Description of nature among Russian classics. The image of nature in literature. “Beautiful you, fields of the native land” Lermontov

"STEPS AT THE WORLD OF NATURE" « Ridna nature in the works of Russian writers"

MKOU "Ochkurivska ZOSH"

  • Rich and varied nature of our Fatherland. Rich in dense forests, wide steppes and rich rivers. A person is considered to be the ruler of the planet. Ale chi it is reasonable to put wine before her?
  • From ancient times, people and nature are closely intertwined. People are part of nature. Ale and roslini, creatures are also parts of nature. Nature is ours sleeping booth. In Greek, “dim” is “ekos”, and science is “logos”. The science of nature is called "ecology".
  • Today, our natural booth leaned against the great sky.

"Ridna nature in the works of Russian writers" (For children of the young and middle age)

  • We love the forest, be it time for fate, Mi chuemo river povilnu mov... Everything is called - nature. Let's take care of it!

Mikhailo Plyatskovsky

Vitaliy Bianki Fox newspapers. Tales and explanations

At the basis of all fox tales, the description of the stories of Vitaliy Bianka lies the yogic power of science guarding over the life of the fox and yogo bagmen. It is impossible not to fall in love with the dear haired and feathered heroes of Vitaliy Bianka, if you tell them about their stars, about rightness, cunning, vminnya ryatuvatisya and hovatisya. We praise you for the benefits of the little mandriving Pik from the announcement of "Target Peak", we know the daily goosebumps, which would be necessary to spend at home before sunset.

Mamin-Sibiryak D.M. Sira shiya. Tales and explanations

  • It is impossible to fall in love with the heroes of Mother's - Siberian: the stench is good-natured, practical, strange alien suffering. Before the reader of the works of D.N. the great human soul of a simple worker, a great Russian person, is revealed, which amazed the creatures with their turbo and love, and their friends and caregivers.

Kostyantyn Paustovsky Hare paws. Explanation of those fairy tales

  • The imagery and charisma of the Russian language with an imperceptible rank are tied with nature, with mumblings of dzherel, with cranes, with fading, which are fading; in the distance the song of the girls on the bows and wild fires, which pulls from afar.
  • I really have an incredible gift to convey the sounds, farby and smells of nature, painting a mysterious and enchanting light.

Mikhailo Prishvin Sleepy Komora. Rozpovid about nature

  • Mikhailo Prishvin is a gentleman and a mandriving man. Vіn depriving majestic wealth from the looker small excuses that describe the native nature of prose in all manifestations. Short descriptions about nature, small descriptions of quiet guards, quiet sights and sensible walks, as if the yogi’s heart was filled with growth, a tree and a small baggy forest.

George Skrebitsky Fox moon. Invisible stitches

  • From the book "Invisible Stitches" young readers learn about those, how to live life, be it, to inspire the best creatures, to learn to understand and love our kazkovo rich native nature.
  • Before the book “The Fox Moon”, there were reports about the first steps of the future naturalist, and a thought was carried out, as if it were importantly put to the natural riches.

Vira Chaplina "My vikhovantsi"

  • In the book “My vikhovantsi” there are stories about the sounds of creatures and the friendship of people and animals. Rozpovіdі sovnіnі komіchіchnyh situatsіy, yakі hour trapleyatsya us for close acquaintance with the "enchanting" animals. Those who act in front of whom they are animals can easily lead themselves to a more calm person, and Vira Chaplin warmly, but without slurring, tell about it. The book tells about the friendly friendship of the lads with domestic and tamed ones. wild creatures .

Evgen Charushin

The child was buried, yak Charushin, with a stretch of his life, looked at nature, passing wine from his testimony. Create to help wiggle in children a little spontaneous, love to nature and viability in the waters from the rich light.

From the first fates of the life of Evgen Charushin, children are accompanied by miracles on the way to the edge under the name Nature.

Olga Vasilivna Perovska Boys and animals

  • Olga Vasilivna Perovska is the author of many books for childrenЇї the best tvir "Boys and animals" vplinuv on the development of children's literature. Before the book, there were reports about the friendship between lads and creatures, calmly and smoothly talking about the first sight, but the moments of their life are so important for children. . The description of the writers is wide, light.

Mikola Sladkov Fox tales

Miles and wonderful stories about forest creatures with miraculous, boisterous illustrations. Together with the heroes of this book, funny and kind little animals, destroying a child at a miracle is more expensive with the charming light of a fairy tale. Would you like the deputy of a suffocating Moscow apartment to opine at the right fox? It's enough to go to the book police, take your favorite book, vlashtuvatisya in a quiet little corner and you are already there. At the fox you see a lot of chimal!

Dear lads!

  • It is unlikely that there is a person today who would have had a chance to bring that nature needs to be protected. Fight for the conservation of the creaturely world of nature with a blaze, we are unfamiliar with everything that is the best that we have. It is necessary to remember those who bring joy to us navkolishniy svit. Protecting nature is necessary not for those who are “our wealth”, but for those who cannot live without natural sharpening, but nature without humans can.

Protect nature!

List of victorious literature:

  • A kaleidoscope of anniversary dates: A collection of scenarios for conducting mass visits at school and child libraries: VIP.2.-M.: School Library, 2006.-256p.
  • Protecting the planet black and green: VIP.5.-Volgograd regional universal science library named after M. Gorky, 1998.
  • Library lessons. Issue 2. Navchannya shkolyariv basics BBZ.1-11 class / M.: Globus, Volgograd: Panorama, 2007.
  • Tubelska G.M. Child writers of Russia. One hundred and thirty names: Bibliographer. dovidnik. - RSHBA, 2007.-492s., Ill.

Oh, like nature - mother

Tolerate that kindness!

Ale shob її

Dashing did not sleep,

Let's save

On the swifts - sturgeon,

Killer whale in the sky

In taiga netryakh - tiger

M. Starshinov

“Kohannya to native nature is one of the most important signs of love to one’s own country ...” These are the words of the writer K.G. Who can not fit in with him? One cannot love the Batkivshchyna without living with one soul from the life of a beloved birch. Can't kohachi
Batkivshchyna, not living with one soul from the life of a beloved birch. It is impossible to love the whole world without dreaming of the fatherland. Those who for an hour have been mistaken for the “pure” lyrics of nature, landscape painting, for re-verification, appear to be especially vivacious, patriotic, patriotism, without any impossibly dbaylivenna to nature, the activity of people at її zahistі, saving and multiplying її wealth.

Movchav, thinking, and I,

staring with a staring glance

Evil holy buttya,

Zbentezheny looking at the native land.

M. Rubtsov

So, think about these rows. Power over nature was given to people not in order to step-by-step kill them, turning them into a slave, but in order to bring wisdom and dozіlnіst to svetoustriy.
However, our craft sometimes destroys the sacred natural union of the earth, water, sky and people. It seems that the global problem of modernity is ecological. Problems, problems… don't run into them. Enrichment of ecology is good today. More stench can become tomorrow.

When speaking about nature, we often use the words "dovkіllya". Ale tse is such a soulless, official phrase. You can't talk about nature like that.
Vaughn is our sanctuary. And we swung at tsyu beauty. Did the hand go up? Awareness of the seriousness of the environmental problem is necessary for the skin, so as not to destroy, not to harm and burn nature and oneself with the fire of soullessness and deafness.

Leonid Leonov was the first, who, having shown the foresight of the people in the wake of the war, if everything was under the order of one - the inspiration of life, turning to his readers, to the whole people from the call - dbaily, dbaily put up to the great komori of nature, think about tomorrow, do not destroy to serve the faithful service of rich generations.

With his sing about the Russian forest, L. Leonov brought up a new environmental problem, yak distant development in literature.

A lot of writers followed him: O. Gonchar, S. Zaligin, V. Rasputin, St.
Astaf'ev, B. Vasiliev, Ch. Aitmatov - with special force hung that artistic look at the world, which represents nature and people as inconsistently, which is constantly mutually modifiable and mutually penetrating, brought that the environmental problem becomes one with the moral problem. Do so, like “Farewell to Mother” by V. Rasputin, “
Do not shoot at the white swans" B. Vasiliev, "Tsar Riba" by V. Astaf'ev,
"Bad" Ch. Aitmatov.

These books are direct, honest, fearless rozmov about the problems of relevance and significance. Vcheni are talking about them. Designers think over them.
It’s a pity, don’t go far away, gospodarniks. Problems of a serious, serious, national scale: about the solidification of that thoroughly reasonable connections of modern people and nature, about the world and the whole of our activity in the "root" nature. Qi nutrition to put life itself. How to grow, to remake the earth, save and increase the wealth of the earth?
Onovlyuyuchi, vryatuvati that zbagatiti the beauty of nature? This problem is not only environmental, but also moral. Notification of the seriousness is necessary for the skin. To that and V. Rasputin at the work of "Farewell to Matera" conveys his anxiety. The pismennik is guarded against the suffocating occasion of nature, against the self-sung in the establishments of her order from the method of operational enrichment - forgiveness - taming. It is even more important that the writer speak about the need for a protective occasion for the people themselves, to their share in the arrangement of life. Why is it that the right mitets are starting their own defense of some valuables from the living world - from people?

I.B. Vasiliev, zahivayuchi nature, starting the new itself. The main hero of the yogo novel “Do not shoot at the white swans” is Yegor Polushkin - a nevdakha and bіdolakha, blessed is that holy fool in the eyes of his great fellow countrymen. the natural delicacy, the moral purity of Yegor do not know the favor of the navkolishny middle. Vіdkritiy, soft, poetic character of Yegor - zherelo yogo misfortune and bad luck. Egor - whole and flawless, spiritually strong person, absolutely clear, without a dog, honestly that shira. On the sides of the novel, there is another hero, who opposed Yegor, - Fedir
Bur'yanov. Vіn virostiv gіdnogo adversary - the son of Vovka, young man with hizhatsky and sadistic impudence, for all the antipode's articles
"clear-eyed" Kolі - the son of Yegor. Spozhivcha philosophy of life
Bur'yanovih's is simple and unambiguous, permeated with dry practicality, cold zhorstokistyu. Bur'yanov takes care of Yegor with such a beastly baiduzhistyu, for such a fault, dogs are methodically allowed to get old.
The tears of Bur'yanov following the death of Yegor are the purest act of hypocrisy. The pismennik clearly shows the psychological babies of Buryanov's character, mimicking in epilosis, like Palma, not respecting the prohannya of Yegor, after shooting Fedir Ipatovich. Not a moment not to shoot.
Navisny becoming Bur'yanov's dog evil slandering about evil mischief. So, Yegor Polushkin gin in the garden, how to lie down
To the “senior son” of nature, rightfully robbing the whole life, it is simple and sincere to speak about the wines in the capital’s people: “And nature, it’s still to endure everything. Vaughn miraє vmiraє, long time. And no man is king, nature. Not a king, shkidly tse - to be called a king. Sin vin її, senior titmouse! So be sensible, don’t slander a mother!” Egor is sick of succumbing to the unfortunate, the tragedy of the edge, suffering from the soul, remembering the scion, as a person was torn in the face of nature, in some unnatural and fortune-telling hundred years, he was surviving from it. And Egor knows what work is required. Not only you know, but to shy away, protecting nature, bringing nature closer to people, deeply crying out, what a stupid and empty life without poetry, beauty, joy. The writer himself stands firm in his novel.

Another important contemporary book is V. Astaf'ev's novel "Tsar Riba". Two human beings seem to form the basis of the book, the essence of the author's vision of life, as if it were depicted: love and pain. Bіl, scho for an hour to pass among rubbish chi anger like that, which is worthy of life, mutilate and promote yoga. The very subject of artistic research is people, workers, who inhabit Siberia, that primordial Siberian nature.

Reading a book, bachiming the Siberian nature with її unearthly riches, with a lot of generosity, flowing through the hour and the zhorstokistyu of the taiga. Do not go from the soul and memory of the writer, who inhabit the taiga, the characters formed by it, and we are ahead of the "settler" Yakim, without a word, head hero books, yoga is hopeless, turbo-free, short-lived and such a happy girl - mothers, thoughtful and fishermen from the banks of the Yenisei.

