that multiply mine and activate penny flows, keep in the hands of the head of the family. In order to protect the transport zasіb and save the dobuvacha from car accidents, you should win the Algіkh rune at once from Raido.

Applying symbols that are looked at in a booth, then think about those that the stink can be erased from an hour, burn or streak. To get rid of the permanent update of the runic records, it’s better to prepare or buy an amulet. Golovne, sob material, on which the rune will be depicted, but natural.

Enchantment of power Scandinavian Futhark vikoristovuyutsya by people for a long time, but zastosovuvat rune for zakhistu vіd pristratu that psuvannya can be alone. For special protection in the form of zazdrіsnikіv, the runes Teyvaz and Turіsaz were victorious. The first one is to protect the material camp of the sim, protect the business. The sign of my mirror power: I will turn the energy of the vin to the ruler. This rune is built to wake up in the soul of a person the spirit of rebellion, the bazhannya to stand up to the furnishings, courage and masculinity. Turisaz is a sign of fire as an activator of the internal fire of a person. Wine awakens all spheres of the soul, protects from zazdrosti, tiles, intrigue. The rune is even stronger against the woman's unkind look, that prokloniv.

Children of the preschool age are not allowed to see the runes. This is due to the fact that the energy of the child is already weak, and the old forces of the signs can harm the unstable field. Vikoristovuvat runi for children should be more careful. If the child becomes older, it is better to put such signs on the look of amulets, and not put them on the body.

Set the most "sparse" runes, as if to children in 10 fates, these steps:

  • Algiz. May the divine energy, give the children the protection of the Greater forces.
  • Berkani. The sign of the Mother, which protects the well-being not only of a child, but of the motherland.
  • Podnannya "Ansuz, Uruz, Iєro, Ansuz". Signs directed to help in the acquisition of knowledge, learning that mastering everything new.
  • Soulu, Dagaz, Manaz. Set the number of runes to orient the child to a special development, success, to shape the attainment of the set target.
  • Ansuz, Dagaz and Manaz. The combination of runes is recognized for pіdlіtkіv, oskіlki spryaє priznannyu and priynyattyu himself.
  • Tivaz, Raido and Ansuz. Poednannya more kindly pours into the lads and young people. Vihovuє masculinity and arrogance.

Varto means that the runes Hagalaz, Isa, Kano and Turisaz cannot win for children, because the stench may have strong energy. In addition, the signs of the building were appointed to wake up the children of evil.

Runa Isa means winter, concentration, uplifting pace. Kano - tse fire that light, life dosvid. Hagalaz symbolizes uncontrolled strength, elemental dashing, hurricane.

Runichny dzerkalny zakhist

Such protection is based on the principle of a mirror, that is, on reflection. When overstretched negative energy won't turn around, and navpaki. Such a defender will help in a short period of time to reveal unkindness, shards of wine, more sickness and suffering. Posilayuchi evil and negativity, a person takes them away by himself, instilling no shock. For the defense of victory, a combination of runes Isa, Kano, Hagalaz, Kano, Isa is used.

Vіdmіnnoy osoblivіstyu tsgogo є those scho vіn vіdsіkaє be-yaku energy zzovnі, inspire positively. Bazhano vikoristovuvati yoga in life, if an hour is needed for rethinking. To secure an amulet from a mirror-like zahist from a splendid infusion, to deprive a person of being alone with himself.

Runic entry for zahist

Runic records are left in the photographs of people who are stuck in the middle of life. You can apply a sign at home with varnish, a marker or a pen. Give respect to the important role of playing the color of the one with which the rune is applied. Bazhano vikoristovuvati black pen chi marker.

If the runic record does not work on paper, then it is better to put wood in the woods, as they themselves can create positive power. Yalivets is a strong purifier of space. At one time, a tree can be given power to protect amulets without drawing signs. Tiny runes on a yalіvtsyu, you can in times help to deya amulet. Yogo vikoristovuyut the most. The smell of a building tree podolat depression, sleeplessness, zmіtsniti nervous system and clear your mind. It also shows the strength of the spirit, that masculinity in folding situations.

