Form a methodical work. “Form methodical work with teachers” methodical analysis on the topic See and form the organization of methodical work

Head of methodical service:

We know what's in modern minds of the reformed enlightenmentand the introduction of GEF DOthe status of a teacher is radically changing, and his enlightened functions are gradually changing to the level of professional and pedagogical competence, to the level of professionalism.

W The current request teacher is creative, competent, building up to the development of learning to mobilize your special potential in the current system of development and the development of a preschooler, because before skin child vimagaє respect and turboti.

In connection with the advancement, I could change to the extent of preschool education, and the character of that lie down in the professional maturity of the skin specialist.


Front view:


intercessor of the head of the VMR DS No. 186 "Vazovets"

Makhankova A.Kh.

"Formie methodical work with teachers"

Methodical service nursery– tse happy lanka between the activities of the pedagogical team of the kindergarten, state system enlighten, psychological and pedagogical science, advanced pedagogical knowledge of Vaughn's development, development and realization of the professional creative potential of teachers.

Head of methodical service:

1. Management of the lighting process DTZ

2. Security of the theoretical, psychological, methodical support of the promoters

3. The creation of minds for the development of professional competence, the growth of pedagogical skill and the development of the creative potential of the teacher

4. Carrying out monitoring of results, directing to reveal the efficiency of work and further prospects for the development of DTZ.

We know that in today's minds the reformation of the education and training of the Federal State Educational Standards for Education is radically changing the status of a teacher, its education functions, obviously, are changing to the level of professional and pedagogical competence, to the level of professionalism.

Today, the teacher is creative, competent, building up to the development of learning to mobilize his special potential in the current system of development and development of a preschooler, since a skin child will require respect and turboti.

At the link with advancement, it could change to the extent of preschool educationmethodical work with frames,the nature of what to lie in the professional maturity of the skin practitioner.

My task as an intercessor is the leader of the supreme and methodical work: to accept the uninterrupted professional growth of teachers.

Theoretical and practical teachers classify the forms of work with teachers:

Passive forms (traditional)work and methodical service to orientate the great world of reproductive mental activity and provide support for the area of ​​actual development of teachers. They have a lot of smut attached to dopovіdy, vistupam, yakі have spent their value on the current day through their low efficiency and insufficient turning point.

Active forms (innovative)stimulate research, create a long-term activity of teachers and focus on the area of ​​the closest development of teachers.

All forms of methodical work are determined by the plan of the work of the child nursery, based on the setting of a task for the head office.

The main criteria of the most methodical process is consistency - compliance with the goals, goals and objectives.

Our pedagogical team has a victorious active form of work, which is the power of the educated teachers in the activity and dialogue that conveys a free exchange of thoughts. Podіlyayutsya stinks on:




To the most effective forms of methodical work were introduced:

  • workshop

Purpose: promotion of qualifications of teachers

All teachers take part in this form, as they prepare different tasks, and in the vicons, pedagogical strengths, thoughts, and communication skills develop. For example, for the training of teachers in effective methods, directing them to discuss moral lessons with children from reading works, a practical workshop was held, and the teacher had the opportunity to explore the most distant reception (at their glance) that recognition of other, like victorious colleagues.

  • dilova gra- This is the form of a thorough development, giving a better education, establishing a teacher for himself in various pedagogical situations.

Purpose: introduction of professional skills, pedagogical technologies.

Conducted form: collective chi group robot.

For example, the dilova gra "My Experts" is carried out by subgroups, with the help of the activity of teachers, the skin can be in the role of an expert, the task of analyzing, evaluating, giving their recommendations. Vidkritіst and breadth of vidpovіdey, allowing to succumb to dermatological indigestion in the discussed nutrition, develop the creative initiative of teachers.

  • pedagogical KVK

Meta: activation of existing theoretical knowledge, practical skills and knowledge, creation of a friendly psychological climate for a group of teachers.

Conducted form: collective chi group robot.

Teachers manage the warehouse of the team, work on home tasks. For example, KVK "Growing Patriots", prepare pedagogical situations for discussion with colleagues. Domovlyayutsya about the name of the team, at once rob juri.

  • exhibition

Tsіl: education and recognition of the work of teachers in innovative activity; promotion of the prestige of the pedagogical profession.

Conduct form: individual, subgroup, frontal

Exhibitions will be held on the planned and unplanned basis.

Power supply. How do you know, at some events, planned exhibitions are held and where they stink?

scheduled exhibitions?


Planovі - zgіdno zgіdno plan of work on the topic of pedagogy, familiarization with the novelties of scientific literature, the work of creative groups, self-education of teachers, work with poorly informed teachers, the presentation of the work of the teacher, what is creative, practical.

Pozaplanovі - for the results of operational control, familiarization with regulatory documentation (kіltsevy journal)

  • zahist project

Meta: stimulation of interest and motivation to self-enlightenment, promotion of the level of activity and self-reliance; development of learning to analyze and reflect on one’s own activity, development of exercise of spivpratsi, empathy.

Conduction form: frontal

The value of such an approach lies in the fact that the wines secure the call, the exchange of thoughts, the formation of a positive impression between the spivrobitniks. For example, “How to tell Maslyan”, “1st April is Bird Day?”

We cut these forms of work with staff - collective discussions, mirkuvannya, argumentation of vysnovkіv, smashing minds and talents.

Appointment of a taskteach teachers to formulate their thoughts independently and implement them through:

Wash your mind for the creativity of the skin teacher through the hem of the rubbish and irritability

The introduction of the rule, that whether a thought may have the right to reason, criticism may be constructive and in order from the list, it is necessary to propagate the options.

  • Look backlighting, gaming activities.

Conduct form: subgroup, frontal

Power supply. How do you care, organize the examinations, look over, how do you supervise the methodical service of the robots with low-level and well-educated teachers?

  • Pedagogical care– tse postiyno dyuchy

collegiate body, which examines the various aspects of the activity of a child nursery. Pedagogical glad that, perhaps traditional, with the help of other methods of activation, that. under the hour of the teacher, the teachers will be taught to crossword chi situational task, and to create an unconventional look at the round table.

Their robots also have victorious non-traditional forms “School of professional craftsmanship”, “Blitztournir”, “Auction of ideas” too. a non-dominant component of these is the reflexive activity of teachers.

Obov'yazkovoy ummahnoy these forms є pіdvishchennya maisternostі educators, povnennya їkh theoretical and practical knowledge, scho zdіysnyuєtsya z vikoristannya іinteraktivnymi forms and methodsdirecting and activating teachers, developing their creative mind, understanding a non-standard way out of a problem situation.

Power supply. From the beginning of the preparation to the pedagogical stage, we will finish the stages, the stench is presented on the slide. Analyze and name the missing steps:

Planning by those pedradis is povidno before the task is set

- pіdbіr diagnostic tools zgіdno z direct: teachers, children, fathers, Wednesday

Alert about the possible pedrada, the cob of control

Selection of participants in the theoretical and practical part of pedagogy

Preparation of control results

Select form for practical part

Preparing a project solution

You correctly named the daily stages of work from preparation to pedradi.

Today, our children's nursery is continuing the preparation to the teacher No. 3 "Prosperous socialization of children of the preschool age", for us this topic is especially important, because. ds to carry out a wrecked work for socially special directing the development of children, as well as by participants in the laboratory "Socialization of children of the preschool age", on the topic "Socialization of children of the preschool age by means of artistic literature".

We took the form of pedagogical training for the sake of video training, with the methodstimulating the cognitive activity of teachers, through reviewing video recordings, to take up the given topics, from the stagnation of various technologies and forms of work with further analysis and the development of recommendations for their stosuvannya.

Immediately, we will give you an excursion from the methodical office, where an exhibition of scientific literature and the results of innovative work with art literature (lepbooks) has been arranged, a folder has been presented

Front view:

Active forms of organization of methodical work

Dilova gra

Tsіl - Vіdpratsyuvannya singing professional skills, pedagogical technologies.

Gray as a form of education is characterized by great gnuchkistyu. In the course of the її you can virishuvat zavdannya raznoї foldedness. She activates the creativity of the reader, ensures the high level of acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of professional minds.

Conduct form

The process of organizing a wedding can be divided into 4 stages.

1. Gris construction:

  • to clearly formulate the main goal of privacy for the participants;
  • rozrobiti global rules games.

2. Organizational preparation of a specific game with the implementation of a singing didactic goal:

  • rose maker explains to the participants of the sensation gris, to know from the main program and the rules, rozpodіlyaє roles and put before їх vikonavtsy specific tasks, as if they could be cherished;
  • experts are appointed, how to predict the cold, analyze the situations that are being modeled, give an assessment;
  • an hour is appointed, wash that trivality gri.

3. Hid gry.

4. Podbitya subsumkiv, report її analysis:

  • global assessment of GR, report analysis, implementation of goals and objectives, away from weak sides, their reasons;
  • self-assessment with grave marks of entrusted bosses, steps of special satisfaction;
  • characteristics of professional knowledge and wisdom, revealed in the process;
  • analysis and assessment of GR by experts.

At the end of the ker_vnik, the grist was added.


Tsіl - in the practice of the singing professional skills that you will die.

Conduct form- collective chi group robot.

Training (English) - a special, training mode, training can be an independent form of methodical work, or it can be played as a methodical method during a seminar.

Under the hour of the training, pedagogical situations, handouts, technical training are widely discussed. Training is carried out in training groups with a number of 6 to 12 individuals.

The main principles of the robotic training group are: trust and confidence in the discussion, viability in discussions and when discussing the results of the training.

Pedagogical KVK


Conduct form- Collective work.

Hid gri:

1. Privatization of teams, who is insured: responsibility for the presentation of the given topic; actuality; form of tribute, hour of whistup - 10 hvilin.

2. Warm up. An hour for the obmirkovuvannya food - 1 hvilin.

3. Homework: revision of the preparation of a business speech on a given topic

4. Competition of captains.

5. Competition of wise men. Two participants per team are selected. We are encouraged to choose the optimal method for cultivating your nutrition.

6. The competition of killers: the vision of pedagogical leaders from the practice of work.

7. Competition "What would it mean?" (Situations in the life of DS ). Guilt, accuracy of expression of thoughts, humor are damaged.

Methodical place

Target: exchange of advanced pedagogical knowledge, expansion of innovative technologies, training and development.

Conduct form- Collective work.

Methodical place is a different type of discussion.


Target: to take the development of practical skills, creativity, and the right point of view in the pedagogical theory and practice.

Conduct form- collective chi group robot.

Tsej priyom handily vikoristovuvaty under the hour of discussing the methodology of the passage, as if those who took the solution to the song problem.

Kerivnik may well think over the food, so that the answers are short, concise. Perevaga hopes for remembrances-fantasies, remembrances-osyayannyam. Criticism of ideas is defended, their assessment. Trivality of brainstorming-15-30 min. Let's follow the discussion of ideas.

Fairs of pedagogical ideas

Target: to accept the activation of the methodical work of the illuminators.

If you want a leather teacher, so that this idea was recognized as the best, the spirit of magic is manifested in such a rank. Teachers, especially young ones, learn to lead a discussion, show their point of view, and listen critically to themselves and their colleagues.

Building a methodical portfolio

Tsіl : accept the systematization by teachers of their methodical work for rіk, choose the most methodical methods in the distance, and take them into account in seemingly methodical developments

"Round Steel"

Tsіl : the generation of common thoughts, the positions of the participants in the problem discussed. Call to think about 1-3 meals, which are discussed.

The leader of the "Round Table" defines his place in such a way that all the participants are included. Here you can also request fakhіvtsі, administration and other. In the course of the work, skin nutrition problems are discussed okremo. The word is given to teachers, so that they can see the problems. The leader of the discussion bags of skin nutrition. Nasamkinets vіn proponuє the variant of the common position with the improvement of respect, additions, amendments.

"Evenings to ask for help"

Target: to take the development of the teachers to formulate the theoretical foundations of the problem, to know the ways of її virishennya, to choose the form of organization, methods and methods of work.

"Dilova gra"

Tsіl : live modeling of the educational process, molding specific practical minds of teachers, quick adaptation to renewal, molding their interest and culture self-development; in the practice of singing professional skills, pedagogical technologies.

Games are effective in that case, if teachers can have sufficient knowledge of the problems, as they appear in children. Dilova gra transferring to the great work ahead, from such teachers they gain the necessary knowledge through various forms, methods and techniques: first-hand campaigning, thematic exhibitions, consultations, conversations, discussions. Since such a frontal work has not been carried out, then it is necessary to plan a large business group as part of the entry that was made on.

Dilovi іgri bovayut offensive species:

Imitation, dezdiyasnyuєtsya kopiyuvannya z coming analysis.

managerial, which have specific managerial functions);

Doslіdnitski, pov'yazanі z scientific-scientific work, de through the game form, methods are developed from specific directions;

Organizational-dialny. The participants of the Tsikh igor model a non-domy early work on singing topics.

Game-trainings. Tse right, scho zakriplyuyut chi іnshі navichki;

Igri projectivnі, in which there is an authoritative project, an algorithm for any kind of action, a plan of action, and a plan of action is being created for the proposed project.An example of projective gamesmaybe a topic: “How to spend a pidsumkovu pedrada?” (either batkivsky zbori, or a practical seminar or something else).

When organizing and conducting a business meeting, the role of a floor planner is different - up to a floor level instructor, at the second stage - a consultant, the rest of the stage - a discussion leader.


Target: listening to the active discussion of the problem; revealed by practices and science; recruitment of newcomers to the acquisition of theoretical knowledge for the analysis of effectiveness

Form: collective discussion of theoretical nutrition.

Methodology of organization:

  • vyznachennya meti and zmistu discussed problems, prognosis pіdsumkіv;
  • the appointment of higher education meals, for which a discussion will be organized (vipadkovі, other row meals are not to be discussed);
  • folding plan;
  • prior knowledge of teachers with the main provisions of those that are being discussed

Carrying out methodology:

  • awareness of teachers of the problem, situational tasks.
  • Meals for teachers should be arranged sequentially before the plan.
  • organize a discussion of the opposite points of the day to day-to-day analysis of the problem.
  • Visnovok

At the leader's visnovka, she swears at the activity and passivity of the audience, evaluates the teachers' opinions, argues for the wrong judgment for the necessary arguments, additionally inaccurate opinions, robs the heady visnovka for the results of the discussion, acknowledging the teachers for their participation in the discussion.

