How to escape the hromada war. Zapobіgannya hromadyanskiy war. Transit ta violence

Person of Charles Curtis

Charles Curtis in our world he was an American politician, a member of the House of Representatives and a senator in the state of Kansas (1907-1913, 1915-1929), the 31st Vice President of the United States (1929-1933).

Vin was born on September 25, 1860, in Topic, Kansas, at the birthplace of Orren Curtis and Ellen Papin. From the side of mother Curtis bov leader's shroud Indian tribe Kanza. Mother Charles taught yoga French movie. From children riding horses, vin bov miraculous jockey. After the death of the mother, the guilt of the grandfather and grandmother, as if they leaned on the new one. great infusion. Granny herself hurt herself, so that Curtis got enlightenment in the secondary school of Topka. After finishing school, Charles turned right, simultaneously working on a regular day at work. In 1881, roci yoga was adopted to the Bar Association. From 1885 to 1889, having practiced in Topiku, yak prosecutor Shoni County, Kansas.

More appeals republicans to the House of Representatives six terms. Servants in the Congress, Charles Curtis helped to get a mind to include land security five civilized tribes of Oklahoma Win thinking that Indians can take advantage being illumined, assimilating and advancing to civilized supremacy. The unit tried to reconcile them with the adopted European-American culture. With the appointment of the head of the deyakі administratori have gone too far, threatening that roaring sim'ї.

At 1907 roci Curtis letters of appeal to the US Senate by the legislature of the State of Kansas. In 1912, the Democrats defeated the State in elections to the Parliament and elected Curtis's representative to the Senate.

In 1913, the Seventeenth Amendment to the US Constitution was adopted, as if passing the direct election of senators, by way of a popular vote. In 1914, the election elected Curtis as a senator. On tsіy posadі vіn zalishavshis until the morning vice president. In 1925-1929 he was the leader of the Senate greatness.
1928 Curtis was elected vice president. Nezabarom after the cob Great Depression vin praised five days working day without a quick paycheck.
Charles Curtis is dead 8 fierce 1936 rock view of the hospitable heart attack myocardium, ale in the universe Kaiserreich youmu bula is recognized as a great meta - vryatuvati USA vіd Other Hromadyan war !

U.S. Curtis share of Kaiserreich

Charles Curtis not a guinea after a heart attack, she continues her work in the president's office Herbert Hoover.
The situation in the country is getting worse. The Great Depression is ruining the stability powers, shouting protests and strikes. The people have a different kind of growth radical mood.

Image at the Kaiserreich

From that hour, as the American civil war of the 1860s ended, the Order of the Succession of the States took place within the framework of the two-party political system Democrats and Republicans. However, after the collapse of the stock market in New York in 1925, the growth of poverty helped the country to grow, in other parts of the country formed on the edge of the leftі to the right shtibu organization.
The so-called "Red Belt", which is formed from New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan and more other powers, which are between the Great Lakes, having become "United Syndicates of America". The stench has become quite popular and has become known as Empire Street. OCA - Coalition of American Resources and Initiatives of the International Robotic Organization "Industrial Robotic World" s її leader John Jack Reed. Їm far away unite living radicals and pratsyuvati with other socialist and communist parties.

In the region Deep Pivdnya senator Luziani and vіdomy populist Huey Long organizing right-radical Rukh, so called "America over everything". Long's program "Wealth" has earned the popularity of being popular outside the state, and in his plans to run for president in 1936.

Like United syndicates, so "America over the mustache" may great potential for rebellion and organize military formations and people's militias throughout the country, and as one of the leaders of their revolution, there will be no objections, the stench is ready take control by force, as it is necessary.

31st President of the United States Herbert Hoover did not manage to stabilize the situation, that single hope for the protection of the government of the republicans and stability in the country becoming itself Charles Curtis.

How did Curtis escape the Gromadyansky war?

Until the end of 1936 USA started choose at the landing of the 32nd President of the United States. They have a popular favorite Charles Curtis. Even though I’m sick, I’m going to take up the fight against the collapse of the United States.
United syndicates and "America over the mustache" are ringing in fighters of voices that requires reselection. repent mass riots, workers do not go to the backwaters. Curtis is overwhelmed sist for the style of negotiations with Jack Reid.

John Reed

On the cob 1937 Curtis and Rid get together in chicago. Also, the audience is important Huey Long, ale Curtis inspired and talk less with Rіdom. The results of the Association of Syndicates have their own powers, one of which introduction of the 40th year of working life. Looking at these propositions, Curtis be good for a part of them and start preparation Reform package. Negotiate crowned with success, the consensus was known.

Huey Long

Unfortunately, the aggressiveness of the rush Huey Longa continued to grow rapidly and destabilize the situation in the country. Charles Curtis blame on radical solution to the problem. I will organize a secret interview with the chief military leader, field marshal and general of the US Army Douglas MacArthur, in which we take the proposition Eliminate Huey Long, shards are the only strong support for the movement "America is over the mustache." Charles Curtis understanding what solution to the good of the Gromadyansky war and the weather ...

Douglas MacArthur

After one hour Huey Long Gina, Yogo, having shot a non-domy archer. Pochinayutsya pogrom that oburennya yogo prikhilnikov, but already pizno, without a leader "America needs a mustache" spare your infusion.

Charles Curtis get better To Friend Hromadyansky Vіynu USA. Starting to provodzhennya some reforms of Rida, why the policy republicans flock social democratic, and Curtis enters to lava Progressive wing of the Republicans.

be held active economic reforms and the US step by step get out of the economic crisis, the hour of prosperity and new ambitions are coming ...

