Autumn walks in the park. Working program " Autumn promenade


"Autumn walks"

Methodical development for cob classes:

Excursion for schoolchildren

"Autumn walk to the park"

Makarova Irina Vitaliivna

MBOUDOD "Station of young technicians"

m. Almetyevsk Republic of Tatarstan

Description of robots: Methodical development of excursions on the autumn theme. Material of appointments for teachers of additional education and development of groups of the spent day for the hour of the day after-class visits on the fresh air. Tsey material of orientations on the education of the young school age. Nature brings to the harmonious development of the child, at the link between which the foundations are laid for the development to the necessary world, the basis for loving and understanding nature. Walks and excursions into nature melt in your own rich brown for the development of respect and watchfulness of children, the exercise of penetrating into the secret places of nature.

Target: watch over the fundamental changes of nature and the formation of a safe behavior in nature.

1. Develop good-natured newcomers in exchange with one-year-olds and grown-ups; form the child in a sleepy way.
2. Develop vigilance, shape the habits of safe behavior in the necessary world of nature and every hour of the year.
3. Close the statement of children about the growing world of the nearest natural sharpening, know the names of the trees that grow near the park.

4. Close the statements of children about changes in nature.

Front of the robot

Familiarity with the names of trees (birch, gorobina, maple, pine, yalin, oak) show the herbarium of cich roslin, learn about the fruits of cich roslin.

Acquaintance with mushrooms, which grow in our forests.

Conduct a briefing on safety techniques for an hour of excursion.

Homework: prepare and use notes about autumn.

Guided tours

    Preparatory part

Teacher: Boys, today we have an excursion for you to our city park. We are virushimo not just for a walk, but to the beautiful kingdom of nature.
The choice of children, the path to the Moscow park and school yard

Rozmova before the excursion: let's guess how to behave in the fox.

I distribute to children the signs "Rules of friends of nature."

Children in a dream show signs and explain:

You can't lamati

Anger bugs

Torquat comah with hands

Rip tickets

Zbivat fly agaric

Spit the bagatya


Well done, lads! Now we can boldly break on the road.

Look at it, how cool!

We drank in the charming park,

We were not in a new early.

Spovnevy kazok tsey park,

There are a lot of miracles here!


Yaka at once it's time to rock? (Autumn)

Children, let's guess the signs of autumn. (The woods often go, the sun is little grey, it became colder, the birds fly near the warm edge.)

Autumn is a generous master of fate, granting us the diversity of vegetables and fruits, mushrooms and mountains. It was nice to gild the leaves, embroidering with a thin cobweb and welcoming us with a hint of the autumn sun.

Teacher: Children, look around! How do you think why autumn and “gloomy time” and at the same hour “eye charm”?

Vіdpovіdі children.

teacher: And let's guess, do you know any more verses about autumn?

Who can tell us?

Children read verses about autumn.

teacher: Well done, lads! Garni vіrshi Vi read to us. Let's applaud!
Splashes of reading.

Teacher: The lads, as you respectfully listened to our chits, then, singsongly, gave respect to the main signs of autumn, which are chirped in the skin of the head. Let's guess them again and call them, with which we need to be vigilant.
(Children resurrect the main signs of autumn, watch out for them in nature.)

teacher: And now let's reconsider our homework (note that saying about autumn).

Healthy children

Teacher: Let's play. I tell them, and show the ruhi, and you repeat after me.

One, two, three - turn around, transform on a tree.

Our hands are bellies (shaking hands).

Tilo - a stringed trunk (to run along the body with the arms of the beast down).

Fingers - leaves (fingers arrange, steal with them).

Feet - the root of the mitzne (legs are placed shoulder-width apart).

Ale blowing the wind - the leaves tremble. The wind blew stronger - the needles swayed. Another strong wind - the stovbur was choking.

Well done, lads!

Teacher: And now I’m teaching practice in groups of 5-7 osib.
(We divide into three groups and guess 3 riddles)

Sheets fly crilatki

On the roads and maidanchiki

I do not know the leaf carrier

For whom do you write...


Russian beauty

Stand on a galyavin

At the green jacket,

At the white sundress.


red berry,

She's not so sweet

And the frost has come.

Zukorka brought.