The leader is responsible:

  • Good to know the problem, the topic of discussion.
  • Take the position and arguments of the opponents.
  • Don't let the mind wander about the subject of discussion, forget to understand.

"Methodical ring".

Target: thorough professional knowledge of the clergy, the manifestation of wild erudition.

The form: group robot (opponents are assigned, groups of supporters of opponents, group of analysis).

Methodology for organizing and conducting:

1 option - a methodical ring as a different type of discussion for the obviousness of two opposite views on the same food.

For example, in a methodical ring on the topic “School without discipline, what is water without water” (Ya.A. Komensky), food is suggested for discussion: “How do I try to discipline in classes - to change the respect of children for a different kind of activity by entering a disciplinary order?”

Behind the scenes, two opponents are getting ready. The skin of them is a group of supporters, as they help their leader in times of need.

The analysis group evaluates the preparation of the opponents, as the defense of the singing version, and the support of the bags.

In order to relieve stress, the pauses are propagated by pedagogical situations, and game tasks are too thin.

P option - a methodical ring as a stunner of methodical ideas in the implementation of one and the same problem.

Pedagogical KVK.

Target: to accept the activation of obvious theoretical knowledge, practical skills and skills, creation of a friendly psychological climate among a group of teachers.

From the warehouse of hearing, two teams are formed, zhurі, reshta є bolіvniki. Command in advance to get acquainted with the topic of the KVK, to take care of home tasks. In addition, the stench is preparing mutually hot air on the topic of this KVK. Ker_vnik proponuє tsіkavі, scho require non-standard solutions for the task (including the competition of captains), without intermediary po'yazanі z theme, scho vchaєєєєє.

Hid gri:

1.Privіtannya commands, who is insured:

  • opinion of the speaker on the given topic;
  • actuality;
  • appearance form;
  • an hour of whistupu -10 hvilin.
  1. Warm-up (teams prepare three meals each for knowledge of the psychology of special children and international specialties). An hour for the obmirkovuvannya food - 1 hvilin.
  2. Home tasks: review of the preparation of a business speech on the topic.
  3. Captains competition.
  4. Competition of wise men. Two participants per team are selected. We are encouraged to choose the optimal method for cultivating your nutrition.
  5. The competition of killers: the vision of pedagogical leaders from the practice of work and mortgage.
  6. Competition "What would it mean?" (Situation from the life of DOP). Guilt, accuracy of expression of thoughts, humor are damaged.

Methodical gatherings.

Target: to accept the formation of the correct point of view regarding the singing pedagogical problems, the creation of a friendly psychological climate in this group of teachers.

Shape: round steel.

Methodology for organizing and conducting:

  • For discussion, food is proposed, summaries are the key tasks of the illumination-spiritual process.
  • The topic of discussion is far from being discussed. The craftsmanship of the ceramics worker lies in the fact that, in an unimpressed situation, hearing speakers at the door of the rozmov from the discussed food and bring them to the singing visnovkivs.

Validity of the metі forms of advanced qualification


The form

Improvement of pedagogical technique

Seminars, workshops, a school for a young teacher

Thorough pedagogical mastery

Pedagogical masters

Development of creative abilities

Creative groups

Formation of the style of pedagogical activity

Club "Professional", master-class, trainings

Molding readiness to innovation

School of Pedagogical Mastery

Formation of pedagogical culture

Psychological and pedagogical, methodical seminars - workshops

Design seminars

The creation of an individual, didactic, contemplative, methodical system

School of pedagogical education, scientific and methodological seminars

These forms can be submitted to two mutually related groups: group forms of methodical work (pedagogical training, seminars, workshops, consultations, creative microgroups, reviewing, work with common methodical topics, work on the other hand); individual forms of methodical work (self-education, individual consultations, interviews, probation, mentorship). Let's take a look at the main forms of methodical work.


Front view:

Form an organization of methodical work with a pedagogical team

These forms can be submitted to two mutually related groups: group forms of methodical work (pedagogical training, seminars, workshops, consultations, creative microgroups, reviewing, work with common methodical topics, work on the other hand); individual forms of methodical work (self-education, individual consultations, interviews, probation, mentorship). Let's take a look at the main forms of methodical work.

Within the framework of various forms, there is a need for a variety of different methods and employing personnel, about which it was discussed more.

By the way, the formation of the methods of work with personnel into a single system, the worker is obliged to protect them optimally between themselves. The structure of the system for the skin preschool will be different, non-repetitive. Tsya originality is explained by the specific for the community as an organizational-pedagogical, and moral-psychological minds of the collective.

Pedagogical councilє one of the forms of methodical work in the DOP.

Pedagogical pleasure at the kindergarten as the greatest organ of education in the entire spiritual and lighting process to set and overcome specific problems of the preschool foundation. We will talk in detail in lecture No. 6 about those, how to prepare to hold a meeting of a teacher, so I will tell you once again to guess the right lecture.


Of the various forms of methodical work in kindergarten, such a form, as a consultation of teachers, has especially become popular with the practice. Consultations for individuals and groups; consultations on the main directives of the work of the entire team, on the actual problems of pedagogy, at the request of the promoters.

Be it a consultation to help the senior trainee of training and professional competence.

The meaning of the word “competence” is revealed in the dictionaries “like a food area, with some good knowledge” or it is interpreted as “special ability of a planting individual, її qualification (knowledge, dosvid), which allow you to take part in know, novice."

Also, competence, is so necessary for a senior teacher to work with teachers, the price of knowledge is that it is constantly updated and updated, and y dosvіd, vminnya, yakі can vikoristovuvat for the need. Korisna porada or an hourly consultation was held to correct the work of the teacher.

The main consultations are planned at the river plan and the work is established, prote okrem is carried out as necessary.

Vykoristovuyuchi different methods and pіd hour of the consultation, the senior tutor how to put the task of transferring knowledge to teachers, and pragne to formulate the stench of creativity to the level of activity.

So, with a problematic presentation of the material, a problem is formed and there is a way and a solution.

With the help of the partial-search method, the vihovatels actively take part in the development of hypotheses, the development of plans for activity, independently solve the problem. The most common time for consultations is the method of explanation. Tsey method maє tsіly row positive qualities: reliability, economical selection of specific facts, scientific interpretation of phenomena and others.

To stimulate the respect of the promoters and spontaneously follow the logic of the week, on the cob of consultation, formulate nutrition in a coherent way. Nutrition, training to teachers in the process of consultation, help them to comprehend their own knowledge of scientific developments, to develop their own mirkuvannya, allowances, formulas of visnovoks.

Zalezhno, depending on the qualifications of the teachers, the senior tutor determines that in the world it is possible to gain knowledge from their knowledge, or to settle in with their own explanations.

When exchanging the knowledge among the promoters, revealed knowledge, analysis of specific situations, it is possible to use the method of heuristic analysis. У ході розмови детальніше розкриваються окремі положення прочитаної методичної літератури, даються роз'яснення з тих питань, які більшою мірою цікавлять педагогів, виявляється хибність їх думок та недоліки професійного досвіду, виявляється ступінь розуміння та засвоєння знань, здійснюється орієнтація на подальшу самоосвіту.

The efficiency of heuristic development will be achieved beyond the reach of singing minds. The subject of discussion should be more practical, meaningful, relevant nutrition, as it requires a universal review. It is necessary that the practitioners have a small sufficient supply of theoretical knowledge and professional qualifications. The one who is ready for a consultation, can put together a plan of conversation, which allows you to clearly show it, like new knowledge, take away the vibrators and like visnovka stink. Organizing a heuristic conversation, dotsilno cherguvat vyslovlyuvannya dosvіdchenih i vyhovatelіv-pochatkіvtsіv. Heuristic rozmov, carried out with the transfer of new knowledge, due to serious preparation and thoughtfulness of the whole course of employment.

At the result of the consultation, the method of discussion is victorious.

Behind the form, that zmіstom discussion is close to the method of moving. She also conveys a selection of important topics, as she will require a universal discussion, preparation of food for the violators, an introductory and closing word. However, on the vіdmіnu vіd razmovi, in the discussion the struggle of thoughts is needed, the setting of the opposite food. In the course of the discussion, it is necessary to put a lot of other supplementary meals, the number of which is impossible to transfer them far behind. To this end, the discussion is based on the method of vimage as a senior master of high professional competence, pedagogical mastery, great culture, tact. A conductive discussion needs a mother to orient herself quickly in the situation, capture the thoughts and moods of the participants, create an atmosphere of trust. Participants in the discussion are guilty of knowing the theory and bazhannya to do their work.

At the closing word, the speeches of the participants are briefly analyzed and clarification is made at the top of the important food.

Seminars and workshops

Seminars and workshops are filled with the most effective form of methodical work for a child nursery.

At the river plan of the preschool mortgage, the topic of the seminar is chosen and on the cob of the initial rock report plan yoga roboti.

Raise a plan with a clear appointed hour of work, thoughtfulness of the task, give respect to the greater number of people who want to take the fate of yoga robots. For the first one, you can ask for an additional plan with specific nutrition, where the promoters would like to take it.

The teacher of the seminar can be the supervisor or the senior supervisor, the specialist is requested. Until the end of the month, you can take a job of recruiters, specialists, medical practitioners.Headmasters of seminars-workshops should thoroughly educate teachers, so call them to lead vihovateli, as if they could find out about the problem. For example, at seminars-workshops at the ikebana, teachers under the cerebration of a specialist learn the art of folding a bouquet. Data in the meantime zastosovuetsya and at the adornment of the group room, and at the robots with children. And on the employees of Seminaru, the Yalinkovikhovikhovikh, the teachers are not deprived of the dedication of the Roboti with the paper of the same mother -in -law, and the abbess system is organized by the sir . Teachers foresee surprise moments, pick up literary material to create a fairy-tale atmosphere of the group at the day.

Before the seminar “Peculiarities of organizing and carrying out the guarding of nature in the summer period”, the growers will be given food for discussing the problem. For example: How often do you spend guarding over the objects of nature in occupations (excursions), walks, in everyday life? What do you think is the main thing in the methodology of the organization and the conduct of caution? What difficulties do you face? How do you accept vicorist for the development of the interest of children to nature and the development of caution? What cautions did nature blame for the initiatives of children? How do you encourage, awaken, develop a child's drinking capacity, drinking capacity? What kind of injection into the behavior of children is it possible to splurge on nature? What are the elements of eco-friendly vihovannya? During the course of the workshop, it is possible to discuss various points of view, open up discussions, solve problematic situations, which allow one to take a single position on the solution of the problem. Importantly, the summaries of the seminars were drawn up as specific and realistic recommendations, as if the implementation was under control.

More and more often, the nutritional necessity of training fathers, especially young mothers, is being broken down, using methods of specially oriented intercourse with preschool children. For this, the organization of a workshop for fathers is an important form of work. Before such a seminar can be held, different fakhivtsy can be found, they will tell you how better to buy a toy for your little one; stink well teach, how to organize a group. You can rule the evening of the children and the grown-ups, for which the seminarian will be a respected guardian and poster. About his caution, notes of the wines of fathers on the offensive employment, she will give specific recommendations on methods of individual mating with a child.

It is known that such a robot will be corny and fathers, children, and preschool mortgages, the authority of which in the eyes of fathers is no longer growing. Seminar, as a form of methodical work, is developed in the form of a seminar, which is practiced at higher initial levels.

The first prominent sign is yoga trivality. Vin can be turned on as one, so take a sprat. Sometimes a seminar is planned, which will be held regularly, for a three-year period, for example, a few months, or to build a head office. Another important sign is the place of yoga. Tse mozhe buti methodical cabinet of a child nursery, group room of chi іnshі mіstsya (museum, exhibition hall, park toshcho) fallow for quiet purposes and zavdan, yakі may virishuvati kerіvnik seminar. The third sign is the nature of the didactic tasks that occur during the seminar. At the same time, the beginning of the activity from the systematization and thorough knowledge, and the work of forming the mind. From the other side, at the beginning of the seminar, the task of expanding the pedagogical certificate is being violated.

The fourth sign is the term for the removal of information. Tse і word (additional and spіvdopovіdі participants), і dії (visiting at the seminars of various practical tasks), and the first show on the topic of the seminar, that pedagogical analysis.

Otzhe, the seminar is not surrounded by singing frameworks for an hour that does not tie up with the last month of the event.

The great role of the effectiveness of the seminar is the correct organization of the preparation of new and future information. The topics of the seminar may be relevant for a specific preschool education and establish new scientific information.

As a seminar of trials, it’s good to prepare a memo to the participants of the seminar, to show the topic, the place and the order of conduct, the retelling of food, what you need to think about, the language of the translation of literature, to learn about it in front of you. It is important to think over the method and form of inclusion of all participants in the seminar before active discussion by those. For this purpose, there are situational tasks, a robot with punched cards, a discussion of two protracted points of the gap, a robot with regulatory documents, a method and game modeling and other. The seminarian can clearly think over the task of dermal occupations and assessment of their performance. After the end of the seminar, you can arrange an exhibition of the work of teachers.

Vіdcritiy impression

Leather maker maє svіy pedagogical dosvіd, pedagogical mastery. They see the work of a master who achieves the best results, they call him the leader, they vibrate him, they are “equal” with her.

“The advanced pedagogical report is the purpose of the goal of the thorough directing of the primary-study process, which satisfies the actual needs of the practice of teaching and learning!” (Ya.S. Turbovskaya).

The advanced pedagogical information helps the learner to learn new things to work with children, to see them from mass practice. Vodnocha vіn awake initiative, creativity, spriyaє thoroughly professional mastery. The leading edge is born in mass practice and is the result of a singing world.

For any teacher, having advanced knowledge, important as a result, and methods, accept, to achieve the desired result. Tse allow you to improve your ability and praise the decision about the delivery of information from your work.

