About grass etudiv about nature "Grass" (Soloukhin). Tvir: The problem of putting a person to the necessary world

“(1) It’s more accurate than human caution: we’ll notice it again, if you start to reject it. (2) To rob this whistle ... "

Control robot on the topic "Grammar"

(1) I know more precisely human caution: we will notice it again, if you start to reject it. (2) In order to be more precise, it is necessary to replace the word “remember” and to cultivate the word “cherish”. (3) Definitely, we don’t value it again and don’t think about anything, for the time being it’s normal and without a change it’s dihaemo.

(4) For everyday life, for our incomprehensibility, there is nothing, maybe, after no one is closer on earth, lower grass. (5) We called out that the light is green. (6) Lemo on the grass gasoline, fuel oil, gas, acid and meadows. (7) Vysipati car factory slag and nacrit, і vіdgoroditi vіd sun grass? (8) Think! (9) How many herbs are there? (10) Ten square meters. (11) It’s not a human being, it’s a sin, grass. (12) Viroste in another place.

Grammar tasks

Vipishit apply with a pardon in the light of the form of the word, correct the pardon

1) lie on the bed (lie down)

2) two suits of rubles

3) better

4) five hectares

5) kilogram of orange (oranges)

6) sprat keychain

7) five kilos

8) up to two thousand sixth year (two thousand)

1) a pair of jeans

2) under the guidance of professors

3) triomasts books

4) young drivers (chauffeurs)

5) garni torti (torti)

6) five amps

7) stump of georgines

8) better (more beautiful)

Choose grammatically correct continuation of the speech, write down the speech

Koristuyuchis gloomy lexicon,

(+) 4) a lot of words are unknown.

Having clouded the plan of creation,

1) I became an epigrapher. (+)

Indicate a proposition, in which a pardon is allowed during the implantation of a dieprikmetnik. Write down the suggestion right.

Do such speeches have no grammatical pardons? Write qi approx.

(+) 4) The children were dressed with panami.

6) I speak for you.

7) It is necessary to pay for the fare. (+)8) I miss my family.

(+) 6) I've sumovav after you.

8) Yshli dosch that two students.

Enter at the text

1 var. special offer

2 var. o-l suggestion

Specify the method of making the word:

1 variant: viraz, no one (suf., prefix)

Option 2: no breaks, everyday life (suf., suf.)

Іz assigned approx. write out a word-finding s definition. view of the bell

1 var. 3 trans. phrase-e zі zv'yazkom primikannya (without passing dihaєmo)

2 var. 4 trans. uzgodzhennya (for our incompetence)

1 option 2 option

Koristuyuchis gloomy lexicon,

1) the article is read from the beginning.

2) I was struck by the richness of our language.

3) give respect to illustrative material.

1) I became an epigrapher.

2) the composition is not guilty but it is broken.

3) I have given an hour.

4) need knowledge of the text to create.

1) Having learned from this book, I fell in love with Grin's creativity.

2) Calling a synonymous word similar to the example, they are protected by the most important signs.

3) Restoring the genetic integrity of language, linguistics to provide valuable material to historians.

4) Listening to the music, we take it in a different way.

1) Looking up, the sun illuminated the Galyavin with bright light.

2) Keeping records of the past, chronicles were the most important material for historians.

3) Listening to symphonic music, I don’t pick up at all.

4) Coming to the village, we broke our company on the river.

1) Vin loves and hoots at readings.

3) Uvіyshovshi to kіmnati, vіn respectfully glancing at everything.

4) The children were dressed with panami.

5) It is impossible not to notice the high activity of the audience.

6) I speak for you.

7) It is necessary to pay for the fare.

8) I miss my family.

1) Spring near Rostov was early.

2) Busy went out with a layout.

4) Pay the fare hourly.

5) It got cold, and we put on a warm coat.

6) I'm after you sumuvav.

7) The commission established the causes of the accident.

8) Yshli dosch that two students.

5. Enter at the text

special offer o-l suggestion

3 trans. - Primikannya 4 poper. - pleasure

1 option 2 option

1. Vipishit apply with a pardon at the enlightenment of the form of the word, correct the pardon

1) lie down on a bed 5) a kilogram of orange

2) two suits of rubles 6) sprat keychain

3) naytsіkavіshe 7) five kilos

4) five hectares 8) up to two thousand sixth 1) a pair of jeans 5) a side of cakes

2) in the presence of professors 6) five amperes

3) triomasts with books 7) stump of georgines

4) young water 8) better2. Choose grammatically correct continuation of the speech, write down yoga.