Teacher: Listen to the names of your teams:

persha group - maple leaf,

another group - birch,

the third group is gorobins.


The skin team needs to know your tree. (Boys win the task.)

Teacher: Well done! Mustache teams shvidko exactly named their tree. Now you are responsible for giving a little information about the tree.

Information 1:

BIRCH- Rozpovsyudzhena throughout the territory Russian Federation. Peace of mind victorious like a likarsky and cosmetic products. Bark, earrings, leaves, sіk - pleasantly pour on the body of a person and on the energy of a person, as if there is a charge for him.

Information 2:

Maple- the sik of the tree is savory, for the old hours the tsukor was boiled from the new one. Three villages are preparing bagato musical instruments, yak: clarinets, flutes and spoons, ladles, carved and sharpened judges, knife handles, bearings and other vital parts of the simplest machines. The important thing is that wood, the stone is hard. Good work with cutting tools. For jubilant purposes, vicorist leaves, pagons, nastii and vіdvar leaves are also given a likuvalna diyu. In case of damage - apply a cleanly trimmed leaf to the wound.

Information 3:

Gorobina- a small tree of the erysipelas family can be attributed to the genus of deciduous frost-resistant chagarniks. Zustrichaetsya in forest and forest-steppe areas. The medicinal syrovina is the fruit. The stench is to mitigate tsukra, acids, alcohol, hot tannins, vitamins A, C, P and fatty oil. It has long been in Russia that it has been crowned with a great Shano. At autumn days, if the forest misses its yellow leaf, it is especially beautiful to look at the important hron of the gorobini, which burn with a red crimson on aphids and dark pinnate, openwork leaves. Grona Gorobini - weasel birds. The fruits have long been zastosovuly to increase appetite, to be anti-scorbutic, easy to carry, sechoginna, astringent, anti-spasmodic and blood-spinning.

Teacher: Rozumnitsі, all teams ran into іz zavdannyam. And now we can guess a little about mushrooms and a little quiz.


    Who wears a droplet on the nose? (Mushroom).

    Buvayut mushrooms їstіvni, and buvayut - ... (Nіstіvnі).

    The most beautiful mushrooms. (Mukhomori).

    The best mushrooms. (Bili mushrooms, abo mushrooms).

    Mushrooms, which produce a special rude-olive color. (Rizhiki).

    Berezy. (Pidberezoviki).

    Most often, stench grows under aspen trees, but they grow under birches and oaks. (Aspen mushrooms).

    Deadly brittle mushrooms, relatives of fly agaric. (Flіdі grebes).

    Most suitable for salting. (Gruzdі).

    Erysipelatous fungus, garnius in salting. (Khvilin).

    Їstіvnі mushrooms, yakі grow tsiliy rik. (champignons).

    Yakі roslini do not make roots, the stalk of that leaf? (Mushrooms).

    What is the name of the fungus? (argue).

    What is another name for the boletus mushroom? (White mushroom).

    What kind of "friendly" mushrooms are similar to parasols with their thin legs and piquant yellow drops? (Open).

    Are the natural mushrooms the first? (morels).

Teacher: Obviously, all the teams ran into trouble. We have gained energy and a positive charge. The autumns of the farbi of nature are especially striking. Now the leaves of the trees have fallen. Miluyuchis їhnoy form that color, zrobimo bouquets.

Yellow leaves, red leaves, Bagato in the day. Marvel, it's wonderful. Look out the stench

You can create wonderful applications from autumn leaves.

leaf fall, leaf fall,

Leafing, wait to fly.

Yellow maple, yellow beech,

The sun is bright in the sky.

Zhovtiy door, Zhovtiy budinok.

The whole earth is zhovta dovkol.

Zhovtizna, Zhovtizna,

So autumn is not spring.

Mustache teams miraculously ran into іz zavdannyami.

Rozmova "What did you like?", "What did you remember?", repeat the basic rules of behavior for a fox. Now the hour has come to collect leaves for the herbarium. Bazhano, so that everything was leafing with you.

Home tasks: build a herbarium.


1. Manevtsova L. M. "The world of nature and the child." St. Petersburg, 1998 U. Orlova "Live primer" 45 h.

2. Besova M.A. "At the school and for help" educational games for children from 6 to 10 years old. Yaroslavl "Academiya Do", 1998 r. - 235 s.