Five years later, after midsummer 2017, the Red Army moved to Vladivostok. Qiu podіyu more Russian historians in respect of the end of the Gromadyansk war of 1918-1922. But what a price was given to the chervonim of victory, how many super-girls will sharpen at once and what are the lessons of these wars that Russia needs today? I smut - what was the inevitable war? At the feed, Sputnik radio asked for feedback from contemporary historians.

Professor of the Moscow Pedagogical state university, Doctor of Historical Sciences Vasil Tsvetkov

- Chi bula war is inevitable?

By itself, the hromada war, the brotherly war, the international war, as they called it, was inevitable, my glance. Until that moment, the docks did not win the organization of the front and did not start large-scale battles, there were opportunities for compromises. One of these compromises - after the strangulation of the so-called. "Kornilivshchina", on the cob spring 1917. It was due to the calls of the Democratic People's Party to the Pre-Parliament, to the successful creation of a political coalition with representatives of various parties, to the re-evaluation of the left, the bilshoviks.

Evidently, the possibility of a compromise was saved from the sich of 1918, if the work of the All-Russian Establishment was born. The remaining version of the compromise, the coalition - in the summer of 1918 - to the point of strangling the left eserivs, swinging at Volodymyr Lenin and re-election of the mistsevs. If at this hour the escalation of the mass war is already going on, it will become unreconciled. So it is important to talk about the date of the cob of the hromada war. There were moments of internal resistance, outrageous conflicts in the fierce, linden, sickly fate of 1917. Ale, the basis for compromises was still bula. Why, in the fierce fate of 1917, was it possible to avoid a large-scale mass war? Zokrema - the beginnings of the idea of ​​installation fees. The population was oriented towards choice, those who could create a new state, a new system of power, a new administration.

And if all the possibilities of compromise were eliminated, if two camps appeared, then they mentally began to call them "red" and "white" (though the rest called themselves Russians, for example "Russian army of General Wrangel"), then it was less about the victory of one sides. . And the other side (as it happened) is small. Abo, how richly "bіlih" were spontaneously created in a part of the territory of the big Russian Empire, for example, at Krimu chi the Far Departure, as a semblance of a state. Well, our hromadyanska war included such an option.

- Spiral moments winy

If you talk about historians, then, of course, there is a clear tendency to prioritize the White Movement. Aleone vona fully understood, that for the stretch of seven decades about the White Rukh it was already little known. Yogo was valued for ideological "stamps", like the collapsed exploiters who fought for their privileges. Archives of the history of the White Revolution were opened only in 1988, and historians began to actively research them. Ale, under the influx of zokrema of political reasons, the resurrection of the history of the Radyansk government clung to the mayzha.

What about historical journalism, then it’s even more expanded here ahead of time i to quiet, i to іnshih. Publicists come to the facts because of their predetermined position, so they want to be more (or red) or call, or be true. The facts are based on the very position and concept. But so, in principle, you can’t work in any way. Publicism on the vіdmіnu of science goes to like commemorative, bright moments, and for them it becomes more commemorative and more demanded among the population, which is read by the public. Whom still ours famously.

-The lessons of war

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the process of democratization of Russia began. Vzhe buv classical autocracy. The Duma was prac- tified , and the parties took an active part in the politics. Zgidno with statistics, ahead of the day of the First World War shvidky rist literacy among children, young people Peasant cooperatives grew wildly. Zemsky schools and zemstvo likarni were opened. A lot of nobles, assistants were trained there as teachers and doctors. The vector of democratization of the system of letters in reality.

But the Bolsheviks saw that socialism, communism can be achieved on the basis of a formational approach - through revolution, violence, dictatorship of the proletariat. Lenin did not believe in the steps of the reform, vvazhayuchi in particular to deceive the working people. Vіn vvazhav lawful and inevitable hromada war as a form of transition from one formation to another, from capitalism to socialism. But then the Bolsheviks stumbled upon the very same problems that their opponents from the Timchas order. There was no more bread, craftsmanship did not grow, but instead, through the mass war, it sank to a low level. Problems did not arise due to the fact that the government changed. The Bolsheviks had a chance to solve these problems in the highest minds: post-military devastation, hunger, political isolation. Significant part of the population was either poor or emigrated. And these people were needed by Russia. Chi can bulo uniknuti tsyogo? It is obvious that after a hundred years one can say that the evolutionary path was richly older, lower revolutionary.

Kerivnik to the Center for the History of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus to the Institute of Global History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences Oleksandr Shubin.

-What can you do to get away?

On the power circuit, there are traces of two pairs. There was a massive war of masses, as it began after the capture of power by the Bolsheviks from Petrograd, and a large-scale war of fronts, which swelled already at the grass-chervnia of 1918. In Zhovtnі Gromadyanskaya war squealed from the fact of the capture of the power of one of the parties near Petrograd. I realized that others rushed to fix it. Ale viyna was not too baked, for no one wanted to die. In front of the boules of the Installing collection, the first ones to come in were popular, and the bolsheviks to finish the war played the spring of 1918 rock. Because of what the Zagalnorossiyskoy hromadyanskoy ї vyyni buv, but were local zіtknennya, where the opponents of the bіlshovikіv worked with partisan methods.

In the grass of 1918, the fate of the war screamed from the fundamental surroundings: the Brest world, which split the country, the failure of the social and economic policy of the Belarusians. As early as early 1918, the Bolsheviks began to cross over to the gates, as if nadaly took away the name of the Viysk communism and called out to the miserable displeasure of the villagers. As a result, it is important to show that the Russian revolution after the New Year of 1917 could do without the mass war. Remaining such a possibility (to get along without war) was formulated by Lenin himself at the spring of 1917. Having said the same, that having united, the Bolsheviks, the Menshoviks and the Eseri all at once could carry out the policy, as if it would pacify the hromada war. Ale, as it seems, he could not get together.