The leading note is the best, operational form, the most common practice of protirich, quick response to the suspension of drinking, to the situation of change, which is changing. The peoples of the thick of life advanced dosvіd even instrumental and for the dominance of low minds successfully take root for the minds, the most controversies, the most practical practices, more ideas in a living, concrete form.

Looking back at such a special role of the advanced knowledge in the field of methodical work in children's kindergartens, special demonstrations are carried out, and they have the best work experience in one of the direct preschool pedagogy.

Vidkritiy showing gives the opportunity to establish direct contact with the teacher during the busy hour, take into account the question of what to chirp. The show helps to bring out the creative laboratory of a breeder from one's family, becoming a witness to the process of pedagogical creativity. Kerivnik, which organizes a public show, can set a few goals:

Propaguvannya dosvidu;
- Training of teachers in methods and methods of work with children, etc.

Forms of organization of the opening screening can be different. For example, on the cob, I’ll look at the kerіvnik himself, he can tell about the robotic system of the violator, ask for food, where the next thing will be especially respected. For some, it is necessary to increase nutrition, for one teacher - to improve the activity of children, for another - to use different methods and methods to get a teacher, rationally ask for help, evaluate how comfortable the children are.

Such preparatory work until the next busy day will help the clerk to organize the discussion of the bastard, to generate a single thought for the team. It is necessary to remember that in the first discussion, the word is given to the master who demonstrates his work to children. For pіdkrytogo revisited, a decision is taken: for example, to pass on to your work this document, submit abstracts to the methodical cabinet, or continue to certify the work of the teacher with the method of presenting it to the district of pedagogical reading.

In such a rank, planning a methodical work, it is necessary to win over all the evidence of the pedagogical certificate. In addition, various forms of widened information: open show, work in pairs, author's seminars and workshops, conferences, pedagogical readings, typical pedagogical mastery, day of opening doors, master class too.

Practice shows that the development, zagalnennya and the promotion of pedagogical knowledge is the most important function of methodical work, which permeates the mind and all forms of the method. The significance of the pedagogical certificate is important to reevaluate, to learn, to develop, to develop teachers. Being, in fact, the best rank of connection with the progressive ideas of pedagogy and psychology, the foundations for the reach and laws of science, it is the most important conductor of advanced ideas and technologies for the practice of DNZ.

At the methodical office of the preschool primary mortgage, the mother needs the address of the pedagogical certificate.

Business games

In this hour of business, games have become widely known in methodical work, in the course system of advanced qualifications, in other forms of work with personnel, and meta can not be achieved more by simple, primary methods. It was repeatedly voiced that the stosuvanya of business interests can be positively significant. Positively, those who are a dilova gra є a strong tool for shaping the specialty of a professional, will help to activate the participants for the achievement of the goal.

And yet, more and more often, the dilova gra vikoristovuєtsya in methodical robots, like a sovnishnya effektna form. In other words: the one who conducts її, do not rely on the psychological and pedagogical chi scientific and methodological ambush, and the country does not go. This discredits the very idea of ​​stosuvannya dilovo gri. Otzhe, what is such a dilova gra?

Dilova gra - tse method of imitation (inheritance, image, display) of adopting managerial decisions in various situations, following the rules set by the participants themselves. Often business games are called imitative management games. The term "gra" itself different language I give an understanding of the heat, smіh, lightness and show the connection of this process with positive emotions. Here, we are explaining the appearance of business games in the system of methodical work.

Dilova gra promotes interest, calls to high activity, improves the vision of real pedagogical problems.

In the whole world, with its rich-sided analysis of specific situations, it is possible to prove the theory with practical evidence.

The essence of the dіlovih іgor at tsiomu, that the stench may rysi like vchennya, and pracі. At the same time, this work acquires a coherent, collective character and adopts the molding of a professional creative mind.

Practitioners ask: “How often can you plan and conduct a business group with your team?”. Definitely vodpovisti on the new one will be wrong. Here you need to call on that situation, as a dilova gra fits into the whole system of methodical approaches to the dans of the head office. And then you can win 1-2 times per river. If you have never had a business game, then rather try one of the game modeling methods to activate teachers during a methodical approach. Good, so that you yourself will take the fate of the business group and see the "middle". And then we’ll start preparing for the preparation of the business party for our team.

Prepare to conduct a business game - a creative process. Therefore, designing a businesslike grie to wear one's signature features of the author. Most of all, having taken the model of the already broken-down gray, you can change the okremі elements or change it again without changing the model.

For those who are careful, they allow you to play a non-traditional vysnovka, which often “do not go” ti gris, for some, the game model of the activity of the participants is weakly practiced.

Іsnuyut theoretically grounded methods of designing and conducting business games. Knowing them is necessary in order to get rid of pardons, the building of the house to call a new practice.

As a matter of fact, it is worth remembering that it is not possible to carry out seminars and special courses, practical employment. Vaughn may be carried out for example training.

Without intermediary distribution of materials for the business game, including the following steps:

creation of a business plan for the project;
- Description of the sequence of events;
- Description of the organization of the gris;
- Warehouse for participants;
- Preparation of possession.

"Round Steel"

Tse z forms of communication between teachers. When discussing whether or not they are fed, the formation of preschool educational circles of pedagogical forms of placement of participants allows the self-registration of the collectives, allows them to put all the participants at the equal camp, ensuring that mutual participation is ensured. The role of the organizer of the "round table" is played by the well-thought-out preparation of food before discussion, aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Literary and pedagogical newspaper

In some DOPs, the cicava form of work is victorious, as if it were common for spivrobitniks. Meta: show the development of the creative abilities of grown-ups, as well as children and fathers. Vihovateli write statti, opovіdnya, vygaduyut vіrshі, estimated special features, professional qualities, necessary for robots with children, - visualization, volodinnya with new learners - figurativeness, etc.

Creative microgroups.The stench was blamed for the search for new effective forms of methodical work.

Such groups are created on a purely voluntary basis, if it is necessary to master some new advanced knowledge, a new technique to develop an idea. Up to the group, a few teachers are united for mutual sympathy, special friendship and psychological intelligence. A group can have one or two leaders, who can lead them, take on organizational food.

A leather member of the group will spontaneously learn about it, rozrobku, then we will exchange thoughts, compare, proponuyut their options. It is important that this was implemented in the practice of robotic skin care. Members of the group consider one to one occupation, discuss them, see the best methods and methods. It seems like a clearing at the roaming knowledge in the teacher's mind, where there is a collection of supplementary literature. More creative than mastering a new idea 3-4 times faster. As soon as the delivered mark is reached, the group falls apart. The creative micro-groups have informal splintering, the main respect here is attached to the follow-up, subsequent activities, the results of which should be known to the entire team of the installer.

Work on a single methodical topic

With the right choice of a single methodical theme of the entire preschool foundation, the form can be robbed of all other forms of work with the advancement of maisternosti vihovateli. As a single topic, it’s true that you want to get drunk, that you want all teachers, and that it’s like a clerk of organizing a team of one-thinkers. Isnuє low vimog, yakі nebhіdno vrakhovuvati, wrapping up a single topic. This topic may be relevant and really important for the preschool child, with the improvement of the level of activity achieved by him, and the interests and motivation of teachers. May be a close connection with those with specific scientific and pedagogical achievements and recommendations, with pedagogical certificates, accumulated practice of work and other institutions. In addition, they can turn off guilt that has already been created and allow them to develop everything ahead of their team. The foregoing does not exclude such an approach, if the team itself conducts a thorough-experimental work and creates the necessary methodical developments. Practice shows dotsіlnіst appointment by those for the future with a breakdown of the great those for the fates.

A single methodical topic can be passed like a red thread through the form of methodical work and to join the topics of self-enlightenment of educators.


The system of uninterrupted promotion of the qualifications of a skin teacher DOP transfers various forms: training in courses, self-education, participation in a methodical robotic place, district, child garden. Systematically doskonalennya psychological-pedagogical trainings of the trainee and the senior trainee develop courses of advancement of qualifications through the skin of five years. In the inter-course period of active pedagogical activity, there is a gradual restructuring of knowledge, tobto. the progressive development of the subject himself is observed. The axis of why self-education in the period between courses is necessary. It has the following functions: it expands and erodes knowledge, removes it from the forward course student; bring the understanding of the advanced knowledge to a higher theoretical level, improve the professional understanding.

At the child's cage, the elder tutor can create a mind for the self-illumination of the sanctified people.

Self-education - self-reliance on learning from different gerels with the improvement of interests, skills of a specific skin teacher.

As a process of mastering knowledge, it is closely connected with self-learning and is respected by a warehouse.

In the process of self-improvement, people develop to independently organize their activities from the acquisition of new knowledge.

Why does a teacher need to constantly work on himself, to improve and expand his knowledge? Pedagogy, like all sciences, does not stand on the ground, but constantly develops and develops to the fullest. The obsession of scientific knowledge with skin fate is growing. Vcheni stverdzhuyut, scho knowledge, like a human being, skin ten rokiv will fight.

Tse goiter of skin fahivtsya is independent of the necessary enlightenment to be engaged in self-illumination.

Korniy Chukovsky wrote: “Less you know the mіtsnі and tsіnі, like you got it yourself, like you succumb to the power addiction. If you know, you can buti vodkrittam, like you have made it yourself.

The teacher of the preschool primary school organizes the work in such a way that the self-illumination of the skin teacher has become a necessity. Self-illumination is the first gathering to a thorough professional mastery. At the methodical office for whom they are created necessary mind: constantly updating and popovnyuєtsya library fund dovodkovo and methodical literature, dosvіdami work and teachers.

Methodical journals do not just diverge and systematize behind the rocks, but vindicate for the compilation of thematic catalogues, help the teacher, having chosen the topic of self-enlightenment, learn from the different views of all practitioners on the problem. The library catalog is a collection of books found in the library and placed in the singing system.

A special card is put on the skin book, until the name of the author, the name of the book, the name of the book, the name of the place of sight are recorded. On the back, you can add a short annotation about the re-education of the main foods, as they appear at the book. Books, magazine articles, okremі distributed books are included before thematic card indexes. The senior cultivator warehousing catalogs, recommendations to help self-illumination, cultivating self-illumination on changes in the initial-spiritual process.

Prote, it’s important, that the organization of self-education did not start until the formal introduction of additional stellar documentation (plans, transcripts, abstracts).

Tse dobrovіlne bazhannya osvіtyanina. At the methodical office, the topic is fixed less, as the teacher works, and the form and the term of the sound. With this form of recognition, it can be offensive: speaking out for the pedagogical sake of carrying out methodical work with colleagues (consultation, seminars, etc.). Tse mozhe buti show the work with children, for whom the master of the victorist takes away the knowledge for an hour of self-enlightenment.

Pіdsumovuyuchi said, pіdkreslimo, scho forms of self-illumination raznomanіtnі:

Work at libraries with periodical publications, monographs, catalogs;
- participation in scientific and practical seminars, conferences, trainings;
- consultations of specialists, practical centers, departments of psychology and pedagogy of the highest primary foundations;
- work with a bank of diagnostic and correctional development programs at regional methodological centers and in.

The result of these and other types of work of the teacher is the process of reflection of the taken knowledge and on this basis - prompting a new knowledge.

Type of methodical activity - tse stable procedures for planning, designing, choosing and zastosuvannya zasobіv navchannya a specific subject, scho zumovlyuyut їx development and thoroughness. Before seeing the methodical activity of teachers victorious in establishing professional education, N.Є. Yerganov to bring:

Analysis of initial and program documentation, methodical complexes;

Methodical analysis of initial material;

Planning a system of lessons for theoretical and practical training;

Modeling and designing forms of presentation of primary information at the lesson;

Designing the activity of learning how to form the technical ones to understand that practical wisdom;

Exploration of the methodology for teaching the subject;

The development of visualization and forms of control of professional knowledge, reduction of that skill;

Management and assessment of the activity of students at the lesson;

Reflection of one's activities during the hour of preparation before the lesson and for the analysis of the results.

The main forms of the methodical work of the teacher in the professional initial pledge are indicated in the supplement 1 .

Distinguish two mutually complementary forms of methodical work at the initial levels of the system of professional education - collective and individual. The skin of them can be clearly defined functionally and clearly expressed purpose.

Collective methodical work, first for everything, manifests itself in the active participation of members of the pedagogical team in the work of the pedagogical for the sake of the greatest body initial mortgage. Before the collective views of methodical activity, the fate of robotic methodical commissions, in instructional and methodological awards, pedagogical readings, scientific and practical conferences, workshops, should also lie.

Pedagogical glad for the Statute of the initial pledge, I have the right to virishuvat all the nutrition of the life of the school, but - for the most part methodical activity - tse, persh for everything, nourishment, to staging the primary and secondary process. Kіntsevoy method of all activity of pedagogical activity and promotion of the growth of pedagogical workmanship: that increase in the effectiveness of pedagogical activity.

And the same methods of consecration and nutrition, which are viewed at the meetings of the vikladachi and maistrov, as they are traditionally called, methodical commissions. Dealing with private problems, dealing with the specific activities of the masters and vikladachivs, the commission is methodical, basically slandering all the directives from its work.

1) development and development of initial methodological documentation;

2) promotion of the quality of the initial-spiritual work;

H) promotion of pedagogical qualifications of masters and teachers.

The first one straight away hoots:

· Vyvchennya new initial-program documentation and corrective measures work programs(for consumption);

· Discussing the transitions of primary and secondary jobs for professions;

· Discussing the re-verification and qualification work;

· Discussing initial-didactic security and initial-technological documentation, criteria for assessing typical work, the magnitude of student norms and іn;

· Discussing detailed programs manufacturing practices etc.

Other directly include:

· Carrying out that analysis of critical lessons;

· Organizatsiyu vzaimovіdvіduvannya to take the members of the commission;

· Exchange of certificates (additional certificates of majstrіv) of primary and secondary work in a group;

· Collective discussions about the direct improvement of the process of recruitment training;

· Review of passports of complex methodical equipment of specialized and typical head masters and cabinets;

· Analysis of the prospective summaries of the virobnicheskogo navchannya that rozrobka zakhodіv schodo povyschennya yogo quality;

· Discussing the course of preparation and carrying out of graduation tests, etc.