Reading rhyme after rhyme, we are inspired in life, nothing is similar to anything. Life in some wild, important and unsafe, high and low, beautiful and stingy, almost human nature is so suvor and impregnable, like in quiet places. Mi zustrіchaєmosya zі svoіrdіdskimi chelovecheskimi characters that nadzvichaymi, vykljuchno zhittєvimi obstavina, scho vіd people chimaloї masculinity and zhittїvoії force, minny vikladatisya until the end. Have tsikh characters - the same
Yakimki, yoga mother, yak gave birth to a dozen boys in the village of Boganidi in the village of Boganid, a dozen lads from foreign fishermen, a fishing fisherman Kiryagi - wood, who spent not only a leg on the front, but also the ability of a mother of children, a fisherman - commander, or his brother for a day, Yashov together with the king - Riboi, the majestic sturgeon, which they drank to the new on the hook, - it’s natural - biblical, mythological, which comes from the deep primordial stars with mother - earth, with heavy, ale blessed fishermen, earth no. Simple-hearted pivnichni people live here and establish order among the prisoners. Navit the most important of them buildings in the heart of the sky, to come to the people, like to do good.

Tsya zdatnіst robiti good podnіmaє hour of heroes, as it happened with the thoughtful fisherman Akіmkoy, before the feat of self-sacrifice at the tayzi. These human qualities signify that moral steadfastness, steadfastness, as with such force it appeared at the fate of war. In black-and-white contrast, the writer's characters are small, who have spent their moral stamina in their hizhatsky egoism, have spent the link with the people and the land. "King-Riba" by V. Astaf'eva is a pain in the ass and an overburdened against poaching due to the nature of all kinds and forms of yoga. And yet more shkodi of nature zavda mindlessly gospodaryuvannya on nіy, pragnennya
"lasso" nature be-scho-be. Already sim one "Tsar-Riba" - the rich is even more modern.

Head turbota that anxiety, Head problem a writer is a human being. That person, who is dear and close to you, who knew that youth behind the fates of childhood, who he knew in his recent trips to his native places.
“Having changed my native Siberia, and everything has changed, - the writer of the visnovo is working. - Everything is flowing, everything is changing! So bulo, so є.
So it will be!" Why do you see the test of change not only in Siberian nature, but in the simple-hearted pivnіchna people who grew up in your bosom?

The food is not given in the book without help, it’s out of the question, because you can only give life to someone else. Ale wine of statements, formulations, more turbulence of the writer. You should already cool change. Then why are you anxious, restless, nourished? ... “What am I kidding? Why am I suffering? Why? New? - The writer is finishing the book. Vіn tormented by them, how to save in this new, civilized, prosperous life, those zagalnolyudskie, humanistic values ​​of labor folk morality, yakі, no matter how much you try, robbed Yakimok people, yak, having added new ones, do not expand the old. As if it were so, so that the people and internally vindicated these noble changes, so that morality did not give in to spiritual poaching, so that the human sum did not recognize the spirit of sovereignty and selfishness, which, on the right, made victorists progress in their own.

My fault is the nobility of the highest: Povіtrya - father. Water is mother. Earth
-hut. Dew is national wealth. The light of nature is to bear the spirit of payment.
In books, there are a lot of suffering tsar-ribi, a fox, Matera, a wounded person. With the help of the maisternist, the writers dol_dzhuyut the most subtle connections of people and nature, with anxiety and pain.

I respect that for all the grandiosity of nature, the reasonable hand of a person is everywhere to blame. The skin of us is guilty of remembrance that "he has a soul, he has freedom,"

The movement of realism in the Russian art of the 19th century was possible for the flooring, which the most prominent artists saw in the creativity of yoga. The poetry of A.A. Feta tsey vpliv realism especially signified on the verses about nature.

Fet is one of the miraculous Russian poets - landscape painters. At Yogo vіrshah, in all beauty, there is a Russian spring - with flourishing trees, the first flowers, with cranes that scream at the steppe. I am given, the image of cranes, such a lot of love for Russian poets, having previously recognized Fet.

Fet's poetry depicts nature in detail. Whose plan is an innovator. Before
Feta in Russian poetry, brutal to nature, panuvala zagalnennya. At the top
Feta are no less than traditional birds with a poetic halo - like a nightingale, a swan, a lark, an eagle, and such like a bi simple and unpoetic, like a sich, a harrier, a lapwing, a swift. For example:

It is well known that here we may be on the right with the author, who, behind the voice, distinguishes birds and more - respects where the birds are known. Tse, obviously, is not just a legacy of the deep knowledge of nature, but love sings before her, that gruntovna is a long time ago.

Maybe, the author of the work on verses about nature is to blame for the mother's unabashed relish. To that, in another turn of wines, there is a risk of falling into the legacy of folk poetry, as such options.

May ration S.Ya. Marshak at his suffocated with the freshness and impertinence of Fetov's sprynyatta of nature: "Yogo verses entered the Russian nature, became an invisible part, miraculous rows about the spring boards, about the watering of the blizzard, penetrating edges."

In my opinion, Marshak definitely remembered one more feature of poetry
Feta: “Nature in the new is exactly on the first day of creation: the light is the line of the river, the nightingale’s calm, licorice key, to play… It’s like nastirna and intrudes into this closed world, then it will waste its practical zmist and character decorative."

How important is the face of Fet - the landscape painter I want to celebrate his impressionism.
The impressionist does not shy away from the outer world, he is staring at the new, imagining it in such a way that he is given to his mitten look.
Impresionista to squawk is not an object, but an expression:

Deprive you of one kovzaesh stitch of Blakit;

It's all ugly all around.

So hoarsely nothing with your bottomless screen

There are myriad stars before us.

It is clear to the reader that the world is being depicted here at the sight, which added to the mood of the poet. For all the specificity of the description of the details, nature, however, differs from Fet to the lyrical sense.

The nature of the poet is crowded, like that of a yogi in front of him.
Kviti in the new chuckle, zirki pray, rates mrіє, birches check, willow
"friendly with painful dreams." Tsіkavyy moment "vіdguku" nature almost like a poet:

... in the wake of the nightingale's song

To spread anxiety and love.

About this double Leo Tolstoy wrote: “Is the first star in which good-natured officer of Tovstoy is taken by such unreasonable lyricism, the power of great poets”? Next to guess what Lev Mikolayovich Tolstoy, one hour
"Grumblings", having recognized the great poet from Feti. Vіn not knocking.

Fet mits and love lyric. Yomu's landscape baggage became a godsend to you in yoga's romantic verses about a kohannya. I would say that I always choose beauty as a theme for my verses - from nature, from people. He himself sings of euphoria: "without a sense of beauty of life, one can grow up to the year of hounds in a stuffy - stinking kennel."

The beauty of yoga rhythms and landscapes forever embellish our life.

Creativity of Tyutchev and Fet, two miraculous Russian poets of the other half of the 19th century, mutually. It is impossible not to guess that Tyutchev and
Fet was deeply respected and valued one by one. Tyutchev highly commented on the poetic gift of his young co-worker:

Great mother Kokhanoi

Hundred times envious of your share:

More than once under the visible shell

You yourself її pobachiv.

At his heart, Fet deeply swayed Tyutchev, bacheling a creative spirit in his new dog. In one of the messages to Tyutchev, Fet is reeling: "My deafening sings." At the top "On the books of tops
Tyutchev" the author wrote6

Here is the spirit of an exhausting panuvannya,

There is a vibrancy of life colors.

Such a mutual sympathy of poets for many reasons. Fet ta
Tyutchev followed the doctrine of "pure art", with which they competed during the period of democratically established singing of the Nekrasov school. The creativity of both poets has a great place for nature. Both poets inspire inner closeness to nature, harmony with it, a subtle understanding of natural life.

Traditional for Russian literature is the reflection of pictures of nature with a singing mood and a camp of the human soul. This technique of figurative parallelism was widely celebrated by Zhukovsky, Pushkin and
Lermontov. Fet and Tyutchev carry on the tradition at their own virshas. So,
Tyutchev at the verse "Autumn Vechir" destroys nature, which is in the 'yane, with a tormented human soul. Poetov far away with marvelous accuracy conveys the sickly beauty of autumn, which calls out at once the hoarded sum. Particularly characteristic of Tyutchev are smiles, ale zavzhdi virn_ epiteti:
"an evil glare and stringiness of trees", "a sumptuously desolate land". I sings in people's senses to know the mood that is in nature:

Crushed, flustered - and for everything

That lagidna grin in'yanennya,

What in a sensible way is my cry

Divine rubbish and anger of suffering.

Tsey virsh is clearly peregukuetsya with Pushkin's "Autumn", de
“It’s time to frown” to compete with the “dry maiden”, lagid and beautiful in her ailment.

Tyutchev inspires nature, animates, the image is alive and crowded:

I licorice thrill, like strumin,

Through the veins of nature.

Yak bi hot nig її

The keys of the water jostled.

("Summer evening")

Yogo virshakh has “licorice dreaming of a garden of dark greens”, grim, “bearing and roaring, grumbling at the black sky”, “winter is not without reason to be angry”.

Nature -

... Not evil, not soulless disguise -

He has a soul, he has freedom,

She has a kohannya, she has a language...

(“Nature is not what you think ...”) Tyutchev and his protracted thoughts about nature are hanging out: there is an “all-gloomy” day (“From the life of the one who lived here ...”), gloom and baiduzha. I without us:

You will all be the same - and zaviryuha is so self-conscious,

I that trouble, and that same step all around.

(“Brother, what are the styles of rock accompanying me”)

Tyutchev writes about the impossibility for a person to be angry with the "overwhelming chaos", which sounds like nature, about the eternal opposition of people to nature
(“Spіvuchіst є є mariskih khvilyah…”), ale khіba sho super-speak yourself (really folded buttya), stverzhuє, scho sho sprozhnє rostannya (Goethe)
“prophet speaks with a thunderstorm” (“On the tree of high people ...”), so that only soulless people do not understand my nature:

I with unearthly words,

Waving rivers and foxes,

At night I didn’t care for them

Rose has a friendly thunderstorm!

(“Not what you think, nature ...”)
Priyom figurative parallelism zustrіchaєmo і in Feta. Moreover, it is most often that I use Fet vikoristovu as in the attached form, spiraling ahead of the associative link, but not on the basis of the nature and human soul. Like a butt, you can make a verse “Let's shine with the sun at the fox's half-moon bagattya! ..” let's think about, well, the masterpiece of Fet's “impressionist lyrics”. Elnik at the top hits, sings nagaduyuschie "p'anyh giants choir, scho stupilis". Naturally, it’s true that the yalinkas stand unruly, but the poets dare to accurately convey those stinks that are created in the unfamiliar visions of the bagattya. At the top of the Vikoristan "Kiltsev" composition: they start and end with the images of the fire, which is about to burn. The richness of the details is symbolic, and it does not allow you to write in the description of the richness, which burns out in the daytime and roams at night, which is a dream come true. Really, what a richness, in the light of such a tree come to life, the warmth of which penetrates “to the bones and heart”, relieving all life's anxieties? Chi is not a symbol of the fire of creativity, which inspires under the oppression of everyday life “to warm sparingly, lazily” in the soul of the poet?

Even tsіkavo vykoristovuєtsya priyom figurative parallelism in the other verse Fet "Whisper, timid breath ...". Here he sings the image of love, as if nibi intertwined with the pictures of the night garden, the nightingale's trills and the dawn that flare up. Nature at the top becomes a participant in the life of suffocation, it helps to understand them, they feel and give them special poeticity and mystery.

The order of imaginative parallelism in the depiction of nature by Fet and Tyutchev is to identify the wild motives of natural elements. Tse nasampered described the stars, the sea and the fire. In the image of the dawn sky for Tyutchev and Fet, the mysterious power of nature, its great power, is most clearly shown. Tom in
Tyutchev we read the following rows:

Heavenly crypt, to burn with dawn glory,

Taєmnicho marvel at glibini.

I choir is bright, alive and friendly,

Navko razkinuvshis, tremtіv.

This is not a single example of a similar roll call of motives. Rosuminnya nature as a mighty force, as a conviviality of the elements mi bachimo in Tyutchev, and in Fet. Among the motives that are repeated, you can see the rose about the sea, water.
Vsіm vіdomі Tyutchev's rows:

How good are you, the sea is night!

Now promenisto, then gray-dark ...

In Fet, one of the books of Yoga Versha is also dedicated to the sea. However, for Fet, the water was devoid of "alien elements", just like Tyutchev's water is one of the most favorite motives. At the same time, at this element, the bachiv cob sings and the light of the world, “the dark root of the light butt” sings. This motif permeates all the verses of Tyutchev.

І nareshti, in a row with wild tricks and motifs of poets, one by one, similarly setting up to nature in flames. For Tyutchev, that Fet nature is the bearer of great wisdom, harmony and beauty. Before her, a person can turn around with a twisted quilt, she has such a whimsical podtrimki.
"Great Matir'yu" is the name of nature Tyutchev. Tse porіvnyannya vinikaє th at the other yogo vіrshi, de sings vigukuє:

Not what you think, nature:

Not evil, not soulless disguise -

He has a soul, he has freedom,

She has a kohannya, she has a language...

