Red Army. Russian Gromadyanskaya war: Red, Black, Green Why big reds

During the period of the Gromadyan war in Russia in 1918-1920, two opposing forces hung on the forefront of the political struggle, which went down in history as “red” and “white”. The choice of such a palette of colors is far from being vipadkovym, the oscalls may be deeply historically rooted.


According to the assertions of the historian, Sergiy Melgunov, the term "bila guard" was about the opponents of the revolutionary transformations in Russia before the future of living in the 1917 fate, if on the streets of Moscow viyshov zagіn anti-bіlshovitsky young people with big bands on the sleeves.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, David Feldman, having taken into account that the term "beli" was introduced into the language in order to show the offensive between the Great French and the Great Zhovtnevoy revolutions. The people of great French revolutionary, Yaki, settled in the region of the novelty, the order was nested by the monarchy, they called their half -oriented ostentians “bilimi”, and the suicide of the Zbereznoye Korolivsko velim of the traditional Dynastic lawyer bourbon. Calling their ideological enemies "bilimi", the Bolsheviks tried to show their image among the people's sympathy with the monarchists-conservatives, like pulling the country back, wanting to back the autocracy among the opponents of the "chervonih" was not so rich.

Historian, Vasil Tsvetkov, denoting that this movement was formed from representatives of various political figures, which they worked on the basis of slanderous principle"Great, United and Invincible Russia". Socialists, democrats, patriotically trained military servicemen, who became the backbone of the "bilih", fought not for turning Russia to the status of an empire, not for the emperor, who was appointed to the throne, but for the renewal of the work of the Establishment elections. However, the propagandists navmisno omitted this fact, having transformed the various opponents, as if they were saying that Russia was developing as a democratic path, of a zagalnenny innocent enemy, which did not change the change. Fight against radianska vlady nobles, representatives of the bourgeoisie, officers, curcules and assistants agitators were called ideological enemies, and the villagers and Cossacks, who fought for their fighters, were deceived and fooled victims.

The “Great Regional Linguistic Dictionary”, edited by Yuri Prokhorov, says that the term “Bila Guards” is used in the description of the bourgeois militia, created in 1906 in Finland to resist the revolutionary forces. For the shortest identification, one of one stench was dressed up with white bandages on the sleeves. Before the speech, the forces that opposed them called themselves the "Red Guard".

Vasil Tsvetkov states that as a universal understanding of the terms "Bila Guards" and "White Rukh" appeared already after the end of the Gromadyansk war, if you, who stumbled in the emigration, began to call themselves "bіli" later on Radianskoi vlady.


If the text of the resolution of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b) "About Timchas' Order", published on 26 February 1917, the term "Chervona Guard" was introduced, it became obvious that the revolutionary movement as a whole was associated with the followers of the ideas of the Great French Revolution of the XVIII century. David Feldman wrote about it, sorting out from the article “Chervoni bili: radian political terms in the historical and cultural context” and the history of the symbol of the color of the communists.

It is obvious that if in 1789 the King of France Louis XVI, having given power to the hands of the revolutionary republicans, even if votes were the guarantor of their conquest, having seen the “Law on the military camp”. Zgіdno z yogo stattami, the Parisian municipality, in case of overarching situations, building up in rebellion against the revolutionary order, buv goiter, hang on the town hall on the streets a red ensign.

But if the most radical radicals ruled in Moscow self-righteousness, as if they were calling for the total fall of the monarchy, with red ensigns they began to call on the rallies of their relatives. So a simple warning sign turned into a symbol of the struggle for royal power and blamed the unreconciled opposition “red/white”.

From that hour, the red color became more and more often associated with radical revolutionary forces: in 1834 the workers took their talisman as their talisman, they organized the Lyon rebellion, in 1848 the residents of Niemchynia took part in the demonstrations, in 1850-1864 they defeated the Christians in 1850-1864 time for China. resurrection of taipiniv Residual endowment of the red color with the status of a symbol of the international revolutionary movement of workers in the day of the Parisian commune of 1871, the Marxists called the first rightful dictatorship of the proletariat in history. Before the speech, the Radyansk Bilshoviks openly referred to themselves as the degenerates of the French communaries, and therefore they were called communists.

Chervono-bіli Poles

Their contribution to the popularization of the red-and-white antagonism was made in 1861 by the Poles, yakі, acting against the opposite enemy in the individual Russian Empire, divided into two opposite camps. Patriotic demonstrations in the Kingdom of Poland, which started the Polish rebellion of 1863-1864, became the birthplace of the “white” and “red” revolutionary wings, like other methods were used to achieve good fortune. Historian Ivan Kovkel states that “bіli”, where the great landlords and bourgeois were included, respected that the independence of Poland in the Russian Empire and the renaissance in the borders of the Commonwealth in 1772 is necessary, rozrakhovuychi on the pіdtrimka zahіn. "Chervoni", which were formed from the noble gentry, the intelligentsia, the lower classes, students and part of the peasantry, stood up not only for a radical virishenna nourishing sovereignty, but also advocated for social transformation near the country, let's consider the skasuvannya of the strong law. Diali "Chervoni" to help the revolutionary terror, political victims of which were 5,000 people. Chervoniy ta white color and from 3 May 1792 to the year of the national colors of Poland, which was inscribed on the current state ensign.

And buli and "green"

The order with "chervonim" and "bіlim" in Hromadyansky war took the fate of innumerable corrals of the "greens", the basis of which was formed from anarchists, bandits and nationalists, who came to them, who fought for the independence of a particular region. Vіdkritо plundering the population, the stench was not small for a clearly formulated political program and simply roamed on the swampy territory.

Did the stars vindicate the terms “red” and “white”? Gromadyanskaya war also knew the "greens", "cadets", "eserivs" and other forms. Why is there a principle of authority?

In this article, we are not only talking about food, but we will know briefly about the history of the formation of the country. Let's talk about the standing of the White Guard and the Red Army.

Pohodzhennya terms "red" and "bіli"

Today's history of Vitchizni daedals are less turbulent juveniles. Zgіdno s opituvannyami, richly someone navіt not maє vyavlennya, scho already talking about Vytchiznyanoi war 1812 rock...

However, such words, that phrase, like “red” and “bіli”, “Gromadyanskaya war” and “Zhovtneva revolution”, are still heard. More, honestly, I don’t know the details, but the terms chuli.

Let's take a look at the report on which food. Almost immediately after that, the stars appeared two antiborch camps - “bіlі” and “chervonі” near the Hromadyansky war. In principle, it’s just an ideological head of the Radian propagandists and nothing more. At the same time, you will figure out your riddles yourself.

As if turning to the assistants and the supporters of the Radyansk Union, it is explained there that the “bіli” are the white guards, the tsar’s henchmen and the enemies of the “red”, bіlshovikіv.

Nachebto everything was like that. But really, there is only one enemy, with whom the Radi fought.

Adzha the country lived for seventy years with opposing fictitious opponents. Tse buli were, kulaks, rotting zahid, capitalists. Even more often, such an appointment of the enemy served as the foundation for slander and terror.

Let us discuss the causes of the mass war. “Bili”, sympathetic to the Belarusian ideology, were monarchists. And why is there a problem with the axis, there were practically no monarchists in the war. I didn’t fight for anyone, that honor didn’t suffer in any way. Mykola II was appointed to the throne, but Yogo's brother did not accept the crown. In such a rank, the mustache of the tsar's officers appeared to be free in the oath.

Are the sounds the same vinyl as the “colour” of visibility? If the Bilshoviks were true enough to have a red ensign, then their opponents were by no means small. Vidpovіd kryєtsya in the history of the second half of the century.