The third direction of the activity of the methodical commission is to follow the organization of the systematic advancement of the qualifications of the members. Tse transmission so come in:

· Look at the new pedagogical and methodical literature;

· Discussing specific publications on the supply of innovative technologies, ways to improve the field of research, topical issues of interrelationship between theory and practice and in;

· Organization of reviewing-competitions of primary masters, competitions in professional craftsmanship, exhibitions of rationalizing propositions of specialists and students, reviewing technical creativity in groups;

· Discussing abstracts and additional reports, preparation for pedagogical readings, conferences of engineering and pedagogical practitioners;

· Listening to scientific and technical information and information.

In this rank, the robot is methodical lighting installation is a system of mutually dependent entries, directing to the advancement of qualifications and professional skills of workers and masters of vocational training, including the management of their self-enlightenment, self-improvement, self-development.

So to the forms of collective methodical work L.P. Illenko to bring:

work on a single methodical theme;

Pedagogical workshop;

Theoretical seminars (additional, introductory)

Disputes, discussions;

Methodical tyzhnі;

Competition of pedagogical skills;

Creativity call;

Business games, role-playing games;

Negotiation of the advanced pedagogical report

Thematic pedrada;

Pedagogical reading;

Exhibitions of advanced pedagogical information;

An individual work allows the reader to independently and objectively identify their weak sides, plan the work according to a special schedule, promptly correct and correct the learning process. Group forms, not being so mobile, hoard a richer knowledge, know from advanced knowledge in a concentrated look, share the knowledge of teachers with collectives, and find out the best solutions to pedagogical problems.

Up to individual forms are considered:


Vyvchennya documents and materials to establish a professional interest;

Reflection and analysis of power activities;

Accumulation and processing of materials from supporting pedagogy of disciplines (sciences): psychology, valeology, methods of teaching;

creation of a wet folder access (portfolio);

Creation of methodical treasury;

Rozrobka vladnyh sobіv naochnostі;

Work on a vlasnoy methodical theme, as it may be of interest to the teacher;

Rozrobka vladnyh diagnostic materials; conducting monitoring of the problem;

Preparing to speak on the teacher's problems;

Vіdvіduvannya lessons and after-class visits from colleagues;

Personal consultations;

Spivbesida in the administration;

Individual work with a mentor (mentoring);

Vykonuє іndivіdualіnі zavdannya under control that podtrimki kerіvnik methodical ob'єdnannya.

Before the active forms of organization of methodical work lie:

1) discussion. Meta discussions - educating the listeners to the active discussion of the problem; revealed by protirich mizh zhittєvimi manifestations of that science; volodinnya novice zastosuvannya theoretical knowledge for the analysis of activity;

2) methodical ring. The meta is a thorough professional knowledge of teachers, the manifestation of a deep erudition. The form of carrying out is a group robot (opponents, groups of supporters of opponents and a group of analysis). For example, a methodical ring on the topic “Activation of the educational activities of the students during the first hour of lessons” conveys the shock of the coming methodical ideas:

· Zastosuvannya іgrovih zavdan;

· Vikoristannya active forms of teaching;

· Organization of group cooperation between students;

· Promoting the role of independent work of scientists in the process of learning;

3) methodical gatherings. Meta - shaping the correct point for the dawn of the song of the pedagogical problem; creation of a friendly psychological climate in this group of auditory people. The form of the event is a round style;

4) methodical dialogue. Meta - discussion of the song problem, shaped by the plan of the joint activities. The shape of the event is a round style. A methodical dialogue is conducted between speakers and listeners and between groups of listeners with singing problems;

5) dilova gr. Meta – training of professional skills, pedagogical technologies;

6) training. Meta - the practice of singing professional skills that time. Training (eng.) - a special, training mode, training, can be an independent form of methodical work or win as a methodical reception for an hour of a seminar;

7) pedagogical KVK. The form of methodical work is given to activate the obvious theoretical knowledge, practical reductions and skills, creation of a friendly psychological climate;

8) methodical mist. By the method of a methodical bridge - exchange we will advance the pedagogical knowledge, the expansion of innovative technologies, the development and development;

9) brainstorming. This is one of the methodical approaches, which helps to develop practical skills, creativity, and develop the right point of view on the basis of nutrition of pedagogical theory and practice. Tsej priyom handily vikoristovuvati pіd hour obogovlennya prohodzhennya prozhennja kakoїs those, priynyattya solution z sevnoї problem;

10) completion of pedagogical tasks. Meta - to learn about the peculiarities of the pedagogical process, its logic, the nature of the activity of the teacher and the students, the system of their interactions. The vikonannya of such heads will help to learn how to see from the different appearances of the suttave, the smut. The mastery of the teacher is manifested in the fact that he analyzes, continues the pedagogical situation, as he formulates on the basis of a rich-sided analysis the method and task of the power of activity;

11) methodical festival. The form of methodical work is given, which was won by the methodologists of the city, the district, the school's stoners, conveying to a large audience, setting up the exchange of knowledge of work, introducing new pedagogical ideas and methodical knowledge. At the festivals, there is an acquaintance with the best pedagogical knowledge, with non-standard lessons that go beyond the framework of traditions and stereotypes. At the beginning of the festival, a panorama of methodical knowledge and ideas is practiced.

Таким чином, методична робота в установі професійної освіти в усьому різноманітті її видів і форм є системою взаємопов'язаних заходів, спрямованих на підвищення кваліфікації та професійної майстерності викладачів і майстрів виробничого навчання, включаючи управління їх самоосвітою, самовихованням, самовдосконаленням.

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Methods of methodical work - ce ordering ways of activity to achieve goals.

The form is the internal organization of the change, the design of the vіdrіzkіv, the cycles of the methodical process, which vibrates the system of yoga components and stable links.

Behind the forms, the methodical work is subdivided into groups and individuals.

To group forms lie: the fate of teachers in methodical associations of the place, district, DO; organization of theoretical and scientific-practical conferences; pedradi.

Individual consultations, conversations, mentoring, mutual learning, self-illumination lie before individual ones.

It is necessary to study the art of roaming, її the universal nature of the field lies in the fact that, be it rozmovi, the participants are guilty of maisterno priosuvatisya to each other independently, depending on what to go.

In order to find the right choice for your team of forms and methods, you need to be careful:

  • - goals and objectives of the TO;
  • - kіlkіsnim and yakіsnim warehouse to the team;
  • - Poor efficiency of forms and methods of work;
  • - Features of the lighting process;
  • - Material, moral and psychological minds in the collective;
  • - Real possibilities;
  • - we will forward the dosvidom and scientific recommendations.

The most effective forms of organization of methodical work are:

  • - pedrada;
  • - seminars, workshops;
  • - Vіdkritі revisit effective;
  • - medical and pedagogical people;
  • - Consultations;
  • - the work of the creative group.

Calls for promotion of qualifications are required:

  • - for the promotion of qualifications
  • - navchannya at the initial mortgages;
  • - The fate of the robotic methodical associations of the district.

The internal promotion of qualifications is considered for the consideration of various forms of methodical work with teachers at the DNZ:

  • - The fate of the robot for the sake of teachers;
  • - training at seminars and workshops;
  • - consultation and advice

Let's make a report on the pedrades.

Pedagogical council - Permanent collegiate body of self-regulation of pedagogical practitioners. With this help, the management of the development of additional supplements is being developed.

Pedrada, as the supreme organ of education in the whole spiritual and illuminating process, violates the concrete preschool foundation. Yogo diyalnist vynachaetsya Provisions on pedagogical council DOP. Vіn is created in all preschool mortgages, de є ponad three teachers. Before this warehouse enters the usі pedagogіchі pracіvniki and sumіsniki. p align="justify"> So the pedagogical council is the central point in the organization of all methodical work, the "school of pedagogical mastery".

Subject pedrad appears in the river plan DOP. Additional clarifications are to be introduced before the new one for the need.

Head meta pedagogical sake - to unite the knowledge of the DNZ team for the advancement of the spiritual-illumination process, the attainment of the achievement of pedagogical science and the advanced knowledge in practice.

Functions for pedagogical sake:

  • · Directly illuminating the activities of the DOP;
  • · choose and confirm lighting programs for
  • · Vikoristannya in DOP;
  • · Discussing nutritional costs, forms and methods of the lighting process, planning the lighting activities of the DNZ;
  • · Looking at the nutritional advancement of qualifications and retraining of personnel;
  • · Viyavlyaє, zagalnyuє, poshiryuє, provadzhuє pedagogical dosvid;
  • · Looking at the nutritional organization of additional services to fathers;
  • · Earnest zvіti zavіduvacha about the creation of minds for
  • · Implementation of lighting programs.

Sessions for the sake of pedagogues are competent, as they are present at least half of their warehouse. Decisions, taken within the limits of competence For the sake of teachers and not to superstitize legislation and obov'yazkovim.

See the pedagogical joys:

  • · current- to be carried out to the beginning of the initial fate, like a sickle, that is attributed to the analysis of the subsums of the previous fate, to the plan and orientation to the future problems;
  • · thematic pedrada with intermediate pіdbags assignments to one of the river heads of the pedagogical team;
  • · sub-bag- be carried out on the basis of the initial fate, at the new one the subbags of the fate are given.

Pedagogіchnі poradі podіlyayutsya on vidi. The initial rіk defines the cycle of pedagogical joys. Most often, the structure of the river cycle is formed from four warehouses: set up a pedrada, two thematic ones, and one more bag. Pedagogical meetings are called, as a rule, once every two months, depending on the plan for the work of the DNZ.

For such a structure of pedagogical education, in one heading note, they cannot cover all the problems of the DNZ. Blame the need to plan the subject of a larger tribal period. The change of pedagogical pleasures can become a system-creating factor for the implementation, developed in the DOP development program.

Pedradi divide and forms of organization :

  • · traditional- cepedrada with the reporting order of the day, which should be carried out in accordance with the clear regulations for skin nutrition and the adoption of decisions on them;
  • Pedrada z vikoristannyam okremih aktivizatsii methods teachers;
  • · unconventional pedrada(For example, in the form of a business meeting, conferences and others). Yogo predgotovka vymagaє scribing the script, subdivision of the participants on the team and subdivision of roles.
  • · However, it is necessary to remember that as a result of the work, whether it be pedradi, it is possible to praise the decision to thoroughly work and the team.

The traditional pedagogical approach is overwhelmed by the over-importance of verbal (verbal) methods, the traditional nature of the workplace, the authoritarian style of communication between the administration and teachers.

For the form and organization of the activities of the participants pedradi share:

  • · On the pedrada (classic) on the basis of additional agreements (vaults);
  • · Dopovіd z spіvdopovіdyami;
  • · Meeting with requests for supplementary fahivtsya.

The order of the tsim on the pedagogy may not be the main additional, as it will be replaced by a series of introductions, united by one theme.

You can suggest it like this:

Entry - Show the actuality, the reality of the problem, if only in one word. Appointment mark, tobto. introspection of the most important, by which the ledge is indicated.

main part - decency of facts, subdivision, position of logical and chronological sequence.

Visnovok in the form:

  • · Visnovkіv, like the stink you need, tobto. yakscho method є perekonannya;
  • · recommendations, like the stink you need, tobto. how the plan is being protected;
  • · Summary - a short summary of the essence of dopovіdі, yakscho vіn folding and dovgy.

Before the traditional structure of pedradi can be included okremі methods of activation of teachers : collective review to take those other entries; vikoristannya video materials; display and analysis of the results of the illuminating process of the activity of preschool children.

In the practice of DNZ, as a first hour of preparation, and a first hour of conducting a pedrad, you can win such methods and forms of activization of teachers:

  • · imitation of a specific situation . This method helps to choose the correct option from the impersonal suggestions. Vіdomi chotiri see specific situations. By choosing them with the improvement of step-by-step agility, it is possible to achieve the greatest zatsіkavlenostі and activity of vihovateli. In situation-ilustration, simple deviations from practice are described and solutions are prompted. Situations - have the right to sponkayut zrobiti deakі dії (make a plan in a summary, fill in a table then). In situations-assessments, the problem is already virishena, but for teachers it is necessary to give an analysis and review your opinion, evaluate it. Situations-problems look at a specific example from practice as a problem, as a rule of thumb;
  • · discussion of two opposite points of Zoru . The senior vikhovator proponuє before discussing two points of the dawn on that very problem. Teachers can hang their position before them that obґruntuvati yogo;
  • · learning practical wisdom . This method is more efficient, but you need to think it over, virishiti, to whom you can give yoga to teachers. It is better to pronounce the main element from the completion of the work;
  • · imitation of the worker's day . Teachers are given a description of the age group of children, they formulate the meta that task that will require a resolution, and set the task: to model your working day in a song hour. Nasamkinets kerivnik organizes the discussion of all proponing models;
  • · solving pedagogical crossword puzzles help to clarify the knowledge of fosterers with specific topics, developing their horizons, then, pouring in like a work with children;
  • · work with instructive and directive documents . It’s far too early for the violators to pronounce knowledge of this other document, to stop it to their own activity, having seen one of the direct ones, to think over a plan for working with the adoption of a small amount. Tse zavdannya kozhen vykonuє independently, but in pedradi are discussed different approaches to the solution of one of these problems;
  • · analysis of the development of children, their behavior, creativity . The senior facilitator prepares tape recordings, picking up children's little ones and picking them up. bud. Developers know the material, analyze it, evaluate the inn, skills, development, development of children, formulate specific propositions for the help of teachers, what is with them;
  • · intellectual, creative and creative games , yakі allow teachers in unimpressed form to exchange thoughts with their colleagues.

game simulation promotes interest, calls to high activity, improves the vision of real pedagogical problems.

On the pedrads of the vihovators, various meals are proclaimed, for an hour of discussion of which we can vindicate a dialogue-discussion, which has become a reference mark of our time. The protagonist of the collective discussion of nutrition in the form of dialogue is far from skinny.

Dialogue - there are two and more people, a great exchange of thoughts, which often supplement the characteristics of the various sides of the problem being discussed. Don’t blame the dispute when you hear it, the shards of the skin, the participant, open up your thought.

Discussion - Discussing whether there is any spiritual nutrition, revealing the truth and accepting the correct decision by all the blessings to raise the point of view of the dawn.