At one’s own place, Fet at one’s vіrshi “Vchis with them - at the oak, at the birch ...” pronounce shukati butts for inheritance in nature itself, in the її zdatnosti inexorably reborn until a new life.

However, the nature of Tyutchev and Feta is depicted with deep insight. It is mind-boggling that we are in front of the poetic temperament of these authors.

Tyutchev is a poet-philosopher. The same name is associated with the current of philosophical romanticism, which came to Russia from German literature. And in his verses, Tyutchev pragmatically understand nature, including it in the system of his philosophical views, transforming into a part of his inner world. Possibly, this practice of accommodating nature within the framework of human knowledge is dictated by Tyutchev's predilection for seclusion. Let's guess, I would like to see the vіdomiy vіrsh "Vesnyanі vodi", de strumki "bіzhat and shine, i seem". Sometimes the practice of the “following” of nature brings the poet to pagan, mythological images. So, at the verse "Pivden" the description of the dreamy nature, languishing with sintering, ends with the riddle of the god Pan. And at the top of the “Spring Thunderstorm” I’ll shine, I’ll see the picture of the awakening of the forces of nature in such rows:

You will say: Hebe windmill,

Feeding Zeus' eagle,

Thunder-boiling cup from the sky,

Angry, she spilled it on the ground.

Prote pragnennya razumiti, comprehend the nature to produce less to the point that sings one feels torn in front of her. That's why rich verses
Tyutchev, especially during the late period, it sounds so brightly to be angry with nature, “to be angry with the landless”. At the verse “How kind you are, the sea is night ...” we read:

Whom is hvilyuvanny, who is angry,

All, as you see, I'm worth the intrusions -

Oh, how I would like to have їhnіy enchantment

Having drowned all my soul...

In the early version of "Tinі sizі" the tower stands out more in relief.

So, try to guess the mystery of nature to induce a hickey to death.
He sings about this with bitter writing in one of his chotirivirshiv:

Nature - Sphinx. І tim vona vіrnisha

To destroy people with your calmness,

What, maybe, no way

There are no riddles and she didn’t have any.

Until the end of life, Tyutchev realizes that the people are "less than a world of nature." Nature dabbles in the “all-gloomy and peaceful abyss”, as if to inspire poets not only fear, but not hatred. Above her is not a master yoga mind, "the spirit of an arduous panuvannya."

Thus, by protracting life, the image of nature changes in the light and creativity of Tyutchev. Seeing the blue of nature, that poet is more and more guessing
"fatal duel". Ale, so Tyutchev himself appointed the right kohannya.

Fully stosunki with nature near Fet. Vіn ne pragne
"rise" over nature, analyze it from the position of the mind. Fet feels like an organic part of nature. In yoga, verses are transmitted to feelings, emotions sprinyattya light. Chernishevsky wrote about the verses of Fet, that he could write a horse, as if he had learned to write verses. Indeed, the very lack of middleness of hostility infuriates Fet's creativity. Vіn often compares himself at the top with “the first Meshchanian paradise”, “the first Jews on the borders of the inhabited land”. Tse samovіdchuttya "pershovіdkrivacha priroda" before the speech, often powerful in the heroes of Tolstoy, with yakim Fet buv friendly. Forget about wanting Prince Andriy, who will take a birch yak "a tree with white stovbur and green leaves." In Fet, at the verse of "Spring Boards" we read:

I went to the garden,

Drumming on a fresh leaf.

Tse "shish", obviously, dosch, but for Fet it is organic to call Yogo himself such an insignificant borrower. Tyutchev, maybe, you can’t allow such a thing in a moment. For Fet, nature is truly the natural medium of life and creativity. The creative inspiration comes to the new one at once from the awakening of nature. At the verse “I have come to you with a welcome”, the unity of quiet forces is especially clearly seen, which urge birds to sing and create a poet:

... It’s fun on me, because I don’t know myself what I will be.

Sleep - ale only a song in sight.

“We don’t know such a lyrical spring feeling of nature in all Russian poetry!” - saying about tsey virsh critic Vasil Botkin.
Mabut, tsey whistle can be zastosuvat and to all the poetry of Fet.

Later, we looked at the images of nature in the works of two of the greatest Russian poets, like Tyutchev and Fet. Being close to ideology
"Pure art", the insults of the poet shattered the nature of one of the central themes in their work. For Tyutchev, that Fet nature is a mighty force, carrying like a greater wisdom. In this verse, the wild motifs of the natural elements are repeated: the stars, the sky, the sea, the fire, the dawn is thin. Often, with the help of pictures of nature, poetry is conveyed to the camp of the human soul.
However, for Tyutchev, it is more characteristic to stand up to nature from the position of the mind, and for Fet - from the position of the sense. But without a doubt those who insulted the poet with the greatest masters of landscape poetry, that creativity became the starting point for the rich literary currents of the Russian silver age. Chi without Fet would be a possible manifestation in Russian literature for Blok and Mandelstam. Tyutchev, becoming a kind of "teacher" of Russian symbolists. So, the tradition of landscape lyrics broke in a hundred years

Sprynyattya A.A. Ugly. Wiccan retail for us in front of him
Nekrasov is a realist, and Fet is a romantic.

Fet's lyrics - all the beauty, three main warehouses - nature, kohannya that song. Nature borrows the most important place from creativity, which is inspired by the names of the greater number of cycles: "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Snow" ... Fet idealizes nature. The more strongly you sing the yogo aesthetically spryyattya of nature, the more distant the uniqueness of reality. For example, we characterize romantic metaphors as a symbol of color by the hero of an autobiographical description - the drawing "Cactus". I’ll point out just one of them: “It looks like a dormouse,” the girl said to the baiduzh, and she looked at the ticket. the lad gasped: "... So ... even tse kokhannya temple!" Fetivsky's depiction of nature with landscape paintings and the overpaintings of power in an enchanting romantic sound:

What is the sound of the evening melody? God is a call! -

That colic just drove chi sich.

Separation in the new, and suffering in the new,

I distant nevidomy cry.

Like a dream of ailments of sleepless nights

Whose sound is crying, angry ...

On the view of Feta's works, nature, which is depicted by Nekrasov, the Russian nature of the sumptuous plains and roads, is poor and sumptuous, it looks like a stingy tightness.

One of Nekrasov's miraculous performances is the “rhythm of confusion”. The new one is characterized by a special prompting phrase with an impersonal supplementary propositions, scho to move from row to edge, vikoristannya three-storey expansions.

At the same time with the "bіdnimi" dієslіvnimi rhymes, I create apparently inexhaustible length, people of associations, like mav on Nekrasov's vows, - with the boundless expanses of Russia, with inexhaustible vagueness, in the field of steppe

Chu! Stretch in the sky cranes,

І cry їх, nache roll call

Save the sleep of the native land

Lord's guards, rush

Over the dark forest, over the village,

Over the field, de herd to graze

І song is a sum of sleep

In front of the bagattiam, why dim.


It is important to know another poet with such feelings of Russia as a majestic living whole, with open spaces and silence, sickness and vigilance.
Veresen noise, my land is native
All under the board, I read without a break ...

Here Nekrasov does not give a picture of the boundless Russian expanse, but the inconsistency still appears, turning into the very hyperbolism of the autumn tug: the earth is moving “without a break” ...

But the fatherland lives near Nekrasov’s virshas no less than in “Russian sums”, you can know from him the beauty of Russian nature (for example, from
"Silence"). And in a new and so virshi, de directly, and not “in an unacceptable way”, it is expressed “the ideal camp of the world” (for example, “Peasant children”,
"Green Noise"). Ale and in the brightest images behind the tone are seen by Nekrasov
"Russian sum". Vaughn to enter the warehouse in the very manifestation of the ideal. The axis is like in the description of the wine, which was woven by the village girl,
“to blend in” with a seemingly indistinct, trochic “smart attribute to the Russian landscape”:
Everything is white, yellowish, pale-purple
That red card.

If in Nekrasov nature is spiritualized, crowded, then at Fet, for the warnings of the clerk E. Yermilova, on his own: in his human life, Fet projects under nature. At Fet, she lives on her own, deep and secret life, and a person at the highest level of spiritual exaltation can be counted to this life:

This is the whole day to sleep the nights,

Ale just a little sun for the guy come in,

Quietly the leaves open,

I can feel the color of my heart.

At the pіznіshi vіrshah Fet, they fared far from nature, the Daedals more stench, parallels with life. The pictures of nature are transformed into allegories for an hour, but when you see the unbearable, wholesome life of nature, it is taken as an ideal, as a wisdom:

The sun is already silent, there are no days of sleepless exercises,

Tilki zahіd the sun for a long time visibly visibly burn;

Oh, yakby heaven judged without heavy languor

So I myself, looking back at life, die!

Singing Boris Pasternak - lyrical artist. The impersonal yogo virshiv is dedicated to nature. At the post-yniy uvazi of the poet to the expanses of the earth, until the time of fate, until the sun, she was chained, at my glance, Head topic yoga of poetic creativity. Pasternak just like it's time
Tyutchev, vіdchuvaє chi non-religious zdivuvannya in front of "God's world".
So, behind the words of people who knew him closely, loving to call Pasternak boiled for a long time - the very "light of God."

It seems that maybe a quarter of a century I lived at Peredilkina at the writing dacha. All strumki, yari, old trees of this miraculous place have grown up to the yoga of landscape painting.

You are readers, like me, like me, to love the top poet, to know that I can’t live and inanimate nature. Landscapes are depicted in yoga verses on equal genre lyrical paintings of buttya. For Pasternak, it is important to look at the landscape, but also to look at nature.

The phenomena of nature at the top of the poet swell the power of living things: the plank is dull, white on the threshold
Pasternak to walk with a prosіkoy "like a landowner and a mіtchik". A thunderstorm in a new place can be threatening, like an evil woman, and the houses feel like a man, like a fear of falling.

Pasternak fills the boards with the features of a poet, and the boards write verses:

Vіdrostki piss off to get dirty at the graves

I long, long before dawn

They steal from the cover of their acres,

Let Rome have bulbs.

The sound painter conveys to the ear the sounds that are seen on the right board.

In Pasternak's landscape, there are some global expansions that are close to the scale of Mayakovsky's peaks. At the primevalness, the farb stands before the readers of the Urals at the verses "On the steamboat", "The Urals are up". Є in the new pіvnochі painting - “Krygokhіd”, “Vіdpliv”.

But the best thing to take for the soul of the verse, de Pasternak depicts nature near Moscow. Having given us their swifts, thunderstorms, the smell of horses and pines for a long time:

Not long ago

Pass the plank like a landmineer and a mitchik.

A leaf of convalії tight-fitting with a flare,

Water clogged at the vuha of the royal candles.

Viplekani cold pine forest,

The stench of the dew blows the lobes,

Do not love the day, grow apart

I smell the smell one by one.

I would like a collection of poetry by Pasternak "On early trains". At this book, it sings in its own new poetic horizons, and the nature has been updated to subtler feelings.

With such an enchanting power, creating your landscapes on the canvas, perhaps, Kuindzhi.

I commemorated those who sing pictures of landscapes, mute stories of fairy tales:

Silent time of leaf fall.

The rest of the geese are shoals.

You don't need to be embarrassed

Fear has big eyes.

High wind, hound of employment,

Lakaє її before going to bed,

The order of creation is tempting,

Like a fairy tale with a good end.

Pasternak, besides other literary merits, will forever be a charming fairy tale for us in his verses about native nature.

Nature is the whole sphere that dies out of the novel. in order to understand the causes of Zhivago's behavior in singing situations, it is necessary to understand the meanings for the new nature and the universe of creation.

All Zhitty Zhivago - izstinkivatically pragnenshin, did not take place in the natural, do not have an opening, turn into dinstick, de “calling the yuru bokiv, Dotik, non -Chistye, yak lice ... Yura viriv u
Whose god is the fox like a fox.” To instill Christianity here is inevitably natural: either Jesus is "a man - a shepherd at the flock of sheep at sunset", then the people send Zhivago off to the next world, to that "the kingdom of the roslyn
- The nearest susid of the kingdom of death. In the green of the earth, there are hidden secrets, the transformation of those mysteries of life.