3. Sladkov N. "At the forest in riddles": Photobook, Mal. T. Kapustinoi; M., 1983 - 95 p.

4. Sokolov - Mikitov I.S. "At the fox", M., 1989 - 95 p.

« Control dictations. Autumn walks. A group of schoolchildren in the autumn went to the dawn park. Aspens were blackened, birches were plowed. Grona yagіd ripened on a humpback. Cotton fox stitch ... "

Control dictations.

Autumn walks.

A group of schoolchildren in the autumn went to the dawn park. Aspens were blackened, birches were plowed. Grona yagіd ripened on a humpback.

The lads with a fox stitch went on a galyavin. Along with the growth of puffy yalinnik. Green young yalinkas. From the earth b'є cleanly dzherelo. The lads took off the knots and the chicks. The lads set fire to the merrily bagatya on the river birch.

The fox was already quiet. The children were strong enough to make a fire. Sergiy filled the kettle with water. Time to make tea. Anna and Emma treated the lads to bake. On the way home, everyone sang songs. Radiant lads turned from their walk.

Grammatically correct.

1. Substantiate the grammatical basis

1 option - 5 proposition

2 option - 7 proposition

2. Find the words behind the warehouse: 1 option: aspens, often

Option 2: birches, walked

3. Write 2 words from the text with a voiceless voice, write the correct words.

Control dictation on the topic "Single members of the proposition".


Once they drove myslivtsi from barlogs of vedmedicine. And in Barloz it is worth shouting. Vityag Gennadiy Grigorovich from the barlogs of the Vedmezh. To the village of vin nіs child in kurtzі.

The Vedmedic appeared to be already tskavim. There were tickets at the window. Maliuk tangled himself with his claws, pulling the miner with his teeth. That kidnapped and fell. The flower turned sour and juicy. Z buy land vipovz tovsty and appetizing hrobak. Win povz, calling. Worm'yak tezh buv savory.

Mislivets threatening the child with his finger. The Vedmedic hid himself for being rude and grumbling.

Grammatically correct.

1. Analyze the list according to the members of the list, put together a diagram.

Z buy land vipovz tovsty and appetizing hrobak.

Fold and write down the proposition, victorious and homogeneous members:

1 - flowed, called, shone

2-podberezniki, rizhi, hvili

Control dictation (for 1 quarter).

Nichni myslivtsі.

Have a quiet evening. Vin brought a chill. I sat at the gatherings of the gang and marveled at the sun. The fire kulya sat for the obriy. Golden orioles chirped on the trees. Toads were on the path. I sit quietly. The toads were poking around. One of them cut off a ganka at a gathering. Warm schably added midges, komashok, blizzards. The toad padded softly along the flooring of the gunk. With a rozhevym tongue, she won out mittevo her zdobich.

Grammatically correct.

1. Analyze the speech according to the members of the speech, write down the phrase, put together a diagram.

1 option: 4 proposition

Option 2: 5 proposition

Rozіbrati for the warehouse of the word: tіnistі, stitches, guarded.

Control dictation on the topic "Shiliannya imenniki".

The cranes were getting ready to go. On the golden days of autumn, the stench circled over the native swamp.

The cranes flew over the forests, fields, and hazy places. Rivers were left below, the seas were on fire. At the deaf fox, the birds were zupinilis on vіdpochinok.

At the gathering there was an early dawn. Chuyny cranes already jumped.

Soon the bright sun will set. We feel the farewell voices of birds. Cranes fly high. Good bye! Up to the radial zustre of the curtains, cranes!


1. Solve the first proposition of the third paragraph according to the members of the speech, write down the phrase, make a diagram.

2. Change the names of the names in another paragraph.

Control dictation on the topic "Spelling of the endings of names".

Dolphins are our friends.

Yakos fishermen Mahmud Viyshov by the sea. On the eve of the evening, a storm rose. Khvili goyali chauvin.

Mahmud is lying on the bottom of the tun. Vіn mіtsno vchepivsya for ryatuvalny mattress. A majestic scourge fell on the fishermen. Mahmoud wiping out of the chovna at once from the mattress.