For representatives of the beautiful state, it is the best to vicorist runic amulets, crushed from linden and birch. Tse “zhіnochi” of the tree, yakі mayut soft, aloe stіyku energy. Your smell will bring health to life.

If an amulet or a charm is made from textiles, then best choice be a lion. This is a natural material, which is to strengthen the signs. Drawing runes on synthetic fabrics is not recommended. Mustache symbols can be mentally subdivided into 3 groups: knowledge, reasoning, self-determination.

"Run Cross"

In times of death, wearing amulets is no help. In such a situation, you need a complex injection into the people. For whom the victorist is a strong defender under the name "Runny Cross". The rune is painted on the top. Men should draw a runny cross right-handed, and women - left-handed. At the center, there are two runes of Turisaz on the side - two Berkani, and on the bottom - two runes of Turisaz.

An important feature of the application of the amulet on the body is those who are guilty of taking the process close to the day. See the signs next to one, so that there is no noise or no noise. The process itself is a singing ritual, a kind of exclamation to make a person angry at the negativity of the negative clot of energy. After the applied symbols of the varto are buried in oneself and more to be alone. For a sprat of money, you can turn to a great way of life.

After knowing the psuvannya chi, a person will often see a strong emptiness, self-esteem, physical weakness. Tse v_dbuvaєtsya through those that the energy field is weakened. After the signing of strong oaths, it is necessary to immediately put a superb defense. Bazhano, schob she was shattered from victorious weak runes, until the energetic body of a person did not shine. After a few months, I will finish the combination of the next change to the strongest signs.

Pіdsumovuyuchi, varto vіdznachit, scho vikoristovuvaty runіchі zahistu for people better than ever for extreme needs. As if life is harmonious and prosperous, it is not necessary to make your own corrections before the new one. The share of providence is richly reasonable for people, and negative opinions sometimes lead to better things. If the help of the ancient signs is necessary, then it’s better to turn around for joy to the magicians, or be quiet, who knows people.

They thought, joked, created, and once in a while I thought that the Zakhist was extremely rich, but such a tank, like a bulletproof vest was armored on all sides of the butt. The axis of this position has not yet been published
Praise be to Odin and Thor, knowledge came in due time, such a Zakhist can be. I was created tsey agіshjalm.

Krapka- I am
2 sour cola (Sol)- on the subjective and objective equanimity
4 Algiz (style) + Thurisaz + Nauthiz (style)- Armor of three forces (trijina) from the defense of the sun and the ruination of any evil and negativity on all axes of the share of specialness and from the past and in the future
4 Algiz(style) + 2 Eihwaz- Active defense against the Sun and Chotiriokh Elements
madr- turn the forces, increase the potential to a healthy comfortable level, and take away the negative and negative infusions from the inner world of the special

Algiz (style) - Tse yak<вилка>
Nauthiz (style) -<перекладины>on axes

Guard: Agishjalm ZAVR for the encouragement of the Greater Forces and the Elements I create for you<..>zahisnu armor on all equals buttya she defends<..>, ruynuyuchi be-like violent magical, energetic, physical and mental negativity and negative injections, blocking channels of that force, as well as negative injections of other people's spirits and settlers.
Agіshjalm also inspires the strength and potential of special<..>to a comfortable level and practice without shkod and with lightness and comfort for<..>, i without shkodi good spirits commemorators.
In the name of Odin, in the name of Thor, in the name of Tyr. Im'yam Frigg, Im'yam Freya, as well as im'yam usikh Gods and Goddesses, as if they ever lived and live in Asgard. Hai, my will will come true, Hai will be So! І so і є!

I’ll immediately change my mind, we’ll actively defend against us, tse “Eye of the Storm” and “Shield of Tyur” and “Zakhist chotirma with elements.”
Tse insha. Yak said to Runava "Calm viking, but in full combat uniforms."
The armor has a different principle of work. Armor works against chotirma with zahisnymi zones, to that after the activation of the kicker and zahisniy armor on the body and the active sphere of the ruinous negative.
For some practitioners, this defender may appear important in the workplace. For this reason, agіshjalm is created by itself, like armor, with a rozrachunk for a comfortable everyday camp and postiyno for ordinary people))

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