- Why did the Bolsheviks overcome?

Numerical perevaga at the hour of the war, as a rule, was among the red ones, to the fact that organization was the most in them, plus an orientation towards folk inspiration, moreover, not only workers, but also villagers. And it didn’t even dawn on me that they themselves were proclaiming the same thing, but they (bіlih) distant development the powers were even more diverse. Shche KOMUCH (Committee of members of the founding meetings - ed.), who settled down in black 1918, to speak clearly about those that the anti-billshovitsky relied on the vindictiveness of democracy and the politics of the establishing meetings. Tse meant a radical agrarian reform, the transformation of Russia into a federal republic, an active policy in the sphere of the working class.

Ale KOMUCH was liquidated by the great generals. Kolchak, Denikin, Yudenich and others stood for the principles of dictatorship, and in this respect they were not better than the Belarusians. The stench promised to bring things in order, which is even more abstract and unreasonable. The villagers were afraid that they would take the land in them, the workers were afraid that, during the hour of putting things in order, they would strike with their eyes, which often happened near the white zone. As a result, the prospects for White Rukh were not too bright, but the allies in the Entente actively helped them to do it. The communists have shown themselves to be good organizers of propaganda. Although propaganda is often small and demagogic in nature, but the stench felt that the people wanted it, and the stench condemned it. Sometimes they victorious tsі obіtsyanki, іnkoli nі. Everything was richer for the whites of the cim, and the victory of the comunists in this war was to be natural.

-The Lessons of the Hromada War

Gromadyanskaya war was the result of the recent development of the revolution. And the lessons of the revolution were learned. If a power, after chasing some kind of sovereign goals, forgets about the social rights of people, then a social vibukh can become. With a lot of hints. The people, with their own hands, who have been quiet, who rule, should sooner themselves vibudovuvat tse own life: otherwise it is far away on the basis of a compromise, and even you can do without a hromada war, or more aggressively. And here is great the viability of the politicians in the new wind, such as the revolution.

Leading Scientific Spіvrobіtnik of the Institute Russian history Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, author of the book "Chervona Smoot: The Nature and Traces of Revolutionary Violence" Volodymyr Buldakov.

-Spirnі nutrition

Professional historians do not particularly compare. On the right, in the future, there is a deak and idealization of the White Rukh. It would seem, speaking, that they could have taken Russia away, if there had been a best alternative. And bіshovizm was the biggest option for Russia. In my opinion, guessing is not a varto here - the worst is the best. Unfortunately, there was no other option. Not through the strength of the Bolsheviks, but through the weakness of their opponents.

Vlasne, the whole old system was no good. I was, and socialists were their own tricks of the system, it was impossible to pick them up at the same time. Before that, the bilihs (brothers of Denikin and Kolchak) had an absolutely vague program. Well, okay, let’s say, we can overcome the red ones, what can we proponate? We click on National elections. Not the Installer, but the National Cleaner. Ale, at that hour, the people were already angry in democratic institutions, now that the choice is unknown. People hotiv simple solutions. Possibly, the stench was zhorstkie, not without some reason, well. To say that the Bilshoviks were loved - no, but the Bilshoviks were enlightened by their faucets. The Bolsheviks said - to endure the crumbs, and everything will be fine. The whites and the socialists could not proclaim anything clear and clear. Understand, it is impossible to overcome such a program.

-Lessons of war

The lesson is even simpler - it is necessary to learn about what has been done, not to have everyday illusions about the existence of prosperous alternatives. Unfortunately, the corridor of these alternatives as a result of the fall of 1917 sounded like fate, and in fact, no alternatives were left. Hocha, sevna rich, there were also other options for the development of podia, but within the framework of one trend - the victory of the Belarusians. Tse next to know. Ale, bachite, you don’t need bagats at once. Everyone knows that the Bolsheviks have come, and we will be forced to impose the best option possible. I don't care so much. On the right, in what was ahead of the Bilshoviks, there were differences of anarchism, maximalism. I don’t even talk about those who raised the right Pugachovshchina from below. Tse zagalom troubled hour buv. I remaked the one who could tell a clear exit from that very hour. We took away what they deserved. No doubt. To be more precise, the old government, how many elites took away those that they deserved.

Associate Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University, Candidate of Historical Sciences Oleksandr Krushelnitsky.

-About the cost of winning the chervonih

The Hromadian war ended with the spring days of 1920, if the fighting ended in the European part, 24 June 1922. Although it is officially established that the day of the permission of Vladivostok is the 25th of July 1922. Ale, indeed, the army of the People's Revolutionary Army of the Far Republic (buffer state, as it was created Radyansk Russia, to spend your interests on the Far Descent), went to Vladivostok on the 4th day of the 24th of July. And the parade was on the 25th.

There was no such thing as a bum, Russia was already aware of colossal spending already before 1920. In 1920, less than 13 million became the year of the year 1920 for the year of 13 million. For modern tribute, I will send to Academician Yury Polyakov, they spent at least 25 million osib. With this, no more than a million from both sides perished in the fighting. Reshta - spend in the face of hunger, epidemics, typhus, cholera, in the face of banditry. Over 3 million people leaned on emigration, and they were far from themselves the biggest people. The colors of the intelligentsia, which caught up with them, were able to see the minds, as if they were on the territory of the enterprise, artists, composers (to finish only one Rakhmaninov). There were writers (guessing Bunin), people who created television broadcasting, helicopter broadcasting, and radio broadcasting in America, but did not create that in our country. Or they could, yakby not Gromadyanskaya war.

If I have to call the number 25 million, then I say one million, then everything is purely speculative. And you can see it rudely and visibly - the corpse of a person at the reopening of the obligatory duty of a mass grave in war for the standards. Fifty centimeters of hem. Two bodies in order - a meter. And now it will be shown that the number of thousand kilometers becomes 25 million tons, as if they were laid in one row. Reveal that pererahuyte. In one kilometer there are less than a thousand meters, two thousand meters. I think.

