Electronic oscillator for 555. Detailed description of the wiring diagram for the NE555 timer. Timer NE555 - switching circuit

NE555 is the legendary microcircuit timer, as it has become one of the first integrated microwarehouses. It carries close to 20 transistors and vikoristovuetsya for robots in two modes. In the mode of the intermittent timer and the generator of rectilinear pulses.

Additional documentation for 555 timer

Enter one of the lower values, and press the Expand button, and the calculator will show you the number of possible options for supporting resistors R1, R2 & capacitor value.

Dovidnik- pinout with a detailed description of all the features of the microcircuit of the timer series 555

Lilac circuit that generates a screaming sound on the NE555 timer

Moreover, the richness of the richness should lie in the amount of light, which is spent on a light-sensitive resistor.

Dual tone siren on NE555

The operation of the circuit is not foldable, the NE555 timers are two generators, a low-frequency generator (the first left hand on the circuit) controls the operation of another high-frequency generator (changing and increasing the generation frequency), gave the pulses to go to the transistor switch VT1, to the emitter.

At that moment, if the p'zoelectric sensor catches the mechanical action, it forms an electrical impulse, which is the signal to start the monostable multivibrator, and some connection to the dual optocoupler.

Tsya scheme of light signalization spratsovuє in case of a sharp fall in the level of illumination of the sensor, triggering an audible alarm signal. Attachment is not spratsovuє with a smooth change of brightness. In order to increase the battery life, the alarm sound signal sounds from one to ten seconds, the sounding hour can be adjusted for the auxiliary support R5.

The basis of the strobe circuit is a timer attachment, selected on microcircuits KR1006ВІ1 ( analogue series 555) may have more stable clock characteristics, so that the pulse fluctuations and pauses between pulses do not lie in the stress of life.

duje garniy way when adjusting the brightness of the light of the light in the same way as the pulse-width modulation, because the light is powered by the recommended strum and it is possible to carry out the regulation of the brightness of the light for the feed rate more high frequency. The change of the period is directly proportional to the yaskravistyu.

For acoustic signaling, sounds are often blocked to make a siren sound. They are controlled by electromechanical or electronic way. The proponation of the electronic signaling device can be that paramount that the timbre of the sound of lilacs can be changed. It is made up of a generator, a modulator and a switch, what you set. Sets the generator of beeping on the integrated microcircuit B555D (div. to the circuit principle). The sound timbre of the sound is picked up for the additional resistor R4. The frequency of the generator, which is 1 kHz, is set by resistor R6 and capacitor C4. The sound of lilac, which is curling, is removed by the path of supply from the generator on transistors VT1 to a sinusoidal signal with a frequency of approximately 1 Hz. for viewing 5 microcircuits. Zavdyaki diode VD1 and the input support of the microcircuit, which is 5 kOhm, the modulation of the electric coli is controlled, which is vibrated by the generator, which is set, with a frequency of 1 Hz.

You are not a necessary controller, they said. Robi all on NE555 timers, they seemed to stink. Well, I’ve grown up - it’s similar, just to change my mind, when the construction comes out, it’s naked for its miserable influx on my fragile psyche.

What text can be named if it weren't too old. Oskіlki in a new leash is a statement of my total and unforeseeable failure in the folding of elementary schemes and a demonstration of what is accepted from twenty chips in a whole lot of practical work.

More respect: it seems that the store has recently changed the rules, now the stink stink can be minimally guaranteed with cost-free delivery - $ 6, and even less, then $ 1.5 will be charged for delivery. If I bought it, they only wrote off the cost of the purchase, tobto $ 0.59 and that's it.

Two blisters have exactly twenty pieces. From one side of the skin is a blister of wrapping with adhesive tape, from the other side it is closed with a gum cork:

Started the timer, I bought it, to start a simple generator for a short signal in the wire - you know, it got stuck. The essence of the fit, as I understand correctly, is that the lancet is up to the short circuit with an antenna, a signal that can be heard with a sizable priymach.

De peep pripinivsya - approximately there and zamikannya. The axis looks like this in practice with a comrade, in the footsteps of which I am planning to go:

But then we know, because we need to, we have lied that everything is not so necessary for us. Otherwise, they were violating, but I didn’t become abusive. І zasmuchuvatisya tezh: see bachili, skilki koshtuyut timers (troch more than half a dollar for 20 pieces) - how to cover?