Nothing has come. The storm has begun to subside. I raptom zgraya dolphins sharpened Mahmud. One dolphin shoved a mattress with his head. All night the dolphins shoved the mattress to the shore. Strength rose on the back. Mahmud stognav vіd pain and vtomi.

From the cherry blossoms commemorated the dolphins that people were playing. Help came soon.

Words for dovіdok: Mahmud, dolphin, the mattress was rozіgravsya.


1. Find out the words of the number of members, write down the phrases.

A majestic scourge fell on the fishermen.

2. Appreciate the recognition and recognition of names in phrases:

left without a coat, shoved ashore, stognav v_d pain

Control dictation on the topic "Spelling of the endings of the names of many".

Good right.

The weather changed. In the early morning, the entire outskirts of the bula opovite were covered with thick fog. A sharp wind has blown. Thrashing frost.

Inna and Gennadiy went to the village of the court on a big holy. It was fun in the holy place. The children turned home satisfied. The stench went down the winter road. Trees were rarely crawling along the edges. The jacks were covered in snow.

Raptom Gena rattling two little birds. Birds perish in the frost. It is necessary to take them home.

The children brought the birds home. Von come alive. Inna and Gennadiy were doing good right.


1. Signature of names of names in three remaining words of another paragraph.

Razbery behind the warehouse of the word: lay, winter, snow

Control dictation for pivrichchya.

The old wolf lived in the forest under the roots of the great yalinka. She covered the earth with soft moss and dry leaves. On the moss lay three amusing wolves. The little ones loved to vibigati at will. The stinks there roared, fought, exchanged. Then the animals kicked the white yalinka and grilled themselves on the sun. Їx marveled and lapped everything.

From early morning until late in the evening, the hungry she-wolf blew the fox. Vaughn looked respectfully at the city and turned back home to find it. The she-wolf was a strong mother, and the children were the head of the city.

Words for dovodok: respectfully looked around, turned around.


1. Analyze the proposition: indicate the grammatical basis, parts of the language: 1st option - 1st proposition, 2nd option - 8th proposition

2. Indicate the introduction and correction of names in: 1st option - 1st answer, 2nd option - 8th word.

3. Pick the words for the warehouse:

Option 1: sunny, leaves, old Option 2: wolf, roots, hungry

Control dictation on the topic "Spelling of the end of examples of a person and middle class."

Winter nights in forest.

Frost strikes on the stovburs and knots of trees. Plastics fly soft іnіy. In the dark high sky bright stars lit up.

Quiet at the winter fox. Ale and at the frosty night, life is attached. The axis crunched in the thicket, the hilt froze.

Axis on smooth snow to run thir for indulgence. Owls fly over the kuchugurs. Like a kazkovy vartovy, sіv on a bare knot of a tadpole gray owl. It’s good to sip at night dark wines, as if in a winter forest prihovane from people of life.

Words for dovodok: zaєts-bіlyak, bachit


1. Disassemble by members of the proposition: 1st option - 1st proposition, 2nd option - 3rd proposition

2. Significance of notes of reference in 3 paragraphs.

Control copy-off on the topic “Vidminnі zakіchennya prikmetnikіv odinі”.

Vedmіd - vіdomy ... hut ... alive. What can ... and spritny ..., protective ... and not safe ... animal. The yak is warm... dressed in a fur coat. Zabarvlennya vedmezhoї outward drill ... color. The bear has a bigger... head for a short... thick... wide, small eyes. Vushka is small, round... shaped. The legs of the bear are short and thick. When walking, yoga is often called cliché-footed. Paws are strong, with a bare foot. Golі podosvi give mozhlivіst walk quietly. Navіt gіlkoy not Khrusne. The pazuras on the paws of the dog, the gostrі are even short.


1. Significance of the marks of the prikmetniks in 3, 4, 6 speeches

2. Roseberry for the warehouse of the word: long, small, warm

Control dictation.

You buv early vrantsі on the puddle? The sun has fallen. The meadow is bright. The smells of flowers and herbs spread throughout the neighborhood. There are crisp winter peas. It smells like licorice honeysuckle. There are great daisies from the golden center. Ants, bugs, sonia call on the bilinks. Light blizzards flutter over the squares. Our dog Barbos follows them. Above the meadow twinkling voices of birds. I love being friends with friends. Lying on the grass, listening to the birds, marveling at the blue sky and radiating. Yak good!