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Lesson topic: "Gromadyan war and military intervention in Russia"

Class. Profile riven.

Type of lesson: lesson for the formation of new knowledge

Look at the lesson: follow the lesson

Ownership: assistants, zoshity, multimedia projector, handouts: information cards, historical dzherela

Welcome to the students. Organizational moment

All lie side by side - Do not separate the boundary. Look: the soldier.


Tell me, lads, about the yak historical background did Marina Tsvetaeva write so penetratingly?

Yes you are right. The topic of our lesson is dedicated to one of the most sophisticated and most discus- sive foods in the history of the country.

"Gromadyan war and military intervention in Russia"

Let's try to predict the future of our current occupation. (As a result of the discussion, the illumination of the meta lesson is formulated)

meta lesson:

- z'yasuvati rethink and especially the Gromadyanskaya war in Russia, look at the alignment of anti-fighting forces in the civil conflict, their social structure and political orientation, heritage for the share of the country in the XX century;

(Vchitel vyznaє razvivayuschayu that vikhovnu meta)

Dodoskonaljuvati vminnya uchnіv pratsyuvati z raznomanіtnym dzherelami іnformatsiї, redusіm, istorichnym dzherelami, istorichnoyu card, analyze facts, podії, robiti visnovki;

Bring the learning to the visnovka that the Gromadyan war has become a national tragedy for our people.

For the sake of efficiency, I'm going to give you, lads, a victory card. I think that it will be more logical to vibuduvat lantsyug podіy, sho vyvchayutsya, and systematize our knowledge. The work with the information card will be continued at the upcoming lessons.

Perelik nutrition for obov'yazykovogo review:

1. The concept of "communal war" and "foreign intervention"

2. Change your mind about the peculiarities of the Gromadyan war in Russia

3. The problem of periodization of the hromada war

4. Social warehouse and political orientation of the opposing forces, white and black terror

5. The legacy of the Gromadyan war for the share of the country in the XX century.

Names: V.I.Lenin, L.D.Trotsky, M.V.Frunze, M.M.Tukhachevsky, S.S.Kamenev, V.K.Blyukher, S.M. L.G.Kornilov, M.V.Aleksiev, A.I.Denikin, A.V.Kolchak, N.N.Yudenich, P.M.

Understand: Gromadyanskaya war, foreign intervention, white revolution, “democratic counter-revolution”, white and black terror.

1. Gromadyanskaya war became one of the most tragic sides of our history. I'm not afraid to stverzhuvaty, what її important notes Dosі ruynіvno vplyvayut on Russian statehood and suspіlstvo.

Guess the meaning of what you understand. (Children can easily be given a sense of understanding, to those who have already repeatedly heard in the course of history, and it needs more than just updating “Gromadyanskaya Vіyna – tse Vіyna between Gromadyans of the same Power”). As an addendum, the teacher teaches the following assignment:

Gromadyanskaya war- this is a strife struggle between sizable groups of the population, which is small at its core, deep social, national and political struggle. (Academician Yu.A.Polyakov)

And what are you really supposed to understand? Like pictures stand in front of our eyes, if we see these words - Gromadyanskaya war?

Who are the different groups of the population?

Why is the peculiarity of the Gromadyansk war, on the authority of the military known?


Bachimo terrible singularities tsієї podії, henceforth, and are placed before її vyvchennya mi in a special way. Here, perhaps, it is not to blame for the heartless examination of facts, schemes of military action, which is insanely important, and more importantly, at my glance, to see that the battlefield in this war is human hearts, thoughts, ideas, feelings, shares, life.

But the theme of our occupation is to be missed by one more understanding - military intervention. Let's damo youmu vznachennya.

foreign intervention- Viyskove vtruchannya foreign powers from the domestic right of foreign powers.

(study write appointments to information cards)

(There are 14 powers in total. The strongest of them are: Great Britain, France, the USA, Japan. Their troops landed in Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Vladivostok, Crimea, Transcaucasia.)

І axis of mi with you we can point out the peculiarity, the power itself of the Gromadyansky war in Russia: it was accompanied by foreign military intervention.(Entry in the information card)

2. Why did the Gromadyanskaya war become possible in Russia? Yakimi buli її cause, tobto. think ahead? Let's go wild to the assistant. (Work with a tutor, learners write down their minds in the information card)

The Russian revolution from the very beginning carried in itself the threat of the Gromadyansky war to the one who spread the suspense on the enemy forces

The situation was getting worse because the revolutionary process was developing in the minds of the war of light

The strength of the broad masses, the weakness of the democratic culture, also shrugged off the bitter struggle

In this manner, the Suspіlna Crisis did not stick to fate until the end of 1917, but moved from the revolutionary phase to the phase of the mass war, no doubt, more importantly.

Now, knowingly mind, the Gromadyan war has begun in them, for obvious reasons. Help us to help us, as if to avenge ourselves in the information card. The reasons for the Gromadyansky war must be told to the proponated relic. Correct statements:

Awareness of social, economic and political deficiencies as a result of changes in power and changes in the form of power

Economic policy bіshovikіv

Rejection by the political opponents of the Bolsheviks of Brest to peace with Nimechchina

The dominance of the development of the psychological mindset for confrontation and the power of the policy everyday life I'll throw it in my hands

How could the Gromadyansky war in Russia be buried?