Primary DIP8:

To that virishiv rose in a different way and marveled at what roared from NE555. And shy, like z'yasuvalosya, masu vsogo. Usyaki alarms, voltage indicators, indicators of missed impulses. I was outraged.

Well, and the shards describe everything approximately the same, then the axis is a couple of messages for you RadioKota: i . Schemes - at the other.

It is worth mentioning that the popularity of NE555 is explained by the fact that it is distorted by rock (more precisely - by 45 rocks) design, so that it is easy to configure and achieve exactly the characteristics of an independent voltage, as it can be in the range of voltage 4.5V to 16V standard version(Ale є options). So the voltage is walking, and the frequency is more stable, lower.

In fact, if you have earned a timer, you need a couple of details and whether it’s a viable kind of life - even more pleasantly, so that it’s like a bullshit without special turbos.

Like on me, so with a microcontroller, the trouble is less, but in the comments before rozpovidi about "Pishchal" I took it off and spent it calmly. Thinking about what you want to try a mouse in order to calm down.

So, the idea was simple - a timer for the anniversary of cats. Yaks, having spent all sorts of rubbish, began to wimagati їzhu majzhe kozhnі pіvgodini, and giving three biscuits each, they dispersed in satisfaction. In the opinion of the veterinarian, it’s not too bad (but on ours - it’s more superficially troublesome), it was necessary for him to change the regimen of eating on the plate. Well, like in the middle: I would like to yearn not more often, at least once in five or six years.

Stezhiti shogodini, obviously, not folded. However, in a first way, the situation is aggravated by the fact that on the day of the anniversary there are more and less to pass, then at night we don’t know, shards in one cat, let’s say, a folding character. Same - in ide and scratching with claws on the battery, and navit yakbi I won't give respect to the given sumnivno yakost musical experiment, suciding shkoda.

Tobto at night it is necessary to get up and re-set the hour, and in the napіvnepritomnogo camp it’s important.

In a different way, not all cats are so scandalous, that deyaki simply does not come at once with the axis of haunting calm. And to go out at intervals at all times, and rightly it would be bad weather to get through the intervening hour and quiet, who missed the after-hours reception.

That's why I came up with the idea of ​​buying independent timers for fixing an hour - one per cat. And so the axis is like this: the whale came, you saw you zhu, you pressed on the button, the light bulb went off. As the light bulb went out, the cat can be weathered again.

It’s not easy to guess that this is one of the main options for a robotic timer. You can name yoga in a different way: you can use tracing paper - monostable, you can - a single vibrator, you can - a multivibrator, which checks.

The essence of this does not change: in the case of NE555 it is necessary to see only one impulse of the necessary trivality.

For this, I took the timer circuit as a basis:

Ale trohi asking її, having asked for a substring resistor (scaling in the change of fixing intervals) and another light diode - through non-necessity. At the same time, change the denomination of the lancet, which sets the hour, having looked at all the documentation, as if to prove that for the rozrahunka, the approximately trivality of the impulse should be accelerated by the formula y t \u003d 1.1RC.

Having engraved with the fonts the denominations of the details, found at the Chip-i-Dip boutique, having installed that for all five five-year intervals, that the power is all, a capacitor with a capacity of 3300 μF and a resistor of 5.1 MΩ should be used as a whole:

T \u003d 1.1 * 0.0033 * 5100000 \u003d 18513 seconds \u003d 5.14 years.

Reality, however, showed little trouble with theory. Elections for the price scheme and with the same denominations the timer and after the fifth year, continuing to work. Patience to finish the work didn’t work for me, so I allowed that NE555 does not work well with great denominations.

Further googling showed that it is possible, there are not a few problems (theoretically) with a support of up to 20 MΩ with a food pressure of 15 V. Therefore, I continued the experiment and found out that the formula in my fall is approximately the following:

І appearing even more vdyachny, that having bought no more than 5.1 MΩ, and for every change, the closest ratings are 4.7 MΩ and 3.9 MΩ. Stay for good luck for the necessary interval.

With tsimi ratings (3300 uF and 3.9 MΩ) I chose a timer block with lights and buttons. Having eaten everything with a wild line of eating, they don’t have more points to dotik (well, take it, it didn’t happen). Having picked up the oars, then on the skin, having checked yourself with a multimeter, it could be calmer, if you started the first timer.