1. Know the grammatical basis of forgetfulness, write down the word formation: 1st option-5 words, 2nd option-9 words

2. Know in the text prikmetniki, pіdkresliti

3. Put the wording 1 option young forest in r.p., d.p., 2 option - green grass in t.p., p.p.

Control dictation on the theme "Change of the word by the hour", "The form of the word is not written".

Trees grow for everyone.

Grandmother turned to the fox with the big cat. Feel free to rummage around with her. There are mints, and juice shrimp, and penzliks of savory cranberries. I have begun to rozvyazuvati kіntsі ganchirkovogo yazychka. The soft paws of the little modrini jumped out of the sky. Grandmother asked to bring a shovel. We began to see the sprinkling and dig a hole for the little one. Now you need to carefully place the tree in a hole, bury that water! Only a little yellow nose is left on top.

I never stopped feeding my grandmother, so that my tree can be great. Vona asked not to name her modrina. Grandmother explained that the tree is the growth of everything. For birds, for people, for the sun, for the river.


1. Write in the text the words in the past, the present hour and the words in the non-insignificant form.

2. Analyze 1 proposition by members and store the scheme.

3. Razberit for the warehouse of the word: paws, vitamin, asked

Control dictation on the topic "Spelling of uncovered special endings of discourses".

Drink from the pine.

You can't shave the beautiful pine tree! At the forest, red stovburs go in columns to the sky. In the marsh, scrawny trees grow like a miracle. Pine zustrіnesh on the sands, on the skeletons, above the ravines.

Tsya rіdkіsna for the vitrivality of roslin to bring great melancholy to people. A lot of products come from pine. You yourself can prepare a miraculous vitamin drink from pine needles.

Take fresh needles, miesh, pour warm water.

Let the needles stand at the cold place. After two years, you process and add a drop of otstu, tsukor at the nastya. Drink ready. For a lot of vitamins and wines, I will turn over lemon juice.


1. Significant hour, vіdmіnyuvannya, denunciation, number of children: bring, grow, mієsh, otrimuyut

2. Razberіt for the warehouse of the word: miraculous, flood, go.

Control dictation on the topic "Dieslovo".

Spring din.

Lunav cheerful herbal grim. From the various sides poured down the oppressive streams of sounds and flooded the spring forests. All dovkol sounded.

Frowningly murmur, ring out the movchazni owls. Unsmiling bunnies scream with sharp and booming voices. At the warm weather board, the kalyuzhs grow sleepy toads. At the sun-heated boy, the first mosquito squeaked more often.

Surroundings are filled with cries, honors, songs. Some dogs flew in with migratory birds. Others were born to the misty fox. The spring pisenki were ringing and ringing radiantly from the early morning until late evening.

Make up the spring din!


1. Razbery yak part of the mov word skip

2. Decide 5 propositions for each member of the proposition.

Subbag control dictation.

Animals hurry up.

Lipnev's night is two and a half times shorter in a day. More animals lead a nightly way of life. At this hour of fate, the stench may be richly correct.

The borsuks' eyes were already pierced, the claws were sharpened. A thick coat of wool rose on the ridge. The time has come for their forest sciences to learn.

The fox has its own initial program. The cubs are already stribayut. Usyu homeland gossip Vede near the field.

Zhachok and yogo offspring are born according to the knot. Short summer nothing!


1. In 5 sentences, add a grammatical basis, show parts of the language.

2. Razbery yak part of my word: at the squirrel

Translation of copying.

Make friends with a book!

What is the most amazing thing in the world? Tse book! Fairy tales, stories, amazing stories live in books. At the book there are the sea, and ships, and wind, and fairy tale heroes.

There were less than two sides before us. The gurgling sea appeared raptom, the wind inflates the windows, the mighty wheeze rises. Dopomozhut us pobachiti marvelous charіvnі signs-letters. The sides of the books tell us about the old heroes, about the vtihu, about the distant past. Make friends with a book!

entrance robot control from Russian language for grade 4


Autumn walks.

A group of schoolchildren in the autumn went to the dawn park. Aspens were blackened, birches were plowed. Grona yagіd ripened on a humpback.