Todd mandrivnik at the hour is a tough dude, and he won his strength forever, more precisely, if he wants, so that the American gromadyanskaya war did not become. Yogo zdіbnosti is similar to mandrіvniki at the hour of films with the effect of blizzard; mandrivnik at the hour of plunders from paradoxes, wine remembers everything about alternative histories. Key authority

  1. You can turn around one more time (for example, you can turn around in 1812, you can’t turn back there again) and turn around until your hour after that, as this river ends;
  2. You can turn back at the hour, reading (or looking at) information about the past; Images, newspapers, historical texts.

Details about Todd

  • Vіn served as a physician for the land troops of Turechchini for 16 years and had a great honor in medicine.
  • New Crimea military service and dosvіd, vіn the average white person.

With his current medical knowledge, how can Todd improve the American civil war?

Count Iblis

Everything that went on in the past includes all the effects of mandriving at the hour. Nothing will change, as if you were violating in the past, if you were to grow, then everything that was spent in the past is already turned on, which you will grow as a result. Be it a paradox in this relationship, include the understanding of the free will, which allows you to work more, moreover, what really happened in the past, but caused the paradox in the universe, which allows you to rise in price in hours, just transferring, people knowing machines that obey the laws. The physicist has no such speech, as the will is free.


Vrahovyuchi, scho gromadyanska voina zreshtoy put an end to slavery in the United States, I do not cry, scho zabіgannya yogo actually brought to victorious yogo forces forever.


@celtschk Gromadyanskaya war was waged, to that pivnich and pivdzhuvalis not fit for slavery. Yakby slavery was a part of culture on the cob, whose conflict could be eliminated. Everything that I can work to turn around and oppose social Darwinism, I will lead to widespread slavery.


@ Azor-Ahai It's possible to turn around 12 months ago, and after that, you can no longer turn around in 12 months.



I know that the civil war was not only through slavery, but it was without a doubt one of the main factors.

In order to defuse this part of the conflict, we can turn to the very foundation of the nation.
Thomas Jefferson, while trying to take away the anti-slavery provisions of the Declaration of Independence, I remember from history that the food chain was broken so many times that other members of Congress actually broke the food chain.

So, using the great Viysk screen (otherwise, accept it, in a way to earn a lot of pennies, perhaps, with a path of trips from more early hours, to lay the groundwork) and plans for many technologies of industrial revolution, Todd is obliged to lead a great social, political and economic lobbying campaign, directed at those who would turn the population against slavery, turn over the continental congress from the fact that slavery is wrong, and hour, when the import of slaves is against their long-term interests.

Vidalyayuchi slavery from the root, reshta roslini uniquely wipe off.

For the irony of the share, attaching the import of slaves, we do not let them into our history, but it means that all progress, vodkrittya that contribution, like shackles, they poured into our country, not vodbulisya b.
Deyakі z tsikh afrikantsіv, it is possible, immіgruly vіlnі the USA independently, but not in the same number or so itself, and to that these naschadkіv would not be b.
In addition, most of these forced laborers were forced by other African tribes as a result of the war, and even though they could not be wicked and sold to slave traders, the stench could be beaten into the anatomy.

Besides, peanut butter may not have been revealed.

edit: I think peanut butter has been revealed, but George Washington Carver has won over 300 more hits and made peanuts popular.


Tsikavo, if I especially think, it would be important to say that the deacons from these speeches would not be found/revealed by other people. What is the slave’s fault (what a slave, what a slave’s bait), what a shame, what stench just stunk at the necessary place at the necessary hour, what could become of the kimos?


Incarceration in Africa was fueled by drinking from Africa, which the fence of slavery in the United States would have led to the fact that fewer African people would have been involuntarily transported. It didn’t happen there, in 1807 the importation of slaves was blocked in the USA, which in 1776 allowed the betting of a decade of transatlantic trade to disappear. In addition, it could have zmusit a new colony on the side of the British side in the American revolution - it’s possible, zmusivshi revolution zagalmuvati.


@ Garna information about fence import. I do not preach that the stench imported slaves from 1776, but slavery will prevail. In 1776, there was a supply of Pivnich-Pivden, oskolki Pivnochі was stilki and slaves, skolki and Pivdni. Axis why Thomas Jefferson became unpopular with some people, to that he was one of the poorest in the congress, as if they were trying to say yoga. The great reason, through the yak Pіvden hotіv rabіv at the HO, was that their economy lay in the form of cheap labor force. Yakbi tsya staleness could be sunk at an early stage, it would be a lot simpler. Until 1861 it was globoko.


@KeithMorrison I'm basically trying to avoid wide margins, and there's little to no war on both sides. Pivden pishov to war and want to get out of the union through slavery. Pivnich went to war, so as not to give pivnіch pіti. President Lincoln was against slavery, but he realized that the union of the trade unions was more important, lower the freedom of the slaves. My head is suitable for you, that the desire of other skargs would not be important, so that the war would be reborn.


It would be easier for Todd to end the war early for one side. Wine can also touch the cob of wine. However, it’s small, that in just one trip I’ll be able to bring out the mass war more. The main problems dividing the country have been crushed by the depths and have already caused bloodshed between Pivnichchyu and Pivdnim.

Todd can shape up the Republican Party, or make a faux pas, so Abraham Lincoln will prograve the election. Ale would have settled down as another abolitionist party, and another abolitionist president would have been elected, and the bi union would have been eliminated for the day.

With the greatest hope in peace, the regulation of the boulder would be the formation of the abolitionist party and the abolitionist president (perhaps to himself), which would allow the bipowder states to give up without robbing the pivnichnogo lead conflict. You can bring the action of the states to the cob 7. Perhaps, the last Mexican / Confederate war with the Mexican success can lead to the fact that the deacons from the powers come to the Union. Ale іnshі politіchnі podіії kazha can call before leaving the Union greater number powers. It's a bit too rich in front of the door.


I have є. I’ll end the war early again, and not uniquely.