The Great French Revolution gave the world two antiborch camps. The royal mali white ensign, a sign of the dynasty of French rulers. After the slaughter of the vlady, their opponents hung a red linen at the city hall as a sign of the introduction of the military hour. On such days, be it as if, the gatherings of people were dispersed by soldiers.

The Bolsheviks, however, were opposed not by the monarchists, but by the supporters of the call of the Establishment Assembly (constitutional democrats, Cadets), anarchist (Makhnivtsi), "green army" (fighted against the "chervonih", "bіlih", interventіv) and those who wanted to establish their own territory in the country . .

In this rank, the term "bіli" buv is reasonably used by the ideologists to designate a wild enemy. This victorious position was manifested in the fact that if a Chervono-army could explain in two words what to fight for, to decide the insurgents. Tse grafted ordinary people on the bіk bіshovikiv and gave the opportunity to the rest of the victories at the Gromadyansky war.

Change your mind war

If there is an hour of lessons in the Gromadyan war, the table is simply necessary for a good understanding of the material. Below, the stages of this military conflict are indicated, which will help you to better orient yourself not only in the article, but in the third period of the history of Vitchizni.

Now, if we have appointed you, who are the “red” and “bіli”, Gromadyanskaya war, more precisely for її stages, will be more sensible. You can proceed to a bigger deep wedding. Start varto from rethinking.

Later, the main reason for such a disintegration of predilections, which swirled around the p'yatirichnu Gromadyansky war, was the accumulated rubbish problems.

In the past, the fate of the Russian Empire in the First World War destroyed the economy and drained resources in the country. The main mass of the human population was in the army; The soldiers were tired of fighting for other people's ideals, if they were hungry at home.

Another reason lay in the agricultural and industrial nutrition. There were a lot of villagers and workers, who lived beyond the borders of vigilance and evil. The Bolsheviks scurried around the world.

In order to turn the fate of the world war into an inter-class struggle, the songs were crushed.

The first bout of nationalization of enterprises, banks, and lands has passed lately. Dali was signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which threw Russia away from the state of total collapse. On the smoldering ruins of the Red Army, the Red Army ruled terror in order to subdue themselves under power.

In order to justify their behavior, they introduced an ideology of struggle against the White Guards and interventions.


Let's take a closer look at what caused the Gromadyan war. The table, as suggested earlier, illustrates the stages of the conflict. Alemy, we are still very quiet, which became before the Great Zhovtnevoy Revolution.

Weakened the fate of the First World War, the Russian Empire in the fall. Mykola II is seen on the throne. It is more important that there is no adversary in the new one. At the light of such podias, two new forces are formed at once - Timchasovy ryad and Rada of working deputies.

The first ones began to sort out from the social and political spheres of the crisis, the Bolsheviks concentrated on increasing their contribution to the army. This way grafted them with the year to the possibility of becoming one. ruling power in the countryside.
The very swindler in the management of the state brought to the point where “red” and “white” were formed. Gromadyanskaya war has become only the apotheosis of their strife. Why did the next check.

Zhovtnev revolution

In fact, the tragedy of the gromadyanskoy war begins with the Zhovtnevoy revolution. The Bolsheviks were gaining strength and more powerfully went to power. In mid-July 1917, a tense situation began to develop near Petrograd.

July 25 Oleksandr Kerensky, head of Timchas's order, went from Petrograd to Pskov for help. Vіn especially evaluates the podії of the city as a rebellion.

Ask Pskov wines to help you with military help. Kerensky began to take the lead from the Cossacks, and cadets came out of the regular army. Narazi constitutional democrats are encouraged to uphold the head of the order.

Not knowing the proper support at Pskov, Oleksandr Fedorovich went to the Ostrіv town, de contacting General Krasnov. At this hour, the assault on the Winter Palace is taking place near Petrograd. In radian history, the foundation is represented as a key. Ale, truly, standing without support at the side of the deputies.

After a single shot from the cruiser "Aurora" sailors, soldiers and robots went to the palace and arrested all the members of the Timoshovsky order, as if they were there. Crimean tsyogo, vіdbulasya de bula adopted low basic declarations and skasovano stratum at the front.

Through the coup, Krasnov tries to help Oleksandr Kerensky. On the 26th of Zhovtnya, the city of Petrograd will leave the city of Petrograd with a number of seven hundred people. It was said that the junkers were encouraging the insurgents at the very mist їx. Ale, it was strangled by the Bolsheviks.

In the situation that had developed, it became clear that the Timchas' detachment could no longer be strong. Kerensky Utik, General Krasnov proved that the Bolsheviks had the opportunity to turn around to Ostrov without crossing the corral.

Time to time, Eseri rozpochinayut radical struggle against the Bolsheviks, yakі, in my opinion, nabuli great power. Vidpovіddu on the vbivstviya deyah "red" kerіvnikіv becoming terror from the side of the Bolsheviks, and the Gromadyanskaya war broke out (1917-1922). Now we look further away.

Installed "red" vlady

As we have already said above, the tragedy of the Gromadyansk war broke out long before the Zhovtnevoy revolution. The simple people, soldiers, workers and villagers were dissatisfied with the situation that had developed. Although in the central regions there were a lot of militarized corrals under the strong control of the Headquarters, then similar corrals were panned by other moods.

The very appearance of a great number of reserve troops and the unsatisfactory entry into war with Nimechchina helped the Bolsheviks of the Shvidko and bloodlessly take the support of practically two thirds of the army. Only 15 great cities stood up to the “red” power, 84 of the power initiatives passed to their hands.

Not a surprise for the Bolsheviks at the sight of a sly cheer from the side of the ruined and languishing soldiers, the sounds of deafening “chervonim” like “the triumphal move of the Rada”.

The Gromadyan war (1917-1922) was no longer possible after the signing of the ruinous one for Russia. According to the agreement, the empire spent more than a million square kilometers of territory. These included the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, the Caucasus, Romania, Don territories. Krіm tsgogo, the stench is small to pay the Nimechchini six billion marks of contribution.

Such a decision called out a protest like the middle of the country, so did the Entente. The instruction from the settlement of various local conflicts is the military intervention of the western lands on the territory of Russia.

The introduction of the military Entente was triggered in Siberia by a revolt of the Kuban Cossacks, led by General Krasnov. The beaten corrals of the Belarusians and the deaky interventions went to Central Asia and even richer rocks continued the struggle against the Radyansk government.

Another period of the hromada war

The most active stages were the Belarusian Heroes of the Gromadyanskoy War. History has saved us such names as Kolchak, Yudenich, Denikin, Yuzefovich, Miller and others.

Kozhen іz tsih commanders mav іє є є bachennya budutnym for the state. The deyaks tried to cooperate with the troops of Entente, in order to bring down the great power and still call the Settlements. Others wanted to become maternal princelings. People seem to be like Makhno, Grigor'ev and others.

The complexity of this period is reflected in the fact that Persh was only completed light war, nіmetskі vіyska mali deprive the territory of Russia only after the arrival of the Entente. Ale, for a secret agreement, the stench came earlier, giving space to the bilshoviks.

As history shows, the Hromadyan war itself, after such a turn, would enter a phase of especially bitterness and bloodshed. The failure of the commanders, who were oriented towards the zahіdnі uryads, was helped by another team, that they had a catastrophic lack of qualified officers. So, the armies of Miller, Yudenich and other deacons fell apart only to those who, for the lack of commanders in the middle of Lanka, had the main surge of forces from the army of the Red Army.

Newspapers of that period reported headlines of this type: "Two thousand military servicemen with three soldiers crossed over to the Bik of the Chervonoy Army."