Features of the discussion:

  • transfer constructive interaction,
  • · Poshuk group pleasing to the one who sees a well-thought-out thought of a consolidated solution.

Discussion Rules

  • · The truth is not for you, just as it is not for anyone.
  • Discussing topic A, do not start a discussion on topic B.
  • · The discussion is not a socialist move, there can be no permutations in it.
  • · It is not possible to change the replica to an additional one.
  • · Kozhen has the right to his thought.
  • · You can't hang your arguments for 3 credits, which means that it's not so with them.
  • · Ideas are criticized, not people.

Organization of the discussion - Right is not easy. I would like to pay special attention to the creation of a friendly psychological environment. The first crock is to plant the participants on the stake. Golovne - create an atmosphere of kindness and instilled respect to the skin. The object of the discussion may be, indeed, an ambiguous problem, as a matter of fact, the participant freely expresses his thought, even if it is somehow unpopular and unpopular. Successful and unsuccessful discussions are determined by formulating problems and food. Why do you need to squirm at what? Food can be drunk, tobto. such, where it is possible to answer both "nі" and "so". The next thing is to check the preparedness of the participants in the discussion: how can the builders independently formulate the optimal variant of the solution of the problem?

The participants in the discussion need to be prepared to the point where the conceptual conflict and the diversity of thoughts cannot be overcome. At the same time, the activity of the opponents should be taken into account by the successful results of the discussion.

In the rest of the decade, wide-width naboules non-traditional pedagogical education .

Let's take a look at the forms of their organization and conduct.

Mind Signs for Pedagogical Sake - Business Gri

  • · Nayavnіst problems and meti, as the fault of the pedagogical (igroviy) team is to blame;
  • · Imitation of the real situation, the presence of playing roles and recognition of the participants in them (most often social roles are played: teachers, children, fathers, administration of the DOP, government authorities);
  • · The visibility of interests, thoughts, point of view of the participants themselves is real;
  • · Dotrimannya іgrovih rules and minds;
  • · Emergence of game stimulation: magic
  • · Sustained activity, expert assessment of special and collective contributions, public assessment of the result of gaming activity.

Pedrada - dilova gra - The initial form, in which the participants are given singing roles. Dilova engraved to analyze the analysis and versatility of the complex problems of human interactions, the conclusions of which were not more correct than the solution, but the behavior of the participants themselves, the structure of the voices, tone, mime, intonation.

One of the forms of business gris is "brain attack". You can win for the fight for the sub-bags of the robot and the team, no matter what the problem, or for the song period. The main place for such a teacher is occupied by group activity. It is necessary for the organizers to carefully think over the scenario, assign roles, tasks, and develop the regulations. The participants choose the food, change the goals, put together the programs, which form the basis of the decision of the teacher.

Business games are a kind of activity in the minds of piecewise created situations, directing to the top of the initial task.

Pedrada Conference You can practice at the great DOP (10 groups and more) for the activation of sub-bag pedagogical rads.

Conference at the scientific world - tse form of presentation of the enormity of any results, naslіdkіv dosvіdu. At conferences in the written language (stand-ups, publications of abstracts), authorize applications for the first time, exchange information.

Pedagogical Rada-Conference for the sake of both pedagogical and scientific conferences. A pedrada of such a form is carried out in a series of short (up to 10-15 years) dopovіdey, in order to avenge the pouches of a creative, primal-spiritual, scientific-methodical robotic teacher and kerivnika.

The topics of the pedagogical conferences can be assigned to both pіdbags and work in general, so it's also about the main pedagogical problems, and have a scientific and practical character. Їх osoblіvіst - obov'yazkovі zahochennya nagorodzhennya (for pіdbags roku), registration and release of materials, sho zagalnyuyut pedagogіchny dosvіd, guise and implementation of propositions and recommendations of teachers in the plans of the offensive navchalі roku.

If the theme of the pedagogy conference starts as a pedagogical problem, then the pedagogy can be composed of several parts, for example, from the main support and dialogue, which organizes a senior teacher from a group of specialists (music teacher, psychologist, teacher of physical culture, speech therapist). Your opinions on the question encourage other participants to develop the topic, expressing their thoughts. At the end, the best recommendations are praised.

Pedrada - round steel due to the serious preparation and congestion of the skin participant. For carrying out ker_vniki it is necessary to choose important, ts_kav_ for discussing food, to think over the organization. For example, as such, one can give a group of exponents a long time and propagate to them the relevant literature. Then they can get to know different theories, approaches, thoughts and cloud their point of view.

situational pedrada we look at one of the few situations, which can be played out by well-prepared participants. You can discuss the situation about the story recorded on the video camera.

Pedrada discussion we must remember that the teachers were divided into subgroups and propagated their concept of the problem to be discussed. Under an hour of discussion, a plan for the solution of the problem will be thought out.

Pedrada dispute - A variety of pedradi-discuss.

Dispute (Lat. disputable - mirkuvati, sperechatis) transferring a super river, zіtknennya raznyh, іnоdі protilezhnyh dot zor. Vіn vіmagає vіd vіd storіnі konannostі, clear i singy glance shkodo dispute, vіnnya vіdstoyuvati ї ї ї ї argument. Such a pedrada is a collective thought on a given topic, problem.

Settle the dispute

  • Dispute - a free exchange of thoughts.
  • · Everyone is active at the dispute. Superechtsі mustache are equal.
  • · Kozhen speaks and criticizes whether the camp,
  • · Z yakim is unsuitable.
  • · Say what you think, and think what you say.
  • · Goofy in dispute - facts, logic, vminnya bring.

The subject of the dispute can be a problem that calls out a super-clear judgement, is ruled in a different way. The dispute does not exclude, but conveys the depths of that universality of the problem. There, de there is no super-subject, but there is less to speak, yakі add chi clarify tі chi іnshі prove, there is no debate, but in the shortest time rozmov.

The formulation of those can be hospitable, problematic, wake up the thought of teachers, put food in one’s own way, as in practice and in literature it is different, calling out different thoughts.

A variant of pedagogical discussion for the sake of solving pedagogical situations. Kerіvnik chi, a senior facilitator, picks up a bank of folding pedagogical situations from problems and promotes this team. The form of presentation can be different: address, for help with a foal, with a podil on a group. The administration of the DOP can play the role of a jury, presenter, consultant, opponent, etc.

Pedrada – scientific and practical conference you can prepare to carry out by uniting the susilla kіlkoh DNZ on the basis of establishing that you can have the status of an experimental maidan. On the eve of the yogo preparations, the next day may be organized but the days of the opening of the doors for teachers. It is important to put the order of the day in such a way that the skin installation on the equals took part in the demonstration of its own knowledge, discussed problems and propositions until the decision was made. Decisions on such a pedagogy can be accepted like a wild one for everyone, so the skin team is okay, with the improvement of yoga specifics.

Pedrada in the form of collective creative activity ( dali - KTD) - all members of the pedagogical team take part in the planning, zdiisnennі and analysis of activity, which may be the nature of collective creativity.

Golovna meta KTD - create minds for self-realization of a skin teacher, show the development of all yoga abilities and abilities. Therefore, KTD spires on creativity, I create activity. The system of collective partnerships - cooperation, mutual assistance is formed in the process of creative activity, which includes a few stages-stages:

  • · Poshuk ideї and the previous setting of the day;
  • · Select-start;
  • · Choose for the sake of doing (dialnosti);
  • · Collective planning of activities;
  • · Work of microcollectives;
  • · Readiness review;
  • · Carrying out KTD;
  • Collective analysis
  • · Stage of heritage.

In these stages, there is a large part of the grey, cycavo, as if due to a high idea, purposefulness, which makes the originality of the KTD more smut.

What a form would not be carried out pedrada, decisions are accepted obov'yazkovo. The stench is fixed in the protocols. It’s necessary to lay a lot of money in the order of the day, therefore, as if there are five points in it, then the decision can be no less than five. But from one meal, you can praise a little solution. At unity, the stench will help you get into trouble. The formulation of the decision may be specific, from the designations of the victorious ones that line is vikonannya. In other words, in such a way that they could be distorted. Aje skin new pedrada starts from a short battle of pidbags to win the decision ahead.

Zrazkova structure of the session of the teacher:

  • · information about attendance and attendance, for the sake of correctness for the sake of teachers;
  • · information about the resolution of the previous meeting and the final resolution of the resolution with a more trivial term;
  • · Introduce the head for the sake of teachers about the topic, the order of the day, the significance of the solution of the problem posed for the entire team of the DOP;
  • · Discussed meals up to the order of the day;
  • · Closing word of the head for the sake of analysis of the vikonan work, discussing the project solution;
  • · Accepted by the joy of pedagogues for decisions to vote.

Sound at the hour of the meeting, the protocol is drawn up, then, after five days, it is drawn up in a proper rank. The date of the protocol is the date of the meeting. Competently folding the protocol is a kind of mysticism. It is recommended to hire a secretary for the head office. The protocol is signed by the head and the secretary for pedagogical purposes.

It is necessary to remember that the protocols are the obov'yazkova zvіtna documentation. For this, it is necessary to pragnate before the secretary clearly fixes the speeches of the participants for the sake of it. This record is responsible for presenting an objective picture of how the discussion went, how the discussion broke out, how the queer act went quiet and other decisions. For the sake of pedagogical participation, the participants speak out from an additional note, call, reminder, submit a letter, then the protocol is to make a record: "The text of the additional (letter, reminder) is given." When a decision is made, if a vote is taken, the language is counted, the number of votes "for", "against", "was eliminated".

At zv'yazku z tim, that in children's gardens, meetings for the sake of teachers may have a thematic character, it is possible to make decisive decisions from statements on the order of day nutrition.

At meetings for pedagogical purposes are discussed :

  • · Nutrition for spiritual and lighting work with children;
  • · Vykoristannya in nіy new access to science and pedagogical practice;
  • · Obvious shortfalls, adopted decisions for their adoption;
  • · Food exchange dosvidom.

The closing word of the head of the pedradi may be short, concrete, revenge constructive speech. Do not start to be rightly included before the new row-by-row meals of a button, gospodar and organizational character. Such problems should be discussed at planning meetings. The topics that are blamed for pedrada, the nature of their views, the behavior of teachers for pedagogical purposes, as well as the way it manifests the professional zeal of the DOP.

Sob the pedrada was a governing body, and її the decision to decide to adopt the reduced work with the children - it is necessary to be prepared to the new one.

An important mind in the organization of pedagogy is the relevance of food. Teachers need more help to solve practical problems, to overcome difficulties in most members of the team, and to develop new pedagogical technologies, author's developments.

The creation of a working mood on the teacher's mind and thoughtful placement of yoga participants. For example, for the sake of teachers, it is possible to spread the fallow for the sake of teachers as follows:

frontal roztashuvannya (head against the presence) is necessary, if the Narada is informative in nature;

  • · "round steel" corisny with equal collective discussion of naked meals;
  • · "trikutnik" allows you to see the role of the kerivnik and include everyone in the discussion of the problem;
  • · Pratsya at "small groups", tobto. 3-4 individuals at the same tables (versus pedagogical situations);

for the discussion, you can transfer the frontal discussion of the groups-participants, how their positions are.

The reporting order of the day with food for discussion may be but not later than two or three days before the pedagogical sake. At the methodical cabinet, an exhibition is made out, for example, "Getting Ready for the Pedra".

Pedrada, whether it be a form of obov'yazkovo, vmagaє analysis of pіdbagіv z vіdpovіdyami on such food: what have they reached and what hasn't been far away for an hour of discussion; who is active, and who is passive and why; yaki lessons can be taken from the taken knowledge; like squeezing into the okremih passive svіtyan. Pedgotovtsi pedadry take the fate of the various services of the DNZ and pedagogical practitioners.

Pedagogical glad to assist in the formation of a team of like-minded people, create minds for analysis and assessment of basic attitudes and principles, up to modern science and advanced practice.

Algorithm for preparing pedradi

  • 1. Designated goals and tasks.
  • 2. Formation of a small creative group (brain center) pedradi.
  • 3. Selection of literature from nutrition and preparation of primary material by the forces of a small creative group.
  • 4. Compilation of the preparation plan and the conduction of the pedagogy (the nutrition of the pedagogy, the plan of the conduction, the schedules of the questionnaire and the critical review are posted (minimum) one month before the conduction of the pedagogy, the topic of the pedagogy and literature with the declared topics - 2 months in advance).
  • 5. The development of questionnaires and the conduct of the questionnaire.
  • 6. Reviewing the review of the pedagogical process.
  • 7. Negotiation, processing of digital material by the forces of a small creative group.
  • 8. Systematization and preparation of residual material.
  • 9. Seminar lessons on the topic of pedagogy.
  • 10. Carrying out of creative workshops by illuminators.
  • 11. Preparation of food for discussion on the teacher.
  • 12. Preparation of the hall and all necessary material supplies.
  • 13. Inclusion of a psychological service in a robot: experiential fathers, leading training to work in small creative groups.
  • 14. Preparing for the draft decision of the teacher.
  • 15. Analysis of robotic pedradi.
  • 16. Sub-bag order about the desire of teachers.
  • 17. Decorating a treasure chest with pedradi materials.
  • 18. Formation of distant goals is the task that the cherry will require.

Consultations - Postiyna form of nadannya to help the vihovatelyam. At a child's mortgage, consultations are carried out for facilitators of one group, parallel groups, individual and global (for all graduates). Group consultations are planned for the river. Individual consultations are not planned, the details of their conduct are dictated by the need of the caregiver to take into account the details of a particular diet.

Prote not all meals can be given in the evening in a short time. Deyakі problem vyhovannya dіtey vmagayut more trivaloї rozmovi, ossuary, and even if the stench praises a lot of vihovatelіv, then dozilno organize such collective form methodical help, such as seminar.

For ker_vnitstva the seminar can be recognized and informed by the cultivators, like a good result of the work of the singing problem. On the cob of the beginning, the methodologist chooses the topic of the seminar, appoints a teacher. Trivality to take a deposit with those: the stench can be spent for a month, for a long time. Introducing the seminar to volunteers.