Marshal Tiger

I didn’t guess what the reason for the food was, just thinking that you might be worthy of your mindful process :)


Vіn vіg vіg zaditi Elі vіtnі winey find bavovnyany gin. 60% of the slaves were produced on the beautiful plantations, and 2/3 of the US exports were turned into the big one, there is no short main farm, there is no big belt. If you want to, you may be able to continue to turn around, so that you can step on the foot of the beautiful genie. :)

Marshal Tiger

Vіn nemіg zabіgti vіynі, oskіlki hromadyanskoi vіyni had a lot of reasons, about yaki I will not talk here (є impersonal documentary films and resources, yakscho vy effectively zatsіkavlenі in tsoma). It’s small, that in a moment, all the problems were solved in such a way that even a dozen powers didn’t rebel in a huge war at any given hour, it’s really less nourishing if it’s serious.

However, in an instant, change the nature of the war, so that it is no longer respected by the hromada war. Possibly, we reshuffle the molding of the Successful States and allow the powers to use more like Europe, like the culture of other nations, like other spivpracyuyut. And here there will be a war between the lands, but there will not be a mass war.

You can also cross the border of the New World for a long time, if the new colonization of the New World has been brought to a similar landscape, there can be no civil war.

Vikoristovoi of his Medicine knowledge, vin mig, stern, for the time, a whisper to the glorys hunted a stray tripy for Bagato Rockyv to the Gramyakyanco Viyni, the nastilki, Shomadyansku, not є ’qi, and the yaku, fight effectively.

You can also create your own effect of "Pearl Harbor", if the United States is able to violence against the opposite enemy.

Vіn also instantly turn to the first people, drive them in and forget the development of the human race.

In all of these wines, in fact, they do not solve the problem of the hromadyansky war and do not work the world to improve, let's say, but technically zupinya hromadyansky war.

Martin Schroeder

Abo vіn mig bi zabіgti the genocide of native americans.

Geri Walker

You wonder how other countries have solved the problem of slaves. Britain, for example, abolished slavery in the empire, paying restitution to the slaves in the Act on the Removal of Slavery in 1833. The cost of this was close to 5% of the current river GDP.

Only a few uninterrupted financial contributions to the civil war in the United States outweighed 200% of the river GDP, it also drove in about 4% of the human population, ran a lot of large sums of money and covered the country with ten years of great losses for reconstruction, etc.

Having reconciled the proofs of the last vitras of slavery for an hour, the land was founded, it would be possible to reconsider others in those who can slavery can be scotched and all people can be free. The country could have taken the money to compensate the essential slaves, it was important to bring the yakbi, the order could have sold the assets, sold the bonds too soon. bud., what happened.

I realized that I didn’t know anything about the medical knowledge of the mandriving, but I didn’t know it was not known. Zapobіgannya vіyni vimagає political changes, and not new medical methods. Indeed, the improvement in medical knowledge may have a proliferating effect, the shards of support for the life of soldiers are lowering the cost of warfare.


So, in a moment bi... or else, if not, radically changing the bi nature of the conflict

In a wild thought, the civil war in the United States began through those that the federal government had the right to dictate whether slavery would be allowed in the western territories or not. Pivnich having said that he had grown. Pivden saying no.

This indicates that the nutrition of slavery was widely discussed in the 1770s and 1780s, if the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were written. Under an hour of discussion, the fathers-founders agreed to food and went to a compromise.

Pay them chi die

Admittedly, our chanter at the hour turned to the final discussion, de Bulo reached a compromise on the stage for the crooked conflict in the 1860s. Behind them, the opening of the doors of the wines is possible to encircle the consecration of slavery with the singing rank of the scenario "die for me." The pivdennyh delegates at the gatherings have a choice: to give up the slave system on the pivdni (1780 or 1790s) or forcibly vanish in the 1860s. (Perhaps, do not indicate dates, shards, if the delegates do not wait, they will go home and win your information for the purpose of the Pivdnya).

To bring up styles of economic and political arguments, as well as necessary. Remember that the delegates at these gatherings are incredibly sensible people, so the arguments may be vagomimi. The tribute of modern moral arguments, which is better for everything, does not work, the shards of the wealthy inhabitants of the day do not respect slaves (or black-haired zagal) by people, and that stench does not deserve to be humanely brutish, or be-like autonomy. (Reading these truths is absolutely greedy for today's readers.)

“To the gentlemen of the conference,

You have to be told that slavery can and will end in these Successful States. Chi tse crooked conflict chi peacefully regulated, virishuvati їm. Just as the stinks were depriving their slaves, know that the stinks are saving them for the rahunka short blood children or children. Are you ready to pay hundreds of thousands of dead stinks from both sides? Why pay the stench of the lowest poverty of your greatest places and hunger for tens of thousands, how do you sound to live in prosperity? Why tolerate the stench of the absolute ruination of your way of life, what, how do you stink, cherish wine so much? "


Glory to a part of the human society, as far as we can judge about the records, to that the dії abolitionists in England and the pіvnіchnyh states in the 1700s were practically unprecedented. If you are looking for a counterfeit, it might be easier to admit that slavery has gone off in no way and continues until this day (as it happens in such places, like Sudan).

Mіsce, where you can start slavery, maybe before the foundation of the Successful States, that your hero, maybe, will happen to turn around in the past before the 1600s, to guarantee that the future slaves will not be able to come to America, to know how to help diyalnist, as it is not connected with the slave volodin, could overcome the economic diyalnist, as it would require a slave volodin (such a rank, trade in tsukr, tyutyun and bavovna is guilty but like a rank attached), otherwise all the people sit far away on the coast blame slavery. yakі robyat tse across the Atlantic.