Final stage

cob the rest of the period the wars of 1917-1922 the fates of the historians of chilnі pov'azuvati іz the Polish war. For the help of foreign countries, Pilsudsky wanted to create a confederation from the territory from the Baltic to the Black Sea. Ale yoga pragnennyam not sued zdіysnitissya. The armies of the Gromadyansk war, under the influence of Yegorov and Tukhachevsky, pushed their way into the depths of Western Ukraine and went as far as the Polish cordon.

The victory over this enemy is small enough to fight the workers in Europe. But all the plans of the Red Army leaders failed after the defeat in the battle, as they saved under the name "Divo on the Vistlia".

After the settlement of the peace treaty between the Rada and Poland, at the Entente camp, differences are established. As a result of this, the financing of the "white" rush decreased, and the Gromadyan war in Russia began to decline.

On the cob of the 1920s, similar changes in foreign policy Western powers were called up to the point that the Radian Union recognized more lands.

The heroes of the Gromadyansk war of the final period fought against Wrangel in Ukraine, interventions in the Caucasus and Central Asia, in Siberia. Among the commanders, who were especially distinguished, next were Tukhachevsky, Blucher, Frunze and others.

In this manner, as a result of five bloody battles on the territory of the Russian Empire, a new state was formed. Over the years, it has become another superpower, the only superpower like the United States.

Reasons for victory

Let's take a look at why they recognized the defeats of the “bіli” at the Hromadyansky war. We compare the estimates of the opposing camps and try to make a splendid visnovka.

The Radyansk historians blamed the main reason for their victory in the fact that the mass support was given out on the side of the rotten versions of the suspenst. Particular emphasis was placed on those who suffered in the aftermath of the revolution of 1905. That's why the stench safely switched to bek bіshovikіv.

"Bili" well, navpak, karzhilis on the marriage of human and material resources. In the swampy territories of the millions of people, the stench could not carry out a minimal mobilization to fill the rows.

Especially tsikavoi є statistics, yak gave Hromadyanska war. "Chervoni", "bіli" (the table is listed below) especially suffered from desertion. Insufferably mind you, and inspire a number of clear goals, they made themselves known. The data are worth less than the Bilshovitsky forces, the shards of different numbers of the Blogvardiysky records were not saved.

The main moment, which modern historians say, was the conflict.

The Belarusians, first, did not lack centralized command and minimal cooperation between parts. The stench fought locally, skin for their own interests. Another peculiarity was the presence of political practitioners and a clear program. Tsі moments often relied on the officers, who were less likely to fight, but not to conduct diplomatic negotiations.

Chervonoarmytsy created an ideological strain. Bulo rozrobleno chіtku understand the system, yakі vtovkmachuvalis in the head of workers and soldiers. Gasla was allowed to instill intellect to the happiest peasant, for which he fought.

This policy itself allowed the Belarusians to take the maximum support of the population.


The victory of the "chervonikhs" at the Gromadyansky war was given to the state more expensively. The economy was in full swing. The country has spent territories with a population of over 135 million people.

The strength of the state and the yield, the variety of foodstuffs have shrunk by 40-50 tons. The laying of that “red-white” terror in different regions caused the death of a great number of people due to hunger, tortur and strata.

Promislovist, according to the estimates of fakhivtsiv, was bred equal to the Russian Empire during the reign of Peter the Great. As it seems to be the last, the indicators of virobnitstva decreased to 20 vіdsotkіv in 1913, and in some regions - to 4 vіdsotkіv.

As a result, a massive wave of workers appeared from the towns near the village. For there was a bula, as if hoped not to die of hunger.

"Bili" at the Gromadyansky war urged the nobility and great ranks to turn a lot of minds of life. And yet, the destruction of the current moods that were panned in the common people, brought the old order to a total shock.

Vibration in culture

The leaders of the Gromadyanskaya war were promoted by thousands of different works - from cinematography to canvases, from evidence to sculptures that song.

For example, such productions as "Dni Turbinikh", "Big", "Optimistic Tragedy" made people feel tense during the war hour.

The films "Chapaev", "Red Devils", "Mi z Kronstadt" showed zusilly, as if they reported "red ones" at Gromadyansky war to overcome their ideals.

Literary creativity of Babel, Bulgakov, Gaidar, Pasternak, Ostrovsky illustrating the life of representatives of different versions of the industry on these important days.

It is possible to direct the butt practically to the point of indiscretion, to the fact that the social catastrophe, in which the Gromadyan war was waving, knew the most difficult mood in the hearts of hundreds of artists.

In this rank, today you have recognized not only the chance to understand “beli” and “red”, but also got to know briefly about the passage of the Gromadyan war.

Remember, be it a crisis, save in yourselves the grain of future changes in the best.

1917 divided us into "red" and "white". Not all, really. Vlasne right "red" and "bіlih" are not so rich already. The whole problem lies in the fact that everything that was left behind, that is, the greater, choked with a swirl of pods, maddened, were robbed for kim iti. And it’s not easy to make up your mind: who is it from them? This is our day’s food: “for whom: for the “red” chi for the “white”?”, like before, calling out serious difficulties. For yoga, it’s necessary to choose a variety - who is so “red” and who is so “white”.

At first glance, everything made sense. "Bili" - tse tі, who did not reconcile themselves to the enslavement of the "red" Bilshoviks. Ale tse picture of 1918 rock, and rock earlier political picture bula іnshoy. Irreconcilable anti-Bishovites were on the floor and irreconcilable to the Emperor Mikoli Oleksandrovich. Tobto were revolutionaries, and later, "chervonim". In direct and figurative sense. Adorned with scarlet bows, the stench of joy inhaled p'yanke willy-nilly. The coming months came to the destruction of the revolution, to the consolidation of strengthened freedoms. But, as you know, about every revolution there is a counter-revolution. In the autumn of the same fate, the “chervonim” Bilshoviks in alliance with the left SRs fell down. Now respect! Question: what were the main parties that formed the coalition of the Timchasov revolutionary order? Cadets (constitutional democrats), eseri (social revolutionaries), menshoviki (social democrats) and radical democrats. And how did the coalition come to power? Tezh social-democrats (so-called bіshoviki) social-revolutionaries (eseri). Truth be told, without the Cadets. Looks like the “red” coalition of democrats-socialists-revolutionaries was thrown off by the “more red” coalition of the same day. But still not all. A month later, the parties of the fallen coalition won in the elections to the Assembly elections. And yet the coalition, which won over Zhovtnі and failed at the elections, closed the Assembly after the first day of the meeting "for not ordering the will of the people." Innumerable people came out to defend the backings of the boulevards. In fact, ce bula was a friend of the power of peremoga over the representatives of the Timchasov order. And now too many revolutionaries have become counter-revolutionaries of hundreds of “right revolutionaries”. The axis of such confusion has dragged on in our Russia in the wake of the “bloodless lute revolution”. The zvichna political palette of the hromadyansky war has been established. "Chervoni" are fighting against "bіlih". Ale not only. Again against your recent allies, the arc of the red livih eseri. And also against the orange separatists (yak and bіlі, wtіm). And against the self-controlled “greens”, yakі, in their own line, fought against everyone. Before that, the invasion of foreign troops began. We call them "black". "Chervoni" bіshoviki zumili overcame all.

