Dodana Easy version of the mod for those who are asking for FPS with the highest version of the mod Dodana Monk Fire quest

Nova gra. New life.

How do you want to start new group in Skyrim, then options, like Dovakin, you will be rich, rich. Choose race, class, maybe, choose motivation for your own biography. To recapitulate some of the replicas of the dialogues themselves, you can take a fresh look at the grey.

Ale, more, you can take on the role of the Dragonborn. Why not go through the game for someone else - not for the hero of the prophecy, but for the sake of another person (or the world / beastman)? Axis of five wonderful mods, yakі help you with whom.

take advantage

The mod is not new: leather, knowing the scope of Skyrim modding, navit not playing with it, even though it’s a bit of a whine, that’s about it. І yakscho vy z such people varto correct the situation.

Alternate start skips some scenes with Helgen and allows you to create a new character with a different story. Possibly, you are a homeowner from Morrowind, who took only a couple of speeches at home, or maybe a householder with a great camp behind his back. It is possible, you are a simple tavern guardian, a bandit from such a camp deep in the forests, an imperial legionary or a Brother / Sister of the Storm, or you can instill a vampire, who lives in his own lіgvі. I only have a few more options for stories, like this fashion we can.

The axis is good - you still want to be a Dragonfolk, everything you need to grow - ask for the rulers of taverns - some of them, speaking about sensitivity, she guesses Helgen. І zvіdsi you can tell the main quest.

take advantage

A non-Dragonfolk singsongly happens to spend more than an hour on Wednesday ordinary people. And in the "vanilla" version, it's a busy day, especially since yours is not the first to pass and they already sang it.

This mod adds more inhabitants of Skyrim to history, expands the tree of dialogues and grants them new voices, which expands the characters more widely. Many people give new quests, and deacons can become your companions. You can make friends with the deeds.

take advantage

As if you are not good and strong Dovakin, deaky pluses in the status of a celebrity, for a moment I allow you to bathe at home, you are inaccessible. Deyakі budinki become available for purchase after the passage of singing quests, and this mod will allow you to instigate budinok de zavgodno.

If you want to make the houses look modest, all the same, if you live far away from the wild places and buildings, choose whether it’s a place in Skyrim and call it “a house”.

take advantage

Possibly, you are tempted to drive in dragons, ale, guarding the fortune-telling of the Skyrim fauna, you still beat someone, you will drive in time. Why not make this process more realistic? Even the process of processing carcasses of creatures in "vanilla" Skyrim looks like a victorious container like a container with a shkiroy and meat to finish the misery.

Tsej mod add new diy, yakі can be done with a dead animal. You can lift your body, call on your shoulder to chop yoga. Dodani svіzhuvannya, refining and sorting out the skeleton. Also, a system of perks has been added, especially the selection of tools, new alchemy ingredients, recipes for cooking meat and rich other things. Navit dragon's cries of fashion without passing.

take advantage

Dosit ob'єmnu chastinu whether it's a role-playing game borrows a bill of lading. Gram can function as a quick relocation between locations, but for a realistic "roplay" you need to forget about similar sturdiness. This does not mean that you need to be far away, but you are far from the place, you will need to spend an hour to reach the nearest seller.

The deputy of this fashion allow you to exchange with be-yakim NIPom, we will tell you, and not only to help lovers of role-playing, but in principle є logical additions to the world of grey. Obviously, it is impossible to learn from NIPu dressed on them speeches, but be-yakі іnshі speechі, like stench can mother, you can easily win.

The mod adds new mandriving characters to the group of impersonal characters. You will see shukachiv goodies, merchants with guards, bezhentsiv, pilgrims, assassins and riches on the roads and stitches of Skyrim. All the new characters are reborn and vikoristovuyut scripts, so the modifikatsiya vkrіkatsіya vkrіsna z be-yakim other plug-ins.