Seeing the sight of God, and by themselves, the sight of nature, at the time of your youth,
Live pid hour hromada war If “the laws of human civilization have vanished” and the pressure of the mind has weakened, turning into nature through love to Larry. In the novel “naturalness”, the kokhannya is constantly voiced: “The stench loved what everyone wanted so much: the earth was under them, the sky was above their heads, the gloom of that tree. That Lara herself appears either in the form of a swan, or a dove, and vreshti-resht becomes clear that for Zhivago Lara is an inwardness of nature itself:
At such a hvilin, it’s like vin passing the krіz to yourself the color of the light. Like a gift of the living spirit, entering in a stream at the chest, having thrashed all the yoga іstotu and a pair of krills came out of the z-pіd of the shoulder blades of the name ... "" Lara! - having flattened his eyes, having whispered his thoughts, he turned to his whole life, to the whole of God's earth, to everything that lay before him, the sun of the radiant expanse.

Even though Lara made the whole of nature special for Zhivago, we can explain his instinctive exercise before her. Vіn is guilty of buv at nіy rozchinitis, as if it were in forest, if vin was attached to galyavinі and “the stringiness of drowsy patches that yogo fell asleep, kartatim vizerunk covered yogo body, which hovered on the earth, and roiled yogo unappeared, not leidmіnim in the leaf start by putting on your hat. - invisible. Razchinyayuschie in nature, people are born with the rights of creatures: the stench is the only right brother to navit from komakhs:

Turning to the woods, on the cob, if all were equal, is the only way out for Zhivago as a creative specialty, otherwise wines are constantly aware of the inadequacy of his foundation. Wine and Lara are one whole, which nature helps, and which soul. The fields that are "orphaned and damned without a human being" call out to Zhivago as a fire madder: to sip wine, as if "the devil's mocking smile grins at them"; like the foxes, “they show off, as if they were released into the wild”, God live, and the people will go to the camp of enlightenment, dressing.

Pasternak stuns Zhivago and us, readers, as a manifestation of nature's inner nature, and the evangelists, deacons from them become the constant harbingers of joy and misfortune. The stench lives on in the future, “because the heroes perebuvayut at the system of nature, they won’t expand their laws, at the vladі y vednі їhnє probієі past”.

The role of landscape in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Children".

The landscape helps the writer to tell about the place and the hour of the day. The role of the landscape in creativity is different: the landscape has a compositional significance, it is ashes, it is undermined, it helps to understand and perceive the experience, the spiritual state and souls of the heroes. Through the landscape, the author hangs his point of view on the bottom, as well as his setting up to nature, heroes.

One of the best landscape painters in world literature is Turgenev. Vіn imagining in his descriptions, stories and novels the world of Russian nature. Yogo landscapes vibrate with non-artistic beauty, life, oppose marvelous poetic sawnness and watchfulness. Garden and park
To Spasky, in the fields of that fox - the first side of the book of Nature, yak
Turgenev does not bother to read all life. Together, from the strong tutors of the stitches, the roads that led to the fields, there, it’s quiet, it’s quiet, the life is quiet, the stars can be seen from the village, which may have been lost in the bread. Skіlki rosіyskoї ї ї ї і, uyavy taken іz tsikh Savior rokіv! We know Turgenev, the landscape painter behind the "Notes of the Thought". The never-ending master of the Russian landscape is filled with Turgeniev in the novel “Fathers and Children”. Like in all the works of Turgenev, the landscape in "Fathers and Children" gains an important meaning. In 60 years, the struggle between liberals and democrats was mainly based on rural food. Turgenev shows in the third chapter of the novel that Russia was still a strong-willed one, that “fathers” and “children” clashed. The author gives evidence of the fact that the author was inspired by the landscape: “Most, with such stench they passed, could not be called a picnic ... There were also bad rates with poor rowing, and villages with low huts under dark, often up to half of the dash. Like navmisne, the peasants wiggled their hair, on filthy nags ... lean, shorts of dumb, dirty cows greedily plucked the grass in the ditches.

The author of small village fields, filthy foxes, wretched pastures, neglected waterways, ruined huts with stale leanness for an hour without a year of straw for dahiv. A small, strong landscape, a writer to talk about rural ruin is clearer and brighter, lower they could have written long descriptions of that world. After helping to ruynuvannya navit Arkadiy razumіє nebhіdnіst transformation. "Ale yak їх vikonati, how to proceed? .." - I think vin. І tse was the true smut food of the era.

Turgenev's landscape is pierced by love to villagery, to the native land.
“Spring took its toll. Everything around was golden green, everything was widely and softly praised and shone under the quiet breath of the warm wind. All are trees, bushes and grasses. The picture of the spring awakening of nature brings hope to the novel that the hour of renewal of the fatherland has come.

The novel is given landscape painting, may have independent meaning, but compositionally suborders the main ideas of the novel. the landscape of the eleventh chapter, the description of Turgenev’s summer evening, depicts how deeply and strongly wild nature per person, being a source of yoga moods, sensibility, thoughts.

“It was already evening; The sun rose behind a small wasp forest that lay at the edge of the garden;
Sonyachnye promenі, from their side, climbed into the forest, breaking through the dense thicket, doused the stovstorms of the osik with such warm light that the stench became similar to the stovstorms of pines, and the leaves of the maya were blue and above it rose a blue-black sky, the dawn was clouded . "How good, my God!" - thinking
Mikola Petrovich. Tsya picture of the evening day nalashtovu Kirsanov in a merry way and let me think that “it is possible to sympathize with nature”, enjoy the beauty, that it is not peaceful. For the help of this landscape, the author shows his adversity with the point of Bazarov’s dawn, competes with his hero, who is more like a master in nature, like a human being.

The stupidity, the absence of the late Pavel Petrovich’s duel with Bazarov, is described by the description of the “glorious fresh” wound, the dew, the sky, from which “the songs of larks were hooting”, the figure of a peasant, who drove “two horses astray”.

At the 25th, 26th divisions, the history of the kokhannya and the friendship of Arcadia is revealed.
To sit together from Katya on a bench in the garden, by the shade of a tall ash tree. It is clear that the denunciation is not vipadkovo: “it is clear to the Russian spirit of the goodness of names: a tree is so easy and clearly does not stretch on the street, like a wine.” History
Arcadia - the history is clear, calm. "Weak wind", "pale-golden patches of light", "equal shade" - a characteristic landscape framed by an awkward story of a trusting closeness of young people. The landscape lends a straight line to Arcadia and Katya Bazarov, his harsh life, the image of that lot.

A deep lyricism greeted the picture of a rural flower, where old Bazarov came to cry at the grave of his son. The landscape conveys the strength of the grief of the fathers. Tsvintar “looks like sums; ditches that otochulyali yogo, long overgrown", "two or three trees to give the miserable shade, old people marvel at
“Nimiy stone”, under which to lie their son. Whose description of Turgenev made his assessment of Bazarov and correct it. With love and pain to speak more about your hero and at the same time, the thought about those that “more passionate, sinful, rebellious heart” of this hero beat in the name of Timchas’s Timchas’s goals: “Quite, scho to grow on the grave of Bazarov , reconcile ... about the eternal reconciliation and life of the inexcusable.

In certain moods, the landscape helps the writer to invigorate the mood and experience of his heroes. For example, the painting “white winters with a harsh silence of bezkhmarny frosts, thin, creaky snow, erysipelas on trees and a bleak-smart sky” in the remaining chapter of the novel harmonizes with Arkady and Katy, Mikoli Petrovich and Baubles. In all of these paintings, which are inspired by realistic concreteness, poeticity, there is a great love of the writer to the native Russian nature, and it is easy to know the most suitable and exact words for this image. Pictures of nature in "Fathers and Children" sit in a slightly equal place with the first novels
Turgenev ("Rudin", "Forward", "Noble Nest"). The author reiterates that at the same time, from the noble nests, nature also fell into oblivion.

At the landscape - at the final chord of the book - Turgenev revealing the life-giving truth of nature, її nevycherpnu mіts, її beauty, scho nevmiraє. Behind Gorky's words, "it is marvelously simple and absolutely clear to write about everything Turgenev." Yogo's prose sounds like music.

People and nature ... In my opinion, the stench is tightly tied one to one. If bachimo, as such chi іnsha particularity takes the light of nature, we can approximately characterize it. Maizhe at all artistic creations mi zustrіchaєmo description of nature, її "interaction" with the heroes, but more than that, bachachi, as the other character takes on nature, we go deeper into yogo character, rozumієmo, why blame so chi іnakshe repair. Showing the proposition of the hero to nature, the author "expands" his image, first giving him an additional characteristic. And, obviously, the image of nature gives us the opportunity to understand a lot of things from the author himself.

Mutually people and nature in the novel by I.S. Turgenev can be seen from the butt of okremy heroes - Bazarov, Arcadia, Mikoli
Petrovich, Pavel Petrovich.

I think that there is almost a trace of Bazarov, the main character of the novel. This is a super-personal specialty: from one side, everything is blocked by a nihilist, a materialist, but at the same time, romanticism is attached to a new one, until such a fault is known to no one, to inspire oneself. In one of the roses with my friend Arcadian wine, I respect that “nature is not a temple, but a workshop” and a person is a practitioner, and in every other way spriynyattya - “dribnitsa”; in it there is nothing cryptic, unbugged and infallible people. Buzok and acacia Bazarov is called “good lads” and generously, in a good way, that the father’s guy has adopted - nature can bring melancholy, to whom it is recognized.

Bazaars are less likely to pick up toads, to terrify the strong detlakhs to climb after them into the swamp, and more than not to stick out of nature. Ale, mabut, boules in the depths of the yoga soul of the couple of romanticism, like the veins could not be drowned out. I bachimo їх, if Bazarov zakohavsya in Odintsovo and s stormy revealing romance in his own; and even uncompromising nihilist ishov among the forests, jokingly order with the nature of self-sufficiency, blurting out “laughing jacks that got caught, and like in a loud voice її and myself.” Ale Bazarov hate in his own "bad romanticism", ignoring yoga, barking at himself.

Bazarov is poor, his life is good, and, in my opinion, I just don’t have time for romance.

Zovsіm is not such a yoga friend Arkadiy
Bazarov, to make himself a lean, grown-up man. Really, the wine is soft, the lower young man. Vіn stand close to nature, razumіє ta vіdchuvaє її, schopravda, prihovuє everything, but it is impossible to prihovat those that are natural. And, having forgotten, Arkady admires the fields, the sun, what to come in, and thoughtfully asks Bazarov: “Is nature a breeze?”. On that note: "... rubbish, in that sense, in what you are wise". But for Arcadia, it’s not so, for him nature is the very “temple”, and we’re lucky that someone else’s light-gazer
Bazarov, wanting to be in awe of him and inheriting yoga, so as not to be weak, not wise, that we are not weak. It is impossible for oneself to know one's mind about Katya, how to love nature, and even more closer to young people.

Batko Arkadiya - Mikola Petrovich - even similar to his son, he is also a romantic, just not prihovuє tsgogo. Mikola Petrovich love to read
Pushkin, play the cello, over which Bazarov ironizes, the gazebo is in love with him in the garden, de vin often sit, loving nature, rozmirkovuyuchi. You are trying to be a progressive person, but you don’t see what is close to you. Mikola Petrovich wonders how you can "not sing mysticism, nature ..." Win a wonderful evening landscape: illuminated by the sun, what to go in, hai, the sky is bleak, and I sigh at the ghost, mrnuliya, in front of him stand the image of a dead squad, nostalgia for a moment yoga. The new one has tears in his eyes, he lifts them up to the sky and admires the bright stars. І mi spіvchuєmo tsіy people, rozumієmo її.
This episode reveals to us the nature of Mikoli Petrovich.

Let's look now at my brother, Pavel Petrovich, who is the most prolific Mikola Petrovich. Vіn dry, zhovchna lyudina, baiduzha to nature, won't spit on her. That same evening, if his brother is dreaming and goes as far as he can, Pavlo Petrovich is also walking in the garden and also marveling at the stars, but the stench does not cry out from the new everyday experience. "Vin not being a romantic of people, and not having a vision of a chapurno dry and biased, in a French way, a misanthropic soul ..." Vіn chomus is similar to Bazarov, but for him nature is not a "maister", but just a background.

The novel "Father and Child" has charming regions. For example, on the cob of the novel, if the arrival of Arcadia rushes from the dawn of spring: “Everything turned golden green and flickered under the quiet breath of warm wind, everything is trees, bushes and grass.” Mi nibi chuemo dzyurchannya strumka, spiv ptahіv, we nibi vіє vesnі.

Abo described the wound before the duel of Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov:
“... small strings of fuzzy stood like rams on a pale-clear glaze, dry dew hung on the leaves and grasses, shone like a streak on cobwebs; the greenery is dark, it seemed to take on the rouge color of the dawn; the songs of larks hooted from the sky. As accurately as all the details are gathered, the picture is now wild.