Koristuyuchis gloomy lexicon,

1) the article is read from the beginning.

2) I was struck by the richness of our language.

3) give respect to illustrative material.

4) a lot of words are unknown. Having clouded the plan of creation,

1) I became an epigrapher.

2) the composition is not guilty but it is broken.

3) I have given an hour.

4) need knowledge of the text to create.

3. Indicate a request, in which a pardon was allowed during the implantation of deєpr. turnover. Write down the suggestion right.

1) Having learned from this book, I fell in love with Grin's creativity.

2) Calling a synonymous word similar to the example, they are protected by the most important signs.

3) Restoring the genetic integrity of language, linguistics to provide valuable material to historians.

4) Listening to the music, we take it in a different way.

1) Looking up, the sun illuminated the Galyavin with bright light.

2) Keeping records of the past, chronicles were the most important material for historians.

3) Listening to symphonic music, I don’t pick up at all.

4) Coming to the village, we broke our company on the river.

4. Do some speeches have no grammatical pardons? Write qi approx.

1) Vin loves and hoots at readings.

3) Uvіyshovshi to kіmnati, vіn respectfully glancing at everything.

4) The children were dressed with panami.

5) It is impossible not to notice the high activity of the audience.

6) I speak for you.

7) It is necessary to pay for the fare.

8) I miss my family.

1) Spring near Rostov was early.

2) Busy went out with a layout.

4) Pay the fare hourly.

5) It got cold, and we put on a warm coat.

6) I'm after you sumuvav.

7) The commission established the causes of the accident.

8) Yshli dosch that two students.

5. Enter at the text

special offer o-l suggestion

6. Specify the method of making words

viraz, no one without interruption, everyday life

7. From the appointed sentence. write out a word-finding s definition. view of the bell

3 trans. - Primikannya 4 poper. - pleasure

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Author of the book: Soloukhin Volodymyr; Title of the book: Grass;
I know more precisely the people's caution: every time we remember those things, if you start to reject them. In order to be more precise, you need to replace the word “remember” and live the word “cherish”. True, we don’t need to repeat and don’t think about anything, while it’s normal and without interruption. But all the same, it’s not true, - we note. Navit and enjoy it, if it’s warmer for a day with warm water, if it’s promited in a grassy plank, if it’s ennobled by thunderbolts. Adzhe do not start mi dikhaєmo baiduzhe and everyday. Buvayut naisolodshі, darlings, remembrances for all the life of gourds again.
For everyday life, for our incomprehensibility, there is nothing, maybe, after no one on earth is closer, lower grass. We called out that the light is green. Walking, me, trampling into a bagnyuk, blasted with caterpillars and wheels, visibly with shovels, scraped by bulldozer knives, tightly slammed with concrete slabs, flooded with hot asphalt, flooded with cement, plastic, cinder, boom. Lemo on the grass gasoline, fuel oil, gas, acid and meadows. Vysipati the car of the factory slag and destroy it in the sun grass? Think! How many herbs are there? Ten square meters. We don’t kill people, grass. Viroste in another region.
Once, when winter passed and antifreeze was no longer needed in the car, I turned on the faucet, and the whole country from the radiator tumbled to the ground, there, where the car stood - on the meadow under the windows of our strong house. Antifreeze rose like a dove, then ogo ogo with planks, but on the ground, it appears, a strong opik. In the midst of the dappled grass, which grew on the galyavin, an evil black flame hid itself. For three ages the earth could not cover the ground, and only then the fox was again covered in green grass.
Under the vіknom, zvіsno, remember. I shkoduvav, having done it carelessly, zipsuvav galyavin. Ale ce pіd vlasny vіknom! Every day you walk around, bachish and guess. Well, how did they give it here from the eyes, at the ravine, at the forest node, at the roadside ditch, that, Lord, is there little grass on the earth? Chi Skoda її? Well, the slag hung (dirty slabs, rubble, bіy-slope, concrete krikhitne), well, they crushed a sprat of millions of blades of grass. It’s not so good, it’s like grass, it’s like a human being, to think and think about such worthlessness, like a blade of grass. Grass? Grass won є grass. Її rich. Vaughn creak. At the fox, at the field, at the steppe, on the mountains, wind at the desert ... Heba scho the axis of the desert is less. You begin to remember that, it appears, it is possible: the earth is there, but there is no grass. Scary, motorist, hopeless sight! I manifest my people in a boundless, grassless wasteland, which may appear after a cosmic or cosmic catastrophe, our earth, as it has revealed on the charred surface of the planet a single green parosta, which breaks through the fog until the sun.
Kovtok repeat, if the person is suffocating. A blade of grass is green, if a person is familiar with nature. And in front - grass. Scrapes with the knives of bulldozers, fill up the smitty, douse them with naphtha, trample, destroy, be angry ...
And in the meantime, cherish the eye of a person, infuse quiet joy into his soul, help him to give in, bring calmness to that kind of reason - the axis of one of the secondary signs of be-like growth, and especially flowers. (457 lines) (V. A. Soloukhin)