The lads with a fox stitch went on a galyavin. Along with the growth of puffy yalinnik. Green young yalinkas. From the earth b'є cleanly dzherelo. The lads took off the knots and the chicks. The lads set fire to the merrily bagatya on the river birch. The fox was already quiet. The children were strong enough to make a fire. Sergiy filled the kettle with water. Time to make tea. Anna and Inna treated the lad to the oven. On the way home, everyone sang songs.

The lads turned their heads from the walk.

Words for dovіdok: fired, bagatya

Grammatically correct.

I option

On the galyavin, the yaskra grona of the gorobini is burning.

On the meadow -

Stitch, vidomy, violin, dawning, odorous, soft, leaf, sun, sharp.

II option

  1. Vikonai syntactic analysis of propositions. Write down the phrase.

Young birches grow on the node.

  1. Vikonai morphological analysis of the name.

On site -

  1. I divided the words into three groups. Add to the skin group behind your butt.

Line, charm, move, heart, wood, spritny, autumn, sumny, licorice.

Control dictation for the 4th grade

for the 1st quarter

Meta roboty - revise the correct spelling of words with unvoiced voices in folding voices (words with prefixes, words with shaded roots); with the voice in the root (dzvinki, deaf and invisible); words with unverified spellings; voices and voices in prefixes; pervert, as scientists can score practical theoretical statements about the same members of the proposition.

Covering the text - 65-70 slіv.

End of spring.

The fox was adorned with yellow, red, golden farbs of autumn. Changes of sun illuminated the galyavin in front of the gatehouse. Did Semyon move at dawn, taking a towel and wiyshov from home. The stitch led to the red forest. From both sides yurmilyas rіdkіsnі birіzki. The birch trees and boletus trawled along the road. Rapt over his head, piercing a drawn-out cry. High in the sky, flying over the cranes. Birds straightened for pivden. Your sumny cry sounded like a farewell greeting from the fatherland.

(For G. Skrebitsky)

(67 lines)

Words for dovodok: viyshov.

More grammar:

1. Find in the text similar terms of the speech and sub-chairs.

2. Learn the syntactic analysis of the proposition. Write down the phrase.

I option

A soft ball of fallen leaves nadіyno vkriv earth.

II option

Changes of the chilly sun easily cut through the birch grove.

3. Vikonai morphological analysis of the name

I option II option

Earth - Sontsya -

4. Pick out the words behind the warehouse:

I option II option

Aspen mushrooms

Gatehouse cat

Train trip

Transit skies

Control dictation for 4 classes

from the Russian movie for the second quarter

Yakim buvaє snіg.

A fearful, quiet first snow fell on the black earth. The sky is gray, the snow is white, light.

At the sіchnі snіg with an important, cold carpet, the fields are crooked. A lot of snow piled up to the knee, and even to the waist. Trochs zrobiv krok zі stitches - drowning in a barnstorming snowy swamp.

The prickly lute snow is hoarse from the low and misty sky. Fierce snow, b'є travel on a cottony back, throwing yogo nemov paper.

Rest of the snow near the birch and the square. Vіn becoming shіlnym, sticky. On the sleazy snow, lizhi shove filthy.

(81 words)

Words for dovodok: kolіno, nache; dash in the fifth word.

More grammar

1. Vikonai syntactic analysis of propositions.

A chest of snow fell from the tops of the old yalinka.

On the white tablecloth, traces of a hare can be seen from the snow.

2. Appointment of rіd i vіdminok prikmetnikіv.

at paragraph III

at the IV paragraph

3. Wikonai morphological analysis of the name of the scribe and the scribe.

From tops 3 – Hare 3 –

Old 3 – Bily 3 –

Control dictation in Russian language

for the third quarter for 4th grade

Meta roboti – reverify the formation of the new spelling of the endings of names and examples, different writing borrowers and receivers. The order of the tsim is changed to write the words with unvoiced voices in the roots of the words with a complicated warehouse (with prefixes, suffixes), as well as words on the basis of the rules (suspended, twinkling and deaf, nevimovnі prigolosnі) into more collapsible vocabulary; words from the spelling minimum, vivcheni at the given moment.

Committed to dictation: 75-85

Spring month.