Appearing characters-
Mandrivni merchants (9 new NPCs that are reborn)
Okhorontsі (18 new NPCs that are reborn)
Litsarі vіri (5 new NPCs that are respawned)
Pilgrims (26 new NPCs to respawn)
Naimantsi archers (8 new NPCs that respawn)
Naimantsi warriors (5 new NPCs that are reborn)
Naimantsі-mages (3 new NPCs that are respawned)
Mandrivni faces (4 new NPCs that are reborn)
Mandrivnі magicians (3 new NPCs that are respawned)
Watchmen of Stendarr (7 new NPCs to respawn)
Mislivtsі behind the heads (5 new NPCs that are respawned)
Assassins (3 new NPCs to respawn)
Shukachi goodies (19 new NPCs that are respawned)
Bizhentsi (24 new NPCs that are reborn)

Shukachi good:
Shukachi are suitable to sing one by one in groups across Skyrim, fight against bandits and evil spirits, look for places and underground.

Wandering around Skyrim in Dovakin's jokes...

Myslivtsі behind the heads:
Mandrout along the roads and far away from them, they turn over the places, the settlements and the orochi fortresses near the wickedness of the evildoers. And as for your head here it is recognized to the city, then you will become their method. So attack bandits and assassins.

Persons vіri and pilgrims:
Drive, which are stacked up from the face of the vіri and chotirioh pilgrims, see the sanctuaries in the places and deserts, rise in price with the roads and stitches.

Mandruyut cities, settlements, villages, farms and mills in the hunts of a hired hand. You can hire them.

Groups from the bizhentsiv work on farms and in the fields during the day, and at night they sleep at the camps. you will find them at Mezi, Eastmarch, Haafingari, Rift and Hjaalmarch.

Mandruyut roads and stitches from the sanctuary to the sanctuary.

Mandrivny merchants and guardians:
Drive from one merchant and two television choroners to rise in price with places, settlements and villages, collapsing on the main roads.

Watchmen of Stendarr:
Patrol Skyrim in search of evil. Some people see places, villages and villages.

Mandrivni faces:
Shout the tops along the roads between towns, settlements and villages, and fight against bandits.

Mandrivnі magicians:
Vivechayut empty Skyrim, fight bandits and special enemies (dragons, dragon priests, Dremora). Sometimes you can see the places and villages.

Maud, as far as I know the author, is summary of whether it be some other plugins.
I will refund the USKP/USLEEP/USSEP balance.

1. For the help of the mod manager (KMM / MO / NMM then).
2. Manually, for the Legendary Edition:
- Install the main files (the Main folder) - open and copy the Data folder from the root folder of the GR (where TES5.exe is located).
- Install the required version in the same way - version with hiring hackers 5 scripts (folder Yes hire merc), version without hiring not hacking scripts (folder No hire merc).
3. Manually, for Special Edition:
- Select the required version - with hiring scripts (folder 01_Data_Script) or WITHOUT hiring scripts (folder 02_Data_NoScript).
- Select the required option and copy it to the Data Grid folder.

History of changes

Version 2.02
- Fixed faction change actions.
Version 2.01
- Corrected camera data
- Fully combative Assassin style
Version 2.0
- Corrected the deeds of the drukarian pardon.
- Removed incorrect keywords (to avoid possible conflicts) and generation of control inventory (Litem adjusted - Loot).
- I'll add the sum of Skyrim Legendary Edition.
- Refund your USKP/USLEEP/USSEP balance.

Wars in Skyrim IV - Rainbow mode (Stocking: 1)

This version of the mod practically does not change the standard gameplay.

  • Mode, which is the most conducive to zanurennya in the group and the rest of the world
  • Fewer battles, lower in other versions
  • Now the enemies with the enemies will become exceptionally rare, and the opponents, like you got caught by the "vipadkovy zustrіchs", will be innumerable.
    Possibly, the stench must be protected or patrolled the territory and rarely stray into the biyka;
  • The gameplay is the most close to the standard one, but a few trochs are reduced by the number of living things in the gr
  • 50% less mob spawn point, lower in Normal mode version;
  • The chance of vipadkovoj zstrіnetsya such itself, like in a standard grі

Wars in Skyrim IV - Normal mode (Stocking: 2)

Give the group more battles and change the head of the gry.