“Bili” deprived Batkivshchyna. Ale and on the emigration, the hromadyan war was trival. Mіzh monarchists and hoarders of the Establishment Assembly. Another stone stumbling was the setting up of bіshovikіv. In the distance native land emigrants (bіzhentsi), having recognized on their own all the tragedy of spending the Batkivshchyna, tried to understand the reasons for the sleepy life and the way out of it. Then the formula “not red ones, not white ones - but Russian ones” was born. The turn to the Batkivshchyna began. Purely “Bili” called everyone who spoke to Radam “erysipelas”, and those who spoke with them - “chervonim”.

In Russia itself, the political color scheme of the name did not change until the middle of 1930, when the “best of the best” began to appear. The old guard of the revolution - the Trotskyites were launched "at the vitratu" (vibachte for viraz).

Svіtova vіyna anew rose up the political palette. The “bili” again laid their hopes on the “black ones” and spoke out against the “red ones”. I know it was broken again. It was P.M.Krasnov who added to the list of dead “white” leaders (M.V.Aleksiev, L.G.Kornilov). What A.I. Denikin, having lost his life, stumbled among the quiet, who spoke against the fight of the Red Army against the Germans. "Chervoni" may have turned everything that was spent as a result of the revolution and intervention of the Russian lands. The persecution against the Church was pinned. As a matter of fact, the stinks vikonuvali "bіlu right" under the chervonim ensign. Mykola Vasilyovich Ustryalov spoke about it in thirty years, piercing the Radyansk Union with radish - “the sound of a chervon, but in the middle it was.”

Ale, the struggle for Russia was trival. "The most beautiful", destroyed in 1937, turned to Vlad. The "Khrushchev's Vidliga" has come. "Give the destruction of the revolution!". I am again persecuting the Church. Ale, the life of a peaceful radian life did not come to them again. "Chervoni-bili" (they can be called "traditional sovereigns") could take the "most beautiful". So the country survived until 1991. Until the new revolution. So many times before the fight against the “red-whites”, ideas were received, the authorities were “purely white”. We are facing hatred to all radyansk, like a big slump. Alecia was not enough. On the right came the great resources of the “blacks”, which, in fact, were the main patrons of the new revolution. Vernishe, the “blacks” victorious for their purposes were “very-negotiful”, favoring a freely convertible currency, and “bіlih”, as it seems, “in the dark” (once again vibatch for viraz).

For the fact that the revolution of 1991 was the fate of the revolution of the 17th, to say the fact that the country was again divided into parts. The 1st part, which were split, were nationalized to Russia. Like for the fierce country swayed under the ukis. For the uninterrupted fate of the "blacks".

Fortunately, Russia stood up. I began to rise from the colony.

Our "partners" did not score on the price. The first axis on the Bolotnaya square veiled in unison ... “nei-neichervonishi”, as they now call themselves “democrats”, just “red ones” and ... “bіli”, as if they respect themselves as right patriots. Yaka picture!

Tsgogo once the people did not allow themselves to be fooled. Now the whiteness has already clearly appeared, which has ripened under the red shell of our native “radish”. Vistrazhdan in Vignannі the idea of ​​"not" red "and not" white "- but Russians" turned out to be ryativnoy for us. Vaughn Russian for the spirit. This firmness reaffirms the unity of the history of our richly suffering Batkivshchyna, and the unity of the whole people.

To reconcile the "bіlih" and "dark" in our history is more smoothly. Behind the skin position is its own truth. Adzhe fought for her more than 100 years ago. The struggle was baked, brother ishov against brother, father against son. For some, the heroes will be the soldiers of the First Cavalry, for others, the volunteers of Kappel. Don’t think about the races anymore, who, hiding their position during the Gromadyansk war, are trying to win the past whole bunch of Russian history. Whoever robs far-flung visnovkas about the “anti-people character” of the Bolshevik government, will block all Radianska epoch, all її zorshennya, - and rush to the door of Russophobia.

Gromadyanskaya war in Russia - zbroyne resistance of 1917-1922. between different political, ethnic, social groupsі sovereign edifications on the territory of the large Russian Empire, who came after coming to the rule of the Bilshoviks as a result of the Zhovtnevoy revolution of 1917. Glumadyanska Viina became the PIDSUMKU of the Revolutionary Crisisi, she picked up the roar of the XX Table, he triggered the revolutionary 1905 -1907 Rockiva, the Svitovo, the Greek Social, Political Rosrosky, and the Political Rosrotye, and the Political Rosrosky. The apogee of this split was baked into war on the scale of the Ukrainian country between the Radian and anti-Bilshovitsky. evil forces. Gromadyanskaya war ended with the victory of the bilshoviks.

Основна боротьба за владу в період Громадянської війни велася між збройними формуваннями більшовиків та їх прихильників (Червона гвардія та Червона армія) з одного боку та збройними формуваннями Білого руху (Біла армія) - з іншого, що отримало відображення у стійкому іменуванні головних сторін конфлікту «червоними » » and «bіlimi».

For the bіlshovikіv, yаkі spirily nasampered on the organization of the proletariat's intrigues, strangling the support of their opponents, it was the only opportunity to seize power from the peasant land. For rich participants in the White Movement - officers, cossacks, intellectuals, helpers, bourgeoisie, bureaucracy and the clergy - a good support for the Bilshoviks on the way of turning the lost power and the restoration of their social and economic rights and privileges. All these groups were the top of the counter-revolution, її organizers and nathnics. The officers of that silsk bourgeoisie created the first cadres of the great military.

The main official in the course of the Gromadyan war was the position of the peasantry, which became over 80% of the population, which ranged from passive vychivanya to active fighting. The settlement of the villagers, reacting in such a rite to the policy of the great power and the dictatorships of the former generals, radically changed the spivvіdnoshennia zusil and, with a vengeance, marked the result of the war. Nasampered, insanely, to talk about the middle peasantry. In some areas (the Volga region, Siberia), the numbers of colics were raised to the power of the Eserievs and the Menshoviks, and in some places they took the Blogvardiytsiv near the glib Radyansk territory. However, during the course of the Gromadyansk war, the middle villagers were shattered by the bek of Radyansk rule. The middle peasants on the dosvidi bachiled that the transfer of power to the Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Menshoviks would inevitably lead to an undisguised general dictatorship, yak, at his own side, inevitably leading to the return of the assistants and the resurrection of the pre-revolutionary vidnosins. The strength of the colony of the middle peasants in the bek of Radyansk rule was manifested especially on the strength of the White and Chervonoy armies. The bіlі armії bіlі bіlі ї bіlі bіzdatnі less until quiet fіr, until the stench bіlі less odnorodnymi vіdnoshnі vіdnoshenі. If, at the world's expansion of the front, the Bilogvardiytsy pushed forward to the mobilization of the villagers, the stench inevitably spent their combativeness and flaunted. First of all, the Chervona Army was constantly marching, and the middle peasant masses of the village, who were mobilizing, were steadily stealing the power of Radyansk from the counter-revolution.

The basis of the counter-revolution in the countryside was kurkulstvo, especially after the organization of teams and the cob of a rich struggle for bread. The kulakstvo was zatsіkavlene in the liquidation of the great landowner states, it was less like a competitor in the exploitation of the middle-peasant peasantry, whose sight showed broad prospects for kurculstvo. The struggle of kurkuls against the proletarian revolution took place both in the form of participation in the White Guard armies, and in the form of organizing their own power pens, and in the form of a wide insurgent movement in the style of the revolution under various national, class, religious, even anarchist. characteristic feature Gromadyansky war was the readiness of all її participants to widely vigorize violence in order to reach their political goals (div. "Chervoniy Terror" and "Biliy Terror")

Warehouse Gromadyanskoy bula ozbroєna struggle of the national outskirts of the colossal Russian Empire for their independence and the insurrectionary movement of the broad population of the population against the war main protivoborchih sides - "red" and "bіlih". Try to pronounce independence, they called out like from the side of the "bіlih", who fought for "the united and insubstantial Russia", and from the side of the "chervonih", as if they were raising a threat to the conquests of the revolution from the growing nationalism.