Otrimani at the seminars of theoretical knowledge of preschool practitioners can add practical thoughts, like stench, they will finish it, taking the fate in seminars - workshops. How to make a hare angry, how to make a win similar to a right one, how to show a lyalkovy theater, how characters brought joy to children and zmushuvatisya, how to teach lads to read verses in a different way, how to prepare didactic games with their own hands, how to arrange a group party. On qі and іnshі nutrition, educators can take the opinion of a certified teacher - a methodologist.

In order to organize special practical activities, the head of the school will need teachers to learn from practical skills and learn. Prepared for an hour of practicum in methodological helpers of the cultivator can win at their farther work with children, and some of them are left in the pedagogical office like samples - etalons.

An extended form of methodical work talk about spinners. With this method, the methodologist is trained for the hour of pidbitya pіdsumkіv reverification of pedagogical work, shodo, zagalnennі advanced dosvіdu іnshih vpadkah.

Before the cob of the cob, it is necessary to think over the meta, the food for the discussion. Nevimushena Rozmova may have her order of the guardian to the door.

Tsya form of methodical robotic vimagaє like a methodologist of great tact. It’s important to respectfully listen to the speaker, to encourage dialogue, to accept criticism kindly, and to repair those things so that they get stuck in them, we’ll change our behavior.

Rozmovlyayuchi s vyhovatelem, methodist z'yasovuє yogo moods, іnteresi, trudoschі at work, dіznaєyatsya about the causes of failures (as a matter of misfortune), pragmatically give the devil help.

An effective form of promotion of the qualifications of motivators, giving them methodical help collectively review the work and dosvіdchenih teachers. In the same way, as they are discussed in the pedagogy, they should be carried out with the method of demonstrations, illustrations of quiet theoretical positions, as well as in additions, and with the method of promoting advanced methods in the practice of working with other specialists.

Under the hour of such a busy discussion, the methodologist needs to be blatant, that the master of the great, rich-planned work, zoom in on knowledge, the appearance of children, spiraling on their hostility, thinking about them, roaming, working on their independence.

Show your knowledge of the robots and think of those vihovateli, like you already know. Analyzing the reports of colleagues, the teachers are guilty step by step of viroblyat their far away. The methodologist is guilty of helping the robotic skin veiler. Pomіtivshi svіvnі svіhi svіhovatel on yakom razdіl program, vіn project yоgo yоgo razvitiє: pіdbiє nіnі literature, consulting, poserіgає іn practіgає іy pіvrobіtnik pіvnіgає practical dіyami. Collective reviews are held no more often than once a quarter. Tse allow all the good things to be prepared for them: and tim, who demonstrates his good fortune, and tim, who catches it. Before preparation, follow the following: the correct choice of topics (її actuality, need for nіy uїh vyhovatelіv, zv'yazok z topics pedrad and іn), to help the facilitator - the methodologist in formulating the main task (or in the process of іnshої іnshої іншої іншої іншої іншої а аnd аnd аndіyаnії іn) from the appointments of vikhovno- osvіtnіh zavdan, methods and priyomіv, victorious material.

With the help of the method of education, that position of the shortest information is organized and such a form of promotion of pedagogical skill, like vzaimovіdvіduvannya. Who has the role of a senior shatterer in order to recommend a shatterer, organizes the activity of a partner for the development of one single person who can help children to engage a shatterer of a parallel group and equalize the results of work. The Methodist is guilty of nadati tsіy robotі tsіlespryamovanogo, zmіstovnogo character. With this method, mentoring is organized. If in the team there is a new, primal cultivator, the new vinicator has a lot of food, and the vin will require additional help.

Through your busyness, a kerivnik can’t wait to give such an extra help. To that, with the help of qualified teachers, you appoint a mentor, vrakhovuychi with whom, that mentoring can be voluntary on both sides.

The candidacy of the mentor is confirmed in the teacher, and yoga is heard there. The mentor can help the new worker to establish the necessary business and special contacts, learn about the traditions of the team, with his successes, and also with the difficulties of the robot.

In a methodical work, a special place belongs to the principle of an individually-differentiated approach to pedagogical activity of learners and fahivtsiv. In today's minds, a methodical work with personnel can be based on a diagnostic basis with the help of a skin teacher.

The creation of individually oriented methodical work allows developing creativity and initiative of the pedagogical team through the path of skin inclusion to active professional activity.

In the sphere of methodical work, a complex of mutually related forms of cooperation between the pedagogical team and the fathers is presented.

The center of the practice of methodical work of the DNZ is a methodical cabinet. You have to play the role of giving teachers help in organizing the educational process, ensuring their uninterrupted self-development, strengthening the advanced pedagogical certificate, promoting the competence of the fathers in the nutrition and education of children. The methodical cabinet is the treasure trove of the best traditions of the preschool mortgage, to that the head of the senior master of the accumulation of savings is alive, accessible, teach teachers to creatively transfer yoga to work with children, so organize the work of the methodical center, .

A methodical cabinet of a preschool mortgage can support such benefits as informativeness, accessibility, aesthetics, awareness, safety of motivation and activity in development.

Implementation of informational and analytical functions of managing the preschool setting zooming in the methodical cabinet for the formation of an information bank of data;

Informing teachers about the new benefits that are presented to work, that remains the reach of science and practice.

Timely informing teachers about new developments in psychological and pedagogical science and advanced practice, methodically providing in the system of preschool education and an important intellectual high efficiency of the spiritual education process.

Promoting the awareness of teachers with the establishment of a single pedagogical strategy for the development of the DNZ, as it is discussed, confirmed and implemented through the main governing body - the pedagogical team is glad to serve as the main resource for the development of the team in the DN.


Methodical work in the lighting installation, structure and form of organization

Features of the organization of methodical work in the installation

  1. Fundamentals of organization of methodical work in the installation

    Form the organization of methodical work in the lighting organization

    Organization of work on the problem of illuminating organization

    Organization of work on a single methodical topic

    Propositions for a thoroughly methodical work in the installation


Vikoristovuvana literature


Significant changes in the social and economic structure of Russia require the reform of the lighting system. The new thousand people will need a new contemporary system of illumination, as if it would satisfy the powers of the state and supremacy.

The process of renovation of professional lighting will require not only reconstruction, but also more education and improvement, and improved methodical work in professional lighting foundations, as steel on the way to promote innovation.

Focusing on the idea of ​​humanely oriented education, shaping the specialty of learning, recognizing the value and the need for modern life, we, first of all, are to blame for remembering those that such specialness is formed by the specialty of the teacher himself. Therefore, it is necessary to create all the minds and increase the professional mastery of the sanctified people.

In this way, the organization of a special and effective structure of innovative methodical work in professional lighting installations is already relevant.

In new minds, the functioning of the lighting system of Vinyl and the need for the advanced lighting is updated. And tsya problem pov'yazana z virishennyam tsіloї low іnshih. Vіdbіr ta strukturvannya new zmіstu profesіynoї ї osvіti transferring to the promotion of modern illuminating programs and technologies. And tse, with his own calling, to put before the professional enlightenment the problem of the need for uninterrupted advancement of the professional competence of teachers. You can solve this problem only if you create it in the light setting of a special pedagogical mind and choose forms and make a difference in methodical work.

In today's minds of the system of methodical work in the light of the foundation, a number of hospitable deficiencies are prostrate, the manifestation of which is taken as a destroying force of reform. Tse protirichcha mizh:

adults to the methodical work in the minds of the renovation of lighting practice and a real camp in the practice of lighting mortgage;

the need to expand the arsenal of forms of methodical work and not differ from the rest of the real practice of lighting installations.

In the pedagogical literature, the problematics have been known to have their own tips fundamental insights Guzєєva V.V., Kruglikova G.I., Omelyanenko B.L., Shilova M.I., who have the essence of the main understanding of the theory of professional education, indicate ways of further development of principles, zmіsta, forms of methodical work.

Shilova M.I. vvazha, that rich nutrition, tied with a methodical basis, tobto. the most important accept that method, as it is necessary for zdijsnennya in practice, for a new understanding. In pedagogical theory, the technology for the implementation of methodical work performance has not been properly developed for specific reasons. The most important thing is the lack of scientific diversity of rich nutrition of methodical associations. For example, yogo zmіst in most pedagogical robots is rozkrivayutsya by the head rank only at a glance of social and ethical vimog until the formation of robots.

Methodical work in the lighting organization, structure and form of the organization

1.1 Fundamentals of organizing methodical work in a facility

Methodical work in the educational organization is a special complex of practical approaches, based on the achievements of science, advanced pedagogical evidence and directives on the universal promotion of competence and professional mastery of a skin teacher.

This complex of orientations, we will increase the creative potential of the pedagogical team, and at the end of the school - increase the quality and efficiency of the lighting process: increase in the level of illumination, development and development of the students.

When choosing the option of methodical work, the collective of the organization is supported by such a system of submissions:

zavdannyami, yakі stand in front of the installation, the sanctifiers;

equate to the initial-vyhovnogo process;

the camp of the initial and material base;

let's accumulate positive and negative results of work.

On the basis of methodical work, it is methodical to stand, as it builds methodical, experimental and practical activities of the pedagogical team and the implementation of the tasks set. For the warehouse of the methodical, the director, his intercessors, the champions of the methodical association, enter.

Methodical work on the basis of lighting, set the level low important functions:

the leaders of active participation in this type of activity, the teacher chooses and fixes his camp in the institution; z vіkom methodical work to solve the problem of professional savings, podannja possibile vіdstavannya, rozbіzhnostі mizh reachable equal and new vimogi to the initial-vyhovnogo process;

navchannya zvіlnyaє cheloveka vіd hibnih tsіnnosti, to rob a professional more flexible and mobile, stick to zvnіshnіh zmin, competitive;

navchannya at the work place to reach the teacher's professional status and recognition in the team, greater self-esteem;

methodical work wins the role of the stimulus in the professional development of the teacher, encourages self-realization, the solution of special professional problems, allows the robot to achieve greater satisfaction.

One of the traditional forms of methodical work on a single methodical theme. It should be noted that for the minds of modernization it is necessary to improve the efficiency of this type of activity. It is possible through the development of the program for the promotion of qualifications for a single methodical topic for the enlightenment of a particular school. The program may be oriented on the position of humanistic pedagogy, special-dialnist approach. Nebhіdno, schob more to borrow, representations from the program, had a practice-oriented character. Clearly set the goal, the task of the program, transferring the last results, what will be the knowledge of that vminnya, taught by teachers in the process of training those who promote the productivity of methodical work.

Mayuchi on uvazі pіd illuminating technology sukupnієyu knowledge about zasobі and zasobi zdіysnennya programs on raznyh stages z otrimannymi kontsevoy result, transferable tse understanding of the methodical work with teachers. The teacher’s general appearance about lighting technologies gives him the opportunity to represent the education and the initial activity of mutual education and mutual investment. With this, the teacher can be prepared to the point that not only wines are produced, but they stimulate the psychic new creation of those who are learning. Those who are taught by their initial actions, also adopt changes on the other side of the record, which are so insufficiently effective. The whole world is worth working with teachers in the system of methodical work.

  1. Form the organization of methodical work in the lighting organization

All different organizational forms of methodical work in a lighting organization can be applied to three mutually related groups of such forms:

globally enlightening forms of methodical work (work on common methodical topics, psychological and pedagogical seminars, workshops, scientific and practical conferences and pedagogical readings, reading and viewing conferences, methodical exhibitions, wall newspapers, bulletins);

group forms of methodical work (methodological association, creative micro-groups of teachers, group mentoring, mutual participation in taking that high school entry);

individual forms of methodical work (internship, individual consultations, counseling, mentoring, work with a special creative theme, individual self-enlightenment).

How can I form to occupy (session) of problematic microgroups - methodical associations - departments? Vybіr їх to lie in the kіlkіsny warehouse of tsikh pіdrozdіlіv, vіd kіlіfіkatsії ї podgodіv, vіd їх zatsіkavlennosti, povozhennja stavlennya one to one, vіd vzaєmorozumіnnya thinly.

So the most effective ones have gone to the practice of methodical work and take such forms (sitting):

theoretical seminars (additional, podomlennya);

seminars-practices (additional, podomlennya z practical demonstration in the classroom, class years, after-class, after-school visits);

disputes, discussions ("round style", dialogue-dispute, debate, forum, symposium, "aquarium technique", "panel discussion") and other;

"business games", role-playing games; imitation lessons; panorama lessons;

lecturers of academic didacticists, psychologists, sociologists, defectologists, speech therapists and doctors;

discussion of modern new methods, technologies, access to psychological and pedagogical science;

discussion of the okremikh vіdkritikh, mutual lessons, entering the next cycle;

discussion of “exploring knowledge”, food for testing and questioning of students;

various exhibitions, calls for self-education: dopovіdі, abstracts, tasks to take, preparation of didactic and scientific aids;

discussion of advanced pedagogical information and recommendations for yoga expansion and promotion;

competitions "The best teacher", "Teacher of rock", "Vihovanets rock";

teaching, scientific and practical conferences;

pedagogical education and training

The mechanism for conducting the most effective and rational forms of holding (session) of problematic microgroups - methodical associations - departments

Theoretical seminars (additional, introductory)

Tsya form to take (sitting) is necessary for the recognition of teachers from the new achievements of science and advanced pedagogical knowledge. Vaughan vimaga, nasampered, in the field of science - curators of the departments are available to visvitlyuvaty at povіdomlennyah, dopovіdyah actual nutrition of the initial-spiritual process, razkrivati ​​zmіst new technologies, methods, priyomіv navchannya. And before the speeches and additional events, highly qualified teachers - members of problematic microgroups - methodical associations - departments can be educated. For whom a lot of training is needed: individual interviews, consultations from teachers and sciences for speaking in front of the team.

Food options for review at theoretical seminars

Traditional and innovative in the initial process

Technological models of training schoolchildren

The methodology for re-learning knowledge

Conducting scientific-theoretical seminars should be planned 2-3 times at the beginning of the year, in order to avoid the attention of the reader, because krim tsієї forms to occupy (meetings) of problematic microgroups - methodical associations - departments do not forget about other forms of work.


Seminars-practices require serious training, because on them, the teacher should be aware of the results of his work, research work, which was carried out under the fahivtsiv-science research and which was tested for a few months.