  • Mornings are more spawn points, which are considered to be "vipadkovі zustrіchі" (with mandrіvniki, myslivtsy, wedges thinly);
  • Changes in physical indications (velvets have become larger, and ribbeams have become unsafe for bathing with water);
  • Small things can go over the edge. In addition, you can see the groups of opponents who are fighting as a team;
  • Change the spawn system;
  • New textures;
  • Increased the number of wild creatures
  • Zustrichі z zhivnіstyu tied to the zones (lowered mіstsevіst, lіs thinly). Zustrich lie down in the same zone you know
  • Vidchutna Skoda in the fall
  • Cooldown of 2 seconds and disable "spam" with a power attack
  • A small chance of gaining NPCs on the spot;
  • After the NPC spawns, patrol the mammoth, take care of their right, wrestle one by one or polyuvateme (you can fight orcs to spit on mud crabs, or turn over to attack mammoths);
  • A small chance for a weak gravitas to strike a strong opponent.

Wars in Skyrim IV - Dark Rainbow mode (Stocking: 3)

The most recent version. I create the illusion of online games, de leather occupations with my rights. You can wander in the woods for a short period of time and not know anyone, and by the way you get home you will vibratously sound the lord of vampires, like a mittevo driving in. And, perhaps, you will have an ambush with archers, or you will shoot the dragon that patrols the outskirts.

  • Modifications of AI horses, malevolence and vovkiv - now the stench with greater ability to fight, lower earlier;
  • For an hour of battles NPCs against NPCs or your allies, more ability to hit what you get;
  • Modifications of AI of water mobs - now the stench is aggressive lower than before.

Wars in Skyrim IV - Golden Age (Stocking: 4)

This version changes the gameplay, blatantly in the battle with opponents. Turn on Normal mode, and the following additions:

  • Duplicating a point for spawning, it's more obvious, it's bigger than the gates;
  • More opponents on the plains, white rivers and lakes;
  • Є a chance for the gravel of a low equal to shoot a high-pitched enemy;
  • The most frequent mob spawn, lower in standard gr;
  • Respawn hour reduced to 8 years.

Wars in Skyrim IV - Dark Age (Stocking: 5)

The most folded mode of the gri, fighting to survive. This version includes all the characteristics of the Golden Age, plus a sprat of additional ones.

  • Mustache spawn points from Golden Age are fighting
  • a chance for a grave of low rank to shoot down an opponent-boss;
  • Respawn hour reduced to 1 year.

    WiS IV Blood Coins (Respawn enemies)
    - WiS IV - Blood Coins Normal - Respawn enemies 1-2 days - balancing mode;
    - WiS IV - Blood Coins Slow - Enemies respawn - 5-7-10 days - good option for those who want to take their time.
    - WiS IV - Blood Coins Insane - Respawn enemies - 1-2 years for 1 day - Only for hardcore graves!