Ale, nature for the author is like a dzherelo nasolod, but it’s taєmna, power is not bugged, in front of what a person is powerless. Mustache yogo bazhannya, pragnennya zazdalegіd prirechenі, shards of a mortal person. And only one nature is resting with eternity6 “As if a biased, sinful, rebellious heart did not rise in the grave, the death to grow on it, to marvel at us with its innocent eyes, not about one eternal calm, tell us stink, about that eternal calm” baiduzhiy" nature; stink to talk like that about eternal reconciliation and about unskinned life.

Turgeniev and Bunin lie down to different generations of the same era. Fathers and children. The fathers found a revelation of what children can only guess: “The warehouse of the middle noble life in my memory, - even recently ...”,
“I didn’t know forte law and didn’t know it, but I remember ...”, “The smell of Antoniv apples is known from landlord gardens. These days were so recent, and at the same time I get to know that a whole century has passed since then ... The realm of the dribbling ones has arrived, which have been beaten to evil.

For Turgenev, watering, like for some respectable helper, is on the right, it’s a warehouse part of one’s life, and Turgenev talks about watering, like, in the meantime, and about everything else, at this hour, which creates the effect of presence: “For a quarter of a year before the sun sets, spring, you enter the gay ... You joke ... look around ... The sun has set, but it is still clear in the forest ... You check ... "

What are we doing at Bunin? “The first axis is new like a lot of hours, dribbling one to one, drinking on the rest of the pennies, for whole days, disappearing at the summіzhny fields ...” The era went at once from the love and the nobility, Bunin is one of the remaining representatives, and so summarily yogo rozpovidi, that everything is in the past: “They will collapse, but still live in a big way, sadibi with a majestic maєtkom, twenty acres from the garden. It’s true, the deacons were saved from such sadistic dossi, but there’s already no life in them ... ” The love and the nobility are inseparable: “You, you know, love the shower, Luko Petrovich? - loving bi ... so, you know, n_yakovo, through the ringing. For the nobles of our brothers, the years are drawn to ”(Turgenev); “For the rest of the rocks, one thing encouraged the fading spirit of the helpers - watering.” Love itself to the point of falling, and then, to nature, Turgenev and Bunina will go. Axis to say in Turgenev’s drawings to the article about watering: “I love watering for freedom”, “for the departure and death of the sun”, for those who are with her, as if with poetry, they are especially pochuttya”,
"How to stand for a place and lie down only for me." Bunin’s all the same is toiling at the uvazi: “I sit in the saddle with one dog, with a towel and a horn I go into the field. The wind calls and buzzes at the muzzle of the towels, the wind mitsno dme nazustrich, and sometimes from dry snow. For the whole day I wander along the empty plains. Turgenev and Bunin for all their powers, the writers are superficially similar. Resentment - pessimistically - melancholy, one - to the one who conveys it, the other - to the one who is present at the death of the good old world. Ale zbіg їhngo bachennya of nature is simply hostile! Porіvnyaєmo, for example, two descriptions of the night sky and the Chumatsky Way: “A good night, if the fires go out in the village, if in the sky the diamond suzir'ya Stozhar shines high, once again you will pass by the garden ... A chumatsky path ... And the black sky is christened with rotten women of zirka, what to fall. For a long time you marveled at the dark blue clay, lined with narrows, the docks did not flood the earth under your feet ... ”and to a friend:“ Indistinguishable golden stars, it seemed, quietly flowed all, in front, merehtayuchi, straight ahead
Chumatskogo way, and, rightly marveling at them, you indescribably observed the very striky, uninterrupted god of the earth ... ”De Turgenev, and de Bunin, you can only count for the richness and writing of Bunin and the simple simplicity of Turgenev. I won’t go into details, but wait a minute, in the XIX and 1900s I’m aware. And yet, I repeat, regardless of the purpose, the tricks from the Turgenev’s house, “the bedroom”, includes a lot of Bunin’s characteristic images:

… І giblets started back

Yogo pull: near the village, near the dark garden,

De lipi so majestic, so subtle,

Ge convalії so unoccupied zapashnі,

De round rokit over the water

From rowing, they were healed with blackness,

De garden oak growth over the garden field,

De smells like hemp and drop.

Tudi, tudi, by the wild fields,

De oxamite black earth,

De life, wherever you throw your eyes,

Stream softly with soft wheezes.

I fall an important yellow promise

Z-for prozorikh, bilih, round hmar;

It's good there...

However, the language is beautiful, the words sound and shimmer with a crystal-clear ringing, and with a clear look, miraculous living pictures are revealed: “Dribbling leaves may fly over everything from the coastal vines, and the bitches look out on the turquoise sky. The water under the lozins became clear, kryzhan and nachebto vzhka ... ”and Turgenevske:“ ... And the autumn, clear, cold troshka, a frosty day, if the birch, the mute casco tree, all gold, garnets are painted in the pale-blaky sky ... small aspen hai hang it down, cross it, it’s fun and easy to stand naked ... "

The pictures of nature stand in front of us with the help of the eyes of the heroes, as they passed through their souls and that heart. The least amount of mood can be seen in the most unusual landscape. “Mitya… looking at… the top of the cloth, upholstered in golden brocade, — and raptly thought: the world has death! Vaughn was in the mustache: at the sleepy light, at the spring grass outside, at the sky, at the garden ... ”- Ringing spring is associated with rebirth, but after the hero of Bunin, death suddenly passed, and the spring became like something different:“ everything changed in the nearness the end of the world, and zhalugidna, the beauty of spring, of eternal youth, has become vain! such is the fallowness of the natural nature, when I become human beings near Turgenev, if the languor of straying and misery blew out of the outskirts of Bezhin Luki: “One gentle hillock changed to another, fields endlessly dragged behind fields, thickets of nibi stood up from the earth with my nose.” In a word, as Bunin wrote,
“There is no other kind of nature around us, the skin of the smallest ruh of the wind is the ruh of our wet life.”

It is impossible not to pay attention to the landscape in the novel "War and Peace", because the best heroes of L.M. Tolstoy and the best worries of his life are connected with nature.
Guess what, how far back from Vidradny Bolkonsky sighed that the old oak tree was green.

"So, this is the very oak tree," - thinking Prince Andriy, and on the new raptom he knew for no reason that the spring of joy felt that renewal. All the best worries of this life were suddenly guessed by you. І Austerlitz with a high sky, and deadly dokirliva guise of the squad, і P'єr on the poromі, і a girl, shriveled by the beauty of the night, and the moon - everything was guessed by you with a rapt.

The pictures of nature help to better understand the inner world of your hero, the stench of the spirit that adds to his characterization, often accompany youma, like scenes with oak.

After an important spiritual crisis, hopelessness, I will break in my soul
Andriy Bolkonsky, still timidly and weakly, new glimpses of life appear.
It is seen in the early spring, if at sunset one could see "a red glare of the sun on the bluish spill ... and ... the whirlwinds of water hit the bottom of the porom with a faint sound."

Everybody's spiritual andriya Bolkonskoi gets the same to get sophisticated in the spring nature, if the young berets are not deprived, and the old oak, a Serdity, smithereens, with clumsy hands, and that were inhabited by the livestock. Miraculous description of the basic nature of the wounds from the picture of watering at Vіdradny. Nature is still taking care of its bright farbi: “Already the green has shriveled up and bright-green watered up in the dark brown, beaten thinness, winter and light yellow bright stubble with red brown buckwheat. The peaks of that fox ... became golden and bright-red islands in the middle of bright-green winter crops, but "already there were winters, early frosts covered the earth soaked with planks." This Russian autumn wakes up in people with ebullient strength, and it is so deeply soundingly addicted to the suffocation of people with love, music, dance, as if with such artistic virtuosity, Tolstoy is given in the scenes of the Rostov’s love and his uncle is visiting his uncle.

A wonderful description of the winter moon night, which with its close harmony with the mood of the youth.

“Thunders in the form of bare trees often kicked across the road and tucked away in the bright moonlight”, and the axis of the trio with fighters rushed behind the fence, “diamond-shiny, with the winter in the snowy plain, all doused with the moonshine and unruly. And tsya bliskucha river, and shalena haircut, і smіkh і cries of mummers - everything was in tune with this youthful joy, like Mikola, і Sonya, і Natasha experienced. “The light was so strong and the dawn in the snow was so rich that one did not want to marvel at the sky, and there was no memory of the right stars. It was black and tedious in the sky, it was fun on the earth. The negative characters of Tolstoy may not be depicted in unity with nature, the stench of the marvelous bond with her is relieved.

Light, clear nature gives people joy and strength and rob more and more unreasonable madness of people, like driving one into one. The early battle of Borodino was clear, fresh, dewy and fun. The sun, which only a little bit blew up because of the gloom, which clouded the yogo, breezed halfway through the lanes of the opposite street, drank the roads with dew, drank the roads on the walls of the houses. It’s time to take in the panorama of the Borodino field: “The scythes of the bright sun… threw light at her in a clean, rustic light, which penetrated from the golden and erysipelas, and dark, long shadows. The distant foxes, which completed the panorama, hovering like an expensive yellow-green stone, could be seen with their curved peaks on the horizon.
Closer shone golden fields and copses. And then we’ll change the miraculous picture of the middle Russian nature, changing the terrible appearance of the battlefield: “Over the mustache field, earlier the floors were cheerfully chervonim, with glimmers of bugnets and dims on the ranky sun, now there was an emulsion of water that dima and smelled of wondrous acid of nitrate and blood. They picked up the marks, and scribbled a plank on the beaten, on the wounded, on the slaps, on the wounds and on people, they hesitate. Start vin saying: “Dish it, god, people. Stop… Be shy. What are you doing?"

Outside, the enemy’s ignorance greeted the Russians with rich indulgence, arrogance, work, modest, unremarkable heroism. І tsієї dіyalnostі spіvzvukna simple Russian nature. It's an autumn, warm, rainy day. The sky is the horizon of the same color of calamute water. Either the mist fell in vain, or the rapt let down the slanting, great rain. At the fox, the witches of the military units of our partisans on the shore of Denisov were watching.

The partisans prepared for the attack. The wood is in the wound, and it was thought that the axis-axis of the veins would pass and be cleared in the sky, as if following the uneven tooth, letting the wood go even stronger. The road, filled with plank, no longer accepted water, and the streams flowed over the ruts.

Doshchi, and then the snow and frost, vibrate with the lavas of the Russian troops, who have weakened and fallen ill, but not the weaker Russian army as a whole. “8 leaf fall, on the last day of the Krasnensky battles, it was already puffed, if the soldiers came to the place of the night. The whole day is quiet, frosty, with light, rare snow; the eve began to ring out. A crisis of snow was seen in the black-purple dawn sky, and the frost began to rise. Suvor nature swayed the mіtsnih, vitrivalih, smart people. The soldiers pulled the wicker wall, cut the cradles. One of them, having become a dancer... and then the weak bulges vanish here, calling out their shamelessness to the slandering of the Russian heroes.

In the distance, for a hundred miles, I felt friendly, merry: there the Russian soldiers were enjoying the porridge of a deadly Frenchman, and one of them tried to learn a French speech. All the stinks were glad that they could help the stingy hungry people, forgetting that once in a while they were guilty of their enemy.

“Everything is quiet. Zirki, knowing nibi that now no one can woo them, played in the black sky. Now sleeping, now fading, now shuddering, stench slanderously about the radio, but taemniche whispered among themselves. It seemed that nature itself spontaneously showed a kind, human feeling.

To the skin of the beloved Tolstoy's heroes in their own time
"Highly unskinned sky" is a symbol of the day's prayers, eternal spiritual quests. The landscape is to know the philosophical sense and play out the author's idea in the novel "War and Peace".

Regional lyric of Lermontov.

M.Yu. Lermontov is a great Russian poet.

One of the main themes of yoga creativity is self-sufficiency. Ring out for me in a gloomy era, in which you had a chance to live, in a worldly center, wrapping around your wines. It is customary to represent “images of soulless people”, as they lay down to secular supremacy, the light world of nature as a mystic of ethical values, the isolation of “natural goodness”, which should be resisted
"Zipsovanogo light".

At the verse “As we often scribble with our abdications ...”, prompted by the contrast - “a decent tightened mask” and the “native places” of the poet, - nature is called the “wonderful kingdom”:

With a green cover of grasses, becoming a sleepy one,

And at the rate the village dimit - and get up

In the distance fog over the fields.