Gromadyanskaya war raged for the minds of foreign military intervention and was accompanied by fighting actions of the great Russian Empire, like the Viysk region of the Quadruple Union, and the Viysk region of Entente. The motives for the active participation of the leading Western powers were the implementation of the government's economic priorities and political interests in Russia. Although the possibility of interventions was surrounded by a socio-economic crisis and a political struggle in the very lands of Zakhod, intervention and material assistance to the big armies were essentially forced into the war.

The war of war was waged not only on the territory of the vast Russian Empire, but also on the territory of the sovereign powers - Iran (Enzeliyskaya operation), Mongolia and China.

Arrest of the emperor and yogo sim'ї. Mykola II with a retinue in the Oleksandrivsky park. Tsar's village. Traven 1917

Arrest of the emperor and yogo sim'ї. Daughters of Mykoli II and Yogo Syn Oleksiy. Traven 1917

Obid Chervonoarmіytsіv bіla bagattya. 1919

Armored train of the Chervonoy Army. 1918

Bulla Victor Karlovich

Bizhentsi Gromadyanskoy war

Delivery of bread for 38 wounded Red Army soldiers. 1918

Chervony zagіn. 1919

Ukrainian front.

Exhibition of trophies in the Gromadyansk battle of the Kremlin, dedicated to the II Congress of the Communist International

Gromadyanskaya war. Skhidny Front Armored Guards of the 6th Regiment of the Czechoslovak Corps. Stepping on Maryanivka. worm 1918

Shteinberg Yakiv Volodymyrovich

Chervoni commanders of the regiment of the silskoy bіdnoti. 1918

Fighters of the First Film Army of Budionne at the rally
September 1920

Otsup Petro Adolfovich

Funeral of victims of the Lute Revolution
birch 1917

Lipnevі podії near Petrogradі. Soldiers of the Scooter Regiment, who arrived from the front to be stabbed to strangle. Lipen 1917

Robots in the field of accidents after the attack of the anarchists. September 1920

Red commander at the new office. September 1920

Commander-in-Chief of the Viysk Lavr Kornilov. 1917

The head of Timchasov's order Oleksandr Kerensky. 1917

The commander of the 25th Striletsky Division of the RSCA Vasil Chapaev (right-handed) and the commander Sergiy Zakharov. 1918

Sound recording of Volodymyr Lenin's movie near the Kremlin. 1919

Volodymyr Lenin at the Smolny at the meetings for the people's commissars. September 1918

Lute revolution. Rechecking documents on Nevsky Prospekt
lute 1917

Brother of the soldiers of General Lavr Kornilov with the troops of the Timchasov order. 1 - 30 sickles 1917

Shteinberg Yakiv Volodymyrovich

Viysk's intervention in Radyansk Russia. Command depot of parts of the White Army with representatives of foreign troops

The station near Yekaterinburz after the capture of the place by parts of the Siberian army and the Czechoslovak corps. 1918

Ascension of the monument to Alexander III at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Political practitioners of the staff car. Western front. Voronezsky straight

Portrait of the Viysks

Date of occupancy: 1917 - 1919

At the hospital. 1919

Ukrainian front.

Sisters of mercy of the partisan pen of Kashirin. Evdokiya Oleksandrivna Davidova and Taisiya Petrivna Kuznetsova. 1919

Herds of the red Cossacks of Mykoli and Ivan Kashirіnykh vletka 1918 rocked to the storehouse of Vasil Blyukher, the partisan Pivdenno-Uralsk partisan corral, which set up a raid by the mountains of the Pivdenny Urals. Having come under Kungur at the spring of 1918 with parts of the Chervonoy Army, the partisans fought near the warehouse of the 3rd Army of the Shidny Front. After the reorganization in 1920, the spring of 1920 began to be called the Army of Pratsi, which was the method of reintroducing the people's state of the Chelyabinsk province.

Chervony commander Anton Boliznyuk, wounded thirteen times

Mikhailo Tukhachevsky

Grigory Kotovsky

Behind the entrance to the life of the Smolny Institute - the headquarters of the Bolsheviks at the hour of the Zhovtnevy coup. 1917

Medoglyad of workers mobilized to the Red Army. 1918

On the boat "Voronizh"

Chervonoarmіytsі u zvіlnemu vіd blіh міsti. 1919

Overcoats of the 1918 rock, which grew in the period of the hromada war in the army of Budionnoye, were saved with small changes until the military reform of 1939. The machine gun "Maxim" was installed on the cart.

Lipnevі podії near Petrogradі. The funeral of the Cossacks, they perished under an hour of strangulation stabbed to death. 1917

Pavlo Dibenko and Nestor Makhno. leaf fall - chest 1918

Pratsіvniki vіddіlu supply of the Chervonoy army

Koba / Josip Stalin. 1918

On May 29, 1918, the Radnarkom of the RRFSR recognized Josip Stalin as a leader on the pivdni of Russia and introduced him as an overarching encouragement of the VTsVK from the procurement of bread Pivnichny Caucasus at the center of industry.

The defense of Tsaritsyn - the military campaign of the "chervonikh" viysk against the "bіlih" viysk for control over the town of Tsaritsin during the hour of the Gromadyansk war in Russia.

People's Commissar of the Military and Marine Rights of the RRFSR Lev Trotsky, soldiers in Petrograd

Commander of the Armed Forces of the Pivdnya of Russia, General Anton Denikin and otaman of the All-Great Don Army Afrikan Bogaevskiy at the urochist prayer service for blessing the Don from the Red Army troops
worm - serpen 1919

General Radola Gayda and Admiral Oleksandr Kolchak (angry to the right) with officers of the White Army

Oleksandr Illich Dutov - Otaman of the Orenburz Cossack Viysk

In 1918, Oleksandr Dutov (1864–1921), having declared the new government evil and illegal, having organized the detachment of Cossack squads, became the base of the Orenburzka (pivdenno-zakhidnoy) army. Most of the bilokozaks were bought by the army. Formerly, the name of Dutov became known in 1917, when he was an active participant in the Kornilov slaughter. Afterwards, Dutov was directed by the Timchas order to the Orenburzka province, and in the autumn he was seen at Troitsk and Verkhnyouralsk. Vlad yoga tried until April 1918.


Soshalskiy Georgiy Mykolayovych

Bezpritulnі transport mіsky archives. 1920s

A hundred years ago, a hromada war broke out in Russia, the red ones fought with the whites. We talked to doctor of historical sciences, professor at Moscow State Pedagogical University about those who were Biliy Rukh: who were so strong, what they wanted, why they were called that, how the Orthodox Church was raised to religion.

Bіli rarely called themselves bіli

– Why were the bilihs called the bilims themselves?

– In 1917, earlier, in the period of the first Russian revolution, the white color was adopted by the political spectrum as the color of legitimism and association with the monarchy. This was often associated with the history of France, the de royal coat of arms of Bourbon was a lily, and the white color was the hour of the Great French Revolution, becoming the color of the French royalists.

– That this term comes from France and used to mean adherents of the “old regime”?

- In general, yes. Moreover, Russia vikoristovuvavsya often negative context of this epithet, which appeared in the left, revolutionary journalism. And the participants of the White Rukh did not drink anything nasty at any color. Navpaki, vvazhali, scho it is possible to write to them. But here is an important detail. If there was a civil war in Russia, the term "Biliy Rukh" could be used by the "bіli" themselves. And the axis of the radian publicists of the victorists was widely reported.