Tvіr behind the text: "It's more accurate than human caution: it's better to remember us, if you start marriage." Soloukhin V. A.

“Why is there little grass on the earth? Chi Skoda її? - V. Soloukhin is such a non-serious at first glance. Vіdomy pisnik destroys the actual problem of stereotypes of ecological thinking, their deplorable legacy.

The mirkuvannya was prompted on the butt of a bezvіdpovіdalny, spozhivchogo staging of a man to the grass under his feet, zivichnoy to povyakdenny. The author explains this with a thought that “the grass is out and the grass. Її rich. Vaughn skrіz ”and you can not stand on ceremony with her. The writer knows that he himself is not a vision for succession. Vіn zgaduє vipadok, if, without prejudice, pouring antifreeze on the green meadow in front of the booth and giving the land a terrible pain: the place of the opіku only after three roki began to overgrow with grass.

Soloukhin respects that thoughtlessly, “mechanically”, and then, rudely, carelessly setting up to a superfluous world can lead to disaster, if “on the charred surface of the planet” a person is deprived of a single green sprout.

I share the author's thoughts. People, as a wise man, need to acknowledge the world with respect for everything that is needed for a long time. Let our skin lie down, our planet will be a majestic flourishing garden, or a "grassless" deserted.

Like a hot cry, the rows of Yevgen Yevtushenok, the great Russian poet, our companion, sound like a hot cry:

Take care of the earth, water,

Navit little buli lyublyachi nіchku.

Protect all animals in the middle of nature,

Drive in less zvirіv seredinі yourself!

It is even more correctly noted that the setting of a person to the necessary world was the peace of humanness and humanity. Later, the turbot about grass is not a gimmick, it’s a kind show of a healthy life with miraculous prospects.

(232 words)

They joked here:

  • іsnuє more precisely human caution
  • іsnuє more precisely human caution
  • іsnuє more precisely human caution