    WiS IV Heroes & Villains- select only option 1 and drop .esp from Skyrim/Data and in Launcher - activate "Files"):
    The mod adds 40 new unique NPCs to live their lives. The stench can polyuvati, sleep, їsti, walk in a group to kill a monster, raise a raven, can sell new material, attack forty, protect a place, go to the underground and richly іnshoy.
    - WiS IV - Heroes & Villains Easy - The bad guys in this version don't attack places, but they can, but it's rare.
    - WiS IV - Heroes & Villains Hard - Added Opir Magic, Poshkodzhen, less health damage and more regeneration for heroes and hardships. It will be very important to drive them in!
    - Mustache heroes and hardships make cob rhubarb 20-40. The stench grows faster and on a par with the main hero and may have a different hour of growth.
    - Elite defense system: the price of an elite patrol guard with the best outfits for the defense and driving in the bad.
    – Heroes can sell new speeches.
    - If you have more cities for 1000 gold, then a new faction "Mislivtsі behind the heads" will begin to take care of you!
    Plugins(We put vibrations.esp into the Skyrim / Data folder and in the Launcher - "File" activate):
    - WiS IV - Armors & Blocks - (repairs armor and blocks)
    - WiS IV - Bash & Power Attack - (strength hit that power attack)
    - WiS IV - Stealth Troubles - (complicated hook mode)
    - WiS IV - Disease - (sickness)
    - WiS IV - double arrow damage -
    - WiS IV - Double fall damage - (under the Skoda in the fall of GG and NPS)
    - WiS IV - Npc Heal other & resurrect - (gives all NPC mages a new type of magic healing and resurrect)
    - WiS IV - leveled World X1 - (strengthening growth of heroes and hardships, a chance to strike against the enemy of your equal)
    - WiS IV - leveled World X2 - (strong growth of heroes and hardships;
    - WiS IV - leveled World X3 - (strong growth of heroes and hardships;
    - WiS IV - leveled World X4 - (strengthened growth of heroes and villains, 4 times more chance to hit the enemy)
    - WiS IV - leveled World X10 - (strengthened growth of heroes and hardships, chance to hit the enemy 10 times higher for your rіven)
    - WiS IV - leveled World X30 - (strengthened growth of heroes and hardships, chance to hit the enemy 30 times higher for your rіven)
    - WiS IV - double hp npc -
    - WiS IV - half hp npc -
    - WiS IV - Perks for Npcs
    - WiS IV - Race - (change the growth of all races)
    - WiS IV - Waters Wars - (all NPCs and lots of monsters can swim)

  • This mod can only have one meta - "revive" all the places of Skyrim, by way of adding additional NPCs, as if they are blocking on the territory of the city and interacting with new otchennyam for them.

    For a stretch of the day, a sprig of NPCs show up that they walk around the place, vzaєmodіyatimu іz otochennyam, and іnоdі y rozmovlyatimut one by one. The stench will virushat in different parts of the place absolutely vipadkovo, and as soon as the stench reach the necessary place, there will be shukati objects, to get stuck, sit on them, or just someday eat. If it’s still nothing, stink at the miser’s tavern - there the stench will mutually interact with the internal otochennyam, just like the stink roar on the street.

    New NPCs appear today to replace the old, and among them you will cheer the villagers, farmers, nobles and mandrivniks and other NPCs, like blokayut in places, just adding atmosphere to the group. New NPCs will be at the place all day until the 8th wound, and then the stench will deprive the place of repair and new NPCs will be created to replace them.

    Tse v_dkrivaє new opportunities for villains. Every now and then you walk around with fresh karmas, so you check that they cleaned them out. For driving in, there is an inexhaustible number of hulks, on which the stench can practice their art of driving in.

    In a given hour, 10 NPCs will appear at all great places (Rifteni, Whiteran, Markarth, etc.) and 5 at smaller places (Folkrit, Dunstar, Morfal, etc.) such will be nobles, villagers, villagers, mandrivniki, etc.

    Version history

    0.37.4 - 2.2.0

    Through changes in scripts, it is necessary to save more

    Mustache Viglioty is now toiling at the past.
    -Changed scripts
    -Fixed trade and yoga protection at Whiterun
    - Increased the distance between the mandrіvniks, after the stench to start ticking.
    -Change at night II NPS.
    -Orcs now show up at Markarth
    -Additional changes in the equal leaves of fashion.

    Fixed a bug, for which NPCs were deprived of taverns in advance.
    -Fixed master of all trades from Solitude, which is straight to Whiterun.
    -Fixed hiring to stand at Whiterun all day without interruption.
    -Changed the speed of changing the mandrivniki to "be sure to walk".
    -Changed the parameters of the script, which was called before the pardon.
    -Added to the repair master in Markarth and Windhelm.
    -Added 4 more nobles of the redguards.