I enter the dark alley; crisis bushes

Marvel at the evening meadow and yellow leaves

To make noise under unsmiling crocks.

Qi pictures pozhvavlyuyut the soul of the poet: "I cry and love ..."

It would have been better, the axis of the won is harmony, like Lermontov's murmuring noise among the world of people, harmony is with the same day with nature. Ale respectfully rereading the sides of the lyrical verses of M.Yu. Lermontov, in passing, you remark that in this lyrical hero there is no total anger with nature, and most of all, it is more like a painful self-sufficiency to suffocate him and be alone with her. It is worth it in their own landscape painting, in some of them there are hobbies. At the top, there is an image of a pine tree, which grieve for a palm tree, self-made rocks, in the presence of which a "flavor of gold" rushed, a self-made window, a self-made oak leaf, which broke into the "near chick" and nowhere to know the shack.

The landscape lyric reveals one more facet of Lermontov's thoughts - the nature of human life. At the verse “When the Zhovtucha cornfield is lamenting ...” the lyric hero recognizes the calm infusion
"ruddy evening", "golden rank year", if "shovlyuetsya zhovtyava cornfield", nod heads convalії, play the key, "fresh fox rustle at the sound of wind". For the creation of the picture, the ideal beauty sings vicarist's emotional epithets: licorice leaf, stale dew, warm nodding convalia, taemnicha saga, peaceful land.

All the help of image-creation directing to those who show poeticity and at once calmly pouring nature into the people:

Then subdue the souls of my anxieties,

Then the wrinkles on the choli go apart, -

And fortunately I can touch the earth,

And in the sky I'm pumping God.

Alas, if I read the whole verse, it becomes less indistinctly turbulent; The riddle is lurking in the unknown - a flurry of cavalry and a field that is alive. What is more possible for real life? What is it? The poet's pardon, what is the natyak on those who can only have harmony in dreams?

Behind its mood, the verse “If the Zhovtucha Niva is boasting ...” is perverted with the description of the “nature of voices” in the poem “Mtsiri”:

God's garden is no longer blooming;

Roslin's rainbow outfit

Having saved the traces of heavenly tears,

I vine drivers

Curled, flaunting among the trees.

Nature in Lermontov's poem is full of spirituality, majestic and mysterious life.

... without slumping

In the urochist I praised the year

Less people have a proud voice.

Assuring the tragedy of his own selfhood, he sings no more than seeing the full anger of nature.

With a special vibrancy, it curves at the verse “I’m going to the road ...”, which belongs to the most penetrating creations of Lermontov’s lyrics. To the bliss of peace, like a king in nature, a quiet rose of the sky, a calm sleep of the earth "in the blue sky"
Lermontov opposes the strife of the world of human feelings, the torment of innocent food, which enters the superbness from the harmony of the whole world.

Calling back and asking for help:

Chi check what? Chi bad about what?

Already I don’t check the life of anything, I

And not a little less than the past antrohi ... - give a special tonality to the verse.

The words, as they sound, would have been given, hopelessly, do not mean, however, a guide to life. For all the heaviness of the cause (“Who hurts me so much and it’s important”), for all the blows, the share sings to resist the cold sleep of the grave. The strength of life still slumbers at Yogo’s breasts, the licorice voice of the song dear to Yomu. Crisis of the urochist and the wonderful silence of heaven moonlight the voice of the poet, which protests against the eternal sleep, which nature proclaims to you, that you fall asleep.

This thought about the diversity of nature, that people is sharply expressed and at the verse of "Three Palm Trees", de vain it is unbearable to see the present day. Usі mi shogodnі turbovanі barbarian stavlennânі people to nature. At the verse “Three palm trees”, a person becomes like a ruiner, he brings suffering that death to the world:

Sokira caught on springy roots,

I fell without a life of vikhovantsi century!

And the verse ends with the apocalyptic picture:

And everything is wild and empty all around.

This is the natural result of the witch people with nature. For whom Lermontov stands for nature, it is impossible for people to understand, arguing yoga:

I thought: “Zhalyugіdna people.

What wine do you want!

Under the sky there is a rich place for everyone,

Ale without interruption and for nothing

One enemy of wines - now?


So variegatedly rozkrivaetsya in the lyric of Lermontov's thought about the interdependence of man and nature. There are no ready-made responses, but zmushu sings to think.

How and whether he sings, Lermontov, having hung that era in his creations, is alive in a kind of wine; and the spirit of this era is reflection, sumniv, deeply think about life without hope for the future. Svіdomіst svoєї vignatkovostі і svіtі, blissuєє mezhdnіst іn svіdnіє і navu і vіklіkaє vіdchutya samoї samonostі. This motif, which is persistent in Lermontov's lyric, resounds in works dedicated to nature. There, the same dramas are played out among people. "Quietly crying" the gloomy self-destruction of the old skelya is abandoned. And like a leaf, close to the lyrical hero of Lermontov, this eternal mandriving, tearing at the neck, no one needs it, I don’t know that sleep is calm. As characteristic are those that “before the term of the ripening of wines”. Aje so Lermontov write about the whole generation, having broken yoga with early fruits (“Soul”). Verses of this type are based on separate ones, which can be called allegorical.
To make the translation of Heine's verse sound completely original: "On the wild pivnoch ..."

Lermontov vikoristovuyu reception of animation. Reception of spirituality
- Not a rіdkіst іn poetry, аlе, lеrmontov аrе vpershe іn Russian poetry аlе, аlе, аrе аrе guarded аbουt thе world οf nature. "Vin buv is similar to a clear evening," he sings about

In Lermontov's poetic lyric, nature is often peaceful and pacifying. Vaughn instills perfection, harmony, especially often it almost calls out the sky and the stars. Often the harmony of nature is contrasted with disharmony in the soul of a person.

“It’s natural and marvelous in heaven, the earth sleeps in a blue sky, why is it so painful for me and so important?” nature can be unsafe, greeted by a fortune teller, as it is in the poem “Mtsiri”: “I marveled at the dark night with a million black eyes”, the hero “scorch the fire of a pitiless day”.
Ale, more and more often, nature to beat a person, like a native element, is close to his soul:
"Oh, I'm like a brother to get along with the storm buv be radiy!"

Mi, scho nature for a poet - tse miracle garden of God. If only you won’t be able to coax your soul, even if only for an hour, in a poetic dream, help the poets to get lost, reconcile with life. Vіn want, "Schob, zavzhd zelenіyuchi, black oak huffing and making noise" over yogo knots. I Mtsiri hangs the same dream before death: “They ordered me to be moved to our garden, in those places, where acacia blossomed in two bushes ... The grass between them is so thick.” Just to help you die, reconcile with your share, thinking about the kohannya.

Inspire suvory, frown and skeptical nastavleniya Pechorin building in the native quarters seems to be bright, to go out into the nature: It's fun to live near such a land.

Obviously, poets are more romantic than the peaks of the great mountains, high inaccessible stars, cosmic depths, gloom, gloom and storms. ale
Lermontov marvels at the most common sights of the world, to love and
“The dew is sprinkled over the zapashny konvalіya”, and “raspberry plum under the cover of a licorice green leaf”, and “cold spring”, which plays in the ravine. In these rows there is a verse “If the field is haunted…” Lermontov does not name a specific landscape, he only guesses all the love of the natural phenomena, the most beautiful of all. And the stench calls out the whilins of separation, if the world becomes harmonious and fair, if the earth and the sky, the soul and the world unite in one happy breath. Only the winds of nature are experiencing the guilt of such mites, the shards of the sky, on the vіdmіnu vіd human world, is the fruit of the hands of the Creator in the uncreated, pure image.

I guess that it is impossible to show the reason for "Mtsiri" without pictures of nature. If you include a description of nature in the text, you will know how to create beauty and poetry. Without landscapes, you will become like a person without a soul. To be deprived of the body, the spiritual light is born. Poema not stattya, de author by mirkuvannyami and arguments to bring Yakus thought. At the mastered creation, there is a mysterious and ignorant world of sensibility. Vin can be expressed differently.

Soul sing "Mtsiri" - the nature of the Caucasus.

M.Yu. Lermontov does not "photograph" nature. Vіn small її figuratively, creating an unseen light sing:

... There, de, angry, making noise, embracing the two sisters, the strumen Aragvi and Kuri ...

How marvelously poetic it is! The beauty of the skin picture of nature
- Tse beauty of all sing, beauty of the soul of Mtsiri, even the same yogo ochima bachimo nakolishnіy light. The whole hour, in a different way, takes Mtsir nature. back in my tightness:

... My heart was beating faster

Pobachivshi sun and watering

From the high vein,

De povitrya fresh and de podekudi

At the deep Sverdlovsk wall,

Child of an unknown country,

Crouched, young dove

Sit, snarling thunderstorm.

Then, in the landscape, the rebellion of the soul of Mtsir against a one-man, no one needs life:

I'm vtik. Oh I'm like a brother

Get out of the storm buv be radiy!

Dark eyes, I'm stitching

Catching glimmers with my hand...

Tell me what are the middle of these walls

Chi could you give me natomist

Those friendships are short, but alive

Mіzh burkhlivim heart that thunderstorm?

Then nature becomes a symbol of bliss, the impossibility of freedom:

That wound was heavenly crypt

So pure that an angel is watered

Dbaylivy glance stezhiti instant;

Vіn buv is so transparently deep;

So spovneniy even blue!

I'm in a new eye with that soul

A leathery person who loves the Fatherland, loves nature. Mtsir mayzhe do not know the world of his country, but love through nature, but it is without a boundary.

Yaka is not an easy nature Mtsiri! Yogo svetopriynyattya poetic. Obviously, not a skin person can say:

I million black eyes

The dark night marveled

Crisis of the skin bush.

Accepting the wild nature - the snow leopard, re-magicing yoga, Mtsir becomes the enemy of nature, on the other hand, you feel like a part of wine:

I am hot, screeching, like wine,

I myself am a native of people

At the family of Barsiv and Vovkiv

Under the fresh canopy of forests.

Mtsir is filled with the blue of nature until the last days of life. I vmiraє vin, like “a ticket was forged in the prison”. Yogo death is the death of the most beautiful part of nature.

I think that nature in Lermontov's work has always been a symbol of freedom. At their own verses and poems of wines, having explored the nature of the Caucasus. These were romantic slogans that attacked the reader with unimaginable barves.
Lermontov shares his thoughts with us, telling us about his joys and sorrows, suffocation and sorrows, crying out with these other podias of a special, supple life.

Lermontov's lyric has a post-animal sound to nature, which helps to reveal unity spiritual light lyrical hero and the world of nature.
The lyrical hero of the poet gravitates towards nature in his own self, while embracing its beauty. The nature of the beginning reinforces the self-sufficiency of the lyrical hero.
On its own growth "on a wild pivnoch" pine, dreaming about a distant palm tree; the skeleton is filled with self-sufficiency - the command at the top of the "Krut".

In the early version of "Autumn" there is little to learn from the creation of the main details of the landscape: here and the yellow leaves, and the gloomy green of the yalin, and the fog, the crisis that looks through the darkness of the month, and about the rich summer flowers, and sorry about the spring, it's over, cheers . In essence, the description of that is almost spent, as if slandering the people of the pizny autumn when looking at nature, what is in the yane. But here the description of nature and the very vagueness is conveyed approximately, without pointing out specific examples of the epoch and the link with special podias in the life of the lyrical hero.

In the world of that, like the husband Lermontov, the collection of lyrical works about nature has become rich. The stench begins to appear as elegant and patriotic, and as a result of political motives, and to inspire philosophical thoughts about the most important problems. So, in a small zamalovtsi, “If the cornfield is boasting…” he sings, having spoken the whole concept of buttya.

When the Zhovtucha cornfield boasts,

I fresh forest to make noise at the sound of wind,

I love raspberry plum in the garden

Under a thin licorice green leaf.

The landscape nіbi zatuliv sillyakі zhittєvі chvari, infusing the soul with calmness and viklikav upevnіnіnіst. The life of nature is harmonious, and it helps to repair the spiritual life of the people. Nature is known by the poet like a beautiful one, poured around us, and like a deep breath.

Ale hiba is a person not a child of nature? And why can human supremacy vipadati z-pіd svlady zagalnyh zagalіv buttya?

So looking at nature helps the poets to understand that the greatest strength and beauty can overcome prosperity. Adzhe not for some strazhdan was born a people? Otherwise, the nature of the Creator endowed him with a sense of justice, righteousness, and the heat of happiness? Zhovta cornfield, forest, blowing in the wind, convaliya sreblesta - all the same, they are not divided, and there is no more isolation of the appearance.
Tse mezhі tsilіsnogo buttya.