They respected themselves as representatives and defenders of the legitimate Russian government

"Bili" appointed themselves as representatives of those defenders of the legitimate Russian government. For example, the Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Kolchak. Vin was not called the Supreme Ruler of the White Rukh. Abo was victorious naming the region, in which the Viysks were known political structures. For example, the Ruler of the Pivdnya of Russia, General Wrangel, in 1920. Denikin commanded the Defense Forces of Russia's pivdnya. And the rest of the white order in Russia - the Amur Zemsky Territory to the Far Skhod - General Diterikhs, having become the role of the emperor. Tobto, here the primary role of the name is the regional aspect.

In foreign countries, everything is different. Participants of the White Movement began to designate themselves as “better” more from the psychological, socio-cultural position, and not from the military-political and territorial ones. And it was very important. Because the stench opinated on a foreign land, in another country. It was not easy to save oneself like the Russian people, but like the clerks in the singing system of values, like the stinks that gave life under the hour of the mass war. I designation "bіli", tsya "colourful warehouses" here became pre-language.

Є sche kіlka tlumachen white context. The white color is the color of moral, spiritual purity. Guess: white clothes, white rizi, white, bright angels. The physical sense has a white color - the same spectrum of colors. And to that, “bіlimi” could be used to recognize the diversity of political, military forces, as they represented the opponents of the bіlshoviks in a broadly understood word.

And yet, in the words of a hundred years ago, today the victors were more important than the opponents of the whites, the Bolsheviks, as an analogue of the reaction that the restoration of the monarchy.

Truthfully, the word "bіlі" was victorious during the hour of the mass war at the Pivnіchny Zahod to identify the soldiers of the Pvnіchno-zahіdnoi army of Yudenich. One of the tanks, yak, took the fate of the "go to Petrograd", calling, for example, "White soldier". The white cross was sewn on the left sleeve of the greatcoat of the tunic. Can we explain that Yudenich's army was respected by its own analogue of the "White Guard", as it was in Finland and fought against the Finnish "Red Guard" in 1918. Bulo sche tlumachennya: "Baltic cross", rіvnokintsevy, white color.

The phrase "bila guard" was used during the Moscow battles of 1917, and only the irregular military units were known. Tsebuli were not junkers, officers and cadets, but gymnasium students, students and female students, officials. Tse bula "gromadyanskaya" juveniles, yak acted against the bіshovikіv. Looks like a militia.

Ale rіdko de sche in a political context, the prikmetnik "bіlі" got used to it. If this term is simply called everyone who has spoken out against the Bolsheviks, they have a lot of cleverness, schematism. Tse even ask the picture of that hour of standing.

- Let me tell you, in principle, I understood why the whites did not call themselves whites. Aje red color is bright, energetic, warrior. And the white color of the troch did not look like the whole world. And call yourself bіlimi - price it is not possible to energetically put yourself in a pro-program position.

- You're making a move. I will add, what else is needed to come to mind. If there was a massive war on the territory of Russia, White Rukh gave himself a real alternative Radyansk Russia, vlada bіshovikіv. And this alternative is to blame for the mother's name. Moreover, not psychologically, metaphysically, but more specifically: legitimate Russian government.

Five signs of White Rukh

- What was quiet, whom do we call better? Tse all the same buv yakiys єdiny Rukh, chi vіn folded z absolutely different forces?

– If I worked on my doctoral dissertation, and remember earlier, for example, the 1990s, if I wrote articles before the journal “Nutrition History” and the Great Russian Encyclopedia (“White Rukh”), I tried to see five significant signs.

First - tse irreconcilable resistance from the radiant power. Even if we say, for example, about the Menshoviks and the Socialist-Revolutionaries, then stink against the Bilshoviks, but on the singing minds. Somewhere along the way they built alliances with them. Zokrema, if the lions of the eseri went up to the sake of the people's commissars at the leaf fall of 1917, or if the stench together with the bіshoviki stood up against Kolchak and led the rebels to Siberia.

They were always against the Bolsheviks and did not compromise with them under the hour of the Gromadyan war.

- Why don't the Eseri and the Menshoviks have to eat?

- The stench will soon spend on the appointment of "anti-billshovitsky forces" or "anti-billshovitsky rukh". The terms "counter-revolution" and "anti-billshovitsky rukh" are richly broader, lower than the meaning of "bіli". Those who called them “bіlim”, “enemies of the people”, so many things to look like V.I. Lenin. For the new one, who is not with the Bolsheviks, who are “companions”, who are “enemies”. What is the easiest way to call them? The Axis became “bіlim”, “counter-revolutionaries”, at least more simplistic.

Another sign is even more important - the priority of the Viysk power, the Viysk dictatorship. Tsim bіlі tezh vіdznyalis vіd antibіlshovіvіv vzagali. That is why the dictatorship of the Viysk dictatorship was unpleasant for the anti-billshovik-socialists. Take the position of Kerensky in 1917, if you don’t win the union from Kornilov. Those same mi bachimo 1918 fate in the Ufa directory, as if changing Kolchak. They were democrats, anti-Bolsheviks, but not accomplices of the military dictatorship. The stench was the henchmen of the collegiate power, the broad coalition of all the quiet, who were against the Bilshoviks, including the Viysk ones.

They recognized the preeminence of one-sided power, dictatorship, personified by the Viysk leader

And the former clearly recognized the prevagance of one-sided power, dictatorship, personified by the Viysk leader. Tse moment buti Kornilov, Wrangel, Yudenich, Denikin, Kolchak. Why is it important? Because the war is coming. And if there is a war, then there may be a priority of the military power over the hromada.

But here I want to add an important explanation. At the same time, zowsim nevirnі vysnovki often shy away, if they were mali viysk dictatorship, it means that it is an analogue of fascist regimes. The thesis about nibito "total fallowness" of other foreign powers is introduced. And then, on these absolutely far-fetched bases, we will squirm about the identity of Kolchak, General Vlasov and, for example, the regimes of Frank and Pinochet. And yet in Chile there was no mass war, so do not take battles from Santiago to respect. Franco, having gone through the mass war in Spain, having become a dictator. Vlasov did not say anything about his decline in White Rukh. And the former position was like this: the military dictatorship is needed only for the period of the war. Let’s end the war, the military responsibilities, mentally seeming, “let’s get killed”, secure the election to the National elections, give up money to politicians.

Alewis's dictatorship is only necessary for the period of war

And here we go until one more homemade rice understand "bіli". You can define it as an all-Russian scale of the political program. Tse in the recognition of Kolchak as the Supreme Ruler of Russia. Vin recognized Yudenich and Miller as his supporters. I recognized Yogo and Denikin, having become Yogo's intercessor. And to name it, if they leaned on the “remaining point of the Russian land” (like calling Krim Wrangel), the stench continued to proclaim the all-Russian character of their power. Not at once, then in the future.

And voting for the all-Russian status robbed the inevitable pre-centric nature of the combat operations of the white armies. It was planned and carried out "going to Moscow" and "going to Petrograd". Wrangel, Diterichs, and Baron Ungern spoke about the trip to the "heart of Russia", even though the camp was even geographically distant from the central provinces.

A quarter of rice is the completeness of political programs that will be voted on. Some people seem to think that the Viysk dictatorship was working with uncommon political programs. Movlyav, military people are surrounded, only command in the room. Ale, in a way, it’s unfairly hundred of the same Viysk’s. There were people with a wide light-gazer and a great obsession with knowledge. I would like to guess Kolchak, who was a prominent vchenim-polar explorer, like Denikin - the famous writer of that hromdskogo diyacha.