Viyshlo axis like this (I'm ahead of the cob itself):

Turning on the wine and lying down, I unsoldered the buttons and light bulbs that I had lost, turning it on. I pressed the buttons. The lights turned on just like they were small: you press the button - you turn on, and that's it.

And then I made a great pardon. I didn’t make more test launches, but just got embarrassed that I hadn’t soldered the darts to the buttons any better, and resoldered them. So I still don’t know what it was that was trapilos itself: what did it do wrong, what did it catch at the moment of soldering the wires.

Ale looked funny. When switched on again (with soldered wires), three light diodes immediately fell off. And the pressure on the buttons revealed a new chaos: pressing on one button - the light went off (so, in theory, the timer turns on), pushing the next one - the first light went off, another light went off. And so far.

Dosvіdchenim way z'yasuvav, scho іsnuє deyak combination of onslaught of buttons, if all the lights are fired. Ale, until your hands do not reach, revise the scheme for short flashes there, de їх not guilty buti.

Bonus track - score in sapper:

Podsumovuyuchi, I want to say that I got up with timers. In practice, having reconsidered that it is possible to buy them from China, workers will come.

If the cat timer didn't work, the bonus was finished by completing the puzzle "All the lights are on". I immediately understand that NE555 is clearly not for me. І axis why:

Minimum life voltage 4.5V
- Great happy strum

As a matter of fact, it is possible to fix the CMOS-version of the chip, as it is more economical and practical, starting at 1.5V. Alas, they cost $0.59 for twenty pieces, and CMOS is already close to $10. That's about twice as expensive for the controller, and if you put two or more timers in the design, then you'll lose everything.

So anyway, I turn to the ATmega328p, on which, obviously, I work the birthday timer.

Ps. And now can I also write about the screen in ITEAD Studio? To me, among others, my conscience is tormented, shards, from one side, here already these screens were more for the days, and from the other - you need to beat the obityanka.

Plan to buy +20 Add in the frame A look worthy +38 +67

We continue to look around timer 555. In this article, we can look at the application of a practical design of a microcircuit. The theoretical review can be read.

Butt No. 1 - Temryavi signaling device.

The circuit shows an audible signal when the temperature is dark. While the photoresistor of lighting, on the display No. 4 of the installation is low, also, the NE555 is being switched to the drop mode. However, as the light decreases a little, the photoresistor op increases and on display No. 4 a high level appears, and as a result, the timer starts, seeing a sound signal.

Butt No. 2 - Signalization module.

The scheme is one of the car alarm modules, which gives a signal when changing the car's windshield. Like a mercury stagnation sensor vimikach. The output station has a short circuit sensor and the output NE555 has a low level. When changing the windshield of the car, the mercury droplet closes the contacts and the low level on display No. 2 starts the timer.

As a result of which a high raven appears at the exit, which manages whether it is a vikonavchim outbuilding. Start after opening the sensor contacts, the timer is lost in the active station. You can turn it off, like sounding a timer robot, by applying a low rіven to whisk No. 4. C1 - ceramic capacitor with a capacity of 0.1uF ().

Stock #3 - Metronome.

A metronome is an attachment, which is victorious by musicians. Vіn vіdrakhovuє nebhіdny rhythm, which can be regulated by a change resistor. The circuit was inspired by the circuit of a rectilinear pulse generator. The frequency of the metronome is set by the RC lance.

Stock #4 - Timer.

Timer for 10 minutes. The timer is pressed into the "Start" button with a path, when the HL1 LED lights up. After the selected hour interval, the HL2 LED lights up. Changing the resistor can change the hourly interval.

Butt #5 - Schmitt trigger for 555 timers.

This is a simple yet effective scheme. The circuit allows, by supplying an analog signal to the input of noise, to take a clean direct signal at the output

Butt No. 6 - Accurate generator.

Generator of increased accuracy and stability. The frequency is controlled by the resistor R1. Diodi - be like Germans. It is also possible to freeze the Schottky diode.

Read the continuation of "NE555 timer reset - part 2".

Watch the video: Stop the NE555 timer

Portable USB oscilloscope, 2 channels, 40 MHz.