Lermontov’s mind to inspire, enliven nature: skelya, gloomy, oak leaf, palm tree, pine tree, friendly winds endowed with new human passions, and the joy of zustriches, and the bitterness of the separation, and the nevgamovny turmoil.

Until 1841, Lermontov's lyrics reached the highest level of maturity. In the rest of life, he sings, having created low works of marvelous mastery. Among them, a special place is occupied by "Batkivshchyna", "Farewell, Nemit Russia", "I'm alone on the road". Nature symbolizes the image of the Fatherland. At the verse “I'm the only one on the road”, the region borrows less than five rows out of twenty. Moreover, this is an over-the-top unseen landscape, which has a symbolic meaning. The whole picture of the life of the lyrical hero is presented against a cosmic background and looks like a folding image - a symbol that tells about pain. folding food, over the decisions of which Lermontov's co-workers fought:

Vihoju alone I on the road;

Krіz fog krem'yany shlyah shlyakh;

Nothing is quiet. Kestela hear God

I speak with a star.

What is the "siliceous path near the desert". Kremin guess about shelter, wounds, suffering. The siliceous path is a figurative example of the poet's share of the soul, who tried to know the wisdom of the contemporary, but was left without a hint, having learned the integrity of the empty desert. Ale, vodchuzhennya that nerazuminnya is not guilty buti! Adzhe have all the world all po'yazane one with one.
Navіt zіrka іz zіrkoy speak.

He sings like a leather man, and even more so great, Lermontov sings in poetry, and, regurgitating volumes of his creations, we can read his soul and understand him like a poet and like a person.

Belinsky wrote about Lermontov: "... the hour is not far off, if Im'ya yoga in the literature becomes a popular name, and the harmonic sounds of yoga poetry will be felt in the everyday rozmovi natovpu, between talks about the life of turbot." Today we can say that the hour has come.

Sergiy Yesenin is one of the most famous spirits of Russian nature.
Life Way Whose poet will we fold that short-lived one. Yomu had a chance to go through a few cripples, to taste the joy of creative evils and falls. So few roads have been traveled, so many pardons have been cut! - with the sum zіznavavsya sings. So, richly in what Yesenin had mercy, richly in what he doubted, but not in any way salvaged his love to the Fatherland. Until the rest of his life, he sings loving the truly beautiful Russian nature. “A touch of the Batkivshchyna is the main thing in my creativity”,
- Yesenin said. This majestic sense has adopted all yoga creativity.
The Ryazan land, de "the men mowed, de shined their bread," was the edge of this childishness. Here the vines swayed more strongly, like birch trees grow at the headquarters, like a drowsy bunny at the beard of an old grandfather, like thin poplars sumuyut ...

All the beauty of the native land of the past was born at the yogo virshah, whose love was to the Russian land:

About Russia - raspberry field

I blue that fell into the river, -

I love to joy and pain

Your lake tightness.

A lot of early verses of navigation religious manifestations that povir'ami. In tsikh vіrshah, the nature is full of religious contagion: birch trees are “great candles”, yalins are “nuns”, and wind is ???????????????. The stinks add their breadth, sincerity. Yesenin's nature is beautiful and bright light. Through the images of native nature, he sings almost love to the Fatherland: “I am again in front of me a black field, hitting the Kalyuzh sun of the old face.”

At the hands of Sergius Yesenin, nature is felt like a human being, and a person feels like a tree, grass:

Guard Blakitnu Rus

Old maple on one leg.

Nature is not just alive - the human soul itself is out there. To yakim kokhannyam
Yesenin turns to birch huts:

Dear birch trees!

You land! І vy, equal pіski!

Quiet before the host, what to go

I can't grab my tights.

Yesenin stuns us in the face of the ever-changing storms and flies away from the world of earthly beauty:

The road thought about the red evening,

Bushes of hummocks are foggy for clay.

The hut is an old cracked threshold

Chew the odorous m'yakush quiet.

Sometimes, after reading such a verse, I want to go to the village, so that I myself can see the beautiful world of nature, watch the "red evening", admire the beautiful edge of the country, listen to the silence.

Leather row of Yesenin's verse ishov in the soul, in the wide heart. To that, while reading yoga, you involuntarily manifest to yourself the rustle of meadow grasses, the song of the wind, the voice of the river wind, the dawn of the morning, the evening sky:

I know I'm running out of knowledge

With red clay and willow boughs,

Dream over the lake Rudy oats,

It smells like chamomile and honey.

Calling on the top of Yesenin, I realized that for him nature is the right beauty and harmony of the world. Yogo vіrshi vplyvayut on us brought-enlightened:

Sleep kovil. river road,

I lead freshness polyn.

Zhodna Batkivshchyna insha

Do not feel me in my chest warm.

Vіd yogo vіrshіv on the soul is just that warm. The stench makes the spring of the skin of the human soul:

Nevimovna, blue, lower ...

Quiet my land after the storm, after the thunderstorms,

My soul is a field without a boundary -

Breathe in the smell of honey and trojans.

Sergiy Yesenin to teach us to love and respect nature, stand up to it dbaily, sincerely:

I don’t know how to choke

I’m sorry I don’t want to be in the wilderness,

Ale, mabut, naviki may

The bottom of the sum of the Russian soul.

Yak bi and want not to love,

All the same, I can not learn

І pіd cim cheap chintz

You are dear to me, dear to me.

Mayzhe in the skin coat of Yesenina is a person, to that її it is not possible to indulge in nature. The theme of nature and people to become a single goal in yoga creativity:

Do not burn gorobin's cysts,

Vіd zhovtizni not perish grass.

Like a tree missing quietly leafing,

So I throw sumnі words.

I respect that Sergiy Yesenin has deprived us of the miraculous poetic recession. Vіn mav is a unique gift to capture and convey the vibes of the lowest, most intimate moods:

The end of the cocoons! Heart to withdraw

Stacks of sons near the waters of the lonn,

I want to be ruined

At the greens of your little ones.

Not vipadkovo M. Gorky stverdzhuvav: “...Sergiy Yesenin is not a human being, but an organ, created by nature, especially for poetry, for the expression of the inexhaustible “sum of water”, love for all living things in the world of mercy, like - the most - deserved by a person.

The Russian poet has created a lot of masterpieces of landscape poetry, but less and, obviously, more like Russian poetic images of nature before the soul of Pushkin. The skin of a child in Russia with fear and suffocation recites:

A storm breaks the sky,

Whirlwinds of snow are twisting;

Those, like a beast, out there,

Then cry, like a child,

That is according to the old cover

To make noise with rapt straw,

Those, like a mandriving man,

It hits us at the end.

He sings, victorious, even simpler, more accessible, creating an unforgettable emotional mood, which is saved by the prolongation of a mustache life. And the axis is another miraculous poetic image of the winter night:

Crisis of the windy fog

The month breaks through

On a bag of galyavini

Lies summarily light out.

Blaming the quiet confusion, selfishness.

No fire, no black hat.

That snow is deaf...

And the axis is a better description of winter, kind and life-like:

Under the blue skies

Miraculous kilims

Glittering on the sun, lie down.

Rows of spovneni joy and optimism.

In my opinion, the pinnacle of Pushkin's landscape poetry is the verse
"Autumn". The cob of the first stanza, chotiri rows, the whole chotiri strokes, ale crushed by the hand of a genius, - and in our own way, the blame is accurate, that virtuosity picture is known autumn day.

Zhovten has already set in - vzhe guy obtrushuє

Leave the leaves from your bare needles;

Breathing autumn cold - the road is freezing.

Murmuring more bіzhit for mln strings.

In my opinion, the most beautiful image of the nature of creations is sung by the famous rows:

It's time to freak out! Oh enchantment!

Receive me your farewell beauty -

I love writing in the nature,

The fox is dressed in crimson and gold.

Here in the skin row there is a contrast and harmony, poednannya, nachebto nepodduvannogo. I want to transfer the rows to music, which at once depict farbs on the canvas. Autumn, the time of Pushkin is loved, bula yoma and the hour of the greatest creative pidyom.

And from the skin of autumn, I will open it again.

So, in the famous Boldin autumn, Pushkin completed his greatest work - the novel "Eugene Onegin", writing small tragedies, a lot of other miraculous works.

Pushkin's description of nature is not an end in itself, but an emotional key, which creates a singing mood, which allows you to better understand the experience of a person, which is filled with Pushkin's special head lyric poetry.

So, in the verse of "Bisi" the picture of the swirl is a foldable metaphor that almost sounds like Pushkin himself. The stench is roaring in the remaining rows:

Rush the bіsi rіy after the swarm

At the boundless height,

Heather mournful and whitty

Breaking my heart...

He sings whispering to nature about the deciphering of his inner world. For the help of images of nature, Pushkin rises to great heights, nourishing life and death.

… I know

That piece of land, where I'm passing

Wignants two unmemorable fates...

The axis of the hump is leafy, over the yakim often

I sit uncomfortably and wonder

To the lake, guessing with the sum

Take care of the other, take care of the other.

hello tribe

Youth, you don't know! Not me

I'll take care of your mighty old age.

The “young, unknown” tribe, having appeared like Pushkin, declined as the beauty of the Russian land suffocated with love to the Russian word. How many tribes lie down to sing such miracles, like Tyutchev,
Koltsov, Lermontov, Fet, Nekrasov and Yesenin, who is close to us.

Yesenin having reduced Pushkin's poetic culture in a realistic description of native nature. However, this landscape lyric is essentially inspired by Pushkin's. They have a richly strong influx of Russian folklore and pagan mythology.

I was born with songs in a grass carpet,

The dawn of spring called me to the veselka.

I grew up to maturity, on the night of the bathing night,

A day of chaklunskaya happiness is my prophet.

Tse guess the folk song - a spell. Esenin's creativity has a strong resemblance to the old, pagan attitude to nature, outside recognition of self-reliance, spirituality.

Schemnik - we will protect the wind with a crocodile

Leafing me on ledges of the road

І tsіluє on gorobin bush

Red eyes to the invisible Christ.

Yesenin considers himself a part of nature, we will learn that with a spiritualist.

Forgetting about human grief,

I sleep on the needles.

I pray for ali dawn,

I take communion for a string.

That's why wines can't be full of landscape verses. The nature of that person is based on instructions:

Whom to fool? Adje leather at the svіtі mandrіvnik -

Mine, come in and re-deprive the booths.

About all those who pishov, mri hemp

With a wide month over the black rate.

Love to nature, to the native Ryazan fields, to the "land of birch calico" to rob Yesenin's majestic lyric about Russia.

About Russia - raspberry field

I blue that fell into the river, -

I love to joy and pain

Your lake tightness.

I’m given up, so I haven’t written anything about Russia before. Russia is alive in these mountains, it’s mournful, it’s bright: Yesenin is the son of Russia, who speaks of his “land of birch calico”.

Ale is the best

Love to the native land

tormented me,

Tortured and burned.

He sings of wisdom, that he comes from nature, from the fatherland, from his tragic root. Prote the tragedy of the Yesenin's share of the others, who, having seen the ruin of that wind, could not resist the you.

I don’t hurt, I don’t cry, I don’t cry,

Everything will pass, like dim from the white apple trees.

Wrapped in gold hobbles,

I won't be young anymore.

You are not so beaten now,

Heart, zvorushene cold,

I country of birch chintz.

Do not lure barefooted.

Before Yesenin, Pushkin comes to see the eternal transition of life, the inevitability of death, as it does not transgress the law of life.

All of us, all of us in this world of darkness,

Quietly fly from maple leaves mid.

Be blessed forever

What came to prosper and die.

I think that Yesenin's creative decay is even closer to our current statements about the world, de people - less than a part of living nature, so as not to resist it, but to lie in it.

Pochutya nature, vіdchuttya unity with her people commanded us by the brilliant Russian poets Pushkin and Yesenin. Zavdyaki Pushkin mi sings at the hvilyuvanni and zavmiraemo before the miraculous picture of the autumn day or before the winter road. Having penetrated the world of poetic images
Yesenina, we begin to feel like brothers of our own birch, old maple, gorobin bush, and various “beasts”. You are almost guilty to help us save the people, and also, the people.