At the center of respect present at such seminars, there is no less than theoretical nourishment for the primary and secondary process, but also a practical one, which is especially important for the growth of professional mastery of teachers and learners.

Possible topics of workshops:

Can we feel a little painting? (MO aesthetic vihovannya and artistic illumination).

Musical games without music (MO of aesthetic vihovannia and artistic illumination).

The course "Forest and people" and its significance in the process of teaching students (MO cob learning and natural sciences).

The offensiveness of the robotic teachers of the cob lanka and the teachers-subjects in the lessons of natural science, familiarization with the necessary light and natural science (MO of cob learning and natural disciplines).

The decline of the emergence of new technologies: integration with the training of students on a communicative and cognitive basis through the fusion, culture and love (MO of cob learning and supple disciplines).

The global pedagogical and organizational and methodological feasibility of achieving success among the teachers of 5-11 grades (MO of secondary disciplines).

After the practical part of the seminars - lessons, electives, after-class visits - it is important to organize discussions, discussions, on which skin you can hang your reflections, thoughts, evaluate the workshop. Together with the vcheni-fahivtsy, it is possible to collectively develop specific primary pedagogical tasks that are blamed on the primary-pedagogical process.

Seminars-practicums are an effective form of educating the pedagogical team to creative, poshukovoy, long-term activity and promoting its pedagogical culture.

Psychological and pedagogical workshops

For greater efficiency, every hour of such seminars should create an atmosphere of informal conversation, fluency. A similar practice is especially valuable for the promotion of professional skills of teachers and learners, because The skin participant of such a seminar will take the opportunity to learn from the new achievements of psychological and pedagogical science, we will provide an advanced pedagogical report and declare your position.

Preparing to conduct psychological and pedagogical seminars on upcoming topics:

"Psychological and pedagogical studies of special education".

"Diagnostics equal to the development of sufficient respect for young schoolchildren".

“Taxonomy of pedagogical goals and role in reversing the effectiveness of teaching students for new special courses (philosophy, integration of the aesthetic course, local studies, ethics and etiquette, learning the basics of writing, working with business papers and other.).

At such seminars, the necessary interconnection of theory and practice. So, for example, a psychologist, speaking about the taxonomy of pedagogical goals, first of all characterizes the hallucinations of activity, as if they are outrageous: cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Having learned about the classification of goals, fakhivets give teachers the opportunity to get involved in the practical modeling of first-class tasks at the process of teaching students and declare about the concentration of zusil on the head, about the assessment of their prospects far away work.

Such conversational dialogues help develop the creative potential of the teacher, his professionalism.

Disputes, discussions

Various forms to occupy (session): dispute, "round table", dialogue-dispute, debate, forum, symposium, "aquarium technique", "panel discussion" - in practice, they are denoted by a wild term - "discussion". Often a discussion is called a discussion about an exchange of dosvid, thoughts, and a discussion-dispute, tobto. zіtknennya point of the dawn, the position is too thin. It is not uncommon to discuss discussions from polemics - in view of the already formed glances and positions.

Discussion - purposeful exchange of judgments, thoughts, ideas, which is created by members of problematic microgroups - methods of association - departments with the method of seeking the truth (istin). Її sutva rice є equal dialogue of the participants. Bazhano, since the group of participants in such a dialogue was small (up to 10 people), it’s a wonder why the skin can show its point of view and prove it is worth it.

Pedagogical practice has seen a wider exchange of ideas that spark discussions: "round tables", forums, debates, symposiums, "aquarium technology", "panel discussions".

characteristic rice In heated forms of discussion, the fate of two or three and more subject methods of association - departments, is also the subject of their discussion, the positions and thoughts of the participants.

Acts of the form of discussions

"Panel discussion". They can take the fate of 2-3 and more subject methods - departments. Prote next, put together groups of 6-8 participants, like a distant leg to rob heads. Stop discussing the outlined problem, after which you can make a sing vysnovka, a solution. It is important that all the participants of the “panel discussion” were brought to the fore with the top problems that are being discussed.

Forum. The mechanism of carrying out is similar to the last one, and all the participants exchange ideas.

Symposium. More formalization (compared with the greater re-arrangement) discussion; in the course of yoga, the participants come forward with reminders, in which they reveal their point of view on the problem, what to say, after which they point out the power of those present.

Debati. The discussion is clearly formalized, as if it will be on the back of the planned steps of the participants, as if it were directly opposite the idea of ​​any discussed problem.

Cі forms a discus svidshe for everything can practice occasionally chi zovsіm not win at the robotic methods of education - departments.

The most relevant and widening in practice is to occupy (meetings) of problematic microgroups - methodological meetings - departments and "round tables".

"Round Steel". Tse rozmov, take the fate of up to 10 readers from those “on a par”, and every hour there will be an exchange of thoughts among the participants. At the warehouse, the groups can be students of different specialties: both pochatkovo, and middle and old lanok.

Possible topics of "round tables":

The development of a logical, critical and creative mind of learning.

Poshuki linієyu doslidnitskogo nauchannja uchnіv.

The global pedagogical and organizational and methodological possibilities of winning in the sciences of the sciences

"Aquarium Technique". There are among the most common forms of discussions, which are closely marked by contradictions, differences, and sometimes conflicts of teachers with singing food. The mechanism for conducting the “aquarium technique” is as follows:

The problem of discussion is formulated for the consideration of a scientific scientist and curator of the department.

The participants in the discussion are divided into 2 groups (and possibly 3), as they are placed in the audience according to the stake.

Members of the skin group rob a representative of the head, which is in the process of discussion in the same position.

All participants should be familiar with the topic that is being discussed, so it may be possible to exchange thoughts to the beginning of the discussion. (You can put the topic on the cob of discussion, then the members of the “aquarium” are responsible for 15-20 minutes to discuss it and turn the corner of the dawn.)

Representatives are elected in the center according to the stake and take the opportunity to express the opinion of the group, the current position. Reshta of the participants of the "aquarium" cannot express their thoughts, but they may not be able to pass on the notes under the hour of discussion, de show their own mirkuvannya.

The representatives of the groups may take a break to consult with the decision of the members.

"Aquarium" discussion ends after the end of the given hour, or after the praise of the decision.

After the end of the discussion, the representatives of the groups conduct a critical analysis of the discussion, and the decisions are made by all the participants of the "aquarium" dispute.

A similar form of discussion can be held at the sleeping session (meetings) 2-3 methods of meeting - departments.

You can request to hold discussions on "aquarium techniques" on the following topics:

"Types of innovative approaches to education".

"Dialogue character of training".

"Integration as a Meta Education of Academics"

“Criteria-oriented training of academics.

"Dilov" games, role-playing games, games-imitations; panorama lesson

The game as a socio-cultural form of intercourse is associated with a rich philosophic-culturological, psychological, pedagogical achievements.

Pedagogіtsі be-yakі іgri (“dіlovі”, roles and others.) are tied to the singing rules (minds) of the roaring ones. Really gra - tse magnification of two or three groups (and more), as if directed at the reach of the song, or the solution of the song problem. During the course of the lesson, the readers learn about real knowledge, which they could take away from the hour of the lesson, learn to actively solve important problems, and not be third-party posters. In addition, to win a game form to occupy (session) of problematic microgroups - the method of association - departments help teachers learn to save, "squeeze" an hour to train them to understand, learn, learn from the process of learning. And the smut - the stench of activating the self-enlightenment of the students in the work on the development of professional qualities, the need to learn that specialty of learning.

"Dіlovі" games.

In order to achieve the effectiveness of the process of carrying out the "dilovoї" game, the roles may be divided in such a way that qualified teachers, heads of the department, curators of science, intercessor of the director of scientific and experimental, scientific work. It is necessary to turn your head, as you lead the game, the instructor (if you don’t want to report on the details of the game, so that it may be similar to the real life, and the report briefing can lead to a minimum of interest of the people playing), judge, some kind of stomp on the move play and play the game rules, a coach (yogo role may have an opinion-curator, which you can suggest during the play, so that you can realize your abilities more).

It took an hour to prepare such mountains, but the interest of readers to them is superbly high. Even more often at the process of gri, the participants in the aftermath of an emotional undertaking can go as far as imitation, dramatization. After the end, the pidbags are added (pіdrakhonok a point, the results of the game are announced). However, self-esteem is also necessary for those who are angry (in the mental plan, as a model).

To complete the next analysis of the game situation, which is important for the formation of intellectual and educational, professional interests of readers.

rollova gra(essentially gra-dramatization) - the process, in which to take part as a teacher of problematic microgroups - methodical associations - departments, which share the role of a teacher, student, intercessor of the director of the research and experimental work, director, methodologist of the district (mіsky, regional) methodical Center, etc.

Keruvati thunder is to blame for either the teachings-curator, or the intercessor of the director from the long-experimental, long-term work, and the head of the methodology is too thin.

The mechanism of conducting a role-play (i-play-dramatization) is simple:

kerіvnik povidomlyaє topic gri;

a briefing is given about the overbig;

fixed emotional reaction of the skin is quiet, hto gray;

kerіvnik vykladaє facts, vіdomosti, zіstavuchi їх іz emotsiymiymi reaktsіy ogryayushchih;

pіdbittya pіdsumkіv be carried out on the basis of emotionally experienced by the roaring judges.

The significance of such a grim is connected with the activation of respect, experience, with the thoughts of the participants in the process.

The most important thing is that teachers are guilty of pleading, as they can be didactic in their emotional reflection.

Igri-imitation. Tsya form to take (session) of problematic microgroups - the method of association - chairs of the creative approach as a leader (he can be a curator-scientist of the department, an intercessor of the director of a long-term experimental work or a highly qualified teacher).

Competently prepared gram-im_tatsija (they can take the fate of 2-3 methods of joining or of the department) conveying that the theme, goals, task, and structure are well thought out and will help to support the high level of activity of the participants. The theme of grim-imitation can be foreseen by the conductors themselves, or it is put off by any chance. The leader may be far away virishiti, which will be the steps of yoga with the participants, to dedicate several wines to his plan. In addition, the presenter is obliged to give clear and simple written instructions to his colleagues-engravers, to share the roles of participants and to establish trivality.

I realized that the participants in the gri-imitation in their own way assess the situation they were facing.

In the process of the game situation, teachers try to imitate, see, accept, form the work of a reader-professional, if only one fragment of the lesson.

The handwriting of another teacher's work is always successful.

Tse important, ale virishuvane task, as it is possible to implement as a result of bagatorazovyh training rights.

It is more important for teachers to play the roles of the students, and not the roles of other members of the teaching staff. Some learners are mobile in the case of different situations, lower teachers.

This fact should be noted about the need for the participation of teachers in different games, especially in quiet ones, like stinks, they plan to spend their time together with the students for an hour of lessons.

It should be noted that the game model of the initial process will be included in the process of the game model, the events that are being played, on their living a new life in the environment. As a result of this process, new technologies, new methodical approaches, see the work, yak, without any doubt, enrich our participants.

panorama lesson at the lessons (meetings) of problematic microgroups - methodical associations - chairs victorious more often. This form means special training, but it is based on the teacher's potentiality, his competence, erudition. The lesson-panorama was carried out on the lessons of one method of association or the department. The mechanism for carrying out this form of methodical work is as follows:

participants practice in groups (2-3 individuals) or individually;

teachers themselves choose the topic of the lesson-gri or rob it of її z-pomіzh by those who were propagated by the teacher-leader;

participants take from the library tutors and learning programs;

a skin group (a skin independent working teacher) develops a plan for employment, clearly planning this stage and choosing modern (traditional and non-traditional) methods, forms, techniques, and seeing how the skin stage works;

Gravity protect their own options for the development of lessons (the defense is carried out in the presence of all participants);

the participants evaluate the lesson-panorama from the point of view of the implementation of the trinity didactic method (illumination, development, developmental) and rational, effective selection of methods, forms, approaches, types of planning robots from the studies;

the role of the arbiter is played by the curator-scientist, or the head of the methodology, or the head of the department.

It is even more important that the part of the teachers in the role of a game model transforms their position, as a balance between the role of an organizer, a helper, a sleeper of a sleepy day. Significant role of this model to take (meeting) of problematic microgroups - method of joining chairs at the final retrospective discussion of progranih situations, roles just.

Undoubtedly, this model of training will improve the teacher in the subject-matter and social-psychological aspects. It is less than memory that when victorious in the classroom, the form can be born in illustrative or emotional-zhvave addition to the traditional traditional teaching of learning.

Lectures of academic didacticists, psychologists, sociologists, defectologists, speech therapists and doctors.

Organization of lecturers by academic didacticians, psychologists, sociologists, defectologists, speech therapists, pediatricians, psychoneurologists and others. fahivtsy is necessary for the skin pedocele.

Fahivtsі plan the topics of lectures on topical topics for readers and fathers, as well as group and individual student consultations.

The program and topics of lectures are determined by the administration of the school, by the scientific and methodological coordination center, by the information and analytical center, and by the teaching staff of the school.

Discussion of current new methods, technologies, access to psychological and pedagogical science

The mechanism of discussion of modern new methods, technologies, the reach of the psychological and pedagogical science of the very same that is in the article. It is important to respect that all the responsibility for the implementation of this form of work falls on the academic curators of the departments, the Scientific and Methodological Coordination Center and the Information and Analytical Center. But the collective collective is guilty of its right to revise, like books and articles to read, like new technologies to master, like innovations and vicorists in the process of learning and learning, like experiments to test. For example, the staff of the students of the Pochatkovo Lanka School of Vicorist School taught students on a communicative and cognitive basis through communication, culture and love, and the teachers of the Department of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics of the Gymnasium successfully promoted the technology of modular education.

Discussing about okremih vіdkritikh, vzaimovіdvіdannykh lessons, entering either cycle

Use the form of methodical work and problematic microgroups - methodological ob'ednan, departments of pov'yazanі z practical vmіnami teacher, and tse vіdkritі lessons, or after-hours come. There, the teacher demonstrates to his colleagues that he has tried different forms of lessons, see, and work to give high-end results in the process of teaching students. Sometimes the teacher will ask colleagues and on the cob of experiment, if there is less than a hypothesis in the new one, it is necessary to revise it, but you don’t transfer it yourself, so as not to pursue the result, then the expert visnovok present at the lesson and after-school visit is even more important.