It's spring time. The land was thrown over from a long winter sleep. Outside the first spring month. On the knot lie glittering snow. The sun appeared. The fox's spit rang. Under the change of sonechka, the specks shine, shimmer. The willow flaunts brightly. At the high stump, the bugna's hawks appeared. On the buzka, poplars, wild cherry, apple trees, brunki piled up. The axis was grafted with a drop of licorice juice from a birch tree. Green shoots of young grass appeared. A crackle spilled a whiff of green mist. Svyatkovo at the spring fox! (76 lines)

Words for dovodok: bugno.

Grammatically correct.

I option

Near the thick eggplant, the birds are hovering in the cold.

II option

Spak is poured on the green glacier of poplars.

2. Morphological analysis of the application.

I option

At the thick (yalinnik) -

II option

On the green (g_lts) -

3. Put it down and write down the vocabulary of the human gender for R.p., the female gender for P.p., the middle gender for D.p.

I option

Sribna, sriblyasta (poplar, embellishment, coin)

II option

Chervoniy, barvistiy (album, book, cloth)

Podbag control robot

from Russian language for 4 classes

Meta: reveal the acquisition of children from post school spelling and knowledge of grammar, transferred by the program, but more importantly characteristic of two the rest of the years navchannya: unvoiced voices in the root of the word with a more complicated morphological warehouse, unvoiced endings of nouns and examples, special endings of words, as well as punctuation marks: rozdіlovi signs in the end of the speech and coma in case of reshuffling.

Committed to dictation: 83-93 words.


Travneve marvel

The caressing sun warms the earth with its warmth.

Early vranci ti bіzhish near the nearest guy. At the thin coolness, the Bachish is a real wonder. The green tall grass has a charitable flower. Perlins hang on a thin lower leg. Downstairs, the stench is like crying twinkles. At the upper part, the closed tickets are guessing bubonic. Leaves are wide, mute, guarding the tendinous stalk. Chuesh, how do the twinkles of spring ring? You breathe in the delicate smell of the lower flower. A wonderful gift from the Russian fox!

Have you guessed about yak roslin? Konvaliya gave us spring. Don't ruin the beauty of the miracle galyavini! (86 lines).

Words for dovodok: nache perlini, below

More grammar

1. Syntactic analysis of the proposition.

1 option - 2 propositions; Option 2 - 3 propositions.

2. Morphological analysis of the word.

1 option - bizhish; Option 2 - bachish.

3. Wikonay rozbіr slіv behind the warehouse.

1 option 2 option

broke up

take a look at the painting

breathe in light

below the beast

right-hander Zliva

publicly disclosed

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Russian language.

Entrance control dictation No. 1.

Autumn walks.

A group of schoolchildren in the autumn went to the dawn park. Aspens were blackened, birches were plowed. Grona yagіd ripened on a humpback.

The lads with a fox stitch went on a galyavin. Along with the growth of puffy yalinnik. Green young yalinkas. From the earth b'є cleanly dzherelo. The lads took off the knots and the chicks. The lads set fire to the merrily bagatya on the river birch.

The fox was already quiet. The children were strong enough to make a fire. Sergiy filled the kettle with water. Time to make tea. Anna and Emma treated the lads to bake. On the way home, everyone sang songs.

Radiant lads turned from their walk.

Grammar tasks:

1. Write three words from the text unvoiced voice and three words with a double voice, in order from the skin word, write reversing.

2. Write down two words from the text: one - in a way that sounds more, lower letters; the other - in some less sound, lower letters.

Control dictation No. 2 on the topic: "Proposition".


The bunny was born in a flute, the new one immediately had flattened eyes. The wool of the rabbit was sira and fluffy. The hare punished the hare to lie quietly and don’t go anywhere, and she herself went for food. The little one was born to a mother and other rabbits. Nezabarom bunny zmіtsnіv, virіs, soil їsti succulent grass and rich forest. I got to know birds and fox animals. In thick grass and bushes, a bunny was hovering with birds and fox animals. So the bunny is alive and not sad, and then autumn came.

(For G. Skrebitsky)

Grammar tasks:

1. Find out folded word and sort it out in parts, promote it to the members of the speech.

2. Write three words from the text with unvoiced voices that are distorted in a voice, add three native words.

3. Learn the phonetic analysis of words eye, mother.

Control dictation No. 3 on the topic: "Single members of the proposition."