    -Added more types of NPS.
    Simple people: all races, krim khajitiv
    Protection of merchants
    Maistry of all trades
    Naimantsi - warriors of 30 rubles
    Veterans - warriors 50 rubles
    Acolytes-magicians - magicians 20 rіvnya
    Mages-pochatkіvtsі - magicians 30 rubles
    -NPCs will no longer hang out in taverns all night without interruption :)
    -NPCs can go to shops and temples
    - Mandrivniki can appear in pairs
    -Up to three children can appear at the great places
    - A trader with a guardian can appear at great places
    -Master of all hands may appear at the great places. Stink pratsyuvatimut with a hammer.
    -No NPCs show up close to 9-10 pm.
    - Crowds of Riften unify the market for an hour of the quest with Brynjolf, so that you can simply finish it.

    . Fixed a bug, if NPCs, who only showed up, didn’t do anything for an hour

    Add NPCs at Whiterun and Windhelm

    Fixed new NPC textures. Say goodbye to the gray faces

    Now you can safely drive in and rob new NPCs, because the guards intercede for them just like they did for the great hulks


    Add 15 NPCs to Solitude
    . Dodanius Thalmor patrol at Solitude. The stench patrols the place of the second (Tirdas) until the feast, like the Imperial Legion guards the place, and does not show up, as the Storm Brothers succeeded in hromada war
    . Dodaniy Warehouse of gifts and NPC-protector
    . Dodany argonian and dunmer commoners, nord magician novice
    . Optimized AI packages, and corrected NPC pardons


    Fixed AI packages

    You can also make a "small" surprise from the author

    Unzip all files to the Data folder.
    Activate Populated Cities NPCListMaster.esm and Populated Cities.esp from the launcher.

    Updated to version 1.0

    • Dodana Easy version of the mod for those who are asking for FPS with the normal version of the mod
    • Added Monk Fire quest

    Are you still not getting "life" in Skyrim?
    Now finish for sure!

    Tsey mod add 240 (!!!) NPCs more like 30 locations!

    Features of the mod:
    240 NPs
    Usі NPC can respawn and its own routes.
    Deyakі rіdkіsnі NPS mаyut dialogues and navіt deyak like a quest. (Subtitles language)
    Farmers, coming to the farm, start practicing there.
    Patrols can be attacked by NPGGs, as if they were attacked by enemies.
    Not everyone loves to walk pishki, zustrichayte - mandrivniki on horseback.
    Sellers sell zhu, and also get її, polyuyuchi on kiz.

    For some koristuvachs on the Nexus, the mod conflicts with A&T (http://website/load/247-1-0-11856). Ale, I know again, for the deaks - no. Bet insulted modi vіdrazu only on your fear and risk.


    Move modi files to data folder. Move Esm to the date folder and select the easy version or the simple version of the mod and move it to the date folder.


    View mod files from the Date folder or view through the launcher.

    Original Mod Page

    Q: Deyaki NPS just stand on the mission! Why so?
    A1: Your system has a problem - it's too weak. (albeit a bit vaguely)
    A2: Can the NPC stand at a closed location? Open the door for you, as if so.
    A3: All mandriving starts at different hours, just check. (soon for everything)
    A4: There are problems with the version of the mod. (minor)

    Q: Oh my God! I have a throw without a topper їde! What work?!
    A: Don't worry. The mandrivnik was instantly angry with the horse, so that he could marvel at something on the street.
    Well, die like a bandit's arrows, well, well, well.

    Q: I have the stink of a train to walk, why rich?
    A: On the right at grі. So far, no one has been able to fix it (Details can be found on the author's side)

    Q: nav_scho costly children of the sword?
    A: Just playing with the Killable Child mod. (Such a bad idea, to the one that children drive you in - the console and the disable command.)

    Q: C WiS crazy? And with other fashions, who inhabit the world?
    A: Well. This mod is miraculously supplemented by any one of them. If you still blame problems - start writing (Not to me, but to the author =))

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