Otzhe, vіdkritiy lesson or zahid- not only opening doors for everyone who wants to see them come in, but a demonstration, showing a new, possibly, small, but pedagogical presentation of lessons, could ask their colleagues for them.

Discussing about okremih vіdkritih, vzaimovіdvіdannyh lessons, different visits to the current cycle є the subject of serious discussion at the lessons (meetings) of problematic microgroups - the method of association - departments.

Under the hour of discussion, it is necessary to ensure the implementation of the upcoming tasks:

Vminnya planuvaty and signify osvіtnі, vyhovnі and developing tsіlі (development of intellect, will, emotions, cognitional interests only)

In the meantime, clearly put tasks in front of the students, come in for the lesson.

Vminnya to choose effective and additional forms, methods, see, and work with teaching.

Smart to achieve maximum efficiency and rationality of practice.

The technology of such discussions has been developed for a long time and may not be changed.

Exhibitions and the sound of self-illumination

Звіти з самоосвіти вчителів та вихователів насамперед вимагають наочної демонстрації продуктів праці вчителя (доповіді, реферати, розробки уроків, створення авторських програм, складання тестів-анкет, дидактичних посібників тощо) та продуктів праці їхніх учнів (виставки найкращих зошитів, творів , малюнків, виробів тощо ). Orientation of methodical service to self-enlightenment, self-development, self-development in the region is necessary, broadening the cultural outlook, development of reflection, zdіbnosti to self-criticism - this is the guarantee of successful development of professionalism and creative potential of a special teacher, and a student.

Scientific and practical conferences, pedagogical readings

Cі form robots to lure the study of all the lines of methodical service to their own pіdbityam pіdbagіv їх roboti. The topics of scientific and practical conferences, or pedagogical readings, are due to a single methodical theme of the school and do not have a vipadical character, but rather reflect the opinions of the teachers of the school, their achievement, success, successive work, such professionalism, and lack of pardon scho vreshti-resht has led to positive results. Additional duties are accompanied by tables, videos, slides, photographs, products of educational practice. The speeches of additional support are intermingled with time frames and obov'yazkovo are discussed (after that, as a speaker on the supply), often in a discussion form.

It is not uncommon for the practice of holding conferences and readings to be brought up to weekly public appearances from the pedagogical press and practice of learned didacticists. It is similar in that case, if there is not enough work done for the selection of practical and illustrative material, with the help of the teacher during the training period, and the correction of additional protruding members of the pedagogical team, if they do not hope for competent methodical help. Prerechno guess at times the words of the great R. Henri Milyor, who warmly respected: “The failure of the preparer is, however, the preparation for the failure.”

Naturally, for the duration of the training before carrying out these forms of work, the hour of the teacher will be spent for nothing and in vain, and most of all - that dissatisfaction of the participants themselves with the most important forms of methodical work.

The success of the conferences, pre-readings to fall on the level of professional preparation, on participation in the training of curators-scientists, and also on the development of the creative potential of the entire pedagogical team.

The work of all lines of methodical service will require precision. It is recommended to see 2 times the beginning of the rock (in sіchnі and travnі) scientific and methodical journal. You can call yoga “School, garden, lyceum…” or “Visti school, child garden…” too thin.

All the foregoing does not mean that they have added methodical services to the guilty victors and have transferred forms of their own work plans, but from the whole range of names you can choose those that give strength to problematic microgroups - methods of association - to the departments of the school.

Pedagogical care

In the organizational structure of methodical work, it is necessary to protect such a form of work with pedagogical departments, as pedagogical care, - the price organ of the collective education of the school.

At the meetings of the pedrads, the problems of promoting the professionalism of the reader are discussed, and the problems of the promotion of professional skills are closely connected with the results of the initial-spiritual process. In the minds of the work for a new model of methodical service at the meetings of the pedrads, the theoretical speeches of the learned fahivtsiv and the speeches of the readers from the practice of their work, the results of their innovative, creative studies, are heard.

The form of the meeting held by the pedrad of various people, and most of all, the stench is of a debatable nature: “round tables”, “aquarium technology”, “panel discussion”, the forum is too thin.

Similar meetings of the pedrad will promote the spirit and authority, and most of all - to saturate the positives and the work of the pedagogical team.

Creative microgroups of teachers.

This form of vinyl is the result of creative research by teachers of new effective forms of methodical work. On the basis of methodical associations, they are formed as an obov'yazkova form of work on the basis of the complexity of the subject, which is characterized by a constant, fixed warehouse of the participants, the basis of the study of microgroups in 3-6 participants, we are sympathetic to each other, a psychologist.

Such groups are created in the collective on an exclusively voluntary basis, if it is necessary to master some new knowledge, a new methodology, an idea. A leather member of the group on the back of the head independently learns, explains, then spreads it to his colleagues, stinks of yogo to add, correct, compare, slander, exchange thoughts, then implement the idea that you learn, go to one lesson, go to practice alone. If the new one is mastered, the first time is done, the group breaks up.

Informal congregation of evangelists.

Creation is important for the successful conduct of education, informal communication and forms of work can bring great help to the right advancement of the qualifications and mastery of the teachers, for example, to the promotion of the global culture of teachers, the culture of communication of that movement. At rich schools there are pedagogical theatres, studios, propaganda teams, in some young teachers they master the basics of pedagogical techniques and training and conducting various performances, concerts. Qi forms є і for the organization of the pedagogical team. Informal meetings of teachers, by their very nature, do not tolerate administration, overorganization, and this kind of activity will require special tact.

Features of the organization of methodical work in the installation

2.1 Organization of work on the problem of lighting organization

The problem reveals the reality of the problem that the lighting system has in the lighting organization.

Protirichcha - tse nevіdpovіdnіst mіzh bazhanim and obvious result, camp (for example, illuminating process).

fixation of normative, knowledgeable, valuable and int. difficulties for teachers, uchnіv, adminіntsіv, scho cause problems to blame;

the development of various sources, literature, scientific analysis, which allows the identification of scientific and practical ambush of the virishennia of similar problems;

vyvchennya dosvidu work on a similar problem;

typology of methods for solving the problem;

teaching the pedagogical team of managerial reflection, techniques for correcting the subjective state in a problem situation;

pobudov's model of a new kind of activity, which allows you to take a break and lead to the solution of problems;

development of the necessary didactic, psychological and pedagogical and other benefits;

approbation of a new model of activity;

Minifying, formulating, singling out warehouses and identifying the ways of solving the problem is an important task for the methodical training of the pedagogical team.

Special seminars, organizing and playing games. responsibilities are carried out with the method of training the team and shaping the needs before the cob of work on the problem.

The problem is determined on the basis of the analysis of methodical work for the previous heading, for example: "Vykoristannya didactic aids at the lesson", "Organization of the activity of the students at the lesson" and so on.

I divided the plan to work on the problem

Problem name

robotic shape

planned result

Work organizers

Zrazkova the subject of problems, over which pratsyuyut osvіtnі install:

Management of the quality of the lighting system, the lighting process at the mortgage.

Evaluation of the productivity of pedagogical and managerial practices.

The culture of pedagogical practice of the practitioner of education (naturalization by methods of NOP, optimization, learning technologies).

Regional component of the global median lighting and lighting process.

Mastering the basic initial plan of the secondary sacred lighting school: reach, problems.

Differentiation of the development of enlightenment and education as one of the reasons for the improvement of the quality of enlightenment.

Improving the initial-spinning process on the basis of the principle of humanization in suturing

Introduction of effective pedagogical technologies, introduction of new technologies, training and development.

Formation of the optimal initial plan for the school with the improvement of the level of development and the needs of the students.

Development of the system of diagnostics and monitoring with the method of designating the starting level and further development of the education.

Work with pedagogical staff (advancement of didactic training, creation of creative groups).

Formation of a system of diagnostics of interests, creative abilities and the development of the specialty of a schoolboy and teacher as the basis for translating the initial process to the initial and final.

Improved system and stimulation of creative teachers, as if with their system of lesson work and after-hours work, they stimulate the constant learning interest to the beginning.

Correction of programs, change of forms of organization of primary activity at direct promotion of academics.

Variation of the criteria for the effectiveness of teachers from innovative pedagogical technologies and systems for monitoring such work.

  1. Organization of work on a single methodical topic

The methodical theme is most often chosen for the subject, cyclical methodical association of the skin teacher, which should be included in the warehouse of the other school methodical structure.

The methodical theme is of didactic, psychological and pedagogical interest in the sphere of perfection methodical security lighting process of the subject.

Mostly in pedagogical practice, there are methodical topics related to the development of individual methods of teaching and learning about this subject, to the development of innovative pedagogical practice.

Good topics:

the formation of key competencies of learning from the improvement of the development of methods of active learning;

planning the results of studying in the profile class of the subject;

axiological value of subject matter and their integration in the process of learning;

technologies for working with text in special-oriented lighting systems;

technology of organization of the last day of work on the subject at the after-school hour;

methodology for preparation of studies to ЄДІ;

interdisciplinary integration at the borders of the lighting gallery;

Under a bag of work on a single methodical topic, you can recommend how to expand the lighting process within the framework of those other subject areas or some areas at once.

When planning work with a methodical theme, it is recommended to conduct a survey among teachers with a method of detailed understanding of the goals of future work.

Questionnaire for teacher

1. Which mode is used for setting:



2. What problem is your organization working on?

3. Do you blame problems when choosing methodical topics?

4. Why do you want to work on the methodical theme you have chosen to improve the quality of illumination?

5. What are the most important problems in the presentation of your subject?

6. What results do you plan to take away, working on a methodical theme?

7. What do you need to know for your successful work?

8. What help do you need? What is the nature of help?

9. Who among your colleagues is also working on this topic?

Form an organization of methodical work on a single topic

methodical tyzhnі on a single topic;

creation of creative microgroups;

work of timchasovyh іnіtіativnyh groups z pіdgotovki podgotovіchnyh porad, podarіdnyh porad, sem_narіv;


pre-experimental robot;

"round style;

consultations, questioning;

association of methodical associations like the middle school, and with other schools on the same subject;

advanced education schools;

scientific and methodological conferences of teachers, teachers;

creatives call readers and teachers.

  1. Propositions for a thoroughly methodical work in the installation

In order to systematize the process of accumulating and learning about the work of the MO in the middle, establish the organization of the creative mind of the MO, de MO present methodical and didactic materials developed by teachers, familiarize yourself with your achievements, show lessons, share pedagogical ideas then. pіdіb'yut pіdіb'yut pіdbag єї raboti.

Organize the MO "Pochatkov school-children's kindergarten" (necessary), and ideally I create the group "Vikhovnik-teacher-vikladach VNZ".

When analyzing the plans of the work of the Ministry of Defense, one can see the coming shortfalls:

The isolation of subject MOs, their isolation within the narrow framework of a subject, and specific primary programs, subject didactics, and the warehouse of vikladachivs are emphasized. І tse generates roses, unsatisfactory subjects, the presence of intersubjective links.

Therefore, for all forms of methodical work on language learning, it is the only topic of high school, which should not go beyond the propositions and encouragement of teachers, but for the purposes of that task, the development of a complex analysis of the results and the effectiveness of the lighting process at this stage.

There are no plans for future and final results of methodical work on the selected problem.

The results can be:

assessment of the methodical work of the skin teacher in the fall depending on the qualifications of the higher qualification category;

inclusion of young teachers to the end of deep-school methodological, pedagogical problems, acceptance of their professional growth, development of their methodological culture;

promotion of the knowledge of scientists;

Not created by the traditional MO intersubject timchas and postal associations to solve the problems of offensiveness, tightness, integrity in the structure, change and organization of the lighting process, but the robot carried a kind of elemental, string-like nature of the NMS.

Post-school teachers are not included in the day of the Moscow Region. The stench vzagalі іzolovanі vіd usіh. Tse is unacceptable.

It is necessary to activate the theoretical and pedagogical general education of the pedagogical team in the form of a high-school post-graduate seminar for the development of high-level approaches to the solution of problems, raising to the level of robotic practitioners of the RayOO, academic staff of the OU, universities.

It is necessary to give a special status of "recognition" to classes and lessons, as a voluntary form of submitting the results of a pedagogical inquiry.

When planning administrative control of lessons, mutually formulate specific methodological problems as the subject of analysis.


One of the traditional forms of methodical work on a single methodical theme. In times of modernization, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of this type of activity. It is possible through the development of the program to improve qualifications on a single methodical topic for teachers of a specific educational institution. The program may be oriented on the position of humanistic pedagogy, special-dialnist approach. Nebhіdno, schob more to borrow, representations from the program, had a practice-oriented character. Clearly set the goal, the task of the program, transferring the final results, which will be the knowledge of that vminnya, taught by the teachers of the process, those who promote the productivity of methodical work.

One of the main trends in the improvement of modern methodical work in the establishment and creation of optimal minds is the development of special skills and the advancement of the professionalism of a skin-enriched teacher on the basis of individual lighting needs. An individual approach to a teacher helps to develop the potentialities of an individual, his abilities, I will show the teacher a creative approach to work. Individualization of the training of grown-ups as a pedagogical problem takes care of its relevance, regardless of the deep and varied progress. When planning a methodical work, the problem of individualization of the training of grown-ups with the improvement of lighting technologies will require a thorough study. Це пов'язано з тим, що існують протиріччя між необхідністю підвищувати інструментальність реалізації індивідуального підходу у процесі розвитку професійної компетентності педагогічних працівників та слабкою технологічною готовністю фахівців, які здійснюють методичну роботу у конкретній освітній установі.

The scientifically revealed and formulated problem allows to set the scientifically grounded tasks and to designate the paths of their achievement.

A methodical service is established for the minds of the already formulated problem, which determines the goal, the strategy of working on the problem from the received methodical methods.

For all forms of methodical work on language learning, there is only one deep-school topic, which should not come from propositions and encouragement, but from the goals of the development of the school and a comprehensive analysis of the results and the effectiveness of the lighting process at this stage.

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