Instructed by the generals to be politicians: the Cadets are a “fighting party” in the years

Instructions from the generals were politicians. Among them, there is a special mention of the Kadets party. The Cadets, like the Bolsheviks, are “the party that fights” in the years. The Kadets intelligentsia practiced practically in all the white ranks, in the white ranks. Bagato who died. Tsya bula mayzhe in the wake of the arrival of the Bilshoviks before the vlad was fenced, stunned by the party of "enemies of the people". And in this situation, they had to get close to the military ones. The stench gave them political support, but it went out. We have a strong program of food for the whites, as we respectfully marvel: the agrarian, the worker, the national - we know a strong cadet influx.

The Cadets were doing a lot of things in the spirit of the White Movement. Even if there were more fronts, there were no small territorial dotik (the stench came from different places: from Siberia, from Pivnoch, Pivnichny Zakhod, Pivdnya), but the spіlnіst was ideological, spiritual.

І p'yata of the sign: they were practically victorious for Russian national symbols as sovereign. Tse buli our white-blue-red tricolor and double-headed eagle. True, the variations of the double-headed eagle could be different: in a moment they were without crowns, under an Orthodox cross, with a sword, with open wings, with lowered wings ... But all the same, the symbolism was left behind: the double-headed eagle and the tricolor.

The river of the Lute Revolution bala to the saint near Radyansk Russia

- What other significant political factions were among the white, around the Cadets? How was the monarchy represented? I think that there were few monarchists in white Russia.

- Not so. It is good that there were few ministries of the Imperial Order among the ministers of the White Order, there were no leaders of the Union of the Russian People or the Union of Michael the Archangel in the White Church. Why do I care that these two organizations were 100% formed from the monarchists. However, it is known, and not alone, that a lot of ordinary members of the Union of the Russian People were stumped by the Bolshevik Party. Many people, unfortunately, lived according to the principle “wherever the wind blows”. Earlier, the Sovereign Emperor was promoted, and the bolsheviks became the victors - they went before them. On the whole, having respected V.I. Lenin, if he declared that a lot of old bureaucrats and officials had penetrated to the Bolshoi Party and that it was necessary to clean the party of such "members". I think Lenin is insanely right. Such "members" of any party will not give strength. Tse party "ballast", but chi is not real power.

If there are cadets, then it is necessary to state that the stench has already evolved right-handedly. Even before the end of 1917, there were plenty of people declaring about the restoration of the monarchy and expressing their republican, “postlutne” views. A lot of cadets spoke again about the advances of the constitutional monarchy, or they voted for the position of “unpredictable”. It’s a little on the street, but Bile Rukh does not signify the form of government - the monarchy and the republic. Tse to build new, select National selections.

Diterikhs voted for the inauguration of the monarchy through the All-Russian Zemsky Sobor, during the period of the Viysk dictatorship. One food, on the yak they could not tell, the person's food: who will be the monarch. The death of Mikoli II, Mikhail Oleksandrovich and Oleksiy Mikolayovich is rich for everyone. Aje did not know their phone numbers.

At the bіlіy press, for example, the fierceness of 1917 was cursed without being shy. Only Eseri and Menshoviks were written to them, like Bilshoviki. Tse also requires remembrance. The river of the Lute Revolution was a saint in Radyansk Russia, which was celebrated as a sacred “rejection of the autocracy”.

Otherwise, take one more Yaskrav butt: the warehouse of the Guards regiments from the bilihs. Chi not markіvtsіv chi kornilivtsіv - ce bula is so called "young guard", and quiet regiments of the Imperial Guard, reviving such Denikin praised on the pivdni of Russia. For example, take the biographical document "Biliy Rukh" by the historian S.V. Volkov, we know from new representatives of all our noble canopies. There are Obolensky, Golitsyny, Trubetsky and other famous noble ranks. The stench at once from Denikin went to Moscow. How can one say that the monarchies did not take the fate of White Russia? Where are the stinks? Did you go to immigration once? The rich and great pennies did not have after all the "confiscations". Chi "boiled shoe polish", like Colonel Tetkin at "Walking through the torment"? Well, they took their fate from White Russia. For this sensi and Lenin, again, he is still right, if he has signed riches like monarchists. On all radyansky leaflets and white posters they presented as if they were carrying inspirations of the "tsar's regime". Tshomu had a piece of truth.

- Well, can you wait with the thought that during the relocation of the two, the monarchy would be restored?

- From the heart of a great frequent imovirnosti. The monarchy was not included as a residual solution for the future National elections. Tim is more, like a lie, that the elections would not have the right to take the fate of the bіshoviki, anarchist and livi eseri.

It was said that the National Elections to renew the monarchy - the constitutional

Insha rich, like a monarchy? Obviously, it would not have been autocracy, but a constitutional monarchy, with a parliament. Ale tsey parliament will soon “get better”.

- How do you think, if the army had little chance of winning?

- A chance to win, theoretically, small ones, who have been closer to three of ours, mentally seeming, the capital. Having taken Kyiv, Denikin's armies went to Moscow, and the officers of Yudenich's army, apparently, stormed the dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral near Petrograd. So, as the stinks recognized Kolchak, the admiral, with a new pіdstavoy, took into account that the stinks were victorious in the bedroom on the right. True, he himself, from Siberia, could not help in any way, as if only to pull on himself part of the forces of the Red Army. Ale yakbi Bulo was taken by Moscow and Petrograd, having already become the Supreme Ruler. Well, then we sent out clicks of new National Establishment Choices, like to praise the head decisions about the political and economic developments of Russia.

Ale, the Viyskian children had another problem. One word - go as close as possible to the capitals, otherwise - take them and settle down there. Bouv rizik just die on the steps of the hour of street fights. From the great imovirnistyu, it would be possible to let the innumerable Pivnichno-Zahidnoy army go. Under the ker_vnitstvom of the head of the St. Petersburg city party G.Є. Zinov'eva and L.D. Trotsky, on the streets of Petrograd, a silt of defensive lines was created, dots were put up, armored posts were put up, and a system of cross-cutting machine-gun fire was littered.

Until the autumn of 1919, the fate of the Chervona army was already well formed and strengthened, including ideologically

It is impossible to forget that until the autumn of 1919 the fate of the Chervona army was to endure the good mobilization of that zoseredzhen. Police Mali communist framework. In Veresni-zhovtni 1919, mass party mobilization was carried out. Lenin did not go "on the way" from Moscow. Vіn buv upevneniya, and yogo was defeated by Trotsky, Stalin and richly viyskospekіv, scho navіt yakshcho timchasovo happened to step in, then all one could not zdobuti residual vіyskovomu win.

- Tobto tse bula used a pyrrhic victory?

- So. Tse bula b peremoga with great expenses. It is noteworthy that they themselves were aware that the stench was the closest to victory in the autumn of 1919. And the axis of Lenin vvazhav, what more chances did the opponents of the Radian power have had in 1918. The red army is weaker, the red teal is weak. Lenin was afraid of bigger interventions, lower ones, respecting that the tenth part of the Entente armies on the cob of 1919 was enough for the destitute of the Radian power. And until the end of 1919, there were 1.5 million people in the Red Army, and in the shortest time, there were 1.5 million people. Even then, it is possible to grow visnovok, but again, the residual help to get it was even easier for him.

Looking at it, it’s true, another version of the mass task is full of the Red Army soldiers under the blows of Denikin and Yudenich, the option is that the army of Chervon is falling apart, but its numbers. Ale Chervon's army at that time was replaced by commissars, the party warehouse was reinforced. That’s why it’s so easy to “fall apart” so easily, it wasn’t very realistic.