Text. For V. Soloukhina
(1) I know more precisely the human caution: we will remember the same things, if you start to reject them. (2) In order to be more precise, it is necessary to replace the word “remember” and learn the word “cherish”. (Z) Definitely, we don’t need to repeat and don’t think about anything, while it’s normal and without interruption. (4) But all the same, it’s not true, - we note. (5) Navit and enjoy it, if it’s warm in the morning, if it’s warm in the grass, if it’s ennobled by lightning bolts. (6) Do not start me wildly baiduzhe and everyday. 7
(8) On weekdays, there is nothing for our restlessness, perhaps, I will see no one on earth closer, lower grass. (9) We called out that the light is green. (Y) Walking, me, trampling into a bagnyuk, blasted with caterpillars and wheels, visibly with shovels, scraped by bulldozer knives, tightly slammed with concrete slabs, flooded with hot asphalt, flooded with cement, plastic, cinder. (11) Lemo on the grass gasoline, fuel oil, gas, acid and meadows. 12 (13) Think! (14) How many herbs are there? (15) Ten square meters. (16) It’s not a human being, it’s a sin, grass. (17) Viroste in another place.
(18) Once, when winter passed and antifreeze was no longer needed in the car, I turned on the faucet, and the whole country from the radiator spilled onto the ground, there, where the car stood - on the galyavin under the windows of our strong booth. (1) Antifreeze rose with a thick kalyuzhe, then ogo ogo ogo with planks, but on the ground, it appears, a strong opik. mist opіku, and just then the fox again dragged on the grass.
(22) Pіd vіknom, zvichano, remember 23 (24) Ale ce pіd vlasny vіknom! (25) Every day you walk past, bachish and guess. (26) How did they give a view of the eyes here, at the ravine, on the fox knot, at the roadside ditch, that, Lord, is there little grass on the earth? (27) Chi Skoda її? (28) Well, the slag hung (dry trimmings, rubble, biy-slope, concrete krikhitne), well, they crushed a sprat of millions of blades of grass.
(29) It’s not like this vishchiy, it’s washed with herbs, it’s worth, like a person, to think and fight about such worthlessness, like a blade of grass. (VO) Grass? (31) Grass won and є grass. (32) Її rich. (ZZ) There's a creak. (34) At the forest, at the field, at the steppe, on the mountains, wind at the desert ... (Zb) The axis of the desert is smaller. (Zb) Start thinking about what, it appears, maybe like this: the earth is there, but the grass is not. (37) Terrible, motor, hopeless sight! (38) I manifest my own people in a landless, grassless wasteland, which may appear after a cosmic or non-cosmic catastrophe our Earth, as if it showed on the charred surface of the planet a single green parosta that breaks through the confusion until the sun.
(39) Kovtok repeat, if a person is choking. (40) A blade of grass is alive, if a person is familiar with nature. (41) And in front - grass. (42) Scrapes її with bulldozer knives, fill up the smitty, fill it with hot asphalt, drown it with concrete, douse it with naphtha, trample, destroy, rage ...
(43) At the same time, cherish the eye of a person, infuse quiet joy into his soul, help him to give in, bring peace and reassurance - the axis of one of the secondary signs of be-like growth.
(For V. Soloukhin)

I lie on the grass and marvel at the bottomless black sky. The grass is lower, soft, lagidna. A scythe passed along it, and equal rows lie in every puddle. The whole picture is far and away from childhood, if I’m going to take me with me early to the dewy meadow, which smells of weeds. I remember, as if saying wine: "Tee, onuchko, inhale the grass, remember: your childishness smells so much." ... For a long time I have not thought, but the words of yoga have been lost and live in my memory as a spiritual guide to a wise person who went through a war, as death and shelter suffocated. Eternal thanks to you for those who have learned to understand the spiritual value of nature, having learned to understand their arbitrariness from it.
Having become a mature person, she changed her mind a lot, that the problem of understanding the human value of nature is one of the main problems of the modern person. Once again, the text of a prominent Russian writer, a subtle connoisseur of nature - V. Soloukhin, is less confusing to think about.
Razmirkovuchi about the spiritual value of nature in people, the writer is right to say that they often do not mark nature, respecting it with the great ashes of life. The best for us, according to V. Soloukhin’s thought, is to repeat that grass. With some pain, the author writes: “We walk, me, trampled in a bagnyuk, we are torn off by caterpillars and wheels, we can see with shovels ...” It seems that the whole summation of what a person can do with grass for his non-government, a writer can continue to inexorable. Truly, people, respecting themselves with the richest things in nature, are extremely disrespectful to her. And she's alive! Nevipadkovo, suddenly speaking about the barbaric setting to the grass, V. Soloukhin gives the semblances of living nature. "A blade of grass is green" - hints of tenderness, trembling, caresses in these simple words of a writer. Do not merit either the wind, or the grass, or the nature of the ignorance of the people.
The author's position is completely and emotionally formulated in the rest of the proposition of the text: "... cherish the eye of a person, infuse quiet joy into his soul, help її give in, bring peace and comfort ...". Also, the spiritual value of nature is manifested in its positive, beneficial influx of skin from us.
It is impossible not to agree with the author's thought: nature has the greatest spiritual potential, which manifests itself in the help of a hard-hearted person, in the quiet and lagadniy joy of coexistence with us alive.
About those who have a spiritual value for our skin, to speak about those who have a spiritual value for our skin, for whom nature is a breathless spirit, the possibility rises higher than the most significant and everyday inquiries and anxieties. About the speech of the modern writer V. Krupin "Throw the bear". The heroine of the confession, Varya, has learned to keep the quiet joy of joining with us alive, looking at the wondrous pictures of nature. I now rise above the mitt's turbots to rob a happy person. It’s right that the heroine of the confession conveys her unique daughters and granddaughters!
Speaking about those that nature is eternal and insane spiritual value, as it helps people to understand their place in life, help them strike their share, it is impossible not to guess the famous oak from the novel by L.M. Tolstoy "War and Peace". If Prince Andriy is in Vidradna, he will be in the most gloomy mood: life seems to be completed and let us relieve the high sensation. It seems that the withered old oak is just like a hero, ending his life. All the same, everything changes in one night: Prince Andriy, under the influx of Natalka’s flooded words, under the influx of the miraculous spring night, internally transforms. There is a well-known phrase: "Life is not cut off thirty-one rivers." Life with usma її atrocities, joys, worries and troubles only start. Here it is, that the oak-veleten tsezh rozumіє, vіn comes to life in one night, and yogo yunі, glutinous leaves, and all vіn, young and fresh, instills in Prince Andriy a stronger bazhannya to live, love and vіriti!
In such a rite, you can grow visnovok: nature for a person is spiritualized іstota, like bringing relief to work, quiet joy of peace of mind, calming the heart, rejoicing in happiness of life, that enlightened itself with a part of the great and beautiful world.