The microcircuit of the 555 series was broken up a long time ago, but still take care of its relevance. On the basis of the chip, you can choose a few dozen different outbuildings with a minimum number of additional components in the circuit. Simplicity of rozrahunku nominalіv komponentіv vvazhuvannya microcircuit is also an important її advantage.

In this article, there are two options for fixing the microcircuit in the relay circuit for the hour:

  • The hutch is on;
  • Shut-off switch.

In both modes 555 chip functions as a timer.

How to work microcircuit 555

Before Tim, how to go to the example, I will add a relay, let's look at the structure of the microcircuit. All further descriptions will be worked on for microcircuits of the series NE555 of Texas Instruments.

As you can see from the baby, the base is tse RS flip-flop with inverted output kerovaniya outputs from comparators. The positive input of the upper comparator is called THRESHOLD, negative input of the lower - TRIGGER. Other inputs of the comparators are connected to the life voltage dilator from three resistors of 5 kOhm.

As you know for all, the RS-trigger can be transferred to a stable station (may have a memory effect, the volume is 1 bit) or in a logical "0", or in a logical "1". How wine functions:

  • R (RESET) set output logical "1"(itself is “1”, but not “0”, shards of the trigger are inverse - it is not necessary to say a group at the exit of the trigger);
  • Need for a positive impulse to enter S (SET) set output logical "0".

Resistors of 5 to each in a quantity of 3 pieces divide the voltage of life by 3, so that the reference voltage of the upper comparator (input "-" of the comparator, in the same, input CONTROL VOLTAGE of the microcircuit) becomes 2/3 Vcc. Low voltage reference - 1/3 Vcc.

With the above said, it is possible to put together tables of microcircuits for input TRIGGER, THRESHOLD that exit OUT. Remember that the output OUT is the inversion of the signal from the RS flip-flop.

For the help of this functionality of the microcircuit, it is easy to work with different signal generators with a frequency of generation, independent of the voltage of life.

At our point of time, for the relay to close, such a trick will stop: the TRIGGER and THRESHOLD inputs are combined at the same time and a signal from the RC-lancet is sent to them. The table of stations at this time looks like this:

NE555 wiring diagram for such a drop-down:

After the supply of life, the capacitor starts to charge, which leads to an incremental increase in the voltage on the capacitor from 0V and far. At your own pace, the voltage at the TRIGGER and THRESHOLD inputs will change, change, starting with Vcc +. As can be seen from the table of settings, the OUT output is logical "0" after the Vcc + power is applied, and the OUT output is switched to the logical "1" if the voltage drops below 1/3 Vcc at the indicated TRIGGER and THRESHOLD inputs.

Important is the fact that hoop relay hour, so that an hour passes between the supply of life and the charging of the capacitor until the moment the OUT output is switched to the logical “1”, you can solve it using a simple formula:

And like a bachite, the whole hour you can’t lie in the strain of life. Also, when designing a relay circuit, you can not worry about the stability of life, which allows you to simplify the circuitry.

Also, guess what will be around 555 series viroblyayetsya series 556 at the building with 14 visnovkas. Series 556 replaces two 555 timers.

Attachment from the function of fading out

Let's move on without a hitch to the hour relay. In this article, we can choose from one side the circuit as simple as possible, but from the other side of the galvanic decoupling, which cannot be.

Respect! Folding that customization of the examined circuit without galvanic decoupling can be done only by fahivtsy, as they can illumine that tolerances. Attachment is not safe for life, to that in the new one it is not safe for life.

Such an attachment to its design may have 15 elements and is divided into two parts:

  1. Vuzol molding of the spring of life or the block of life;
  2. Vuzol іz Timchasov controller.

The block of life is based on the transformerless principle. This design includes components R1, C1, VD1, VD2, C3 and VD3. The very voltage of life 12 is formed on the stabilizer VD3 and is smoothed out by the capacitor C3.

In another part of the circuit, an integrated timer is included with the circuit. We have described the role of the capacitor C4 and the resistor R2 more, and now we can calculate the value of the relay fading time using the given formula:

T = 1.1 * R2 * C4 = 1.1 * 680000 * 0.0001 = 75 seconds ≈ 1.5 hwilini By changing the ratings of R2-C4, you can independently determine the hour of the trim you need and with your own hands reshape the scheme for any hourly interval.