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One of the most important themes in the work of Russian poets is the theme of nature, which is closely related to the theme of the Fatherland. “Kohannya to native nature is one of the most important signs of love to one’s own country ...” These are the words of the writer K. G. Paustovsky, an unfinished master of the description of the Russian landscape, writer, the heart of which was transcended by love to native nature.
Who can't get along with him? You can’t love the Batkivshchyna, because you don’t live with one soul from the life of a kohan birch. You can't love the whole world, because you can't see the Fatherland. The very ideas are seen in the verses of such great poets as A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, A. A. Fet, F. I. Tyutchev and others.
Like a right artist, Pushkin did not choose any particular "poetic subjects", but as a source of inspiration, life was resurrected in all its manifestations. Like a Russian people, Pushkin could not help but praise everything that is connected with the Batkivshchyna. Vіn loving that rozumіv native nature. Shchoroka sings knowing especially charіvnіst, but most of all he loves autumn and consecrates їy chimalo ryadkіv. At the verse "Osin" sings writing:

It's time to freak out! Oh enchantment!
Receive me your farewell beauty -
I love writing in the nature,
The fox is dressed in crimson and gold.

The poet's landscape is not a wild image, it is active, it has its own symbolic meaning, its own sense. At the verse “On the hillocks of Georgia…” one sees confusion in the landscape, and in the mood of the poet. Vіn write: "On the hillocks of Georgia lie nocturnal іmla ...". In these rows, a romantic dream about an enchanting land is conveyed. Pushkin depicts a world of strong passions and feelings.
Speaking about the other great Russian poet, M. Yu. Lermontov, we are guilty of saying that in the images of nature he sings shukav and knowing us in front of the evidence of his spiritual experiences. Unfailingly loving the Russian people, their Batkivshchyna, the author subtly observed the uniqueness of the native land. The nature of yoga poetry is a wildly romantic element. For the poet itself, the harmony and beauty of the world, the world of justice and happiness, are supposed to be.
So, for example, in the poem "Batkivshchina" Lermontov rozmirkovaya about his "wonderful love" to Russia, to nature. Vaughn polagay in love to watering, lisiv, imperceptible edges, to making friends "bіlіyut, scho bіlіyut". At the verse “When the field is puffed up…” it is shown that there are open spaces, the nature of the forest rejoices at the poet, recognizing one’s day with God:

Then subdue the souls of my anxieties,
Then the wrinkles on the choli diverge,
And fortunately I can touch the earth,
And in the sky I'm pumping God.

A special place in this topic is occupied by the article “Ranok Kavkazі”. He sings lovingly describing the stars, moon, gloom; A "wild shroud" fog rolls in around the leafy mountains:

Axis on the rock of new peoples promin
Zagrimіv raptom, breaking through the mіzh hmar,
І rozhevy according to rіchtsі and namings
Spilled glare and shine here and there.

Mi vіdchuvaєmo, like a deep sense, like a schiru lower that love calls out from the poet “lancers of blue gіr”, “tops”. The stench, like all Russian nature, became Lermontov's intuitions of the Yogo of the Fatherland. Yakshcho sing everything every once in a while, it’s impossible to forget the edges, he sings songs. "Like a licorice song of the country", having fallen in love with the wines of the Caucasus.
The songs of the other half of the 19th century also often turned to the images of nature. Sings-philosopher A. A. Fet vіdomiy yak “spіvak prirodi”. True, nature in Yogo Virshah is subtly fermented, sings in honor of the least change in our country:

Light night, night darkness,
Tіnі without kintsya,
A number of charming changes
Miles individuals,
Dimnih haze has purple trojandi,
Vіdblisk burshtina,
I kiss, and tears,
Dawn, dawn!..

(“Whisper, timid breath ...”, 1850)
He sings at his work on the skin strings of the soul, resoundingly they sound like miraculous music. Change "nice person" and change in nature - a similar parallelism typical for fetish verses.
In Fet's poetry nature is depicted in detail, in sensi the poet can be called an innovator. Before Fet, in Russian poetry, animalized to nature, it was panuval zagalnennya, but for Fet, let's think about a specific detail. In yoga, we have no less than traditional birds with a poetic halo - such as a nightingale, a swan, a lark, an eagle - but also such as simple and unpoetic ones, like a sich, a harrier, a lapwing, a swift. For example:

It is well known that we can be right with the author, who by voice distinguishes birds and, moreover, respects where the birds are known. Tse, obviously, is not just a legacy of the deep knowledge of nature, but love sings before her, that gruntovna is a long time ago.
Uzagalnyuyuchi said, we are moving up to the famous verse F.I. Tyutchev "Not what you think, nature ...". Vono є angry beasts are quiet, who do not understand the divine essence of nature and do not feel the movement. Rejection of nature as a special world with its own laws Tyutchev respected a sign of moral squalor and instill indulgence. Nevipadkovo images of nature occupied such an important place in the poet’s lyric (“In the autumn of the first…”, “Like the ocean embraces the soil of the earth…”, “Spring early”).
Later, verses about the Batkivshchyna, about the nature of the native land, always cry out with a touch of pride. The stench of the present, the shards are shining with the darkness of the light of the true human being, great love for her, for the whole living Earth. It can be said that one of the most beautiful verses, that they capture the theme, that they praise us, and, moreover, the landscape is an invisible part of all the lyrical works of Russian poets.

Create about nature - an element that is easy to express in music and literature. The unique beauties of the planet for a long time served as a breath of inspiration for eminent writers and composers, they were inspired by immortal works. Іsnuyuet opovіdannya, vіrshі, musical compositions, yakі give zmogu charged with the energy of living nature, literally not depleting the damp booth. Apply the best of them to be directed at your article.

Prishvin and do yoga about nature

Russian literature is rich in descriptions, stories, verses, which is an ode to the native land. We can call Mikhail Prishvin with the butt of a person who especially goes into work about nature. It is not surprising that he earned a reputation for his reputation as a partner. The clerk in his creations calls out to readers to make mutual connections from her and they are placed before her with love.

With the butt of yogo, create about nature, you can buti “Kamora sleep” - a description of how to enter the author’s best creations. The letter shows to someone, how deep a connection is between people and the world, which they feel. The descriptions of the flooring are good, that a reader can’t grow trees on the vlasnі eyes, that it’s possible to stack, the swamp is gloomy, the cranes have been killed.

Tyutchev's creativity

Tyutchev is a great Russian poet, in creativity the majestic space is attached to the beauty of the world. Do something about nature, slander on її diversity, dynamism, richness. For the help of the description of the natural phenomena, the author conveys the process of going through life. Zvichayno well, є from the new one, and the call to take on yourself the vіdpovіdalnіst before the planet, savagery to all readers.

Tyutchev is especially fond of the theme of the night - the hour, if the world is zanuryuєtsya at the pіtmu. Like a butt, you can put the verse "A curtain descended on the daylight." Nich sings in his creations, you can call her a saint, or slander on her chaotic character - lie in the mood. Beautiful is the description of the sony promenade, which is “seen on the bed”, in his work “Vchora”.

Lyrics of Pushkin

Pererahovuyuchi create about the nature of Russian writers, I guess the creativity of the great Pushkin, who was overwhelmed by the sweat of his life. To finish guessing the yoga verse "Winter's wound", sob to call at your own sight, draw a line of fate. The author, perhaps, perebovayuchi miraculous mood, rozpovіdaє about those, naskolki garniy svіtanok at this time of rock.

Let's send a different mood to the winter evening, which will enter before the language school program. In the new Pushkin, the troubles are gloomy and lakaє describing a snow storm, povniyuchi її with a crazy animal, and gnіtyuchi vіdchuttya, as if calling out.

A lot of works about the nature of Russian writers in the fall. Pushkin, who most appreciates this time of rock, does not blame, disrespectful of those who, in his famous work “Osin”, sings, calls yoga “a mad hour”, in the meantime, he immediately describes it with the phrase “eyes of enchantment”.

Create Bunina

The childhood of Ivan Bunin, as seen from his biography, passed in a small village, roztashovanny in the Oryol province. It is not surprising that a childish writer learned to appreciate the beauty of nature. His work “Leaf fall” is considered one of the best. The author allows readers to smell the smell of trees (pine, oak), to smell the farbs with the “painted tower”, to feel the sounds of leaves. Bunin miraculously shows the typical autumn nostalgia for the past summer.

Create about the Russian nature of Bunin - it's just a bunch of barvy tints. The most popular of them is "Antonivsky apple". Reader can smell the fruity aroma, mix with the atmosphere of sickle with warm woods, breathe in the freshness of the ranking. Permeate love to Russian nature and create more: “Richka”, “Vechir”, “Zakhid”. І practically in the skin they are able to call out to the reader to appreciate those who can.

Nature in the works of Russian writers.

Nature has always occupied a special place in literature.
Writers of the 20th century did not miss these. And if earlier nature was slandered, hoarded by it, then the creations of contemporary writers clearly sound the cry of vryatuvat those who are consuming us.
20th century with yoga morals environmental issues I got acquainted with the works of Chingiz Aitmatov, Valentin Rasputin, Viktor Astaf'ev and many other writers.
Rasputin's creativity is closely connected with the theme of nature.
A letter, like a virus in Siberia, having given his heart to this land. The great Siberian expanses, the unseen world of Baikal nature, the taiga foxes will forever tie people to themselves.
And the soul of a writer cannot but be ill, bachachi, as nature stumbles, as well and thoughtlessly people manage it, not worrying about the future of their children.
Such an invasion of nature is destructive, and among the pershu cherga - the very people. The villages are dying.
This is a tragedy for those who are bound by blood ties from their native land. Grandmother Daria in the story "Farewell to Mother" self-defended the village, like a flood.
Here lived її ancestors, here she was born, she lived a hard life.
And now the axis will be flooded. A new settlement was vibrated with new houses and new lives. Ale tse already nіkoli will not be that native, blood land. This earth has seen life.
For Daria and other people of a frail age, this is a tragedy. Like a tree without soil, so is the soul of a person without a native land in the yane. Barbarically blaming nature, we destroy our soul. A person, who knows his own roots, to repair evil is not only against nature, but he bears witness in front of people, in front of his future.
The theme of nature and people are tormented in their creations by another Siberian writer Viktor Astaf'ev.
In the novel "Tsar Riba" people are also against nature. The problem in one of the main divisions is particularly bright and poignant. Human nature is the same whole. I cannot ruin this link.
And yet, often in our life, through greed, people are ruined in people.
Fisherman Ignatich drank the majestic sturgeon - "king-fish", as they called it among the people. I am blinded by greed, I don’t want to let the fish in, but I can’t keep up with it. The result of the people is that fish, that victim is thought to die at once. Іgnatіy zagaduє all his life, all the sins and accept those who are charged for the "deserved punishment". How often in modern literature a person is shown as a soulless, right barbarian. Tse i є head thought Chingiz Aitmatov's novel "The Scaffold"
This novel cannot be left out of anyone's mind, it will start alive.
Our century with yoga vices knew really more in "Pogani".
People go against nature, forgetting that there is a part of it itself.
Mindful of nature, vіn tsim prіkaє yourself death, scaffold. On the first sides of the novel we have a couple of vovkivs - the blue-eyed vovchit Akbar and the strong beautiful vovk Tashainar. Their life passed in the "inexhaustible pursuit across the inexhaustible Moyunkum expanses. Aitmatov reveals the life of the great savanna before the readers. Everything goes according to one's own calling, everything is subject to the laws of nature.
Everything in nature is mutually explained: "chasing and following - one buty of a bitter butt".
Everything has its own harmony, like a ruined person.
People invade nature, destroying eternal laws.
The scene of blaming the saigas is shown more vividly with the use of zhorstokistyu. For the sake of wealth, make money, for the sake of the plan of meat-creating people, shooting the flocks of creatures. On the aphids of all the villains, who are human beings, the forks look much more humane and magnanimous, even the people themselves.
Tashainari and Akbari have more than human. Vovkas, ryatuyuchi themselves and their children, embarrassed, deprive them of their native place, but nowhere do they have a clue. All vovchenyats perish in the hands of people. A person is presented in "Poganі" with all his own lowness and lack of spirituality.
One of the main characters in the novel is Avdiy, a great seminarian, who is trying to fight for people's souls.
We spread the knowledge to the bajans to propagate eternal values, vryatuvat souls, Avdiy consumes the world of drug addicts and alcoholics.
Ale do not make a dim word, rozpovid about God, vociferous exclamations until repentance.
I Avdiy Kalistratov, the guinea was quiet, whom he wanted to kill. The end of the novel is tragic: to die and the people of that vovka. Skin has its own scaffold.
Aitmatov propagates the understanding that man is not the king of nature, but an invisible part of him.
Problems, destroyed by scribes, are touching our skin.
Do it clearly to give an understanding that the hour has come for people to think and change their minds.
What are we doing, virubuyuchi foxes, straying rivers and povitrya, blaming creatures.
Nature to ask for help, it is less in our power to cause a catastrophe.

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