- And who is more zhorstok than a civilian - more red? Chi zhorstokostі bulo revealed equally?

- Є thought, yak was blunted, zokrema, in the work of P. Sorokin "Sociology of the Revolution", in the work of other sociologists, as if they vindicated our revolution from foreign analogues: what is the agrarian character of my country, what is the zhorstokishoy staє hromadyanska war. I navpak. On the cob of our hromada war, zhorstokіst became the norm. The value of human life has fallen. Tse vіdbuvalos sche z First light war. Vbivstvo ceased to be considered a mortal sin. They were right to say that for the sake of the "great mark" you can drive in, commit a mortal sin and nothing special will happen. Add up to hundreds and thousands of twinkies, revolvers, machine guns, as if they slumped in the hands of the population after the spontaneous “demobilization” of the tsarist army. Tse is also an important official.

Center - and red, and white - mayzhe not in control

Another important aspect is the degree of control of the central power over the power of the mind. For example, Ya.M. Sverdlov actively promoted the policy of "red terror", rozkazuvannya. And yet, he was the author of dozens of directives, it was said about the svaville of mystical security officers. Sverdlov turned to Dzerzhinsky, and he tried to fight with them. And the militants of the Cheka, the champions of Kiev and the summation of Kharkiv, did everything they wanted. The Ural Regional Council independently praised the decision about the shooting of the Tsar's Sim. Giving Sverdlov a single letter of introduction, or not giving them, they didn’t particularly care.

The same and the bilih. The central government is of little importance to the influx on the otamans, for example. Kolchak saw repeated punishments about those who needed to be reprimanded legal system, zaprovadzhuvav prosecutor's eye. But who dotrimuvavsya all these directives? Mistsevy otaman, Mistsevy counter-intelligence, corroborated by the law about the military camp, carried out reprisals.

Nayzhorstokishim buv "green" terror - svaville of insurgent pens and armies

I've also added bi terror from the side of the rebels, t.z. "green". Vіn, mabut, buv nayzhorstokіshim. More white and red, more white and red jumped to the creation of legality. And the rebels for the appointments did not lack any legality. Svavilla, hanging on to my 90s of the last century. Like a father swear, so smash. With whom they saved patrons, they could bury them in the ground with live bait, stab, rozіp'yati, stab with pitchforks.

- And the white terror, otzhe, tezh buv?

legal understanding"white terror" did not exist either. I can mentally call "bіlim terror" the system of repressive entrances, as if they were accustomed by large orders, in addition, in the minds of a military camp I will be stunned. Some of the rank-and-file members of the Bolshevik Party received a rich message. The death penalty was allowed only to the point of party cursing.

- How can you say that the white terror was less zhorstokim, lower red, what?

– We do not know the exact scale of terror. Nutrition, who had driven in the skils - the chain of nutritional levels of the roiling of the organs of the body, as if they were engaged in terror. Butt - Krim, de dosi nevidomo exact number of dead from the sanctions of R. Zemlyachka and Beli Kun. It is noteworthy that they were sued to the All-Russian Exhibition Center of the Rada. In the spring of 1921, the commission of the All-Russian Central Exhibition Commission arrived to Crimea and stated that there was a swaville and a lack of carnity of the Cheka organs. Truthfully, it was already pizno.

The weakness of the central government is one of the signs of a revolution. From one side, the government wants to be seen, trying to position itself like a government, for which they are excited. And she doesn’t have real opportunities to work, because the device of relaxation does not work with drive belts. The Center issues a directive. And on the missions, the directive is brought to the point of absurdity in direct proportion to what was praised in the center.

- What is the role of the Gromadyan engraver of the national chi, as they once said, a third-party official?

- For the red wines, it was not the main role, because for them the understanding of the “foreigner” was a relic of the king. The stench was respected for the respectful curiosity of people hanging out at the core posts not from the titular nation, but in the Caucasus, near Turkestan, Ukraine, too.

Bіlі vvazhali important squatted on the mіstseva, national elite, mіstseve nobility: princes, ladies, emirs toshchoo. It was important that it was possible to arrange agreements with them, spivpratsyuvati. Lenin here is also right in principle, if he says that “exploiters without different nationalities” have united against the Radian power. But if the local elite was categorically separatist, then the former, if they acted from the position of reviving the “United, incorrigible Russia”, nothing happened to them.

- How can you say that I was a brother-in-law? Denikin's memoirs have an episode, if his army storms the place, and the red ones baked it nicely. And one white officer said to another officer: “Well, whatever you want, there are Russians in the same place.” I gave a stink of locks, hushing up the topic.

- So loud. Be-like a hromada war - a war of fratovivcha.

- Some people seem to think that these foreigners, Jews have calmed down our people. Do the red boules have more importance than your own Russians?

- Tse bula fratovivcha war: brother against brother. The Jews were in red, and in white armies and authorities.

Tse bula fratovbivcha war: brother against brother

- Wee guessed about the green terror. Was it on the territory of Russia? What is more worthy of the territory of Ukraine?

- And the stars took the term green itself? What does it mean?

- "Green" is a term of wisdom. It is correct to say "insurgents", insurgent peasant movement. The partisan movement tried to put pid control in a spree. Buli were not less than red, but they were partisans, zokrema on the Don and Kuban. The stench went farther to the warehouse of the big armies. For example, Veshenske Cossack rebelled on the upper Don. M.A. Sholokhov, describing yoga at the “Quiet Don”, if the Veshensky rebels had gone to the warehouse of the Don white army.

Radyansk ceramics promoted di, zokrem, Siberian and far-reaching partisans. The rest, for example, laid the foundation for the army of the Faraway Republic - the Far Eastern Republic, and then they also moved to the warehouse of the Red Army. Ale rich in why the insurgent peasant movement was independent by force with its own specificity.

- How significant is the religious official in White Russia? How many among the officers and soldiers were the believers? Who were chaplains in the great armies, who were blessed by the priests?

- Set to Russian Orthodox Church there was one of the quiet important powers, yak were planted on the “different side of the barricades” red and white.

Like a hundred, for example, the shares of the landowner's lands, "swallowed" by the villagers, schodo profspilok, until the 8-year working day, one could know similar rices in the radian politics and t.z. “leftist politics with right hands”, carried out by two orders, then the positions of the Church turned out to be fundamentally opposite. Videznach’s offensive: Rosiyskiysky exit Admiral Kolchak, having worshiped the right of the law, the status of the roshty of the Rosieco Orthodox Churches, the Orthodox was visible to the Religiyu, the vita of the vidvydan, the alley did not subtish the right, and, and, and, and, and, and, and, and they were in the worship of the church. I will help, zocrema and material, at the safe working of parishes; in all the great armies, the planting of regimental priests, mullahs and chaplains was revived, the activity of church parishes was revived, and the Dieterikhs began to recognize them as the basis of the mass self-regulation. The principals of parafial activity were revisited, the priests were too small to conduct an active sermon. Recitation of the Law of God in schools was inspired. The “Druzhina of the Holy Cross and the Green Ensign” were created, in which Christian warriors and Muslims served. Obviously, it would be possible to know the facts of the “crimes” of the middle, but we do not know here the facts of the “outsiders”.

I would like to point out more: for an hour of work on materials about terror, for an hour of the hromadyanskoy war, the facts were less pronounced, especially in the middle of TV. "Terror of the Greens", about the driving in of Orthodox priests. Many of them will require an additional wedding ceremony, and, perhaps, we will become certificates of a new canonization.

The history of the White Rukh is far from complete.

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