The principle of the robotic scheme is to advance. When I turn on the device, in the measure that the voltage appears on the VD3 zener diode, and, later, on the NE555 microcircuit, the capacitor starts to charge until it is quiet, until the voltage at the inputs of 2 and 6 NE555 chips does not fall below 1/3 of the vital voltage, then, approximately up to 4 V. When the voltage is set, the control voltage will appear at the output OUT to start (turn on) the relay K1. Relay, in its own way, closed circuit HL1.

The VD4 diode will speed up the discharge of the capacitor C4 after the power is turned on, so that after a quick re-power on, I will add an hour of work without shortening. Diode VD5 extinguish the inductive current from K1, which protects the circuit. C2 serve for filtering the NE555 life changer.

If the details are correctly selected and the installation of the elements is not pardoned without pardon, then the installation of the installation will not be required.

When testing the circuit, so as not to change the frequency again, R1 should be reduced to a value of 68-100 kOhm.

You, sing-songly, have given up respect, that the circuit has no transistor, which turns on the bi relay K1. The price was increased not from the economy, but through sufficient supply to the output 3 (OUT) of the DD1 microcircuit. The NE555 chip is visible on the OUT output, the maximum input is up to ±225 mA.

Such a scheme is ideal to control the time of robots and ventilation devices, installed at the sanitary facilities and other auxiliary premises. For rahunok її presence fans turn on less for the mind of the presence in the premises for a three-time hour. Such a regime is reduce the amount of electrical energy, and continue the term fan service for less wear and tear of parts to rub.

How to turn on the relay from the shutdown

The NE555 features can be easily converted into a turn-on timer. For which it is necessary to replace C4 and R2-VD4 with missions. In such a way, K1 has a short circuit of HL1, once I add it. Switching on voltage will be after the voltage on the capacitor C4 is increased to 2/3 of the voltage of the voltage, which is approximately 8 V.

A small part of such a modification is the fact that if the circuit is switched on, the scheme will be overwhelmed by a surge of unsafe stress. You can use such a small amount by turning the relay contact into the feeder for the timer in parallel with the power button ( the button itself, and not the wimic!).

The scheme of such an add-on with the improvement of the necessary additional measures is shown below:

Respect! In order for the unsafe voltage to be really taken from the circuit by the relay contact, it is necessary that the PHASE is connected itself as shown in the diagram.

Please note that the 555 timer is set up and is described on our website in another article, which is reviewed. There is a nadіynisha scheme induced there, to avenge the galvanic decoupling and allow changing the interval of the display to an hour for the help of the regulator.

Like when you prepare the viroba, you need an armchair pay, write about it in the comments.

Video on the topic

This simple gospodarsky timer can have 6 fixing times for an hour: 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes (depending on your needs, you can easily increase or change the number of times for an hour). This timer can be in good fortune, like in the home state, and in industrial minds.

timer circuit You can mentally subdivide into two parts: the life block and the water timer. The block of life is equipped with a step-down fencing transformer X1, a diode place BR1, a high-capacity electric capacitor C1, which smooths out the ripple of the rectified voltage, and a 12-volt voltage regulator type LM7812

A simple timer on a microcircuit NE555

At different times, the circuit can be used as a battery with a voltage of 12 volts. The battery is shown in the diagram (BATT.1). With the S2 jumper, you can select the lifeline for the timer - the battery or the straightener. Although the batteries are not needed, the BATT.1 and S2 elements are not needed.

I will build the basis- integrated timer microcircuit type NE555, fitted for operation in monostable mode. The scheme ensures the implementation of hourly intervals in the range of 1 to 30 minutes. The hourly hour is selected by switching S1 according to the table:

For the beginning of the process, the hour is the "START" button (S1). When pressing the button, the electromagnetic relay RL1 will be activated and the voltage will be connected up to 220V. After the end given interval the time of the relay to let go and the rozіmkne lanciug navantazhennya.

Robot circuit too simple. Capacitor C1 is charged through a resistor or a resistor resistor R1 - R6. At the moment of pushing the button "START" (S3) the timer starts and on its output (3) a high voltage level is indicated. The high voltage level at the output of the microcircuit is filled with such a stretch for an hour, which is selected by the switch S1. The high level of voltage at the output of the microcircuit 555 drives the transistor T1, the collector latch of which the winding of the electromagnetic relay RL1 is turned on. The relay activates, its contacts flicker and turn on the voltage at a rate of 220 volts.

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