I know more precisely the people's caution: every time we remember those things, if you start to reject them. In order to be more precise, you need to replace the word “remember” and live the word “cherish”. True, we don’t need to repeat and don’t think about anything, while it’s normal and without interruption. But all the same, it’s not true, - we note. Navit and enjoy it, if it’s warmer for a day with warm water, if it’s promited in a grassy plank, if it’s ennobled by thunderbolts. Adzhe do not start mi dikhaєmo baiduzhe and everyday. Buvayut naisolodshі, darlings, remembrances for all the life of gourds again.
For everyday life, for our incomprehensibility, there is nothing, maybe, after no one on earth is closer, lower grass. We called out that the light is green. Walking, me, trampling into a bagnyuk, blasted with caterpillars and wheels, visibly with shovels, scraped by bulldozer knives, tightly slammed with concrete slabs, flooded with hot asphalt, flooded with cement, plastic, cinder, boom. Lemo on the grass gasoline, fuel oil, gas, acid and meadows. Vysipati the car of the factory slag and destroy it in the sun grass? Think! How many herbs are there? Ten square meters. We don’t kill people, grass. Viroste in another region.
Once, when winter passed and antifreeze was no longer needed in the car, I turned on the faucet, and the whole country from the radiator tumbled to the ground, there, where the car stood - on the meadow under the windows of our strong house. Antifreeze rose like a dove, then ogo ogo with planks, but on the ground, it appears, a strong opik. In the midst of the dappled grass, which grew on the galyavin, an evil black flame hid itself. For three ages the earth could not cover the ground, and only then the fox was again covered in green grass.
Under the vіknom, zvіsno, remember. I shkoduvav, having done it carelessly, zipsuvav galyavin. Ale ce pіd vlasny vіknom! Every day you walk around, bachish and guess. Well, how did they give it here from the eyes, at the ravine, at the forest node, at the roadside ditch, that, Lord, is there little grass on the earth? Chi Skoda її? Well, the slag hung (dirty slabs, rubble, bіy-slope, concrete krikhitne), well, they crushed a sprat of millions of blades of grass. It’s not so good, it’s like grass, it’s like a human being, to think and think about such worthlessness, like a blade of grass. Grass? Grass won є grass. Її rich. Vaughn creak. At the fox, at the field, at the steppe, on the mountains, wind at the desert ... Heba scho the axis of the desert is less. You begin to remember that, it appears, it is possible: the earth is there, but there is no grass. Scary, motorist, hopeless sight! I manifest my people in a boundless, grassless wasteland, which may appear after a cosmic or cosmic catastrophe, our earth, as it has revealed on the charred surface of the planet a single green parosta, which breaks through the fog until the sun.
Kovtok repeat, if the person is suffocating. A blade of grass is green, if a person is familiar with nature. And in front - grass. Scrapes with the knives of bulldozers, fill up the smitty, douse them with naphtha, trample, destroy, be angry ...
And in the meantime, cherish the eye of a person, infuse quiet joy into his soul, help him to give in, bring calmness to that kind of reason - the axis of one of the secondary signs of be-like growth, and especially flowers. (457 words) (V. A. Soloukhin) Write a lecture 110 words maximum, help!

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