W plank

To make noise at the fox's golden plank. All summer leaves presented the sun with their arms, cheeks, backs. The stench seeped through the sun and became golden.

Fly, jump, fly leafing. The paths and stitches were gilded. Yalinki zhovtimi and burgundy leaves embellished. Mushrooms hid under the leaves.

Autumn has come. Zashumiv at the fox's golden board. Leaves flew like volga in the wind, streaked with squirrels on knots. They rushed martens across the ground. Cheerfully and swirling swirling, the wind is bright and the string of forest gold.

Grammar tasks:

1. Write down the speech with the same other row members of the speech and analyze it with parts of the move and the members of the speech.

2. Write out from the proposition two phrases with food.

3. Learn the phonetic analysis of the word.

Control dictation No. 4 on the topic: "Parts of the movie."

Early autumn. Beautiful and sumny Russian forest in these miraculous days. The thick of the golden leaf is pierced by maples, choked with fire. It's easy to fly from birches, light patches of leaves. Between the trees, thin threads of cobwebs are sown. Chervonіє pіznіy mushroom. Podberezniki, boletus, rizhi are consumed.

Silence at the fox. Suddenly rustling under the feet of the soft kilim leaves. Look fresher and clearer. The water in the forest streams is clean and cold. More greenery is an oak, but the tops of birches are already bare. (70 sliv)

By I. Sokolov - Mikitov

Finishing word: chervone e t.

More grammar 1. Write a proposition: option 1 - c same members, option 2 - folding.

2. Choose the words for the warehouse: option 1 - early, birch trees, summarily, option 2 - cold, boletus, povilno.

3. Zrobiti sound - literal analysis of the word: option 1 - birch, option 2 - mushroom.

four*. Know at the third proposition rich word, Put together with him the phrase in different meanings.

Control dictation No. 5 on the topic: "Spelling of non-naked vіdmіnkovyh endings of names in one".

Like a man, having cleaned a stone.

On the square of one place lay a majestic stone. Vіn having borrowed a lot of money and having taken care of the journey on horseback. They called the engineers and asked for help from cleaning the stone.

The first engineer, pouring gunpowder, broke the stone into pieces and killed them. Vіn requesting payment from vіsіm thousand rubles. The second engineer, having invented a stone, to bring a great kovzanka and call her to empty. There will be 6,000 carbovants for a varty.

And one man took a stone for a hundred carbovants to tidy up. Vіn vigadav vykopati bіla stone pit, call yogo there and fill it with earth.

The man is so shabby. Youm was given a hundred karbovantz for his work and a hundred karbovantz for a smart guess. (104 words)

According to L. Tolstoy

Words for dovodok: e G oh tysia year, etc e report

More grammar 1. Write down one word by name with names 1, 2, 3 - th introduction. See the end of the names, mark the names.

2. Vikonati sound-letter analysis of the word: option 1 - yogo, option 2 - six.

3. Find the name as part of the language: option 1 - (for) guessing, option 2 - engineer.

Control dictation No. 6 forI pivrichchya.

Lis is a great place of thousands of bagmen. This giant is a life of forgetfulness. Forest dwellers settled near deep minks, warm nests, open barlogs, and crimson huts. Meshkantsi lіsіv - animals, birds, komakhs. This whole day the stench of the government is stinking.

4) changing creaturely world

15. The text has folded words. Find them and write down 2-3 folding words.


16. What part of the language is the word that was used in 1 speech. "it's time"?


What other part of the language can be the word "it's time"? ________________________________________________________________

Come up with a proposition, in which you will be a part of the movement.


17. The text has a word "Earth" . Write, if it is appropriate to the rules of the Russian language, it should be written in great letters.

18. What is in this text about it, what did you recognize in the lessons of the world of science? Bring two butts.

1) ____________________________________________________________

2) _____________________________________________________________

19. Explain, how you understand the whistle of "myslivsko-industrial creature"

Pererahuy 3-4 such creatures ___________________________________________

20. You remember that the sister said that the creatures stayed until the winter, and the brother did not wait long for her. Which one of them, in your opinion, is right?

Give two explanations why you think so.

1) ____________________________________________________________

2) _____________________________________________________________

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