There will be necessary extreme visits, shards of the victory of Chattel's slavery in the mechanized capital, as a rule, they will overcome the nedolіk (as they can confirm the ancient suspіlstva from Egypt). The economical profit is a painful incentive, whether it be gains, if they can be taken away, there will be demands, accumulated and expanded social and political structures for a calculus assessment and saving of these gains. The very attempt to save the money has led to the outbreak of misfortune between Pivnichchyu and Pivnichchyu and Pivnichchyu and created a political strain, like a deadly call to the mass war.

Keith Morrison

Tse is wrong. Slavery was abolished in Lithuania in 1588. Japan fenced in the new 1590 fate (crime as a punishment for evildoers). Russia forfeited slavery in 1723 (but saved the krіpatstvo). Portugal stopped the importation of slaves in 1761 roci, and the export began in 1773 roci. France denounced slavery in all its territories in 1793 (Napoleon's prick, which turned yoga in a colony of red cane). And so far.


It's true, but it doesn't matter. The problem lies in the fact that the American colonists are creating a sustainable economy that destroys slavery like a ruinous factor, and not like a different economic system, so as not to fall into the form of slavery.

M.A. Golding

Like a mandriving man at the hour, he wanted to kill, or involuntarily, hundreds of thousands of people, in order to avoid the fear of slavery and the death of hundreds of thousands of people in a huge war, and in a moment to turn around in the colonial hours, so as to avoid the adoption of slavery in the colonies.

A lot of the history of early America can be traced back to the fact that the pilgrims in Plymouth were the founders of the colonies, although the setters of Jamestown were the best, created, often viklikan divination to slavery.

In a moment, in 1608, they would turn to Jamestown and find a colony there. Alas, a catastrophe could be at the forefront of the settlement of Plymouth in 1620. To that, it is possible, you should buddy until the completion of the settlement of Plymouth in 1620, and then we will find a colony near Virginia.

Fortunately, the colony of Virginia was still small in the 1620s. In 1622, just two years after the settlement in Plymouth, the Powhatan Confederation launched a rapt attack on the settlement near Virginia, driving three hundred people, women and children, from about a quarter to a third of the entire colony.

Then Powhatans coined the English, so that they could get back or fly back to England. Ale natomist settlers fought in the war, yak rocked.

Also, the mandrinker at the hour of the moment will know the way to overcome Pohatan's attack.

In an instant go to Spain, hire a few ships and hire a lot of Spanish recruits to attack the English off Virginia at the same hour that the Powhatans attacked. Oskіlki іspansky order laid claim to the whole of Pivnіchnu America and having taken advantage of all English settlers with malice, the Spanish order could sue the expedition.

It is also possible to organize a French and / or Barbarian pirate attack on the Jamestown colony. There is nothing like a numerical attack at once, so that you can calmly, who, having survived, leave your colony.

Win a moment to reach the leaders of Powhatan and reconquer their strongest attack and continue after the first day. In a moment, make them lay the union with the mighty Iroquois on the pivnoch. The stench could have been good enough to become the supporters of the Iroquois in exchange for those who were marked by hundreds of Iroquois, so that the rapt attack became even more destructive. I, perhaps, in a moment, to reconcile or buy the Dutch merchants in Albany, so that the stench sent one or a few ships, built with harmata, to break the palisades at Jamestown and zahopit yogo, blocking the English colonists without any harmless fort.

Vіn instant bi Nadati Pohatanam richly zbroї and richly munitions.

In this manner, you can win a colony off Virginia and start a slave economy while saving a colony off Plymouth.

And you, I think, will have to repeat it again and again, if it is possible to create new colonies on the US pivdni. VIN is guilty of the vicinity of the chill -Indi tribes of the opposite of the old Svit of the old Medical Dupo - such a rank, Ryatychi Bagato Tysyach Zhittiv, I am a yagcho yogo, they have no more vi -naval, they launched it, The first colony was trying to buy trade goods to a wide coalition of tribes in order to attack and devastate the colony, first of all, it would be possible to develop a slave economy.

In this way, in a moment for a generation, or to stop the settlement of the Pivdnya and the development of an economy based on slavery there, and significantly change the number of the population of the pivdnya in the 1860s, as if it were out of whack, and the United States eased slavery in the same way How it was in the pivnіchny states.


Tse mozhe buti tsіkavim viprobuvannyam, but zikavim experiment ... but navіt at that hour pіvdnіg navіg on the one who didn't know about slavery, vin just victorious yogo, schob sponukat their people to hell.

Admitting that slavery was not so important, like independence / taxes / commerce, shards of stink were hardening, which is a rock, such a stench is not retried.

Pivden can proactively say slavery... Sort. The stench could replace yoga (as it does with our species) if only it could be done by ourselves (for example, a company store that creates slavery for the Borg). Their "authority" becomes "free", but they have no other choice, let's see how to continue practicing practically no matter what, vibivayuchi z-pіd them pіvnochi arguments.

It would be better to gather people together, so that the stench fought and died for the regulation of trade between the states.

Obviously, not fixing ANYTHING of the moral problems associated with the conflict... really, really, obviously, I create structures, for the deconstruction of which it will take more than an hour... or else you can start the war itself.

Todd... yakbi vіn mіg vіg vіkoristati іn navіchka, schob become important and dosit tsіnnim for confederation, vіn vіg bіg bіg zreshtoy otrimat vukh іt, hto іg іg а bit а bit logic аnd keruvatis tsimi decisions.


I'm getting five "no" for one reason, and the whole argument, hangs at Quantum Break. You can’t change the past, and, if you try, you’ll only call out that podia, as if you’re trying to change it. The axis of the butt of guidance at grі: let's say you have an egg sitting on your table. You come out of the room for a second, and if you turn around, the eggs will break. Say that the egg is really important for you, so you turn around in the hour, rush into the room after that, like a pass away, and you hit the steel, breaking eggs and breaking yoga. You called out those who tried to escape.


However, there is one possible notification about the cost of the hour, but at the same time there is not a single notification about the cost of the hour. You could easily let the effect of a blizzard, if a simple rush back, change the repeated flows, how to change [insert a long list of runs here], which changes the bottom. As long as it doesn’t really develop more expensively at the hour (as far as possible), it’s more than speculation.


@ Ghotir: My reasoning is equivalent to “you can’t change the past, as you’ve been afraid”, brought by the Global theory of water quality to increase the cost of active activity per hour, but food transfer otherwise. Strong proof of unavailability of Quantum SR (Quantum GR unavailable).


My stage of the global theory of visibility ... but it was more, lower I want to know, so I would have worked whether it was a robot, or more in my gallery. However, I am firmly trying to think that for the time being we can’t seem to overturned hypotheses about more expensive hours ... "everything goes" - the best advice given to the author. Just be internally last!


It is known that the name of the high level of imovirnist that you can change the foundation of the Gromadyanskoy war in America, in unfamiliar ways, like a beautiful deacon, apply already a broken choice.

Another example, if you want to take advantage of the medical enlightenment of the character, speed up the conversation at that hour, if citrus fruits and tea from some pine heads turn scurvy. At that time, the ailment of vitamin C deficiency was still widely spread, and the healing was only beginning to become clear. Scurvy, insanely, caused death or an improvement in progress for another set of VIP-characters across the sea, as if they had grown ... ). Unfortunately, the crew of their ship has not yet learned the secret of our great letter "C" and all succumbed to scurvy. At that hour, as the members of the higher class were in order with their licorice dried fruits, which they threw, they could not be seen, as if orienting themselves in the ocean. The stench opinated in the Bahamas, suffocated at the same place, and wasted there.

For more, less than 20 years, liberal lies have been brought to the people and blatantly peddled and uttered absolutely blasphemous statements about those that the gromadyanskaya war is evil, in the yak the Bilshoviks brought the whole country. And if you are not zhmenka tsikh negidnikiv, then the country would live at the world that kindness.

Indeed, such a statement of the hybna is a priori and is taken into account the class essence of the food itself.
What's with the hromadian war? Hromadyanskaya war - nothing else, like concentrations of viraz fighting class. In other words, the struggle for power is for the class of exploiters, that is, the proletarians, from the class of exploiters, that is quiet, who was in power recently, having spent її and wanting to bi її turn.

Volodymyr Illich Lenin wrote: "Whoever recognizes the struggle of the classes, that one cannot help but recognize the great wars, as if they represent the natural, for the singing conditions, the development of that sharpening of the class struggle." (VIYSKOVA PROGRAM OF THE PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION).

Chi could not buti tsієї gostroї borotbi? No, it couldn’t, because the proletarians – workers, peasants and soldiers – tried to steal and steal the power they had conquered from Zhovtni in 1917. And the zhalyugidna kupka bagatіїv, not looming sweaty podtrymki in the middle of the country, by itself tried to scurry on foreign interventions and їhnі bagneti, yakі did not fail to hasten to plunder Russian wealth. Fortunately, on the right, the Bilogvardiyshchina, not without satisfaction, sold the country to them in bulk and in retail, without worrying about their own activities and without fail to remember about the prosperity of Mother Russia.
Otzhe, zafiksuemo, scho gromadyanskaya bіyna bіyna bіynoy chi struggle power, mіzh zhmenkoy wealthy, tobto. to the minority, and to the working people, to the greater number of proletarians.

Chi means that "brother against brother" or, in other words, that the crack went through the brotherhood, so to speak, right along with it?

Let's say that this phrase cannot be taken literally. Zvichayno, okremі vpadki, if one brother has changed at the camp of the whites, and the other at the camp of the red ones, there is little space for them. However, such a situation could only be blamed through oman that the ignorant proletarians of their class interests in the wake of political illiteracy.

It’s ostentatious, as if Dem’yan Badniy wrote about that hour, turning to the proletarians, that they got lost, that they began to defend the interests of their masters-exploiters, the tsar’s guardsmen and the fat-bellied bourgeois:

Ale shkoda to me right martyrs - bіdnyakіv,
It’s a pity it’s quiet, who, shuddering at the important whilini,
On my own I'm ready to find many ways,
Himself to ask for myself and v'yaznits and kaidaniv,
To many "lords" he himself offers his shoulders.

I respect that before the Great Zhovtny so called "brothers" that they stood on the other side of the barricade, did not quarrel and rob the simple people like sticky, and slap them to the brush, antrohi not thinking about the "mythical brotherhood" there.

To that in civil intimidation, becoming against the oppressor, and not "brother" against "brother", only so and not otherwise, and it was impossible to stumble, even if the exploiter's whip and yoke were again hackled.

In such a rank, those who shout today about those that the gromadian war is evil, far from being torn to the world, that unshed blood, but to the spirit of the struggle, they have begun to fight, for power at the greed of the bourgeoisie and helpers, by the will of the people in Zhovt fate. And such a position, for the appointed, is deeply anti-people.

Lenin wrote in his "Information to P. Kievsky (Yu. Pyatakov)": "Method of the war of the masses, the conquest of banks, factories, factories and others (at the expense of the proletarians), the destruction of the ability to support the bourgeoisie, the blame for this."

It dawned on me that such celestials could not be worthy of them, who had recently chewed on the rahuk of the rotten greatness. The very zіtknennya _interesіv and became the cause of the baked struggle - the hromada war, which, as a rule, was equal to capitulation to the bourgeoisie and these fragments of the king, yak, in misfortune, succumbed.

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